Norwegian Foreign Minister: It is in our interests to take care of security on the border with Russia independently, without NATO allies


Photo: Norwegian Ministry of Defense

The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs made a statement that actually runs counter to NATO policy. The head of the Norwegian Foreign Ministry, Anniken Witfeldt, in an interview with Scandinavian journalists, said that the new Norwegian cabinet opposes the advancement of NATO infrastructure to the Russian borders. According to Witfeld, Norway itself plans to limit maneuvers near Russian borders.

The foreign minister of the kingdom stressed that this is precisely the territory of Norway, which borders on the Russian Federation. She recalled that Norway is a NATO country, which still bordered on the Soviet Union, while such a neighborhood has never been reduced to a special escalation.

Recently, American and British allies have become frequent visitors to Norway, who are carrying out maneuvers closer and closer to the borders of the Russian Federation. The Norwegian Foreign Ministry believes that this practice should be abandoned.

Anniken Witfeldt:

We believe that it is more expedient when we will manage on our own territory on our own, with the help of our aircraft and ships. It is in our interests to take care of our security and the defense of the borders with Russia independently, without NATO allies

The Norwegian Foreign Minister said that the official Oslo is going to bring this issue up for discussion with London and Washington.

At the same time, Witfeldt noted that so far the American military presence near the border with Russia in Norway "is no more than in other post-war periods." At the same time, she actually admitted that the NATO allies are ready to expand this presence.

Earlier, American submarines began to actively use civilian ports in northern Norway for their calls. In addition, the United States decided to deploy a tracking infrastructure in the north of Norway, which is openly directed against the Russian Federation. In Moscow, such a situation near its borders was called unacceptable.

NATO has not yet reacted to the statements of the head of the Norwegian Foreign Ministry.
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  1. +2
    3 December 2021 06: 22
    NATO has not yet reacted to the statements of the head of the Norwegian Foreign Ministry.
    But does anyone listen to their "subordinates" ????
    1. -1
      3 December 2021 07: 03
      Moreover, buying American weapons. The American military-industrial complex will not let such a client go to free bread.
      1. +5
        3 December 2021 07: 25
        So from the statement of the head of the Norwegian Foreign Ministry it does not follow at all that her country will stop buying American weapons.
        1. -2
          3 December 2021 07: 27
          This is politics, you need to read between the lines.
          1. 0
            3 December 2021 08: 07
            Quote: Carat
            This is politics, you need to read between the lines.

            It really sobered up wiser? Usually they both retire and get smarter. And here ... Probably, they are going to change. They will definitely change - it does not carry a sufficiently aggressive blizzard about "Russia's seizure of Europe."
            1. -1
              3 December 2021 08: 10
              It's just that while they are in office, they are on the salary of any CIA. After leaving the post of special services, they do not pay the pension. Hence the change in rhetoric.
            2. +1
              3 December 2021 11: 38
              This is the new minister delivered.
              Performed correctly.
              A couple of days ago, Sweden refused to join NATO.
              The ice has broken, ladies and gentlemen of the jury...

              1. +1
                4 December 2021 04: 15
                Quote: Alex777
                This is the new minister delivered.
                Performed correctly.
                A couple of days ago, Sweden refused to join NATO.
                The ice has broken, ladies and gentlemen of the jury...

                A-ba! Poltava, perhaps, remembered?
                1. 0
                  4 December 2021 11: 03
                  Quote: Zoldat_A
                  A-ba! Poltava, perhaps, remembered?

                  Apparently, they do not want to remember again. bully
                  1. -2
                    4 December 2021 14: 19
                    Correctly Norwegian Anya thinks! Nafig Norway provocative NATO deployment near the Norwegian-Russian border? Although there are already a lot of NATO members in Norway.
    2. +1
      3 December 2021 07: 05
      Subordinates also want to live ... therefore they listen to GDP
  2. +2
    3 December 2021 06: 25
    Well, not everyone in their right mind is going to dance to the music of NATO ... this (dance) is the fate of "especially" gifted singers who are ready to sell for pieces of silver ...
  3. +2
    3 December 2021 06: 25
    Norwegian Foreign Minister: It is in our interests to take care of security on the border with Russia independently, without NATO allies
    recourse Well, hope for your uncle, but you better keep your own. And then they will substitute or surrender. request
  4. +1
    3 December 2021 07: 00
    Norway has always had its brains turned on. The course of the victorious "greens" in the EU to ban the extraction of hydrocarbons and other minerals undermines the future well-being of Norway. This is not their first warning. On the issue of production in the Arctic, only Russia supported Norway. For us, Greta Tuberg is just a schoolgirl truant, and not the flag of the "greens" in Europe, to which all governments listen. Macron, for example, listened yesterday and again proved that he is a clown and everyone has him. He probably has such a fate. Norgs from the top of Europe look at this farce and are already thinking how not to let this infection in from the south.
    1. +3
      3 December 2021 08: 20
      Quote: tralflot1832
      For us, Greta Tuberg is just a schoolgirl truant, not a green flag

      And what is wrong? Kind, dear girl, a very sincere look ... I have not seen this in the war ...
      It is, however, not to TEACH her, but to TREAT. But, in today's Europe, these are trifles. Especially if all this blizzard brings dad and mom millions.
      Eight thousand tractor farmers protesting against green policies in Berlin? No, you haven't. Six thousand in Munich? What are you talking about? We have here the most important thing: "Greta ordered to stop" (hereinafter the list of requirements)
      according to insurers' estimates, Greta's brands are now stronger in the social segment than Greenpeace and the UN. The preliminary estimate of the value of the brands is 3–6 billion euros.
      1. 0
        3 December 2021 08: 31
        The animal face of capitalism? It's the same, come on money. lol
        1. 0
          3 December 2021 08: 59
          Quote: tralflot1832
          The animal face of capitalism?

          How fresh and topical it looks ... But the picture is 40 years old ...
          1. +1
            3 December 2021 09: 21
            A new brand, but the old money. Something everyone forgot the ozone hole, the fight against freons 22 and 12. The American company DuPont became fabulously rich, and the holes remained the same and they are remembered once every five years. I don’t remember who said: The most successful business is to create your own religion. Global warming religion is created, you can make money out of thin air, CO 2 tax for example.
            1. 0
              3 December 2021 09: 42
              Quote: tralflot1832
              The religion of global warming is created, you can make money out of thin air

              Quote: tralflot1832
              The most successful business is to create your own religion

              I'm not sure what he said first, but Ron Hubbard did mention in one of his books
              If you want to become a rich man, create your own religion.
              So Ron Hubbard, despite the worldwide success of his sect, is a child next to Greenpeace and Greta.
              1. 0
                3 December 2021 10: 11
                Yes, he is, he really is a child compared to Greta, and Greenpeace alcoholics have faded into the background. An acquaintance of mine with a mechanic went with them, after the flight he said that you can't drink like that, I won't go with them anymore.
                1. +1
                  4 December 2021 04: 28
                  Quote: tralflot1832
                  you can't drink like that, I won't go with them anymore.

                  She, a sick person in the head, also thump ?????? fool

                  Even when I was not a general director, but was a simple high-altitude fitter in my father's company, a certain Dima worked for us. Outwardly normal, but we knew that the person was registered with the PND. How he bought a permit in medicine (professional suitability) is his business. But sober is a golden man. He worked for three, you will stretch out your hand, you won’t have time to say - the right wrench is already in your hand. But it was impossible to drink at all. Once after work they poured a glass - for half the night the whole team could not calm down. And so it turned out - we, high-altitude assemblers, are sitting at the table, celebrating some holiday. And Dima is on the edge of the table sober and with eyes like a beaten dog. Bo can't.

                  Do European doctors think that Greta is okay? Maybe yes. On a sober head, they are not so violent.
  5. +1
    3 December 2021 07: 01
    It is in our interests to take care of security on the border with Russia independently, without NATO allies
    The Norwegians, verbally supporting NATO and even periodically speaking about the "Russian threat", realized that for their real security and tranquility it is better to keep NATO away from their territory. Let's see how the United States will react to this, which is restoring the base of the nuclear submarine on Norwegian territory, and how this independence of the Norwegians will end.
  6. +1
    3 December 2021 07: 01
    Norway seems to have realized that Russia is not going to attack them. Hence the change in rhetoric.
  7. +1
    3 December 2021 09: 18
    Yes, it seems like the socialists came to power in Norway, but they didn’t really bother with Russia and the USSR. Including maybe, if the attitude does not quite improve, then at least it will not get complicated.
  8. 0
    3 December 2021 10: 43
    For once, in the heads of the descendants of the Vikings, the Lord God sent a common thought!
  9. +2
    3 December 2021 11: 11
    Everything is correct. Residents of Oslo drive mattress donkeys!