Russian Troubles of 1917: a crisis at the top and preparations for a coup

Russian Troubles of 1917: a crisis at the top and preparations for a coup

The opposition that began to emerge from the summer of 1916 (considered in previous article) various groups of the Russian elite and the highest echelons of power, including the banking "St. Petersburg" and the merchant "Moscow", in October spread to the State Duma.

Political battles were fought only at the top of Russian society, the people were relatively indifferent to this and did not take part in sorting things out.

Since the summer there has been a break in the State Duma meetings, and the representative of the "St. Petersburg" - the Minister of Internal Affairs Protopopov (prior to this appointment, a former State Duma deputy from the Octobrist party) began to insist on the beginning of a plenary session in order to promote the ideas of this group. He prepared a new city regulation, according to which the electoral system was improved and women received the right to vote. He also presented a number of populist laws - on reforming the police, on the introduction of a luxury tax, on the freezing of rent and a ban on raising it.

By this time, the food issue had become aggravated. In the cities, interruptions in the supply of grain began, the peasants tried to hold back the grain to higher prices, and transport problems arose with its delivery to the cities. The Moscow merchant group offered its services for the purchase of grain and, naturally, wanted to make money on the speculative price difference.

Protopopov, on the contrary, proposed to solve this problem through the banks of the St. Petersburg banking group, which had a wide network of branches throughout the country and specialists in various industries, capable of purchasing grain and organizing its delivery to cities.

The faction of progressives in the State Duma, defending the interests of the Moscow merchants, was outraged by such behavior of Protopopov and the fact that he did not want to rely on "healthy forces", and the confrontation intensified.

The Moscow merchants decided to strike a blow at the St. Petersburg bankers by organizing, through their protege, Chief of the General Staff, General Alekseev, a counterintelligence check of the bankers' sugar assets with an attempt to accuse them of treason. The checks were moved to Kiev, where the main sugar assets were concentrated, and the arrests began.

The "Piterskie" through the government organized an inspection of the textile industry, the main asset of the merchants.

Mutual claims led to the weakening of both groups, and they agreed not to touch each other for the time being, dividing spheres of influence.

At the same time, the confrontation in the media sphere intensified: with the support of Protopopov and St. Petersburg banks, in October the St. Petersburg people allocate three million rubles and found their own newspaper Russkaya Volya in opposition to the Moscow ones with the media empire of the book publisher and newspaperman merchant Sytin and his newspaper Russkoe Slovo, reflecting the liberal point of view. Sytin, by the way, appeared in December 1905, helping the insurgent workers in Moscow.

Expanded propaganda in two powerful media resources with accusations of each other stirred up both capitals, and everyone expected serious events.

Milyukov's accusatory speech and its consequences

Events broke out on November 1 with the opening of a plenary meeting of the State Duma, where in the presence of the head of the government Sturmer and members of the government, the leader of the Progressives Miliukov made a well-prepared accusatory speech "Is this stupidity or treason?"

He spoke with pathos about the danger hanging over the country, and that after a series of defeats by the army in 1915, society lost faith in victory, about "painful, terrible suspicion, ominous rumors about betrayal and treason, about dark forces fighting in Germany's favor," rumors in government circles justifying the aimlessness of further struggle and the need to conclude a separate peace, about the formed court party around the queen (Sturmer, Rasputin, Protopopov) and about Sturmer's bribe, hinting at betrayal.

He ended his speech with the appeal "The government must resign!" The accusatory speech was built on rumors that were not confirmed by facts, and the deliberate emphasis in the speech on the queen and Sturmer was also connected with the fact that they were Germans by origin and they were trying to accuse them of treason.

Milyukov's speech had the effect of an exploding bomb, he accused the authorities and the tsar of inability to wage a victorious war and betrayal of his inner circle. This step of the progressives and the "Moscow" was well thought out, and they attributed the failures at the front to betrayal in the upper strata of society, which did not come close to reality. This speech launched the flywheel of the final discrediting of the tsarist power.

The government banned the publication of Milyukov's seditious speech, but the "Moscow" ones printed it in a million copies and disseminated it among the masses through Zemgor and the military-industrial complex, including at the front. A fierce information war broke out between the liberals and the government, the liberals won this war with a clear advantage.

Instead of organizing an information campaign, Sturmer demanded that the State Duma officially transmit Miliukov's speech in order to bring him to court for libel.

An unexpected blow to the tsar was struck by the speech of the military and naval ministers in the State Duma on November 4, greeted with applause, who supported Milyukov's speech and showed that the military leadership was not on the tsar's side. Nicholas II did not react in any way to such treacherous actions of his ministers, but to defuse the situation he dismissed Sturmer on November 9. He appointed the "strong business executive" Trepov (Minister of Railways) as the head of the government.

The State Duma, seeing the tsar's weakness, decided to increase the pressure and demanded the resignation of Protopopov, Trepov wanted the same, but the tsar refused to even discuss the resignation of the loyal minister.

On this wave, the progressives decided to strengthen their influence in the State Duma and elected a prominent cadet Nekrasov as deputy head, who was promoted by supporters of the aggravation of the situation, Guchkov and Tereshchenko.

In the State Duma on November 19, the contradictions between the progressists and the Duma opposition intensified: in his speech, the monarchist Markov publicly insulted and called Rodzianko a fool and a scoundrel, which intensified the confrontation in the Duma ranks.

Another blow to the monarchy from the side of the privileged class was dealt at the end of November, in the Council of the United Nobility, demands in the spirit of opposition were put forward to Chairman Strukov, and no confidence was declared in him.

The ring of opponents around Nicholas II was narrowing, Trepov and Protopopov could not cope with the aggravated situation at the top, and the country started talking about dark forces.

Strengthening the opposition and killing Rasputin

Serious changes have also begun to take place in the international arena.

In early November, the head of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Franz Joseph, died, the rather weak Charles II became the heir, besides, his wife was an adherent of the Entente, and everyone expected the Austrians to leave the war.

A difficult economic situation was developing in Germany, Emperor Wilhelm II spoke in the Reichstag and said that he would not mind making peace with Russia, at the same time in Germany it was announced about the possibility of granting independence to Poland.

It was downright a gift to the progressists, they perked up and declared that the government was in collusion with Germany.

Coordinated actions at the top pushed the situation towards the resignation of the tsar.

The opposition was not preparing the liquidation of the monarchy, but the replacement of Nicholas II with a more convenient figure and considered two options: the Tsar's brother Mikhail and the Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich, offended by the Tsar and Tsarina for his resignation from the post of Supreme Commander-in-Chief. Guchkov was treated in Kislovodsk in November and met there with Nikolai Nikolaevich, discussing with him the possibility of changes on the royal throne.

In early December, a scandal erupted, apparently a well-thought-out provocation of the opposition, allegedly with an attempt on the life of their leader Milyukov, organized by the Black Hundreds. Information appeared in the press that one of the members of the Union of the Russian People was preparing an attempt on Milyukov's life. The police found this man and arrested him, he decided to repent and made a confession of repentance. This episode was well played by the opposition-controlled press, a grandiose scandal was fanned out of it that dark forces, represented by the leadership of the Union of the Russian People, were hatching plans to liquidate Milyukov, and he became a victim of reactionary forces seeking to resist progress.

In society, this attempt was vigorously discussed, and the name of Milyukov was on everyone's lips. The progressives decided to warm up the current situation and discuss it at the Zemgora congress in Moscow.

Protopopov prudently banned the congress, which caused indignation and curses against him, and he became a symbol of a kind of impending reaction.

By this time, rumors about Rasputin's influence on government decision-making had grown. Trepov, on his own initiative, tried to persuade Rasputin and offered him money to leave St. Petersburg, but he refused. Among the tsar's entourage they saw that Rasputin was discrediting the tsar's family, and in order to save the throne, they decided to liquidate the annoying "elder".

A group of conspirators, which included Prince Yusupov, Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich and one of the leaders of the monarchists in the State Duma, Purishkevich, organized the murder of Rasputin on December 20 and could not hide the traces of the crime. This act for the conspirators had the opposite result: everyone saw that with the elimination of the "elder" nothing had changed, and the tsar and tsarina began to be presented as the main culprits of all troubles.

The murder of such a person could not go unnoticed, the tsar immediately returned from Headquarters, purely symbolically punished the conspirators and began to make changes in the government, where a crisis was brewing. He fully trusted Protopopov and left him in office, accepting Trepov's resignation and removing a number of ministers supporting the opposition. As a temporary measure, the elderly prince Golitsin, who was far from politics, was appointed head of the government. This caused irony in the Duma environment, since she did not see him as an equal.

There is a version that the tsar was preparing the statesman and economist Pokrovsky, who previously led the Russian delegation at the Paris economic conference of the allies, for the post of prime minister. For the time being, the tsar appointed him minister of foreign affairs to interact with the allies, since an offensive on all fronts was planned for the spring, after which a conference on the post-war world order was to take place, and Pokrovsky by that time was supposed to head the government.

The day of the murder of Rasputin coincided by chance with the return of the main engine of the upcoming coup, Guchkov, to Petrograd, and immediately rumors spread that he had come to make a revolution; at the station he was greeted by a powerful crowd of supporters and Duma members.

At the same time, the second coup inspirer, Ryabushinsky, returned to Moscow.

Actions of the allies and Nicholas II

In December, events began to unfold on the fronts.

Feeling the inevitable defeat in the war, the Germans, for bargaining with the Entente, launched a demonstrative offensive in Romania, took Bucharest and in an aggressive manner began talking about concluding peace. They found mediators in the person of the Pope and US President Wilson, who issued a note of peace and offered himself to all parties as a mediator, hoping to make good money in this role, which then happened.

The banking system was also hit in December.

A middle-class entrepreneur from Kiev, Yaroshinsky, behind whom Ryabushinsky's team stood, began unexpectedly and successfully to buy up the assets of St. Petersburg banks and created a panic in the banking sector. This operation continued in 1917 under the Provisional Government with the involvement of Western banking capital and caused a lot of trouble for the St. Petersburg bankers, only the decrees of the Soviet government were able to stop this process.

In early January 1917, an offensive against Nicholas II and the allies began.

Leading French newspapers published an article with Milyukov's speech "Is this stupidity or treason?", Which he delivered on November 1. Such actions clearly indicated that there was a break in relations between the Entente and Russia, there they suspected Russia of preparing a separate peace with Germany.

To maintain their authority with the allies, Russian troops in January carried out a successful offensive in the Riga direction to distract the Germans from the Romanian front.

At this time, the United States broke off diplomatic relations with Germany, making it clear that it supported Britain and France, since they were the largest debtors of the United States and had to remain creditworthy, the Americans tried not to miss their benefits. At the same time, the United States began to strengthen economic relations with Russia by opening a branch of its largest bank in Petrograd.

To test Russia's readiness for the spring offensive, representatives of the Entente countries held a conference in Petrograd in January, as they feared a secret collusion between Russia and the Germans and suspected the empress of complicity with them. Representatives of the Entente persuaded the tsar on their trip to Moscow, where they met with the opposition, which convinced them to support the conduct of the war to a victorious end.

In January, the expectation of a palace coup was already hanging in society, which intensified after the assassination of Rasputin: everyone saw that the tsar was not able to resist the opposition and retain power, even the aristocracy and the grand ducal environment welcomed the removal of Nicholas II.

The tsar was informed about the developing situation, and he began to take preemptive steps and began by reforming the State Council, where the opposition was also strong. He rotated up to two dozen of its members, bringing in people loyal to him and putting at the head the lawyer Shcheglovitov, who was set to stop the actions of the opposition in the State Council. To a large extent, this task was solved, but the tsar had no opportunity to pacify the State Duma.

The State Duma has not met since December and was supposed to hear the new prime minister with his program on February 14. Golitsin could not offer anything worthwhile, he avoided serious clashes with the opposition and played only the role of the Tsar's informant about its actions in the State Duma.

An exacerbation suddenly occurred in Moscow.

Protopopov refused to approve the results of the elections to the city duma, in which the cadets supported by the merchants won an overwhelming majority, and this threatened the emergence of another center of confrontation with the tsarist power. Such arbitrariness of the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs caused a storm of indignation in the opposition, but she could not do anything.

Protopopov finally decided to deal with Zemgor and the military-industrial complex, where the opposition, using state funds, formed the structures opposing the authorities. He persuaded the tsar to reform Zemgor and send a Senate revision there to investigate financial violations, as well as to find out on what grounds people involved in Zemgor and the military-industrial complex are given a reservation from being drafted into the army, which caused natural indignation in society. Thanks to this privilege, a radical liberal and socialist public, evading sending to the front, dug in there.

In response to such actions by the authorities, the opposition decided to create a new organization, the Russian Trade and Industrial Union, headed by Ryabushinsky, and prepared on January 24 to hold a constituent congress in Moscow. Protopopov banned the congress and, in order to divert attention, appointed the opening of a commodity exchange in Petrograd on this day, which caused a boom in the purchase of shares.

The authorities nevertheless decided to start a struggle against the nests of the opposition-controlled revolutionary workers' movement that settled in the structures of Zemgor and the military-industrial complex, and on January 28 arrested the leadership of the military-industrial complex working group.

By the way, up to 500 representatives of plants and factories gathered at the meeting of the working group in Petrograd, where strikes were planned and local assistance committees were created, that is, it was a kind of strike network structure directed by Guchkov and Konovalov.

Protopopov, after the arrest of the leaders of the working groups, reported to the tsar that he had prevented the revolution, but did not take into account that the main conspirators remained at large, and the factories continued preparations for mass support of the coup.

So, by February, the crisis at the top came to its climax.

The liberal bourgeoisie was completing the stage of preparation for the coup, the state mechanism was upset by the frequent changes of the head of government and the leapfrog of ministers, the tsarist government was discredited by its connection with the "elder" Rasputin and accused of treason.

The aristocracy also went over to the side of the opposition, the labor movement as a shock force was subordinated to the opposition and was ready to start mass protests at their command, the allies did not trust the tsar and were ready to support his removal.

The coup became simply inevitable, all that was needed was a pretext for action.

To be continued ...
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  1. -2
    27 October 2021 05: 56
    Trouble in the head of Aptukhin, and in 1917 there was a revolution! There was a crisis of the monarchy and the bourgeoisie, the inability to effectively govern the country and, as a result, a revolution, a change of power and a change of ownership.
    1. +2
      27 October 2021 06: 09
      I don't remember who said, but "The whole history of Russia is a movement from troubles to troubles", unfortunately, there is something in this!
      1. +2
        27 October 2021 06: 17
        Quote: Finches
        "The whole history of Russia is a movement from troubles to troubles"

        And this “I don’t remember who” did not suggest why in Russia, in the Romanov dynasty, all foreign rabble, which gave rise to confusion, was erected on the throne?
        1. +4
          27 October 2021 06: 34
          Foreign rabble under the Romanovs, and under the Rurikovichs, always revolved around the throne ... I am wider! In 1991, there was no foreign rabble in the Central Committee of the CPSU, but what was the use?
          1. +5
            27 October 2021 06: 45
            Quote: Finches
            In 1991, there was no foreign rabble in the Central Committee of the CPSU, but what was the use?

            I have no certificates with stamps, but only one well-known photograph:

            rather suggests otherwise. Starting with the HMS and his Raisa, Mr. Yakovlev and others, the impression was that American curators were in power. I no longer recall those "Chubais advisers" and people with strange Russian surnames such as Burbulis ... And that famous phone call to Mr. Yeltsin, in whose friends various Kolya and Pancake Clintons were simply rummaging ...
            Naturally, there would still not be enough photos in the Central Committee. It would be the height of impudence. Here Comrade Trump, who once visited Russia, was ranked among the KGB agents, and what would have happened if a person of a suspicious image appeared on the poster.
            1. +3
              27 October 2021 06: 47
              Yakovlev was forgotten, here he is a 100% recruited US agent!
              1. +3
                27 October 2021 06: 51
                Quote: Finches
                Yakovlev was forgotten, here he is a 100% recruited US agent!

                Raise your head up and - the fourth line from the top ... Yes
                1. +2
                  27 October 2021 06: 51
                  I apologize! Blinked hi
                  1. +14
                    27 October 2021 08: 20
                    Bulkokhrustam note:
                    1. Prices are rising.
                    2. Salaries are reduced.
                    3. Year 2021.
                    4. You bourgeois history teaches nothing.
                    1. +9
                      27 October 2021 08: 40
                      yes fucking !! potato on the market in October !!! 60 - 100 rubles per kilo !! is this not a pretext for a revolution? I'm serious
                      1. +2
                        27 October 2021 11: 42
                        Could this be a reason for creating food detachments?
                      2. 0
                        27 October 2021 12: 27
                        not a bad idea, brother! good drinks
                      3. +1
                        27 October 2021 12: 32
                        Shall we beat the plowshares back? wink drinks
                      4. +1
                        27 October 2021 12: 39
                        it would be nice not to yell ... multiple .. feel
                      5. +1
                        27 October 2021 12: 44
                        They say beautiful nature in Kolyma wink lol
                      6. +2
                        27 October 2021 12: 47
                        now, do not understand? is already forbidden chtoli?
                      7. +3
                        27 October 2021 13: 01
                        Quote: novel xnumx
                        now, do not understand?

                        And what did not understand .. the nature there is beautiful! wink
                        Quote: novel xnumx
                        is already forbidden chtoli?

                        Not recommended wink bully
                      8. +2
                        27 October 2021 12: 51
                        it would be nice not screams ... multiple..

                        Not tired yet?
                      9. +3
                        27 October 2021 13: 00
                        Quote: Okolotochny
                        Not tired yet?

                        Darling, you don't like it ... pass by!
                      10. +1
                        27 October 2021 13: 03
                        Do you have an amateur club ... by interests? What?))
                      11. +2
                        27 October 2021 13: 08
                        Club of lovers of interests to them. Clara Zetkin! Do you want to buy a club card? what
                      12. 0
                        27 October 2021 13: 11
                        No. Fool))
                      13. +2
                        27 October 2021 13: 21
                        belay Fear God, everything is fair, no deception !!!
                      14. +1
                        27 October 2021 13: 12
                        Rose, forgot Rose
                      15. +1
                        27 October 2021 13: 22
                        Why did you forget? She's a valuable shot, that's why she's in the party reserve!
                      16. +1
                        27 October 2021 13: 33
                        what is it in? isn't this a male prerogative?
                      17. +1
                        27 October 2021 13: 11
                        Well, it's just as clear, Lyokha!
                      18. +1
                        27 October 2021 13: 23
                        Quote: novel xnumx
                        well, it's just as clear

                        What does clear mean? Are you engaged in corruption, my friend?
                      19. +1
                        27 October 2021 13: 31
                        well, and corruption ... happens ... or what do you mean
                      20. +1
                        27 October 2021 13: 11
                        but can it?
                      21. -3
                        27 October 2021 15: 05
                        Yes, that's how a Russian pensioner lives, I don’t want a potato from Family Magnitik for 36 rubles, but I want a potato from the market for 60-100 rubles, what a socialist revolution is there, at the time of 2 bourgeois to do !!! I'm serious.
                    2. +2
                      27 October 2021 11: 42
                      Quote: Civil
                      You bourgeois history teaches nothing.

                      There are no modern Ryabushinskys, Guchkovs, Konovalovs, so we all disagree, thank you all!
                    3. +2
                      27 October 2021 12: 51
                      Quote: Civil
                      Prices are rising.

                      This is not a fake or a photoshop, if that ...
            2. +3
              27 October 2021 10: 16
              Quote: ROSS 42
              And that famous call on the phone of Mr. Yeltsin, in whose friends different Koli and Pancakes Clintons were simply rummaging ...

              1. 0
                27 October 2021 21: 14
                Or you can link to the original, otherwise here
                only with 96
            3. Eug
              27 October 2021 12: 17
              Everything was laid down much earlier - in Vienna the photographed "comrades" were trained at the Institute for Systems Analysis, whose head was Kosygin's son-in-law - Gvishiani ...
          2. 0
            27 October 2021 12: 35
            Quote: Finches
            In 1991, there was no foreign rabble in the Central Committee of the CPSU, but what was the use?

            This is the worst part. Both in the Central Committee of the CPSU and in the CPSU at all levels, all positions were elective and accountable to meetings and congresses.
            And where did you come to and who did you choose?
            And they came to a point that matured in the minds of the broad masses, who in the early 90s voted FOR "Privatization" and then received a powerful penalty and were thrown into the street, and their enterprises were destroyed. And besides the quiet whining, nigu-gu… Yeltsin was voted for twice and no protests were shown.

            Here I would recall Lenin's well-known book from school; "State and Revolution" (1917), where the idea of ​​the fate of a state in which there is no ruling class is carried out. The idea is this; "first, the state apparatus in such a society becomes the main force of society and people like Napoleon or Bismarck appear, and then a new class grows in the depths of society, which takes power." So he grew up and took ... everything according to theory.
          3. 0
            27 October 2021 13: 14
            Quote: Finches
            Foreign rabble under the Romanovs, and under the Rurikovichs, always revolved around the throne ... I am wider! In 1991, there was no foreign rabble in the Central Committee of the CPSU, but what was the use?

            hi That's it! There was no "foreign rabble", there were those at the top who were ready to accept Western values, "the damned caste ^. Liberals, in fact.
            That at the beginning of the century, that in the 90s liberals led to unrest.
            And the Bolsheviks in 1917 good these liberals were sent
            1. 0
              27 October 2021 18: 48
              At the beginning of the century, there were generals with the liberals, and in the 90s, the liberals sent generals.
          4. 0
            28 October 2021 17: 41
            Are you sure about this? And the fact that Gorbachev and Yakovlev, Shevardnadze and others, like the EBN at the moment, became this rabble (revealed their essence) means nothing to you ?!
        2. +1
          27 October 2021 11: 37
          Quote: ROSS 42
          any foreign rabble that gave rise to confusion?

          The reason for trouble is money and only money!
    2. 0
      27 October 2021 06: 11
      Quote: Pessimist22
      Trouble in the head of Aptukhin, and in 1917 there was a revolution!

      I agree!
      Troubles originated in the mid-80s and was implemented in practice in the early 90s. It differed from the revolution in that the coup d'etat was carried out by a handful of people united by selfish interests and criminal structures that incited lawlessness and lawlessness. The people expressed their opinion, and people with completely different goals climbed into power.
      This publication is dated November 4th. Look, (those who were born late), how everything actually happened and why the people decided to unite in the 90s ... Tired, they say, to live in troubled times.
      Direct discrediting and falsification of events, seasoned with the names (heard) of incomprehensible figures.
      1. +4
        27 October 2021 06: 22
        After the turmoil and coup of the 90s, the workers of the CPSU, the KGB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Komsomol, the OBKHSS turned out to be in power, who implemented their plans and robbed the people of Russia, taking the most valuable assets, while the people were left to survive, I think the time will come when these crooks will be attracted to responsibility, including vice Sobchak.
        1. 0
          27 October 2021 06: 31
          Only now, none of the enemies of the communists is able to name the names of these supposedly communists who staged a counter-revolution in the anti-Soviet / anti-communist Perestroika with the aim of personal enrichment.
          And why do you, enemies of the communists, have the same "ideology" as these supposedly communists - slander against the Bolshevik communists, justification of the crimes of their external and internal enemies, justification of all prisoners who have gone through the Gulag for 30 years, praise of Nicholas II, kulaks, White Guards , White Cossacks.
          1. +4
            27 October 2021 06: 48
            Quote: tatra
            Only now, none of the enemies of the communists is able to name the names of these supposedly communists who staged a counter-revolution in the anti-Soviet / anti-communist Perestroika with the aim of personal enrichment.

            Information from the lower classes will be perceived as idle speculation and slander, and information from the upper classes may mean a pretext for physical destruction. Fear.
          2. 0
            27 October 2021 07: 38
            Quote: tatra
            Only now, none of the enemies of the communists is able to name the names of these supposedly communists.

            Khrushchev - repulsed the initiative;
            Brezhnev - got drunk;
            Gorbachev and Yeltsin - hammered the last nail into the lid of the USSR coffin.
            1. +2
              27 October 2021 07: 50
              And why do I need this stupidity?
              1. -3
                27 October 2021 07: 55
                Quote: tatra
                And why do I need this stupidity?

                You asked, I answered, but is it stupidity - everyone decides for himself to the extent of his information. It was they who, after Stalin's death, led the country to restructuring. Khrushchev tried to do it quickly (executions of workers). Did not work out. We went a longer way - "Brezhnev's". About the humpback with the drunk, and so everything is clear.
          3. +1
            27 October 2021 14: 04
            Only now, none of the enemies of the communists is able to name the names of these supposedly communists who staged a counter-revolution in the anti-Soviet / anti-communist Perestroika with the aim of personal enrichment.

            Exactly, "supposedly". They were never communists, but were "party members" (well, certainly, not brains).
            It was not only personal enrichment that drove them, it should not be oversimplified.
            Many were quite ideological "fighters against totalitarianism".
            The erosion of the "Soviet project" began back in the 50s, with the 20th congress.
            And the names of "Katastroyka's foremen" are well known: Gorbachev, Yakovlev, Shevardnadze, Sobchak, Stankevich and hundreds of others, smaller ones.
            1. -4
              27 October 2021 14: 19
              It was not only personal enrichment that drove them, it should not be oversimplified.

              This is not me oversimplifying, it is the enemies of the communists who claim that some communists, whose names they are unable to list, destroyed the USSR and the power of the CPSU in order to enrich themselves.
              Perestroika, led by Gorbachev, destroyed the USSR, but the material benefits - they got their huge, colossal - in comparison with the people, salaries and incomes are completely different.
    3. 0
      27 October 2021 10: 27
      The liberal bourgeoisie was completing the stage of preparation for the coup, the state mechanism was upset by the frequent changes of the head of government and the leapfrog of ministers, the tsarist government was discredited by its connection with the "elder" Rasputin and accused of treason.

      when the media say, for example
      -Poles Russophobes
      -Ukrainians do not like Russians
      -bourgeoisie-completed the preparations for the coup
      -aristocracy betrayed the king
      then such a generalization in the presentation of information does not reflect the truth of the picture in any way.
      Poles are divided into gentry, Catholic clergy and people in the form of, say, urban and peasant population. So hatred of the Russians is a carefully developed and cultivated position, first of all, of the authorities consisting of gentry under the control of the Catholic Church. There is no reason for the Slavic People of Poland to hate the Slavic Russian people. .There is a substitution of concepts, when the oppression of Poland in the days of the Republic of Ingushetia by the Romanov authorities are replaced by the oppression of the Poles by the Russians.
      But what does the Russian people have to do with if the Romanovs themselves are not Russian?

      The Ukrainians are generally a phantom created by the Romanovs and the Bolsheviks. The peoples who lived in the lands of Little Russia, Slabozhanshchina, the Dnieper and Galicia NEVER called themselves Ukrainians. They called themselves Cossacks, Cherkasy Tartars / Dardars / Darians, as well as Russian.
      In order to drive a wedge between the population of the outskirts / Ukraine and the Russian people, it was necessary to CREATE a new people. And such a people was created and called them Ukrainians. And first of all, the basis of this people was the NESLAVIANS, which we see in the example of Poroshenko specifically and Zelenskiy are non-Slavs.

      The author of the article again unreasonably generalizes a rather heterogeneous stratum of the Russian bourgeoisie. And this class of Russian society was very different. Despite the fact that tsarism simply wiped its feet on the people, as well as the peasantry, workers in cities, and the bourgeois themselves in the form of merchants and industrialists. That always in this part of the Russian people remained a significant part, which stood on monarchist positions.
      The ever-memorable historian Professor Pyzhikov noted in his lectures that the St. Petersburg bourgeoisie in the form of the financial oligarchy always opposed the Moscow merchants and this line passed according to the NATIONAL SIGN. The Moscow merchants were based on Russian and Old Believers, and the St. Petersburg financiers were based on foreign surnames.
      The author believes that the bourgeoisie wanted a coup, that is, the replacement of the tsarist power with the bourgeois power, but this is not so, most likely, the Moscow merchants just wanted to replace ministers from one to another and expand their rights and freedoms in the country. there were proteges of both France, England and Germany and therefore had different interests, both the continuation of the war and the end of the war.
      Further, the aristocracy i.e. at the heart of the grand dukes: the least of all is known about them, but it seems that they also could not have a consensus on the replacement of power.
      So we have such a picture.
      All strata of RI society at that time were not united by one idea of ​​overthrowing the autocracy and the establishment of a new democratic government. It can be said even more that no matter what passions occurred in St. there was a king.
      But the tsar gave up power and then EVERYTHING in Russia fell apart.
      We can already say that the cause of the DISORDERS, REVOLUTION and collapse in the country is the king himself, who unreasonably abdicated from power. Well, this already looks like a CONSPIRACY against Russia.
      Well, at the end about the "historical truth" of those years, which we have been told for 100 YEARS by various historians, Bolshevik, bourgeois, liberal, Western and all sorts of others.
      Nobody wants to tell the truth or cannot.
      The goal of the Troubles / Revolution was the collapse of Russia. And these goals were achieved. Russia RI / USSR were collapsed.
      The means with the help of which Russia was destroyed is the creation of nationalities and peoples that did not exist before.
      1. -5
        27 October 2021 21: 03
        The fact that having created the USSR, destroying the Russian Empire, the West got rid of a competitor in the civilian world sector, and not only, but also created an enemy to fight against which it was possible to saw huge sums in the military-industrial complex and not only is a fact.
  2. +8
    27 October 2021 06: 11
    This article contains more from Pyzhikov and less from Apukhtin, a headline and a couple of phrases .. smile
    1. +8
      27 October 2021 06: 48
      I would limit myself to one instead of a similar set of bukff - The coup just became inevitable.By the way, who is this historian - Pyzhikov? "Who is, why I don't know? I didn’t go through academies. I haven't finished them. " ©
      1. +6
        27 October 2021 07: 08
        Quote: Crowe
        By the way, who is this historian - Pyzhikov? "Who is, why I don't know? I didn't go through academies. I haven't finished them. " ©

        Straight classic:
        1. +1
          27 October 2021 11: 49
          Quote: ROSS 42
          Straight classic:

          Well, yes, this is not Master Platoshkin laughing
      2. +7
        27 October 2021 08: 43
        another option
        - What kind of parallel is this, - Mitrich answered vaguely, - maybe there is no such parallel at all. We do not know this. They did not study in gymnasiums.

        Mitrich was telling the truth. He did not study at the gymnasiums. He graduated from the Corps of Pages.
      3. +5
        27 October 2021 08: 46
        Alexander Vladimirovich Pyzhikov (November 27, 1965 - September 17, 2019) is a Russian historian and statesman. And the information in the article is from this book: Pyzhikov A. V. Peter-Moscow. Fight for Russia. Moscow: Olma media group, 2014 .-- 460 p.
      4. +5
        27 October 2021 11: 48
        Quote: Crowe
        By the way, who is this historian - Pyzhikov?

        He died already, he was a smart guy! Although I disagree with him on some issues, this is my personal opinion.
        1. +2
          27 October 2021 13: 46
          Quote: Serg65
          .... He died already, he was a smart guy! Although I disagree with him on some issues, this is my personal opinion.

          I join 100%! It is a pity that he left early, unexpectedly early ...
      5. +2
        27 October 2021 13: 42
        hi good morning dear! If you write your surname in the YouTube search engine, you will see his stories, if in the Ozone search engine, his books.
    2. +3
      27 October 2021 11: 47
      Quote: parusnik
      In this article, there is already more from Pyzhikov and less from Apukhtin, a headline and a couple of phrases.

      I would say that the article "Truncated and inverted Pyzhikov"!
  3. +5
    27 October 2021 06: 19
    they attributed failures at the front to betrayal in the upper strata of society, which did not come close to reality
    Cho, really there was no betrayal? Not a gram? And there is a documentary evidence, or do gentlemen take their word for it?
    The government banned the publication of Milyukov's seditious speech, but the "Moscow" ones printed it in a million copies and disseminated it among the masses through Zemgor and the military-industrial complex, including at the front.
    But in this place, the monarchists headed by Olgych will break the template, because, according to their version, the front disintegrated exclusively under the influence of the Bolsheviks and other socialists.
    Well, and a lot of other points in the article that the brain stumbles over.
    In general, a controversial article. Moreover, it is controversial for everyone, both for the right and for the left - the author, perhaps, specifically tried to twist it so? Ali, what other circumstances influenced that?
    1. +9
      27 October 2021 06: 41
      No, there was no betrayal, there was "business and nothing personal." And from all sides. Certain circles filled their pockets, the people at war, you can't say that you guys are dying for our interests. That is why they said the Fatherland was in danger. smile
      1. 0
        27 October 2021 11: 53
        Quote: parusnik
        Certain circles stuffed their pockets

        And let's define who these very "Certain circles" are and what is their role in the two Russian revolutions? Oh, here such names will come up ... Mom, do not cry !!!!
    2. +10
      27 October 2021 06: 42
      But in this place, the monarchists headed by Olgych will break the template, because, according to their version, the front disintegrated exclusively under the influence of the Bolsheviks and other socialists.
      Do not tear, do not worry - everything is reinforced concrete - the damned kamunyaki are to blame for everything.
      Well, and a lot of other points in the article that the brain stumbles over.
      There is such a thing. No matter how hard I tried, I could not comprehend the meaning of the hidden and deep article ... and there is still a continuation, in which either the brain will finally break me, or they will dot everything over it. The topic is interesting, but for now (hope I really want that so far) has not been disclosed unfortunately ..
      1. -4
        27 October 2021 21: 19
        "Do not tear, do not worry - everything is reinforced concrete - the damned commies are to blame for everything." Only one is to blame, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, aka Ulyanov - Lenin, thanks to his Brest-Litovsk peace on March 3, 1918 with Germany, we got Hitler in the investigation and 41 in which he staged the largest bloody massacre in the history of mankind.
    3. +9
      27 October 2021 07: 16
      Quote: Dalny V
      But in this place, the monarchists headed by Olgych will break the template, because, according to their version, the front disintegrated exclusively under the influence of the Bolsheviks and other socialists.

      The front disintegrated under the influence of the Bolsheviks? And a war to a victorious end at the highest command with incomprehensible "allies" and "in the name of what great goals" could not serve as the cause of decay? Perhaps the Bolsheviks opened the eyes of the dark soldier masses, revealed to them the true causes of the war?
      Let Olgovich conjecture himself, and historical facts show that since the time of the Russo-Japanese War, faith in the Tsar and the Fatherland has greatly weakened.
      1. +4
        27 October 2021 11: 55
        True, when the masses and individual individuals do not believe that the authorities are pursuing their interests for which they are sent to die, then the second question logically immediately pops up among everyone, but what for, I actually need it for something murky and very far away against the backdrop of grandiose balls and enrichment of the rear to die for what? So that they get rich further and at this time their wives write that there is nothing to eat and everything is expensive, fucking motivation for a man in a trench to attack. In the Second World War, people saw that their life was improving in comparison with the recent monarchical change and massively showed heroism in defending this system, and in NVG, just the opposite, with stupid first attacks they knocked out ideological monarchists and a cadre army with nobility, but a simple man did not answer the second question I heard and the authorities who considered him a slave and swaggeringly did not even bother to listen to what the people needed, they were all in business, they shared the power and the loot, well, they shared until taxi drivers and pro-kami did not go abroad to work whining that, again, the people of their lofty goals for stuffing their pockets and not doing anything did not understand.
      2. +4
        27 October 2021 14: 09
        Let Olgovich conjecture himself, and historical facts show that since the time of the Russo-Japanese War, faith in the Tsar and the Fatherland has greatly weakened.

        This is not even the point. Tsar Nikolai himself dealt the biggest blow to the morale of the army.
        Simultaneously with the abdication of the throne, he left the post of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, in fact, having committed an act of desertion. And this despite the fact that the oath at that time was brought personally to the emperor.
        The Commander-in-Chief deserts, the oath hangs in the air ... what kind of fighting spirit and motivation to leave the trench?
        1. +2
          27 October 2021 15: 06
          Quote: Illanatol
          This is not even the point. Tsar Nikolai himself dealt the biggest blow to the morale of the army.
          Simultaneously with the abdication of the throne, he left the post of the Supreme Commander, in fact, having committed an act of desertion

          If he left the post of Commander-in-Chief, it would be half the trouble. The most important thing is the abdication of the throne. After that, Russia as a state "faded in two days."
          1. 0
            28 October 2021 09: 43
            If he left the post of Commander-in-Chief, it would be half the trouble. The most important thing is the abdication of the throne.

            It's already a disaster. Moreover, there was no adequate replacement.
            And abdication would be half the trouble if a successor to the throne was found. But then even other Romanovs understood that the autocracy had no future.
            In short, the bobby is dead.
            1. 0
              28 October 2021 16: 02
              Quote: Illanatol
              It's already a disaster. Moreover, there was no adequate replacement

              It was then that a replacement was found. Alekseev, Brusilov, Kornilov - at that time the largest authorities. Only ... the tsar is gone, so down with the war! And not only her.
              Quote: Illanatol
              In short, the bobby is dead.

              Here it is.
              1. 0
                29 October 2021 09: 34
                Alekseev, Brusilov, Kornilov - at that time the largest authorities.

                To really become an authority in that situation, it would be necessary to take command not only over the army, but also over the country.
                The authority was needed not only for a military leader, but also for a statesman.
                It was already practically impossible (the country was already disintegrating), and the above-mentioned gentlemen were not ready for such a volume of responsibility.
                However, Kornilov tried it, but what came of it is well known.
                1. 0
                  29 October 2021 15: 46
                  In other words, the authority in the army was not enough to prevent collapse. About that and speech. Someone was found to take command over the country, but not immediately.
        2. -3
          27 October 2021 21: 31
          Nevertheless, the regimental committees created by the provisional government contributed the lion's share to the decomposition of the army.
    4. -1
      27 October 2021 07: 55
      Quote: Dalny V
      All in all, a controversial article

      The assassination of Rasputin was organized by British intelligence, the author of the article mistakenly pointed to Prince Yusupov and Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich.
      Not knowing this, or knowing, but not even mentioning it, is not serious.
      1. +6
        27 October 2021 09: 41
        The assassination of Rasputin was organized by British intelligence, the author of the article mistakenly pointed to Prince Yusupov and Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich.

        What? The assassination of G. Rasputin was organized by a group of pro-monarchist conspirators led by Prince Yusupov. The reason is political and utterly banal. All of Rasputin's activities undermined the authority of the monarchy in a way that no even the most radical supporter of the revolution could do. The evocative immorality of the "elder's" behavior and his closeness to the royal family were obvious to the then society, which gave rise to more and more rumors about the unacceptably high level of Rasputin's participation in state affairs - right up to the appointment and removal from office of ministers and generals.
        1. +5
          27 October 2021 10: 07
          Quote: Terran Ghost
          The evocative immorality of the "elder" behavior and his closeness to the royal family were obvious

          The immorality of this society itself, those years - this is obvious.
          Calling Yusupov the head of the pro-monarchist conspirators is very strong.
    5. 0
      27 October 2021 11: 50
      Quote: Dalny V
      And there is a documentary confirming

      We are waiting, comrade! Where is the document?
  4. +6
    27 October 2021 07: 00
    The February revolution was, de facto, a coup. The goal of the "Februaryists" was only the removal of Nicholas II, they did not want any change in the socio-economic system, and it did not exist, as it was after the October Revolution, and the counter-revolution of the enemies of the communists in their Perestroika.
    1. +1
      27 October 2021 07: 38
      Quote: tatra
      The February revolution was, de facto, a coup

      It is strange that you are so confused, because even according to true Marxism-Leninism, the February events are precisely the revolution, and the October riots are a coup. This was recognized by Lenin himself, after his death, all kinds of scribblers began to play clever and to compose fables.
      1. +8
        27 October 2021 07: 56
        A coup is a change of power, without a change in the socio-economic System, a revolution is both a change of power and a change of the System. And initially, a violent seizure of power is always a coup, it is made by revolution, or not made by the people who seized power.
        And the October Revolution could be a coup if the Bolsheviks, having thrown off the bourgeoisie, themselves became rich and richest bourgeois, and left capitalism, and the counter-revolution of the enemies of the communists in Perestroika, could be a coup, if they simply threw off the power of the communists, and became power themselves, and The socialist system was abandoned.
        1. -1
          27 October 2021 08: 00
          It is not entirely clear what you are talking about.
          Lenin clearly, concisely and intelligibly said - the October Revolution.
          1. +7
            27 October 2021 08: 06
            Lenin -

            (Speech at the St. Petersburg Council of R. and S. D. October 26, 1917).

            "Comrades, the workers 'and peasants' revolution, the need for which the Bolsheviks have been talking about all the time, has taken place.

            What is the significance of this workers 'and peasants' revolution? First of all, the significance of this coup is that we will have a Soviet government, our own organ of power, without any participation of the bourgeoisie.
            The oppressed masses create power themselves. The old state apparatus will be fundamentally smashed, and a new administrative apparatus, represented by Soviet organizations, will be created.

            From now on, a new phase begins in the history of Russia, and this third Russian revolution should ultimately lead to the victory of socialism. "

            And on this we will end the dialogue.
            1. -4
              27 October 2021 08: 09
              Quote: tatra
              And on this we will end the dialogue.

              And, the enemy runs, runs, runs .......
              1. +1
                27 October 2021 08: 45
                oh, not always ...
                1. +1
                  27 October 2021 09: 02
                  These lines are from the anthem of the tsarist army ....... so for the Tsar, Fatherland and Faith we will loudly burst out three times Hurray ...
              2. +1
                27 October 2021 12: 38
                There is only a word in the whole text
                and saw? What is the context in a course?
                First of all, the meaning of this coup isthat we will have a Soviet government, our own organ of power, without any participation of the bourgeoisie.
                maybe it meant переворот as a twist of the whole story and "Let us renounce the old world! Shake its dust from our feet"? No? Or do you think Lenin was a dudachek that did not understand the difference between the change of power (coup) and the socio-political formation and system (revolution)?
                and by the way. Revolution is a combination of two words - lat. revolvere - to rotate. And Latin - ēvolūtiō “Deployment, disclosure.
                And I suppose there is a difference between the concepts of rotate and turn over.
              3. +2
                27 October 2021 13: 40
                and what? except for cons and
                the enemy runs, runs, runs .......
                no argumentation? laughing
          2. +2
            27 October 2021 15: 32
            Quote: bober1982
            Lenin clearly, concisely and intelligibly said - the October Revolution.

            Reference please ..... where is Lenin screwed up in such a stupid way and whipped himself .......? If you recall the school years, then on October 25, 1917, the 2nd All-Russian Congress of Soviets (the highest legislative authority) began its work - and replaced the Government. Even the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, which was a Menshevik, nevertheless agreed in advance to convene the Congress, having achieved only its postponement from October 20 to 25.
            And what the revolution must necessarily contradict the legal right? Why call the agreed Congress a coup?

            The violence used is not a sign of lawlessness. The power structure, the Red Guard, was subordinate to the Petro-Soviet. It suppressed the Kornilov rebellion in August and secured the arrest of the Provisional Government in October. This is a history lesson !! In October 1993, there was no such structure and the White House was shot. If it were not for the "Red Guard" in 1917, it would have happened even then.
            1. 0
              27 October 2021 17: 25
              Quote: ivan2022
              "Red Guard". She suppressed the Kornilov rebellion in August and secured the arrest of the Provisional Government in October

              No need to fantasize about what other such Red Guard suppressed the Kornilov revolt.
              Firstly, there was no mutiny - but there was a little fuss.
              Secondly, he suppressed the so-called rebellion, personally Kerensky (very frightened), it happens the same. He suppressed it so that General Krymov, one of the main conspirators, shot himself almost in the private office of Alexander Fedorovich himself.
        2. +4
          27 October 2021 10: 31
          Quote: tatra
          A coup is a change of power

          Irina! Don't start an argument over a damn egg.
          Revolution (from late Latin revolutio - turn, переворот, transformation, conversion) - a radical, radical, deep, qualitative change, a leap in the development of society, nature or cognition, coupled with an open break with the previous state.
          The coup d'etat (abbreviated coup) - seizure of power in the state, inevitably carried out in violation of the currently valid constitutional and legal norms, usually with the use of force to seize the centers of government and the implementation of physical isolation (arrest or liquidation) of its current leaders.
          Therefore, the Great October Socialist Revolution and ... the Belovezhskiy coup.
      2. +1
        27 October 2021 15: 10
        Quote: bober1982
        February events, this is precisely a revolution, and the October riots-coup. This was recognized by Lenin himself

        The events of October, in particular, October 25, were called both a coup and an uprising, but in general - a revolution. Apparently, they did not consider this to be fundamentally different things.
    2. +1
      27 October 2021 14: 14
      The goal of the "Februaryists" was only the removal of Nicholas II, they did not want any change in the socio-economic system

      No. The transition from an autocratic monarchy to a bourgeois republic (since there were no more legitimate applicants for the throne) - what a "change".
      If it were not for "October" - after 1918, 1991 would have come immediately. True, we would not have had nuclear weapons then.
      The empire has already begun to fall apart, many of the outskirts (including Ukraine) actually left before October 1917. And the rest would have been chopped off by our dear allies, they would not have missed such a chance.
    3. -3
      27 October 2021 21: 50
      And they coped well with the economic shift - as in Russia the population was so poor and remained for over 100 years. Why XXX this Revolution with the transition to a planned distribution system where the state was a supermonopolist over everything was not clear - its efficiency = 0, the Bolsheviks simply hung noodles on an uneducated herd - the crowd about socialism and communism in 1917, but neither one nor the other over the entire existence of the USSR happened in the sense that they were described because in practice it all does not work in the specifics of human society.
  5. +3
    27 October 2021 07: 00
    After this speech by Milyukov in the Duma, some deputies, having listened to Milyukov's speech, where, speaking about each order of the government, Milyukov summed up these orders with the words "What is stupidity or treason", some deputies redirected these words of Milyukov to the speech and to the person of Milyukov himself, so that describe him as a slanderer and traitor. Milyukov deliberately used slander in order to prepare the ground for the state. coup. But here the liberal Milyukov resorted to plagiarism with this expression, - That this is stupidity or treason. It was a paraphrased version of the expression of the Minister of War, who said - "I may be stupid, but I am not a traitor" after his accused of spying for Germany ...
  6. +2
    27 October 2021 08: 15
    Trouble is what's happening now.
    In 1917, the Great October Socialist Revolution took place!
    1. +1
      27 October 2021 08: 24
      Quote: Million
      Trouble is what's happening now.

      And not only now.
      "Troubles in Russia: origin, flow, overcoming ..."

      Zaznobin V.M. The history of three Russian troubles and the prospects for a way out of the last

    2. 0
      27 October 2021 12: 39
      Trouble is what's happening now.
      In 1917, the Great October Socialist Revolution took place!
      I believe the article is about the February Revolution. which, yes, it was started as a coup, but due to the refusal of the grand dukes to get involved in this adventure, it turned into a revolution - a change of system. The monarchy is a bourgeois republic.
    3. -3
      27 October 2021 21: 55
      Now there is no confusion - do not drive the blizzard.
  7. +2
    27 October 2021 11: 37
    And even so, the work of a history lover is easy - today you take one thought and fit the entire chronology with your inserts, tomorrow you take another, often opposite to the first idea and repeat the fitting of the answer to the given problem (well, just like in school everyone did when they didn't know the solution).
  8. +2
    27 October 2021 15: 39
    even the aristocracy and the grand ducal environment welcomed the removal of Nicholas II

    To summarize, the "efforts" of Katkov and Pobedonostsev successfully brought the situation to the point where the autocracy was "abolished from below", having missed all the possibilities of carrying out constitutional reform "from above", without the potentially catastrophic consequences of "abolishing from below."
    1. -3
      27 October 2021 22: 09
      No, it's just that Nicholas II turned out to be a spineless ruler, weak and not decisive - and these have always been demolished and will be demolished from the seat of the authorities, there is no need to go far in Ukraine 2014, similar events happened and Yanukovych fled like a cowardly rat, leaving the country at the mercy of Neo
      Bandnram, but in Belarus, Lukashenka turned out to be tough nuts and quickly turned his necks around all these European integrators and dreamers of a better life on the principle of "As soon as - so soon"
  9. +1
    27 October 2021 20: 27
    Quote: Pessimist22
    Trouble in the head of Aptukhin, and in 1917 there was a revolution! There was a crisis of the monarchy and the bourgeoisie, the inability to effectively govern the country and, as a result, a revolution, a change of power and a change of ownership.

    After the "revolution of carnations" there was no change of ownership.
    1. -2
      27 October 2021 22: 19
      Why didn't it happen yet? How did it happen - just like the change of tens of millions of people for the first time in the Civil War, the whole country was destroyed and plundered for the second time from 1928 to 1941, the village was robbed and from 1941 to 1944 - Nazi Germany was already destroying us, killing us and robbing us for the last time robbed and destroyed in the late 80s and 90s. We don't need such communist "happiness" anymore - that's enough.
  10. 0
    27 October 2021 22: 45
    It looks like you do not share the "carnation revolution" and the October Revolution. But these are two different links. And the characters were different.
  11. +1
    28 October 2021 07: 19
    Protopopov - a representative of the St. Petersburg bankers, the cadet Milyukov was called a progressist .. Yes, nafig such "historical" articles. It's a complete mess.
  12. +1
    28 October 2021 12: 19
    The story is interesting. But now it’s time to ask the question: why the change in technological order in Russia is almost always accompanied by unrest, revolutions, bloody war or collapse? And how to prevent this in the present.
  13. 0
    28 October 2021 18: 57
    A middle-class entrepreneur from Kiev, Yaroshinsky, behind whom Ryabushinsky's team stood, began unexpectedly and successfully to buy up the assets of St. Petersburg banks and created a panic in the banking sector ...

    Karol Jaroszynski was then the richest Pole; former ministers worked in his syndicate, who called him the Vanderbilt of their time. Ryabushinsky was a colleague for him. There is something wrong with this story
  14. +1
    28 October 2021 22: 42
    Quote: bober1982
    Quote: ivan2022
    "Red Guard". She suppressed the Kornilov rebellion in August and secured the arrest of the Provisional Government in October

    No need to fantasize about what other such Red Guard suppressed the Kornilov revolt. Firstly, there was no mutiny - but there was a little fuss. Secondly, he suppressed the so-called rebellion, personally Kerensky (very frightened), it happens the same ..

    Heh ... heh ... class! At the same time, there was “none” and suppressed without the Bolsheviks. ”
    However, from which side to look ... In the days of the Kornilov rebellion, the Provisional Government attracted the Bolsheviks to protect government power, as a result of which the Soviets of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies gradually began to come under the control of Bolshevik cells, thereby the Bolsheviks were able to legally arm themselves. Happy Birthday to the "Red Guard!"
  15. -1
    29 October 2021 09: 07
    Not a coup, but a revolution. First bourgeois in February 1918, then socialist in October of the same year. A coup is a change of power within the framework of the doctrine of the ruling class, a revolution is a change of the ruling class.