American General: For America, the main military threat today is not China, it is Russia


The American generals cannot decide in any way who exactly the US army should be considered the main military threat. From different tribunes and platforms, representatives of the American military command call the main threat to the United States either China, then Russia, then both countries at once, then the DPRK and Iran. Another representative of the American military command, General Glen Vanherk, expresses his opinion on this matter today.

General Vanherk leads the US Army Northern Command and the US-Canada Joint Aerospace Defense Command NORAD.

According to this American commander, Russia is the main threat to the United States of America today.

Glen Vanherk:

For America, the main military threat today is not China. It's Russia. And in this regard, China is a long-term existential threat to our Motherland. But today it is Russia.

According to Vanherk, Russia has a huge military potential, including nuclear submarines, cruise missiles, strategic bombers, "which makes it the main military threat" to the United States.

The American general added that Russia also has a rich set of “critical non-lethal capabilities,” including cyber and space capabilities.

At the same time, Vanherk noted that "a big threat comes from Russia in the Arctic region":

The Russians have a huge military arsenal in the Arctic, large forces and weapons of destruction. We need to be more persistent to keep this region safe. We must be there. We need to use all the resources to solve this problem.

In the United States itself, commenting on Vanherk's statements, they noted that the factor of the "main threat", apparently, directly depends on which command is headed by this or that general:

If the northern command, then the main threat is Russia. If Indo-Pacific, then China will be called the main threat. As if we do not have a single country, but several geographic areas, each of which has its own main threat and they simply do not care about others.
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  1. -5
    22 September 2021 07: 08
    Something news was late. Glen Vanherkk made his statements over a month ago.
    1. +22
      22 September 2021 07: 11
      Quote: A. Privalov
      Something news was late. Glen Vanherkk made his statements over a month ago.

      He made these statements a few hours ago. And in order for Congress to throw up more money, American generals can afford to repeat themselves and change their minds about the "main threats" on a regular basis.
      1. +4
        22 September 2021 08: 26
        We need to be more persistent to keep this region safe. We must be there.

        Until you persistently began to show your desire to be present, the Arctic was quite a quiet and calm place. And the concern for security just touches, and wakes up memories of Libya, Yugoslavia, Iraq, etc.
        1. +3
          22 September 2021 08: 45
          Quote: Mitroha
          Until you persistently began to show your desire to be present, the Arctic was quite a quiet and peaceful place.

          Here is the answer why "Russia is a threat." Everywhere bummer, they think maybe "a piece of the Arctic" will grab, but Russia is not Afghanistan.
        2. 0
          22 September 2021 10: 56
          Vanherk - what a funny surname the general has. laughing lol
      2. +4
        22 September 2021 08: 29
        Quote: Volodin
        He made these statements a few hours ago.

        Maybe so. This general announces something regularly. Already it is impossible to make out what he said before, and what later. The creation of an image of an external enemy by the military is a very well-known, widespread and effective thing. hi
      3. +6
        22 September 2021 08: 30
        They change their opinions, but whatever one may say, the goal is the same - RUSSIA! Everywhere and everywhere impudent mattresses see a threat from Russia, not paying attention to the fact that, perhaps, they themselves are the very same danger for the whole world.
        1. 0
          22 September 2021 08: 50
          Quote: aleks neym_2
          They change their opinions, but, whatever one may say, the goal is the same - RUSSIA! Everywhere and everywhere impudent mattresses see a threat from Russia,

          They do not see the threat, but they see the target for the capture and what they will profit from. They cannot get close to China, there are no common borders and there are no "border friends", but Russia, from Norway to Bulgaria, has such borders, and its satellites henchmen, and Turkey sharpens its teeth.
          1. +3
            22 September 2021 09: 04
            Pay attention to the topic: ARCTIC! And there, God forbid, Russia has a coastline, and it must be protected. So the presence of the sun in this region enrages mattress makers.
        2. 0
          22 September 2021 13: 09
          Quote: aleks neym_2
          Everywhere and everywhere impudent mattresses see a threat from Russia, not paying attention to the fact that, possibly, they themselves are the very danger to the whole world.
          The word "possibly" is superfluous here and without its use your proposal acquires the correct, final meaning - "the United States is the main threat to the world." Yes
          1. +1
            22 September 2021 13: 44
            But there are also other states, from which you do not know what to expect: so a possible threat is snickering mattress makers: with their submission, their licks will climb on the "rampage". And so the thought is correct - I am "FOR"!
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. -1
      22 September 2021 07: 48
      -: For America, the main military threat today,
      Looking where.
      This is Russia in the Arctic, China in the western part of the Tikhlgl Ocean, etc.
      1. 0
        22 September 2021 08: 03
        Quote: knn54
        This is Russia in the Arctic, China in the western part of the Tikhlgl Ocean, etc.

        I wonder where he got the idea that Russia is going to attack America? request
        1. +7
          22 September 2021 08: 09
          They don't care whether Russia attacks them or not.
          It is important for them that Russia does not meddle in anywhere, and on every occasion asks their permission. And at the same time she repented and paid. For all.
          The independence of Russia is what they mean by the Russian threat.
          1. +2
            22 September 2021 08: 11
            Quote: Nexcom
            The independence of Russia is what they mean by the Russian threat.

            Quote: Nexcom
            The independence of Russia is what they mean by the Russian threat.

            Threat is when you are about to be attacked.
            Everything else from the evil one
            1. +4
              22 September 2021 08: 16
              Please explain it to them.

              Russia's independence in actions threatens their influence in the world, makes it difficult for them to grab resources from other countries and impose their will on them. Therefore, they are furious that there is little leverage left to influence.
              1. +1
                22 September 2021 08: 17
                Quote: Nexcom
                Please explain it to them.

                Do not understand request
                The mentality is different
                1. 0
                  22 September 2021 08: 19
                  "That's right." (c) comrade Sukhov, "White Sun of the Desert"
                  1. 0
                    22 September 2021 09: 07
                    “Looks like they slap us.” - How is it spanking?
                    - They can't spank us. Old Man Makhno is now an ally. They read the order to us.
                    - They read to you, but maybe they didn't read to him.
                    "Two comrades served"
              2. 0
                22 September 2021 09: 30
                Quote: Nexcom
                Please explain it to them.

                The Anglo-Saxons will not understand, they have it genetically incorporated since the time of Ivan the Terrible.
                1. -1
                  22 September 2021 21: 05
                  Quote: tihonmarine
                  Quote: Nexcom
                  Please explain it to them.

                  The Anglo-Saxons will not understand, they have it genetically incorporated since the time of Ivan the Terrible.

                  And what does Ivan the Terrible and the Anglo-Saxon conquest of Britain have to do with it?
                  Why did the German tribes not please you?
                  Nemchura was taught a lesson ...
                  1. 0
                    23 September 2021 10: 38
                    Quote: kulinar
                    And what does Ivan the Terrible and the Anglo-Saxon conquest of Britain have to do with it?

                    Sorry, but I answered the first comment by Dmitry
                    The independence of Russia is what they mean by the Russian threat.
    4. 0
      23 September 2021 18: 36
      Quote: A. Privalov
      Glen Vanherkk made his statements over a month ago.

      It does not matter. IMHO .. It is important for us to understand that the United States and all the Anglo-Saxons shift strategic direction (and hence the resources and the best ships, etc.) to the Pacific Ocean. Against China. and Glen Vanherk hosts the sowing. Atlantic. well, and whistles .. so that the best divisions are not taken from him.
  2. +9
    22 September 2021 07: 09
    Go and tell everyone in foreign lands that Russia is alive.
    Let the guests welcome us without fear ...
    But if someone enters us with a sword, he will die by the sword.
    The Russian land stands and will stand on that ...
    1. +1
      22 September 2021 08: 05
      Quote: Vladimir Vladimirovich Vorontsov
      Go and tell everyone in foreign lands that Russia is alive.
      Let the guests welcome us without fear ...
      But if someone enters us with a sword, he will die by the sword.
      The Russian land stands and will stand on that ...

      These words should be hung in a banner near the White House, Congress, the Pentagon
  3. +3
    22 September 2021 07: 14
    The security issue is solved in two ways.
    1 - make friends with your neighbors.
    2- everyone's urine.
    For some reason, they don't like the first option all the time. Although there is a positive experience.
    But all the time they need to bend everyone ...
    1. +3
      22 September 2021 08: 06
      Quote: Jacket in stock
      But all the time they need to bend everyone ...

      Because they don't get snot. As they receive, they calm down for a while
    2. +3
      22 September 2021 08: 18
      But all the time they need to bend everyone ...
      Duc they do not know otherwise. throughout the history of their USA they have always bend someone. first of its native inhabitants (Indians). Then they began to bend the neighbors (Mexico was squeezed out of Texas). Then we got out on the international level. The latest example: even their NATO allies, the French, were thrown away with a contract.

      This is a bandit country and bandit methods.
  4. +5
    22 September 2021 07: 20
    And in my opinion,
    "main threat" factor
    for the whole world on planet Earth, this is the existence of the United States with their idiotic ideas about their role.
    1. +3
      22 September 2021 07: 35
      The main factor is that the hegemon is no longer a hegemon, but continues to shout at all corners, which is the coolest in the world, the roundest and whiter of all. But for the time being they politely hint to him "Your number 16, and a place near the buffet". Further more.
    2. -1
      22 September 2021 10: 26
      Quote: Ros 56
      And in my opinion,
      "main threat" factor
      for the whole world on planet Earth, this is the existence of the United States with their idiotic ideas about their role.
      This is a threat to the existence of the state. Political correction:
      ... this is the existence of idiotic ideas about their role in the United States
      So, in my opinion, the goal and means become clearer: it is not the United States that should be neutralized / eliminated, but their idiotic conceit through the superiority of the Russian Federation not only in hypersound, but in the most diverse areas of culture, science, technology and social organization. Only with hypersound does the word of truth reach faster (a kind word and a pistol (C)).
      1. 0
        22 September 2021 13: 44
        Uh, no. Only the grave will fix the hunchback, and the striped ones. They put so many local and imported people with impunity, I mean Indians and Negroes, that it is in their blood.
        1. -1
          22 September 2021 14: 09
          Quote: Ros 56
          it's in their blood.
          These are reflexes of the brain. The era of impunity is ending. Negative reinforcements begin in public confessions, struggling with historical memory and kissing black leather shoes to young black guys who have very vague historical ideas about slavery, but an ardent desire to continue to receive compensation and satisfaction for them.
  5. 0
    22 September 2021 07: 27
    there is an interesting proposal.

    To use, including in the Arctic, small silo-based missiles with a firing range of up to 500 km and located near the bases.
    1. +3
      22 September 2021 08: 19
      Quote: riwas
      there is an interesting proposal.

      Use, including in the Arctic, small silo-based missiles with a firing range of up to 500 km

      And where will these missiles fly?
      Look at the globe. Measure with a ruler.
      And about the mines, where do you propose to dig them? In the tundra in the permafrost, or right on the ice?
      1. +2
        22 September 2021 08: 25
        Look at the globe. Measure with a ruler

        Their goal is the same as that of our bases in the Arctic - to protect the coast.
  6. +7
    22 September 2021 07: 28
    For America, the main military threat today is not China. It's Russia.
    You will somehow decide among yourself who is still the main threat to you. And it turns out according to the Russian proverb - some in the forest, some for firewood. As for me, the main threat to the United States is the United States itself.
    1. +3
      22 September 2021 07: 43
      Quote: rotmistr60
      You will somehow decide among yourself who is still the main threat to you.

      If the northern command, then the main threat is Russia. If Indo-Pacific, then China will be called the main threat. As if we do not have a single country, but several geographic areas, each of which has its own main threat and they simply do not care about others.

      what a "naive" general! The country is one, but the Pockets are different!
    2. +1
      22 September 2021 08: 08
      Quote: rotmistr60
      As for me, the main threat to the United States is the United States itself.

      And her presidents
    3. +2
      22 September 2021 08: 24
      Quote: rotmistr60
      As for me, the main threat to the United States is the United States itself.

      And for the whole world a threat.
  7. +2
    22 September 2021 07: 29
    At the same time, Vanherk noted that "a big threat comes from Russia in the Arctic region":

    Vanherk - translated into Russian, the first part of the surname "Van" is One, and the second part can be omitted, as it is understandable. Yes
    1. 0
      22 September 2021 08: 09
      Quote: askort154
      Vanherk - translated into Russian, the first part of the surname "Van" is One, and the second part can be omitted, as it is understandable.

      Same member, only side view lol
  8. +3
    22 September 2021 07: 33
    Americans wanting to be present in all regions of the world and even dominate everywhere, more and more sit on the twine. And this is fraught. You can burst.
    1. +2
      22 September 2021 07: 40
      A cactus from Russia makes it difficult to stretch.
      1. 0
        22 September 2021 09: 27
        Or they think well ... na wide that it will be possible to sit on all the chairs lol
  9. +2
    22 September 2021 07: 43
    The main threat to the United States is the United States itself, with its * (strange) foreign and domestic policy, shyness in demographic issues and hypertrophied-robust understanding of democracy, freedom and independence.
  10. +1
    22 September 2021 07: 46
    American General: For America, the main military threat today is not China, it is Russia

    The American generals cannot decide in any way who exactly the US army should be considered the main military threat.

    We, or what, to explain to them, prompt ... they will figure it out themselves!
    Oh, yes, the decision will still not be in the Pentagon, in other offices, that's for sure.
  11. +3
    22 September 2021 08: 06
    Above the 66th parallel, even if the Americans or the Chinese conduct their Northern Sea Route, let them mine whatever they want there. And the current NSR passes through the seas of the Arctic Ocean, part of which, up to the 66th parallel, is the territorial waters of Russia or the waters of the exclusive economic zone of Russia. And let the American rejoice that according to Russian laws corresponding to international law, Russia will be allowed to pass through its NSR, and even by Russian icebreakers. And if an American wants to navigate his warships across the Arctic Ocean, then please make your NSR above the 66th parallel and not along the territory of the Arctic Ocean seas, the water area of ​​which is the territory of Russia. Is there such ice above the 66th parallel that no ice drift will break them? Well then, America has nothing to do in the Arctic if it does not agree with what Russia is still nobly allowing it ...
    This is my amateurish opinion, but I would like it to be so! Or maybe it is already so?
  12. +4
    22 September 2021 08: 13
    For America, the main military threat today is not China. It's Russia.

    For the Anglo-Saxons, Russia has never been a threat, but they want to profit at the expense of Russia, therefore, starting with Ivan the Terrible, they are trying to destroy it. And where is this America, this half-submerged aircraft carrier for Russia to threaten. Russia brings the world a light, human, divine, unlike the Anglo-Saxons, bringing evil, destruction, hunger to the world and its peoples. Here is the confrontation between light and dark.
  13. +1
    22 September 2021 08: 46
    The main military threat to the United States is the United States itself.
  14. 0
    22 September 2021 08: 48
    Russians are coming !!!!!! ..... vzhzhzhiu ... boommm !!!!!!)))
  15. -1
    22 September 2021 10: 19
    In the PRC, on TV, the presenters do not declare joyfully and proudly for the state how they can turn the United States into nuclear ashes at once; do not call for merciless punishment of the accursed imperialism of the United States. Xi does not entertain amusing cartoons in a full concert hall with enthusiastic spectators, as the hypersonic missiles of the valiant People's Liberation Army fly directly to the city of Washington.
  16. 0
    22 September 2021 11: 12

    For America, the main military threat today is not China. It's Russia. And in this regard, China is a long-term existential threat to our Motherland. But today it is Russia.
    This is a correct conclusion, as it is and will be so as long as the United States does not cease to be a threat to Russia. am
  17. -2
    22 September 2021 11: 30
    By and large, America's enemy is China. People, the desire to work and live well, plus a civilizational impulse in the form of communist ideology, this is modern China. That Russia is two steps back into wild capitalism. All our millionaires and billionaires are traitors to their homeland and their compatriots. Recently, Lavrov said that we will not protect our citizens by force. Let his tongue dry up and rot under his nails after such words. Second Gorbachev.
    The Arctic protects itself. Frost, polar night will drive out to the mainland anyone except the original inhabitants of the Chukchi, Nganasans, Evenks and about 100 other tribes. Are there many white people in Alaska?
  18. 0
    22 September 2021 12: 23
    Well, how can you "change your favorite enemy"! She is such nostalgia - she does not let go.
  19. +1
    22 September 2021 12: 49
    All the historically patterns of an attack on Rusiu in the near future are here on the face.
    More from Napoleon, through WWII and at the end of WWII.
    Created a new anti-Russian Nazi on the border of Rusia Natsike Ukraine. (During the Napoleonic period they created Rumune)
    Poland was directed against Russia and Belarus.
    Fried in the Balkans in Bosnia and Kosovo (PMV)
    In the far east, the Japanese are militarily raised to anti-Russian sentiments.
    Turks flirt around Crim and show interest and no sense in the Caucasus and the Balkans (WWII, WWII)
    NATO increases the quantity and quality of the army on the western and southwestern borders of Russia (WWII)
    Arctic new element has not yet taken advantage of this direction, but the threat was in the times of the colder war and based on Greenland.
    So the American general simply wishes that an army group and striking force would be in his direction.
    Resources are also limited in the United States, and no one from the generals wants his direction to be missed and destroyed.
    If they think that no one in the General Staff of RUSSIA will tell you that they are no longer prepared to measure the answer, then they are stupid than I thought.
    Hitler mocked that he was at war with Britain and that he had an agreement with Stalin, so that the element of a surprise attack existed, today a sudden attack cannot exist, everything is clear and understandable even beyond the sign of the ludi.
    1. +1
      22 September 2021 13: 39
      There is a lot of danger here and I have already written that they can easily use nuclear weapons, they don’t know how to fight in another way? !
  20. 0
    22 September 2021 19: 06
    The USA will rush between the two countries and will not have time to reach the toilet, they will put it in their pants.
  21. 0
    22 September 2021 20: 39
    For America, the main military threat today is not China, it is Russia
    That's the same!
  22. 0
    23 September 2021 05: 50
    The biggest military threat to the United States is the United States itself. And when will the nuclear club be taken away from this monkey?
  23. 0
    23 September 2021 12: 42
    Ugh you. Every year the same thing. The budget is being sawed.

    I think our Department of Defense needs to hire lobbyists in the United States. If the American military industry needs news feeds to conclude new contracts, okay. Then let them sponsor military campaigns of our ships, patrol sorties of missile carriers and other promotions. Business is, well.
  24. 0
    23 September 2021 18: 41
    America must understand that Russia will not give up its rights to anyone. Russia will always be strong!
  25. 0
    24 September 2021 07: 00
    As long as we don’t let them get away with snot, they themselves are unlikely to climb, they’ll find some scum.