Klimkin: After Putin, there will be someone even worse for Ukraine


Ukrainian politicians, as practice shows, often express much greater concern about the state of affairs in Russia than in Ukraine. In particular, the Ukrainian "elites" are concerned about who will be the next president of the country in the Russian Federation, who will replace Vladimir Putin.

It turns out that Pavel Klimkin, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, has been concerned with such problems for a year. On the air of one of the Ukrainian channels, he said that "he does not know for sure about the existence of any specific plan of Putin," but at the same time assumes that "the Union State with Belarus will be imprisoned."

According to Klimkin, after that "they together will try to take into the structure of Lugansk and Donetsk, and then break off other territories from Ukraine."

At the same time, the former head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said that Ukraine should not hope that “after Putin, someone better will come”. According to Klimkin, he does not see a single pro-Ukrainian politician in Russia.

Pavel Klimkin:

And after Putin there will be someone even worse for Ukraine.

Against this background, in Ukraine, President Zelensky created a working group to "oppose the commissioning of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline." The very fact of creating such a group makes you shrug your shoulders, because in recent years they have been insisting in Kiev that they can do just fine without Russian gas. And when the prospect of buying not an invented "reverse" gas loomed before the Ukrainian authorities, but real gas that came from Russia to Europe not through the Ukrainian GTS ".
91 comment
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  1. +8
    17 September 2021 05: 53
    Klimkin: After Putin, there will be someone even worse for Ukraine

    If only for Russia this choice was not worse! Yes
    1. +13
      17 September 2021 06: 07
      Quote: ROSS 42
      And after Putin there will be someone even worse for Ukraine.

      They themselves wrote out the summons for Shoigu, so he will come ... But not alone! Yes
      1. +6
        17 September 2021 06: 14
        Against this background, in Ukraine, President Zelensky has created a working group to "oppose the commissioning of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline."

        This already shows the flawedness of the Ukrainian president and government. How much worthless you have to be, that would first get angry with the supplier, and then not try to establish relations, but on State level to create a group to counter a commercial organization ...
        Well, Klimkin was even thrown out of the flawed team, there's nothing to talk about laughing
        1. +4
          17 September 2021 06: 32
          Quote: Mitroha
          How worthless you have to be in order to get angry with the supplier first, and then not try to improve relations, but at the state level create a group to counteract a commercial organization ...

          According to the trading data on Wednesday, the gas price per thousand cubic meters. in the European market exceeded $ 900.

          At the same time, NAK Naftogaz states that they continue to pump gas into underground storage facilities, despite such prices. It is necessary to accumulate 19 billion cubic meters of fuel for the heating season.

          Dear Vitrenko, who will pay for this business? What the fuck are 19 lard cubic meters at $ 900 per thousand?
          From the ukrov media ...
          1. +1
            17 September 2021 09: 44
            And yesterday I listened to the puppies on their TV shouting about a contract with a purchase price for them already at 1200 "kopecks" from the "reverse" of their native Germanism. And the Germans themselves are still not enough, so "for a small share" it seems like they agreed to help the Banderzyans
            1. +4
              17 September 2021 11: 02

              Quote: akarfoxhound
              here "for a small share" it seems like they agreed to help the Banderzians

      2. +3
        17 September 2021 07: 44
        They are the same age as Putin. The difference is 2 years. And you need such a successor? wassat
      3. 0
        17 September 2021 10: 55
        Pavel Klimkin:
        And after Putin there will be someone even worse for Ukraine.

        With this I agree, Klimkin thought correctly, the era of the Khrushchevs, Brezhnevs, Gorbachevs and Yeltsins, I want to believe, has sunk into history. Such a disgrace will never be lived through.
        1. 0
          17 September 2021 20: 50
          Well, let's say you mentioned Brezhnev in vain in a company with Khrushchev and Gorbachev.
          1. 0
            17 September 2021 20: 53
            And what is Brezhnev remarkable for. I respect him as a participant in the war, a front-line soldier. Under him, the party and thieves' raspberries blossomed, or am I wrong?
    2. -6
      17 September 2021 06: 45
      laughing if only there was no war, if only there was no war laughing laughing and mrot 12000r laughing
      1. 0
        17 September 2021 10: 59
        And what bothered you so much, or you deserve more, say thank you for that too.
    3. -7
      17 September 2021 07: 22
      Quote: ROSS 42
      If only for Russia this choice was not worse!

      Do you think he can be better than Putin? And what would be the answer to this question, firmly convinced that the character has no alternative? If not Putin, then who? Is it possible someone better?

      And here I agree with the guards - it won't be better... Well, whom can the so-called inner circle choose, oligarchs cronies? Only the same - protecting the interests of the oligarchs exclusively. And they have something to lose.

      The only dilemma is whether this chosen one of the oligarchs will be able to be a tough dictator and further tighten the screws? If not, it will be like Medvedev, it will bend to the West.

      For the people, both options are bad. And for the oligarchs, both are acceptable.
      1. -1
        17 September 2021 07: 30
        Quote: Stas157
        Do you think he might be better than Putin?

        My line does not concern this character at all. Directly "deaf phone", some kind:
        After Putin, there will be someone even worse for Ukraine

        Quote: ROSS 42
        If only for Russia this choice was not worse!

        Quote: Adimius38
        if only there was no war, if only there was no war and a minimum of 12000 rubles

        Quote: Stas157
        Do you think he can be better than Putin?

        Quote: Pessimist22
        Will Putin be after Putin?

        Logically, the following message should be:
        Why do you think Putin is worse than Klimkin?
        stop My opinion is similar to:
        Quote: Mitroha
        When the name of Klimkin is mentioned in the world after the name of Vanga, even then, in his forecasts, he will not hit the sky with his finger.
      2. +1
        17 September 2021 08: 02
        Quote: Stas157
        can this chosen one of the oligarchs

        Is there a worthy candidacy that does not depend on the oligarchs?
        1. -10
          17 September 2021 08: 17
          Quote: Serg65
          Is there a worthy candidacy that does not depend on the oligarchs?

          On the pre-election clearing? Of course not. The Grudinins and Platoshkins will simply not be allowed to the elections.

          They won't let you miss. We will choose from those whom the authorities themselves will propose. Or clowns and girls like Sobchak, or the Kremlin's henchman.
          1. +11
            17 September 2021 08: 20
            Those. you think Grudinin and Platoshkin are candidates, free and not dependent on the oligarchs, and therefore they are not allowed into power .... did I understand correctly?
            1. -9
              17 September 2021 09: 05
              Quote: Serg65
              Those. you consider Grudinin and Platoshkin as candidates, free and not dependent on the oligarchs

              Do you think differently? Do you think that their oligarchs have chosen for themselves? And then they took them and did not allow them to participate in the elections!))
              1. +4
                17 September 2021 10: 50
                Well .. let's forget Grudinin, a person who stepped on the same rake is not interesting to me. Platoshkin, this is an interesting type ... who finances Platoshkin, where does Nikolai Nikolaevich's money come from? Well, okay, I sold my place in the Moscow City Duma to Mitelsky, but this is still not enough for all his advertising ... where is the money from?
                1. -3
                  17 September 2021 15: 08
                  Quote: Serg65
                  forget Grudinin, a man who stepped on the same rake I'm not interested

                  Thank God you are not alone in Russia! By the way, what is the rake? What are you talking about?

                  Quote: Serg65
                  where is the money from?

                  What money does Platoshkin have? Either they make Grudinin a super-rich oligarch, now they strive for Platoshkin!

                  Quote: Serg65
                  but this is still not enough for all his advertising

                  Why does Platoshkin need advertising? Everyone knows him without advertising! You know him. Is it from advertising? No.
                  So there is no need to invent anything here.
                  1. 0
                    20 September 2021 07: 21
                    Quote: Stas157
                    what a rake?

                    Foreign bank accounts.
                    Quote: Stas157
                    What money does Platoshkin have?

                    So I'm wondering ... who is investing in it, Stas?
                    Quote: Stas157
                    Grudinin is made a super-rich oligarch

                    laughing Well, let it be for example .... a wealthy bum!
                    Quote: Stas157
                    Everyone knows him without advertising!

                    laughing Still, the whole YouTube is littered with Nikolai Nikolayevich's videos ... you claim that all these videos, filmed on a professional basis, and not a camera from a phone, cost nothing and were filmed by altruists?
                    Quote: Stas157
                    no need to invent anything here

                    What is there to invent if I see with my own eyes how a fighter "for our and your freedom" is mediocrely molded from a Kozyrev diplomat!
        2. 0
          17 September 2021 09: 46
          Yes of course. In an almost 150 million country, you cannot find a strong statesman apart from Putin ... And on the topic of the article .. I don’t understand at all why pay attention to the dwarf when he was a former minister.
          1. +3
            17 September 2021 11: 39
            Quote: 210ox
            a country of almost 150 million people cannot find a strong statesman besides Putin

            Let's find together, I do not mind!
            Quote: 210ox
            And on the topic of the article.

            I do not consider it necessary to discuss the nonsense of Ivan, who does not remember his kinship!
            1. +1
              17 September 2021 14: 47
              Quote: Serg65
              Let's find together, I do not mind!

              To do this, you need to have access to information from banks and the Federal Tax Service. Otherwise, all this is speculation.
              1. 0
                20 September 2021 07: 25
                Quote: Hagen
                Otherwise, all this is speculation.

                But the people above claim that for 150 million, actually 50% of worthy leaders of Russia can be found!
        3. -1
          17 September 2021 09: 52
          Quote: Serg65
          Is there a worthy candidacy that does not depend on the oligarchs?

          There! Yes But she lies in the mausoleum ...
          1. +2
            17 September 2021 10: 51
            Quote: akarfoxhound
            she lies in the mausoleum

            what Why did Stalin put it there?
      3. +1
        17 September 2021 11: 10
        The only dilemma is whether this chosen one of the oligarchs will be able to be a tough dictator and further tighten the screws? If not, it will be like Medvedev, it will bend to the West.

        And where are the nuts tightened, give an example. In the same Zap. Everything is much tougher in Europe and America and their leaders are the most democratic in the world. And I consider this a flaw in our executive and legislative branches. A separate word about D. Medvedev: nothing can be entrusted to him.
    4. 0
      17 September 2021 10: 13
      So it will be better for Russia.
  2. -2
    17 September 2021 05: 54
    Will Putin be after Putin? smile
    1. 0
      17 September 2021 06: 16
      When the name of Klimkin is mentioned in the world after the name of Vanga, even then, in his forecasts, he will not hit the sky with his finger.
  3. +2
    17 September 2021 05: 55
    So the easiest way is to look for nasty things from a neighbor, and live up to your ears in the village ...
    1. +10
      17 September 2021 06: 14
      They have a life principle: "Let your neighbor devour, otherwise you have nothing to shit under your door!"
      1. 0
        17 September 2021 06: 40
        Not an eyebrow but an eye! A very accurate statement.
        Keep the plus from me.
  4. +4
    17 September 2021 05: 58
    Klimkin: After Putin, there will be someone even worse for Ukraine
    I just want to remind, especially "gifted", that .... all their troubles, it is they THEMSELVES, only THEMSELVES!
    No, they don't understand, THERE IS NOTHING ...
    1. +1
      17 September 2021 06: 26
      this is especially true in light of recent events (see below) ....
      1. +1
        17 September 2021 06: 34
        I just want to use the chip there, which "replaces" any evidence, justification, EVERYONE KNOWS / SAYS / SEEN that they have skipped their brains or drank away !!! This is at the bottom, of course, the upper ones are BUSY, chopping greens and ... stacking / storing where necessary.
    2. 0
      17 September 2021 06: 31
      Klimkin is right: after Putin, the next president will definitely be worse for Ukraine. Putin sincerely considers Ukrainians to be brothers to the Russian people, he suffers from Ukrainophilia, and always acts for the sake of Ukraine to the detriment of Russia's interests. If there were another person in the presidency of Russia, then Ukraine did not exist already, and thanks to Putin, Russia still maintains this Bender and Russophobic state.
      1. +4
        17 September 2021 06: 42
        Russia still maintains this Bender and Russophobic state.

        Let me correct you: the residents of Bender seem to have nothing to do with it, but the Banderites (followers of Stepan Bandera) ...
        1. -3
          17 September 2021 06: 46
          Quote: Nexcom
          Let me correct you: the residents of Bender seem to have nothing to do with it, but the Banderites (followers of Stepan Bandera) ...

          Residents of Bendery are Bendery and Bendery. Bendera's followers are the followers of Hitler's lackey and executioner Stepan Bender.
          1. +2
            17 September 2021 06: 57
            always and everywhere I read that his last name was Bandera ...
            1. -1
              17 September 2021 07: 14
              Isn't it Bender? I always thought it was through the "e".
              1. 0
                17 September 2021 07: 16
                Nuuu, see for yourself in tyrnete, please.
                no, of course, I admit that Bandera through A may be the Russian transliteration of Bender's surname, but to be honest, I did not come across any such information about the Russian spelling of this surname ...
              2. 0
                17 September 2021 07: 32
                Quote: Kot_Kuzya
                Isn't it Bender? I always thought it was through the "e".

                I do not understand what is the subject of the dispute?
                Evaluate, USUALLY, it is the actions-deeds, especially if they do not disagree with the words ...
                1. 0
                  17 September 2021 07: 42
                  the subject of discussion is that I read that the inhabitants of Bendery type are offended when they are screwed to Bandera because of the incorrect spelling of the name of Bandera through the "e". although it may be an internet duck.
                  1. 0
                    17 September 2021 07: 50
                    So the inhabitants of Bender can be understood, especially those for whom Banderstan, in their native land, is not the ultimate dream ...
                    But after all, someone who knows how to think can understand that phonetic errors can be, for various reasons, and do not cancel the rules that we evaluate by CASE ...
      2. 0
        17 September 2021 07: 29
        Quote: Kot_Kuzya
        after Putin, the next president will definitely be worse for Ukraine.

        Is not a fact. Depends only on themselves ...
      3. +1
        17 September 2021 08: 04
        Quote: Kot_Kuzya
        thanks to Putin, Russia still maintains this Bender and Russophobic state.

        How is this content expressed?
        1. -1
          17 September 2021 08: 49
          Quote: Serg65
          How is this content expressed?

          The fact that Russia still trades with Ukraine, still sells electricity to Ukraine, still sells gasoline and diesel fuel, which are used by the military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, so far Russia has not introduced a visa regime with Ukraine, even after the opening of JV-2 , Russia will continue to transit gas through Ukraine only so that the Ukrainians have something to maintain their gas transportation system.
          1. 0
            17 September 2021 11: 36
            Quote: Kot_Kuzya
            The fact that Russia is still trading with Ukraine

            Does the state trade? Or unprincipled citizens of Russia?
            Quote: Kot_Kuzya
            Russia has not introduced a visa regime with Ukraine

            Introduce what would complicate the departure of Ukrainians loyal to Russia to leave Ukraine?
            Quote: Kot_Kuzya
            Russia will continue gas transit through Ukraine

            Have you heard anything about the EU's third energy package?
            1. +2
              17 September 2021 11: 56
              Quote: Serg65
              Does the state trade? Or unprincipled citizens of Russia?

              And what prohibits Putin from banning trade with Ukraine? Close the border and that's it. Entry and exit only for individuals with a visa to cross the border.
              Quote: Serg65

              Introduce what would complicate the departure of Ukrainians loyal to Russia to leave Ukraine?

              And what do we care about the Ukrainians? These are foreign citizens, and I, for example, do not care deeply about their problems. As the saying goes, the sheriff does not care about the problems of the Indians.
              Quote: Serg65
              Have you heard anything about the EU's third energy package?

              By the end of 2024, Russia will pump at least 45 billion cubic meters of gas through Ukraine so that Ukrainians can maintain their gas transportation system. Does Russia need it? Do not. But for Mr. Putin, the interests of Ukraine are more important than the interests of Russia.
              1. -1
                17 September 2021 12: 42
                Quote: Kot_Kuzya
                Close the border and that's it. Entry and exit only for individuals with a visa to cross the border.

                Parubiy, by the way, agrees with you and calls for the same!
                Quote: Kot_Kuzya
                By the end of 2024, Russia will pump at least 45 billion cubic meters of gas through Ukraine so that Ukrainians can maintain their gas transportation system

                Those. you do not know about the EU conditions!
                Quote: Kot_Kuzya
                Does Russia need this?

                laughing The main thing is that you personally do not need this, the need of Russia in this case is the tenth thing!
                Quote: Kot_Kuzya
                But for Mr. Putin, the interests of Ukraine are more important than the interests of Russia.

                what Is the saucepan not tight?
                1. -3
                  17 September 2021 12: 46
                  Quote: Serg65
                  Parubiy, by the way, agrees with you and calls for the same!

                  Parubiy is sick in his head, but in this he is right. It is high time to introduce a visa regime with Ukraine, otherwise they come to us as if to their home. It's time to stop this!
                  Quote: Serg65

                  The main thing is that you personally do not need this, the need of Russia in this case is the tenth thing!

                  Well, yes, the interests of Ukraine, according to Mr. Putin, are much more important than the interests of Russia.
                  Quote: Serg65
                  Is the saucepan not tight?

                  I am not Ukrainian, I am a citizen of Russia, and I am unhappy with Putin's overly soft policies towards Ukraine, which is a deeply hostile country towards Russia. The enemy must be crushed, and not lisp with him and feed him!
                  1. 0
                    18 September 2021 16: 38
                    Quote: Kot_Kuzya
                    The enemy must be crushed, and not lisp with him and feed him!

                    I think it's too late to press, here at least put peacekeepers along the line of demarcation, so that people in the LDNR can live and work peacefully.
              2. +1
                17 September 2021 14: 21
                Quote: Kot_Kuzya

                By the end of 2024, Russia will pump at least 45 billion cubic meters of gas through Ukraine so that Ukrainians can maintain their gas transportation system. Does Russia need it? Do not. But for Mr. Putin, the interests of Ukraine are more important than the interests of Russia.

                This is politics. If we had not concluded a contract for pumping this volume by the end of 2024, then SP-2 would still have been built, and perhaps not built from the word "in general" ..
          2. 0
            17 September 2021 19: 32
            Why don't we need to trade with them, making money on them?
            We need to support the LPR for something. Why earning loot on Ukrainians not to let this loot partly on it?
            Who will be worse from the fact that tomorrow we stop trade with Ukraine?
            Ukraine? Well, maybe.
            But for sure, millions of citizens of the Russian Federation will definitely be worse off.
            Why suffer even more over Ukraine?

            And regarding the continuation of transit through Ukraine - yes, we must continue, if it is generally more advantageous for the Russian Federation than stopping the transit.
            to Ukraine or any other state in the world. There is the Russian Federation and there are its interests. The rest is irrelevant.
            1. -5
              17 September 2021 22: 53
              Quote: Denis812
              Why don't we need to trade with them, making money on them?

              According to your logic, the USSR had to trade with Hitler during the war? Selling oil, tungsten and nickel to Hitler, which Germany lacked to produce gasoline for aircraft and tanks, sub-caliber shells and better viscosity of tank armor? Ugh! It is precisely because of people like you, for whom a penny is more important than the interests of the country, that they are wiping their feet on us.
              1. +2
                17 September 2021 23: 09
                You are comparing incomparable. :)
                Show me who declared war on Ukraine in Russia
                Or show me the state act of Ukraine defining the status of the war with the Russian Federation
                That's bad luck - there is no such thing

                And if not, then there is no need to play the fool and play these games about the alleged war.
                Our task is to bury Ukraine economically and politically.
                So we need to pump out everything that is possible from it.
                And if it can be done through trade, then OK.
                1. +1
                  18 September 2021 00: 26
                  Quote: Denis812
                  You are comparing incomparable. :)
                  Show me who declared war on Ukraine in Russia
                  Or show me the state act of Ukraine defining the status of the war with the Russian Federation
                  That's bad luck - there is no such thing

                  Aren't the Ukrainian leaders themselves, including presidents, prime ministers, ministers and speakers, screaming for 7 years that they are at war with Russia?
                  1. 0
                    19 September 2021 19: 06
                    You can scream anything.
                    There is no act of military action against each other on either side.
                    Countries are not at war.
                    The question is closed
      4. +10
        17 September 2021 12: 39
        after Putin, the next president will definitely be worse for Ukraine

        Yes, easily the next President can be someone more brutal
  5. +5
    17 September 2021 06: 13
    There is no svidomitam .... Themselves on the rampage, and then groan that they are going to attack. Provocateurs ...
    Actually, here's another piece of news:

    The Belarusian border sign was fired upon from the Ukrainian side.

    They do not dry out roofing felts there at all, or it is already time for each of them to attach an orderly from a psychiatric hospital for escort.

    PS I do not know how anyone, but personally I have "news" from / to Ukraine began to cause a gag reflex ...
    1. +2
      17 September 2021 08: 06
      The Ukrainian project after the 14th year is focused on a colossal distraction of attention and resources from R.F. What they successfully cope with, and our journalists are happy to poke their pen and mouse into this shit!
    2. +1
      17 September 2021 09: 22
      The Belarusian border sign was fired upon from the Ukrainian side.
      - Do you think it is worth banging Iskander asymmetrically in response?
  6. +3
    17 September 2021 06: 16
    Even people like Klimkin finally began to realize that in Russia someone like Navalny or someone else from the wormy "Yabloko" will not become president.
  7. +2
    17 September 2021 06: 26
    For Ukraine future - worse and worse...)
  8. +2
    17 September 2021 06: 31
    "Does not know exactly about the existence of any specific plan of Putin"
    The Americans do not know this, but how much to Klimkin. Ukraine needs to think not about who will be the next president in Russia, but how to get rid of Bandera and finally understand that it is simply necessary to maintain good, good-neighborly relations with Russia. But apparently they do not want to understand this from the word completely relying on the Americans (in Europe they are already disappointed).
  9. +5
    17 September 2021 06: 36
    According to Klimkin, he does not see a single pro-Ukrainian politician in Russia.

    Of course, you would like a second Khrushchev. But in Russia it is full
    "pro-Ukrainian" artists who earn here, and after returning,
    bark towards Russia. And our "patriots" of the Ministry of Culture have shut their eyes to this and continue to play Ukrainian films.
    1. +1
      17 September 2021 07: 02
      Quote: askort154
      And our "patriots" of the Ministry of Culture have shut their eyes to this and continue to play Ukrainian films.

      Too shy to remind - films twisted by those who bought them 5-10-15 years ago.
      The Ministry of Culture may prohibit their rental and display - but it will be completely Ukrainian
    2. 0
      17 September 2021 08: 41
      Quote: askort154
      But in Russia it is full
      "pro-Ukrainian" artists who earn here, and after returning,
      bark towards Russia.

      Having received the loot, they immediately begin to bark at the nursing hand, well, and the mentality.
    3. 0
      17 September 2021 08: 55
      That's for sure, in Ukraine, the channel would have been burned to the nationalists or fired at from a grenade launcher, as it was with Inter, if it showed Putin's serials, as Zelensky's serials are broadcast in the Russian Federation right now. However, no one bothers you to show your civic position by boycotts and rallies)
  10. +2
    17 September 2021 06: 38
    And why did the chugunkin say this so that he would not be forgotten? Let the long dock not worry, but there will be a place in the cell for him too.
  11. +3
    17 September 2021 06: 49
    According to Klimkin, he does not see a single pro-Ukrainian politician in Russia.
    And great.
    1. 0
      17 September 2021 08: 40
      Quote: Dart2027
      According to Klimkin, he does not see a single pro-Ukrainian politician in Russia.
      And great.

      And he doubts it, naive or stupid, Oryol boy with a Ukrainian tint.
  12. +6
    17 September 2021 06: 55
    If another person was at the helm, it would have been worse for Ukraine back in 2014. And with the fall of the first bomb in Donbass, it would have been much worse for them before Kiev
    1. +2
      17 September 2021 08: 01
      For them it is too difficult.
  13. 0
    17 September 2021 07: 55
    and Putin will not leave politics anywhere. And it is still unknown when Putin will be more free to collect the lands of Russia and recreate the new Empire of Russia - when he is now the President of Russia or when he will be the "gray cardinal" under the new President of Russia after Putin. In any case, many political forces in Russia now have claims to Putin precisely because of the stop after Crimea from returning Russian lands to Russia, for example, not returning White Rus and Little Russia to Russia so far.
    And why is this Klimkin so pleased with the photograph and smiles admitting that he did everything possible so that after Putin, someone even worse for Ukraine would come to Russia? It’s like now, in the European way, to put on a full pants of a liquid substance, but all you have to do is smile enough ..
  14. +1
    17 September 2021 08: 37
    And after Putin there will be someone even worse for Ukraine.

    Whoever was the president in Russia, from this Ukraine will not be better, she did everything that would be worse for herself, whoever was the president in Ukraine.
  15. +4
    17 September 2021 08: 57
    And after Putin there will be someone even worse for Ukraine.

    Come on. If you listen to and read ukroSMI, then ukrointsy never lived so well as under Putin ...
  16. +1
    17 September 2021 09: 04
    a working group was set up to “counteract the commissioning of the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline”. The very fact of creating such a group makes you shrug your shoulders,
    Germans ..
    It should be admitted that SP-2 is, in fact, a German gas pipeline. It is through it that the Germans plan to RECEIVE gas for their own development.
  17. +3
    17 September 2021 09: 04
    Basically, Putin is just incredibly soft on everything related to Ukraine. That is the problem. If from the very beginning they acted harshly, as in the case of South Ossetia in 2008, now in Kiev they would sit on the fifth point very evenly and would even be afraid to look askance in the direction of Donbass. And there would be no Western sanctions: in order not to provoke Russia into an escalation, the United States and Western Europe would prefer to let this thing go on the brakes.
    1. -1
      17 September 2021 16: 55
      What's incredible then? He can't act tough on the west
  18. +1
    17 September 2021 09: 42
    First sane thought from this clown.
  19. 0
    17 September 2021 09: 42
    The plan is not bad, but you have to start from the end. wink
  20. The comment was deleted.
  21. -1
    17 September 2021 16: 43
    After Putin will be Shoigu. Does it make it easier for you?
  22. 0
    17 September 2021 17: 50
    I wonder if Ukraine will be there by then? request
  23. -1
    18 September 2021 15: 59
    "he does not see a single pro-Ukrainian politician in Russia." - Still would! In our politics, there are no fascist underdogs and their miscarriages.
  24. 0
    18 September 2021 16: 30
    ) under the photo you can put an inscription - "life is good!"
  25. 0
    18 September 2021 16: 39
    I don't know how for Ukraine, but for Banderlog and Raguli it will definitely be worse, and even more so for people like Chugunkin. am
  26. 0
    18 September 2021 22: 03
    .. but what does he not know, that Shoigu is the president, and Lavrov is the chairman of the State Duma? Here's a secret .. Just look at the ratings of politicians and don't guess ...
  27. 0
    19 September 2021 12: 09
    Is Pan Klimkin sure that the 404 country will outlive Putin?