British press: Russians deliberately demonstrate footage of exercises where they fire near the border with Poland


The British press is evaluating the West-2021 exercises, which are being held at the training grounds in Russia and Belarus. Recall that the international military maneuvers started on September 10 and will end today - September 16. They involve contingents from several countries - in addition to Russia and Belarus, these are, for example, military personnel from Kazakhstan and India.

In the British edition of The Sun, the author categorically declares that in the course of these maneuvers, Russia "is practicing the invasion of the Baltics and Poland." According to the British observer, the participation of 200 thousand servicemen and more than 1000 units of various military equipment in the exercises "is not only alarming, but terrifying for the Russian neighbors."

From material in the British press:

The Russians deliberately demonstrate footage of the exercises, where they are firing near the Belarusian Brest, this is near the border with Poland. In Poland itself, this is perceived as a threat to their borders, to their national security.

Meanwhile, it became known that during the exercise, Russian troops are using improved air defense systems. So, at the test site near Nizhny Novgorod, the Strela-10MN air defense missile system was seen. This is a deep modernization of Soviet air defense systems. The anti-aircraft missile system, in the process of modernization, acquired, for example, thermal imaging systems and means for automatic "capture" and tracking of air targets.

In the West, they note that during the Zapad-2021 exercises, Russia is demonstrating its latest weapons, as well as the fact that it does not abandon the proven Soviet developments, "bringing them to the modern level with the help of retrofitting with new elements based on the experience of the participation of Russian troops in the fighting ”.
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  1. +21
    16 September 2021 06: 44
    British press: Russians deliberately demonstrate footage of exercises where they fire near the border with Poland
    We want and shoot! Why should we draw the curtains now so that the pshechnya does not see ?! If you don't like it, don't look! wassat
    1. +6
      16 September 2021 06: 52
      Quote: aszzz888
      If you don't like it, don't look!

      Like!!! Oh how you like it wassat It is profitable for them. They will complain to the "big brother", he will throw money under the military bases. And Sam himself benefits from developing budgets and inflating them to obscene proportions. Although it has long been indecent there
      1. +3
        16 September 2021 07: 29

        NDR-791 (Artyom)
        Today, 06: 52

        Quote: aszzz888
        If you don't like it, don't look!

        Like!!! Oh, how they like wassat It is profitable for them. They will complain to the "big brother", he will throw money under the military bases. And Sam himself is profitable - the development of budgets and their inflating to indecent sizes. Although it has long been indecent there
        So they also puffed up the lips and about extending the gas to themselves! laughing Refuse to renew the contract! laughing "In spite of granny, I'll frostbite my ears!" (C)
        Anecdote in the topic:
        An angry neighbor says to a neighbor - I'll burn your hay!
        Answer - So I have neither hay, nor a cow!
        Angry neighbor - I'll buy you a cow, mow hay and burn it anyway! wink
        1. +1
          16 September 2021 11: 41
          Quote: aszzz888
          Refuse to renew the contract! "In spite of granny, I'll frostbite my ears!" (C)

          Well, you haven't finished reading the news. They are going to sign a contract with Norway.
          1. +1
            16 September 2021 12: 00
            In the British edition of The Sun, the author peremptorily states that in the course of these maneuvers, Russia "is practicing the invasion of the Baltics and Poland."

            Let's get to know the Old "Kind" England!

            Britain would not be Britain if it dabout now and now traditionally provocatively would not add fuel to the fire of international relations between other countries.

            Add fuel to the fire (colloquial) - to sharpen some. hostile relationship, to promote the strengthening of some n. hostile feelings, moods.
      2. +3
        16 September 2021 08: 15
        Too shy to ask. And that the border of the noblemen already extends to the Gorokhovets camps, that is, the borders of the Nizhny Novgorod region? Looked at the geographic map. Yeah, so Moscow is yours again !!! What are we to do, to call the militia again? However, there is another version - while I was sleeping, Russia and Germany, with the participation of Lukashenka, again divided Poland. Warsaw is ours, Then, so to speak, Poland as part of the Russian Federation extends to the Pacific Ocean
        1. +1
          16 September 2021 08: 49

          mikh-korsakov (Mikhail)
          Today, 08: 15

          Too shy to ask. And that the border of the noblemen already extends to the Gorokhovets camps, that is, the borders of the Nizhny Novgorod region? Looked at the geographic map. Yeah, so Moscow is yours again !!! What are we to do, to call the militia again? However, there is another version - while I was sleeping, Russia and Germany, with the participation of Lukashenka, again divided Poland. Warsaw is ours, Then, so to speak, Poland as part of the Russian Federation extends to the Pacific Ocean
          They have their own Polish globe. wink And on it the Pshek cavalry rushes)) laughing with peaks at the ready from the Arctic to the Antarctic. laughing
      3. 0
        16 September 2021 12: 09
        So they themselves asked to look at the teachings with at least one eye! So here you are, looks
    2. +4
      16 September 2021 07: 28
      -where they fire near the border with Poland
      The Balts were "upset", however.
    3. +7
      16 September 2021 07: 29
      "The smell of gunpowder and the clang of iron. The roar of war from Russia and Belarus can be heard across our eastern border. Thousands of soldiers, hundreds of aircraft, helicopters, rocket launchers and tanks take part in the West-2021 maneuvers. The plans for the exercises disclosed suggest a war with ... Poland and Lithuania ", - quotes the British edition of The Sun Polish newspaper Fakt. The question is, why the hell did Poland surrender to us, and even more so Lithuania?
      1. +6
        16 September 2021 07: 32

        Zyablitsev (Eugene)
        Today, 07: 29

        “The smell of gunpowder and the clang of iron. The roar of war from Russia and Belarus can be heard across our eastern border. Thousands of soldiers, hundreds of planes, helicopters, rocket launchers and tanks are taking part in the West 2021 maneuvers. The disclosed plans for the exercises imply a war with ... Poland and Lithuania, "the British edition of The Sun quotes the Polish newspaper Fakt. The question is, why the hell did Poland surrender to us, and even more so Lithuania?
        Damn, they forgot to mention Svidomo - they are so waiting for our offensive from three sides, so they are waiting! All the waiters have already eaten! wink
        1. +5
          16 September 2021 07: 39
          Exactly! And even here the Western partners have managed to throw Nenko! laughing
          1. +3
            16 September 2021 07: 41

            Zyablitsev (Eugene)
            Today, 07: 39

            Exactly! And even here the Western partners have managed to throw Nenko! laughing
            Again, they will hit the binge! laughing
      2. +3
        16 September 2021 08: 00
        They distract the attention of their citizens from the shameful flight of the military from Afghanistan.
      3. +1
        16 September 2021 23: 17
        The question is, why the devil has surrendered to us ... Lithuania?

        And what about the corridor to Kaliningrad and Klaipeda? We will not take everything away ... bully
    4. +2
      16 September 2021 08: 49
      Quote: aszzz888
      Why should we draw the curtains now so that the pshechnya does not see ?! If you don't like it, don't look!

      They dig a hole and one figs will spy ... wink
    5. 0
      16 September 2021 09: 11
      The exercises have already ended, the troops are returning to the points of deployment, and they are still mumbling something.
    6. +1
      16 September 2021 11: 04
      Quote: aszzz888
      British press: Russians deliberately demonstrate footage of exercises where they fire near the border with Poland
      We want and shoot! Why should we draw the curtains now so that the pshechnya does not see ?! If you don't like it, don't look!
      It is unclear why the gentlemen from the West are so freaking out?
      But what happened a year ago on 02.03.2020/XNUMX/XNUMX:
      The largest NATO exercise in recent years, Defender Europe, kicked off in Poland. They will be attended by about 37 thousand soldiers from 18 countries, including 20 thousand American troops.
      Earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Moscow would react to NATO exercises. He noted that given the number of American troops and equipment that will be deployed in Europe, "any normal military" and "any normal politician" must understand the inevitability of retaliatory measures from Russia.
      On 23.11.2020 November 20, NATO's Tumak XNUMX international maneuvers are taking place in northeastern Poland to demonstrate the combat readiness and interoperability of allies in the region.
      Defender Europe 2020 Exercise in Poland © Richard Herman / Keystone Press Agency
    7. +4
      16 September 2021 11: 36
      Quote: aszzz888
      The Russians deliberately demonstrate footage of the exercises, where they fire at the border with Poland

      If they do not demonstrate the training footage, they will screech - "The Russians deliberately do not demonstrate training footage!"
  2. +4
    16 September 2021 06: 47
    Is it terrifying? This is right. There is no need to sharpen your teeth on Kaliningrad. Anyway, they spread out ... laughing
    1. +4
      16 September 2021 11: 39
      Quote: Mountain Shooter
      There is no need to sharpen your teeth on Kaliningrad. Anyway, they spread out ...

      Who else should sharpen their teeth on whom, only Russia has the right to Prussia and Pomerania by right of the winner.
  3. +13
    16 September 2021 07: 01
    I’m wondering what the diagnosis is called, when you shit with fear at the same time, but you continue to yell and poke a stick into the den? wassat
    1. +6
      16 September 2021 07: 20
      Quote from tarabar
      I’m wondering what the diagnosis is called, when you shit with fear at the same time, but you continue to yell and poke a stick into the den?

      Bipolar disorder.
    2. Cat
      16 September 2021 08: 17
      This is not a diagnosis, but an extreme treatment for constipation. And in relation to politics - the method of pulling the dough from taxpayers and wealthy allies.
  4. +3
    16 September 2021 07: 03
    In Poland itself, this is perceived as a threat to their borders, to their national security.

    So, what is next ? Will declare war on Russia? Of course not. Hyena does not attack alone.
  5. +2
    16 September 2021 07: 05
    categorically declares that in the course of these maneuvers Russia "is practicing the invasion of the Baltic States and Poland."
    The categorical nature of the British statements can be traced not only to our exercises, but also to everything that concerns Russia. Well, they are accustomed to the fact that they are "the ultimate truth" and will not get rid of it. Of course, we do not care deeply what another Anglo-Saxon observer says there. The main thing is that the potential enemy sees what the Russian army has and how well-coordinated and competently it interacts with its allies. And this is information for them for further reflection.
  6. +2
    16 September 2021 07: 21
    British press: Russians deliberately demonstrate footage of exercises where they fire near the border with Poland
    ... Well, that's right ... let them sit in their poopolita and don't blather where they don't need to.
    Every pug know where your fence is.
    1. +3
      16 September 2021 08: 49
      Good time! hi

      They scared themselves to the point of hiccups ...
      1. +1
        16 September 2021 09: 23
        Hello Victor soldier
        It's not interesting to talk about any mosecs ... everything is clear with them.
        Here are the arrogant from the islands, young people, as always!
        They incite, quarrel, or even just muck under the "door" thrown and voila !!! they quarreled among those who did not need it at all and did not need it at all, and then they themselves rake in the heat from the fire ... in extreme cases, they simply get high that various pugs and other fools are being conducted on their provocations.
        the Englishwoman crap ... she crap before, she will crap later.
  7. +2
    16 September 2021 07: 29
    It is strange that they did not say that the shooting was taking place near the British borders ...
    1. +2
      16 September 2021 07: 42

      svp67 (Sergey)
      Today, 07: 29
      It is strange that they did not say that the shooting was taking place near the British borders ...
      They will add, it's not too late! laughing
    2. +3
      16 September 2021 08: 03
      svp67 .....It is strange that they did not say that the shooting was taking place near the British borders ...

      They were already yelling.
      "The passage of a secret Russian ship across the English Channel has caused alarm in the UK." This is a reaction to the passage of our research vessel Yantar.
  8. +2
    16 September 2021 07: 54
    - Strikes terror into Russian neighbors ...
    Duc and great! So I see how our neighbors all sit together in horror in the toilets to the last and read this same "San". Its circulation is growing, and the paper is getting softer!
  9. -1
    16 September 2021 07: 56
    In Poland itself, this is perceived as a threat to their borders, to their national security.

    Well, okay, the Poles filled their diapers, and what little ones howled like mongrels? And I somehow did not see the border pillars of the Poles, maybe the small ones, as always, are fooling?
  10. +2
    16 September 2021 07: 57
    And where are the screams and screams about the exercises currently being conducted by the Poles near the borders of Belarus ???
    1. +1
      16 September 2021 08: 00

      Sergey39 (Sergey)
      Today, 07: 57
      And where are the screams and screams about the exercises currently being conducted by the Poles near the borders of Belarus ???
      So that is completely different! wink
  11. 0
    16 September 2021 08: 00
    This is the logic of the British press, as of the British scientists. Of course, consciously, the unconscious and the incredible happens only in Ukraine.
  12. Cat
    16 September 2021 08: 21
    demonstrate footage of exercises where they are firing

    What would they like to see? How courageous but kind soldiers take frightened kittens and Poles from trees? wassat
  13. 0
    16 September 2021 08: 28
    In fact, the logs have been fighting in the Donbas for 7 years and have been supplying weapons.
  14. 0
    16 September 2021 08: 31
    And we always act consciously. Let the Anglo-Saxons roam unconscious.
  15. 0
    16 September 2021 08: 36
    Are the British "worried" about the security of Poland? Strange ... From history it is known that England only betrayed her.
  16. +4
    16 September 2021 08: 48
    Just don't jump out of the windows ...
  17. 0
    16 September 2021 09: 23
    Poles piss with boiling water from the appearance of our Armed Forces, but why is there so much noise when these are international exercises. Maybe they are afraid of Indians and Kazakhs?
  18. 0
    16 September 2021 10: 02
    I would like to ask them. Are you crazy?
  19. 0
    16 September 2021 11: 51
    They are afraid, and they do the right thing. For nefig .. If necessary, Russia will fire, not only at the borders of Poland, but also off the coast of England. We got it already.
  20. 0
    16 September 2021 13: 02
    It is quite natural for Russia to have a plan in case of war. When the Balts joined NATO, were they not terrified of their future? Unfortunately, it is slowly reaching them.
  21. 0
    16 September 2021 18: 05
    200 servicemen and 000 pieces of military equipment. It turns out that 1000 people for 200 military equipment. Not enough technical avg.
  22. 0
    16 September 2021 21: 56
    Yes, deliberately. Yes, don't bother.
  23. 0
    16 September 2021 22: 11
    The Britons are worried. They are accustomed to pushing all this European rag-tag into another massacre. But the Britons have resource problems. There is no one else to rob, except for the Australian aborigines. They do not want to eat oatmeal during the day and in the evening, they need fried oatmeal. To play fried, they want to push the gentlemen and the Baltic pigs. Therefore, they pretend to be preoccupied and poke the Poles lower backs so that they move. Poland would be happy to play war, but it’s very scary, what if they’ll be divided again? Russians have a long-standing habit of pulling Rzeczpospolita onto the globe, then dividing it up. But the Germans made a stand - all of a sudden they would break off from a hyena, well, at least a tail.