At the Fukushima nuclear power plant, the alarm went off a month ago, but no measures were taken to prevent the leak


In connection with the leakage of large volumes of radioactive water from the territory of the damaged Japanese nuclear power plant Fukushima, an investigation was launched. The cause of the leak, as previously reported, was faulty filters. But how did it happen that with the total control of the situation at the nuclear power plant declared by Japanese experts, the filters turned out to be inoperative? Moreover, the very possibility of reacting to the identification of a malfunction was not provided.
All these questions were asked to the management of the company, which is the operator of the emergency nuclear power plant.

Officials acknowledged that the filters had already been changed twice before due to the fact that their service life expired earlier than planned. At the same time, recently, as noted by the Japanese press, the filters have not been changed. In fact, there was an admission that the company was well aware that overdue filters were being used for a certain period. This automatically led to the ingress of radioactive water into the ocean.

Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO) has repeatedly been caught in Japan for hiding information on the state of affairs at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. In particular, in February of this year, TEPCO concealed the fact of failure of two seismometers at one of the reactors. Then it turned out that the seismic sensors had not worked since at least December 2020 - about 2 months. Therefore, in the event of an earthquake, the station simply could not assess the risks.

Problems with 24 filters out of 25, as it turns out, the company discovered a month ago. And then, when the radioactive sludge was moved into special containers, an alarm was triggered, indicating the threat of infection. But the company did not take any measures.

Japan Nuclear Regulatory Commissioner Satoru Tanaka:

The company had to respond quickly to the problem to minimize the risk of radioactive water leaking into the environment. But this was not done.

TEPCO officials said that after the alarm was triggered, they monitored the situation, but did not identify any leak outside the perimeter.

Akira Ono, Head of TEPCO Fukushima Decommissioning Unit:

We regret. We will definitely improve the security management system.

They regret ... And that's all? .. The colossal harm to the environment was inflicted, the concealment of information about the threat was revealed, the use of inoperative filters was discovered, but the company again may not bear any responsibility.
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  1. +6
    15 September 2021 09: 47
    on the other hand, there is a lot of screaming about the possible pollution of nature by Russia.
    I wonder what Nobel laureate Greta Thunberg is silent about Fukushima? After all, the Japanese are killing the ocean!
    Or did she grab the prize and that's it - merged?

    Once again - double standards.
    oh well, yes, "we do not understand - this is completely different"
    1. +4
      15 September 2021 10: 03
      I wonder what Nobel laureate Greta Thunberg is silent about Fukushima?

      Perhaps the parents dragged the Nobel laureate to school.))
      1. +2
        15 September 2021 10: 04
        ... where she immediately grabbed twos (well, there is no time to study - it is necessary to fight for the environment), and now she was put in a corner and therefore she does not shine ...
    2. 0
      15 September 2021 10: 13
      Washes radioactive water on the US coast. And they are silent there as if they had been shot) Why are we boiling over there?)
      1. +1
        15 September 2021 10: 14
        maybe that's why amers kryshnyak and demolishes constantly?
        1. +1
          15 September 2021 10: 22
          They have, for example, a "radioactive garden". A hefty plot with plots planted with seeds of plants exposed to different doses of radiation. What if a supertree grows ?! So it is here. What if a superman is born on the coast, among cancer patients?)
      2. +1
        15 September 2021 11: 15
        There is a clockwise current. And, before reaching the US coast, the current carries all this crap along the Kuriles and Kamchatka.
        1. +1
          15 September 2021 23: 41
          Quote: boriz
          Before getting to the coast of the United States, the current carries all this crap along the Kuriles and Kamchatka

          No, he doesn't touch Kamchatka. Part of the Kuriles - yes.
    3. +1
      15 September 2021 10: 59
      It's just that the Japanese did not want to build new storage facilities, they have to redeem land for them, which is very expensive in Japan,
  2. +3
    15 September 2021 09: 50
    Japan is a threat to the ecology of the planet, the Americans will be the first to feel it, thanks to the mainstream. Here is Japan, as a locomotive of modern technologies. A capitalist is like that everywhere, I'm fine until someone gets caught by the hand. And in Japan there is the death penalty for environmental crimes. ?
    1. +5
      15 September 2021 09: 58
      Quote: tralflot1832
      So much for Japan, as the locomotive of modern technology.

      For twenty years it has been no longer a locomotive, from the word - completely ..
      1. +3
        15 September 2021 10: 01
        Our opposition has a locomotive! hi
    2. +2
      15 September 2021 10: 15
      "Fukushima" makes Russia eat pink salmon with radiation "
      Despite filter problems, Japan intends to dump contaminated water into the ocean.
      Article on "Free Press"
      1. +2
        15 September 2021 10: 20
        It is necessary to make the Japanese prime minister drink the Fukushima mineral water discharged into the Pacific Ocean. I think that China is working on this, and it didn’t stop us from joining them. Such a reason!
        1. +2
          15 September 2021 10: 24
          Quote: tralflot1832
          drink Fukushima mineral water

          And his entire study! China, South Korea are outraged, we alone are silent ... am
          1. 0
            15 September 2021 10: 29
            I forgot something about the office. If they become hibikusha, they will immediately remember who bombed them. Maybe ours are waiting for the results from the Chinese scientific expedition? We need facts. hi
            1. +2
              15 September 2021 11: 34
              Quote: tralflot1832
              to drink

              "Having drunk the developer by mistake - drink and fixer to bring the matter to the end!"
              Kozma Prutkov, engineering thought "No. 12 .....
              1. +1
                15 September 2021 11: 45
                And once in my childhood I mahanul, roofing felts or fixative. I remember that it was not tasty and lived up to 60 years old. And if both? drinks
                1. +2
                  15 September 2021 12: 21
                  Quote: tralflot1832
                  lived to 60 years

                  Would live to be 160! drinks
                  1. +2
                    15 September 2021 12: 22
                    Here I am about this? Such an experiment is unfinished! drinks
                    1. +2
                      15 September 2021 12: 31
                      Quote: tralflot1832
                      experiment unfinished!

                      It's too late my friend, it's too late to complain! sad
                      1. +2
                        15 September 2021 12: 44
                        Yes, the Nobel, rather the Shnobel Prize in the field of medicine skipped past me! what
    3. +1
      15 September 2021 10: 19
      Quote: tralflot1832
      Japan is a threat to the ecology of the planet

      That's why they are so eager to the Kuril Islands! They don't speak, they don't write, but they know for sure that soon everyone will have a kirdyk on their "territory"! It will be cleaner on the Kuriles.
      1. +2
        15 September 2021 10: 24
        I demand that the Fukushima Prefecture be taken away from Japan for international administration. hi
  3. +3
    15 September 2021 10: 02
    They regret ... And that's it? ..
    As always, as elsewhere ... the rich want more profits, less costs.
  4. +2
    15 September 2021 10: 06
    Where are Greenpeace and Greta? Where are the world's ecologists looking?
    1. +1
      15 September 2021 10: 07
      Greta is standing in the corner because of the twos at school ... she's not up to it yet.
      1. 0
        15 September 2021 12: 32
        And in this corner it slowly turns into Godzilla.
  5. +4
    15 September 2021 10: 14
    I was always surprised by the fact that the USSR eliminated the consequences of Chernobyl in the shortest possible time, carried out work to reduce radiation as much as possible, and here radiation is still merging into the ocean, no one sounds the alarm, no one condemns ...
    1. +1
      15 September 2021 10: 22
      Quote: Paul episkop
      I was always surprised by the fact that the USSR eliminated the consequences of Chernobyl in the shortest possible time, carried out work to reduce radiation as much as possible, and here radiation is still merging into the ocean, no one sounds the alarm, no one condemns ..

      Then the SOVIET PEOPLE worked, everything was amicable, and even then, people came back to health. And we are strangers, and Japan is our own. Draw conclusions
      1. +1
        15 September 2021 12: 18
        We also need to show respect to the Japanese. 200 kamikaze people were recruited to eliminate the consequences of the accident. With a life-long state boarding school for the families of liquidators. Information is closed, but I didn’t come across anything.
        1. 0
          15 September 2021 14: 39
          These are just rumors ... But in the USSR, compare the number of liquidators, the amount of costs, the scale of work .. And this was during the perestroika - draw your own conclusions.
          1. 0
            15 September 2021 15: 00
            Yes, we had heroes who worked removing debris on the roof of the reactor without protective equipment, and we remember them.
  6. +1
    15 September 2021 10: 19
    Fukushima babhnula due to Japanese pathological cowardice. The manifested level of unprecedented organizational and technological paralysis, when the shift simply abandoned the consoles and fled to the shelter, in the complete absence of any threats (the station did not suffer at all from an earthquake, typhoon or anything else, it simply fell to zero due to breakage of external cables, the situation is routine and standard) could not be taken into account by the American engineers who were building the station.
    Apparently, the situation is practically the same - we could not find people who would change the filters. Terrible. Well, it is likely that water purification is generally nonsense. And there they drive water along the contours as long as the pumps hold. Then the water is poured into the ocean, and the pumps are replaced with new ones. Also a very Japanese solution, so it is quite likely)
  7. The comment was deleted.
    1. +2
      15 September 2021 10: 46
      ... Japanese quality and Japanese pedantry ...

      this quality has been gone for a long time. and pedantry too.
      I was convinced myself several times:

      Xperia smartphones: there were 4 different models, three had yellow screens.
      Toshiba TV camera: a week later the screen died
      the brother-in-law on the new Toyote's suspension began to crumble (he did not drive through potholes) and the electronic engine control unit began to glitch

      so something like that ... I apologize for the offtopic.
  8. +2
    15 September 2021 10: 52
    We regret...
    From the first days after the accident, it was striking that the Japanese somehow sluggishly reacted to what happened. Then they apologized and bowed deeply countless times, and the nuclear power plant, both phonila and phonit, was poured into the ocean, the reaction to the consequences was weak, to say nothing of what. Didn't Hiroshima and Nagasaki teach anything? But they are fighting hard for the so-called. The "Northern Territories", which they care about more about radioactive contamination. Some kind of anime.
    1. +2
      15 September 2021 11: 19
      rather not anime, but fucking and do not care ... lol
  9. +2
    15 September 2021 11: 09
    In 1999, in Japan, at a plant for the production of nuclear fuel with. Tokay there was an accident with the death of 2 people. The reason was that the personnel mixed uranium oxide-oxide with nitric acid, and then transferred it to the buffer tank in ... buckets! belay fool
    And this is in the country with the most advanced robotics !!!
    Maybe they are there after Hiroshima completely lost fear of radiation ??
    Proof for doubters:
    1. 0
      15 September 2021 20: 08
      Quote: Sergey Mikhailovich Karasev
      In 1999, in Japan, at a plant for the production of nuclear fuel with. Tokay there was an accident with the death of 2 people. The reason was that the personnel mixed uranium oxide-oxide with nitric acid, and then transferred it to the buffer tank in ... buckets!

      The cruel world of cash. ©
      EMNIP, initially uranium oxide-oxide was mixed with nitric acid in a separate container and then went through the buffer tank to the main tank, and the volume of the incoming solution was strictly controlled. But the management decided to increase productivity - and the workers began mixing the components in a bucket and pouring them directly into the main tank. With low enrichment uranium, it rolled out. But one day, high-grade raw materials came to the plant, and after another bucket poured into the main tank, the solution flashed blue - a chain reaction began.
      1. -1
        16 September 2021 01: 54
        Nevertheless, in our country, for such, if I may say so, technology, the atomic supervision would have torn the management like a hot water bottle, and the plant would have been stopped.
  10. +1
    15 September 2021 11: 29
    So much for the rich West, in the sense of the East.
    So much for advanced technology.
    They made a mess, and there is not enough money, no will, no technology to wipe after themselves.
    However, here, too, a lot depends on the Americans, and the Japanese have never been people for cowboys.
  11. +1
    15 September 2021 13: 28
    There is nothing in the news about a leak, there is only a voiced risk of a leak. Where did the author get this from?
    The whole article is some kind of hype.