Polish press: "Lukashenka designated the attack of the USSR on Poland on September 17, 1939 as historical justice for the Belarusian people"


On the occasion of the upcoming holiday date, Alexander Lukashenko presented state awards and made a speech in which he especially noted the events historical chronicles. September 17, 1939. The words of the Belarusian leader did not go unnoticed in the Polish media.

Just think, if not for September 17, our country would not exist. On the map there will be only a scrap from the center of present-day Belarus to Mozyr ... in September 1939, everything changed, and we got our republic within the borders that we protect as holiness

- the Belarusian president is quoted in the online publication of the Polish media holding “Wirtualna Polska”.

In heading to news Lukashenka’s words were called “provocative”. The text also mentions that on September 17, 1939, "Soviet troops attacked Poland", while Lukashenka designated this day "an act of historical justice for the Belarusian people."

According to Polish journalists, 82 years ago, the Red Army "attacked Poland from the east." Then the Polish lands east of the Bug River "were included in the Belarusian and Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republics." This refers to one of the results of agreements between the USSR and Germany, which in Poland is called the "Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact."

As you know, in recent years, this document has been not so much the subject of research by scientists as a pretext for attempts to discredit and falsify history as part of revising the results of World War II.

In Russia, the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact is often called an argument for engaged ideological discussions of an anti-Russian and Russophobic nature. Judging by the numerous open sources, a different interpretation is being actively introduced on this topic in the states of the Western Bloc. The Polish authorities have many years of experience in this area.
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  1. +14
    15 September 2021 09: 51
    The Poles are sick of this day, but the questions are for their government, which fled on the sixteenth. And those who are dissatisfied with the Agreement should return the received lands.
    1. +8
      15 September 2021 10: 22
      and we got our republic within borders,

      From whom did you get it?

      This is a "republic" sucked from the thumb.
      Invented state.

      Russian lands.

      Belorussian, little Russian, Prussian and others - all this is Rus.
      1. +18
        15 September 2021 10: 28
        “But the most important thing is Belarus, and Kazakhstan as well, after all, they have always been under someone's whip ... Someone pushed us, someone tried to bring us to their knees. Especially in Belarus "

        “The Patriotic War of 1812, Napoleon walked to Moscow and returned back through Belarus. Everything was plundered, everything was destroyed. Then the First World War. We got to the point that only a narrow strip remained of Belarus - part of the eastern provinces went to Russia, and to Minsk they went to Poland under the Riga Treaty. Then the Second World War, we have the Great Patriotic War. Belarus was completely wiped off the face of the earth. These were not our wars... We, nevertheless, sipped grief "

        This is how they rewrite history.
        It turns out that some state of Belarus existed before the First World War.
        He lies and does not blink an eye.
        1. +8
          15 September 2021 10: 39
          In vain Russia did not erase and allowed education to exist like Poland.
          1. +4
            15 September 2021 14: 54
            The modern West is trying to silence and distort the history of WWII, rewrite the history of the Great Patriotic War of the peoples of the USSR
            Moreover, the REWRITING of WWII history by the West has come to the point that its apologists claim that the USSR allegedly attacked Poland not on September 17, 1939 (when both the government of Poland and its Air Force squadrons were already in fact abroad - they betrayed Poland), and attacked together with Germany and one day, namely, allegedly September 1, 1939.

            Meanwhile WWII began precisely with the Munich Agreement of the Western powers with Hitler. Namely.
            - On September 30, 1938, in Munich, three prime ministers and one Reich Chancellor signed the Munich Agreement, in which Chamberlain, Daladier, Mussolini and Hitler agreed on the transfer of the Sudetenland to Germany by Czechoslovakia. At the same time, Poland received its share from Czechoslovakia, having introduced its troops there.

            - September 1, 1939 - Germany attacked Poland.
            - On September 3, France declared war on Germany.
            - On September 17, the USSR entered the territory of Poland.
            - On October 6, 1939, Poland as the "hyena of Europe" was then done away with.
            But, as we see now, historically it turned out to be only TEMPORARY. Nazi IMPERIAL national revanchism in Poland is now flourishing and flourishing.

            Munich Agreement. Documentary. 30 Aug Dec 2019
            1. +2
              15 September 2021 15: 21
              Poland by September 1, 1939 was not a victim, but the main instigator and accomplice of Western fascism in the Second World War.

              Poland is a hyena of Eastern Europe. Jan 10 Feb 2020
              1. +2
                15 September 2021 16: 01
                Unfortunately, the historically xenophobic Nazism of Poles, as such as degenerates of humanity even before WWII, serves as an example and finds support from the President of Ukraine Zelensky, a Jew by nationality, and his Nazi entourage even greater than that of Angela Merkel - a long-term chancellor in Germany itself! Namely, see the video.

                Jacob Kedmi SPARES the statements of the "geek" Zelensky! Hard broadcast! A week ago.
                1. -1
                  16 September 2021 09: 22
                  Of course, Poland has been competing with us since the days of feudal fragmentation in Russia, and even earlier (debatable). There were times that were very successful for them. Yes, they are not tolerant, as we are by the way (in comparison with the French today, for example) But Nazism ?? I consider this to be a strong exaggeration. It has its drawbacks (especially from our point of view). But healthy nationalism is still far from Nazism. In general, the Russians and the Poles could get along under certain conditions. And history has provided such chances more than once. The whole question is in the interests of the "elites" of our countries. And Kedmi, no matter how smart he is, works for his people. And it stands for the interests of the diaspora of its people in the territories of other countries. ... Russians can also give examples of how they were destroyed by the German Nazis (numerically huge losses and sophisticated executions), and Poles can say this about Russians and vice versa. However, modern Germans are not Nazis, like modern Poles, like Russians.
            2. +1
              15 September 2021 15: 28
              Let the Polish hyena bite its tail out of anger. Anyway, their tantrums won't change anything! Yes
        2. +1
          15 September 2021 12: 36
          What he was, so he remained. People do not change, but only adapt to the prevailing circumstances. Was rotten, and he will be to the end.
        3. +4
          15 September 2021 12: 46
          World War II began in Europe with the occupation of Czechoslovakia by the Third Reich and Poland.
          According to Jacob Kedmi, the Poles killed 400 Jews without any German fascists.
          Poland is to blame for the outbreak of WWII and the Holocaust. The bills have not yet been paid.
          And I am also genocide against Russian prisoners of war of the Red Army in the 1920s.
          And also the 500-year-old genocide of Russians in White and Little Russia.
          To pay off these debts, the whole of Poland must be sold, and the entire population must be made slaves forever.
      2. -1
        15 September 2021 10: 36
        Why then did these lands fall apart with the fall of the Russian Empire? Since this is one land?
        1. +1
          15 September 2021 10: 39
          The lands did not crumble.
          Moreover, bickering over these lands is still going on.

          And most importantly, no one asks the people of these lands.
          In Ukraine, people are forced to learn surzhik.
          In Belarus, the population speaks Russian. This is their NATIVE language. So they are Russians.

          In the Tribaltic, the people are forbidden to speak their native language - Russian.

          All fictitious "republics" are trying to ban Russians at the legislative level.

          So that you, the Cat, are mistaken.

          A handful of politicians make millions of people abandon their families for loot.

          Sadly, they do it. And the Russian Foreign Ministry is, as usual, "preoccupied" and enjoying life.
          1. +4
            15 September 2021 10: 44
            Then maybe it's worth studying history? How Russia grew in land. But in fact it does not matter, peoples migrate voluntarily or forcibly. And the land becomes those who can capture and hold it.
            1. 0
              15 September 2021 10: 49
              Quote: Darkesstcat
              Then maybe it's worth studying history? How Russia grew with lands

              Take care.
              It will be useful.

              About ancient ukrov, ancient kazakhs and other ancients ...
              1. +2
                15 September 2021 10: 53
                As for the language, Colombians speak Spanish, This is their NATIVE language. So they are Spanish?
                1. 0
                  15 September 2021 11: 34
                  Quote: Darkesstcat
                  Colombians speak Spanish, This is their NATIVE language

                  and Americans are English
                  I think that this approach is not applicable to the former colonies
      3. -3
        15 September 2021 11: 02
        Quote: For example
        From whom did you get it?

        from the corrupt party nomenclature of the USSR and the silent Soviet people
        Quote: For example
        This is a "republic" sucked from the thumb.
        Invented state

        we will not actually recall the well-known historical facts and the ON
        another Russian state
        and thank God that it did not fall under the West
        means there is hope for a reunion
      4. -4
        15 September 2021 17: 03
        Well, judging by the way the Kremlin dwarfs merged the southeastern Ukraine as Russians, they do not consider these lands.
  2. +3
    15 September 2021 09: 53
    Sometimes it's better to chew ...
    1. +17
      15 September 2021 09: 58
      Sometimes it's better to chew

      Why ? Didn't Poland occupy these lands from Brest to Minsk in 1919? Or do you consider these territories to be Polish?
      1. +9
        15 September 2021 10: 05
        Because I do not consider the USSR an occupier, by the time the Red Army entered, Poland was no longer there, as well as the Polish leadership. There was a need to ensure the safety of the western borders instead of Poland. Poland could no longer guarantee the security of the borders of the USSR, in view of its own absence.
        1. 0
          15 September 2021 10: 25
          Quote: Trapp1st
          by the time the Red Army entered the country, Poland was gone

          Fact. Ended up as soon as gunpowder blew.

          Quote: Trapp1st
          in view of their own absence.

          They ran so that Usain Bolt himself could not catch up.
      2. +4
        15 September 2021 10: 48
        Poland really took over the "Eastern Crescent".
        The USSR restored justice, entered the so-called "Curzon Line", This is the armistice line between Poland and the RSFSR, recommended by the Paris Peace Conference in December 1919.
        Therefore, the West had no reason to consider the USSR an aggressor.
        Justice was restored in relation to the Ukrainian people - Lviv, Drohobych, Ternopil, Stanislav, Volyn and Rivne regions. Today it is Lviv, Khmelnytsky, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Volyn and Rivne regions.
        .What the Ukrainian authorities prefer not to talk about ..
        1. +1
          15 September 2021 12: 25
          For the sake of justice, it should be noted that the "Curzon Line" was not legally fixed, but remained "Wishlist" of the Entente, rejected by the Bolsheviks.
  3. +1
    15 September 2021 09: 58
    It's strange why they removed it, everything was there in accordance with the Rules.
  4. +12
    15 September 2021 09: 58
    But he said everything correctly! My grandmother, born in 1905, a native of the Grodno region, the city of Smorgon, told me how the Poles treated them, this date is the end of the occupation.
    1. +4
      15 September 2021 10: 00
      told how the Poles treated them

      they treat everyone like that. except for those who donate pennies in the form of "subsidies for innovation" or the contingent is located on their territory in the form of protection from the Russian threat.
  5. +3
    15 September 2021 09: 59
    Well done Old Man, but forgot about Bialystok for the simplicity of his soul and modesty!
    1. +4
      15 September 2021 10: 27
      No, I haven't forgotten. According to the legend of the exercises, when it was said about the restoration of the situation, it was shown on the map that the territories of Bialystok and the Vilnius region belong to the territory of the Republic of Polesie.
  6. +3
    15 September 2021 10: 05
    According to Polish journalists, 82 years ago the Red Army "attacked Poland from the east." After that, the Polish lands east of the Bug River "were included in the Belarusian and Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republics."

    Polish "journalists" and the lands around Smolensk are still considered Polish.
    And they don't want the keys to the Moscow Kremlin?
    1. +5
      15 September 2021 10: 24
      Quote: Ulysses
      And they don't want the keys to the Moscow Kremlin?

      Desire! But who will give them? )))
      1. +1
        15 September 2021 11: 22
        And they don't want the keys to the Moscow Kremlin?

        They were already there, about 400 years ago. They ate all the animals, even the dogs.
  7. +1
    15 September 2021 10: 05
    that on September 17, 1939, "Soviet troops attacked Poland",
    Poland and its allies did not declare war on the Soviet Union on this matter, which means they recognized the USSR's right to occupy these territories.
    1. 0
      15 September 2021 10: 30
      If my memory serves me, then on October 30 the Polish government in London announced that they were at war with the USSR, and the status of interned soldiers on the territory of the Union immediately changed.
      1. +2
        15 September 2021 10: 57
        Quote: AlexGa
        On October 30, the Polish government in London announced that they were at war with the USSR.

        I did not find this fact on the network. Found something else, look, these are different authors write, but still ...:
        In fact, the Polish government in exile officially announced the beginning of the war with the USSR in November 1939, and the war was documented on December 18, 1939 in the so-called Angers Declaration.

        On December 18, 1939, it issued the "Angerskaya Declaration", in which it declared war on the USSR, or, in another version, did not declare, but only stated the state of war of Poland against the USSR.
        This statement has already become a commonplace and even got into such a super-authoritative source as "Wikipedia", into Russian, ... and into German ... The English "Wikipedia" is silent about this declaration, and the Polish one reports about it, but without any mention of war against the USSR
        Further author # 2 writes:
        finally, the text of this elusive "Angers Declaration" was found, although it is not named that way. She is named




        The following is the text of this declaration as arranged by the google translator; the translation, of course, is clumsy, but I did not edit it on purpose, so as not to introduce my subjective distortions into the text.
        Well, and the text of the declaration without any mention of the USSR (I don’t know if it is possible to insert such a long text, but I hope the moderators will let it hang for a while):


        Your government, the government of national unity, asks you to present its principles and aspirations.

        The government considers the guiding principle that the source of power in Poland is the Polish nation, the creator of the millennial Polish state and its resurrector.

        The September campaign, for many reasons, which will be explained in full, was tragic for Poland. But the heroism of the Polish soldier and the unshakable position of the nation exist today and will remain until the final decisions become the lever of Poland's life on the way to a better tomorrow. Our nation, although temporarily defeated, has proved its unprecedented generosity and combat readiness, today it proves heroism and unbending fortitude against the furious terror of the occupiers, that it is a great nation, that it deserves victory, that it deserves to live freely in a free homeland, shaping your own destiny.

        Government is only an instrument of the power of the nation and its unanimous will to serve the nation. The way of individual government, irresponsible and uncontrolled government is excluded in the future. in accordance with the unanimous understanding of this issue by the President of the Republic of Poland and the government, any decision on important issues is taken in close agreement between the president and the government.

        The government sees its task as the main task through the most effective participation of Poland and its army in the war, in order to free the lands of the republic from hostile occupation and provide Poland, next to direct and extensive access to the sea, borders, guaranteeing lasting security. Poland participates in the war as an ally of France and Great Britain on the basis of complete state equality and unwavering loyalty, as well as close cooperation and reconciliation, both in guiding the war and setting its goals, and in establishing peace. The army of the sovereign Polish state fights on full rights with the allied forces.

        A country's position during the war is an important factor in the pursuit of victory. Polish society, already through full declarations to the whole world, heroically endures suffering and recharging, provides indefatigable services to the national cause.

        The year 1939 marks the greatest defeat of the Western Slavs in the history of Europe in the millennia of fighting the German flood. The Germans owe their progress to the eternal march to the east, primarily to the skillful exploitation of disputes between the short-sighted Slavs.

        Poland, realizing its leading mission in the struggle against the aspiration of the Germans to the East, points to the need to draw the proper conclusions from the bitter historical science. Under the new political organization of Central and Eastern Europe, a solidary group of Slavic states should become one of the main funds. The new organization of this part of Europe should create close and coordinated cooperation between the Baltic, the Black Sea and the Adriatic, ward off German pressure to the east and separate Germany from Russia. Towards such a building, Poland supports the Allies in achieving a lasting and lasting balance, protecting Europe from new shocks.

        The government does not state that it does not prejudge the country's future political, social and economic system, which will be decided by the country after the restoration of freedom.

        Poland will be a country still based on Christian culture and principles.

        Poland will be a democratic state based on the broadest sections of the nation. Individual freedom and civil rights will be combined in it to ensure effective governance. responsible and controlled by a reliable national representation, elected in fair elections on the basis of democratic electoral law.

        In socio-economic relations, Poland will implement the principle of justice, the right of everyone to work, with particular attention to the rights of the masses, working on the ground and in workshops.

        National minorities who, together with the Polish people, took part in the struggle and remained loyal to the Polish state, Poland will ensure justice, free national and cultural development and the protection of the law.

        With a look at the present and the future, the government leaves the nation to judge the unfortunate last period of the past, ensuring that it wants to do everything on its part to always prevent a return to the kind of relationship that brought Poland to the brink.

        This is the path we are following, believing that it should lead us to the complete liberation of our homeland and the revival of the republic, only in the area and the number of citizens, but also in the strength of mind.

        We want to see this in the hands of a liberated Nation. We will not use this except in its ministry. We want to appear before his court with a clear conscience.

        We will do everything. to earn your trust.

        So help us, God!

        Chairman of the Council of Ministers

        1. 0
          15 September 2021 11: 08

          With a month I could be wrong, I will double-check myself. There is such a collection on Polish issues.
        2. +7
          15 September 2021 11: 17
          Fleeing from Poland to Romania, the legitimate Polish government officially resigned on September 16, 1939. At the request of the Romanian side. Otherwise, the Romanians, who did not want to spoil relations with the Third Reich, would simply not let the Poles come to them ...

          For this, all other "Polish governments", wherever they may be found after September 17, 1939, have a "status" no more than a cutting and sewing circle at the housing office.

          And the "wars" they "declared" at the meetings of the circle are akin to those wars that Baron Munchausen "declared" to England ...

          Until the formation of the NDP, all sorts of "Polish governments" in the waiting rooms of foreign offices, this is not an international status, but a product of bargaining and political conjuncture in the camp of temporary allies in the anti-Hitler coalition. And nothing more ...
  8. 0
    15 September 2021 10: 07
    At the time of the collapse of the Russian Empire, the borders were divided by the right of the strong, if not for the defeat of the Soviets in the war of 19-20, they would not have to return at 39.
  9. +1
    15 September 2021 10: 07
    After which the Polish lands east of the Bug River "were included in the
    It is better not to go deep about historical and other justice. ANYONE can't get out of that pit clean!
    But the "right" of the strong, it took place, was "confirmed" then and ... what can be changed now? nothing can be changed quite peacefully.
  10. +2
    15 September 2021 10: 17
    "The text mentions that on September 17, 1939," Soviet troops attacked Poland, "..."
    The aforementioned "Polish press" is neither free nor independent ...

    For this, it should be perceived as a completely normal phenomenon, the retransmission of anti-Soviet and anti-Russian ideological attitudes by the gentry mass media into the public consciousness, on the basis of the anti-Soviet postulate - "equal evil."

    That is, strained "equalization" of the goals, motives and tasks of the USSR and Nazi Germany.

    Lyakhs, who received a kick from their still recent, anti-Soviet, Nazi accomplices in September 1939, today cannot otherwise evade their historical responsibility for unleashing World War II in Europe.

    I'm not sorry for them. Neither then nor today. For this, let the gentry media continue to breed boobies from their audience ...
  11. +6
    15 September 2021 10: 21
    In the modern world, the main thing is to correctly place accents.
    When Poland attacked and divided Czechoslovakia with Germany, it was a peace treaty. When Poland was attacked, it was a crime.
    1. +3
      15 September 2021 10: 26
      Quote: APASUS
      When Poland attacked and divided Czechoslovakia with Germany, it was a peace treaty. When Poland was attacked, it was a crime.

      In short, just like the Ukrainians: "What about us?" (maybe the Ukrainians got infected from them?)
      1. +2
        15 September 2021 10: 29
        Quote: Egoza
        maybe the Ukrainians got infected from them?

        They did not get infected, they brought it, chewed it up and set it up like an icon.
    2. +4
      15 September 2021 11: 14
      Likewise, the enemies of the communists - and when the Poles in the early 20-ies in "gratitude" for the fact that the Bolsheviks gave them independence, unleashed the Soviet-Polish war, and occupied Western Ukraine and Western Belarus, and staged a violent "polonization" of Belarusians and the Ukrainians, it is legal for them, but when the USSR returned to its country the territories seized by the Poles, it was a crime for the enemies of the communists.
  12. +7
    15 September 2021 11: 02
    Well, this is how the British should get rid of the Independence Day of the United States?
  13. +2
    15 September 2021 11: 02
    The Red Army "attacked Poland from the east"
    Maybe the Poles shouldn't have whispered and hugged Hitler. And the Poles have forgotten another historical event
    On October 2, 1938, soldiers of the Polish task force "Silesia" under the command of General Vladislav Bortnovsky crossed the Polish-Czechoslovak border and occupied the Cieszyn region.
  14. +1
    15 September 2021 11: 05
    Poland is already so tired of everyone that it is necessary to carry out its Quadruple Partition.
    And, I hope, already final ...
    1. +1
      15 September 2021 11: 19
      it is necessary to carry out its fourfold section.
      When autumn approaches and with it a slight sadness, do you want a cup of hot tea and a piece of Poland?)
  15. +3
    15 September 2021 11: 12
    Isn't it time to shake off the dust from the Molotov-Ribbentrop Act and bring the borders of our states, Russia and Germany, in line with it?
    To restore, so to speak, historical justice.
    Maybe "this color" will suit Poland? wink
    1. +1
      15 September 2021 11: 22
      Quote: prior
      Isn't it time to shake off the dust from the Molotov-Ribbentrop Act and bring the borders of our states, Russia and Germany, in accordance with it?

      Under that agreement, we will lose Kaliningrad.
      1. +2
        15 September 2021 11: 25
        And the secret protocols to the Treaty ?!
        Nobody canceled them .... Let's add one more, about Kaliningrad. wink
  16. +2
    15 September 2021 11: 55
    There was no Soviet attack on Poland. Poland no longer existed. Stalin went to the Curzon line. And even then, less than two years.
    Poland should be constantly reminded that the USSR transferred to the Polish state very large German territories and how the Poles evicted (and not only evicted, but also mocked) the German population subject to resettlement in Germany.
  17. 0
    15 September 2021 11: 57
    Let them rage. Why do Poles need so much land? And that there is a lot.
  18. +1
    15 September 2021 12: 16
    Quote: Lesovik
    Quote: prior
    Isn't it time to shake off the dust from the Molotov-Ribbentrop Act and bring the borders of our states, Russia and Germany, in accordance with it?

    Under that agreement, we will lose Kaliningrad.

    Stalin and Churchill are working on a map. Stalin is pursuing a line, while taking away Lvov for himself. Churchill - Lviv was not a Russian city! Stalin - then, like this - and circle along with Warsaw!
  19. 0
    15 September 2021 12: 37
    Everything is true and to the point, let the psheki howl with impotent anger!
    Only now the Old Man must at least apologize for his vileness
    about his own words regarding those wars that were allegedly not
    theirs, that they were like "pulled in", or rather Belarusia became a victim of someone
    games and innocently suffered from all this !!! ???
  20. 0
    15 September 2021 12: 41
    Is this the wrong discussion?
    The point is that everything to Rügen in Germany is ONE PEOPLE, but different states and nations, created in the last 150 years.
    Where is the border of which SLAVIC state has consequences for the religion that creates the spirit of the people and for the very existence of the Slavs as a people. Zpr. The Catholic Protestant state of the Slavs as pr. Germany and Sweden, they no longer know that they are SLAVS, Swedes completely, and the Germans know a little, thanks to the Luzhichians, the Prussians, like the Swedes, do not know their native language. Many will be surprised that the Swedes spr. they wrote in Cyrillic the old Catholic Church before the arrival.
    Polaki is already on this very path.
    The border from the Second World War or WWII was returned to the YHO OF THE ORTHODOX SLAVS RUSSIANS TO THE WEST OF TODAY'S BELARUS.
    The Belarusian people never existed like the Ukrainian people, or else the Belarusian nation and the Ukrainian nation were CREATED like the Polish or German.
    So where the border affects the opstanak of the people of Slavs in the north and east of EUROPE it is the RUSSIAN PEOPLE OF SLAVS. Many who do not understand this will be considered PANSLAVISM, but this is what I wrote has little connection with him.
    Without Ivan, there would be no Slavs today, and in their place they would be raised by multiple nations, without a root who would not know a native language like a German or a Swede, and which is easy to manage.
    1. 0
      15 September 2021 13: 02
      And the whole state of the trap and NORTH of Europe and the nation lie on the foundations and lands that were created by the tribes of Serbs, Sorbs, Zerbs, (Vendians). all these nations are in fact SLAVE SERBI! , by blood.
      1. 0
        15 September 2021 13: 08
        But today HISTORICAL SCIENCE is LIE TO HISTORY AND LADY HISTORICAL SCIENCE says that Serbi is only at Luzhizi and that there are 60.000 of them left.
        But the TRUTH AND TRUTH is different, the SERBI lived in Scandinavia (especially in Sweden), VSA GERMANY, POLAND, CZECHKA SLOVAKIA, AUSTRIA, NORTHERN ITALY, HUNGARY, AND ON THE BALKANS, all to the Bosphorus.
        1. 0
          15 September 2021 13: 25
          As for POLAKOV, I quote from a historical record:
          empty asks "his" Masonic Jesuit "historians where is this from or am I just invented out of Pan-Slavism? smile
  21. 0
    15 September 2021 12: 46
    ... Polish lands east of the Bug River "were incorporated into the Belarusian and Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republics." This refers to one of the results of agreements between the USSR and Germany, which in Poland is called the "Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact."

    These lands were incorporated into the USSR on the basis of another treaty - the Treaty of Friendship and the Border Between Germany and the USSR of September 28, 1939
    In 1941, in the Treaty of Maisky-Sikorsky, both agreements with the Germans, on non-aggression and on friendship and borders, were canceled.
    1. The government of the USSR recognizes the Soviet-German treaties of 1939 regarding territorial changes in Poland as null and void. The Polish government declares that Poland is not bound by any agreement with any third party directed against the Soviet Union.


    Thus, the pre-war treaties have nothing to do with the Polish border now.
    The modern border of Poland was established at the suggestion of Churchill at the Tehran Conference and secured by the decision of the Potsdam Conference, the official result of World War II in Europe.
  22. +2
    15 September 2021 12: 51
    Quote: ABC-schütze
    Fleeing from Poland to Romania, the legitimate Polish government officially resigned on September 16, 1939 .......
    Cool excuse. "You weren't standing here" In Odessa, a man went out in the evening (in shorts, a T-shirt and flip flops) to take a walk with a dog. Returning to find a new armored door. I called the police. At the request of the police, a security guard of a certified security company (with all weapons) opened the door and explained that he guards his real estate under the Agreement with the owner, obeys only his leadership and will not let anyone in except the owner of this apartment. When asked where to find the owner, he answered in Israel. Despite the testimony of neighbors (the guy did not have any documents and nothing at all, not even clothes left) For a couple of summer months he lived on the beaches, and in winter he moved to the railway. railway station. He was a little lucky, at the suggestion of the station staff, all this was filmed by Inter correspondents and shown in the news all over the country. Then (together with the Inter team) the saga continued for several more months. It was established that the new owner received the apartment in accordance with the decision of the district executive committee (there is a certificate from the housing office that it was abandoned and in an unsanitary condition) from such and such. And this is a collective body - once, today not a single member of the existing district executive committee is already gone - two (in the country there is decentralization - it’s good at least the district executive committee has remained at all), just as there is no longer that housing office, and the collective body cannot be brought to justice under the existing legislation ... In short, two years later, "Inter" showed the finale of this story - a sea of ​​ships, identifications, more than 2 thousand green for all fees, and finally the guy was given the keys to the apartment. On camera "Inter" he showed that he had where (and there were savings in dollars), and around a complete rout. Walked with a dog ........
    1. +2
      15 September 2021 17: 25
      Cool excuse. "You were not standing here" In Odessa, a man came out in the evening
      An example is not in the right place. I read the memoirs of people who survived both Poland, and being on Soviet territory, and the German occupation. Do not forget that by its actions the USSR saved tens of thousands of lives. So a certified security guard had to come to kill a man's wife, children, a dog and other relatives in the apartment, take away everyone who could be sent into slavery, but then a neighbor would come with the words you twitch and everyone who is smarter stood up for a neighbor. The neighbor did the right thing to come? His man can no longer call, he washed away with the words I no longer have a house, leaving everyone.
      1. 0
        15 September 2021 18: 21
        That's right, the Bessarabian example is generally terrible there, when
        before the war, the Soviets were established and literally right there the Romanian lords
        returned, but together with the Nazis and what was going on there.
        Simply, either they did not bother much, or the notorious
        "and so it will come down" (although it was the time of great people) and all these
        "excuses" - Gleiwitz, mining incident, "the Polish government
        ...... shows no signs of life "," treacherously, without a declaration of war ... "
        today they look imperfect, to put it mildly, which allows
        to manipulate the story, even shamelessly.
  23. +2
    15 September 2021 14: 45
    The USSR in 1939 returned the territories occupied by Poland in 1920.

    Stalin's only mistake was that in 1945 he gave Poland a part of the territory of East Prussia that had never belonged to the Poles.
  24. +2
    16 September 2021 00: 15
    And why then the Poles do not want to give Germany what they were given after the war?
    1. +1
      16 September 2021 09: 09
      Because if Poland gives everything that it was ever given, then nothing of Poland will remain.
  25. +3
    16 September 2021 06: 51
    On September 17 there was no longer any Poland
  26. 0
    19 September 2021 12: 17
    The USSR did not attack Poland: by September 17, Poland no longer existed as a state, because the clear-minded government skipped over to Romania. By the way, Molotov mentioned this in his address.