How Ostarbeiters Preserved Labor Reichsmarks


Ostarbeiters at a plant in southern Germany

This is not a politically correct topic. For historical propaganda is like a brick in a shop window.

The scarce literature on German politics in the occupied territories of the USSR certainly contains the theme of "theft into German slavery." German documents indicate that the Ostarbeiters in Germany were paid a salary, they even made savings, to which unexpectedly a lot of attention was devoted in the correspondence of several departments. The question of the savings of Ostarbeiters in Germany, where to store them and how to transfer them, arose in the fall of 1942, and the last document that we managed to find dates back to January 1945.

However, such themes, sometimes found in German documents, are interesting in that they reveal the springs and background of Nazi policy, the plans and intentions from which they proceeded in their actions.

So, the plans for the Ostarbeiters were much more far-reaching than just the "exploitation of slave labor." Apparently, they were trying to make one of the pillars of German power in the occupied territories.

Where did the Ostarbeiters get the money?

The Reishmarks of the Ostarbeiters were from wages. To avoid a long and useless discussion, it is necessary to outline the system of hiring and remuneration of Ostarbeiters.

Sending Ostarbeiters from Kiev in 1942

Recruitment of workers in Ukraine began at the end of 1941, the first trains were sent to Germany in February 1942.

Upon arrival in Germany, the Ostarbeiters lived for some time in a sorting camp, from where they were dismantled by various firms and organizations. Workers could find themselves in a variety of jobs, from a large military factory to a small workshop or a utility company. This influenced their later life and work, since, for example, workers of a large military plant, as a rule, lived in a barrack camp belonging to the plant, but regularly received wages, while workers of small enterprises most often lived in private apartments, but could receive few and with delays.

On average, in 1942, a German worker received between 21,3 and 22,4 Reichsmarks per week.

The Ostarbeiter received 15,4 Reichsmarks per week, but at the same time 1,5 Reichsmarks were deducted from his salary for room and board per day or 10,5 Reichsmarks per week. 4,9 Reichsmarks were handed out. On a monthly basis, the German worker received from 217 to 225 Reichsmarks, the Ostaraibeiter - 100,5 Reichsmarks, 45 Reichsmarks were held and 55,5 Reichsmarks were issued.

100 Reichsmarks is a lot.

According to the official exchange rate (1 Reichsmark = 10 rubles) this is 1000 rubles. The average salary of workers at our military factories in 1942 was 600-700 rubles, and a skilled worker in an aircraft factory received about 800 rubles. Even after the deduction, the ostarbeiter had about 550 rubles left in his hands, which is more than workers in non-industrial sectors of the economy could receive in a month.

All further history revolved around these Reichsmarks issued to the Ostarbeiters in cash.

The need for savings

The recruitment of workers in Ukraine bore traces of impromptu, caused both by the transfer of the German economy to the regime of total mobilization, which took place in the spring of 1942, and by the massive conscription of German workers into the army. In fact, foreign workers had to replace this mobilization retirement.

Apparently, initially, they did not think about the financial problems associated with the Ostarbeiters. However, they appeared quickly.

The first problem is that the Ostarbeiters brought with them a certain amount of rubles, and in Ukraine, on July 6, 1942, the exchange of large denominations of rubles (10 rubles and more) for the currency of the Reichskommissariat Ukraine - Karbovanets began. On July 25, 1942, Reich Commissioner of Ukraine Erich Koch wrote to the leadership of the Central Economic Bank of Ukraine (Zentralwirtschaftsbank Ukraine, ZWB U) to change the Ostarbeiter rubles by the end of September 1942 (RGVA, f. 1458k, op. 40, d. 68, l. 125 ).

I could not find the end of this story, but, apparently, they changed the rubles for Reichsmarks at the official rate.

The question of the accumulations of Ostarbeiters arose immediately.

Firstly, receiving the Reichsmarks in their hands, the workers almost could not spend them, since in the Ostarbeiter camps, trade was poorly developed, and they did not have access to German stores, and German retail trade was regulated by the card system.

Secondly, the Ostarbeiters had no right to use German banks.

Thirdly, the export of cash outside the border of the Reich was prohibited; you could have with you no more than 10 Reichsmarks in small coin.

It turned out that the Ostarbeiters accumulated the money given to them, but they could not do anything with it.

Already on August 5, 1942, the Berlin bureau of the Central Economic Bank of Ukraine made a proposal to create an accumulation system for Ostarbeiters. In Germany at that time, Sparmarke was used, worth 1, 3, 5 or 10 Reichsmarks, which were stuck on special accumulation cards signed with the name of the owner. The card, completely filled with stamps, could be given to the bank and received in cash or deposited in a savings account. The card had 135 fields and a minimum of 135 reichmarks could be accumulated. The bank suggested that the card should be sent to them if it has accumulated 90 Reichsmarks or more (RGVA, f. 1458k, op. 40, d. 68, l. 138-142).

Cumulative stamp close up

This is what the savings card looked like

Turnover of accumulative cards with glued and marked stamps. The holder of this card has accumulated 1942 Reichsmarks from October 1944 to March 403

While the issue was being discussed in high authorities, some firms themselves started their own savings system for Ostarbeiters.

For example, at the request of the Ostarbeiters who worked there, Adam Opel AG in Rüsselsheim opened a cash desk in the work camp, where workers could deposit cash in order to avoid theft. The firm opened an account and a loan in a local bank for servicing cash transactions (RGVA, f. 1458k, op. 40, d. 69, l. 48).

The Central Economic Bank of Ukraine itself also accepted the savings of the Ostarbeiters. According to the bank's balance sheet for 1942 (the bank was opened on April 20, 1942), there were 32,3 million karbovanets of savings deposits in it, which, as follows from the note, were made up almost entirely by the deposits of ostarbeiters (RGVA, f. 1458k, op. 40 , d. 179, l. 65).

That is, by the end of 1942, the Ostarbeiters had contributed 3,2 million Reichsmarks to the bank.

Accumulate and transfer

In 1943, the system of saving labor Reichsmarks by Ostarbeiters took the following form.

It is well stated in the instructions issued both for the managers of enterprises, who were entrusted with receiving money from workers, and for the ostarbeiters themselves.

These instructions went through five editions.

An Ostarbeiter could create a savings card, buy savings stamps that were pasted on the card. On the free field of the stamp, the month and year of the sticker were affixed with ink or a stamp. For example, for January 1943 - 1/43. This was necessary because interest was charged on the amount of savings - 2,5% per year.

Although the card was signed with the name of the owner, the lost cards were not restored, therefore it was recommended to give them to the manager of the enterprise for safekeeping.

Within 6 months after the first stamp was affixed and with an amount of 90 or more Reichsmarks, the card could be sent to the Central Economic Bank of Ukraine, which was done by the head of the enterprise. The card could be transferred to the passbook in its entirety, and it could also be sent to the bank for transfer to relatives. The address of the transfer was indicated on the card, the bank gave out half of the amount to relatives in cash in karbovanets, and the other half was credited to the savings book (RGVA, f. 1458k, op. 40, d. 179, l. 25). If the ostarbeiter deposited 50 or more Reichsmarks at a time, it could be immediately transferred to the Central Economic Bank of Ukraine to his savings account.

In the event of the death of an ostarbeiter, his card was sent to relatives and paid in cash by the Karbovans in full, but no more than 300 Reichsmarks (RGVA, f. 1458k, op. 40, d. 69, l. 11).

Also, an ostarbeiter, returning to Ukraine, could take his savings card with him. It was allowed to be carried across the border, and on the spot it could be exchanged for cash at the bank or transferred to a passbook.

Different points of view

The Central Economic Bank of Ukraine, or rather, its Berlin bureau, built a whole system for transferring the accumulations of ostarbeiters from Ukraine, which worked well, judging by the reporting, which will be discussed below.

The bank was supported by the Reichskommissariat Ukraine and the Reichsministry of the Eastern Occupied Territories, that is, Erich Koch and Alfred Rosenberg.

However, the attention of other departments was drawn to the accumulations of the ostarbeiters, both for political and economic reasons, since transfers and payments to Ukraine were subject to currency control. The Central Economic Bank of Ukraine was allowed to do this, since it was in fact a German bank that carried out transactions with Karbovanets. The Reich Ministry of Finance was generally not against such transfers, but limited them to a certain amount. In particular, the branches of the bank in Borisov and Pskov could carry out settlements on the accumulative cards of Ostarbeiters, but for the amount of no more than 20 Reichsmarks (RGVA, f. 000k, op. 1458, d. 40, l. 69).

Everything seemed to be going well, but in September 1943, a high authority suddenly intervened in the matter - the Party Chancellery of the NSDAP.

Judging by the letter dated September 14, 1943, the party office was not very well informed about the situation with the accumulations of the Ostarbeiters and demanded that measures be taken to limit the accumulations of the Ostarbeiters so that they would not accumulate large sums. The reason for the demand is the fear that the accumulations of Ostarbeiters will be used in speculation on the black market or in gambling (RGVA, f. 1458k, op. 40, d. 179, l. 22).

Many departments were involved in the correspondence with the Party Chancellery, and to the repeated letter from the Party Chancellery about the accumulations of the Ostarbeiters dated September 22, 1943, the Reich Ministry of Economics gave a rather phlegmatic, but very interesting answer on October 12, 1943.

The ministry's response was that the introduction of savings cards for Ostarbeiters pursued two goals: first, to prevent Ostarbeiters' earnings from entering the German market; the second - so that the accumulations would later be used for the economic development of those regions where the Ostarbeiters came from. Even, moreover, the recruitment of workers for work in Germany, as the Reich Ministry of Economics wrote in its reply to the NSDAP Party Chancellery, in itself, was carried out in order to develop the desire to accumulate among the population of the Reichskommissariat Ukraine.

True, the ministry acknowledged that the recruitment on this basis was generally unsuccessful (RGVA, f. 1458k, op. 40, d. 179, l. 30).

This stunning thesis is confirmed in other documents.

In a letter from the Central Economic Bank of Ukraine to the Reich Ministry of the Occupied Eastern Territories dated May 31, 1944, it is indicated that recruiting for work with a proposal to save money met with widespread and strong restraint among the population of the occupied territories of the USSR.

The bank's management explained this by the negative experience of the population in the past and suggested trying to agitate with more specific goals of accumulation that can be achieved quickly (RGVA, f. 1458k, op. 40, d. 179, l. 138).

Also, the instruction for Ostarbeiters (in three languages: German, Ukrainian and Russian), issued in September 1943, said:

"These savings will give you the opportunity to purchase handicraft tools, tools for the peasant economy, etc. upon return to your homeland."

(RGVA, f. 1458k, op. 40, d. 179, l. 26).

In fact, it was an offer to work in Germany in order to start a business or economy in Ukraine using savings.

So, the position of the Reich Ministry of Economics, as well as the Reich Ministry of Armaments, was that they were generally interested in the influx of labor from the occupied eastern territories, since mobilization every month raked out more and more contingents of German workers. They needed a replacement and were willing to pay.

The Reichsministry of the Occupied Eastern Territories and the Reichskommissariat of Ukraine subordinate to it saw in the ostarbeiters, firstly, a source of funds for economic activity in Ukraine, since they could hardly expect large financial injections from Germany; secondly, as one might assume, they hoped in the future to turn the ostarbeiters who worked in Germany into the support of the German regime in the occupied territories, along with the Volksdeutsche and German colonists.

It is curious that even in May 1944, when there was nothing left of the Reichskommissariat Ukraine, they did not abandon their ideas.

At the time of the intervention of the Party Chancellery, the Reich Ministry of Economics was already very skeptical about the plans of Rosenberg and his subordinates, and therefore in its response wrote that it would be worthwhile to allow the Ostarbeiters to consume in a larger volume (RGVA, f. 1458k, op. 40, d. 179, l. 30) ...

The Soviet offensive in Ukraine in late 1943 and early 1944 brought major changes.

On February 18, 1944, the Central Economic Bank of Ukraine applied to the Reich Ministry of Economics with a new problem. A large number of relatives of Ostarbeiters in Germany were evacuated from Ukraine either to the General Government (part of Poland and Western Ukraine) or to the Reichskommissariat Ostland. The system for transferring Ostarbeiter savings from Ukraine did not apply to these regions, but the workers themselves expressed a desire to transfer their funds to relatives at their new place of residence. Payments were to be made through the Central Bank of Lemberg (Lvov) and the Ostland Community Bank in Riga (RGVA, f. 1458k, op. 40, d. 69, l. 20).

The ministry responded slowly, only on March 23, 1944, but favorably. Minister Walter Funk wrote to the bank's management that he agreed with their proposals and gave the necessary orders to the Office of Foreign Exchange Control in Berlin (RGVA, f. 1458k, op. 40, d. 69, l. 22).

The rapid advance of the front forced us to make more and more changes.

The Ostarbeiter Savings Instruction, issued in July 1944, already states that large purchases, medical and medical expenses, vacation expenses, payments to support relatives in Germany and other similar purposes can be paid from the passbook on instructions ( RGVA, f. 1458k, op. 40, d. 69, l. 77).

The previous procedure for transferring abroad was retained, but not so pronounced, since the Reichskommissariat Ukraine actually did not exist anymore, and many of the workers' relatives either died or ended up behind the front line.

In general, the Reich Minister of Economics turned out to be right in assessing the situation.

Accumulation results

The surviving documents contain two reports on the size of the accumulation of Ostarbeiters.

The first of them was drawn up by the Central Economic Bank of Ukraine on October 22, 1943, which sold accumulative stamps for 16,5 million Reichsmarks, the bank received accumulative cards for 932 thousand Reichsmarks, of which 466 thousand Reichsmarks were paid to relatives in Ukraine in cash (RGVA, f. 1458k, op. 40, d. 179, l. 27).

The second report is contained in a letter from the Reich Minister of the Occupied Eastern Territories, Alfred Rosenberg, dated February 29, 1944.

It says that out of 22,3 million Reichsmark savings marks, about 20 million are for ostarbeiters. Of these, 12,9 million Reichsmarks were invested in bonds at 3,5%, 500 thousand were in the Postal Savings Banks. 8,8 million Reichsmarks were paid to Ukraine, 50 thousand - to Belarus and another 50 thousand - to the areas of economic inspections "Mitte" and "Nord".

Rosenberg wrote that out of 1,8 million Ostarbeiters, about 25% participated in the accumulation, and the average amount of accumulations was 45 Reichsmarks (RGVA, f. 1458k, op. 40, d. 69, l. 53).

Somehow, all this does not fit with the thesis about "theft into slavery."

25% of the 1,8 million Ostarbeiters are 450 thousand people who saved their labor Reichsmarks. These were definitely not “driven into slavery”, but they went to work because they sided with Germany and they needed money to get a better job under the occupation power.

It seems that a significant, if not most, part of the Ostarbeiters went to work quite voluntarily, out of anti-Soviet motives and views, knowing full well what prospects this gives them. It's just that after the war it became very unprofitable to remember it.

The relatives of these Ostarbeiters supported them.

This is indicated by the fact that, when the Soviet troops attacked, they rushed to flee with the Germans to Poland or the Baltic States, and this is also indicated by a sharp jump in payments, from 0,9 to 8,8 million Reichsmarks between October 1943 and February 1944. , that is, in just five months.

The reason is quite obvious: money is needed for the escape of relatives. Hearing about the collapse of the Eastern Front, these ostarbeiters began to besiege the heads of enterprises with demands to send their savings to their relatives immediately. Apparently, at this time they were allowed to translate and less than 90 Reichsmarks.

The end of this story was tragicomic, in the spirit of the merciless German order.

At the very end of January 1945, just in the days when the front collapsed and Soviet troops rushed to the offensive towards the borders of Germany, the Central Economic Bank of Ukraine, shrinking to its Berlin bureau, entered into an agreement with another bank - Bank der Deutscher Arbeit AG in Berlin and gave him all the accounts and savings of the Ostarbeiters.

On January 29, 1945, the leadership of the Central Economic Bank of Ukraine wrote in writing to the Reich Minister of the Occupied Eastern Territories Alfred Rosenberg and asked him to write an order on the transfer of savings to this new bank, and that they would be paid in Reichsmarks (RGVA, f. 1458k, op. 40 , d. 179, l. 238).

In fact, a non-existent bank asks, in fact, a fictitious ministry to issue an order, because order and accountability are sacred, even if the rumble of Russian cannons is already heard.
71 comment
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  1. +9
    20 September 2021 18: 19
    Surprisingly interesting!
    Thanks to the author for a detailed description of the process.
    Thank God, my grandfather, thanks to his mother, twice avoided going to this "paradise".
    She, trite, persuaded the train guards to feed her son, and there - on the beaten paths home, to the village!
    1. +18
      20 September 2021 18: 25
      Quote: Leader of the Redskins
      Thanks to the author for a detailed description of the process.

      Hurry up, you thanked this wonderful author, including for the following words:
      Rosenberg wrote that out of 1,8 million Ostarbeiters, about 25% participated in the accumulation, and the average amount of accumulations was 45 Reichsmarks (RGVA, f. 1458k, op. 40, d. 69, l. 53).
      Somehow all this does not fit with the thesis about "theft into slavery".
      Verkhoturov openly justifies the Nazis and the slavery of the Soviet people on the basis of this "25 percent". And Verkhoturov actually equated the Soviet people driven into slavery with the enthusiastic admirers of the Reich from Western Ukraine and the Baltic states. Just hit it off.
      1. +9
        20 September 2021 18: 33
        Hurry up, you reacted to my words. The article is really well written and is accompanied not by emotions, but by documents.
        And you probably missed the attitude of my ancestors to these "golden mountains". Although they are from secret correspondence with those who are already in "paradise" realized that the devil take those Reichsmarks!
        1. +6
          20 September 2021 19: 14
          Quote: Leader of the Redskins
          The article is really well written and is accompanied not by emotions, but by documents.
          Yes, of course, it's a pity the author does not provide other documents, such as these:
          “Russians think very differently than we do, and they are far below our cultural level. Therefore, they cannot be treated or judged by our laws. Punishment for theft from the field, petty theft, vagrancy and breach of contract by German standards would be absurd. Thus, it is impossible to get rid of the adventures of this scourge, which has become a plague. Therefore, we approve of the elimination of Russians by the police to solve this problem "...
          .. With these words, the prosecutor of the city of Nordhausen substantiated in September 1942 the practice of the police, to shoot zwangsarbeiters (forced workers), i.e. slaves.

          Quote: Leader of the Redskins
          And you probably missed the attitude of my ancestors to these "golden mountains".
          I didn’t miss it, but you don’t seem to notice these nasty words in the article:

          25% of the 1,8 million Ostarbeiters are 450 thousand people who saved their labor Reichsmarks. These were definitely not “driven into slavery”, but they went to work because they sided with Germany and they needed money to get a better job under the occupation power.
          It seems that a significant, if not most, part of the Ostarbeiters went to work quite voluntarily., from anti-Soviet motives and views, knowing full well what prospects this gives them. It's just that after the war it became very unprofitable to remember it.

          The author clearly would not approve of your grandfather, but I consider the behavior of your ancestors a model.
          1. +12
            20 September 2021 19: 52
            Yes, I'm not making excuses for the author!
            But, here - he found the DOCUMENTS. Yes, unpleasant. Like ROA, like the Lokot Republic, like policemen, Khatyn and more.
            Where to go from this? Pretend to be an ostrich? The story must be objective. Did they pay them pennies? Judas, too, was paid.
            1. +9
              20 September 2021 22: 12
              Quote: Leader of the Redskins
              But, here - he found the DOCUMENTS. Yes, unpleasant. Like ROA, like the Lokot Republic, like policemen, Khatyn and more.
              Where to go from this? Pretend to be an ostrich? The story must be objective. Did they pay them pennies? Judas, too, was paid.

              And you ask the author a question why he did not use the German "Report of the Central Directorate for Eastern Peoples' Affairs dated September 30, 1942, this is an official document,

              "...the nutrition of ostarbeiters in the industrial sector is so poor and insufficient that the working capacity is very low, a large number of diseases, which leads to an increase in mortality ...
              .... wages in industry on average 2-3 Reichsmarks per week, those employed in agriculture are paid even less
              Maybe this is due to the fact that the author wrote the article according to the principle "this document is visible, but this is not visible."
              1. +2
                20 September 2021 22: 27
                Well, if I had the information you specified, then maybe I would have asked a question. And so - all by intuition and innate instincts ...
        2. +2
          21 September 2021 05: 28
          Thank God, in my family they fought or worked in the rear.
      2. +4
        21 September 2021 05: 59
        Thanks to the author for the article. But you need to understand that this article is intended for people with a broad outlook and understanding of the essence of history. For individuals with a fragile mind, without moral values, or with an still undeveloped concept of morality and dignity, such articles will have an extremely negative result.
        A couple more articles on a similar topic and we will have our own "right sector" and jumping in the squares. This is the kind of information that was fed to our 30 thymillion people - our neighbors. The result is visible.
        1. +3
          21 September 2021 08: 15
          Quote: Andrey Nikolaevich
          Thanks to the author for the article. But you need to understand that this article is intended for people with a broad outlook and understanding of the essence of history.
          I'm afraid you don't understand that the article is not intended for such people. And the calculation of the article is exactly on individuals with a fragile mind, without moral values, or with an unformed concept of moralitybecause the author no longer hesitates to justify the German Nazis. Moreover, keeping silent a huge part of the truth and brazenly, but not cleverly, distorting even the information that he deigned to give.
      3. +7
        21 September 2021 16: 44
        Vooot ... This is the problem of any historiography. Ideology. They were driven away by force, used the labor of slaves in concentration camps, but someone was driving on purpose, someone was at ease. So no one excuses anything. (How can this be justified at all?) But I recommend paying attention to several ideas expressed:
        1. Presence of the very fact of payment for work for the mentioned category "Ostarbeiters". True, the author is lost in figures on how much this group was and how many of them actually received payment that could leave at least some trace in their pockets. 25% of 1,8 million? But the total number of those returned after the war was 5,5 million, excluding the dead, killed, who remained abroad. It turns out that 10% had the opportunity to save on the basis of their "income"? Let's give a general analysis and then there will be no "brick" in the showcase.
        2. By introducing payments to "Ostarbeiters" (the bulk of whom were Ukrainians), the Nazis created an instrument of both economic and political influence in the occupied territories (the idea was somehow uncertain, but this is important). But again, these ideas fade against the background of a general analysis of the system of exploitation of the population controlled by the Reich.
        So the topic is interesting, but ... this kind of "clip" touch without a general picture will surely cause rejection, since it really looks like "ideological innovation".
        1. +6
          21 September 2021 17: 11
          Good comment, but you are wrong about that:
          Quote: sleeve
          So nobody excuses anything.
          In the article there is not a word about the forcibly stolen and their fate, but the motives of a small part of the Ostarbeiters are attributed, albeit with a reservation, to the majority. But Verkhoturov begins and ends the article with a generalization of ALL Ostarbeiters, but the analysis is carried out only by those recruited from Ukraine ... By the way, the typical technique of a deceitful generalization of the whole, relying only on atypical and even opposite to the main data examples.
          It seems that a significant, if not most, part of the Ostarbeiters went to work quite voluntarily, out of anti-Soviet motives and views, knowing full well what prospects this gives them.
          But this is a direct forgery in order to shield the Nazis, they say, practically volunteers were transported, and not driven by force of arms.
          1. +1
            21 September 2021 18: 46
            Well, I'm talking about the same thing. There is a historical fact. If you wave them alone, then you slightly want to wave and not a fact. And it doesn't look like a fact anymore. But ... the fact has nothing to do with it. He exists. They just use it in the wrong way and in the wrong place.
        2. 0
          21 September 2021 21: 06
          I found a funny document on the topic development here. On February 2, 1945, the Party Chancellery forwarded to the Reich Ministry of Economics a photocopy of the report of the SS-Oberscharführer Fischer to the leading department of the SD in Dresden. The report is based on reports from business leaders.
          It talks about large sums of cash in foreign workers. The head of the Auto-Union firm in Sigmar-Schönau wrote to this oberscharführer that he himself saw a foreign worker carrying more than a thousand Reichsmarks in cash in his bag.
          Ostarbeiters have a lot of money on hand, in one case 500 Reichsmarks in cash. They pay 30 Reichsmarks for a loaf of bread, 10 Reichsmarks for 125 grams of butter. In Chemnitz, on the black market, Ostarbeiters buy cigarettes: from 1 to 1,5 Reichsmarks apiece. Women buy clothes and jewelry.

          And in the same report it is said that even prisoners of war began to have money on hand. Camp money was abolished and each prisoner of war could carry up to 50 Reichsmarks in cash. One of the leaders of the enterprises poured out his soul to the SS man: they say, I do not understand. They will buy civilian clothes, fake documents - and they will be like that. It also says that Italians sell clothes on the black market, so it was quite possible to change and slip away.
          1. +2
            22 September 2021 03: 14
            Quote: wehr
            It talks about large sums of cash in foreign workers.

            Even here you are silent about what kind of workers they were. And it could be the French and the Belgians, but at least the Dutch.

            Quote: wehr
            Camp money was abolished and each prisoner of war could carry up to 50 Reichsmarks in cash.
            And they were all Soviet prisoners of war? The Germans did not have Anglo-Americans in captivity.
            1. +2
              22 September 2021 04: 30
              That's right, the division between slaves was specific. Workers from Scandinavian countries, foreign prisoners of war (excluding Poles), foreign workers in the Reich (excluding Poles), ostarbeiters. The place of Russian prisoners of war and people held in the camps was at the very bottom.
              How Germany survived in 1945 I cannot explain. Why didn't you move to learn the language and explore Siberia in full force?
            2. 0
              22 September 2021 13: 50
              And what, the French and Belgians were enrolled in Ostarbeiters at least once?
              It always amuses me when the most truthful historical truth is "defended" by lies and slander.
              1. +2
                22 September 2021 16: 24
                Quote: wehr
                And what, the French and Belgians were enrolled in Ostarbeiters at least once?
                It always amuses me when the most truthful historical truth is "defended" by lies and slander.
                Are you talking about your shielding the Nazis? And the French and Belgians are quite suitable for "foreign workers", and I don't know who turned them into ostarbeiters.

                It talks about large amounts of cash foreign workers... The head of the Auto-Union company in Sigmar-Schönau wrote to this oberscharführer that he himself saw how one foreign worker carried in his bag more than a thousand Reichsmarks in cash.

                As for the prisoners of war with money in their hands, will you also interfere with the Soviet and Anglo-American? After all, what difference does it make to you.
                1. -2
                  22 September 2021 21: 18
                  Do you think that the Nuremberg Trials allowed you to slander?

                  It was in this case that the document did not indicate what kind of foreign worker it was with a bag of money. As well as about the prisoners of war, there was no indication of their nationality. It does not follow from this that the money was forbidden to Russian prisoners of war, for this it is necessary to look for other documents.

                  Slander, lies, and fiction are especially vile when disseminated by victors. Or do you not consider yourself a winner already?
                  1. +2
                    23 September 2021 03: 24
                    Quote: wehr
                    Do you think that the Nuremberg Trials allowed you to slander?

                    Your adored Nazis? The poor things are slandered, aren't they?
                    Quote: wehr
                    It does not follow from this that the money was forbidden to the Russian prisoners of war, for this it is necessary to look for other documents.
                    Here's how you find it, so just drag it here. In the meantime, there will be more documents about the tortured Soviet prisoners of war.

                    Quote: wehr
                    Slander, lies, and fiction are especially vile when spread by victors. Or do you not consider yourself a winner already?
                    Those. Do you consider a lot of documents and memories of backbreaking work, hunger and humiliation, and even deaths of those driven into slavery - "ostarbeiters" (what a beautiful word) you consider a lie, fiction and slander?

                    Or do you not consider yourself a winner already? You seem to consider yourself a loser, and in a dishonest way, because the Russians and the Bolsheviks could not honestly win.
      4. 0
        27 September 2021 00: 41
        Quote: Vladimir_2U
        ekhoturov actually equated the Soviet people driven into slavery with the enthusiastic admirers of the Reich from Western Ukraine and the Baltic states. Just hit it off.

        The author raised an important topic that we never liked to discuss.
        During the years of occupation, more than 50 million of the population of the USSR ended up in the occupied territories. And what did they live on? And who did you work for? If you watch Soviet films, did everyone live either by subsistence farming or "for years selling their junk in the markets for food" or went to the partisans? There should be no inconsistencies. But if these tens of millions worked for the Reich, then the assessment of Soviet losses during the Second World War must be approached differently.
        1. 0
          27 September 2021 04: 32
          Quote: ivan2022

          The author raised an important topic that we never liked to discuss.
          Only he showed it not even one-sidedly, but frankly misrepresenting it in justifying the Nazis.

          Quote: ivan2022
          If you watch Soviet films, did everyone live either by subsistence farming, or "for years selling their junk for food in the markets" or went to the partisans?
          Where did you see such stupidity? In films about underground fighters? Where they work in the occupational administrative and economic bodies, you know what I mean? And they lived precisely either by subsistence farming or on rations from the occupation administration, railway workers, for example.

          Quote: ivan2022
          During the years of occupation, more than 50 million of the population of the USSR ended up in the occupied territories. And what did they live on? And who did you work for?
          To begin with, you need to understand that a large part of this population was under occupation for a very short time, the German occupiers only managed to rob, which they reached, without having time to establish any work.

          Quote: ivan2022
          But if these tens of millions worked for the Reich, then the assessment of Soviet losses during the Second World War must be approached differently.
          What do you want to say? It is clear to a fool that the Nazis could not only appropriate products or material values ​​with their own hands, but also imagine or try to imagine, as an author, that the Soviet people themselves, voluntarily and with songs, dragged the invaders to the invaders, too, an exaggeration, to put it mildly.
    2. 0
      15 December 2021 13: 02
      Interesting article! Thanks a lot to the author!
      And thanks to my grandfather. For the fact that he fought.
  2. +12
    20 September 2021 18: 30
    “On average in 1942 a German worker received between 21,3 and 22,4 Reichsmarks per week.

    The Ostarbeiter received 15,4 Reichsmarks per week, but at the same time 1,5 Reichsmarks were deducted from his salary for room and board per day, or 10,5 Reichsmarks per week. 4,9 Reichsmarks were handed out. On a monthly basis, a German worker received from 217 to 225 Reichsmarks, an Ostaraibeiter - 100,5 Reichsmarks, 45 Reichsmarks were held and 55,5 Reichsmarks were given out. "

    If a German and an Ostarbeiter received ~ 22 and 4,9 marks per week, respectively, then how did the monthly earnings come about ~ 220 and 55 ?? Or were there 10-11 weeks in the fascist month? )
  3. +10
    20 September 2021 18: 40
    The article smelled like Dozhd and his pack when they raised the question of surrendering Leningrad. Although, there are no words, the material is well riveted. Only such announcements come to mind more (this Nazi bastard calls a partisan a bandit)
    1. +1
      21 September 2021 05: 31
      Now, for 25 hectares of land, in today's Ukraine, it's not like "the bandit Katya" - they would surrender their own mother. The case of Gebels is alive and well.
  4. +6
    20 September 2021 18: 41
    The Reichsmark "died" in 1948. Introduced the German mark, D-Mark.
    The entire population was given 40 marks per head, after 2 months another 20.
    But, all the money that lay in bank accounts (even with millionaires) turned into waste paper.
    And the money of the workers, if anyone had it, just disappeared.
    This marked the beginning of a new period in the development of West Germany.
    One worker told me about it, but I can't ask him any more.
  5. +4
    20 September 2021 18: 42
    “On average in 1942 a German worker received between 21,3 and 22,4 Reichsmarks per week.
    On a monthly basis, the German worker received from 217 to 225 Reichsmarks "
    How so? 21,3x4 = 85,2 (217?) 22,4x4 = 89,6 (225?)
    1. +1
      20 September 2021 19: 12
      In the nineties my wife and I rested near Nikolaev on the estuary. We lived with Anna Ulyanovna. During the war, she was sent to Germany for such jobs, which are described in the article. Burst into memory - she was drinking coffee there for the first time (instead of tea), most likely the drink and cheeses "not like in Ukraine." She received money (how much, of course, I don't remember), but every Saturday they were taken by car to the city and they dropped everything at dances and in the store. So she had no savings.
      Interestingly, by the end of the war, she was taken to her by some kind of Frau, to look after her son, a disabled soldier. So she almost married him. So it goes.
    2. -1
      21 September 2021 16: 46
      Duck there in general with the arithmetic part, not really))
  6. +17
    20 September 2021 18: 46
    The further into the forest ... Soon they will begin to write that the German occupation was not only distorted by Soviet propaganda, but was also the salvation of the Soviet people ... Guys, this is not freedom of speech, this is a method to make a mess in the discussion and attempts to distort the history of the Second World War with the whitening of fascism!
    1. -1
      21 September 2021 13: 20
      Unfortunately, the article is true that this war has two sides of the coin, someone did not grieve, and someone washed in blood, even in the USSR, even in children's books, children of the Ostbyers wrote about this to school, sent to German to study, paid salaries and dances and partying in cities according to on weekends, everything is true, but at that time mine fought in besieged Leningrad and swelled from hunger.
    2. +1
      22 September 2021 11: 50
      Quote: Vladimir61
      Guys, this is not freedom of speech, this is a method to make a mess in the discussion and attempts to distort the history of the Second World War with the whitening of fascism!

      I hesitate to remind you_- that Bandera after the war drove 10 years.
      The Soviet government cannot be called loyal to the Bandera - and the terms were given long and shot, and the forest was combed with military operations ...
      And the Bandera members existed for another 10 years ..
      This is possible in one single case - significant part of the local population supported them. Too long - 10 years to feed the forest parasites, not a single peasant will just
      1. 0
        22 September 2021 14: 11
        Quote: your1970
        I hesitate to remind you_- that Bandera after the war drove 10 years.
        Do not be shy! At one time I learned from those who smoked them from their caches, but your message is not clear to me. What does "a significant part of ..." have to do with it when it comes to posting such materials on VO.
        1. -2
          22 September 2021 14: 36
          Do you want to be silent?
          I only wonder what to keep silent about? About how the Soviet power fled very briskly, abandoning tens of millions of its citizens face to face with the invaders?
          1. +2
            22 September 2021 15: 18
            Quote: wehr
            Do you want to be silent?

            Yes, God be with you, smoke! Everyone has their own hobby! And judging by your articles posted on VO, you are simply not indifferent to everything that is somehow connected with Nazi Germany.
            1. -1
              22 September 2021 15: 31
              This is a development of the topic: "The Economy of the Third Reich and the Occupied Territories", very poorly researched.
              1. +2
                22 September 2021 15: 36
                Quote: wehr
                This is a theme development ...
                From the information resistance or defense which country and with what tasks?
                1. 0
                  22 September 2021 21: 22
                  Well, of course, from the world government of the Reptilians !! laughing
                  1. 0
                    23 September 2021 00: 13
                    Quote: wehr
                    Well, of course, from the world government of the Reptilians !!

                    Okay, good luck ...
        2. +1
          22 September 2021 15: 04
          Quote: Vladimir61
          Quote: your1970
          I hesitate to remind you_- that Bandera after the war drove 10 years.
          Do not be shy! At one time I learned from those who smoked them from their caches, but your message is not clear to me. What does "a significant part of ..." have to do with it when it comes to posting such materials on VO.

          So those Banderites, including voluntary workers who returned from the Reich, supported them. And about this support, they were modestly silent in the USSR, so as not to offend everyone else.
  7. +19
    20 September 2021 18: 53
    This is not a politically correct topic. For historical propaganda, it is like a brick in a shop window.

    The scarce literature on German politics in the occupied territories of the USSR certainly contains the theme of "theft into German slavery." German documents indicate that the Ostarbeiters in Germany were paid a salary, they even made savings, to which unexpectedly a lot of attention was devoted in the correspondence of several departments. The question of the savings of Ostarbeiters in Germany, where to store them and how to transfer them, arose in the fall of 1942, and the last document that we managed to find dates back to January 1945.

    The article is one-sided, this is not a historical study, it is an attempt to whitewash German National Socialism. If the author decided to write such articles then it might be worth using;

    Volume 25, it deals very well with the ostarbeiter issue, document-based.
    My question is why do you publish such articles?
    1. +12
      20 September 2021 19: 07
      What do you mean why? And why did they throw mud at Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, why did they lie about the NKVD troops, about detachments, about penal battalions, where in their low-quality books the authors "sent" criminals (pickpockets and raiders to the penal battalion, EPRST!)? All these are arias from one opera. An attempt to make up the beastly face of Nazism under something decent.
  8. +8
    20 September 2021 18: 59
    Somehow, all this does not fit with the thesis about "theft into slavery."
    and right there
    These were definitely not “driven into slavery”, but they went to work, because they sided with Germany, and they needed money to get a better job under the occupation power.
    it turns out "Dear comrades of the judge, Detochkin, of course, is to blame, but he is not to blame. Have pity on him, comrades of the judge, he is a very good person ..." (c) laughing
  9. +10
    20 September 2021 19: 06
    It seems that a significant, if not most, part of the Ostarbeiters went to work quite voluntarily, out of anti-Soviet motives and views, knowing full well what prospects this gives them. I will not argue about the "volunteers" ... I can well admit that there were such! But the author shamelessly bent about "anti-Soviet motives and views"! The bulk of the "Ostarbeiter-volunteers" were guided not by "anti-Soviet views" but by the desire to find a safe, satisfying place (to settle down) in a "new life under new masters"! Get away from German posts and round-ups ... from partisan visits and ambushes! I wanted a "quiet life in an enlightened Europe"! And for this they were not averse to proving their need for the "new" masters and the German "order!
  10. +15
    20 September 2021 19: 17
    The author's figures on salaries and deductions do not agree well, or rather, very badly. If 4,9 Reichsmarks per week were handed out, then 55 per month could not work out in any way.
    And about voluntariness ...
    By the time the German occupation began, the situation in cities and villages was very different. In accordance with the well-known order for the destruction and removal of the rear, during the retreat of everything that was of value, cities, primarily industrial centers, suffered the most.
    During the evacuation, not all were taken out, but only key specialists; it was very difficult to evacuate to the rear on their own, therefore, a situation arose when a significant part of the inhabitants of the cities remained in the occupied territory with the industry destroyed during the retreat. The Germans did not just feed, but to live as it was necessary, we are talking about several years of people's lives. Therefore, there were problems with work. The offer of the Germans to work in Germany was initially completely voluntary, and the first echelons were sent voluntarily. But very quickly letters began to come from Germany, and in them everything was far from being as rosy as the author painted it, but rather not rosy at all. Therefore, the process went on voluntarily forcibly, and then purely compulsory. They took primarily young people who did not have a job. But the people already understood what was what (and the author still does not know) and resisted with might and main as much as they could - they hid, imitated diseases and various ulcers on their bodies.
    In the villages, the situation was radically different. There, the destruction during the retreat of ours was much less, it was easier to restore, and almost immediately the collective farms began to work again, in some places except that the chairman was changed, and the foremen, agronomists and other leaders remained in place. And the Germans paid for the work. Private production of agricultural products was also opened. Not that heavenly conditions, but the collective farmers had not got used to heavenly conditions in the time before the war. The Germans took tax, but in general life in the countryside was much better than in the city, despite the fact that before the war the situation was the opposite.
    Therefore, it was from the village that those who initially did not voluntarily go to Germany. But workers with agricultural knowledge were also required, so in the countryside it almost immediately became compulsory, and rather harsh.
    And about those heavenly conditions that the author described, we will leave it on his conscience: ((
    1. +3
      21 September 2021 11: 56
      Competent comment!
    2. +4
      21 September 2021 14: 54
      Quote: Avior
      By the time the German occupation began, the situation in cities and villages was very different. In accordance with the well-known order for the destruction and removal of the rear, during the retreat of everything that was of value, cities, primarily industrial centers, suffered the most.
      During the evacuation, not all were taken out, but only key specialists; it was very difficult to evacuate to the rear on their own, therefore, a situation arose when a significant part of the inhabitants of the cities remained in the occupied territory with the industry destroyed during the retreat. The Germans did not just feed, but to live as it was necessary, we are talking about several years of people's lives.

      Germans are not they just didn't feed - at first they did not need the urban population at all. From the occupied territories, they planned to receive primarily agricultural products - at least 8 million tons of grain per year, by any means. As for the cities, the fate of their population according to the original plan was sad.
      It also says that when this plan is implemented, millions of indigenous people will starve to death, but this should not bother the Reich, since the occupied territories are required as a source of raw materials, and not a highly developed industrial region, and the peak of mortality will be in the industrial regions, which and so they are not able to provide themselves with agricultural products.
      © D. Shein
      In addition, the urban population is education. And why in the occupied territories, the population has gone through the educational program disloyal to the Reich?
  11. +13
    20 September 2021 20: 04
    And again Verkhoturov with his hands up!
    Already a whole series of articles by the "researcher" whitewashing Nazi Germany. After each article, readers of VO smash it to pieces, and at least he has something. He continues to create abomination, trying to sharpen the stone drop by drop, building from separate documents the image of white and fluffy Nazi Germans.
    Everything that I think about the author, I have already written in the comments to the previous libels.
    God is merciful! I have never met such "researchers". I am sure that what Verkhoturov is promoting will definitely look into his eyes.
    1. +4
      20 September 2021 23: 36
      Quote: Assyrian
      Already a whole series of articles by the "researcher" whitewashing Nazi Germany

      And what about the "series of articles" teaching how to make vodka from a cavern, beer from urine, soap from corpses ... This is how Verkhoturov walks along the "literary" path ... and then to such crap that you can't think of a name right away!
  12. +9
    20 September 2021 21: 00
    It seems that a significant, if not most, part of the Ostarbeiters went to work quite voluntarily, out of anti-Soviet motives and views, knowing full well what prospects this gives them. It's just that after the war it became very unprofitable to remember it.
    The relatives of these Ostarbeiters supported them.

    In my Ukraine, Vinnytsia region, Kalnik village, my grandfather and my grandmother's sister were taken to Germany to work on my mother’s side. After the war, my grandmother's sister ended up in America, and her relatives found out that she was alive only after Stalin's death in 1953. According to their stories, there were no volunteers to work in Germany, they carried out raids, who were caught and sent.
  13. -3
    20 September 2021 21: 50
    It looks like the people did not master the article to read to the end, since they pounced on the author. Or didn’t understand. HZ, I see a clear message that those who were hiding behind "hijacking into slavery" actually could go there voluntarily, to earn money. And that they were planned to be further used in the occupied territories as their own people.
    With what fright are we angry with the author? Or does someone still have these cards from grandfather hidden away at home, in the hope of cashing out? laughing
  14. +8
    20 September 2021 23: 02
    Didn't they give out cakes there?
    Oh, this accounting department.

    "The SS have calculated that one Jew, even a young and efficient one, is worth
    only one thousand six hundred and twenty marks. It is issued for six stamps a day
    for rent to German industrialists using slave labor. Meals in
    the camp costs sixty pfennigs a day. Ten more pfennigs lay
    for depreciation of worn items. Life expectancy is nine
    months. Total, counting the profit, one thousand four hundred marks. Add to this
    rational use of the corpse: gold crowns, clothes, valuables, money,
    brought with them, and, finally, hair. Less the cost of burning in
    the sum of two marks, the net profit is about one thousand six hundred and twenty
    stamps. From this should be subtracted more women and children who have no real
    values. Their killing in gas chambers and burning costs a circle in
    six brands. This also includes the elderly, the sick, and so on. So
    Thus, on average, if you round up the amount, the income is still at least
    one thousand two hundred marks.
    Lowe turned pale as a sheet.
    - It's true?
    - So it was calculated. Official German Offices "

    Remarque. "Shadows in Paradise".

    By the way, the margin takes into account the profit from the sale of ash from burning, as fertilizers, to local farmers.
  15. +5
    20 September 2021 23: 59
    The author, if he did not live in a resort, but to the north, would invite you to work as an ostarbeiter, 6 days a week for 12 hours, on a day off studying the materials of the Nuremberg trial, with an exam. At the end of 1942, a rationing system was introduced in Germany. According to the memoirs of the Ostarbeiters, you could buy a bottle of beer for a week's salary. In a month I would change you for a new one, you still have in your circle those who share your point of view. hi
  16. +1
    21 September 2021 03: 55
    My grandmother was taken to Germany as a teenager, and she worked there, but the most negative impressions remained from returning to their homeland, they led them in a column, and when they met the soldiers, they insulted them and spat on them. This is the truth.
  17. -3
    21 September 2021 04: 42
    I was surprised how many "accumulators" and their amounts are from different parts of the USSR, the overwhelming majority of them are Ukrainians.
  18. +6
    21 September 2021 05: 28
    Very interesting and curious material.
    When reading this article, of course, do not forget that all these cards, salaries and savings accounts are not just that. All these are elements of a mechanism for transforming Soviet citizens from the occupied territories into the category of loyal German authorities and, in fact, gratuitous free labor.
    It seems that a significant, if not most, part of the Ostarbeiters went to work quite voluntarily, out of anti-Soviet motives and views, knowing full well what prospects this gives them.
    Dmitry, here you are definitely mistaken, just as the commentators are mistaken, claiming that everyone drove by force. We also drove voluntarily, succumbing to the promises of a beautiful life in Germany. But the main reason - "You were not starving, comrade lieutenant, you were not starving" .... (c) "Aty-bats, soldiers were walking" ...
    1. +3
      21 September 2021 09: 17
      It turns out that none of the commentators read Semin's autobiographical story "Ost Badge"?
      1. 0
        21 September 2021 22: 00
        If this is not an advertisement, which bookstore? Here is the Labyrinth website.
    2. 0
      21 September 2021 21: 47
      "You did not starve, Comrade Lieutenant, you did not starve"
      Bravo. I love this movie.
      "The main thing is that cheap stuff doesn't come out of him" (corporal Svyatkin (Bykov)
      about a son whom I have never seen)
  19. +3
    21 September 2021 16: 56
    Well, I read the article and fell into a stupor, it turns out that the Nazi invasion of Russia was a great boon for the Russian people, they even paid more to a worker from Russia in Germany than in his homeland, and 27 million dead and hardest trials for those who went through this war are, apparently just some kind of misunderstanding. This is how history is being rewritten quietly and imperceptibly.
    1. +2
      21 September 2021 21: 49
      This is the wrong side of the war. It is different, this wrong side.
      The article has the right to exist.
  20. +2
    21 September 2021 21: 07
    Article for readers 50+. Otherwise, the youth will turn everything upside down and serve everything differently.
    1. 0
      21 September 2021 21: 51
      When my children, instead of reading "The Dawns Here Are Quiet"
      watching a movie on YouTube in accelerated modethen yes, it's a disaster.
      Unfortunately, the modern shkolota has adapted, and this is ubiquitous
      trouble. And the Quiet Don is watched at accelerated, and War and Peace, cinema instead of reading.
      1. 0
        21 September 2021 22: 22
        About that and speech! ((((
  21. 0
    23 September 2021 14: 39
    Is the author surprised that slaves from the East had money on hand?
    "Do you know, hek, aneg with a wooden leg? Well, this old ebony founded the bank and said that every ebony, which will bring him one dollar, at the end of the year will receive four. All blacks ran to him and brought their money, but nothing didn’t get it; Jim alone got a lot because Jim announced to the lame black man that if he didn’t give him the money, he would run the same bank himself. "
    Mark Twain "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn."
  22. Com
    24 September 2021 14: 22
    The predictable arrival of the followers of General Vlasov. Great terminology, voluminous documents.

    But what was it really like?

    “In the transit, women were separated from men, formed parties according to age, tore apart those who wanted to be together. Here everything collapsed at once: the loss of loved ones, hungry, extreme exhaustion, ration, insult by a vile gruel. systematic beatings. "- Vitaly Semin "Breastplate OST"
  23. 0
    24 September 2021 14: 49
    I don't see any logical contradictions. We condemn those who in France, Belgium, Holland regularly worked for the invaders, as they "sponsored the enemy", but we cannot give a clear answer to the question - what did the population of the occupied USSR do. And if in the countryside it was somehow possible to spin (although the Germans left collective farms as the most convenient form of managing agriculture), then in the city ... The planning system does not work. So is the market. During the retreat and simply in the course of hostilities, up to 90% of production facilities were destroyed. Where, how and what should the inhabitants of the occupied cities eat? The answer to this question is so obvious and just as unpleasant for all fans of the USSR and is partially described in this article.

    But about the theft ... "- Goering" In the East, I intend to rob, and rob effectively. Everything that can be suitable for the Germans in the East should be lightning fast extracted and delivered to Germany. " Given the fact that the financial structures of Germany itself and the occupied territories did not intersect (for example, the exchange rate of the franc and the mark was set forcibly - memoirs of the Minister of Finance, retired
    Lutz, Count Schwerin von Krozigk), there was no physical opportunity to earn something and take it out. The bottom line was work for food (by the then concepts already good) with carrots "someday you can take something home." To consider this an obvious deception, physically theft or something else is stupid, after so much time has passed. From a good life, this was definitely not done

    This is all first, and secondly, the dynamics in time is poorly considered. It is likely that there were many volunteers to leave at the beginning of the war and no hijacking was required, since there were not enough jobs for all. But with the course of the war, when the successes of Germany became doubtful, and the number of volunteers decreased - and this began to be practiced.
  24. 0
    26 September 2021 06: 38
    They stole my aunt. She returned in 45, she lost her mind. It was impossible to ask questions, immediately screaming. By the way, Ukrainians do not know that their stolen relatives earned money. Now they will go to the German Embassy for compensation.
  25. 0
    27 September 2021 00: 56
    The topic is relevant. It remains to wish the author to shed more light on the life in the occupied territories and the number of the population in them. Estimates range from 40 to 80 million.
    But the question is inevitable: "Who then remained in the USSR?" And what were the losses in the Second World War? With the gigantic losses of the USSR, another question arises; "and who worked and fought?" Yes, in fact, what was the population of the USSR on the eve of the war?
    For if we read materials about hunger and repression, then tens of millions were destroyed in the USSR, and if - about losses in the Second World War - then on the eve of the War such vast territories were annexed to the USSR that the population was close to 200 million ...
  26. 0
    2 December 2021 11: 41
    history does not accept black and white images, otherwise it becomes propaganda. People survived on the territory of the USSR temporarily occupied by the Germans. Chatter about all as one does not reflect the true state of affairs. After the enchanting withdrawal of our troops, when everything collapsed before the eyes of the population, the flight of the authorities, the burning of party cards, the throwing of the classics of Marxism-Leninism into the outhouse, the repainting of some zealous builders of communism as voluntary assistants of the new government, the population was confused. Let's remember the panic in Moscow ..... So people tried to get settled. Someone went to kill, hang, while others began to look for options, then you need to live and feed the children. Rosenberg is a dreamer, he built a new order in his own way, but the local GUF, the Wehrmacht built their own system, with mass shootings, raids, hunger and incredible cruelty. Well, the Germans paid workers in factories, well, our citizens were there, so what? Because of this, betrayal did not cease to be a betrayal, and the new order did not become less cannibalistic.