USA trying to fight Russian hands with Russia

USA trying to fight Russian hands with Russia

This technology has received overseas the name "victory without war" ...

Several years ago, at a meeting in Washington, a well-known American figure in the presence of the author of these lines nostalgically shared his memories.

In 1980, he received a delegation from the Soviet Union, in which Gavriil Popov was. Soviet guests went to the store. Popov wanted to buy some thing, but he lacked a few dollars. The narrator told him this money otklyunyavil (without demanding return), and Popov was so glad, so happy and so grateful! "And then I told myself," continued the Washington figure, "if we had distributed ten thousand dollars like this, the Soviet Union would no longer exist."
In fact, it still took more than $ 10. But it did not take an open war. The Soviet Union was not destroyed tanks and enemy airplanes, and quiet glanders: systematic subversive work, psychological impact on leadership, buying loyalty of power circles and fooling the masses with false promises and propaganda. In Washington, this is called "victory without war."


It would seem that they destroyed the USSR - they achieved what 70 longed for years. But no - the same thing continues today. Russia is still too big and rebellious. Until they break it into an 4 piece, as Sakharov suggested, and even better at 50, as suggested by the leaders of the Interregional Deputy Group at one time, or not put someone like Saakashvili at the head (Navalny is an excellent material for modeling dictator!) Washington will not calm down.

For more than twenty years, American and Western European governments, private foundations and large companies have built up a vast multi-level subversive infrastructure in Russia. Painstaking work! We need to recruit personnel, train them, rebuild organizations, reach out to various sectors of society, establish links between these organizations, conduct thousands of trainings, constantly master new information technologies, create groups in different Facebookbooks, promote their people to the authorities from urban to federal and etc. So that the activity does not look political, it is necessary to finance everything in a “carpet” way - children, pregnant women, the unemployed and migrants, treatment of tuberculosis, fire fighting and forest protection - there is enough forest protection in our country. The preparatory phase becomes active when Washington feels that the situation is ripe. Elections provide a very convenient reason for organizing "spontaneous" protests.
Injections into the Russian society were made billions. Over the past 15 years, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) alone has “invested more than 2,6 billion dollars in Russia”. But this is a meager amount compared to the cost of the war, if it had to be waged against Russia - even the United States would spend over a trillion dollars on Afghanistan and Iraq. And how many good American guys would die at the hands of Russian barbarians!

Much cheaper and smarter to fight against Russia with the Russian hands. The US has Nemtsov, Ryzhkov, Navalny, Kasyanov, Kasparov, and the list goes on. From Washington, they pour water over the entire battery together with their networks from the shower and see who will shoot louder - then they will bet on it. For now, the internal competition between the “oppositionists” is very useful for the Washington business: everyone is zealous for choosing him. Glory and power are attached to money - a super stimulus for the ego of our non-systemic oppositionists.

Charity in the headquarters

Who does the allocation of grants from the American side? Charity, (not) surprisingly, in the biographies of these people does not appear. Charles North, director of USAID in Moscow, is a graduate of the National Military University with a master’s degree in national security strategy. The recent deputy head of USAID for Europe and Eurasia, Douglas Menarchik served 26 for years in the US Air Force, was an instructor at the Air Force Special Operations School (he taught counterterrorism, counterinsurgency operations and crisis management), was in charge of strategic planning for countering terrorism in the Pentagon.

The boards of trustees of Western and Russian NGOs that have been cloned by them abound in members of intelligence communities. The Council of the Moscow School of Political Studies is chaired by Sir Rodrick Braithwaite - although he is more accustomed to chairing the United Intelligence Committee of Great Britain. Moreover, this fact is absent in the official biography of the venerable Sir in the Russian version of the site of this “school” (compare it with his biography in the English Wikipedia). Among the members of the Board of Trustees of the Eurasia Foundation is Fiona Hill, from 2006 to 2009, she was responsible for Russia and Eurasia at the National Intelligence Council, which coordinates all US intelligence agencies. And of course, oil interests in American “non-governmental organizations” cannot be avoided in any way: the main place of work of Yana Kalitsky, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Eurasia Foundation, is Chevron Corporation, where, as an executive adviser on international strategy, he is engaged in “developing international business, negotiations and interaction with the authorities. "


Some forces in Europe are in a hurry to serve America. 9 - 10 November The 2011 of the Year in Helsinki brought together the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe from the European Parliament and Mikhail Kasyanov and his comrades. Together, they called on Europe "to refuse to recognize the results of the upcoming Russian elections as legitimate" - a month before they were held! The capital of Finland was not chosen by chance: the conference was held under the name “2.0 Helsinki” - as the organizers explain, a symbolic reminder of the 1975 Helsinki Accords of the year. We explain: the final act of these agreements has transferred human rights from the sphere of good wishes to the sphere of rigid real politics. If before that, the CIA was engaged in “promoting democratic values” - and this was called subversive activity, the Helsinki Accords allowed to do it openly, calling it “democratization”.
There is criticism aimed at improving affairs in the state — this is normal criticism that should be present in any country. And there is a criticism aimed at the destruction of statehood, and it is precisely such criticism that today's “Western dissidence” deals with - as Vladimir Bukovsky called himself and his associates. Today, like 20 - 30 years ago, we are witnessing the same efforts of the West to destroy our statehood. But this time we can not go on about a handful of purchased fringe. We have nowhere to disintegrate - the next “victory without war” of Washington will bring Russia to the borders of the Moscow kingdom of the XVI century.

What do you think?
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  1. +43
    9 September 2012 08: 29
    Here they are traitors to Russia !!! They also smile, I would kill.
    1. +24
      9 September 2012 10: 52
      I would love to look at the cramps of these geeks in the loop.
      1. Trance
        9 September 2012 16: 12
        Sakhalininsk,I would love to look at the cramps of these geeks in the loop.

        Hello Sergey wink but in our rear, besides the State Department, who is behind them, huh?

        1. cool.cube2012
          9 September 2012 18: 38
          Thanks Trance for the video. Such information removes the veil from the eyes of zombie people.
          1. Trance
            9 September 2012 19: 30
            cool.cube2012,Thanks Trance for the video. Such information removes the veil from the eyes of zombie people.

            Hello, Sergey! Not at all, it's Neyromir TV THANKS !!! wink
    2. ughhh
      9 September 2012 10: 53
      These dissidents are no longer quoted, their arrogant faces have become familiar and straightforward, stupid slogans for cattle can not be trusted.
      Much more dangerous are traitors who do not scream out loud, but spoil them with a quiet glanders.
      The sanity of our people is the key to freedom. Everyone needs to learn how to adequately look at the world.
      1. Trance
        9 September 2012 16: 16
        ughhh,The sanity of our people is the key to freedom. Everyone needs to learn how to adequately look at the world.

        Andr 5+ wink , see the continuation ...

        1. ughhh
          10 September 2012 05: 12
          Andr 5+, see the continuation ...

          The call to extremism is not fully reasoned. Shouts in the spirit: "a young family cannot buy a home!" adequate, but the reason for an armed uprising can only be for people who are not burdened with intelligence. What the guys are calling for in the video can ultimately lead to civil war. That's just her, darling, we now lacked.
    3. 0
      9 September 2012 14: 40
      Quote: Kolyan 2
      Here they are traitors to Russia !!! They also smile, I would kill.
      They consider themselves to be the color of the nation, democrats from head to toe, but in fact the creatures are corrupt. I wouldn’t kill, but please grow up potatoes growing in the Arctic Circle. And let only the plan is not fulfilled!
    4. slas
      9 September 2012 15: 20
      It’s much cheaper and smarter to fight against Russia with Russian hands. The USA has Nemtsov, Ryzhkov, Navalny, Kasyanov, Kasparov and further down the list-------- something I do not see Russian among them
      1. +2
        9 September 2012 15: 42
        As Karpov said in the 90th year - I am more Russian than Kasparov, but this does not prevent me from playing under the Soviet flag.
        (close to text)
      2. escobar
        9 September 2012 18: 54
        Quote: slas
        Nemtsov, Ryzhkov, Navalny, Kasyanov, Kasparov

        Red Germans piled on Kоsyanova
        1. Old
          9 September 2012 22: 10
          Quote: Trance
          look continuation ...

          Crying places are not so distant for this Mironov family, oh-cry, a person for a young one from this idyll, so I climbed less in the stands.
          1. Trance
            9 September 2012 22: 21
            Old,Crying places are not so distant for this Mironov family, oh-cry, a person for a young one from this idyll, so I climbed less in the stands.

            Old, it’s not clear to me which way you pour sand wink
            1. Old
              9 September 2012 22: 53
              Quote: Trance
              it is not clear which way you pour sand

              Yes, I say, this family of the Mironovs is urgently put in jail, otherwise their ears turn into a tube because of their awkward speeches.
              1. Trance
                9 September 2012 23: 59
                Old,Yes, I say, this family of the Mironovs is urgently put in jail, otherwise their ears turn into a tube because of their awkward speeches.

                Hehe, well, then we are in different trenches wink for-si-paradise-those your ears in a zombie, watching stupid TV shows and shows wassat
                1. Old
                  10 September 2012 06: 27
                  Quote: Trance
                  Hehe, well, then we are in different trenches

                  Yes, here it is not necessary to laugh, but to cry! Yesterday, these Mironovs ran along Bolotnaya streets, shouted in a swearing man in unison with the Navalny-Nemtsovs in an embrace, and today the audience was changed to warm halls, but the topic was driven, like "... we carried out reconnaissance in the camp of enemies" And in other matters, writers, this is the most parasitic profession, then the elder Mironov stuttered, they say, he liked the novelist, but he achieved more fame in journalism, revolutionary. And the most interesting thing is again from the former, the ex-minister's voice cut through, woke up. In his speeches he dumped everything in a heap up to: "... children without a roof over their heads" were left in the law on "lies." All of them are painted with orange paint, and they print their books with foreign money.
                  1. Trance
                    10 September 2012 06: 33
                    Old, All of them are painted with orange paint, and they print their books on foreign money.

                    Kvachkova also smeared in orange paint? wink
                    1. Old
                      10 September 2012 06: 54
                      Quote: Trance
                      Kvachkova also in orange paint

                      Kvachkov was a normal guy five years ago, when he butted with "Red", but when he was taken, yes, "led" into politics, Kvachkov ended. It's good if he realizes where the wind is blowing from. Looks like sucks in television fame, you probably consider yourself "necessary" right away.
                      Okay, time to run to work.
                      1. Trance
                        10 September 2012 16: 35

                        I'm not going to argue with you, since you have more than one sound argument, everything is in a fog wink . History will judge us. More than sure that you have not even read the ROS program and charter. Scare further people, the State Department, the Nazis, etc. wassat

                        Everyone who has not chosen their path will definitely choose it wink
            2. cool.cube2012
              11 September 2012 15: 59
              Due to the fact that the Mironovs are tough in favor of the Russians and against the Jews, then everything is clear with the old one. Look what a cunning man. negative
    5. +5
      9 September 2012 15: 50
      to kill and procreate the martyrs for the idea? It’s easier to throw out the country as in the old days and let this good concentrate to a critical mass in the West and then explode so that they don’t think it will
      1. Che
        10 September 2012 09: 06
        It would be a way out but they won’t be taken there, they are needed here.
    6. Trance
      9 September 2012 16: 07
      Kolyan 2,Here they are traitors to Russia !!! They also smile, I would kill.

      Hi all, wink a little non-standard video, watch, analyze, draw conclusions for ourselves wink

    7. Good Ukraine
      10 September 2012 00: 48
      These geeks need to be deprived of the citizen and sent to where they love and wait.
      If they do not like the country, then let them live where they like. And they do not impose on us any alien values.
      The most interesting thing is that there are solid "Rusichi" in the photo.
    8. 0
      10 September 2012 09: 00
      Geeks, such and ruined a great country. Like the horses on the body on their forehead must be put the stigma of a traitor to the motherland! am
  2. Lech e-mine
    9 September 2012 08: 32

    The technology of entering the country into the civil war is brightly visible in Syria.
    1. +15
      9 September 2012 09: 25
      Quote: Leha e-mine

      Salute, Alexey! Let me add - "And excessive tolerance for those who find any more or less reason to once again throw a piece of dirt into the country in which his children and grandchildren live and will live."
      1. Lech e-mine
        9 September 2012 09: 33
        Hello Esaul.
        A series of orange revolutions and numerous wars unleashed by the Western countries in the 21st century did not bring any joy to people in countries where the so-called democracy came
        YOU AND ME are the defenders of this democracy trying to accuse us of the KREMLIN propaganda, but in the end there is just common sense. When you see that after the next white-orange revolution, WOMEN and CHILDREN begin to die, that DEMOCRACY BY THE WESTERN SAMPLE IS A FALSE AND OBEMAN .
        1. +12
          9 September 2012 10: 07
          In the states, the Nemtsov-Caspar Cublo would have long wound up life sentences if they were citizens of America and conducted similar activities. And after that, someone opens the beak to tweet about the lack of democracy in Russia. Therefore, I support the thesis: DEMOCRACY ON THE WESTERN SAMPLE IS A FALSE, DECEPTION AND PROFANATION. From myself I will add - and a DIRTY TOOL ...
          1. +10
            9 September 2012 10: 57
            Quote: Nord
            conducting similar activities.

            Greetings Leonid. I perfectly understood your thought and support it. I just remembered a joke of Soviet times:

            Meet American and Russian (recall - the time of Brezhnev - Nixon))
            They argued about the merits of their states. American says
            - We have a complete democracy! Anyone can go to the square in front of the White House and shout - "Down with President Nixon!" - and nothing will happen to him!
            Russian in response
            - We have the same democracy. Anyone can walk out onto Red Square and shout, "Down with President Nixon!" - and nothing will happen to him ...
            1. +6
              9 September 2012 11: 21
              Salute, Valery.
              Good joke, right. I was even sad somehow ...
              In those days, such a trash shied away in the kitchens, and certainly not in the embassies and called them renegades.
        2. +3
          9 September 2012 11: 17
          Quote: Leha e-mine

          Lyosha, and many here on the forum understand this very well - thank God - most people think. And attempts to stuff any crap - this is inevitable in the internet.
        3. +13
          9 September 2012 12: 34
          To you thieves climbed into the garden -
          Do you want to take a club and drive them away ...
          But suddenly you hear the whole choir singing:
          "Be patient, friend, be kind and tolerant!"

          While you wonder
          How do we need to understand them in Russia,
          You look, they’ve been in your house for a long time.
          They shout, laugh: “Be tolerant of us!”

          And offend a weak mother
          Throw your sister on the porch
          But ... tolerance must be maintained -
          All mass media broadcast so.

          Look soon: the executioner is preparing,
          And the grave was almost dug ...
          Well they say to you “carefully”: “Do not cry!
          And be tolerant to the executioner, dear! ”

          Mother Russia has always been
          The guests open are infinitely glad
          Dangerous enemies could be repulsed
          Such that did not even cast a glance!

          The cruel enemy had to accept
          What is no omnipotent technique
          He won’t take our Russia,
          Do not get along with rebellious Russia!
        4. zh1
          9 September 2012 13: 54
          Am is a single Jew. Damos is a community of Jews. Therefore, democracy is the power of the Jews.
        5. Che
          10 September 2012 10: 59
          Lech e-mine,
          Common sense in amersky, sell for the bablos Homeland. Surprised if this does not happen. I want to say that not all are sold and not all are sold. There are concepts like honor, justice, freedom.
      2. slas
        9 September 2012 15: 24
        Quote: esaul
        once again throw a piece of dirt into the country in which his children and grandchildren live and will live

        Something I doubt about their children and where they will live
    2. +7
      9 September 2012 13: 34
      I agree with you, but about the term tolerance ... I came across an article by a former doctor, he is somewhat confused, but quite definitely reveals this term. I kept a part of this article for myself: " For the first time I came across the term “tolerance” shortly before the departure of another unforgettable Leonid Ilyich to the world. This happened at a lecture on ... pathological anatomy, physiology or cytology - now, alas, I do not remember - I am only convinced: it was interpreted as “indifference”.
      Either immunoglobulins, or antibodies, or lymphocytes (T-helpers, T-killers -?) Suddenly cease to perceive an external hostile (bacterial, rickettsion, viral, chemical) invasion - and, equally, degenerated (cancerous - colloquially) cells the body itself - a violation of the basics of life. Roughly speaking, they testify “honor and respect” not to their - native, primordial - external force or locally born perverts / perversions.
      The term (definition, definition) - it is the term (definition, definition) and is - a code word used by scientists (some of them even deserve a name - scientists), so as not to fall into that memorable discussion, which has gone down in history philosophy, high scholasticism is a mutual insult, or even the vitalization of nominalists and realists.
      ... ... ... ... ... ...
      What was my surprise when this very “tolerance” suddenly surfaced (10-15 years ago) in a completely different (not negative, but positive) socio-political sense!
      Suddenly it turned out that “tolerance” is good, but being intolerant is bad! "
      1. not good
        9 September 2012 16: 01
        You can’t compare tolerance with tolerance, you can be tolerant, but not tolerant. Tolerance is a very convenient screen which hides indifference, indifference and shortsightedness, and from here to one betrayal.
      2. wax
        9 September 2012 16: 54
        Namely, tolerance is the opening of wide open doors for the enemy without checking at the entrance (even in biology, even in political science).
    3. +2
      9 September 2012 20: 46
      Quote: Leha e-mine

      I fully support!
      Democracy is a fictitious concept, look at the level of permissible dissidence in these "democratic" countries themselves, and you will understand that even they do not have those "personal freedoms" that they demand to establish in our country.
      The deceit and two-standardism of the West does not see only the blind.

      And now it’s pre-war time, on the eve of the Third World War. And if the country is going to survive, this corrupt residency (the fifth column - ready spies and saboteurs in our rear, both ideological and "real", ready to act) must be sent under the laws of wartime to send uranium ore and nickel for our defense industry to extract. Let at least from under the stick they serve the people who gave birth to them and nurtured and educated, at least some benefit from these scum would be ...

      PS But in general, Stalin was right - this is already spoiled material, rotten souls. What to bother with them? ..
  3. +5
    9 September 2012 08: 33
    The author definitely +! Although it’s hard to read how the USSR collapsed, you need to know so that this does not happen again! Time will tell!
  4. +2
    9 September 2012 08: 36
    Enemies are often inside. We must vigilantly look around.
    1. not good
      9 September 2012 16: 07
      The relevant authorities should look around, relying on a clear legislative framework, and the position of any Russian patriot will not look tolerant from the point of view of Western democracies. But it doesn’t matter to me that my neighbors don’t like that I’m putting out a fire in my house. I’m living in it, but I want to live without Tolerasts.
  5. +11
    9 September 2012 08: 41
    If it was possible to ruin Russia, then this is the 90s, now it’s too late, the train left. The opposition has completely degraded, the masks are ripped off, no one will follow the traitors, except perhaps the same traitors.
  6. 0
    9 September 2012 08: 47
    one word, liberals. and also cowardly. a convinced person can be hung on a pillar, but not intimidated by compromising material and threats
  7. 0
    9 September 2012 08: 49
    offset to the author .... yes, the expression of Napoleon will always work-divide and conquer
  8. +3
    9 September 2012 08: 55
    Quote: Deniska999
    Enemies are often inside. We must vigilantly look around.

    It is necessary not only to watch, but also to plant (unfortunately it is impossible to shoot) or at least expose so that everyone knows the enemy in person. In general, the All-Russian board of shame.
  9. mar.tira
    9 September 2012 08: 56
    All these people were nourished and nurtured by the current government, and were in power! They didn’t come from the Moon, and not from Mars. They still haven’t shown Chubais, Kiriyenko, .... there are many more who can be put in a row and shot. Many enemies are still at large and giggle. But there’s no time to see! do not take out !!!!
    1. cool.cube2012
      9 September 2012 17: 40
      mar.tira completely agree plus and note the authorities of these figures that the photo is not particularly pressed for a maximum of fifteen days. The conclusion is that these Jews have the reverse side of the coin, and the front side of the coin.
  10. +11
    9 September 2012 08: 56
    Actually, fighting the 5th column is easy. Expel from the country with the deprivation of citizenship of any Nemtsov, Kasparov, Navalny. And then no one in the West will feed these wreckers.
  11. +8
    9 September 2012 09: 00
    It is necessary to wage an information war against TRAITORS !! It’s enough to just speak the truth about them on television and on the Internet !!!!
    1. denn
      9 September 2012 17: 51
      Against them, it is necessary to create bills and deadlines in the first place. IMHO.
  12. Lech e-mine
    9 September 2012 09: 03
    Here is another character.
    1. +2
      9 September 2012 09: 56
      Quote: Leha e-mine
      Here is another character.

      Horseradish clown ... Obviously, he is being knocked out, intentionally pulling the flag colors on his fat carcass!
      Or is it Madame Novodvorskaya ?! Dear mom! ... She, in my opinion, completely lost her roof because of Russophobia or is this a photo of a shop?
  13. -29
    9 September 2012 09: 14
    Do you want to destroy any opposition so that no one would interfere with the current authorities holding to plunder the country? Just who are you after that? Victims of Kremlin propaganda - this is the most decent definition for you.
    1. rauf
      9 September 2012 09: 23
      sit in Turkey for Russia, be silent. We live here and it is up to us to decide how to live.
    2. Lech e-mine
      9 September 2012 09: 23
      The opposition should be productive in offering something real in return. And if the opposition activist KASPAROV offers to bomb RUSSIA, then IN THE Coffin I SEE SUCH OPPOSITION-DEAR bairat.
    3. +4
      9 September 2012 09: 59
      sorry, do you think that these gentlemen in the photographs are true patriots and benefactors? what they prevent to plunder Russia?
      If you think so, then the Internet will help you. Soon you will be disappointed in your beliefs. but for now minus
      1. -8
        9 September 2012 10: 04
        Maybe not, not all there are benefactors. But do not hang on them all the dogs.
        1. +13
          9 September 2012 13: 21
          Quote: bairat
          Maybe not, not all there are benefactors. But do not hang on them all the dogs.

          Man, they don’t have to hang dogs on them, but medieval blocks, such that their greedy treacherous hands could not reach anything in our country. And most importantly, to not reach young fragile brains, who are still not able to adequately assess everything that is happening in the world at the moment. Worms cannot be useful for an organism, orange people cannot love their country for Anglo-Saxon money. They are not opposition, they are parasites. And they have only one way out, through ... opa on the bastard of world history.
          1. +2
            9 September 2012 20: 26
            sir, you are again brainwashed.
            Yes, they are not angels and rather devils. but they are the same devils as in power!
            Do not again step on the same propaganda rake as in the USSR.
            and here’s what else interests me, since the bad West in the person of the State Department sponsors these Navalny, who or what prevents the Kremlin or the FSB in particular from doing their direct work ???
            we are not living in the 90s now, the state has money like a fool of a shag!
            so again I repeat - what prevents them from buying up their opposition? and split their statehood?
            1. +1
              10 September 2012 10: 51
              Quote: Pilgrim
              sir, you are again brainwashed.

              Merciful sir! Trust me, it's hard to brainwash my brain. Neither Putin, let alone the Orangemen. All leaders are divided into two categories, those who are trying to make the state strong and after that calmly periodically cut their hair, not forgetting about the power of the state, and those who simply and stupidly give their country and people to the slaughter and plunder. By your definition, both those and other "devils". I agree, in the power of angels do not exist. It's just that they choose the lesser of two evils, unless, of course, you are ready for a revolution and plunge millions of people into the next furnace of the civil war. Putin is the lesser evil that belongs to the first category of leaders. Orangemen are pure inferno without interference. Therefore, I will always be their opponent. Well, the question is essentially to you, a person with "unwashed" brains, what do you personally propose to improve the situation in the country? Not vague phrases, pliz, but specific software solutions.
        2. +2
          9 September 2012 15: 55
          dogs definitely do not need to hang on them - poor animals are not to blame for anything
        3. 0
          9 September 2012 16: 57
          Quote: bairat
          Maybe not, not all there are benefactors. But do not hang on them all the dogs.
          Airat, we are far from being children and, believe me, we have already figured out who is who, please don’t interfere, otherwise don’t indulge in the most. Do you need this?
    4. +6
      9 September 2012 10: 08
      Dear bairat, I do not know how old you are, but imagine that you have ten children, and one goes to the neighbors and tells you what kind of teran you are. Takes money to "throw off" you. It does not work, but only arranges "the" marches of millions. "The question is - what will you do with your" miracle son "? Or do you have" dimacrctia "in the Zapodnaya family?
      1. -4
        9 September 2012 13: 05
        Dear artist-mamluk. If I have ten children, and I, together with one of the sons, will quickly sell home property, keeping the rest from hand to mouth, I myself will have fun with this money, probably the other sons can at least ask the question: "What's the matter?" They are even trying to deprive us of this right.
        1. slas
          9 September 2012 15: 34
          Quote: bairat
          If I have ten children, and I am paired with one of my sons, I will quickly sell my home property, keeping the rest from starving, I will have fun myself with this money, probably the other sons may at least ask a question:

          And you find in the online video how Ponomarev sells his homeland to the Japanese ambassador. And so the whole so-called * opposition *.
          1. +5
            9 September 2012 15: 58
            In our country, all worthwhile enterprises have gone offshore, each month billions of dollars go to officials ’foreign accounts - that’s where the traitors are, and you think Ponomarev’s crumbs.
            1. +8
              9 September 2012 18: 31
              Quote: bairat
              every month, billions of dollars go to officials ’foreign accounts - that’s where the traitors are, and you think Ponomarev’s crumbs.

              I wonder if Ponomarev sells his homeland - are these crumbs? fool What do you grind, dear. fool
              Do not confuse traitors with the opposition. Traitors want to humiliate their homeland, mix with dirt, sell it to the enemy. The opposition, if it really is, criticizes the authorities, proposes constructive solutions to existing problems, and most importantly cares for the greatness and well-being of their homeland. fool
              As for the foreign accounts of officials, we know. We will solve this problem without your, dear, participation. A bill is being prepared to ban officials and their family members from having accounts and property abroad.
              Is this a solution to the problem or not?
              1. +2
                9 September 2012 20: 34
                yeah, our corruption is best fought abroad.
                I still remember under Yeltsin - Adamov was detained in Switzerland. There was also some case. And Borodin with an Italian system firm !?
                And the famous scandal with Mercedes !!! Which ours hushed up at home !?
                This is when in Germany they recognized that they gave bribes to the presidential garage for choosing their brand, but ours didn’t get it - everything was fair. There, the truth is also Greece excelled!
                And the last one is the "Magnitsky list" !? Have you noticed how senior officials have become more active, and their comments !? This really got them hooked!
                and you say bulk and who else is there !?
              2. -1
                9 September 2012 23: 23
                We will solve this problem without your, dear, participation. A bill is being prepared to ban officials and their family members from having accounts and property abroad.
                Is this a solution to the problem or not?

                Do you have the authority to resolve this problem? So you are at least a deputy ...
                Who will control the ban, officials? I’m afraid what will happen to Gudkov now: there are ~ 60 businessmen in the Duma, but they run into one businessman-Gudkov.
            2. MI-AS-72
              9 September 2012 18: 49
              "Panomorevskie crumbs", most of these people have been in opposition since the mid-80s, they created the conditions and rules of the game, they are the founders of that monstrous aligarchy, which you are talking about here, do not be mistaken "by deeds you get to know them", but they were all authorities and Germans and Kasyanov or near the authorities. So that those officials, etc., about whom you write with indignation only a "pathetic little head" of these monsters, under the name "Russian liberastiya" do not flatter yourself.
            3. slas
              10 September 2012 09: 25
              Quote: bairat
              foreign accounts of officials - that’s where the traitors are, and you think Ponomarev’s crumbs

              Ponomarevsky crumbs speak laughing as in the army they told me "Today you did not hem the collar, but tomorrow you will sell your homeland" Here Ponomarev walks with a dirty neck and bargains to get his 30 silverware smile And about their company, then look again in the Internet, what kind of posts did Sir Kasyanov occupy, pan Nemtsov and others like that. bairat hi
        2. -2
          9 September 2012 18: 21
          You have not answered my question, what will you do with this "son"?
    5. +5
      9 September 2012 11: 14
      Quote: bairat
      Do you want to destroy any opposition so that no one would interfere with the current authorities holding to plunder the country? Just who are you after that? Victims of Kremlin propaganda - this is the most decent definition for you

      What the hell is the opposition, those who sell their country for greens, along the way, manage to get into the pocket of those who are on their way?
    6. sivak61
      9 September 2012 12: 01
    7. +1
      9 September 2012 13: 12
      look at yourself will still learn.
    8. Shooter308ful
      9 September 2012 13: 29
      Bairat, the Russian and Russian peoples do not need such an opposition from which it does not smell, but stinks of betrayal of the entire Russian state and its many peoples. Yes, but in Turkey people love the traitors of your homeland? There is a constructive opposition, which shows the flaws of the ruling power, the goal of which is to achieve the highest good for the majority of the people and the state and live in this state, and the goal of the traitors of the homeland is to implement the decrees of those who pay them, to earn here, after which they will dump to the West or overseas . And these traitors do not give a damn about my country and its peoples, in which they are so type of zealous opposition.
      So, we don’t need to teach us, call us victims of Kremlin propaganda, and so on. We live here in Russia and we already feel our own skin who is our friend, comrade and brother. But you, the Turk, have never been and will not be our brother. So you can take all these treacherous oppositional extra-systemicities to the Turkish coast. The Russians give it to you for free, take it in both hands, a Turkish-served clever man. Something I immediately remember the picture - A letter from the Cossacks to your Turkish sultan.
      1. slas
        9 September 2012 15: 40
        Quote: Shooter308ful
        Bairat, Russian and Russian peoples do not need such an opposition

        Yes, he understands everything, even to the state of semolina, people chew it. And he, like ............. dull
      2. +4
        9 September 2012 15: 55
        Russian peoples do not need such an opposition - which is, the other is not. I am not saying that they are ideal freedom fighters, there are no ideal people at all. It is necessary to change the system, so that people hide their evil inclinations away. It doesn’t stink from our government, but stinks it with lies and theft, and there are no checks and balances for it.
        There is a constructive opposition - who are these people?
        And here you are, Turk - I am a Tatar, in Turkey on vacation.
  14. +6
    9 September 2012 09: 42
    You just need to deprive citizenship of such people. I went to Helsinki, participated in the conference, called on the West to take anti-Russian actions, and then oops ... surprise - you cannot enter the country back. Let them boil abroad. It’s good there ... democracy.
    1. +1
      9 September 2012 10: 03
      You need to eliminate them. Physically. For educational purposes.
  15. +4
    9 September 2012 10: 00
    Does the "Magnitsky list" also resent you? How is it that our native officials and fraudsters have their accounts abroad blocked. It's outrageous!!! Ready to throw on the last matting to go to war with the damned foe.
    1. Vasily79
      9 September 2012 10: 25
      Quote: bairat
      Does the "Magnitsky list" also resent you?

      And you caught them by the hand or proved, and if you are really in Turkey, then your military is really being brought down in Syria, and this is interference in the sovereignty of another state, so the "Magnitsky list" and the stick has two ends.
      1. 0
        9 September 2012 13: 15
        this is a troll; do not argue with him.
      2. -1
        9 September 2012 13: 16
        Evidence of the guilt of people from the Magnitsky list is publicly available.
        In Turkey I am on vacation.
        1. Beck
          9 September 2012 15: 34
          Resentful of Magnitsky’s list. Like amers do not give freedom of movement and freedom of money transfer. So there would be no Magnitsky list if the authorities conducted a real investigation and punished those responsible.

          In China, not a member of the Politburo, Bo Xilai, did something, but his wife was engaged in fraud and poisoned a companion. So the Chinese authorities conducted an investigation. Bo Xilai shoved from all posts, his wife in prison. And the Chinese authorities did not spoil their image. And the West did not make a list of Bo Xilai.
        2. slas
          9 September 2012 15: 42
          Quote: bairat
          Evidence of the guilt of people from the Magnitsky list is publicly available

          laughing laughing laughing
  16. raider
    9 September 2012 10: 00
    What will a chess player not be thrown into his historical homeland? MAKE a man out of him, learn on his own head. So he would drive rams in the mountains. Let him bring him down to Georgia and fight there with a wave
  17. NICK
    9 September 2012 10: 10
    The problem is that all these American democratic - money seeds fall on grateful soil. People, by personal example, see that real life is not as good as the Kremlin idiologists try to imagine. Nemtsov, Navalny and others like them are just the illuminated tip of the iceberg, and there is no talk of a fifth column in power. Maybe for starters the president should look for enemies in his inner circle, and not appoint dubious non-professionals to responsible posts on the basis of personal loyalty. This applies not only to Serdyukov. One gets the feeling that he (Putin) is simply forbidden to touch the remnants of the Yeltsin Guard and his family. If Putin continues to do so, then the Americans will have a chance. When the top finally sells the people, it will be too late for us all
  18. +5
    9 September 2012 10: 11
    The opposition born of society is needed by the state. The "opposition" organized from abroad is called the "fifth column", it must be eradicated from the outset, as a threat to the national security of the state,
    creating tough laws without regard to the media howling media of countries,
    giving birth to this column. Our media must learn from the Western how to wage an information war while we lose - obviously.
  19. +9
    9 September 2012 10: 12
    these creatures consider themselves "patriots", but it is not clear which Motherland ...
    1. Trance
      10 September 2012 00: 09
      segamegament,these creatures consider themselves "patriots", but it is not clear which Motherland ...

      segamegament, Yes, everything is already clear about their homeland, someone will shower in the UK, someone in the United States, nude and someone in Esrael wink
      1. +2
        10 September 2012 00: 13
        Subtlely noticed the situation wink good
    2. Che
      10 September 2012 10: 35
      What handsome men are sitting. Misha 3%. Little dough stole chtoli when he was prime minister?
  20. +8
    9 September 2012 10: 45
    if the rule of law is respected in the state, if there are no oligarchs, if there is real accountability to the people, if the state treasury is not stolen, if officials fulfill their obligations fully and if the state represented by officials really lives the needs of citizens

    remember the USSR, but was there an opposition.?!
    1. with
      9 September 2012 10: 57
      Quote: Apollon
      if the state treasury is not stolen, if the officials fully comply with their obligations, and if the state represented by the officials really lives on the needs of citizens-

      Damn, and you are an optimist and a dreamer.

      1. +2
        9 September 2012 11: 22
        Quote: met
        Damn, and you are an optimist and a dreamer.

        Salute, buddy! From the snapshot I "skated to the pantulum" laughing good
        1. with
          9 September 2012 11: 48
          Quote: esaul
          Salute, buddy! From the snapshot I "skated to the pantulum"

          Esaul, Good afternoon.
          Quote: Apollon
          remember the USSR, but was there an opposition.?!

          In the USSR there was a kitchen opposition (all the news was discussed in the kitchen and in a whisper), all the others were either instantly sent out or forcibly treated.
          1. +5
            9 September 2012 13: 42
            That's it, met. Exactly.
            They were expelled, then treated - with an ice ax on the head. By the way, the oldest and first way to treat is to bleed.
            Was there an opposition in the USSR. It was. As in any normal country. Without getting off the couch - I can recall Sakharov (the creator of the N-bomb), Solzhenitsyn, Pasternak, Bonner - the wife of Sakharov. To dig a little, to remember - yes a bunch ... of all sorts of defectors. Including Vidov - a headless horseman.
            And let's take exemplary democracy - Great Britain. We know a lot there - the opposition.
            We know, but what about Zakayev, Berezovsky, Suvorov-Rezun. Only they are opposing something - in the other direction.
            There are no locals. There was once an IRA. Destroyed, shot.
            Let's take the USA. That's where the laf will be. Figs - besides the disconnected Angela Davis - I can only remember Martin Luther King. And even that was 30-40 years ago.
            Now what do we see?
            That's it.
            To treat the opposition. Bloodletting - a method that has been tested for centuries.
            1. with
              9 September 2012 14: 31
              Quote: Igarr
              To treat the opposition. Bloodletting - a method that has been tested for centuries.

              With foreign ones - I agree. So as not to steal everything, run and pour mud from there.

              With the locals - we must teach them to love their homeland.
              Siberia is big, let them study it in practice and with the Druzhba chainsaw)) bully

      2. +1
        9 September 2012 18: 55
        Met !!
        Bravo! This is a new vision of communication !!! Respect !!!
      3. 0
        9 September 2012 19: 10
        Quote: met
        In the USSR there was a kitchen opposition (all the news was discussed in the kitchen and in a whisper), all the others were either instantly sent out or forcibly treated.

        Quote: met
        Damn, and you are an optimist and a dreamer.

        Dear met!
        and about the dissidents have heard about the asylum!
        and about how car accidents or accidents were arranged.

        about the second quote ........... I'm a pragmatist, how much rope does not curl ......... end one, the dock! IMHO
        You + definitely a colleague1
  21. +1
    9 September 2012 11: 03
    But after all, there are not enough others and deputies and those acting in power, just a custom article, I agree that these morons sawed the country and destroyed a lot, but even now the dough is taken out more than before, the same laws that were adopted under the same Nemtsov are also stolen and Ryzhkov
  22. +14
    9 September 2012 11: 10

    1. lars
      9 September 2012 11: 43
      Therefore, China, and now Iran, has formed and is undergoing powerful counter-work in this direction and on these battlefields. Where are ours ??? am
    2. +10
      9 September 2012 12: 53
      Already wrote on this site, but I repeat that you need to at least occasionally go to liberal sites and leave comments. This should be done not for convinced liberalists, but for young people and people who do not live in Russia. Many of them draw information from the Internet. Every normal person, to the best of his ability, must cleanse Russia of the liberal "slurry".
      1. Drappier
        10 September 2012 01: 14
        tan0472 You don’t feel very good in that shit, come back often to nyusland for example, this is God's fear.
      2. -1
        10 September 2012 02: 07
        Give me a couple of links.
  23. Fox
    9 September 2012 11: 20
    and from this pack, who is Russian then? ...
  24. +6
    9 September 2012 11: 29
    The dissident in Russia is no longer the fifth column, it is modern Vlasovites — they receive orders from the American embassy, ​​cash allowances from Am-special services, the devil knows his citizenship, what actions fall under the criminal articles of any state. Is it time to deal with them more tightly?
  25. bask
    9 September 2012 11: 47
    Cho blizzard. If the authorities begin a real fight against kickbacks and corruption, the export of billions to upshores. They will begin to provide young families with free housing. They will restore order in medicine, who have been sick for a long time, they know. And they will stop this informational bacchanal on television. Then, let’s see these gentlemen, damn them, They will have zero support. Yes, the judicial system of defense, etc. In short ...
  26. +1
    9 September 2012 11: 49
    usa is a cesspool on the body of planet earth
  27. 0
    9 September 2012 11: 52
    Erysipelas almost slobber from servility .... Opposition ... la .. Here at one time the EBN (no matter how it was treated, but still ..) really was the opposition, he knew how to take power, fought for it, He knew what he wanted, he had real goals, despite the fact that he possessed the charisma of the LEADER, and at the same time he had powerful support from the people, so he did not need foreign loot. Then it was him who then hit the head with a wrench on the head, but that’s a completely different story .. And look at these puppies, they just don’t whine, ugh ... They’ll grab some money from behind the hill, make a noise, and calm down for a while until the next handout. And after all, as such, there is no struggle for power on their part, there is only a hint that let us steer the country. Yes, while people do not allow. Where you can steer with them, if they are not even able to do anything small - create a full-fledged Russian (I ask you to pay attention, it is Russian) opposition.
    1. -3
      9 September 2012 12: 57
      what is everyone here so yelling at their sight, out of fear or what?
      1. -1
        9 September 2012 13: 19
        you do not understand black-eyed.
    2. cool.cube2012
      9 September 2012 18: 09
      anfreezer Mugs almost drool from servility ..- "a person's face can tell a lot about its master, sometimes even too much - even what we ourselves prefer to keep silent about. They say the face is the mirror of the soul. And the Jewish soul is something ...
  28. escobar
    9 September 2012 12: 21
    So it’s necessary to cover more in the news, in the dock films: who took the greens, how much, from whom. To open the negotiations, publish the records and let the people know their Geyroy.
  29. wolf095
    9 September 2012 12: 22
    Wets Traitors Need am
  30. bask
    9 September 2012 12: 38
    What TV channels do they advertise on? On our Russian Here is this information war, with your own hands, Six months on all channels about these rotten vaginas, pusi, showed. If they are promoted it means someone is beneficial to know these, gentlemen, you saw on TV so that honored scientists, doctors, accountants, so showed. one chernukha, murder, pedophilia.
    1. Che
      10 September 2012 10: 31
      If they are promoted, it means that it is unprofitable for them to know these gentlemen. You saw them on TV so that honored scientists, doctors, accountants showed one chernukha, murders, pedophilia.

      The customer is known. Western NGOs and institutions are working hard on the collapse of Russia. Remember Brzezinski at least. Allen Dulles's covenants are faithfully fulfilled.
  31. with
    9 September 2012 12: 52
    Author BURNS! bully
    USA trying to fight Russian hands with Russia

    Please answer the author-And who is Russian there?))) bully
    Desirable by name !!!))) bully
    1. +1
      9 September 2012 13: 46
      Well, this is understandable - who is Russian.
      The author herself.
      And that's all.
    2. escobar
      9 September 2012 18: 45
      Well, Kasparych for example)))
  32. +3
    9 September 2012 13: 00
    Favorite old, hackneyed tactics: to find ambitious dissatisfied fools, losers, hang noodles about their exclusivity and make them puppets in their game. to support and guide them in every way.
  33. +4
    9 September 2012 13: 07
    A good article, but the title, in my opinion, is not entirely correct - ".... with Russian hands .." - if Judas Kasparov is Russian - then I am a Mongolian shaman .. Armenian Jew or Jewish Armenian, which is more correct? And the rest of this fifth column, it seems to me, too, match him ... smile
    In general, advice - read G. Klimov and much will become clear where such Judas come from ..
    1. +1
      9 September 2012 18: 22
      Azerbaijani tongue . Kasparov’s mom is Azerbaijani. But in general, you were and will remain just Dems 239, and Mr. Kasparov will remain in the company of Alekhine, Capablanca, Botvinnik and Karpov. You just live in parallel worlds. By the way real Russian patriot. I would not write under the "zhovto-blakitny" flag, but would go to explore the endless expanses of the Far East. feel
      1. +1
        9 September 2012 18: 45
        Karpova exclude - he thank God is alive and to the rest of the company so even now
        1. +2
          9 September 2012 19: 13
          men! how I love the cons from nowhere! then some trollin in the backside has drunk!
      2. Yarbay
        9 September 2012 18: 53
        Quote: Aron Zaavi
        Azerbaijani. Kasparov’s mom is Azerbaijani.

        You are mistaken, Armenian !!
        They lived not far, I know for sure !!
        1. +3
          9 September 2012 20: 26
          Wo, I’ll join ...
          who is his mother? I do not know...
          But I know for sure that there was a stall of argali (mountain sheep) nearby. Right
          Or maybe I mixed up with kiyiks - (mountain goats) - it has long been.
          Hunt, you, brothers, find out - mom, dad.
          The main thing is that this pretzel is a traitor. He is betraying his homeland.
          And who are his relatives there? I am sure that they will not support him in terms of sales.
          But ..... ??
      3. Ergenekon
        9 September 2012 20: 17
        Quote: Aron Zaavi
        Azerbaijani. Kasparov’s mom is Azerbaijani.
      4. Neutral
        9 September 2012 21: 01
        You forgot Tigran Vartanovich Petrosyan!
        And Kasparov’s mother is Armenian.
        But he prefers to identify with his dad))
        And the Armenians are not proud of him.
        Skolsky subject.
        As Igarr correctly said - one word "traitor"!
  34. gen.meleshkin
    9 September 2012 13: 30
    And I think exactly the same! This whole Anglo-Saxon riffraff was insolent because Russia could not protect itself.
  35. +2
    9 September 2012 15: 15
    Nationality has nothing to do with it. There is plenty of venal Shit in every nationality. At the same time, a disproportionate (to their percentage among the population) attention should be drawn to a large number of "non-Russian" surnames among Protestants, especially among those claiming the role of a mission, who, according to their plan, by the way, are fellow tribesmen in the State Department (some bankers what they are worth) should lead the unreasonable people of Russia to the triumph of crappy, that is, American, values. There have already been such missions in the history of Russia, created and funded by Jewish bankers of America and Europe (Jacob Schiff, Morgan, Rothschild, etc.) and, oddly enough, the overwhelming majority of them are of familiar nationality - Leiba Trotsky, Yankel Sverdlov and many others who flooded Russia with the blood of the common people.
    May be enough! We must finally see the people and not step on the palm rake! Russia simply will not survive this!
  36. +5
    9 September 2012 15: 26
    Yes, there were turbulent 90s, the people were drawn to America, believed in their kindness and "true" democracy, simply fraternization. Alas, smart-ass "friends" did not waste time in vain, science, army, navy, they cared about everything. Of course, there is no national multiplication table, but economic models are different, including those "sharpened" for the United States, for His Majesty the Dollar. A lot of such educational literature was poured into Russia, on economics for the States. The media, simply, a song about the Russian "SHIT", and the beauty of everything that is not ours. One should feel miserable and inferior, living in Russia, and turn into an insect from "Dom-2" or "Vacation in Mexico". One for all, and, all for one, perish yourself, and help your comrades, are no longer relevant, survive yourself, bury the other ... Vileness, primitivism, cruelty, violence. Old Soviet films are like a breath of clean air. A generation has grown that does not know another life, money is the idol of being, the highest goal. This is how "biomass" is created, public opinion for overseas owners, and of course they found "sixes" for themselves. There were times when "... a duplicate of the priceless cargo, look, envy me, I am a citizen of the Soviet Union!" You need to return your greatness, morality and national pride, then the damned bourgeoisie with their "bad boys" will not break off.
  37. 0
    9 September 2012 15: 29
    And who will explain to me, simpleton, that Sakharov, Solzhenitsyn, Paternak, etc. is good, but Nemtsov, Kudrin, Kasparov, etc. bad. Have green for a short period changed color.
    1. 0
      9 September 2012 15: 46
      By the way, Sugar repented before his death and himself admitted that he was a good scientist, but he was a bad politician who did a lot of harm ... True, our liberals somehow recall his statements mainly when he lived in the states.
      1. +2
        9 September 2012 18: 47
        please specify when sugars lived in the states?
    2. +4
      9 September 2012 20: 45
      And what is there to explain?
      Sakharov is a major Soviet scientist, creator of the hydrogen bomb. Before Teller created it in the States. Not just a scientist, not just a creator - this is a major physicist. theorist and practitioner.
      Well, seduced ... it happens. In theory - to anyone who cares for their homeland, the schools of eyes cut.
      But they don’t call for BOMBING RUSSIA ??
      Solzhenitsyn ... is a fierce struggle against the communists. And most of all - against the GULAG, the punitive system. All his work - "The Gulag Archipelago" - oozes with hatred - as the shield of Perseus oozes with the blood of the Gorgon.
      Lahn, served time, wandered, left for Vermont. There they forgot him - safely. Until he returned to Russia again.
      He returned ... he took a closer look - he began to blame the new Russia (EBNu-thuy).
      maybe that is not a matter of dissent - man is seeking I was looking (sorry) for adventures on my ass.
      Well, the flag in his hands.
      Parsnip ... loafer and ... poseur. And others, more cunning and clever ... took this undeniably talented poet and began to use it as a Burridan donkey. They hung carrots from different sides, or rather noodles on the ears - he and come on ... make a dissident out of yourself. True, it turned out very badly.
      In short, all these were people - not dangerous for Russia. Not calling BOMB.
      This new generation is aggressive.
      This is dangerous.
      And all business.
  38. +4
    9 September 2012 16: 42

  39. gor
    9 September 2012 16: 45
    yes you’re not looking for an enemy there. there’s no fifth column. the main enemy of Russia is neo-Nazi movements. why is Russia worth it for Russians only? Many of those who say this forget that not only Russians live in Russia. Russia is a multinational state and God forbid lash the nations. the Balkans in 90 is such an easy Bengal fire to appear. the enemy is inside of you. and until phrases are heard coming in and like that everything will balance on the brink. no one wants to feel like a second-class man being a citizen of this country Here is the root of evil. The arrogance of some in relation to others.
    1. iSpoiler
      9 September 2012 20: 22
      who is minus you all the time .. ??
      you're 100% right at least in this post ...
      I absolutely agree and agree with your opinion ..... but ..... there is always but .....
      many upon arrival to our country think that it’s like at home here .... the current is in the corridor .... you can get the hell out of all the customs and local laws, they say - well, we have the same .. ?? meaning here it will be so ..... no ... it won’t, either according to ours (at least simply because they live with us) or not at all ... why should I go home.
      konesh people pounding .... someone just pounding, but someone has an explosive character ... maybe they can drop in the face (here’s the ignition of the international war, fascism and whatever you want) .....
      honestly I’ve been on a nationality before ... in general, whoever there is black, yellow, red, green, what else there just shit from a bell tower .... you’re all the same, there are only men and women, exactly until the army did not hit .....
      And away we go ... from the dags 2 normal people only saw, by the way, Darginzi - if you wonder who ... Tuvans are still ... nerds with knives (who served he will understand, that's just no offense, I'm not about everyone, but those whom he saw and served together och. "impressed"). A friend is checked in trouble as a rule ... the Tatars unexpectedly helped, they helped many times ... although they get pissed off on trifles, I respect them ..

      As you say - neo-Nazis ..... I agree - sick people ... but there is definitely a grain of truth there .... very specific things ...
      1. -1
        10 September 2012 02: 13
        It is wrong that it does not recognize the "fifth column", it is not true.
        1. gor
          10 September 2012 11: 43
          Well, as I understand it, it is always more convenient to find a scapegoat in the form of a fifth column. By the way, the adequacy of some can be traced by looking at the number of my minuses and the number of pluses on the comments, which support my comment. Many were outraged that there were few adequate people left. keep ury patriots and the site cleaned up. if honestly I can't even answer sometimes. since I can only leave 2 comments a day. What kind of dialogue can be discussed in this case? but some kind of urya pollutes the ether and creeps on through the thorns their mental limitations to the next rank. they have no other purpose. since such people don’t really think about the problem. the main thing is to get the general here on the site
          1. 0
            10 September 2012 14: 14
            ask modders to reset the rating
            1. gor
              10 September 2012 22: 30
              Yes, I won’t humiliate myself. Nullify and ask. We must try to get rid of the bad. And so the site is degrading. Let them sink in their own terminal ..... well, you understand me
  40. +4
    9 September 2012 17: 58
    And who said that Sakharov, Solzhenitsyn and Pasternak are good? These renegades were praised to the skies by the Jewish Western press precisely because they largely contributed to the final collapse of the USSR and discrediting the Russians. Read their "creations" - in them a Russian (Soviet) person is a drunkard, a boor, a thief, etc., etc., and their recipe for the salvation of Russia is to join "Western democratic values", that is, to lie under the West, in other words ... But the Jewish press is a great force and it promoted these three traitors to the maximum. And SolZhenitsker - generally fucked up, living all his life outside the cordon, he teaches Russians from there how to save Russia .. All this enrages .. smile

    Friends, I advise you once again - read the books of Grigory Klimov, the real Russian. I must read them in order to know who is to blame for the troubles of Russia ..
    1. +1
      9 September 2012 18: 13
      Oooooooo !!! good What a class !! I haven’t laughed for so long! laughing Dema come on again! Burn! drinks
      1. +3
        9 September 2012 20: 05
        I’m watching you Aron, you always correctly speak (oh forgive me), a lot of clever words, evidence, but a lot of times I saw how you pierced, I think you want to change the mindset of our audience ??? you are a mishandled Cossack, honestly, I do not respect Jews, Christ told you not to go east, what do you need here ??, the main thing for you is a gesheft ????
        1. +1
          9 September 2012 20: 19
          You can do it for me without any problems. drinks Cossack, speak? wink Almost. Grew up in the Don Cossack area. I don’t want to change my mind. I want to talk to the forum, read well and have fun. What Christ said to the Jews I do not know. But for some reason I do not really trust your interpretation. Can I have a direct quote? About the gesheft ... winked . Miaachta! But alas, absolutely mediocre in this. Which, by the way, doesn’t please me. I want to live well and help the children myself. what
          Well, what about the disrespect of the Jews, what to do. Now I’ll call all the media, I feel that Israel will mourn because of such and such grief. crying
      2. cool.cube2012
        11 September 2012 16: 15
        Jews ignite feel the support of the authorities hi
    2. +8
      10 September 2012 01: 40

      Real Russian - who is this? And who is not real Russian in your understanding? G. Klimov is a required attribute? Real Russian - in your understanding - should is it read?

      I honestly say - I do not like the Jews. But for myself, I firmly distinguish between Jews as people and Jews as kagal. Do you feel the difference?
      Kagal is evil. This is a lifestyle. This is the mafia.
      However, think about it - is not Russia in poverty as well from the Russian kagal? Or are we the only Jews-oligarchs? Or are we only Jews - officials? Or do we have only Jews selling everything from grain to state secrets?

      You, for example, know that much of what was admired and proud of on this site was done by Jews? Do you know that many of the main designers of the coolest products, what is Russia proud of are Jews? And in fact, they are real Russians, and not those who memorize Klimova.

      And Gai Ilyich Severin? The creator of our spacesuits, our ejection seats? Also a bad Jew? I am proud that I knew him personally, and that he was friends with my father. Yes, he is 1000 times more real Russian than all admirers of Klimov.

      Is Mikhail Lentievich Miles a bad Jew too? Throw away all the MIGs, hammer down the hangars and the portrait of Klimov from above.

      Is Lev Rokhlin a bad Jew? Who, hopefully, know?

      Lev Veniaminovich Lyuliev - also a bad Jew? "Circle", "Cube", "Buk", "S-300V", "Antey-2500" - these are all his brainchildren.

      Alexander Emmanuilovich Nudelman - Jewish bastard? Air guns are almost everything that are now in service.

      Anatoly Leonidovich Livshits, Loktev Lev Abramovich, Zalman Mikhailovich Benenson - the creators of the air defense and missile defense control system of the USSR - are also stinky Jews?

      Joseph Yakovlevich Kotin - creator of the world's best tanks - Jewish erysipelas?

      Kabachnik Martin Izrailevich - creator of the Soviet neuro-paralytic chemical warfare agents, as well as binary chemical agents - a dirty Jewish mongrel?

      I could go on for a long time ...

      Remember, dear Dema239. Any of the above is worth thousands of these Real Russians, who have only Klimovs in their brains.

      It is these people who are real Russians. His deeds.

      Please, never do rash acts, do not create idols for yourself.
      The Jewish kagal, like the Russian seven-boyars, fused with the Saltykov lords in our modern Russia, is a great disaster.
      But separate the seeds from the chaff. Do not follow Klimovs, the real enemies of the Russians, and not their guiding star at all.
      1. +1
        10 September 2012 07: 38

        very sensible comment, colleague! A plus.
        1. 0
          10 September 2012 11: 59

          Big plus + +++++! It is time to already understand that Russian people are kindness, devotion to their cause, self-sacrifice, compassion and respect for their homeland! Those to whom these feelings are not peculiar cannot be called Russian people; they are just people who live for themselves!
    3. Kshatriy
      10 September 2012 14: 24
      Quote: Dema239
      Quote: Dema239
      The Jewish Western Press Exalted These Renegades

      Honor Solzhenitsyn "Two Hundred Years Together" .... you will change your point of view about him in principle ....... grandfather wrote his main book before his death ---- the result of his whole life ..... in the west they bite their elbows, that you can't deprive the Shnobel Prize !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  41. gribnik777
    9 September 2012 18: 36
    So what is happening with Russia? Who's guilty? Well, okay, the one to blame must be sought in the mirror! But when and where did we go wrong? In 91, or in 96 or in 2000, or maybe earlier? When I read the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" I was horrified. All materials of our party congresses, their style and tonality were tracing copies from the "Protocols". And everything that happened in the entire twentieth century has become largely understandable. When the Germans needed to eliminate Russia - they financed the appointee Ulyanov (the brother of a terrorist-murderer, according to the current "shahid"), when the amerikos (they show their teeth in all the pictures) need to destroy Russia - they finance the current Judas. And what they (Judas) are in the fifth or tenth column is not important. By the way, the ideologues of national movements are at the same trough.
    But only the present ones have completely forgotten the history of the leaders of the appositions of the past. In France at the end of the 18th century they were all calmed with the help of a "gadget" from Dr. Guillotin, even earlier in England with the help of a rope and an ax. You yourself know - the GULAG. I don’t know what awaits the current ones.
    These lower spinolysis blather about corruption and theft with the transition to individuals in power. Well, it's hard to come up with more stupid classes. Why didn't they open their mouths to the thieves' community? It and power are united as never before! Corruption and theft do not depend on the government, and not on those in power. Who among us did not give or tried to "give up"? Name at least one period in the history of Russia when everything was fine. So you can't remember right away, although you can dig around. All problems are within us, and this is the worst thing, because few people can defeat themselves.
    But in general the problem is solved very simply. All the turbidity that is carried through our brains occurs inside the Savoy ring. Why does all of Russia suffer from this patch in Moscow? You need to do what your fantasy tells you. (Introduced and became creepy).
    1. +1
      9 September 2012 20: 22
      Do you believe in the authenticity of the "Protocols" belay request ?
      1. gribnik777
        9 September 2012 20: 48
        Their existence undeniably!

        The thief himself is the first to shout "KEEP THE THIEF" !!!
        1. +1
          9 September 2012 21: 43
          Oh really? But Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov, being a terrible anti-Semite, having learned that the "Protocols" was a fake, said that it was a good deed, that is. Fighting Jews cannot be done with dirty methods. The question is so researched that everything is known about the "Protocols" down to their authors.
          But this is not written for you, but for those who are just interested to learn new things.
          For you, the "Protocols" are undeniable. And to your health. fellow
          1. gribnik777
            9 September 2012 22: 00
            Do not you touch Nikolai Alexandrovich!
            Read here:

            On May 14, 1936, the Berne court recognized the falsity of the Protocols, but already on November 1, 1937, the Court of Appeal in Zurich quashed this decision.
            1. +1
              9 September 2012 23: 32
              gribnik777And to you here. lol
              A number of researchers suggested that the "Protocols" were fake, and in 1921 the falsification was confirmed by the found original source. In an article dated May 8, 1920, The Times published an article on the Protocols, describing it as a genuine document and calling for an investigation of the "Jewish conspiracy." However, later, on August 18, 1921, The Times published an editorial in which it reported that the Protocols was a plagiarism of a little-known pamphlet of the mid-1864th century directed against Napoleon III. The pamphlet was called “Dialogue in Hell between Montesquieu and Machiavelli,” and was written by a French lawyer and satirist Maurice Joly. Immediately after being printed in 90, the pamphlet was banned in France. In the text of the Protocols, the replicas of Machiavelli from the Dialogue are mainly used, although there are borrowings from Montesquieu's replicas. The textual overlaps are so great that the fact of plagiarism is quite obvious. Subsequently, some researchers have suggested that the "Protocols" were possibly fabricated from the "Dialogue" in the early 20s of the XIX, in France and was originally written in French. It is interesting to note that, according to Umberto Eco [XNUMX], the pamphlet by Maurice Joly, in turn, contains plagiarism from Eugene Sue's novels "Secrets of a People" (about the Jesuits) and "Parisian Mysteries". Moreover, the Masonic program that Xu attributed to the Jesuits was in turn invented by Dumas.
              1. +1
                9 September 2012 23: 36
                And here to you. fellow
                Leonid Katsis, professor of the Russian-American educational and scientific center for biblical studies and Jewish studies at the Russian State University for the Humanities, noted that “There was a whole series of similar mystical-conspiracy texts that borrowed ideas, pieces and so on from each other.” And therefore, it makes no sense to talk about authenticity or authorship. He pointed out that the statement by the supporters of the authenticity of the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” that the decision of the court in Bern that established their authenticity as if it had been quashed by a higher court was untrue. He claims that only 1 clause from 11 was canceled - on the ban on their distribution.
                1. gribnik777
                  10 September 2012 00: 38
                  Zolotze, take the trouble to read

                  By the way, the nickname "Aron Zaavi", too ambitious, smacks of megalomania and contempt for us outcasts.
                  1. +1
                    10 September 2012 00: 43
                    Leonid Katsis ..... Pay attention to the name of the professor. lol
                    1. gribnik777
                      10 September 2012 01: 02
                      Aaron (Aaron) [Heb. Aharon], the meaning of the name is not precisely established, possibly corresponds to the Egyptian "great name", according to other sources"enlightener".

                      The surname Zaavi comes from the Hebrew word zaav, which means "gold".

                      Most likely this is a troll nickname.

                      Well, the professor is practicing his silver pieces. Too lazy just to double-check it - a lot of fuss. That’s the calculation.
                  2. +2
                    10 September 2012 07: 05
                    What does nick mean? This is my first and last name. The name was always like that, and in Israel I translated the name from German into Hebrew. What is the problem.
                    1. gribnik777
                      10 September 2012 11: 20
                      It is symbolic! hi
                    2. 0
                      10 September 2012 12: 54
                      In German it means Goldmann.
                2. -1
                  10 September 2012 02: 24
                  Thanks, this is pretty interesting.
          2. Kshatriy
            10 September 2012 15: 49
            Quote: Aron Zaavi
            But Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov, being a terrible anti-Semite

            Aaron, if you live somewhere there, then you don't need to prove to us somewhere, That Article 282, somewhere there you have an empty phrase !!!! I know this even without you. (Extremism is clearly expressed, maybe it is not worth stirring up ???) .. Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov in the Russian Federation R. P. Ts -. CANONIZED VALO following the Russian Orthodox Church abroad (register address?) .... If he is, for almost 100 Russian People, a Passion-bearer and the New Martyr .. Innocently-Suffered along with His Family from the demonic-Christ-sales power in the person of his murderers, servants of Lucifer ... the servants of Darkness and Kagal ... at what ordinal level are you going to prove to me his "anti-Semitism .." .. .Be kind enough not to stoop to below the plinth ... "some creatures" of this forum ... and with quotes ... confirmed by at least someone from the well-known contemporaries of Romanov Nikolai Alexandrovich .... cite their words in confirmation of your words (links from the Internet can be directly into the --topka)
            Foaming at your mouth, you argued that the Swiss court passed the verdict "Consider the protocols of the Elders of Zion as a forgery" .... For God's sake ---- But what AMAZING analytics the gendarmes of the "tsarist secret police" had .... Learn to be undersized .. ..the adherents of ... Russian Analysis .. with ease disclosing "vile gruesomeness, stubborn saber animals ..... of unknown origin" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        2. -1
          10 September 2012 02: 17
          Existence may be undeniable, but authenticity is doubtful.
  42. +9
    9 September 2012 18: 46
    Germany’s most widely read magazines, such as Spiegel, Die Welt, Stern, and some others, seem to have entered the competition who will be the first to establish Russia with a dictatorship.
    Now the hot topic of Pussy Riot, and so recently I read an article in FAZ (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung) "Lady Suppenhuhn" is the only article in the cator. The author tried to figure out what young girls are who are presented in the local media as victims of the Putin regime.
    Details have surfaced that the aforementioned Magazines deliberately hide from their readers, thereby manipulating public opinion regarding Russia.
    The details that surfaced from the Article are the sensational actions of the art group War, three convicted girls will enter the kathory. An action in the Biological Museum where Tolokonnikova is nine months pregnant, an action where activists symbolically hanged five in the Supermarket, an action where one activist steals a chicken carcass in a supermarket and takes it out without paying in one place, an action where activists pour urine on police officers in advance bottled well finally, an action in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, The author writes the following "Die Frauen drangen in die wichtigste Kathedrale des Landes ein, sangen dort" Scheiße, Scheiße, Gottesscheiße "(etwa vergleichbar mit dem italienischen" porco dio ") und dass derine Patriarch ein" (das russische Wort entspricht stilistisch dem englischen "bitch") sei.
    Having learned this information from the German reader, a completely different opinion will be formed about the convicted girls and the process as a whole.
    This information has been hidden and is still hiding by other news agencies!
    I can’t understand why Russia is not doing anything against such an unfair attitude to itself. Russia has the right to demand from its partners that broadcasting in the same Germany should be critical, but objective in any case!
    Why Chancellor Merkel speaks out about some events in Russia that worry her, honestly speaks and expresses her opinion as between partners and should be, and why not one of the Russian elite does not express what worries us.
    Millions of immigrants from the Former USSR or directly from Russia live in Germany, we love Russia with all our hearts and cheer for it, and it is very painful for us to see how the German people misinform and carefully project negative attitudes towards Russia.
    A new generation of Germans is now adolescents who will become politicians and will see an adversary in Russia, who will not want to deal with Russian colleagues, just tourists who will not want to visit Russia. Russian language will become unpopular.
    How much is at stake that would not be how not to respond to these challenges?
    1. slas
      10 September 2012 14: 14
      Quote: alfa-typ
      I can’t understand why Russia is not doing anything against such an unfair attitude to itself.

      Quote: Dema239
      But the Jewish press is a great force and propounded these three traitors to the maximum
    2. gribnik777
      11 September 2012 19: 03
      If you speak German, then why don’t you pay attention to this in German forums. By the way, I heard that there was a film at the film festival in Venice - tracing paper from these PRs, recommend watching it. hi
  43. +2
    9 September 2012 19: 02
    Their name is policemen! Merchants for pennies and their essence is base !!!
    And their end is predetermined !!!
  44. +3
    9 September 2012 19: 58
    I know for sure that as long as our Russian language is alive, it is not possible to defeat us, we think differently than all other peoples, we feel differently, thanks to the language, while it is alive, we cannot be defeated ...
  45. REPA1963
    9 September 2012 20: 36
    Customized babbie chatter! But the Light from Ivanovo she can not surpass, rather weak .....
  46. 0
    9 September 2012 21: 05
    In the forest, where the Bear’s den, starting in winter, Magpies rattle the animal kingdom that Smelly Skunks are not just skunks, but Wolves capable of patting the Bear, the den and generally the forest. The indignant rams brand the parasites with angry bleating. Skunks, having let the stink out, climb out of their skin to correspond to the brutal image that has suddenly fallen on them. The process of bleating is actively heated by the Goats, which simply by virtue of their goat nature, and which by agreement with the cunning Foxes and greedy Rats. Rats and Foxes, under the guise of it, dig out from the den and surroundings everything that they don’t get, including trees, and rafting it into other forests. The Great Boa, designed to keep order, piled up a goby on a glider and went to the northern end of the forest, to teach cranes to fly.
    And what about the Bear? But the Bear is sleeping, sucking his paw, contrary to the laws of nature and common sense. But when he wakes up, from the drafts in the plundered den, he sees his bald skin, bitten by claws and stumps instead of trees, it will not seem enough to those who fall under his paw. And Rams and Co. will come across, and maybe even a Boa constrictor, if it does not have time to take advantage of a jet hang-glider. Skunks, Foxes and Rats, by that time, will be far from bear paws, in forests with a milder and more pleasant climate, only occasionally, with some caution, looking towards the once native forest.
  47. Van
    9 September 2012 22: 24
    But like Judas, the Russian land holds, I don’t understand, the loop is crying for them. request
  48. Prosto vovochka
    9 September 2012 23: 03
    As an exclusively anti-imperialist person, I believe that Russia should, sometime before 2020, strengthen its Armed Forces, and then restore its historical borders. And not on the basis of a confederation and the organization of some kind of "union" republics, but on the basis of the formation of Russian regions like Kiev, Dushanbe, Vilnius, etc. And NO confederations and the right to secede from the empire. In general, I am against empires, I am for a single state.
    1. not good
      10 September 2012 00: 56
      I fully support. The coolest governor has much less opportunity to satisfy his ambitions than the most worthless republican leader.
      And in the United States, no matter how cool the opposition is, only the Republicans or the Democrats will reach the elections anyway, and the rest ... the opposition.
    2. -1
      10 September 2012 02: 35
      I agree with you, and purely from an anti-imperialist standpoint.
  49. s1н7т
    10 September 2012 00: 50
    Article for warming up "nashists"))) And if you dig deeper? Why did the "tagged one" suddenly become Thatcher's best friend, why did Eltsin suddenly sign the Belovezhsky agreement? All from a great love for the Motherland? And Putin himself grew up in politics? Well, yes))) About nothing, in a word. Probably, VO is obliged to periodically print such nonsense)))
  50. Stary oper
    10 September 2012 00: 58
    Everything seems to be correct ... Everything seems to be so. And money has been and is being invested in the information war, in the training of so-called "agents of influence". But...
    And this "but" is that the author considers the reasons for the collapse of the USSR too one-sidedly. More precisely, it seems to me that this reason is not the main one, but just one of a long series of such. Why? Everything is simple enough. I think no one would argue that the ideological struggle between the West and the USSR began immediately after the revolution. Moreover, at first it even took the form of intervention, and a little later it moved from "hot" to "cold". By the way, periodically passing into the opposite state. The same World War II and many post-war conflicts (Korea, Cuba, Vietnam, Angola), albeit indirectly, were a manifestation of this struggle. And, despite this, the USSR did not collapse in those moments. I would like to see a more comprehensive approach when considering such issues.
    1. -1
      10 September 2012 02: 47
      I agree, but I think the author set himself the goal of demonstrating precisely the influence of the "fifth column" so that its role is understood more clearly. In general, consideration of the topic of the causes of the crisis and the collapse of the USSR is, I think, work for the whole institute.
  51. +1
    10 September 2012 02: 47
    I read statements on this issue. Well, why do that, go straight to the bunk. We have a Civil Code and a Criminal Code. Particularly ardent ones, who throw mud too hard at Russia, should be deprived of Russian citizenship with deportation from abroad and a ban on entry into Russian territory for a period of 10 years. Some of the so-called “oppositionists” have long been under the article of the Criminal Code, but that’s why the authorities do not use the Code, this I think it's a serious question. For one call - to “bomb Russia”, you can initiate a case and take it to court, and then the judge will decide whether to serve 5 or 7 years for intemperance. Until we start something like this, they will continue to throw mud at us and spit on us. Enough. It's time to use power. And stop looking to the West, and what will they say there? Sincerely.
  52. -1
    10 September 2012 04: 39
    What are these videos about the Mironovs for? Terry Russian nationalism, what's good about that? The State will be delighted. US Department of State and local liberals...if the Russians imagine themselves to be a superior race and the rest of the peoples of Russia are declared second-class citizens and that’s it, the end of the country, war and fragmentation. And it’s a pity that those in the photo in the article cannot be deported.
  53. +3
    10 September 2012 07: 13
    There is no need to downvote the bairata people, they simply have their own vision of the current situation. This is something like in pre-revolutionary Russia, when there were opponents of the current government, that is, all sorts of Essers, Mensheviks, Bolsheviks, Black Hundreds, etc., when the main enemy was visible - the current government, how to fight it - everyone had their own methods, that is, you minus the patriot of your country, and clearly not deservedly...
    First, you need to understand one single truth - whose interests are supported by the current government. The interests of the bulk of the people or the interests of a handful of oligarchs living in Courchevel and the Canaries and their mistresses, when we understand this, then we need to draw conclusions...

  54. +1
    10 September 2012 10: 36
    The defeat of Russia by Russian hands - but where are the Russians? You see? I do not see. Many are yelling that these Nemtsovs, Navalnys and other riffraff should be imprisoned or something worse. Why, others and more cunning ones will come. And these are what they are, they are in plain sight. And the methods they use are known. They organize rallies and all sorts of opposition movements - that's true. So what? the overwhelming majority of citizens do not support them, and many have no idea who they are. Let them be better in front of our eyes than, for example, Berezovsky. So what, the state sits idly by and does not react in any way to their antics? not at all, they act using their own methods, forming public opinion (Internet, TV and media). And since they are nothing of themselves, sooner or later they will run out of steam. Yes, and they crap mostly only in words. As they say, the Pug barks and the Elephant wears headphones.
  55. banz
    10 September 2012 11: 57
    I think that the relevant special services have long accumulated information on these “patriots” and are waiting for the command to put it into action, in order to start business.