Rostec: Russian military use exoskeletons in Syria


The Russian military is using exoskeletons in Syria. They have already been used in a combat situation.

About this news agency RIA News reported in the state corporation "Rostec" during the international forum "Army-2021".

Passive exoskeletons, not equipped with engines, are used by sapper units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, performing combat missions in Syria. Their mechanical devices allow fighters to lift heavy loads and carry them long distances. This reduces the load on the musculoskeletal system of the soldier.

Also, the representative of the management of the state corporation Bekkhan Ozdoev, whose area of ​​responsibility includes weapons, special chemicals and ammunition, announced another modification of the exoskeleton equipped with electric motors. The use of this device allows to halve the load on the musculoskeletal system of a fighter, and also to reduce his energy consumption by 10-15 percent during movement. At the same time, the soldier is capable of carrying a load weighing up to 60 kilograms, and also firing 20 percent more accurately.

The sensors, which the exoskeleton is equipped with, allow the fighter not to feel constraint in movements and to act intuitively.

It is assumed that the device will soon become part of the equipment of the military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
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  1. +8
    28 August 2021 14: 39
    The future has already come))
    Soon the fighters will pretend to be Panzerklein good
    1. +4
      28 August 2021 15: 13
      Are the Jedi Axes coming soon?
      1. +5
        28 August 2021 17: 48
        At the same time, the soldier is able to carry a load weighing up to 60 kilograms, and also fire 20 percent more accurately.

        An exoskeleton with motors is, of course, great.
        But all the existing models, about which there is data on the Internet, do not provide for somersaults, crawling movement. Yes, even the "lying" position can not be accepted in everyone. A fighter forced to shoot (in other words, "who has entered into fire contact with the enemy" simply stupidly cannot properly hide in the terrain. And he stands as a target, like a cowboy in a Hollywood Western.
        1. 0
          30 August 2021 12: 17
          The lumbar travel backpack has a clasp that can be unhooked in one move so that the fallen tourist does not drown under the weight of the bag or drown in the mud. For all my skepticism about modern advances, I do not believe that our developers did not provide for a similar system. Need to start actively stirring? He threw the exoskeleton, along with the load and the fish, into the shelter)
          1. 0
            30 August 2021 21: 40
            I agree.
            However, they dream of turning the exoskeleton into a full-fledged armored suit.
            And surely sooner or later it will be so.
            In such a spacesuit it will probably be possible to run and somersault.
            All this will be when there are power supplies that are many times higher than modern ones.
            In the meantime, everything is just raw prototypes.
            1. 0
              31 August 2021 08: 57
              Dreams of dreams) A metal armored suit needs hardware support, that is, micromotors and a control system. Modern technology cannot do this. So far - only imitations, on medical devices, and on a prosthetic hand that can lift five kilograms, the computing power of a sickly computer leaves.
              A fabric armored suit, based on fabrics made from imitation of spider silk, was quite possible twenty years ago. But they don't. To know, the life of a soldier is not so important as they talk about it pathetically.
        2. 0
          30 August 2021 12: 59
          And when you are walking in the mountains and you have 40 kg behind you + you are so "all about the war": in body kits, bras and fusions, and then once a malicious dushman begins to plant on you from a large-caliber cartoon ... you also do not you can hide in the terrain)))) transformation from a donkey to Rambo will also take time. no other way.
    2. +3
      28 August 2021 16: 00
      Quote: General of the Sand Quarries
      Soon the fighters will pretend to be Panzerklein

      Carry another 5 kg of lithium-polymer battery for two hours of active combat. And then the motors are in generator mode, and energetically, jumping up and down, charge tongue
      It's a joke, of course, but the charging station will have to be hidden somewhere nearby, otherwise the motors will stop, while you get out of the harness, they can even ... use it.
      1. +2
        28 August 2021 18: 48
        There is not a battery, there is a spring, like in a watch. I started it, and go ahead ... Should be enough for a week.
    3. 0
      29 August 2021 14: 48
      Quote: General of the Sand Quarries
      Soon the fighters will pretend to be Panzerklein
      Panzermann (Panzermann) You mean? smile
  2. +20
    28 August 2021 14: 48
    We would have such an exoskeleton, only with protection of the legs from mines. And then stsykotno on a minefield "on a visit" to walk out to the Orcs. And you can take more gifts and carry them away.
    1. +11
      28 August 2021 15: 03
      An exoskeleton won't help here. Armored slippers are needed here. On a minefield. And so, "I took more, carried it further" - this is a non-engine exoskeleton. instead of 30 kg on the hump, all 45 can be carried and walk, as with the 15th. If you get used to it.
    2. +13
      28 August 2021 15: 49
      Quote: URAL72
      We would have such an exoskeleton, only with protection of the legs from mines.
      With sufficient strength of the lower (ankle) exoskeleton hinge, a mine of the "Petal" type (PFM-1) will most likely not allow a fighter's foot to be torn off.
      But the exoskeleton itself will not save you from the "Frog" (a jumping out mine). Here, a warrior cannot do without armor. Although in this case, the exoskeleton is also. extremely necessary, tk. the armor itself is a rather weighty thing.
      1. +2
        28 August 2021 17: 00
        How does he wear such a visor))) thickness cm 4
  3. -24
    28 August 2021 14: 48
    Passive exoskeletons, not equipped with engines, are used by sapper units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation performing combat missions in Syria. Their mechanical devices allow fighters to lift heavy loads and carry them long distances.

    Is it that a wheelbarrow, hammered together with the use of nanotechnology, has been renamed an exoskeleton?
    1. 0
      28 August 2021 15: 10
      In this case, the carrier robot must be made to transport the ammunition and food for the unit.
      1. +1
        29 August 2021 04: 24
        In this case, the carrier robot must be made to transport the ammunition and food for the unit.

        Not behind the unit, but behind each infantryman, but in front a personal universal robot must go, which will cover both the sapper and fire. But why then is a person needed?
    2. +8
      28 August 2021 15: 33
      Quote: Nafanya from the couch
      Is it that a wheelbarrow, hammered together with the use of nanotechnology, has been renamed an exoskeleton?

      This is something like this:
      1. +1
        28 August 2021 15: 36
        There is also such a movie:
      2. -22
        28 August 2021 15: 56
        In Rostec, "perpetum mobile" was invented and the law of conservation of energy was refuted? Without the use of external energy sources (motors with batteries), this is just extra weight.
        1. +12
          28 August 2021 16: 07
          Quote: Nafanya from the couch
          In Rostec, the "perpetum mobile" was invented andThe law of conservation of energy has been refuted?

          No, they just didn’t smoke an ABC book at school, but learned letters so that they could read and know a lot. And when they grew up, they remembered all their fantasies and wishes like this:
          1. +1
            28 August 2021 22: 30
            ROSS, thanks for the video. good
    3. 0
      29 August 2021 14: 51
      Yes Yes!!! Exactly!
  4. +8
    28 August 2021 14: 50
    The use of this device allows to halve the load on the musculoskeletal system of a fighter, as well as to reduce his energy consumption by 10-15 percent during movement.

    I also want such a device, otherwise my legs get tired. Age, you know. I wonder how with the physical training of fighters.
  5. +3
    28 August 2021 14: 51
    That would be just an exoskeleton drone ...
  6. +1
    28 August 2021 14: 51
    According to a number of Western experts, the Russian product "is a big step forward compared to what was created earlier," and the US military itself is still lagging behind in this area.
    1. 0
      28 August 2021 17: 53
      Quote: knn54
      According to a number of Western experts, the Russian product "is a big step forward compared to what was created earlier," and the US military itself is still lagging behind in this area.

      So far, they have shown an exoskeleton for carrying weights. Something doesn’t show how to crawl on their bellies in this exoskeleton, dig in and, in general, fight. And how to quickly reset it is also not visible.
  7. -6
    28 August 2021 15: 25
    And this is the development of Skolkovo - an electric car - the first 100 meters passes in 3 seconds. Wow, and then? And then the plug comes out of the socket ...
  8. +6
    28 August 2021 15: 25
    "It is assumed that the device will soon become part of the equipment of the Russian Armed Forces."
    - I suppose that our valiant warrant officers will capture him first, you can drag more away, and not too much ustamsha! laughing
    1. +2
      28 August 2021 15: 39
      Quote: Cat Alexandrovich
      I suppose that our valiant warrant officers will capture it first, you can drag off more, and not too much!

      Only there are built-in "beacons" ... Comrades warrant officers will not like it ...
      1. 0
        28 August 2021 16: 02
        Well, no one with three-kilogram cans with Waxa has been clever enough - a slight movement with a brush and the flashing one turns into a black glass)))))
    2. 0
      28 August 2021 16: 17
      Dear Cat. I very often came across officers who were worse than the very last logistical rat from the warehouse. And a warrant officer who, in the specialty of combat, gave odds to any officer). No need to put up labels.
  9. +3
    28 August 2021 15: 40
    interested in the cost of this device winked
  10. +1
    28 August 2021 15: 53
    Wow! And at least one photo or better video in confirmation is it possible ???
  11. 0
    28 August 2021 16: 13
    So it's good) and the back will be unloaded. The discs will not fly out and the knee cups will be normal. H
  12. +1
    28 August 2021 21: 09
    Quote: Vadim237
    In this case, the carrier robot must be made
    What ammunition and food would be transported for the unit.

    It looks tempting, but how this mechanism will behave in battle is a question. The motor will fail, and then the donkey will not carry you, but you are the donkey.
  13. +1
    29 August 2021 08: 08
    There is an eternal competition between armor and a projectile, so the "passive exoskeleton" is what the doctor ordered. A normal armor (with protection from PC or SVD) weighs somewhere 6-8 kg, depending on the model. The sphere is also 3. And this is only the head and torso. Hands and feet are defenseless. And 7,62 from the SVD from 300 meters tear off limbs if it hits where necessary. I saw with my own eyes. And with a passive exoskeleton, it is quite possible to carry full armor in addition to weapons and other buns.
  14. 0
    29 August 2021 23: 33

    The main message is that you can carry it further and more with a reduction in human costs for transportation. The autonomy of the units is increasing, and an emergency reset system will clearly be provided there. Yes, and use heavier weapons when the recoil goes partially to the exoskeleton.
  15. 0
    30 August 2021 05: 11
    And "shoot 20 percent more accurately" due to what, I wonder ... winked
  16. WWI
    30 August 2021 20: 44
    Would such an adaptation to pensioners of Belarus. This is also a great help in moving at a distance and performing work in the garden and forest.