Testing of Meteor air-to-air missile for Eurofighter fighters completed in Germany


The German Air Force announced its readiness to use new aircraft weapons. This happened after the flight tests of the newest Meteor air-to-air missile for Eurofighter Typhoon fighters were completed in Germany.

This was reported by the press service of the German Air Force.

The 74th tactical wing of the Luftwaffe, based at Neuberg airbase in Bavaria, has completed preliminary flight tests of the Eurofighter, which carried Meteor missiles. The event involved two jet aircraft. The Air Force collected operational data to determine the flight characteristics of fighters when transporting missiles. The date of the upcoming test firing has not yet been announced.

The Meteor missile, created by the European defense company MBDA, is the third and newest missile in the Eurofighter's armament complex, which also includes AIM-120 medium-range air-to-air missiles and IRIS-T short-range infrared-guided missiles. ...

The maximum range of the Meteor is 200 kilometers. It has a length of 3,7 meters and a weight of 180 kilograms. Its ramjet engine allows the rocket to adjust its speed depending on the target's maneuvers.
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  1. Bat
    3 August 2021 09: 30
    German technology and military industry deserves respect. They must be reckoned with.
    1. +5
      3 August 2021 09: 56
      Quote: Yarasa
      German technology and military industry deserves respect. They must be reckoned with.

      You can "respect"! And as a sign of respect, take into service with a minimum separation RVV-AE-PD (K77PD)!

      TTX missiles:
      Length - 3700 mm
      Case Diameter - 200 mm
      Wing span - 390 mm (air intakes)
      Range of lattice stabilizers - 820 mm

      Weight - 225 kg
      Mass of warhead - 22 kg

      - up to 150-160 km for AWACS type targets (up to 180 km for other data)
      Flight speed - about 5 m

      The warhead type - probably similar to the K-77 / RVV-AE missile - is a rod missile with micro-cumulative elements and a safety-executive mechanism (PIM).
      Damage radius - 7 m
      1. +4
        3 August 2021 10: 14
        There were rumors that work on the K-77PD was not being carried out, it was allegedly turned off. For the Su-57, it seemed like the K-77M (product 180) was tested.
        ... The K-77 medium and long-range missile undergoing tests is an absolute weapon against any enemy - it is as dangerous as the Su-57, for which it was created, according to experts of the American military magazine Military Watch Magazine. This missile will change the balance of power in the air in favor of Russia, the newspaper writes.

        The K-77 with a range of 193 km is not the most long-range missile, there is the R-33 with a range of 300 km and the R-37 - 400 km, but these missiles were developed in the USSR specifically for the MiG-31 interceptors. K-77 (product 180) is a further development of the R-77 medium-range missile family. It differs from previous versions of the K-77, created for the fifth generation fighters, primarily in its greater flight range: 192 km versus 110 for the R-77.

        The K-77 combines acceptable launch range, maneuverability, and high accuracy of hitting small and mobile targets at extreme distances. The "highlight" is its active phased array radar (AFAR), providing the missile with high noise immunity and the inability to evade it for enemy fighters.

        Previously, fighters such as the F-15 could avoid hitting the CD by actively maneuvering in and out of the rather narrow capture beam of the missile's homing head. The AFAR K-77 system effectively solves this problem.

        An active phased array antenna consists of a large number of cone-shaped cells installed under a radio-transparent fairing on the rocket nose. Each cell receives only part of the signal, but after being digitally processed, the information from all the cells is summarized into a "complete picture", allowing the K-77M missile to immediately respond to sharp turns of the target, making interception almost inevitable.

        Here is how the operation algorithm of the guidance system K-77 "Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Arms" describes: "After turning on the homing head, the carrier aircraft continues to form and transmit a mathematical model of the target. This is necessary just in case of sharp maneuvers. If the object intended for destruction leaves the field of the seeker's view, disrupting the auto-tracking, it starts its repeated search using the model.During the entire hunt, the on-board computer of the rocket solves the kinematic equations to calculate the trajectory of the target.

        If its airborne defense complex puts a curtain of interference, the K-77 homing head switches to passive mode and looks for the source of this interference. When enemy EW stations wreak havoc on the air, disrupting communication between the missile and the carrier, the K-77 pursues the target along special, memorized trajectories.

        Behind the missile's homing head is a warhead with a laser fuse. Having determined that the target is at the optimal distance, he gives the command to detonate a 22-kilogram charge. The warhead is equipped with rods with micro-cumulative elements. The rods are interconnected so that when the missile is detonated, they form an expanding ring, literally cutting the target. Micro-cumulative elements are used to destroy high-speed targets in the self-defense mode of the carrier aircraft. "


        ... The full version of the already mentioned video about the celebrated 100th anniversary of the 929th State Flight Test Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation named after V.P. Chkalov (929 GLITs), among other things, demonstrated a number of interesting materials on the fifth generation fighter Su-57 (PAK FA).

        First of all, it is worth noting the demonstration on the external sling of one of the prototypes of the Su-57 (T-50) fighter of the new Product 180 medium-range air-to-air missiles.

    2. +3
      3 August 2021 10: 20
      Quote: Yarasa
      German technology and military industry deserves respect. They must be reckoned with.

      Why is it German? Is there a lot of German? At least English and Italian firms have a hand in it. Here is Rafale and the French. Meteor is also a joint project to create a medium-range missile, where the French, the British and not only them participated.
      ... Eurofighter Typhoon is a fourth generation multirole fighter. Typhoon was developed and manufactured by Eurofighter GmbH, created in 1986 by a consortium of Alenia Aeronautica, BAE Systems and EADS.
  2. +5
    3 August 2021 09: 52
    And on the photo is Gripen of the Swedish Air Force. Cant however wink
    1. Bat
      3 August 2021 10: 07
      Quote: Locos
      And on the photo is Gripen of the Swedish Air Force. Cant however

      Correct remark. They can always be recognized by one emblem. 3 crowns. The Swedish Air Force all have 3 crowns. This is their symbolism.

      1. +1
        3 August 2021 17: 09
        Quote: Yarasa
        They can always be recognized by one emblem. 3 crowns. The Swedish Air Force all have 3 crowns. This is their symbolism.

        In fact, you can also recognize them by one engine and duck pattern... Well, also, for a number of external differences ...
    2. +4
      3 August 2021 13: 45
      Quote: Locos
      And on the photo is Gripen of the Swedish Air Force. Cant however wink

      Well, as if relatively to the article - yes. Jamb.

      And if indirectly - then: "The Swedish Air Force conducted the first test launches of Meteor air-to-air missiles from a Saab JAS 39 Gripen fighter, Jane's reports. The tests took place on October 6, 2010."
  3. +4
    3 August 2021 09: 57
    A very light rocket turned out at such a range, although where did the range of 200 km come from, if earlier the maximum that figured was 150 km.
    1. 0
      3 August 2021 11: 11
      If you launch from space and the 201 masters .. request
    2. +1
      4 August 2021 11: 00
      Quote: JD1979
      if earlier the maximum figured was 150 km.

      This resource had information about creating a modification with such a range. About a year ago.
  4. +1
    3 August 2021 10: 24
    Meteor air-to-air missile tests completed in Germany

    So this rocket is as old as the typhoon, it was specially developed for the typhoon.
    1. +3
      3 August 2021 13: 51
      Quote: Alex_You
      Meteor air-to-air missile tests completed in Germany

      So this rocket is as old as the typhoon, it was specially developed for the typhoon.

      Not certainly in that way.
      The missile was planned to be "common" for Europe.
      Developers are not only MBDA, but also SAAB and Inmise.
      Therefore, there were originally Typhoon, Gripen, and Rafal.
      Added to them in the process - Lightning-2 and an old Tornado.
      The Japanese will use this missile, but with their own, the Japanese seeker, in their Air Force on the Lightning and possibly the F-15 and F-2.
      1. -1
        4 August 2021 11: 30
        As far as I understand, the Japanese will have a GOS with AFAR
  5. +1
    3 August 2021 13: 55
    Meteor is an advanced rocket and very maneuverable. None of the V-V missiles can overcome Vishche G.
  6. +2
    3 August 2021 14: 14
    Interestingly, the length of the Meteor was specially adjusted to the length of the inner compartment of the F-35 (3.75 m), or did it coincide?
    1. +6
      4 August 2021 00: 28
      Quote: voyaka uh
      Interestingly, the length of the Meteor was specially adjusted to the length of the inner compartment of the F-35 (3.75 m), or did it coincide?

      Participation in the F-35 program since the beginning of the 2000s and its open platform gave a chance to design the required standard sizes in advance.
  7. 0
    3 August 2021 19: 16
    Well, the rocket is not bad, but there is a question about the applied scheme with a ramjet engine. In my opinion, only the X-31 is now in service. here the question is how the rocket will behave at a great distance if the target is maneuverable