Kazan aircraft plant is completing work on the second deeply modernized Tu-160M


The Kazan aircraft plant is completing work on the second deeply modernized strategic missile carrier Tu-160M, and in the near future it will join the tests. This was announced by the head of the UAC Yuri Slyusar.

The Kazan aircraft plant is deeply modernizing the Tu-160 combat strategic bombers to the level of the Tu-160M. Currently, the first aircraft is undergoing tests, and the second will soon join it, work on which is already being completed. Further, both strategists will undergo state tests, after which they will go to combat units.

At the same time, a completely new strategic bomber Tu-160M, built from scratch, is being assembled in Kazan. According to the plans announced earlier, the aircraft should begin testing as early as this, 2021. In total, under the 2018 contract, the UAC will build ten new Tu-160M ​​strategic bombers for the Ministry of Defense. In addition, it is planned to deeply modernize all combatant strategic missile carriers in service.

As previously explained in the corporation, on the deeply modernized Tu-160M, new flight and navigation equipment, an on-board communications complex, a control system, a radar station, an electronic countermeasures complex, as well as new NK-32-02 engines (series 2) were installed, the production of which was restored in Samara (UEC-Kuznetsov JSC).

The deeply modernized Tu-32M ​​made its maiden flight with new NK-02-160 engines at the beginning of November last year. At the same time, it was emphasized that the engines installed on the aircraft are serial.
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  1. +19
    30 July 2021 07: 15
    Good news,
    Yes, and in a bastard!
    1. +7
      30 July 2021 07: 38
      Quote: Popandos
      Good news,...
      Of course they are good to us, but judging by the minus stuck in you at the speed of T-160, for someone not very! And correct the mistake, you missed the word "Friday", which could be the reason.
      1. +11
        30 July 2021 07: 45
        No mistake, just Tyapnitsa today. Well, the cons come and go, but we stay drinks
        1. -7
          30 July 2021 09: 24
          Do you have to get drunk on Friday?
          1. +7
            30 July 2021 09: 26
            Traditions must be observed, and no one forces you to get drunk.
            1. +1
              30 July 2021 14: 31
              Quote: Popandos
              Traditions must be observed

              We don't drink because we're drawn to fun
              And we do not set ourselves the goal of licentiousness.
              We want to leave ourselves for a moment
              And only because of this they tend to be intoxicated with potions.
              Omar Khayyam
              1. The comment was deleted.
              2. The comment was deleted.
              3. The comment was deleted.
            2. -6
              30 July 2021 16: 55
              Who established these traditions?
            3. 0
              30 July 2021 18: 25
              1. 0
                1 August 2021 13: 50
                urik62 (yuri)
                Who established these traditions?
                And, "every Friday in the shit" is satire. You, Yuri, no one forces you to get drunk, but you can share the company with those who do not drink, just to chat ...
                1. 0
                  1 August 2021 16: 32
                  Yes, I don't mind having a drink myself, it's just this - if it's Friday, then it is necessary, I don't understand.
          2. +1
            30 July 2021 13: 34
            Of course not! But after a hard working week, a little bit is possible, so to speak, not for drinking for the sake of health, for))))
          3. -1
            30 July 2021 16: 51
            urik62 (aka Yu-yu-yu-ry), go and mess around! We will not condemn you. After all, how can you not get drunk when "cousins ​​and very distant relatives" modernize their planes, and you saw yours long ago!
            1. -1
              30 July 2021 16: 54
              Who are you? What did I saw there where? It's about a banal quirk on Friday, and not about airplanes.
        2. 0
          30 July 2021 13: 33
          That's it)
        3. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      30 July 2021 13: 32
      Well, on Friday it is necessary to bite))) So they nailed that in a bite)))))
      1. +1
        30 July 2021 13: 42
        Today there is still a very weighty occasion - International Day of Friendship.
        So drinks
  2. +3
    30 July 2021 07: 28
    This is great news, but the work should be carried out at a higher pace. I wonder how many shifts per day are involved?
    1. +8
      30 July 2021 07: 35
      Are you kidding me? Where to get specialists? All the smartest work in a taxi.
      1. 0
        30 July 2021 07: 40
        So people have to pay, because they are reviving the country's defense.
        1. 0
          30 July 2021 08: 04
          And what to pay for? For your presence at the factory? Who knows how to work and so more taxi drivers earn.
          1. -1
            30 July 2021 09: 00
            But this is no longer their fault, but the valiant menager. No bottom, no tires for them.
      2. +1
        1 August 2021 13: 56
        seregin-s1 (Sergey)
        Are you kidding me? Where to get specialists? All the smartest work in a taxi.
        In NYC... sad
    2. -6
      30 July 2021 07: 39
      Quote: Ros 56
      I wonder how many shifts per day are involved?

      An acquaintance of mine was from work at the plant, according to him, the Tu-160 in the workshops of KAPO named after Gorbunov is being repaired by grandparents in glasses with diopters, which were collected according to the personnel department, who are still in their minds and remember how to do wiring and all other work ... As the state order appeared, they began to be invited. Since the backlog of the "holy 90s" is over, I am trying to make a titanium "ridge" for the new Tu-160 - a central titanium beam 12,4 m long and 2,1 m wide, around which the rest of the glider elements were grouped. If we do not learn to make this beam again, there will be no new Tu-160.
      1. +2
        30 July 2021 07: 44
        Sadness, however, did all the graduates of KAI become taxi drivers? Yes, and KuAI is not far there. I use the abbreviation of the Soviet era.
        1. +2
          30 July 2021 08: 30
          Production graduates still need to be trained. At the Kazan aircraft plant in the 90s, the salary was not paid, the workers fled somewhere, many to orgsynthesis, some drank themselves, the vocational schools were closed, i.e. by 2015 there are almost no frames left.
          1. +1
            30 July 2021 08: 57
            Well, it has always been like this, it is not for nothing that the genius Raikin was joking, forget deduction - induction, let's produce products.
            All graduate students, as a rule, do work on outdated topics. It was in the 30s of the last century that some of our ingenious designers were given the opportunity to make a diploma for the creation of technology that did not yet exist. And because there was nothing, so they risked, and now who will give the money is unknown on what to spend.
        2. +1
          30 July 2021 10: 10
          Quote: Ros 56
          Really all the graduates of KAI went to taxi drivers? Yes, and KuAI is not far there

          Do you seriously think that university graduates will go to the stocks to turn the nuts?
          1. 0
            30 July 2021 13: 28
            Immediately you can see the young man, in the USSR they did not shy away and twist the nuts, if he was paid about 300 rubles, in contrast to 120 for an engineer.
            1. -1
              30 July 2021 15: 06
              Quote: Ros 56
              Immediately you can see the young, in the USSR they did not shy away and twist the nuts, if they paid him about 300 rubles

              I don’t know, I don’t know. Only a few of our graduates started to work with their hands, and then when perestroika had already won us over and there was nowhere to work at all.
              And the current ones do not even consider hard workers for people, they are more likely to go to waiters than to a locksmith.
              1. +1
                30 July 2021 17: 03
                This was a step in development at that time. First a locksmith, then a foreman, any salary is higher than that of a locksmith, then a foreman or, with luck, a deputy. the head of the shop. Career growth is called. Did you think straight to the boss? Our Chernomyrdin also started out as locksmiths, graduated from the institute in absentia and gradually, you know, became prime minister. Of course, the stars do not shine like that for everyone, but nevertheless it was so. And what's the point now, the current upstart manager by pull was put to the position, and he has no ear, no snout, so the whistle begins. And before the school was, until you go from the very bottom, hell to the big bosses will go out.
        3. 0
          30 July 2021 16: 59
          Yes, there was a time! KAI, KUAI! I remember we arrived at the training camp, dismantled the bed, and under the mattress there was a note "Hello to the rookies from MAI from the lieutenants of KuAI!" And further. During practical exercises on the Birch, we raise the container and the lieutenant's eyes pop out, the container says "KAI navel of the earth". While he was lying - not visible, they raised the piston to the lieutenant. Such were the times!
      2. 0
        30 July 2021 08: 00
        Quote: Bashkirkhan
        repair grandparents in glasses with diopters, which were collected according to the data of the personnel department, who are still in their minds and remember how to do the wiring and all other work
        But there are plenty of lawyers and economists.

        Children stood up to the machines because of Hitler, grandfathers because of the "democrats". This way, they "optimize" science, education and industry, that a lot will have to buy only in China.
        1. -1
          30 July 2021 11: 25
          Quote: Per se.
          you will have to buy a lot only in China *

          * has
      3. -8
        30 July 2021 08: 27
        In the fall, we will elect new deputies to United Russia, and then ... everything will fly at once.
        And the TU-160, and the SU-57, and the MS-21, and the new Superdet, and the never-flown SU-75.
        Even Armata will fly.
        And if anyone doubts, he is not a patriot.
        1. -2
          30 July 2021 08: 45
          So we are already flying, but we do not know where, and where we will land, oh-oh-a very big question.
        2. -3
          30 July 2021 09: 00
          Quote: prior
          we will elect new deputies to United Russia

          "EdRo" is the enemy of Russia ... its existence has already proved it! "EdRo" in the elections must "drown"! am
          1. +5
            30 July 2021 09: 08
            Good. We will vote for the communists. There are more honest millionaires. wassat
            1. -2
              30 July 2021 10: 17
              Quote: prior
              We will vote for the communists. There are more honest millionaires

              There is such a concept: of two evils they choose the lesser (or less well-known ...)! Is it worth voting for EdRo, when this little scuffle by 120% showed its filthiness and worthlessness for the country, for the people ?! And she won't change! You do not have Eisenhower Syndrome, who said: "Yes, this is a bastard! But this is our bastard!" ? Yes, choosing others, you can be wrong ... but there is hope! With EdRom there is no hope!
              1. +4
                30 July 2021 10: 30
                The elections cannot be taken so seriously. Unhealthy. Deputies, they are all the same there. Natural selection. There are no others there, no matter what parties they dress up in, and what speeches they make.
                1. -1
                  30 July 2021 11: 25
                  Quote: prior
                  You can't take elections so seriously

                  Why not give it a try? It's not serious - it has been twenty years already .. with a laugh, with fun! We had so much fun that we almost died! Not tired yet?
                  1. 0
                    30 July 2021 11: 26
                    I won't have enough health to vote for three days.
              2. 0
                30 July 2021 11: 12
                There is such a concept: of two evils choose the lesser (or less known ...)!

                From who would say, which is less .... And for whom)) Because from what is there is no difference, sir. For not a single so-called. the party does not say in normal language what exactly it will do, having seized power. And, most importantly, how ...
              3. -3
                31 July 2021 00: 05
                There is such a concept: of two evils choose the lesser (or less known ...)!

                I speak responsibly and competently - this proverb is complete stupidity, at least in the context of elections. This principle does not work and only leads to the fact that the electorate is bred as small children, nothing more.
          2. 0
            30 July 2021 10: 10
            Quote: Nikolaevich I
            "EdRo" in the elections must "drown"!
            Nikolayevich, they have already been "drowned" by the whole country, but "it" does not sink. We will choose again.
            1. -1
              30 July 2021 10: 26
              Quote: Per se.
              so they "drowned" already, but "it" does not sink.

              Alas! Familiar "oil painting"! As with Yeltsin! Before the elections (1996?) The rating of the xmyp was no higher than 5%, but he "won"! Here is the current price of "democracy and democracy" in modern Russia!
      4. +5
        30 July 2021 08: 37
        Are you raving? wassat
      5. +7
        30 July 2021 09: 01
        You are not the first to post this nonsense about grandmothers with diopters. wassat You see, they don't know how to lay the wiring. Do you even think what you are saying. The seers cannot make a beam, ah a shame. Boeing buys titanium farms from us. They lack intelligence and technology. They cry, but they buy. If now the missile carrier has been assembled from scratch, it seems that the beam has been sorted out. 15 years ago, under the guise of an engine for a gas turbine locomotive, the full cycle of nk-32 was restored, but with the use of new technologies. Apparently there were no grandmothers with diopters, I had to introduce a new one and increase the power and resource. In general, Russian Railways, under the guise of an unnecessary gas turbine locomotive, financed the military project of the best production aircraft, mankind, so that the enemy's reconnaissance would be done. And having an engine better than before, you can make modern avionics in an old glider, you can make a new glider, etc. Interestingly, you yourself sincerely believe in what you wrote? Or are you waging your war, to the best of your ability with the regime wassat
        1. -4
          30 July 2021 09: 11
          Quote: hrych
          Boeing buys titanium farms from us. They lack intelligence and technology. They cry, but they buy.

          Boeing is closely monitoring the diversification of its suppliers. The project with titanium from Russia is needed to put pressure on similar titanium companies from other countries. Titanium supplied by the Russian Federation for Boeing and Airbus is a low-conversion product. Almost raw. Therefore, there is nothing to admire.
          Quote: hrych
          The seers cannot make a beam, ah a shame.

          For example, to weld a Tu-160 semi-beam, you must first take the panels and spars for tacks by manual arc welding in an argon atmosphere, and then the seam is completely welded with an electron beam in a chamber in a vacuum. The chamber in which the semi-beam is being welded has been restored and is working. That is, the welding technology involves first tacking between the components of the center section by argon-arc welding, and only then welding the seams with an electron beam in a deep vacuum. Not everything is going smoothly with this yet.
          1. +1
            30 July 2021 10: 07
            Quote: Bashkirkhan
            is a product of low conversion

            Did you come up with the term “low redistribution” yourself? Did you come up with a Boeing strategy yourself? wassat Only he himself lamented that he was not able to make a "low conversion" beam for the Tu-160 wassat You are so easy to catch wassat Let's just say that there are not enough experienced grandmothers with diopters in your midst of detractors and disinformationists. wassat
            1. 0
              30 July 2021 10: 31
              Quote: hrych
              Did you invent the term low redistribution yourself?

              Redistribution - one of the stages of obtaining or processing metal in ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. The redistribution includes: smelting and casting of metal, reduction, rolling, pipe and hardware production. Enterprises that implement part of the full metallurgical cycle are called processing plants. This is an educational program.
              Don't bother me with your comments anymore.
              1. -1
                30 July 2021 10: 40
                Don't bother us all with your comments. Find grandmothers with dioprias for this and rub dezu on them wassat
            2. -2
              31 July 2021 00: 09
              The term low redistribution invented by himself

              Well, here, as it were, google to help.
              1. 0
                31 July 2021 11: 17
                So read it. And in general, the word is low? This is how Russia produces parts for Boeing. Russia produces parts for engines of international development SaM146, as well as for engines CFM56. Parts of the plant are used in the production of engines for Boeing 737, Airbus A320 and Sukhoi SuperJet 100. The highlight of the plant is the booster drums for the CFM56 engine, which are manufactured only here. VolgAero parts are used in the mega-popular Boeing 737 and fly all over the planet. Clear? Booster drums are not enough for you and Bashkirkhan? wassat
                1. -2
                  31 July 2021 12: 39
                  And in general, the word is low?

                  while. There is such a thing as "low conversion products"
                  So read it.

                  You would be advised to read more and write less.
                  1. 0
                    31 July 2021 13: 03
                    And I would advise you ... to advise less. wassat
        2. +1
          30 July 2021 10: 27
          Quote: hrych
          grandmothers in diopters in modern gadgets do not boom-boom, spank new avionics, put the wiring ... yes, great masters

          And at an aircraft plant, workers do not need to understand gadgets, avionics and engines. They just need to be able to screw all this correctly to the right place, (and not upside down, as in Roskosmos), knit the harness correctly so that the wires do not get messed up and are not short, so that the nuts are screwed on exactly and with the necessary effort, and so that fashionable Do not hit gadgets during installation, do not bend do not overheat with a soldering iron ...
          1. 0
            30 July 2021 10: 41
            You have successfully described the garage assembly of a penny
            1. +3
              30 July 2021 10: 42
              Quote: hrych
              You have successfully described the garage assembly of a penny

              Well then, describe the factory assembly of the aircraft.
              1. +3
                30 July 2021 10: 51
                I saw the assembly of a jet engine, the process can be said to be manual and no grandmothers with diopters, all this was collected by young people strictly according to documents and corresponding parts with indices and markings. No improvisation here, no, there by eye (with diopters) and from memory wassat And then they rub in some kind of game about wiring, low titanium alteration, etc. As well as ancient masters with an eye with a spirit level and a machine plumb line wassat
                1. +1
                  30 July 2021 11: 05
                  Quote: hrych
                  I saw the assembly of the jet engine ...
                  And then they rub in some kind of game about the wiring, low titanium alteration, etc.

                  Here they tell how it is on the assembly of an entire aircraft.
                  And yes, the wiring there is a separate story, there are kilometers of wires. And it is very difficult during modernization, it is not always possible to pull out the old cable from the finished airframe. Therefore, for example, when the first "ducklings" were assembled at our Chkalovsky plant, they had 2-3 sets of wires,
                  1. +1
                    30 July 2021 11: 18
                    All this is posted by big sofa masters. There are no problems with cables and cannot be. The most nonsense. Remove old stuff and put new problems in the posts of Bashkirkhan wassat The usual technological process and each posting is described in the specifications, proofs, etc. There are no grandparents with diopters and who know every posting, and there cannot be. On the contrary, now computers are to help.
                    1. +1
                      30 July 2021 11: 43
                      Quote: hrych
                      The usual technological process and each posting is described in the specifications, proofs, etc. There are no grandparents with diopters and who know every posting, and there cannot be. On the contrary, now computers are to help.

                      Yes Yes.
                      Only all these specifications must be able to be fulfilled.
                      Assembly is manual labor.
                      Let me remind you once again about the sensor in Proton screwed up with up-feet. And this is generally the simplest.
                      Yesterday on a TV set they showed how at a factory a peasant with a drill pokes a drill into every already punched hole in the parts to be joined, here you have a computer and a CNC and specifications ...
                      An eye gauge, experience and dexterity are our everything.
                      And yes, it is impossible to remove the cable without disassembling half of the aircraft, and laying a new one in the finished glider is a task for the very smart.
                      1. -3
                        30 July 2021 11: 52
                        Do not take this excuse for Proton on faith, the common people are not supposed to know the real reason. And after the explosion of the rocket, look for evidence there. And after that, Proton has already flown successfully. You were given a supernews about a super-plane from scratch, no, Bashkirkhan comes, got entangled in wires and blind grandmothers, a Jacket comes, everything is Proton, yes Proton. Upside down, but upside down. Roll over already, do not use your head as a support, but use it as directed wassat
                      2. 0
                        30 July 2021 12: 17
                        Quote: hrych
                        You were given a supernews about a superplane from scratch,

                        It says "will" about it.
                        When it will be, we will rejoice, but for now there is nothing.
                      3. -1
                        30 July 2021 12: 22
                        Is it possible, before it happens, just to be silent, and not scratch about grandmothers, wiring and Proton? wassat
                    2. +3
                      30 July 2021 12: 54
                      Quote: hrych
                      On the contrary, now computers are to help.

                      Chrych, calm down. In my opinion, you reported it. What kind of computers? The wiring harness is manufactured on the slipway. And "grandmothers with diopters" can do it too. There, if a mistake is possible, then it is minimal and quite sensible men can make it. Because the specification indicates the type of wire, cross-section in mm.kv., its personal number and route - from terminal No. 18 to terminal No. 24. Everything! And, I repeat, "grandmothers with diopters" can also lay this wire. By the way, grandmothers with and without diopters are more attentive than men when performing simple routine work. What my production experience tells me.
        3. -2
          31 July 2021 00: 08
          If now the missile carrier has been assembled from scratch, apparently the beam has been sorted out

          Did you build it from scratch? In the same place at the plant there was a "touch" or even a few. The first new one is definitely not "from scratch".
  3. -2
    30 July 2021 07: 37
    the more it is, the better it would be good 100, or better 300 pieces.and hypersonic missiles for them, and so that more often equipped strategists flew near the borders of nato
  4. +8
    30 July 2021 07: 41
    good weather, good news starts my morning.
  5. 0
    30 July 2021 08: 00
    Quote: Ros 56
    This is great news, but the work should be carried out at a higher pace. I wonder how many shifts per day are involved?

    There is no war, flood, earthquake, so one shift is enough.
  6. AAC
    30 July 2021 09: 02
    And I believe that everything will work out. And the staff will slowly catch up.
    1. -1
      30 July 2021 11: 03
      There is such a concept as "engineering school". Traditions, methods and all that. How were top schools created? Imagine now - from the defense of the diploma-clap, into the funnels and into the sharashka. And I can't even imagine where NOW such diplomas are being defended.
      ... A neighbor said that her granddaughter (a Muscovite) an excellent student cannot enter a university, all the places are already occupied by regional students who will not finish the first year. Their USE was bought in their regions. And with these points, they took all the places. ALL the places were taken.
      What shots will catch up? Where are they from?
  7. +1
    30 July 2021 10: 14
    There is no war, no flood ... yeah, the world is continuous. When those grandfathers run out, they'll start paying. Only there will be no one. And, well, yes, to foreign specialists! Also an option ...
    ... according to him, the Tu-160 in the workshops of KAPO named after Gorbunov is being repaired by grandparents in glasses with diopters, which were collected according to the data of the personnel department, who are still in their minds ...

    Here is an article ... https://topwar.ru/184910-polimery-kotorye-poka-ne-prospali-rossija-i-mirovaja-himija.html
    The meaning is the same. And I personally experienced how young people are loved here. Does anyone remember what MIHM is?
  8. +1
    30 July 2021 13: 12
    Quote: Krasnoyarsk
    Quote: hrych
    On the contrary, now computers are to help.

    Chrych, calm down. In my opinion, you reported it. What kind of computers? The wiring harness is manufactured on the slipway. And "grandmothers with diopters" can do it too. There, if a mistake is possible, then it is minimal and quite sensible men can make it. Because the specification indicates the type of wire, cross-section in mm.kv., its personal number and route - from terminal No. 18 to terminal No. 24. Everything! And, I repeat, "grandmothers with diopters" can also lay this wire. By the way, grandmothers with and without diopters are more attentive than men when performing simple routine work. What my production experience tells me.

    Khrych correctly writes about the computer, he meant the creation of a wiring diagram, for example, on Eplan, where a plan of harnesses is created in 3D, where the improvisation of electricians is almost excluded when laying harnesses
    1. +1
      30 July 2021 13: 19
      Ie, first on a computer in the corresponding program, circuits are created, then tracing in 3D, harnesses, etc. And then "grandmothers, grandfathers, grandchildren and great-grandchildren" are laid in place from terminal No. 18 to No. 24, while it is quite difficult to confuse, but if you try, then of course everything is possible
  9. -1
    30 July 2021 17: 07
    Quote: Jacket in stock
    Do you seriously think that university graduates will go to the stocks to turn the nuts?

    More recently, no, you would not have gone! In the merchandisers - yes, in the office plankton - yes, but to the stocks - no, because even they understood that their qualifications and knowledge would not be enough to "twist the nut". Whether anything has changed now I'm not sure!
  10. +1
    30 July 2021 21: 22
    will go to combat units
    You might think there are a lot of them. There is only one part in Engels.
  11. 0
    1 August 2021 21: 19
    Go Russia! No country in the world builds such aircraft.