Western Observer: In the event of a war against China against Taiwan, the latter has an advantage in the tank component


The Western press is discussing what scenario a potentially possible war between China and Taiwan could develop. Recall that Beijing considers Taiwan to be an integral part of the PRC, while Taipei sees itself exclusively as an independent state.

On the topic of the possible development of hostilities "in the event of an offensive by the PLA (People's Liberation Army of China) on Taiwan," foreign observer David Ex reflects in Forbes. In this case, the review is focused exclusively on the variant of the tank confrontation.

The author writes that the armed forces of Taiwan have the ability to disperse about 1,2 thousand troops. tanks, "To survive the first blow from the Chinese army." Then, according to a Western observer, "the remaining combat vehicles will need to be concentrated in the 14 main coastal areas of Taiwan, where the troops could land."

From the material:

The Chinese army seeks to land its tanks to repel the Taiwanese counterattacks. This is easier said than done. The Chinese Navy is not able to simultaneously land several hundred of its tanks on the Taiwanese coast in favorable conditions.

The observer is confident that the Taiwanese army has an advantage in the tank component in case of war.

Ex claims that the Taiwanese tank battalions, having properly dispersed their forces and means, will be able to effectively destroy the PLA's amphibious armored vehicles.

The Western author points out that Taiwan will use three types of tanks in service, including the American-made M-60A3, to destroy the landing armored vehicles of the Chinese army.

In a strange way, the Western edition does not consider such a scenario in which, in the event of an offensive on Taiwan, the PLA will not observe how the M-60A3s shoot armored vehicles dropped on the coast, but simply deliver a series of missile strikes on the territory of greatest activity of the same Taiwanese troops ...
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  1. +4
    30 July 2021 06: 47
    Schizophrenics generally have flawless logic. Only at the beginning of their reasoning they make some critical assumption and everything else no longer has any informational value. A recent example of such "expert analyzes" is a one-on-one meeting of a Russian cruiser with some (sorry, I don't remember exactly which one) American ship. Unaccompanied. Or two fighters. "Expert journalist" is smarter ... I don't even know how many professional military men from several countries at once! It’s not even funny to read such “analyzes”.
    1. +5
      30 July 2021 06: 54
      columnist David Ax for Forbes.

      Let him write better about the loot, he does it better.
      Nearer and closer in spirit Yes
    2. +6
      30 July 2021 07: 10
      Taiwan's economy is largely integrated with the PRC. Hundreds of Taiwanese firms operate on the mainland, and the total number of Taiwanese businessmen there exceeds 1 million. The volume of trade with the continent has been around $ 200 billion over the past few years.
      It may not come to tanks.
      1. +2
        30 July 2021 10: 30
        Does China need a war with Taiwan? This is the main mistake of the author, he starts with the main erroneous pre-delivery, then it does not matter.
    3. +11
      30 July 2021 07: 26
      At the moment, the Taiwanese army has about a thousand tanks, the basis of which is M48H and M60A3, many of them are in poor technical condition due to their old age.
      1. 0
        30 July 2021 08: 13
        10 !! million hang gliders, with a tailwind, and the landing of the PRC will capture Taiwan in 3 days.

    4. mvg
      30 July 2021 07: 27
      A recent example of such "expert analyzes" is a meeting of a Russian cruiser with some

      Do not write nonsense, especially in the morning, work the whole day and not laugh.
      How long have Russian cruisers entered the database? We can count them on the fingers of one hand, all the flagships of their fleets. An event such as the exit of any of the cruisers will not go unnoticed.
      Amers very rarely have ships sailing alone, if only in the Black Sea. So here is 1164 Moscow, no hold of a candle to any Burke (this is if hypothetically they met, which was not).
      1. +7
        30 July 2021 07: 49
        You did not even try to grasp the meaning of that passage of text that you pulled out of my post! Please try to read it again. If something is unclear, please contact me, it is not difficult for me to give an explanation.
        1. mvg
          30 July 2021 08: 22
          meeting of a Russian cruiser with some (sorry, I don't remember exactly which one) American ship one to one. Unaccompanied

          Well, decipher for me, pliz, I can really not see what letters ... request
          sorry, I don't remember exactly which one

          And this phrase attracts amateurishness .. What other American ships go alone, if this is not a "courtesy" visit to Sudan, for example.
          1. +3
            30 July 2021 08: 38
            I have not said anywhere that ours or American warships go alone in the world's oceans. In Soviet times, as far as I know! , only our BOD was capable.
            I'm talking about the fact that quite recently the "analysis" of the situation of the meeting between our cruiser and, if my memory serves me, Zumvolt was presented one to one by such an "expert". And that such "analysis" is cheaper than toilet paper and does not deserve any attention.
            A similar "analysis" was about the meeting between our and the American fighter without any ground or air support for the task. Spherical horse in a vacuum.
            1. mvg
              30 July 2021 09: 13
              our cruiser and, if my memory serves me, Zumvolt is one to one

              Perhaps enough for one morning laughing As with
              only our BOD was capable

              I propose to go to work quietly.
              PS: Free for you! advice: Do not draw more posts for ships ... I heard a set of letters (word), but I don't know where to insert ...
              And yes, your memory is cheating on you, at that mercilessly and irrevocably. hi
      2. +3
        30 July 2021 09: 26
        Quote: mvg
        How long have Russian cruisers entered the database?

        More recently, one to the Pacific, the other to Mediterranean !!
        1. mvg
          30 July 2021 09: 49
          More recently, one to the Pacific, the other to Mediterranean !!

          By oneself? Seriously? Don't tell my horseshoes. I did not understand where he met Zamwalt. let me guess myself ... In the Atlantic, on sea trials ...
          1. +4
            30 July 2021 11: 05
            the question was ..
            Quote: mvg
            How long have Russian cruisers entered the database?

            I replied.
            Quote: mvg
            Do not tell my horseshoes

            well, take off your horseshoes, they just shake you.
            Quote: mvg
            where did he meet Zamwalt. let me guess myself

            I didn’t write anything about Zamvolt, so it’s past! And it couldn't be!
            1. mvg
              30 July 2021 11: 36
              I replied.

              Sergey, go up the branch higher. The question was about: "we met on a narrow path one on one"
              No one doubts that 1164 are going to the database, it is not for nothing that all Ustinov and Varyag and Moscow underwent a medium repair with the restoration of the power plant. But some do not go anywhere, at least a supply ship. It was Peter 1144 who could afford it, drown alone in Mediterranean.
              And for Zamvolt, too, on the branch above. hi
              1. +3
                30 July 2021 11: 43
                Quote: mvg
                Sergey, climb the branch higher

                I've seen it all.
                A man heard something somewhere, but since he was not in the subject, he simply could not explain ..... maybe he meant Vinogradov's tango with McCain! Don't shoot the pianist, he plays as best he can! bully
                1. mvg
                  31 July 2021 09: 58
                  Vinogradova with McCain

                  I understood from the context that I mean the situation from 24.11.2020/1155/572 in the Sea of ​​Japan. BOD 56 Viogradov w / n XNUMX tried to supplant DDG-XNUMX McCain. Only Vinogradov has nothing offensive, he has not yet participated in the upgrade program.
      3. 0
        31 July 2021 05: 34
        As if on the contrary. A lone Burke without an aircraft carrier versus a strike ship with heavy anti-ship missiles is somewhat non-resident. Well, the aircraft carrier without the Burks is also quite inferior.
        The situation is similar with regard to the proposed opus. Chinese tanks coming out of the sea against Taiwanese have no chance. But they will come when the Taiwanese are gone.
        Well, some of those who wrote are right - a lot of people are planning a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. Except, in fact, China ...
        1. mvg
          31 July 2021 09: 53
          Single Burke without an aircraft carrier versus an attack ship with heavy anti-ship missiles

          These heavy anti-ship missiles (defective Volcanoes with a starting accelerator from Basalt) are almost 40 years old at lunchtime (about 1984). They're just the perfect target for the SM-6. And the SM-2 is not a miss. Burke, apart from 96 cells, still has Phalanxes, which shot down 100% of targets, including supersonic ones, during tests.
          But the Fort (S-300P in the ground), not only is limited to 75 km (although it will not hit anything at such a distance), it also simply cannot take the Tomahawk V for escort, it simply cannot technically be able to use EPR <0.5 m2. And the air defense / missile defense in Moscow (as well as in other Atlanta) has not been modernized.
          So what will win us? 16 anti-volcano anti-ship missiles, or 96 different combinations of Ax / SM / Asrok rockets from Burke? At the same time, it is not known how many Volcanoes will take off from Atlanta (if there are any at all, since the repairs took place without them and the storage periods have long expired). It was not in vain that they were given the starting points from Basalt, since there are good reasons that the PC material will not withstand the start of the Vulcan accelerator. Lost about 200 km.
          PS: Well, the Aegis OMS is not a computer in Moscow and not a lamp on the Fort. Kuk also has 8 Harpoons per 180 km, quite a strength. Our air defense / missile defense systems do not work out the reflection of anti-ship missiles at heights of 3-5 m above sea level.
          PPPS: When the Chinese tanks leave the sea, only the surviving Taiwanese will stand on the shore with their hands up. hi
          1. 0
            22 August 2021 04: 44
            Well, well laughing
            An anti-ship ax, which has not been produced for many years due to sheer inefficiency, and the Aegis, which, as it turned out, ignores high-flying low-flying targets for some reason (although, as it was, it was made for them) ...
            Of course, no one fired volleys with basalts / volcanoes, and how they will behave against air defense is not very well known ... So no one tested the Aegis against such a class of targets ...
            Well, 96 missiles do not take off at once.
            If half takes off, half of this half will be knocked down, another half will miss, everything is equal to the khan will come before reaching the line of launching harpoons, which are also not a fact that they will fly.
            In general, the conversation is about nothing. It is useless to argue with an adept. He believes ...
    5. 0
      31 July 2021 21: 05
      In fact, these "experts" give sucked information from the finger. There can be a lot of everything here, and China can work out missiles in places of concentration, and ships with the main caliber to cover the landing of an assault force, and air cover, and China has combat drones. And in fact, no matter how you plan, reality will make its own adjustments. The same Americans can join in together with the Australians, and then an incomprehensible mess will be brewed, possibly even with the use of tactical nuclear weapons.
  2. +1
    30 July 2021 06: 48
    It has long been known that all these fortune-telling on the coffee grounds, especially Western magazines, have never been justified.
  3. +3
    30 July 2021 07: 01
    Why would China drop a lot of tanks on Taiwan. Many attack drones can be launched from the territory of China, which will destroy Taiwanese tanks.
    1. +1
      30 July 2021 07: 13
      Quote: riwas
      Why would China drop a lot of tanks on Taiwan. Many attack drones can be launched from the territory of China, which will destroy Taiwanese tanks.

      Or you can do nothing, but wait smile
      Let the "vile" Kuomintang people sleep badly and cook the tanks.
      Against China, they still can't pull it.
  4. +8
    30 July 2021 07: 28
    The plans of the local armed forces include the purchase of Abrams tanks from the United States. Back in 2019, the United States gave Taiwan a $ 2 billion "military foreign aid" cash grant. It is assumed that 108 units of Abrams M1A2T tanks will be purchased for the Taiwanese army with this money. This amount includes the cost of maintaining and purchasing ammunition for new armored vehicles.
    1. 0
      30 July 2021 22: 12
      This is "supposed" for about 30 years as I remember. Americans repeatedly refuse to sell them new equipment.
  5. +2
    30 July 2021 09: 03
    What is the advantage in tanks if the sky is behind the enemy?
  6. -1
    30 July 2021 10: 00
    It seems that the "western press" is the comments of the readers concerned about the availability of free time on a site similar to VO. there are also many cool specialists who have no idea how the footcloth is wound, but are happy to explain the principles of "Starship Troopers". proceeding from the saying "Meli Emelya is your week", it is necessary to introduce a competition - "Emelya of the week" and award it by secret or open ballot.
  7. 0
    30 July 2021 10: 30
    Does China need a war with Taiwan? This is the main mistake of the author, he starts with the main erroneous pre-delivery, then it does not matter.
  8. 0
    30 July 2021 11: 24
    If China for some reason wants to seize Taiwan by force. Then it will look clearly different. For a start, the islands adjacent to Taiwan will be captured. Chinese aviation will deploy on these islands, which will iron the island of Taiwan until there is nothing left there. Only then the landing.
    1. +1
      30 July 2021 23: 11
      Why are these islands for the Chinese aviation? The width of the strait is about 100 km. In 1937, Chinese SBs with Soviet crews bombed Japanese airfields in Taiwan. Is it possible that the Chinese Su-27s have a shorter range than the SB?
      1. 0
        31 July 2021 10: 21
        One hundred kilometers is in the closest place in the north. In the south, the width of the strait is twice as large and the border does not go along the island of Taiwan, but along the Piskador Islands, which are separated from Taiwan by another strait. Plus the width of the archipelago. Plus the width of the island itself (targets will be not only at the coastline).
        The second of the islands that Taiwan controls they are in tight to the mainland. The air defense systems and aviation located there will not allow Chinese aircraft to brazenly fly to Taiwan in a straight line.
        Well, the closer China gets to the island, the easier it will then be to land troops.
    2. +1
      31 July 2021 17: 53
      Quote: Herman 4223
      If China for some reason wants to seize Taiwan by force. Then it will look clearly different. For a start, the islands adjacent to Taiwan will be captured. Chinese aviation will deploy on these islands, which will iron the island of Taiwan until there is nothing left there. Only then the landing.

      Most likely, there are many options for "capturing Taiwan", although for China they are all hypothetical. But technically, China should be able to implement several of these hypothetical options. Because there are red lines in relations between island and mainland China and Taiwan wants to test them in the hope of supporting the West. Therefore, China is building up, among other things, the ability to transport troops. Those. a hypothetical threat must be provided with technical capabilities.

      And the main steps aimed at a peaceful solution, without landing, of the Taiwan issue, is that now China is very actively building ICBM mines for a possible hypothetical strike against Taiwan's support.
      1. 0
        31 July 2021 18: 10
        As long as the United States is in good health, China has no chance of gaining Taiwan peacefully. And China is unlikely to start a war because it will be a pretext for severing economic ties with the United States and its vassals. If China does decide, then the mines alone will not be enough here. We also need a fleet capable of challenging the strong. In twenty years, China will have it.
        Let's see how China is fighting for sovereignty over its territories.
        1. +1
          31 July 2021 18: 42
          Quote: Herman 4223
          As long as the United States is in good health, China has no chance of gaining Taiwan peacefully.

          China is playing a long game. The main vector of the development of relations, the growth of China's influence in the region (time is on the side of China, if you postpone the resolution of the issue until later, this is exactly what the Chinese need) and the absence of decisions from Taiwan, which dramatically change the status quo, for example, the declaration of independence and recognition in the world a separate independent state.
          Quote: Herman 4223
          And China is unlikely to start a war because it will be a pretext for severing economic ties with the United States and its vassals. If China does decide, then the mines alone will not be enough. We also need a fleet capable of challenging the strong.

          1. Whether or not China starts military action over Taiwan does not depend on China, they do not need it. But China can start (forcedly), for example, with the blockade of Taiwan and the subsequent escalation. For example, this may occur in response to Taiwan's DECISION to declare independence.
          2. China already has a sufficient fleet to support any operations in the South China Sea. But the desire of the West will somehow try to push China through with a high degree of probability can lead to the escalation of the conflict / confrontation in the South China Sea into a global conflict with China.
          3. Having a sufficient number of ICBMs is exactly what China needs. Then, in cases of tension in the South China Sea, the west will not climb there. This means that it will be unprofitable for the West to create tension there because it will have to retreat, i.e. lose. Taiwan, knowing that it will not support the West, will be wary of the red lines.
          (The last, about the rationality of Taiwan is optional, there were always enough idiots, nationalists, corrupt politicians)

          Therefore, ICBMs deployed by China against the US (west) favor the peaceful coexistence of mainland and island China.
  9. +1
    30 July 2021 12: 42
    As I understood the author of the article, only tank duels will save Taiwan. Good tactics, and it is better to hit the Chinese aircraft carriers with tank wedges, it will be cheaper to drown these tanks, otherwise the Taiwanese civilian population may suffer in the duels of tanks against missiles.
  10. +1
    31 July 2021 16: 21
    Will Taiwanese want to die for American crap?
    1. 0
      31 July 2021 19: 31
      Quote: zwlad
      Will Taiwanese want to die for American crap?

      We do not live in some kind of Middle Ages. Now there is such an achievement of the civilized world as the division of labor.
      One group of people makes a decision, another group provides propaganda and implementation of the decision, and still others are enriched in the created situation, well, there are those who are unlucky enough to die as a result of hostilities, bear hardships, and then it is possible to take responsibility for this.

      If those who decided to start the war themselves would have gone to the front, then the "hawks" would simply have ended and the wars would have come to naught.
  11. +1
    31 July 2021 19: 52
    How easy it is to talk like this, in a short article on some website or in a newspaper about large-scale battles ... Where there are hundreds of different derivatives, situations and circumstances, ranging from the preparedness of the command staff and ordinary soldiers and through a hundred "ifs" to the same weather ...