A Harvard professor who considers the asteroid Oumuamua to be a disguised alien ship is developing the Galileo project


Harvard University professor Avi Loeb announced that the working group he created continues to work on the search for alien technologies implemented in outer space. Such work of a professor at an American university has already received a negative response in the scientific community, but Avi Loeb himself is not at all embarrassed by this. According to him, modern science reminds him of the ossified dogmas of the Middle Ages, when everyone was simply convinced that the Sun and the rest of the world revolved around the Earth, and when alternative points of view were perceived with hostility.

American professor:

Remember history how Galileo was ostracized? Then he was tried for the fact that he questioned the dogma that the Earth is motionless, that the Sun revolves around it. Therefore, today we are implementing our Galileo project in order to discover those technologies that may well be used in space by alien civilizations.

The work of Professor Loeb a few years ago caused quite a stir in the scientific community. He investigated a space object called Oumuamua (Oumumua), which was the first discovered interstellar space objects passing through the solar system. Discovered it in 2017. At first it was classified as a comet, then as an asteroid. Avi Leba's working group said there were signs that it was a man-made object. Professor Loeb himself believes that the technologies of an alien civilization have been implemented on Oumuamua, since the object's speed "does not correspond to those indicators that are characteristic of hyperbolic asteroids." Despite the fact that in 2019 the scientific astronomical community rejected the hypothesis of the artificial origin of Oumuamua, Avi Loeb did not abandon his arguments, noting that none of modern scientists could explain the "strange dynamics" of this object, could not imagine its mathematical calculations.

Avi Loeb states that Oumuamua is "an alien ship disguised as an asteroid that collects data about the Earth and the solar system as a whole."

The Galileo project, which is supervised and promoted by Professor Loeb, aims to create a global research network that includes dozens of telescopes around the world, as well as special cameras, sensors, computers capable of detecting and exploring unidentified space objects. At the same time, funding for such work is still carried out in the form of private donations. The American state is indifferent to the project.

Avi Loeb:

What is in the sky should not be interpreted by politicians or the military, simply because they have the appropriate knowledge at the level of scientists. This should be done by the scientific community. However, while the scientific community is skeptical about our work. But we intend to develop the project by connecting universities in Britain, Sweden, and the USA.

One of the directions of such work is the study of radio signals coming from deep space. Loeb's team is creating an algorithm that could extract signals that carry information produced by living things.

According to the American professor, the study of possible alien technologies can bring earth technologies to a completely different level of development.
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  1. The comment was deleted.
    1. +11
      28 July 2021 08: 54
      It is necessary to check the role of the asteroid Oumuamua and alien agents in the spread of the new coronavirus infection!
      1. +6
        28 July 2021 09: 11
        Avi Loeb ... I am plagued by vague suspicions, I think that undoubtedly the Kosher Galileo project will be implemented at the expense of American taxpayers, will aliens be found? this is not the main goal of the project laughing
        1. +2
          28 July 2021 09: 48
          Most of the famous world-famous physicists were and are -
          "kosher" laughing , therefore, taxpayers' funds from all over the world
          (as has been the custom for hundreds of years) - in great-oh-ohm danger. belay
          1. -2
            28 July 2021 09: 59
            Most of the famous world-famous physicists were and are -

            If not for the Holocaust, many of the discoveries and technologies of our time could have appeared earlier.

            German scientists would not waste their time inventing stoves, but instead focus on moving science forward.
            1. -2
              28 July 2021 10: 12
              Quite right. Nice to meet like-minded person drinks
              Short 12-year Nazi rule in Germany
              turned into a real disaster for the whole world.
              1. +6
                28 July 2021 10: 19
                Here I agree with you, but partly because many world-famous scientists fled from Nazism in the (mainly) USA and also spent a lot of time engaged in far from peaceful discoveries! True, thanks to this, breakthrough things in science were made - so a double-edged sword is not a fact that if Hitler had pursued a more moderate policy of genocide, these inventions would have appeared earlier.
                1. +1
                  29 July 2021 08: 44
                  Quote: Finches
                  more moderate genocidal policy

                  You wrote this very strange thing.

                  Quote: Finches
                  not the fact that ... these inventions would have appeared earlier.

                  The fact that it would not have appeared.
                  The bomb designers in the States knew what they were doing. If it were not for the threat of the appearance of nuclear weapons from Hitler, they would not have made a bomb for the United States.
                  In any case, this is what they wrote in their memoirs. hi
                  1. +1
                    29 July 2021 08: 46
                    hi They could write whatever they wanted, but for the hospitality it was necessary to work out not in the interests of a pure gauki, but what the owners would say is quite natural!
            2. +2
              28 July 2021 13: 28
              Quote: Santa Fe
              If not for the Holocaust, many of the discoveries and technologies of our time could have appeared earlier.

              Uh-huh ... for example, nuclear weapons from the Third Reich.
          2. 0
            28 July 2021 10: 16
            Quote: voyaka uh
            Most of the famous world-famous physicists were and are -

            Well, this is all very relative ... (Albert Einstein. German. laughing )
          3. +2
            29 July 2021 00: 06
            This is now the majority of world-famous physicists kosher. But none of the kosher physicists made any contribution to physics.
          4. 0
            1 August 2021 19: 58
            You are exaggerating, dear.
            Here is a plate with the results of the youth olympiads in physics.

            Since the participation of the State of Israel in them.
            In a rare case (this year) a team of Jewish talents (future Nobel laureates !?) barely made it into the top ten.
            And then, in the middle they hang out.
            Taken from the site World Olympiads. Israel's youth have been represented since 1979.
            Those. those who were 1979-16-17 in 18 are now adults (even elderly uncles).
            Draw your own conclusions.
      2. +4
        28 July 2021 09: 54
        Does the professor know that the Earth is flat, stands on 3 elephants, which, in turn, stand on the back of a turtle? winked
        1. +3
          28 July 2021 13: 32
          Quote: den3080
          Does the professor know that the Earth is flat, stands on 3 elephants, which, in turn, stand on the back of a turtle?

          The Earth has the shape of a disk, located on the backs of four elephants (Beryliya, Tubul, Great T'Fon, Dzherakin), which stand on a giant turtle floating in space (Great A'Tuin).
          1. +1
            28 July 2021 16: 34
            Quote: Alexey RA
            Quote: den3080
            Does the professor know that the Earth is flat, stands on 3 elephants, which, in turn, stand on the back of a turtle?

            The Earth has the shape of a disk, located on the backs of four elephants (Beryliya, Tubul, Great T'Fon, Dzherakin), which stand on a giant turtle floating in space (Great A'Tuin).

            I listen and remember, O Great Hassan Abdurrahman ibn Hottab!
            Truly not to measure your wisdom, inherited by you, from your venerable ancestors, may the memory of them not fade away in the coming dark ages of ignorance !!
      3. +2
        28 July 2021 10: 07
        Duck that's what the reptilians from REN TV flew on!
      4. 0
        28 July 2021 16: 01
        I dare to correct - in the influence on the brain of distributors)))
    2. +5
      28 July 2021 08: 55
      "-Comrades scientists! Associate professors with candidates!
      You are worn out with "X", you are entangled in zeros.
      You sit and decompose molecules into atoms,
      forgetting that potatoes are decaying in the fields. "
      V.S. Vysotsky.
      So is it an asteroid, or a comet?
      You, dear author, keep your finger on the pulse of the event. laughing
      1. +5
        28 July 2021 09: 13
        Apparently, this is a wandering asteroid.
        He had no tail ...

        If there is a tail, then it is a comet.
        1. +3
          28 July 2021 09: 26
          Good morning!
          Well, judging by the article, not everything is so simple. wink AND...

          there is still no consensus. drinks
          1. +2
            28 July 2021 10: 38
            Quote: Phil77
            there is still no consensus.

            however, no one has proved the existence of God, and vice versa smile
          2. +4
            28 July 2021 11: 14
            ... - Is there life on Mars, is there life on Mars .. -the main thing is that there are enough potatoes ..
      2. +6
        28 July 2021 09: 24
        Quote: Phil77
        So is it an asteroid, or a comet?

        "Bear Shifman is brainy -
        He has a foresight ...
        Do not touch Mishka Shifman,
        With Mishka - away from doubts:
        He has all the Jews
        In every generation ... "(c) lol
        Abraham Loeb will not say in vain, he received his doctorate at the age of 24! Yes
        1. +3
          28 July 2021 11: 16
          .. He shouted - the error is here! - it's me - a Jew! .. And he was told: "not too much here .. - get out of the door!" ..
          1. +3
            28 July 2021 14: 07
            I'm fine. Pah-pah-pah.
            Bear drinks the damned
            He says that for the graph
            Not allowed - the fifth.
  2. +6
    28 July 2021 08: 51
    So why search in space? Search the depths of the ocean! Or is it not to find the goal, but to master the means ?! From a series - humanity spends billions in search of water on Mars, but cannot provide clean water even to the inhabitants of Africa.
    1. +11
      28 July 2021 09: 03
      Quote: Marachuh
      cannot provide clean water even to the inhabitants of Africa.

      I remembered a fragment of the KVN scene:
      - What are you saying, Moses? Have you been walking in the desert for many years and your people suffer from water shortages? But you have an ocean of water with you! Ah, they have no money ...
    2. 0
      28 July 2021 09: 05
      Taking into account the Jewish nationality of this alleged "professor", of course the goal of this swindler is only one - to fill his pocket at someone else's expense. They can't do anything else.
      1. 0
        28 July 2021 11: 48
        Quote: Rusticolus
        Taking into account the Jewish nationality of this alleged "professor", of course the goal of this swindler is only one - to fill his pocket at someone else's expense. They can't do anything else.

        Question: how does the respected Rusticolus imagine the opportunity to fill his pocket with money allocated to fund scientific work? Does he personally know at least one scientist who managed to become rich doing science? How does "Jewishness" contribute to this? And, finally, how did those who do not know how to become among the creators of atomic and rocket weapons, among the excellent artists, doctors, musicians, writers? Perhaps, before engaging in slander and Nazi propaganda, the respected Rusticolus should have learned the rules of the grammar of the Russian language? I look, innumerable herds of fascists graze on VO: some offer to immediately calculate the hidden Jews by analyzing haplogroups (the good old measurement of their skulls with a compass does not suit them anymore), others demand immediate deportation, and others, who do not really know their native language, are greatly offended by the fact that they do not they, and some of the Jews became a poet ... Well, and every third person drank water from the taps.
        Respected ones, if it were not for the Jews, then you would also run into the Chukchi, ethnic Ukrainians or Georgians with foam from rotten jaws, you would also boast of the imaginary purity of your blood. But you confused Russia with a dog show, where pedigree is important.
        1. +1
          28 July 2021 12: 59
          Quote: astepanov
          Question: how does the respected Rusticolus imagine the opportunity to fill his pocket with money allocated to fund scientific work?

          I do not know how the respected Rusticolus imagines it, but in general there are darkness of possibilities. In general, we take pictures of the asteroid, deny classical mathematics, create a mathematical model of the asteroid's motion, based on the theory of Kozma Malyarevich, and "prove" that this is an alien ship. The scientific community, of course, is not happy, but there are also continuous medieval retrogads. We are loudly promoting our theory, hanging colorful labels on normal scientists and haircutting fans with wallets. Then we take the published images of space objects plus a couple of exclusive ones from colleagues in the craft, pass it off as the result of the action of the "created network of telescopes around the world" and fantasize, fantasize, fantasize. Can you imagine how much it costs to create a "network of telescopes"? And control over grants for science is not so severe, there are many opportunities to put in your pocket. Well, the only thing is, in Oxford or there Cambridge the margin is more modest, it is divided for the label, and in general, colleagues should not be forgotten. It's easier in Moscow, Petrik won't let you lie.
          1. -3
            28 July 2021 15: 19
            Quote: bot.su
            And control over grants for science is not so severe, there are many opportunities to put in your pocket.

            Apparently, you have never been involved in science - that is nonsense. As for the swindler Petrik, he has never studied science and does not have an academic degree. However, he is not a Jew - just like not a Jew and Boris Gryzlov who protected him, like not a Jew, the chief nanist Anatoly Chubais, like Dmitry Rogozin, who never studied technical sciences, did not work with technology, but has a Doctor of Technical Sciences degree! It is also interesting that I did not find the author's abstract, date and place of defense of the dissertation of the latter.
            1. +1
              28 July 2021 16: 01
              Quote: astepanov
              Apparently, you have never been involved in science - that is nonsense.

              I didn’t do it. But he was in close contact with those who deal with it. I can’t speak for military science or R&D in the defense sphere, I haven’t come across this, there is government funding, probably the Accounts Chamber, the FSB, etc. In civil science, even some state grants provide for considerable sums, for which there is almost no need to account. Roughly speaking, scientists spend them on themselves officially. And only in private ... The fact that private traders know how to count money and ask for the result and truth and myth at the same time, plus the interest of certain persons is possible. Nobody canceled kickbacks. Especially in the west, where the amounts are not childish and the technologies have been worked out.
              1. -1
                28 July 2021 16: 53
                And, you heard ... That's why we have everyone who can bring science to work abroad - especially young people. Probably, they are afraid of the mountains of gold. Unlike you, I know the case directly. The salary of a university professor is less than that of a petty clerk in the city administration, and he does not see real money - and it is not he who is in charge of the distribution of the budget, but the officials. And you are spreading slander and gossip.
                1. 0
                  29 July 2021 22: 09
                  Quote: astepanov
                  And you are spreading slander and gossip.

                  I wanted to brand you as a troll on a salary for such words ... But I read your other comments - it seems like a completely adequate person emerges, perhaps a really scientist, and even a natural-scientific direction, well, maybe on the border with a technical one. We seem to have a lot of pretty similar views. But look what fundamentally opposite opinions ...
                  Quote: astepanov
                  That's why we have everyone who can get them out of science abroad - especially young people. Probably they are afraid of mountains of gold

                  Well, I here a few years ago offered to a young scientist to contribute to work abroad, then there was an opportunity. So no, the young man was not disappointed in science, he was quite satisfied with the agreement with the university on periodic work in the north. Probably really scared of the mountains of gold laughing
                  Quote: astepanov
                  Oh, you heard ...

                  Quote: astepanov
                  Unlike you, I know the case directly. The salary of a university professor is less than that of a petty clerk in the city administration

                  Well, I didn’t just hear, I was interested in the subject of whether I should go into science, more precisely into education, it seems that it is already possible to transfer some kind of experience. But it was not the salary that pushed me away from this decision, but the rowing with which higher education and related science are now associated. Rowing was enough for me in production.
                  The salaries of small clerks in city administrations are scanty, and in small towns it is so simply microscopic. Well, in Moscow, of course, it's probably different. And they work as small clerks or married ladies, if the husband earns good money, or those who promote their own business or relatives.
                  Quote: astepanov
                  and he does not see real money - and it is not he who is in charge of the distribution of the budget, but the officials.

                  I'm afraid, professor, you are much more nerd than me ... Somewhere past you, more unprincipled colleagues direct cash flows!
                  1. 0
                    30 July 2021 10: 11
                    Agree that your sample is not very representative, and therefore it is somehow strange to draw general conclusions from it. Here's a more qualified opinion: "... the chief scientific secretary of the academy Nikolai Dolgushkin said that the number of scientists and highly qualified specialists who leave Russia has grown fivefold since 2012. In 2012, there were 14 thousand who left abroad, currently there are 70 thousand, Dolgushkin cited data. He added that Russia is the only developed country where the number of scientists has been decreasing for several decades in a row.
                    Read more at RBC:
                    But I am surprised by something else: here, on VO, a lot of fascists graze, and for some reason this does not cause your indignation. So far, they are meek, their views do not translate into actions. But if the tension in society goes beyond a certain limit, it will flare up so that Ukraine will seem like a garden of Eden. Doesn't it bother you? Why, if not a secret?
                    1. 0
                      30 July 2021 21: 17
                      Quote: astepanov
                      In 2012, there were 14 thousand people who left abroad, now there are 70 thousand of them.

                      Well, we don't have so many scientists, and a qualified specialist is most likely just a person with a higher education. And there is no statistics on how many such specialists work as a result of taxi drivers and laborers.
                      Quote: astepanov
                      But I am surprised by something else: here, on VO, a lot of fascists graze, and for some reason this does not cause your indignation.

                      Earlier it caused, I discussed with them. Then I realized that it was useless. And not everyone who doesn't like Jews is a fascist. There is no desire to delve into what, where and when the Jews offended them.
                      And then what will blaze ... If the authorities conduct a consistent policy, with a periodically leftist bias (that is, really improving the lives of people in some way, and not only by demonstratively sending traffic cops and governors to jail), then we will not have any Ukraine. And if they just stupidly merge someone, then the impending fire cannot be extinguished on the pages of VO.
        2. +2
          28 July 2021 14: 15
          Quote: astepanov
          And, finally, how did those who do not know how to become among the creators of atomic and rocket weapons, among the excellent artists, doctors, musicians, writers?

          As for the doctors, I immediately remembered the song of the ambulance doctor Rosenbaum:
          Dr. Boone and Alperovich,
          Regelman, Gilgof N. Lvovich,
          Gur Arie, Simuni, Lehzer with Rohman,
          What is not a doctor is a Jew,
          Shtilbans, Zusses and Paley,
          Rosenbaum, Shnol and Kogan with Hoffman.

          These are not fictional people, they are doctors and paramedics of the substation. I went to the graph and just rewrote them all.

          1. -3
            28 July 2021 15: 26
            Do you think that working as a paramedic at an ambulance station is very sweet bread and a lot of income?
            Quote: Alexey RA
            Dr. Boone and Alperovich,
            Regelman, Gilgof N. Lvovich,
            Gur Arie, Simuni, Lehzer with Rohman,
            What is not a doctor is a Jew,
            Shtilbans, Zusses and Paley,
            Rosenbaum, Schnol and Kogan with Hoffmann

            Honorable, I come from the city of Marx, Saratov region. At the local cemetery, such and similar surnames on the stones of crypts with Russified Germans. Do you determine who is Jewish and who is not by their last name? And I, by a sinful deed, thought that nationality is determined by the native language, culture, traditions, religion, in the end. And that's it, Mikhalych ... Pity the latent Nazis.
            1. +1
              28 July 2021 15: 48
              Quote: astepanov
              And that's it, Mikhalych ... Pity the latent Nazis.

              Mwa-ha-ha ... You just signed up for Rosenbaum's latent Nazis. smile
              For the phrase What is not a doctor is a Jew belongs to him.
              Yes, these are all real people. Not a single fictional person! In one verse, I rhymed sixteen Jewish names. Do you think it's easy? I am still proud to have coped with such a difficult literary work.
              © A. Rosenbaum
            2. The comment was deleted.
      2. -1
        28 July 2021 11: 53
        oh, those winners of fascism
    3. +3
      28 July 2021 09: 18
      Why the ocean - we have an Avon, the entire government is stopudo landing from Jupiter ..
  3. +3
    28 July 2021 08: 52
    Although I'm a newbie to VO, I'm sure that there was no such news here before ... wink
  4. +8
    28 July 2021 08: 55
    What an important news, however ... On VO. Are you guys serious?
    "There are indications that this is an artificially created object."
    There are also such opinions about the moon, if what ...
    1. +8
      28 July 2021 09: 21
      There are also such opinions about the moon, if what ...

      And also about Phobos and Deimos - according to the calculations of Shklovsky I.S., they are hollow.
      Judging by the shape of Oumuamua, it looks like a shot down destroyer from Star Wars, which is exactly in the theme of the site winked
      1. +6
        28 July 2021 09: 28
        Quote: dzvero
        Judging by the shape of Oumuamua, it looks like a shot down destroyer from Star Wars, which is exactly in the theme of the site

        good Mlyn. Now I will be tormented by the question - who did he hit?))
        1. +8
          28 July 2021 09: 36
          That is understandable, but let's wait for the official position of Jane Psaki (as soon as he clarifies in the office) smile
          1. +5
            28 July 2021 09: 43
            Quote: dzvero
            Hto - understandable

            Wait, even I guessed hto) Are we waiting for a new portion of sanctions?
            1. +2
              28 July 2021 09: 53
              Are we waiting for a new portion of sanctions?

              Of course! smile There will be a ban on the purchase of KamAZ for the American army, only KrAZ. As a result, one economy will burst sharply upward, and the other will finally be torn to shreds. These are the extra-systemic asteroids ...
        2. +3
          28 July 2021 09: 45
          Quote: Lesovik
          who did he hit?))

          Duc, their own and filled up. Yes It is a renegade renegade ship of the hunter-predator race.
          He was bringing new technologies to Earth, which he planned to share with the locals. fellow ...
          But it didn’t work, it didn’t work out ... They caught up and punished. am laughing
          1. +2
            28 July 2021 11: 18
            In fact, this is a Collectors ship from the Mass effect universe .. - they were disguised as asteroids ..
        3. +2
          28 July 2021 09: 52
          Quote: Lesovik
          Now I will be tormented by the question - who did he hit?))

          But from the far side of the moon and shot down! There is no need for representatives of another civilization to roam about! )))
        4. +3
          28 July 2021 10: 00
          So it's clear who - mosk @ li! wassat
  5. +2
    28 July 2021 09: 03
    sometimes a retrained one is worse than an undereducated one, if there is nothing more
    catch fleas, reduce the birth rate, chase the ubiquitous ants! (almost according to Vysotsky)
  6. +14
    28 July 2021 09: 07
    Observations at the Very Large Telescope (VLT) of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in Chile and other observatories around the world show that this unique object traveled through space for millions of years before accidentally flew into our planetary system. It turned out to be a deep red, highly elongated metal or stone body, unlike anything commonly found in the solar system.
    1. +6
      28 July 2021 10: 29
      Quote: Atlant-1164
      It turned out to be dark red ...
      Red, this is from Mars ..
      1. +9
        28 July 2021 10: 34
        It turned out to be a deep red, highly elongated metal or stone body, unlike anything commonly found in the solar system. The new results are published in Nature on November 20, 2017.

        On October 19, 2017, the Pan-STARRS 1 telescope in Hawaii recorded a faint luminous point moving across the sky. It looked like a typical asteroid. But when they calculated its orbit, it turned out that this body undoubtedly did not form inside the solar system, like all other asteroids or comets that have ever been observed, but came from interstellar space. The object was initially classified as a comet, but observations at ESO and other observatories showed no signs of cometary activity after passing closest to the Sun in September 2017. Then it was re-classified as an interstellar asteroid and named 1I / 2017 U1 (`Oumuamua)
        1. +5
          28 July 2021 10: 38
          Quote: Atlant-1164
          The new results are published in Nature on November 20, 2017.

          Yes, that's me, for humor, we now have so many serious topics that from them, already in the morning, the head is boiling ...
          1. +9
            28 July 2021 10: 41
            OK. accepted)
    2. -1
      28 July 2021 22: 11
      "unlike anything commonly found in the solar system." ///
      Therefore, this physicist became interested in this object so.
      Even if his hypothesis is wrong, it caused a surge in reviews, and
      will begin to actively search for other similar unusual objects.
  7. +2
    28 July 2021 09: 16
    And what do British scientists think and say about this? If you suddenly feel bored read (look) what they write and say in the USA, what is happening there today and you will receive a charge of "vigor" for the whole week. Let it be better to study the asteroid than to militarize space.
  8. +5
    28 July 2021 09: 30
    Professor Loeb himself believes that the technologies of an alien civilization have been implemented on Oumuamua, since the speed of the object "does not correspond to those indicators that are characteristic of hyperbolic asteroids."
    And what, a beautiful hypothesis, a dream! Has a right to exist ...
    Will be refuted / confirmed ... but fig knows it.
  9. +4
    28 July 2021 09: 35
    Correctly write from Jupiter. 
    And on the topic of search: you need to create programs that will identify patterns characteristic of the activities of intelligent beings. A set of criteria should be developed by which the activities of intelligent beings will be separated from natural phenomena. Any anti-entropy processes must be monitored and analyzed. So far, what catches your eye is pure populism and an attempt to pull a tailcoat pair over an octopus.
    Quote: paul3390
    Why the ocean - we have an Avon, the entire government is stopudo landing from Jupiter ..
    1. +5
      28 July 2021 09: 46
      Why so cruel? Jupiter --- Nautilus Pompilius! I have SUCH associative array! normal guys!
  10. +2
    28 July 2021 10: 00
    Quote: voyaka uh
    Most of the famous world-famous physicists were and are -

    not at all, name the top 500 physicists in the world?
  11. +2
    28 July 2021 10: 00
    Such an amazingly kosher enticement for the right people .. hi
  12. +1
    28 July 2021 10: 02
    So what's the problem with AVI?) Throw off all the skeptics of the world, and buy yourself probes (fortunately now there are enough private companies) that you can send to hell! Send them to this starship, to the moon, to Mars. And test your crazy theories. But something tells me that they will not do this, because it is not very convenient to saw the grandmother. And all the dogs will be hanged as usual at NASA, led by Zhidoreptiloids.wassat
  13. The comment was deleted.
  14. amr
    28 July 2021 15: 26
    Quote: voyaka uh
    Most of the famous world-famous physicists were and are -

    that's why they say kosher - because everything is under kosher control, because someone in the 40s of the last century encroached on kosher, on this basis now say it is kosher, and this is not kosher has become a rule of bad form, so you can do everything without fear kosher, since no one will trample against kosher)))
  15. 0
    28 July 2021 16: 37
    Everything will end as usual: it will be recognized that the asteroid Oumuamua is the secret weapon of Russia "Mu-mu", so named because of the love of its designer Gerasim for the classic of Russian literature Turgenev.
    But seriously, when the cat has nothing to do, he begins to search for ... extraterrestrial civilizations. I would like to ask comrade Loeb, where did SETI go, dear ones?
  16. 0
    30 July 2021 11: 00
    The scientist believes that an alien ship disguised as an asteroid is collecting information ...

    It is well known that aliens not only collect information, study earthlings, but also influence us with the help of different directed beams.
    If it was a serious scientist in this topic, then he would have a hat (boiled) made of foil. Since there is no aluminum boil, then he is a charlatan and a swindler, he should not be given money.