June 25 - International Day of the Seafarer


At the height of summer, on June 25, International Day of the Seafarer is celebrated. It is a professional holiday for the workers of the marine trade fleet... And although he is still relatively young, his popularity is growing every year.

This year, the Seaman's Day is celebrated only for the eleventh time. It was established in 2010 during a conference by the International Maritime Organization in the capital of the Philippines, Manila, where its participants signed a relevant document.

The work of a seaman is very important, because sea transportation plays a huge role in the economy of our country and in ensuring world trade.

There has always been a special attitude to the maritime profession, it is surrounded by some kind of aura of romance. Many boys at all times dreamed of becoming real sea wolves, and sailors, even if in the military or in the merchant fleet, have always enjoyed constant success with women. But for this, those who gave themselves to the difficult sea business pay a high price, because often they are not at home for a long time, they do not see their relatives.

Usually, on June 25, the management awards the most distinguished merchant marine workers with prizes, certificates of honor and valuable gifts. And at the end of the day, those of them who are not busy at work have a feast in the evening.

And although officially the Sailor's Day is not a day off, this does not prevent us from congratulating everyone whose activities are related to the sea. The editorial board of Voenniy Obozreniye wishes everyone who is related to the Navy a calm sea, clear skies, health and prosperity.

Happy holiday, dear sailors!
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  1. +9
    25 June 2021 04: 37
    Happy Communion Day!
    The sailor was given two destinies from birth - land and sea.
    He cannot live without them - he is both unhappy and proud.
    Two loves - to the land and the sea, they live inseparably in it
    And the border between them is a port, a port.

    Sea-sea, the world is bottomless
    Foamy rustling waves of coastal ...
    They rise above you like dawns
    They rise above you like dawns
    Of our youth of hope.
  2. +7
    25 June 2021 05: 05
    Congratulations, colleagues. But we will still celebrate on our first Sunday in July.
  3. +5
    25 June 2021 05: 42
    As a seaman of the merchant fleet of the Russian Federation, I can say that: "A seaman has only one thing to consider: fight for survivability all his life."
  4. +7
    25 June 2021 06: 33
    Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the International Holiday of the Merchant Marine. Last year was very difficult for you. Half of you could not leave the flight in time because of the covid. Half could not leave on the voyage. I wish you: Calm transitions, faithful, loving, waiting wives. Children bored without you, and to whom and grandchildren. Good salaries, health. Happy Holidays. Good luck. hi drinks
  5. +4
    25 June 2021 07: 45
    Happy holiday to all involved! Health, peaceful sky and calm sea! drinks
  6. +3
    25 June 2021 08: 41
    Happy holiday, sailors! Seven feet under the keel! Calm sea!
  7. +3
    25 June 2021 08: 56
    Happy Holidays!
  8. +3
    25 June 2021 09: 55
    Thank you for your congratulations, dear VO! drinks
    I also join in the congratulations and congratulate my colleagues working for specials. navy!
    Happy Holidays to everyone who builds a new port, island or deepens the shipping channel! good
    1. +3
      25 June 2021 10: 41
      A bit of marine humor for the holiday: