In the USA: For Guam and Hawaii, you cannot copy the missile defense system deployed in Poland and Romania

In the USA: For Guam and Hawaii, you cannot copy the missile defense system deployed in Poland and Romania

The United States conducted a vulnerability analysis of its territories. The involved military analysts reportedly "after lengthy discussions and consultations" came to the conclusion that the most vulnerable territories are Hawaii and the island of Guam. It should be noted here that if Hawaii is one of the American states, then Guam is not officially part of the United States, being the so-called associated (unincorporated) territory. At the same time, there are several large American military bases in Guam.

The analysis was based on "threats" emanating from several countries, including China, North Korea and Russia. The issue of the recent exercises of the Pacific fleet RF, during which, as the Pentagon reported earlier, Russian warships approached several nautical miles to the US maritime borders in the Hawaiian Islands.

At the same time, the head of the American missile defense agency designated Guam as the most vulnerable territory, saying that it is necessary to deploy a hybrid system to counter missile threats on the island.

Vice Admiral John Hill:

Guam's mountainous terrain is a challenging place to defend against various types of missiles: cruise, ballistic, and hypersonic.

Hill said there is a need to consider options for deploying anti-missiles in underground mines as well as on mobile installations.


It is not a new practice to place missile defense radars away from launchers.

It was noted that for the Pacific region, including Guam and Hawaii, it is impossible to copy the missile defense option deployed in Poland and Romania, since there are "more threats."

American Vice Admiral:

The Aegis Ashore option in Poland and Romania is simply not enough for the Pacific region. There it is necessary to consider protection against Russian and Chinese hypersonic missiles.

It is reported that the Pentagon is developing a program to strengthen the integrated missile defense of Guam and Hawaii.
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  1. +3
    24 June 2021 07: 40
    - because there are more threats.
    Of course, here is OWN territory, and there - "just" Europe.
    1. +1
      24 June 2021 07: 59
      Maybe the difference is that in Poland and Romania the missile defense system should work along the "initial" trajectory of the ballistic missile ..., and blocks will already "arrive" to Guam? Are these different missile defense systems, or does one decide?
      1. +2
        24 June 2021 08: 13
        They just loaded tomahawks in Poland and Romania and they know that our people know about it (that not anti-aircraft missiles, but shock ones) and expect that we will destroy the objects. They do not want the same for their territory, so stupid arguments about "more threat - few launchers" - logic 0.
        1. 0
          24 June 2021 08: 37
          Well, they have universal cells .... you can load anti-ship missiles into them ... It's time for ours to modify them (cells) for ground use and mount them - Crimea, Kuriles, Vladivostok, Baltic and Novaya Zemlya ... pieces 100 - 200 each. There you can also anti-ship missiles - Onyx and Caliber. And to voice that it is from Iran, North Korea and Ukraine.
        2. 0
          24 June 2021 09: 21
          48 interceptors are much more valuable than 48 Tomahawks. So it is unlikely.
        3. -1
          24 June 2021 09: 22
          You need to work in intelligence, just from Hawaii and Guam, the so-called missile defense missiles do not reach China and Russia.
    2. 0
      24 June 2021 08: 13
      Americans, what ABM? GUAMNASH! laughing
  2. +1
    24 June 2021 07: 54
    The United States is deploying a network of new communication centers around the world of allegedly civilian use to work with a fresh constellation of allegedly civilian satellites. They are simply forcing Russia and China to increase their nuclear capabilities and unite.
    Guam and Hawaii are already under attack a priori - there are military bases - and there is even nothing to discuss
    1. -5
      24 June 2021 08: 28
      Any union with China means complete absorption by it. Actually, this has been happening with Russia for a long time, but has not yet manifested itself for the mass audience.
    2. 0
      24 June 2021 09: 23
      Quote: Disant
      They are simply forcing Russia and China to increase their nuclear capabilities and unite.

      Not !!! They simply force Russia to unite with China and India, against the United States and Geyroppa. Doesn't history teach WHAT ???
  3. +2
    24 June 2021 08: 06
    The analysis was based on "threats" emanating from several countries, including China, North Korea and Russia.
    On account of the fact that Russian or Chinese missiles can reach Guam, I have no doubt.

    I doubt that Kim's missiles can cover a distance of more than 3500 km.
    After all, there is not a single confirmed fact of the flight of its ballistic missiles at such distances today?
    Or am I missing something?
    After all, only on the surface of the Earth the distance is almost 3400 km.
    1. +2
      24 June 2021 08: 39
      Kim voiced le 5 ago that his missiles are already reaching the US coast. Questions with precision .... and perfection of YABC
      1. -1
        24 June 2021 09: 59
        Kim's opinion and words are from the category of promises.
        We are also promised a lot, but nothing is being done. Or even vice versa.
        There are means of objective control. The US orbital group clearly has the ability to do this.
        And now I would like to see her. Or hear.
    2. +2
      24 June 2021 09: 17
      After all, there is not a single confirmed fact of the flight of its ballistic missiles at such distances today?

      No, because the DPRK is testing its missiles by launching "upward". From the reached maximum altitude, the range can be estimated. Very roughly, multiply the height by three. According to American data, on tests, Hwanson-14 climbed 540 km (i.e. IRBM with a range of 1200-1800 km), and Hwanson-15 - for all 4400 km (i.e. ICBMs with a range of about 11-13000 km). But there is no information on the accuracy and reliability.
      1. +1
        24 June 2021 10: 09
        TASS, 11 July. The command of the US Armed Forces in the Republic of Korea believes that the North Korean Hwaseong-15 intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) is capable of striking US territory. As reported on Thursday by Yonhap agency, such an assessment of the US military is contained in the annual 2019 Strategic Digest, a publication of the UN Force Command, the US Army Command in the Republic of Korea and the Joint Forces of the Republic of Korea and the United States.
        I am embarrassed that the assessment comes not from the commander-in-chief, the head of the Pentagon or the chief of the united headquarters, but from the command of the group of forces abroad.
        Here it is not even the tail wagging the dog, but the toe of the front left paw.
        It's like if the District Commander in the Russian Federation gave an assessment of the military equipment of Iran or Israel.
        Sometimes the behavior of Americans is so straightforward that it takes a lot of annoyance.
  4. 0
    24 June 2021 08: 06
    "It is noted that for the Pacific region, including Guam and Hawaii, it is impossible to copy the missile defense option deployed in Poland and Romania, since there are" more threats "..." (c) winked What is good for slaves is impossible for our own.
  5. +1
    24 June 2021 08: 55
    To justify the seizure of foreign territory, the Americans will come up with any cunning terms for it - "associated", "unincorporated." Not enough of these will come up with others - liberated, demilitarized .........
    And they will come up with a threat - Soviet, Russian, Chinese, Iranian, viral, chemical, alien ...
  6. 0
    24 June 2021 09: 03
    It is reported that the Pentagon is developing a program to strengthen the integrated missile defense of Guam and Hawaii.
    Well, yes, arming yourself is a cost and not small.
  7. 0
    24 June 2021 09: 18
    concluded that the most vulnerable areas are Hawaii and the island of Guam.

    Well, I understand Americans, but for us who taught geography at school, it's a madhouse. Well, who and when it was and now needs these territories. Even some kind of creepy Poland and Tribaltika are much higher.
  8. 0
    24 June 2021 09: 40
    The United States held vulnerability analysis their territories
    Which was probably last held when China, with its potential and capabilities for delivering nuclear weapons, was not taken into account for the territory of the United States, when the DPRK did not yet have nuclear weapons, and Russia also had delivery systems far from today's level. Well, after analyzing, they probably realized that when the Americans deliver a preemptive strike on one of the listed countries, it will not work to sit out overseas, and the US allies will not be at all sweet from the word. But why are they so concerned about Hawaii and not the mainland United States? Do they think that missile defense - air defense, together with the European one, reliably protects the Americans?