UN special envoy: Fifty regions of Afghanistan have fallen one after another since May this year


UN Special Envoy for Afghan Settlement Deborah Lyons announced the acceleration of the process of transferring the territories of Afghanistan under the control of the Taliban (* terrorist group banned in Russia).

According to Deborah Lyons, since May of this year alone, 50 out of 370 regions of the country have come under the control of the Taliban *. Some of these areas were captured during the hostilities, some passed due to the fact that the Afghan troops themselves abandoned their positions.

According to US media reports, the Afghan army and security forces are abandoning territories of control amid the withdrawal of US and NATO contingents from Afghanistan. In some areas, it is reported that "it is difficult to establish whether the Afghan military is siding with the terrorists."

Deborah Lyons:

Fifty districts of Afghanistan have fallen one after another since May this year. They are coming under the full control of the Taliban *. Most of these areas are around provincial administrative centers. This suggests that the militants are going to seize the key cities of the country after the withdrawal of the foreign contingent.

At the moment, the situation in Afghanistan remains extremely tense. The country's political leadership does not control the entire territory of the state. The presence of armed Taliban in the provinces is growing *. ISIS * militants continue to operate in northern Afghanistan. Against this background, the withdrawal of American troops raises questions from a number of experts. It is noted that now it looks like an escape and Washington's desire to simply buy off. In the future, the United States clearly sees the spread of terrorist influence in Central Asia. This could pose an additional challenge for both Russia and China. Moscow and Beijing have repeatedly stated about the threat of the spread of terrorism from Afghanistan to neighboring states.
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  1. +6
    23 June 2021 08: 13
    I remember that a month ago there were similar articles, and even then the participants predicted that with the departure of NATO and the United States, the Taliban would quickly take over everything!
    1. +5
      23 June 2021 09: 16
      with the departure of NATO and the United States, the Taliban will quickly take over everything!
      ... and they have nothing to capture. they were always there, and the contingent of the poppy field guarded ... the hozdep built an ideal structure for the expansion of drugs and now leaves to bring democracy to where else
    2. 0
      23 June 2021 09: 19
      With Afghanistan, everything is clear - the Taliban will return to power - behind them are Arab sheikhs, behind whom are ... the United States! laughing
      1. +5
        23 June 2021 09: 30
        Taliban return to power - behind them are Arab sheikhs

        Pakistan is behind them. Yes
        Therefore, Erdogan sold his guards from Kabul to Biden.
        He has very good relations with Pakistan.
        To the extent that when Turkish pilots were imprisoned / fired after the putsch, Pakistani pilots began to fly on Turkish NATO fighters.
        But the Taliban said that they would be friends with Erdogan only after the complete withdrawal of NATO troops from Afghanistan.
        So the plot is famously twisted.
        The Taliban, in the past rule, in Central Asia did not particularly climb.
        And how the Afghan ISIS (apparently pro-Turkish) will behave - we will see. hi
        1. -2
          23 June 2021 09: 47
          hi And Pakistan, with which Trump fell out by tweeting that they say they are completely morose and respond to good only with evil and deception - therefore Pakistan threw the Americans with a base ... Nevertheless, even behind the Taliban, I am sure, one way or another, there is the Washington Regional Committee, like the good old days:
          1. +3
            23 June 2021 12: 03
            I stumbled upon such a picture here ...

        2. 0
          23 June 2021 11: 14
          Quote: Alex777
          And how the Afghan ISIS (apparently pro-Turkish) will behave - we will see.

          There is already an example of how he will behave - the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia / Nagorno-Karabakh. The Turks used them there with might and main.

          In my opinion, this is a very serious argument of Erdogan. But, at the same time, it is very dangerous. If Erdogan thinks he can control him all the time, he is wrong.
          1. +2
            23 June 2021 13: 26
            In my opinion, this is a very serious argument of Erdogan. But, at the same time, it is very dangerous. If Erdogan thinks he can control him all the time, he is wrong.

            Much will change after NATO's withdrawal from Afghanistan.
            The Taliban were executed for growing poppy, at one time.
            Not looking for money, for religious reasons.
            If they cover the drug traffic, then we will rejoice.
            And the Afghan ISIS will remain without funding.
            So let's see how the harnessed ones have a map. bully
            1. 0
              23 June 2021 14: 19
              Quote: Alex777
              Alibs were executed for cultivating poppy, at one time. Not looking for money, for religious reasons.

              Yes, it was, but times are changing.
              There is no oil in Afghanistan like in Syria, which can be plundered, sold and thus financed by the militants. And, to be honest, I do not believe that the majority of both the Taliban and ISIS are for religious reasons. Religion is religion and lunch is on schedule. hi
              1. +3
                23 June 2021 14: 42
                Religion is religion and lunch is on schedule.

                You, apparently, are not a believer. wink
                For a believer, religion determines the meaning of his life.
                And this meaning, in theory, determines the assessments and actions.
                Therefore, for example, the Church existed for 2000 years.
                Although not a single modern state has survived.
                And that is why the teaching of the Church is suffering so much now. Basic meanings are distorted by "liberal rulers" to reformat society and tighter control over the "herd". With the substitution of classical moral standards.
                All this IMHO, of course. hi
                1. +2
                  23 June 2021 14: 54
                  It's not even a matter of faith, although "church" and "faith" are different concepts for me. A serious enough topic for a very long conversation / discussion. And here I absolutely agree with you that what is happening now in society is definitely not going to benefit the church.

                  Based on what we have seen for almost 20 years now, the Taliban have not even tried to stop the spread of poppy cultivation in Afghanistan. There was information that the drug lords very generously "paid off", that is, actually financed by the Taliban. After leaving the so-called. "coalition" I cannot imagine that they would refuse such funding.
                  1. +2
                    23 June 2021 15: 10
                    Based on what we have seen for almost 20 years now, the Taliban have not even tried to stop the spread of poppy cultivation in Afghanistan. There was information that the drug lords very generously "bought off", that is, actually financed by the Taliban.

                    The rise to power will give the Taliban other sources.
                    And fighting ISIS will require fighting poppy seeds.
                    They also received money from this.
                    Anyway, I hope so. hi
                    1. +1
                      23 June 2021 15: 13
                      Let's wait and see which of us was right.
                      As for me, it would be better if you were right - as for the cultivation of poppy. hi
                      1. 0
                        23 June 2021 15: 22
                        As for me, it would be better if you were right - as for the cultivation of poppy. hi

      2. 0
        23 June 2021 17: 47
        Quote: Finches
        With Afghanistan, everything is clear - the Taliban will return to power - behind them are Arab sheikhs, behind whom are ... the United States!

        True, we tried ourselves, but bummer, now they operate through satellites.
  2. Bat
    23 June 2021 08: 16
    I wonder why all (NATO) are abandoning Afghanistan? Drugs have ceased to be profitable or new plans?
    1. +3
      23 June 2021 08: 21
      New plans for Taiwan
    2. +2
      23 June 2021 08: 37
      Quote: Yarasa
      I wonder why all (NATO) are abandoning Afghanistan? Drugs have ceased to be profitable or new plans?

      Both, we agreed with the Taliban. Anaconda's plan has not been canceled. I wonder if the opium poppy doesn't have a natural pest like the Colorado potato beetle?
      1. +1
        23 June 2021 09: 05
        I suppose there is. But its use is a blow to the US pocket. This is worse than Trump's choice.
      2. -3
        23 June 2021 09: 28
        [quote does the opium poppy really have no natural pest like the Colorado potato beetle for potatoes?] [/ quote] ... perhaps not ... but there is a continuous action drug from weeds and crops "Hurricane" .. I believe that intensive processing from the boards of fire aviation in a month will eliminate the problem of poppy ... but there is a minus ... agricultural crops too .... because in order to avoid attacks by MANPADS, spraying will be done from echelon 5-8 km
      3. 0
        23 June 2021 13: 29
        I wonder if the opium poppy doesn't have a natural pest like the Colorado potato beetle?

        It used to be the Taliban. How it will be now - we'll see. hi
    3. +5
      23 June 2021 08: 44
      Put a big pig in the form of a very hot, uncontrollable and unpredictable point of the Russian Federation and China.
  3. +4
    23 June 2021 08: 17
    In a couple of months, another 50 districts will be transferred to the Taliban ... The trend, however.
    In Afghanistan, everything is complicated, in a kishlak they can greet them as a guest and give them tea, outside the kishlak they can treat them with a shot from an RPG or a machine-gun burst.
    Afghans are masters of ambushes and surprise attacks.
  4. +3
    23 June 2021 08: 25
    UN special envoy: Fifty regions of Afghanistan have fallen one after another since May this year
    You might think that for most government military personnel, service is not a way to make a living?
    Ideologically, spiritually, they are not closer to those who are called the government.
  5. +6
    23 June 2021 08: 25
    Against this background, the withdrawal of American troops raises questions from a number of experts. It is noted that now it looks like an escape and Washington's desire to simply buy off.

    The activities of the United States against any background resemble those of the arsonists. The swine country introduces a military contingent into the territory of a sovereign state, exacerbates internecine strife there, destroys the economy and then watches from overseas how neighboring countries are forced into an internal conflict of a territory with a destroyed statehood.
    The hyenas of the world community are the most innocent name for this ... (I did not find any censorship words).
    1. +5
      23 June 2021 08: 32
      The hegemon of democracy cannot exist without war, because there will be nowhere to sell the weapons of democracy and no one to rob.
  6. +4
    23 June 2021 09: 02
    It's China's turn to restore order in Afghanistan. Fourth or fifth in the last century?
    1. 0
      23 June 2021 09: 24
      If China takes over Afghanistan, the Afghans will cease to exist. The fact is that China wanted to put in its own country in relation to its population on the norms of genocide, and with strangers in general they will not stand on ceremony. And China will survive the mooing of the international community.
      1. +2
        23 June 2021 09: 28
        On the one hand, it's not bad if China pulls back the forces of the Basmachi. But on the other hand, if they succeed, they will get huge deposits of minerals.
    2. 0
      23 June 2021 09: 47
      It's China's turn to restore order in Afghanistan
      ...... don't ... the chayna won't go there .... it's profitable for the Celestial Empire that someone would put things in order there and they would sell weapons to the militants ... this has been going on for 50 years and will continue for another 100 years
  7. +4
    23 June 2021 09: 11
    ... Against this background, the withdrawal of American troops raises questions from a number of experts.
    ..... for a number of experts, the main question should be - WHAT HAS THIS CONTINGENT DOING THERE FOR 20 YEARS .... guarded the poppy fields !!!!!
  8. +2
    23 June 2021 09: 35
    part of them transferred due to the fact that the Afghan troops themselves abandoned their positions.
    Which is to be expected. As I wrote earlier, some of the Afghan military units will scatter, and some will go to the Taliban. This is the law of the genre in Afghanistan.
  9. 0
    23 June 2021 11: 59
    Afghanistan has never been under US control. The drug trade was under their control, and in general the territory was left to itself, that is, to the Taliban ...
  10. +1
    23 June 2021 12: 09
    The situation of the early 90s is being repeated. OK left and the spooks quickly rowed everything up. Not a slash of fans of the NATA block, who like to tell that they have everything "according to the mind", and in Russia everything is wrong)))