Why the West needs Russia

Why the West needs Russia

In the wake of the meeting between Biden and Putin, the opinion was again popularized that Western countries should not go into close contact with Russia at all. After all, they are already strong, democratic and economically developed. However, the meeting on June 16 in Geneva is an initiative of the American side. Let's see why the mutual striving for cooperation between the West and Russia is so important, relying mainly on prerequisites related to international security.

Security guarantor in the post-Soviet space

Russia remains the guarantor of security on the territory of the post-Soviet space. The 1992 conflict in Transnistria was resolved thanks to the active participation of Russia. In the 1992-1993 conflict between Georgia and Abkhazia, Russia carried out a humanitarian mission. The civil war of 1992-1997 in Tajikistan also did not pass by Russia. The Russian Federation has extensive experience in resolving conflicts in the post-Soviet space, introducing peacekeepers and seeking a dialogue. The CIS countries (and Ukraine) have close economic and political ties with Russia, so the latter has a sufficient amount of leverage over these states.

It is in Russia's interests not only to preserve and expand its sphere of influence, but also to stabilize the region. This is especially relevant in the context of the long-term conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Russia took an active part in its settlement both in 1994 and in 2020. Moreover, last year, after Azerbaijan shot down a Russian Mi-24 helicopter, Russia promptly inclined the parties to the conflict to peace. In the armed conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh, the situation of total defeat of one of the parties is extremely dangerous. Moreover, it is dangerous for the whole world, and not only for the neighboring countries of Azerbaijan and Armenia. The conflicts in the post-Soviet space and the imbalance of power caused by them can deal a serious blow to the EU, which is a partner of the United States. The West understands this and accepts the peacekeeping role of Russia in the entire region.

Afghanistan and Syria

In 2015, Russia launched a military operation in Syria. It was extremely convenient for the West when the US decided all the "issues" in the Middle East and North Africa (Iraq, Libya) independently. Now in this region it is necessary to cooperate with Russia. Despite all the accusations from the US Department of Defense about the violation by Russian forces of the agreement on the de-escalation of the conflict in Syria, these statements do not have a real impact on the situation. As long as Russia has the military resources to conduct peacekeeping operations in third countries, the West will reckon with this factor.

In addition to Syria, Afghanistan is an important point of cooperation (which was even discussed in Putin's interview with NBC). USA really withdraw their contingent from Afghanistan. Moreover, this contingent leaves calmly, without hassles. However, against the background of this, the Taliban unleashed massive hostilities against the Afghan army and civilians. The intensity of the fighting in Afghanistan skyrocketed, even though the restraining factor (US forces) did not finally leave the country. It is highly likely that in the near future the world community will again have to resolve the Afghan issue.

It will be extremely difficult and expensive to resolve this conflict without Russia's participation. The 1344,15st Russian military base is located on the territory of Tajikistan (the border with Afghanistan is 201 kilometers). The Russian military has been guarding the border with Afghanistan for many years and, in fact, remains the main military deterrent for the Taliban after the US withdrawal from Afghanistan. Therefore, cooperation between Russia and the West in this direction should gradually increase. (The Taliban are members of a terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation).

Summing up the results of the summit in Geneva, Biden noted that the question of Afghanistan was raised, and Russia is ready to help the United States in ensuring security in the region.


In the modern world, the most important point of cooperation between countries is the Internet environment. If some serious cyberattack happens, they are sure to try to find a Russian trace (a kind of Tula paratroopers on the Internet). Cybercrime in its current form is only the initial stage in the development of online fraud. Therefore, this type of crime will progress. Moreover, Internet terrorism that emerges from the cybercrime environment is an extremely dangerous thing for the whole world.

In the international legal arena, the Internet environment is still poorly regulated. Not enough supranational political institutions have been created capable of regulating cyber confrontations between countries. For example, in the United States, cyberattacks are very often associated with Russian attempts to destroy the country, but in fact they do not seek a settlement in this area. During the meeting between Putin and Biden, the President of America raised this issue separately. The close interaction between the United States and Russia contributes to the creation of the foundation of institutions that can effectively regulate cyberspace, and the involvement of all countries in this process, from Europe to Asia.

The purpose of this article is not to show that Europe and the United States depend on Russia, but to outline the fact that Russia is and will be an important strategic partner of the West. Moreover, to show through the analysis of the reasons, mainly associated with armed conflicts and defense. Economic and political preconditions can be written separately. Therefore, the desire of the United States to find common ground with Russia (the meeting between Putin and Biden) is absolutely adequate. In turn, it is also extremely beneficial for Russia to maintain a high level of cooperation with Western countries: to develop its industries that are competitive in the European market, to adopt successful European practices and functioning institutions (including democratic ones).

The ups and downs in relations between Russia and the West (the crisis in relations with the United States, which is now often talked about) is a difficult process, but not critical. There are no points of no return in modern international relations (at least, we have not found them yet), therefore, there is always a way out of a political crisis, in which all its participants should be interested.

Will this solution be found after the meeting between Putin and Biden in Geneva?

Rather - no, without rose-colored glasses and sensations, however, it is important to note some shifts in the relationship. When summing up the results of the summit, the President of the Russian Federation has already stated that "lightning flashes of confidence" flashed, and the parties did not put pressure on each other during the dialogue. Biden added at a press conference that Russia and the United States should cooperate in areas that are of common interest to the countries. The sides also confirmed the important provision that there will be no winners in a nuclear war.

Therefore, as the West needs Russia, so Russia needs the West.
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  1. +10
    19 June 2021 04: 43
    as the West needs Russia, so Russia needs the West.
    like a horror story, to point fingers and yell about a "newbie" or "cyberattacks", to frighten their population with an imminent war, in general, to keep them in good shape, distracting from internal problems.
    1. +12
      19 June 2021 05: 42
      There are no points of no return in modern international relations (at least we have not found them yet), therefore, there is always a way out of a political crisis, in which all its participants should be interested.

      Yes, not quite so. Right now we are witnessing such a point of no return - this is Crimea. The political crisis associated with it has no way out - more precisely, the way out that suits one side is unacceptable for the other side. This situation has been dragging on for more than seven years and has not changed due to changes in leadership in Western countries.
      1. +10
        19 June 2021 07: 26
        Quote: military_cat
        this is Crimea. The political crisis associated with it has no way out - more precisely, the way out that suits one side is unacceptable for the other side.

        It looks like it won't be settled in our lifetime
        1. +18
          19 June 2021 09: 00
          Why were the best times for the development of Russia when there was an "iron curtain" between us and the West ?!
          Because we built, created, created, and did not imitate, bought and sold ...
          1. +3
            19 June 2021 10: 11
            Quote: prior
            Why were the best times for the development of Russia when there was an "iron curtain" between us and the West ?!
            Because we built, created, created, and did not imitate, bought and sold ...

            you yourself answered your own question - because there was an iron curtain.
            1. -12
              19 June 2021 18: 24
              Realist article. I can imagine how patriots from the group "And Baba Yaga is always against" will start to bite him! laughing
              1. -3
                20 June 2021 21: 20
                Babayagists-activists, but why me? I did NOT write this article! Why are you pouring minus?lol
        2. -1
          19 June 2021 09: 01
          Quote: Silvestr
          It looks like it won't be settled in our lifetime

          Definitely. But I want to note, as long as the last Crimean resident is alive, the fortress did not fall ... In a ringing fiery blow, they shot and ticked. The main thing is not to miss the time of this first strike. .we are always defenders, then, in general, the configuration of the beating looms. Even by the number of airfields / in vain they will NATO airfields in Georgia, Ukraine /, as well as NATO is modernizing the airfield network of the Warsaw Pact countries .. At all key points, the winging of the wing has been tested in practice at least F-15, which means there will be other dangerous shnyagi over the battle formations and in the sky over Moscow there will be a lot, a lot.
          P.S. Nobody uses nuclear weapons, because. parity and such a response will fly in that all the adherents of the Iskander complex will not even have time to comb it, I want to say that this essentially front-line complex already in the first salvo is under a massive tomagotchi attack. .... Consider the Kaliningrad UR --- under the crossfire of NATO cannon artillery and a simultaneous strike by the NATO air force, the entire infrastructure of the area turns to dust. There is a hope that from the buried shelters in the Gvardeisk area // \\ and some other places of buried concentration // force will come out, but it immediately comes under pressure from the NATO air force and the Polish battalions, together with the elite Lithuanian brigade, will begin to tighten the ring.
          The defense of Transnistria is even more fun ---- it is being built on a strip airfield, from which, according to the idea, the deployment of airborne forces begins with a simultaneous unblocking strike of motorized riflemen on the highways of the Black Sea region.But only the Ukrainian army will be better than the naked rags of 2014, and I have already explained about the massive NATO air defense in a nutshell.
          1. 0
            19 June 2021 14: 13
            Quote: Thunderbolt
            elite Lithuanian brigade

            Smiled good
            1. +2
              19 June 2021 20: 27
              Quote: Babay Atasovich

              Be amazed at the weapons of the brigade and your smile will disappear immediately. Or do you think that Lithuanians are cowards and they can be scrubbed with a single Berdan? You need to get to know the Lithuanian border guards once and then think about it.
          2. +1
            19 June 2021 15: 42
            Quote: Thunderbolt
            the first salvo is under a massive tomagotchi attack, and the second wave in the form of a combined strike by the NATO Air Force washes away towns and military parks ...

            AND? What's next? ????
            Even if ALL NATO completely hides on the territory of the Russian Federation - like this excludes the possibility of hitting nuclear weapons for them? But no way ....
            And yet, barreled artillery strikes on Kaliningrad are great - but what will happen if we allow blowing up all gas pipelines going to Europe or bombing ALL ships going through the Suez ?!
            Because of this, I am silent about the panic on ALL stock exchanges in the world and the impoverished billionaires - this is not to attack Grenada, it will be a little more terrible here ...
            I am more than sure that any of the NATO members for an ATTEMPT to organize an attack on the Russian Federation - his local oligarchs will tear his Adam's apple ... Immediately and it does not hurt ...
            1. -2
              19 June 2021 20: 53
              AND? What's next? ????
              Even if ALL NATO completely hides on the territory of the Russian Federation, how does this exclude the possibility of a nuclear strike for them? No way ...
              Then there will be nuclear strikes on Russian cities PARITET therefore the armed struggle will be conducted with conventional weapons. Have you wondered why
              Is the Russian General Staff building up the combined-arms characteristics of the forces?
              Quote: your1970
              And yet, barreled artillery strikes on Kaliningrad are great - but what will happen if we allow blowing up all gas pipelines going to Europe or bombing ALL ships going through the Suez ?!

              If you have noticed, the Europeans are striving with their LJ for energy security. All their energy packages are aimed at complete independence from rusishgaz. What are they going to block Suez? For these affairs, the USSR kept a full-fledged grouping in the Mediterranean and a detachment of forces in Yemen, which would be sure to seal it.
              Quote: your1970
              Because of this, I am silent about the panic on ALL stock exchanges in the world and the impoverished billionaires - this is not to attack Grenada, it will be a little more terrible here ...

              There will be panic. And when it didn’t boil? Something people in black top hats did not prevent WWII, but on the contrary untied it.
              1. -1
                19 June 2021 23: 07
                Quote: Thunderbolt
                Something people in black top hats did not prevent WWII, but on the contrary untied it.

                -because the United States was on the sidelines in that war - and England, which unleashed it, was left with a bare ass. And now the United States will find itself in the position of England
                Quote: Thunderbolt
                Then there will be nuclear strikes on Russian cities PARITET therefore the armed struggle will be conducted with conventional weapons. Have you wondered why
                Is the Russian General Staff building up the combined-arms characteristics of the forces?
                -you wondered, why did the Soviet General Staff stamp a devilish cloud of tanks before the Second World War? Did these tanks help? Shchaz ...
                Well, NATO has invaded the territory of the Russian Federation - let's say !! Next what?
                There are no roads, no fuels and lubricants, no shells, no tanks in the quantities required for the occupation, no, not even banal infantry ... How to occupy the Russian Federation?
                Hitler of the Wehrmacht was not enough for the front line of such a volume ..... the current mob of NATO - the Wehrmacht would not even let shit next to itself ...
                Quote: Thunderbolt
                How are you going to block Suez?
                -What is the technical problem with hitting the ships there?
                Who does not allow the bombing of the Saudis, so that oil starts to cost - a liter = dollar?

                You "NATO attacked the Russian Federation !!!" and immediately forbid the Russian Federation to defend itself ... the present times are very different from the times of WWII ... now there are a million times more vulnerable points on the planet - than then ...
                It will be quite enough for a wild panic on the stock exchanges and a flight into the pipe of the world economy - to officially declare that from tomorrow the Russian Federation will strike a blow to ANY country in the world at ANY time
        3. 0
          19 June 2021 13: 28
          Quote: Silvestr
          It looks like it won't be settled in our lifetime

          In my opinion, this has been decided if there are no Yeltsins with the Gorbachevs. Ukraine is one thing, the rest only use the situation for their own purposes.
    2. -19
      19 June 2021 08: 48
      I will allow myself to correct the author and shift the emphasis - the West needs Russia now more than Russia needs the West! And it has always been so! Without us, the West will not stick together the puzzle and a cognitive dissonance will happen, for example, the political elites and some ordinary citizens of Poland and the Baltic States, against the background of an already not very good mental state, will simply go crazy. You don't need it for nothing - but take it away, then our local liberals and fighters against the bloody regime will go crazy! laughing
      1. +7
        19 June 2021 11: 35
        Quote: Finches
        from the West, only troubles, so he is not needed for nothing

        1. -13
          19 June 2021 12: 10
          ABOUT! The Vlasovites pulled themselves up! laughing
          1. -9
            19 June 2021 15: 45
            Quote: Finches
            ABOUT! The Vlasovites pulled themselves up! laughing

            They flew like flies to um. laughing .honey laughing
          2. +8
            19 June 2021 16: 00
            Well, then get out of the Internet, since you are not a Vlasovite. Communicate with your brothers in mind through the Russian Post. Now, if your beloved Anglo-Saxons turn off SWIFT, I'll see how you, patriots, turn around.
            1. -8
              19 June 2021 16: 38
              More formidable! Even more formidable! Beat on the keyboard with a pen, and with a leg, a foot, be sure to stomp ... laughing
              1. +7
                19 June 2021 16: 46
                I know what needs to be done so that you roll up your hands and feet and grab your heart.
                I'll just write: Anglo-Saxons...
                1. -4
                  19 June 2021 16: 53
                  .... your idols laughing
                  1. +8
                    19 June 2021 16: 58
                    Yours. Few of your comments do without them. You run around with them like a chicken and an egg.
                    1. -8
                      19 June 2021 17: 02
                      If they are far away and weak in their heads, then it is clear that you do not understand anything, but if you want to tell me something, then on you, I ask! You can be familiar with your wife, if you, of course, have one! Indeed, among true adherents of Western values, having a wife is bad manners laughing
                      1. +9
                        19 June 2021 17: 08
                        Who is talking about what, and the "patriots", as always, about same-sex love ...
                        Why on earth should I "on you" refer to the one who calls me Vlasov?
                        So you will trample, Zhenya ...
                      2. -12
                        19 June 2021 17: 43
                        The definition of "Vlasovets" stems from your statements. It's not bad that you are a collaborator, as you are also an ill-mannered collaborator with an obscure nickname "Hyperion" laughing
                      3. +9
                        19 June 2021 19: 17
                        Quote: Finches
                        The definition of "Vlasovets" stems from your statements.

                        How does this "Vlasovite" stem from the fact that I advised you to depend less on the Anglo-Saxons by disconnecting from the godless Anglo-Saxon Internet network? I just suggested that you be consistent and confirm your words with deeds. Are they already recording it for Vlasov? Okay ...
                        Quote: Finches
                        It's not bad that you are a collaborator, as you are also an ill-mannered collaborator with an obscure nickname "Hyperion"

                        Why am I a collaborator? Drop these baseless accusations, "teacher".
                        And the nickname, what, should admonish? Or have you already rolled down to nitpicking?
                    2. +1
                      19 June 2021 22: 23
                      Quote: Hyperion
                      Yours. Few of your comments do without them. You run around with them like a chicken and an egg.

                      These are not eggs, this is the name of the diagnosis on the sick-list: Brain Anglo-Saxism
                      1. -9
                        19 June 2021 22: 31
                        It's much better and more useful than brain liberalism. laughing
                      2. +1
                        19 June 2021 22: 35
                        This is neither better nor more useful. They just put them in the neighboring wards. And the treating doctors and medicines are the same
                      3. -10
                        19 June 2021 22: 41
                        Don't comfort yourself laughing
              2. +10
                19 June 2021 18: 19
                Quote: Finches
                More formidable! Even more formidable! Beat on the keyboard with a pen, and with a leg, a foot, be sure to stomp ...

                Zyablitsev tell me, are you really teaching at the university or the members of the forum played me?
                1. -5
                  19 June 2021 19: 03
                  At the moment he is no longer - in administrative work, but he left the leadership of the department.
                  1. +3
                    19 June 2021 19: 12
                    Quote: Finches
                    No longer at the moment

                    What did you teach? If it's not a secret, of course.
                    1. -1
                      19 June 2021 19: 25
                      Multichannel telecommunication communication systems.
                      1. +6
                        19 June 2021 21: 37
                        Quote: Finches
                        Multichannel telecommunication communication systems.

                        So the logic works, it means that you are perfectly able to deduce cause-and-effect relationships. Where, then, do such comments come from? You once wrote that you do not want Ukraine here, but you from Moscow do not see that it is getting closer? And not Navalny and others like them shakes the boat. Do you think that you will serve your time in Moscow, are you worried about your pension? Take a look around, see what is happening in the regions. I do not want another country to collapse. Can't you see all this?
                      2. -4
                        19 June 2021 22: 07
                        I want to say that in the comments here on VO I am rarely serious - I tease, joke ... At the same time, I try not to offend my opponents, but this does not always work out, for which I am ready to apologize, but there are fundamental things - I really do not like it, when Russia is smeared with black paints, completely missing the positive moments! I do not like liberals, and if I abuse the mention of the Anglo-Saxons, then these are obvious things proven by the centuries-old history of our relations and their colonial policy!
                        You say that I don’t see or understand something, and this is normal - we all see and understand in different ways ... I compare today with the 90s and am surprised that people have forgotten them! Is it really much worse today than it was when money allowances, pensions, salaries, gang wars, the war in Chechnya and not only were not paid, total unemployment, etc. etc. In the international arena, only the lazy did not wipe their feet on Russia! You are afraid of the collapse of the country and I am afraid, but for some reason you see the collapse of the country in Putin's rule, and I just see it in the strengthening of his authoritarian power as a boon for Russia! hi
                      3. +6
                        19 June 2021 22: 43
                        Quote: Finches
                        I compare today with the 90s and am surprised that people have forgotten them!

                        People tend to forget the unpleasant moments of their lives. This is the first thing. Secondly: will Russia continue to develop according to the principle "better than in the 90s"?
                        Quote: Finches
                        For some reason, you see the collapse of the country in Putin's rule, but I just see it in the strengthening of his authoritarian power as a boon for Russia!

                        Is it good that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer? This will not end well - history is a witness to that.
                      4. +7
                        19 June 2021 23: 58
                        Quote: Finches
                        I compare today with the 90s and am surprised that people have forgotten them!

                        I remember the 90s well, I came from the army then. The trouble is that more and more I see the harbingers of these 90s. By the way, many things were better in the 90s, in particular general education and medicine. By the way, drunks start to appear in my village again, so to speak, the second wave, the same alarm bell.
                        Quote: Finches
                        Is it really much worse today than it was when money allowances, pensions, salaries, gang wars were not paid,

                        Well, we didn't have any special gang wars in the Kuban, we have a slightly different specifics, by the way, in the film about Kushchevka, Navalny shows it more or less truthfully, not everything, of course, but the principle of protection is shown well. By the way, this is precisely why we did not have any significant bandit wars. Not paying salaries, benefits, pensions, etc., this is the penultimate stage, before the collapse. Chechnya. Now I work for VTsIOM, and I often conduct polls myself. More and more I come across statements that Chechnya itself, by well-known events, knocked out the benefits and funding that it has now, they ask themselves the question, is it possible with the center as it should be? Taxes are taken from the regions, but they are not given back. And hospitals are closed, roads are not repaired, infrastructure is deteriorating, etc. The villages are slowly dying out in our Kuban, the vegetables are all entirely Turkish, now carrots are 120 rubles, almost like chicken. Their vegetables, greenhouse, are driven to Moscow, everything is Turkish in stores. Everything is sown with soybeans and grains, for overseas, field vegetables are not grown. Tomorrow they will start talking: "Enough to feed Moscow." Cossacks when they listen to the anthem of Russia get up, and when the anthem of the Kuban, they take off their hats and sing along. The center is weakening - the outskirts are scattering. The common economic space is being destroyed, little by little.
                        Quote: Finches
                        In the international arena, only the lazy did not wipe their feet on Russia! You are afraid of the collapse of the country and I am afraid, but for some reason you see the collapse of the country in Putin's rule, and I just see it in the strengthening of his authoritarian power as a boon for Russia!

                        And today the attitude towards the country is like a monkey with a nuclear button. No, under Yeltsin, in general, there was some kind of shame. The foreign policy defeats of the Russian Federation today are also very painful. The most important defeat is Ukraine! No Crimea will interrupt this. Nothing worse can be imagined as a Russian, Russophobic, hostile state on our borders. Only Belarus remains to be missed like that. The foundation of any military power and foreign policy influence is the economy, but here everything is just disgusting and there is no light in sight. Where is the industry? All Chinese, wherever you spit. Can't they see that they will take us into the world economy only as a carcass? Raw materials are needed, nothing else is needed. How long can you bang your head against a wall? Everyone will not get drunk in any way. After all, Navalny was fed by his own oligarchs too. Power is heterogeneous. Put on Putin already, he said recently about the inadmissibility of compulsory vaccination. So what? In how many regions are compulsory vaccinations currently being carried out? There is no authoritarian power there. Surkov's fascism is even worse, it will end very badly.
                        Quote: Finches
                        but there are fundamental things - I really do not like it when Russia is smeared with black paints, completely missing the positive aspects!

                        I do not smear it with black paint, what I see is what I write about. And most of all I do not like "Uryakalok" and "shapkozakidatel", for me they are much more dangerous for the country than ten Navalny, there are many examples in our history.
                        Quote: Finches
                        I don't like liberals

                        In a sense, Marx and Lenin, and partly even Stalin were liberals)))) I am against liberal economics, but not against personal freedoms. Since then, sorry for such a long comment. drinks
                      5. 0
                        20 June 2021 03: 21
                        drinks In any case, it was informative to find out your detailed opinion! In the United States, cities are dying out, like Detroit ... Well, God bless him, you can argue as much as you like how to equip Russia - this question was raised centuries ago: from the Decembrists, from Herzen ... But what's the point? Therefore, personally, I am against all sorts of upheavals like the Ukrainian Maidans or Belarusian protests - this can not lead to anything good for sure! Classical liberalism just assumes that power is in the hands of large corporations, and that democratic elections are like profanation - that is, in fact, we have today in Russia, as in the United States and everywhere there is a classical liberal system! Therefore, it is worth talking about the original path of Russia, because we did everything according to Western patterns! I’m wondering about the liberals - everything is like in the United States, why don’t you like that? But we need to go further and yell at every step about barbaric Russia (around an illiterate b.ydlo and drunkard) and about the prosperous West ... For the first time in our history, we do not buy bread, but sell it, becoming the leaders ... and in many respects this is the merit of the Kuban, but, "we have Turkish cucumbers," but this is far from the case ... Okay! In any case, thank you for the dialogue! hi
                      6. 0
                        20 June 2021 11: 06
                        Quote: aleksejkabanets
                        Villages are slowly dying out in our Kuban, the vegetables are all Turkish, carrots are now - 120 rubles, almost like chicken. Their vegetables, greenhouse, are driven to Moscow, everything is Turkish in stores. Everything is sown with soybeans and grains, for overseas, field vegetables are not grown. Tomorrow they will start talking: "Enough to feed Moscow." Cossacks when they listen to the anthem of Russia get up, and when the anthem of the Kuban, they take off their hats and sing along.

                        Everything is correctly described, except for the extinction of villages - I do not see this, although since 2014 I have been constantly traveling through the Kuban to Crimea several times a year. Krasnodar is generally being built like Moscow - judging by the bypass road and new buildings and shopping centers. I spend the night in Kushchevskaya all the time in the "Old Mill" - in recent years everything that is adjacent to the M4 has grown a lot, I can clearly see this even from the fact that the motel itself has grown twice at least, and paid sites have appeared there. So it's a sin for you to complain about something - your region is definitely flourishing, and this is obvious to anyone who drives cars, and does not fly by air.
                      7. +4
                        20 June 2021 11: 18
                        Quote: ccsr
                        ... I can see it well even by the fact that the motel itself has grown at least two times, and paid sites have appeared there ...

                        Listen, well, you can't judge life in the villages by building motels near the federal highway.)))) He took his apples to the highway (plum, cherry plum, indoutka, milk, cheese, etc.) Muscovites (northerners) will sweep everything away.) ))) Radial rural settlement, pos. Novolabinsky, x. Sokolikhin, Luch, for example, somewhere between 30 - 40% of housing is abandoned. Roads - asphalt, 20 km. from Labinsk. On Monday I can throw a video from there.
                      8. 0
                        20 June 2021 15: 41
                        Quote: aleksejkabanets
                        Listen, well, you can't judge life in villages by building motels along the federal highway.))))

                        So I constantly turn in Korenovsk and drive through Timashevsk, Slavyansk to the Kuban and Temryuk, and I see what happens in the villages on secondary roads, so I know how people live in villages along these roads. A bunch of motels, shops, canteens, gas stations, markets and most importantly all the fields are planted right next to the road. The canals are functioning, people are working, is that how villages "die"?
                        Quote: aleksejkabanets
                        On Monday I can throw a video from there.

                        Maybe I haven’t been there and I don’t know, but I described what I have seen for many years with my own eyes, and I’ll say bluntly that the Krasnodar Territory is the richest of all regions. I haven’t been to the Stavropol Territory, I don’t know, I will not compare. Even the Rostov and Voronezh regions, in my opinion, live poorer than in the Kuban.
                      9. +2
                        20 June 2021 17: 28
                        Quote: ccsr
                        and I see what is happening in the villages on secondary roads, so I know how people live in villages along these roads. Lots of motels, shops, canteens, gas stations, markets

                        You see, where motels are built, there are collective farm markets, there is always someone to whom you can sell the same can of tomatoes, apples or jam, i.e. sales market. Where there is no sales market (there are no visitors with money), there are abandoned houses and overgrown gardens, to whom will you sell? Where to work? Only in the city.
                        Quote: ccsr
                        and most importantly, all the fields are sown right next to the road.

                        Our fields are sown, but whose fields are they and how many people work there? For us. these fields are a disaster! Firstly, they plowed under the very gardens, there is nowhere to tie the goat. Cereals are sprinkled with chemicals, and all tomatoes and cucumbers are dying in the gardens. The bees have exhaled for a long time. Non-locals come with apiaries to the sunflower and that's it. Due to the export of grain, prices for feed on the domestic market have skyrocketed.
                        Quote: ccsr
                        and I will say frankly that the Krasnodar Territory is the richest of all regions.

                        Was! The pipe does not go anywhere from us. The richest regions. this is Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the like.
                2. 0
                  19 June 2021 19: 20
                  Quote: aleksejkabanets
                  Zyablitsev tell me, are you really teaching at the university or the members of the forum played me?

                  Figa yourself a teacher! He writes with mistakes as he breathes. Let's hope we played it out after all. For what can such a subject teach?
                  1. 0
                    19 June 2021 22: 44
                    Quote: Hyperion
                    Writes with errors how he breathes

                    There is such a thing. Apparently, he was not on good terms with the subjects Russian language and literature. It happens. This is not the worst thing.
                    Quote: Hyperion
                    For what can such a subject teach?

                    Perhaps as a child, he was not a bad boy. But the work and propaganda did their job. Water wears away the stone. This is about how long work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs changes the attitude towards people. I am sure that he loves his country and is a patriot. Well, the leaders of Nazi Germany were also patriots and wanted the welfare of their country. And where did they bring her in the end? Disaster.
                    1. -5
                      19 June 2021 22: 52
                      It always comes out creatively when the Vlasovites get lost in the (ROA) herd ... laughing
                    2. +2
                      19 June 2021 22: 56
                      Quote: vegan
                      With the subjects Russian language and literature, apparently, he was bad friends at school.

                      I understand, of course, that Zyablitsev can be a technical teacher, but language is a means of transmitting information, and even technical teachers should be fluent in the language. Moreover, Eugene is a patriot and loves his homeland.
                      Quote: vegan
                      But the work and propaganda did their job.

                      This is true. Objective judgment is narrowed down to the Anglo-Saxons and Vlasovites. It's easier to live this way. It's easier to think this way ...
                      1. -1
                        19 June 2021 23: 20
                        Think? It is unlikely that this word is applicable here. To do this, you need to strain your brain, expend energy, try to put yourself in the shoes of your opponent. Nope. Exclusively patterns and stereotypes. Criticizing Putin and the bucket-liberal and bulk. Since a liberal and a democrat are a traitor, a Vlasovite. Since you are a traitor, then you are not a human being and you can do whatever you want with you. Bottom line: you criticize - you are not a person. In Nazi Germany, propaganda used exactly the same scheme to dehumanize opponents, including Russians and even their own citizens. As a result, seemingly normal people in recent times, easily committed the most Jesuistic atrocities even with the most harmless people. Yes, even take the same Ukraine. Teenagers made Molotov cocktails and threw them at women and children. Moreover, their propaganda used exactly the same scheme to dehumanize the enemy. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people on Earth are defenseless against such information processing. And this human weakness will allow the notorious villains to continue to do evil and bring terrible troubles.
                      2. +1
                        19 June 2021 23: 30
                        Quote: vegan
                        Think? It is unlikely that this word is applicable here.

                        Well, some thought processes are still taking place? At least in order to distinguish the Vlasov from the navalnenka, and to distinguish the navalnenka from the Anglo-Saxons. Basically, this is at the level of reflexes, of course, but not in the literal sense of "there" sawdust?
                        On the whole, you are right.
                      3. -4
                        20 June 2021 03: 09
                        "Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people." - blah-blah-blah, the whole essence of the Russian liberalist, that is, the modern Vlasovite! A lot of letters and zero ideas, but something urgently needs to be scribbled on the Internet for personal psychological relief and narcissism! laughing
                      4. +5
                        20 June 2021 11: 23
                        Quote: Finches
                        "Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people."

                        The greatest minds discuss the Anglo-Saxons.
                        Admit it, you just envy that someone can write "many letters" coherently and without errors. This is not available to you, "teacher".
                        You didn't even notice how you turned into Meehan # 2. The only difference between you is that his Jews are to blame for everything, and you have the Anglo-Saxons. And you are blissful equally.
                      5. -3
                        20 June 2021 16: 36
                        The second characteristic feature of a modern Vlasovite is clearly expressed by the Russian proverb - he sees a straw in someone else's eye, but does not notice a log in his own, with an instant transition to personality! Because to offend the West, this is sacred ... laughing
                      6. +1
                        20 June 2021 17: 49
                        Quote: Finches
                        Because to offend the West, this is sacred ...

                        It is possible and necessary to offend the West. But you need to know when to stop. However, as elsewhere. If you write that the West needs Russia more than the West of Russia, then you are openly lying. What does Russia give to the West? Mainly raw materials. Russia will not surprise the West with technology. But how the West introduced sanctions against Russia - so the same Rogozin is crying that he does not have enough microcircuits to launch a rocket.
                        You say what you think about the West, but do not talk and do not lie.
                      7. -5
                        20 June 2021 17: 51
                        Where Rogozin is crying, please link, maybe I don’t know something.
                      8. +2
                        20 June 2021 18: 02
                        Quote: Finches
                        Where Rogozin is crying, please link, maybe I don’t know something.

                        And while you are here to identify the Vlasovites, the real patriots have already bought everything in London in the bud.
                      9. 0
                        21 June 2021 20: 57
                        Links 7 years old, Vlasovites have no complaints laughing
                      10. 0
                        21 June 2021 22: 47
                        Quote: Finches
                        Links 7 years old, Vlasovites have no complaints laughing

                        Linkе 7 years old you mean? Read ... Is the link out of date? Why are you lying?
                        That the first link is fresh (June 15, 2021), that the second (https://lenta.ru/news/2021/06/15/ london_homes /). Both for June this year.
                        How did you look at all? This is a splice from different speeches. There, first, Rogozin's statements for the 14th year - like "we don't care about the sanctions", and at the end of the video for the 21st, where Rogozin admits that because of the sanctions he cannot launch rockets. You need to chew everything like a five-year-old.
                      11. 0
                        21 June 2021 23: 02
                        You are funny liberals, you don’t represent anything of yourself, you can’t create anything, but you are trying to teach everyone and throw mud at everything! Terrible on the Internet and miserable in life ... Okay, you tired me, frolic further, today there are many Vlasovites on VO, so support is provided, even in a separate article, you can bend the "bloody" regime, and suddenly the Great Soros will notice and list 30 pieces of silver! laughing
                      12. 0
                        21 June 2021 23: 16
                        He lied, merged in an argument, gurgled something about the liberals and got tired ... Come on, patriot, go rest and think about your behavior.
                      13. 0
                        21 June 2021 23: 20
                        There would be someone to argue with! You prlsche, there is nowhere to merge, you are already there ... I paid so much attention to you, only to once again be convinced of the meager baseness and dense predictability of the Russian modern Vlasov! That's it - the beads are over! laughing hi
                      14. 0
                        21 June 2021 23: 22
                        A classic offensive plum. Be ashamed. He lived up to gray hair, but did not gain a gram of nobility.
                        Quote: Finches
                        the beads are over

                        Not beads, but vyser. Lamb peas.
                      15. 0
                        21 June 2021 23: 38
                        You are as straight the top of the nobility as I see laughing Let it be your way, peas are so peas, I have something finished for you peas! However, you are right, beads are not worthy yet, you are weakly opposed, Navalny will not be happy with you! laughing
                      16. 0
                        21 June 2021 23: 46
                        Compared to you, sir, I am an Anglo-Saxon gentleman.
      2. +5
        19 June 2021 13: 20
        I want to ask the author. I quote from him. "In the armed conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh, the situation of total defeat of one of the parties is extremely dangerous. Moreover, it is dangerous for the whole world, and not only for the neighboring countries of Azerbaijan and Armenia.and ". Why? In the variant like to name the problem, to make a judgment without appeal, but not to reveal the consequences - this is the main flaw of Russian propaganda, it is it that reduces its effectiveness. The conversation should be CONTENT, and not in the spirit of theses for the next anniversary.
        1. +3
          19 June 2021 14: 20
          Quote: mikh-korsakov

          Because demagoguery is ordinary. Well, the Armenians would have raked off more pendals than they did. Nifiga is terrible. The sky would not have fallen to earth. In general, the article is complete garbage. For the United States, we are the main stumbling block in the fight against China. And we must proceed from this. That is, where by pressure, where by some steps towards them, they will try to remove us from their path.
      3. +4
        19 June 2021 14: 18
        Quote: Finches
        And we have nothing but trouble from the West, so we don't need it for nothing

        Well, break off diplomatic relations with him. Close the borders and stop all communication.
      4. +6
        19 June 2021 14: 53
        Quote: Finches
        The West needs Russia now more than Russia needs the West!

        You are as right as ever, Evgeny! good Free resources, horror story to justify costs, and like a waste dump. laughing
        Only we have a lot of population, but through the efforts of the colonial government, headed by the GDP, they are successfully reducing it.
  2. +12
    19 June 2021 05: 33
    1. Security guarantor in the post-Soviet space.
    What nonsense is it in the article, that the West is interested in security in the post-Soviet space, and the West now agrees to transfer part of the functions of this concern to Russia, they say, having great influence in the post-Soviet space. After all, the West has so far done everything possible in the post-Soviet space that countries in this space would sit as if on a powder keg. The West has turned the Baltic states into a NATO training ground. And since when is it safe at the training ground. It has even evicted residents from the training grounds. So a third of the Balts fled from this NATO training ground, to England and to Germany to wash toilets. And in Ukraine, after the West organized a coup d'etat, there is such "security" that there is now a civil war going on there.
    And the West also brought its protégé Pashanyan to Armenia, and it was under him that the old conflict flared up between Armenia and Azerbaijan, while the West's protégé Saakashili organized a coup in Georgia and then staged a massacre in Abkhazia and Ossetia. This is how the West worries about security in the post-Soviet space.
    2. Afghanistan and Syria.
    In Syria, the West and the United States were in violation of international law. So what security bearers they can be if the West and the United States in Syria organized a war to remove President Assad and seize Syrian oil! The legal authorities of Syria did not invite them to Syria. On the other hand, the Syrian authorities had to ask for military assistance from Russia, so that it would destroy and expel terrorist bandits by America created by ISIS from Syria.
    There is nothing to say about Afghanistan. America made every effort to make it as hard as possible for the USSR to fight in Afghanistan and was glad that the traitor Gorbachev withdrew the Soviet Troops almost on the eve of victory in Afghanistan. Then the United States itself got into Afghanistan, but as elsewhere, only chaos was created there and is now fleeing Afghanistan.
    1. +1
      19 June 2021 08: 46
      I ask a little more about the West training ground in the Baltic States I love this region very much, if possible I visit Once I saw two NATO planes fly by Yes, and the locals do not see them too much And labor migration (as it is called) is a normal process If with our passport and such prices on air travel as in Europe it would be possible to travel, then we would have missed many So in the Baltics In general, the article sucks The main factor why the West needs us is the predictability of our leadership in matters of strategic stability, or, more simply, that we would not wave nuclear club to the right and to the left And more.? Nothing comes to mind
      1. +1
        19 June 2021 08: 59
        Quote: Sergey Nikiforov
        ... why the West needs us ... Nothing comes to mind ...

        20% of the world's natural resources.
        1. 0
          19 June 2021 09: 17
          And 62 or 64% of the territory is permafrost. And things are still there. It's the same with the Arctic, Production will be more expensive than the raw materials themselves.
        2. +14
          19 June 2021 11: 41
          Quote: Boris55
          20% of the world's natural resources.

          Which Russia is already selling well. It happens that it is at a loss (Power of Siberia). And even with
          predominantly lays the threads of gas pipelines.
          1. +6
            19 June 2021 13: 37
            Moreover, the reserves belong to Russia, and only a few get profit. And they constantly help the "poor" - they arrange a "tax maneuver", then they build gas terminals and other things for state funds. lol lol
          2. 0
            19 June 2021 14: 25
            Quote: Hyperion
            Which Russia is already selling well.

            Do you think they will refuse to get these resources at cost?
            1. +5
              19 June 2021 15: 56
              Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
              You think

              I think. And I recommend it to you too.
              From Russia to them irreplaceable resources, and to Russia from them green pieces of paper. Status Quo in all its glory. And who runs Rosneft?
              1. -9
                19 June 2021 16: 42
                Quote: Hyperion
                I think. And I recommend it to you too.

                You think badly. Think well and read the classics of Marxism. Then you will understand that the capitalists of different countries and not only countries always have a conflict of interests. That is why Crimea is ours, Donbass, sanctions and other fabulous interference in the US elections with sudden patriotism, and not because of a conspiracy of Masons.
                1. +5
                  19 June 2021 16: 49
                  Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                  capitalists of different countries and not only countries always have a conflict of interests

                  This is if the capitalists are actually from two camps. And if some are protégés of others, then that's another story ...
                  1. -3
                    19 June 2021 17: 57
                    Quote: Hyperion
                    This is if the capitalists are actually from two camps.

                    And these are the capitalists from the two camps. Because Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok did not take off. It turned out that Europe needed Congo, Haiti or some other dependent beggar Honduras on the territory of our country, not Europe.
                    Quote: Hyperion
                    And if some are protégés of others, then that's another story ...

                    This is sheer nonsense. You don't seem to understand what it means to take Crimea in the modern world. The henchmen would never do that. Turn on your head, analyze the situation and stop talking stereotyped nonsense from the stupid propaganda materials of the 90s.
                    1. +1
                      19 June 2021 19: 04
                      What is to take Crimea? What do you know about castling? Sacrifice a pawn to capture the king. Take Crimea, but get the Russophobic country next door. A springboard for the eternal excuse "as in Ukraine".
                      So it's you, "analyst" stop pouring.
                      1. +1
                        19 June 2021 19: 25
                        Take Crimea, but get the Russophobic country next door.

                        Long before the loss of Crimea, Ukraine was Russophobic, so Crimea became ours.
                      2. +2
                        19 June 2021 19: 32
                        The loss of Crimea made the ukrov even more embittered. Like figs with them, but then it was necessary to take the Donbass.
                      3. -7
                        19 June 2021 21: 12
                        Quote: Hyperion
                        Like figs with them, but then it was necessary to take the Donbass.

                        How do you imagine it in modern realities? So take it and declare that the Donbass is ours? And our navel will not come loose? Do you think our half-dead bear, which is infested with capitalist nits, will have enough strength for this?
                      4. -7
                        19 June 2021 21: 06
                        Unlike you, I am not obsessed with conspiracy theories and other cunning Masonic plans. And what happened in Ukraine was quite programmed in 1991. And it is not a sudden cunning plans of the Fed and the State Department and some traitors to the liberals. If you don’t have the intelligence to understand this, it’s very sad. But I still hope you will understand it one day.
                      5. +1
                        19 June 2021 21: 38
                        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                        Unlike you, I am not obsessed with conspiracy theories and other cunning Masonic plans.

                        About Masons only you stutter.
                        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                        If you don't have the mind to figure it out

                        I’ll borrow from you.
                        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                        And what happened in Ukraine was quite programmed in 1991.

                        It is good to retrospectively explain contemporary events. And what is the 91st year and not the 17th?
                        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                        But I still hope you will understand it one day.

                        All life is ahead, hope and wait ... (c)
                      6. -7
                        19 June 2021 22: 19
                        Quote: Hyperion
                        About Masons only you stutter.

                        This is a figurative expression. Hand face.
                        Quote: Hyperion
                        I’ll borrow from you.

                        Not an option. You have to borrow too much.
                        Quote: Hyperion
                        It is good to retrospectively explain contemporary events. And what is the 91st year and not the 17th?

                        In part, you can explain some things in 17th year. But those processes that have now gained momentum, they got started in 1991. Then obstacles were removed for them and conditions were created. What happened in Ukraine can be easily explained without any fantastic theories such as Putin's cunning plans to scare everyone with Ukraine. Although, yes, today's Ukraine is convenient in this regard.
                      7. +1
                        19 June 2021 22: 31
                        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                        Not an option. You have to borrow too much.

                        Not too much. It's just that you've probably already borrowed everything, but left nothing for yourself.
                        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                        fantastic theories such as Putin's cunning plans to scare everyone with Ukraine

                        This is not a tricky plan. This is a clumsy excuse. However, all Russian propaganda is clumsy. It is all built on two basic concepts: pride and hatred. But people hawala and ask for more.
                      8. -3
                        20 June 2021 11: 05
                        Quote: Hyperion
                        However, all Russian propaganda is clumsy. It is all built on two basic concepts: pride and hatred. But people hawala and ask for more.

                        And Greytegein, interference in elections and constant Russian spies "is that different"? There is no need to try to show our propagandists as something exceptional. This is a banal demagoguery.
                        Quote: Hyperion
                        Not too much. It's just that you've probably already borrowed everything, but left nothing for yourself.

                        I'm not that altruistic. A person must grow wiser himself. Otherwise, no communism will ever work. In the end, the monkey did it. And you are almost no worse.
                      9. +2
                        20 June 2021 11: 32
                        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                        In the end, the monkey did it.

                        It can be seen. Self-critical of course, but honest.
                      10. -3
                        20 June 2021 11: 46
                        You don't understand again. But I probably won't explain. You yourself will understand when you are evolving.
        3. 0
          19 June 2021 14: 25
          Quote: Boris55
          Quote: Sergey Nikiforov
          ... why the West needs us ... Nothing comes to mind ...

          20% of the world's natural resources.

          Pretty boy! good
      2. +1
        19 June 2021 10: 08
        NATO training ground in the Baltic States, this is an incomprehensible thing to a Russophobe. After all, he does not understand and does not want to know, having visited the capitals of the Baltic states, that for NATO aircraft the airfields are located there far from the capitals and therefore no one there sees NATO aircraft flights. But for example, fifty kilometers from Tallinn to Emari, planes from the local NATO airfield take off every day, and one that took off from there last year made an independent launch
        rockets and everyone prayed that that rocket would not reach the territory of Russia. Thank God she fell into the swamps in Estonia. So I will not paint here yet that is also fifty kilometers. from Tallinn to Paldiski and Tapa British NATO soldiers are raging and not long ago there was a huge scandal from their drunken antics against the local population. And in Lithuania, for drunken antics and for sexual harassment, Germany as a lady recalled a whole platoon of her soldiers.
        This is only a small visual part of this NATO training ground. But in the event of a conflict, it is precisely because of this landfill that the Baltic states receive a retaliatory strike from Russia. Everything is clear here and therefore the Balts are fleeing to Europe. But what is much more dangerous is what NATO ideologists and Russophobic propagandists have turned those who remained in the Baltics. If you would read the comments on the main Internet news pages under the articles of messages, for example, in Lithuanian on their portal delfi, when the ensemble of Alexandrov and Dr. Liza died, or when Russian pilots died in Syria, or when Russian scientists died in Losharik, or when Bandera's forces burned people in Odessa, or when there was some other tragedy or misfortune in Russia, you would find that there are thousands of these comments in Lithuanian and they are all joyful and full of happiness, that Russians have died or there is a misfortune in Russia. Read the comments in Lithuanian under yesterday's reports on the flooding in Crimea. So after all, he almost falls into hysterics with happiness that trouble has occurred in Russia. These are just these, prepared by NATO ideologists at the NATO training ground, and rejoices, and in the event of a conflict will take the places of those who killed local Jews in the Baltic states during the Second World War .. Only now, instead of Jews, there will be local Russians. The tasks of Hitler and Washington have undergone some changes.
        However, you, as a Russophobe, in the Baltics may be greeted in such a way that it is with a Russophobe from Russia to find a common language ...
        1. -2
          19 June 2021 10: 33
          Dear apponent First question When were you in the Baltics last time? What you listed is common to all armies During my service in the DRA, there were a lot of deaths, roughly speaking, due to drunkenness I was not in Chechnya, but the wounded spoke in Mozdok too The airfield you listed is nothing compared to Tartu, where Dudayev commanded But there there is no one About the reaction of social networks Alas, in the West there is a stereotype about us as an aggressor about the country. Why ?? Well, this is a long story And we are losing here And yet, do not be like our State Duma, do not hang Russophobia labels on every iron
          1. +2
            19 June 2021 14: 33
            Quote: Sergey Nikiforov
            Tartu, where Dudaev commanded

            Sergey, are you a bot? laughing such an incoherent set of words I have never met wink
            1. -4
              19 June 2021 14: 39
              And you try to approve Listening
              1. +2
                19 June 2021 17: 48
                You do not have commas and periods - you absolutely do not understand "to execute can not be pardoned".
                Quote: Sergey Nikiforov
                I haven’t been to Chechnya, but the wounded in Mozdok also spoke. The airfield you listed is nothing compared to Tartu, where Dudayev commanded.

                I visited the first Chechen road in Mozdok, the XNUMXth said a lot. I absolutely do not see any connection between Chechnya-Mozdok-Tartu-Dudayev.
                1. -2
                  19 June 2021 18: 24
                  Well, let's start with the fact that the XNUMXth won't say anything to you.We'll finish the conversation. Dots and commas are not the main thing
                  1. +2
                    19 June 2021 18: 31
                    It is possible to spread over three hundredths, but those could be understood. But the XNUMXth eloquently explained the essence of that very war with their macintosh. I am not mistaken in letters.
                    1. -6
                      19 June 2021 18: 45
                      Don't do verbal balancing act
                      1. +3
                        19 June 2021 18: 53
                        This is you a balancing act with a set of words. Where can we get to you. laughing
            2. -2
              19 June 2021 15: 06
              I will decipher you in more detail if you ....... Tartu, where Dudaev commanded It was in Tartu that the division headquarters was located, where the commander was Major General Dudaev Pilot from God When he left, without exaggeration, the whole division was crying Now and think And the fact that you did not perceive the phrase Tartu-Dudaev, then everything is clear with you
              1. 0
                19 June 2021 17: 56
                If Dudaev is a "pilot from God", then everything is clear with you laughing He was a really good commander, but the "pilot" ... His squadron commander, Evgeny Ivanovich Bolshakov, had an absolutely opposite opinion until his death.
                1. -3
                  19 June 2021 18: 27
                  But Konstantinov, commander of the 46th Air Force, Treznyuk - Chief of Staff, Nikolsky, God forbid, inspector, and many others had the opposite opinion about Dudayev
                  1. +2
                    19 June 2021 18: 36
                    How did Nikolsky become an inspector ???! And why such idolization of Dudaev as a pilot? Which regiment did you fly in?
                    1. -3
                      19 June 2021 18: 42
                      Nikolsky Pilot - Inspector Imenoo for this position he came from Bobruisk And I personally knew Dudaev and his wife, Marina
                      1. -1
                        19 June 2021 18: 45
                        Quote: Sergey Nikiforov
                        I personally knew his wife, Marina

                    2. -1
                      19 June 2021 18: 44
                      And with Vladimir Donatovich we are still friends, fate, however, the villain with him Stroke
                      1. +1
                        19 June 2021 19: 00
                        I liked it more
                        Quote: Sergey Nikiforov
                        When he left, without exaggeration, the whole division cried

                        good Well, the past cannot be deleted. But then he got fucked up notably. I remember he wanted to bomb Moscow on elk! laughing PILOT! laughing
      3. +1
        19 June 2021 14: 23
        Quote: Sergey Nikiforov
        Nothing comes to mind

        This is because there is no mind. The United States' confrontation with China is gaining momentum. And we very much interfere with them in the fight against China.
        1. -1
          19 June 2021 14: 33
          Which side.? They mainly have an economy. Here, as you know, we have nothing to catch. What else.? Like, China will exploit our natural resources and gain power.? Well exploited and so, but what about the power.? Question
          1. -3
            19 June 2021 14: 53
            Quote: Sergey Nikiforov
            Which side.?

            So that we have a good army and, most importantly, nuclear weapons. Were it not for us, the United States would have long ago forced China to play only by its own rules to the detriment of China's interests. Not by economic pressure, but by democratic bombing.
            Quote: Sergey Nikiforov
            Like, China will exploit our natural resources and gain power.?

            And this is including.
            1. -1
              19 June 2021 15: 02
              Probably, there are no suicides in this world.Therefore, the main task of the United States is to make our predictable nuclear component And more and more, as a partner, we, alas, are not interested in them.
              1. -1
                19 June 2021 16: 26
                Quote: Sergey Nikiforov
                Well, to give China our natural resources for a priceless price for the sake of a hypothetical union - you don't need a big mind

                I don't think our oligarchy is that stupid. Selfish, corrupt, hypocritical, unprincipled, never patriotic - yes. Dumb - no.
                1. -6
                  19 June 2021 16: 35
                  And our aligarchy exists thanks to the ability to lick power, you yourself understand where the Power of Siberia is a 100% unprofitable project, but the authorities ordered, the aligarchy licked
                  1. -1
                    19 June 2021 16: 37
                    I beg your pardon, from the heat of the oligarchs I wrote chere A, do not be offended Very hot
                  2. +1
                    19 June 2021 18: 06
                    It's like 100% unprofitable - does the Russian Federation still pay extra for the Chinese? laughing You are on the wrong site, you need to go to the politician! wink
                    1. -1
                      19 June 2021 18: 19
                      That's right, the power of Siberia is unprofitable, but for the very fact of existence it is almost necessary to underpay
                      1. 0
                        19 June 2021 18: 25
                        Tongue grind all the masters. And Gagarin is not the first person in space by American standards. I'm wondering how much you get paid for a comment? I have a friend who works part-time on such henna, so he is paid decently for literacy. And I would not pay you at all.
                      2. -1
                        19 June 2021 18: 30
                        My pension is enough, and I work. And comments, comments because sometimes the audience of this site resembles a bunch of pike vests Remember.? Briand is the head and further in the text
                      3. +2
                        19 June 2021 18: 42
                        Then why are you smacking with grief? I don’t understand ... No. Okay, the kid would be, you can understand, but here is a working pensioner!
  3. +1
    19 June 2021 06: 06
    The whole world was enveloped in a pink fog-liberalism. Attempts to dispel it are in many countries, starting with Muslim, and ending with other confessions. But for some reason all find the only niche, in conservatism. As the historian Fursov says, "You go left, you come to the right. And vice versa." On this basis, extreme organizations appear. With America, we can only agree on the basis of understandable rules. Even on those that existed during the Cold War. Pink mold is eating up the mentality of many countries. And again this historian reminds us that during the last days The Roman Empire included a fashion for barbarian clothing. A trifle, but how it works.
  4. +4
    19 June 2021 06: 09
    Russia is and will be an important strategic partner of the West
    This is so, that's just the so-called. The West begins to consider Russia a partner for a while only when it is beneficial exclusively to it (the West). In the intervals between this need, he tries hard to "restrain", draw some red lines, show something and give signals (the same permanent teachings are at our borders). In a word, it shows so actively that we are "strategic partners" that there is nowhere else to go.
  5. +5
    19 June 2021 06: 22
    The border in Tajikistan is not guarded by the RF PV, the border guards were there from 1992 to 2005, only 201 divisions remained.
  6. +11
    19 June 2021 06: 46
    laughing Of course we need to promote chain stores. smile
  7. +8
    19 June 2021 06: 59
    It is in Russia's interests not only to preserve and expand its sphere of influence, but also to stabilize the region

    In the interests of Russia, yes.
    But Europe, through the mouth of Borel, bluntly stated that it must restrain Russia and limit its influence in the post-Soviet space.

    So the author writes nonsense.
    In general, I did not guess exactly the opposite on all counts.
  8. +2
    19 June 2021 07: 04
    Of course, the problem of Afghanistan cannot be solved without Russia. But she should not solve this problem alone. We have good relations with Iran. And Iran has considerable influence in Afghanistan, even in the presence of the Americans. We must act together.
  9. +9
    19 June 2021 07: 22
    [quote]. It is also extremely beneficial for Russia to maintain a high level of cooperation with Western countries: to develop its industries that are competitive in the European market, to adopt successful European practices and functioning institutions (including democratic ones). [quote]
    The author made me laugh! What are the successes in this field for 20 years?
  10. +3
    19 June 2021 07: 24
    ... The close interaction between the United States and Russia contributes to the creation of the foundation of institutions that can effectively regulate cyberspace, and the involvement of all countries in this process, from Europe to Asia.

    But what about Snowden with his database? In fulfillment of the written, the base must be returned
  11. -5
    19 June 2021 07: 38
    In the European Union, apparently, all athletes live. They have developed a kind of sport: to attack Russia every 30-50 years during every century. They assemble a national team for this, in between they train, prepare in the hope of finally taking revenge for the defeats that this team constantly suffers, despite the wonderful equipment. So, as a stadium, Russia is very interesting for them, not counting, of course, all the associated organizations and enterprises existing for the functioning of a sports facility, mainly processing and serving, as well as land and its subsoil.
  12. +9
    19 June 2021 07: 56
    The author rather meditates on the topic: "Why does Russia need the West?" At all "points of contact" the United States would prefer to do without the Russians. (Well, maybe with the exception of Syria at the initial stage. Ours did someone else's work there).
    The West has absolutely turned a blind eye to the obvious massive war crimes of Georgia and Ukraine. To talk about the recognition by the Americans of the "special interests" of the Russian Federation in the former "SSR" is simply ridiculous.
    ps With his unexpected sermon, the author is trying to create the illusion of the possibility of MegaMinsk with the West. RF - not the USSR, and not the Empire. Here even the "detente" is unrealistic.
  13. -7
    19 June 2021 08: 22
    Quote: N. Belavkin
    Therefore, as the West needs Russia, so Russia needs the West.

    The West doesn't need Russia.
    The West needs our natural resources (20% of the world's reserves). Have you all heard the expression "Russia gas station"? The West needs territory and natural resources, and for this, as M. Thatcher said, 15 million Russians serving THEIR pipe are enough, or, as T. Bleer put it, 20 million is enough for this. It is not difficult to guess what will happen to the office plankton (5th column), who are so eager for their coming to us - they are useless to service the "pipe".

    Does Russia need the West?
    In principle, no. What is there in the West that we do not have?

    The goal of Western civilization is to destroy us.
    The goal of Russian civilization is not to hinder us from living the way we want and we will not hinder you.

    Video from 0:30 sec.
  14. +13
    19 June 2021 08: 25
    I read the article and I feel directly how the importance and significance are growing. They grow so that they are inflated, like new illusions of the article.
    All jokes aside, let's look at this Europe in a purely pragmatic way, without leading ourselves into deceptive hopes and reflections. What have we proved to whom, what have we influenced during 25 years of being present in European structures: the Council of Europe and other shalmans? Nothing? There will be nothing again. Break up, pleasing and hoping, and you will hear in response not only about the annexation of Crimea, but something else will certainly be added.
    For us, there is no one who can negotiate in Europe. And it won't. This must be clearly understood. Any steps with hope towards Europe will be unrequited concessions. Don't even start.
    1. -12
      19 June 2021 10: 31
      Quote: Galleon
      For us, there is no one who can negotiate in Europe. And it won't. This must be clearly understood. Any steps with hope towards Europe will be unrequited concessions. Don't even start.

      In general, I agree with you, but the story of SP-2 showed that we not only won this confrontation, but also made Germany and Austria our economic allies in Europe, despite all the rhetoric of their governments. An interesting analysis of the situation was made by a Bulgarian author in his article published in Inosmi:
      "Gas station country", "dying country" - whatever label the late Senator John McCain and President Barack Obama tried to put on Russia - all this was and remains nonsense that cast a shadow over America. The United States lost and will now convince the whole world that nothing special has happened, but no one, except for their most desperate adherents, will cheat on their account. The facts are all too obvious.
      When two people quarrel, as is usually the case, the third is most happy. Nord Stream 2 further strengthens Germany's position in the Old World. In a year, it will become not only the country with the largest economy, but also the largest distribution center for natural gas in the EU. The valve of the main fuel of the "green future" of the Union in the hands of Berlin is Angela Merkel's farewell gift to the Germans.
      The scale of what is happening is impressive. Germany can get 100-120 billion cubic meters of Russian natural gas only through two "northern streams", and this is not taking into account the capacity of the old Yamal-Europe gas pipeline (over 34 billion cubic meters) with its own consumption of about 90 billion cubic meters.
      To complete the picture, it is worth mentioning another extremely important Central European gas hub - CEGH, located near the Austrian city of Baumgarten. So far, a third of Russian gas supplies to Western Europe through the Ukrainian gas transportation system pass through it. The second pipe of the Turkish Stream should reach it at the end of the year.... As a result, the two German-speaking EU countries, which, to the annoyance of others, maintain, if not good, then at least tolerable relations with Russia and protect these relations under pressure, have won.

      1. +4
        19 June 2021 14: 29
        Quote: ccsr
        but also made Germany and Austria our economic allies in Europe

        This is some particularly stubborn turbo-patriotic nonsense.
        1. +5
          19 June 2021 15: 01
          Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
          This is some particularly stubborn turbo-patriotic nonsense.

          Well, everything is simple here. The man is just doing his job. The work is certainly disgusting, it’s hard to justify the robbery of the country and the destruction of the population.
          1. +4
            19 June 2021 16: 23
            Hell knows. Maybe he's disinterested. Based on selfish class interests.
            1. -1
              19 June 2021 20: 31
              Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
              Based on selfish class interests.

              These are unlikely to sit in tyrnets. request
              1. +1
                20 June 2021 07: 06
                Hello Igor.
                As I promised three months ago, I decided to tell you about my party life ...
                Which one, if not a secret? For some reason I am sure that this is not the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Am I wrong?
                I won't say ... Maybe later.

                You are wrong, I was going to join the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. hi

                The story lasted almost six months, there were many different and interesting things. He spoke closely with the secretary of his primary cell, the second secretary of the regional branch, the editor of the newspaper, the secretary for agitation and three more active communists.
                But it all ended with the fact that I decided not to join the Communist Party and I do not advise others.
                What I saw in the local branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation cannot be described in words ... The ratio of adequate and inadequate people is about 50/50.
                For the sake of interest, read the report of G.A. Zyuganov. A whole section is devoted to the problem of batch quality in the report.
                “There is a need to cleanse the Communist Party of the Russian Federation of those who are absolutely alien to it in their way of thinking and way of life.” The leader of the Communist Party, of course, blames the petty-bourgeois ideology for everything, but that’s not the point. The point is in the personal qualities of the so-called. "communists". And the worst thing is that a communist is obliged to fulfill the requirements of the Party Charter and, for example, to campaign for a candidate nominated by the party ...

                The party has rotted ...
                1. +3
                  20 June 2021 14: 38
                  Quote: tasha
                  You are wrong, I was going to join the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

                  Have you joined?
                  Quote: tasha
                  The party has rotted away.

                  Judging by individuals, yes. But you can also say the opposite judging by other personalities. In general, I think not.
                  This can be said about the United Russia party in general and in particular. It has completely rotted away. And pulls the whole country into the swamp.
                  1. 0
                    21 June 2021 09: 04
                    My friend, do not be offended, but "I will tell you one clever thing ...".

                    The party affiliation of the elected governor, deputy of the State Duma, or someone else does not matter. At all! It all depends solely on the personalities.
                    That the EP, that the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, that any other party from the top five is one gang-watering can.
                    In an article about alcohol, Chubais was quoted as saying: "We gave the property to those who were closer to it. Bandits, regional committee secretaries, factory directors." Here is the United Russia - the same secretaries of regional committees, the same communists who have influence and money. In the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, there were those who did not have enough or people of an age who are not up to the fight (they are the most adequate of those I have met).
                    These, deprived, constantly scold the EP, but they cannot offer or do something, they do not know how and do not want to. All the rest follow the fashion, no further than couch and kitchen protests. In no way do I defend or campaign for the EP. It's just that United Russia is the party in power, and it's national fun to scold the authorities.

                    By the way, recently the EP held the primaries. And EVERYONE could register. Did you participate?
        2. -7
          19 June 2021 17: 13
          Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
          This is some particularly stubborn turbo-patriotic nonsense.

          Outgoing from Bulgaria? Don't tell me, homebrew analyst.

          Quote: Ingvar 72
          Well, everything is simple here. The man is just doing his job. The work is certainly disgusting, it’s hard to justify the robbery of the country and the destruction of the population.

          Do not tell people, "truth-teller" you are our homespun.
          I don’t work for anyone, unlike you, and I understand why you were so excited, because the article described the situation with the sale of energy carriers quite accurately. Without this, we would never have been able to re-equip the army and create new weapons systems.

          Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
          Hell knows. Maybe he's disinterested. Based on selfish class interests.

          Fuck you smart guys, you understand, you are used to being idlers all your life, and you are still whining about equality, although people like you and Ingvar were the first to come out shouting "Down with the Communist Party!" in 72 (they sent you similar ones). So what does not suit you in your present life, if you fought for it? Or do you consider yourself to be a proletarian class - I will never believe in relation to both of you. A mile away from you reeks of politicking, which means that someone is paying you for it ...
          1. +4
            19 June 2021 17: 47
            Quote: ccsr
            Without this, we would never have been able to re-equip the army and create new weapons systems.

            And the option with the development of a non-resource-based economy never crossed your mind? wink
            And don't you think that new weapons are being delivered to the troops very limitedly and with a long delay? And some of the announced weapons have simply stuck in prototypes for more than 10-15 years?
            1. -5
              19 June 2021 18: 34
              Quote: Ingvar 72
              And the option with the development of a non-resource-based economy never crossed your mind?

              And the option to stay in the USSR and not to blame the Communists did not occur to you? Then all your plans for economic development would come true.
              Quote: Ingvar 72
              And don't you think that new weapons are being delivered to the troops very limitedly and with a long delay?

              The normal process is going on, and I see it, in contrast to those who have never dealt with it themselves, but only read the opinions of forum "analysts" like Timokhin and his gop-company.
              Quote: Ingvar 72
              And some of the announced weapons have simply been stuck in prototypes for more than 10-15 years?

              And what is wrong with that if many prototypes, even in Soviet times, did not go into series and did not enter the troops? How do you know the reasons why they "hung up" and their development was frozen, considering that there will be no effect from their entry into the troops? You know badly our industry, which is ready to sell various equipment to the military, just to make money on this and raise our status - we all went through this in the Soviet Army, now the picture is the same. So don't open America - it was discovered long ago by those who know how the military-industrial complex works.
              1. +2
                19 June 2021 20: 28
                Quote: ccsr
                And the option to stay in the USSR and not to blame the Communists did not occur to you? Then all your plans for economic development would come true.

                It is the current government that is the legal successor of those who did not give a damn about the results of the referendum on the preservation of the USSR, and ruined the great country. And today, here, you defend the interests of this government, which is directly to blame for the collapse of the Union.
                Quote: ccsr
                The normal process is going on,

                If this is the norm, then how can you call the rearmament process that takes place in the USA, China, and took place in the USSR? wink
                Quote: ccsr
                if many prototypes, even in Soviet times, did not go into series and did not enter the troops?

                The troops did not receive the samples recognized as unsuccessful, and not promoted, as they did not have any analogues in the world.
                P, S, how old are you. if it `s not a secret? Honestly?
                1. 0
                  20 June 2021 08: 09
                  It was even then, I remember ZILovtsy poured in samples, at a cost like interstellar ships, the engineers wanted money. As now, they have been cramming a fucking terminator for 15 years. The military resists as best they can, but they will probably force them to accept it, although no one knows what to do with it.
                  1. +2
                    20 June 2021 14: 40
                    Quote: Free Wind
                    ZILovtsy sniffed samples

                    This was after the 91st. And Terminator, in my opinion, is a good support car.
                2. -1
                  20 June 2021 10: 51
                  Quote: Ingvar 72
                  It is the current government that is the legal successor of those who did not give a damn about the results of the referendum on the preservation of the USSR, and ruined the great country. And today, here, you defend the interests of this government, which is directly to blame for the collapse of the Union.

                  So it is you who are the propagandist here, and shamelessly reproached me for this. I just simply state my point of view, which is based on reality and knowledge of the matter, and not engaged in demagogic juggling of facts from our past. The USSR is a great country for me, which the people abandoned - but you don’t blame it on me, if only because I was always against the collapse of the country.
                  Quote: Ingvar 72
                  If this is the norm, then how can you call the rearmament process that takes place in the USA, China, and took place in the USSR?

                  And what do you live in China or the United States to demand that we have such a GDP as theirs with their population? Are you ready to personally work like a Chinese or Latinos in the American fields - tell us honestly, then we will determine at what pace we move on.
                  Quote: Ingvar 72
                  The troops did not receive the samples recognized as unsuccessful,

                  It is not at all necessary - the sample could be successful, but the price went off scale for mass introduction into the troops.
                  Quote: Ingvar 72
                  P, S, how old are you. if it `s not a secret? Honestly?
                  I think more than you. I posted here information on another topic that last year I celebrated fifty years of taking the oath with my comrades - I hope I have enough mind to count ...
                  1. +1
                    20 June 2021 14: 49
                    Quote: ccsr
                    I'm just putting my point of view

                    Which coincides quite by accident with the line of the party and government! laughing
                    Quote: ccsr
                    The USSR is a great country for me, which the people abandoned

                    Again bullshit - the people did not refuse, which was confirmed by the referendum. The union was destroyed by the scum, whose heirs are at the helm today. All sectors of the economy and social and cultural life are degrading.
                    This can be easily verified by comparing the figures with the figures of the mid-90s.
                    Do you have poor eyesight, or are you a shape-shifting traitor like the current powers that be?
                    1. 0
                      20 June 2021 15: 46
                      Quote: Ingvar 72
                      Do you have poor eyesight, or are you a shape-shifting traitor like the current powers that be?

                      No, I’m not blind, you’re just blinkered, and you still dream of something that will no longer be. Continue in the same spirit, but it is better to start working normally yourself - I am not telling you as an oligarch, but as a simple person who still works and does not cry that we do not live under socialism. However, I am sure that even under socialism you would not have achieved anything serious - it smells of dependency from you, and then they did not like such people either.
                      1. +2
                        20 June 2021 21: 42
                        Quote: ccsr
                        and you still dream of something that will no longer be.

                        How do you know?
                        Quote: ccsr
                        start working normally
                        I work, and honestly, unlike you. And what smells of you, I will not say anything. For I have been working since I was 16.
                        PS You ignored the proposal to compare the indicators on the basis of the GDP rule. Standard and expected.
                      2. 0
                        21 June 2021 11: 20
                        Quote: Ingvar 72
                        How do you know?

                        I have not forgotten how to assess the situation and make a forecast - this helps me to understand what awaits us.
                        Quote: Ingvar 72
                        I work, and honestly, unlike you.

                        You don't even know what I am doing, but you have already decided that I am a fraud. That is why literate people in you immediately recognize a propagandist and a demagogue.
                        Quote: Ingvar 72
                        For I have been working since I was 16.

                        I earned my first 40 rubles at the age of fifteen, working on a part-time vacation as a handyman at a construction site. And what can we conclude from this, how was my life and how did I earn?
                        Quote: Ingvar 72
                        PS You ignored the proposal to compare the indicators on the basis of the GDP rule. Standard and expected.

                        I'm not interested in this at all, especially since the majority of the population elected him president - explain to them how badly they acted by not listening to you. But not to notice the successes of Russia even in the fight against coronavirus, or construction in cities, or the creation of new weapons can only be blinkered people, to whom you clearly belong.
          2. -1
            19 June 2021 20: 57
            Quote: ccsr
            Fuck you smart guys, you understand, you are used to being idlers all your life, and you are still whining about equality, although people like you and Ingvar were the first to come out shouting "Down with the Communist Party!" in 72 (they sent you similar ones). So what does not suit you in your present life, if you fought for it? Or do you consider yourself to be a proletarian class - I will never believe in relation to both of you. A mile away from you reeks of politicking, which means that someone is paying you for it ...

            Nice try. But you obviously do not have enough intelligence.
  15. +1
    19 June 2021 11: 45
    Why does the West need Russia?

    To answer this question, it is enough to wind 50-60 years ago, in a wonderful era that combined the Cuban missile crisis, our primacy in space, our generous supply of weapons and "advisers" to various yesterday's colonies around the world - like meteostases here and there. there they tested the strength of the Western architecture of the world or forced them to make ugly compromise options. In a bipolar world, it is much easier to throw one of the hegemons and throw yourself into the arms of another, or you can completely feed on both udders and be in fact your own master.
    The most unpleasant thing for the West in this scheme was that the "predictability" so much appreciated by Western businessmen-capitalists sagged in it. Did Saddamich want to start an operation against Kuwait? Yes, without B. Gaddafi wanted to blow up a liner over Britain? Yes, without B. Doomsday War? Various attacks of presumptuous leaders about the use of the canals (Panama, Suez)?
    What kind of RAF members? Endless guerrilla chases in Latin America? Yes pazhalsta! All this and many other wonderful things are an example of what COULD BE when one architecture is overlapped by another, dumber, more primitive, but with the potential of weapons and the economy behind its back. The unipolar world is designed in such a way that someone will be dissatisfied and will not find their place according to their abilities. In a unipolar world, these people-communities will create focal tensions, in a bipolar world they will instantly be organized in one or another efficiency of the network, and their destructive potential will grow disproportionately.
    Where am I leading - why is the West conducting a dialogue with us? In my opinion, because the West knows our potential and saw in the grave the moment when, by their efforts, they will "outlast" and we will have REAL anti-Western dogmatists in power. It doesn't matter - left or right. The important thing is that these people will look at the West quite unambiguously - in the spirit of real antagonism and confrontation, they will be ready to invest in opposition to Western architecture wherever they can reach. They will try not only to build alternative technological cycles, but maybe even alternative international institutions. And accordingly, like the icing on the cake, it will be possible to deny certain rules of the game based on their own vision. Such a system can be simply heavenly manna for some Iran, African dictatorships, Latin American countries and other states scattered around the world and not united by anything other than the desire to be militarized and hatred of Western interference in their affairs.
    Actually, all these "negotiations" serve the line in which the external illusion of agreement and dialogue is maintained, despite the fact that we have long been imposed and systematically forced to surrender our positions and play by the rules of the West (in fact, not in words). In the conditions of systematic throwing of gingerbread into the cauldron, the threat of the emergence of REALLY inconvenient for the West power groups or paradigms of thinking and foreign policy within our country is minimized.
    Making some rare concessions and observing the external background of an "approximately equal partner" at the RIGHT moments - the West plays on our sense of self-importance, through it lulls both the perception of the real picture and the situation (for us), and the very need for a competent and many-day negotiation process on the security of our the near zone, which is long overdue.

    I will disappoint all fans of puffing their cheeks about our "still significant" place in the world - no, the place has not been significant for a long time. But we can potentially make a big mess, so this is taken into account.
    Can this be considered an influence? I don’t think so.
    1. 0
      19 June 2021 12: 49
      Quote: Knell Wardenheart
      Gaddafi wanted to blow up a liner over Britain? Yes, without B.
      It has been proven that Gaddafi is out of business there.
      Quote: Knell Wardenheart
      But we can potentially make a big mess, so this is taken into account.
      Can this be considered an influence? I don’t think so.
      This is what constitutes influence. This is why the states are the most powerful.
      1. +4
        19 June 2021 12: 55
        No, Influence is when in a conditional country N people or elites begin to look towards your country because it LIVES WELL. He knows how to provide himself with everything he needs, has an effective model of social and health care, a viable and effective political model, beautiful cities and good salaries, a comfortable climate for doing business.
        And when different Banderlog are eager to get a batch of T-72 or S-300 from you for a ball or almost a ball in order to start bending some muddy in their regions that will not be beneficial to their population and your politics (and economy) as a result also - it is not an influence, but it is certainly a factor.
        But this line does not lead to the establishment of ideas in the world or to the expansion of opportunities in it or to the acquisition of real allies. This is a resource-intensive dead end.
  16. -3
    19 June 2021 12: 01
    Sorry, of course, but "a lot of letters."
    IMHO, everything is much simpler: the West suddenly realized that in interesting games like Controlled Chaos, Cyberattacks, Hybrid War, Post-Truth, etc. Russia also learned or learn to play quickly. wink
  17. -2
    19 June 2021 12: 51
    The West needs Russia only for their own safety, everywhere.
    All this European civilization that has been nasty to us for several centuries
    now he does not want to admit that they have been surviving all this time at the expense of Russia.
    They now have nowhere to go, because the world has changed and the situation in the West itself.
    And if Russia throws them with support, then they are a polar fox.
  18. +1
    19 June 2021 13: 36
    The 1992 conflict in Transnistria was resolved thanks to the active participation of Russia. In the 1992-1993 conflict between Georgia and Abkhazia, Russia carried out a humanitarian mission. The civil war of 1992-1997 in Tajikistan also did not pass by Russia.

    Dear Author, where did you get the confidence that some "West" somehow cares about these conflicts?

    The "West" needs Russia:
    1. as a huge and completely unsaturated sales market;
    2. as an incredible and inexhaustible source of raw materials (in the good sense of the word).
    They are there, of course, "all stupid" (c), but they understand well that this is better than crumpling.
    1. +1
      19 June 2021 14: 41
      Quote: A. Privalov
      as a huge and completely unsaturated sales market;

      With shitty purchasing power.
      Quote: A. Privalov
      as an incredible and inexhaustible source of raw materials (in the good sense of the word).

      Well it is more like Yes. But at the moment this reason is secondary. China and confrontation with it are on the agenda.
    2. -7
      19 June 2021 17: 27
      Quote: A. Privalov
      The "West" needs Russia:
      1. as a huge and completely unsaturated sales market;

      This is doubtful, Privalov - you yourself are constantly mumbling about our low level of income in comparison with Israel, so who will buy all this? Is it easier to earn money on you and other Europeans who have "enriched themselves" - has it ever occurred to you?
      Quote: A. Privalov
      2. as an incredible and inexhaustible source of raw materials (in the good sense of the word).

      You can't argue with that, it's a tidbit for them. But for some reason you forget about other regions of the world, including Africa, Asia, Latin America, where there are much more raw materials, but local authorities are more loyal to the West - they get everything cheaper there.
      Quote: A. Privalov
      They are there, of course, "all stupid" (c), but they understand well that this is better than crumpling.

      Are you sure that you are well aware of their long-term plans, including with respect to the Middle East, since the Americans "suddenly" reduced their pressure on Iran?
    3. 0
      20 June 2021 08: 18
      To whom to sell? The population is poor. By the way, there are 140 million people in Pakistan, just like ours. In terms of purchasing power, they are more preferable.
  19. 0
    19 June 2021 19: 35
    At the expense of Russian citizens. And, their selfish interests. It is not even necessary to point a finger at this "leadership" and "people's representatives". The saddest thing is that they will continue to "steer".
  20. -1
    19 June 2021 20: 33
    The West needs Russia today only to play off China. Since the 13th century, when ancient Russia became an unwitting buffer between a wave of nomads and Western countries, the West became firmly established in the idea of ​​the benefits of a large, albeit stupid neighbor. Then they tried to play us off with the Turks, with the Swedes, with Napoleon, with Germany. Today, pushing the borders of its security far to the east (at our expense, of course), the West is trying to pit us against its largest eastern enemy - China.
    1. +1
      20 June 2021 08: 23
      Our country climbed headlong into many conflicts by itself. Except 1 WWII and 2 WWII.
      1. 0
        20 June 2021 20: 18
        And also, in addition to the first Patriotic war of 1812 and about 2/3 of the wars with Turkey, they became a continuation of conflicts with the oncoming Tatars.
  21. -1
    20 June 2021 05: 42
    The entire West-Russia shabosh stems from the West's desire to keep us in its orbit of influence for its own benefit (brains, markets, raw materials). And remembering our Soviet past and the sympathy of the population, plus the tremendous successes of China, the West is sooo afraid that we will pump the whole camp to the east. And so-but applies all the consolidated forces so that this does not happen. China, on the other hand, is de facto fixing itself in Southeast Asia and Africa, and it only needs brains and technologies, resources as a pleasant fit for beads from the unreasonable Papuans. But in general, for the time being, it would be more useful for the Russian Federation to lie under China than bezkolkom butting with the West. We buy one fig of technology and the bulk of goods in China. Plus, it is not so difficult to close the loopholes for poaching and forestry in China - we agreed with China to protect our market from cheap and high-quality goods from China on the Internet, in an instant aliexpress has risen in price greatly, so they can decide with the rest if they want .Vse cheese boron in Moscow with its abundance of Westerners on wages and influence on the government. We continue to go with the flow without making any sudden movements and sailing at random. It resembles a well-known substance in the river. And I don’t need to sing about the (revival) of the military-industrial complex, weapons in any scenario would be stamped, and the more fears of losing everything, the more they stamp and more salaries for the security forces, as well as for the tributary structures.
  22. +1
    20 June 2021 12: 46
    Patting Russia on the head, the West is mercilessly robbing it! The greatness of the country is not in the fact that the West recognizes it! And in the strength of its economy and army. And if a businessman pays taxes not in Russia, but keeps money in Western banks, then this is a hidden enemy! And how many of them do we have?
    The state must make sure that they are left without money and homeland. hi
  23. 0
    23 June 2021 19: 51
    The West needs Russia ... as another victim country!