Letter from the Red Zone: Enemies and People with Reduced National Responsibility should not be underestimated


Execution of the sepoys. Painting by V. Vereshchagin, showing the ruthlessness of the British Nazis.

Reading the comments to the first two parts of my reflections in the "red zone" I was a little surprised by one circumstance.

Writes by a professional economist with many years of experience, a practitioner, researcher, teacher from the region to the Union and the socialist camp, but almost nothing about the economy. The only thing - we talked about financial intermediaries in "insurance medicine".

Nobody even paid attention to the fact that "financial intermediaries", like bugs, got divorced in all areas of our life, leaving minuscule for the main activity in any area - from housing and communal services to the Russian Academy of Sciences.

This is no coincidence.

Every sane person understands (or should understand) that the real strength of society and its protection is the people. And the fate, his present and future depend on how he was brought up, what he is taught, what he is capable of. As for the state, it is quite often described by Pushkin in Onegin:

“That too often conversations
We are happy to accept for business,
That stupidity is windy and evil,
That important people care about nonsense
And that mediocrity is one
We are on the shoulder and not strange. "

The economy is one of the most vulnerable spots for any country. Especially if the enemy is cunning and rarely goes on the attack himself, preferring to use others as "cannon fodder".

The economy is the material basis of the life of society. Therefore, it is exposed not to a simple attack, but to entanglement, a hidden blow. Therefore, one must know the enemy by sight. And understand his techniques and methods of destroying our country.

And maybe learn from him how best to deal with enemies and adversity?

In the second part of my reflections, taken from the "red zone", I hinted that, unfortunately, there is no single correct theory of the development of human society.

English fascism

In fact, many states and groups of people are constantly waging wars for the wealth of other countries. So, England, Spain, Portugal and Holland constantly started wars for the seizure of colonies, slaves and wealth of other countries and peoples. Moreover, many peoples were completely destroyed by them. Piracy, the settlement of convicts (that is, criminals) in other lands in North America, Australia and other places - the usual life of the notorious Western "democracies".

So, in 1862, the United States issued a law on the settlement of the West, that is, Indian territories. As an incentive, everyone was promised 160 acres of good land for free. The Indians were outlawed. Until the end of the century, there are massive persecutions and murders of Indians in the United States. Congress is ratifying the Indian Reservation Act, which is still home to about half a million Indians. For three hundred years (since 1622) in North America, about 100 million of the indigenous population were killed.

Until the middle (and in some countries up to the end) of the XNUMXth century, the colonialists were officially engaged in the slave trade and production based on slave labor. Then there was the "First World War" for the division and redistribution of the world. Although this "Europe" never ended wars. And they began in the ⅩV century with the division of the world along the meridian between Spain and Portugal.

In the early 30s of the XX century, Japan began the "Second World War", attacking China, trying his hand in Mongolia, in the USSR. Then a united front was organized against the USSR, implemented in the Great Patriotic War.

There is no need to build illusions: the world war continues. American fascism has just come out of the underground.

He hides behind beautiful words, behind which we must see reality:

"The monster is bastard, mischievous, huge, staggering and barking."

(epigraph to the book by Alexander Radishchev "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow", first published in 1790.)

The phrase means:

"A fat monster, vile (or rude), huge, with a hundred mouths and barking."

We have seen what Hitler's Nazism brings to people.

At one time, Romm demonstrated his film "Ordinary Fascism" to the employees of the State Planning Committee of the USSR in closed viewing. It is not forgotten.

But even worse is what the members of the State Commissions to Investigate the Atrocities of the Nazis have seen. Faina Ranevskaya recalls Count Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy in his diary:

“I will not forget the last meeting with him.

He stopped me in the street, on Malaya Nikitskaya.

I didn't recognize him right away, I guessed it was Tolstoy.

His cheeks sagged, he turned yellow, his eyes were also not his ...

I offered to walk him home, took his arm.

On the way, he asked me to remember and tell everyone that one cannot live with the Nazis on the same planet, that they must be settled with termites so that the termites feed on them, or the Nazis feed on termites.

He could not be included in the commission that studied all the atrocities of the fascists.

It was impossible.

Soon after this meeting, he was gone. "

But there were others behind Hitler's Nazism.

These were the British of the British Empire, who proclaimed themselves to be carriers

"White man's burdens"

with various methods of murder, humiliation and plunder of other peoples.

They did this not only by military force. In India, from 1600 to 1857, the East India Company dominated, with its military strength. It was only after the sepoy uprising that India formally came under the rule of the British monarchy. History this one was described by Nehru, and the author of these lines then understood Captain Nemo in the famous "The Mysterious Island" by Jules Verne.

It is no coincidence that even before the end of World War II Churchill (and after him Truman) constantly planned an attack on the USSR. Stalin was absolutely right when he assessed Churchill's Fulton speech in 1947 as follows:

“As a matter of fact, Mr. Churchill is now in the position of warmongers.

And Mr. Churchill is not alone here - he has friends not only in England, but also in the United States of America.

It should be noted that Mr. Churchill and his friends are strikingly reminiscent of Hitler and his friends in this regard.

Hitler began the cause of the outbreak of war by proclaiming racial theory, declaring that only people who speak German represent a full-fledged nation.

Mr. Churchill begins the war unleashing also with racial theory, arguing that only nations that speak English are full-fledged nations, destined to decide the fate of the whole world.

German racial theory led Hitler and his friends to the conclusion that the Germans, as the only fully-fledged nation, should dominate other nations.

The English racial theory leads Mr. Churchill and his friends to the conclusion that the nations that speak the English language, as the only full-fledged ones, should dominate the rest of the nations of the world.

In fact, Mr. Churchill and his friends in England and the United States are presenting something like an ultimatum to nations that do not speak English: accept our domination voluntarily, and then everything will be all right, otherwise war is inevitable. "

And in the post-war period, the United States does not stop waging wars, destroying states, humiliating peoples, condemning many of them to death by starvation, causing massive migrations of people under threat of death. At the same time, in the streams of people - a lot of human losses.

Therefore, no illusions are needed: until the Nazism of the American government and its vassals is ended, there will be neither peace nor prosperity on earth.

And one of the most important areas, the fronts of the war against the temporarily triumphant Nazi power in the United States and the territories occupied by it is the economy.

The economy, which ensures the sovereignty of the state, the conditions for conducting military operations, the life and well-being of the people, includes the production, distribution and use of matter, energy and information. It in no way includes speculative operations with fictitious capital represented by various kinds of so-called "securities" (stocks and bonds and other documents certifying ownership of a particular property). The confusion of these two types of activity, as noted by Aristotle, is extremely harmful.

And we must admit that with the collapse of the USSR, power came, which caused colossal damage to our country. If during the years of the Great Patriotic War the loss of national wealth on the territory of Russia within the boundaries of 2000 amounted to 8%, then in 1995-1999 they reached 11,3%. These are direct losses to the economy.

But this is not enough.

In 1995–2019, foreign direct investment in our country (that is, the purchase of Russian enterprises at a cheap price) amounted to $ 645 billion. The investment income received on these investments amounted to $ 620,2 billion over the same years. This shows an unprecedented income - almost 100% foreign "investors" received the shares they bought.

In rubles, in 2019 alone, property income paid to the "rest of the world" amounted to 6,454 trillion rubles.

For comparison: the expenses of the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation in 2019 amounted to 5,170 trillion rubles on the national economy. Defense and law enforcement - 5,234 trillion rubles.

Therefore, a natural question arises: who in our country determines the economic policy, if the country's government has such modest opportunities in the monetary sphere.

This issue has become even more urgent after the March meeting of the President with the "owners" of the largest monopolies.

They were offered (taking into account the geopolitical situation) to transfer to the jurisdiction of Russia on extremely favorable terms. We listened. And the reality was explained by the chairman of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. In his opinion, most of the large enterprises operating in Russia are public joint-stock companies, on the boards of which there are many "foreigners" who are unlikely to refuse to register in offshores. It appears to be true.

Whose Bank of Russia

And then one involuntarily has to look at an organization that cheerfully issues papers with the inscription "Bank of Russia".

Bank of Russia - the name of the organization, which it uses on tickets issued by it, and in quotation marks. The reason for this, firstly, is the fact that its official name "Central Bank of the Russian Federation" does not correspond to the content.

In fact, this organization is not a bank, but a non-state firm that determines the standards of operation of all banks, insurance companies, financial markets and financial organizations in Russia. Moreover, she is not only a legislator, but also an investigator, judge and executioner of all monetary and financial organizations and markets in Russia.

Her the powers to manage the economy are greater than those of the president and government of the country.

Secondly, its name is taken in quotation marks for the reason that it is de facto not a bank serving the interests of Russia.

Therefore, we are faced with the task of highlighting in the activities of this organization those functions that the bank performs in any country, and determining to what extent this is done in the interests of the state and economic entities of our country.

To solve these problems, the actual data of the banking statistics of the Central Bank itself will be used. They (in contrast to the materials of Rosstat) cannot be distrusted, since they correspond to the balance sheet of the organization.

So, all over the world, a bank is an organization that accepts depositors' funds for safekeeping with the obligation to return on demand or transfer them to another legal entity or individual, as well as having the right to use these (other people's) funds to provide loans on its own behalf.

The central or state bank differs from the usual one in the following:

1. Its clients are the state and commercial banks of the country, as well as non-residents (foreign states and firms), when making settlements with them in the interests of residents of their country for the implementation of foreign economic transactions.

2. Organizes the payment system in its own country and participates in the payment system with other states.

3. Supervises the issue or issue of banknotes on his own behalf if there are obligations to the recipient of these funds (settlement or other accounts of government bodies and domestic banks).

Based on these provisions, let's see in practice how the organization, which bears the name of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, performs these banking functions.

To do this, we extract the necessary information from the "Statistical Bulletin of the Bank of Russia" No. 2 (321), table 1.14 "Central Bank Review". As of 1.01.2020, the Central Bank issued loans to non-residents (foreign countries and firms) 27,113 trillion rubles. These loans were issued (including at the expense of the state budget of Russia held in accounts with the Central Bank) in the amount of 12,082 trillion rubles.

It is even inconvenient to comment on the given data.

They clearly show that the organization that proudly calls itself the "Bank of Russia" is in fact a bank that uses the funds of the Russian state to lend to foreign states and firms.

Indeed, the state keeps its funds in this bank. The Central Bank uses these funds for lending to non-residents. Own funds of non-residents make up a negligible share (4–6%) of the volume of loans provided to them. In absolute terms, at the beginning of 2020, this is only 744 billion rubles.

It is not surprising that when the country was simultaneously hit by a pandemic and a drop in oil prices, the Central Bank did not bother (at least following the example of the Central Banks of developed countries) to dramatically increase the availability and repayment of loans to Russian businesses and the population. Even in a disastrous situation, he, like the so-called oligarchs, showed his true nature.

The strength of the state is not in economic or military power, but in the brains of those people who rule the people. The United States, unlike the last of the Soviet regime, has more than a century of experience destroying competitors, ranging from dynamite to sophisticated economic policies. As in the years of foreign military intervention at the beginning of the last century, so to this day: Russia is of interest to the colonial powers only as an extensive and rich source of raw materials.


Therefore, in order to understand the situation, one should understand two questions, namely: who runs the ball with money and in what way he does it.

Our experience shows the danger to the economy of various debt securities, and especially without legislative restrictions on interest rates. The fact is that all religions consider usury to be not a godly deed. Therefore, for example, in the United States, interest rates are limited by state constitutions or laws.

Unfortunately, in our country the determination of interest rates is allowed by the Central Bank - an organization not controlled by the state authorities of the country... This inevitably leads to enormous damage to the country and to its economic growth and development.

Two examples.

1998 year.

An extremely unpleasant feature of the formation of the monetary system in the Russian Federation was that, at the request of the IMF, the Central Bank was removed from state organizations, which in our country turned out to be a strange bureaucratic organization - neither state nor private. The main oddity was that this organization initially had no funds, except for a small authorized capital, frozen funds of the population in savings banks and IMF loans.

The government kept budget funds mainly in commercial banks, and the reserves of these banks in the Central Bank were minimal. In other words, when the independent central bank was created, the necessary monetary base was not created for it. He received almost most of the funds at his disposal in the form of depositors' funds in the Sberbank transferred to him and government debt. In these conditions, it was ridiculous to talk about inflation with a lack of national currency in the country.

And at the same time, under such and such conditions, the IMF demanded to abandon direct lending to the government, and to lend it by acquiring government debt obligations.

State debt obligations (GKO) appeared in the country after May 1993 in a strange guise. Unlike the United States, where the demands and advice came from, in Russia these obligations were issued not by the Ministry of Finance, but by the Central Bank.

This was of fundamental importance.

In our country, the Central Bank began to issue GKOs on the terms of its interest rate, which provided buyers of securities with super profits. Therefore, the Central Bank, as a trade organizer, was not particularly interested in the sale of T-bills. Even in August 1998, he had on the balance sheet with Sberbank half of the entire GKO-OFZ market. And during the crisis year of 1998, the Central Bank's revenues from operations with government securities accounted for almost a quarter of all its revenues.

Therefore, with the advent of GKOs, it turned out that commercial banks lend to the state, while receiving frantic interest. On this basis, the market for domestic government debt is developing.

What was the position of the Ministry of Finance?

And he, to put it mildly, did not care. He was only interested in the budget efficiency of the domestic state loan, which is as follows: the state has no money, since the state budget is in deficit. Then the next tranche of the internal government loan is placed. The state receives money, part of which goes to pay off old debts (there is no other money), and the other part goes to finance budget expenditures. This is called budget efficiency.

In 1995, at the beginning of the construction of this financial pyramid, the budget efficiency was 60%. That is, of the increase in the domestic public debt, the Ministry of Finance directs 60% to finance budget expenditures, and 40% goes to repay previous debts.

In 1996, this figure is already 20%.

In 1998, in the first quarter, the Ministry of Finance was already forced to pay on old obligations at the expense of the state budget. And he pays 21 billion rubles from the state budget revenues in the first quarter alone. This situation was aggravated by the fact that in 1996, faced with a shortage of funds in the country, the government and the Central Bank gave permission to purchase internal debts of the Russian government to non-residents.

At the end of 1997, the Central Bank carried out (to a drumbeat) the next denomination of the ruble. But this time the state was not the "interested party" in this operation. Actually, the explanation of the denomination

"Complexities of calculations with a large number of zeros"

was sewn with white thread.

The country was ruled by "seven-bank", which hoped to profit from cashing in new banknotes. The Central Bank represented this as an operation to increase its prestige, and to the State Sign - new orders for three trillion rubles, not counting the income from the reprint of other securities.

The second “interest” in the denomination was the equally powerful oil and gas lobby.

Free pricing it brought to the point that the growth of domestic prices for oil products and gas reached the level of export prices, and the exchange rate difference disappeared - the additional income that these companies received when converting part of the currency into rubles. So, in 1997, foreign exchange earnings in relation to the domestic ruble price amounted to 7,5 dollars per ruble. At the same time, the exchange rate supported by the Central Bank in the exchange rate band was 6 rubles per dollar. The Central Bank could not raise the dollar rate due to a possible loss of prestige. Therefore, oil and gas companies have even begun to seriously think about the prospects for moving to the domestic market.

At that time, the country's government could not yet make ends meet and ensure a balanced budget. It is quite understandable that "privatization" led to the fact that at least one third of the entire economy went into the shadows or offshore. The state could not provide a normal tax policy. And it was forced to resort to borrowing in the domestic (GKO) and foreign markets. In the country, monetary policy was commanded by the IMF mission, which was least of all interested in the development of the Russian economy. The population of the country was so robbed by the "reformers" that then (as now) it could not provide assistance to the state.

In this situation, there should have been only a reason for the devaluation of the ruble, in which so many leaders of our economy were interested. Moreover, having the necessary information, they had the opportunity to “reinforce” their personal fortune. It was no coincidence that the Attorney General was removed after that.

Unlike residents, non-residents work in the world money markets, the state of which determines their behavior. When the crisis broke out in Southeast Asia, it is natural that all investors, like a shy herd, began to withdraw their money from emerging markets.

Not only the government, but also the Central Bank found itself in a rather difficult position. As soon as foreign investors stopped investing foreign currency in GKOs, they faced the problem of lending to the government by purchasing GKOs. But he did not have enough currency to maintain the exchange rate within the announced corridor.

And the demand for currency has increased sharply, including from the population concerned about the denomination, from which no one expected anything good out of habit. Therefore, due to the reserves of the Central Bank and funds of banks in the country, the volume of foreign currency in cash almost doubled, and foreign exchange reserves were melting before our eyes.

Help from the IMF was not worth waiting for. As Aleksashenko (then Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank) writes in his book:

“During my trip to Washington (November 25-26), a key meeting was with Larry Summers, US First Deputy Treasury Secretary in charge of international finance.

Attempts to find an understanding of our difficulties do not evoke reciprocal feelings in him, which, however, is understandable: a crisis is flaring up in Korea, and, of course, this country is more important for American investors, and the country's authorities, unlike Russia, are ready to go for the most decisive actions to overcome the crisis. Again, words are heard about the need to strengthen the budget and, most importantly, about the need to change monetary policy:

“You want to keep both the course and the rates, this will not work. You should stop and not buy T-bills on the market. It is possible to use foreign exchange reserves to support the exchange rate only if you reduce the monetary base (reduce the amount of money in the economy. - S. A.), otherwise you end up losing reserves and devaluation. "

There is nothing to object, a classic phrase from a textbook on macroeconomics. "

The Central Bank in 1997 doubled interest rates.

True, then the leadership had not yet read Western literature and therefore did this trick on the direct advice of the US Treasurer. Therefore, there was no need to appoint the leadership of the then Central Bank as "the best bankers." The result of the work of the leadership of the Central Bank in that relatively simple crisis situation is as follows: world GDP in 1998 grew by 3,5%, Russia's GDP decreased by 4,8%, a drop in state budget revenues (at par) - by 3,4%, an increase in prices - by 86%. And after the waste of foreign exchange reserves, the ruble's exchange rate fell almost fourfold.

A worthy completion of that operation is the default of the Russian state.

2014 year.

The rise to power of the Nazis in Ukraine and the beginning of the civil war. For Russia, this turned into the beginning of a sanctions war against us on the part of the United States (how else to support the Nazi brothers?) And the countries occupied by them.

Under Medvedev's presidency, by this time the entire credit and financial system of the country was concentrated in the hands of the Central Bank. He was given not only banking supervision, but also financial markets, insurance companies, all credit non-banking organizations. In other words, from the Central Bank created a bureaucratic organization that owns the entire monetary system of the country... The government with its Ministry of Finance does not have (even close) such serious financial and monetary power.

In the face of direct and open confrontation with the "West", the Central Bank does not find anything smarter than to open our foreign exchange market to foreign capital. But as a result, our banks are beginning to engage in currency speculation. And it’s a no brainer that if you can borrow money abroad at 2%, convert it into rubles and provide loans at 20%, then who will refuse such “earnings”?

By almost doubling interest rates at the end of 2014, the monetary authorities assured us that

"Money will be more expensive."

Generally speaking, it is not very clear what the rise in price or reduction in price of money means, which is itself a measure of prices? We can say that prices are getting higher or lower in relation to the monetary unit, but not vice versa. And, in theory, an increase in interest rates changes access to cash loans, and if the interest is higher than profitability, it prohibits lending. Access to credit and the rise in the cost of money are not the same thing.

True, with an increase in interest, the forward exchange rate inevitably changes, followed by the current exchange rate. And so it happened: the dollar grew against the ruble in 2014 by 72%. In 2015 - another 25! But this is not enough. In 2014 (for the first time since 2004), the currency component of the money supply increased sharply due to the massive import of foreign currency in cash. The purchasing power of foreign currency in the total purchasing power of the country's entire money supply increased from 18% (at the beginning of 2014) to 31% (at the beginning of 2015). This process is called

"Dollarization of the country's economy."

Most importantly, changes in interest rates in our country were motivated by the need to fight inflation.

You can understand this position.

On the one hand, these are the recommendations of the IMF and the World Bank, formulated in the notorious Washington Consensus. (Note that we got out of the 1998 default only when the new government refused to follow foreign recommendations).

On the other hand, the state also aims at this, formulating goals for the Central Bank in the law, which include ensuring the stability of the national currency, but do not provide for its responsibility for the state of the economy. And the Central Bank cheerfully rushes into battle, thinking that monetary means can directly defeat inflation.

Manipulations with interest rates cannot lead to a monetarist result: if the interest is increased, the issue of loans has decreased, the money supply has decreased, prices have stopped growing. So - long live inflation targeting!

But connoisseurs of Western models have forgotten that the money supply is not uniform. And the increase in the percentage will first affect its structure. We will not go into detail about all this complicated monetary mechanism. Here are just the results of the first four years (2013–2016):
- the amount of cash increased by 20% with a sharp decline in the population's monetary income, which indicates a large flow of cashing into the shadow economy and crime;

- the volume of transferable deposits, that is, accounts used for settlements, increased by 35,6%;

- the amount of deposits used for savings increased by 52,2%;

- the volume of foreign currency accounts (the same savings) increased 2,6 times;

- The country's GDP has decreased by a percentage over four years;

- retail trade turnover decreased in 2015 by 5,2%, and in 2016 - by another 10%.


"Victory over inflation"

after the consumer price index rose 41,6% compared to 2012.

But smart people warned that this should not be done.

No wonder one of the prominent American economists wrote:

"Any attempt to control inflation solely by monetary means is likely to create a situation where the economy will go into a tailspin."

And, in general, of all the instruments for regulating the money supply, the most unreliable and unpredictable is the change in interest rates.

It can lead to extremely undesirable consequences, of which the payment of part of the interest from the state budget is far from the most ridiculous.

Western vacuum cleaner

In order to figure out where our money is, no difficulties and long tables are needed.

Let's try to understand the situation with just six figures published by the Central Bank. To do this, we will compose a tiny balance of the country's money supply as of 1.01.2020 (in trillions of rubles).

All money in Russia consists of three aggregates that form the money supply in the national definition:

1. Cash (Central Bank tickets issued into circulation) - 9,7
2. Settlement and current accounts for non-cash payments - 14,2
3. Money in term deposits (savings of the population and enterprises) - 27,8.

The total money supply in the national definition is 51,7 trillion rubles.

These are the obligations of the country's banking system to its customers. Now let's see where our money is?

For what purposes did the banks use our money on their own behalf?

There are only three such directions for using this money:

1. Monetary gold, which is the security of bank obligations in case of emergency - 7,2
2. Domestic credit, that is, the liabilities of banks to the state, enterprises and the population - 57,7
3. Credit provided to foreign capital and governments - 39,6.

The total amount of funds used by banks in the country is 104,5 trillion rubles.

It turns out interestingly: banks use the amount of 104,5 trillion rubles, and only 51,7 trillion have been issued to the country.

So where is the difference - 41,2 trillion rubles, which is 80% (more precisely, 79,8%) of all the country's money?

According to the rules of banking, a bank can issue a loan only within the limits of its available funds (and even less the reserve norms established by the Central Bank).

It looks like in the movie "Aybolit-66":

"Normal heroes always go around."

To answer this question, it is enough to look at the balance sheet of an organization called the Central Bank. In fact, in terms of banking, it acts as a vacuum cleaner pumping money out of the country.

Let's take a look at his annual report, submitted to the State Duma on May 20, and which caused genuine delight among his receivers.

According to the balance sheet as of December 31.12.2019, XNUMX, the Central Bank had in the country (Russia) the following monetary liabilities (rounded off):

1. Cash in circulation - 10,6 trillion rubles.
2. Funds of the Government of the Russian Federation - 10,7 trillion rubles.
3. Funds of credit institutions (ours) - 4,2 trillion rubles.
4. Securities - 1,9 trillion rubles.

In total, 28 trillion rubles.

Let's see how he used them.

1. Precious metals - 6,9 trillion rubles.
2. Funds placed with non-residents and securities foreign issuers - 25,3 trillion rubles.
3. Securities of the government and banks of the Russian Federation - 1,1 trillion rubles.

Total - 30,5 trillion rubles.

Not all balance sheet items are indicated. But even so it is clear that the Central Bank works as foreign bank in our country, using Russian funds for lending to foreign capital and foreign countries, mostly hostile (according to our authorities), but making good use of our resources.

The result of these efforts as a return on investment (in percent): dollar - 1, euro - 0,4, yuan - 3,05, yen - 0,04. And the final result, stunning for the Central Bank of any country - loss over the past two years, 617,2 billion rubles.

People are funny and sometimes weird. A powerful and open economic war is being waged with the country, and they are tormented by

"Anti-crisis program".

Yes, there is no crisis, except for the one about which Professor Preobrazhensky spoke: in the minds of those people who have long been "running" our economy, but do not want to protect it from their "colleagues and partners." And why twitch, if even opponents praise you.

Unlike the current narrow-minded rulers, the founder of the USSR had a very clear idea of ​​the forces that drive society.

Our ideological opponents also admitted this.

So, the largest economist of the ⅩⅩ century, who became the Lord and Peer of England for scientific merits (which was not even awarded to Newton), Keynes wrote:

“Lenin is no doubt right.

There can be no more cunning, more sure way to overturn the foundation of society than disorder of monetary circulation.

The process directs all the forces of economic law towards destruction and does it in such a way that not a single person in a million is able to find the root of evil. "
(Keynes, Selected, Economics, 1993, p. 33).

And this is true: who rules the money in the country, he also rules the country.
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  1. +3
    25 March 2021 15: 13
    There was a bad constitution. They gave a good one. What's wrong again?
    1. +1
      25 March 2021 15: 25
      1. Well, it’s bad now, and it will be bad in the foreseeable future 25 years ahead, since the sanctions will not be lifted, even if you put Zyuganov in a disaster.
      2. Well, they appear on the Internet until they make access through a passport. As soon as personal identification on the Internet is introduced, there will be peace and quiet.
      3. They did not live richly - and there is nothing to start.
      4. And most importantly, in September United Russia will receive an overwhelming majority in the State Duma. Rosgvardia will disperse small groups of dissenting youth. The rest will silently agree.
      1. +14
        25 March 2021 15: 48
        Quote: Civil
        1. Well, it is bad now, it will be bad in the foreseeable future 25 years ahead, since the sanctions will not be canceled, even if you put Zyuganov in failure

        There have always been sanctions ... everything depends on the leader, if he is a socialist and a patriot, then sanctions are not terrible, we are self-sufficient and our history is proof of this.
        2. Well, they appear on the Internet until they make access through a passport. As soon as personal identification on the Internet is introduced, there will be peace and quiet.

        The law has already been passed .. it will really be fun soon .. there is silence on the internet and everyone is very happy in the federal media .. Well, this shiz will lead to shock .. nothing will help ..
        4. And most importantly, in September United Russia will receive an overwhelming majority in the State Duma. Rosgvardia will disperse small groups of dissenting youth. The rest will silently agree.

        The Russian Guard also have families, relatives .. and they understand everything perfectly .. there will come a time when they will refuse to disperse .. this will definitely happen ..
        1. +10
          25 March 2021 16: 24
          Until the rations begin to cut back on the brave guards and until they spit on them in their own entrances, figs who will scratch themselves about how the population treats them ... Loot wins.
          1. +2
            25 March 2021 16: 35
            Quote: evgen1221
            Loot wins.

            That's right, but it will be more difficult for a Rosguardsman to feed his family every year, given unemployment and inflation .. if only they get salaries like the generals .. which is unlikely, given the number .. well, we must not forget about the moral component .. they are still in society live and see, hear, analyze .. Nowadays young people are not the same as with the collapse of the Soviet Union .. and the responsibility is an order of magnitude less ..
            1. +7
              25 March 2021 17: 41
              Well, it's hard to feed I disagree. Benefits, early pension, apartment and salary under 50 = will survive for a very long time. Not that we are a middle class with a salary of 20 and a bunch of responsibilities without rights.
              1. +14
                25 March 2021 17: 46
                IMHO Rosgvardiya in my understanding is a military barrier for the oligarchy to die but give time to destroy documents and dump into the sunset with a nix. Either the protection of a separate oil-bearing region and the edge from everyone else, including the existing army in the event of a big nix with a riot.
              2. +10
                25 March 2021 18: 25
                Quote: evgen1221
                Well, it's hard to feed I disagree. Benefits, early pension, apartment and salary under 50 = will survive for a very long time. Not that we are a middle class with a salary of 20 and a bunch of responsibilities without rights.

                Yes ... the king's guards cost us dearly ... the funniest thing is that we pay for the fact that they would rob from us ..
                1. +6
                  25 March 2021 20: 28
                  Aha! And little by little we get used to shkeritsya and hide from our own power in our own country. There are clearly many things that are out of order in the Danish kingdom.
                  1. +1
                    28 March 2021 13: 50
                    Have you ever wondered where the guard came from? Yes, the state of the organs has twice overtaken the MO. So BB was separated into a separate structure. Police state, t.s. And the people there are normal serving, it is not necessary to generalize.
                    1. 0
                      28 March 2021 14: 24
                      Wasn't it easier to have an extra staff of drones in the real sector of the economy at the same factories where there is a shortage of people to send? Why feed and inflate the already inflated states of the security forces. Guardsmen are not created for other purposes and they are clearly not for the protection and service of the population like the army and centuries with the policemen. This is an obvious vanguard of the protection of the oligarchy. Can the normal serve, but only what and for what do they serve? What tasks do the rg perform that the existing security forces would not have performed?
                      1. 0
                        28 March 2021 19: 45
                        I am for objectivity, I have no direct relationship to RG and BB. With the staff there can be too much. Surprised, there is a reconnaissance company in the Kerch brigade. Although according to the events in the Caucasus ...
            2. +3
              26 March 2021 08: 34
              "Everything is true, but it will be more difficult for a National Guard to feed his family every year."
              it is already more difficult for me to feed my family than it was for a "guardsman" to grow up, but every year it will still be easier for him than for me
    2. +11
      25 March 2021 15: 44
      Quote: forty-eighth
      There was a bad constitution. They gave a good one. What's wrong again?

      Yes it will never be so .. with the existing elite .. even if we discard socialism and reason within the existing order .. it was enough 30 years ago to create a mechanism prohibiting the withdrawal of money over the hill and motivate the elite to invest in the development of the domestic economy .. Even this measure would give a serious result .. But as we can see, only talk about it has been going on for 30 years and a finger on a finger .. So there is no need to dream of "breakthroughs" and victories ..
    3. +12
      25 March 2021 16: 06
      Quote: forty-eighth
      There was a bad constitution. They gave a good one. What's wrong again?

      our laws spit on the constitution
      Plus the constitution itself, to put it mildly, with tricks, especially in the economic part.
      the president is the guarantor of the constitution only in words. In reality, the reference to it is not taken into account anywhere - neither in the courts, nor in the police, and even more so in the civil sphere or the state. thought.
      Why was it accepted if no one is going to comply?
      The last point - who read it in full? I don't know anyone around.
      What is the measure of responsibility of someone who grossly violates the constitution? It just doesn't exist.
    4. +5
      25 March 2021 17: 13
      Quote: forty-eighth
      There was a bad constitution. They gave a good one. What's wrong again?

      It's just that the author still talks in the Soviet realities of the last century. He had "people mixed up in a bunch of horses ..."

      May God grant him health and a blessed memory, but apparently, he has already turned ninety.

      "Professor of the Department" Finance, Currency Circulation and Credit "of the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation; in 1953 graduated with honors from the Moscow State Economic Institute; after graduating from the institute until 1961 in state, party and economic work in the Sakhalin region: chairman of the Gorplan, Lecturer of the City Committee of the Party, Deputy Head of the Regional Office. Combines practical work with teaching in local secondary and higher educational institutions; in 1965 he successfully defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of economic sciences; in 1972 he defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Economics; from 1972 to 1984 in scientific and practical work in the system of planning pricing bodies, at the same time conducts pedagogical work in Moscow universities; in 1978 the Higher Attestation Commission of the USSR awarded the academic title of professor; from 1984 to 1992 Head of the Department of Finance at the Correspondence Institute of Soviet Trade; from 1993 to the present time he has been working at the State Educational Institution of the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation; author of 135 works, including 23 books and brochures, 52 articles in scientific journals and collections. "


      Today's academics do not include
      1. 0
        25 March 2021 19: 34
        Quote: Cube123
        author of 135 works, including 23 books and brochures, 52 articles in scientific journals and collections. "

        Something not enough for a doctor-professor with such experience.
        1. +6
          25 March 2021 20: 47
          including 23 books and brochures,
          I wonder how many books, how many brochures?
          1. +11
            25 March 2021 21: 20
            The amount is secondary.
            Griboyedov only wrote "Woe from Wit" from the serious. This is quite enough for the story.
            1. +7
              25 March 2021 21: 50
              I found one book, Money and Economic Solutions. The first impression is positive.
        2. +3
          26 March 2021 07: 21
          Quote: kalibr
          Something not enough for a doctor-professor with such experience.

          I have great respect for people like the author and am not going to challenge his unconditional scientific merits. It's about something else.

          The modern economy is a continuous search for compromise solutions. What may be good for some may be bad for others. The simplest examples: an overvalued ruble is good for importers and disastrous for exporters. And understated, on the contrary. The same decision can be good for a large business and disastrous for a small one. A decision that can be correct over a short time interval can be a disaster over a long time interval — most of the population may not survive it. Any lockdown is detrimental to the economy, but it is good for the preservation of the population. Therefore, it seems to me that the assessment of decisions made not from a good life in the 90s and 2000s from the standpoint of a directive socialist economy has no rational grain. In the fifty years that have passed since the author defended his doctoral dissertation, the country has changed, the structure of the state and its economy are now being built on completely different principles.
          1. +6
            26 March 2021 18: 32
            I will not argue on all questions. But you are wrong about the exchange rate and interest rates. Interest rates should focus not on exporters and importers, but on the availability of loans for the national economy. As for exporters and importers, only the colonies are guided by exchange rates. All the rest decide the "compromise" you named with duties and taxes.
            1. -2
              26 March 2021 23: 27
              Quote: Thomas the Unbeliever
              Interest rates should focus not on exporters and importers, but on the availability of loans for the national economy.

              Yes, you can stop there.
              Any interest rates are a noose around the neck of the economy, and whoever talks about the usefulness of this tool wants only one thing: ruin the economy and doom the population of the territory to extinction.
            2. 0
              27 March 2021 08: 28
              Quote: Thomas the Unbeliever
              All the rest decide the "compromise" you named with duties and taxes.

              I'm glad I wasn't wrong. Anatoly Mikhailovich, I have religious differences with you wink

              You assume the existence of a Higher Intelligence, which sets the rates of duties, taxes, prices, rules ... And if there is simply no such BP? And if the person who sets these rules does not have sufficient qualifications, or does not possess the entire completeness of information? What then, the whole country is falling into the abyss, as happened with the USSR? I am closer to approaching the economy as a complex dynamic system, which is governed not by directive methods, but by the creation of mechanisms that stimulate the turn of the economy in the right direction. Remember the Soviet joke?
              "What is the difference between a commissioner and a political commissar?
              The commissar said: "Do as I do," and the political commissar: "Do as I said."

              Anatoly Mikhailovich, it may be interesting for you to get acquainted with the basics of this approach. You can start with the book of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Chernavsky Dmitry Sergeevich "Synergetics and information. Dynamic information theory". The section "Informational essence of money" is very interesting.

              Presentation of this section

              Better to read the entire book, but this is just an introduction to the matter.

              From the point of view of practical economics, it is interesting: "Introduction to econophysics. Correlations and complexity in finance" Rosario N. Mantegna, G. Eugene Stanley. M. Book house "LIBROKOM". 2009 G.

              And modern approaches to Artificial Intelligence are very interesting, which are aimed at finding optimal solutions regardless of the Human Mind.

              A.S. Potapov "Artificial Intelligence and Universal Thinking"
              1. +1
                28 March 2021 17: 54
                Quote: Cube123
                Anatoly Mikhailovich, it may be interesting for you to get acquainted with the basics of this approach. You can start with the book of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Chernavsky Dmitry Sergeevich "Synergetics and information. Dynamic information theory". The section "Informational essence of money" is very interesting.

                I'm sorry for interrupting the conversation
                The word synergetics has gone out of fashion for ten years. Compromised due to frequent indiscriminate use where necessary and not necessary.
                Institutional economics, it seems to me, should be in the mainstream. Now she presents herself as a universal method of finding solutions in all spheres of life where different interests meet.
                1. 0
                  29 March 2021 08: 29
                  Quote: MyVrach
                  The word synergetics has gone out of fashion for ten years. Compromised due to frequent indiscriminate use where necessary and not necessary.

                  They are trying to compromise it, since this direction provides answers to very important questions related to the management and dynamics of development, and therefore to predicting the behavior of complex systems.

                  How serious can you understand if you just read the bibliography of books on this issue in Russia and the composition of the authors. These are solid doctors, correspondent members and academicians. Moreover, both our and foreign academies. As a recommendation, I can give advice on how to distinguish a serious book on synergetics from a cheap craft: there are no serious books in which at least one or two mathematical formulas are not found on each page. Any statement there must be STRICTLY mathematically proven. But there are no books without mathematics in real synergetics. As you can see, serious books have not stopped printing. smile
                  Here are some examples:
                2. 0
                  29 March 2021 08: 48
                  The link was inserted incorrectly, sorry

                  But it's better to just start a search on the site for the word "Synergetics".
                3. 0
                  29 March 2021 09: 51
                  Quote: MyVrach
                  Institutional economics, it seems to me, should be in the mainstream. Now she presents herself as a universal method of finding solutions in all spheres of life where different interests meet.

                  Thanks for the tip. Viewed
                  Possibly a bad post. But in this exposition, "Institutional Economics" is a purely descriptive discipline that has no predictive power.

                  To make you understand the difference between descriptive and synergistic presentation, I will give a link to a typical synergistic presentation.
                  "Pokrovsky V.N.
                  Econodynamics: The Theory of Social Production "

                  There is an open link to an older edition
                  You can also download it there to familiarize yourself with it. I think that the difference in presentation will become immediately apparent.
            3. 0
              30 March 2021 06: 40
              Quote: Thomas the Unbeliever
              you are wrong about the exchange rate and interest rates. Interest rates should focus not on exporters and importers, but on the availability of loans for the national economy. As for exporters and importers, only the colonies are guided by exchange rates. All the rest decide the "compromise" you named with duties and taxes.

              And if you look a little wider? Not all problems can be solved by duties and taxes. The default of 1998 was the result of attempts to solve internal problems in this way. They held a fixed course for three and a half years. To maintain it, they "burned" the gold reserves of the country, but did not achieve their goals. A later example: When, by 2014, Russia's external debt exceeded $ 723 billion, with the total volume of gold and foreign exchange reserves being several times less. In reality, there was the problem of enslaving the country and turning it into a colony (Ukraine is now following this path). What duties and taxes could get rid of this imbalance? And the problem was solved precisely through the ruble exchange rate. The law removed the task of maintaining a fixed exchange rate from the Central Bank and replaced it with stabilization against large fluctuations in the exchange rate. Yes, the ruble fell immediately, which was a big blow to the country's economy. But this helped to solve the problem of external debt. An imbalance was created in favor of the excess of the inflow of currency over the outflow, which made it possible to gradually break out of the debt loop. And now through the course it is possible to repel raider attacks of the type arranged by Soros on the British pound sterling. And the 1998 default was the result of just this type of attack.

              "Russia's external debt: 1994 - 2021"
              1. 0
                30 March 2021 23: 03
                Quote: Cube123
                When, by 2014, Russia's external debt exceeded $ 723 billion, with the total volume of gold and foreign exchange reserves being several times less

                at the same time, the share of private debt was about $ 650 billion, and the state did not find anything better than to pay off private debt at the expense of all citizens of Russia. And none of those who received loans for this did not answer. That is, more than half a trillion evergreens miraculously migrated from the pockets of the majority of Russian citizens to the pockets of big business. And that's all. Skillful use of the ruble exchange rate, and no fraud.
    5. 0
      25 March 2021 20: 28
      do you have mold and cockroaches? no?
      Then we go to you.
      1. 0
        28 March 2021 15: 01
        Quote: me by
        do you have mold and cockroaches? no?
        Then we go to you.

        As the clock was repaired. There the wiring dangled back and forth ... I looked closely, eclmn ...., cockroach! Barely kicked him out of there.
    6. +1
      26 March 2021 05: 42
      The Bank of Russia is preparing a new "tightening of the screws" in the consumer lending market, which continues to grow at double-digit rates, despite the economic downturn and the collapse of consumer income, reports Finanz

      Additional powers to limit the number of loans that banks issue to individuals, the Central Bank will provide a bill submitted to the State Duma.

      The bill on the right of the Central Bank to limit the number of loans that banks issue to individuals was submitted to the State Duma by the head of the financial market committee Anatoly Aksakov and his first deputy Igor Divinsky.

      The document will allow the regulator to introduce a quantitative limit on the share of certain types of loans in pieces. For example, for every hundred loans issued, the bank will be able to issue only a certain number of credit cards.
  2. -2
    25 March 2021 15: 28
    There is nothing to kick at the mirror, since the face is crooked. The saying is like this.
  3. +1
    25 March 2021 15: 34
    Nobody even paid attention to the fact that "financial intermediaries", like bugs, got divorced in all areas of our life, leaving minuscule for the main activity in any area - from housing and communal services to the Russian Academy of Sciences.
    Come on, it's not a secret for those who WANT TO KNOW
    What to do, how to change it? Call for initiative from below or hope for conscientious ones from above? When the "master" arrives, will the "master" judge us?
    The options are not real, alas.
    "White man's burdens"
    But this is cool, especially in the light of how now in striped black "hooligans" ... and they are trying to spread this "joke" all over the world.
    Whose Bank of Russia
    But this is really interesting, WHOSE ???
    And then you remember
    Western vacuum cleaner
    And then the cherry on the cake ...
    And this is true: he who rules the money in the country, he also rules the country.

    What other questions do you have?
    About the top ones, who do they serve?
    About the opposition, who is it leading to the top?
    About our future ... but this is a topic, as it is not ICE, and to expand on this topic ... is fraught, if ....
    1. +11
      25 March 2021 15: 54
      Quote: rocket757
      About our future ... but this is a topic, as it is not ICE, and to expand on this topic ... is fraught, if ....

      The future is sad ... and very predictable. The population will continue to die out at an accelerated pace and by 2050 there will be very few of us .. passionate youth will blame to the west at an accelerated pace, pensioners are "preparing for the ground" ... or there will be a coup ... not a revolution, but a coup ... and then the Russian Federation in general, it will fall apart .. This is the legacy left to us by our chief patriot.
      1. +1
        25 March 2021 16: 15
        The enemies of the communists who have seized Russia have not only done anything useful for Russia and the Russian people for 30 years, but have proved that they did not intend to do anything, and a priori are not able to do anything useful for their country and people. So, 8 years ago, Putin, in his speech on "galoshes", admitted that there is an economic crisis in Russia. And since then there have not even been any attempts to change the situation. BUT under the cowardly incantations that they had nothing to do with their seizure of Russia, the enemies of the communists grabbed Russia with a stranglehold, and they themselves are not able and do not want to do anything useful for Russia and its people, and will not allow anyone.
        1. +5
          26 March 2021 06: 46
          Quote: tatra
          The enemies of the communists who seized Russia have not done anything useful for 30 years

          Another amateurish naive. No one invaded Russia. Whoever was in power remained with it. The top of the CPSU was reborn in its antipodes, but did not leave power. It only made a counter-revolutionary revolution in the ideology of the country's economic development. Moreover, if China followed the path of gradual integration of capitalist relations into the communist order, in Russia all this was done by the method of "shock therapy". And who did ?! Editor-in-chief of the magazine "Kommunist". laughing So who captured you? Again - the "human factor"! The top of the Communist Party "hammered" on the interests of ordinary members and seized public property for private use. And that's it! Where are the invaders? After all, you chose them in the primary party organizations, and now you are looking for enemies from the outside. Stupidity and pharisaism!
          1. 0
            26 March 2021 23: 29
            Quote: Hagen
            Another amateurish naive. No one invaded Russia. Whoever was in power remained with it. The top of the CPSU was reborn in its antipodes, but did not leave power

            And what is communist about it ???
            1. 0
              27 March 2021 08: 06
              Quote: apro
              And what is communist about it ???

              In "her" it is in whom / what? You expand the question. It is not very clear what you want to ask.
              1. 0
                27 March 2021 08: 10
                Quote: Hagen
                You expand the question.

                At the top.
                1. 0
                  27 March 2021 09: 10
                  Quote: apro
                  At the top.

                  Upbringing, education, career and welfare.
                  1. 0
                    27 March 2021 09: 30
                    Quote: Hagen
                    Upbringing, education, career and welfare.

                    These are bureaucratic steps. But did they build communism? If not, what kind of communists are they? If they were reborn as petty bourgeois, then what relation do they have to communists. Traitors are not the same thing. With those whom they betrayed.
                    1. +2
                      27 March 2021 09: 42
                      Quote: apro
                      These are bureaucratic steps. Did they build communism?

                      And Khrushchev, and Brezhnev, and many others from the late Politburo unambiguously built and even actively fought for it. But the trouble is, the CPSU did not see "material rust" capable of devouring an idea, when it ignored the need to educate asceticism in its ranks and allowed its nomenclature to live in a material world incomparable with the world of ordinary people. In short, the party itself from the first years of its rule tore the party elite from society and formed a new class - the party-economic nomenclature. Everything else grew on fertile soil and was realized in what we already saw in the 90s. The party itself created the conditions for its everyday, and then moral and ethical decay.
                      1. 0
                        27 March 2021 09: 47
                        Quote: Hagen
                        The party itself created the conditions for its everyday, and then moral and ethical decay.

                        These are the details. The main thing was not the communists.
                      2. +1
                        27 March 2021 10: 34
                        Quote: apro
                        These are the details. The main thing was not the communists.

                        Who? Martians? (I apologize for the harshness) Do not confuse normal living people, with an idea in their heads, with characters from books and propaganda films.
                      3. 0
                        27 March 2021 10: 52
                        Quote: Hagen

                        Traitors. Dress other people's clothes for the purpose of personal enrichment.
                        Quote: Hagen
                        Do not confuse normal living people, with an idea in your head, with characters from books and propaganda films.

                        Normal living people .... what kind of people who are not capable of being faithful to the chosen path, who are capable of betraying, who are not capable of learning, if they are normal, then which are not normal ???
                      4. 0
                        27 March 2021 10: 58
                        Quote: apro
                        Normal living people .... what kind of people who are not capable of being faithful to the chosen path, who are capable of betraying, who are not capable of learning, if they are normal, then which are not normal ???

                        You've probably read the books ... How many communists you think are real do you know for certain? five? ten? Throughout history .... Come down to Earth, into real life.
      2. +1
        25 March 2021 17: 58
        Are you asking me if Lancelot can defeat the Dragon?
        I answer you as a son, sincerely: maybe.
        Once, do not be afraid, gather strength to take him by the throat and muzzles, stepping on the tail, and with his muzzles, you bastard, you know ...
        This is how some think and are mistaken.
        Because our Dragon can only be defeated by himself.
        He did not win as much as he did.
        Now let's think if he needs it?
        Do you want it, dad, humanly?
        I don’t want to, son.
        I haven't lost my mind yet.
        Rather, it came off, but not to such an extent ...
      3. +1
        25 March 2021 18: 01
        Quote: Svarog
        This is the legacy left to us by our chief patriot.

        Stands above all SYSTEM!
        who rules money in the country, he also rules the country.
      4. -3
        26 March 2021 06: 37
        Quote: Svarog
        and then the Russian Federation will disintegrate altogether .. This is the legacy left to us by our chief patriot.

        Practical history shows that it was the socialists and democrats who caused the country to fall apart, both in 1917 and in 1991. And under the monarchists, oddly enough, it grew by territories and population. Something you do not fit. You just don't take into account the "human factor". And, unfortunately, he has not changed over the past couple of thousand years. Man remained a material being, and therefore striving for the accumulation of effective property.
        1. 0
          26 March 2021 11: 34
          Quote: Hagen
          Man remained a material being
          Who is like. But in general, people are two-part, even in biology they are called Homo sapiens; the presence of a spiritual ("sapient") beginning distinguishes them from other hominids.
          Quote: Hagen
          and from that aspiring to the accumulation of effective property.
          The measure of efficiency in relation to material property in a person is determined precisely by this spiritual principle, which is why it is so different for the ascetic and Plyushkin.
          1. -1
            26 March 2021 12: 27
            Quote: sniperino
            Who is how.

            You think so? Give an example of a dozen famous personalities who kept their income, roughly speaking, a living wage, and devoted everything else to the public good. Except for the monks, you cannot. Maybe there are people in your environment who work on a gratuitous basis? And I, at the same time, do not want to evaluate it somehow. Man is simply created that material needs are in the category of "basic", but spiritual needs are in the superstructure. Yes, in the 20s, fanatical charismatic ascetics who were able to build narrow-gauge railways barefoot were at the heart of the revolutionary movement. But even then there were few of them, and even with the transition to peaceful construction, there were none at all.
            Quote: sniperino
            The measure of efficiency in relation to material property in a person is determined precisely by this spiritual principle,

            Fortunately, not really. Otherwise, we would have built up so much "spiritual property" for ourselves that all the state's income would go to their maintenance and service. Therefore, effective property can only be that which helps to meet basic needs. I don’t think that you have often come across people in your life who refused to raise their salaries. We all work for money and strive to increase our prosperity, it's good when in a legal way. wink Plyushkin, in this context, is a sick person, not suitable for an example.
      5. +1
        26 March 2021 13: 31
        Quote: Svarog
        passionate youth will blame to the west at an accelerated pace
        You do not understand the word "passionarity" at all, you cannot even imagine how much its meaning contradicts the desire "it's time to blame." Passionate ideas are always associated with a change in the surrounding natural and social world, the willingness to sacrifice material well-being, social status and even life itself (and not only your own!) For the sake of a goal aimed at the common good and not with flight from difficulties to those regions where life is sweeter and the authorities are kinder.
        1. +3
          26 March 2021 13: 50
          Quote: sniperino
          You do not understand the word "passionarity" at all, you cannot even imagine how much its meaning contradicts the desire "it's time to blame." Passionate ideas are always associated with changes in the surrounding natural and social world, the willingness to sacrifice material well-being, social status and even life itself (and not only your own!) for the sake of a goal aimed at the common good and not with flight from difficulties to those regions where life is sweeter and kinder to power.

          You have given the correct definition. But the surrounding and social world can be changed without putting your life at risk .. simply by leaving .. and leaving, the passionate personality does not become different.
          1. +3
            26 March 2021 14: 41
            Quote: Svarog
            But the surrounding and social world can be changed without putting your life at risk ... just by leaving
            1. The drive for self-preservation is weakened. 2. Sacrifice is the highest manifestation of passionarity. 3. Passionaries are characterized by a clear predominance of the social need for leadership over biological needs.
            What kind of leadership over the hill can one dream of who has decided that "it's time to blame." What kind of sacrifice can we talk about among people, and even more so, young people striving for a well-fed and safe life. You are writing about typical sub-passionaries (the exact opposite of passionaries). Most often they include vagabonds, prostitutes and mercenaries who easily change the world around them, moving to where they pay or serve more.
            1. +2
              26 March 2021 14: 55
              Quote: sniperino
              Sacrifice is the highest manifestation of passionarity.

              A passionary is a person endowed with excess energy, the impulse of which exceeds the impulse of the instinct of self-preservation, as a result of which the passionate is able to sacrifice his life for the sake of an idea.
              Here is the definition and you have supplemented it with your fantasies. But the main thing is that a passionary can sacrifice himself for the sake of an idea ... but what is the idea in Russia? We have no ideology according to the Constitution ...
              What kind of leadership over the hill can dream of who has decided that "it's time to blame." What kind of sacrifice can we talk about among people, and even more so, young people striving for a well-fed and safe life. You are writing about typical sub-passionaries (the exact opposite of passionaries). Most often they include vagabonds, prostitutes and mercenaries.

              They felled not only for the sake of a well-fed life, but rather an application. If you have moved anywhere in your life, then you must understand that even moving within the country requires certain qualities from a person. Well, when a person decides to go beyond the hillock, he realizes that no one is waiting for him there and he will need to apply a lot of energy to realize his potential .. And he also understands that he will have to endure hardships ..
              Only passionate individuals are capable of this, and in this case they have an idea, it consists in realizing their potential, in creating a future for their children ..
              And what is the idea in the Russian Federation .. following the definition of passionaries in the Russian Federation, there should not be such at all.
              1. -1
                26 March 2021 15: 22
                Quote: Svarog
                Here is the definition and you have supplemented it with your fantasies. But the main thing is that a passionary can sacrifice himself for the sake of an idea ... but what is the idea in Russia?
                Fantasies? Follow the principle “what I don’t know is not”. What's the idea in Russia? No comment.
                Quote: Svarog
                We have no ideology according to the Constitution ...
                The new constitution lays the foundations for a conservative ideology: the idea of ​​God, a united and indivisible Russia, sovereignty, protection of the historical feat of the victors of Nazism, social security. You overslept her, although you really wanted to lie, but it did not work out.
                1. +3
                  26 March 2021 15: 33
                  Quote: sniperino
                  The new constitution lays the foundations for a conservative ideology: the ideas of God,

                  And what ideas does God have regarding the RF? laughing Yes .. the idea of ​​God was laid in the Constitution .. do you at least understand the absurdity of this? I think not .. For this I say goodbye love
                  1. 0
                    26 March 2021 17: 16
                    Quote: Svarog
                    By the way, I missed the idea of ​​protecting the family as a union of a man and a woman. Not everyone likes it, the law is harsh, but the law. hi
  4. +14
    25 March 2021 15: 39
    until the end of the Nazism of the American government and its vassals - there will be neither peace nor prosperity on earth.
    ... Well, who will put an end to the Nazism of the American government? Is it really modern Russia, in which TNCs have already taken root? I remember, I remember how, in the late 80s and early 90s, they shouted, Russia, a self-sufficient country, for example, a Russian farmer, will feed all of Europe, throw them potatoes and apples and? Throw them? All over Europe, Russian grocery chain stores Magnit, which are open in the most provincial European towns? Or, will we crush it with space, crush it? The portfolio of Rosatom is swelling from contract agreements for the construction of a nuclear power plant?
    1. +6
      25 March 2021 23: 58
      Probably, Rosatom is competitive at the moment. Although, this is, of course, a view from the outside.
  5. +13
    25 March 2021 15: 55
    Thank. Ex. article. Add to this what Delyagin and Glazyev say, and you get a generally ideal picture of pumping out the dough from Russia, which exactly leads to crises in the economy, impoverishment of the people and the fact that Russia cannot escape from the clutches of international speculators who are forces from us, from Russia, the Fatherland.
    1. +8
      25 March 2021 15: 56
      Quote: The Truth
      Thank. Ex. article.

      Soon such articles will not be skipped ...
      1. +9
        25 March 2021 16: 18
        Let's move to the site of some innocent lovers of fluffy dotodendron!))) Conspiracy on the science of the early Bolsheviks.
        1. +4
          25 March 2021 16: 22
          Quote: evgen1221
          Let's move to the site of some innocent lovers of fluffy dotodendron!))) Conspiracy on the science of the early Bolsheviks.

          So it will be, technologically all this will be bypassed .. and not only that .. Launching and not letting go does not work for a long time ..
          1. +3
            25 March 2021 16: 38
            Quote: Svarog
            Quote: evgen1221
            Let's move to the site of some innocent lovers of fluffy dotodendron!))) Conspiracy on the science of the early Bolsheviks.

            So it will be, technologically all this will be bypassed .. and not only that .. Launching and not letting go does not work for a long time ..

            Works in China for example.
            And VPNs there also manage to "jam", if that.
            And yes, Roskomnadzor has installed its "black boxes" at least at all major providers: Rostelecom, ER-Telecom, MGTS (MTS), Megafon, Beeline, etc.
            For these "black boxes" special thanks to the Chinese "friends".
            1. +3
              25 March 2021 16: 43
              Quote: A_Mazkov
              Quote: Svarog
              Quote: evgen1221
              Let's move to the site of some innocent lovers of fluffy dotodendron!))) Conspiracy on the science of the early Bolsheviks.

              So it will be, technologically all this will be bypassed .. and not only that .. Launching and not letting go does not work for a long time ..

              Works in China for example.
              And VPNs there also manage to "jam", if that.
              And yes, Roskomnadzor has installed its "black boxes" at least at all major providers: Rostelecom, ER-Telecom, MGTS (MTS), Megafon, Beeline, etc.
              For these "black boxes" special thanks to the Chinese "friends".

              Well then, welcome to slavery. We will have the most "democratic" country with freedom of speech .. Against this background, when the authorities realize that they have gagged everyone, this "victory" will inspire them so much that we should expect the next hardships .. they will introduce a tax on air and take away apartments. . in general, they will find something to profit from ..
              1. +3
                25 March 2021 16: 55
                Quote: Svarog
                Quote: A_Mazkov
                Quote: Svarog
                Quote: evgen1221
                Let's move to the site of some innocent lovers of fluffy dotodendron!))) Conspiracy on the science of the early Bolsheviks.

                So it will be, technologically all this will be bypassed .. and not only that .. Launching and not letting go does not work for a long time ..

                Works in China for example.
                And VPNs there also manage to "jam", if that.
                And yes, Roskomnadzor has installed its "black boxes" at least at all major providers: Rostelecom, ER-Telecom, MGTS (MTS), Megafon, Beeline, etc.
                For these "black boxes" special thanks to the Chinese "friends".

                Well then, welcome to slavery. We will have the most "democratic" country with freedom of speech .. Against this background, when the authorities realize that they have gagged everyone, this "victory" will inspire them so much that we should expect the next hardships .. they will introduce a tax on air and take away apartments. . in general, they will find something to profit from ..

                "TSPU kits (technical means of stability, security and integrity of functioning on the territory of the Russian Federation of the information and telecommunication network" Internet "and public communication networks) from RKN analyze all Internet traffic (packages) of users by a number of parameters and decide whether to let it through (by -default), limit the speed (rules for Twitter) or block (for forbidden sites) RKN specialists set up and manage the elements of the TSPU.
                On March 10, 2021, from 10 a.m. Moscow time, the Runet entered into new rules of the game. Roskomnadzor began to "slow down" by 100% mobile and 50% broadband traffic of the microblogging service Twitter.
                This was followed by several significant events. A global accident at Rostelecom's equipment for half a day disrupted access to state sites and the operator's network. More than 113 thousand domains found themselves in the “slowdown” loop of the ILV, since they have in their name “t.co”, a short Twitter domain, to which TSPU equipment responds. "

                It is not enough to buy equipment, you also need to be able to work with it!
                And with this, the specialists from the ILV seem to be under strain.
            2. 0
              29 March 2021 10: 08
              The boxes are a big scam. Put the Thor browser, on android without any problems, you will have to tinker with Windows. Disable security. I download books from the filibust through it.
      2. +1
        25 March 2021 20: 51
        Quote: Svarog
        Soon such articles will not be skipped ...

        Just such articles for people like you on VO will always be skipped. You have to let people blow off steam ...
        1. +4
          26 March 2021 06: 47
          Quote: kalibr
          You have to let people blow off steam ...

          Yes, I also thought about this topic. But as they say, the stick has two ends - you can let off steam, or, on the contrary, wind yourself up.
          PS Hello Vyacheslav! hi
          1. +3
            26 March 2021 06: 51
            Hello Igor. What can I tell you on your "wind up". Many times I advised VO readers to refer to magazines ... I gave a list. But ... NOBODY did it. In any case, there were no links in the comments and "and I read in ..." And here it is not necessary to read the magazine, but to DO SOMETHING. It's boring, every day ... Well, who will do this today, Igor? Let off steam - YES. ALL FOR! But something else ... you know ... Aksakov should read about the character of our people. Everything is very true there. And nothing has changed, by the way.
            1. 0
              26 March 2021 21: 59
              Vyacheslav Olegovich, I support your opinion. The author did not say anything new. All his thoughts, conclusions and even calculations with figures are absolutely recognizable and have been quoted and discussed by us many times on various topics of VO. And since the exhaust from this, except for naphthalene dust, is zero, then participating further in such discussions is only to shake the pixels on the screen. The government and the political power do not give a damn from the height of the Federation Tower, or from Spasskaya - which of them will be worthy to climb, to the opinion of the plebs. They got what they started fighting for in 91, and, not having mastered the methods of governing the country, such that not only they were fed up, but also the population, they will continue in the same spirit until everything goes to ashes with us. , at least partial, obtained by them for them. And they are busy with only one thing: how to rob us in the last hour so as to preserve their own as much as possible, not giving a damn about whether we will retain at least something.
              Dozens of proposals here, on the VO website, I made how to increase the national wealth of the country, innocently believing that I would be heard as a typical voice of the people, and only recently realized that Russia for these gentlemen is the commodity that is all for sale. And, it seems, they don't realize that I understand the essence of their actions, and they are still trying to deceive me with the help of moldy, vulgar, insulting my dignity PR ...
              All this is sad. Sad and ashamed. Therefore, on my part, interest in analytics and opinions on VO has been lost. It's just shadow boxing. And the news is depressing. As if the ghost of the impending war was hanging in the air and did not leave. We must somehow be disposed of - excessively passionate and patriotic.
  6. +3
    25 March 2021 16: 17
    And that, now it will rally around and to protect and also the irremovability of the same name cannot be named, which is the guarantor of all that mess and permanently eternal systemic crisis of management. Lot of here, and for a thousand reasons and laws is torn for everything else and again haphazard sweeping of a new hole begins.
    1. +1
      25 March 2021 16: 24
      Because they are fighting courageously and courageously with the consequences and not with the cause.
  7. +1
    25 March 2021 16: 21
    ... And this is true: he who rules the money in the country, he also rules the country.

    It seemed to me that the country was ruled by a popularly unanimously elected President. Is not it so? Where am I wrong?
    1. +4
      25 March 2021 17: 47
      Well, sometimes, on your Internet, some dark personalities (of course, all as one - agents of the State Department) claim that Russia is ruled by representatives of feudal-oligarchic clans.
      They lie of course!
    2. +1
      26 March 2021 07: 30
      Volodymyr Zelensky was also elected by the people. Only how he rules and what can no one have questions about! Everything is clear. It is quite possible that our situation is not much better. Trump, the President of All America, was banned altogether! And nothing, wipe it off!
  8. +3
    25 March 2021 16: 22
    Yeah ... The whole situation is so disgusting. But somehow we need to get out. At least like that frog in sour cream (and this is also provided that they do not interfere, but they will certainly interfere).
    Good article, I would say excellent. The Doctor of Economics wrote, however.
  9. -3
    25 March 2021 16: 30
    The general conclusion is this: the power must be changed radically, i.e. completely different people should come to the leadership of the country, who have nothing to do with the present. It's up to us to vote correctly in the elections and not trust thieves and swindlers in everything, who are so many that it is already scary.
  10. +1
    25 March 2021 16: 31
    The guarantor eventually took root (probably bully ). What is unknown. State secret, however. Doesn't take a bad example from others. March-march to the next elections.
    1. 0
      25 March 2021 16: 47
      Quote: bandabas
      The guarantor eventually took root (probably bully ). What is unknown. State secret, however. Doesn't take a bad example from others. March-march to the next elections.

      Here I recently read Zelensky got vaccinated .. and immediately by mistake signed his own dismissal .. maybe this is how the vaccine works? maybe he will guide ours on the true path wassat
      1. +3
        25 March 2021 17: 14
        Quote: Svarog
        Quote: bandabas
        The guarantor eventually took root (probably bully ). What is unknown. State secret, however. Doesn't take a bad example from others. March-march to the next elections.

        Here I recently read Zelensky got vaccinated .. and immediately by mistake signed his own dismissal .. maybe this is how the vaccine works? maybe he will guide ours on the true path wassat

        As I wrote in my comment on another article:
        “The problem of our country is that it is on“ manual control ”and all the efficiency and stability of all institutions of power depends on the most important of these institutions for us - our president.
        Putin will suddenly leave, and everything will collapse like a house of cards.
        This is our weakness, compared to the same USA.
        Well, Biden will stumble there one more time, screw up, break his neck, so what?
        Never mind! The United States will not even think of bursting at the seams because of this.
        There they slapped Kennedy, and the silence ... "
        So, Putin's sudden departure from the presidency is no less dangerous for us than if he remains in power until 2024.
        "Clinch" is shorter.
      2. -1
        25 March 2021 17: 59
        What's the point? If everything is chocolate. Almost all.
        1. +3
          26 March 2021 06: 49
          Quote: bandabas
          If everything is chocolate. Almost all.

          Not all brown chocolate! wink
  11. +2
    25 March 2021 16: 34
    And yet, without the correct educational system, we will not succeed. Especially children are lame in social sciences. Mathematics and physics are good, but they cannot answer what name Petersburg was in Soviet times. And adults are surprising. "YOU used to live in Leningrad, now in Petersburg. Are you coming?" I don’t know who benefits from this. But the boy writes about patriotism: “Selenium in history means a triot”. With this kind of "triotism" we will certainly go far.
  12. -3
    25 March 2021 16: 38
    So it's time to end this circus with horses, or won't the top leadership of Russia dare? Then expect trouble.
    1. +2
      25 March 2021 16: 41
      Quote: Ros 56
      So it's time to end this circus with horses, or won't the top leadership of Russia dare? Then expect trouble.

      Bees versus honey ?! )))
      1. -2
        25 March 2021 16: 45
        Apparently the truth is yours. hi
        1. +6
          25 March 2021 17: 03
          Quote: Ros 56
          Apparently the truth is yours. hi

          In fact, this is "laughing through tears."
          In 20 years such a country could be rebuilt!
          We would not be afraid of any Western "partners" ...
  13. +2
    25 March 2021 16: 54
    It is high time for Russia to end the games of capitalism!
    Long live the socialist revolution!
    1. +3
      25 March 2021 17: 26
      Quote: prior
      It is high time for Russia to end the games of capitalism!
      Long live the socialist revolution!

      The main thing is that it does not turn into a bourgeois one ...
      Well, or in some kind of military coup.
  14. The comment was deleted.
  15. +4
    25 March 2021 17: 45
    Honestly, after reading the article, the lines from the song immediately appeared in my head: "Get up, the country is huge, Get up to mortal combat!" ...
    It hurts to hear it all, it hurts to understand it all ...
    Recently I got carried away with the history of Russia ... So what do you see? But nothing ... only the forms of the struggle against Russia, as well as the forms of corruption and the collapse of the country within Russia, change ... But the essence remains the same ...
    Best regards to the author of the article - hi
    1. +2
      25 March 2021 20: 20
      Quote: yuratanja1950
      Honestly, after reading the article, the lines from the song immediately appeared in my head: "Get up, the country is huge, Get up to mortal combat!" ...

      Who gets up then? The country stood in line for a loan ...
  16. -1
    25 March 2021 17: 55
    "The author of these lines then understood Captain Nemo in the famous" Mysterious Island "by Jules Verne" - there is a hypothesis that initially Captain Nemo was a Pole, and instead of Britain - the Russian Empire. Only the publishers persuaded the author to rewrite this part, arguing that the sales market in Ingushetia is larger than in Britain, and if the plot is preserved, the novel will be unprofitable. Unfortunately, this fact can only be established through Jules Verne's drafts, which is very difficult
    1. -2
      25 March 2021 20: 37
      Quote: kamakama
      and instead of Britain - the Russian Empire.

      Well, yes, the Pole's trunk is always on fire in this place. laughing
      1. -1
        29 March 2021 16: 39
        Yes Jules Verne was a renowned protector of small nations. Hindus, Scots, for example. Why not:))
        https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Капитан_Немо - Да даже тут про это написано:)))
  17. +1
    25 March 2021 17: 56
    Why is this article in general? Boring in the "red zone"? People of the VO level cannot do ANYTHING. Those who can do not read VO. They have no time!
    1. dSK
      25 March 2021 20: 16
      You write to VO any "crap" to "earn some money", but this author just got sick ...
      1. +1
        25 March 2021 20: 37
        Quote from dsk
        You write to VO any "crap" to "earn some money", but this author just got sick ...

        And don't you read the reviews of a very large number of readers on this "crap", Sergei? You cannot be so arrogant and intolerant of the opinions of other people who are no worse than you. You must respect him, Sergei.
        1. +2
          25 March 2021 20: 38
          Quote: kalibr
          You can't be so arrogant and intolerant of the opinions of other people,

          Well, you do happen. wink
  18. -2
    25 March 2021 17: 58
    . Statistical Bulletin of the Bank of Russia "No. 2 (321), Table 1.14" Review of the Central Bank ". As of 1.01.2020, the Central Bank issued loans to non-residents (foreign countries and firms) 27,113 trillion rubles. These loans were issued (including at the expense of the state budget of Russia, which are in accounts with the Central Bank) in the amount of 12,082 trillion rubles.

    It is even inconvenient to comment on the given data.
    Why is it inconvenient? It's very convenient. THIS IS A BIG LIE. Anyone can open this table and see for themselves. In fact, this table indicates the requirements for non-residents: foreign currency and deposits (the essence of real money) - 10,834 trillion, debt securities (mainly treasury obligations of foreign states) - 15,976 trillion, loans and borrowings - 0,301 trillion, others - 0,003 trillion Only by adding these different indicators, the author receives the “27,113 trillion. Loans to non-residents ".
    2. Domestic credit, that is, the liabilities of banks to the state, enterprises and the population - 57,7
    Oh my God. The issued loan is not a LIABILITY, but a REQUIREMENT. This "professor of economics" gets confused even in the bass concepts of the second-year level of economics. Editorial office, where did you unearth this "expert"?
    1. dSK
      25 March 2021 20: 28
      Author: "In fact, this organization is not a bank, but a non-state firm that determines the standards of the work of all banks, insurance companies, financial markets and financial organizations in Russia. Moreover, it is not only a legislator, but also an investigator, judge and executioner of all money and financial organizations and markets of Russia.
      Her powers to manage the economy are greater than those of the president and government of the country.
      - what do you say to this?
      1. +1
        25 March 2021 21: 24
        ... In fact, this organization is not a bank, but a non-state firm that determines the standards of operation of all banks, insurance companies, financial markets and financial organizations in Russia. Moreover, she is not only a legislator, but also an investigator, judge and executioner of all monetary and financial organizations and markets in Russia.
        Its powers to manage the economy are greater than those of the president and government of the country. "
        - what do you say to this?
        This is a vulgar retelling of the provisions of the Central Bank Act with a silly hint that this is kind of bad. That would be clear - the state, represented by the President and the State Duma, appoints and approves the Chairman of the Central Bank (as well as the head of the Government) and the Central Bank conducts an economic policy coordinated with the rest of the government. The executive authorities, as a rule, do not interfere with specific details. You can call it whatever you like - the essence will not change. The legal division was made so that it would not be possible to seize the funds of the Central Bank for international claims against the Russian Federation.
        1. dSK
          26 March 2021 01: 50
          Turkish lira on monday sharply fell in price, by 15%, after the president Recep Tayyip Erdogan fired the head of the central bank, after raising the key rate from 17% to 19% (ANKARA, 18 Mar - PRIME)
          - Vladimir Vladimirovich said that everything must be taken into account ...
    2. 0
      28 March 2021 16: 45
      And it would be worth commenting: what is the requirement for the creditor (Central Bank), then for the debtor - the US government, for example, obligations.
      1. +1
        28 March 2021 19: 32
        it would be worth commenting: what is the requirement for the creditor (Central Bank), then for the debtor, the US government, for example, obligations.
        Yes, Captain Obvious. And the fact that, for example, Gazprom, Rosneft or the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation are obligations, then for the American pension fund, for example, there are requirements. The gold and foreign exchange reserves of the Bank of Russia cover the national debt in foreign currency (including the debts of state-owned companies and banks) plus the payment of a 3-month import. Why is this permanent hysteria with the requirement to spend gold reserves - from an economic point of view, it is completely incomprehensible.
  19. +6
    25 March 2021 17: 58
    So, the largest economist of the ⅩⅩ century, who became the Lord and Peer of England for scientific merits (which even Newton was not awarded)
    The professor and doctor of sciences should know that in Newton's time, lifelong peerage did not exist, only hereditary, by birthright.
    Life peerage in the rank of baron began to be appropriated after Newton's death.
    1. +1
      26 March 2021 18: 48
      Newton was granted the title of baronet in 1705 for his work as director of the Mint and monetary reform (along with Locke and Montagu).
      1. 0
        26 March 2021 19: 18
        The title of baronet did not entitle peerage with the exception of the Black Knights, White Knights and Green Knights.
  20. -2
    25 March 2021 18: 16
    ... The purchasing power of foreign currency in the total purchasing power of the country's entire money supply increased from 18% (at the beginning of 2014) to 31% (at the beginning of 2015). This process is called

    "Dollarization of the country's economy."
    Grandpa is lying. The dollarization of the economy is called an increase in settlements and savings in foreign currency, but this did not happen.
    1. dSK
      25 March 2021 20: 34
      Tell this to Ksenia Sobchak. She very figuratively expressed herself about those who keep their savings in rubles ...
      1. +1
        25 March 2021 21: 16
        ... Grandpa is lying. The dollarization of the economy is called an increase in settlements and savings in foreign currency, but this did not happen.
        ... Tell this to Ksenia Sobchak. She very figuratively expressed herself about those who keep their savings in rubles ...
        What for? For me, she is not an authority in any sense.
        1. dSK
          26 March 2021 01: 27
          The head of the Russian foreign policy department proposed that China, together with Russia, get rid of dollar dependence by abandoning Western payment systems and strengthening its own national currencies. According to Lavrov, the strengthening of currencies will strengthen both countries, which the United States has called the main enemies.
          The diplomat stressed that sanctions risks can be reduced by strengthening their technological independence.
          "By switching to settlements in national currencies and in world currencies alternative to the dollar ", - said Lavrov. / 22.03.21/XNUMX/XNUMX. /

          and he was supported by Matvienko.
          - it's hard to believe that there is no dollarization in Russia...
          1. +3
            26 March 2021 06: 44
            ... By switching to settlements in national currencies and in world currencies alternative to the dollar, "Lavrov said. / 22.03.21. /
            and he was supported by Matvienko.
            - it's hard to believe that there is no dollarization in Russia ..
            Just the opposite. You are probably a young man and did not find those "blessed" times when a significant part of the price tags in stores were exhibited in "cu" (a conventional unit equal to a dollar), and settlements between citizens for large purchases such as cars and apartments were made in cash dollars. In the same quote you quoted, Lavrov talks about foreign economic settlements. China is unlikely to support this idea, since its exports are strongly tied to the United States, but the idea is potentially very dangerous for the United States, because if the dollar is strongly squeezed in the international settlements system, it will become difficult for the United States to cover its budget deficit through emission without inflation.
            1. dSK
              26 March 2021 07: 46
              Quote: clerk
              but potentially the idea for the United States is very dangerous,
              Therefore, even our Foreign Ministry, an organization far from finance, is promoting this idea. "Ostrich" position will not bring you any good. "If you want peace, prepare for war."
              Moreover, the enemy has already started "cold", and if we hope that "everything will resolve itself", we can get 41 years ...
              1. 0
                26 March 2021 08: 55
                ... USA is very dangerous
                Therefore, even our Foreign Ministry, an organization far from finance, is promoting this idea. "Ostrich" position will not bring you any good. "If you want peace, prepare for war."
                The Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not promote the idea, but announces it. Without the consent of the President, the Government and the Central Bank, these words of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would mean nothing. Without the participation of the Central Bank, this idea cannot be realized purely technically.
                ... Moreover, the enemy has already started "cold", and if we hope that "everything will resolve itself", we can get 41 years ...
                Nobody hopes to "resolve itself". But since economic resources are incomparable, the current Russian state spends them sparingly, and various illiterate critics are trying to force them to spend as quickly as possible in the hope that production will grow rapidly. But unfortunately it doesn't work that way.
  21. 0
    25 March 2021 18: 20
    Thank you for the article! strong! not an economist, I had to re-read in places several times .. and for some reason it seems that the urapatriots will not be particularly noted here, those who are smarter of course mean ..
    1. -2
      25 March 2021 18: 44
      Quote: Level 2 Advisor
      I had to re-read in places several times .. and for some reason it seems that the urapatriots will not be particularly noted here

      Are you a pseudo-liberal?
      Those. You do not see your merits with this Central Bank? Didn't finish reading in some places?
      1. +1
        25 March 2021 19: 37
        I'm just a patriot .. a liberal? if in the part that we don't go far on this mare (about the economy) and something needs to be changed if we want the truth for leading roles in the world, then probably a liberal .. and not even a pseudo ..
        And so .. where am I? Do I really influence the Central Bank or are you just so interested in my personality? by the way, a urapatriot and a patriot in my understanding is the one who breaks his forehead and the one who thinks with his head, and does not just grumble about and without .. and my merits with this Central Bank really do not exist - when he appeared, I was still a 3rd year student and about session, the girls were thinking, not about the Central Bank .. If you don't understand something, well, explain, where in the article is there a lie about the Central Bank and it actually works for Russia, because I immediately said that I was not an economist ..
        1. -3
          25 March 2021 20: 07
          ... If you don't understand something, well, explain, where in the article is there a lie about the Central Bank and it actually works for the sake of Russia, because I immediately said that it was not an economist
          I explain on the fingers. With your savings, you bought, say, $ 300 and put it under your pillow for a rainy day. For you and for the Central Bank, these are savings in case of disasters. For the author - the withdrawal of capital from the country and lending to the enemy economy. The only difference is in the epithets.
          1. dSK
            25 March 2021 20: 42
            Quote: clerk
            for the Central Bank, these are savings in case of disasters.
            According to the reports of the Central Bank, this is a withdrawal of funds, he explains: the bulk of the "withdrawn capital" is simply the population and firms bought currency ...
            1. 0
              25 March 2021 21: 09
              ... for the Central Bank, these are savings in case of disasters.
              According to the Central Bank's reports, this is a withdrawal of funds, and it explains this: the bulk of the "withdrawn capital" is simply the population and firms bought foreign currency.
              Not only bought currency (although that too). The withdrawal of capital (more often they say the outflow) also includes the repayment of external debt, the payment of dividends, payment of imports, the withdrawal of profits from the securities markets and others, an increase in gold and foreign exchange reserves, etc. Capital outflow is the direction of the movement of funds, and not at all embezzlement, as unscrupulous propagandists try to present.
          2. +2
            25 March 2021 22: 53
            Quote: clerk
            ... If you don't understand something, well, explain, where in the article is there a lie about the Central Bank and it actually works for the sake of Russia, because I immediately said that it was not an economist
            I explain on the fingers. With your savings, you bought, say, $ 300 and put it under your pillow for a rainy day. For you and for the Central Bank, these are savings in case of disasters. For the author - the withdrawal of capital from the country and lending to the enemy economy. The only difference is in the epithets.

            Actually, technically speaking, buying dollars is to support the US economy. With your purchase, you kind of maintain a rating of trust in the dollar as a reliable investment vehicle.
            Accordingly, when you buy dollars, you lend to their economy.
            So, by and large, both the author and the Central Bank are right.
          3. +1
            28 March 2021 16: 52
            No, my friend. You put candy wrappers under your pillow, and for them you brought something serious to America. For example, oil. Now buy these dollars for gasoline at an American gas station.
            1. The comment was deleted.
            2. +1
              28 March 2021 17: 20
              No, my friend. You put candy wrappers under your pillow, and for them you brought something serious to America. For example, oil. Now buy these dollars for gasoline at an American gas station.
              Refresh the functions of money.
          4. 0
            28 March 2021 17: 48
            Quote: clerk
            With your savings, you bought, say, $ 300 and put it under your pillow for a rainy day

            Here you ...
        2. -2
          25 March 2021 20: 23
          Quote: Level 2 Advisor
          I'm just a patriot.

        3. +4
          25 March 2021 21: 41
          Quote: Level 2 Advisor
          I'm just a patriot .. a liberal?

          After your derogatory cliché "hurray-patriot" the word "patriot" is no longer known how to perceive it.
          Quote: Level 2 Advisor
          By the way, a urapatriot and a patriot in my understanding is the one who breaks his forehead and the one who thinks with his head, and not just grunts about and without ..

          So do not confuse "uryakalok" with patriots. And then they used a propaganda cliche, and then understand you ...
          Quote: Level 2 Advisor
          explain-where in the article there is a lie about the Central Bank and it actually works for the sake of Russia

          The article is still putting it mildly.
          About the investments of the Central Bank. How do you call a situation when the Central Bank of the Bank buys securities in the US with a yield of a couple of percent and then takes on deposits from the same sellers of their former finances, at a ten percent yield? Those. stupidly gives money.
          About the discount rate of the Central Bank. A higher percentage, compared to the West, leads to the fact that it is more profitable for entrepreneurs to take loans abroad. In order to give a loan there, you need to register the company there - so almost all of Russia's business ended up in offshore zones, which deprives Russia of a significant part of taxes and allows it to influence businessmen (otherwise there will be legal and financial obstacles).
          1. dSK
            26 March 2021 01: 40
            Quote: Genry
            The Central Bank of the Bank buys securities in the United States with a yield of a couple of percent
            ... a few years ago, our country held a colossal amount in US bonds, exceeding $ 100 billion: At the same time, the head of the Central Bank assured: "It is completely safe." Moreover, it promised a good return in the form of just a couple of percent. The situation was turned by the prime minister Mikhail Mishustin. Two months after he took office, RF investments in the US national debt fell to a minimum and amounted to only $ 3,85 billion...
            1. +2
              26 March 2021 10: 32
              Quote from dsk
              The situation was reversed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. Two months after he took office, RF investments in the US national debt fell to a minimum and amounted to only $ 3,85 billion ...

              I missed this information and I have doubts because the Central Bank is independent from the government and buys currency equivalents, allegedly to maintain the ruble exchange rate. And the ruble now acts not as a national currency, but as a derivative in the form of a renamed bank note (candy wrapper). Those. the present value of the ruble is determined not by the amount of national goods that can be bought, but by the amount of foreign currency that is frozen in exchange for the issue of the ruble.
          2. 0
            26 March 2021 06: 56
            ... About the investments of the Central Bank. How do you call a situation when the Central Bank of the Bank buys securities in the US with a yield of a couple of percent and then takes on deposits from the same sellers of their former finances, at a ten percent yield? Those. stupidly gives money.
            The inverse relationship between profitability and reliability has not yet been canceled. You, too, do not withdraw all the money from a bank account with a yield of 5% in order to invest it in some kind of microfinance company or consumer cooperative with a yield of 15-20%. The Central Bank's gold and foreign exchange reserves are the government's savings for a rainy day, not free money that can be risked in high-yield investments.
            1. 0
              26 March 2021 10: 19
              Quote: clerk
              No one has yet canceled the inverse relationship between profitability and reliability.

              If you want reliability, just buy some highly liquid commodity (gold, palladium, uranium, ...) and store it. You do not invest in banks, where you are charged interest.
              And keeping money in Western banks is very dangerous. Either the bank suddenly collapses, or the government decides that you have the wrong money.
              Quote: clerk
              You, too, do not withdraw all the money from the bank account with a yield of 5%.

              So you have a profitability and not a write-off of 5%! The difference in reasoning is as much as 10%.
              1. -2
                26 March 2021 10: 52
                ... If you want reliability, just buy some highly liquid commodity (gold, palladium, uranium, ...) and store it.
                The goods listed by you are just not highly liquid, their market is small and as a reserve in case of cataclysms, they greatly lose to the cash and treasury obligations.
                ... You do not invest in banks, where you are charged interest.
                And nobody is investing. I did not understand the meaning of this thesis.
                And keeping money in Western banks is very dangerous. Either the bank suddenly collapses, or the government decides that you have the wrong money.
                They keep relatively little in banks - only in case of urgent settlements. Risks and the possibility of countermeasures are calculated for the actions of foreign governments.
                ... You, too, do not withdraw all the money from the bank account with a yield of 5%.
                / / / /
                So you have a profitability and not a write-off of 5%! The difference in reasoning is as much as 10%.
                I do not understand you, please explain your idea.
                1. 0
                  26 March 2021 10: 56
                  Quote: clerk
                  The goods listed by you are just not highly liquid, their market is small and as a reserve in case of cataclysms, they greatly lose to the cash and treasury obligations.

                  You are confusing liquidity (the likelihood of selling at a good price) with convertibility (fast exchange).
                  Your securities or virtual gold, in case of cataclysms, become just paper.
                  1. 0
                    26 March 2021 11: 14
                    ... You are confusing liquidity (the likelihood of selling at a good price) with convertibility (fast exchange).
                    Your securities or virtual gold, in case of cataclysms, become just paper.
                    Naturally, the cataclysm is different from the cataclysm. Foreign exchange reserves are accumulated in the event of cataclysms within the existing financial system (for example, urgently buy medicines, food, critical imports, support the exchange rate, pay off the national debt under sanctions, etc.). Rare earth metals and etc. is not a financial reserve, but a strategic reserve. Gold can act in both forms, but closer to the financial reserve. By the way, under Putin, the Central Bank has accumulated a lot of gold - from 400 tons in 2007 to 981 tons in 2013 and 2185 tons in 2020. This is the maximum value since 1961.
                2. +1
                  26 March 2021 11: 16
                  Quote: clerk
                  ... You do not invest in banks, where you are charged interest.
                  Quote: clerk
                  ... You, too, do not withdraw all the money from the bank account with a yield of 5%.
                  / / / /
                  So you have a profitability and not a write-off of 5%! The difference in reasoning is as much as 10%.
                  I do not understand you, please explain your idea.

                  You, apparently, did not understand my previous comment about the Central Bank.
                  There the situation is this:
                  The Central Bank gives money (buys securities) with a yield of 2% and the seller then invests this money in the Central Bank at 10%. The seller receives a profit of infinite% since he did not even have his own money, and the Central Bank loses 8%. This is a nice way to get money.
                  1. -2
                    26 March 2021 11: 59
                    apparently, they did not understand my previous comment about the Central Bank.
                    There the situation is this:
                    The Central Bank gives money (buys securities) with a yield of 2% and the seller then invests this money in the Central Bank at 10%. The seller receives a profit of infinite% since he did not even have his own money, and the Central Bank loses 8%. This is a nice way to get money.
                    I really didn't get it. The Central Bank does not attract funds at any 10% - it simply does not need it. Usually, the Central Bank is criticized for placing money at a conditional 1% in Western treasury bonds, instead of lending to the native Ministry of Finance at 3%, but this is directly prohibited by law precisely because the Ministry of Finance would not get hooked on freebies and did not spin inflation. In fact, the Central Bank lends to the Ministry of Finance at a higher interest rate, but not directly, but indirectly (through commercial banks). In fact, this transfer from pocket to pocket and does not cause damage to the state. Gold reserves is a separate song (a pod), and I consider proposals to put a paw in them to solve current economic problems as sabotage.
                    1. 0
                      26 March 2021 13: 17
                      Quote: clerk
                      The Central Bank does not attract funds under any 10% - it simply does not need it.

                      This is done on the principle that the Central Bank is not obliged to lend to the government, and places Russian securities at a yield of 2 times at 4,6% ...

                      1. -1
                        26 March 2021 14: 07
                        ... This is done on the principle that the Central Bank is not obliged to lend to the government, and places Russian securities at a yield of 2 times at 4,6% ...
                        Please note that these times were in 2012-13, when the Central Bank also placed gold and foreign exchange reserves not at 1%. Secondly, at such a percentage, the Russian subsidiaries of the Central Bank - SB, VTB, RSHB and others - could also lend money to the Ministry of Finance. That is, as I said, there was a transfer of money from pocket to pocket without prejudice to Russia.
                      2. +1
                        26 March 2021 14: 42
                        Quote: clerk
                        Secondly, at such a percentage, the Russian subsidiaries of the Central Bank - SB, VTB, RSHB and others - could also lend money to the Ministry of Finance.

                        They could, but they are commercial (not daughters) and they have no free money. It is generally impossible to consolidate large sums at a time.
                        Quote: clerk
                        That is, as I said, there was a transfer of money from pocket to pocket without prejudice to Russia.

                        Firstly, money is transferred through someone else's pocket and dries up there.
                        Without damage? The development of the economy by more than 3% is already considered serious, and wasting 5-8% on a huge volume of finance is a trifle?

                        In short!
                        There should be a State Bank, subordinate not to the masters of the IMF and FRS, but to its own Ministry of Finance / government. Issuing rubles at the gross price of goods and services produced in the country and crediting government programs directly.
                      3. -2
                        26 March 2021 14: 57
                        ... Secondly, at such a percentage, the Russian subsidiaries of the Central Bank - SB, VTB, RSHB and others - could also lend money to the Ministry of Finance. /////

                        They could, but they are commercial (not daughters) and they have no free money. It is generally impossible to consolidate large sums at a time.
                        A daughter can also be commercial and free money from banks - heaps.

                        Firstly, money is transferred through someone else's pocket and dries up there.
                        Without damage? The development of the economy by more than 3% is already considered serious, and wasting 5-8% on a huge volume of finance is a trifle?
                        Both the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank and its daughters are different pockets of the same state. So the "shrinkage" in these pockets settles.
                        There should be a State Bank, subordinate not to the masters of the IMF and FRS, but to its own Ministry of Finance / government. Issuing rubles at the gross price of goods and services produced in the country and crediting government programs directly.
                        From a management point of view, it will be an ineffective monster that will not be able to work in a market economy. If you propose to return to the Soviet system, then it is effective only with a mobilization economy.
                      4. +2
                        26 March 2021 15: 11
                        Quote: clerk
                        Drchka can also be commercial and free money from banks - heaps.

                        Have you ever looked at the balance of any bank?
                        The longer the money is invested, the more profitable it is.
                        Every evening the banks close their daily balance and sell the extra money for the night to those banks who cannot pay the accepted payments. Everything there is like on the edge of a razor: "here the money has to come - otherwise I'm in j_pe" and it will be expensive to buy if they sell it on the interbank market.
                        Quote: clerk
                        Both the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank and its daughters are different pockets of one state.

                        Commercials have no state at all - read the constituent documents. And the Central Bank does not have any documents at all (he is a stranger).
                      5. -2
                        26 March 2021 16: 31
                        ... Have you ever looked at the balance of any bank?
                        The longer the money is invested, the more profitable it is.
                        Every evening the banks close their daily balance and sell the extra money for the night to those banks who cannot pay the accepted payments. Everything there is like on the edge of a razor: "here the money has to come - otherwise I'm in j_pe" and it will be expensive to buy if they sell it on the interbank market.
                        Great theory from the 90s. I do not see that it would contradict the facts that banks have large free funds and large-scale purchases by banks of the obligations of the Russian Ministry of Finance.
                        ... Both the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank and its daughters are different pockets of one state.
                        Commercials have no state at all - read the constituent documents. And the Central Bank does not have any documents at all (he is a stranger).
                        This is in some kind of parallel reality. In our home, in 7 out of 10 largest commercial banks, the main owner is the state represented by the Central Bank, the Ministry of Finance or a commercial structure, in which the state is also the owner. The Central Bank acts on the basis of the "Law on the Central Bank",
                      6. +1
                        26 March 2021 21: 55
                        Quote: clerk
                        Great theory from the 90s. I do not see that it would contradict the facts that banks have large free funds and large-scale purchases by banks of the obligations of the Russian Ministry of Finance.

                        Do you accidentally walk with your back forward?
                        Banks are looking for free funds - for them money is a tool and it should not stand idle. There is a relatively small amount of money for operating activities, but receiving decent amounts needs to be coordinated / ordered.
                        At best, you will receive large loans in installments (lines of credit) according to an agreed schedule.
                        Quote: clerk
                        In our home, in 7 out of 10 largest commercial banks, the main owner is the state represented by the Central Bank, the Ministry of Finance or a commercial structure, in which the state is also the owner.

                        Let's go specifically by name. Maybe you have your own truth, limited by your space.
                        And stop making me laugh: "the main owner is the state represented by the Central Bank." This is a foreign financial organization, without registration in Russia (there are no constituent documents).
                        Quote: clerk
                        The Central Bank acts on the basis of the "Law on the Central Bank",

                        On the territory of Russia, everyone and everything is subject to the laws of Russia, even those with diplomatic immunity. There are many foreign companies and foreign personnel working (haven't you heard of guest workers?) And they are all legalized by law.
                        Although the Central Bank is registered abroad (where it is a secret), it also obeys the laws of Russia.
                      7. -1
                        26 March 2021 22: 25
                        ... stop making me laugh: "the main owner is the state represented by the Central Bank." This is a foreign financial organization, without registration in Russia (there are no constituent documents). Although the Central Bank is registered abroad (where is the secret), t
                        I’m even scared to ask where did you get such “knowledge”. ,,,,,. Bank of Russia TIN 7702235133 OGRN 1037700013020 registered on 02.12.1990 at the legal address 107016, Moscow, Neglinnaya street, 12. Organization status: active. The head is the chairman of the bank of russia Nabiullina Elvira Sakhipzadovna (tax number 773603005752).
                        ... In our home, in 7 out of 10 largest commercial banks, the main owner is the state represented by the Central Bank, the Ministry of Finance or a commercial structure, in which the state is also the owner.
                        Let's go specifically by name. Maybe you have your own truth
                        VTB, SB, RSHB, PSB
                      8. 0
                        26 March 2021 23: 02
                        Quote: clerk
                        Bank of Russia INN 7702235133 OGRN 1037700013020 registered on 02.12.1990 at the legal address 107016, Moscow, Neglinnaya street, 12.

                        It's like a guest worker's help. Where are the constituent documents?
                        Quote: clerk
                        VTB, SB, RSHB, PSB

                        The four of these banks are unofficial and perform functions as the "State Bank of Russia", serving the government and the population (in part).
                        And the Central Bank here just issued a license and monitors their activities (and knocks over the hill, who has what and how much and on what is spent).
                      9. 0
                        26 March 2021 23: 46
                        .Bank of Russia INN 7702235133 OGRN 1037700013020 registered on 02.12.1990 at the legal address 107016, Moscow, Neglinnaya street, 12.

                        It's like a guest worker's help. Where are the constituent documents?
                        What's yours banned on Google? Type the "Charter of the Bank of Russia", the Law "On the Central Bank" of 1990, 2002, look at the Unified State Register of Legal Entities by TIN, and read Wiki in the end. Refresh your knowledge - a lot has flowed under the bridge since 1985.
                      10. 0
                        26 March 2021 23: 49
                        ... VTB, SB, RSHB, PSB

                        The four of these banks are unofficial and perform functions as the "State Bank of Russia", serving the government and the population (in part).
                        In fact, these four are full-fledged commercial banks that operate in accordance with the Law on Banks and Banking Activities, and these are far from all banks in state ownership. And if you read about VEB, your self-made classification will generally shake.
                        And the Central Bank here only issued a license and monitors their activities (and
                        This applies to all commercial banks in the country.
                      11. 0
                        26 March 2021 22: 38
                        ... Do you accidentally walk with your back forward?
                        Banks are looking for free funds - for them money is a tool and it should not stand idle. There is a relatively small amount of money for operating activities, but receiving decent amounts needs to be coordinated / ordered.
                        At best, you will receive large loans in installments (lines of credit) according to an agreed schedule.
                        I already understood that you know how to present theory. But how does this theory contradict the facts that banks have large free funds and large-scale purchases by banks of obligations of the Russian Ministry of Finance?
                      12. +1
                        26 March 2021 15: 52
                        Quote: clerk
                        From a management point of view, it will be an ineffective monster that will not be able to work in a market economy.

                        Modern computing technology makes it possible without any problems. Various subdivisions can be made:
                        - state development programs;
                        - state military programs (closed);
                        - budgetary services for state institutions (movement of funds, maintenance costs and salaries); ;
                        - budgetary payments to the population (benefits, pensions);
                        - services to the population (deposits, salaries, payments, secured loans);
                        - servicing commercial financial organizations (profitable deposits / investments, obtaining loans with increased risk);
                        - maintenance of commercial manufacturing enterprises (movement of funds and wages);

                        And the current monster of the Central Bank keeps records and control of all financial transactions - information is totally transmitted from all organizations and is compared for fidelity (tax, banks, enterprises ...), so the monster was and will be anyway.
                        In the Central Bank there are correspondent accounts of all financial organizations in Russia and they log all changes in real time.
                        The Central Bank is also an indirect intelligence agency against Russia.
                      13. -1
                        26 March 2021 16: 41
                        .From a management point of view, it will be an ineffective monster that will not be able to work in a market economy.

                        Modern computing technology makes it possible without any problems. Various subdivisions can be made:
                        - state development programs;
                        - state military programs (closed);
                        - budgetary services for state institutions (movement of funds, maintenance costs and salaries); ;
                        - budgetary payments to the population (benefits, pensions);
                        - services to the population (deposits, salaries, payments, secured loans);
                        - servicing commercial financial organizations (profitable deposits / investments, obtaining loans with increased risk);
                        - maintenance of commercial manufacturing enterprises (movement of funds and wages);
                        Management (decision-making) tasks are not solved by software.
                        ... And the current monster of the Central Bank keeps records and control of all financial transactions - information is totally transmitted from all organizations and is matched for fidelity (tax, banks, enterprises ...), so the monster was and will be anyway.
                        about totality is the most complete invention.
                        In the Central Bank there are correspondent accounts of all financial organizations in Russia and they log all changes in real time.
                        According to correspondent accounts - yes. But don't you know that most of the calculations go bypassing the correspondent accounts in the Central Bank?
                        ... The Central Bank is also an indirect intelligence agency against Russia.
                        How's that?
                      14. 0
                        26 March 2021 22: 25
                        Quote: clerk
                        Management (decision-making) tasks are not solved by software.

                        What management tasks do you need to tackle if you sign your transactions yourself?
                        Issuance of loans - yes, there it is necessary to assess the solvency of the client and his history. But if there is a story and it is without crime, then there may be a semi-automatic confirmation.
                        Quote: clerk
                        about totality is the most complete invention.

                        You are naive. Even when there was no Internet, banks worked at the level of independent branches and there was special communication through telephone modems - even then, cuts of all databases and text files of form-reports on operations for various "offices" were transmitted to the Central Bank.
                        Quote: clerk
                        But don't you know that most of the calculations go bypassing the correspondent accounts in the Central Bank?

                        Some intra-bank, if the state of the correspondent account does not change, but, almost always, there are side deductions (taxes, funds ...),
                      15. -1
                        26 March 2021 23: 31
                        ... What management tasks do you need to tackle if you sign your transactions yourself?
                        Issuance of loans - yes, there it is necessary to assess the solvency of the client and his history. But if there is a story and it is without crime, then there may be a semi-automatic confirmation.
                        You cannot be a little pregnant, the solvency of a serious borrower is assessed not only by formal criteria. Again, you cannot entrust the machine with other active active operations.
                        ... about totality is the most complete invention.

                        You are naive. Even when there was no Internet, banks worked at the level of independent branches and there was special communication through telephone modems - even then, cuts of all databases and text files of form-reports on operations for various "offices" were transmitted to the Central Bank.
                        I get the impression that you are the author of the article under discussion - your knowledge of the banking system is at the level of the early 80s. last century.
                        ... But don't you know that most of the calculations go bypassing the correspondent accounts in the Central Bank? /// :::

                        Some internal bank, if the state of the correspondent account does not change, but, almost always, there are side deductions (taxes, funds ...)
                        Are you generally aware that banks can settle among themselves bypassing correspondent accounts in the Central Bank, and clients can have as many settlement accounts as they want?
                      16. +1
                        26 March 2021 23: 44
                        Quote: clerk
                        If you propose to return to the Soviet system, then it is effective only with a mobilization economy

                        And what is the situation today ??? does not imply mobilization ?? the question is whether today the market economy of the Russian Federation can solve all the issues of the country ??? no, it can not. It is focused on another. To extract profit. And not to the systematic development of the people and the country. tools are prepared for tasks.
                        The Soviet economy is not an economy of making a profit and taking it to quiet havens. And talking about the ineffectiveness of the Soviet economy can only be spoken from a position when you wish harm to the people of the country.
                      17. 0
                        27 March 2021 09: 19
                        .propose to return to the Soviet system, then it is effective only with a mobilization economy

                        And what is the situation today ??? does not imply mobilization?
                        I see no need to mobilize the economy now or in the near future. Mobilization is a costly undertaking and seriously degrades people's living standards. In the context of the current threats against Russia, the mobilization of the economy will be unambiguously harmful, as it will cause internal discontent.
                        ... the question is, can the market economy of the Russian Federation today solve all the issues of the country ??? no not
                        Vai questions could not be solved by the Soviet state economy - it was not for nothing that the Soviet people were actually “bought for sausage,” not even for the conventional sausage itself, but only for talking about it.
                      18. 0
                        27 March 2021 09: 37
                        Quote: clerk
                        Mobilization is a costly undertaking and seriously degrades people's living standards. In the context of the current threats against Russia, the mobilization of the economy will be unambiguously harmful, as it will cause internal discontent.

                        Now I realized that the Russian Federation has a definite role in the world, and you agree with this, and do not count on anything else.
                        Quote: clerk
                        Vai questions could not be solved by the Soviet state economy

                        Basic life support issues have been resolved, housing, education, health care, food security, which today simply cannot be resolved.
                        Quote: clerk
                        "Bought for sausage"

                        They did not buy it, but in the face of the degeneration of the management layer, they created the conditions for the transition to capitalism, an artificially created problem.
                      19. 0
                        27 March 2021 10: 07
                        ... Now I realized that the Russian Federation has a definite role in the world, and you agree with this, and do not count on anything else.
                        These are common phrases. Explain specifically.
                        ... Basic life support issues have been resolved, housing, education, health care, food security, which today simply cannot be resolved.
                        The Soviet economy has solved the basic needs, and they persist even now. And there was no development - it was not in vain that the 70-80s were called stagnation.
                        bought for sausage "

                        They did not buy it, but in the face of the degeneration of the management layer, they created the conditions for the transition to capitalism, an artificially created problem.
                        There is no need for empty conspiracy theories. This problem was created by the state nature of the Soviet economy and did not appear during the years of Gorbachev's perestroika. In conditions of inflation in a market economy, prices rise, in a state economy, a deficit appears. Did you find the stagnant USSR at a relatively conscious age?
                      20. 0
                        27 March 2021 10: 22
                        Quote: clerk
                        These are common phrases.

                        The role of a raw material appendage is determined without own production.
                        Quote: clerk
                        And there was no development - it was not for nothing that the 70s and 80s were called stagnation

                        Development in what ???
                        Quote: clerk
                        This problem was created by the government nature of the Soviet economy.

                        I did not understand the meaning of what you said. Soviet industry was focused on meeting the needs of the citizen. And for this, certain industrial capacities were created. For the demand in calculated units per capita. And you know these figures. Markets raised prices and all consumption fell in comparison with Soviet times.
                        Quote: clerk
                        Did you find the stagnant USSR at a relatively conscious age?

                        At 80 I was 10 years old.
                      21. 0
                        27 March 2021 10: 49
                        . These are common phrases.

                        The role of a raw material appendage is determined without own production.
                        It may have been defined, but Russia is gradually leaving this role. But the artificial acceleration of the pace of such an exit - I consider it harmful,
                        And there was no development - it was not for nothing that the 70s and 80s were called stagnation

                        Development in what ???
                        Practically nothing in science, not in technology, not in culture, not in personal and intellectual development, not in economics, not in consumption, not in ideology. If anything could be done, the costs were inconsistently high in comparison with the result. In addition to external "sausage" emigration, "internal emigration" in the form of indiscriminate drunkenness was widespread.
                        ... This problem was created by the government nature of the Soviet economy.

                        I did not understand the meaning of what you said. Soviet industry was focused on meeting the needs of the citizen. And for this, certain industrial capacities were created. For the demand in calculated units per capita.
                        Namely, in terms of calculation (a pair of conventional tarpaulin boots for a year). But human psychology was not taken into account at all, that a person strives for diversity, that he should have the illusion of choice, that if he decided to wear shit, then he should think that this is his personal choice, and not imposed by the CPSU. A banal pyramid of needs and the Soviet economy could not keep up with it, being mentally stuck in the early 50s.
                        .You know these figures. Market players raised prices and all consumption fell in comparison with Soviet times
                        In the 90s, yes. Much better could have been done. But now consumption has long surpassed the late-stagnant Soviet consumption.
                      22. 0
                        27 March 2021 10: 59
                        Quote: clerk
                        but Russia is gradually leaving this role

                        Do you believe that yourself?
                        Quote: clerk
                        Almost nothing

                        The best cinema, excellent theatrical performances, songs that you can listen to. Everything from there. The infrastructural objects of those times are still working about. And there is nothing to replace. Aviation komosmos there is no comparison. I don’t see that there was no development, many wanted faster and more. economies are not unlimited.
                      23. 0
                        27 March 2021 13: 20
                        ... Russia is gradually leaving this role //: /

                        You yourself believe in it
                        This is not a matter of faith; it is a matter of information.
                        ... than
                        The best movies, excellent theatrical performances, songs that you can listen to, everything from there, to this day.
                        About movies and productions - you remember a couple of dozen films in 15 years and even so many songs. It's just nostalgia.
                        infrastructure facilities of those times. and there is nothing to replace.
                        the service life will end - they will be replaced and you will not have time to notice. I remember at the beginning of the 200s, even under the premiere of Kasyanov, they howled a lot that in some year the service life of Soviet communications would expire and housing and communal services would choke in accidents. That year has passed a long time ago, no one choked, they change as planned without any screams. And so it will continue.
                      24. 0
                        27 March 2021 14: 29
                        Quote: clerk
                        This is not a matter of faith; it is a matter of information.

                        This is for sure. Everyone has their own sources. I trust my own. I left the town around the shopping center and there were practically no factories left, or construction organizations.
                        Quote: clerk
                        It's just nostalgia.

                        The good thing is not forgotten. But today, over the past 30 years, I remember only 2 films. And I finally scored on the Russian stage.
                        Quote: clerk
                        the service life will end - they will be replaced and you will not have time to notice.

                        What I did at work, and I know how, and I know what quality, and where it all leads.
                      25. +1
                        27 March 2021 21: 29
                        ... This is not a matter of faith; it is a matter of information.

                        This is for sure. Everyone has their own sources. I trust my own. I left the town around the shopping center and there were practically no factories left, or construction organizations.
                        Industrial production index in Russia, dynamics by years: 1992 - 2021

                        1992: - 16,0%

                        1993: - 13,7%

                        1994: - 21,6%

                        1995: - 4,6%

                        1996: - 7,6%

                        1997: 1,0%

                        1998: - 4,8%

                        1999: 8,9%

                        2000: 8,7%

                        2001: 2,9%
                        2002: 3,1%

                        2003: 8,9%

                        2004: 8,0%

                        2005: 5,1%

                        2006: 6,3%

                        2007: 6,8%

                        2008: 0,6%

                        2009: - 10,7%

                        2010: 7,3%

                        2011: 5,0%

                        2012: 3,4%

                        2013: 0,4%

                        2014: 2,5%

                        2015: - 0,8%

                        2016: 2,2%

                        2017: 2,1%

                        2018: 2,9% (after revision by Rosstat in 2020, the index was increased to 3,5%)

                        2019: 2,4% (in 2020 the indicator was lowered to 2,3%)

                        2020: - 2,9%

                        2 months 2021: - 2,8%
                      26. 0
                        28 March 2021 02: 50
                        Excellent figures. But we drive foreign cars. We dress in imports. Household appliances import. We fly on imported airplanes. We only grip our fingers with our hands.
                      27. +1
                        28 March 2021 09: 14
                        .Excellent figures. But we ride foreign cars. We dress in import. Household appliances import. We fly on imported airplanes. With our hands we only grip our fingers.
                        The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation has calculated the degree of localization of cars produced in the country in 2020 ..... According to Vedomosti, Lada Granta and Largus cars had the highest degree of localization in 2020: 3280 points each. That is, according to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Granta developed in Russia and the licensed Largus now have the same “Russian share”. But it is even more surprising that the primordially domestic Lada 4x4, that is, the classic Niva, lost to them: she has 3260 points. Lada Vesta is not far behind (3200 points).

                        But the rest are far behind. UAZ vehicles earned only 2216 points for localization, Renault cars - 2149 points, Nissan crossovers produced in St. Petersburg - 1500 points. The lowest degree of localization is expected for screwdriver-assembled cars: BMW, Hyundai and Kia produced in Kaliningrad earned 50 points, and Mazda of Far East production - 20 points. Although Mazda has been operating a motor plant in Vladivostok for two years, which is not in Kaliningrad. (C)
                      28. 0
                        28 March 2021 17: 11
                        For information. Average annual growth of gross domestic product (as a percentage of the territory within the boundaries of 2000.)
                        The period before the First World War (1900-1913) +3.54
                        NEP period (1922-1929) +10.5
                        Pre-war industrialization and collectivization (1929-1940) +17,55
                        The inglorious Khrushchev decade (1953-1964) +10.35
                        Gerontocracy (1964-1985) +5.47
                        Perestroika (1985-1991) +5,14
                        Nineties (1991-2000) -5,18
                        Putin and Co (2000-2018) +1.4
                        Recent years (2014-2018) + 0.28%.
                      29. +1
                        28 March 2021 17: 34
                        .Average annual growth of gross domestic product (as a percentage of the territory within the boundaries of 2000.)
                        The period before the First World War (1900-1913) +3.54
                        NEP period (1922-1929) +10.5
                        Pre-war industrialization and collectivization (1929-1940) +17,55
                        The inglorious Khrushchev decade (1953-1964) +10.35
                        ... Greetings from Novocherkassk 1962, g. When did the USSR first start importing grain there?
                      30. +1
                        27 March 2021 23: 25
                        ... It's just nostalgia.

                        The good thing is not forgotten. But today, over the past 30 years, I remember only 2 films. And I finally scored on the Russian stage.
                        Same bullshit! (C) But the question is that the attitude to foreign cinema is similar. So I rack my brains - whether this is age-related dulling of emotions, or the global level of cinema has dropped everywhere ...
                        ... the service life will end - they will be replaced and you will not have time to notice.

                        What I did at work, and I know how, and I know what quality, and where it all leads.
                        Maybe. But I have heard this song from every iron for 20 years - since the Chubais gang was moved away from the big trough
                      31. 0
                        28 March 2021 02: 54
                        Quote: clerk
                        as long as the Chubais gang was pushed away from the big trough

                        Others came. But the goal setting has not changed. The slogan do not catch up with the estimate. That is cheaper then we will stick it in. And the boiler burns for 3 years. The metal was also optimized in the smoke pipes. It is not a sin to put used pipes in the heating main.
                      32. +1
                        28 March 2021 09: 15
                        since the Chubais gang was pushed away from the big trough

                        Others came. But the goal setting has not changed. The slogan do not catch up with the estimate. That is cheaper then we will stick it in. And the boiler burns for 3 years. The metal was also optimized in the smoke pipes. It is not a sin to put used pipes in the heating main.
                        ... For this you can sit down.
                      33. +1
                        28 March 2021 09: 32
                        Quote: clerk
                        For this you can sit down.

                        Mostly in Miami.
                      34. 0
                        27 March 2021 13: 21
                        ... nothing. aviation komosmos no comparison. i n
                        Their successes in the 70s and 80s came from the 60s, then it only got worse.
                        ... I don’t see that there was no development, many wanted more quickly and more. But the possibilities of the Soviet economy are not unlimited
                        Naturally. It is only incomprehensible - why do you not apply this approach to the current Russian reality?
                      35. +1
                        27 March 2021 14: 32
                        Quote: clerk
                        then it only got worse.

                        Today in the Russian Federation there is no domestic civil aviation. After all, this is a success ?? true.
                        Quote: clerk
                        It is only incomprehensible - why do you not apply this approach to the current Russian reality?

                        Not under this imprisoned. Russian grandmothers cut down and then even a flood.
                      36. +1
                        27 March 2021 23: 30
                        ... then it only got worse.

                        Today in the Russian Federation there is no domestic civil aviation. After all, this is a success ?? true.
                        This is not a success. But the problem is that, in principle, the volume of air transportation has dropped even on imported used cheap liners. A lot was taken over by railway and motor transport.
                        ... It is only incomprehensible - why do you not apply this approach to the current Russian reality?

                        Not under this imprisoned. Russian grandmothers cut down and then even a flood.
                        Not without this, of course, but not only.
                      37. +1
                        28 March 2021 02: 48
                        Quote: clerk
                        But the problem is

                        The reasons are in bulk. From the wrong zadiacal cycle. To the wrong foot. But there is no one to decide. And there is no need.
                        Quote: clerk
                        took a lot of the railway

                        ???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? in the station at the station of trains from ceiling to floor.In the past, Goud went to Khabarovsk. 5 pieces counted.Just go less.
                        Quote: clerk
                        but not only

                        All because of the attendants.
                      38. +1
                        28 March 2021 09: 27
                        . took a lot of the railway

                        ???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? in the station at the station of trains from ceiling to floor.In the past, Goud went to Khabarovsk. 5 pieces counted.Just go less.
                        I admit - I was wrong about the departure of railway passengers from air carriers - I proceeded from the number of trains and flights in my city. Data from the USSR 1986 / RF 2019: the number of air passengers, million people - 116/128 total, including 73 - domestic traffic; number of railway passengers, total (suburban) - 4345 (3927) / 1201 (1084).
                      39. 0
                        27 March 2021 10: 59
                        ... Did you find the stagnant USSR at a relatively conscious age?
                        / / / /
                        At 80 I was 10 years old.
                        If you did not live in capitals, republics and closed towns, you could not help but face a massive deficit
                      40. 0
                        27 March 2021 11: 07
                        Quote: clerk
                        If you have not lived in capitals

                        I live in the center of a small town. There is a mass deficit of what ??? basic foodstuffs are available. There were seasonal deliveries. This is normal. Apples cannot be stored and not rot. . understandably my head then ached for another reason. but did not feel flawed.
                      41. 0
                        27 March 2021 13: 32
                        ... I live in the center of a small town. There is a mass deficit of what ??? basic foodstuffs are available. There were seasonal deliveries. This is normal. Apples cannot be stored and not rot. I understood my head ached for another reason, but I didn’t feel flawed
                        I didn't feel flawed either. But this is the merit of parents, good teachers and TV. But what it cost the parents is a separate question. I’m only a couple of years older than you and I remember how I took a queue several times for butter, because more than two packs were not given to one person and it was rarely on sale (there were queues), as my father brought sausage and meat from business trips to Moscow , to the flood that it cost three times more in co-selling, how grandmother laid out her 52 ruble pension in piles (increased to 70 in 1983), how speculators sold jeans for 250 at an average salary of 170, and similar Soviet ones cost 100, as a cassette tape recorder cost as an average salary. There is a lot to remember. It was on this commodity deficit that the USSR was caught.
                      42. 0
                        27 March 2021 14: 21
                        Quote: clerk
                        It was on this commodity deficit that the USSR was caught.

                        Who gets caught is what they catch.
                      43. +1
                        28 March 2021 11: 55
                        It was on this commodity deficit of the USSR that they caught it.

                        Who gets caught is what they catch.
                        Uh-uh, no. The state is obliged to provide conditions so that its citizens would not be caught on cheap anti-state propaganda. This is one of the basic functions of the state - ensuring security. The USSR failed to cope with this.
                      44. 0
                        28 March 2021 12: 15
                        Quote: clerk
                        The state is obliged to provide conditions

                        The state owes a lot of things, but proceeds from the possibility of the economy, and not personal wishes.
                      45. +1
                        28 March 2021 17: 09
                        .The state is obliged to provide conditions,

                        The state owes a lot of things, but proceeds from the possibility of the economy, and not personal wishes.
                        The basic functions of the state are defense and security. The rest is really Wishlist.
                      46. 0
                        28 March 2021 17: 37
                        Quote: clerk
                        The rest is really Wishlist

                        And ?? and the economic opportunities were these Wishlist satisfy?
                      47. +1
                        28 March 2021 19: 21
                        The rest is really Wishlist

                        And ?? and the economic opportunities were to satisfy these Wishlist ?.
                        There were. Military spending in the 70s and 80s was disproportionately large.
                      48. 0
                        28 March 2021 19: 27
                        Quote: clerk
                        There were. Military spending in the 70s and 80s was disproportionately large.

                        This is how you think. But no one has canceled the military threat to the USSR. The share of expenses is 12 to 20% of the budget. Like everyone else.
                      49. +1
                        28 March 2021 17: 04
                        You need to know the history. Stalin planned to double the standard of living and shorten the working day in 2-3 five-year plans (see Economic problems of socialism in the USSR). Khrushchev called them "would-be economists" and sent to Magadan those who suggested increasing the production of goods for the population. Brezhnev and Co. did not accept similar proposals from the State Planning Committee of the USSR in 1964 and put Baibakov there, and the country was put on an oil needle.
                      50. +1
                        28 March 2021 17: 30
                        ... You need to know the history. Stalin planned to double the standard of living and shorten the working day in 2-3 five-year plans (see Economic problems of socialism in the USSR). Khrushchev called them "would-be economists" and sent to Magadan those who suggested increasing the production of goods for the population. Brezhnev and Co. did not accept similar proposals from the State Planning Committee of the USSR in 1964 and put Baibakov there, and the country was put on an oil needle.
                        How did Stalin plan to increase the production of goods for the population and reduce the working day?
                      51. -1
                        28 March 2021 17: 38
                        Quote: clerk
                        How did Stalin plan to increase the production of goods for the population and reduce the working day?

                        By increasing labor productivity.
                      52. +1
                        28 March 2021 19: 12
                        ... How did Stalin plan to increase the production of goods for the population and reduce the working day?

                        By increasing labor productivity.
                        1) How was it planned to increase labor productivity while reducing the working day? 2) How was it planned to find material resources to double the output of consumer goods?
                      53. -1
                        28 March 2021 19: 22
                        Quote: clerk
                        How was it planned to increase labor productivity while reducing the working day?

                        Due to mechanization. Automation. Reduction of the share of manual and low-skilled labor. Reduction of the cost of production.
                        Quote: clerk
                        2) How was it planned to find material resources to increase the output of consumer goods by 2-3 times?

                        See above.
                      54. +1
                        28 March 2021 19: 38
                        . Due to what was it planned to increase labor productivity while reducing the working day?

                        Due to mechanization. Automation. Reduction of the share of manual and low-skilled labor. Reduction of the cost of production.
                        These are good wishes. The implementation of these measures requires considerable funds. Where did you plan to get them from?
                      55. 0
                        28 March 2021 19: 44
                        Quote: clerk
                        Where did you plan to get them from?

                        The socialist state will go to the budget, nothing else, from the budget, of course, planned expenses.
                      56. 0
                        27 March 2021 09: 35
                        ... it is focused on something else. to make profit. and not to the planned development of the people and the country. tools are prepared for the task.
                        I repeat - a purely state-owned economy of a late-stagnant pattern is also ineffective - a mix is ​​needed, in principle, now it is being built - state-owned enterprises operate according to market principles and compete with each other. South Korean variant. At the same time, there is a struggle for the preservation / elimination of the best achievements of Soviet medicine and social sphere. Unfortunately, the "liquidators" are gaining the upper hand. It is against specific decisions that one must fight, and not try to break the system for the sake of one's ideological blinkeredness.
                      57. 0
                        27 March 2021 09: 45
                        Quote: clerk
                        the purely state-owned economy of the late-stagnant model is also ineffective

                        I do not agree. If then stagnation, then today it sucks in terms of production and fulfillment of the plan.

                        Quote: clerk
                        market principles and compete with each other.

                        Market principles led to the current situation. The departure from socialistic methods of management. The introduction of the concept of profit. Created the conditions for the return of capitalism.
                        Quote: clerk
                        South Korea variant

                        And what do you know about it? There the system, compared to the Soviet one, is simply merciless and planned to the point of dictatorship.
                        Quote: clerk
                        It is against specific decisions that one must fight, and not try to break the system for the sake of one's ideological blinkeredness.

                        Smearing chancre with greenery ??? smart.
                      58. 0
                        27 March 2021 10: 17
                        ... the purely state-owned economy of the late-stagnant model is also ineffective

                        I do not agree. If then stagnation, then today it sucks in terms of production and fulfillment of the plan
                        This is the lyrics. Have you found shops overwhelmed with goods that no one is buying? And the mass of construction projects mothballed for years? And what about the "profession" of a pusher who spent months on a business trip to suppliers' enterprises in order to knock out the supply of products, which, according to the plan, should have been delivered long ago? And the massive additions to receive funding (where did the so-called "Cotton Business" and other things come from? What are you telling tales about the fulfillment of the plan?
                        ... market principles and compete with each other.

                        Market principles led to the current situation. The departure from socialistic methods of management. The introduction of the concept of profit. Created the conditions for the return of capitalism.
                        There are no "socialist methods of government". There is a state economy and a market economy. The state economy was effective only when there was a massive, attractive ideology combined with a hefty stick. As soon as the stick ended with the death of the IVS, and the ideology became obsolete, so the state economy began to degrade.
                        ... South Korea variant

                        And what do you know about it? There the system, compared to the Soviet one, is simply merciless and planned to the point of dictatorship.
                        Nobody argues with this. But she is exactly that effective.
                        ... It is against specific decisions that one must fight, and not try to break the system for the sake of one's ideological blinkeredness.

                        Smearing chancre with greenery ??? smart.
                        It’s no more stupid than urging to cut off a member with a chancre in the hope that a new one will grow.
                      59. 0
                        27 March 2021 10: 46
                        Quote: clerk
                        This is lyrics.

                        These lyrics are not achievable today.
                        Quote: clerk
                        What are you telling tales about the execution of the plan?

                        Fairy tales? The specific growth rates of the economy of the USSR. Fairy tales? Today the Russian Federation can boast of such a thing ???
                        Quote: clerk
                        There are no "socialist methods of government".

                        Calculation methods of management and indicators of manufactured products.
                        Quote: clerk
                        The state economy was effective only when there was a massive, attractive ideology combined with a hefty stick.

                        In general, in the USSR they worked for a stick and faith. But the fact that the Soviet people received material remuneration for their work. Did you modestly get wet? And also received incentives from public funds, due to subsidizing a number of consumer products, improving housing conditions, health care ...
                        We are working from under the stick just today.
                      60. 0
                        27 March 2021 13: 38
                        .This is the lyrics

                        These lyrics are not achievable today.
                        What is - unattainable - growth rates? Easily. Only they will be the same paper
                        ... There are no "socialist methods of government".

                        Calculation methods of management and indicators of manufactured products.
                        These are empty words. You need to count on products sold.
                        ... In general, in the USSR they worked for a stick and faith. But the fact that the Soviet people received material remuneration for their work. Did you modestly get wet? And from public funds also received incentives. Due to subsidizing a number of consumer products, improving housing conditions, health care ...
                        The average salary was then equivalent to 20-25 thousand now. not the ultimate dream. Mass health care is still at the same level. Subsidies for a number of products led to their shortages. As for housing, the question is controversial - it very much depended on the place of residence.
                      61. +1
                        27 March 2021 14: 16
                        Quote: clerk
                        What is - unattainable - growth rates? Easily. Only they will be the same paper

                        In the USSR, paper ones ??? Russian You have reached the level of production in pieces as it was in the USSR ??? aircraft TVs, vacuum cleaners, fabrics. Today, the growth rates are not paper. Money. Only all the money for some reason falls into a certain pocket.
                        Quote: clerk
                        You need to count on products sold.

                        This is exactly. One tractor sold and three prices ripped off. Growth is unprecedented. Only where can I get so much money to sell ???
                        Quote: clerk
                        The average salary is then equivalent to 20-25 thousand.

                        No, it is not equivalent. For the average Soviet salary, a family could support 2 .3 children today and one is many. And the head did not hurt. Neither about loans, nor about mortgages, nor about redundancies.
                      62. +1
                        28 March 2021 11: 58
                        .In the USSR paper ??? Russian You have reached the level of production in pieces as it was in the USSR ??? aircraft TVs, vacuum cleaners, fabrics. Today, the growth rates are not paper. Money. Only all money for some reason falls into a certain pocket.
                        How long can you whine about someone else's pocket? What does this "production of TV sets in pieces" give, if technologies have stepped forward a long time ago? You still count the gramophones.
                        ... You need to count on products sold.

                        This is exactly. One tractor sold and three prices ripped off. Growth is unprecedented. Only where can I get so much money to sell ???
                        Well, compare the price of a tractor / combine in the USSR and now.
                        ... The average salary is then equivalent to 20-25 thousand.
                        No, it is not equivalent. For the average Soviet salary, a family could support 2 .3 children today and one is many. And the head did not hurt. Neither about loans, nor about mortgages, nor about redundancies.
                        The birth rate in the late RSFSR was 1,9 children per woman. Since then it is possible to keep it on average, it is possible to keep it for 25 thousand now.
                      63. 0
                        28 March 2021 12: 29
                        Quote: clerk
                        How long can you whine about someone else's pocket?

                        The appropriation of the surplus value from social labor for personal needs is normal, if yes, then there are no questions.
                        Quote: clerk
                        What does this "production of TV sets in pieces" give,

                        And the fact that a product will find its consumer, and the more, the more consumers will find their product, and about technologies, too, the production from development to the final product was developed in the country and did not depend on anyone. A completely closed technological chain, focused on the consumer. In your country.
                        Quote: clerk
                        Well, compare the price of a tractor / combine in the USSR and now.

                        Why compare the incomparable? Then the machinery is part of the production cycle. As much as necessary. And allocated so much. Was not a consumer product.
                        Quote: clerk
                        it is possible to keep up to 25 thousand even now.

                        Of course you can, who can doubt it, but there are not many who want to try.
                      64. +1
                        28 March 2021 14: 26
                        ... How long can you whine about someone else's pocket?

                        The appropriation of the surplus value from social labor for personal needs is normal, if yes, then there are no questions.
                        If you consider it permissible for the means of production to be in private hands, then appropriation of surplus value is also permissible.
                        What does this "production of TV sets in pieces" give,

                        And the fact that the product will find its consumer, and the more, the more consumers will find their product
                        Someone will buy? A straight path to bankruptcy.
                        ... technology is also passed. production from development to the final product was developed in the country. and did not depend on anyone. completely closed technological chain. focused on the consumer in his country.
                        ... This is good for a big war soon. It is bad for meeting the needs of the population. Because it leads to a technological lag.
                        ... it is possible to keep up to 25 thousand even now.

                        Of course you can, who can doubt it, but there are not many who want to try.
                        Exactly. Therefore, I do not quite understand the lament about Soviet stability for 170 rubles of salary. Then it was normal, now it is no longer.
                      65. +1
                        28 March 2021 14: 52
                        Quote: clerk
                        If you consider it permissible for the means of production to be in private hands, then appropriation of surplus value is also permissible.

                        Not acceptable.
                        Quote: clerk
                        Someone will buy? A straight path to bankruptcy.

                        I have not heard that something went bankrupt in the USSR. And in the Russian Federation, once every 2.3 years, one and the same office goes bankrupt.
                        Quote: clerk
                        This is good for an imminent big war. It is bad for meeting the needs of the population. Because it leads to technological lag

                        Why is it bad ??? in the union the slogan was how we will work. So we will live. Depended on our own labor.
                        Quote: clerk
                        Therefore, I do not quite understand the lament about Soviet stability for 170 rubles of salary.

                        Stability is the key word.
                      66. +1
                        28 March 2021 17: 11
                        ... If you consider it permissible for the means of production to be in private hands, then appropriation of surplus value is also permissible.

                        Not acceptable.
                        I do not quite understand you - do you consider it permissible for the means of production to be in private hands?
                        ... Someone will buy? A straight path to bankruptcy.

                        I have not heard that something went bankrupt in the USSR. And in the Russian Federation, once every 2.3 years, one and the same office goes bankrupt.
                        Loss-making State Grants is a hidden bankruptcy,
                        in the union, the slogan was how we will work. so we will live. depended on our own labor. lagging behind. from whom? and by what parameters? and under equal conditions? the export of high-tech products at the time of the destruction of the USSR looked?
                        No. But we all know why the Project 941 SSBN had such dimensions. And this is not an isolated example.
                      67. 0
                        28 March 2021 17: 34
                        Quote: clerk
                        Do you consider it permissible for the means of production to be in private hands?

                        Of course, the acquisition of surplus value in private hands is not permissible in any worker, his hands, experience and knowledge are a means of production.
                        Quote: clerk
                        Loss-making State Grants is a hidden bankruptcy,

                        This is that the whole USSR is bankrupt ?? the union is a welfare state. And subsidies are one of the methods of smoothing out social fatigue.
                        Quote: clerk
                        But we all know - why pr.941 SSBNs had such dimensions

                        I don't understand what this is for
                      68. +1
                        28 March 2021 19: 40
                        ... Do you consider it permissible for the means of production to be in private hands?

                        Of course, but getting the surplus value into private hands is not permissible.
                        How should it look in Real Madrid and what is the owner's interest in this?
                        ... Loss-making State Grants is a hidden bankruptcy,

                        This is that the whole USSR is bankrupt ?? the union is a welfare state. And subsidies are one of the methods of smoothing out social fatigue.
                        A commodity deficit is a sign of bankruptcy in a command-administrative economy.
                        ... But we all know - why pr.941 SSBNs had such dimensions

                        I don't understand what this is for
                        An illustration of the technological backwardness of the USSR in one of the most advanced areas for it. Compare the performance characteristics and dimensions of the Trailent-2 and R-39 missiles
                      69. -1
                        28 March 2021 19: 47
                        Quote: clerk
                        what is the owner's interest in this?

                        Does he have a place in the socialist economy?
                        Quote: clerk
                        A commodity deficit is a sign of bankruptcy in a command-administrative economy.

                        Yes, yes, of course. It is necessary to measure the wishes and possibilities of the country's economy.
                      70. 0
                        27 March 2021 11: 24
                        Quote: apro
                        And what is the situation today ??? does not imply mobilization ?? the question is whether today the market economy of the Russian Federation can solve all the issues of the country ??? no, it can not. It is focused on another. To extract profit. And not to the systematic development of the people and the country. tools are prepared for tasks.

                        Into the very essence. This is the best comment so far, in my opinion.
            2. 0
              28 March 2021 16: 57
              In 1952, the USSR solved the problem of reliability by closing the accounts of all Soviet organizations in American banks. For this purpose, gold parity (1950) and overseas banks were used.
              1. +1
                28 March 2021 17: 06
                ... In 1952, the USSR solved the problem of reliability by closing the accounts of all Soviet organizations in American banks. For this purpose, gold parity (1950) and overseas banks were used.
                Gold parity with what? laughing
    2. -2
      25 March 2021 20: 23
      Quote: Level 2 Advisor
      for some reason it seems that the urapatriots will not be particularly noted here, those who are smarter of course mean ..

      let's say you checked in. and what's the use?
  22. +5
    25 March 2021 19: 52
    Hello, Anatoly Mikhailovich!
    After reading your "letters from the" red zone "I made a small discovery for myself: at the very least, all people can think; not everyone is able to clearly state the fruits of these reflections; but to share these thoughts themselves so that the listener / reader can use their brains on their own - this requires a fair amount of knowledge and life experience.
    You have provided good food for the mind. Thanks you!
    1. -6
      25 March 2021 20: 27
      Quote: OldMichael
      Hello, Anatoly Mikhailovich!
      After reading your "letters from the" red zone "I made a small discovery for myself: at the very least, all people can think; not everyone is able to clearly state the fruits of these reflections; but to share these thoughts themselves so that the listener / reader can use their brains on their own - this requires a fair amount of knowledge and life experience.
      You have provided good food for the mind. Thanks you!

      It's funny, to start thinking you have to read the article. laughing
      1. +4
        25 March 2021 20: 38
        Judging by your observation, reading the commentary did not activate the thought process. It's funny ...
        1. -6
          25 March 2021 20: 40
          Quote: OldMichael
          Judging by your remark,

          Well, do not judge and do not be judged. laughing
          1. +2
            25 March 2021 21: 07
            Whom to wake up?
            (Minus is not mine)
            1. -5
              25 March 2021 21: 45
              Quote: OldMichael
              Whom to wake up?
              (Minus is not mine)

              Well, I don’t know who you sleep with, and I’m not interested. And minus the same intellectual as you. hi
  23. +3
    25 March 2021 21: 02
    It is necessary to change the system of power in the country to a sovereign one! It's not too late.
    1. +1
      26 March 2021 10: 46
      Quote: Herman 4223
      It is necessary to change the system of power in the country to a sovereign one!

      Delve into the topic of GCD more. There, after all, the emphasis is on changing / correcting the Constitution, where the level of the country's sovereignty is spelled out.
      And to change the Constitution - we need popular support, but it is not enough in points where ordinary people are poorly versed in legal issues.
      1. +1
        26 March 2021 12: 20
        I got it for a long time. The main emphasis there is the restoration of the country within the borders of the USSR and sovereignty. The change of the constitution is only a stage or one of the points.
        1. 0
          26 March 2021 13: 49
          Quote: Herman 4223
          The change of the constitution is only a stage or one of the points.

          The most important one, without which nothing can be promoted or restored.
  24. -6
    26 March 2021 01: 34
    So Siberia was settled by convicts in the 20th century,
    And the passport to the villagers of the USSR was given only in 1974!
    1. +3
      26 March 2021 06: 50
      ... And the passport to the villagers of the USSR was given only in 1974!
      And in the United States, farmers still don't have passports. laughing Despite the fact that racial segregation was abolished by the EMNP only in the 1960s.
      1. -1
        26 March 2021 09: 45
        In the United States, there is no internal passport, there the driver's license is mainly used as an identity card,
        1. +3
          26 March 2021 09: 56
          So the Soviet collective farmer, if he needed to go where, received a certificate from the village council - and more. How much can you speculate on these passports?
          1. -4
            26 March 2021 11: 53
            Do they get certificates from the village council in the us?
            The slave could also go after receiving a certificate from the master
            1. +1
              26 March 2021 12: 08
              ... Do they get certificates from the village council in the us?
              The slave could also go after receiving a certificate from the master
              Yeah. With the signature of the master, the visa of his wife and the seal of the village council.
              1. -4
                26 March 2021 12: 45
                And a new government came and the serfs began to fill in certificates of various types of commissars and party workers
  25. -1
    26 March 2021 06: 58
    "A stupid friend is worse than an intelligent enemy" is a Dagestan proverb. If there are demands, then we react to the organizers of these demands. Grandmother called that there is no water in the village. There is still enough thread so that the screws can be tightened. Certainly not only I have a question, but this is not the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. Many schools have been closed in the villages. And the children themselves are already demanding the opening of schools. And again, who will organize all this. The health of society is not determined by the presence of billionaires, and not even by powerful missiles. The benefit comes only from the education of society. When the population of Tsarist Russia was completely illiterate, in the Cossack villages they could read and write literally everything. This is where patriotism comes from.
  26. -1
    26 March 2021 09: 43
    Yes, there is no crisis, except for the one about which Professor Preobrazhensky spoke: in the heads of those people who have long been "in charge" of our economy, but do not want to protect it from their "colleagues and partners." closets, they must have gold toilets. It is a shame for the State that such "financiers" are.
  27. 0
    26 March 2021 17: 03
    What do you want? Honest care of the Kremlin and the oligarchs about the people ??? Honest government reports?
    Remind: - an unnamed person was imprisoned and corruption was immediately legalized ...
    1. +1
      26 March 2021 18: 08
      The Kremlin is not to blame for this building, but aligarchs are a product of traitors and the US State Department. Privatization in the 90s took place under their control.
      1. -1
        29 March 2021 12: 55
        In modern times, many words have many meanings ...
        Those who were in the 90s have long been on the sidelines ...
  28. 0
    26 March 2021 18: 14
    I ask the author to clarify this paragraph:
    "As of 1.01.2020, the Central Bank issued loans to non-residents (foreign countries and firms) 27,113 trillion rubles. These loans were issued (including at the expense of the state budget of Russia in accounts with the Central Bank) in the amount of 12,082 trillion rubles."
    I want to gain understanding, -
    "The Central Bank issued loans ... 27,113 trillion." and "these loans were disbursed .. in the amount of 12,082 trillion."
    So why are "these" of 27,113 trillion. turned into 12,082 -?
    Either the text is missing, or the rams shouldn't care what Arabic numerals are inscribed.
    And for the article in general, thanks to the author, for the enormous work on the presentation for understanding by ordinary citizens.
  29. -1
    27 March 2021 07: 35
    The author, why are you up in arms against the British?
    They did everything right - for themselves! Not for others. Others can take care of themselves. And all were Nazis until the 20th century. It's just that not everyone could stand up for themselves due to stupidity.