About Russian martial arts style

When they begin to compare our army with the American and other armies of the world, I always remember history, which occurred during my service in the group of Soviet troops in Germany about thirty years ago.

In the seventies, it was decided to organize competitions of friendly armies. I served then in artillery, and once I had the opportunity to attend the championship, which was held between our unit and the fraternal German, which was armed with the same guns and tractors.

In addition to general running and shooting, the program included the following exercise: the tractor, leaving the original and driving 50 meters, should turn around so that the gun looked towards the enemy, the calculation jumps off the tractor, unhooks the gun, uncovers, spreads the support beds, leads to the target, charges, produces a shot, which must hit the target. Standard for all - 45 seconds. Boundary for this exercise alone, therefore, performed in turn, who quickly - decided to stopwatch. By lot, first the Germans, then ours. Both units are present, they support their own.

Stopwatch clicked. The Germans have gone. Act clearly, admiring. Traction jumps to the position. The officer stands on the sidelines with binoculars, without interfering in anything. The sergeant gives the command, the soldiers act like machine guns, the beds are spaced apart, the covers are removed, the projectile in the barrel. Shot. Target struck. 41 second. The Germans rejoice. On 4, the seconds have blocked the norm! the result is excellent.

Now ours. The tractor flies to the position, the gun almost falls over when turning, gets up on one wheel, thinks for a moment - to fall on its side or back to the working position. Carried - fell as it should. Calculation of the crowd runs to her. The sergeant is handing out kicks, the officer grabbed the frame, dropped his binoculars, which was crushed in the confusion, the mat-remat, charging almost stumbling, in the fall by some miracle sends a projectile to the breech, shot! Target hit. 17 seconds.

That's when I understood why the Germans lost the war. They are not capable of overpower in an extreme situation. And our whole life is an extreme situation, and super-effort is the norm of behavior in war. The stupidity of the generals is always compensated by the heroism of the soldiers. We didn’t provide food - in peacetime we got used to it. Tanks broke through And we will abandon the reconnaissance under these tanks. No one to go into intelligence? Scouts under the tanks died? Volunteers - two steps forward! Here is such a Russian style of martial art.

In which army of the world is military business still set? Germans are a disciplined nation, love and know how to fight. And the Americans where to climb? it is enough to recall the rebellion of the American marines in Somalia. They refused to go to military operations until they received bio-toilets. The requirements are absolutely fair. Field toilets of our type in the tropics - the direct road to the epidemic. And Americans love to live. But to imagine that the Russian marines refused to go into a military operation, for whatever reason (not to mention such a curious one), I cannot in a nightmare. And I hope I do not live to such a time when our soldiers and officers will look like American ones. About the generals, the conversation is special ...
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  1. +18
    23 August 2012 12: 28
    Something is ..... this is our specific mentality ... the ability to sacrifice and maximize returns is our genetic advantage over those who call themselves civilized Europeans.
    1. +10
      23 August 2012 12: 35
      Yes, we are a nation with a highly developed sense of self-sacrifice. But if you think about it, we would still have a little discipline and order.
      1. Vanek
        23 August 2012 12: 37
        Quote: Steam Train
        we would have some more discipline and order

        we would have some more discipline and order

      2. +10
        23 August 2012 12: 54
        Quote: Steam Train
        we would still have a little discipline and order

        Unfortunately, then We will no longer be WE .... And even under this condition, all the same, relatives and loved ones.
        1. Trance
          23 August 2012 19: 22
          AventurinkaUnfortunately, then We will not be WE .... And even with this condition, all the same relatives and loved ones.

          Julia, that's for sure drinks , our Russian maybe, there is nobody to understand wink
      3. Fidain
        23 August 2012 12: 55
        There are simply no words, handsome good
      4. +5
        23 August 2012 13: 09
        I don’t remember whose conclusions they were ... but who of the European military thinkers of the last century said that only Russians with their natural fatalism, Germans with their discipline and militancy, Japanese with their fanaticism and sometimes the British with their queen can truly fight. ..
        As for the latter, I agree, but only with the caveat to fight not on land.
        1. 0
          23 August 2012 21: 40
          sometimes the British with their queen ...
          As for the latter, I agree, but only with the caveat to fight not on land --- that's for sure, piracy at sea !!!!! wink laughing
      5. +3
        23 August 2012 13: 14
        Quote: Steam Train
        Yes, we are a nation with a highly developed sense of self-sacrifice.

        And also, with a heightened sense of justice. And, when our government recalls the sacrifice and heroism of the Russian people, the second aspect for some reason (intentionally?) Is overlooked. what
      6. +10
        23 August 2012 18: 59

        Here is a story about the brave Yankee warriors and the valor of a Russian soldier ...
        1. bachast
          23 August 2012 19: 05
          Good movie!
        2. +3
          23 August 2012 20: 26
          What can I say - Russian Soldier, Sailor is invincible! My sister's husband spent half his life on a helicopter at the UN and he talked about the Americans, the British, and other riffraff. As soon as it becomes scary or dangerous to fly somewhere, this whole "brave guard" is in the bushes, they have diarrhea and scabies, and all at once, and ours: "It is necessary! From the screw!" And flew. If it was scary, then upon arrival a glass of alcohol and everything went away. So all the tales about NATO warriors are fairy tales.
    2. gojesi
      23 August 2012 13: 24
      Quote: Sakhalininets
      this is our genetic advantage over those who call themselves civilized

      You're right! And also the Russian motto, which is many thousands of years old and which the Christians, having stolen, have appropriated to themselves - there is no greater love, as if someone would lay his belly for his friends!
      In the Vietnam War, there was also an Amersky curiosity ... - they refused to go to war, because they didn’t bring ice cream to the jungle ... but he was ordered by contract :)
      1. Green
        23 August 2012 17: 25
        Quote: gojesi
        In the Vietnam War, there was also an Amersky curiosity ... - they refused to go to war, because they didn’t bring ice cream to the jungle ... but he was ordered by contract :)

        Yes, the point here is not that without ice cream it’s not a fighter, but that he’s just pissed off ... going, and that’s what I caught on to the fad in the contract. laughing
    3. 0
      23 August 2012 15: 04
      Please pay attention to the topic in the forum, innovations on the site are discussed, here is the link http://forum.topwar.ru/topic/2832-%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B9%D1%82%D0%B8% D0% BD% D0% B3-% D0

      So that later, as with the moderators, it did not work out.
    4. minister
      23 August 2012 23: 22
      Europe civilized in the Middle Ages in the flesh until the end of the 19th century did not wash, and we were spoken by "barbarians". As they say "war is garbage, the main thing is maneuvers"
  2. Vanek
    23 August 2012 12: 32
    There is a special conversation about generals ...

    Details would be desirable.

    They are not capable of overpower in an extreme situation. And our whole life is an extreme situation,

    And you can’t argue.
    1. +2
      23 August 2012 16: 57
      In general, I agree, BUT all generals under one comb in my opinion is wrong. The Russian army has a great history, and so you can catch the memory of decent generals. Yes, and our real one suddenly still remained normal. In short, I am against sweeping.
  3. otter
    23 August 2012 12: 34
    And what can I add, there are no words.
  4. +7
    23 August 2012 12: 35
    Russia is probably one country in which people serve for honor and conscience .. Abroad, people are most often controlled by money and "gallows" ...
  5. Charon
    23 August 2012 12: 37
    The story is not new, but instructive.
    Of course, this is a serious competitive advantage in the battle with any opponent.
    The trouble is that in order to open this second breath, you first need to get it firmly on the hill. And if the enemy tends to give all the best at the very beginning, you may not survive until the second breath.
    Here is the flip side of the advantage. Therefore, I would leave it for the most extreme case and did not expect it when planning certain actions.
  6. +19
    23 August 2012 12: 38
    I will allow myself to say stupidity - but look at the modern army of the Russian Federation?
    Yes, they try - but the army ceases to be an army - many want comfort.
    The poor soldier was forced to wash the floors- scandal. I did not sleep, the scandal. Kindergarten daisy, Mlyn.
    I ask many double basses the question - what if tomorrow is a war, who will clean up after you? who will peel the potato? Civil servants?
    The Committee of Soldiers' Mothers is plugging every hole, they see violations everywhere. Do not get it wrong - they are doing a huge and right job of rescuing the children from captivity, for which they simply have a great fortune to go into the training process and make the army not even a pioneer camp, but kindergarten is too much !!!
    1. +4
      23 August 2012 13: 21
      And after all there is still a bunch of young people who piss to go to serve even in such greenhouse conditions. I am ashamed.
    2. +2
      23 August 2012 17: 01
      The Committee of Soldiers' Mothers is one of the grand beneficiaries and, therefore, by all means trying to make a kindergarten out of the army
    3. 0
      23 August 2012 17: 06
      Let me disagree. Comfort should be in the PPD for sufficient relaxation of the body. Then the training will be more effective. And the ability to provide for oneself needs to be studied in the field.
      The Committee of Soldiers' Mothers is plugging every hole, they see violations everywhere.
      Now the military prosecutor is bustling.
      but to go into the preparation process itself and make the army not even a pioneer camp, but a kindergarten is too much !!!
      Chet I do not remember this if you can’t be difficult.
  7. +10
    23 August 2012 12: 40
    All right. But the dullness of the upper reaches, and the ability of the lower classes to get the situation out of the ass is admirable. As long as there are still bottoms. Otherwise, only the tops will remain.
    1. gojesi
      24 August 2012 08: 50
      Quote: erased
      As long as there are still bottoms. Otherwise, only the tops will remain.

      I.A.Krylov in the fable, "How one man fed two generals," said about this ...
  8. +1
    23 August 2012 12: 43
    A good article to the author, I read it with pleasure !!!
  9. 0
    23 August 2012 12: 44
    The opinion of the Germans themselves is especially interesting in this plot ... But apparently we are not given to know ...
    1. 0
      23 August 2012 12: 50
      Quote: Trapper7
      The opinion of the Germans themselves is especially interesting in this plot ...

      They understood why it was not necessary to fight with us ...
      1. 0
        23 August 2012 17: 02
        Quote: tan0472

        They understood why it was not necessary to fight with us ...

        He explained this very intelligibly in the 45th
    2. +4
      23 August 2012 13: 49
      Quote: Trapper7
      Of particular interest in this plot is the opinion of the Germans themselves.

      This opinion is known - "We won not correctly" and I agree with that! There would be discipline and clarity of interaction, they did it in 15 seconds.
      Surely the battalion commander said "" We are defeating the Germans - demobilization two days earlier!
  10. +17
    23 August 2012 12: 46
    So we are what to do. Now on vacation in Egypt. We got to a hotel where there are almost none of ours, mainly Germans and British. Unlike those places where ours, everything here is quiet and peaceful, even their children are somehow inhibited. In the morning, before they left for the water park, they managed to fight in the room, run along the corridor, change signs on all the doors on the floor where they shouldn’t disturb or clean the room, they woke up the Germans' neighbors, tired of apologizing and beating the children on the w ...
    1. Cripple cross
      23 August 2012 13: 52
      good Cheered, hello to children and buy ice cream. Children should be playful. smile
      1. +1
        23 August 2012 14: 37
        Wait, Sergey32, you'll still come back ...
        then you will be ambushed ... will wait!
      2. +5
        23 August 2012 15: 20
        I visited the water park, on the highest slides, most of all our and Ukrainian children, they are not afraid of anything. Two Arabs of thirty years had more fun with a waist volume greater than that of the Russian generals, as I understand it, the size of their welfare is determined by the size of the belly, the maintenance staff there is all thin. So these two climbed a hill and tuned in for a descent for about half an hour. Below, they were encouraged by a support group of wives head-to-toe and screaming children. Several times they tried to go down, but something stopped them. Finally, having gathered all their will into a fist and holding their noses, they were able to jump, at that time their wives were desperately taking pictures of them to capture their heroism for eternity. We met them from the pool as space heroes. Our children managed to slide about ten times during this time. Today I stopped wondering how Jews can beat Arabs all the way.
  11. iulai
    23 August 2012 12: 47
    the generals in the Russian army in the bulk, with some exceptions, are stupid, fat-faced dullards. everything is as on selection at 7 months of pregnancy. I could not and cannot understand how our paratroopers kept Chechen fighters on the border with Georgia for XNUMX hours, and where are our helicopters? aviation? ... Russia has fought and will always fight at the expense of cannon "meat"!
  12. tarez
    23 August 2012 12: 48
    I read the headline .. I decided that the article was about something like sambo, but here it’s about something else smile
    by article.
    Yes, we are ... there are, were, and most likely will be smile

    and we have a lot of generals for sure, there are those who pass through the door, or rather they don’t pass, or they can only remember the First World War in time, but there are quite combat ones, for which they have special respect.
  13. +29
    23 August 2012 12: 53
    He laughed heartily ... Thank you .. also on this subject there is a story about the Second World War:
    When analyzing World War II, American military historians discovered a very interesting fact. Namely: in a sudden clash with the forces of the Japanese, Americans, as a rule, made decisions much faster and, as a result, defeated even superior enemy forces. Having studied this pattern, scientists came to the conclusion that the average word length for Americans is 5,2 characters, while for the Japanese 10,8 and, therefore, it takes 56% less time to issue orders, which plays an important role in a short battle. .
    For the sake of interest, they analyzed Russian speech, and it turned out that the word length in Russian is 7,2 characters per word (on average), however, in critical situations, the Russian-speaking command staff switches to profanity and the word length is reduced to ... 3,2 , 32 characters per word. This is due to the fact that some phrases and even phrases are replaced with ONE word. (There, for example, the phrase is given: "32nd, I order to immediately destroy the enemy tank firing at our positions" = "XNUMXnd, yo-no on this x-y")
    Undoubtedly! Great and powerful Russian language! (C)
    1. taurus69
      23 August 2012 13: 05
      ATP, the cat, humorized. you will not prompt a source?
      1. mshl
        23 August 2012 20: 28
        This is for sure (I read there) with bigler.ru :) But I don’t know where on the bigler.
    2. +1
      23 August 2012 14: 15
      Quote: kotdavin4i
      (There, for example, the phrase is given: "32nd, I order to immediately destroy the enemy tank firing at our positions" = "32nd, yo-no on this x-y")

      In the very way they say zyu laughing and there
    3. Ratibor12
      23 August 2012 17: 05
      Quote: kotdavin4i
      Having studied this pattern, scientists came to the conclusion that the average word length for Americans is 5,2 characters, while for the Japanese 10,8 and, therefore, it takes 56% less time to issue orders, which plays an important role in a short battle. .
      For the sake of interest, they analyzed Russian speech, and it turned out that the length of a word in Russian is 7,2 characters per word (average), however, in critical situations, the Russian-speaking command personnel switches to profanity and the word length is reduced to ... 3,2 , XNUMX characters per word.

      Yeah! What does the Russian-American-Japanese air battle look like:
      - Dear Akira-san! I consider it necessary to report that in the back hemisphere of your .... Ahhhhh !!! Wai-wai! Poor Akira-san !!!!
      - John! This is Sam! You have yapy on the tail!
      - Vasya! From behind!

      We have an interesting slang:
      Where is the log? - Her knows him, they say, on a satellite, a macaque scratches. Translation: - Where is Captain Derevyanko? - I don’t know, but they say that it works through a closed communication channel and monitors American tests of the prototype of the Mk-48 torpedo

      Serge, check. Dima said that the canadian in your pelvis is rinsing the hole. (Sergey, Dmitry reported that in your sector the Canadian anti-submarine helicopter conducts acoustic sounding).

      South west of your fifth, a flat-footed porridge will shrink, a screen in the snow. (Southwest of your fifth (?) Military transport plane drops light acoustic buoys in the area of ​​the possible location of the K-series submarine, there are many small objects on the radar screen)

      The main bourgeois sits under the weather, is silent. (The American aircraft carrier disguises itself in a stormy area, observing radio silence)

      The stargazer sees the bubble, already with snot. (The optical observation station reports that the American tanker plane released a fuel hose)

      - We have here the narrow-eyed fool turned on, they say, sorry, lost his course, the motor broke down, and he masturbates. His dry couple went around, their Birch yelled.
      - Drive him to ***, I don’t want to get a pussy for this jaundice. If necessary, let the border guards wrap him in a fart, and draw a story for our special police officer. Transfer:
      - During a fleet exercise, a South Korean ship came close to the area of ​​operations, citing breakdowns. During the flight by a pair of Su-15s, the "Birch" warning radar was activated.
      -Tram-tararam: when trying to leave the area, deprive the ship of the course and tow.
      1. Yarbay
        23 August 2012 17: 09
        Quote: Ratibor12
        Drive it on ***, for this jaundice I do not want to receive a cunt. If necessary, let the border guards wrap him in a fart, and draw a fairy tale command to our special police officer

    4. bamboo
      23 August 2012 18: 28
      daaaaaaa obscene language is indispensable))))
      when he studied, and then served we only talked on it))) smile
  14. +29
    23 August 2012 12: 56
    I will not comment on anything, the photo itself speaks of the strength of spirit of Russia !!!
    1. +9
      23 August 2012 13: 03
      Or maybe the second American is "unconventional"? smile
      1. +9
        23 August 2012 13: 11
        Quote: tan0472

        Or maybe the second American is "unconventional"?

        Then there are a number of non-traditional. It would be a log ring would be a round dance. laughing
        1. +3
          23 August 2012 13: 15
          Quote: Steam Train
          Then there are a number of non-traditional. It would be a log ring would be a round dance.

          Well what can I say ............ good !!!!
          1. +5
            23 August 2012 15: 25
            Yes they are

            1. Darck
              23 August 2012 18: 43
              1. +2
                23 August 2012 21: 41
                No, well, our political bureau at least didn’t fuck ... I hope recourse
                1. Darck
                  24 August 2012 07: 00
                  No, well, our political bureau at least didn’t fuck ... I hope

                  I don’t have such pictures) Yes, and Sasha Baron and Will Ferrell are unlikely to mate. laughing
              2. +1
                23 August 2012 22: 05
                Darck, so it is on the protocol !!!! wink laughing
      2. sea
        23 August 2012 13: 48
        now they have a lot of unconventional
    2. +3
      23 August 2012 13: 07
      Photo super !!! good
      1. +3
        23 August 2012 13: 13
        hi I welcome you dear fantast !!!

        I am glad that you and everyone else liked the photo.
    3. not good
      23 August 2012 18: 37
      ... he will stop the elephant for a gallop and his trunk will be torn off ...
    4. Darck
      23 August 2012 18: 45
      Apollo you yourself would have tried this way, how these guys carry a log to the mountain and back holding it above your head. Then all the pathos from you would be knocked out at once. smile
  15. +1
    23 August 2012 12: 57
    Time goes by, and nanotechnology goes, 30 years ago and passed at random, but now it is dangerous to make mistakes on the keyboard and almost fall in front of the "breech", the program will envy !!!
    Time will pass by chance, the second and ... we will slap on the pug !!!
  16. 0
    23 August 2012 13: 55
    This cannot be taken away from us. Fact.
    That and win.
    Unfortunately, quite often in our history, soldiers are forced to pay for the mistakes of generals and all sorts of commanders.

    And about the Russian soldier, everyone in the world at all times spoke with reverence and respect.
  17. xmike
    23 August 2012 14: 05
    "The tractor flies into position, the gun almost overturns when turning, stands on one wheel, for a moment hesitates whether to fall on its side or back to the working position. Carried it over - fell as it should. The calculation in a crowd runs to her. The sergeant distributes kicks, the officer grabbed the bed , dropped the binoculars, which were crushed in the confusion, the rewind mate, the loading almost stumbled, in the fall by some miracle sends a projectile into the breech, a shot! The target is struck. 17 seconds. " good

    Respect smiled at the author !!! drinks
    1. geo791
      24 August 2012 08: 00
      I remember my youth and agree with the author, in extreme conditions our skinny boys work wonders
  18. +1
    23 August 2012 14: 16
    Got news in the topic of this article.
    http://www.diletant.ru/articles/4206024/ Russian soldier through the eyes of the Nazis
  19. 0
    23 August 2012 14: 24
    in this case we will no longer be ourselves, but will be some kind of French. We are what we are.
  20. +1
    23 August 2012 14: 43
    Good note.
    Good comments.
    And for some reason, I immediately remembered - porridge from an ax.
    And, regarding the coefficient of shortening actions from words .... there are such incentive words in the Russian language that the average length is there - I’m sure it tends to zero.
    I think that's the point. Correct and soulful words to choose.
    (I just sent my linear brigade to the track ... with the overlap of the standard).
    (and now ... pounding himself)
  21. sribnuu
    23 August 2012 14: 48
    About the Russian style of martial arts - to surpass the quality in quantity! smile But there is no quantity now! I am silent about the quality!
    1. 0
      24 August 2012 08: 39
      Yeah, you are universal so that you don’t get into your pants and come up with this bike, that we only take the number
  22. +2
    23 August 2012 14: 53
    The article is a fat plus.
    There are many such examples, one example is an example from Yugoslavia, when our airborne assault from artillery batteries with obsolete ASWs fired better than the Americans with their GPS and other electronics. At the same time, the guns themselves from which they were shot belonged to different classes, and ours were worse in this classification.
    Yes, and the very example from my life is, according to the deployment of the artillery reconnaissance position with reference to the terrain, according to the standard it is about 4 minutes, I fit in 1 minute 45 seconds. The Swedes who were observers drove me 3 times according to the standard, everyone did not believe that this was possible, and that the link was not given in advance, although there was nothing to take from them, they chose targets for the link such that it was a sin not to attach to them.
  23. +1
    23 August 2012 15: 18
    Quote: Aventurinka
    Got news in the topic of this article. http://www.diletant.ru/articles/4206024/ Russian soldier through the eyes of the Nazis

    The fattest plus in this article - thanks! *** sorry for the advertisement ****
  24. +1
    23 August 2012 15: 44
    What is - that is, as they say in Odessa.
    Father said that the Germans were in a melee always lost, even if ours was a little less.
    From my own life experience I know, and others can confirm that our people are characterized by some frenzy in battle, which Europe and America will never understand drinks
    1. gojesi
      23 August 2012 16: 15
      Quote: Old Rocketman
      Germans in hand-to-hand combat always lost, even if ours were slightly smaller

      in hand-to-hand combat, the laws of a different world apply, people who are in the thick and do not participate, everyone goes crazy ... for example, cameramen. On the Internet there is a Russian dock movie called seems ... not sure - Secrets of the brain. Look, there is evidence and detail
      1. Ratibor12
        24 August 2012 12: 36
        Quote: gojesi
        in hand-to-hand combat, the laws of a different world apply, people who are in the thick and do not participate, everyone goes crazy ... for example, cameramen. On the Internet there is a Russian dock movie called seems ... not sure - Secrets of the brain. Look, there is evidence and detail

        Aha! The laws of the otherworld m..la! Also say that the laws of physics cease to operate! No need for fantasy and mysticism. And in general, watching pseudoscientific "Secrets of the Brain" is harmful to the brain.
    2. s1н7т
      23 August 2012 22: 05
      Hm. But what about the Scandinavian berserkers? laughing
      "Tka shta ..." (c)
      1. gojesi
        24 August 2012 02: 54
        Quote: c1n7
        But what about the Scandinavian berserkers

        the berserker entered a coherent state with the help of psychotropic drugs, possibly fly agarics. In hand-to-hand combat it is rather the Valkyries (?) ... In any case, those cameramen whom Hitler and I. Stalin sent to film the battle, almost immediately after filming, went crazy ... One cannot but be able to do hand-to-hand combat " normal "otherwise - madness, precisely as a consequence of NORMALITY ...
        1. Ratibor12
          24 August 2012 13: 04
          Quote: gojesi
          the berserker entered a coherent state with the help of psychotropic drugs, possibly fly agarics. In hand-to-hand combat it is rather the Valkyries (?) ... In any case, those cameramen whom Hitler and I. Stalin sent to film the battle, almost immediately after filming, went crazy ... One cannot but be able to do hand-to-hand combat " normal "otherwise - madness, precisely as a consequence of NORMALITY ...

          Eck you are lucky, however! Coherent psychomors and muhotropic berserkers! You say Valkyries? We flew in the course of hand-to-hand - Valkyries in nightgowns! The hem was shamelessly lifted up and on top of the soldier does not give a shit ... whether !!! Still, cameramen would not go crazy with this !!! Especially if they were sent by Hitler with Stalin before that! So they said: "Fuck you!"

          But seriously! Here's what K. Simonov and other journalists, cameramen are crazy ??? But they have seen much more than an ordinary soldier !!! How is it there:
          From Moscow to Brest, there is no such place
          Wherever we roam in the dust
          With a "watering can" and a notebook, or even with a machine gun
          Through the fire and cold we passed ...

          ... On a pickup truck
          And with one Nagant
          The first to enter the city ....

          “... During the war years, our photojournalists did not have equipment with telephoto lenses that would allow them to shoot the battlefield from afar. Such lenses simply did not exist at that time. There was no other opportunity to take a picture except to be in the epicenter of the event. fighters in the trench, trench, headquarters, finally. ”The photographer must not move further than 30 - 35 meters from the subject, otherwise the image will be blurry, indistinct. Therefore, in order to take this or that picture on the front line, it often took a lot of courage. Sometimes it was impossible even to choose another, more favorable point for shooting, because it is impossible due to the circumstances of the battle ... "
          Vasily Arkashev (photojournalist of the regional newspaper Krasnoarmeyskaya Pravda)
          Have you, dear, been at least once in a mass brawl? In general, a certain courage comes to the fighters. He also comes to the cameraman, but his own way. So everything with the psyche is normal for them.
          1. gojesi
            24 August 2012 18: 33
            Quote: Ratibor12
            a great deal of courage was often required of him. Sometimes it was impossible even to choose another, more favorable point for shooting, because it is impossible due to the circumstances of the battle ... "

            I remind you keen on ... it's about shooting melee. speak essentially, don’t mock and don’t mock or distort, especially with unfamiliar men.
            If you know at least one scene of a hand-to-hand combat, which is actually what I’m talking about, please share a link ... As for your educational program regarding photographic techniques of the war, the courage of cameramen ... thanks, everything was intelligible and very instructive!
            1. Ratibor12
              24 August 2012 21: 57
              Quote: gojesi
              speak essentially, don’t mock and don’t mock or distort, especially with unfamiliar men.

              Well, excuse me, dear, if you went too far and offended. It’s just that you yourself put yourself in a ridiculous position with such pseudoscientific statements. Well, what can you say to the mercy of another world, madness and Valkyries?
              Well, there were cases of insanity among soldiers who came under heavy fire (bombing, artillery bombardment, the demolition of the German echelon and the subsequent attack of the partisans). But these are isolated cases.
              Now for the chronicle of hand-to-hand combat. No reference. I doubt that there is such material anywhere. Uh ... Well, maybe a few years ago on one of the military sites I read something like this: Chronicle of World War 1. A scene of hand-to-hand combat of two half-shots (German and Russian) was shot. The result is mutual destruction. The Germans were all killed, three Russians survived. The fate of the operator (crazy / normal) is unknown.
              I tried to find more detailed info on the Internet - I found x ... with oil.
              1. gojesi
                24 August 2012 22: 26
                Quote: Ratibor12
                Sorry, dear, if you went too far and offended. It’s just that you yourself put yourself in a ridiculous position with such pseudoscientific statements. Well, tell me at the mercy of a foreign world, madness and Valkyries

                this site, I believe, is not a place for insults or for clarification this place, I believe, for DEFINITIONS. I am not sugar and not infernal, I am ordinary! I'm talking about a PRINCIPLE! You believe that you live in a material world and, so to speak, "scientifically grounded", I know that I live in an OCCULT world, but this is a carefully hidden secret, you believe in what is closer to you, I in what is to me. .. This is normal!
                I state - your behavior is masculine! Every good deed is encouraged, here is a reference for you, look. Maybe something will shift in you ... Yes, and I recommend the site itself! http://kobtv.narod.ru/documental/zov-bezdny.html
                Sincerely ...
  25. sribnuu
    23 August 2012 16: 11
    Sport is the head of everything. In sports, you can judge who is who. wink

    By the way! An interesting fact - If we summarize the medals of all the former USSR countries (gold, silver, bronze) - Honorable 1st or 2nd place. good
    1. +1
      23 August 2012 16: 12
      Quote: sribnuu
      In sports, you can judge who is who.

      Dear, where is Ukraine independent?
    2. gojesi
      23 August 2012 16: 31
      Quote: sribnuu
      Sport is the head of everything. In sports, you can judge who is who

      Let me disagree with you! Sport, I believe, is only a consequence ... And the reason is the LANGUAGE spoken by the Russians ... Thus, I believe that the main thing is our language, and everything else is just nice adjectives to it ...
    3. 0
      24 August 2012 16: 54
      You add to all this that sports in Russia are especially and not advertised, all our medalists are frostbitten enthusiasts. Echo ... if only it were not fabulous dumb 90s, now, platinum medalists would have grown ..............
  26. sribnuu
    23 August 2012 16: 12
    By the way! An interesting fact - If we summarize the medals of all the former USSR countries (gold, silver, bronze) - Honorable 1st or 2nd place. good
  27. sribnuu
    23 August 2012 16: 21
    Alexander Romanov,

    We are not claiming primacy!
    1. bachast
      24 August 2012 04: 53
      Well, in some of yours, they really bypassed everyone))
    2. +2
      24 August 2012 09: 28
      The British calculated the ratio of people to medals and Russia became the first. By the number of medals, the USA has 104 with a population of 300 million, China with 87 medals has a population of 1 million, Russia has 300 medals with a population of 82 million. Moreover, African monkeys advocate Anglo-Saxons.
      1. 0
        24 August 2012 16: 56
        If you protect medals on points, for example ... gold-6, silver-3, bronze-2 ....... then we are ahead of the rest.
  28. +2
    23 August 2012 16: 40
    Quote: Hamul
    The Committee of Soldiers' Mothers is plugging every hole, they see violations everywhere.

    This committee should be sent to three cheerful ones, citing the fact that they appeared in the 90s. And once in the 90s, it means they are a product of the West, like any other sectarians, Kashpirov’s, family planning institutes, juvenile justice, liberalism, tolerance and other gay parades.
    All such "innovations" need to be analyzed from a historical and traditional point of view. If we didn't have something before 1980, then we don't need it even in FIG.
    Russian culture has long been settled and settled. We have nothing to be ashamed of, and our traditions are a reason for pride. So fuck everything new. And let the "soldier's mothers" go where the gay pride parades go.
  29. 0
    23 August 2012 16: 59
    Beauties !!! Ours is in everything.
  30. M. Peter
    23 August 2012 18: 28
    This is absorbed with mother’s milk.
    As Zadornov said, American children are deprived of the happiness of "stinking" cellars and slingshots.
    Right to the point, ingenuity and ability to get out I find, acquired from childhood. wink
  31. +7
    23 August 2012 18: 48
    The Russian soldier is the most victorious in the world, but so far they haven’t figured out how to deal with it ...
    1. 0
      23 August 2012 23: 37
      The US Army does not show it.

  32. Staff_
    23 August 2012 19: 07
    I wrote this bike on the form, quite a while already.
  33. not good
    23 August 2012 19: 13
    In the 90s I had to deal with soldiers' mothers by the nature of their activities, to the question: "- Excuse me, madam, do you have children?" The answer was received: "Yes .... Daughter!" laughing
    Regarding the Russian soldier, NATO analysts regarding the 1st Chechen one concluded that in such circumstances, none of the NATO armies could carry out combat missions. And if foolish peacekeepers, like Kovalyov, did not interfere with the war, the 2nd Chechen did not have!
  34. T72B
    23 August 2012 19: 37
    Boris Ryazantsev, this bike is 40-50 years old. Not so long ago, Boris Tsekhanovich published it in almost the same terms. Something names suspiciously match. Are you different people or do I not know something?
  35. Hey
    23 August 2012 19: 43
    And here is another example of the inventiveness of a Russian soldier. Perhaps it is simple, but it once again confirms the foregoing by many on this topic.
    This case was told by Evkurov in his interview to Rossiyskaya Gazeta on the occasion of the Pristina events.
    After the seizure of the airfield, several days had already passed, and NATO members were already at the airfield. Of his fighters he was guilty, in one word he was in the "flyers". In order to punish him, Evkurov instructs him to fill up a huge crater from an aerial bomb near the runway. And he himself leaves on business. And after a while he observes the following picture. His fighter rides on a small tractor with a bucket, an American soldier is driving. And ours says something funny to him, the wallpaper laughs, waving his hands. They drive up to the funnel. In 5 minutes they fell asleep. Ours led.
    Comes here with a report on the completed assignment.
    And already in an interview he says: "Well, how with such soldiers it was impossible to take the airfield."
  36. 0
    23 August 2012 20: 01
    Cool article. Thanks to the author. Those who have not served will not understand.
  37. 0
    23 August 2012 21: 12
    Quote: leon-iv
    Chet I do not remember this if you can’t be difficult.
    We had this in training. I know.
    Do you know what teary letters cadet soldiers write ??? I’m writing on the boot of a murdered comrade, etc.
    And now - they know all their rights - but not duties. Believe me - make them clean - can only with the permission of the unit commander. And it’s not a fact that mothers will not come with the prosecutor’s armpit.
    Quote: leon-iv
    Let me disagree. Comfort should be in the PPD for sufficient relaxation of the body.

    And if tomorrow is war ????? what if tomorrow is war? will we demand comfort? or say - while we don’t have dry closets we’ll go into reconnaissance?
    Or can’t we cross the river without a boat?

    For example, I do not care for the conditions. I know how to sleep in the snow and wet land, and how not to stay hungry. The army is a school of life. This is a test of endurance, this is a test of lice and the ability to get along in a men's team.
    If every gopher is an agronomist - nafih such an army.
    1. s1н7т
      24 August 2012 02: 54
      When there is brain lice in the country, lice testing is treason laughing laughing laughing
  38. Shumer
    23 August 2012 21: 52
    Yes, we do not understand the mind
  39. s1н7т
    23 August 2012 22: 17
    "... The tractor flies into position, the gun almost overturns when turning, stands on one wheel, for a moment hesitates whether to fall on its side or back to the working position. Carried it over - fell as it should. The crew ran to her in a crowd. grabbed the bed, dropped the binoculars, which were crushed in the confusion, the rewind mate, which almost stumbled, in the fall, by some miracle sends a shell into the breech, a shot! ... "
    collective farm! What is proud of? And if the gun is turned upside down in battle, the loader will stumble, etc. - this is where the heroism that no one needs, begins. Then we are looking for the extreme ones.
    1. 0
      24 August 2012 09: 42
      do you understand the meaning ???
    2. Ratibor12
      24 August 2012 12: 01
      Quote: c1n7
      "... The tractor flies into position, the gun almost overturns when turning, stands on one wheel, for a moment hesitates whether to fall on its side or back to the working position. Carried it over - fell as it should. The crew ran to her in a crowd. grabbed the bed, dropped the binoculars, which were crushed in the confusion, the rewind mate, which almost stumbled, in the fall, by some miracle sends a shell into the breech, a shot! ... "
      collective farm! What is proud of? And if the gun is turned upside down in battle, the loader will stumble, etc. - this is where the heroism that no one needs, begins. Then we are looking for the extreme ones.

      Goosey! That’s just what will happen in battle! At the limit of possibilities! Give a couple of extra seconds to the enemy - they will bury the whole calculation in one funnel.
  40. Rediska
    24 August 2012 00: 45
    Recently, a girl went to Germany to relatives =) So she says that she decided to take a walk to the local central store, like some kind of shopping center (if it wasn’t in the province, but not in the capital, Darmstadt, the town is called) well, she dressed up like that , all the same, a foreign country, everything is done, she says she’s dressed, heels, she’s coming .... and all the people are in the same clothes, everything! in identical slates in shorts of some sort, the clothes are dirty, wrinkled, the devil knows what. He’s talking and everyone turned around :) Although the dress says normal was below the knee =) Another example from life, recently returned from Egypt, and so the hotel had somewhere around 40% of Russians, 40% of Germans and the British, Finns, Italians , the hotel is all inclusive, we’re sitting in a cafe as if you yourself take a seat, so the Germans are sitting next to them, around a bunch of people, children, three of their children! They get cigarettes, let's smoke =) NOT ONE RUSSIAN DID NOT DO IT. Never! He wanted to smoke, went away, smoked on the sidelines, and this on the drum ... =) We watched one German, there was a machine with three juices =) I took it, I poured a glass, I smelled it, I didn’t like it, I took another glass, I sniffed it, I tried it !!!! I didn’t like it, I poured it, I took the third glass, poured it, smelled it, sat down, drank it, got up, walked over, I pour it !!!! Tin ..... =) Another girl tells us that it’s not customary to restrain themselves there, well, democracy do what you want, and it’s quite in the order of things if you are with a person nearby he will take and fart :))) This is in the order of things this is a free country =)) In Egypt, by the third day you look at a person and with a 90% probability you will distinguish his nationality :) without even hearing the dialect, that's easy =) Yeah, relatives and better no homeland of Russia =))

    Heh =) I went to Kazakhstan to visit my relatives and the flag immediately changed :))
  41. +2
    24 August 2012 10: 07
    Yes, we are not special, just if you look at the history, we see that as soon as we have some problems getting soaped, we immediately remain alone and then something turns on and through it I can’t and I don’t want to do all kinds of lolly clogs and the stump is clear, we leave the winners, we Accustomed to the story that he hopes for someone's help ....... to no purpose, here with time we have developed a protective reflex give all the best.
    1. gojesi
      24 August 2012 18: 37
      Quote: Bosk
      Yes, we are not special, just if you look at the story you will see

      I do not agree with you! I fundamentally disagree! Do not look in the Torah (s) Look in Bylina, Skaziny and immediately see what we are special ... You will see this, your head will spin!
      1. +1
        25 August 2012 10: 38
        Well, Duc in epics of the same name is the story ......, something I don’t observe cooperation there, I also don’t observe masks, mostly epic heroes endure for a long time and then when they get further, there’s nowhere to go, proudly proud loneliness, with what the arm of a sweep of the hell falls into the tail and the mane ...., the Russians have a quality that many have noticed ... we never work ahead of the curve, we like that big guy sit on the stove for thirty-three years, and then suddenly jumped -Jump you look to whom the muzzle was filled, to whom they corrected the fence, we are not living according to the plan .... we are living according to the mood th.
        1. gojesi
          25 August 2012 14: 18
          Quote: Bosk
          Well so in epics the same story itself ......, something there I do not observe cooperation

          Exactly!!! The hero is almost ALWAYS ONE !!! In the annals of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra there are records that Ilya alone resisted 120 thousand ... Does this not seem strange to you?

          Quote: Bosk
          we live according to plan .... we live according to our mood.

          You have a good word, purely Russian, jumped out ... "mood" - US-THREE ...
          . A lot of clues, answers to questions in our language and tales ...
          And the modern "history", almost all was written in the 17th century. Only the lazy one does not know, when Peter passed our calendar and together with him 5 thousand years of our existence BEFORE Christianity and spoiled his native, domestic history ... He dressed up men in shoes, wigs and stockings ...
          1. 0
            26 August 2012 06: 32
            I do not mean history as the opinion of any historian, but digital history ..... I mean the date and event, but for the subject of our Ilya ...., the Old Slavic language has a lot of squiggles over which we still have to work and work, for example, the word army ..... like, it would mean an army, but there is an opinion that this is not an easy army, but a certain number of people in this army, it remains to figure out the current what amount it is ...... , it’s because of such misunderstandings that it turns out that Ilya opposed 120 thousand versus .... though, mind you ... it doesn’t fight against ....
            1. gojesi
              26 August 2012 14: 31
              Quote: Bosk
              , for example, the word army ..... like, it would mean an army, but there is an opinion that this is not an easy army, but a certain number of people in this army

              I’ll give you such words, quickly, offhand with a hundred, without straining to bring wink All of our immediate history is formed on the reformatted by Schloetzer, Bauer and Miller, and such court lackeys like Karamzin. And where is the History of the Russian State from M. Lomonosov ??? Believe it or not, SHE IS LOST !!! It simply does not exist physically in nature ... Today's historians, one hundred percent Soros grant eaters. During the existence of the Russian Academy of Sciences, she has raised 63 academicians of the word specialist - and a historian, among them ONLY THREE (3) RUSSIANS !!! Earlier, academicians reported to the Bundestag about the "work done" now to the Knesset ... So that we, the Russians, could study history undistorted by the Norman Germans, and then by the Zionist Jews, it is necessary to CHANGE THE SYSTEM! Everything goes to that :)
              1. 0
                26 August 2012 17: 17
                Our story is Russia itself, you look at the current map, it’s such a kusman of the earth ..... and who didn’t try to bite off the cus ....... many teeth were broken, And for the academicians ... I’m still Once again, the best way is to analyze date-events, because unfortunate historians can’t change historical dates, dates are bare statistics, for example, taking Berlin, as if the Bauers and Millers didn’t interpret it, will remain the message of Berlin, and not vice versa. at the expense of pre-Christian Russia .... really sorry, I would like to know more precisely, and this is a blurry type of Etruscan .. . Scythians ..... somehow brings clarity ....