Kravchuk: Russia does not want peace in Donbass

Kravchuk: Russia does not want peace in Donbass

The first president of Ukraine continues to demonstrate excessive activity on the air of the Ukrainian media, although activity, due to his position as head of the Ukrainian delegation in the Trilateral Contact Group, is obliged to show on the way to agreements on peace and the restoration of normal life in Donbass.

Leonid Kravchuk gave his next interview to the Ukraine 24 TV channel. And again, the head of the Ukrainian delegation to the TCG tried to place all responsibility for the events in the Donbass on Russia.

According to Kravchuk, the situation is moving in a circle and "there are no proposals from Russia."

What proposals does Kravchuk need from Russia, when for several years now he has a paper with a step-by-step plan for the implementation of the Minsk agreements? Follow all these points, and then the situation “will not move in a circle,” along which Kiev today, apparently, prefers to walk on its own.


Russia believes that it fulfills the function of an observer. Although no one gave her such powers.

These statements once again confirm the fact that the representatives of Ukraine in the TCG did not even read the text of the Minsk agreements plainly.

Leonid Kravchuk:

The situation is at an impasse. You can get out of it only by radical steps. Russia is not interested in advancing the negotiation process on Donbass. Russia does not want peace in Donbass. She wants to leave the situation there as it is now, or different, but not better than now.

Let us remind you that Kiev does not comply with the Minsk agreements, while every time it tries to look for the guilty. Whoever benefits from supporting the conflict in Donbass is those puppet masters called by the Ukrainian authorities who continue to rule in Kiev. The conflict in Donbass is a suitable option for the Western world to play off Ukraine with Russia, respectively, and to contain Russia, which Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote about in his works.
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  1. +14
    6 March 2021 06: 13
    The 87-year-old Young Bandera member Kravchuk, as always, is in his Russophobic repertoire of the "gray cardinal" in Ukraine.
    1. +11
      6 March 2021 06: 23
      Quote: Tatiana
      The 87-year-old Young Bandera member Kravchuk, as always, is in his Russophobic repertoire of the "gray cardinal" in Ukraine.

      But he's right!

      We will not allow a "Bandera peace" in Donbass, and the region itself is fed up with the "new order" that Ukraine intends to establish there by "final solution of the Russian question" ...
      1. +10
        6 March 2021 06: 30
        Quote: Profiler
        But he's right!

        No, Kravchuk is wrong that Russia is a party to the conflict.

        Russia will be a party to the conflict when it introduces Russian troops into the LPN and LPR.
        In the meantime, the United States, Germany, Turkey, Poland, Lithuania and even France can just as well be called the "parties to the conflict" in Ukraine.

        Kravchuk is an old party apparatchik, a time-consuming rogue and a Russophobe who knows how not only to put a shadow on the fence, but also to arrange intrigues in the Goebbels way.
        1. +1
          6 March 2021 07: 03
          Quote: Tatiana
          No, Kravchuk is wrong that Russia is a party to the conflict.

          This should not be considered as something significant.
          Chatting, "for internal use", for hanging noodles about the "invasion of Russia."
          1. +3
            6 March 2021 07: 27
            Quote: Profiler
            Chatting, "for internal use", for hanging noodles about the "invasion of Russia."

            No, not only for "internal use", but also to meet the interests of FOREIGN curators of Ukraine.

            Kravchuk is a Bandera-Ukrainian independent Russophobe who opposes not only the Russian language, against the sovereignty of the Russian-speaking DNR and LNR, but also for the expansion of the Normandy format (Germany, Russia, Ukraine and France) under the Minsk agreements with the involvement of the United States and Great Britain from a position of strength in resolving the situation in eastern Ukraine. - i.e. precisely to the FORCED participation of the USA and Great Britain.
            1. +2
              6 March 2021 12: 25
              Quote: Tatiana
              No, not only for "internal use", but also to meet the interests of FOREIGN curators of Ukraine.
              And it is likely that not by the call of conscience, but by their command "Voice!"
          2. -2
            6 March 2021 15: 07
            Quote: Profiler
            This should not be considered as something significant.
            Chatting, "for internal use", for hanging noodles about the "invasion of Russia."

            You are either unintentionally mistaken, or deliberately deliberately "mistaken" about Kravchuk. The old Bandera pukalschik is NOT just "chatting insignificant for internal use", but purposefully and actively conducting Russophobic anti-Russian propaganda and preparing information support for the attack and invasion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the LPR. And all this is addressed to the West.
            1. 0
              7 March 2021 05: 56
              Quote: Vladimir Mashkov
              You are either unintentionally mistaken, or deliberately deliberately "mistaken" about Kravchuk.

              Let's just without provocative hints and assumptions ...
              Readers will determine without you what exactly was in my comment and in what form.
              1. -4
                7 March 2021 11: 57
                Why are you scared and rude? I’m polite with you and didn’t accuse you of anything!
                1. +2
                  8 March 2021 06: 55
                  Quote: Vladimir Mashkov
                  Why are you scared and rude? I’m polite with you and didn’t accuse you of anything!

                  Scared of you? Why did it happen ? request

                  And on account of the fact that you are polite and did not accuse you of anything, what then is your attempt to "blame" your opponent by means of an uncomplicated casuistic twist - a kind of "fork"? :
                  Quote: Vladimir Mashkov
                  You are either unintentionally mistaken, or deliberately deliberately "mistaken"

                  Follow what you write, think it over, and then there will be no complaints against you.
                  1. -1
                    8 March 2021 17: 23
                    Yes, I’m watching and thinking! smile Well I didn't write that you specially disavow Kravchuk's belligerent statement while most literate experts claim that he does it not for internal use, but for external use? Or do you firmly insist that this is empty, insignificant chatter? lol
          3. 0
            10 March 2021 19: 19
            Well, an invasion, not an invasion .... you can interpret it that way. After all, everyone who is somehow connected with the RF Armed Forces knows who is there, unofficially, in reserve, voluntarily ... but all the same. But for some reason, the representatives of the VNA are talking about the active army of the Russian Federation on the territory of supposedly Ukraine.
        2. 0
          7 March 2021 19: 07
          As long as journalists, politicians and "Experts" will mention the word conflict instead of civil war, you can further not strain too much in reading.
    2. Cry
      6 March 2021 06: 24
      In addition, a Pecheneg who survived from the mind (descendant).
      1. +1
        6 March 2021 06: 48
        Quote: Choro
        In addition, a Pecheneg who survived from the mind (descendant).

        If a descendant, then - unreasonable Khazars , which at the dawn of the formation of the Russian statehood, the Prophetic Oleg had to force them to reason.
        1. Cry
          7 March 2021 07: 09
          The Khazars, just the same, were smart - they are still the smartest people in the whole wide world, and the Pechenegs raged on the Dnieper rapids between the cities of Dnepropetrovsk and Zaporozhye, where they made bowls for food from the skulls of enemies, just for one portion.
          1. 0
            10 March 2021 19: 25
            And who are the Khazars for you? The Khazars were Jews ... what kind of people do you now relate to the Khazars?
            1. Cry
              11 March 2021 08: 54
              The Dnieper rapids were the bottleneck for the migration of peoples from the Khazar Kaganate to Europe, so look for those who did not get through or were stuck in the neck.
      2. 0
        10 March 2021 19: 23
        Is it possible in more detail? Do you derive his pedigree from the Pechenegs? Where is the infa ... just wondering?
        1. Cry
          11 March 2021 08: 50
          The Pechenegs lived in the Khazar Kaganate and spread westward no further than the current borders of Hungary and Poland. Here and pick them out.
          1. 0
            11 March 2021 19: 08
            Thank you, I just wondered all the time where so many Jews came from in Little Russia. Wild field, then Cossacks and sedentary, all Orthodox. But the defeat of the Khazar Kaganate took place much earlier than even the prototype of the future slaughter appeared. In general, as another hypothesis, it is too ... stretched or something .... Let's look further ..
    3. -4
      6 March 2021 07: 23
      ... Russia does not want peace in Donbass

      Russia is generally not clear what it wants in Donbass.

      Implementation of the Minsk Agreements, that is, a plan for the phased entry of Donbass into Ukraine?
      Or leave it as it is, a disputed gray territory, unsuitable for living?

      Any real options are unattractive. And to join Russia ... about this, even during the Donbass referendum, the tsar was silent in a rag!
      1. +1
        6 March 2021 12: 58
        Rather, it will wait for the final collapse of the 404 and return everything at once.
    4. -1
      6 March 2021 08: 43
      It was somehow necessary to rot the Ukrainian party leaders to * this * put forward in their own * Central Committee *. It turns out that Symonenko is a natural decomposition product?
      1. +1
        6 March 2021 10: 18
        I want to remind you once again that there is no more atheist than a pop rassstriga. What else can we expect from the former leader of the Communist Party of Ukraine?
    5. 0
      6 March 2021 11: 09
      Quote: Tatiana
      The 87-year-old Young Bandera member Kravchuk, as always, is in his Russophobic repertoire of the "gray cardinal" in Ukraine.

      And what can the former Bandera "good boy" talk about? Hatred is already in his blood from birth.
    6. -1
      6 March 2021 11: 35
      It has been inadequate for thirty years. At 87, it’s impossible to be adequate. Discussion of Kravchuk's statements offends reason.
    7. -1
      6 March 2021 20: 14
      Quote: Tatiana
      The 87-year-old Young Bandera member Kravchuk, as always, is in his Russophobic repertoire of the "gray cardinal" in Ukraine.

      Not always! This vile changeling at one time he held the post of First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine !!! Then he "sang other songs" !!! am
      1. +1
        6 March 2021 21: 21
        After Shcherbitsky, the First Secretaries were Ivashko (later became Deputy General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee) and Gurenko. Kravchuk was the secretary of the Central Committee for ideology.
        1. -1
          6 March 2021 23: 18
          Quote: Sergej1972
          Kravchuk was the secretary of the Central Committee for ideology.

          Sorry! Fraer turned! request
        2. 0
          7 March 2021 11: 54
          This is truly "Ukraine is a country of paradoxes and contrasts": practically all the monuments to Lenin were destroyed everywhere, while the second secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine Kravchuk was not shot, not imprisoned, but is still close to the trough, heads the organized criminal group in the TCG and teaches others , imposing their point of view on them ...
  2. +1
    6 March 2021 06: 14
    Old "communist", damn it.
    1. +3
      6 March 2021 07: 02
      Quote: Dimy4
      Old "communist", damn it.
      Unfortunately, during the Second World War, many true communists died on the fronts - and the party ranks were greatly thinned out. It was necessary to replenish the local Communist Party to rebuild the country.
      And this replenishment of the party ranks with new members after the Second World War just attracted many careerist opportunists on the ground - especially since after Stalin's death Khrushchev abolished the criminal responsibility of party members for failures in leadership, which was under Stalin. The Communist Party in the USSR found itself littered with opportunistic careerists. Kravchuk is one of them.

      The first president of Ukraine L. Kravchuk only once - after the Belovezhskaya events - let slip that he himself, as a child, carried food parcels to the Bandera militants into the forest, when in the parliamentary hall it was about the "liberation mission" of the OUN - UPA.
      But probably the matter was not limited to transmissions ...
      The conscription to the UPA was led by the commandants of the mobilization departments, in case of large losses in the UPA, the demands for the mobilization of the required number of people were passed along the system of stanitsa, for evading the draft - execution, the author writes. - I would like to pay special attention to “one hundred brave young men” and the same “one hundred courageous girls” in the department of special purpose. It was a real forge of OUN-UPA personnel. All young people were divided into three age groups: 10-12 years old, 13-15 years old and 16-18 years old. All of these age and gender groups had their own tasks, actions and demands.

      The youngest were used as observers, scouts and messengers, the older ones as saboteurs. For instance, the future president of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk began his career as a scout among the “hundred brave youths”. How serious it was can be judged by the way they monitored the tank reserve of the 1st Ukrainian Front, which was stationed in the Tuchinsky forest in 1944, with the subsequent aiming of German aviation at it. "
      From the book by Yu.V. Taraskin “War after the war. Memoirs of a counterintelligence officer "and A. Tereshchenko" Purgatory of SMERSH. Stalin's "wolfhounds".

      This fact from the biography of a ten-year-old boy was never imputed by the Soviet government to him, moreover, in the future it was promoted to responsible leading positions, each time to higher and higher positions.
      See in detail -"Kravchuk remembered his Bandera childhood" - vspomnilos-kravchuku-ego-banderovskoe-destvo.html
      1. +9
        6 March 2021 07: 11
        Quote: Tatiana
        Unfortunately, during the Second World War, many true communists died on the fronts - and the party ranks were greatly thinned out. It was necessary to replenish the local Communist Party to rebuild the country.
        And this replenishment of the party ranks with new members after the Second World War just attracted many careerist opportunists on the ground - especially since after Stalin's death Khrushchev abolished the criminal responsibility of party members for failures in leadership, which was under Stalin. The Communist Party in the USSR found itself littered with opportunistic careerists. Kravchuk is one of them.

        Great comment! good You can, when you want. wink
        On my own behalf, I will add that the tough qualification for candidates, reduced when admitting to the party, led to the fact that scoundrels and sharomygs, such as Chubais, the reception of a writer and others like them, made their way into power.
        I sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming holiday! love
      2. HAM
        6 March 2021 07: 14
        I have already posted the address, but it's worth it ...
        Also that bastard ...
        1. +1
          6 March 2021 09: 01
          Quote: HAM
          I've already posted the address of the video, but it's worth it ...
          I watched the video with interest until the end. It is a pity that this video is on YouTube.

          Video by the completeness of information about Kravchuk just gorgeous!
          Indeed, and whom only this Kravchuk in his life did not betray!
          On this vile political weather vane Kravchuk, there is nowhere to put the mark of a traitor on the body!
          Kravchuk is:
          - The main ideologist of the Ukrainian communists betrayed the communists.
          - An avid Banderaite betrayed the Banderaites.
          - The Ukrainian betrayed the Ukrainians, giving the independent state under foreign external control.
          - Leonid Kravchuk is the most senior Ukrainian separatist during the foreign occupation of Ukraine after Stepan Bandera.
      3. 0
        6 March 2021 13: 03
        Quote: Tatiana
        And this replenishment of the party ranks with new members after the Second World War just attracted many careerist opportunists on the ground - especially since after Stalin's death Khrushchev abolished the criminal responsibility of party members for failures in leadership, which was under Stalin. The Communist Party in the USSR found itself littered with opportunistic careerists. Kravchuk is one of them.
        Not in this case. Somehow it happened that in all the Union republics at the very top were "non-communists" (of which Nazarbayev, NMV, was the most decent, but he also moved into Pan-Turkism). They were no better than Gorbachev. Accident? It is not "soft (not hard enough) selection" that needs to be studied, but hard negative selection.
    2. +2
      6 March 2021 08: 48
      Quote: Dimy4
      Old "communist", damn it.

      He is not a communist. He is one of those Bandera supporters who have pushed each other into power and party organs since the time of Khrushchev. It was under Khrushchev that the Bandera supporters began to relax, because the threads were pulled upward, including to Moscow. There was a replacement of personnel in the Ministry of State Security of the Ukrainian SSR and in the party elite, they began to slow down the fight against Bandera.
      1. +1
        6 March 2021 11: 13
        Quote: Balu
        It was under Khrushchev that the Bandera supporters began to relax, because the threads were pulled up, including to Moscow.

        When he liquidated the Ukrainian in the Lviv region together with the chief, everyone was dispersed. My uncle also fell under this distribution, he told a lot about those events.
        1. 0
          6 March 2021 11: 27
          Quote: tihonmarine
          Quote: Balu
          It was under Khrushchev that the Bandera supporters began to relax, because the threads were pulled up, including to Moscow.

          When he liquidated the Ukrainian in the Lviv region together with the chief, everyone was dispersed. My uncle also fell under this distribution, he told a lot about those events.

          For some reason, no one will write a detailed article on VO about how the hunt for Bandera supporters was stopped and who really stood behind this in the Central Committee in Moscow and Kiev.
          1. +1
            6 March 2021 11: 59
            Quote: Balu
            how the hunt for Bandera was stopped and who really stood behind it in the Central Committee in Moscow and Kiev.

            I read in some of the memoirs of a former KRK employee that when the "cleaners" got to the "bespekie service", Khrushchev reported to Moscow that the fight against the Bandera underground in Ukraine had been liquidated. They immediately liquidated a Ukrainian in the Lviv region, whose chief was dismissed at the personal request of Khrushchev. G.V. Kostyrchenko and Georgy Sannikov, who served in the security agencies at that time, have a lot about this.
          2. +1
            6 March 2021 17: 26
            Quote: Balu
            For some reason, no one will write a detailed article on VO about how the hunt for Bandera supporters was stopped and who really stood behind this in the Central Committee in Moscow and Kiev.

            No documents to be found.
            After all, the first one who was liquidated in Ukraine after Khrushchev's coup d'etat was Meshik, Pavel Yakovlevich, Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.
            Having cleaned out the native Ukraine, Khrushchev began to work on the central apparatus - after Beria, the Minister of State Control of the USSR Vsevolod Merkulov, First Deputy Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Bogdan Kobulov, Head of the 3rd Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Sergei Goglidze, Minister of the Georgian SSR Vladimir Dekanozov, as well as the head of the investigative part on especially important cases of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs Lev Wlodzimirsky.
            They took everyone together, synchronously. And, perhaps, the death of Beria and his associates was associated with the presence of materials on Khrushchev, about his connections with the Bandera leadership.
            And, perhaps, it all started with the arrest of the Minister of State Security, the former head of SMERSH Viktor Abakumov in July 1951.
            Since such investigations took place under the obligatory control of the Politburo of the CPSU, it is possible that Viktor Semyonovich said too much.
            There was only one final - everyone was put up against the wall in December 1953.
            And if there were any documents in the archives of the Ukrainian law enforcement agencies, then they were all cleaned up at least three times - in 1953, in 1991, and in 2014.
            1. +1
              6 March 2021 17: 42
              Quote: stalkerwalker
              And, perhaps, it all started with the arrest of the Minister of State Security, the former head of SMERSH Viktor Abakumov in July 1951.
              Perhaps the death of Beria and his associates was associated with the presence of materials on Khrushchev, about his connections with the Bandera leadership.
              After all, the first one who was liquidated in Ukraine after Khrushchev's coup d'etat was Meshik, Pavel Yakovlevich, Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.
              Perhaps you are right. All who write gloating about those times, for some reason, do not talk about Khrushchev's indulgences to Bandera.
    3. +1
      6 March 2021 11: 09
      Quote: Dimy4
      Old "communist", damn it.

      And in childhood, the "good boy" of the UPA.
  3. +3
    6 March 2021 06: 20
    It is high time for this muf-lo-well to lie to "go to visit Zbignev" - irrevocably!
  4. +2
    6 March 2021 06: 23
    Russia believes that it fulfills the function of an observer. Although no one gave her such powers.
    In this case, you cannot write off the dementia of a "communist" -Banderite (how does it sound?), Because he also remembers his name and that he was president. This is the impudent, cynical behavior of a false patriot who had no conscience and lost his elementary sense of proportion. This subject has already been mentioned on the site more than once, and almost everyone adheres to one thing - a traitor, a bastard and a vile person.
  5. +2
    6 March 2021 06: 25
    Leni's brain is completely dry
  6. +2
    6 March 2021 06: 31
    Ukrainians sleep and see that the Americans will come, defeat Putin and will support Ukraine. Okay, you are 30 million hungry mouths looking for something to devour and steal.
  7. +2
    6 March 2021 06: 32
    He ran out of money, so he rumbles ...
  8. +3
    6 March 2021 06: 40
    Are we discussing this ... person again? Everything about her is already clear. Hell is tired of waiting.
    1. 0
      6 March 2021 12: 09
      Quote: Mountain Shooter
      Are we discussing this ... person again? Everything about her is already clear. Hell is tired of waiting.

      The devils won't let him go there angry
  9. +4
    6 March 2021 06: 41
    Something too often this old senile man began to voice his delusional thoughts. Either he’s completely out of his mind, or he’s thrashing like a fool.
    Although, most likely, he is simply working off the salary of the State Department. After all, a person in his right mind will never say that someone wants a war in Donbass - neither from Russia, nor from Ukraine. It is not beneficial to anyone. Except for one country, which is pushing our heads against each other and which needs to have a hot spot close to Russia and the ability to continue to plunder Ukraine. And everyone knows this country. This dunce is working for them.
  10. +2
    6 March 2021 06: 54
    Does anyone listen to him at all except the service staff?
  11. +1
    6 March 2021 07: 48
    We are waiting for the deployment of peacekeepers, according to the scenario of Nagorno-Karabakh. Only need to determine the boundaries of the buffer zone, Options?
    1. +1
      6 March 2021 12: 11
      Quote: tralflot1832
      We are waiting for the deployment of peacekeepers, according to the scenario of Nagorno-Karabakh. Only need to determine the boundaries of the buffer zone, Options?

      Banderlog is trying to achieve this, NATO peacekeepers, so far only Amerz and Fritz instructors, well, even Tribalty sproeaters and Poles have been spotted. This topic is not the first year. The Banderlog will never understand that they are consumables, no one will fit into a war with Russia, they will help arrange provocations and sabotage, as I assume from the logic of events.
  12. +1
    6 March 2021 08: 14
    Verbal diarrhea started again in the old Bandera. Apparently he got his fifth point hot. Moreover, the command of the republics allowed return fire. Again they will bury their pots of heads ...
  13. +3
    6 March 2021 08: 34
    Well, yes, the problem can be solved radically. Troops to Kiev, banlderlogs on stakes along Khreshchatyk, and so on ...
    1. 0
      6 March 2021 12: 14
      Quote: Fedorovich
      Well, yes, the problem can be solved radically. Troops to Kiev, banlderlogs on stakes along Khreshchatyk, and so on ...

      The conflict will be frozen until a third force appears inside the country, which is unlikely. The hungry will go after those who provide livelihoods. Banderlog lures, the top on hooks, so there will be nothing but permanent exacerbations in Donbass. If only the leadership of the republics did not flinch.
  14. The comment was deleted.
  15. +2
    6 March 2021 13: 49
    I beg your pardon, but what a cynical bastard this pi ....... p.
  16. +1
    6 March 2021 15: 05
    Now I went online - not only on "VO", but also in the news feed it is discussed that Kravchuk said something. Well he said and said. I have only one question - WHO? Who is Kravchuk for his statements to be "rubbed" by the entire network? Is this an acting government official invested with considerable powers, well, for example, capable of declaring an emergency in the country or, God forbid, martial law, the president, the prime minister? Not! He is a pensioner, in fact there is no one and there is no way to call him. The media, that there is nothing else to do, how to discuss the nonsense that the retired out of his mind carries, sniffing manure in the country beds! request fool Here's the news, as if the war was declared, which once again emphasizes the level of modern media and journalists. am
  17. 0
    6 March 2021 17: 04
    Bendera's statements in the world are not interesting!
  18. 0
    6 March 2021 17: 32
    Here, as in the proverb - like it or not like it - sleep my beauty. When the realization comes that, having a strong and influential neighbor across a large border, with whom there is also a big business, there is no need to shit and conclude agreements with his enemies, then something will normalize.
  19. 0
    6 March 2021 23: 37
    3 utyrka Yeltsin, Shushkevich and Kravchuk is because of them a huge and powerful country collapsed, terrible disasters happened in all the former republics, wars, loss of population and territory! You have to pray to him and ask for forgiveness! God gives the opportunity to extend their stunted life to roll, but no.
  20. 0
    7 March 2021 11: 01
    The old, stupid Bandera member turns everything upside down. Apparently he forgot how he was 1 secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine.
  21. 0
    7 March 2021 12: 21
    Kravchuk has insanity.
  22. 0
    7 March 2021 18: 34
    Quote: Tatiana

    Russia will be a party to the conflict when it introduces Russian troops into the LPN and LPR.

    ... and intrigue the Goebbels way.

    Honeys, do not be so nervous, if only for the sake of decency.
    First, not the DLN, but the DPR;
    secondly - according to the rules of word formation of the Russian language, not "in Goebbels", but in Goebbels, what your Russified browser would tell you if you knew how to use it.
    And thirdly - since our brothers live in the LDNR, we, not an ephemeral, boundless "RF" limited by borders, but WE are Russians, for whom there are essentially no borders, in one way or another we are a party to the conflict - they are killing our brothers, their wives, children, old people, and this cannot last indefinitely, and therefore WE are obliged to put an end to this! And let those who decided to conflict with us drip with foam - we will decide everything in our own way.

    I subscribe: the former major of the special forces KTOF, "Black".
    1. 0
      7 March 2021 19: 57
      Quote: Orca
      And thirdly - since our brothers live in the LDNR, we, not an ephemeral, boundless "RF" limited by borders, but WE are Russians, for whom there are essentially no borders, in one way or another we are a party to the conflict - they are killing our brothers, their wives, children, old people, and this cannot last indefinitely, and therefore WE are obliged to put an end to this! And let those who decided to conflict with us drip with foam - we will decide everything in our own way.

      OFFICIALLY, even though you burst, the former special forces major KTOF "Black", the Russian Federation is not a party to the conflict! And your provocative short-sighted disagreement with me and with the government's position of the Russian Federation only pours water on the mill in favor of Ukraine's statement that the Malaysian MH-17 airliner was allegedly shot down over the DPR by the Russian Armed Forces "Buk" specially brought to Ukraine!
      You don't need to engage in provocation against Russia! This is the first thing.

      And the second. With the same success, then, in your opinion, a party to the conflict should consider that the United States, POLAND, Lithuania, Germany, Turkey, and even France, etc., the collective West, which openly arm the Armed Forces of Ukraine, supply military instructors to Ukraine, train officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the same USA, in the same place they are recruited into their American intelligence services, they are also pretended to be supporters of the conflict! And for some reason you do not consider them as such. I wonder why? Are they "white" and "fluffy"?
      In addition, Ukraine agreed to transfer Crimea and the Kherson region to Turkey under external control of Turkey for a period of 50 years with prolongation for military assistance to Turkey in the liberation of Crimea and the South-East of Ukraine allegedly from "Russian occupation". And why, in your opinion, these countries are not then "parties to the conflict" ?! But only Russia ?!

      Is Russia ready for such a war? If not, then there is no need for Russia to climb ahead of the locomotive!
  23. 0
    8 March 2021 17: 38
    "Kravchuk: Russia does not want peace in Donbass" of course, on the terms of Ukrainian swindlers "sucked from the finger" no one will conclude the so-called "peace". In order to conclude peace, you just need to fulfill the Minsk agreements.