The US Air Force was reinsured by informing the Russian military about the impending airstrike in Syria 5 minutes before the strike


The Russian side called the American airstrike on Syrian territory unacceptable. Recall that we are talking about an air strike that was inflicted by the US Air Force on infrastructure facilities that allegedly belonged to the Iranian military and pro-Iranian armed groups in the SAR. The Biden administration said this was a response to rocket attacks on a military base in Iraqi Erbil.

After the claims made by official Moscow about the air strike against the United States, the question arose: did the American military channels of information exchange to prevent incidents in the air? Let us remind that such channels have been operating de jure for several years, helping Russian and American military pilots to prevent dangerous "contacts" in the Syrian airspace.

The relevant question about whether the Russian military in Syria received messages from their American colleagues through the aforementioned communication channels was asked by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. According to the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry, the United States informed the Russian military about the impending airstrike, but only did it about 4-5 minutes before it was delivered. Sergei Lavrov noted that such a warning was largely formal in nature, since, in principle, it could not influence the situation in any way from the point of view of the so-called "deconflicting". The Russian Foreign Minister made this statement during a joint briefing with a colleague from Afghanistan who had arrived earlier in Moscow for talks.

Sergei Lavrov:

I want to remind you that American troops are in Syria illegally, in violation of international law.

The actions of the American military to inform Russia about the impending airstrike are clearly connected with the fact that the Pentagon decided to minimize the very possibility of the Russian military transmitting the received data to the Iranian side.

Whether Russia was going to do this or not, including with regard to the pro-Iranian forces in Syria, is a separate question. But the US Air Force, in any case, preferred to play it safe, so that in the end the missiles "did not go into the bare sand." Formally, they used the data exchange line, but they did it in such a way that, by and large, there was no point in it.
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  1. +7
    26 February 2021 18: 11
    You could have warned: "It's too late! Sorry"
    1. -26
      26 February 2021 20: 05
      You can also answer this prick - "... I don't understand English, Sorrri, our missiles cover the headquarters and cells. Why does the Russian Air Force allow Pentagon hawks to roam over the Syrian ... Or Shoigu turned out to be an ordinary populite, like a specialist who does not understand The specifics of Syria and in the tactics of the air defense troops. Shoigu thought then with a close-minded district Komsomol-Komsomol mind that air defense was carried out only by ground complexes, and meanwhile, air defense was carried out by coverage zones and fierce aviation, and our fighters drive the enemy into the air defense zones like Russian greyhounds.
      1. -1
        26 February 2021 20: 36
        Excuse my ignorance, can I see the exhaust? Where? What for?
        There is a lot of noise, but what they wanted to achieve!
        If everything remains as it is, then this is a canvas. Well, to scare ..
        1. 0
          26 February 2021 21: 02
          And that there were no such blows before, and even without warning?
          The very fact of the publication of this moment is surprising.
          And this suggests that ours began to reach the level of pressure at the diplomatic level in relation to the Svetlolikim.
    2. -3
      27 February 2021 06: 44
      You could have warned: "It's too late! Sorry"

      All these agreements are fiction. Israel also "warned" when its fighters were already "holding the gun" on our Il-20. hi
    3. +1
      27 February 2021 08: 19
      AND????? What's next?
  2. +5
    26 February 2021 18: 12
    Someday Russia, Syria and Iran will simply ignore this message, as well as Israel .. How long can you endure all this?
    1. +21
      26 February 2021 18: 57
      Whether it is the DPRK. On occasion and without reason, they use ballistic ones, even Americans are afraid to fly over them.
      1. +8
        26 February 2021 21: 53
        They are afraid because they have a vigorous bomb and they will use it without warning (and we have gas in our apartment.)
        1. +2
          27 February 2021 00: 22
          Our children of politicians and businessmen study in America.
          1. -5
            27 February 2021 04: 05
            names, surnames. ????
        2. +1
          27 February 2021 03: 26
          Gut) they have nothing to lose.
    2. -7
      26 February 2021 19: 22
      Quote: Azef
      Someday Russia, Syria and Iran will simply ignore this message, like Israel

      What is this nonsense? How can you ignore bombshell warnings? Especially funny about Iran.
      1. 0
        26 February 2021 20: 19
        I suppose this refers to the destruction of American aircraft. But this should not be pissing for the kids in London)
        1. +5
          26 February 2021 20: 35
          Why the hell should the RF Armed Forces shoot down American planes if they do not pose a threat to us? What kind of Hezbollah fit in?
          1. -4
            26 February 2021 22: 41
            And why did you fit in for Assad? Or for someone there in Libya? Or even for Donetsk?

            You need to be consistent. Either say that we are the owners here, or do not go. But all these maneuvers do not lead to anything good.
            1. -4
              26 February 2021 23: 36
              Quote: Sancho_SP
              And why did you fit in for Asada? Or for someone there in Libya?

              For oil concessions. It is quite logical for a country that is praying for the cost of a barrel and sees no future without hydrocarbons.
              1. -1
                26 February 2021 23: 39
                And as a result? The costs haven’t come close to paying off.
                1. -4
                  26 February 2021 23: 51
                  Quote: Sancho_SP
                  And as a result?

                  No way. Unpromising.
            2. -2
              27 February 2021 00: 51
              Or is it our ally and we are here deciding whether or not to adapt to an uncomfortable position ...
              The Americans announced the Kurds as allies, I remember someone poked something to squeeze out, cut it naturally and demonstratively, not Turkey, in another place ...
              And the argument that we are there legally, and the United States violates international law, that is, illegally, is translated quite simply, we hide behind the rule of law, and they do what they want and when they want, and we can only cry out about international law and it looks like ...
              1. 0
                27 February 2021 22: 56
                Ie Assad will attack Israel, Americans, Jordanians .... Support the Iranians, Hezbollons and other barmaley, and rake for it. Are you going to harness Assad?
                1. 0
                  28 February 2021 00: 00
                  That is, we came to help defend the territorial integrity of Syria, and ...
                  Don't we pull?
                  Defend integrity, but partial?
                  From weaklings?
                  And if not, then not integrity?
                  1. 0
                    28 February 2021 17: 30
                    Apparently, you are not entirely aware of what the Russian army is in Syria, hence the misunderstanding. Russian army in Syria helps Assad only against ISIS ... The Assad family, during their time in power, made so many enemies for themselves that Russia, if the desire comes to harness for Assad, will have to fight almost all of Syria's neighbors.
      2. 0
        26 February 2021 22: 25
        Quote: Paragraph Epitafievich Y.
        How can you ignore bomb warnings?

        5 minutes warning? This is not a warning, this is a cynical mockery. Now they will tear in full fart about their power, exclusivity and the "return" of the United States. Nothing changes and no one and nothing, by and large, influences their policies, they only express concern and unacceptability of actions. It's unfortunate.
        1. -3
          26 February 2021 23: 18
          Quote: Gardener91
          Now they will tear in full fart about their power,

          We also tear, so what? These rituals are common to everyone. Noodles on the ears of the taxpayer.
          Quote: Gardener91

          What exactly? That there is no mixing with the Americans? Instead of preoccupation with the staff in this stinking Syria to play for the joy of couch patriots?
          1. 0
            27 February 2021 00: 53
            It's just that initially you don't need to get into a situation in which you will obviously have to look sorry
            1. -1
              27 February 2021 08: 08
              Quote: Revival
              It's just that initially you don't need to get into a situation in which you will obviously have to look sorry

              Well, you can't argue with that)
        2. 0
          27 February 2021 05: 06
          Quote: Gardener91
          5 minutes warning? This is not a warning, this is a cynical mockery.
          but there is confidence that ours, in such cases, do not do about the same ? !! winked request
          Quote: Gardener91
          perhaps.... Yes
          That's when the guys from "Wagner" grind the MLRS, near the oil fields ? !! ... There it seems that the Yankees, before the volleys, even warned in a timely manner (twice !!), but our "frostbitten" (they say there are no Russians, these are not ours...), and only realizing that soon there would be no one to collect, they asked for a ceasefire, let them pick up the wounded ... But they knew that what yankee are not joking, and in their area of ​​responsibility (near their bases / points) Refineries will not concede (!!), and can shoot ... ?! And legally or not legally they are there ... with or without a UN mandate .. This is talk for the poor (!)...

          Quote: Sancho_SP
          Or say that we are the owners here
          - this is what the Yankees did ... and our ? !!
          Quote: Sancho_SP
          ... or stay away.
    3. -4
      26 February 2021 23: 30
      Ndya ... this is a terrible force
  3. -14
    26 February 2021 18: 12
    Perhaps the problems for the Russian Federation in Syria are just beginning ... sleepy Joe, this is Hillary's light version
    1. +6
      26 February 2021 18: 14
      Quote: stels_07
      Perhaps the problems for the Russian Federation in Syria are just beginning

      Perhaps or not possible, they allegedly bombed Hezbollah. Therefore, this is hardly a problem for the Russian Federation.
      1. +1
        26 February 2021 18: 54
        Quote: Volodin
        Perhaps or not possible, Hezbollah was allegedly bombed. Therefore, this is hardly a problem for the Russian Federation.

        So it seems to me. The Iranians and their militia are no longer needed in Syria, but they are not going to leave ...
        1. -8
          26 February 2021 20: 16
          Quote: Volodin
          Perhaps or not possible, they allegedly bombed Hezbollah. Therefore, this is hardly a problem for the Russian Federation.

          This devalues ​​the joint exercises of the PRC, Iran and the detachment of the forces of the Russian Mediterranean squadron.
          1. +5
            26 February 2021 20: 19
            Quote: Thunderbolt
            This devalues ​​the joint exercises of the PRC, Iran and the detachment of the forces of the Russian Mediterranean squadron.

            Not at all. Iran and its PRC and our squadron are one thing, but Hezbollah in Syria is quite another.
            1. -7
              26 February 2021 20: 27
              Quote: Mountain Shooter
              Hezbollah in Syria is different.

              This is a Soviet-style GRU for operations in Lebanon and controlled by territorial entities. The Luba Shshiite cell is considered by big Iran as a conductor of thoughts.
      2. +2
        26 February 2021 21: 02
        In all honesty, this is not only not a problem, but even a benefit. Iran in Syria is certainly not our enemy, but a competitor, definitely.
      3. 0
        27 February 2021 00: 54
        The problem is that they bombed whoever they wanted ...
  4. +11
    26 February 2021 18: 15
    Indeed, it seems like a little time, more like a bureaucratic formality than a real warning.
    1. Aag
      26 February 2021 18: 51
      Quote: Destiny
      Indeed, it seems like a little time, more like a bureaucratic formality than a real warning.

      Here, however, it is very curious: did ours know about the impending strike only from the message? Did they suppose, or did they know the details? in headphones, a speech in English with a Russian accent: "Come on, Johnny, let's not touch it! Only the square ..... go around, the train .... And tell your techies, let the left landing gear look! We don't like it." Do you want to return to your squaw? Who will keep your beagle Charlie if your wife Jane does not survive the loss of her beloved husband? "...
      Sorry, I was dreaming, it's Friday ...
  5. +7
    26 February 2021 18: 16
    Or they could have called in 5 minutes after the blow was struck. ..
    1. +5
      26 February 2021 18: 35
      In 5 min. you can have time to pick up the phone, scratch your turnips and cross yourself.
      1. 0
        26 February 2021 19: 23
        Quote: frruc
        In 5 min. you can have time to pick up the phone, scratch your turnips and cross yourself.

        In the Russian army, it is not accepted to be baptized with a telephone receiver! soldier
      2. -3
        26 February 2021 19: 23
        Quote: frruc
        In 5 min. you can have time to pick up the phone, scratch your turnips and cross yourself.

        Say "Hello" and hang up
        1. 0
          26 February 2021 21: 14
          Quote: Lipchanin
          Quote: frruc
          In 5 min. you can have time to pick up the phone, scratch your turnips and cross yourself.

          Say "Hello" and hang up

          No "Hello", there is "Listening". And after "I can't hear you, call back." And hang up. wink
          1. -7
            26 February 2021 21: 16
            Quote: Mole
            ... And after "I can't hear you, call back." And hang up.

            Or you can put a recording of L. Gurchenko with the song "Five Minutes" wink
    2. +18
      26 February 2021 18: 51
      Quote: Thrifty
      Or they could have called in 5 minutes after hitting. ..

      So it will be so next time. If at all.

      The US no longer has any nervousness and fears about the Kremlin's reaction. Everything is extremely predictable and predetermined. Therefore, the logic of the development of events goes exactly in this vein.
    3. +9
      26 February 2021 20: 42
      5 before, 5 after ...
      Something old Soviet black humor came to mind.
      Challenger fell
      Assistant reagan asks
      - Did you all send your condolences?
      - Yes.
      - And the Tips ?!
      - Yes, but ....
      - What, But?
      - They sent it 5 minutes before the start ...
      1. -1
        27 February 2021 03: 36
        Very black, unnecessary.
    4. 0
      27 February 2021 00: 56
      Quite ... unfortunately
      Or they might not have called at all ...
  6. -9
    26 February 2021 18: 28
    So they were recently attacked with missiles, a response to the Shiites)
  7. +5
    26 February 2021 18: 28
    I want to remind you that American troops are in Syria illegally, in violation of international law.

    We talk about this very quietly and carefully, but we must constantly poke their nose into this ...
    1. +7
      26 February 2021 18: 42
      Quote: cniza
      We talk about it very quietly and carefully

      Indeed, Victor, just like fishing lol
      1. +1
        27 February 2021 03: 38
        so it turns out, I found a scythe on a stone.
    2. +17
      26 February 2021 19: 02
      Quote: cniza
      Very quiet and careful we are talking about it , but we must constantly poke their nose into this ...

      Do you think more talking will have a different result? In vain. The United States does not suffer from remorse.
      1. -2
        26 February 2021 19: 26
        Yes, they even have a husband and wife of the same sex there, which we are perplexed about. It's all simple, what morals ...
        1. 0
          27 February 2021 03: 40
          Everything is NOT easy there!
          1. +2
            27 February 2021 08: 14
            Is it possible that the thief will put his money on the onlookers. America wants to take over and command the whole world. The worse America feels around, the better.
            1. +2
              27 February 2021 10: 03
              The history of mattress is too small, nothing is eternal.
              1. +6
                28 February 2021 10: 33
                Quote: Alien From
                The history of mattress is too small, nothing is eternal.

                It will then be called "Afromatrasia" ... It is important what policy it will have winked
                1. +1
                  28 February 2021 13: 51
                  Capital rules the world.
                  1. +5
                    28 February 2021 20: 02
                    Quote: Alien From
                    Capital rules the world.

                    Until damask will not interfere.
  8. -1
    26 February 2021 18: 29
    In principle, the United States may not notify the Russian Federation about its actions in the SAR, since such relations. If anything, losses can be classified, such information is worthless.
    1. +10
      26 February 2021 18: 44
      Quote: ximkim
      If anything, losses can be classified, such information is worthless.

      Hypothetically, are you talking about the downed American fighter jet, on the remains of which the entire population of Syria and Iran will jump for days? belay
      1. +8
        26 February 2021 18: 59
        The Russian Federation will be hit by a US Air Force fighter only in one case, if an air strike is delivered on Tartus or Khmeimim. And that's not a fact.
        1. +6
          26 February 2021 19: 03
          Quote: ximkim
          The Russian Federation will be hit by a US Air Force fighter only in one case, if an air strike is delivered on Tartus or Khmeimim. And that's not a fact.

          I mean, if they get knocked down by others with timely information about the raid ...
          1. 0
            26 February 2021 19: 07
            These will not be shot down soon or will be shot down in the SAR ..
            1. +9
              26 February 2021 19: 11
              Quote: ximkim
              These will not be shot down soon or will be shot down in the SAR ..

              Everything changes. Time will tell.
              1. 0
                26 February 2021 19: 17
                Not soon. This is reality. There are zones of influence and zones of presence. And these zones are different ..
                1. -4
                  26 February 2021 21: 47
                  Quote: ximkim
                  Not Soon, This Is Reality
                  If soon, then not enough ... This is your dull parallel reality. The existence of a person precedes his essence (for everything else in the world, the opposite is true). The depressing your comments, the depressing your reality, for this is the reality of your existence, even if you are not a person, but a program or a cyborg. If a man, then you need doping, and the further, the more.
                  1. 0
                    26 February 2021 22: 36
                    Quote: sniperino
                    This is your dreary parallel reality.

                    What if reality is "real" and not "parallel"? Well then, let's express our concern, yes.
                    1. 0
                      26 February 2021 22: 39
                      Quote: Gardener91
                      Well then, let's express our concern, yes.
                      Yes. Would you cover with swearing? Diplomats do it differently, but the general meaning is not lost.
                      1. -2
                        26 February 2021 22: 44
                        Quote: sniperino
                        but the general meaning is not lost.

                        Without actions, only blah - blah the meaning and cannot be lost, changed, like the situation as a whole.
                      2. -1
                        27 February 2021 03: 00
                        Quote: Gardener91
                        Without action, blah - blah
                        Even your blah blah has some effect. And the words of the diplomat are his deeds, only more meaningful and responsible. Lavrov sent Borrell diplomatically, and in Europe they will probably be hysterical about this for a month: the situation has changed for them. The word heals, the word and cripples.
                      3. +1
                        27 February 2021 00: 58
                        The question is that only diplomats do this, with us, they have not only diplomats and not only that ...
              2. 0
                26 February 2021 22: 32
                Quote: Clear
                Everything is changing.

                1. +6
                  28 February 2021 10: 30
                  Quote: Gardener91
                  Quote: Clear
                  Everything is changing.


                  I'm sure Sasha love
    2. -1
      26 February 2021 18: 49
      They can, but in order to avoid any collisions, they will continue the practice of warnings.
      The best solution with a gap with losses is to prevent them, the Americans would rather demolish Hmeimim and Assad in Damascus than allow their pilot to die from enemy fire.
      1. -1
        26 February 2021 21: 45
        And there will be enough resources .... shells and rockets are not produced from wells.
  9. -2
    26 February 2021 18: 33
    on TV Zvezda, when telling about this airstrike, showed how something very similar to a Tornado with a suspension in the subfusselage, something like AGM 158 (are they fashionable now?) taxied for takeoff, here is a photo of F54 with GBU XNUMX (probably)
    1. +4
      26 February 2021 18: 45
      Both here and there random photos serve only as a background to the news.
      The airstrike itself was carried out by the F-15.
      1. 0
        26 February 2021 18: 52
        I wonder how you know that 15th
        1. +3
          26 February 2021 18: 54
          It was this type of aircraft that figured in the major Russian media, in this case he preferred to take the journalists' word for it, because there is no point in distorting such information.
    2. 0
      26 February 2021 21: 25
      Quote: Charik
      on TV Zvezda, when telling about this airstrike, they showed

      I haven't watched TV for a long time, only sports, and even then sometimes.
      1. 0
        26 February 2021 22: 25
        And what does it have to do with you, if you didn't even say a word to the question raised
  10. 0
    26 February 2021 18: 37
    Americans predict the oil price of 100 "green rubles" per barrel, so they are afraid that they will squeeze out the freebies.
    1. +8
      26 February 2021 18: 47
      Quote: tarakan
      Americans predict the oil price of 100 "green rubles" per barrel, so they are afraid that they will squeeze out the freebies.

      Everyone knows that to find US military bases around the world, you need to open a map of oil production sites Yes .
    2. +14
      26 February 2021 19: 05
      Quote: tarakan
      are afraid that they will squeeze out the freebies

      And who will wring it out?
      1. -2
        26 February 2021 21: 27
        Quote: Stas157

        And who will wring it out?

        I guess wink
        Sechin ???!
  11. +1
    26 February 2021 18: 50
    Quote: iouris
    You could have warned: "It's too late! Sorry"

    Syria has long lost its statehood as such Turning into a "walk-through yard" By the way, this is the merit of Assad And the Russian Federation is not out of hand to tear off its shirt and enter into a direct conflict with the United States Yes, and I think amers too.
  12. +3
    26 February 2021 18: 54
    When Iran struck US bases in Iraq in response to the assassination of Soleimani, Tehran warned the mattresses a couple of hours before the strike and indicated the specific targets for which this strike would be applied, which explains why the mattresses got off relatively easily, confirming only 108 " brainwashed "rangers. And then the mattresses issued an alert five minutes before the impact. In principle, this is the whole difference between a worthy adversary and a jackal adversary.
    1. +22
      26 February 2021 19: 13
      Quote: Nyrobsky
      Tehran warned the mattresses a couple of hours before the strike. ... And then the mattresses issued an alert five minutes before the impact.

      The Iranians just didn't want to get in, and the Americans wanted to get in.
      1. -2
        26 February 2021 20: 35
        Quote: Stas157
        The Iranians just didn't want to get in

        It's just that the Americans, realizing that they had seriously messed up, with the mediation of Qatar, offered to do with a limited retaliatory strike, so that revenge for Suleimani would be demonstrated and at the same time the mattresses would not be very painful. This, incidentally, explains the fact that the blow from Iran was swallowed by the mattresses in silence without resorting to an asymmetric response, responding with blow for blow. And then the Americans again demonstrated their rotten nature.
    2. +2
      26 February 2021 19: 13
      Maybe there is a difference in the fear of the screwdriver? This is how the United States can send Iran to the Stone Age almost painlessly for itself. And what can the Russian Federation do against the United States - sell their debt securities?
      1. +2
        26 February 2021 20: 26
        Quote: Andros
        Maybe there is a difference in the fear of the screwdriver? This is the USA can Iran send to the Stone Age almost painless for yourself
        Maybe who is arguing with this? But it will not work out painlessly. Iran will calmly reach with its missiles to American bases located in the region, where no less than 30 thousand American soldiers are stationed, will create problems in the Strait of Hormuz for oil tankers, activate the nightmare of the mattress army in Iraq by the Iraqi people's militia and create a lot of tensions right up to Afghanistan ... Only this time, in the event of a cut, Tehran will not warn mattresses and they will receive thousands of corpses.
        Quote: Andros
        And what can the Russian Federation do against the United States - sell their debt securities?
        Do you always think in zigzags? Are we talking about Russia now?
        1. +1
          26 February 2021 22: 17
          Quote: Nyrobsky
          Do you think in zigzags?
          The technique is as follows. Paints the picture "Humiliated Russia" with broad strokes.
      2. 0
        26 February 2021 22: 27
        buy and sell more gold to England
    3. 0
      26 February 2021 22: 51
      Quote: Nyrobsky
      In principle, this is the whole difference between a worthy adversary and a jackal adversary.

      Not tired of singing the praises of the Persians?
      Should there be any incident between the Persians or the pro-Iranian tramps and our Armed Forces (and in the Syrian gadyushnik it is quite likely), you will be the first to start pouring mud on them right there, not being too embarrassed in epithets, right?
      1. -5
        26 February 2021 23: 07
        Quote: Paragraph Epitafievich Y.
        Not tired of singing the praises of the Persians?

        Well, you don't like the Persians, take any other country. Against their background, mattresses are always distinguished by the fact that they are an example of ideal murderers and scum. If the Persians are there with the consent of Damascus, then on what basis are the mattresses there and, moreover, are striking the territory of Syria? All these tramps you mentioned, from pro-Iranian to ISIS, including pro-Turkish and pseudo-democratic, are the result of the fact that it was the mattresses that started the dismantling of Iraq and Syria. Do you recall when the UN issued them a mandate to seize Syrian oil?
  13. -2
    26 February 2021 19: 08
    Well, even more so now we can, on the same grounds, warn you 5 minutes before. In style, in 5 minutes your barmaley will come to the PPC, and modestly keep silent where exactly here))) pus tell fortunes.
    1. +5
      26 February 2021 20: 04
      Warning, somehow the Wagnerians climbed up without warning at all, for three months the Internet admired the result, and the Americans did not even bother, they just called the aviation ...
      1. -3
        26 February 2021 21: 56
        I was more pleased to see how the Iranians put amerskih sailors on their knees, but that would be 3 months and even admire (not to mention that it seems like ours) .... you have a pathology.
  14. +3
    26 February 2021 19: 12
    So what? Once again, smearing snot on our cheeks, indistinctly and quietly (God forbid, they will hear) we will express our concern and drive with a vengeance the "partners" overseas the loot so that they compensate for their ammunition costs. This is how, to betray and kill your country, give it and the people for plunder, from a mighty power to become just a territory without politics and national interests, that everyone just wipes their feet.
  15. +2
    26 February 2021 19: 17
    The fact that they called 5 minutes before the strike is understandable. The main thing, I hope, was that we flew their planes from takeoff.
  16. +1
    26 February 2021 19: 47
    I liked the title of the article "The US Air Force was reinsured ..."
    No more than a formality under a previously concluded agreement.
    5 minutes before the blow is not a mockery. Of the type who did not have time to hesitate, I am not to blame
    1. +1
      26 February 2021 20: 03
      They can afford it.
  17. -3
    26 February 2021 19: 49
    Quote: frruc
    In 5 min. you can have time to pick up the phone, scratch your turnips and cross yourself.

    In 5 minutes, you can take out an entire unit from the blow
  18. -3
    26 February 2021 20: 07
    Quote: Volodin
    Quote: stels_07
    Perhaps the problems for the Russian Federation in Syria are just beginning

    Perhaps or not possible, they allegedly bombed Hezbollah. Therefore, this is hardly a problem for the Russian Federation.
    And what is this problem for Assad? ... Pro-Iranian groups are now, and before, the main battles on the ground, our MTR and PMC type are used selectively. Plus there is air behind us, but in this case we are so-so partners, one name. We are bombing ourselves, but the sky over Syria, being there LEGITIMALLY, we are not even afraid to close it, but sorry, piss, we can't say otherwise.

    On what basis are the Yombies there, delivering packet strikes by the United States, is there a UN resolution or a decision by the legitimate authorities of Syria? On what basis is the territory of Syria bombed by the US allies in NATO, or an ally in the region Israel?

    We do not ask such questions here and on other platforms, we stand as girls, it is easier to kick the buzz with dumb ur-patriots and naively consider ourselves a world power. And in the world from the outside, they all see, analyze and draw conclusions, and these conclusions are not at all in our favor.

    From this. If we are not able to do something, then what are we doing there, wasting resources, losing people and equipment?
    Strategic interests?
    Well, the same number of flights would have returned the Odessa, Kiev, and Lvov regions to the country, Russia long ago. Without them, we are just the Russian Federation, but far and never the Russia of Peter and Catherine the Great, and we simply have no right to be called that.
    1. +2
      26 February 2021 22: 08
      Quote: Azimuth
      If we are not able to do something, then what are we doing there, wasting resources, losing people and equipment?

      Sometimes it seems that the Russian Federation is in Syria in order to prevent it from becoming a big Hezbollah. Hence the open sky for dear partners. Israel has probably said thanks more than once. And yet, yes, Israel is an ally. Only to state it directly is not kosher.
      1. 0
        27 February 2021 11: 09
        Well, let's just say, not an ally, but a country close to our leadership, our first persons, some by dad, some by mom.

        Israel is an ally of the United States and nothing else, it is a question of its existence.
  19. -3
    26 February 2021 20: 22
    Quote: seacap
    So what? Once again, smearing snot on our cheeks, indistinctly and quietly (God forbid, they will hear) we will express our concern and drive with a vengeance the "partners" overseas the loot so that they compensate for their ammunition costs. This is how, to betray and kill your country, give it and the people for plunder, from a mighty power to become just a territory without politics and national interests, that everyone just wipes their feet.

    But how could it be otherwise, and what did you want? ... For what they fought, as they say, so you need it ...

    My neighbor let go of the poor to the small, then he himself, like with a flashlight, shied away in the yard. I ask, isn’t it easier than sitting in front of the push, which has become a zombie box and our segment of the Internet there, and understand the varieties of omna, just press the flush button? ...

    Until we all do nothing but "express concern" about us, they will wipe their feet. After all, the same puppeteers who brought us by the hand to the kingdom "then let me introduce myself, master of sprrta-major of the KGB-Chingachkuk", now, realizing that the pressure in the boiler, if not critical, is already rising, they are thrusting another puppet into us, but now "a truth-teller - a fighter against corruption - a prisoner of conscience." Stupid country paanimash, there are no specialists here, no smart managers, well, nothing without these ... "And people hawala," and once he did it, then who is to blame, except for himself? No one, but we ourselves, we love, we regret, we know that we are good, and there are only eccentrics around and these are all of them, they are to blame, not us. So? Is that correct?
  20. 0
    26 February 2021 20: 47
    The Americans will seek to translate the confrontation in Syria into the plane of the policy that they pursued during the stay in Afghanistan of the Limited Contingent of Soviet troops or the 40th Army, as everyone later learned. This policy has brought some success to the United States. They actually squeezed the Soviet army out of this region, and then took its place, but under the "brand" of protecting democracy. They want to achieve the same in Syria. While this is hindered by the internal situation in Russia, which is more or less stable, and the Russian army, which is impeccable, ready and able to successfully conduct military operations against terrorists and their accomplices, as well as, apparently, the position of the PRC, which is different from its position then in Afghanistan. Therefore, the duality of policy in Syria will be disastrous for all who try to carry it out. Americans are well aware of this.
  21. -1
    26 February 2021 21: 28
    The US Air Force was reinsured by informing the Russian military about the impending airstrike in Syria 5 minutes before the strike
    well, they reported and reported what the problems of their Air Force are performing their tasks
  22. -1
    26 February 2021 21: 47
    Ours are specifically afraid to conflict with amers in Syria. And the Americans see our weakness and become impudent. All the same, a deposit in a Swiss bank is probably closer to the body.
  23. +1
    26 February 2021 22: 09
    Sergei Lavrov:

    I want to remind you that American troops are in Syria illegally, in violation of international law.

    So what? But nothing.
  24. -1
    26 February 2021 22: 26
    The Biden administration said it was a response to rocket attacks on a military base in Iraqi Erbil.

    No, it's called hello from the US Air Force lol
  25. +1
    26 February 2021 23: 08
    And why is the United States worse than Israel? The same can be shot in Syria .. Why is it suddenly impossible for the Americans? Who will forbid them? And what's the point of prohibiting? The further, the less Syria differs from Afgan ... And when the country's leadership changes (for objective reasons), Syria will no longer be needed .. And ISIS has nothing to do with it .. Now, after all, no one bothers Turkey to incite the Syrians and all our barmaley? Actually, there is little to prevent them from setting these barmaley to the Caucasus or Crimea .. And the territory of Syria is not needed for this ..
    1. 0
      27 February 2021 03: 16
      Israel is at war with Syria. So missiles arrive from Syria and receive raids in response.
  26. The comment was deleted.
  27. +1
    27 February 2021 00: 11
    Concern was expressed again. They are waiting for ours to begin to cover. We must show our teeth in the air. On the ground they showed so they were quiet.
  28. +3
    27 February 2021 00: 25
    Lost in translation or trying to save face after swimming in excrement? It would be more correct to call the article "The US Air Force made fun of it by reporting ...."
  29. -2
    27 February 2021 00: 31
    There is no need to make "claims" for American air strikes on Syria. You just need to start shooting down American planes. Americans are cowards, don't forget that.
  30. 0
    27 February 2021 02: 33
    Lavrov wanted a US courier post in three days? We did everything right. And the protocol is in order, and the information has not leaked.
    And, as you know, you need to look in the mirror - if there were no cases of leakage, there would be no notifications in five minutes.
  31. 0
    3 March 2021 12: 44
    A column of Shiite infantry was marching from Iraq to Syria to assist in ground operations. The Yankees in Iraq control a lot, they learned and covered the convoy right at the border crossing, together with the border crossing premises, 22 Shiite infantry were killed. In principle, this is not our trouble, but the Iranian one, the Iranians are not our partners in Syria directly and we could hardly warn them quickly.