“It turns out that we have unexploded Iskander missiles - people in Azerbaijan are ironic about Pashinyan’s statements


The Azerbaijani media is actively discussing the situation in neighboring Armenia. Recall that there is another political crisis in Yerevan, which is associated with the call by dozens of high-ranking military officials to Nikol Pashinyan to resign from the post of Prime Minister of Armenia.

The day before, two rallies were held in the Armenian capital: one in support of Pashinyan, the other demanding his immediate resignation.

The Azerbaijani edition of Aze came out with a material stating that Nikol Pashinyan allegedly gave an order to the special forces of the National Security Service (National Security Service of Armenia) to prepare for the assault on the building of the General Staff of the country's armed forces. In particular, it was stated that the SNB special forces had to start storming the building of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Armenia, if the high-ranking servicemen of the General Staff would take further actions to remove Pashinyan from the prime minister's post. According to Azerbaijani media, the special forces were ordered to prepare for the arrest of several generals who signed an open letter demanding the resignation of the head of the Armenian government.

Against this background, Azerbaijani experts also speak out about Nikol Pashinyan's statement that Iskander missiles were used during the hostilities in Nagorno-Karabakh, the missiles of which allegedly turned out to be ineffective. It is worth recalling that in one of his recent interviews, the Armenian prime minister said about the "unexploded missiles" of this complex. In Azerbaijan, commenting on Pashinyan's statement, they are ironic:

It turns out that we have several unexploded missiles of the Russian Iskander complex. Thanks to Pashinyan, otherwise we wouldn't even know about it.

Another comment on Pashinyan's statement:

You are not yet used to the fact that he constantly lies. After all, he lied to the Armenians themselves that the Armenian forces were marching victoriously across Karabakh directly to Baku. He lied that the war was about to be won. Now he is looking for a way to whitewash himself, but again he lies.
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  1. +44
    26 February 2021 07: 34
    You are not yet used to the fact that he constantly lies.

    Everybody got used to it.
    1. +38
      26 February 2021 07: 37
      Quote: Destiny
      Everybody got used to it.

      Pashinyan finally went too far and went to bed.

      A disgusting character who should have resigned for a long time, after what he had done and said.
      1. -90
        26 February 2021 07: 57
        I think that Pashinyan is silent about one important nuance. Azerbaijan is armed with several batteries of the "iron dome". Apparently, they also reduced the effectiveness of the Iskander.
        1. +54
          26 February 2021 08: 00
          Quote: Kaman
          I think that Pashinyan is silent about one important nuance. Azerbaijan is armed with several batteries of the "iron dome". Apparently, they also reduced the effectiveness of the Iskander.

          None Iskander's rocket did not leave the warehouses of the Armenian Defense Ministry - this is officially announced by the Russian Defense Ministry
          1. +26
            26 February 2021 08: 27
            But what a scoundrel you have to be to SO screw up your own army!
            I’d be very surprised if one of the honest officers didn’t fire a bullet from Stechkin in his forehead, so that this nasty skull would burst at the seams!
            1. +6
              26 February 2021 09: 13
              Since they haven’t done it yet, it means there are no honest officers.
              However, I’m probably too hard on them. Our people, too, endured Taburetkin for many years.
              1. +3
                26 February 2021 10: 09
                Pashinyan is sitting and talking nonsense, continuing to appear as the leader of Armenia only on the bayonets of the special services, whose leadership is paid by the State Department and the CIA, and the staff of the US Embassy in Armenia is one of the largest in the world.
                1. +1
                  26 February 2021 16: 26
                  The vile liar Pashinyan disgraced himself in the edge! It would, of course, be good to replace him. But it seems that there are no sane people up there at all, all are either Soros or pro-Westerners! Where are the intelligent pro-Russian forces? After all, the salvation of Armenia is not in endless cunning looping, deception and fishing for nishtyaks from Russia, but in a close honest alliance with it!
            2. +6
              26 February 2021 09: 18
              Quote: hydrox
              But what a scoundrel you have to be to SO screw up your own army!

              American scoundrel!
            3. +5
              26 February 2021 10: 26
              Quote: hydrox
              But what a scoundrel you have to beto SO screw up your own army!

              So after all, the mattresses of other characters do not lead to power. The main criteria of a "leader" who are promoted by mattresses to power are meanness and betrayal.
              It was not for nothing that the State Department last night expressed concerns about an attempted military coup in Armenia and threatened high-ranking military personnel with personal sanctions if they continued to "frighten" Pashinyan.
            4. +4
              26 February 2021 13: 31
              You can't wait for this from their generals, they are sitting in a frying pan because of the embezzlement investigations. They are afraid of landing on the bunk, hence the body movements.
              They bought weapons from us at domestic prices as allies, and then resold them on the right and on the left. And as the war came, they could neither put shoes on, nor put on, nor arm their mobilized reserve.
            5. 0
              26 February 2021 21: 17
              So maybe he didn't invent the Iskander launches himself. He said to let their entrance, but the military didn’t, maybe the Russian generals didn’t allow it, maybe they were afraid themselves, but instead they started up old rubbish, reported, the result is a curve, now they are squabbling among themselves. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation said that Pashinyan may have been misled, of course, from the diplomatic point of view, this may mean that Pashinyan is being driven away, or perhaps in this way he was prompted that he does not know a lot of things.
          2. The comment was deleted.
            1. +1
              26 February 2021 14: 27
              Thank you very much for the comment supported by the evidence and the locations. No.
              Feel better?
        2. +27
          26 February 2021 08: 30
          Quote: Kaman
          I think that Pashinyan is silent about one important nuance. Azerbaijan is armed with several batteries of the "iron dome". Apparently, they also reduced the effectiveness of the Iskander.

          This "iron dome" "intercepts" Palestinian blanks 4 times on the fifth, what kind of "Iskander" is it for him ...
          1. +4
            26 February 2021 08: 38
            Quote: Volodin
            Quote: Kaman
            I think that Pashinyan is silent about one important nuance. Azerbaijan is armed with several batteries of the "iron dome". Apparently, they also reduced the effectiveness of the Iskander.

            This "iron dome" "intercepts" Palestinian blanks 4 times on the fifth, what kind of "Iskander" is it for him ...

            The dome is not designed to combat OTP. laughing
            1. +3
              26 February 2021 13: 03
              Quote: Krasnodar
              The dome is not designed to combat OTP

              Please explain it to Kaman
              Quote: Kaman
              I think that Pashinyan is silent about one important nuance. Several batteries of the "iron dome" are in service with Azerbaijan
        3. +5
          26 February 2021 08: 41
          Azerbaijan has no Dome.
          Of the Israeli air defense, they have only Barak 8. The dome is in service only with Israel and the United States.
        4. +8
          26 February 2021 08: 56
          Quote: Kaman
          Several batteries of the "iron dome" are in service with Azerbaijan. Apparently, they also reduced the effectiveness of the Iskander.
          "Iron dome" for protection against unguided tactical missiles with a flight range of 4 to 70 kilometers (s) It is highly doubtful that missiles, mainly sharpened to fight homemade NURS, will be able to knock down Iskander, with its speed and maneuvering!
          1. +7
            26 February 2021 09: 29
            the Israelis themselves said that it was difficult for the dome to cope with the scuds
            in fact, in practice, they have never demonstrated a stable defense even against this missile. Neither patriots nor other systems helped.
            Iskander is a much more difficult target.
            In fact, a canopy has about a 20-25% chance of hitting a subsonic target. Supersonic is more difficult to get into. This is its real effectiveness.
            1. +1
              26 February 2021 21: 38
              The dome is not designed to intercept ballistic missiles like the Scud.
              For subsonic targets, in particular Grad and Palestinian homemade products, the efficiency is about 85-90%.
              I myself came under fire many times, I felt the effectiveness myself, when the sky blooms with garlands of explosions when repelling a massive blow to the city, and nothing falls to the ground, except for debris.
              1. +2
                27 February 2021 02: 39
                efficiency of what?
                in case you haven't noticed, the canopy has entire rocket cassettes to launch and it is no coincidence that there are so many.
                standard interception procedure involves launching 2+ missiles
                this is how an acceptable probability of hitting gets, but 85-90% is a clear overkill
                for this type of missiles even 2 rocket launchers never did not have a probability of hitting more than 50% of the most simple targets - these are subsonic NURSs.
                The Israelis claim that it is capable of working against mortar mines - this is certainly a ballistic target, and a small one.
                I wonder what the probability of knocking down there is.
                1. 0
                  27 February 2021 03: 19
                  Not too much. In such a small and "family" country like Israel, it is almost impossible to hide something, especially information directly related to the safety of the population. Therefore, the real percentage of interceptions is published regularly during each round of tensions with Gaza.
                  The policy "2 missiles, one target" was used at the beginning of the combat use of the Dome, now it is used to intercept single missiles in "peacetime", for reliability, so to speak, so that you do not have to develop a mess.
                  During serious, multi-day confrontations, one missile has been launched at the target for a long time. Effectiveness is counted precisely in such situations.
                  Whatever ill-wishers say here about KUMPOL, HOLY and so on, the LCD is a magnificent precise complex that has saved hundreds of lives on both sides over the past 10 years.
                  As a resident of the south of the country, I felt it well for myself.
                  It is not for nothing that the Americans recently bought it.
        5. +3
          26 February 2021 09: 08
          You TTX read it first. Then try to compare what several anti-aircraft batteries can do against him, taking into account such trifles as the direction of the strike.
          1. +9
            26 February 2021 09: 44
            Quote: carstorm 11
            You TTX read it first.

            Whose performance characteristics do you propose to read? Rockets Tamir, Stunner? More specifically, please write, otherwise they seem to have said something, but what exactly is impossible to understand. If you are talking about Tamir, then the racket is so-so, it will definitely not cope with Iskander.
            1. +6
              26 February 2021 10: 05
              Here it is so arranged that sometimes not the one who wanted a question for himself gets) Iskander's performance characteristics of course. The person who wrote that the dome reduced their effectiveness apparently just does not really understand what he is talking about
        6. +4
          26 February 2021 11: 26
          Quote: Kaman
          I think that Pashinyan is silent about one important nuance. Azerbaijan is armed with several batteries of the "iron dome". Apparently, they also reduced the effectiveness of the Iskander.

          1. There is no information about the use of Iskander OTRK by Armenia! As there is no information about them (intercept missiles)!
          2. We used the Elbrus OTRK several times, but extremely unsuccessfully .... There is also NO reliable information about the interception of Elbrus missiles (with the Iron Dome or anything else)!
          PS fool Sometimes it's better to be quiet than talk nonsense! hi
        7. 0
          27 February 2021 03: 46
          Excellent comment))) Double rebound)) Kaman, write in private messages, we will discuss controversial issues.
        8. -2
          27 February 2021 16: 54
          you have touched the sacred -ISCANDERRRR. For some, only the name of the orgasm begins. Therefore, the cons.
        9. SSR
          27 February 2021 23: 50
          Quote: Kaman
          Azerbaijan is armed with several batteries of the "iron dome".

          Quote: Destiny
          Everybody got used to it.

          Two poles.
          Professor, you urged to figure it out without urging.)))
          But the laura, although it got into the bridge, did not destroy it.)))
          What can you say about Iskander-E now?))
        10. 0
          4 March 2021 23: 19
          Iskanders were not used by Armenia during this conflict.
      2. +10
        26 February 2021 08: 00
        Quote: Olgovich
        .... A disgusting character who should have resigned for a long time ITSELF after what he had done and said.
        if he had conscience, shame, remorse, regrets ... if he loved Armenia. None of this
        1. +10
          26 February 2021 08: 12
          Dmitry, what are you talking about ???
          Hi soldier
          Such characters go to the CAPTURE of power, for the appropriate "gingerbread", they do not give up power, they only demolish them ...
          1. +2
            26 February 2021 09: 07
            hi Hello Victor! Do you remember in November there were some expectations that he would resign? Say, there is nothing left for him? Say, a shame? And he was not going to. And he doesn't think now. I would not say that he seized power, rather, they appointed him ... recourse As the saying goes-----the elder ordered
            1. +2
              26 February 2021 09: 31
              The nominal value assigned by the owner ... no, it won't go away, and it doesn't want to, in general ...
              1. +3
                26 February 2021 09: 52
                Quote: rocket757
                The nominal value assigned by the owner ... no, it won't go away, and it doesn't want to, in general ...

                How will it leave? Supporters, here he went to the rally. negative the same paid?
                1. +2
                  26 February 2021 10: 14
                  There are different ones and it SHOULD BE ACCEPTED !!!
                  Until we stop hoping for agreements and something like that, ephemeral, we will lose and lose.
        2. 0
          26 February 2021 11: 30
          If he loved Armenia, the Amerzi would not support him, they only need enemies of the population, the country and the state in general, vile liars and traitors. Like any guaido cutlets, piled up, sandu ...
      3. +6
        26 February 2021 08: 10
        Quote: Olgovich
        who should have resigned for a long time,

        Wait! Will YOURSELF leave such a place of bread? Have you met such people in the CIS? Well, or the world?
        1. +2
          26 February 2021 09: 25
          Yeltsin is not considered already?
      4. +12
        26 February 2021 08: 25
        I am not understanding something. How did such a character come to power in general?
        A very, very strange situation, got out on the anti-Russian wave, Russia practically contains Armenia, guards the borders with Turkey, supplies military equipment and at the same time the second person in power throws mud at our country.
        Leave Russia Armenia without support and that's it, it will disappear as a state. On the one hand, we will speak directly hostile Turkey, on the other, hostile Azerbaijan, Georgia will do as it is told from across the ocean, i.e. loyalty the same should not be expected. And Muslim Iran.
        What is Pashinyan counting on? The airplane will not fly away in case of faq.
        1. +2
          26 February 2021 11: 50
          Quote: YOUR
          What is Pashinyan counting on? The airplane will not fly away in case of faq.

          He has an embassy over the fence. There it will be scrambled.
      5. +1
        27 February 2021 13: 47
        Quote: Olgovich
        Quote: Destiny
        Everybody got used to it.

        Pashinyan finally went too far and went to bed.
        A disgusting character who should have resigned for a long time, after what he had done and said.

        Armenians chose themselves, no one forced them
    2. +12
      26 February 2021 07: 38
      The confrontation between the RA General Staff vs Pashinyan is one of the stages of the collapse of Armenia.
    3. -9
      26 February 2021 08: 30
      Pashinyan, with his lies, causes direct financial and image damage to Russia.
      Hey there, in the Kremlin!
      Why are you keeping quiet on the sidelines?
      Pashinyan with his lies will be worse than Navalny, he is still the president.
      1. +4
        26 February 2021 09: 36
        Pashinyan is a Russophobe. Pashinyan settled down. Pashinyan lost part of the Armenian territory.
        Russia was not a supporter of Pashinyan because Pashinyan himself distanced himself.
        Russia stopped the war.

        What financial damage are you talking about?
        What kind of image damage are you writing about?

        Let me remind you that as a result of this war, the Russian military controls the situation in Karabakh.

        You fell off the moon?
        1. +1
          26 February 2021 09: 41
          Does the lie of the President of Armenia about Russian weapons, which were not even used in this conflict, do you think this does not damage the image of Russian weapons?
          Or you don’t care what this little magpie is "carrying"?
        2. +1
          26 February 2021 14: 27
          Pashinyan lost part of the Armenian territory ...... ??? What are you talking about? Announce the entire list ... please ... comrade.
        3. +2
          26 February 2021 18: 00
          A good half of the population of Armenia was Russophobic, but thanks to the war they quickly fell in love with Mother Russia)
      2. 0
        26 February 2021 11: 35
        He was already answered by the MO that there were no launches, who else should answer this freak? And so this skier has a lot of attention.
    4. +1
      26 February 2021 10: 56
      He not only lies, but fulfills the order of his supervisors. It was necessary to bungle something nasty by 23. He was ordered. He barked in good faith, but did not think that his own army would go crazy with such a lie)
  2. +3
    26 February 2021 08: 10
    “It turns out that we have unexploded Iskander missiles - people in Azerbaijan are ironic about Pashinyan’s statements

    Well, yes, they didn’t fly anywhere, they didn’t get anywhere, and finally, ANYONE ... but why? Because, apparently, they did not fly at all.
    1. +5
      26 February 2021 09: 14
      Quote: rocket757
      ...... Well, yes, they didn't fly anywhere, they didn't get anywhere, and finally, NO ... but why? Because, apparently, they did not fly at all.
      Pashinyan's fantasies. wassat fool unexploded rockets have been lying somewhere for 3 months already, and the Azerbaijanis do not know, do not even guess
      1. +1
        26 February 2021 09: 33
        Lie more, lie as ordered ... the owner of the cookies will give, and he himself probably took what was "badly lying"!
        1. +1
          26 February 2021 09: 47
          Quote: rocket757
          ..... the owner of the cookies will give, and he himself, for sure, grabbed something that "lay badly"!
          it gradually became clear after the defeat that it is not known what kind of improvements in the army, or rather --- there were none, and huge money was spent ... he conceived some bars for soldiers, like American ones, instead of canteens ... and the population did not know anything ...
          1. +1
            26 February 2021 10: 12
            Quote: Reptiloid
            He conceived some bars for soldiers, like American ones, instead of canteens ...

            He needed to buy the loyalty of the military .... so let's see how they did it.
            1. +2
              26 February 2021 10: 22
              On the Internet there were praises of their army, the military and that they are winning, that Baku will be captured now. The big campaign was organized in words
              1. +1
                26 February 2021 10: 48
                Plus to everything - psisa chatterbox! Nothing new, initially there was only a desire to serve its master ... the crowd does not want to understand this, the crowd is STUPID by definition.
                1. +3
                  26 February 2021 19: 38
                  He certainly has supporters and a support group. After all, he was not the only one who turned everything.
                  1. +1
                    26 February 2021 21: 10
                    Here I somehow have no time for them ... just let them figure it out for themselves.
                    On our part, the time for an impact, normal such, in the long term, was lost ... as in many other places. Now everything there must burn out, it must be determined by itself ...
                    1. +1
                      26 February 2021 21: 35
                      Where they missed it, where they didn't think ... They squandered the inheritance, both of the Republic of Ingushetia and the USSR
                      1. +1
                        26 February 2021 21: 43
                        Those who were appointed or self-selected, to lead, to keep order, to direct ... sent to their own pockets. Now they rush and continue .... to direct.
  3. +5
    26 February 2021 08: 17
    Pashinyans always lie ... but they do not leave because not all the plans of the US Embassy in Armenia have been fulfilled yet ...
  4. +2
    26 February 2021 08: 21
    Yes, in general, 10% of an exploded rocket ... A less powerful mind cannot come up with such a thing ...
    1. +3
      26 February 2021 08: 38
      Quote: Cowbra
      Yes, in general, 10% of an exploded rocket ... A less powerful mind cannot come up with such a thing ...

      This is a typical Armenian mind, when you need to wriggle and lie as soon as possible.
  5. +5
    26 February 2021 08: 34
    I know the Rose Revolution, now the Iskander revolution is on the nose ...
    1. +2
      26 February 2021 09: 10
      Quote: Alien From
      I know the Rose Revolution, now the Iskander revolution is on the nose ...

      noooo. revolution of "military experts"
  6. The comment was deleted.
  7. +1
    26 February 2021 08: 43
    Firstly, they did not shoot, and secondly, Pashinyan was specifically a DEGENERATE !!!
  8. 0
    26 February 2021 09: 11
    Pashinyan's nonsense flies out regardless of desire, does not know how to do otherwise.
    1. +1
      26 February 2021 09: 38
      And he doesn't care who is telling the truth. The main thing is who speaks to the media. Can someone massively show Armenians the refutation of a number of Pashinyan's statements? Not. So his words are true for amateurs.
  9. 0
    26 February 2021 09: 40
    What can I say, well, it is not necessary to choose monkeys in the manual that do not distinguish a stick from an ax. fellow
  10. 0
    26 February 2021 09: 55
    Here is what is not clear.
    It is not surprising that the Armenians are against Pashinyan, at least some, or why in Russia it is understandable why.
    But it is completely incomprehensible why Azerbaijan is opposed to Pashinyan.
    Logically, it is Azerbaijan that should be at least neutral, Pashinyan should suit him precisely for the tempers on which Russia and Armenia oppose him.
    But we see a situation when Azerbaijan's reactions do not correspond to this logic. It feels like we don't know something ...
    1. +1
      26 February 2021 10: 47
      But it is completely incomprehensible why Azerbaijan is opposed to Pashinyan.

      objectively, he does not suit Azerbaijanis as in fact the head of state, historically opposed to Azerbaijan. Regardless of the mood of other countries
      politically, he does not suit, so by hook or by crook he seeks to put Armenia under the United States and Europe, which, again, is sickening to the tourism-oriented Azerbaijan. Pro-Russian Armenia is more familiar and predictable to them. Let's recall the reaction of Europe to the offensive of the Azerbaijani army in Karabakh
      1. 0
        26 February 2021 11: 05
        If it does not suit Azerbaijan, then, logically, it should suit the Armenians. And vice versa.
        And the fact that he does not suit both Armenians and Azerbaijanis is nonsense.
        The only explanation is that Azerbaijan is interested in undermining the power in Armenia, in turning Armenia into a country of chaos and unrest. You can believe this, it will be logical from the point of view of Azerbaijan.
        1. 0
          26 February 2021 11: 22
          And the fact that he does not suit both Armenians and Azerbaijanis is nonsense.

          not at all. Like any puppet government, Pashinyan & Co. could do nothing to earn the respect of both enemies and allies.
          1. 0
            26 February 2021 11: 36
            enemies are not interested in respect, but expediency for them
            if they are against Pashinyan, it means that for some reason it is profitable for them, no matter what words are used to cover it up.
            1. 0
              26 February 2021 11: 51
              if they are against Pashinyan, it means that for some reason it is beneficial for them

              once again - they are against Pashinyan because he:
              a) Armenian. Nationality is historically antagonistic to Azerbaijanis.
              b) the prime minister of the country with which Azerbaijan has a historical contradiction.
              they are against it because it is already at the level of a national idea. What's so strange about that? They see all the problems of the Armenian government only through this prism. It would be strange if it were the other way around
              1. +1
                26 February 2021 12: 15
                and. Pashinyan's opponents are also Armenians, but Azerbaijan actually supports them, opposing Pashinyan. The question is why?
                b. And what if they get Pashinyan to leave, the Armenians won't find another prime minister? Obviously they will. And, which is typical, also an Armenian. And everything returns to the question - why is it against Pashinyan?
                1. -1
                  26 February 2021 12: 39
                  but Azerbaijan actually supports them, opposing Pashinyan. The question is why?

                  why exactly does it support? The support of the opposition by the national enemy is a political death for this very opposition. It's just that their opinions coincided at the moment.
                  And what if they get Pashinyan to leave, the Armenians won't find another prime minister? Obviously they will. And, which is typical, also an Armenian.

                  will find. If he takes into account the interests of the electorate, he will enlist the support of the people. This is the main thing. That now is not easy enough, tk. the nation went wild.
                  why is it against Pashinyan

                  have forgotten how to read? Pashinyan is the prime minister of the country with which Azerbaijan is in confrontation. Is that not enough for you? Ask your fellow countrymen why they don't like Putin. Or will you also be surprised for a long time?
                  1. 0
                    26 February 2021 12: 47
                    It's just that their opinions coincided at the moment.

                    so I wonder why they coincided. What is the benefit of Azerbaijan from this?
                    will find. If he takes into account the interests of the electorate, he will enlist the support of the people. This is the main thing.

                    What is before Azerbaijan?
                    have forgotten how to read?

                    I'm fine.
                    and you read the post above again. Why is Azerbaijan against Pashinyan, if it is known beforehand that the same Armenian, the prime minister, will come to replace him?
                    1. 0
                      26 February 2021 22: 00
                      Pashinyan is beneficial to Azerbaijan: he declares that all the points of the trilateral agreement will be fulfilled ... By opposing him, Azerbaijan gives him a trump card in his hands - the opportunity to accuse opponents of being angered with Azerbaijan, and this is not just an accusation, but a death sentence for any Armenian.
                      Banana-like nature of Armenia is also beneficial to Azerbaijan - if Pashinyan still, after all, sat in his chair, then the opposition may be in the majority, but it is fragmented and inconsistent ...
                      Therefore, whoever comes to power (pro-Russian, pro-Western, military, nationalists ...) the power will be weak and the banana-like nature of the republic will be ensured for many years, which is beneficial for Azerbaijan, even if trilateral agreements are nullified.
                      What game Azerbaijan is playing will be seen, or maybe not ...
                      Aliyev Jr. is a worthy follower of his father - the luminary of the political game. In any case, he will benefit from any situation in Armenia ... - we'll see.
  11. +1
    26 February 2021 10: 20
    It looks like Nicolas is blown away, he is digging his own political grave carrying delirium.
  12. 0
    26 February 2021 11: 24
    Duck he is pro-Western and the West is all built on lies, and his puppets are lying without stopping.
  13. 0
    26 February 2021 11: 49
    Turkish Foreign Minister Cavusoglu sided with Pashinyan and in defense of "democracy" in Armenia.
  14. 0
    26 February 2021 12: 46
    Well, here, in general, nothing good can be expected from him and was not expected.
    I think no one will forgive him from our side, not from the citizens of Armenia.
    Full slime, a matter of time.
  15. +4
    26 February 2021 12: 59
    Armenian radio was asked which nation is the most disgusting? The Armenian radio was silent for a long time, then replied that they had very good brandy. And again they lie
  16. 0
    26 February 2021 13: 13
    The business of exporting Armenian cigarettes is his business, not Iskander's. negative
  17. +2
    26 February 2021 13: 47
    Quote: Avior
    If it does not suit Azerbaijan, then, logically, it should suit the Armenians. And vice versa.
    And the fact that he does not suit both Armenians and Azerbaijanis is nonsense.
    The only explanation is that Azerbaijan is interested in undermining the power in Armenia, in turning Armenia into a country of chaos and unrest. You can believe this, it will be logical from the point of view of Azerbaijan.

    Who told you that he does not suit the Armenians? The majority has the opinion that we, Russia, set up Pashinyan, they say, out of a desire to get rid of the pro-Western politician. After Armenia's defeat in the war, Russia is pushing its candidate in every possible way - Robert Kocharyan, our friend Vladimir Vladimirovich. But Kocharyan is the head of the Karabakh clan, which is across the throats of the inhabitants of Armenia and is compromised beyond that, the population of Armenia, hates this clan more than a dozen Pashinyans.
    It is difficult for the population of Armenia, life is very difficult, therefore their hopes are more oriented towards the West. They also see how people live with us, they see how people live in the West, and we must be aware that the comparison, unfortunately, is not in our favor. Slyly and not at all robbing them about geopolitics, well, in Armenia this is not an option, this is a dwarf state, it is now pointless to scare Azerbaijan, the card is played, to scare Turkey-Armenians and go there to work, plus they are sure that the West will not allow Turkey to attack, etc. etc., Turkey is more likely to bring investments like Georgia.

    This is from my personal communication with the Armenians who come to us to work, but do not burn with the desire to come to us, transport their families, but strive to preserve their little world, their little country.

    As I understood, there are a lot of speeches from our Armenians who have mastered the niche that was liberated in Russia after the departure of the Jews. From show business, TV to science, now there are only yans, instead of Jewish endings. But our Armenians made their choice, they preferred Russia to Armenia, their opinion is just as interesting as the opinion of ours who rode away for permanent residence in the United States. Have you gone? - left, that's it, period.
    1. 0
      26 February 2021 20: 42
      Quote: Azimuth

      Who told you that he does not suit the Armenians? The majority has the opinion that we, Russia, set up Pashinyan, they say, out of a desire to get rid of the pro-Western politician.

      That is, the Armenians believe that Russia should have supported a pro-Western politician? belay
      And they do not ask the question - why does Russia need this? Or, as always, Russia must! smile
  18. +1
    26 February 2021 14: 02
    In general, everything smelled like a military coup in Armenia. The point is that we have no one to propose to the Armenians, we do not have a candidate. But a military coup will make the Armenian authorities illegitimate with all of this. In particular, the same Karabakh and our peacekeepers will be left hanging in the air, in fact, we will withdraw both our servicemen and all the Armenians who were transported there. Having already lost there, it is not known where else we will lose, perhaps the development of events when we will have to leave Armenia at all if the West puts pressure on the Armenian military and pulls another "Pashinyan" out of the sleeve.

    In general, crises of one scale or another in Ukraine, Armenia, and Belarus have shown that while we were trying to sort out something there, we completely abandoned our inner circle, and the chaos is growing in our own country.
  19. The comment was deleted.
    1. 0
      26 February 2021 14: 49
      Quote: Emil Mamedoff
      Oh shit

      Can't you say anything smarter?
  20. 0
    26 February 2021 18: 44
    commentators, what do you care about Armenia and the Armenians. they chose it, and they should disentangle it.
    about Iskander I would like a direct link. to direct speech.
    and so it sounds like a blunt stuffing.
  21. +1
    26 February 2021 21: 07
    Quote: Alexey RA
    Quote: Azimuth

    Who told you that he does not suit the Armenians? The majority has the opinion that we, Russia, set up Pashinyan, they say, out of a desire to get rid of the pro-Western politician.

    That is, the Armenians believe that Russia should have supported a pro-Western politician? belay
    And they do not ask the question - why does Russia need this? Or, as always, Russia must! smile

    What did you think? ...
    We pulled all the strategic sectors of Armenia out of decline, equipped their army at preferential prices and issued deliberately bad loans, and even in rubles.
    Before all this mess, they massively began to steal gas and electricity, business was happening at the level of heads of settlements and municipalities.
    Well here's an example. Employees of Gazprom, by the way the same citizens of Armenia and Armenians, were simply beaten along with the police they summoned only for the fact that they tried to eliminate illegal pipelines ...

    I already wrote that in Armenia, even under Sargsyan, a strong tilt to the West began, the whole of Armenia became a kind of Lviv region, from anti-Russian sentiments to the exaltation of the Nazi henchman Nzhdeh.

    Our Armenians are simply afraid of reprisals, understandably not obvious, but in fact they are very sick and distant from our feeding trough, therefore they also pretend to be loyal. But even our Armenian youth, citizens of Russia, allowed and allows themselves statements on social networks, etc. for which in a self-respecting country they would simply be deprived of their citizenship. They rave reproaches beyond the verge of insult to the country whose citizenship they took, where their ancestors found shelter and protection, and at whose booths they all comfortably settled down, sometimes pushing the aborigines apart.
    And this is not a problem, by the way, the Armenians, do not think that I am stirring up, but the problem is in us, in our policy, the rationality of certain actions, because even in Ukraine they behave differently, in the same Ukraine, which, for example, always supported Azerbaijan in this war. , their opponent. And we will remind the ally, in fact the guarantor of their existence, broke into a cake before, during and after the war, but still bad ... Here again, the point is in us, you need to behave differently with such countries, even allied ones.
  22. +1
    27 February 2021 02: 46
    Thanks to Parashenyan, the war with Azerbaijan was started and lost, thanks to Parashenyan the war inside the country is about to begin. And at the same time they say that the Russians are patient people, the Armenians are more patient with the campaign.
  23. 0
    27 February 2021 13: 12
    You are not yet used to the fact that he constantly lies. After all, he lied to the Armenians themselves that the Armenian forces were marching victoriously across Karabakh directly to Baku. He lied that the war was about to be won. Now he is looking for a way to whitewash himself, but again he lies.

    Well, this is the usual behavior of modern politicians, they have already gotten a taste of the trick that the plebs should only "promise and lie" and "you will be in a high rating." What, in Russia, isn't it? Here in Russia, they also promise and lie, the main thing is to raise the "rating" or support and dissolve the narrow-minded people who believe in a good tsar and in "the smartest, there -" above "" effective managers of "national wealth" and patriotically oriented entrepreneurs " , bullies on bullshit, .. and then: "please treat with understanding" .... Hamsters hawala ...
  24. +1
    27 February 2021 13: 19
    He needs to send one Iskander missile. So to speak with home delivery.
  25. 0
    27 February 2021 21: 55
    No one can understand how the planet entered the 21st century with such politicians, it’s everywhere!