Geopolitical results of 2020


From the point of view of modern geopolitics, it is quite difficult to write about the results of 2020. First of all, because of the ambiguity of the events that took place before our eyes in the past year.

On the one hand, we see the aggravation of everything that has been geopolitics for many years.

On the other hand, there are completely new challenges, both in international politics and in relations between countries. Moreover, both of them developed in some almost radical direction.

It was all too much. Unusually cardinal, too intense, without the usual geopolitical alternations of periods of bursts and calm. That old, which had been the basis for many years, suddenly exacerbated, and new tendencies faded. And vice versa, what had arisen quite recently, in recent years, was becoming more complicated and seething, while the past was dim and lost its strength. In general, international relations in 2020 were striking in their multidirectionality.

I understand that it would be right to “play a school teacher” and simply assess the work of ministries and departments dealing with problems of relations between countries. Take and "write in their diary" something like "ex." or "failed." However, it is practically impossible to do this simply because it is now impossible to give an unambiguous school grade for some of the results of their work.

For example, how to assess the results of the military conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh? What assessment deserve our actions in Belarus during the arrest of 33 heroes? What is the main criterion here? Evaluate according to the results, by how certain events ended, or by how ministries and departments worked during those events? Or maybe by how these facts influenced modern stories on the further development of relations between countries?

Probably, the only correct assessment of the work of those who are dealing with global issues of geopolitics in Russia should sound like this: ministries and departments work quite skillfully and professionally, which made it possible to maintain and even strengthen the position of the Russian Federation in the world. The role of Russia (as one of the global players in world politics) has not diminished, but increased.

The pandemic has become a catalyst for all processes in world politics

A few words must be said about how the world has changed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

No matter how we treat this global problem of humanity, it should be recognized that the emergence of this threat to all humanity has had a huge impact on international relations not only at the regional level, but also globally. The pandemic has significantly changed the political and economic order in the world.

Is the coronavirus one of the reasons for exacerbating political divisions between countries? Definitely yes. And what about the escalation of economic relations between states? Of course, yes. And the complications of the military confrontation between countries? Yes, too.

At the same time, is the coronavirus the reason for improving relations between countries? Again, yes. Has the pandemic become a stimulus for the development of international relations? Again, yes. The development of vaccines against coronavirus, which was initially viewed as a purely commercial project that could bring fabulous profits, today has become a factor that can significantly change the relationship between states.

The belief that capitalism is the only progressive political system, and that the best country in the world is the United States, right after what the Americans demonstrated in the fight against the new disease and the number of deaths that the United States has today, has been destroyed. Communist China and "totalitarian" Russia have performed much better in the fight against this sudden threat.

In general, the pandemic has changed many approaches to cooperation between countries. Remember the recent reports from Argentina about the departure and arrival of a plane from Russia. Even with a discount on the emotionality of the Argentines, it looked grandiose. It was a national event. Russia has provided Argentina with the first batch of vaccine - 300 thousand doses.

Now imagine the attitude of the peoples (namely the peoples, and not just the Argentines) of South America to Russia today. The United States, which, with all its might, has bluntly stated that they wanted to spit on everyone and would not give a vaccine until they vaccinated their own citizens. And Russia, which has openly spoken out about the existing lack of production capacity, but, nevertheless, is already sending the vaccine to other countries.

Gradually, the world comes to understand that the modern world order is not a confrontation between political systems, not a confrontation between morality and culture. It is also solidarity and mutual assistance. It is an acceptance of the diversity of cultures and civilizations. Awareness of the existence of various value systems. Recognition of the right to the existence of various models of social development and different models of the social structure of society.

Geopolitics of Russia in various regions of the world

Perhaps we should start with what was the main cause of all the upheavals that have occurred in the past year.

It seems to me that such a reason was disappointment in the unipolarity of the world order. First of all, the sobering up of political and economic elites. Finally, an understanding has come that a unipolar structure of the world entails the dictatorship of one state.

A kind of state egoism, when all other countries (regardless of political, economic, cultural and other development) are a priori dependent on the decisions of the president and the government of a single country. When it is to please this one-man leader that political decisions are made, and the economies of countries are oriented in such a way as to create the most favored nation treatment for the firms of this leading power.

When those who dare to contradict the United States become world outcasts, with whom no one has the right to do business. Even if this cooperation is very beneficial. No one is guaranteed against sanctions and isolationism. Think of the US sanctions against its allies. Naturally, the political and economic elite of developed countries do not like this.

Today it is already possible to say with confidence that in most countries the ideas of national sovereignty, equality of countries, independence of domestic policy, balance of interests, etc. are more popular today. Simply put, politicians of many states have now become supporters of the priority of the interests of their own state over the rest.


Americans could not bear the burden of world leadership. Today it is already obvious to everyone. The global leader was not ready to control regional leaders and geopolitical processes around the world. Hence the increased pressure on their vassals in Europe and other parts of the world. Hence the flirtation with India. Americans at all venues talk about some rules of international life, but at the same time they easily change any rules when it comes to their own country.

At the same time, the Americans stubbornly ignore Russia. And China. They create a kind of information vacuum around the successes of these countries. To some extent, this tactic is still valid. Visually, the image of Russia (as a barbaric and undeveloped economic totalitarian country) is preserved. However, numerous breakthroughs, as happened in Syria, as is happening today with the coronavirus vaccine, successfully destroy this myth.

Geopolitically, we are winning against the United States today. Without pretending to be world leadership, we gradually instilled in the world the idea that there are not only Americans in global politics. It should be admitted that the fact that the RF and the PRC are now forced allies plays a huge role in this. The fact that Washington does not recognize the strength of Beijing is pushing the Chinese to develop relations with us. And, in fact, the US vassals today have to reckon with this (RF and PRC) alliance.

Even the fact that in international relations the United States is actively promoting the idea of ​​confrontation between two countries, Russia and China, suggests that the Americans reckon with our countries. "Double containment" is the recognition of the multipolarity of the modern world.

I cannot confidently say today that the world order is crumbling completely.

But the fact that we have been recognized as the leaders of world politics inspires some confidence in the correctness of our course. Moreover, the fact that other leading states of the world, in particular the EU states, also recognize this leadership, suggests that the process of the formation of a polycentric world cannot be stopped.

The United States is losing its leadership position.

People's Republic of China

I often come across materials that the main event of recent times should be considered the aggravation of relations between the United States and China. Indeed, if earlier we saw a completely adequate division of labor between these countries (the Americans - technology and components, the Chinese - assembly), which ultimately resulted in a trade, economic and technological competition, today we can already talk about a military-strategic confrontation.

But for some reason, few people talk about the origins of this confrontation. It seems to me that the reason lies not so much in the rapid development of the PRC's economy as in the very concept of the coexistence of states, which is being pursued by Beijing. China deliberately abandons the paradigm of global or even regional supremacy. The leaders of this state proceed from the fact that there can be no hierarchical structures in global politics.

The similarity of approaches to the world order helps us a lot in working with the Chinese. When solving any issues, both sides take into account the interests of both states. And this despite the fact that both we and the Chinese are quite tough negotiators.

On the whole, relations with the PRC are quite stable and friendly. Both Russia and China today are completely independent, independent states capable of resisting the globalism imposed by the United States.

European Community

Paradoxical as it may seem, it is impossible today to talk about an independent European policy. During the years of vassal subordination of the United States, Europe has lost the ability to conduct an independent policy. The reason for this, although it looks ridiculous, is the existence of the EU itself. The equality that reigns in this association in addressing global issues prevents even European heavyweights from pursuing an independent foreign policy.

The main problem in relations with Europe in 2020 was the unpredictability of decisions. Today, no one can predict what the Europeans will do in the future. Even when agreements seem to have already been signed and ratified. The reason for this unpredictability lies in the policy of the sovereign of Europe. The current US president is also chaotic in international affairs.

It seems to me that the main problem in relations with the European Union is the existence of the NATO bloc. The alliance today is the problem of strategic stability in Europe. The Americans are well aware that it is dangerous to oppose Russia directly. But "light another world fire" in Europe, and then simply declare themselves neutral, quite in their style.

The rejection of the INF Treaty, the rejection of START III fits perfectly into such a scenario. Indeed, it is these treaties that largely ensure, above all, the security of Europe. Even the abandonment of the Open Skies Treaty can be called another brick in the destabilization of Europe.

Attempts by Germany and France to pursue an independent foreign policy today look rather awkward. Therefore, there is no need to talk about any serious actions in Europe before the change of the US president.

At the same time, we must not forget the EU either. The European Union is torn apart by internal problems. Political elites strive to preserve, as they call it,

"Middle way of development".

The system that exists now. But, look what is happening in European capitals today. Nationalism, even Nazism, is flourishing. Young people are hit by right or left populism. In general, Euroscepticism prevails in society there.

So, in the near future, the process of if not disintegration, then the transformation of the EU is quite possible.

Russia and regional conflicts

We are accustomed to the fact that our troops are helping the Syrian people to expel terrorists from their land. If at the beginning of the operation in Syria, the media was full of reports of battles, attacks on columns, suicide bombers, today interest in this topic has largely been lost. Oddly enough it sounds, but this is the best indicator of the work of the Russian Aerospace Forces and MTR.

Today in the United States one can already hear statements that it is time to oust the Russians from Syria. What is the time to force President Assad to relinquish power. Democrats have returned to power in the United States, therefore, Washington will try to return the United States to the era of Barack Obama. But it was during Obama's time that a serious confrontation was observed between the military of the Russian Federation and the United States.

The past year has seriously strengthened our positions in Syria. So today we have the opportunity not only to confront the enemy, but also to destroy the terrorists ourselves. The Americans, Turks, and terrorists alike know this. This means that our diplomats have a lot of work to do. But in general, Russia came to Syria for a long time. And now it will be difficult for our geopolitical opponents.

The resolution of the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh was no less difficult. Moreover, the difficulty of the moment consisted, first of all, in the fact that both states participating in this conflict are in the zone of our interests. Moreover, we have an agreement on mutual military assistance, the CSTO, with one of these states. At the same time, in accordance with international laws and the decision of the UN Security Council, the other side acted legally.

As a result of the work of Russian diplomats, intelligence officers, military personnel and employees of other ministries and departments, it was possible to stop the war and bring the opposing sides to the negotiating table. Turkey's attempt to expand its own zone of influence in the region has been successfully localized. Moreover, as a result of the negotiations, Russia got the opportunity to create a permanent military base in Nagorno-Karabakh.

The protracted conflict in Ukraine is no less difficult. Russia is often accused of not recognizing the republic. Many times in the media direct accusations were heard that it was we who were to blame for the victims that Donbass bears. How easy it would be to resolve this issue by simply recognizing the new republics with their subsequent entry into Russia. According to the same scheme that was applied in the Crimea.

Those who are really interested in Donbass since the beginning of the civil war, who are familiar with the views of the militia commanders on this problem in 2014-2015, perfectly understand what I am writing about. Not all commanders supported the idea of ​​joining the Russian Federation. In the same way, the population of Donbass was divided quite radically on this issue. And even now, after six years of war, there is no consensus on this issue. Someone speaks about 70% or 50%, or even about the real 40% of the supporters of this idea.

Another unresolved issue is the issue of the ownership of the regions of Donetsk and Lugansk regions, which are under the control of Ukraine. From time to time I hear from some political scientists the expression

"Ukrainian-occupied areas of Luhansk and Donetsk regions",

but their voices quickly subside under the flow of tales of the horrors of war. So what to do about it? Isn't Donbass there now?

The recognition of the LDNR within the existing borders actually means a rejection of other regions of Donbass, a rejection of the Russian-speaking regions of Ukraine, a rejection of support for Russians in Ukraine. And if we consider the issue from a geopolitical point of view, then the rejection of Ukraine as a state. The surrounding space does not end with the tip of your own nose.

What is happening today in Donbass is a very reasonable and well-thought-out policy. Distribution of passports to those who wish, humanitarian aid, containment of Ukrainian hawks by a direct statement of military assistance to the LPNR in the event of an aggravation of the conflict - this is what the people of Donbass need today. The people must decide their own destiny. It is stupid to pass off the statements of the pro-Russian part of the population as the opinion of the whole people and, if the Crimean scenario comes true, threatens Russia with major troubles.

A little about the prospects

I did not specifically touch upon those regions where it is still calm. The format of the article does not allow looking at everything. But it is still possible to identify some problems.

Today we should pay attention, first of all, to our closest neighbors, the former Soviet republics and the former countries of the socialist camp. The tendencies that I spoke about above, referring to European countries, are already visible there. The spread of political views, the activities of our opponents in the information sphere, the lack of professionalism of politicians and other factors create the basis for coups.

Moreover, coups can be organized there not only forceful and bloody, but also quiet, seemingly democratic. We saw an example of such an unsuccessful coup in the past year in Belarus. A little earlier, such a coup was carried out in Armenia. This is happening in Moldova right now. Fermentation began in some Asian states.

But in general, I repeat, the results of the work of our Foreign Ministry, our Defense Ministry, our special services and other ministries and departments to strengthen Russia's position in the world, I think, will satisfy everyone. Yes, we are not that strong economically. Yes, we are surrounded by a ring of, to put it mildly, unfriendly states. Yes, NATO is on our borders. But all these are the consequences of the destruction of the USSR and the then policy of betraying national interests at the highest level.

Russia came out of the shadows. And already no one doubts its greatness. No one doubts that it is a global player in world politics and that no serious issue can be solved without Russia.

The professionalism of those involved in geopolitics in Russia is indisputable. Probably there is no person in the world who does not know such names as Putin, Lavrov, Shoigu.

In conclusion, I would like to congratulate everyone who is working to make our country respected in the world, to be appreciated and accepted at the highest level in every corner of the world, so that Russia is a mighty power in every sense, Happy New Year 2021!

May the next year be a continuation of your victories and add the same achievements in the future.
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  1. +27
    30 December 2020 04: 10
    And here they gave a lift to optimism. The article about the greatness of Russia looks especially gorgeous against the background of the trash that is happening around the borders and in the economy. And funny covid adventures make you want to do something bad with medicine optimizers.
    1. +12
      30 December 2020 04: 29
      May the next year be a continuation of our victories!

      Let's hope. Happy New Year !
      1. +7
        30 December 2020 06: 53
        No one doubts that it is a global player in world politics and that no serious issue can be solved without Russia.
        I see that this year, with the mediation of the United States, Israel signed peace treaties with the UAE, Bahrain and Oman, and this is the first time in my memory that an event of this magnitude did not involve Russia.
        1. +4
          30 December 2020 08: 49
          Quote: military_cat
          No one doubts that it is a global player in world politics and that no serious issue can be solved without Russia.
          I see that this year, with the mediation of the United States, Israel signed peace treaties with the UAE, Bahrain and Oman, and this is the first time in my memory that an event of this magnitude did not involve Russia.

          Well, yes - usually, where a horse with a hoof goes, there is a cancer with a claw.
          It is just happiness that we managed to avoid Russian interference!

          In fact, the Arab countries participating in the processes of normalizing relations with Israel simply did not allow the country where Hezbollah, Hamas and other radical Islamists are best friends and are accepted at the highest level to the negotiating table.

          PS We can safely add both Morocco and Sudan to the above list of countries.
          1. BAI
            30 December 2020 19: 30
            USA Israel signed peace treaties with the UAE, Bahrain and Oman, and this is the first time in my memory that an event of this magnitude did not involve Russia.

            Arab countries participating in the processes of normalizing relations with Israel simply did not allow a country to the negotiating table with a country whose country Hezbollah, Hamas, etc. radical Islamists are best friends with

            Or maybe because all these countries do not have the best relations with Russia in general, and not on a specific issue?
            After all, no one will be surprised that Russia and Belarus will not allow the United States to approach their mutual agreements.
            And the fact that the United States created the Taliban does not in any way affect international politics. Everyone participates in world processes, depending on what power and influence they have. If it were impossible to do without Russia in these matters, it would participate, regardless of whom it supports (as in Syria). If you can get by, Russia is not involved, regardless of whom it supports.
            1. +2
              30 December 2020 20: 14
              Quote: BAI
              Or maybe because all these countries do not have the best relations with Russia in general, and not on a specific issue?
              After all, no one will be surprised that Russia and Belarus will not allow the United States to approach their mutual agreements.

              I see no analogy. There is not even an American embassy in Belarus. Who needs these contracts?

              The fact is that, to all appearances, today an anti-Iranian coalition is in full swing in BV. Who needs a "sent Cossack" there?
              1. -2
                2 January 2021 17: 56
                The author and everyone a Happy New Year! Best wishes!

                As for the article, it is - almost - true and accurate. Alexander made only one mistake, but gross (in my opinion):
                “Those who are really interested in Donbass since the beginning of the civil war, who are familiar with the views of the militia commanders in 2014–2015, understand very well what I am writing about. Not all commanders supported the idea of ​​joining the Russian Federation. Likewise, the population Donbass was divided on this issue quite radically. And even now, after six years of war, there is no consensus on this issue. Someone speaks about 70% or 50%, or even about the real 40% of the supporters of this idea. "

                I do not know if this is a mistake at all or intention, but only in the referendum on self-determination 89% voted FOR in Donetsk, and in Luhansk 96% out of 75% of those who participated (this is 67 and 72% of all participants). And in the planned second referendum on joining Russia, which did not take place (some say that at the insistence of the Russian authorities; Surkov? Putin?), No less would have participated! What is 40 or 50%? Yes, approximately third either not decided, or against, but this is NOT the majority and NOT radical separation!

                Concerning "Not all commanders supported the idea of ​​joining the Russian Federation", then a VERY dubious thought: the commanders of the militia were and are together with the people of Donbass, and the people - FOR joining the Russian Federation. Was and is. Maybe Alexander has some other accurate intelligence? Some reliable a source? Let them share!
        2. +1
          30 December 2020 13: 17
          Quote: military_cat
          No one doubts that it is a global player in world politics and that no serious issue can be solved without Russia.
          I see that this year, through the mediation of the United States, Israel signed peace treaties with the UAE, Bahrain and Oman ...

          Most importantly, against whom will they be so resolutely "friends" ..?
          1. 0
            30 December 2020 14: 14
            It's okay not to fight each other. The question is more why there were no peace treaties before. The Arabs are gradually humbled that Israel is now their neighbor.
            1. +1
              30 December 2020 17: 36
              Quote: military_cat
              The question is more why there were no peace treaties before.

              In 1967, the League of Arab Countries heated the USSR adopted the "Khartoum Declaration".
              "THREE NO".
              No peace with Israel, NO recognition of Israel, NO negotiations.
              53 years have passed, there is no puffiness and they saw that the enemy is no longer the same, and the weapons can be obtained the most modern.
              And if Israel installs its early warning equipment and something else, it will only go to the security of their countries.
              1. 0
                30 December 2020 18: 00
                Yes, I am hinting at it. What is happening now is not the emergence of a new initiative, but a gradual rejection of the old one.
          2. 0
            30 December 2020 17: 18
            Quote: Doccor18
            Most importantly, against whom will they be so resolutely "friends" ..?

            Against the one who decided to revive the Persian kingdom in the BV.
          3. +1
            5 January 2021 22: 12
            Quote: Doccor18
            Most importantly, against whom will they be so resolutely "friends" ..?

            iran, syria, russia
      2. +6
        30 December 2020 07: 04
        The main outcome of the year is the baranovirus pandemic. The Baranovirus has infected most of the world's population. It floats passively with the flow.

        The rich world oligarchy is getting richer. Builds a system of total control and elimination of states.

        But world capital has forgotten what the construction of the Tower of Babel led to. They are mired in proud of their own, and in anti-humanism.

        In general, I have a feeling of the coming revolutions. May God grant them to our Motherland to avoid them.
    2. +13
      30 December 2020 05: 05
      And here they gave a lift to optimism. The article about the greatness of Russia looks especially gorgeous against the background of the trash that is happening around the borders and in the economy.
      When there are no special successes, you can invent them, and then convince yourself of their existence.
      Pi Xi. About Novorossia in general is a masterpiece, because in '14 the people of Donbass just counted on the "Crimean scenario" ........
    3. +9
      30 December 2020 09: 57
      Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
      And here they gave a lift to optimism.

      This is definitely a balm for the souls of the Uryaskakuas.
    4. +15
      30 December 2020 15: 34
      Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
      And here they gave a lift to optimism.

      Yeah, you can unload with a shovel.
    5. -3
      30 December 2020 21: 01
      Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
      And here they gave a lift to optimism. The article about the greatness of Russia looks especially gorgeous against the background of the trash that is happening around the borders and in the economy. And funny covid adventures make you want to do something bad with medicine optimizers.

      Why only with optimizers in medicine? These optimizers need to be stacked in all areas of the economy. Nowhere have these smelly optimizers shown themselves on the positive side. Everywhere! negative
    6. 0
      11 January 2021 21: 46
      .2020year: ..
      ..but analyze the passage, fuss of 2019 by months, decades, etc. also additionally analyze how many tourists who are obliged to study with us, and how many of us are there; how many international scientific centers + universities + scientific conferences we have, how many they have; etc. , ...; based on the Ministry of Emergency Situations analyzes of previous years: scientific soft introduction of military provisions (military demographics; military budgets: federal, regional, regional, municipal, etc.), tolerances of actions, additional actions, etc.
      ..military operations in the absence of war.
      .. conflicts of low intensity.
  2. +4
    30 December 2020 04: 23
    Alexander has built a number of contradictions to himself in the article ... what
    Probably, the only correct assessment of the work of those who are dealing with global issues of geopolitics in Russia should sound like this: ministries and departments work quite skillfully and professionally, which made it possible to maintain and even strengthen the position of the Russian Federation in the world.

    The correct assessment is always put by our opponent, competitor, hehe partner in quotes ... based on their reaction, we can speak of the correctness of our actions.
    Turkey's attempt to expand its own zone of influence in the region has been successfully localized.

    In Idlib, our military policemen were fired upon from ATGMs ... three wounded ... it's too early to talk about the localization of the Turks.
    The people must decide their own destiny.

    It should not mean that he will do it himself; rather, it will be decided for him in the highest echelons of power.
    Russia has provided Argentina with the first batch of vaccine - 300 thousand doses.

    Greetings, of course, but just what to do with our people ... dozens of people die from the infection every day in our country ... we will help the whole world again and our people will receive help in the last place ... I really do not like this alignment .. this is a disregard for his people. hi
    And so on many theses of the author's article.
    I also want our country to become a mighty power in every sense ... but for this, first of all, we must take care of our own people ... about their well-being, and not build the Tower of Babel again at the expense of the people of Russia.
    1. +16
      30 December 2020 15: 30
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      this is a disregard for his people.

      This year, almost 400 thousand more people died out in the Russian Federation than were born, this is the main victory of Putinism.
  3. +6
    30 December 2020 04: 30
    The role of Russia (as one of the global players in world politics) has not decreased, but increased
    Where did she grow up ??? And how is this expressed? Maybe in this one:
    Russia provided Argentina with the first batch of vaccine - 300 thousand doses
    So this is, as always, at the expense of the citizens of Russia, who in the near future will not receive these same 300 thousand doses. However, such an attitude of our powers that be to their own people has not been surprising for a long time.
    In general, the author habitually tries to pull the desired onto the reality. Sometimes even with success.
    1. +13
      30 December 2020 05: 15
      I agree with you that all that Russia has achieved in geopolitics is the loss of influence on the countries of the former USSR, we do not have any geopolitical influence, geopolitics is, first of all, a strong economy, but we practically do not have it. To take space, there were 114 launches in total, our 17, so many have never been, this is the harsh truth of life.
  4. +14
    30 December 2020 04: 52
    Russia came out of the shadows. And already no one doubts its greatness.

    That's right - 1/9 of the land ... Yes
    No one doubts that it is a global player in world politics and that no serious issue can be solved without Russia.

    That is why:
    Russian senators were outraged by the decision of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), which banned representatives of the Russian authorities from attending the Olympic and Paralympic Games for two years.

    The professionalism of those involved in geopolitics in Russia is indisputable. Probably, there is no person in the world who does not know such names as Putin, Larov, Shoigu.

    Even in Russia there are people who do not know these names ... So, no need to flatter.
    May the next year be a continuation of your victories and add the same achievements in the future.

    This is true because:
    Victory has a thousand fathers, and defeat is always an orphan

    What are these relations for? Is this really so? Has NATO changed its mind and disbanded itself (took Russia into its ranks)? IOC dropped all charges against Russia, Russian athletes and officials? Unlawfully arrested Russians released in the US? Countries rushed to buy Russian weapons and provide technology and dual-use products? Have all economic sanctions been lifted from Russia? US and China sit at the negotiating table on nuclear weapons? USA renewed INF Treaty? SP-2 completed with the assistance of foreign companies? Has Japan stopped making demands on the Kuril Islands? Is the war in Syria over?
    Where is this breakthrough? Where is this worldwide recognition?
    We have already seen how those whose fortunes are assessed by Forbes climbed out of the shadows. We see how the compensation of pensions that have not yet been made, eaten up by inflation and rising prices, creep into the shadows. Shall I say what will be on my New Year's table?
    Crab salad, mashed potatoes, steamed cutlets, sandwiches with caviar (pollock), salted pink salmon, blueberry roll, bread, tea and lemonade ... I'm talking about the shadow of capitalism, which is trying so hard to block the light of (now any) holiday for me.
  5. -4
    30 December 2020 05: 20
    May the next year be a continuation of your victories and add the same achievements in the future!
    1. +16
      30 December 2020 15: 27
      Quote: Mykhalych
      May the next year be a continuation of your victories and add the same achievements in the future!

      I'm very sorry, but what have you written about now?
  6. +4
    30 December 2020 05: 23
    On the other hand, completely new challenges
    These "challenges" are annoying, only the "road map" is worse. The challenge is something that can be avoided, it is never a problem. A slave translation aggravated by a parrot.
  7. +19
    30 December 2020 05: 47
    Article in style: America is falling, we are rising, next to us (a little behind) is brotherly China, we are attacking in all directions, and of course everyone understands that the great helmsman and his team of friends are in charge. smile
    1. +15
      30 December 2020 15: 26
      Quote: Pessimist22
      Article in style: America is falling, we are rising, next to us (a little behind) is brotherly China, we are attacking in all directions, and of course everyone understands that the great helmsman and his team of friends are in charge.

      A fabulous country, a fabulous article, a fabulous grandfather Kabay.
  8. +11
    30 December 2020 06: 05
    The United States, which, with all its might, has bluntly stated that they wanted to spit on everyone and would not give a vaccine until they vaccinated their own citizens. And Russia, which has openly spoken out about the existing lack of production capacity, but, nevertheless, is already sending the vaccine to other countries.

    As for me, the US position is much better when they first of all care about their citizens. My sister got sick the other day, I had to do paid tests, despite the fact that she works in the public sphere of medicine. And I wonder if some Zimbabwe offers banana help for our poor, will we accept it?
    1. +7
      30 December 2020 06: 25
      And I wonder if some Zimbabwe offers banana help for our poor, will we accept it?

      Let's take and eat.
      Remember the story when a batch of ventilators were sent to the United States to help fight covid ...
      On October 20, a spokesman for the United States Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced the disposal of 45 mechanical ventilation devices (ventilators) that Russia supplied in the spring, BuzzFeed reported.

      Read more at RBC:
      The information is of course dirty ... of course I want to believe that this is not true. (I hope they won't put me in jail for it) hi
      1. +3
        30 December 2020 06: 45
        Quote: Lech from Android.
        Let's take and eat.

        I do not believe it ... We will rather proudly refuse, for it is not the case that the Africans feed the great Russia.
        Quote: Lech from Android.
        disposal of 45 artificial lung ventilation devices (IVL), which Russia supplied in the spring, BuzzFeed reported.

        This is probably a response to them. They also delivered unlucky tractors to us in the 20s.
        1. +3
          30 December 2020 09: 13
          Quote: Mordvin 3
          so that the Africans feed the great Russia

          This is debt repayment .... or, revenge for galoshes! recourse
        2. +5
          30 December 2020 17: 17
          I do not believe it ... We will rather proudly refuse, for it is not the case that the Africans feed the great Russia.

          But in vain .. Most likely bananas will be accepted with gratitude and sold to us. The people. And someone upstairs is gaining another pretty penny ..
  9. +10
    30 December 2020 06: 11
    Let us rally even closer around ... and the enemy runs, runs, runs ... So for ..for the Motherland and the faith .. smile
    1. +4
      30 December 2020 06: 14
      ..for the Motherland and faith .. smile

      And where did the king-father go?
      It is not good to go on the attack without a king in your head.
      1. +6
        30 December 2020 06: 23
        So for the chairman of the State Council, the president ... you can't list them all ... insert your choice ... wink
        1. +6
          30 December 2020 06: 58
          For ministers and top managers! smile
          1. +10
            30 December 2020 07: 07
            For Abramovich's yacht ... hurray ...
  10. +4
    30 December 2020 06: 19
    We are interested in events in Donbass, but to what extent? At the level of providing media materials. It is clear that first of all young people received passports, and the way is open for them to work in Russia, but there are also many pensioners there. Was a Russian pension offered to them? Some think that export energy prices will fall. Prices will fall only for those goods that are made by human hands, which can be touched, while gas, oil, electricity will drop out of this category. These are the freaks that the pandemic does. Didn't touch on politics. But this is after the New Year. Happy Holidays !!!
  11. -1
    30 December 2020 06: 52
    Quote: mordvin xnumx

    As for me, the US position is much better when they first of all care about their citizens. My sister got sick the other day, I had to do paid tests, despite the fact that she works in the public sphere of medicine. And I wonder if some Zimbabwe offers banana help for our poor, will we accept it?

    Where did the US take care of its citizens? Accounts for maintenance with a covid diagnosis, after which even to the grave? Or when these citizens rise more than 3000 a day and who are then buried like dogs?
    1. +2
      30 December 2020 09: 28
      Quote: Tagan
      Where did the US take care of its citizens?

      Based on the article.
      The United States, which with all its might, has bluntly stated that it wanted to spit on everyone and would not give a vaccine until it had its own citizens vaccinated.
  12. The comment was deleted.
  13. +9
    30 December 2020 07: 02
    And where to put the minus?
    The fact that they began to write less about Syria is not because they have once again defeated everyone there. Just if you don't talk about the problem. For example, they hardly write about Donbass, you might think that everything is like in paradise. But they won't go to bed if they don't kick Lukashenka.
    Tell us about the covid .. Now they promise that if you get vaccinated, then by the fall of 2021 the covid will be canceled. But the question is, who will remember what they promised in a year?
    1. +3
      30 December 2020 14: 13
      Quote: Gardamir
      Now they promise that if you get vaccinated, then by the fall of 2021 the covid will be canceled. But the question is, who will remember what they promised in a year?

  14. +8
    30 December 2020 07: 10
    A year has passed ... as the tank drove through, the taller did not fall, the sga did not fall apart, as usual in a jerk, they covered their mouths with a mask ... and said to be happy.
  15. +12
    30 December 2020 07: 18
    Hello, Santa Claus, cotton beard
    take away the year two thousand and twenty.

    Let's hope for the best in the New Year, what remains for us ..
    "Hope is always better than despair."
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  16. +18
    30 December 2020 07: 54
    Well, let's sum up the results of the year. In reality, they are catastrophic. I think most of the inhabitants of the Earth would prefer to just forget this year as a bad dream. I will only evaluate the main points and in order of their real significance.
    1) "The coronavirus pandemic" and the triumph of globalism. For the first time in the history of mankind, the "unknown fathers" whose heralds were the WHO and other structures began to dictate decisions to nation states that directly destroy their economies and are completely unrelated to reality. ARVI became a pretext for the final elimination of the "middle class" in Western countries and an unprecedented attack on human rights. In fact, the very idea of ​​bourgeois democracy based on law, the rights of the individual and logic has been submitted to the historical archive. In practice, this resulted in a series of measures that people regard as insane with a ban on work, movement, "mask mode", etc. In the countries of the first world, this is somehow mitigated by the distribution of money, in the countries of the third (including the Russian Federation) there are only bans.
    2) Management through the threat to human life (medical terror) has become a key management technology replacing "international terrorism" as the main "threat" to humanity. In fact, there were hints of the establishment of a new world order before, for example, Obama called the Ebola fever one of the three main challenges to humanity. But now it has become the mainstream "trend".
    3) "Great War" in the United States. Never since the civil war in the United States has there been such a sharp civil confrontation. Events continue, but at the current stage, the globalists are defeating the old imperialists. This means that the idea of ​​supranational governance defeats the idea of ​​governance through nation states led by the US-Israel link.
    This results in the "circumcision" of the middle class, the "digital state", "the struggle for gender and racial equality," and so on. The idea of ​​a white Protestant state ruling the world is submitted to the archives of history.
    Now to our native land, our agenda is not as significant for the world, but it is important for us. Here is a brief summary.
    1) Rapid impoverishment and economic crisis due to the fall in oil and gas prices. The fall turned out to be rather short-lived (now it is already above 50 per barrel), but this was enough for the economy of the Russian Federation, which had gone through the Soviet resources.
    2) The management crisis due to the coronavirus. "Optimized" medicine has collapsed from an atypical SARS, while many more people die from the fight against coronavirus than from the disease itself.
    3) "Transfer of power" through the complete conservation of the political system with the preservation of Putin as president for an indefinite period. Complete throwing off of the fig leaf of democracy and laws and the transition in government to direct dictatorship.
    4) The final issuance of the "black mark" to Putin and to the West. Especially from the side of the victorious globalist elite. As a result, there is a threat to assets withdrawn from the Russian Federation and the syndrome of a "besieged fortress" inside the Russian Federation.
    1. +10
      30 December 2020 08: 34
      Dear Odysseus, if it was my will, I would swap your post with the article, and the article in the commentary from a hurray-patriotic user hi
      1. +11
        30 December 2020 09: 00
        Quote: Stirbjorn
        Dear Odysseus, if it was my will, I would swap your post with the article, and the article in the commentary from a hurray-patriotic user

        Thank you for your kind words and Happy New Year!
        I think we will not demand the impossible, thanks to VO, which allows us to express comments with an insufficiently enthusiastic way of thinking. Considering modern "trends" (and not only ours, but also world ones), this is already a lot.
    2. +4
      30 December 2020 09: 19
      Quote: Odyssey
      In reality, they are catastrophic

      Odysseus hi Thanks for the Truthful analyst of the past year!
    3. +3
      30 December 2020 15: 07
      In fact, the very idea of ​​bourgeois democracy based on law, the rights of the individual and logic has been submitted to the historical archive.

      The idea of ​​bourgeois democracy is that everyone around is citizens, and everyone is equal before the law. Previously, it was different - it was the law that separated aristocrats from commoners. The development of capitalism led to its natural end - the widespread creation of monopolies. The main task of the owners of which is to permanently consolidate the status quo achieved in the process of competitive struggle in order to avoid any competition once and for all. The easiest way to do this is with the help of the same laws that bought up parliaments pass to please the oligarchs.

      What conclusion follows from this? And the conclusion is as follows: capitalism is a temporary, intermediate stage of feudalism, which is applied at the stage of the development of new territories and the expansion of control. After there is nowhere to expand, and the key contradictions that existed when the USSR existed and even before the 70s, no longer exist, the system gradually returns to standard feudalism, i.e. to the legislative division into Morlocks and Eloi. Gradualism is needed in order for the population to get used to various experts who open the Overton windows ajar, who daily suggest that "this is necessary, this is right, there is no other way out, this is waiting for all of us, we need to put up with it" and so on. Training is carried out everywhere.

      Events continue, but at the current stage, the globalists are defeating the old imperialists. This means that the idea of ​​supranational governance defeats the idea of ​​governance through nation-states led by the US-Israel link.

      Globalists are the same imperialists. Globalization is the widespread establishment of the influence of the US empire and, above all, the introduction of its moral and cultural values ​​into the heads of the whole world, as the most convenient for the owners. Ultimately, empire is culture. The state is just a tool with which the policy is carried out in real life. The source of politics is those who actually control the state. Currently, they are oligarchs.
  17. -8
    30 December 2020 09: 02
    But I wonder what you want, everyone who so selflessly criticizes everything that is being done in Russia, WHO you are, who you think you are, and ... you are posing as such "truth-lovers" (like Novodvorskaya and Yavlinsky), in an apartment (house, plot) who do not know how to put things in order, but who are versed in macroeconomics and macropolitics, experts from a sofa to a refrigerator and no more. laughing I wish EVERYONE in the New Year good to the families, OUR children, Peace and prosperity! hi soldier
    1. +6
      30 December 2020 09: 08
      And you happiness, goodness and health in NG! It is a pity that from a heap of comments, for a year - with justifications, opinions and suggestions, it is still not clear what people want .. but by the way, this is hardly their fault hi
      1. -4
        30 December 2020 09: 24
        Quote: Level 2 Advisor
        that from a heap of comments, for a year - with justifications, opinions and suggestions, it is still not clear what people want .. but by the way, this is hardly their fault

        It may look a little pretentious, but I chose the road. There is such a poem by Yuri Levitansky, I took it for a motto for a very long time:
        Everyone chooses for themselves
        woman, religion, road.
        Serve the devil or the prophet -
        everyone chooses for himself.

        Everyone chooses by themselves
        word for love and for prayer.
        A sword for a duel, a sword for a battle
        everyone chooses for himself.

        Everyone chooses by themselves.
        Shield and armor. Staff and patches.
        The measure of final reckoning.
        Everyone chooses by themselves.

        Everyone chooses for themselves.
        I choose too - as I can.
        I have no complaints against anyone.
        Everyone chooses for themselves.

        I am with RUSSIA, she is my Motherland. hi
        1. +3
          30 December 2020 09: 39
          Quote: Mykhalych
          I choose too - as I can.
          I have no complaints against anyone.

          So keep quiet in a rag, since you have no complaints against anyone.
          1. -4
            30 December 2020 09: 42
            Quote: Mordvin 3
            So keep quiet in a rag, since you have no complaints against anyone.

            And there is no need to be rude, yes; generalissimo internet paper! laughing
            1. -3
              30 December 2020 09: 47
              Quote: Mykhalych
              And there is no need to be rude

              What, we don't wear a mask?
          2. The comment was deleted.
            1. The comment was deleted.
              1. The comment was deleted.
                1. +4
                  30 December 2020 10: 04
                  Quote: Mykhalych
                  it is difficult to provoke him to be on the same level as the huml.

                  Hamlo is you, Mykhalych.
                  Quote: Mykhalych

                  Quote: Mykhalych
                  posing as such "lovers of truth" (like Novodvorskaya and Yavlinsky)

                  Quote: Mykhalych
                  in an apartment (house, site) who do not know how to put things in order

                  First sweep the crumbs from under your sofa.
            2. +1
              30 December 2020 10: 09
              In addition, the cat was banned a week ago. wink
        2. +4
          30 December 2020 10: 29
          So not only you and I, like many others, may disagree with you .. You will not usurp the love of the Motherland, Mikhalych?
  18. +9
    30 December 2020 09: 37
    Now imagine the attitude of the peoples (namely the peoples, not just the Argentines) of South America to Russia today.

    I would prefer the Russian Federation to vaccinate its native Russia Donbass before Argentina.

    A year for the foreign policy of the Russian Federation only made a "good face" with the next failure.
    1) In Syria, the role of the Russian army has been reduced to the position of Assad's ghoulams. Turks and Kurds confidently hold their zones. "Partner" Israel has arranged a safari for any purpose in Syria. So, what is next?
    2) "Sacral" flows throughout the year determined the entire foreign policy of the Russian Federation. Maybe they will be completed someday. But, will they be worth the money spent? It is highly doubtful.
    3) There is not the slightest hint of positive in Ukraine. The large-scale involvement of Turkey was added to the growing presence of NATO structures.
    4) Armenia, Libya and the Central African Republic did not exert much influence on anything. Just ate a chunk of our limited military resources.
    5) "Allegedly friends who have settled over the hill" have become more hostile to Russia.
    6) The program of rearmament of the Russian army has been revised downward.

    ps Mr. Staver, of course, has understandable reasons for the "Ode of Optimism" at VO. Without a share of "state patriotism" not a single media outlet WORKS.
  19. -1
    30 December 2020 09: 41
    Quote: mordvin xnumx
    Quote: Tagan
    Where did the US take care of its citizens?

    Based on the article.
    The United States, which with all its might, has bluntly stated that it wanted to spit on everyone and would not give a vaccine until it had its own citizens vaccinated.

    For this, it was first necessary to threaten 300 thousand. the population that this vaccine in the grave will not help much.
    Yes, we heard that they will vaccinate 100 million. in 100 days. There are a lot of conversations.
    But the reality is even more gorgeous.
    Let's add here also the concern for the blacks, to whom now the rest of the citizens are obliged to kiss their shoes (in particular).
    Well, that's okay.)))
  20. 0
    30 December 2020 12: 53
    As the ancient Greeks say: Ain und Tswantsikh - Fir und Drysikh! Or: Everything flows, everything changes (for the worse). The geopolitical situation can change dramatically on any day.
  21. 0
    30 December 2020 12: 53
    Probably, there is no person in the world who does not know such names as Putin, Larov, Shoigu
    Everyone knows Putin. Shaigu and Lavrova are very few.
    1. +3
      30 December 2020 17: 50
      Everyone knows Putin.

      Everyone knows Lenin, Gagarin and Kalashnikov ... Everything else is optional ..
  22. +3
    30 December 2020 14: 28
    The role of Russia (as one of the global players in world politics) has not diminished, but increased.

    Gradually the world comes to understanding... Awareness of the existence of various value systems. Recognition of the right to exist various models of social development.

    disappointment in the unipolarity of the world order. sobering political and economic elites. Understanding finally came the fact that the unipolar structure of the world ... the policies of many states now become supporters priority of interests of their own state over others.

    Americans could not bear the burden of world leadership. Today it is already obvious to everyone... Geopolitically we beat the USA today... Without claiming to be world leadership, we gradually inspired the world with thoughts that Americans are not the only ones in global politics. US vassals today are forced to reckon with this (RF and PRC) alliance.

    what we were recognized as the leaders of world politics, inspires some confidence in the correctness of our course. other leading states of the world, in particular the EU states, this leadership is also recognized... The United States is losing its leadership position.

    China deliberately refuses from the paradigm of global or even regional superiority. The leaders of this state proceed from the factthat there can be no hierarchical structures in global politics. Both Russia and China today are completely independent, independent states, capable of resisting US globalism.

    Paradoxically, but it is impossible to talk about an independent European policy today... During the years of vassal subordination to the United States Europe has lost the ability to conduct an independent policy... The reason for this, although it looks ridiculous, is the existence of the EU itself. Equality that reigns in this association when dealing with global issues, it prevents even European heavyweights from pursuing an independent foreign policy. Today no one can predict the actions of Europeans further. Even when agreements seem to have already been signed and ratified. Generally there Euroscepticism prevails in society... So in the near future the process is quite possible if not decaythen the EU transformation. "

    As a result of the work of Russian diplomats, intelligence officers, military personnel and employees of other ministries and departments, managed to stop the war and bring the opposing sides to the negotiating table. Successfully localized Turkey's attempt expand their own zone of influence in the region. Moreover, as a result of the negotiations, Russia got the opportunity to create permanent active military base in Nagorno-Karabakh.

    Those who are really interested in Donbass since the beginning of the civil war, who are familiar with the views of the militia commanders on this problem in 2014-2015, perfectly understand what I am writing about. Not all commanders supported the idea of ​​joining the Russian Federation. In the same way, the population of Donbass was divided quite radically on this issue. And even now, after six years of war, there is no consensus on this issue. Someone talks about 70% or 50%, or even about the real 40% of the supporters of this idea.

    Recognition of LDNR within the existing borders actually means refusal from other areas of Donbass, failure from Russian-speaking regions of Ukraine, failure from the support of Russians in Ukraine. And if we consider the issue from a geopolitical point of view, then failure from Ukraine as a state. The surrounding space does not end with the tip of your own nose.

    What is happening today in Donbass is a very reasonable and well-thought-out policy. Distribution of passports to those who wish, humanitarian aid, containment of Ukrainian hawks with a direct statement of military assistance to the LDNR in the event of an aggravation of the conflict - this is what is needed today to the people of Donbass. The people must decide their own destiny... It is stupid to pass the statements of the pro-Russian part of the population as the opinion of the whole people and, if the Crimean scenario comes true, it threatens Russia with major troubles.

    Overcoming the reaction, which has dragged on for 35 years so far, will require urgent tasks. The most important task should be the merciless criminal prosecution of any form of jingoistic patriotism, pathos, dogmatism, under which there is nothing but the opinion of a "recognized authority", methods of sophistry, as well as points of view, under which there is only personal interpretation, but not strict facts. Simply put, you need to punish in the harshest possible way for any techniques with the help of which the real picture is deliberately replaced by a varnished invention.

    Pluralism of opinions is good exactly as long as they do not begin to palm off on you as a "personal opinion" outright stickiness, which does not pass the test either by facts or practice. After that, the notorious pluralism of opinions automatically turns into a legal opportunity to lie incessantly.

    This may seem strange to someone, but in general, the key problem of the modern Russian Federation is the ability to lie freely and not bear any responsibility for this lie. All other events are natural consequences of such licentiousness.
    1. 0
      3 January 2021 07: 51
      This may seem strange to someone, but in general, the key problem of the modern Russian Federation is the ability to lie freely and not bear any responsibility for this lie. All other events are natural consequences of such licentiousness.

      And this is called "freedom of speech": a prerequisite for "democracy" and capitalism. We ourselves, in 1991, wanted capitalism right up to the screeching of a pig. And so we got it with all the free bonuses. Play back? But it is not so easy! In 1917, capitalism was abolished, so how much then did the consequences of abolition take care of? And who will do it? Lenins are not born every year and not every century.
      1. +1
        3 January 2021 11: 49
        We ourselves, in 1991, wanted capitalism right up to the screeching of a pig.

        People wanted not so much capitalism as more high-quality consumption, the source of which they saw in entrepreneurship, not understanding that they already had high-quality consumption. People wanted something better, forgetting that they do not seek from goodness. And people were helped to come to such thoughts by those who controlled the levers of the process.

        30 years have passed, everything has been clear and understandable for a long time, and they still instill nonsense about "we wanted it." If “we” wanted something new and if “we” ourselves made the decision to change the status quo in order to approve this new thing, then subsequently “us” nothing can prevent us from playing everything back. Because "we" is the source of decision making. Wanted - changed. We looked - did not like it. We made a decision - returned to the initial one, wrote down in the report that "the experiment was unsuccessful, don't do it again." And if “we” cannot change anything now, then “we” and then we ourselves could not do anything, and “we” were simply used blindly in the interests of others.
        1. 0
          3 January 2021 12: 08
          People wanted not so much capitalism as more high-quality consumption, the source of which they saw in entrepreneurship, not understanding that they already had high-quality consumption. People wanted something better, forgetting that they do not seek from goodness. And people were helped to come to such thoughts by those who controlled the levers of the process.

          And this is also true, but I personally knew in 1991 many people, foaming at the mouth, shouting that communism is suck and utopia, but in fact it is worse than the slave system, who tore party and Komsomol cards. Some of them had successfully changed their shoes by zero.
          1. 0
            3 January 2021 12: 57
            I personally knew in 1991 a lot of people screaming foaming at the mouth

            It's not about who said what. A person can be delusional. A person can deliberately lie. A person may succumb to the crowd effect.

            It's not about words, it's about solutions. The point is that a decision once made cannot be rolled back, which, in general, is absolutely abnormal if we are talking about democracy and not about "democracy". In the late 80s, all the floodgates were deliberately opened so that people could burrow through and so that they could be used as a voluntary tool of destruction, which is generally a typical tactic of any color revolution. Now, on the contrary, all the gateways are closed and on all information channels they are vigilantly making sure that no one says anything unlawful to a large audience. And if there is no democracy, if the bulk of people still play an instrument in the dark, then reproaches against them are incorrect. And in general, it is incorrect to use the wording "we" in relation to those who cannot act as "we", i.e. united, organized front. The problem is that there is still no “we”.
  23. +6
    30 December 2020 15: 11
    Yesterday, our Soyuz launch vehicle launched a reconnaissance satellite of France - NATO countries into orbit ... That's all you need to know about our government!
    1. Alf
      30 December 2020 23: 20
      Quote: mark_rod
      Yesterday, our Soyuz launch vehicle launched a reconnaissance satellite of France - NATO countries into orbit ... That's all you need to know about our government!

      So money is paid ... And if you refuse, who will give the workers work, who will buy these rocket engines ??? Had the great Korolev heard this, he would have turned over three times in his grave ...
  24. +12
    30 December 2020 17: 33
    Americans could not bear the burden of world leadership

    As expected smile
  25. +20
    30 December 2020 17: 36
    Geopolitics of Russia in various regions of the world

    Complete failure on the territory of the former USSR.
  26. BAI
    30 December 2020 19: 24
    May the next year be a continuation of your victories and add the same achievements in the future.

    Well, if it works out, then it will be good:
  27. Alf
    30 December 2020 23: 23
    And Russia, which has openly expressed itself about the existing lack of production capacity,

    AND WHO brought the industry to this level? Aliens from Nibiru or Aliens in the Kremlin?
    And Russia, which has openly spoken out about the existing lack of production capacity, but, nevertheless, is already sending the vaccine to other countries.

    "We won't eat it ourselves, but we will take it out." Apparently, the history of these did not teach anything ...
    1. Alf
      30 December 2020 23: 25
      Quote: Alf
      AND WHO brought the industry to this level?

  28. -4
    31 December 2020 10: 14
    The problem for Russia is that there are key points and questions that cannot ever be surrendered, despite its weakness and complexity of problems. For if you give up now, then later it will be either very difficult or impossible to defend your interests. This happened in Crimea, Donbass, Syria, etc. Therefore, we didn’t live richly, and we don’t have to start ... And who does not agree, come to Ukraine, to Kiev, live six months on an average Kiev salary of $ 500 and draw conclusions.
    1. +2
      31 December 2020 14: 54
      Therefore, we did not live richly, and we don’t have to start ...

      Favorite mantra of the oligarchs, which they inspire everyone else. Like poverty is inevitable, so get used to being poor. Of course, if everyone lives like a human being, there will be no money left for ocean yachts and castles for the "leaders".

      And who does not agree, come to Ukraine, to Kiev

      By itself. RF can now be compared only with Ukraine. Well, or with the countries of Africa. There are no other countries left in the lexicon of oligarchic lackeys.
  29. 0
    31 December 2020 14: 27
    Covid result:
    America and Europe weakened, China and South Korea, and
    all of Southeast Asia has intensified.
    Oil and gas have weakened, electricity and green technologies have increased.
  30. +1
    2 January 2021 08: 54
    I read it to the end. The feeling is that they are trying to put on my rose-colored glasses with a sledgehammer and a crowbar. Happy New Year everyone !!!
  31. -1
    3 January 2021 12: 44
    And more about Russia's PROSPECTS for losing the leadership of the United States, Britain and other countries that carry DEATH!
    If I were SHOIGU, I would have given these bastard Nazis of Ukraine a long time ago ... so that they spread all over the Russian land of Ukraine and it was NOT common for NATO to build its military bases on them ... That's when LEADERSHIP the usa will be completely lost in the world ...
    None of the bastards will stick around with provocations or their demands on Russia ...!
  32. 0
    3 January 2021 22: 31
    Another "eccentric", the devil's toy.
    "Nothing adorns an adherent of the State Department like the desire to spoil Russia"
    The greatest value of liberalism, the denial of the values ​​of morality and ethics.
    The moral cripples, who were happy to hear it, saw this as the only and successful way to earn money on their pathology.
    And the very goal of these ideologues of social life is all the same as 2000 years ago.
    Having destroyed morality and morality, turn people into a submissive and weak-willed flock of highly intelligent animals, meekly and joyfully producing material values, under the slogans of Long Live the State Department.
    True, the ways of their implementation have become more modern.
    "Eugenics - the doctrine of selection in relation to man"
    The super task, which - Through the collapse of national consciousness, create a new religion, and with its help to legitimize the caste of rulers in the world and consolidate it with the status of divinity! "Maybe this explains the mystical dollar signs"
    This concept, whether realized or not, but I think that still modern rainbow liberals guess what they are involved in. But this does not stop them, and they persistently work it out, in the hope of making money on this, the status of governors of the "golden" billion.
    After all, everything is so simple and worked out for centuries.
    First, under the banner of Christ, in the crusades, countries and peoples were plundered. Then, under the banner of democracy, countries were captured and destroyed. And the moment came when they no longer needed material values, countries or peoples, and they aimed at our souls.
    6andera the killer is the "savior".
    Bulk swindler - "savior"
    Furgal billionaire suspect in contract killings - "savior"
    Biden with his pedophile son - "savior"
    And the victims at their hands, then who is the one who does not matter?
    "The devil's greatest trick is to convince you that he doesn't exist."
    Once upon a time a similar "scheme" was broken by Jesus Christ, "having paid" for it with his life. And this miracle for a long time served as a guardian of Human civilization.
    But the time has come for the next revenge of the still anonymous "reptile". And on the way to the earthly reign of this "bastard", Russia has already remained the only obstacle. Which, as always, acts as a powerful and eternal guardian angel of human civilization.
    And Europe, in turn and once again, has resigned and submitted to the temptations of lies and exchanged the comfort of the body for human souls, as it has done more than once. But Europe and the USA are not the whole earth. Although they managed to disunite the Muslims and divide them into eternally warring castes. Nevertheless, the majority of Muslims will not accept the reign of the "reptile".
    So maybe the second coming of Jesus Christ to earth is that, or who, or the one who can unite the Orthodox and Muslims into a single reigning religion on earth? And this will stop the launched mechanism of self-destruction of human civilization.
    In the meantime, this great miracle has not happened, People take care of their souls, and their children from idolaters of the temptations of lies.
  33. 0
    3 January 2021 23: 27
    The United States, which, with all its might, has bluntly stated that they wanted to spit on everyone and would not give a vaccine until they vaccinated their own citizens. And Russia, which has openly spoken out about the existing lack of production capacity, but, nevertheless, is already sending the vaccine to other countries.
    The author of the article is apparently waiting for the manifestation of mass gratitude from abroad and, most importantly, steps towards ??? Nu-nu - the USSR also waited but did not wait !!!

    And note that almost all or almost always ordinary citizens of foreign states declare their ardent love for Russia - but for some reason none of their politicians remembers this most ardent love !!! Where is the logic ??? And why should Russia treat strangers - whose children or grandchildren, decades later, will accuse Russia of all mortal sins ??? When your people need the vaccine in the first place. This is one of the mysteries of Putin's Russia ...
  34. 0
    4 January 2021 10: 15
    For the sake of reporting about yourself, your beloved (our Pitun) send 300 thousand doses to Argentina, and at this time our people will die from a lack of this very vaccine. In return, we will never see anything from them, except for a voice in the UN. Stupidly buys a vote at the UN. In the United States, such rulers would have been swept away long ago. They take care of their citizens, and our people are cannon fodder and new oil.
  35. 0
    4 January 2021 10: 19
    Delivering vaccines to Argentina is a trade in the lives of its own people. Attachment to arms contracts
  36. 0
    9 January 2021 17: 12
    there has already been talk of turbulence in Europe in the first quarter of this year 2021 and even possible wars within the EU