Generalissimo Suvorov's kitchen

I came across a collection of articles by Mikhail Ivanovich Pylyaev, a man who lived for a long time (1842-1899), but who was a witness to many events and who found many witnesses of events that he himself was not an eyewitness to.

In general, Pyliaev was a man of the theater, was the author of numerous articles on stories theater and art exhibitions reports. But we are not interested in Pyliaev's theatrical activity, but in his historical one. Mikhail Ivanovich collaborated with the "Historical Bulletin" magazine, and there, naturally, he published non-theatrical notes.

"Father of Suvorov" and "Day of Generalissimo Suvorov" - from these historical notes one can add up what and how the greatest Russian commander deigned to eat. By the way - very informative and remarkable.

It is worth recalling that since childhood Suvorov did not differ in health, and the war with his own stomach was fought all his life by Alexander Vasilyevich. However, having lived almost 70 years, having spent almost all his life in campaigns and wars, we can say that in this regard, Suvorov remained the winner.

First, a few words about those thanks to whom the preferences of Alexander Vasilyevich became generally known. These are his servants, of course. The main one was the valet Proshka, or Prokhor Dubasov, who served under Suvorov all his life and died after the Generalissimo, in 1823. By the way, he was awarded decent awards for his service: King of Sardinia Karl Emmanuel sent Proshka two medals on green ribbons, with the image on one side of Emperor Paul I, on the other - his portrait, with the Latin inscription: "For the preservation of Suvorov's health." And the Russian Emperor Alexander the First granted Dubasov the third class rank with a pension of 1200 rubles a year.

The second was Dubasov's assistant, podkamerdiner Sergeant Ivan Sergeev from the Kozlovsky Musketeer Regiment. Sergeev served with Suvorov for 16 years, and after his death he served with Arkady Aleksandrovich Suvorov until the death of the Generalissimo's son. There was also Suvorov's orderly, Sergeant Ilya Sidorov. The paramedic (here they changed regularly) who blew Suvorov and put leeches.

The fifth and last one is the cook Mitka (in other sources - Mishka), the main one in our story.

So, the day of Generalissimo Suvorov from a gastronomic point of view.

Suvorov's day began on a calendar basis and ended with night tea. At two o'clock in the morning Suvorov poured cold water from a pair of buckets, dried himself and Mitka poured him a cup of tea.

Suvorov was very fond of black tea, subscribed to it from Moscow. “Buy at the price, no matter how dear it seems to you, choose it through connoisseurs, but pass it on to me in a very safe way, so that he doesn’t get any outside spirit, but keeps his spirit very pure”. Suvorov carefully studied the tea sent to him, ordered to sift through a sieve several times. Mitka always brewed tea in the presence of Alexander Vasilyevich. Usually he poured half a cup, Suvorov tried it, and then gave instructions to top up or dilute with water.

Suvorov drank a lot of tea. On fast days, three cups with cream, on fast days without. In general, Suvorov was a very pious man, he observed the fasts very strictly, and on Holy Week he ate only one tea.

Tea was usually followed by the "approval" of the menu for the day. Ornate, in fact, Suvorov asked Mitka what he would cook for him and what for the guests. They were different things. Suvorov often invited guests to the table, he loved to treat, but he did it in a very peculiar way.

For Suvorov personally, Mitka cooked either soup, if the day was fast, or cabbage soup, if it was fast. The second was always roast. Suvorov did not tolerate sauces, he was indifferent to sweets.

It was interesting with the guests. The cook prepared for them separately. Suvorov's usual dinner consisted of only four courses. The big dinner party is seven. By the standards of those times, Suvorov could be called greedy, but ... For a commander, the level of kitchen mastery was not fundamental in life. Sorry for his guests.

Generalissimo Suvorov's kitchen

Suvorov was very fond of receiving guests, adored conversations at the table. But he could not stand the glutton, and the person who paid more attention to bodily food could not claim to be re-invited to dinner.

Moreover, if someone invited Suvorov to visit, then he should have invited his Mitka too! Suvorov with great difficulty ate food that was not prepared by his chef. So Suvorov was a real haemorrhoid for the owner, but if you act as the Generalissimo wanted, then everything went quite well.

I will distract you with a story "off topic". Potemkin, who did not have a good relationship with Suvorov, really wanted to dine with him. In fact, he asked for dinner at Suvorov's, but the Most Serene Count was not a modest one, about which Suvorov was well aware.

Therefore, Suvorov arranged dinner for Potemkin, but as always - with a trick. The generalissimo invited Mathone, the head waiter who served at Potemkin, to his place and ordered him a simply sumptuous dinner for Potemkin and his retinue. He ordered not to spare money and to prepare a ceremonial dinner for His Serene Highness.

And since the day for which the dinner was appointed was fast, then summoning Mitka, Suvorov ordered him to cook two ordinary lenten dishes ...

The dinner was a success. Everyone liked everything, “the river of grape tears bore the spices of both Indies” (this is how Suvorov himself complimented the dinner), even Potemkin was amazed by the luxury and scale. But he finished off Potemkin ... Matone, who sent Suvorov an account for more than a thousand rubles. Suvorov did not pay, wrote on the account “I didn’t eat anything” and ... sent it to Potemkin!

Suvorov really only ate his own lean dishes.

Potemkin withstood the blow, paid the bill, however, said that "Suvorov is dear to me." The obscene expressions, which Count Grigory Alexandrovich was very good at, history has not conveyed to us. But there is no doubt that they were. A thousand rubles - this was also a fair amount of money in those days, the same Suvorov on newspapers (eight), of which six foreign, three hundred rubles a year spent. And then lunch ...

So, Suvorov's lunch. Morning tea was long ago, right after getting up, and Alexander Vasilyevich got up early. He never had breakfast, so his lunch time was at 8 am. That is why the question about lunch followed the night tea.

So Suvorov's usual dinner was after a divorce and reading newspapers, at 8 am. If it is ceremonial or festive, then at 9 o'clock.

Before dinner, Suvorov deigned to have an appetizer. One glass. It was either caraway vodka or gold. If Suvorov's stomach prevailed that day, then a glass of penny fell into him. Pennyk, or half-bar, is a bread distillate (wheat, rye, barley - it doesn't matter) of double distillation, and even forcibly purified with milk or charcoal, with a strength of 38-40 degrees.

As an appetizer, there has always been salted radish and only that.

The dishes were not put on the table, but they carried them in the heat of the heat to all the guests. Suvorov was offered not every dish, but only the one that was "his". As already mentioned, Suvorov observed the greatest moderation in food, the stomach forced.

But since Alexander Vasilyevich was a very addicted person, Proshka always stood behind him, whose main task was not to let Suvorov overeat. That is, Proshka simply took a plate from Suvorov if he wanted to eat too much. And if Suvorov began to roar at Proshka, then he answered with an imperturbable face: "According to the order of Field Marshal Suvorov." Alexander Vasilyevich usually "turned on the back" with the words "Yes, he must obey!"

Moreover, if Proshka suddenly gave slack, then for this he usually received a penalty from Suvorov himself. "Why did I give too much to eat!" - said Suvorov, who was beginning to torment his stomach.

At dinner, in terms of wine, Suvorov drank a little Hungarian or malaga, and on special days he could drink a little champagne. Desserts and fruits were also not his favorite topics, except sometimes with tea he could eat lemon wedges, sprinkled with sugar. But not often. He could have eaten some jam with wine, which the manager from the estate sent him. Cherry or apricot usually.

Lunches in the campaign were also not in one. Suvorov liked to call generals. The table was set for 15-20 people. The same seven or less dishes, for there is nothing to burden the stomach with excesses during the campaign. “Shchi and porridge is our happiness,” as Alexander Vasilyevich himself used to say.

After dinner, Suvorov liked to “sediment” his food, drinking a glass of dark English beer with sugar and lemon zest. It is clear when he lived in the capital.

As for the religious nuances, besides one tea on Holy Week, Alexander Vasilyevich had one more leap. He hated chicken eggs. Not in any form. On Easter, after the service, Suvorov presented everyone who was in the church with an egg, Prokhor and Ivan Sergeev stood behind the commander with baskets full of eggs. Suvorov himself did not take eggs from anyone and did not use them.

Easter cakes and Easter were on his table all Easter week and were offered to everyone.

On Shrovetide, Suvorov favored buckwheat pancakes. Pancakes were usually eaten with ghee and tea; Alexander Vasilyevich ignored various accompanying Russian fillings such as caviar or herring.

On big holidays, Suvorov, as a sociable person, gave balls. This is a very peculiar business, given the owner's habits. Nevertheless, Alexander Vasilyevich was seen hosting balls. On Shrovetide - up to three times a week.

Suvorov himself did not like balls. Naturally, he did not interfere with others and did not spoil the guests' mood, and when it came time for him to rest, he quietly stopped the party and went to rest, letting the guests have fun all the way.

What can you say about Suvorov's culinary preferences?

First: cabbage soup, both full and lean. Both from fresh cabbage and sauerkraut. Beshbarmak. Ear on fast days.

Second: boiled beef with different spices, steam room (oven). Dumplings. Roast game or beef. Porridge.

As lean dishes: mushrooms, as they say, in an assortment, in all possible forms. Mushroom pies. Of fish, Suvorov favored pike. Both boiled and "Jewish" stuffed.

No salads, no fruit. Very simple, but easy to do in almost any location.

And again, since birth was not distinguished by health, a person has spent so many campaigns and made so many trips, and all not in greenhouse conditions. Yes, Alexander Vasilyevich fought with a stomach all his life, but I believe that he won a decisive victory.

And before moving on to the recipe, I will give the life principle of the great commander:

“Do not go to this poorhouse (she meant the hospital). The first day you will have a soft bed and good food, and on the third day there is a coffin! The doctors will kill you. And better, if you are not well, drink a glass of wine and pepper, run, jump, lie around and you will be healthy. "

Well, as promised, several recipes from that time that Suvorov loved.

Ukha with pickles

Take 3 pounds (even about a kilogram) of any small river fish. Today, you can not small, just peel and chop. Boil in 2 liters of water. When cooking broth, add parsley root, celery (your choice, stem or root, as it tastes better), bay leaf (1-2 pcs) and black peppercorns up to 10 pcs.

The fish is cooked until completely cooked. Shortly before the end of cooking, pour in half a glass of cucumber pickle. Remove the broth from heat, filter (you can just throw out the roots and bones), add chopped pickles (3-4 pieces of medium size), I highly recommend adding pickled mushrooms, parsley and a spoonful of sour cream.

A very peculiar taste. Yes, supposedly, as is customary in Russia, do not pour vodka in your ear. Vodka separately, inside.

Valaam mushroom cabbage soup

A universal thing, by the way. We make in meat broth - ordinary cabbage soup. We do on the water - lean.

We start by making the broth. A good piece of brisket for 3 liters of water. Plus bay leaves, allspice, carrots, parsley root. We boil, throw away everything except meat.

We cut the onion (1-2 pcs), cut the mushrooms (400 g). Fry. Shred cabbage (300-400 g). We put everything in a container (a saucepan, a pot, who has something), fill it with broth and put it either on a very small fire, or (better) in the oven (130-150 degrees) and there we simmer for 3-4 hours. As under Suvorov in the stove.

It is possible to use sour cabbage instead of fresh cabbage, or even better - a mixture. A third sauerkraut and two thirds fresh. And it will be very tasty.

Horseradish pike

It is difficult and a little masochistic, but whoever can handle it will be rewarded.

Cut the pike into pieces and boil until about half done (simmer for 10 minutes over medium heat). We take out of the water.

Chop two onions finely and finely and begin to fry in oil. While the onion turns red, take 1-2 sticks of horseradish and three on a grater. Weeping, we throw it to the bow. Horseradish with onions in a ratio of 1 to 1. Fry. When the onion turns red and you start to see, we stop it.

We take a container, put a number of pieces of pike on the bottom. Then we put the result of frying on the fish in an even layer. Next, the second layer of fish and again smear with onion. Put a layer of sour cream on top and send it to the oven for an hour and a half at a temperature of 120 degrees, or on the stove or barbecue for half an hour at medium heat.

The brazier or stove is really dry. It will be very tender and juicy in the oven.

By the way, if it really bothers you in terms of fasting, do not pour sour cream and you have a very lean dish. To avoid dryness, you can splash a couple of tablespoons of sunflower oil.

Oddly enough, this yummy is very good with porridge. Bulgur, poltavka, even barley will do. Onion-sour cream-horseradish sauce will flavor any porridge. And if the pike is 150+, then you can easily wade Rymnik.

Suvorov-style roast

We take the meat. Beef, pork - it doesn't matter. It is important to keep the pulp. You don't need to touch the tenderloin at all, the rump or the back can be poked a little with a hammer, but in such a way as to simply disturb the structure of the meat.

Then we rub the meat with pepper, salt and tie it up and down with a string so that it does not creep. And you can start frying. First, you need to "seal" it, that is, grab it with a crust over very high heat. What to fry on ... Pork can also be cooked on lard. I would prefer beef in vegetable oil, where I would certainly throw a piece (20 g) of butter.

Fried-sealed? On a baking sheet and into the oven. Give the temperature 170-200 degrees. And do not spare the fat on the baking sheet. There will still be juice from the meat, so they need to water the pieces from time to time so that the meat does not dry out.

And to make it completely delicious, it is worth placing vegetable accompaniments around the meat: carrots, turnips, celery, potatoes, eggplant zucchini. Who has what at hand. I took carrots, turnips and squash.

You can do this in a frying pan, but it will have to be there on low heat, without a lid and constantly turning it over so as not to burn. The oven is better.

In general, the dishes are very simple, but delicious and nutritious. I do roast regularly, the rest at least a couple of times. If anyone decides to repeat it, good luck and enjoy your exploration of history.
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  1. +51
    27 December 2020 04: 46
    And you, my friend, are a sadist. Make your readers salivate and hungry. lol
    1. +36
      27 December 2020 04: 58
      I will join my colleague Nagan hi ! I rarely praise Roman's articles, but This work is beyond praise. good ! Keep it up, already tired of this Policy! Let's talk more about Weapons and Supplies!
      1. +26
        27 December 2020 05: 07
        Yes, it was cruel now)) Thank you for the recipes, I'll try to cook for the holidays if I catch a pike, let alone
        carrots, turnips, celery, potatoes, eggplant zucchini.
        there are, we grow all that ourselves.
        1. +16
          27 December 2020 11: 11
          Indeed, thanks for the recipes, tomorrow I'll try to cook Suvorov cabbage soup)))
          The author is a star!
          1. +12
            28 December 2020 02: 54
            All recipes are from favorites. But in my area this year turned out to be practically without mushrooms (there was little rain) and low-fish (the owners of the dams worked for their own pocket, and not for Nature). The author, in the next article, give readers an anti-crisis menu!
            1. +1
              30 December 2020 13: 24
              Pasta with vegetable oil in chicken broth
      2. +9
        27 December 2020 19: 41
        I join you. I agree 100 percent! hi
  2. +28
    27 December 2020 05: 22
    Well, what an opportunity such, after all, I just had breakfast and again saliva falls like a waterfall! laughing
    Thank you, Roman, very lively and vital! good
    The wife does not yet know what has been prepared for her here at VO - I will soon please. wink
    1. +14
      27 December 2020 06: 03
      So Sunday. A festive second breakfast can be arranged.
      1. +18
        27 December 2020 06: 07
        I'll arrange it closer to dinner, everything is already prepared.
        1. +8
          28 December 2020 03: 11
          Hold on, dear! Look there from hunger until lunchtime Masha and Lucky do not gnaw! laughing tongue

          1. +3
            28 December 2020 06: 45
            For whom the interlocutor, and for whom the drinking companion. The concepts are different, and we live by them.
  3. +16
    27 December 2020 05: 25
    It's good that I started reading right after breakfast! Thanks for the simple and delicious recipes! A well-deserved plus!
  4. +16
    27 December 2020 05: 48
    Suvorov's usual dinner consisted of only four courses.

    Our man from the people ... borscht, potatoes with meat, bread and tea.
    The current bourgeoisie is already turning up their nose from Parmesan ... serve them oysters and frogs with wine from a French restaurant.
    1. +13
      27 December 2020 08: 18
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      The current bourgeoisies are already turning up their nose from Parmesan ... serve them oysters and frogs with wine from

      What's wrong with * wustris *? laughing
    2. +4
      28 December 2020 09: 42
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      The current bourgeoisie is already turning up their nose from Parmesan ... serve them oysters and frogs with wine from a French restaurant.

      "You even sprinkle me a frog with sugar, I will not eat anyway!" (C) Sobakevich, "Dead Souls" Gogol N.V.
  5. +11
    27 December 2020 05: 56
    Delicious article.
    At two o'clock in the morning Suvorov poured cold water from a pair of buckets, dried himself and Mitka poured him a cup of tea.
    Is it before bedtime or did Alexander Vasilyevich get up so early?
    Then we rub the meat with pepper, salt and tie it up and down with twine so that it does not creep. And you can start frying.
    What kind of string should I take? Jute?
    1. +6
      27 December 2020 10: 15
      Quote: tasha
      Is it before bedtime or did Alexander Vasilyevich get up so early?

      It was he who got up like this, with the first roosters. Or with the second, as ordered. Well, after lunch I slept for another couple of hours.
      1. +4
        28 December 2020 03: 14
        And before each meal he took a glass of vodka in the name of normal "brewing". drinks
  6. +22
    27 December 2020 06: 10
    Radish is a snack from grandmother. No shit - nowhere.

    Origins: either for a soldier or for a generalissimo.
    1. +27
      27 December 2020 06: 23
      Write it down, I will slowly dictate your favorite recipe for a snack:
      Rub the radish on a fine grater, mix it with cold sour cream (proportions are equal to both, salt, pepper - to taste), put hot potatoes boiled without a jacket on a plate, steaming along the edges, and in the middle with cold radish with sour cream. Decorate the potatoes with herbs ( not a radish, nothing else needs to be added! In no case!), put a misted bottle of vodka next to it and:
      Bon appetit!
      1. +15
        27 December 2020 07: 17
        Thank you.
        A theme that calls to settle in the kitchen.
        But as a basurman. And nobody canceled the working day.

        Nicely laid out. Librations are scheduled after Christmas and Old New Years.
        1. +9
          27 December 2020 07: 58
          Quote from Korsar4
          A theme that calls to settle in the kitchen.

          A theme calling for moderation in food. With this understanding, you can go to the kitchen Yes
          1. +10
            27 December 2020 08: 14
            So moderation is different for everyone.
        2. +9
          27 December 2020 08: 57
          All! Went to cook Suvorovski stew! All the ingredients are in the fridge!)))
          Thanks to the author!
      2. +14
        27 December 2020 07: 40
        smile Reading this recipe choked with saliva ... would hold out until the New Year.
      3. +18
        27 December 2020 09: 12
        Quote: Crowe
        a bottle of vodka next to it and:

        This is important! laughing
        1. +5
          27 December 2020 11: 05
          Is the year 2021 planned for an exclusively festive year?
          1. +5
            27 December 2020 16: 19
            Quote from Korsar4
            Year 2021 is planned

            And this, Seryozha, like this one, Popova / I can hardly find the words that correspond to the policy of the site! / Look ?!
            1. +4
              27 December 2020 18: 03
              We will arrange a holiday ourselves. A whole year, no matter what.
              1. +4
                28 December 2020 03: 21
                Sergei hi , the coming year has already made itself felt unambiguously. feel

                1. +3
                  28 December 2020 05: 42
                  So it's time to go to the signal.
      4. +17
        27 December 2020 09: 27
        Then write down one more recipe!) I heard about him in the "white parrot"!))
        It was in the 30s, when the first bars and the first bartenders appeared in the USSR. People often went there, not to have a drink, but even to see how the bartender carefully pours drinks in multi-colored layers, decorates with straws and so on.
        Actor Wild enters the bar. The personality is also legendary in its behavior.
        - Preparing a cocktail according to my recipe!
        The bartender mumbles about the recipe, but ends up going to the boss. The bosses, fearing a scandal, give the go-ahead.
        - We take a beer mug, pour 200 grams of vodka there!
        The bartender performs ...
        - Now, without mixing, on a knife, pour out another two hundred grams of vodka ...
        The bartender is manipulating ...
        - The remaining gram is so, mold on top!
        The bartender pours out.
        - Cocktail Wild! I give the recipe!
        He drinks in one gulp and leaves))))
        1. +9
          27 December 2020 09: 43
          Quote: Leader of the Redskins
          He drinks in one gulp and leaves))))

          Is he?
          I am He? Dear Leader, He could!
          They were ACTORS !!!!! MEN!
          1. +3
            27 December 2020 10: 16
            Personally not familiar, but most likely YES!)))
            1. +9
              27 December 2020 10: 27
              Quote: Leader of the Redskins
              probably yes!)))

              Oh, my friend! They ... they were ... how can I put it more gracefully? Well, probably so. People from the PEOPLE! They lived, lived and probably did not PLAY, but the character who was in the ROLY lived. Very distortedly tried to explain, sorry, but ... As I could. hi
      5. +8
        27 December 2020 10: 12
        I discovered grated radish for myself, oddly enough in Stockholm in one of the restaurants, it went as an additional garnish for meat and potatoes. The taste is unforgettable!
        1. +4
          27 December 2020 11: 06
          Return to what it was.
          It's just that "discoveries" can go in the most intricate way.

          I respect turnips from early childhood.
          1. +8
            27 December 2020 11: 11
            When I was little, they gave grated turnips with honey like medicine. I could not stand, but everything changes laughing
            1. +6
              27 December 2020 16: 09
              Exhibiting, at the request of Alexander!
          2. +6
            27 December 2020 12: 03
            I asked Sergei to exhibit my discovery this year. Red stewed cabbage. I recommend everyone to try it.
            He probably hasn’t looked at his email yet.
            1. +3
              27 December 2020 15: 04
              Quote: ee2100
              I recommend trying it.

              Sasha! Hello! This is you haven’t tried vodka! This is the OPENING! Joke and humor! laughing
              1. +2
                27 December 2020 15: 16
                Now I drink vodka in extreme cases, when the whiskey runs out! feel
                1. +3
                  27 December 2020 15: 21
                  Quote: ee2100
                  extreme cases when whiskey runs out!

                  Vodka is healthier! drinks
                  1. +3
                    27 December 2020 15: 22
                    I disagree! British scientists have proved that the most harmful is Russian vodka!
                    1. +4
                      27 December 2020 16: 03
                      Quote: ee2100
                      , 15: 22

                      I disagree! British scientists have proved that the most harmful is Russian vodka!

                      They lie! They lie, Sasha, they lie! In the most impudent way! Or maybe ... they envy ????? wink
                    2. +2
                      28 December 2020 09: 46
                      Quote: ee2100
                      British scientists have proved that the most harmful is Russian vodka!

                      Russian vodka is bad for Englishscientists, but for us it is tongue drinks
                2. +2
                  27 December 2020 16: 06
                  Quote: ee2100
                  whiskey is running out

                  Oh, those meeeedlddllllleeennnye * Estonians *! Don't be offended, really, just a joke of humor. drinks
            2. +1
              27 December 2020 16: 10
              Quote: ee2100
              email did not look

              Looked, set! drinks
              1. +1
                27 December 2020 17: 48
                Thank you! drinks even put a pill!
            3. +2
              27 December 2020 16: 15
              Quote: ee2100
              I asked Sergei to exhibit my discovery this year. Red stewed cabbage. I recommend everyone to try it.

              Sasha! Yes, we eat it in Russia, and we ate it, hunt. We always eat cabbage in any form. Yes, yes, in red form too. We eat it. I eat it. Sometimes. When I want it. Rarely. But. Happens. Now?. No!
        2. +7
          27 December 2020 11: 58
          Quote: ee2100
          I discovered grated radish for myself, oddly enough in Stockholm in one of the restaurants, it went as an additional garnish for meat and potatoes.

          Amazing - near! I eat all the time since childhood. Grated radish, salt and sunflower oil. Rarely - sour cream.
      6. +9
        27 December 2020 10: 49
        Well, that's why I immediately wanted to drink ?! drinks
        1. +8
          27 December 2020 10: 53
          Quote: Sea Cat
          Well, that's why I immediately wanted to drink ?! drinks
          Hmmm! I've been waiting for a long time, huh? I'm going to the Shop !!! Whatever happens !!!! Fate ???? Faith won't understand us, huh?
          1. +7
            27 December 2020 11: 05
            Going to the Store !!

            Seryog, you, most importantly, do not confuse what is in which pocket. laughing
            1. +5
              27 December 2020 11: 27
              Quote: Sea Cat
              what pocket it is.

              I'm coming! It's a sin to be afraid of a sick person! All the more, Fili's food ... has ended. We must !!! Ohalniki, all you have to do is humor jokes! laughing
              1. +6
                27 December 2020 12: 05
                Feeding Filka is a sacred thing, no jokes.
                For the rest, you know yourself, if we tease each other, it is solely out of friendship, in love. drinks
                1. +4
                  28 December 2020 03: 29
                  "Friendship love is not considered fornication!" (FROM) wink drinks
                  1. +1
                    28 December 2020 06: 47
                    You, sir, are clearly in the wrong steppe.
          2. +4
            27 December 2020 11: 07
            Website conscience and state control in one bottle?
            1. +6
              27 December 2020 11: 15
              And here is the bottle.
              1. +5
                27 December 2020 11: 34
                Once I arrived with a graduate student in the glorious city of Kologriv. Although it was May, we spent the night in a tent. Frivolously decided to buy a heating warmer in local stores. I tried to trust the brand.

                I don't know what the housekeeper was doing.
                1. +4
                  27 December 2020 16: 20
                  You can't drink locally, especially in Kolo Griva, I once drank local port in Tula and vomited for the first time in twenty years. So it goes. negative
                  1. +14
                    27 December 2020 16: 30
                    Quote: Sea Cat
                    I once drank local port in Tula and for the first time in twenty years

                    Colleague, Tula port is banned from the UN !!!
                    1. +3
                      27 December 2020 18: 06
                      That is also Portugal.
                      1. +4
                        27 December 2020 18: 28
                        At one time there was such swill, "Solntsedar" was called. Then it disappeared when workers instead of jobs crawled to hospitals. And among the people there was a rumor that all this shmurdyuk was bought up by the Kukluksklan members from the southern states to prevent the "negative" population. But, as you can see, the "negatives" have adapted to it and now whites in the States have what they have. request
                      2. +3
                        27 December 2020 18: 35
                        "How our physicists argued
                        We'll bet physicists "(c).
                      3. +3
                        27 December 2020 21: 46
                        So they are ... "They took Zhigulevsky and Dubnyak" (c), but they did not even hear about "Gifts of the Sun" then.
                        True, Stoker preferred Stolichnaya. They lived like stokers under the Soviets, but they say, but they nibble ...
                      4. +2
                        27 December 2020 22: 04
                        I wonder how they live now.
                        The stoker is sometimes a good place.
                      5. +2
                        28 December 2020 02: 48
                        The stoker is sometimes a good place.

                      6. +2
                        28 December 2020 03: 14
                        That is, it is more difficult for the new Choi to appear?
                      7. +1
                        28 December 2020 06: 43
                        Do you need it? Never been a fan.
                      8. +2
                        28 December 2020 08: 22
                        When, after graduating from high school, I sometimes began to buy cassettes - what they listened to did not work.

                        But "Star Called Soontse" and "Blood Type" took place.
                      9. +1
                        28 December 2020 08: 41
                        I was always far from all this, did not inspire.
                      10. +1
                        28 December 2020 08: 45
                        There was a period of "filling niches". What cassette, for example, "Akaarium" came across, that one entered the circle of what you listen to.
                      11. +3
                        28 December 2020 03: 32
                        Quote: Sea Cat

                        "Some" took this one with them to the bunker. On the road. crying

                      12. +1
                        28 December 2020 06: 44
                        Right! There are a couple on the buffet, waiting for the New Year. smile
                      13. +5
                        27 December 2020 20: 15
                        Quote from Korsar4
                        That is also Portugal.

                        They promised to catch up with the portos, here the area in the forefront is catching up, there are already huge positive results in port wine. Yes
                      14. +2
                        27 December 2020 21: 00
                        Tula region or Krasnodar region?
                      15. +5
                        27 December 2020 21: 03
                        Quote from Korsar4
                        Tula region or Krasnodar region?

                        The sea cat wrote about Tula, so she almost caught up, but in the Krasnodar Territory there are no grapes at all! belay
                      16. +4
                        27 December 2020 21: 22
                        At least the Krasnodar Isabella is not the same as the Crimean one. But also, in general, conditionally grape,
                      17. +4
                        27 December 2020 21: 28
                        Quote from Korsar4
                        At least the Krasnodar Isabella is not the same as the Crimean one. But also, in general, conditionally grape,

                        In a conditional country, there are conditional industries that produce conditional drinks and food. Something like this.
                      18. +3
                        27 December 2020 21: 30
                        No. By this logic, we are all not very real.

                        But I agree with Khayyam:
                        "You better starve than eat anything."
                      19. +3
                        27 December 2020 21: 33
                        Quote from Korsar4
                        But I agree with Khayyam:
                        "You better starve than eat anything."

                        The then Omar could not even imagine that something could be born under the abbreviation RF.
                      20. +2
                        27 December 2020 21: 40
                        Since that time, so many countries, people, events have passed.
                        And every person wants to survive. In the ways available to him.

                        And better without breaking the core codes.
                      21. +6
                        27 December 2020 21: 44
                        Quote from Korsar4
                        And better without breaking the core codes.

                        Well, we adhere to the basic recipe of the old and wonderful Soviet book "On tasty and healthy food." good drinks
                      22. +2
                        27 December 2020 22: 03
                        Yes. The book Molokhovets was not found.
                        And our masterpiece is in every family.
                    2. +2
                      27 December 2020 21: 36
                      Quote: Stroporez
                      Quote: Sea Cat
                      I once drank local port in Tula and for the first time in twenty years

                      Colleague, Tula port is banned from the UN !!!

                      Can . But, only, as a means to combat aphids and caterpillars.
                  2. +1
                    27 December 2020 18: 06
                    Yes. Not once after the last time.
            2. +8
              27 December 2020 11: 16
              Quote from Korsar4
              Website conscience and state control in one bottle?

              All you have to laugh, ooglich! laughing
              1. +5
                27 December 2020 11: 35
                “The officers will improve. And they will drink tea. With jam. From black currant "(c).
                1. +6
                  27 December 2020 11: 38
                  Tea later. Do not distract from the process, Sergei!
                  1. +5
                    27 December 2020 11: 50
                    And Vera's reproachful look won't hurt?
                    1. +6
                      27 December 2020 12: 00
                      Quote from Korsar4
                      And Vera's reproachful look won't hurt?

                      Right now he will come and disperse everyone. drinks
                      1. +7
                        27 December 2020 12: 17
                        Volodya, Vera does not seem to work as a forester, and we are not in the hut. drinks
                      2. +7
                        27 December 2020 12: 19
                        Quote: Sea Cat
                        Volodya, Vera does not seem to work as a forester, and we are not in the hut.

                        I always feel guilty when women begin to accuse drunkenness. crying
                      3. +8
                        27 December 2020 12: 39
                        I always feel guilty when women begin to accuse drunkenness. crying

                        It makes no sense, they will always find something to blame. laughing

                        "A picnic on the side of some space road."
                        "- And I would not, - I say. - Do you want a drink?
                        - Thank you, I don't drink.
                        “Well, light a cigarette,” I say.
                        - Sorry, but I don't smoke either.
                        - Damn you! I tell him. - So why do you need money then? "(C)
                        drinks drinks drinks
                      4. +6
                        28 December 2020 03: 39
                        Kostya, I remembered an anecdote about a 400-degree alien moonshine.
                        "Normal swill, guys! But if you fart, the sweatshirt ignites" (C)
                      5. +6
                        27 December 2020 13: 17
                        “So it’s gone.
                        That is, it diverged ”(c).
                      6. +5
                        27 December 2020 15: 00
                        Quote from Korsar4
                        So it went wrong.
                        That is, it diverged ”(c).

                        * We Cossacks do not care that a bottle of sealing wax! * Immediately, not a Cossack! That’s never! A simple man - * from the region *. laughing
                      7. +4
                        27 December 2020 15: 12
                        “He came from the people.
                        As the saying goes: your guy ”(c).
                      8. +4
                        27 December 2020 19: 40
                        Quote: Phil77
                        Quote from Korsar4
                        So it's gone.
                        That is, it diverged ”(c).

                        * We Cossacks do not care that a bottle of sealing wax! * Immediately, not a Cossack! That’s never! A simple man - * from the region *. laughing

                        A classmate in the school used to say: we, Tatars, do not care - what a machine gun, that vodka, if only to knock down laughing
                    2. +4
                      27 December 2020 14: 57
                      Quote from Korsar4
                      Wouldn't Vera's reproachful look hurt?

                      1. +2
                        27 December 2020 15: 12
                        There is no use for reproachful glances.
                      2. +4
                        27 December 2020 16: 28
                        Quote from Korsar4
                        There is no use for reproachful glances.

                        Guys! How good is it with you, huh !?
                      3. +1
                        27 December 2020 18: 07
                        Interest club.
                2. +3
                  27 December 2020 12: 07
                  This is if only in headquarters, clerks with shoulder straps, although there are now enough aunts in shoulder straps.
                  1. +1
                    27 December 2020 14: 51
                    If you come to the monastery to see your sister, you will not be able to tell. Without even trying to believe.
        2. +4
          27 December 2020 11: 10
          And paint life.

          “When in my heart I open galleys
          In those places where sincerity itself,
          Then the waitresses lend me
          And women caress for nothing ”(c).
          1. +6
            27 December 2020 11: 24
            And chew your nose.

            "Hey, she drinks great,
            To hell with everything that does not pour
            Who is laughing at us there?
            Neighbor pour it, it's your turn.
            It became light in my heart
            The worries were gone.
            I'm ready to drink water for a friend -
            Yes, only tears me from the water! "(C)
            1. +5
              27 December 2020 11: 37
              “Inside him - if a man.
              If not, grind ”(c).
              1. +8
                27 December 2020 12: 13
                In the novel I set the topic, and I do not sleep for long, cook recipes for a long time, and she - here it is, in the nightstand.

                - And I drink? What is there to drink?
                - You misunderstood me. I don't drink at all. Do you understand? I have no physical ability.
                - On this occasion - the first toast.
                - Toast? I'll write it down now ...
                - Then you will write it down. Take a glass.
                1. +4
                  27 December 2020 13: 18
                  You can distract yourself at work.
                  1. +7
                    27 December 2020 14: 53
                    Quote from Korsar4
                    You can distract yourself at work.

                    Sergei! Just like that, right? About sad things? Why? Monday only tomorrow, I will notice! laughing
                    1. +5
                      27 December 2020 14: 54
                      With me, in the best traditions, it began on Saturday.
                      1. +6
                        27 December 2020 16: 30
                        And I just started on Saturday ... after work drinks
                      2. The comment was deleted.
                2. +5
                  27 December 2020 14: 56
                  Quote: Sea Cat
                  Take a glass

                  Aha! And then so, huh?
                3. +10
                  27 December 2020 15: 20
                  Quote: Sea Cat
                  and does not sleep long, it takes a long time to cook a snack according to recipes, and she - here it is, in the nightstand.

          2. +5
            27 December 2020 11: 43
            Quote from Korsar4
            waitresses lend me
            And women caress for nothing

            The main thing is to wear jeans! Do not distract, Friend! Everything! No me, I'll be back .... soon ...... I'll be back.
            1. +7
              27 December 2020 13: 36
              No, Roman asked the topic with a hint)))
              And with what, none of you peasants, did not understand, did not remember. Immediately on behalf of their stomachs they began to speak, to the bottles, smiling oily, they reached out in unison. This is how the light dies crying wassat
              I'll go for a smoke or something.
              1. +4
                27 December 2020 13: 48
                Quote: depressant
                No, Roman asked the topic with a hint)))
                And with which, none of you peasants, did not understand, did not remember

                Is it about the fact that it is necessary to eat sparingly, but it is not good to overeat? Those. lead a healthy lifestyle? You mean that?
                1. +2
                  27 December 2020 14: 09
                  No, colleague. Remember how we were going to talk in kitchens about what was not allowed to talk about in public places. Kitchen as a symbol of freedom of opinion. But ... Forgot everything and everything. But times have a strong tendency to return. They have such a genetic code.
                  However, I did not visit these kitchens, and if we touch only the upper meaning of the topic raised, then I am not a gourmet, not an esthete in food, if only something was in the refrigerator, and okay. I do not belong to the layer of any wealthy people.
                  1. +5
                    27 December 2020 14: 53
                    Quote: depressant
                    Remember how you were going to talk in kitchens about what you couldn't talk about in public places. Kitchen as a symbol of freedom of opinion. But ... Forgot everything and everything.

                    I don't quite agree, but the answer is accepted. In principle, we are still discussing problems at a party.
                    Quote: depressant
                    I do not belong to the stratum of any wealthy people.

                    1. +4
                      27 December 2020 16: 32
                      Quote: Mordvin 3

                      Guys, I'm with you!
                      1. +3
                        27 December 2020 16: 34
                        Quote: Phil77
                        Guys, I'm with you!

                        I sleep ... for two hours, like Suvorov after dinner, according to the law of Archimedes ...
                  2. +3
                    27 December 2020 18: 16
                    No, colleague. Remember how we were going to talk in kitchens about what was not allowed to talk about in public places.

                    This is unlikely, I'm talking about the "subcutaneous" sense of the article. Here, Lyudmila, you are clearly too clever, and Roman, as far as I know, is not at all our "kitchen" generation.
                    You shouldn't look for a black cat in a dark room at night, especially since she is not there.
              2. +4
                27 December 2020 14: 52
                You can smile in different ways. And what they were drawn to is not documented in any way. Insinuations, however.
              3. +1
                27 December 2020 15: 19
                I hope not tobacco, it is unhealthy!
              4. +3
                27 December 2020 18: 21
                Immediately on behalf of their stomachs they began to speak, to the bottles, smiling oily, they reached out in unison.

                Well, this has already gone to such a standard, somehow it doesn't look like you. Something like a hackneyed one hundred years ago - "The way to a man's heart lies through his stomach", or "All women are bad." Ugh ...
                1. +4
                  27 December 2020 18: 40
                  So me, so colleague! )))
                  And then you go! ...)))
        3. +9
          27 December 2020 16: 03
          Quote: Sea Cat
          Well, that's why I immediately wanted to drink ?!

          1. +4
            27 December 2020 18: 04
            A serious example, I will certainly share it with friends of the same interest. drinks
            1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +1
      27 December 2020 18: 16
      I don't like radish with horseradish. Chop separately and pour over mustard oil - that's the thing! Although, the taste and color as they say :)
  7. +10
    27 December 2020 07: 47
    Roman, interesting. Who knows where the talent will go? I'm an electrical engineer by training. Retired cop for work. A chef by vocation.
    Sapienti sat.
  8. +12
    27 December 2020 07: 50
    The second was Dubasov's assistant, podkamerdiner Sergeant Ivan Sergeev from the Kozlovsky Musketeer Regiment. Sergeev served with Suvorov for 16 years, and after his death he served with Arkady Alexandrovich Suvorov until the death of the Generalissimo's son

    Suvorov's son Arkady died tragically while crossing the Rymnik River, in the place of his father's significant victory over the Turks near Rymnik.

    He died saving the coachman (possibly Sergeev) - he saved him, but he himself ...

    The doctors will kill you.

    Familiar words: father in 84 years for the first time in my life I went to the clinic, started the first medical card (on the eyes) and the dumbfounded district police officer concluded:
    "Because he is healthy, that he did not go to the doctors.
    " Yes
    Suvorov's day began on a calendar basis and ended with night tea. At two o'clock in the morning Suvorov poured cold water from a pair of buckets, dried himself and Mitka poured him a cup of tea.

    So is it getting up or before bed? recourse

    The article for the unexpectedness and unusualness of the topic is a definite plus.
    1. +7
      27 December 2020 09: 20
      Quote: Olgovich
      Because he was healthy, he did not go to the doctors.
      Greetings, friend! How are you right! Right? Happy Coming, amigo! Plusy to you! Definitely !!!
      1. +4
        27 December 2020 11: 24
        Quote: Phil77
        Greetings, friend! How are you right! Right? Happy Coming, amigo! Plusy to you! Definitely !!!

        Greetings, Sergey! hi

        This father is right: 86 years old: push-ups, running, pull-ups on the bar, swinging 10 kg dumbbells, moderation in food and ... complete rejection of doctors! Yes

        Happy Coming too !!!
        1. +3
          27 December 2020 14: 50
          Quote: Olgovich
          complete rejection of doctors!

          Here, I agree! laughing
          1. +5
            27 December 2020 18: 08
            This is someone like. But for me it was exactly like this: if it were not for doctors, I would have long been lying in a wooden pea jacket on a village churchyard. So this heroism until such time as the bony one with a scythe behind her shoulders does not rise.
            1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +4
      27 December 2020 10: 15
      Quote: Olgovich
      unambiguous plus.

      Andrey! You stopped answering. * Bronzed *? Friendly ??? laughing
      1. +2
        27 December 2020 18: 32
        Quote: Phil77
        Andrey! You stopped answering. * Bronzed *? Friendly ???

        Where did you not answer ?! belay request

        Always with PLEASURE I communicate with you
    3. +4
      27 December 2020 10: 22
      Quote: Olgovich
      So is it getting up or before bed?

      Raise it up.
  9. +5
    27 December 2020 08: 43
    A good addition to today's article would be this material:
    "Household habits and private life of Suvorov" ...
  10. +3
    27 December 2020 09: 03
    Suvorov liked to call generals. The table was set for 15-20 people. The same seven or less dishes, for there is nothing to burden the stomach with excesses during the campaign.

    Seven courses for 15-20 people? Or everyone? Let me be so moderate! Here is what Kozma Prutkov said about the general's feast:
    A certain Austrian quartermaster, not slowing down after the Utrecht peace
    a feast to five of his comrades-in-arms, previously ordered his lord to serve
    there are five kilos on the table, according to the number of expected ones. And as one of the guests, more opposed
    having other agility, ordered his share, instead of one, two
    sprats, then the quartermaster, seeing that through this is the bravest of associates
    Bremsenburg-von-Ekstadt lost his portion at all, exclaimed:
    "My lords! Who took two sprats?"
    In general, I, as a person of "one hundred and fifteen kilograms", noticed that thin people eat much more and much more often than full ones, twice the minimum, and at a dinner party, and three times! But they drink less, in disproportionate to the number of those present, consuming a snack, from which the embarrassments noticed by Prutkov occur.
  11. +5
    27 December 2020 09: 29
    Hey-eh, how would I live until lunch now ..))
    The article cheers up at times!
    1. +6
      27 December 2020 09: 57
      Quote: Van 16
      The article cheers up at times!

      Ivan, I greet you! So what is the main thing in our country? Sense of humor! Oh! Well ... you can disagree with that, but ... Why? And why? And a sense of humor just helps LIVE! laughing
      1. +4
        27 December 2020 10: 01
        Sergey, good day! Without humor, anywhere, in general. And I am very worried by people who do not have it hi
        1. +4
          27 December 2020 10: 10
          Quote: Van 16
          people who don't have it

          I agree! It's just scary, but we will make a small discount. There are not enough of them And there are a lot of us, who like to joke! I will bow here, because ... the author does not like such, .hmmm ... well, not on the topic of the article. Write, Van, always glad to communicate with you! hi
        2. +2
          27 December 2020 11: 34
          Quote: Van 16
          , good day! No humor, at all. And I am very worried about people who

          Buddy! Like people who don't drink! hi
          1. +1
            27 December 2020 14: 12
            Seryozha, you see, changed his surname to Sutrapyan? wassat )))
            1. +3
              27 December 2020 14: 24
              Quote: depressant
              Seryozha, you see, changed his surname to Sutrapyan? )))

              Here, of course, I won't say anything! Although ...
              And who is without sin? wink
            2. +2
              27 December 2020 14: 42
              Sin is different, if only something decent was drunk, and not some kind of stool))
              1. +9
                27 December 2020 14: 49
                Quote: depressant
                if only something decent was drunk, and not some stool))

                Ha, "stool" is better now than store swill.
                1. +3
                  27 December 2020 14: 59
                  So it, the store, you see, chases from the noble Viennese chairs.
                  1. +9
                    27 December 2020 15: 06
                    Quote: depressant
                    So it, the store, you see, chases from the noble Viennese chairs.

                    They say that from natural gas, because the chemical formulas are similar.
                  2. +6
                    27 December 2020 15: 10
                    Quote: depressant
                    noble Viennese chairs chasing

                    * Everything, Zin, you will offend me ..... * The store is proven, I don’t drink muck! laughing
            3. +3
              27 December 2020 14: 54
              Quote: depressant
              Seryozha, you see, changed his surname to Sutrapyan? )))

              I also went to the store. wink
              1. +3
                27 December 2020 15: 13
                Volodya! Hello! Who is to blame? Correctly, the author !!!! laughing
                1. +2
                  27 December 2020 15: 17
                  Quote: Phil77
                  That's right, the author !!!!

                  No, I eat macaroons.
                  1. +5
                    27 December 2020 15: 28
                    Quote: Mordvin 3
                    No, I eat macaroons.

                    It's sad, but I have caviar. Eggplant. Rare, they say, overseas. Red-on NG! Shore.
                    1. +5
                      27 December 2020 15: 30
                      Quote: Phil77
                      And I have caviar. Eggplant. Rarity, they say, is overseas.

                      There she is, but reluctance to do something.
                      Quote: Phil77
                      Red-on NG! Shore.

                      The same thing.
                    2. +8
                      27 December 2020 15: 33
                      Quote: Phil77
                      red-on NG! Shore.

                      Mdyayaya, now the price for it is the same as taking a house on a mortgage. wassat
                      1. +4
                        27 December 2020 15: 56
                        Quote: Stroporez

                        Mdyayaya, now the price for it is the same as taking a house on a mortgage.

                        So after all- * Glory to Putin *!?!?! Who, if not him ????
                      2. +5
                        27 December 2020 16: 09
                        Quote: Phil77
                        So after all- * Glory to Putin *!?!?! Who, if not him ????

                        And here it remains only to pacify wassat
              2. +7
                27 December 2020 15: 16
                Every time I look at the wine departments with curiosity - that's where my creative idea really worked! It is truly ingenious to pour the same chemical formula into glasses, glasses, bottles, bottles and jugs made of glass of many amazing shapes and colors, place a part in gift boxes that look like small showcases covered with reflective paint from the inside, provide all this boxed splendor with glasses, glasses with iridescent crystal carvings, or mugs ... Fascinating sight!
                1. +6
                  27 December 2020 15: 18
                  Quote: depressant
                  A mesmerizing sight!

                  Oh !!!!!! It is necessary to describe the wine department of the district store so beautifully and polyphonic !!! Applause !!!! Mine !!!!!
                  1. +5
                    27 December 2020 15: 56
                    Seryozha, the store is not even a district one, only a rural one, but - "Pyaterochka"! And because the one that is very close to me, small, very rural, being forced to compete, also tries his best - he makes his own wine shelves located right next to the cash register, or rather, starting from it and going into the vast distance ... Well, I, of course, bent about the distance, but the illusion arises from the seemingly endless assortment. And, drawing the eye, pretty little bottles filled with various cognacs and vodkas, which, in fact, begin the shelves at the cash register, attract the unstable buyer. And as if each bottle says: "Look how small I am and therefore I am inexpensive, buy me, you will not regret it!" And the beer cans and high liter beer bottles located on the lowest shelf seem to echo to her: "And me! And me! You're kind, you can't walk by! Don't leave us orphaned on this cold shelf!" They shout with beautiful labels, they cry out for delicious content, they call ... Who will remain deaf? And now, hiding what has been obtained in his bosom or in a bag, a person leaves the store with the feeling that life has become a little better. After all, he did a good deed)))
                    1. +3
                      27 December 2020 16: 40
                      Quote: depressant
                      After all, he did a good deed)))
                      Here !!! This is what makes me want to sing you praises! It is necessary to describe so beautifully * five * ??????? !!!!!!
                      Excuse me, but ..... let me kiss your hand ?! love
                      1. +4
                        27 December 2020 16: 55
                        let me kiss your hand

                        ,, and then Ostap suffered laughing
                      2. +2
                        27 December 2020 17: 18
                        Well, what can you do with you! Here, kiss, hehe! I look with curiosity wassat ))
                    2. +3
                      27 December 2020 16: 51
                      After all, he did a good deed)))
                      ,, and paid for the next welfare brick of our shark capitalism.
                      1. +3
                        27 December 2020 17: 21
                        Quote: bubalik
                        shark capitalism

                        Earrings, my friend! Listen * Smoky "Band & Otpad! Mine !!"
                    3. +3
                      27 December 2020 17: 17
                      Lyudmila Yakovlevna, good evening. You graze in "Pyaterochka", and I "mistress" can choose: "Magnet" or "Pyaterochka"
                      1. +2
                        27 December 2020 17: 39
                        Quote: Astra wild2

                        astra wild2
                        Today, 17: 17

                        Lyudmila Yakovlevna, good evening. You graze in "Pyaterochka"

                        Are you even trying to think? ¿??
                      2. +2
                        28 December 2020 10: 40
                        This is me on purpose so that you have a reason to scold me
                        Naturally, I understood Lyudmila Yakovlevna. She herself was in her position when the choice was "wide": to go to the only store, to the always drunk owner, he traded himself so as not to hire sellers, or to sit without food.
                      3. +2
                        27 December 2020 17: 49
                        Who taught you grammar, and,
                      4. 0
                        28 December 2020 10: 42
                        Read my top comment
                      5. +2
                        27 December 2020 21: 03
                        Quote: Astra wild2
                        You graze in "Pyaterochka", and I "lady" can choose: "Magnet" or "Pyaterochka"

                        Well, this "convenience" (fuck it!) Doesn't compare to mine! In the building where I now live, "Pyaterochka", "Magnet-supermarket", "Red and White", eatery "Taste of Wine", "Live Beer"! It is still tolerable in the pre-resort and post-resort period ... but in the holiday season, it's a nightmare! am
                      6. +1
                        28 December 2020 10: 46
                        I can imagine how "fun" you are. There was a period when we lived in a two-story building, and under us there was a pub
                      7. 0
                        28 December 2020 11: 59
                        Quote: Astra wild2
                        how are you "fun

                        Not the word "fun"! "Delight" is indescribable! crying
                    4. +2
                      27 December 2020 18: 39
                      In the style of Andersen. Only things do not come to life and talk, but bottles. Handsomely.
                2. +4
                  27 December 2020 15: 21
                  Quote: depressant
                  bottles and jugs made of glass of many amazing shapes and colors, place a part in gift boxes that look like small showcases covered with reflective paint from the inside,

                  I have not paid attention to the container for a long time. Although I had a bottle of brandy in the shape of a saber. With a meter long and a capacity of 0,5.
                  1. +3
                    27 December 2020 15: 54
                    Quote: Mordvin 3
                    ... With a meter long and a capacity of 0,5.

                    I overdid it, Volodya! I had this / was /, but the size is clearly more modest. wink
                    1. +3
                      27 December 2020 15: 59
                      Quote: Phil77
                      I had this / was /, but the size is clearly more modest.

                      Was, was. With a meter exactly. More from the 90s. Or from the early XNUMXs, I forgot. I rummaged through the Internet, did not find one. There was Dagestan brandy.
                3. +8
                  27 December 2020 16: 18
                  Quote: depressant
                  A mesmerizing sight!

                  Comrade, and you are also a gourmet! wink
                  You gave me your inspiration and convincingly proved that it's time to go!
                  1. +5
                    27 December 2020 16: 38
                    The thing is that I don't drink alcohol at all))) I'm just curious and I admire creativity. I recently saw some red Crimean wine on sale. On the floor of the store were large cardboard boxes, and in them beautiful glass jugs with handles separated by partitions, metal lids on top. Those jugs really impressed me. After all, if you use wine, then an elegant jug, and it is precisely elegant, will easily fit in the household)))
                    Now even jam began to be produced in tall glasses with a thick bottom. It's a pity to throw away such.
                    1. +2
                      27 December 2020 20: 54
                      Quote: depressant
                      The thing is that I don't drink alcohol at all))) I'm just curious and creativity delights me

                      You and I have something in common - curiosity ... curiosity about "tasty booze"! Actually, I "drink" ... but a considerable number of alcohol purchases are caused not by the desire to "thump", but by the interest in the beautiful design of the "alcoholic products", names, origins ... winked
                      1. +2
                        27 December 2020 22: 00
                        I share, colleague, your aesthetic approach to "use". Indeed, otherwise, you get a cocktail of chemicals inside.
                        Taste, color, aroma ...
                        Shake the wine in a glass, warm with your palms to feel the bouquet - to diversify life with a wealth of sensations! And then - to put his lips to the thin glass, and now the blood-red sun is already flowing through the veins.
                        Hmmm ... And why wasn't it given to me? )))
                      2. +4
                        28 December 2020 04: 06
                        Dear Lyudmila Yakovlevna love ,
                        before drinking, the wine is kept in the air, first of all, so that the preservative - sulfur dioxide - disappears. It is superfluous for our body. drinks
                      3. 0
                        28 December 2020 08: 26
                        Thank you, Alexey, for the information! )))
                        And I thought to inhale the bouquet - here I am an ignoramus! And after all, I have repeatedly read that the bouquet. One wonders where the sulfur dioxide comes from. As far as I remember, grapes are sprayed with copper sulfate. At least my father did that. And then the rains washed over Isabella several times.
                      4. +1
                        28 December 2020 10: 56
                        Quote: depressant
                        One wonders where the sulfur dioxide comes from.

                        Preservative, protects wine from spoilage.
  12. +10
    27 December 2020 10: 20
    smile Here are the New Year's recipes. All with the coming.! smile
    1. +3
      27 December 2020 17: 53
      Happy New Year, Alexey Anatolyevich! )))
      The one who passed firmly stepped on us, and even rubbed it, and how the next one will step on us is hard to imagine. Apparently, she even jumps, tamping. There, they say, in Naples, the blood of St. Januarius did not boil in an ampoule, and this happened only before world wars and major volcanic eruptions. Let's choose an eruption, shall we? ))) What do they have there - Vesuvius? Etna? Everything is easier for us, lava will not reach us))))
  13. +1
    27 December 2020 12: 09
    In general, I copied the recipes, for which special thanks to Skomorokhov. It was very interesting to find out the life of people of that time, especially A.V. Suvorov, by the way I had to visit his Museum-Estate, which in Konchansko-Suvorovsky, has long been true, more than 30 years ago, I don't really remember anything, children with grandchildren for a couple of years went back there, they liked it.
  14. +4
    27 December 2020 12: 20
    Hmmm ...! It wasn't easy to read ... on a fasting day! (and so I was hungry ... and then there were "appetizing" descriptions! They brought me to a "semi-hysterical" state! stop ) By the way, about vodka ... cumin was mentioned, but no anise. In the film "Suvorov" Alexander Vasilyevich pours himself anise from a secret cellar, when Proshka catches him doing this! Did the "filmmakers" lie?
    Yes, Alexander Vasilyevich fought with a stomach all his life (((So, when he was especially bad with his stomach, he took a glass of ordinary bitter vodka mixed with crushed pepper. He considered such pepper a good remedy for influenza (as any ARVI was then called) asked to the hospital: "Do not go to this almshouse! The doctors will kill you. On the first day you have a good bed and food, and on the third day - a coffin. Better drink a glass of chicken wine with pepper, run, jump - and you will be healthy!")) )
  15. +3
    27 December 2020 13: 00
    Novel! THANK YOU!!! I copied everything and will cook .... for guests! And let them try not to eat. And it will be very useful for grandchildren! a reference to a respected commander just magically affects the boys.
  16. +2
    27 December 2020 14: 07
    There is a lot of starch in potatoes, spicy radish with horseradish. Digestion is disturbed in humans. Someone brought potatoes from yours and used to eat turnips and amaranth and use amaranth bread.
    1. +3
      27 December 2020 14: 56
      Quote from DiViZ
      Someone brought potatoes from yours

      Peter 1, who else.
  17. +3
    27 December 2020 14: 38
    By the way, if it really bothers you in terms of fasting, do not pour sour cream and you have a very lean dish

    A very lean dish is cabbage with bread. And fish is not very lean. And Suvorov often had to crack porridge with mushrooms than fish soup or fish. The latter is not very common and can often be eaten in post.
    1. +4
      27 December 2020 15: 15
      On Rozhdestvensky and Petrovsky 4 days a week is possible.
    2. +2
      27 December 2020 20: 41
      Quote: Junger
      And fish is not very lean.

      It's right! There are restrictions on fish posts! These restrictions are different depending on what kind of fasting and what week of fasting ... At the present time, alas, I do not observe fasts and have already forgotten the subtleties of fasting ... but once I fasted and therefore "taught" how to fast!
      But mushrooms are "vesch"! I perfectly substituted mushrooms for meat! Many dishes that I cooked with meat. In the post I began to cook with mushrooms ... and an excellent replacement came out!
      1. 0
        27 December 2020 21: 42
        Quote: Nikolaevich I
        Currently I do not observe, alas, fasts

        Health passed? sad
        1. +1
          27 December 2020 22: 18
          There was a case when after the operation, doctors recommended to use certain foods that you cannot call lean ... followed their recommendations. Fasting is not easy these days! If in the "pre-revolutionary" times, most of the population of Russia lived in the "village" and was engaged in agriculture, now a different "picture"! Earlier, when fasting came, many butcher shops were closed, but the shops selling vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, berries were filled with "lean" products (!), And very cheap ones! Inns, restaurants switched to a lean menu ... many completely! The way of life, culture, customs, everyday life were then largely influenced by religion! Fasting was observed everywhere and in great numbers ... That is why fasting in "tsarist" Russia was easier and cheaper than at present!
          1. 0
            27 December 2020 22: 29
            Quote: Nikolaevich I
            That is why fasting in "tsarist" Russia was easier and cheaper than at present!

            I agree, but now it is also possible.
            The attitude is important and the willingness to be patient for a while. It's hard for a couple of weeks, and then it becomes indifferent, the body gets used to it. smile
  18. +3
    27 December 2020 14: 46
    Quote: depressant
    Sin is different, if only something decent was drunk, and not some kind of stool))

    Lyudmila Yakovlevna, I didn't expect from you, dear! So I ???? Yes * stool * ??? Pure * hawthorn from the pharmacy *. Joke! Joke! I’m drinking a proven * medicine *, believe me!
    1. +9
      27 December 2020 15: 13
      Quote: Phil77
      So I ???? Yes * stool * ??? Pure * hawthorn from the pharmacy *. Joke! Joke! Joke! I'm drinking a proven * medicine *, believe me!

    2. +5
      27 December 2020 17: 11
      Quote: Phil77
      Pure * hawthorn from the pharmacy *.

      And what!? I do remember! USSR ... "Heart" medicine! True, it is rarely seen on drugstore shelves ... "amateur cores" were dismantled at once! Therefore, the pharmacists held it back and used it to encourage persons providing services to the pharmacy! I was encouraged by the "hawthorn" (bottles: 400 ml ...) for turning a blind eye to the extra parallel telephones ... (local telephone operator of the GTS ...) Just not to be confused with the 21st century hawthorn poison! belay "Fedot, but not that one!" ... "2 big differences"!
  19. +4
    27 December 2020 15: 06
    Quote from Korsar4
    Is the year 2021 planned for an exclusively festive year?

    If only without masks !!!!! My attitude towards them is terrible!
    1. +4
      27 December 2020 15: 15
      Only now he spoke sharply on this matter.
  20. +4
    27 December 2020 15: 23
    Quote: Olgovich
    Quote from Korsar4
    A theme that calls to settle in the kitchen.

    A theme calling for moderation in food. With this understanding, you can go to the kitchen Yes

    And straight .., ... in the refrigerator !!!! laughing
  21. +2
    27 December 2020 15: 32
    Ay, yes Roman !!! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++
    1. +2
      27 December 2020 18: 32
      Yeah, I removed your topic)))) And it is history)))
      In general, from the described dishes, except for pike stuffed with minced meat, the rest are everyday.
      For example, such a universal marinade is made:

      squeeze into a dish suitable in size for the volume of meat, a couple of rings of mayonnaise, a couple of rings of ketchup, half a glass of kefir (more), add a teaspoon of adjika, a teaspoon of ground pepper, chopped very finely garlic - how many It’s a pity, well, or crushed - in general, you add whatever comes to mind, but the main thing is a tablespoon of salt, as much as possible - so that during the test, the eyes climb onto the forehead.
      What to do next?
      Take the chicken, cut it on the sternum, so that it flattens, interrupt all the joints, the wings need to be cut off - they interfere with frying. In general, the chicken should be flat. And then you take a narrow knife and carefully poke the chicken everywhere and as deep as possible, the more often you poke, the better.
      The bullied chicken is placed in a container of marinade and thoroughly washed so that the marinade enters all punctures, and then filled with cold boiled water until the marinated object is covered.
      It is necessary to rinse the chicken in the marinade again so that the latter becomes homogeneous, distribute the garlic, herbs, if added. Cover the dishes with a lid or pull polyethylene on top and overnight, or in the refrigerator for a day.
      Before frying in a pan, I wash the chicken - the garlic and herbs are burning. I wash and carefully remove the water. The frying time depends on the size of the bird, but at least 40 minutes, and then how it goes.

      So that's it. Any meat is prepared in exactly the same way - any! At least a tenderloin, at least chops, at least a ham, etc. The main thing is to ruthlessly pierce with a knife and not spare the salt. The effect "You can't pull it by your ears!" guaranteed)))

      You do not need to spread the chicken, but then it retains its shape and must be cooked in the oven.

      What is the advantage of the method? No need to fuss too much on December 31st. At the right time, they simply took it out of the refrigerator and into a frying pan, or into the oven.
      Well, something like this)))
  22. 0
    27 December 2020 15: 55
    All this is good. Only for the budget of the average Russian family will cost, alas, figuratively speaking, "a pretty penny." Not "macaroshki", however recourse
  23. +2
    27 December 2020 16: 39
    Colleagues, good afternoon. For some reason, I immediately thought it was Roman's work. Only Roman loves and knows how to present the material in this way.
  24. +1
    27 December 2020 17: 04
    Excellent article, thank you!
    I would add to Suvorov's kitchen, cold water with raspberry jam. In any case, I read about it from Leonty Rakovsky.
  25. +3
    27 December 2020 17: 05
    Quote: mordvin xnumx
    Quote from DiViZ
    Someone brought potatoes from yours
    Peter 1, who else.

    In all fairness. Potatoes appeared in Russia during the time of Anna Ioanovna. Pikul has a mention. And now I remember: drunken jester Balakirev went into the greenhouse and relieved himself near a potato bush
    1. Fat
      27 December 2020 18: 51
      Quote: Astra wild2
      In fairness.

      Oh, the path of potatoes to the everyday table of a Russian person was arduous. Up to potato riots. But nevertheless, Peter I brought potatoes to Russia from Holland, where he was on a "creative business trip" Yes
  26. +1
    27 December 2020 17: 44
    The arap of Peter 1 inspired little Suvorov-Yazhh that was given!
  27. +4
    28 December 2020 07: 02
    Once the Americans came to visit (ours, but apart from the surname there is nothing, they do not really speak Russian and understand every other time). Heat, summer ... Before that, my mother made a pot of okroshka for several days with sour cream and cold homemade kvass. A bottle of mead was taken out of stocks for okroshka.
    Together, the Americans ate the whole pot in 15 minutes. In order to finally awaken the genetic memory, homemade dumplings with horseradish, black pepper, sour cream and vodka were offered after a while.
    Half an hour later, "their" Americans were already ready to sign up for the assault on the Pentagon, taking pictures in a hat with earflaps against the background of the USSR flag hanging in my room. soldier
  28. 0
    31 December 2020 14: 22
    The scurvy in the campaigns of the Russian troops did not know from the time of the Kazan campaign - onions and garlic, and under Peter also sauerkraut, were included in the soldier's "portion" in great numbers. As they were not (the same Azov campaigns) - most of the irreparable losses were precisely because of vitamin deficiencies
  29. 0
    1 January 2021 20: 34
    With a sick stomach to eat mushrooms, somehow it does not pull on a healthy diet.
  30. 0
    4 January 2021 15: 59
    eat the pig
  31. 0
    16 February 2021 16: 57
    H'm. And if Alexander Vasilich had a NORMAL stomach and a NORMAL perception of the right grubs?