"Investigation of Navalny" - revenge of the Western special services of Russia for Snowden

"Investigation of Navalny" - revenge of the Western special services of Russia for Snowden

The recording of a telephone conversation with a man who is allegedly an FSB officer and involved in his poisoning, published by Navalny, is a fake, and the so-called "investigation" into the poisoning by a "novice" is a provocation prepared with the help of Western special services. This was reported in the DSP of the FSB.

The so-called investigation about actions allegedly taken against him, posted by A. Navalny on the Internet, is a planned provocation aimed at discrediting the FSB of Russia and employees of the federal security service, the implementation of which would not have been possible without the organizational and technical support of foreign special services

- the FSB said in a statement.

The DSP stressed that the video of Navalny's telephone conversation with an alleged FSB officer is a fake, and the method of substituting a subscriber's number is a long-known technique of foreign special services, which has been used more than once in various anti-Russian actions. This technique allows you to exclude the possibility of establishing real participants in the conversation.

On the eve, Navalny published another part of the investigation about the alleged involvement of FSB officers in his "poisoning". According to the oppositionist, he recorded a conversation with one of the eight officers who organized his poisoning.

Given the number of "investigations" carried out by Western intelligence services in recent years against Russia, including various accusations of poisoning the Skripals, now Navalny, it can be assumed that the West, or rather the United States, is taking revenge on Russia because of the ex-US intelligence officer Edward who moved to Russia. Snowden, who spoke openly about the criminal methods used by the NSA and the CIA.
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  1. +15
    22 December 2020 10: 07
    "Investigation of Navalny" - revenge of the Western special services of Russia for Snowden

    Come on you.
    "Children's games of revenge" is for the most overexcited, to cheer up the brains!
    Everything always comes to the understanding that there is a struggle for resources and spheres of influence that are needed to obtain the same resources.
    1. +16
      22 December 2020 10: 10
      On the eve of Navalny published

      What a soulful face !! Yes
      1. +15
        22 December 2020 10: 24
        must be put in quotation marks. laughing
        1. The comment was deleted.
          1. The comment was deleted.
            1. The comment was deleted.
              1. The comment was deleted.
            2. The comment was deleted.
          2. +12
            22 December 2020 11: 39
            Quote: Dodikson
            a real dick and that he is a fighter against corruption

            You can endlessly look at three things:
            - how the water flows;
            - how the fire burns;
            - how they "poison" Navalny lol
            1. -21
              22 December 2020 12: 30
              Was he often hounded?
              By the way .. if Nemtsov somehow miraculously survived on the bridge .. wouldn't they say the same about him ??
              1. +4
                22 December 2020 19: 55
                Was he often hounded?

                In general, Kanalny was hounded four times ..)))))
                And it would be my will, this traitor of my country would just sit down and saddle!
                1. +13
                  22 December 2020 22: 36
                  And it would be my will, this traitor of my country would just sit down and saddle!

                  So it's about time! Collaborates with the CIA - evidence, secret accounts, video of meetings with agents, court, prison.
                  He fabricated the record - examination, charts, experts with explanations, court, prison.
                  There is no such FSB officer - a press conference, a general in full dress, evidence, a trial, a prison.
                  It's high time to demand from the authorities evidence of the illegal activities of the villain Navalny! And then some vague statements in the style of "he is."
                  There are already 20 + 15 million views of these vile videos on YouTube. It's time, as under the Soviet regime, to mint.
                  1. -2
                    23 December 2020 22: 50
                    Quote: Deck
                    It's time to demand from the authorities evidence of the illegal activities of the villain Navalny!

                    What are you! How can the authorities judge their own agent provocateur with the operational pseudonym "Gapon-2"?
                    1. 0
                      24 December 2020 09: 35
                      How the authorities can judge their own agent provocateur with the operational pseudonym "Gapon-2"

                      Are you also interested in Internet research? Together with CNN? When to expect a video on YouTube?
                2. -3
                  23 December 2020 00: 11
                  Quote: krot
                  just would sat and saddled this traitor to my country!

                  Yes, for this organism it is not enough to sit down. If he also turns gray during his imprisonment (I hope it will be from something), then the punishment will be considered fulfilled. Yes
              2. +2
                22 December 2020 21: 16
                Quote: Roman070280
                Was he often hounded?
                By the way .. if Nemtsov somehow miraculously survived on the bridge .. wouldn't they say the same about him ??

                Nemtsov was killed in the "right way" - no British miracle doctors in any Charite clinics will save him from "ridding him of everything with bandit bullets" ...
                But the "newbie", being the type of the world's most terrible chemical weapon of nerve action, has not yet poisoned anyone))))
                Well, perhaps Kivelidi, but in his case, they started talking about the "newbie" after his death ...
          3. +10
            22 December 2020 11: 51
            but you will see how many liberals and the state department here will defend the anal and write that he is a real dick and that he is a fighter against corruption and that the record is real

            You forgot to add: they will also shout about the Putin regime, which persecutes everyone and wets freedom, that the Pindos and Gayropa are Russia's best friends, and that this friendship is hindered by Putin and his company, that because of the Putin regime, everyone in Russia has already died out, not they can live in peace, every day they toss and turn on their pillow and cannot fall asleep, everyone thinks how to get away from Putin in geyrop and to pindo..sam. Now Putin and his team have invented a vaccine that does not help anyone, but kills everyone either immediately or after a while, usually, as soon as they come home after being vaccinated, it’s immediately capezz ... comes. He also distributes this vaccine everywhere, encroaches on freedom of speech and wants to poison the entire Geyrop West and Pindos ... with banderlogs so that they do not run away when the people liberate Ukraine from banderlogs ... etc., etc. ...
            Read the geyrop and ... new press, there is a lot of interesting things that you don't even know about, see above ...
            1. +5
              22 December 2020 12: 04
              but I have not forgotten. just didn’t begin to write already and so obvious things that would not be a big comment.
              and already on the cons you can see that they connected their bot farm.
            2. 0
              22 December 2020 18: 10
              Quote: The Truth
              Now Putin and his team have invented a vaccine that does not help anyone, but kills everyone either immediately or after a while, usually, as soon as they come home after being vaccinated, it’s immediately capezz ... comes.

              The funny thing is that "liberalism" for the vaccine (Plyushchev from Echo of Moscow and Smirnov from Mediazona know that they have already been vaccinated), and the common people, according to polls, AZ 70% "strongly against" or "rather against". https://ria.ru/20201204/vaktsinatsiya-1587608120.html So it's not entirely clear who you are arguing with.
              1. -2
                22 December 2020 19: 34
                According to polls, the people are against vaccinations, or they don't even know what is against vaccinations. But it doesn't matter, the people who have a computer from the Internet will find out that the people are against it. Against what, and against everything? And this is generally not important.
          4. +3
            22 December 2020 12: 27
            is a planned provocation aimed at discrediting the FSB of Russia and employees of the federal security service, the implementation of which would not have been possible without organizational and technical support foreign intelligence services

            That is, it was not just some fake record ??
            A very complicated operation from the technical point of view?
            Why any special equipment if there was no such conversation ??)

            The DSP stressed that the video with a telephone conversation between Navalny and an alleged FSB officer is fake, number substitution method subscriber is a well-known technique of foreign special services, which has been used more than once in various anti-Russian actions. This technique allows you to exclude the possibility of establishing real participants in the conversation.

            Why change the numbers if it's a fake ??)
            1. 0
              22 December 2020 13: 12
              Quote: Roman070280
              That is, it's not just some phony record was ??

              The "investigation" of Navalny was not started by this fake "record", which is only a PART of the "investigation", it is already a whole cycle.

              About him and speech in general.
              Quote: Roman070280
              Why change the numbers if it's a fake ??)
              said, I think. following:

              1 fake recording

              2.No one will buy a substituted number, because this is a well-known technique. And no one will hesitate about the soiled codpiece, trusting only the caller ID.
      2. +10
        22 December 2020 10: 29
        He revived the Newbie .. Surprised immensely by this BOV ... some kind of medicine, not poison. Maybe Skripal also freshened up after a course of treatment with the Novice.
        Navalny composes his stories so clumsy that one can immediately see an amateur in such matters ... Even the participation of MI6 consultants does not save us from punctures ... The ears of foreign specialists stick out from all sides in his stories.
        1. -6
          22 December 2020 10: 35
          Quote: Lech from Android.
          Navalny composes his stories so clumsy

          Poorly learned the text.
          Well, I was most likely worried
        2. +6
          22 December 2020 11: 39
          Quote: Lech from Android.
          Surprised immensely by this BOV ...

          it's time to start a case on the fact of wasting money in the manufacture of porridge newcomer, I don't know what should have turned out well, apparently the money was spent on the wrong
      3. +1
        22 December 2020 11: 42
        Quote: LIONnvrsk
        On the eve of Navalny published

        What a soulful face !! Yes

        Should drink less. Since when did drunken pancreatitis become a "newbie"?
      4. 0
        22 December 2020 11: 48
        What a soulful face !!
        This is what the so-called "fast" drug addicts who use stimulants look like.
      5. +1
        22 December 2020 11: 53
        Quote: LIONnvrsk
        What a soulful face !!

        In my opinion, the characterization given by Comrade Troshkin sounds better: "What a disgusting face!" (C) "Gentlemen of Fortune" laughing
      6. +3
        22 December 2020 12: 03
        Quote: LIONnvrsk
        What a soulful face !!

        And eyes like a fish.
      7. -1
        22 December 2020 14: 23
        On the eve, Navalny published another part of the investigation about the alleged involvement of FSB officers in his "poisoning". According to the oppositionist, he recorded a conversation with one of the eight officers who organized his poisoning.

        On the other end of the phone was probably A. Bortnikov himself or VVP? fool
        Leshik got into a very bad story, well, this is his choice.
    2. +41
      22 December 2020 10: 13
      Usually, when Oval calls FSB officers over an open and unencrypted connection, they immediately tell all the details of secret special operations by phone and repent of their deeds. It turns out that it was possible? What hamsters was this misinformation designed for? Collective farm level, and another oval failure.
      1. +16
        22 December 2020 10: 21
        I wonder how many people in our country think seriously that this clown was being persecuted, and even FSB officers ?! A hundred years ago, Trotsky was an ice pick in Brazil, but Navalny did not work in his country, the poison became damp ... wassat
        1. +1
          22 December 2020 10: 25
          After officials from the Ministry of Health and other effective managers, rummaged, reformed the system of specific medical institutions ... in short, the ranks of those replenished.
          1. +18
            22 December 2020 11: 31
            Quote: rocket757
            After officials from the Ministry of Health and other effective managers, rummaged, reformed the system of specific medical institutions ... in short, the ranks of those replenished.

            The fact is that everything in our wonderful country has degraded, including specialists.
            1. +8
              22 December 2020 11: 43
              forgive me, but the "novice porridge" was developed in the USSR and I remember that when working with it, one of the developers will throw off the skates after getting on the skin
            2. +5
              22 December 2020 12: 02
              Specialists do not appear by themselves ... they need to be prepared, taught, trained.
              Although, there is one more aspect that is very annoying ... big bosses, as a rule, someone's matchmakers, brothers, sons, etc., DO NOT tolerate someone other than flattering, not smart (sometimes well-disguised smart, but no less flattering ) subordinates !!! Their opinion is DEFINITIVE and against no one and say nothing. Here is such a trouble!
            3. +8
              22 December 2020 13: 16
              Quote: Malyuta
              The fact is that everything in our wonderful country has degraded, including specialists.

              Degraded so much that scientists-chemists are engaged in outdoor observation? I watched the video up to this point and realized that the hero of Nichols Cage in the movie "The Rock" just "nervously smokes on the sidelines." He did not look further.
              1. 0
                22 December 2020 14: 08
                "The Rock" is a crisp film. "These inventions are usually regretted afterwards. So this is not a teaching after all?"
        2. +41
          22 December 2020 10: 31
          Dear Joe Biden
          Or who is there for him?
          Lexey Navalny is writing to you
          Just before Christmas
          I'm fine so far
          Everything according to plan, everything in a bunch!
          "Navalny" is heard everywhere!
          You won't take us as a "Newbie"!
          Putin threatens me here
          FSB gets on the trail
          The Kremlin media are all barking
          And there is still no letter from you ...
          I've done it all, believe me
          I'm already on my way
          FSB threatens me with death
          Buy "dichlorvos"
          Why is my life like that?
          I'm not happy myself anymore
          Yesterday washing my panties
          Found rat poison
          Uncle Biden, take away
          Hurry me to you
          I beg for protection
          from the Russian KGB!
          wink drinks
          1. -1
            22 December 2020 10: 38
            Quote: major071
            Yesterday washing my panties
            Found rat poison
            Uncle Biden, take away
            Hurry me to you
            I beg for protection
            from the Russian KGB!

            Masterpiece !!!
            good drinks
          2. NKT
            22 December 2020 10: 54
            From Russian RCBs!
            1. +6
              22 December 2020 11: 07
              It can be more real and rhyme:
              Uncle Biden, take away
              Hurry me to you
              I beg for protection
              from the Russian FSB!
        3. +2
          22 December 2020 10: 43
          Quote: Nasr
          and Navalny did not work in his country, the poison became damp ...

          He quickly washed his panties ...
        4. -25
          22 December 2020 10: 48
          Most, but in the west, everything.
          1. +7
            22 December 2020 11: 27
            Quote: Prax1

            It's a lie!
          2. 0
            22 December 2020 14: 34
            You are probably a true "bulk" ...... good
        5. +4
          22 December 2020 10: 52
          Quote: Nasr
          Trotsky in Brazil with an ice pick

          I agree, only Trotsky is not in Brazil, but in Mexico ... Poison? And why on such a poison?
          1. +2
            22 December 2020 11: 33
            Quote: Mountain Shooter

            only Trotsky is not in Brazil, but in Mexico ...

            I agree..
        6. +8
          22 December 2020 11: 51
          Quote: Nasr
          I wonder how many people in our country think seriously that this clown was being persecuted, and even FSB officers ?! A hundred years ago, Trotsky was an ice pick in Brazil, but Navalny did not work in his country, the poison became damp ...

          When specialists of the FSB level plant drugs, this is normal, but when they answer a telephone conversation, is it a setup?

          The fact that Navalny is flooding is understandable; it is stupid to justify disorder and negligence, especially where it is so obvious.

          Moreover, the surveillance was confirmed at the highest level.
          1. -2
            22 December 2020 12: 01
            Quote: LinxS
            When specialists of the FSB level

            This is when it was?
            1. +5
              22 December 2020 12: 19
              Quote: El Chuvachino
              This is when it was?

              FSB officer detained with 8 kg of drugs


              About the best anti-terror department of the FSB Alfa and Vympel, will you find or help?
              1. 0
                22 December 2020 13: 17
                Something I did not see on your link anything about
                Quote: LinxS
                FSB-level specialists throw up drugs
                1. +2
                  22 December 2020 13: 26
                  Quote: El Chuvachino
                  Something I did not see on your link anything about

                  Ie the FSB officer detained with 8kg of drugs didn’t confuse you with anything? :)

                  The FSB officer and the police ordered the businessman planted drugs on the businessman and extorted money from him


                  Moscow courts will consider criminal cases against employees of the FSB and the Moscow police, who, on the order of one entrepreneur, tried to frame another with drugs in order to get a large sum of money from the latter.


                  Further search or is it enough? :)
                  Or will something be wrong again?
                  1. +6
                    22 December 2020 13: 30
                    Let us remember the callous case of Galunov, where was the "FSB EXPERTISE", which ultimately turned out to be a phony letter?

                    FSB officer to be tried for murder of KBR resident


                    Ex-employees of the Investigative Committee and the FSB will be tried for a bribe of 30 million rubles

                    FSB officer will be tried for stealing 9 Dagestan carpets

                    9 carpets were stolen!
                    FSB officers ...
                  2. -3
                    22 December 2020 14: 35
                    Accepted. Scratched the bottom of the barrel, well done! good
                    1. +7
                      22 December 2020 14: 56
                      I'm glad you had the dignity to admit that you were wrong. From me + for this.

                      But in general. I'm surprised that you reacted this way, especially after the FSB arrived in Gelendvagens.
                      The degradation of the structure is a fact.

                      P.S. I'm not saying that there are no normal and honest specialists!
          2. 0
            22 December 2020 13: 28
            Quote: LinxS
            When specialists of the FSB level plant drugs, this is normal, but when they answer a telephone conversation, is it a setup?

            That is, if a criminal was identified from among the clerical offices, then the rest are ...

            Noble "logic", yes ... lol
        7. -4
          22 December 2020 12: 19
          Quote: Nasr
          I wonder how many people in our country think seriously that this clown was being persecuted, and even FSB officers ?!

          According to your minuses, I see that 20% believe, and as a defender, according to my minuses, about 25%.
          The real figure of the entire "fifth column".
        8. +1
          22 December 2020 18: 54
          Quote: Nasr
          I wonder how many people in our country think seriously that this clown was being persecuted, and even FSB officers ?! A hundred years ago, Trotsky was an ice pick in Brazil, but Navalny did not work in his country, the poison became damp ... wassat

          Well, since Trotsky is in Brazil, then you are really an army! laughing
      2. -1
        22 December 2020 10: 28
        Quote: figvam
        What hamsters was this misinformation designed for?

        Well, this misinformation is designed for hamsters.
        1. +1
          22 December 2020 14: 58
          "What hamsters was this misinformation designed for?"
          "Well, this misinformation is intended for hamsters."
          The article is disgusting, I agree.
      3. +5
        22 December 2020 10: 35
        Watch the video
        He called through the number of a special switchboard for office negotiations, or rather, imitated it
        1. +3
          22 December 2020 10: 49
          Quote: Avior
          Watch the video
          He called through the number of a special switchboard for office negotiations, or rather, imitated it

          Well, wow, and the main poisoner immediately laid out everything as if in the spirit? The oval is just a genius of some kind, a nugget of its own kind. Usually we find out the details after many decades, when they remove the secrecy label, and here it turns out that all that was needed was the number of a special switchboard.
          Each self-respecting oppositionist has a number of a special switchboard at home for official negotiations. I can’t determine which ears are sticking out here, whether the CIA, or the Mi-6.
          1. +2
            22 December 2020 11: 07
            this is a State Department official and he lies that he breathes.
            he is trying to convince us that the FSB is so stupid that I don't know that the callerID is not worth faking, that even simple people have access to the SS7 protocols, and not that the Western special services. which can do so that the incoming number will show + marsiane_s_planeti_nibiru
            1. +7
              22 December 2020 12: 30
              Quote: Dodikson
              which can make so that the incoming number will show + marsiane_s_planeti_nibiru

              At the station, such an option is standard, called displying, it is turned on with the mouse in a couple of clicks and on the phone number you will see what you write there. Only then in the automatic telephone exchange billing you will find who called you
              1. 0
                22 December 2020 12: 32
                special services can make it so that in your billing it will be written that Trump called you, although Maduro called.
                1. The comment was deleted.
              2. 0
                24 December 2020 03: 49

                At the station, this option is standard, called displaying, is turned on with the mouse in a couple of clicks and on the phone call you will see what you write there. Only then in the automatic telephone exchange billing you will find who called you.

                And another option debilling is, you turn it on and all the suckers believe the trolls who earn 10 million pranks from them on youtube. likes per day.
          2. +3
            22 December 2020 11: 10
            and I'm not saying that this investigation was carried out by bulk. this is not his level.
            sure it’s not him.
            but here are the results, I do not see refutation, only general words, "provocation" and the like.
            What is simpler, they showed this man on TV, he said that he was not an FSB officer and they let everyone record his real voice.
            but something is wrong ...
            1. +3
              22 December 2020 11: 22
              Quote: Avior
              bulk. this is not his level.
              sure it’s not him.

              So he talks about it. Directly and more than once.
              The investigation was conducted by Bellingcat, The Insider, Der Spiegel and CNN.
              1. -8
                22 December 2020 11: 24
                I think that not only them.
                which is not surprising, by the way
                1. The comment was deleted.
                2. -2
                  24 December 2020 12: 10
                  Pivovarov made a report about those who were investigating.
            2. +3
              22 December 2020 12: 19
              Quote: Avior
              and I'm not saying that this investigation was carried out by bulk. this is not his level.
              sure it’s not him.
              but here are the results, I do not see refutation, only general words, "provocation" and the like.
              What is simpler, they showed this man on TV, he said that he was not an FSB officer and they let everyone record his real voice.
              but something is wrong ...

              The guards of the Russian branch of the Golden Calf sect must take their word for it)) Honest guys on Geliki cannot lie))
            3. MMX
              22 December 2020 16: 16
              Nobody should refute anything. Moreover, this kind of delusional actions that you suggested (like - that employee on the phone is not a real one, but here you are a real secret service employee ... wassat ).
              And - intellect.

              There are no official accusations, and there cannot be, in the absence of an evidence base that could be presented to the competent authorities.
          3. -2
            22 December 2020 12: 24
            Quote: Cron
            Well, wow, and the main poisoner immediately laid out everything as if in the spirit?

            Yeah, he did that when Navalny called that he immediately swam, "Letsik, I'm sorry! Unclean woman messed around! I'll tell you everything as if in spirit."
            For the bulk-sorosites, this fairy tale will do, although the state people will believe.
        2. +9
          22 December 2020 11: 45
          Quote: Avior
          He called through the number of a special switchboard for office negotiations, or rather, imitated it

          Do you really think that the liquidators will discuss the client with the left uncle by phone, even on the official one?
          1. +5
            22 December 2020 11: 54
            See pranks of Lexus and Vovan.
            not only junior performers discuss such things.
            People are not robots, there are conditions that provoke the violation of instructions
            1. +4
              22 December 2020 12: 03
              Quote: Avior
              Humans are not robots

              the liquidators live in certain conditions, they know perfectly well WHAT the wrong word threatens them, but about prankers it seems to me that in 19 cases out of 20 this is an outright mess, try to call Erdogan yourself
            2. +1
              22 December 2020 12: 31
              Quote: Avior
              People are not robots, there are conditions that provoke the violation of instructions

              The qualification is not the same. That's when Konovalets Sudoplatov slammed - a classic, and Bandera was trashed, a clean job. And most importantly, no telephones, in the NKVD-KGB it was strictly "Am I right, is Fuehrer Stirlitz standard?"
          2. 0
            22 December 2020 12: 26
            Quote: Vasilenko Vladimir
            Do you really think that the liquidators will discuss the client with the left uncle by phone, even on the official one?

            Even in American stupid action films you will not see this.
            Forgers are getting smaller.
        3. +5
          22 December 2020 13: 40
          Quote: Avior
          He called through the number of a special switchboard for office negotiations, or rather, imitated it

          He introduced himself as an UNKNOWN person, only recalling to a well-known person (not Patrushev, but a smaller bipod) and demanded information that had already been reported a hundred times upstairs under all possible secrets.

          Would you become a BRIDE to someone to tell secret things for which you gave a receipt for nondisclosure of state secrets to ANYONE, trusting only Caller ID? Without the approval of your superiors? Without an order?

          Moreover, being known all over the world thanks to the previous investigation of the bulk of the "surveillance" by Belinkets, i.e. computer experts of the West?

          After that, I think, they changed everything and were strictly forbidden to show their nose where, not to say that they should sing about coddies to a BRIDE to whom.
          1. +5
            22 December 2020 16: 25
            Quote: Olgovich
            Would you become a BRIDE to someone to tell secret things for which you gave a receipt for nondisclosure of state secrets to ANYONE, trusting only Caller ID? Without the approval of your superiors? Without an order?

            provided that, legally, the actions, although with the sanction of the state, are not legal and ANY specialist in this area will be perfectly aware of it, you will get caught - YOU NEVER GIVEN ANY ORDERS
          2. 0
            22 December 2020 16: 58
            Assistants of people of this level have never called me
            And what are you talking about - did they call the FSB officer or not?
            It is not clear from your post
            1. -1
              22 December 2020 21: 17
              Quote: Avior
              Assistants of people of this level have never called me

              Yes, even if Putin calls, NOBODY words without the sanction of the direct superior will not vyaknet no one knows who.

              here you go You Putin's assistant or CAM will call and say You give information, and even on a sensitive issue.

              What are your actions? Correctly, send to the BOARDING, report to him, throw responsibility on him.

              NOBODY will take the answer!

              This is how our man is arranged, from time immemorial.
              For the West, such things are rolled, for us, no.

              And the one who plays poker with Patrushev will answer.
              Quote: Avior
              what are you talking about - did they call the FSB officer or not?

              The clown "called" CLOWN, making a clownery.

              the patient has ALREADY called the FSB officers before, he actually warned them about the hunt for them.
              and everyone is on their guard anyway.
              1. 0
                22 December 2020 21: 21
                He says there that he called the morning of the day when the first video was released, up to this moment
        4. +2
          22 December 2020 22: 28
          Quote: Avior
          He called through the number of a special switchboard for office negotiations, or rather, imitated it

          The giant of thought from the room of a German hotel was able to generate a number with the help of a poisoned brain. special switch for office negotiations??

          Hats off to the "genius" of the failed "Fuhrer" Alyosha .. belay
      4. NI1
        22 December 2020 10: 39
        According to the idea, it should be, but ... But everyone dropped the pipes, except for one - an ordinary medical officer, who, being recruited and made a mistake, blabbed. I even agree that Navalny is the same recruited by the Western special services, like many others, but again, "but"! Is Navalny telling the truth in his investigations? That is, no, no high-ranking officials with dual citizenship? Did the oligarch and the state official not fry the fish on the yacht? Our patriotic officials do not have luxurious palaces and billionaire wives, and General Zolotov did not and did not have left income and a student grandson at a prestigious university in England?

        Understand, no matter how shitty and disgusting Navalny is, such people will be beaten in the weakest and most delicate place. In our country, this is state lies and corruption. And Navalny, we must give him his due, does his job very efficiently, even masterfully. Don't agree with this?

        Yes, about the FSB officers. Previously, yes, one could be sure that they were the elite, the best of the best. But these terrible times have passed. ))) Now we are in a democracy and even there not everything is so rosy. Let me remind you of a couple of cases: Colonel Zakharchenko. FSB officers set up journalist Ivan Golunov. A cortege of helicopters is a young growth of FSB officers in Moscow. The announcement on the federal wanted list of employees of the FSB, the Vympel and Alpha units on suspicion of robbery and theft. Continue further?

        Corruption, like poison, like rust, hit the entire state machine. All! EVERYTHING, my friends. Rot has crawled out of all the cracks, but you continue to believe that all this is nonsense and that bad boyars and sent Cossacks are just lying to the Tsar.
        Open your eyes. The 90s are knocking at your doors.
        1. +9
          22 December 2020 10: 53
          is it the anal planted by Ulyukaev? Did he put White in prison too?
          And he also opened the colonel of the billionaire and put him in prison? and who put the governors? Lechaim too?
          The anal didn’t fight anything, he was a thief himself, and he stole from the Belykh so that he didn’t have time to wipe the dust on his ears.
          1. +5
            22 December 2020 11: 02
            Quote: Dodikson
            Lechaim too?

            planted, planted and more than one ... the most famous, "Cleaver". Well, and other petty riffraff, young dubo / L \ ohm powdered brains, now they will walk with a stigma.
            1. +2
              22 December 2020 11: 08
              Well, the fact that he framed the people of the sea with this no one argues, but it has nothing to do with the fight against corruption.
              but I understand your sarcasm.
              1. +2
                22 December 2020 11: 45
                Quote: Dodikson
                not related to the fight against corruption.

                it's a murky business. The channel for draining the compromising material was used by the guys very clever.
                But this is their showdown, it has nothing to do with caring for the welfare of the people and the state.
                There, all foreign "tattoos" can be added ...
                in short, the usual "flush barrel" ... which imagines itself not know what.
        2. +5
          22 December 2020 11: 11
          Quote: NI1
          And he also opened the colonel of the billionaire and put him in prison? and who put the governors? Lechaim too?

          Your Navalny is just picking the problems that exist in any country. All coups take place according to the same scenarios, where corruption is usually brought to the fore. But after the coup, a bolt is put on it all. In Ukraine, didn't they go with the same slogans, didn't they carry out the same investigations? Is there less corruption now? Then why don't we see any more public outcry about this? Do the shepherds who came to power no longer need bio-waste on the streets?
        3. +1
          22 December 2020 16: 25
          [/ quote]. But everyone dropped the pipes, except for one - an ordinary medical officer, who, being recruited and blundered, blabbed. [quote]

          So recruited or an FSB officer?
      5. +1
        22 December 2020 11: 20
        On twitter, there is an orgy going on now.
      6. +3
        22 December 2020 11: 42
        Quote: figvam
        Usually, when Oval calls FSB officers over an open and unencrypted connection, they immediately tell all the details of secret special operations by phone and repent of their deeds.

        It so happened that I had to communicate with the employees of the "office", both in everyday life and at work, extremely educated people and, if necessary, they will convince you that it was you personally who shot Lenin, and this was a conversation with a neighbor, Uncle Vanya, and it is not clear what and what what topic
      7. -1
        22 December 2020 11: 56
        Quote: figvam
        What hamsters was this misinformation designed for? Collective farm level, and another oval failure.

        Everyone is usually guided by the level of his environment, what kind of environment such and statements.
      8. +11
        22 December 2020 12: 34
        Everything is possible in this life. And "CIA / MI6 ears".
        But in this case, what prevents the authorities from ordering a phonoscopic examination and publicly exposing Navalny of lying?
        I understand that the authorities have already done this? Or not?
        Or is something bothering you?
        For example, does the government fear that the fact of the conversation really took place? Or does the authorities think that it is beneath their dignity to stoop to such a thing?
        It is also possible.
        However, the representative of the authorities, Mr. Peskov, for some reason does not think so. And with all his energy he participates in the discussion. In the spirit of "it never existed".
        And it would be nothing ... Officially, he is allowed to carry any blizzard, in the words of Vladimir Vladimirovich, then the person was put in this post.
        But the point is different. It is not a question of the reaction of the Russian electorate to this murky history, everything is predictable here.
        The point is how this story will be evaluated in the West. In the East. On South. In the north.
        How will the leaders of the world powers perceive this story? And how they will treat Russia.
        This is what matters.
        Everything else is a trifle.
        1. +6
          22 December 2020 13: 56
          Quote: Cosm22
          What prevents the authorities from ordering a phonoscopic examination and publicly exposing Navalny of lying?

          This is actually the key question. If everything was staged by Navalny himself and his supporters, then why is not a libel case initiated? The topic has acquired such a resonance that the parliamentary investigation would not have hindered the public announcement of its course and results.
          Refusal to initiate proceedings and formal investigations in these circumstances is nothing more than the factual admission of guilt by the state.
      9. +5
        22 December 2020 16: 17
        Considering the level of professionalism of the FSB staff, anything is possible. Where can the professionals come from if the study is in uch. institutions of the FSB system begins with a bribe of 15 thousand. (at least 15 years ago) and ends with a Gelendvagen drive.
        1. -3
          22 December 2020 16: 24
          Quote: ohka_new
          if study in uch. institutions of the FSB system begins with a bribe of 15 thousand. (at least 15 years ago) and ends with a Gelendvagen ride

          Have you tried to do it yourself? Or are you all just through a bribe? And Gelendvagen for rent 2t-3 rubles / hour. Take it off and roll.
    3. +5
      22 December 2020 10: 13
      Alyosha himself does not conduct any investigations. It's not his mind to cook such things.
      1. +6
        22 December 2020 10: 21
        So their "office" does not shine with noticeable personnel in the field of something to investigate there.
        Just a "cistern" through which the opposing "clans, towers" poured compromising evidence on their rivals ... + plus foreign guardians, something there, add "peppercorns" to that utter dregs.
      2. NI1
        22 December 2020 10: 48
        Perhaps it doesn't. Most likely, he simply announces them. The question is what? That he presents other people's works as his own, or in what is contained in these investigations? )))

        He has already spent about a dozen or two of them, announced. Has anyone decided to file against him for libel? No. Everyone decided to pretend that there was no Navalny, no investigations, nothing that could deprive the life of heaven. ))) It's funny.
        1. -2
          22 December 2020 10: 58
          Quote: NI1
          He has already spent about a dozen or two of them, announced.

          Have we got a few officials on the cap, after investigations, the intervention of journalists? And how many such results he has.
          You also point out that he "rides" to the very top, and there are no defendants in fact .... and what can come of that, a bunch of overexcited, destructive elements, but what's the point!
          Everything is in the subject, in the case, when it has a decent result ... SHOW such, if any.
          I repeat, TOP, such as those "investigators" are never scary in any way. Therefore, they run around, for the time being, until they cross the line that the TOP have defined for them.
      3. +1
        22 December 2020 11: 12
        probably the investigation was not led by bulk. too professional and specific. that its results are not canceled by itself. and his refutations, except for general words, are not heard ...
    4. -2
      22 December 2020 10: 27
      Quote: rocket757
      Come on you.
      "Children's games of revenge" is for the most overexcited, to cheer up the brains!

      The service worker is always "with a cool head and clean hands," but if these hands grab the throat, then the head and body become cold. And Lyotsik Novichok, some hands spared, while others let out a tear.
      It was always back, if some hands got hold of someone, the other hands were silent and pretended not to see anything.
      1. 0
        22 December 2020 10: 42
        Quote: tihonmarine
        It was always back, if some hands got hold of someone, the other hands were silent and pretended not to see anything.

        One "agent" comes into conflict with a certain reagent ... muddy games under the slogan, and sho, was it not possible?
        1. 0
          22 December 2020 11: 10
          Quote: rocket757
          muddy games under the slogan, and sho, couldn't it be so?

          It is possible, but we did not notice it.
    5. +3
      22 December 2020 10: 30
      about resources - one (west) is stronger and more perverse than our "bloody gebny" .... if they can (could) keep an open agent on foreign territory
      1. -1
        22 December 2020 10: 43
        such frames are resold 33 times, go and figure out whose agent he is, in the end.
        1. 0
          22 December 2020 11: 11
          Quote: rocket757
          such frames are resold 33 times, go and figure out whose agent he is, in the end.

          And in the end, everyone gets bored with this agent, and he is simply brushed off the "chessboard". What we see.
          1. 0
            22 December 2020 11: 49
            There are NO irreplaceable!
            Whom will we "match" now will be .... Lady Julia, it seems.
            1. 0
              22 December 2020 11: 59
              Quote: rocket757
              Whom will we "match" now will be .... Lady Julia, it seems.

              Pulled out of a dusty suitcase.
              1. -1
                22 December 2020 13: 56
                So she did not particularly "signal" anywhere, the combat friend of the disaster ... she will shine in a duet with the Belarusian "Zhanna D Ark" .... for the first time she will come down, and then the curators will still hurry up and blind us to a new leader.
        2. +1
          22 December 2020 12: 39
          Go figure out whose agent he is, after all.
          --- so he works for Naryshkin? or Patrushev?
          1. +1
            22 December 2020 14: 03
            Quote: antivirus
            Go figure out whose agent he is, after all.
            --- so he works for Naryshkin? or Patrushev?

            If you look closely bully ... shpiena games in full.
        3. +1
          22 December 2020 15: 13
          "Such shots are resold 33 times" The experience in personnel is probably great. If so, give information to the public where, when, to whom he sold. Have a document? video, etc. If not, why are you better than a market aunt with seeds. Although it is more useful. even though he feeds the sparrows, but not delirium.
          1. -1
            22 December 2020 19: 00
            If something is not known, it means that they do not work well ..... those who should.
            The recruitment of agents is not news in this kind of environment ... over time, many facts will come to light, just wait.
            In the meantime, a simple question, and for whom at a given time.
    6. The comment was deleted.
    7. +2
      22 December 2020 10: 44
      Quote: rocket757
      "Investigation of Navalny" - revenge of the Western special services of Russia for Snowden

      Come on you.
      "Children's games of revenge" is for the most overexcited, to cheer up the brains!
      Everything always comes to the understanding that there is a struggle for resources and spheres of influence that are needed to obtain the same resources.

      So who will believe, they are not Estonians ... Yes
      1. +1
        22 December 2020 11: 04
        Quote: cniza
        So who will believe, they are not Estonians ...

        Everything, the whole conversation about politics ... and the fight goes for RESOURCES!
        1. +1
          22 December 2020 11: 15
          Navalny represents the Western bourgeoisie and capital, with their interests, and Putin is the representative of the Russian bourgeoisie and capital, with their interests, both are robbing the people.
          1. +4
            22 December 2020 11: 51
            Quote: Pessimist22
            both are robbing the people.

            So it is ... the choice, in this case, is not great, it is necessary to CREATE other options that will be much closer to us.
        2. +3
          22 December 2020 12: 16
          Quote: rocket757
          Quote: cniza
          So who will believe, they are not Estonians ...

          Everything, the whole conversation about politics ... and the fight goes for RESOURCES!

          Precisely, it is just beginning ...
          1. +2
            22 December 2020 14: 16
            Everything will be even cooler when the problem with water manifests itself ... and it pulls EVERYTHING and EVERYTHING with it !!!
            1. +3
              22 December 2020 14: 27
              Yes, all the wars of the future will be for water, and again we have a lot of it ...
              1. +3
                22 December 2020 14: 29
                There is a baby ... a lot of energy will have to be spent so as not to squander, to preserve such a vital resource.
                1. +2
                  22 December 2020 15: 32
                  Yes, otherwise China will drill into Baikal and will pump it out, soon icebergs will begin to carry ...
                  1. +1
                    22 December 2020 19: 07
                    Who wants to carry icebergs, while others rushed to guard them !!
                    And rushed!
                    1. +2
                      22 December 2020 20: 49
                      There they will begin to score fields, this is my sea, etc.
    8. 0
      22 December 2020 11: 10
      Come on you.
      "Children's games of revenge" is for the most overexcited, to cheer up the brains!

      So it seems to me that we had a quarrel with the Germans - this time, Navalny was evacuated from under investigation - these are two, the topic of the poisoning of "innocent" people by Russia was raised all over the world - these are three.
      More than enough results. hi
      1. +1
        22 December 2020 11: 56
        Quote: Alex777
        More than enough results.

        No, no, there, in a city on a hill, such a ... enemy can / should be connected to the Russian theme! Experienced, smart, with her team the same !!!
        Then everything will be dashing and will manifest itself, the attempts of the previous administration will seem to us a light breeze, compared to the storm that should rise!
        We will, we will not, we will find out very soon.
        1. 0
          22 December 2020 12: 33
          God will not betray, the pig will not eat. hi
          They will not benefit from hostility with Russia.
          Democrats now have things to do in the States.
          Well, China will not let them get bored. Definitely.
          1. +2
            22 December 2020 14: 13
            The world, after the "crown", will not be the same, all the more, the crisis, which had been laid down long ago, began to gain momentum, long before the universal lockdown!
            ANYONE will not be "bored"!
            1. +1
              22 December 2020 15: 31
              We are lucky to live in Russia. We'll be fine. wink drinks
    9. +1
      22 December 2020 12: 41
      Pozner considered the sanctions against Russia a "punishment" for Putin's 2007 speech in Munich, TV presenter Vladimir Pozner said.

      Perhaps I agree more with him.
    10. +3
      22 December 2020 13: 34
      The conversation has already been intercepted wink
    11. The comment was deleted.
    12. +1
      22 December 2020 15: 24
      From social networks:
      "And someone has already found an explanation as the poison from the" groin of the panties "of Navalny, got on the neck of the bottle of Maria Singers? What was going on there ?!"
  2. +5
    22 December 2020 10: 15
    TNT project moved to Germany. "Bulk and cowards in the house -2".
    1. +5
      22 December 2020 10: 32
      Someday Navalny's panties will cost a lot of money at auctions.
      1. +6
        22 December 2020 12: 05
        They will be placed under glass in the FSB museum between the photograph of the Salisbury Cathedral
        and a revolver of Dzerzhinsky. laughing
        The caption will read: "The cowards are rendered harmless by our workers in a heroic
        operations in Omsk "
        1. +3
          22 December 2020 12: 37
          there is, you know, another option :)
          But Mauser C96 is inextricably linked with the image of a Soviet commissar and security officer in a leather jacket. In particular, this pistol was the favorite weapon of the founder of the Cheka Felix Dzerzhinsky, who was born near Ashmyany.

          but there is another version from his grand-nephew
          - At exhibitions on the history of special services, the central exhibit is often the Dzerzhinsky Mauser. Did he use it?

          - He was put in his service. But he also had an award weapon. There were attempts on Dzerzhinsky's life when they threw a grenade into his office, then there were several more attempts. But he protected himself from weapons, as he was an open person.

    2. -5
      22 December 2020 10: 41
      Quote: Guards turn
      "Bulk and cowards in the house -2".

      And then I think why this cat was covered ...
      Onaa behind the basement faded to germany laughing
  3. +10
    22 December 2020 10: 16
    A new anecdote has appeared:
    "If on February 23 your wife, mistress, friend (underline the necessary) presents you with panties, you can immediately ask her: - You, what do you want my death?"
  4. +6
    22 December 2020 10: 18
    I don’t believe in this performance! All this is exaggerated in the media, although nafig he did not surrender to anyone .. this pseudo blogger. Some schoolchildren watch it)
    1. +2
      22 December 2020 10: 38
      Quote: janin
      I don’t believe in this performance! All this is exaggerated in the media, although nafig he did not surrender to anyone .. this pseudo blogger.

      The media is like a trash can for food waste, standing in July, at our entrance.
      But all the special services are silent. They know what a "bazaar" is.
      Here's an example, Roosevelt was poisoned, and everyone is quietly silent, the same with Kennedy. And when Zhdanov and Shcherbakov were removed, Stalin did not remain silent, that it happened that some know, while others guess.
      1. -2
        22 December 2020 10: 59
        Roosevelt was soon shot in the head with a pistol.
        and there is a high probability that his wife was the executor.
        therefore he was buried in a closed coffin and his wife convinced everyone that these were the traditions of the Roosevelt house.
        1. +1
          22 December 2020 11: 23
          Quote: Dodikson
          Roosevelt was soon shot in the head with a pistol.
          and there is a high probability that his wife was the performer

          Rather an assistant. The wife insisted on an autopsy and exhumation. Even under Kennedy, Valentin Zorin asked him "why don't you give permission?" to which he replied "why, you can't bring him back anyway," and a few months later he himself was killed.
          1. 0
            22 December 2020 11: 26
            perhaps, but I did not see the information that the wife demanded something there,
            But the fact that she lied to journalists' questions about the closed coffin, saying that these are the traditions of the Roosevelt house (although it was a lie, his brother and father were shown to people in an open coffin) I read more than once.
            that is, she is an accomplice and she did not need an autopsy and exhumation.
            although about her could be misled. only the organizers of the murder know the truth, and most likely they have already been alive for a long time.
            1. +1
              22 December 2020 11: 49
              Quote: Dodikson
              but I did not see the information that the wife demanded something there,
              but the fact that she lied to journalists' questions about the closed coffin, saying that these are the traditions of the Roosevelt house (although it was a lie, his brother and father were shown to people in an open coffin) I read more than once

              Of course you won't, but Eleanor's son found Roosevelt's will, where he bequeathed to expose his body for the people to say goodbye to him.
              And near the grave of Roosevelt there was an armed guard for about a year, they were afraid of illegal exhumation.
              And Roosevelt's daughter-in-law Anne also wrote.
              1. -1
                22 December 2020 12: 09
                so it is Eleanor's son, not Eleanor.
                1. 0
                  22 December 2020 15: 39
                  Quote: Dodikson
                  so it is Eleanor's son, not Eleanor.

                  In my father's safe. Rather, she knew everything, maybe that's why Truman didn't touch her, and even asked to work on the creation of the UN.
                  1. -1
                    22 December 2020 15: 59
                    or, as I wrote, she was an accomplice.
                    and it is even quite possible that the performer
                    1. 0
                      22 December 2020 17: 24
                      Quote: Dodikson
                      or, as I wrote, she was an accomplice.
                      and it is even quite possible that the performer

                      No woman of theirs is not capable of this, it will shoot ours if you drink the whole salary.
    2. NI1
      22 December 2020 10: 52
      You are wrong. Navalny is not only watched by young people. And middle age watches it too. Namely, this category of people, in which case, is ready to take to the streets and even knock on the barricades. Is there no critical thinking? Who will learn the lessons? Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Belarus, Ukraine - are they not enough? Well, if yes, then you can continue to call Navalny "oval, anal, clown", the question will not solve. And Alexey does his job.
      1. +3
        22 December 2020 11: 29
        Quote: NI1
        Namely, this category of people, in which case, is ready to take to the streets and even knock on the barricades. Is there no critical thinking?

        There is critical thinking. China Shadow Yang Min Square. And no one else wants to knock on the barricades. "
      2. -3
        22 December 2020 16: 00
        and what good were the revolutions in "Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Belarus, Ukraine"?
        and why do we need it?
        1. NI1
          23 December 2020 06: 15
          And what happened later is "later". People go to the streets and barricades not from a good life. Not from laziness, stupidity, or anything else. People are being pressured by taxes, inflation, debts, loans, then a critical moment comes and that's it, prepare soldiers who will shoot at their citizens. When the elite and the government lose touch with reality, they are forgotten, citizens go to change this government. It will be good or bad, it will be learned later. Or do you all hope to scare people with 90? ))) Well, those who were just born in the 90s, and their entire conscious youthful life passed in the 2000s, will go out on the street.
          1. -3
            23 December 2020 06: 47
            pass it on to your curator to select examples and comments more competently.
            in Libya, people went to the barricades just because of a good life, they lived the best in Africa and most other countries, but they like you explained that they live really badly and after that they began to live really badly.
            the kaklov have the same theme, they may have lived not smartly, but quite tolerably, but after they went for the likes of you, the Jews began to live lousy.
            1. NI1
              23 December 2020 07: 02
              Okay, I'll pass it on. But be aware that our guidelines are updated very often. It happens 2-3 times a day, depending on the topic and the intensity of the events.
              Yes, there are many of us, we all work for currency, there are enemies around you, agents of the State Department, Massada and MI6. )))
              The bulk agent of all these intelligence services, Grudinin is a secret oligarch, a Kremlin project. There is no truth anywhere except in your head and on the air of Channel One!
    3. +4
      22 December 2020 11: 18
      Quote: janin
      I don’t believe in this performance! All this is exaggerated in the media, although nafig he did not surrender to anyone .. this pseudo blogger. Some schoolchildren watch it)

      Really! Whether it is an associate professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Nikolai Nikolayevich Platoshkin ... This is a "real foe" ... Therefore, he was arrested and kept under house arrest, and unnecessary Navalny was released to Germany for treatment ...
      And I also don’t believe in the theft of 680 rubles from the Russian Guard when purchasing uniforms. such an honest leader cannot have thieves-generals ... I don’t believe!
      1. 0
        22 December 2020 15: 42
        Quote: ROSS 42
        such an honest leader cannot have thieves-generals ... I don’t believe!

        If Stalin had, then they can now. Only Stalins dealt with such "modestly, but with taste."
    4. +1
      22 December 2020 17: 39
      Yeah, of course, a pseudo blogger, a microbe, but who needs it, that's the way our head of state said))) And in the last interview they confirm that FSB operatives were spying on him))) It turns out that he is not such a microbe))
  5. -2
    22 December 2020 10: 18
    Even schoolchildren are no longer interested in Navalny. It would be necessary, it would have been "zeroed" long ago. Ty-fu, - an ignoramus.
  6. 0
    22 December 2020 10: 18
    ... The DSP stressed that the video with a telephone conversation between Navalny and an alleged FSB officer is a fake

    And what is a fake then?
    Is the employee not real or was it not he or was the Record corrected?
    For those who do not know, on the eve of the publication of Navalny's last video that FSB officers were following him early in the morning, they contacted all of them in the style of Lexus and Vovan and tried to talk. Specifically, the one about which we are talking, talking.
    Yesterday Bulk posted this conversation online.
    And it is not clear what the fake is, and what is the provocation in his video about the investigation?
    1. nnm
      22 December 2020 10: 23
      We already wrote a little higher, I will repeat ... where is there reliable evidence that the one who is on the tape is an employee of the special services and the voice belongs to him? No!
      And most importantly, although, in fact, this is not a proof, but a conclusion (as well as with Navalny) - a special service employee, moreover, busy with the liquidation, answers through the usual channel xs to whom that he killed and also repents for it, discussing cowards, etc. (those details that he would have stated a hundred times in the report and that once he spoke with the curators, and then there were questions on the open line)? Well, this is not even funny, but simply does not deserve the slightest attention.
      1. 0
        22 December 2020 10: 37
        Sometimes it's helpful to look at the subject of the conversation.
        He called, forging the number of a special service switchboard for FSB officers
        1. 0
          22 December 2020 10: 58
          Quote: Avior
          He called, forging the number of a special service switchboard for FSB officers

          Who gave him this number?
          1. +2
            22 December 2020 11: 28
            he has an explanation of where the number comes from. From billing
            but I think that this business could not be done without very competent and professional people
        2. -7
          22 December 2020 11: 02
          so he called the number that the NSA officers faked the number of a special service switch for anal.
        3. nnm
          22 December 2020 11: 04
          Oh, stop .... do you understand what kind of employees you are talking about?)))) These people, even if they call them in the voice of their mother, will not say anything. There are so many people who served here, ask them - they would call them not on the ZAS, but on another communication channel, at least with any call sign and with any voice, and would have asked to disclose the content of any Soviet secret document - and not a single word did not say, because working with the state secret is driven into the level of reflexes. And here we are talking about such a special group. Well, it's just ridiculous to read this on a profile forum.
          1. 0
            22 December 2020 11: 09
            really as if on a forum of housewives discussing.
            1. nnm
              22 December 2020 11: 49
              Best comments, right word! This, in fact, is even ridiculous to discuss .... wolfhounds begin to repent when you call do not understand who. Yes, if it was real from the curator called, then after such remorse on the air, he himself would have lived a very short time and a heart attack in the next couple of hours would have been guaranteed. In fact, he tells the curator that he is ready to confess to the murder and repents! Wolfhound, mlyn !!!! Yes, he will be finished immediately, as a probable source of leakage, and he should know about it perfectly well. Like no one else. The same curator, in a second, will finish the conversation and give this command. The feeling that such "revelations" are calculated on children.
              1. -4
                22 December 2020 12: 12
                Yes, it's not even about the wolfhounds, but about the fact that everyone here served, and they know what the ZAS is, what the verification procedure is, and they all forgot segments of their lives and became such civilians with the brains of a housewife that they are discussing such a stupid fake.
        4. +3
          22 December 2020 11: 17
          Quote: Avior
          He called, forging the number of a special service switchboard for FSB officers

          And why did you decide that you can access the public network from this switch and those who use it do not know about it?
          1. +2
            22 December 2020 11: 31
            watch the video, there is an explanation
            and there is always a chance that at least someone will violate the instructions, if you correctly provoke him to this.
            intelligence is on that.
            1. -1
              22 December 2020 11: 46
              Quote: Avior
              watch the video, there is an explanation

              I have no desire to watch the fancy of a dump. Now all service networks have long been separated from public networks and the traffic there is encrypted, and hardware-based. It is only in Hollywood fairy tales that a hacker clings to the switchboard at home and gut the office computer of the chairman of the board.
              And if you believe this Georgy Appolinarich of the 21st century, then continue to believe further
              1. +3
                22 December 2020 11: 57
                who said I believe?
                I am waiting for a refutation from the respective people, to begin with, at least in words.
                And I don't see him.
                8 people are silent, as they filled their mouths with water.
                Although they were directly accused of a serious crime
      2. +1
        22 December 2020 11: 05
        There is no proof and never will be !!! And I also want to tell you about audio. At the moment, you can fake a person's voice. And not only the voice. Sber showed the possibilities by recreating Georges Miloslavsky. Only a sample is needed !!!
        1. +3
          22 December 2020 11: 36
          you can fake, only you won't deceive the expertise anyway
          1. nnm
            22 December 2020 11: 50
            And who did the examination of the votes of the FSB officers? Do you even know how it is done? I beg you, just do not say that some kind of recording of a couple of phrases is enough ...
            1. +3
              22 December 2020 12: 00
              So I ask why these people are not visible on TV, so that their voices can be recorded in a volume sufficient for an examination.
              21st century, it is enough for any of them to make a call ...
              1. nnm
                22 December 2020 12: 06
                Sorry, colleague, I misunderstood you initially. Such an examination, if carried out by scientific methods, is a huge complex of measures - from a psychological portrait, duplication of an emotional state at the time of recording to determining a model, a brand of equipment, for there are nuances. Just to say - what, the voice is really similar, this is the height of idiocy in the 21st century of technology. Therefore, many commentators are simply surprising. Well, really, more naive than children. Simply, if interested: https://sudexpa.ru/expertises/ustanovlenie-prinadlezhnosti-zapisannogo-golosa-i-zvuchashchei-rechi-konkretnomu-litcu-identifikatcii-govoriashchego/
              2. -2
                22 December 2020 12: 15
                why would the CIA show its people on TV?
          2. 0
            22 December 2020 12: 43
            Quote: Avior
            you can fake, only you won't deceive the expertise anyway

            Who is the expert here? And some BELIEVE the FSB expertise, others do not ... So I believe that Oval fabricated EVERYTHING, or rather, not he, but for him, he only voiced it. And you believe HIM. And only God will judge us ...
            1. +3
              22 December 2020 13: 23
              What makes you think that I believe him? Why would I believe him, he is nobody to me.
              I look at the mutual reaction
              And I see there is a direct accusation, and I do not see the same direct refutation.
              And I draw conclusions for myself.
              1. 0
                22 December 2020 14: 17
                Quote: Avior
                And I see there is a direct accusation, and I do not see the same direct refutation

                There is a direct refutation. The FSB said clearly - falsification. This is not an argument for you ... There is nothing more stupid than trying to make excuses when you were slandered. Those who slandered will continue to lie, piled one on top of the other ... Before you can think of a refutation of one lie, two new ones will be rolled out to you right there ...
      3. NI1
        22 December 2020 11: 15
        The FSB officers are, of course, tough guys. Highly. But these are fewer and fewer. Let me remind you about a couple of our professional specialists who went to Salisberry. Then they said they were gay. )))
        But that was long ago. Here's one of the last: in the Irkutsk region, it seems, they are investigating the following case: FSB officers covered gold mining, grabbed from the heart and, greed ruined the fraer, they were imprisoned. But it was not there! They are "faces"! Being detained and under investigation, they went to their home, boozed and threw drugs in the investigator's office, walked around the city, cheated on their wives and mistresses and ... filmed it all on the phone and posted it on social networks. ))) So much for the FSB! Professionals! And how many more of these "specialists" are there?
        1. nnm
          22 December 2020 11: 52
          You are very much mistaken when you equate operas, the special department of the FSB and their economic units. Let me tell you a secret, the former simply despise the latter. There are many friends in the office and the fact that there are a lot of real pros there, I guarantee that
          1. NI1
            23 December 2020 06: 35
            Yes, I do not deny that there are honest, and smart, and cunning, and loyal to the Motherland and people. But what's the point? How many others are corrupt, greedy, stupid, etc.? Arashukov was in the Senate! For murder many years ago he was taken. And before that no one knew? Is there not a single FSB officer in the Kremlin and Lubyanka? Chubais is clean and there is nothing to take him for? Serdyukov in office, awards and at large? Rogozin ruined the whole space industry? Medicine, science? There is no FSB officer to ask any questions?

            Guys, you go to the store every day, to the pharmacies. Is the population growing in your region? Is there natural population growth? Is the national currency doing well? Does the size of the pension ensure a comfortable and comfortable old age? )))

            Don't deceive yourself. This is the last thing.
        2. 0
          22 December 2020 12: 46
          Quote: NI1
          Let me remind you about a couple of our professional specialists who went to Salisberry.

          Did they really drive? And really FSB-schnicks ...? If you believe this nonsense, nothing else makes sense ...
      4. 0
        22 December 2020 11: 15
        Quote: nnm
        We already wrote a little higher, I will repeat ... where is there reliable evidence that the one who is on the tape is an employee of the special services and the voice belongs to him?

        Good question! I think the relevant authorities will listen to you and conduct a detailed investigation. We wait.
    2. +2
      22 December 2020 10: 23
      You, as always, do not understand)
      1. +2
        22 December 2020 10: 42
        Do you understand? Explain. Only on the facts.
    3. +8
      22 December 2020 10: 24
      A friend's father worked in the FSB in the same oblast. So he says that only serious people come to the FSB building to discuss. You can't over the phone. And then the supposedly super poisoner laid out everything. It's funny.
      1. +2
        22 December 2020 10: 33
        no one believes in the power of democratic X-rays - at any distance they untie the tongue at whom they are directed. the CIA secret is not available to ours.
    4. -1
      22 December 2020 10: 30
      I can, if you wish, try to explain it to you.
      1. +1
        22 December 2020 10: 44
        I do not need your "interpretations" but explanations with links to facts and references. Can you? I will be grateful.
        And if without facts and references, I'm not interested.
        1. -4
          22 December 2020 12: 44
          art is deeply indebted to you .. and Navalny
    5. +3
      22 December 2020 10: 30
      Yeah got into a conversation .... on an unprotected line began to "spread the truth to the uterus" ... laughing
      The fake is meant, they called a completely left pretzel, which "got into a conversation", and presented everything as if they were calling an FSB officer.

      the method of substituting a subscriber number is a well-known technique of foreign special services, which has been used more than once in various anti-Russian actions.

      That is, on the video they are "calling the number" on the camera, they say "see for yourself", but in fact the dialing goes to a completely left person.
      1. -2
        22 December 2020 10: 39
        There is his photo, number, surname, etc.
        You can check the record because
        Let's see if they check
        Bulk's previous video was not even checked, and it was also denied
        1. -1
          22 December 2020 10: 51
          Yeah photo, passports, bank cards and many more personal data smile I'm bursting with laughter now ... The secret dossier for the agent is not enough.
        2. 0
          22 December 2020 12: 42
          what would the "killer" talk about his actions?
          yes, no fee?
          yes ... yes ...
    6. +3
      22 December 2020 10: 35
      Are you seriously belay.. I can imagine how some individuals call Naryshkin or Bortnikov and try to talk them about official matters on the phone ... Isn't that funny to you yourself?
    7. +4
      22 December 2020 10: 40
      Do you really believe that Patrushev will call an ordinary employee on a regular phone with questions and he will answer them?))) Even in the lousy structure of the lousy country there are clear instructions for this. no one will answer on the phone any questions about operational work without identifying the caller. it is an axiom. at a time when it was not possible to see who was calling and, in general, phones worked through the switch, a password was called that changed daily. just a control word. it's even more difficult now. this whole record itself is a fake because all procedures are completely absent. I don't even touch on the topic of conversation. this is generally nonsense. try to call an ordinary familiar policeman from operatives yourself by changing the number and voice and ask a question about his affairs. You can even introduce yourself as Pope. then tell.
      1. -2
        22 December 2020 11: 06
        it was not Patrushev who called there, but allegedly his assistant.
        and people were not caught on pranks of this level, but quite a state one, and this was pure prank, only far from joking
        at a time when it was not possible to see who was calling and, in general, phones worked through the switch, a password was called that changed daily. just a control word. it's even more difficult now.

        Are you an FSB officer? How do you know this?
        There will always be at least someone who does not follow the instructions, this is life.
        In this case, one of eight contacted ....
        1. 0
          22 December 2020 11: 14
          First of all, they never caught intelligence officers on pranks for the reasons I have named. I know from the job and the work moments that are associated with this. You have been here for a long time and it is high time to understand that there are many people here who either served or are still serving. And they know a lot from personal experience.
          1. -1
            22 December 2020 11: 18
            and they told you about the information security system in the FSB? and you brought this to us?
            A ready-made criminal case, together with you, by the way. Do you think I'll take this seriously?
            Doing pranks with operatives is not a Lexus level. This is the level of another serious special service. Maybe they do exist, only nobody voices them.
            1. +2
              22 December 2020 11: 24
              Well, in general, it is gratifying that you recognize the obvious fact: there have been wars of special services, provocations of some against others, have been and will always be. And there are even Navalny's cowards, even Powell's test tube, even Babchenko in "pig's" blood ... there are many options.
              1. +1
                22 December 2020 12: 04
                The fact that the intelligence agencies were involved in obtaining information does not make the information itself false.
                To refute it in this case, if it is false, is easy. Only do not refute.
                And "provocations" is a common word ....
                1. -3
                  22 December 2020 12: 34
                  If someone says to you that you are an alien, will you begin to deny it or do you still want to call the dvrka?) The state does not refute nonsense. It ignores him as a fact
                  1. +4
                    23 December 2020 00: 44
                    if such an accusation is brought against me and on the basis of this sanction they will introduce, of course, I will refute as much as possible.
                    You are not?
            2. -4
              22 December 2020 11: 26
              I answered quite specifically. Even a simple operational staff in the Ministry of Defense, which you will not believe, also exists, any conversation on open lines begins with a callsign. By cellular communication, the caller will simply be sent who he does not call himself. Stupidity checks are carried out regularly and it is better not to get caught. Disclosure of operational information is an article.
              1. nnm
                22 December 2020 12: 26
                To be honest, I can't imagine that on any line that does not have guaranteed durability, I would voice at least one word from the stamped information. This is an article right away. And the same questioner can test you. You just say - "Comrade General, allow me to report on the ZAS equipment" and that's it. Not a single chief, of any level, will say a word to you, because he understands that this is a Turma, and the special officers do not sleep.
                1. -1
                  22 December 2020 12: 30
                  That their security officers, that special officers in other places, often provoke such things on purpose. Even ordinary civilians with admission can be puzzled with such a call) and God forbid you blurt out something) damn) I couldn't even get the unit number from my father in due time) he couldn't even say that to his son) and here is the FSB opera)))
                  1. nnm
                    22 December 2020 12: 33
                    That's it!!! That's why I wrote above that the rules for working with secret documents and information are hammered into the subconscious level. And here we are talking about a special team, in which, probably, toilets in houses report every second about the level of sugar in the blood. And then they begin to cry and repent along an open line
              2. +1
                22 December 2020 12: 26
                I answered quite specifically.

                I see only a set of your inventions - the further, the more colorful
                if you can confirm, please confirm.
                and also confirm that the violation was fundamentally impossible. It was one of the 8.
                1. -1
                  22 December 2020 12: 37
                  Oh my God. My last post was Chief of Intelligence. We crossed paths with competitors all the time. Will you be satisfied with such an answer? And yes. I was given both callsigns and passwords under the stamp. Or are you waiting for details?)
                  1. +1
                    22 December 2020 13: 30
                    And what from this?
                    The password is given to any nachkar, it’s unseen.
                    What has this to do with the real practice of telephone communication adopted by the FSB and the possibility of its violation, especially in an atypical situation, when an assistant of a very big boss calls you on an allegedly important matter?
                    1. -1
                      22 December 2020 13: 52
                      Are you kidding me now or just ...? You asked, I answered you, how would I know. On any business trip or to ensure privacy, there are always contacts. Introductory information is given to ensure them. It happened to me regularly. In no other way, even the direct superior will not receive information via an open line. That would not relax their SB conducts checks for lice so let's call them. The employee's code is asked to violate the instructions. If you get caught, consider that your career is over. This happens not only with them, but with any carrier of classified information. Not even to civilians. Even a district policeman will not reveal operational information to you by phone. I said everything. Want to believe in fools is your business. Nothing will convince you anyway.
                      1. +2
                        22 December 2020 14: 06
                        Believe or not believe is your part, it seems.
                        For me, facts are more important than reasoning in style - he could not go to the red, because it is prohibited in the traffic rules.
                        And the fact looks very simple - in the video, they artificially provoked the disclosure of information by an atypical situation, a direct call from a very large bosses, and it is quite possible that the employee simply did not know how the bosses would react to his links to the instructions. Just like in the army, some deputy or assistant to the Minister of Defense will call some platoon officer on a service number and ask about something in a few words for a report to the Minister - no one will be at a loss.
                        What are you proving now? There is a video of the passage to red, and instead of starting to say that it is not you, the car is not yours, and there was no such situation, and in general you were in another city at that time and demand an examination of the recording, instead you insist that you are nothing could not break, because the rules for red prohibit driving.
                        And you think that this should convince someone? Well, I will not interfere with you further pouring from empty to empty, since you have nothing more to say ...
                      2. -1
                        22 December 2020 14: 47
                        IMPOSSIBLE. this does not happen and has not been and will not be. you apparently did not work with the secret and have no idea what it is. All your arguments are based on the fact that there are some bad ones working. This is far from the case. You do not understand the mechanisms like Navalny himself, and all this is designed for office hamsters who, like you, simply do not understand what they are talking about. Reminds people who stand at a bus stop and enthusiastically argue about which is better lambo or horse. For a start it is worth sitting in them at least once.
                      3. +2
                        22 December 2020 15: 16
                        Do you know how direct evidence differs from indirect evidence?
                        And why are straight lines more important?
                        You are now trying to replace the existing direct indirect. Empty lesson.
                        Not to mention the fact that no one has yet denied that the conversation was not with an FSB officer.
                        In any case, the FSB did not refute this, although it is easier than ever to do this, at least in words, and you are already in front of the locomotive.
                      4. -2
                        22 December 2020 15: 49
                        I know) and there is not even direct evidence of his poisoning to begin with) well, there are none and that's it. Where are the samples? Where at least something containing at least some hint of a substance. Or in their case, do you take their word for it?))) And our doctors offered their samples immediately for comparison, if that. As for the rest, I have been in this system for half my life and I know where there is a mess and where it is not. I know the sequence of actions and that such a call is just by nature a lie from start to finish. I know that people on a par with Navalny cannot even get to the FSB officer and his phone number physically. only if he is not allowed to. I know that even a simple search for such people in any database is a criminal offense and beacons will certainly work. And in the end, we have a simple picture - this is not his scenario and not his information. What the FSB and the president said openly.
                      5. +2
                        22 December 2020 15: 54
                        Once again, was an FSB officer involved in the conversation or not?
                      6. -2
                        22 December 2020 16: 13
                        The Federal Security Service called the "investigation" of Alexei Navalny about the alleged circumstances of his "poisoning" as a provocation, worked out with the support of foreign special services. They also called a video of a "telephone conversation" with a security officer a fake.
                        I have nothing to add. All were voiced completely. Apparently when they stopped laughing after watching) well, purely, but in theory there is another version of some kind of game of feps for some reason. but he is too insignificant. The fact that Navalny was burned Putin said in the press when he asked almost sarcastically, we don't know that they are tracking locations)
                      7. +2
                        22 December 2020 17: 01
                        What are you joking? No verbosity needed. I asked you a simple question, answer it. You didn’t understand what you wrote for half a day, but now you cannot answer a simple question?
                        In your opinion, this was a conversation with an FSB officer or not?
                      8. -2
                        22 December 2020 17: 14
                        I answered you. The conversation was fabricated. Maybe there was a simple conversation between some FSB officer and someone and then edited on his individual phrases. Maybe based on his voice, an imitation was carried out. Maybe in general there was some kind of left person sitting there and for a little money pronounced it according to the script. Do you need to chew everything?
                      9. +3
                        22 December 2020 17: 24
                        I look forward to hearing from you, not yulenie.
                        That is, there was no specific conversation between Navalny and an FSB officer?
                      10. 0
                        22 December 2020 16: 21
                        "All your arguments are based on the fact that only bad people work there" Sorry, I will interfere. Then, according to your logic, the security checks are stupid and there is no need to carry out. If everyone works according to the instructions. There are a lot of mistakes in any special service. People work, not robots.
                      11. -4
                        22 December 2020 17: 02
                        Checks of their SB are just the opposite carried out so that such cases could not be. I don't deny that people can make mistakes. I deny the fact of violation of instructions by experienced officers and the transfer of operational information by phone to a third party to whom he does not obey. For this is not a mistake. It is a crime . And this officer is dumb as a cork. Akin to forgetting how to breathe and dying. Do you believe that for such actions they can pick up a stupid one?) That a person with such experience once got into such a unit and with skills can break everything because he was mistaken?)
                      12. 0
                        24 December 2020 09: 29
                        I believe that such actions are not very smart, not distant people. Life is long, everything can turn upside down.
                2. -2
                  22 December 2020 14: 26
                  Quote: Avior
                  and also confirm that the violation was fundamentally impossible. It was one of the 8.

                  And you call the Mossad. And try to find out something. Do you have friends?
                  Do you know the rules for working with "stamped" information in the Russian Federation? Where from? People write to you the truth, and you ask for some kind of proof.
                  1. 0
                    22 December 2020 15: 20
                    I love it very much when the truth is spoken and written. It is easy and pleasant to tell the truth, as one character named Ga-Notsri said, but this, however, led to problems.
                    The FSB did not say that it was not their employee on the record, and what can be proved in this situation?
                  2. +1
                    22 December 2020 15: 31
                    Quote: Mountain Shooter
                    Do you know the rules for working with "stamped" information in the Russian Federation? Where from? People write to you the truth, and you ask for some kind of proof.

                    So people write that in any system there is a cretin who will violate everything that can be violated ... Maybe not at the same time. The human factor has not been canceled. And illegal operatives are caught on any violations of instructions. And then just a techie from the cleaning service!
                    1. +2
                      22 December 2020 16: 45
                      Quote: Harry.km
                      And then just a techie from the cleaning service!

                      "Heart of a Dog" is almost ... "cleaning service" ... Well, does it exist, in general? Such a service?
                      1. 0
                        22 December 2020 16: 49
                        Quote: Mountain Shooter
                        Well, does it exist in general? Such a service?

                        This, it seems to me, is "stamped" information. For what purpose are you interested? Do you also write a report on two pieces of paper?
                      2. 0
                        22 December 2020 16: 54
                        Quote: Harry.km
                        This, it seems to me, is "stamped" information. For what purpose are you interested? Do you also write a report on two pieces of paper?

                        I shoot a video ... how to conquer the universe without attracting the attention of orderlies. It is clear to any sane person that Lyolik has already completely "got confused in the testimony" and he is "played", practically "to take away" ... I would be very tense in his place, so as not to disappear, like the Skripals ...
                      3. +1
                        22 December 2020 16: 56
                        Quote: Mountain Shooter
                        how squeaked ...

                        Well, the Skripals have not disappeared ... dad is on a gurney in semicomatosis, and his daughter is talking to relatives on the phone.

                        Quote: Mountain Shooter
                        I would be in his place

                        At this moment in history, no one needs to replace him)))
                      4. +1
                        22 December 2020 17: 40
                        Quote: Harry.km
                        Well, the Skripals have not disappeared ... dad is on a gurney in semicomatosis, and his daughter is talking to relatives on the phone.

                        Can I have a reference? In the photo with this gurney? The latest data was for New Zealand ... Well, and Julia's famous interview with tracheotomy marks. The rest is just rumors from the Internet ...
                      5. 0
                        22 December 2020 17: 48
                        Quote: Mountain Shooter
                        Can you credit?

                        Quote: Mountain Shooter
                        a photo

                        Sorry, what is rich and nothing more ...))
                      6. 0
                        22 December 2020 18: 13
                        Quote: Harry.km
                        Sorry, what is rich and nothing more ...))

                        The credibility is amazing ... Well, okay ...
                      7. 0
                        22 December 2020 18: 16
                        Quote: Mountain Shooter
                        The latest data was for New Zealand ...

                        Hmm, well, you didn't even share the source of the data, but there, I think, the reliability is similar.
                      8. 0
                        22 December 2020 18: 21
                        Quote: Harry.km
                        Hmm, well, you didn't even share the source of the data, but there, I think the reliability is similar

                        That's exactly what I'm talking about. And about NZ, and about half-corpses with a tube in the trachea ... on a treadmill ... Falls of lies ...
            3. +1
              22 December 2020 11: 57
              Do you think I'll take this seriously?
              Do you think that Navny will come to power and give you Crimea laughing ?
            4. -1
              22 December 2020 12: 10
              Quote: Avior
              Do you think I'll take this seriously?

              You cannot take seriously all your arguments a la "there is always someone there" and here, lo and behold, it was so convenient to find someone who laid out everything on a silver platter. The mere fact that the patient himself called and shone in his own voice, and not a figurehead, already says that this is a skit filmed on camera. Not to mention the rest
              1. +2
                22 December 2020 12: 38
                the more it will be easier to simply refute.
                Let's wait and see ....
                1. -1
                  22 December 2020 13: 15
                  Quote: Avior
                  the more it will be easier to simply refute.

                  And why and what is the point? When was the last time a denial of anything like this led to any political consequences?
                  1. +3
                    22 December 2020 13: 18
                    And when real refutations were not given?
                    1. -3
                      22 December 2020 13: 34
                      Who taught you to answer a question with a question?
                      1. +1
                        22 December 2020 14: 09
                        You. Putting in your question an unsubstantiated false thesis as a supposedly obvious statement.
                        Start by explaining your question.
                      2. -3
                        22 December 2020 14: 33
                        I think you simply have nothing to answer on the merits, so you and then turn the arrows, then come up with fables about false theses and justifications of questions. The questions are very simple, they are not theorems to justify them.
                      3. +3
                        22 December 2020 14: 40
                        I think you just have nothing to write in essence.
    8. -3
      22 December 2020 11: 26
      Have you heard about such a concept as neural networks? There you can simulate a conversation using a voice pattern, even though a lecture can be recorded in Lenin's voice, only not everyone has access to such resources, it is a very expensive pleasure. And the fact that Alex hangs out in an apartment for 12k euros a month with the protection of the VMA (analogue of the FSO), he is carried by helicopters, cars in closed Germany, does it hint to you who he is under the hood? And where did the son go, with whom he posted cute pictures? I think they keep him on a short leash and in the end they bang him like a red-haired victim. As an option for the elections
      1. +2
        22 December 2020 12: 23
        Have you heard about such a concept as neural networks?

        heard and even worked
        expertise, with a sufficient amount of material, you will not deceive.
    9. 0
      22 December 2020 23: 11
      If you really believe that this is a real conversation, and not a production, then you either go back to the first grade and everything from the beginning, or to Nasralny's team, there they are needed, with a lack of critical and logical thinking. The whole conversation is a continuous stupidity with general, streamlined phrases like "something, somewhere, sometime, maybe, maybe, or maybe not." Well, stuff like that.
      All this is pretty "seasoned" with the clip style of the show from several cameras, stupid antics and grimaces of three idiots in the frame.
      It all reminded me of the show "America is looking for talent", "The Voice" and other sheep shows. Hike, the director is the same. laughing
  7. +5
    22 December 2020 10: 19
    It is clear that it was a provocation, but at least some materials from the investigation have demonstrated and not a cliché excuse. And it turns out "gentlemen take their word for it" request
    1. -3
      22 December 2020 10: 35
      Also make excuses? Before whom to throw the beads?
      1. +6
        22 December 2020 11: 54
        And then make excuses? Have you thought of it yourself? They said that the tricks of the Westerners, so usually the words are supported. We are sitting here with our entire website laughing at the statements addressed to the Russian Federation from the West with their unfounded accusations, but here it turns out no better. Double standards, sir
        1. -1
          22 December 2020 12: 14
          Getting into this garbage dump on the same level with them and proving that you are not a camel is the real excuse. This is a game by their rules. There is no need to refer to something that is usually there, especially if you consider that no one is interested in this and does not need a year since 2008.
          1. +1
            22 December 2020 16: 21
            Well, then it turns out that the Berlin patient is right? He has some, but there is an investigation.
            Why not? And for your population? The question is not to justify to the West, but to show the electorate what the "candidate from the people" is doing.
    2. -2
      22 December 2020 10: 42
      Quote: BISMARCK94
      And it turns out "gentlemen take their word for it"

      And where is that, and where did the "djantalmen" appear in the media. There are such ferrets and skunks, it smells a kilometer away.
    3. -2
      22 December 2020 11: 15
      Investigation of what? To start a criminal case, you need to identify the fact of the crime. But the Germans don't seem to give these data)
  8. +3
    22 December 2020 10: 19
    The fake investigation is understandable. Then it turned out that Lyokha was working for Western special services. Many have guessed about this.
  9. +7
    22 December 2020 10: 21
    Putting on panties in the morning, don't forget about the watch! (C)
    1. -1
      22 December 2020 10: 31
      Quote: Orchestra
      Putting on panties in the morning, don't forget about the watch! (C)

      The group is certainly remembered, but the West, in the sense of statements, needs to either wear panties or remove the cross.
  10. +2
    22 December 2020 10: 24
    Bulk investigation is not revenge! Bulk itself is revenge!
    1. -2
      22 December 2020 10: 35
      Bulk investigation is not revenge! Bulk itself is revenge!

      Is Alyosha suitable for the role of avenger, battering ram, torpedo against us? If we ourselves had not inflated this bubble before and during the alleged poisoning, then a barely noticeable bump remained in the place of Navalny, which Russia would have crossed without even noticing.
      1. -1
        22 December 2020 15: 21
        there are rumors that the mystics astrologers of the gdp forbade him to say the name of the bulk because it would be a mystical challenge of revolutionary events in the country, so to speak, a trigger! but seriously in the mystical field, the figure of the bulk as a reflection of the figure of Kerensky
        1. -2
          23 December 2020 07: 41
          Quote: 4NCTOKOHKPETHO
          seriously, in the mystical field, the figure of bulk as a reflection of the figure of Kerensky

          There was nothing mystical about Kerensky. It carried it to the crest of power in a revolutionary wave, and it also washed it away.
          As a figure of a revolutionary leader, Alexander Fedorovich was a complete zero ...
  11. -3
    22 December 2020 10: 24
    I'm still waiting for this fruit to be sent to Siberia, to cut down the forest. But judging by his biography, he is even afraid to take him there. laughing
  12. +3
    22 December 2020 10: 25
    It’s strange here, everything is clear to us with their special services, but why the FSB has once again got into a puddle is puzzling. No intelligible counterintelligence operation can be traced. And why has our FSB still not mastered the technology of number substitution?
    1. +2
      22 December 2020 10: 54
      Horrible. smile
    2. +4
      22 December 2020 11: 22
      And why master it, this is a standard function of any PBX, double click with the mouse and on the other end the determinant will show you everything you write
  13. +2
    22 December 2020 10: 27
    Quote: svoit
    It’s strange here, everything is clear to us with their special services, but why the FSB has once again got into a puddle is puzzling. No intelligible counterintelligence operation can be traced. And why has our FSB still not mastered the technology of number substitution?

    And do you seriously believe that they dragged after him for three years in order to knock him down, but could not, poor things? Oh-oh, how the pounding gebnya grinded, uzhos. laughing
  14. 0
    22 December 2020 10: 27
    laughing There is such a wonderful 1989 film "Deja Vu". About the adventures of a loser mafia killer in Soviet Russia. Evil cops put him in a fool in the end. And at the end of the film, the mafia sends them another killer and they start chasing him in the same way.

    It seems that the employees of the Russian special services studied this film as a documentary aid in the fight against foreign agents of influence. Taki Navalny ended up at the hospital. This clown is broken, let's go next.) laughing
  15. -1
    22 December 2020 10: 29
    would not have been possible without the organizational and technical support of foreign intelligence services
    This says everything and completely. This biological subject once again himself confirms that he works for foreign special services against the country in which he was born and lived. And our science - it was necessary to plant much earlier than the final provocation, especially for what. They themselves cherished and did not give offense to the rogue.
  16. -7
    22 December 2020 10: 32
    Criminal and traitor oval on trial. An article of treason is seen.
    1. +3
      22 December 2020 10: 45
      without emotionally and purely legally, Ruslan:
      Art. 275 of the Criminal Code
      High treason, that is, espionage committed by a citizen of the Russian Federation, the issuance of information to a foreign state, international or foreign organization or their representatives, constituting a state secret, a confidant or which became known to him in service, work, study or in other cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation. ...
      I don’t see what he leaked or leaked information constituting a state secret?
      But for libel, in theory, it is possible and necessary .. after all, if you do not do anything with him, many will have a question - is he right?
      So, he led him into a difficult situation .. whatever you do, everything is in his favor .. Eliminate him, they will say, for the investigation, do not eliminate, that means he is telling the truth .. I would not say that his curators have such a failure, do not underestimate the situation ..
      1. +1
        22 December 2020 22: 33
        Also emotionless ...

        In the Criminal Code of Russia, the punishment for espionage is provided for in Articles 275 and 276.

        In relation to the citizens of the Russian Federation, the norms of Article 275 apply, according to which "high treason, that is, espionage, the issuance of state secrets or other assistance to a foreign state, foreign organization or their representatives in carrying out hostile activities to the detriment of the external security of the Russian Federation ..."
        Carrying out activities to the detriment of the Russian Federation, cooperation with the special services of foreign states ...
        Learn materiel. Quote the article to the end.
        1. 0
          22 December 2020 22: 46
  17. -1
    22 December 2020 10: 34
    All the same tools for manipulating the opinion of the narrow-minded with the help of cheap "humor" are traced. It is worth introducing a lavatory theme, as it was then with the toilet bowls of Ukrainian ... ships, so the interest of certain groups of people sharply increases. The same thing is happening now: this whole topic with pissing rags sharply increases the cackle and spread within the framework of a certain get-together. And such a feeling develops that it seems to be like "funny, but it's a serious matter."
    1. +2
      22 December 2020 11: 29
      Quote: El Chuvachino
      seems to be like "funny, but it's a serious matter."

      More serious than Powell's tube?
      1. -2
        22 December 2020 11: 43
        The main target audience of Navalny does not know who Powell is and what kind of test tube.
  18. -2
    22 December 2020 10: 35
    Quote: Avior
    ... The DSP stressed that the video with a telephone conversation between Navalny and an alleged FSB officer is a fake

    And what is a fake then?
    Is the employee not real or was it not he or was the Record corrected?
    For those who do not know, on the eve of the publication of Navalny's last video that FSB officers were following him early in the morning, they contacted all of them in the style of Lexus and Vovan and tried to talk. Specifically, the one about which we are talking, talking.
    Yesterday Bulk posted this conversation online.
    And it is not clear what the fake is, and what is the provocation in his video about the investigation?

    So have you seen this video though? It's a production (shitty). The presence of the second character who should evoke emotions during the interview (a lousy actor). The character playing the FSB officer is generally offensive (a person who has nothing to do with security forces at all). If only they found better quality actors. In short "Circus with horses"
    1. +7
      22 December 2020 10: 57
      and waited for a refutation from the person in the photo on television somewhere who would say, I’m not an FSB officer, this is my job, which has nothing to do with the FSB, and I didn’t talk on the phone with this crazy bulk, whoever he likes now could have a voice on record TV and compare with what is on the video, well, not me!
      But I do not see this refutation, although, as you understand, this can be done for the FSB without problems.
      but 8 people are silent, as they put water in their mouths ..
      1. 0
        22 December 2020 11: 23
        but 8 people are silent, as they put water in their mouths ..
        it's still too early, but soon the Kremlin will bend and we will see someone
      2. +1
        22 December 2020 12: 02
        Refutation of what? What is this staging ??? FSB have already answered (this is a provocation)
        1. +2
          22 December 2020 12: 16
          FSB have already answered (this is a provocation)

          this is a provocation
          he was provoked to talk about the poisoning.
          Bulk himself does not hide this.
          but whether it is staging or not, and is it not a fake record, and the interlocutor is a real employee, everyone is silent about it.
          1. 0
            22 December 2020 12: 27
            Examination of the recording is not done for several hours to lay out the evidence. And then the CSO is an official of the service, and who is Syaska? Unemployed criminal activist, do you still offer to make excuses before such?
            1. +3
              22 December 2020 12: 50
              examination is not yet needed, a simple statement that this is a fake is enough, and the possibility of this examination to be carried out, that is, to check
              but none of this.
              1. -2
                22 December 2020 15: 53
                Have you read the last phrase? A procedural assessment will be given, after verification, verification will be, in the same place, sorry, legal procedures must be observed, unlike the Fuhrer
                1. +1
                  22 December 2020 17: 08
                  Checking what? They don't know if the employee was talking or not?
                  What are they going to check?
                  What such procedures prevent a specific person from declaring that he is not an FSB officer or that there was no such conversation?
                  Do you know such people?
  19. -1
    22 December 2020 10: 36
    Tell me a stroma thinker: is it possible for such a phenomenon as Lech to be somewhere else except in Russia, which is being led to freedom? In China or Iran, the boy would have gone according to "state" articles if he had not had time to cross the border. In "civilized" countries I would not get out of prisons and compensation payments. And maybe they would have "cleaned up". Only we are capable of having such a phenomenon. Moreover, he is this phenomenon, he stands behind the hill as the leader of the position. Our. Not the Communist Party of the Russian Federation with the Liberal Democratic Party and their third part of the electorate for two, but here it is. Only it turns out to be inappropriate for us to distribute by earrings.
    1. +2
      22 December 2020 11: 25
      Quote: sleeve
      In China or Iran, the boy would go according to "state" articles

      Frankly, a bad example.
      1. 0
        22 December 2020 12: 16
        Why shitty?
      2. +1
        22 December 2020 13: 30
        Yes, why shitty then? Why is such a "state organization" not worthy of mention?
        1. +1
          22 December 2020 14: 16
          Quote: sleeve
          Yes, why shitty then?

          Just don’t say that this is the bias of the West. We simply have no other assessment. Rule of Law Index. The assessment is carried out according to the following sub-items:

          level of corruption;
          openness of power;
          respect for basic human rights;
          order and safety;
          regulatory enforcement;
          civil law enforcement;
          criminal law enforcement;
          observance of the law by state representatives.
          1. 0
            22 December 2020 16: 02
            Golden words about law enforcement. That is why we are eager to legitimize lobbying.
    2. +2
      22 December 2020 13: 49
      In "civilized" countries I would not get out of prisons and compensation payments.

      Can you give examples? There, such exposers of illegal actions of state officials are not at all uncommon.
      1. -2
        22 December 2020 16: 00
        So I'm not talking about whistleblowers. I'm talking about fakes. Whistleblowers and without the Navalny Sea. We have .
        1. +3
          22 December 2020 16: 07
          And what kind of fakes does Navalny have and who has proven that they are fakes?
          For example, I heard about a duel, about the exposure of his accusations in this regard, no. And you?
          1. -1
            22 December 2020 16: 11
            Yes, because no one takes it seriously, since the resonance and effectiveness for the internal electorate is vanishingly small.
            1. +3
              22 December 2020 17: 04
              It depends on the electorate, apparently
              It is not clear then what his fakes you wrote about?
              1. -2
                22 December 2020 19: 40
                I apologize. I did not understand the content of your last post. Let me, if you like, repeat the theses of my reply comments on the "Russian phenomenon of Navalny", and if you wish, repeat the essence of the extreme statement. He has an ocean of fakes. Do not get tired of refuting. Say "no" - I will not be surprised, because this is the meaning of "positioning" the idea that we have accused you, and you make excuses. Do not make excuses, it means the truth. Such rubbish on the declared scale of Navalny would be punished in the systems of legal implementation. We have requirements for such information "feeds" - at least a reasonably approximate network and the presence of something really beyond the scope. It is just that statements about the "bad" are no longer perceived by the main conservative mass of the population to be too unwilling to reflect. Here is the problem of non-perception of Mr. Navalny. And the electorate is the population, the people. Lesha does not carry anything constructive, so tens of millions of Russians do not need it.
                1. +2
                  22 December 2020 19: 57
                  Maybe you and I just understand the word fake in different ways.
                  1. -1
                    22 December 2020 20: 40
                    Or maybe quite. Freedom of interpretation is the same conceptual scourge.
                    1. 0
                      23 December 2020 17: 24
                      You don't understand the word "fake", but you understand what tens of millions of Russians need. It's funny.
                      1. 0
                        23 December 2020 19: 05
                        Nothing funny to be honest, dear. Politics in this component is far from my interests. But then I got tired and began to break down for such pickers. And I am completely unprepared for them. I'm talking about the operational content, and in response to me about the meaning of the word "fake". I'm talking about the social content of public life, and my answer is about cowards and the FSB. Meaningless in information terms, picks "myself", catching in words. Of course, I understand what it is and how it appeared and works (I'm talking about the psychosocial model, personal ...), but still, as I wrote earlier, I am hiding. This is the main mistake. And not in "ignorance" of the word fake.
  20. -3
    22 December 2020 10: 42
    They let me go and received again sanctions ... I had to be put in a hospital where our ordinary citizens lie and let them fight for life as we all fight every day. And then they sent doctors from Moscow ..., I'm sick of this muzzle. He must be taken by the balls and dragged to the basements of the Lubyanka, let him expound his understanding of peace and democracy there .... Medvedchuk (a citizen of Ukraine) with his family was vaccinated with our vaccine during the summer session in Sochi ... Question ...: - " GDP announced that first the citizens of Russia will be vaccinated, why did they vaccinate Svidomo "??? !!!
  21. 0
    22 December 2020 10: 42
    Given the number of "investigations" carried out by Western intelligence services in recent years against Russia, including various accusations of poisoning the Skripals, now Navalny, it can be assumed that the West, or rather the United States, is taking revenge on Russia because of the ex-US intelligence officer Edward who moved to Russia. Snowden, who spoke openly about the criminal methods used by the NSA and the CIA.

    Somehow they delayed with revenge, and they chose the avenger not so hot ...
  22. 0
    22 December 2020 10: 43
    Quote: Avior
    that FSB officers were following him early in the morning

    That is, they ensured his safety, but they could not prevent the operation of Western intelligence services. This is for anyone who does not like the CIA, it can be planted by a newbie
    1. +2
      22 December 2020 11: 00
      Bulk talked about this in the first video.
      look for info
  23. +8
    22 December 2020 10: 44
    Of course I listened with interest. I don’t know whether it was true there was a special service officer or not, but the very fact that only one out of seven got into conversation, and this one was allegedly a former serviceman of the RF Armed Forces. A call at 7 am from a "familiar" number from the very top, allegedly caught by surprise, as a search at 6 am with sawing out the door.
    Knowing the junior officers of the army, I think that with some microscopic chance this could really happen.
    1. +3
      22 December 2020 10: 59
      Pranks in the style of Vovan and Lexus have become so commonplace that they catch not only the younger team, but also quite respectable people of a national scale.
    2. +1
      22 December 2020 11: 00
      Quote: GRIGORIY76
      Of course I listened with interest. I don’t know whether it was true there was a special service officer or not, but the very fact that only one out of seven got into conversation, and this one was allegedly a former serviceman of the RF Armed Forces. A call at 7 am from a "familiar" number from the very top, allegedly caught by surprise, as a search at 6 am with sawing out the door.

      And if some FSB officer, leaving the country, began to scratch his tongue, saying that it was he who poisoned him and that he was ordered by the supreme himself, then you would have no doubts at all? Even that this is just a recruited agent? How many convinced that you can do anything with the herd, you just need to show a beautiful picture
      1. +2
        22 December 2020 11: 44
        And if some FSB officer, leaving the country, began to scratch his tongue, saying that it was he who poisoned him and that he was ordered by the supreme himself, then you would have no doubts at all?

        what someone said is not proof. Even if it is a confession of a crime in court.
        Evidence is always complex.
        And in this complex, I see no refutation of what the bulk presented.
        Although this is not a joke, for the country as well.
        A refutation is very easy to present. If Navalny lied in this case, of course ....
      2. +3
        22 December 2020 12: 22
        You see a beautiful picture, in it you were inspired that the FSB is the best special service in the world, the knights of the cloak and dagger. During my service at the university and later in the army, I had to contact, albeit indirectly, with the regular counterintelligence officers assigned to our military unit. There is nothing special about them, like all representatives of the younger generation (an FSB officer in 2017 was a senior officer, studied in Kaliningrad), they sit in social networks, drink in clubs, get to know anyone there, naturally use their crusts at the first opportunity.
        So don't get fooled by pretty pictures. Yes, we have elite units in the state security, no questions asked. But all the work is done not by them, but by the backbone, which, according to the same Strelkov (I'm sure you will write that he is a traitor), is formed not by personal qualities, but by loyalty to the leader.
        So, purely theoretically, with minimal probability, this could happen. And to believe the fairy tales from the TV (today the superpower decided to introduce ration cards) or Navalny's fairy tales - everyone's business, I believe in investigation and billing, in cowards and a conversation with this guy, who really exists and now seems to be hard at work, probably not yet ...
  24. -7
    22 December 2020 10: 45
    Analny gets some strange revenge - based on a fake recording of a telephone conversation with an unknown person (allegedly an FSB officer), Leshik's panties were covered with nerve agent in the crotch area, after which all his personal belongings were neutralized.

    And the impotent Anal happily rang this news on the Internet bully
    1. +5
      22 December 2020 13: 11
      Quote: Operator
      And the impotent Anal happily rang this news on the Internet

      There are many variants of new words formed with the help of various prefixes: "roll-off", "roll-on", "roll-on", "roll-over", "for-roll-on", "roll-on", "roll-off", "oval", "roll-on", "roll-off" "," Pavalny "," basement "," general "," right "," pass-through "," pre-roll "," failure "," break-up "," dump "," suval "," dump "...
      You can suggest: "roll-free", "off-roll", "up-roll", "off-roll", "down-roll", "roll-off", "over-roll" ...
      Concrete sentences are designated by derivative prefixes from adverbial prepositions: "vnevalny", "inter-shaft", "post-mortem", "over-roll", "roundabout", "anti-oval" ...
      But, for your messages, foreign prefixes are more suitable: "emergency", "antival", "archival", "interval", "infraval", "counter-shaft", "hypervalue", "devalue", "disval", "reval", "Postval", "protoval", "subval", "superval", "transval", "panval", "ultraval", "superval" ...
      How great it is to bend words, add prefixes to them and not even think about what (and suddenly) from the list of primordially Russian surnames on "PU":
      can you find a funny (offensive, offensive, annoying, indecent) option?
      But with you, in terms of potency and brains, I hope everything is normal? Or does the amount of intelligence in no way affect the amount of the non-refundable benefit? bully
      And so I wanted something (see C-U)
      1. -3
        22 December 2020 15: 11
        Oh, a fan of the foreign agent Leshik drew in - is there a benefit of thirty pieces of silver to live on? bully
        1. +6
          22 December 2020 15: 28
          Quote: Operator
          Oh, a fan of the foreign agent Leshik drew in - is there a benefit of thirty pieces of silver to live on? bully

          Look, the milking machine operator is a fan of liars and traitors. I did not betray anyone. Navalny is not my friend, and I am not his fan. When he harms the pension fund of the Russian Federation, or the NWF, or the budget of the Russian Federation, or receives a salary as an employee of a state corporation, I will be the first to present a claim to him. His investigations did not affect me, and those who came to fatten at someone else's expense they infuriate only because they cannot do ANYTHING with him either physically, financially or legally !!!
          Pouring slop - do not roll bags. When Chubais, who brought American employees from the CIA to the government clan, could not believe:
          The head of Rosnano, Anatoly Chubais, who in the 1990s held the post of head of the State Property Committee, said that prior to the statement by Russian President Vladimir Putin, he did not believe that the two former privatization consultants of Russia belonged to the CIA.

          no one counted him as a foreign agent ... Did "Leshik" step on your personal belongings? Yes, the flag in your hands ... which one you prefer ...
          1. +3
            22 December 2020 16: 07
            I agree 100%. Here, in addition to Ryzhkma, we must add the goggle-eyed Deripaska, who merged the entire aluminum industry with the pi_ndos. Kremlebots about these figures did not get the command to remember.
  25. 0
    22 December 2020 10: 51
    The lethal dose of a beginner is 0,0001 grams. If they wanted to send him by this means, which balvan did he give him less?
  26. 0
    22 December 2020 10: 57
    We are waiting for news from prankers Vovan and Lexus.
    1. +5
      22 December 2020 11: 22
      as it turned out, this game can be played with more than one goal. smile
  27. +1
    22 December 2020 11: 07
    As always, all the main things should be read between the lines.
    Through Navalny, Western intelligence services are leaking information. The poisoning of BOV does not look convincing, there are too many facts that contradict themselves, and the sanctions and punishment followed before the results of the investigation .. And we have a serious failure with the special services, we can safely state.
    1. +4
      22 December 2020 11: 21
      or someone learned about the results of the investigation before us
    2. -4
      22 December 2020 11: 38
      Just a failure in the West, they overestimated the influence of the bulk in the country, and decided to play it, planning a great resonance and outrage of the opposition and the people, but nothing came out, so provocations cobbled together on the knee fell down to maintain at least some attention to the opposition to the Fuhrer. Nemtsov didn’t have to bang, so it would be more useful on him, but in his machinations with weapons with Chechens and Ukrainians, somewhere he was fined. IN
      1. +4
        22 December 2020 12: 11
        Quote: K-612-O
        Just a failure in the West, they overestimated the influence of the bulk in the country, and decided to play it, planning a great resonance and outrage of the opposition and the people, but nothing came out,

        The operatives were revealed, this is already a failure.
        1. -5
          22 December 2020 12: 15
          So who revealed them? Syaska or what? He was presented with a list, he is a loudspeaker. Or do you think at the present time no one knows, both in the West and in our country? Another question is that the unspoken rules have been violated and I suspect there will be a response, somewhere in Iran or China with the same list of residents, for example, opening the "network" by local special services.
          And the leak, it always flowed for everyone, at all times it leaked, only they also always repaired it for everyone.
          1. +2
            22 December 2020 12: 24
            Quote: K-612-O
            So who revealed them? Syaska or what? He was presented with a list, he is a loudspeaker.

            On the drum who lit up and this is already a failure.
            Quote: K-612-O
            Another question is that the unspoken rules have been violated and I suspect there will be an answer, d

            Yes, the rules are violated, but the West puts too much on Navalny, they think that this criminal with 3 previous convictions means a lot to the champions of justice.
            1. -3
              22 December 2020 15: 57
              Then, in order not to shine, you must not use a computer, not a mobile phone, but also a modern TV set, at least
  28. 0
    22 December 2020 11: 14
    It’s not all right with his face ...... spoiled by his intellect ......
  29. -2
    22 December 2020 11: 14
    Given the number of "investigations" carried out by Western intelligence services in recent years against Russia, including various accusations of poisoning Skripals, now Navalny, it can be assumed that the West, or rather the United States, They are taking revenge on Russia because of the ex-US intelligence officer Edward Snowden who moved to the Russian Federation, who openly spoke about the criminal methods used by the NSA and the CIA.

    It's all because of the Nord Stream ...
    1. +1
      22 December 2020 18: 05
      Quote: Connor MacLeod
      It's all because of the Nord Stream ...

      Absolutely. It’s just strange that none of those present here finds a connection between the intensification of speculation about the "on-line" in the Western media and parliaments and some breakthroughs in the completion of the SP-2. And they are obvious.
  30. +1
    22 December 2020 11: 16
    Quote: LifeIsGood
    .... on the unprotected line began to "spread the truth to the uterus

    This effect is called the moment of truth, 7 am, familiar names, in the know. The shortage of personnel reached the state security organs. All this may end badly, unfortunately.
  31. -2
    22 December 2020 11: 18
    Quote: Herman 4223
    The lethal dose of a beginner is 0,0001 grams. If they wanted to send him by this means, which balvan did he give him less?

    Listen to Kudryavtsev's excuse.
  32. 0
    22 December 2020 11: 20
    According to the oppositionist, he recorded a conversation with one of the eight officers who organized his poisoning.

    Hello! I am the promoter of the FSB!
    Have a nice one you too!
    Do you need a "Newbie"?
    Thanks, I got eight servings!
    Can you take it for tomorrow?
    No, tomorrow I have to be tested at MI6.
    Well, I or my classmates from the parish school, we will visit you the day after tomorrow.

    PS - how missing our good old magazine "Crocodile".
    You idiots! For a complete utopia, it remains to connect Dung (Russia) with Gromka (Belarus) and create a virtual Union State of rogue states!
  33. -1
    22 December 2020 11: 22
    Quote: Alien From
    It’s not all right with his face ...... spoiled by his intellect ......

    You should look at the faces of the FSB defendants, this is where the "intelligence" in the faces manifests itself.
  34. +5
    22 December 2020 11: 22
    Well, then find the isinna etchants, and everything will fall into place ...
  35. -4
    22 December 2020 11: 34
    Against the background of Platoshkin being jailed in the near future for an illegal call for legal methods of protest, the fuss with Navalny can only say that he is beneficial to the authorities, like Pop Gapon, in the role of a lightning rod of popular anger from GDP.
    1. -3
      22 December 2020 15: 59
      Platoshkin will be imprisoned for calling for a violent seizure of power, and then do not be afraid, do not be imprisoned, a condition or a fine, after all, Kozyrev's lackey
  36. -1
    22 December 2020 11: 40
    Quote: Prax1
    Most, but in the west, everything.

    Some of Navalny's adherents deserve special attention. In terms of the rate of degradation and the ability to reverse evolution. Congratulations! You have a "Prize" sector!)))
  37. The comment was deleted.
  38. +8
    22 December 2020 11: 41
    I read it on purpose ... You can laugh outright ... Tell me, gentlemen, guardians of federal security, what are you on the site Who are you looking for here on the site? Who do you want to catch? The impression is that all these "Navalnovsky investigations" are fiction. Not only are there no such episodes, but the defendants themselves are no longer in cases ... Where is this duelist Zolotov? Where is this Governor Tuleyev? Where did Dimon disappear to?
    Yes, gentlemen, the late Zadornov made fun of you:

    And you again, even after Putin's words ... Even after the publication of the names of the employees, you say that nothing happened. Why watch for Navalny? No other work? Or something else - "low-I-I-I"?
    As a person of low qualifications in the field of CWA, I am only interested in one question: can you make a person poisoned, and after his death nothing is found in the blood or on the body?
    In this video I was struck only by the words that the outcome could have been different if the plane had not been urgently landed ... Then stop Was there an emergency landing or?
    [media = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XChVddGYjvk]
    All to you! Until! hi
    1. +3
      22 December 2020 12: 05
      Quote: ROSS 42
      say that nothing happened.

      what happened?
      1. +3
        22 December 2020 13: 01
        Quote: Vasilenko Vladimir
        what happened?


        Quote: ROSS 42
        In this video I was struck only by the words that the outcome could have been different if the plane had not been urgently landed ... Then there was an emergency landing or?
        [media = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XChVddGYjvk]
        1. +2
          22 December 2020 13: 06
          the landing was emergency, as it should be in such a situation on board
  39. 0
    22 December 2020 11: 53
    Standup ...
  40. +3
    22 December 2020 11: 54
    Quote: figvam
    Quote: Nasr
    and Navalny did not work in his country, the poison became damp ...

    He quickly washed his panties ...

    Perhaps now someone from the FSB is already erasing theirs.
  41. +8
    22 December 2020 11: 59
    The FSB has long been at the level of bailiffs and the National Guard
    1. 0
      22 December 2020 12: 04
      and you did not find any contradictions in this "exposure" ?!
  42. -2
    22 December 2020 12: 02

    All the same, through the panties with a bottle ...

  43. +5
    22 December 2020 12: 25
    is a planned provocation aimed at discrediting the FSB of Russia and employees of the federal security service, the implementation of which would not have been possible without the organizational and technical support of foreign special services

    So it's not just some kind of linden ??

    The DSP stressed that the video with a telephone conversation between Navalny and an alleged FSB officer is fake, number substitution method subscriber is a well-known technique of foreign special services, which has been used more than once in various anti-Russian actions. This technique allows you to exclude the possibility of establishing real participants in the conversation.

    Why change the numbers if it's a fake ??)
  44. +11
    22 December 2020 12: 25
    As Lexus and Vovan divorced the president of Poland, everyone almost dies with laughter "well, stupid." As these "investigators" threw some loshka chemist from the FSB, so immediately "impossible".
    1. +5
      22 December 2020 14: 47
      Lexus and Vovan are depressed now. Compared to Navalny's prank, their prank is
      baby talk. Now, in order to level the score, they need to prank Biden, no less. laughing
      1. 0
        22 December 2020 15: 47
        And for special communications. And introducing himself as chairman of the chiefs of staff committee.
        Something like: - Hi Joe. This is Mark Milly. You have not forgotten there who put all the ballots with votes for Trump into the shredder. And left only those that are for you.
  45. -3
    22 December 2020 12: 31
    "Hey you, unfinished, let's get an injection!" (from)

    Alyosha stinks) He occupied the entire agenda of the liberal media. This prank vaudeville was the last straw of idiocy.
  46. The comment was deleted.
  47. -2
    22 December 2020 12: 44
    Quote: nnm
    Sorry, colleague, I misunderstood you initially. Such an examination, if carried out by scientific methods, is a huge complex of measures - from a psychological portrait, duplication of an emotional state at the time of recording to determining a model, a brand of equipment, for there are nuances. Just to say - what, the voice is really similar, this is the height of idiocy in the 21st century of technology. Therefore, many commentators are simply surprising. Well, really, more naive than children. Simply, if interested: https://sudexpa.ru/expertises/ustanovlenie-prinadlezhnosti-zapisannogo-golosa-i-zvuchashchei-rechi-konkretnomu-litcu-identifikatcii-govoriashchego/

    Colleague, after listening to this conversation, applying your knowledge, do you believe what the FSB officer says there?
  48. -3
    22 December 2020 13: 12
    The fate of the Skripals and Tikhanovskaya awaits him, they will forget about him!
  49. -1
    22 December 2020 13: 35
    Given the number of "investigations" carried out by Western intelligence services in recent years against Russia, including various accusations of poisoning the Skripals, now Navalny, it can be assumed that the West, or rather the United States, is taking revenge on Russia because of the ex-US intelligence officer Edward who moved to Russia. Snowden, who spoke openly about the criminal methods used by the NSA and the CIA.

    Childish babble - to compare a high-level professional from the NSA and the cistern in the person of Navalny, this is certainly a journalistic overkill, or rather the usual chatter of amateurs. These two personalities did not stand next to each other, so this "revenge" looks too petty - our leader ate his face out of rank, imagining himself almost like Snowden ...
  50. +1
    22 December 2020 13: 45
    Hmm ... Something these processes start to annoy. Slightly quiet down, just a wave starts in the Western internet with the thought "What do we need it for"? And then another press of history. Yes, direct such, targeted. He told VVP that he was "looking out" for a bunch of calls and "a former chemist." those. not even proof of stock is the goal. Otherwise, the facts would appear in a slightly different system. And here the "scenario" of further "arguments" becomes either an official answer, or, as it is now, Putin's answer. They are repelled from him. This is suggestive. In general, the history of the shield with threads and to order is natural, since it is clumsy and not interesting for internal use ... Well, maybe the percentage of the population is in the networks.
  51. +3
    22 December 2020 13: 55
    Quote: ROSS 42
    Why keep an eye on Navalny? Is there no other job?

    The CIA will kill him, and we will all deal with the sanctions.
    1. +1
      22 December 2020 22: 33
      There won’t be this fake, there will be other “reasons”.
      The West is not upset about Putin, but about the existence of a country called Russia.
  52. 0
    22 December 2020 14: 30
    Lyokha has already surpassed Koshchei the Immortal, and even Skripal himself! He's being bullied and bullied, but he doesn't care! Apparently his death is in the egg.
    1. +4
      23 December 2020 02: 33
      Quote: UAZ 452
      Apparently his death is in the egg.

      They took him to the wrong hospital. I should have gone to the veterinary hospital bully
  53. The comment was deleted.
  54. +4
    22 December 2020 15: 20
    What can they say?

    The same thing that was said about the substitution of sports samples.
    Then the substitution was recognized.

    The same goes for the accusations against innocent sports nutrition sellers.
    Then they disappeared somewhere.

    If it were not so, they would have called the journalists, injected the participants with truth serum, put them on a lie detector.....
    But this won't happen...
    1. 0
      22 December 2020 16: 33
      Also on the list is objective control data where the plane shot down Boeing MH17. Then the data disappeared somewhere, but Almaz-Antey appeared with radar data, where any other aircraft near Boeing MH17 are officially absent.
  55. -2
    22 December 2020 17: 59
    Quote: Gennady Fomkin
    that they followed him for three years to kill him,

    no, I just think that he was protected from his owners while they needed him, they paid him, provided for him, but when he merged, they decided that the most useful thing he could do for the benefit of his owners was to die. And the FSB was on guard, on guard and not on guard; the CIA’s arms turned out to be longer.
  56. The comment was deleted.
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  58. +4
    23 December 2020 02: 29
    "Navalny Investigation"

    What an investigation... It's just a fake and that's all.
  59. 0
    23 December 2020 14: 17
    They compared the “fifth point” with a finger... what
  60. 0
    24 December 2020 00: 18
    On what basis was Navalny, who is under investigation, released to Germany?

    Why did Putin personally do such a dirty trick for Russia?

    Putin also personally released Khodorkovsky early and released him over the hill.

    Something is wrong with our president. It's a pity.
  61. The comment was deleted.
  62. 0
    24 December 2020 09: 49
    is a fake, and the so-called “investigation” into the Novichok poisoning is a provocation prepared with the help of Western intelligence services. This was reported to the FSB Central Operations Center

    Otherwise, journalists who tried to interview Navalny’s FSB interlocutor are arrested :)
    Journalists were detained on a far-fetched pretext - breaking into the entrance of an apartment building :))
    Insanity grew stronger.
    That is, if there was an attempt to hush up this matter, it was so clumsy and ridiculous that doubts disappeared
  63. 0
    24 December 2020 12: 12
    Oh, number forwarding is CIA technology, yeah, fellow accessible to any student...

    I don’t know what’s cooler if it’s true: that Navelny calls someone and that someone answers okay on a piece of paper, and this scene from a kindergarten theater is watched by 20 million and accepted at face value, OR that they work for the FSB such that they cannot remove 8 body in 1 snouts, spend years, and also have no idea about information security at all.
    Both OP
  64. 0
    24 December 2020 16: 45
    I just watched about 10 minutes of the video about the conversation between Navalny and that poisoner, and now I’m wondering if the 13th Brekhun (mat in Russian) really failed or he was failed on purpose