Explosion at the shipyard after the laying of the submarine: several incidents at the shipyards of Taiwan


It became known about several incidents that occurred within one week at the shipyards of Taiwan.

The first incident occurred at the Yangming shipyard while welding on the site where a submarine had been laid down just hours before. According to some reports, a gas explosion occurred during the welding process, as a result of which one person died, another received serious burns and was taken to the nearest clinic in Jilong City.

It should be noted that in 2018 the program for the construction of submarines for the needs of the Taiwanese Navy was supported in the United States. Then the State Department issued permission to American companies that can transfer technology and otherwise provide assistance to Taiwanese shipyards, where the submarines will be created.

Dongsen News, as well as the Chinese news portal Sina, also report a second incident at a shipyard in Taiwan. The report says that after launching a container ship under construction and during its further towing for further completion, it tilted to the left side. In this case, an unexpected draft occurred below the planned level on the left side of the stern. The towing was urgently stopped due to the high risks of sinking the ship under construction.

These reports are actively discussed in the Chinese press, where they speak very caustically about the level of shipbuilding technologies and about safety at the shipyards of the island, which is considered part of the PRC in Beijing.

Commentary in the thematic section of the Chinese information service Sina:

The Kuomintang democrats are clearly failing to cope with ambitious tasks.

For reference: The Kuomintang is a conservative anti-communist party.
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  1. +4
    3 December 2020 16: 13
    Well, the Chinese themselves will never tell about the incidents at their shipyards. Covid is a good example ...
    1. +4
      3 December 2020 16: 22
      Maybe they won't say, but sometimes it's impossible to hide it ... It seems to them not so long ago that the "paratrooper" was smoking, but there is no smoke without fire, however ... hi
  2. -3
    3 December 2020 16: 18
    Taiwan needs to keep an ear to it as long as such a neighbor is nearby.
    1. +1
      3 December 2020 17: 46
      When such a neighbor is around, the best way to keep your ears is to unite peacefully.
      I am sure this will happen in the next 10-15 years. And maybe much earlier.
      1. -7
        3 December 2020 17: 50
        So to speak in "native shit?" Are you sure the people of Taiwan want it? Soon Siberia and the Far East may "reunite with China ..." if this goes on.
        1. +1
          3 December 2020 17: 51
          Soon Siberia and the Far East may "reunite with China ..."

          This will not happen. Karma is not the same. wink
          1. -3
            3 December 2020 17: 53
            It's good that you are so confident. I also would not want such a scenario, to put it mildly.
  3. +1
    3 December 2020 16: 23
    If the Chinese consider Taiwan their territory, they would help their neighbors, or at least not be foolish, otherwise they have all the bunches, and the welders are completely masters above the highest category, and nothing sinks and does not break. ..
  4. 0
    3 December 2020 16: 42
    Nobody canceled the carelessness.
    1. +1
      3 December 2020 16: 52
      rather, it is from the category "wanted the best and faster"
  5. +6
    3 December 2020 16: 56
    Damn, I read the title, I thought there was a disaster, in fact, small incidents. I thought what the Chinese saboteurs had done there, but no.
    1. +17
      3 December 2020 22: 25
      It's just that there is a lot of attention now to Taiwan, after the news about the construction of submarines. Anyone can have such incidents, especially in the early stages.
  6. 0
    3 December 2020 16: 57
    "...It became known about several incidents that occurred within one week at the shipyards of Taiwan... ... "
    Has the PRC intelligence really tried? belay wink
  7. 0
    3 December 2020 19: 48
    “The first incident occurred at the Yangming shipyard while welding on a site where a submarine had been laid down just hours before. According to some reports, a gas explosion occurred during the welding process, resulting in one death, another severe burns and was taken to the nearest clinic in Jilong City. "
    And the next ones?
    Complete nonsense. All metals are cooked in inert gases.
    Carbonic acid / mix, argon.
    Especially in shipbuilding. Nobody has been cooking ships with an acetylene / propane gas burner for a hundred years. Even in our village no one would ever think of it.
    Hence the conclusion: there is not only nothing to explode, but even with these gases one can quite successfully extinguish fires.
  8. 0
    3 December 2020 20: 04
    Putin again? Or Kanerites? What? By yourself? Your crooked slobs? Can not be! Surely either Chinese communists or Russian saboteurs! laughing laughing laughing
  9. -1
    3 December 2020 23: 59
    the Japanese spies can't do otherwise, there is no explanatory conversation about terrorists and saboteurs in the port ..