Upgraded T-64BM "Bulat" tanks appeared "during exercises" in Donbass

Upgraded T-64BM "Bulat" tanks appeared "during exercises" in Donbass

Ukrainian tank crews conducted exercises in the territory of Donbass, not far from the contact line. According to the press service of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, crews were involved in the exercises tank subunits from the grouping of forces, performing tasks in the southern direction.

According to the report, the tankers are improving their skills in moving and maneuvering on rough terrain, changing the direction of movement and deploying tank units. It is especially noted that Ukrainian tank crews conducted training on "fairly modern" T-64BM "Bulat" tanks.

(...) Ukrainian soldiers conduct trainings on fairly modern machines of the BM "Bulat" type, which were manufactured already in this century, and in the last few years they have also been modernized at the State Enterprise "Plant named after VA Malyshev"

- writes Defense Express.

According to the commander of the combined forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Lieutenant-General Sergei Naev, practical training sessions are held every day.

The reason that the exercises of the tankers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine took place near the contact line in Donbass was most likely a desire to show the "separatists" that the Ukrainian army has "fairly modern" tanks. How many tanks took part in the exercise is not reported, according to the publication, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have "more than 50" modernized T-64BM "Bulat" tanks, but they were sent to the reserve brigade for storage.
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  1. +7
    3 December 2020 09: 09
    The reason that the exercises of the tankers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine took place near the contact line in Donbass was most likely a desire to show the "separatists" that the Ukrainian army has "fairly modern" tanks.

    Now, obviously, the republics, especially the DPR, on the southern face of which this window dressing is arranged, must demonstrate fairly modern anti-armored vehicle systems.

    The dialectic of life is the eternal competition of armor and shell ...
    1. +6
      3 December 2020 09: 21
      Video recording - accelerated, like in cheap action movies.
      1. +2
        3 December 2020 09: 22
        Quote: Civil
        Video recording - accelerated, like in cheap action movies.

        It also needs to be run "on-reverse" Yes
      2. +5
        3 December 2020 09: 39
        Quote: Civil
        Video recording - accelerated, like in cheap action movies.

        Could have fired a couple of times for decency, and the MANPADS were simply turned from side to side. Looks redneck.
        1. +3
          3 December 2020 09: 41
          Quote: qqqq
          Looks redneck.

          It cannot simply be otherwise, because there are goons.
          1. 0
            3 December 2020 10: 54
            Give pennies first)) They can have this MANPADS one for a break, you propose to pull out))
            1. +3
              3 December 2020 15: 17
              A plane crashed in the Turundian Air Force. Now there are no planes in the Turundian Air Force. Unable to withstand the shame, the Minister of Defense of Turundia shot himself. The Turundian army is now out of ammo.
      3. -6
        3 December 2020 11: 39
        I'm glad for them - at least something moves and rises, rises.
        Keep it up!
        - will it be kept in a combat readiness position until spring?
    2. -7
      3 December 2020 09: 44
      Upgraded T-64BM "Bulat" tanks appeared "during exercises" in Donbass

      The fish is looking for where it is deeper, and the T-64BM tank - where the enemy is thicker! wink
      1. +1
        3 December 2020 09: 53
        Well, those numbness, my friends, who were Soviet tankmen were praised.
        1. -1
          3 December 2020 09: 59
          Quote: evgen1221
          Well, those numbness, my friends, who were Soviet tankmen were praised.

          When I served, I got into a conversation with a summer tanker, we had 64BV, he said that he didn’t praise the eternal hemorrhoids with the MZ and the engine.
      2. +2
        3 December 2020 09: 56
        Quote: Clear
        The fish is looking for where it is deeper, and the T-64BM tank - where the enemy is thicker!

        Sorry Clearthat I am interested - do you feel well?
        It's just that you hit with the second unhealthy comment in a row ...

        One you want in a song, words about our downed by the Turks Su-24 replaced by Su-34, with this so cheerfully "wink" the Ukrainian "Bulat" towards the enemy - the militias of the republics ...

        This is not a healthy situation No.
        1. -5
          3 December 2020 10: 03
          Quote: Divan-batyr
          Quote: Clear
          The fish is looking for where it is deeper, and the T-64BM tank - where the enemy is thicker!

          Sorry Clearthat I am interested - do you feel well?
          It's just that you hit with the second unhealthy comment in a row ...

          One you want in a song, words about our downed by the Turks Su-24 replaced by Su-34, with this so cheerfully "wink" the Ukrainian "Bulat" towards the enemy - the militias of the republics ...

          This is not a healthy situation No.

          Don't swear Batyr, I realized that our SU in response to terrorist attacks are bombing the ISIS, and in Paris they wear T-shirts with the words "I am Charlie" and sing the Marseillaise.
        2. -9
          3 December 2020 11: 03
          Please tell me, dear Divan, will you support the newly-minted republics, if a scenario similar to what happened in 14 in the LPNR happens, hmm ... well, for example, in Tatarstan or the Far East? Will there be their own "republics" with the support of any of the countries? Will you side with the Feds or the Republicans? I ask for your opinion.
          1. -2
            3 December 2020 23: 17
            What can happen in the Far East?))) Are you healthy?))) Several cripples for the bandit governor looked like a month and from this such nonsense climb into your head?))) Don't start songs about China only. Their TV is less than Uzbeks) and Tatarstan generally rolls like cheese and butter if that. And at the same time look at the map where it is generally located)))
            1. -3
              4 December 2020 03: 08
              Are you a doctor interested in my health? I didn't seem to ask you, so why are you bothering? The question is addressed to a specific person. Your very valuable "expert opinion" on this issue is not interesting to me. Arevoir.
              1. -2
                4 December 2020 06: 30
                You love then write a personal person. And that chlo to say in fact you have nothing, I already understood. One nonsense
                1. -3
                  4 December 2020 07: 16
                  You love then write a personal person. And that chlo to say in fact you have nothing, I already understood. One nonsense

                  Don't tell me what to do, and I won't tell you where to go. wink
          2. +4
            4 December 2020 06: 49
            Quote: Merry_Militarist
            Please tell me, dear Divan, will you support the newly-minted republics, if a scenario similar to what happened in 14 in the LPNR happens, hmm ... well, for example, in Tatarstan or the Far East? Will there be their own "republics" with the support of any of the countries? Will you side with the Feds or the Republicans? I ask for your opinion.

            Your question is provocative enough, but nevertheless I will answer it.
            If (suppose purely HYPOTHETICAL) that in the federal center, that is, the hero city of Moscow, the group neo-Nazis-Vlasov (by analogy with the Ukrainian events, where Nazis-neo-Bandera were involved) will carry out an anti-constitutional violent coup / seizure of power, then NATURALLY I will support any region of Russia that opposed this.

            The essence of what is written, in analogies "here and there," I hope you understand? No extras required?
            1. -2
              4 December 2020 07: 15
              a group of neo-Nazis-Vlasovites (by analogy with the Ukrainian events, where Nazis-neobandertsy were involved) will carry out an anti-constitutional violent coup / seizure of power

              And if they are armed National Bolsheviks? Under the same conditions?
              1. +4
                4 December 2020 07: 23
                Quote: Merry_Militarist
                And if they are armed National Bolsheviks? Under the same conditions?

                What are you arranging for Russia a fortune-teller "if so if only"? Tea we are not Ukraine underdeveloped ...
                In general, I am against any violent overthrow of the government, especially since such in the current conditions will lead to the collapse of our statehood.
                Our eternal "partners" will no longer miss the opportunity to finish us off, which they missed in 1917 and the period of the civil war and 1991 after the collapse of the USSR.

                Therefore, it is important that the authorities do not wind up and give the people a chance to breathe, then there will be no "revolutionary components" either.
      3. +2
        3 December 2020 10: 42
        Are all the enemies gathered in reserve in storage?
        1. 0
          4 December 2020 08: 51
          We were able to get there after the exercises.
    3. -1
      3 December 2020 13: 29
      To call the tanks of the 70s quite modern, very clumsily modernized, could only Kuev's clowns)))
      1. 0
        3 December 2020 14: 12
        Are we sending the Tu-95 to a landfill too? And what are we going to do with the Soyuz spacecraft from the early 70s? You can walk around the Navy, in particular the Atlantes, etc. You can say as much as you like "yes we are there ..." only the fact remains: after Maryinka 2015, no one liberates any Kiev anymore (I mean, not in words, but in deeds). So do not touch "Bulat", they still have the "Oplot" MBT, and those who are on the front line (not virtual) even consider them very much.
        1. 0
          3 December 2020 19: 50
          Who in the Ministry of Defense or the General Staff of Russia calls all of the above "sufficiently modern"? How much is pr. 1164 or Tu - 95 and how much is a tank?
        2. -1
          3 December 2020 23: 21
          And who was going to release him?) As for whether they have at least 34, any pdinivof technique will be considered a priori)
        3. +2
          4 December 2020 05: 03
          Quote: Bshkaus
          What are we going to do with the Soyuz spacecraft from the early 70s?

          ... to learn that only the name, the division into three compartments and the axis of symmetry remained from "that" "Union" in "Soyuz-MS". The Tu-95 is also not in the subject: thanks to the evolution of the weapons it carries (bombs → X-20 → X-55 → X-101), as well as avionics, it has changed qualitatively relative to the original Tu-95. And, in fact, the Tu-95MS is not even a Tu-95, but a Tu-142.
        4. 0
          7 December 2020 11: 51
          The Soyuz spacecraft, originally from the 70s, regularly carries astronauts into orbit. And what are we going to do with the Shuttles? And with the famous telescope, which now has nothing to maintain?
  2. -1
    3 December 2020 09: 15
    On 2 tanks
  3. +4
    3 December 2020 09: 20
    "Bulat", which were made already in this century

    No, well, it's clear what he wanted to say, but it still sounds funny. :)
  4. 0
    3 December 2020 09: 25
    "Upgraded T-64BM "Bulat" tanks appeared "during exercises" in Donbass"

    As they appeared, they will disappear - unexpectedly ...
  5. -1
    3 December 2020 09: 27
    Let them drive more tanks, maybe they will need repairs at the right time.
    1. +1
      3 December 2020 14: 19
      Let them drive more tanks, maybe they will need repairs at the right time.

      Excuse me, but in a battle weakly with "Bulat" to clash?
      Why wait when they break, if, judging by the comments, they are rusty and unusable buckets?
      Do you understand how your phrase looks from the outside?
      1. -3
        3 December 2020 18: 22
        Don't worry, your buckets will burn just like the ones that the miners have already burned a lot in the Donbass.
        1. -1
          7 December 2020 07: 34
          Aha! And they took Kiev too? Then I will keep silent about the administrative boundaries of the regions, so as not to offend the feelings of believers)))
          1. -2
            7 December 2020 08: 48
            What a hurry you are, really can not wait, the time will come and Kiev will be ours, and the borders are where it should be, and the Banderlog will live within the borders of Galicia, their Poles will teach wisdom. good laughing Until then, live in Japanese, not nada tarapis, not nada valnavasa. Everything has its time.
  6. +1
    3 December 2020 09: 29
    on fairly modern machines such as BM "Bulat", which were manufactured already in this century

    How could you use phrases "fairly modern" и "in this century" in one sentence ...?!
  7. 0
    3 December 2020 09: 46
    Donbass is not afraid of this wunderwolf.
  8. +8
    3 December 2020 09: 51
    -What we will throw all the tanks to the Crimea at once?
    -That, first one, then the second!
    1. -1
      3 December 2020 14: 21
      Ha-ha, funny ... especially for those who washed themselves with blood in the 14-15s. Or did we liberate Kiev, or had no losses at all?
      1. -2
        3 December 2020 23: 22
        Who are we and who washed up? What are you writing about? And the repetition of the question - WHO WAS GATHERING KIEV FREEDOM IN GENERAL?)
        1. 0
          7 December 2020 07: 49
          Yes, there were many of them. Someone else is already alive, and you can't remember what their name was ... Tell me, weren't you going to liberate the administrative borders of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions too? I don't even know how to ask for Slavyansk more accurately. He actually held out with all his might while the novorosiya "concentrated". Or was he also not included in the plans of the "liberation campaign"? Girkin washed away, don't you feel sorry for the rest? Okay, I will no longer torment you with unpleasant questions. You can not answer these questions, but the time for comprehending everything that happened will come anyway and you cannot escape from these questions from yourself.
          1. +1
            7 December 2020 07: 59
            You are torturing yourself rather than someone else. There were opportunities to reach these boundaries. And then how to hold them back ?! There are no such forces and there were no words at all. Reason defeated the chatter. The brains were snapped up by those who should have.
  9. 0
    3 December 2020 09: 52
    Like a message ukrov-tremble, we arrived at a new metal scrap with old holes, be afraid of us, uuuuu))))
  10. -2
    3 December 2020 10: 18
    So that x-o-x-l-s, do not boast .. This cannot be. Let them thank the war in Donbass. Otherwise, they would have walked in the old Soviet uniform, they would have had nothing. One continuous storage warehouses ... and those plundered ...
  11. -1
    3 December 2020 10: 22
    Are rubber mudguards under the tower still fashionable?
  12. -2
    3 December 2020 10: 57
    The Ukrainian Armed Forces are still tormenting this hopeless platform, which is the T-64. And the modernization is frankly "budgetary".
    1. -2
      3 December 2020 11: 12
      Quote: Merry_Militarist
      The Ukrainian Armed Forces are still tormenting this hopeless platform, which is the T-64. And the modernization is frankly "budgetary".

      Does LDNR have many anti-tank weapons? And they are unlikely to trample on Russia in the coming years. And, if they decide, then the next generation of “our (“ theirs ”) friends will get older - they will give them“ leopards ”or“ challengers. ”Or even“ merkav ”.
      1. 0
        3 December 2020 11: 29
        Does LDNR have many anti-tank weapons?

        How do I know, dear?))
        But I believe that they can be helped "from the north" under certain conditions.
        make them "leopards" or "challengers". And even "merkav".

        It is unlikely that the cars are expensive, and before they become obsolete, oh, how far, it is easier to buy old / modernized T 72 from the same Poland / Czech Republic
        1. -1
          3 December 2020 11: 37
          Quote: Merry_Militarist

          How do I know, dear?))

          I also do not know. Precisely because I do not remember anywhere that said that they have so many guns. And you can't fight a lot with grenade launchers, as well as towed artillery. The Ukrainian army is not quite the same as it was in the days of the "boilers".

          But I believe that they can be helped "from the north" under certain conditions.

          It would be nice ... But - time for negotiations, for delivery, time for training ...
          it's easier to buy old / modernized T 72 from the same Poland / Czech Republic

          Or like this. "Dana", won, have already bought ...
          1. 0
            3 December 2020 11: 51
            I also do not know.

            Well, let's estimate, in conditions of dense urban / industrial development, grenade launchers can even "solve", especially since the Armed Forces of Ukraine still have a Soviet armored vehicle park with minimal modernization, or even without it at all. But in battles in open areas, the skill of anti-tank crews will probably decide, although there are few of them, but the APU has not that many tanks either.
            Or like this. "Dana", won, have already bought ...

            The Czechs poured them in, according to the principle: "God bless you, what is not suitable for us?" serious SPG.
            1. -1
              3 December 2020 11: 56
              Quote: Merry_Militarist
              in battles in open areas, apparently will decide the skill of anti-tank

              This is exactly what he had in mind, saying that "you can't do much with grenade launchers." Are you talking about ambushes and close range shooting? Well, he will, of course, bend one tank, and then motorized riflemen will cover him.
              1. +1
                3 December 2020 12: 07
                Well, he will, of course, bend one tank, and then motorized riflemen will cover him.

                Well, the grenade launcher should not act alone, everything is done as part of a unit, a lot will depend on experience and tactical training. I don't think that the Ukrainian Armed Forces have much experience in storming large cities like Donetsk, or large industrial zones.
                You mean ambushes and close range shooting

                The grenade launcher is the only way to work, so that for sure, but mobile groups of anti-tank men with anti-tank systems (yes, even on the same UAZs) can ruin life in open areas and maneuver very quickly.
          2. +1
            3 December 2020 23: 31
            The APU is the APU. It is impossible to efficiently supply an army simply by targeted supplies of relatively new weapons. We still need to raise three who will control this army. They also went an even longer path with a change in standards. And in fact now this herd does not have any normal old management and does not yet have a new one. Such a thing in itself. The transition to new standards is a marathon, not a sprint. In fact, they are now even weaker than they were in 14. Simply for the simple reason that the army is tradition and training. These are standards and training for them.
            1. +1
              4 December 2020 05: 06
              Quote: carstorm 11
              the army is tradition and training. These are standards and training for them.

              In principle, absolutely true. But "one must count on the worst and hope for the best."
              1. -2
                4 December 2020 06: 28
                Etl basics) not. Of course, they can cause trouble and even more. But this is only in the local confrontation. This education is not capable of anything more serious. The transition to NATO standards will take place, of course, but before that, like cancer before the moon. They stupidly do not have the funds for this and there will not be many more years. This is an expensive pleasure
                1. 0
                  4 December 2020 06: 35
                  Quote: carstorm 11
                  Etl basics) not. Of course, they can cause trouble and even more. But this is only in the local confrontation.

                  And the LDNR is just that.
      2. 0
        3 December 2020 23: 24
        And they will bury them there. Especially Merkava who are stupidly zero in this theater.
    2. -1
      3 December 2020 14: 24
      Bulats are in their reserve, they have not received development. The choice was made in favor of a unified Stronghold, which is massively put into service. Budats are few and they play a supporting role.
      1. +1
        3 December 2020 14: 37
        Do you mean the T-84M Oplot or the BM Oplot? How massive is it? This is an interesting question.
  13. 0
    3 December 2020 11: 26
    I watched this clip and a couple more, they have only two everywhere, here are two tanks, in the next two helicopters, in the third two guns and a girl with binoculars apparently for the commander, as I understand the rest of the weapons are not very suitable for use? bully
    1. -1
      3 December 2020 11: 38
      Quote: faiver
      I watched this clip and a couple more, they have only two everywhere, here are two tanks, in the next two helicopters, in the third two guns and a girl with binoculars apparently for the commander, as I understand the rest of the weapons are not very suitable for use? bully

      And what - they are obliged to advance in a dense chain, as in WWI and, in part, in WWII?
      1. +1
        3 December 2020 11: 42
        they must advance in a tight chain
        - better phalanx bully
        As far as I remember (read somewhere) fighting is a team sport, not pair figure skating ...
        1. +1
          3 December 2020 11: 47
          Quote: faiver
          fighting is commanding

          Who can argue ... I mean that with proper interaction (at least with normal radio communication) and scattered pairs / groups of tanks will become a combat-ready order. As far as I understand, the front there is a dotted line with a bunch of gaps that do not require large forces there.
          1. 0
            3 December 2020 11: 56
            let them train as they want
  14. 0
    3 December 2020 12: 02
    The second tank driving into the trench looked good in the video))) Fun, with acceleration - and into the front wall.
    And the phrase sounds funny: "... which were made already in this century ...".
    I still can't get used to the fact that this century is only 19 years old)))
  15. +1
    3 December 2020 12: 36
    (...) Ukrainian soldiers conduct trainings on fairly modern machines of the BM "Bulat" type, which were manufactured already in this century, and in the last few years they have also been modernized at the State Enterprise "Plant named after VA Malyshev"
    - writes Defense Express.

    "Made in this century ..." Good joke. The last T-64 tanks were produced in 1987, this is not only in the last century, but also in the last millennium, but some of them were really MODERNIZED in this millennium and in this century
  16. Kaw
    3 December 2020 16: 02
    Was the T-64 produced in this century?
  17. +1
    3 December 2020 16: 24
    This century, that century. Stop powdering your brains. This is a Soviet tank.