"Russia has too much wealth for one country" - the Czech press compared the words of Albright and Goebbels

"Russia has too much wealth for one country" - the Czech press compared the words of Albright and Goebbels

In the Czech Republic, Euro-Atlantic anti-Russian sentiments are widespread, propagated by the West, especially the United States. According to Lubomir Man in an article for the Czech edition of Haló noviny, the source of hatred towards Russia is quite easy to establish if one compares the statements of American politicians with those of Goebbels.

According to Man, the Czech Republic is prohibited from having good relations with Russia. She cannot buy a vaccine against coronavirus in Russia for the reason that it is made by Russians, and the collective West prohibits buying Russian. Prague is rejoicing at the election of a new American president, who declares a tougher fight against Russia, while simultaneously purchasing American weapons that the country does not need. The Czech Republic supports the anti-Russian sanctions imposed by the United States for choosing the residents of Crimea by constitutional means to return to Russia, because the West demands it.

The author is convinced that the government of the country will continue to support the anti-Russian course, artificially imposed by the United States and its partners.

Man writes that official Euro-Atlantic anti-Russian sentiments have "spread monstrously" in the Czech Republic. Where the sources of the West's hatred for Russia come from, according to him, is not difficult to guess, especially if we recall the speech on the radio by the Minister of Propaganda Goebbels on June 22, 1941, that is, on the day of the attack of Nazi Germany on the USSR.

This is not a war for the throne and altar. This is a war for grain, iron, ore, coal and raw materials. This is a war for a well-fed German worker

- declared in 1941 Goebbels.

And these are two statements by Madeleine Albright, the US Secretary of State in 1997-2001:

Russia has too many natural resources. It is not fair

- she said for the first time

Russia has too much wealth for one country

Albright declared in the second.

Compare the statements of Goebbels and Albright, and you will see the real reason for the West's hatred of Russia, writes Man.

That's the reason for you! Under the Reich it was the same as it is now

- he added.
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  1. KAV
    26 November 2020 10: 07
    Lord, what a terrible thing! Again on someone else's loaf havalniks thought to open?
    Truly, there is no limit to human greed.
    1. 25+
      26 November 2020 10: 12
      Quote: KAV
      what a terrible thing!

      Her soul is the same black and terrible!
      1. KAV
        26 November 2020 10: 13
        Quote: Uncle Lee
        Her soul is the same black and terrible!
        I agree with you completely! It is enough to look at the photos of Rothschild, Rockefeller, Soros and others like them - the eyes betray completely rotten souls.
        1. -55
          26 November 2020 10: 16
          Quote: KAV
          Quote: Uncle Lee
          Her soul is the same black and terrible!
          I agree with you completely! It is enough to look at the photos of Rothschild, Rockefeller, Soros and others like them - the eyes betray completely rotten souls.

          On our then, too, if you look .. it becomes scary .. Face is a reflection of thoughts and feelings.
          1. KAV
            26 November 2020 10: 21
            Quote: Svarog
            On ours, too, if you look .. it becomes scary ..
            You don't look. And then grab a heart attack from fear.
            1. +7
              26 November 2020 12: 27
              Too much of these striped fattresses, for one country! It's time for them all to go on a diet. You look, the mind will increase.
            2. +2
              27 November 2020 15: 59
              Well, a heart attack is not a heart attack, I don't know, but wearing diapers like that doesn't hurt.
              1. +3
                27 November 2020 20: 13
                Good article by Man! In the general Western Russophobic chorus of hatred and lies of the media, no, no, and a lonely honest voice will cut through.
                1. -3
                  28 November 2020 08: 18
                  Why are you so worried here. You might think the owners of the oil fields and diamond mines have gathered. Everything was taken away and divided from you long ago. And the profit from the sale is not made by you. And gasoline is more expensive for you than in America and gas for your home is more expensive than in Europe, and the collection of dead wood has been granted (but not much, because the forests are not yours) and mushrooms have not yet been banned. And Vladimir Vladimirovich's eyes are kind-kind, like those of Ilyich!
          2. 18+
            26 November 2020 10: 34
            Quote: Svarog
            On our then, too, if you look .. it becomes scary .. Face is a reflection of thoughts and feelings.

            A typical comment on the Echo of Moscow website.
            1. +8
              26 November 2020 11: 02
              A typical comment on the Echo of Moscow website. -
              So V.O. already an almost unofficial branch ... Have you noticed about economic and other news?
              1. -8
                26 November 2020 13: 23
                Quote: Sydor Amenpospestovich
                Typical commentsth on the site "Echo of Moscow"

                Quote: tovarich-andrey.62goncharov
                Typical comment on the site "Echo of Moscow"

                Honestly, I'm not interested in Echo. But you, as knowledgeable experts, please explain what you mean by this?

                The echo seems to be like a liberal broadcast, but here, on the VO website, I almost never met liberal comments! Liberals don't survive here.
          3. 0
            26 November 2020 11: 12
            Quote: Svarog
            On our then, too, if you look .. it becomes scary .. Face is a reflection of thoughts and feelings.

            hi If foreign adversaries only bury themselves on Russian riches, then domestic ones have long seized them for personal use. They got rich scary against the background of an impoverished people! Putin's friends are billionaires.

            But, Vladimir, I do not agree with you - Putin has a kind face. Almost angelic! Our officials perfectly own a kind face, committing unkind deeds.
            1. +4
              26 November 2020 12: 38
              Quote: Stas157
              But, Vladimir, I do not agree with you - Putin has a kind face. Almost angelic!

              No wonder that in the temple of the armed forces His bright face and the faces of his companions in the mosaic were captured. True, dark liberal forces intervened and dismantled the mosaic, but the trouble was the beginning - we are building three churches a day. If it didn't work in one - it will ride in the second, third, ... fifth, ... twelve ...
          4. 0
            26 November 2020 12: 05
            Yes, I passed a little. And the interpretation of the look, for the enemies the look of Cain, for the friends the look is affectionate and understanding. So which look do we choose?
          5. +1
            26 November 2020 12: 35
            Quote: Svarog
            On ours, too, if you look .. it becomes scary ..

            Yes, sir, you are paranoid !!!
          6. +2
            26 November 2020 22: 46
            It's good that you, Judas, are afraid to look at ours ...
        2. 12+
          26 November 2020 10: 49
          Quote: KAV
          Quote: Uncle Lee
          Her soul is the same black and terrible!
          I agree with you completely! It is enough to look at the photos of Rothschild, Rockefeller, Soros and others like them - the eyes betray completely rotten souls.

          Everyone dreams of colonizing Russia.
          And private Russian Vanya their dreams with a boot in the mud ...
          So your ears turn black from anger and powerlessness ..
          1. -6
            26 November 2020 10: 59
            Quote: Doccor18
            And private Russian Vanya their dreams with a boot in the mud ...

            And then an ordinary Russian Vanya, his own bourgeois in the mud .. He served, fought .. you raise the retirement age ..
            1. +5
              26 November 2020 11: 22
              Quote: Svarog
              Quote: Doccor18
              And private Russian Vanya their dreams with a boot in the mud ...

              And then an ordinary Russian Vanya, his own bourgeois in the mud .. He served, fought .. you raise the retirement age ..

              Your message suggests the idea that you want to convey to us - strangers are better than your own! In my opinion, no, although it is not an option when my own people take over everything, since I was brought up in the USSR. To be more precise, strangers are not an option at all. And the article was about strangers who opened their mouths to our country.
              1. +4
                26 November 2020 13: 56
                Quote: neri73-r
                suggests the idea that you want to convey to us - strangers are better than your own!

                Strangers are no better. Any thief (invader) is bad. Why understand the varieties?
                Otherwise, what have you decided to indulge your own (if only strangers did not come)? This is what the bourgeois expects to call the rest to brace, unity and patriotism.

                Quote: neri73-r
                And the article was about strangers who opened their mouths to our country.

                Or rather for wealth of our country, which have long been taken away from the people and are used for enrichment purposes. And those whom you consider yours, palaces abroad were rebuilt long ago and money was taken out.
            2. 0
              27 November 2020 14: 44
              Well, just a nursery garden. Raising the retirement age is a definite disadvantage. Very Specific. Why are we silent about everything else? Logs in the eye not? Or someone else's army. You want to feed. So we will figure it out ourselves. The Wild Jungle will help you ... to eat and not choke ..
          2. +9
            26 November 2020 10: 59
            And private Chubais, so with all his heart to meet.
            1. +1
              26 November 2020 12: 08
              Chubais is in grief, Rusnano is being taken away, but the position was promised, by any chance you don't need Mayor Chubais?
              1. +3
                26 November 2020 13: 51
                We also have cool people. But in a different way. And he's out of production. As, by the way, the mayor.
                And people from, no, not from the plow, but from the management of the workshop in real production, work with subordinates in a completely different way. Previously, the tax officer was not bad on his own, but the grip is not the same.
                And Chubais? Did he really manage the production of material goods, which then still need to be sold? Or more on the cut? I do not know his biography of Dosobchak very well.
                1. 0
                  27 November 2020 10: 34
                  Under Gorby, they were sent abroad to a teacher. There is a cool photo when they drink beer in Moscow. 10 people, still young, so all ten went through power. Such an impression the collapse of the USSR began to prepare as soon as the humpback came, but he did not lead this process otherwise it would not be known where we would be.
              2. -3
                27 November 2020 08: 21
                Rusnano is an office created and tailored for external investment. Under the sanctions, it has become not only low-income, but also toxic. Therefore, Borisys is busy with a warmer place.
        3. +2
          26 November 2020 19: 38
          They forgot to mention Brzezinski - he has a devilish look. Was.
          All people are mortal. Sooner or later, these will be there. And we are all.
          Therefore, live in such a way that you will neither execute yourself, nor be executed for eternity.
        4. +1
          26 November 2020 19: 42
          These erysipelas cause a gag reflex.
        5. +2
          26 November 2020 21: 25
          Souls sold to the devil.
        6. 0
          27 November 2020 17: 30
          They're all like one devil family
      2. +5
        26 November 2020 10: 15
        Our liberals of all stripes love and adore this.
      3. +6
        26 November 2020 12: 43
        Quote from Uncle Lee
        Her soul is the same black and terrible!

        Reptilians have no soul.
      4. +5
        27 November 2020 14: 22
        Quote: Uncle Lee
        Quote: KAV
        what a terrible thing!

        Her soul is the same black and terrible!

        During the occupation of Yugoslavia during the Second World War, the Jewish family of Madlenka was rescued from Nazi reprisals by acquaintances Serbs.
        In 1999, Albright paid back her rescuers with interest.
        She bombed Serbia with Montenegro and tore away the Serbian heart - Kosovo, the cradle of Serbian Orthodoxy ...
        So about Albright's soul, I have a clear opinion.
        She has no soul ... am
    2. -5
      26 November 2020 10: 13
      "Russia has too much wealth for one country" - the Czech press compared the words of Albright and Goebbels

      Only the poor people do not see these riches. In Russia, 2% of citizens have saddled this wealth and are fattening.
      And the picture turns out, on the one hand, their bourgeoisie derail the country and the people, on the other hand, other people's bourgeoisie open their mouths to our wealth (which has not been ours for 30 years). And we are called to patriotism so that we would defend our bourgeoisie from Western attacks ..
      Bring back socialism and no one will even think about the riches of Russia.
      1. KAV
        26 November 2020 10: 20
        Quote: Svarog
        Only the poor people do not see these riches. In Russia, 2% of citizens have saddled this wealth and are fattening.
        And the picture turns out, on the one hand, their bourgeoisie derail the country and the people, on the other hand, other people's bourgeoisie open their mouths to our wealth (which has not been ours for 30 years). And we are called to patriotism so that we would defend our bourgeoisie from Western attacks ..
        Return the USSR and no one will even vyaknut think about the wealth of Russia.
        Vladimir, are you tired of playing your worn-out record yet? Whatever the topic - everywhere you are with the poor people. Where is he beggar? Have you been on the street for a long time? Look how many cars are on the roads and in the yards! Look how many new buildings! Look how many shopping malls there are with crowds of people! Now please answer. If the people are such a beggar as you regularly broadcast here, then where is this all from, and most importantly - for whom ???
        If you are in poverty, then it's time to stop whining on the forums and get busy with your life!
        1. -2
          26 November 2020 10: 28
          KAV, did you try to get out of megacities? Take a look at the Russian North, you will like it))
          1. KAV
            26 November 2020 10: 31
            Quote: Pilot
            KAV, did you try to get out of megacities? Take a look at the Russian North, you will like it))
            I tried it. And I regularly go out. I traveled all over the Volga region. Yes, there are some cities where not everything is so good. But, their minority and the people there cannot be said to be a beggar. North? You also say that the whole north is a beggar.
            1. 0
              26 November 2020 10: 36
              Quote: KAV
              Quote: Pilot
              KAV, did you try to get out of megacities? Take a look at the Russian North, you will like it))
              I tried it. And I regularly go out. I traveled all over the Volga region. Yes, there are some cities where not everything is so good. But, their minority and the people there cannot be said to be a beggar. North? You also say that the whole north is a beggar.

              And you will take a ride in Karelia, Arkhangelsk, Vologda Regions .. There is still life only in the capitals of these huge regions ... but what can I say, it is NECESSARY to SEE.
            2. +8
              26 November 2020 16: 01
              Volga region ?! Yes, this is still grace. Have you tried to drive to the Urals? To Siberia? To the Far East? This is a large part of the country in terms of area. And it is dying out. Slow and painful. Yes, of course, the people have become very resourceful and dexterous in terms of survival, but this does not always help. For one open farm or enterprise 10 closed ones. Theft and bribery in almost all areas, at all levels, and everyone who can somehow steals. Even if they have enough honestly earned to live. It's time to admit to ourselves honestly that this is so. The nation of great accomplishments and destinies has become what it is. And you can say a lot of beautiful words about how many cars and shopping centers there are, and that we are flourishing, but this will not be objective. After all, you need to understand that now this picture, the illusion of well-being, is artificially imposed, including for the division of the people, for the protection of the interests of the authorities that are imposed on us by foreign world capital. So we live in this huge rich country
              1. -5
                27 November 2020 14: 47
                This is the result of natural selection (more precisely, choice) of the transition from one system to another. And you wanted a Stalinist regime. There is either the Gulag (Stalinist) or the wild jungle (in the West). And in both there is a restraining "mowing" factor.
            3. +1
              27 November 2020 15: 42
              sheer delirium, sweet - a person ... I myself am from the Saratov region, and I know from myself how people live in the outback. It is only a few who managed to snatch in the 90s, or dads - mothers held leadership positions in various fields, That is good now. The rest are interrupting. You will be surprised, but in the Saratov region there are pensions of 10 rubles to this day ... the storyteller, the elas are burnt ...
          2. +2
            26 November 2020 10: 36
            Quote: Pilot
            KAV, did you try to get out of megacities? Take a look at the Russian North, you will like it))

            Which one of the Russian North do you mean? Yamal, Khanty, Nenets Okrug? Or else to list it? So, for information - the standard of living there is an order of magnitude higher than most megacities.
            1. +4
              26 November 2020 15: 43
              It’s not shitty in the north, they live there, small-town kings rule there, and high salaries are lowered by frenzied prices.
          3. +5
            26 November 2020 11: 29
            I am a Murmansk resident of the second generation. Under the USSR, it was not profitable for pennies to leave Murmansk, because the rights to northern pensions were lost. I'm talking about sailors, at 50 years old men and at 45 women retired. Pensions had to live in Murmansk until the end of their lives, unless of course there is no housing from parents in the south or the opportunity to build a cooperative housing. Under the USSR, a new cemetery was built on 8 km of the Murmashinskaya road. You can see it on Gugol Kartakh from the commos. So there are "two" Murmansk. The people began to earn money and move to South. New housing is practically not being built, the old stock is enough and it is in price. Little things are not an example of how people lived there, if they stand empty, they go there. The city has not died, but only develops. The fishing industry is being revived, Novatek came, the port's cargo turnover is only growing, the Northern Fleet's fleet is hardly replenished The state realized that its fortune is in the north and not only the state and private business. pay with increased salaries. Now my health is up to retirement, it is not profitable to give it back. I earned easier and left.
            1. 0
              27 November 2020 14: 51
              I don't quite agree with the enticement. It will lure naturally. There will be jobs and meaning in THAT salary, people will come. There will be no one or! another - everything will freeze there.
          4. 0
            26 November 2020 15: 06
            We go hunting from the village near Noginsk, there are some cottages for the city, we are the same cottages, as under Korolev, as well as under Elektrostal.
            Cars basically cost about a million, this is ALREADY a luxury product, when you can buy for 200k.
            1. -2
              26 November 2020 22: 31
              Quote: Incvizitor
              Most of the cars cost about a million, this is ALREADY a means of luxury, when you can buy for 200k.

              What kind of car can you buy for 200 thousand ??

              If you do not consider the various rubbish, in the form of products of AvtoVAZ and China, then something more or less decent just starts from a million. And this is a car for the poor. Who has a little money watching the car from 1,5-2 million.

              A million - sounds loud! But, what is a million wooden ones? Nothing.
              1. +2
                26 November 2020 22: 36
                Supported https://auto.ru/mytischi/cars/used/?price_to=200000 choose)
                who really has no money, he may well buy and even cheaper cars
                something more or less decent
                for a million + (that go everywhere) probably "the beggars, the malnourished, the last ones" are buying.
                1. +1
                  27 November 2020 16: 36
                  Quote: Incvizitor
                  Probably the "beggars" are buying the last ones.

                  And they don't really buy it. By the number of cars per capita, by their cost, we are VERY far behind the same Europe or the States. But I see you just bursting with pride that you can afford used trash for 200 thousand! And from the outside it looks pathetic. Such rubbish is thrown into a landfill in other countries, and you calculate it as a sign of wealth and luxury.
              2. 0
                27 November 2020 14: 52
                Well, again, the nursery. Well, how many vases do you travel around the country? Is it weak to match?
        2. -3
          26 November 2020 10: 30
          Quote: KAV
          Vladimir, are you tired of playing your worn-out record yet?

          I will twist it until I see a socially oriented state. On this no, not tired.
          Quote: KAV
          Where is he beggar? Have you been on the street for a long time? Look how many cars are on the roads and in the yards! Look how many new buildings!

          For sure, this training manual does not work. You are not tired of it .. here we have already talked about cars and new buildings more than once ..
          The average age of cars is 14 years .. 87% of cars are bought on credit .. a car is a means of survival and is often a necessity to earn money .. But the fact that internal fuel consumption is falling every year is a fact that indicates that with a car, many can no longer afford to refuel it.
          As for the new buildings .. we have a bunch of houses that have not been inhabited for years, and given that prices began to rise again .. it turns into a big soap bubble ..
          Look how many shopping malls there are with crowds of people!

          No matter how funny it sounds, but our main employer is retail .. Pyaterochka, Magnit .. Do you think this is normal?
          1. KAV
            26 November 2020 10: 46
            Quote: Svarog
            I will twist it until I see a socially oriented state.
            That is, you do not know how to do anything other than mumbling on the forums, or do you not want to do it? Do you really think that with your speeches at forums you will achieve a reorientation of the state towards society? Y-yes ...
            Quote: Svarog
            For sure, this training manual does not work. You are not tired of it .. here we have already talked about cars and new buildings more than once ..
            Well, of course. And your training manual, one might think, has not lost its effectiveness.
            Quote: Svarog
            The average age of cars is 14 years .. 87% of cars are bought on credit ..
            Yes, even 20 years old. So what? Not only cars are bought on credit, but also expensive clothes, apartments, household appliances. What do you want to prove by this? Credits will have to be paid anyway. So there is something to pay for.
            Quote: Svarog
            a car is a means of survival and is often a necessity to make money ..
            Are you talking about a taxi, delivery service? In other cases, the smallest percentage of the population uses cars as a means of survival and income. No need to pump up.
            Quote: Svarog
            But the fact that the internal fuel consumption is falling every year is a fact that indicates that with a car, many can no longer afford to refuel it.
            Oh, is it? And to think about the fact that some people, evaluating the time spent in traffic jams, have refused to use the car, as a result of which it is not refueled - it is impossible to think of that? Everything is somehow one-sided with you. The sale of gasoline is falling - it means that the people are poor and cannot afford to refuel - this is the only permissible reason for your perception. When we built the same metro line to the upper part of the city, only one station (!) The number of cars in that direction sharply decreased, because people, corny, switched to the metro! You probably were too lazy to even think about it. The people must be poor, otherwise your statements will turn out to be false. Yes.
            Quote: Svarog
            As for the new buildings .. we have a bunch of houses that have not been inhabited for years, and given that prices began to rise again .. it turns into a big soap bubble ..
            I don't know where you have it. With us, especially with the inclusion of preferential mortgages, new buildings scattered like hot cakes. Moreover, I personally know families who earn below average for themselves. But, even they took apartments in a new building.
            Quote: Svarog
            No matter how funny it sounds, but our main employer is retail .. Pyaterochka, Magnit .. Do you think this is normal?
            Again, I don’t know where you have it. But this is the employer. The money pays. Work. Don't be a beggar.
            1. -3
              26 November 2020 10: 53
              Quote: KAV
              Again, I don’t know where you have it. But this is the employer. The money pays. Work. Don't be a beggar.

              I don't know where you have it.

              In Russia, all this is in Russia .. You can see Russia that you do not see at all and you are not interested in her life, your fifth point is not bad .. you think it means everyone is like that ..
              So educate yourself and think about what country the scammers have built ..
              1. +4
                26 November 2020 11: 28
                Quote: Svarog
                You can see Russia then you do not see at all

                Where do you get information about the life of the people in Russia? Are you driving around cities and towns by yourself?
                Not at all. All from the same place, from the Internet. You only prefer materials that describe the worst things that happen in Russia, and carefully avoid positive news.
                I noticed a long time ago: in those notes on VO, where something good is narrated (transferred to the fleet, commissioned, construction completed, etc.) you are absolutely inactive.
                However, wherever failures are told, you are right there!
                Only the negative pleases you. Only negative you perceive with malevolent joy.
                Other people's successes do not inspire you, only failures.
                Why is that?
                1. -1
                  26 November 2020 11: 34
                  Quote: Sidor Amenpodestovich
                  Where do you get information about the life of the people in Russia? Are you driving around cities and towns by yourself?

                  Yes, I travel personally .. for 24 years of working experience, I lived in 7 cities of Russia, traveled all over the country .. Only in Vladik I have not been and in a couple of other cities ..
                  Only the negative pleases you. Only negative you perceive with malevolent joy.
                  Other people's successes do not inspire you, only failures.

                  I see no reason for inspiration .. How can you be inspired by something when general social injustice, for seven years in a row the population has been impoverished, when medicine, education, science, and industry are degrading .. when every year we are becoming smaller in the population of an average city .. You don't have to be an adykvat to be inspired by this ..
                  1. 0
                    26 November 2020 12: 01
                    Quote: Svarog
                    Yes, I travel personally .. for 24 years of working experience, I lived in 7 cities of Russia, traveled all over the country .. Only in Vladik I have not been and in a couple of other cities ..

                    How long has it been?
                    And do not be offended, but it is correct to write "was not in a couple of cities." Pair - singular r.
                    That is, in this case, the dative case is appropriate, and not the accusative.
                    On the issue of education degradation.
              2. +2
                26 November 2020 12: 17
                Have you tried to work? At my work, some manage to work at three jobs, albeit with two days off a week. It is a sin to count someone else's money, but more than a hundred and fifty a month comes out. years, but the car will be changed for a new one, who will give more discounts. Stop whining, who has golden hands and a bright head will always work!
          2. KCA
            26 November 2020 13: 18
            I looked through the windows, only one domestic car, 2104, it really may be 14 years old, everything, at the moment, except for the four, there are only foreign cars, 16 pieces, in the evening, perhaps more Russian cars will arrive, but also not rot. In the morning, walking with the dog, I walk past 3 trash bins, constantly repairing, throwing out everything, from rags and furniture, to electronics, serviceable, from poverty, probably there is nothing to pay for electricity?
            1. +4
              26 November 2020 14: 52
              Quote: KCA
              I looked through the windows only one domestic car

              But in Africa, none at all! So there are now only rich people?

              Modern concepts of poverty are not the same as they were a hundred years ago. Even the biased Rosstat reports on millions of Russians below the poverty line. And here you are playing Vanka! Say, where does poverty come from in Russia, when our middle class is fattening by 17 thousand!
          3. MMX
            26 November 2020 19: 22
            I will twist it until I see a socially oriented state.

            It would be even better if you had any idea of ​​what a "socially oriented state" is.

            87% of cars are bought on credit .. a car is a means of survival and is often a necessity for earning money

            Lying. The share of credit cars is 59%, and 45% for new cars. That is, new cars are often bought for their own.

            But the fact that the internal fuel consumption is falling every year is a fact that indicates that with a car, many can no longer afford to refuel it.

            Lies again. Consumption has dropped globally due to the pandemic.
            The demand for motor fuel in the Russian Federation remains approximately at the same level. Gasoline goes down, diesel goes up.

            As for the new buildings .. we have a bunch of houses that have not been inhabited for years, and given that prices began to rise again .. it turns into a big soap bubble ..

            And again a lie. At the moment, there is even some overheating of the market due to the rush of demand and the inability of developers to meet the demand.

            Not tired of lying, sick ???

            No matter how funny it sounds, but our main employer is retail .. Pyaterochka, Magnit .. Do you think this is normal?

            Well, yes, this is called a post-industrial society. In the United States, for example, the service sector accounts for 80% of the economy. Amazing, right?
          4. 0
            27 November 2020 14: 54
            Again a nursery garden. Social in socialism. And the transition will be long. With philosophy, you can see you have different laws.
        3. +2
          26 November 2020 11: 00
          Quote: KAV
          Where is he beggar? Have you been on the street for a long time? Look how many cars are on the roads and in the yards! Look how many new buildings!

          This is another!
          They say that cars are on credit, and the apartments belong to oligarchs.
          Why there were so few cars in the USSR, a socially oriented state, and why they are building so many housing now, if no one can afford it, they do not explain.
          Then they naturally wonder why they don't believe it?
        4. +3
          26 November 2020 11: 07
          As recently as yesterday, my wife ordered toys for children in needy families. Not for homeless people, but for normal people who suddenly found themselves without a livelihood.
          Children's clothing is now only the simplest and cheapest. A year ago, my eyes ran.
          I don’t know about you, but in our shopping centers there are more and more closed outlets. Of course, we can say that they just did not fit into the market and that this is normal. But, in fact, in 1917 for such words and a bayonet in the belly could be received.
          1. +6
            26 November 2020 11: 24
            It's true about shopping centers. I don't know how in Moscow, but I went through ours recently, at least a third of departments are closed everywhere. And the plaques weigh "for rent." By the way, the Castorama in the city was also closed.
            1. +5
              26 November 2020 11: 25
              But I’m not a Muscovite either.
              1. +6
                26 November 2020 11: 28
                About that and speech. I talked to one owner why he closed, he says: no one buys anything, people just stupidly have no money. Only for the essentials.
                1. -10
                  26 November 2020 11: 59
                  Quote: Van 16
                  nobody buys anything, people just stupidly have no money. Only for the essentials.

                  Don't write nonsense. Many have switched to ordering on the Internet, where it is much cheaper, and there is more choice. This is a consequence of progress.
                  1. -2
                    26 November 2020 12: 50
                    Well, yes, well, yes .. The day before yesterday I only went to Wildberry, half-empty shelves and one employee. A year ago, everything was packed and three were on the list.
                    1. 0
                      26 November 2020 13: 45
                      I regularly walk past the pick-up point. Glass doors. There's no one inside.
                      1. +2
                        26 November 2020 13: 57
                        Quote: Pereira
                        I regularly walk past the pick-up point. Glass doors. There's no one inside.

                        Maybe with "one" eye - It can be seen Bad! Who is the next mourner to write about the Wildbirds and Lamaud - on the eve of Black Friday? Already ready to accept bets. I repeat - Now there is a blockage! fool
                        The people in connection with Covid - They are afraid to visit the shopping centers again, that's why the shops are closed there. Renting is becoming unprofitable! Valdberiz and Lamoda - Steadily increasing Revenue and Turnover! Balabol! negative
                      2. -4
                        26 November 2020 14: 48
                        May I come to your happy country? Where is she, by the way? Do trains go there from Russia?
                      3. +4
                        26 November 2020 15: 52
                        The La Moda machine is constantly wandering to our wilderness. I'm thinking of ordering something myself!
                    2. +1
                      26 November 2020 13: 47
                      Quote: Van 16
                      Well, yes, well, yes .. The day before yesterday I only went to Wildberry, half-empty shelves and one employee. A year ago, everything was packed and three were on the list.

                      What are you carrying ??? fool Now "Black Friday" is on the nose, the maximum discounts. That Wildbury, that Lamoda - all points are CLOSED! Storyteller negative
                      1. +1
                        26 November 2020 14: 32
                        "Black Friday" is not on the nose, it has been going on for two weeks. I won't say about Lamodoux, I don't know, but about the WB - what I see is what I write.
                        The same thing is in the Labyrinth, though, they are not so noticeable, but they also cannot be compared with what was before.
                      2. +3
                        26 November 2020 14: 36
                        Quote: Van 16
                        "Black Friday" is not on the nose, it has been going on for two weeks. I won't say about Lamodoux, I don't know, but about the WB - what I see is what I write.
                        The same thing is in the Labyrinth, though, they are not so noticeable, but they also cannot be compared with what was before.

                        I have no idea what your eyesight is. Just look at the statistics on the Growth of Internet Trade, I repeat Both Turnover and Revenue. Plus - the number of new customers. Argument - I see it, leave it for the children in the sandbox.
                      3. +2
                        26 November 2020 15: 21
                        Those who have eyes are useless to rustle pieces of paper before.
                    3. +6
                      26 November 2020 16: 45
                      Quote: Van 16
                      The day before yesterday I only went to Wildberry, half-empty shelves and one employee. A year ago, everything was scored and three were on the list.

                      Boxberry - people come all the time, plus Belarusians come for iHerb, a couple of gazelles come to the eyeballs a day.
        5. 0
          26 November 2020 14: 20
          Quote: KAV
          everywhere you are with the poor people. Where is he beggar?

          Do you think so too? Not a beggar, but a middle class !! This is 17 thousand rubles !!! In terms of salaries, Africa has already caught up!

          Quote: KAV
          See how many cars

          So in the bandustans and the ruins of cars, no less! Does everyone really prosper ??

          Quote: KAV
          Look how many shopping malls there are with crowds of people!

          Buying everything at discounts! And why are these shopping centers all crying that the average check is steadily falling and people buy only promotional goods?
          Do you know how many shopping centers have closed due to the low purchasing power of Russians?

          Quote: KAV
          it's time to stop whining on the forums and get busy with your life!

          That's not noah... And go get busy. Adviser!
          1. KAV
            26 November 2020 16: 08
            Quote: Stas157
            Do you think so too? Not a beggar, but a middle class !! This is 17 thousand rubles !!! In terms of salaries, Africa has already caught up!
            About the middle class, of course, this is still the same. Now you liberals and whiners have this trump card for pseudo-arguments.
            Quote: Stas157
            So in the bandustans and the ruins of cars, no less! Does everyone really prosper ??
            Well, don't exaggerate! Let's also measure welfare in kilograms. You do not try to compare those cars and ours. Don't keep everyone here for idiots.
            Quote: Stas157
            Buying everything at discounts! And why are these shopping centers all crying that the average check is steadily falling and people buy only promotional goods?
            Do you know how many shopping centers have closed due to the low purchasing power of Russians?
            Again and again sheer lies! They closed due to restrictive "self-isolation" measures, not because of low purchasing power! You just do not know how much online trade volumes have grown during this time! Yes, you don't even know where it comes from. I know. That is why I speak.
            Quote: Stas157
            That's not noah. And go get busy. Adviser!
            You whine here. And I have been busy for a long time, which is why I do not complain about life, but enjoy it.
            1. -3
              26 November 2020 19: 13
              Why are you so angry? Who offended you? Let's not whine here!)))

              Quote: KAV
              I'm not complaining about life, but enjoy her

              Is it you now enjoying your squabbling or what ?? Storyteller!)))
      2. +6
        26 November 2020 10: 26
        I disagree. Our people are hard-working and not beggars. Here are just banking parasites trying to drive ordinary hard workers into bondage.

        If you have $ 10 and no debt, you are richer than 25 percent of Americans.
        That's it.
    3. 11+
      26 November 2020 12: 27
      Quote: KAV
      Lord, what a terrible thing! Again on someone else's loaf havalniks thought to open?
      Truly, there is no limit to human greed.

      This is not greed, but rather pathological hatred, at the level of the disease.
      Once a Serbian family hid a little Jewish girl Madeleine, who searched and searched for Jews from the Nazis. Then Madeleine grew up and thanked the Serbs in full !!!
      1. -4
        26 November 2020 18: 50
        The Korbel family, including the then still small Maria Yana Korbelova, left Serbia for London in March 1939, when there were still no fascists there.
        1. +4
          26 November 2020 19: 56
          Quote: Avior
          The Korbel family, including the then still small Maria Yana Korbelova, left Serbia for London in March 1939, when there were still no fascists there.

          So it seemed to me that it was not her and she loves Serbs very much
          1. -4
            26 November 2020 20: 13
            ... Once a Serbian family hid a little Jewish girl Madeleine, who searched and searched for Jews from the Nazis.

            Did you see it on the video?
            Me not....
            1. +5
              26 November 2020 20: 14
              Quote: Avior
              Did you see it on the video?
              Me not....

              Just demonstrated how much she loves Serbs
    4. +1
      26 November 2020 15: 12
      Quote: KAV
      Lord, what a terrible thing!

      And scary makeup belay and not made up ............ terrible!
    5. +2
      26 November 2020 18: 34
      Truly, there is no limit to human greed.

      She only said out loud what the West thinks and plans.
    6. 0
      27 November 2020 16: 28
      Quote: KAV
      Again on someone else's loaf havalniks thought to open?

      and when they closed the thread havalnik?
  2. +3
    26 November 2020 10: 12
    There is too much wealth in Russia
    And in appearance you can't tell)
  3. 12+
    26 November 2020 10: 13
    the "iron lady" - M. Thatcher ... one school!
    1. 10+
      26 November 2020 11: 08
      Nope, she was more humane - she was thinking about 15 million Russian servants of the pipe. And etoy has not a word about people ...
    2. 17+
      26 November 2020 18: 03
      And some other / closed by censorship / said: "We cannot afford a Russian peasant in Siberia to burn oil that we need so badly."
  4. 14+
    26 November 2020 10: 13
    Captain The obvious is simple. The West is on the verge of financial collapse, since capitalism is not an economic system, but a kind of parasitism. If the West has no one to parasitize, it will burst.
    1. +6
      26 November 2020 10: 21
      Quote: Stroibat stock
      and a kind of parasitism

      And this is called imperialism! Everything is according to the classics ... And the bourgeoisie will take away cookies and jam from our bad guys!
    2. 16+
      26 November 2020 10: 25
      Quote: Stroibat stock
      West on the brink of financial ruin

      The collapse of the USSR and its plundering with the help of local collaborators who exchanged oil and uranium in exchange for "beads" significantly postponed the systemic crisis of the West.
      1. +8
        26 November 2020 10: 28
        That is why the west is still alive. Only what was received from the USSR is almost over, and there is simply nothing to take from the "young democracies". These grounds, according to the West, are sufficient to unleash an aggressive war against Russia. Since they cannot introduce the economy instead of parasitizing.
      2. -8
        26 November 2020 11: 08
        Quote: Cyril G ...
        The collapse of the USSR and its plundering with the help of local collaborators who exchanged oil and uranium in exchange for "beads" significantly postponed the systemic crisis of the West.

        Who prevented them from producing beads?
        Management errors? Errors of the system of the planned socialist economy?
        The system is incorrect if it cannot compensate for such errors.
        Capitalism "according to the classics" should have devoured itself long ago.
        According to it, socialism should have already begun on the entire planet.
        However, capitalism is not going to die, and there is no trace of socialism.
        Maybe the "classic" is wrong?

        An example of how capitalism works is the US elections. In less stable systems, this would cause a military coup, chaos and the collapse of the state.
        And they have nothing, another internal crisis, again capitalism will find a way out. You will see.
        This does not mean that capitalism is good.
        This means that socialism "according to the classics" turned out to be worse.
        1. +3
          26 November 2020 13: 14
          Quote: Carte
          According to it, socialism should have already begun on the entire planet.
          However, capitalism is not going to die, and there is no trace of socialism.
          Maybe the "classic" is wrong?

          New capitalism is not classical. But with the death of the USSR and TAM, there is a consistent deprivation of the population's rights and freedoms, and therefore impoverishment.

          Quote: Carte
          And they have nothing, another internal crisis, again capitalism will find a way out. You will see.

          So we'll see what the new reality will be like. The question is not capitalism, of course, but the elite consensus that it will be better to live together. And the situation is now in an unstable equilibrium there. It's not about whether sleepy Joe or Agent Donald will be president.
        2. Fat
          26 November 2020 14: 18
          Quote: Carte
          This means that socialism "according to the classics" turned out to be worse.

          Socialism "according to the classics" has never existed anywhere.
  5. 14+
    26 November 2020 10: 22
    That's right. There is Russia, and there are Western jackals, who are used to plundering their colonies so that the metropolis will flourish. So they lick their lips at Russia.

    Banana on the collar tongue
  6. +4
    26 November 2020 10: 22
    Russia has too many natural resources. It is not fair
    Albright said.
    In the United States, there were no less natural resources, but they all wasted, gobbled up. And now the mouth is biting into someone else's, for them the whole world is a source of resources. Goebbels and his comrades in the Third Reich went into oblivion, greed ruined.
    1. +1
      26 November 2020 11: 13
      They didn’t gobble up anything, most of it was in the bowels. They take care of it, precisely in case of a complete Armageddian, after which, as they are sure, only they will remain strong, and will lead humanity to new heights of evolution.
      1. +2
        26 November 2020 16: 50
        Quote: Carte
        will lead humanity to new heights of evolution.

        In the amount of 10 million masters and their servants for 000 - 000 slaves ...
        1. 0
          28 November 2020 01: 49
          The Georgia Tablets say 500 million.
  7. -5
    26 November 2020 10: 24
    Russia has too many natural resources. It is not fair
    So she panics, all the same goes abroad.
    1. 10+
      26 November 2020 10: 38
      Quote: Threaded Screw
      Russia has too many natural resources. It is not fair
      So she panics, all the same goes abroad.

      They just do not want to buy resources, but want to own these resources. But bad luck, Russia does not want to give them away and can slap a missile on the sly American face.
      1. -4
        26 November 2020 10: 51
        They just don't want to buy resources.
        Are you so lazy that you are tired of printing candy wrappers?
    2. +1
      26 November 2020 11: 14
      Quote: Threaded screw
      So she panics, all the same goes abroad.

      Not everything is visible, since it panics? Not?
  8. +6
    26 November 2020 10: 25
    That's the reason for you! Under the Reich it was the same as it is now
    This has been clear since the early 90s ........
    1. +5
      26 November 2020 11: 18
      Quote: 72jora72
      This has been clear since the early 90s ........

      Times are passing, changing, and the struggle for resources continues.
  9. +2
    26 November 2020 10: 27
    Nothing new ... the man has voiced what has long been obvious, known!
    However, at present, this is no small achievement. Well done.
    1. +5
      26 November 2020 12: 53
      Many people understand this, but are afraid to openly say ...
      1. 0
        26 November 2020 13: 59
        People are different everywhere! Someone has nothing to lose, except for their "chains", cuts, says what he wants.
        There are a lot of those for whom one motto - if only something does not work out.
        And so, in general, not everyone will dare to shove against the mainstream.
        1. +3
          26 November 2020 16: 14
          Moreover, he is a journalist, they can peck ...
          1. +1
            26 November 2020 16: 44
            They may, but on trifles, when the general "abundance" does not violate, especially, they may .... not notice, as it were. Schaub does not inflate a quiet topic.
            1. +4
              26 November 2020 17: 13
              He dared to go against the general line of the Washington Regional Committee, this is not forgiven ...
              1. +1
                26 November 2020 17: 34
                Not every whistle is plugged ... steam, pressure, must also go somewhere!
                However, we do not know exactly what prompted him, and he will be shocked for it.
                We wish you good luck and that's it.
                1. +3
                  26 November 2020 17: 49
                  There is not even luck, but just caution, he showed who the USA are:

                  1. +1
                    26 November 2020 17: 59
                    Whoever wanted, he is already in the courses ... and who does not want to, he at least so, at least that way, no difference.
                    Such only serious arguments, to the nose, to present. They don't understand otherwise.
                    1. +2
                      26 November 2020 18: 14
                      While there is anarchy in the United States, this may not be noticed ...
  10. -4
    26 November 2020 10: 28
    In our time, there is no need to fight for resources. There are political and economic instruments. They themselves will bring it on a plate.
  11. +4
    26 November 2020 10: 30
    "Russia has too much wealth for one country"
    And this does not allow American Russophobes to sleep peacefully. M. Albright, K. Rise, H. Clinton - US Secretaries of State, each at one time notorious hawks and harbingers of war differed little in their statements and deeds from the elite of Nazi Germany. They not only did not hide their pathological hatred of Russia, but demonstratively put it on display.
    1. +4
      26 November 2020 11: 23
      American Russophobes... M. Albright, K. Rise, H. Clinton

      A simple question - who took more from the Russian people ??
      Listed by you, or Mikhelson, Alekperov and Timchenko ??

      And the list of our "non-Russophobes" will be richer if you continue ..

      Threat ..
      You don't need a knife for a fool,
      He's lying with three boxes
      And do what you like with him.
  12. sav
    26 November 2020 10: 30
    The fact that many want to encroach on our resources is not new. With our territory and population density.
  13. 0
    26 November 2020 10: 32
    A real witch. Very similar to another witch - Thatcher, well, just like twin sisters.
    1. +3
      26 November 2020 11: 46
      Thatcher was smarter and more delicate in her statements :)
      1. -1
        26 November 2020 11: 51
        Quote: Bersaglieri
        Thatcher was smarter and more delicate in her statements :)

        Because Thatcher was prime minister during the Soviet era, and for such Albright's statements, the reaction of the USSR could be very harsh. It was forced and was correct.
  14. -17
    26 November 2020 10: 54
    You don't need to read the comments on the article. Another session of anti-American hysteria, disgusting to the physical feeling of nausea.
    Albright declared in the second.

    There is no evidence that Madeleine Albright has ever publicly stated any of the statements attributed to her by this vympathetic article simply does not exist in nature.
  15. The comment was deleted.
    1. +3
      26 November 2020 11: 25
      Quote: Operator
      Madeleine Albright is a Jewish immigrant from the Czech Republic.

      Maria Yana Korbelova, Czech. Marie Jana Korbelová;
      1. -3
        26 November 2020 11: 40
        Pedovikia: "Born in Prague in the family of Joseph and Anna Korbel. Bohemian Jew. After the occupation of Czechoslovakia (March 1939), Joseph and his wife and daughter moved to London."
  16. BAI
    26 November 2020 11: 13
    Compare the statements of Goebbels and Albright,

    It can also be compared with the fact that the Albright family pocketed the values ​​of Czech Jews killed by the Nazis.
  17. -3
    26 November 2020 11: 14
    "Russia has too much wealth for one country"

    And there are too many poor ...
  18. -2
    26 November 2020 11: 18
    Russia has too many natural resources. It is not fair

    Yeah .. and therefore it was fair to give all this to the Abramovichs, Rotenbergs and Timchenks ..
    But the bad are still the British, Americans, and other Czechs ..)) * hand-face *
  19. +6
    26 November 2020 11: 45
    Old bitch Albright ... A student of Brzezinski, angrier and dumber than her teacher.
    1. -2
      26 November 2020 12: 02
      dumber your teacher

      Studied at a Catholic boarding school in Switzerland; Graduated from high school at Kent Denver School in Denver (1955)
      In 1959 she received her BA in Political Science from Wellesley Private College for Women. In 1957 she received American citizenship.
      Fluent in English, Russian, Czech and French; reads Polish and Serbo-Croatian

      This is the one that is dumb ..

      FSB Director Nikolai Patrushev, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, Chairman of the Russian State Duma Committee on International Affairs Alexei Pushkov and others. None of those who mentioned it ever give any references to the source of the quote.

      And these are the ones that are smart ..))

      Shl .. how amazingly patriotism works ..
      It is enough to be "your own" .. and then you are no longer so bad .. But if a person is "not ours", then he is bad and stupid by default ..
      It seems that patriots are married to all kinds of Rogozins, their children are Pushkovs, and Albright shits on them in the elevator every morning ..
      Otherwise, I can’t explain such a craving for the principle “yes, they are crooks, but they are OUR crooks” ..
      1. +2
        27 November 2020 14: 38
        Read carefully. Not "dumb", but "dumber". Everything is relative. "Bachelor of Political Science" is a basic education "about nothing" - the first stage. And then the lady "went along the party-Komsomol line." It is very reminiscent of the "party and state leaders" in the CPSU, and the United Russia, and in other parasitic structures. So, Roman, your comment is "a shot in the waterfall". Even as a Stalinist or United Russia member, sign me up - that will be funny :)
  20. 0
    26 November 2020 11: 54
    In Russia, Madeleine Albright often attributed claim that Russia's sole possession of Siberia allegedly "Unfair" and Siberia should be placed under international control. This quote is regularly mentioned in their interviews by a number of Russian statesmen: FSB Director Nikolai Patrushev, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, Chairman of the Russian State Duma Committee on International Affairs Alexei Pushkov and others. No links to source quotes none of those who mentioned her never does not give.

    In October 2007, on Direct Line with Vladimir Putin, 70-year-old employee of the Novosibirsk Institute of Nuclear Physics Alexander Sibert asked the Russian President to comment on Albright's phrase [16] that "the colossal natural wealth of Siberia is unfairly owned by Russia alone." Putin replied: “I am not familiar with this statement by Mrs. Albright "

    You don't need a knife for a fool,
    He's lying with three boxes
    And do what you like with him.
    1. -6
      26 November 2020 12: 40
      source known
      The security officers allegedly scanned Albright's brain.
  21. +2
    26 November 2020 12: 16
    Robbed. Robbed. They are going to continue robbing.
  22. -3
    26 November 2020 12: 45
    In my opinion, dragging such frankly jaundiced articles with long-known fakes to VO does not bring any benefit.
    The fact that this alleged statement by Albright is a frank invention has long been known.
    The source is also known.
    Major General Boris Ratnikov, who, as reported by Rossiyskaya Gazeta in the Federal Security Service, “supervised a special unit that dealt with the secrets of the subconscious,” gave an interview to the main state newspaper of Russia.

    The interview, published on December 22, 2006, was titled "Security officers scanned Madeleine Albright's thoughts." In it, Ratnikov says: “A couple of weeks before the start of the bombing of Yugoslavia by US aircraft, we conducted a session of connecting to the subconscious of Secretary of State Albright. (…) In Madame Albright's thoughts, we discovered a pathological hatred of the Slavs. She was also outraged by the fact that Russia possesses the world's largest reserves of minerals. In her opinion, in the future, Russian reserves should be managed not by one country, but by all of humanity under the supervision of the United States, of course. "

    Subsequently, Ratnikov spoke several times about reading Albright's thoughts and that Albright was outraged by Russia's control over the riches of Siberia.

    But why is THIS on the VO, which has a very serious reputation. It is difficult to understand why an article of the level "everyone needs to urgently put on foil hats" is needed on VO. The resource does not paint, in my opinion ... No.
    1. +1
      26 November 2020 17: 40
      Albright may not have said that, but she always thinks about it.
      According to their "international law," a nation considered uncivilized can only be an object for the actions of a civilized nation, to which it is directly obliged to obey.
  23. +4
    26 November 2020 12: 51
    That's the reason for you! Under the Reich it was the same as it is now

    - he added.

    Now Manu must take care ...
  24. 0
    26 November 2020 13: 48
    Quote: Carte
    They didn’t gobble up anything, most of it was in the bowels. They take care of it, precisely in case of a complete Armageddian, after which, as they are sure, only they will remain strong, and will lead humanity to new heights of evolution.

    How's that? laughing At first they thought so in Mesopotamia, then the Assyrians, then the Persians, then the Macedonians, then the Romans, then the Byzantines, then the Portuguese and the Spaniards, you will now look at them ... laughing
  25. -1
    26 November 2020 14: 00
    Quote: Avior
    In my opinion, dragging such frankly jaundiced articles with long-known fakes to VO does not bring any benefit.
    The fact that this alleged statement by Albright is a frank invention has long been known.
    The source is also known.
    Major General Boris Ratnikov, who, as reported by Rossiyskaya Gazeta in the Federal Security Service, “supervised a special unit that dealt with the secrets of the subconscious,” gave an interview to the main state newspaper of Russia.

    The interview, published on December 22, 2006, was titled "Security officers scanned Madeleine Albright's thoughts." In it, Ratnikov says: “A couple of weeks before the start of the bombing of Yugoslavia by US aircraft, we conducted a session of connecting to the subconscious of Secretary of State Albright. (…) In Madame Albright's thoughts, we discovered a pathological hatred of the Slavs. She was also outraged by the fact that Russia possesses the world's largest reserves of minerals. In her opinion, in the future, Russian reserves should be managed not by one country, but by all of humanity under the supervision of the United States, of course. "

    Subsequently, Ratnikov spoke several times about reading Albright's thoughts and that Albright was outraged by Russia's control over the riches of Siberia.

    But why is THIS on the VO, which has a very serious reputation. It is difficult to understand why an article of the level "everyone needs to urgently put on foil hats" is needed on VO. The resource does not paint, in my opinion ... No.

    We already know about the violent fantasies of "partners". They would be better off accepting Russia in the EU than outright beggars like Romanians, Bulgarians and Greeks. laughing
  26. +2
    26 November 2020 14: 49
    Without the USA, Germany and Japan Peace will be in the whole World !!!! This is my personal statement. Yes
    1. +7
      26 November 2020 14: 57
      Quote: viktor.
      Without the USA, Germany and Japan Peace will be in the whole World !!!! This is my personal statement. Yes

      If Germany is deleted and Great Britain is entered instead, it will be very close to the truth, and if this list is supplemented with Israel, then the most correct picture will be formed from these puzzles - in general, everything is in color.
      1. +2
        26 November 2020 15: 05
        hi Why cross out just Add.
        1. +5
          26 November 2020 15: 15
          Quote: viktor.
          hi Why cross out just Add.

          Yes, the Germans are still showing more readiness for the development of economic ties, rather than wanting to rattle their weapons, and if they blur out about the threat, it is only because the hand of the mattresses is firmly holding their Adam's apple. winked
    2. 0
      26 November 2020 22: 19
      This is not true. Nation states are only instruments of the wealthiest families and sects. Jesuit Pope Francis - represents the interests of the Vatican, there is "old money" of the richest and oldest aristocrats (Europe), the US presidency (today) is the Illuminati. The most powerful tool in the hands of the Illuminati today. The influence of forces invisible (to us) is colossal. There is reason to believe that all of them are also represented and influenced in the Russian Federation.
  27. 0
    26 November 2020 16: 04
    Screaming voice in the desert
  28. 0
    26 November 2020 22: 23
    when will your bread makers just get drunk ???
  29. +2
    26 November 2020 22: 40
    Nothing new for us. Therefore, we know what to do with them and how ...
  30. -1
    26 November 2020 22: 40
    Only friends, these riches are also not ours. Unfortunately.
  31. 1_2
    26 November 2020 23: 35
    Zionism is fascism
  32. -1
    27 November 2020 09: 37
    The date of Goebbels' statement is indicated very specifically - 22.06.41/1997/2001. And nothing definite about Albright - XNUMX-XNUMX. I would like to know in which speech or interview she blurted out this. For it is very possible this is a fake. I don't like fakes, even patriotic ones.
    1. 0
      27 November 2020 21: 40
      This is not a fake, do not be lazy to look for reliable information, otherwise others will "find the right" for you. hi
  33. wow
    27 November 2020 11: 53
    ".... oh, how you want to break into the town ...". But these are not your two-house streets. Forget it, if not - we will remind you!
  34. -1
    27 November 2020 21: 38
    The sooner Russia returns its lands, donated by the Bolsheviks / maniacs of the ideas of the world revolution, the sooner all their wishlist / sanctions will end. And after the collapse of the USSR, they had a strong appetite for freebies. And now it is necessary to buy everything and negotiate, but salivation from the 90s overshadowed his mind. Well, some kind of political zombies. wassat
  35. 0
    27 November 2020 21: 39
    "Russia has too much wealth for one country"
    We must rob ...
  36. 0
    27 November 2020 22: 38
    Goebbels and Thatcher left out one thing. A balance is always maintained in the world, therefore, in addition to wealth, there are also many thieves in Russia who rob this wealth and take it out of the country.
  37. 0
    29 November 2020 18: 01
    Quote: Svarog
    Quote: KAV
    Quote: Uncle Lee
    Her soul is the same black and terrible!
    I agree with you completely! It is enough to look at the photos of Rothschild, Rockefeller, Soros and others like them - the eyes betray completely rotten souls.

    On our then, too, if you look .. it becomes scary .. Face is a reflection of thoughts and feelings.

    Have you looked at yourself in the mirror for a long time, handsome man?