"We will continue to fight": Trump ordered the start of the process of transferring power to Biden


Continuing to declare that he won the election, Donald Trump, according to American media, ordered his administration to arrange for the transfer of power to Joseph Biden. Recall that the results of the US elections have not yet been announced, as a number of states continue to recount the votes. However, Biden has enough electoral votes for the final victory - more than 270.

It is noteworthy that against the background of the order to organize the transfer of power, the current President of the United States added:

We will continue to fight. And I believe that we will win.

Trump said he encouraged Emily Murphy, the chief executive officer of the presidential administration, to work with the team to do the work needed "for the first protocols." Trump added that recently Murphy has been subjected to pressure, attacks and even insults.


I do not want this to happen to her, as well as to her family and her subordinates.

Earlier it was reported that representatives of the Democratic Party demanded that Emily Murphy begin the process of preparing for the transfer of presidential power from Trump to Biden. Murphy didn't. Now Trump himself gave such an order, but his statements about the continuation of the struggle and confidence in his victory alerted the Democrats, who said that Trump "should not utter words that run counter to the US constitution."

Trump supporters responded by stating that such statements would not have happened if representatives of the electoral system had not been subjected to pressure from the Democratic Party and did not allow large-scale violations.
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  1. +3
    24 November 2020 06: 22
    All, baked Trumpump? On the one hand, it is understandable - grandfather is already old, his coconuts are already lethargic, soft. On the other hand, I must confess that I was hoping for a more cheerful ending. No, Trumpushka does not have the necessary enthusiasm. I could not pacify the blacks normally, nor did the Democrats finally insert a chopik. Pichal is a disappointment.
    1. +7
      24 November 2020 06: 35
      Quote: Dalny V
      Pichal is a disappointment.

      Yes, Trump is baked. crying
    2. +4
      24 November 2020 06: 38
      Democratic organized crime group wrestled the trough of the republican organized criminal group! At least the next 4 years will be keen ... laughing I wonder if Zelensky has probably already made room at the head of the table for his friend Joe?
      1. +2
        24 November 2020 08: 03
        He not only freed up a seat at the table, he is probably already ready to play the piano in honor of the visit of the "great friend of Ukraine" laughing
    3. -5
      24 November 2020 06: 59
      Agent Trump, transfer to enemy Biden by the act of acceptance and transfer:
      1. Suitcase with walkie-talkie.
      2. Keys to the safe with vodka and budenovka.
      3. Keys from intercoms of Muscovites and other provincials.
      4. Remote control for raising prices in Russia.
    4. +2
      24 November 2020 08: 22
      Quote: Dalny V
      No, Trumpushka does not have the necessary enthusiasm. I could not pacify the blacks normally, nor did the Democrats finally insert a chopik. Pichal is a disappointment.

      Remember how he rolled a barrel at Kim ... threatened and threatened, sent aircraft carriers, and as a result, a full zigzag came out, even indecent
  2. -5
    24 November 2020 06: 23
    Enough is enough.
    The rate of an English teacher at the SVR educational institution is probably reserved :) + an apartment on ... Kutuzovsky and medical support in the corresponding medical institution. What else does a person need to meet old age (s)?
    1. +3
      24 November 2020 06: 29
      Well, what do you mean? Where did the good wife and faithful horse (or vice versa) go from this formula? You sho, want to squeeze the horse from Trump?
  3. +1
    24 November 2020 06: 26
    We look forward to further growth in oil prices.
    1. +2
      24 November 2020 07: 23
      Tank hard - it is necessary, as if by chance, to congratulate the "insidious Russian hackers" who have chosen the US as a contempt of Mr. insanity! !! wassat
  4. +2
    24 November 2020 06: 27
    In general, it was decided not to play out the "funny play" to the end .....
    Those who are on the ground will be bored ... and the gallery is always fun.
  5. +4
    24 November 2020 06: 36
    "Curators", after a long meeting, under the guise of counting the votes of the electors, decided to put Biden. I already wrote that Russia would have to congratulate Biden and politely hint that he won the victory not without Russia's help ... laughing
    1. 0
      24 November 2020 06: 58
      Zhirinovsky congratulated Trump the LAST time! Jinxed! Trumpushka did not pass for a second term! And Volfych himself, as the future President, was baked!
      1. +2
        24 November 2020 07: 57
        Quote: serg.shishkov2015
        Trumpushka did not pass for a second term!

        oh wait! "Trump ordered the preparation of the transfer of power ..." Yes, Biden's grandfather will have enough of such good news! and since he has not taken the oath yet, then Trump will remain in the singular, and will be the winner again. Yes, and it is doubtful to me that the media are reporting there - this is also a fake.
  6. +2
    24 November 2020 07: 20
    Much more interesting in Russia. They asked Chubais from Rosnano, Men from the Accounts Chamber sat down. A werewolf colonel from Dagestan Gazi Isaev was taken into custody ...
    Stripping continues.
    Who is next? Bench press?
    Not a single article. Someone is afraid that we will trample in the comments?
    1. -2
      24 November 2020 07: 44
      Not a single article.

      Yes, in this case, at least a count on your head, everything will be the same: Mutin is a poodak, everything was stolen from me, everyone is to blame for everything except me, so promising and in demand. A person will always be dissatisfied, that's how he is.
      1. 0
        24 November 2020 07: 46
        hi , Chubys from the trough shoots ... While the mattresses are a mess. "Get out, puppy" (c). Hph. "The Diamond Arm"wassat
        1. 0
          24 November 2020 07: 57
          Here it is more appropriate to ask where the red-haired druzhban was asked, to which state feeder? wink And me should have been planted when he was still governor. As for some Dagovsky regiment, there are countless numbers of them still out on the loose. Summing up the above, your ,, urya ,, looks like a bunch, but this is your stability. laughing
    2. +1
      24 November 2020 07: 51
      Tank jacket Much more interesting in Russia. Chubais from Rosnano was asked

      Thanks for the good news. I wonder where it will go now?
      To England, or the USA. Although I will not be surprised that another "warm place" has already been determined for him in Russia. He's not drowning ... no ... no. crying hi
      1. 0
        24 November 2020 07: 53
        A lukewarm place, yes. But the feeder is not. This is such a favorite trick. As with Medvedev.
        This week there will be more surprises under the guise of the US elections ... wassat
        1. 0
          24 November 2020 08: 11
          Quote: Tank jacket
          A lukewarm place, yes. But the feeder is not. This is such a favorite trick. As with Medvedev.
          wassat Medvedev now pays his own salary from his, honestly, acquired? fool
    3. +1
      24 November 2020 08: 48

      Tank jacket (Ruslan)
      Today, 07: 20
      Much more interesting in Russia. Chubais from Rosnano askedand, Men from the Accounts Chamber sat down. A werewolf colonel from Dagestan Gazi Isaev was taken into custody ...
      Stripping continues.
      Who is next? Bench press?
      Not a single article. Someone is afraid that we will trample in the comments?
      I haven’t heard something about it. It seems that some corporations under VEB will be united there.
      Development institutions are being reformed in Russia: Rusnano and Skolkovo will give up VEB.RF
      I suppose the redhead will not be forgotten, and will be given a warm place, where they are not responsible for anything, and loot in wagons.
      1. -2
        24 November 2020 08: 51
        MOSCOW, November 23 - RIA Novosti. The first deputy chairman of the board of the Military-Industrial Commission, Sergei Kulikov, may head Rusnano, a source familiar with the situation told RIA Novosti.
        "There are no appointments yet, but Sergei Kulikov has been offered this position," said the source.
    4. 0
      24 November 2020 23: 51
      I sat down from the Accounts Chamber

      but not removed from office.
      smart people write that in that ward he dug up for violations in the forest fund - illegal logging and, in general, the absence of ANY ACCOUNT AT ALL. Waste reform can be on the same plane.
      It looks like a showdown at the top level.
  7. 0
    24 November 2020 07: 20
    Will Trump Go underground? wassat Will wage a "guerrilla war with baidaish"! lol Now, a new talker bird in a yellow house painted white will begin to fight on a global scale, with the remnants of common sense! !! wassat
  8. +1
    24 November 2020 07: 51
    This is apparently called democracy. And not "Please understand." Otherwise, Trump would have taken the Constitution for himself, banned rallies. And so there is a real opposition, not a pocket Duma.
  9. -3
    24 November 2020 08: 02
    Quote: Pilot
    Here it is more appropriate to ask where the red-haired druzhban was asked, to which state feeder? wink And I should have been planted while he was still governor. As for some Dagovsky regiment, there are countless numbers of them still out on the loose. Summing up the above, your ,, urya ,, looks like a bunch, however, this is your stability. laughing

    Everything is lost ... GDP leaked everything wassat
    1. 0
      24 November 2020 08: 26
      Well, what are you, this is another breakthrough that has not got the same world wassat
      1. 0
        24 November 2020 08: 39
        Why then will no one write a “soothing article” for the liberal elite and officials? They say Men is arrested, Chubais is suspended, but all this is nonsense and a warm place is waiting for you. I leaked everything ... Don't panic, steal further. It won't affect you. They won't come for you.
        Well, where is the article about Me and Chubais?
        1. 0
          24 November 2020 09: 00
          What is this nonsense? And where do you ask for an article, I am not a journalist and I do not order articles for journalists.
  10. -1
    24 November 2020 08: 11
    So Trump gave the order, or is the media reporting?
    1. 0
      24 November 2020 08: 43

      Today, 08: 11
      So Trump gave the order, or is the media reporting?
      It was confirmed on TV that Trump had already tweeted. request
  11. +1
    24 November 2020 09: 04
    World "democracy" turned out to be a rotten swamp! As soon as you hint about our elections, you have to drive with sled rags ..............
  12. 0
    24 November 2020 09: 47
    One gets the impression that they had a serious conversation with Trump and made an offer that he could not refuse. Perhaps they promised not to prosecute after the transfer of power. Therefore, for the last days he calmly played golf and only in Twitter he poured a confident slogan that no one won Biden either. The world has never seen such elections as in the United States. In Africa, there will be more "democracy" and honesty.
  13. 0
    24 November 2020 11: 29
    In such an election, Trump might not have transferred power in accordance with US traditions. But he was rather expecting a "good deal" as he likes to gut. Now it is not surprising if they actively remind the United States about their elections at an opportunity, it is difficult to imagine that someone will take Biden seriously, for everyone he is the president of the dead. laughing
    PS: I demand the continuation of the circus, Trump, don't give up! laughing
  14. +2
    24 November 2020 14: 34
    The socialist revolution in the USA, the need for which the Bolsheviks had been talking about all the time, HAS BEEN DONE! After the period of the dictatorship of the democratic proletariat is over in the USA, the middle class will be destroyed as a class, and democratic revolutionary wars will begin.
    Something like that.
  15. 0
    25 November 2020 02: 45
    I live here. What happened / is happening was an ordinary color flip. Obvious vote rigging. People are arming themselves, preparing for a civil war. 99% of the media, Internet companies are controlled by "democrats".

    If we cannot stop this, then the whole world will be like Europe. Russia was captured in the early 90s, who helped Yeltsin to be re-elected, who appointed Putin, how is your life there? There is a purposeful destruction of ALL European Civilizations.