The press informs about the plans of the Ministry of Finance to reduce the number of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and increase the length of service for military retirement


A material was released in the press, which tells about the proposal of the Ministry of Finance to conduct another "optimization" in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Russia.

This was reported in an article by the Izvestia newspaper, authored by Roman Kretsul, Alexei Ramm and Ekaterina Vinogradova.

The Izvestia article says that Anton Siluanov's department is proposing to increase the retirement age for servicemen, as well as reduce the total number of servicemen in the Armed Forces. Referring to the document, a copy of which is reportedly available in the editorial office "Izvestia", journalists write that the document presents an initiative to reduce every tenth serviceman. In this case, up to 100 thousand people in the ranks of the Russian Armed Forces may be laid off. It is stated that "a transfer to civilian vacancies can be made for those whose service is not related to the performance of combat missions."

The initiative to increase the length of service involves the following: to increase it from 20 years to 25 years, and to exclude from it the period of study at a military school.

But that's not all. The Ministry of Finance, according to the aforementioned Russian publication, proposes to remove the norm, which implies an annual increase in military pensions by 2% above the inflation rate in the country.

It is also added that the Ministry of Finance proposes to extend similar initiatives to other law enforcement agencies. In particular, we are talking about the Russian Guard.

It is noted that all these proposals are presented for the sake of "saving budget funds."
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  1. -47
    20 October 2020 06: 15
    The authors, before squealing, based on the docks, tell people what categories of military personnel they want to reduce.
    And do not raise a howl.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. nnm
      20 October 2020 06: 41
      I report: "Among those the authors of the document include doctors, teachers, personnel officers, financiers, lawyers and logisticians" for transfer to "civilian life".
      Now I will not even say that the article correctly states that "We note that about 10 years ago, the bulk of the servicemen in such structures have already parted with their epaulettes and were transferred to the category of civilian personnel", I will say something else - good , we look at the scale of the state budget: ok, we will pay them not as a military, but as a civilian, but then what are the savings you ask? What difference does it make to pay them as military or civilian? In any case, the salaries of lawyers are fixed as a percentage of the chairman of the Armed Forces or GVP, there are no military financiers even in the districts (the deputy commander was barely returned) the salaries of doctors and teachers, both in uniform and without, should be equal ... And there is only one answer - pension ... This is where the "economists" hit it.
      And then, as they write in the explanatory note about the reduction of the administrative apparatus - thank you, we swam, we know ... all such events only inflated the apparatus.
      And what kind of idiocy is it about cutting vacancies? Yes, it is always the lowest, dirtiest, difficult positions that are vacant, and not the seats in the ministry - let us reduce the platoon officers even more.
      First, you need to use the right methods of saving - to stop theft, ineffective spending, and only then, when this is not and will not be enough, talk about the state. And then some deputies of Shoigu have already built 3-storey buildings on a couple of entrances for servants in their not weak areas.
      And just think that for our state these 20 billion rubles ... how much is $ 200 million? And for some 200 million, we are reducing the army by 10 percent at the time of the growth of external threats ??? !!!
      Yes, Sberbank is changing its $ 300 million badge! And before that they sold it to themselves for 2.3 TRLN rubles !!! And then "as much as whole" 20 billion rubles
      1. nnm
        20 October 2020 06: 53
        I didn’t want to write this, but nevertheless, I’ll write: this is more like a blow by the liberal lobby in the government on the power group in response to the strengthening of the latter’s influence on the president. For Ulyukaev, for Medvedev, etc.
        1. +64
          20 October 2020 07: 01
          The country is ruled by accountants.
          Hence the problems.

          They optimized medicine, as a result, hospitals for the treatment of covidla were built by the military.

          Now the accounting department has decided to optimize the military.

          The surest solution is to optimize accountants.
          Drop them to earth from heaven.

          Reduce the Ministry of Finance, and transfer its powers to the Ministry of Economic Development.

          After all, there is accounting in any state institution. And the MO also has an accounting department. There is a long-established system of subordination of accountants to the management team.

          The goal of the country's economic development should be the country's inhabitants. You have to live for life. Create for your children and grandchildren.

          And an accountant is an accountant. Together with the bankers, they must be the smallest class.

          They rule now.
          And this is a problem!
          1. nnm
            20 October 2020 07: 10
            Yes, the question is not about accountants, for there used to be such bison as Khrulev, Oleinik, Vorobyov, etc. And those who do not see the essence behind the numbers. Those who do not see the future of the country behind the budget for education, for the figures for medicine - lives, for the budget of the army - hard work and guarantees of the life of our entire country should not be called accountants.
            traitors have no profession. Whether they are even financiers, even the heads of Rusnano, Roskosmos or a bank ... (hypothetically).
            1. +2
              20 October 2020 09: 39
              It is not entirely clear that if the length of service is increased by 5 years (+ 25%), then the size of the army will grow by 25%? And they will reduce by 10% ... The total number should grow by 15% ... If it is completely simplified ???
              1. +5
                20 October 2020 14: 28
                Quote: Sandro1977
                It is not entirely clear if the length of service will be increased by 5 years (+ 25%)

                Not entirely true ... the term of study will not be counted, and it is in all universities for military personnel year after year, so you subtract 4 or 5 years from your calendars, and then you multiply the remainder by 1,1,5,2 or 3 (in dependencies 1 day. month or years for .. how many).
                And according to their theory, the retirement period for you or your children is shifted by exactly 5 years ... if you want to get 50% wink
                Quote: Sandro1977
                Total number should grow by 15%

                The number it already exists and will increase by quite a bit .. since the summons to the army ... the same ..... decrease in number.
                In general, they have ... everything is as usual ... bully Correctly the men wrote up the branch ... "disguised blow to pensioners" bully
              2. -6
                20 October 2020 21: 44
                Yes, everything is clear !! The inner enemy wants our favorite saying: “Major at 37 is already retired, and his parents are not yet” has sunk into oblivion. To equalize everyone in pension rights - both guardians, loyal defenders of the unlimited rule of a nullified grandfather, and miserable turners-bakers and other intelligentsia.
          2. w70
            20 October 2020 07: 23
            And imagine if they would give power to the Skalozubs, so they would squander all the money in six months, and then retirees would have their teeth on the shelf
            1. +14
              20 October 2020 09: 19
              Why is Skalozub bad? What was he guilty of except that he bravely smashed the troops of Napoleon, reached Paris and received the colonel's shoulder straps at a young age?
              Did Skalozub steal something, hurt someone?
              Sound the list of claims to the hero of the Patriotic War.
              1. w70
                20 October 2020 21: 01
                Because such Skalozubs teach civilians what to do and what not to do. Let their heads hit the ice
          3. -13
            20 October 2020 08: 57
            And an accountant is an accountant. Together with the bankers, they must be the smallest class.

            Here's to me how the accountant now felt hurt. Since you argue only those who have the most difficult task - to twist the nut and have never come across documents, money and management at least something. Such people either quickly sit in remote places, or go bankrupt out of feeble mind.
            1. +1
              21 October 2020 13: 36
              I think it would be fair to put a military man on the chair of an accountant (or other rear position), he must be sent to the front line in a burning spot for at least three years. And if he proves himself properly, send him to continue serving in the rear. Until a serviceman (even an accountant) has smelled gunpowder, he will never know whom he provides with financial and material means. After all, we have many troubles in the Armed Forces because they are led by people who do not know the basics of military service.
            2. +2
              21 October 2020 16: 38
              Everyone should work in their place. Sometimes you need to know the nuts and be able to turn them. That, too, not every accountant can do it right.
              As a person working in the real sector - industrial production - I also sometimes do not like the attitude of the financial and monetary fraternity to people who work with both hands and head. You know, sometimes there is such a condescending and dismissive attitude, as if an accountant creates something materially valuable, and hard workers - so, it is not clear why they are here. Although in fact - almost completely the opposite!
          4. +9
            20 October 2020 16: 37
            They are not accountants; they are the destroyers of all life. Military, economic, human. Under the cover of "lack of money" they destroy the state and people. Successfully for about 30 years. And there is money, but not about our honor.
          5. +6
            20 October 2020 20: 19
            Yeah! As if this economy on the army did not creep out to us ...
            It would be better to reduce the "divisions" of these all kinds of zhurnalyugs with entire staffs of assistants who gossip on television raking in the loot, and, at the most, rub their pants
        2. +17
          20 October 2020 08: 33
          Quote: nnm
          I didn’t want to write this, but nevertheless, I’ll write: this is more like a blow by the liberal lobby in the government on the power group in response to the strengthening of the latter’s influence on the president. For Ulyukaev, for Medvedev, etc.

          Yes, if Siluyan and his comrades are given free rein, they will buy American treasuries with all Russian money and leave for Florida / California ... they will drum there on weekends with Kudrin, drumkaver then ...

          On the other hand, it takes me some shock when I see on TV this huge meeting in the national defense control center of the RF Ministry of Defense.
          Almost all of them have generals' stars. Those present in the hall, in the monitors, also sit in general's shoulder straps, but in a smaller number.
          What do they manage during these hours, periods?
          The answer is NOTHING! Just watching the movie
          And the task is performed by one submarine, for example, with the commander - the captain of the first rank. And "sweating" in this hall from the strength of 5 people, maybe 7, responsible for the task + the commander and his crew directly "in the field."

          To give everything to these sitting people ?? gee-gee. They will, you can be sure. Nobody will understand later ...
          1. +16
            20 October 2020 09: 27
            Quote: Halpat
            this is a huge meeting in the national defense control center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
            Almost all of them have generals' stars.

            Optimization is called. The girls are generals, order pads to the navel, and a simple Russian serves. Somehow it turns out
        3. +18
          20 October 2020 09: 29
          Quote: nnm
          the blow of the liberal lobby in government on the power group

          A natural question arises: "Who is the main liberal in the country?"
          1. +6
            20 October 2020 13: 20
            I remember one speech by Putin a few years ago, where he declared that he was the biggest liberal in Russia.
          2. +9
            20 October 2020 18: 24
            Quote: Silvestr
            A natural question arises: "Who is the main liberal in the country?"

            Russians remember the reign of Labeled and EBN. Moreover, the transfer of power was, let's say, I "ruled, now you control." Tagged handed over power to EBN. And what the Drunkard was doing for almost 10 years, I think there is no need to remind him who was his advisers, absolutely legally, I also think there is no need to remind him. And after, the EBN calmly handed over power to the GDP, saying that this is my successor, who will continue my work ... This is the answer to your question.
            You have never asked yourself a question, -30 years have passed since the collapse of the USSR (6 five-year plans!), However, as it was not better (as promised by the helmsmen), and not even now.
            To make it clearer where I am leading ... Stalin restored the country in two five-year plans, and made the economy the second in the world! 6 five-year plans have passed here! And what do we see and hear - promises, PR, announcements, and chatter.
            The country is not moving forward ... in terms of GDP growth, Russia is between the Rep. Congo and Samoa! 30 YEARS! What good has been done for the country during this time?
            And I think there is an argument that they say there were 90s, collapse, blah blah blah ... well, it does not explain all this, since in the 45th, the country left the war, head to head in ruins, debts, poverty and hunger ... FOR TWO FIVE YEARS! And 16 years later, GAGARIN (the first cosmonaut in the world!).
            1. +4
              20 October 2020 18: 29
              Quote: NEXUS
              FOR TWO FIVE YEARS

              Absolutely agree with you hi
        4. -4
          21 October 2020 10: 48
          Again, the bad hawthorns are to blame for everything!
      2. +14
        20 October 2020 09: 24
        Quote: nnm
        Yes, Sberbank is changing its $ 300 million badge!

        Gref can, he is "his".
      3. -4
        20 October 2020 09: 58
        thanks. man.
      4. +18
        20 October 2020 13: 18
        It was already when this duet from power, cut off the officers, warrant officers and warrant officers. And then it turned out that the junior officer corps, and in many respects the senior, did not have enough nichrome. And, all of a sudden, it turned out that 90-95% of warrant officers and warrant officers are not rear eaters of stew and seafood in warehouses, but highly qualified specialists. Most of whom have higher specialized education, or even more than one, as we had in the unit. And that smart, competent double basses that were supposed to replace officers and warrant officers - there are no such in nature! And those that exist - they need to be taught for several years. And for those salaries with the highest responsibility, they do not want to serve.
        I even remember that a couple of years after the layoff, advertisements in the newspapers were given, they say, lieutenants / captains / majors and warrant officers with warrant officers, return to the army, we will forgive you all (crossed out), we will accept you with open arms, only ministers! But figs there! Only a few returned. The rest found themselves in civilian life.
        shl. History teaches us that the current Kremlin authorities do not teach anything. They only have money, and only in their own pocket, on their minds. Where he lives. Alas...
      5. +3
        20 October 2020 14: 01
        Quote: nnm
        there are no military financiers even in the districts

        I don’t know in the military, maybe not. And in the districts of Rosgvardia there is very much even.
        1. +4
          20 October 2020 15: 25
          you forget that Rosgvaria is also engaged in commercial activities
          1. 0
            20 October 2020 20: 57
            Quote: faiver
            you forget that Rosgvaria is also engaged in commercial activities

            I do not forget. If the protection of property under contracts is considered commercial, then yes, it is. And how does this relate to financiers in the counties?
            1. +2
              20 October 2020 21: 21
              If the protection of property under contracts is considered commercial
              - can you call it something else?
              And how does this relate to financiers in the counties?
              - and who will control and regulate the subordinate financiers? Generals and colonels graduates of the academies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?
              1. +1
                20 October 2020 21: 56
                In terms of income, there is no, they do not control or regulate. Regional divisions of non-departmental security are accountable to the GUVO.
      6. +8
        20 October 2020 14: 02
        Quote: nnm
        And for some 200 million, we are reducing the army by 10 percent at the time of the growth of external threats ??? !!!

        I spoke about this a week ago. There is a systematic collapse of the army. The third volume of the declassified Harvard Project, which was written immediately after the war, is very clear about this.
        Three stages, the collapse of Russia: "Perestroika", "Reform", "Completion".
        So in the third volume in black and white-
        The third volume is called Completion.
        liquidation of the Soviet army. liquidation of Russia as a state. the elimination of the attributes of socialism, such as free education and medical care, and the introduction of the attributes of capitalism: you have to pay for everything. the elimination of a well-fed and peaceful life in Leningrad and Moscow. the elimination of public and state property and the introduction of private property everywhere. "Completion" was accompanied by freezing out the hungry population of Russia, the construction of good roads to the seaports, through which the raw materials and wealth of Russia were to be exported abroad. The "completion" was to be led by a third leader, his time - 1996-2000.

        These points are very accurately superimposed on the period of Yeltsin's rule, but there are also signs that the Anlo-Saxons did not forget this scenario. Indeed, in a period of fierce confrontation, to reduce the army, taking into account the area of ​​our country, is idiocy. Plus, the equipping and rearmament of the army is proceeding extremely slowly, and in the matter of the fleet, it generally rolls back.
        There is no free medicine and education. About the elimination of the attributes of socialism ... remember the Parade on May 9 and the Mausoleum closed with plywood. Well, there is no need to talk about private property instead of state property.
        I am not a supporter of conspiracies, but there are too many coincidences in the events of our country with this Harvard project.
      7. +6
        20 October 2020 21: 03
        The people and the army are one. If the retirement age was raised for civilians by 5 years, why not increase the length of service for retirement by 5 years and for the military?
      8. 0
        21 October 2020 07: 29
        I didn’t want my son to go to study at the Kirov Medical Academy, he entered the second time, he studied for a year at the meduniver. Enrolled, count the year of study lost. Now on the 4th year. And if I continued my studies in civilian life, I could send him to Germany, China or France to study as an intern. You can't believe our state, from time immemorial he has such a peace - a man of a bug, a wordless
    3. +29
      20 October 2020 06: 44
      Quote: george
      Authors before squealing

      Quite an expected reaction to the next initiative of Siluanov's department. The modern Ministry of Finance has become similar to oncology, like the same cells of the same organism, but they destroy the organism from the inside. All these optimizations, as practice has shown, make the situation only worse, and sometimes even fatal, as it became with our medicine, after optimization, when measures to combat COVID became more dangerous than COVID itself. And when the next optimizers appear, a negative reaction immediately follows.
      1. -15
        20 October 2020 06: 50
        Great news. We do not have enough workers at the construction site. Gastervm is no longer profitable to work for a pittance. And finally, warriors and security officials of various types will feel on their own skin what we felt when we extended the terms of retirement.
        1. +5
          20 October 2020 07: 03
          "Finally will feel"
          Such clever men should go to work in the north, serve and so on, and not stink gloatingly. Now it’s not a tsarist "pinch", they are hiring everyone.
          As for the reduction of posts and the increase in civilians, there are undoubtedly those "non-combatants" who need to be made civilians for a long time, and even not in the Armed Forces, but in other power structures.
          Another thing is that they can cut down combatants, and leave all sorts of clerks and trumpeters ... This has already happened ...
          1. 0
            21 October 2020 06: 19
            "Finally will feel"
            Such wise men should go to work in the north
            Don't worry, they added to us in the "North", as we say, "five years of camps."
        2. +25
          20 October 2020 07: 09
          Feel just the same as we do, unprotected and unrequited - those who plow for everyone in the army. And the well-fed, in warm armchairs and with good positions will remain. After all, it was clear that after our pensions and salaries were cut, the following would be allowed under the knife of the military. Moreover, the most simple and common, combat and labor. And the ceremonial, close and special, will continue to bear "hardships and hardships" for everyone. I'm not happy that they are being slaughtered by the military. Although I understand those who are happy. It scares me that if they are already being optimized, then where next? All the same, it is right not so that everyone is bad, but right so that everyone becomes better - both to us, ordinary pensioners working at construction sites, and to the military.
          1. +10
            20 October 2020 07: 33
            Quote: kyznets
            It scares me that if they are already being optimized, then where then?

            So? And then the "partners" in cork helmets will come and we will plow for them for bread and water, and they gloat and those who do not. I remember the famous phrase about feeding one's own and another's armies.
            1. +3
              20 October 2020 08: 48
              Yes, no one will come, and according to the real (and not the beautiful screensaver on the TV) attitude towards the army, it is quite obvious that the chiefs are of the same opinion. There is simply no need - everything that is necessary from us and so regularly received. Moreover, the scarecrow for knocking out funds for its military-industrial complex turned out excellent from the Russian Federation. Why change something?
              1. 0
                20 October 2020 18: 10
                Quote: unaha
                May no one come for real

                Well, well, the Serbs also thought that in the "enlightened" 20th century there could be no bombing of cities, especially in Europe. But no, maybe, how can you! And the Armenians of the NKR also thought that they had defeated the Azerbaijanis "once and for all", and when Aliyev threw money into the army, they were not particularly worried in Stepanakert and Yerevan.
                1. +2
                  20 October 2020 19: 37
                  Serbs were occupied, reduced to the status of slaves and the wealth of their homeland is taken away free of charge? Or there were specific reasons in the form of interethnic hostilities in the center of Europe (regardless of the fact that the bulk of the "crimes against something there" was hanged on the Serbs - all sides are good there, there were no whites and fluffy ones). Well, I don't want to get into the Armenian / Azerbaijani porridge at all, everything is difficult there, and Aliyev actually did not hide his intentions to resolve this issue one way or another.
                  Again, the opinion about the low likelihood of war does not at all cancel measures to be prepared for such a development of events, "unlikely" is not equal to "impossible." This willingness in turn reduces the likelihood of war.
                  1. -1
                    21 October 2020 06: 55
                    Quote: unaha
                    Serbs were occupied, reduced to the status of slaves and the wealth of their homeland is taken away free of charge?

                    Have you seen a recent photo of a Serb at an American's reception? Would you say that the conversation is "equal"?
                    Quote: unaha
                    Aliyev actually did not hide his intentions to resolve this issue one way or another.

                    Well, that's what we are talking about, our "Western partners" also do not particularly hide the fact that they want a final solution to the Russian question. And they do not hide what will happen after this issue is resolved. Against this background, Siluanov proposes an "optimization" of the army. I just want to ask the Stalinist question - "Are you the enemy, or .... to?"
                    1. 0
                      21 October 2020 09: 33
                      "Have you seen a recent photo of a Serb at an American's reception? Would you say that the conversation is" on equal terms "?" - I didn't even mention equality) There is an opinion that the world in general is gradually slipping either into feudalism, or into a caste system at a new socio-technological level.
                      "they want a final solution to the Russian question" - not at all, not in the sense that is usually put into this phrase. They want the final integration of the Russian Federation into the existing Western political and economic system and actions within the framework of this system. All swinging "unparalleled in the world", "gorgeous" and the like. weapons - this is mainly for the internal "electorate" on both sides. Our "elites" themselves long ago and finally integrated into Western structures and with the help of the military component of the state (there are no other resources of influence) are trying to take a place of more authority in these structures, to preserve capital and security. The system is someone else's, without serious support - they will eat it ...
                      But there is a problem - the accumulated potentials, unresolved contradictions, the excessive advantage of one of the parties can flaunt contrary to common sense and regardless of the consequences.
            2. 0
              20 October 2020 16: 05
              There will be many narrow-eyed and yellow-faced "partners" beyond the Urals! They have a hard time with the liberals, and thieves are even worse, they put them up against the wall! We can't live like that!
            3. +1
              20 October 2020 20: 53
              I suspect this Ministry of Finance is working on the enemy's ideas. it is necessary to investigate such ideas and plans. I guess the traces lead straight to the State Department. so the minister risks getting under fire ...
              although someone in the MO should really be cut. especially young ladies with generals and even colonel's stars.
              right now, of course, some related to the above-mentioned sneakers will start throwing themselves at me ...))
          2. +6
            20 October 2020 08: 00
            Quote: kyznets
            Feel just the same as we do, unprotected and unrequited - those who plow for everyone in the army.

            And who will go to work as a doctor in the army for the beggarly salary of a rural doctor?
            1. 0
              21 October 2020 08: 37
              especially on the Premier League for example ..
              1. 0
                21 October 2020 11: 02
                Quote: Level 2 Advisor
                especially on the Premier League for example ..

                Yes, even at the base in a hospital, somewhere in Gremikha, Gadzhievo, Vidyaevo. Yes, a simple physician cannot live there on his salary without pagons.
          3. 0
            20 October 2020 08: 42
            "It scares me that if they are already being optimized" - not, while the army sturgeon is being cut, it is too early to be scared. But if they begin to cut back their own guards, that is to say, the National Guard, tady "oh" ...
          4. +10
            20 October 2020 09: 27
            When the retirement age for the whole country was increased, the security officials were silent - after all, it did not affect them ... Now it does, everything seems to be fair?
            1. +2
              20 October 2020 09: 46
              Quote: Sandro1977
              When the retirement age was increased for the whole country, the security forces were silent

              Oh my God! And you just shouted in all squares! The rally in my city did not gather 500 people. Everyone was watching football, apparently.
              1. +5
                20 October 2020 09: 48
                I doubt that now they will collect more
              2. +1
                21 October 2020 13: 59
                Yes, and the rallies are not dispersed either.
                That's right, there is no need to resent, but "we must gratefully accept" (c).
                Take everything ...
            2. 0
              21 October 2020 11: 03
              Quote: Sandro1977
              Now it has touched, everything seems to be fair?

              This was expected.
        3. +19
          20 October 2020 07: 15
          By the way, according to this trend, the next, after the military, will again be us, ordinary and working pensioners. A year later, they will cut our pensions again or completely deprive us. The Siluanovs won't calm down so easily.
          1. +1
            20 October 2020 08: 04
            Quote: kyznets
            By the way, according to this trend, the next, after the military, will again be us, ordinary and working pensioners.

            And what have you not cut pensions for working pensioners? And maybe they don't take pension tax from working pensioners?
          2. 0
            20 October 2020 20: 58
            Quote: kyznets
            By the way, according to this trend, the next, after the military, will again be us, ordinary and working pensioners. A year later, they will cut our pensions again or completely deprive us. The Siluanovs won't calm down so easily.

            Hell! What's going on? Putin, perhaps it's time to disperse the Cabinet
            1. +1
              21 October 2020 14: 04
              "Please treat with understanding ...")))))
        4. +12
          20 October 2020 07: 51
          I support! When you find yourself on the other side in civilian life, you immediately feel how unfair our life is
        5. -4
          20 October 2020 08: 06
          Quote: Kuzya the Cat
          And finally, warriors and security officials of various types will feel on their own skin what we felt when the terms of our retirement were extended.

          That is, you wish everyone exclusively the same shit in which you were dipped. So you like it. And if you like it, what should I talk about with you?
          1. +12
            20 October 2020 09: 54
            The army and the people must be united.
            1. +4
              20 October 2020 18: 13
              Varyag 71
              "The army and the people must be united."
              I agree.
              Under socialism, it was so.
              But with modern capitalism, something does not work out ...
              For the people have become stratified - into the poor, who continue to get poorer, and the rich, who, at least a crisis or a pandemic, don't give a damn, just like the grandmothers were fighting, they will continue to fight.
              There is practically no middle class in Russia - it is dying out ...
            2. -1
              21 October 2020 00: 31
              Under capitalism, each drowns the other for himself. First, the civilian population drowned in the pension reform, followed by the servicemen.
          2. +6
            20 October 2020 17: 50
            We are citizens of one country and live in one country, when the civilians were dipped as you write, we all believed that we were not concerned .... touched ....
          3. +1
            21 October 2020 14: 07
            And why not?
            And not just like that, but quite justified.
            Who is defending the adopted reforms, decisions, cuts !?
            Who disperses all those who are not happy with at least something, who dare to say?

            That's right, security officials!

            So get your thanks!
            And if you are not happy, then it's funny, and disperse yourself, Oh!
            Savings, karma and expediency!)))
        6. +4
          20 October 2020 08: 57
          Quote: Kuzya the Cat
          how we felt when we extended our retirement terms

          That's it. Karmic response to those who "packaged" the protest against the pension "reform" in 2018.
          That it would end with this in the end was clear in the same 2018 ...
      2. +6
        20 October 2020 08: 30
        Such "economists" cannot and do not want to improve the economic situation in the country. Not even talking about the army.
    4. +1
      20 October 2020 07: 59
      Quote: george

      The authors, before squealing, based on the docks, tell people what categories of military personnel they want to reduce.
      In accordance with the document, we are talking about the reduction of about 100 thousand positions in the Russian army. The department believes that the reduction in staff should occur due to vacancies, as well as through the transfer to the civil service of those who are not directly related to military affairs - doctors, teachers, personnel officers, financiers, lawyers and logisticians.
      1. +4
        20 October 2020 08: 51
        Will there be no chaos? How to establish interaction between different ministries?
        And in the event of a large-scale armed conflict, how many logistics personnel and doctors will remain in the units?
        1. +2
          20 October 2020 09: 10
          Quote: ved_med12
          And in the event of a large-scale armed conflict, how many logistics personnel and doctors will remain in the units?

          Everyone will scatter. And who will go to the North to work, and indeed to the hinterland of the country, especially people from large cities, if he has the same salary in the city.
      2. +2
        20 October 2020 21: 30
        The Ministry of Internal Affairs has already experienced this. "Optimization", which was designed to reduce the number of "managers", staff and other employees who sat their pants in their offices, led to the opposite result - they cut employees "on the ground", and the regional and other higher offices are just the opposite.
        1. +1
          21 October 2020 10: 57
          Quote: Viktor.N.Aleksandrov.
          The Ministry of Internal Affairs has already experienced this. "Optimization", which was designed to reduce the number of "managers", staff and other employees

          After the collapse of the Soviet Union, I was not in the city of Dukhovshchina, Smolensk region until 2011 (only passing through). And then the police had to note the arrival. I was looking at the office of the regional police chief "Colonel Ivanov", the traffic police chief "Lieutenant colonel". And before the collapse, the head was "Major", traffic police "Starley" and then one, and now deputies and a bunch of employees. What has changed ? The number of residents in the area has decreased by half.
    5. +9
      20 October 2020 08: 35
      before you write garbage, you need to understand that the Ministry of Finance should not have anything to do with either the reduction of the army or the terms of service.

      All these experimenters and reformers, it is high time to severely limit their powers.
      1. +2
        20 October 2020 17: 52
        Do you really think that the Ministry of Finance, on its own initiative, put forward such a proposal? Surely, all the agreements with all interested have already passed, and therefore they will make some noise for the sake of appearance and accept ...
      2. 0
        20 October 2020 21: 33
        The former minister, a certain Kudrin, has already called for a similar thing, actively opposing the increase in salaries in the power structures, which are already "getting enough."
      3. 0
        21 October 2020 00: 31
        In general, what does the Ministry of Finance do? At Louis 14, he minted coins, collected taxes, and now? In the presence of the Central Bank, the tax, the Ministry of Economy ... Why are they at all?
    6. +3
      20 October 2020 09: 31
      Quote: george
      what categories of servicemen they want to cut.

      In the army, all professions are important, all professions are needed. "That is why a person has 2 kidneys and 2 eyes ?? - Because it is necessary.
      But a bunch of heads, like those of the Gorynych snake, are not needed
  2. -23
    20 October 2020 06: 16
    It would be better if the stupid urgent was canceled.
    1. nnm
      20 October 2020 06: 56
      And at what point in Russian history did it become "stupid"? Let me guess - at the moment of growing tension near the borders of our country and the emergence of more and more NATO bases? After all, they are being built for our own protection, I guess?
      1. +2
        20 October 2020 09: 12
        Quote: nnm
        at the borders of our country and the emergence of more and more NATO bases? After all, they are being built for our own protection, I guess?

        You guessed it, and then the question arises, why, why and who benefits.
      2. -5
        20 October 2020 10: 30
        Now is the time for professionals, you think now we need a lot of soldiers who fired only at the KMB. For example, 6500 rounds of ammunition are allocated for the shooting training of a new recruit in the US Army. And we have?
        1. nnm
          20 October 2020 11: 05
          Of course not. It takes a lot of managers who have never held anything heavier than a calculator in their hands.
        2. 0
          21 October 2020 16: 03
          Quote: Konnick
          Now is the time for professionals

          This is not about the Ministry of Finance by chance ?! laughing But seriously, in this country professionals are no longer needed, so they are squeezed out from everywhere, either by reforms or by optimizations. Professionals are not easy to manage. They are not as obedient and dumb as "managers", including "successful"
        3. +1
          21 October 2020 21: 05
          Minus those who did not shoot 10 rounds for an urgent
    2. +7
      20 October 2020 07: 57
      Quote: Konnick
      It would be better if the stupid urgent was canceled.

      Here everyone puts cons for your post, and I put a plus sign! good
      A 1-year conscript service is a profanation of the very idea ... Well, what can you teach a soldier in a modern army in 1 year ?! am yes nothing !!! We must return 2 years !!!
      1. -1
        20 October 2020 10: 33
        For modern technology, even two years is not enough, let's say three years, and we ban contract soldiers. The disadvantages are those who need free labor and those who like to play soldiers.
      2. +2
        20 October 2020 18: 00
        And again, under the guise of household work, we will begin to build summer cottages, remove garrison sidewalks and roads ...
        1. +1
          20 October 2020 18: 15
          Quote: serviceman.
          And again, under the guise of household work, we will begin to build summer cottages, remove garrison sidewalks and roads ...

          let's not confuse soft with warm !!! good
          the fact that a quarter of a century ago I was in the ranks of the SA of the USSR from two years if you take a circle - six months was at household work, built summer cottages and even cleaned city sidewalks and lawns, I do not deny - I will even say more, we were doing even more garbage))) But !!! one and a half years out of 2 we were actually trained in the army !!! what is needed and how it should be soldier so even if we take on a circle that now in the army of the Russian Federation the soldiers do not suffer from garbage, in 1 year they still will not learn anything sensible ,,,
          1. +2
            20 October 2020 20: 16
            You are partly right, but with the same non-statutory problems now, and what will happen if 2 years is hard to imagine.
      3. 0
        21 October 2020 07: 35
        3, three years !!!
  3. +34
    20 October 2020 06: 22
    The press informs about the plans of the Ministry of Finance to reduce the number of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and increase the length of service for military retirement
    And there are no plans to reduce the number of the Ministry of Finance and increase the length of service for their retirement, they still don’t do a damn thing.
    1. +3
      20 October 2020 07: 39
      Quote: Mavrikiy
      And there are no plans to reduce the number of the Ministry of Finance

      No. Now this cannot be done in any way. The Ministry of Finance, logically, has begun "the second act of the Marlezon Ballet." Develops food rations for foreign armies, taking into account their gastronomic preferences.
    2. +7
      20 October 2020 08: 05
      Most civil servants do not want to retire. The office is clean - the cleaning lady cleans every day, euro-renovation, air conditioning on the wall and the salary is much higher than the pension.
  4. +23
    20 October 2020 06: 22
    The idea to cut Anton Siluanov was born long ago. On the head. Or on the heels (to the very head). Whatever the above news.
    1. +11
      20 October 2020 06: 49
      An old anecdote fits your mind very well.
      The boa constrictor was guilty. Monkey and Parrot decided to judge him.
      Parrot: What should we do with him?
      Monkey: Let's chop off his head.
      Parrot: Monkey, this is too cruel, let's chop off his tail!
      The monkey is happy: In-in, to the very head !!!
  5. +9
    20 October 2020 06: 24
    Well, if ,, Generals ,, Shoigu will be transferred to an accountant, then nothing bad! I changed my license the other day, they are sitting in the face with a hangover, they are sorting through papers! Seniority pension, the girl will do all this work faster and better!
    1. +9
      20 October 2020 06: 41
      Asad Well, if ,, Generals ,, Shoigu will be transferred to an accountant, then nothing bad!

      These are the ones who will not be touched. No.
      1. +9
        20 October 2020 06: 58
        The Arbat military district, with any reforms and optimizations, only swells like a dough by leaps and bounds ...
        and why is it said, moskvabad on rubber ??? ...
    2. nnm
      20 October 2020 06: 59
      What kind of "generals" did Shoigu have? If you are talking about Shevtsova, then: 1. She works for three and a real pro in her business with generals flying in the corners 2. She is NOT a MILITARY. If you cannot distinguish military ranks from civil service ranks, then alas and oh, but the problem here is not in the "generals".
      1. +14
        20 October 2020 07: 57
        Shevtsova ... Here is officially about her: Amused:
        In public service since 1991 year. She has gone from a state tax inspector to a deputy head of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

        In May, 2010 was appointed adviser to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

        What a career! For 9 years, from a simple inspector to a deputy of the entire service! Very smart, I guess. And then in a year, from a simple "advisor" to a "deputy". In the "flooded". Not otherwise than for the "great mind" of the position. But my press secretary is more interested There really is no "mind" to hide anywhere. wink lol There are a lot of photos here: https: // Yes
        1. +7
          20 October 2020 09: 35
          Quote: Kuzya the Cat
          Very smart, probably

          Talented laughing
          Undersecretary of Defense for accounting is not a pound of raisins to eat! laughing
      2. 0
        21 October 2020 08: 54
        you know nnm, was at the graduation of his nephew .. the deputy minister of defense arrived at the graduation .. uniform - differs from the general's color only, behaves like a general, reported to him the major-general - as a general with a military greeting, approach, etc., greeted he was with personnel and accepted the march like a general ..
        those. Someone behaves like a general, has powers like a general, dressed (except for the color of his uniform) as a general .. but .. he is not a general, because it is written on a piece of paper .. but it's even worse, "civilian generals" flooded the army. and so .. formally you are right .. but based on their real behavior and power, no.
    3. +1
      20 October 2020 09: 22
      Quote: ASAD
      Well, if ,, Generals ,, Shoigu will be transferred to an accountant, then nothing bad!

      So I thought about this too, and came to the conclusion that the reduction of positions in the army is either fake or squabbles between ministries.
  6. +5
    20 October 2020 06: 24
    We consistently reduce the population - then the army. For servicing from 1 to 10 threads is enough ...
  7. +2
    20 October 2020 06: 24
    Not bad idea. The point is to hang shoulder straps on those who are not related to real service.
    1. nnm
      20 October 2020 07: 02
      And who doesn't? Military doctors then? Financiers in uniform have not been in the army for 10 years already. And do you propose to take a civilian "manager" as a clerk who knows the support of columns, trains, norms for laying ammunition on the ground, organization of meals in the field, etc.? Listen, let's cut the deputy for armaments already! Why not
      1. Egg
        20 October 2020 07: 30
        I, too, did not understand about military doctors ... why, now they can't stand the wounded from the battlefield? Field surgery has become unnecessary? belay
        1. nnm
          20 October 2020 07: 42
          Only after the conclusion of an additional agreement with the wounded on reimbursement of expenses and crediting money to the account of the service company, according to the tariff plan chosen and agreed by the parties.
        2. +7
          20 October 2020 07: 45
          The commercial firm will probably be hired, the tender will be won back with a decline, and guest workers will be hired.

          I, too, did not understand about military doctors ... why, now they can't stand the wounded from the battlefield? Field surgery has become unnecessary? belay
        3. +4
          20 October 2020 09: 38
          Quote: Telur
          Field surgery has become unnecessary?

          It is needed, but there is nowhere to take it out and no one to see! How many hospitals are left in the MO system? How many military doctors work in civilian life?
      2. +1
        20 October 2020 09: 33
        Quote: nnm
        Listen, let's cut the deputy for armaments already! Why not

        Yes, and military lawyers can also be recruited from lawyers, so the guys will trample on to serve in the army, there will be no end.
  8. +15
    20 October 2020 06: 25
    for the sake of "saving budget funds"
    it would be better to reduce the Army of Officials and their costs
    1. 0
      20 October 2020 09: 35
      Quote: Azis
      it would be better to reduce the Army of Officials and their costs

      Having taken the shoulder straps from the army, they immediately automatically enter the Army of Officials
  9. +4
    20 October 2020 06: 28
    Aha, that's how it is! Well, what are we waiting for an increase in the term of service from 25 to 45 years and the abolition of pensions ..... for the sake of "saving budget funds."
  10. +6
    20 October 2020 06: 31
    Original, i.e. the expected reduction is not due to the absence of a military threat, but only to budget savings. smile
    department of Anton Siluanov proposes to increase the retirement age for military personnel
    "Do not take Zheltorotikov! Only old men go into battle! (C) smile
    1. +1
      20 October 2020 09: 39
      Quote: parusnik
      the expected reduction is not due to the absence of a military threat

      She is not, since there are Zircons laughing
    2. +3
      20 October 2020 09: 41
      Quote: parusnik
      Original, i.e. the expected reduction is not due to the absence of a military threat, but only to budget savings.

      Original! That's for sure, and even at first I thought that Tubaretkin was returned to the army.
  11. +5
    20 October 2020 06: 34
    In the 90s, they were so over-optimized that then they could not wake up for twenty years. First of all, the Ministry of Economic Development and others like them, as well as the state department, should be optimized. In general, it turns out somehow strange, the decision on this issue is made by the ge siluyans, and not the supreme.
    1. RMT
      20 October 2020 08: 57
      The Ministry of Finance offers what it considers necessary. But whether or not he accepts these proposals, the Supreme Commander will soon see.
    2. +5
      20 October 2020 09: 40
      Quote: O. Bender
      the decision on this issue is made by the ge siluyanov, not the supreme.

      Are you seriously?
  12. +2
    20 October 2020 06: 35
    By 15:00 they will say that they have no plans, and they won't get anything for that. It's the army. hi
  13. +10
    20 October 2020 06: 44
    It would be better if the Ministry of Finance had dealt with the Central Bank and Sberbank. So, according to article 75 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the operational activities of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are carried out by it independently and the interference of other state bodies in it is unacceptable.

    That is, the Central Bank is independent, not subordinate to the state and, accordingly, is not a state authority. In this case, who owns Sberbank, where 50% of the shares are held by the Central Bank and 45,64% by foreign firms? And Sberbank is not a state bank, but a commercial organization.

    At present, Sberbank is managed by a meeting of shareholders, a supervisory board and a management board, and German Gref has long been its chairman.

    In general, gentlemen do not want to save on this, if billions flow away, millions of holes will not be plugged in the budget. Maybe the US economy will be enough to lend and save, and it's time to think about Russia and the Russian people?
  14. -5
    20 October 2020 06: 44
    It is high time. And then they raised the retirement age, and the policemen and warriors ride like cheese in butter
    1. NI1
      20 October 2020 07: 05
      What a shameless and stupid comment you have! After all, police officers and the military are the elite and stronghold of the country. They are doing heavy duty, and not picking their noses with a finger, like civilians, to take the same truckers, locksmiths from the housing office, stone workers or railway workers.
      1. +6
        20 October 2020 07: 17
        And also builders, ship repairers and blacksmiths. laughing
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +6
        20 October 2020 09: 43
        Quote: NI1
        After all, police officers and the military are the elite and stronghold of the country.

        And I thought a healthy society with a guaranteed education and health care system, the well-being of the elderly!
        Who creates surplus value in the country? Think
        1. NI1
          21 October 2020 04: 01
          Fuck these surplus values. )))
          There is an army of state employees, there is timber, oil, gas and diamonds - this is enough for us for a great country!

          P.S. it's almost sarcasm.
      4. +8
        20 October 2020 09: 44
        Quote: NI1
        locksmiths from the housing office,

        You need to cut off the pipes for heat and water supply and the sewage system in the apartment - to determine the importance of the profession. On trial, so to speak
    2. +2
      20 October 2020 08: 09
      They will equalize the military and the militia with the usual us and come the KAPETS! This is when migrant workers will be taken there. Do you want that? So that comrades from the near southern abroad serve in the militia and in the army? How do you imagine the future? But before that it is very close! I AM PROOOOOTIVE! soldier stop
      1. +1
        20 October 2020 08: 20
        In general, servicemen do not produce anything. That is, they do not create the final product. I will decipher: they do not bake bread, do not fish. They live off the taxes the workers pay.
        And in general, do not breed shit. They raised everyone and they definitely need it. Otherwise, tension will build up in society. And the police must have the support of the masses in their "dangerous service".
        Personally, I think. that it was the servicemen who had to start raising the PV.
      2. +2
        20 October 2020 09: 46
        Quote: kyznets
        So that comrades from the near southern abroad serve in the militia and in the army?

        I will not name a hospital in the Moscow region - a covid hospital was opened there, but there are no doctors. We have recruited guest workers from there, nothing, they are working. But with the Russian language they are bad
    3. +3
      20 October 2020 08: 49
      And you dear tried to figure out why the military retire earlier? Read about cheese and butter at your leisure. Maybe it will feel better ...
    4. 0
      20 October 2020 15: 42
      Quote: Angelo Provolone
      It is high time. And then they raised the retirement age, and the policemen and warriors ride like cheese in butter
      Hope it was sarcasm?
      1. 0
        21 October 2020 13: 51
        At the age of 30 he is a pensioner. Here - it should be sarcasm, but for now, reality
    5. -2
      20 October 2020 21: 42
      Of course "like cheese in butter". We have a lot of vacancies in the city OMVD, starting with the deputy chief and the chief of the criminal investigation department. And this despite the fact that in the internet everyone squeals that it is impossible to find work.
  15. +8
    20 October 2020 06: 49
    why does the Ministry of Finance decide on the staff and the number of military personnel?
    1. -4
      20 October 2020 07: 52
      Why, why ... The cat abandoned the kittens - the Siluyan are to blame. That's why. winked
    2. NI1
      20 October 2020 08: 03
      It's simple. Military personnel - state employees. And the budget is bursting at the seams. Alas, it is harder and harder for civilians to do business, the population is impoverished, prices are rising, the treasury is emptying, and the appetites of those close to the emperor are growing. There is little to take from civilians; it’s time to pinch the military. It should have started sometime, right? Here it has begun.
      1. -2
        20 October 2020 08: 22
        And it didn't stop.
        First, in the 90s, they cut openly and brazenly the army with a chainsaw.
        Then, more quietly, they beat off the pieces with a Serdyukov hammer.
        And now it's time for Shoigu to do the same.
        1. NI1
          20 October 2020 09: 10
          Well, what can you do ... You need to endure all the hardships and hardships, right?
          I understand everything, military service, traditions, Oath, etc. He put on shoulder straps - be kind, defend the Motherland, power, borders. But ... Guys, do the military have at least a little critical thinking? They should understand that if their homeland feeds by selling resources and ripping off the civilian population, will there ever be a social explosion? And they, in turn, will have to press civilians. Beat, put in jail. And you will need to make a choice: either you are for the people and understand them, or you are for power and obey orders. Not an easy choice, I agree. But no other is given.
      2. +7
        20 October 2020 09: 48
        Quote: NI1
        ... There is little to take from civilians, it's time to pinch the military

        Correct thought. The Ministry of Finance came up with a proposal to reduce the police. So you are not alone
      3. +2
        20 October 2020 13: 10
        Meanwhile: Russia's international reserves in August exceeded $ 600 billion for the first time in history. At the same time, the 2008 record was broken, when the figure was $ 598,1 billion. The budget is bursting ...
        1. +2
          20 October 2020 21: 24
          Quote: Colonel2001
          For the first time in history, Russia's international reserves exceeded $ 600 billion in August.

          vague doubts plague me! is there any money in kind? Maybe they are all on receipts, as happened to the pension fund, there was money, but it did not
  16. +5
    20 October 2020 06: 53
    It's high time, and in case of war we will put the employees of the Ministry of Finance into operation !!!
  17. NI1
    20 October 2020 07: 03
    Good news. Wonderful. It is joyful to realize that some of the servicemen will now be closer to the people. Closer to civil life: further pension, fewer benefits, civil office, civil salary, civil lawlessness before the employer. Well, how else?

    There is no need to doubt the wise decision of the Ministry of Finance. After all, it was formed at the discretion and approval of the LADY and VVP, and therefore it is worth approving such a decision! ))
  18. The comment was deleted.
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  20. +1
    20 October 2020 07: 18
    Maybe it's TIME to cut the Generals and Colonels, who DIVORCE like lice, and each has his own secretary and his own adjutants. ... who, in turn, still have a bunch of subordinates. ... ...
    1. -2
      20 October 2020 08: 25
      Serdyukov did this by dispersing massively all the cropped parts. Now, if anything, the mobilized will be commanded by the old senile people who have been torn from their pension.
      You can still cut it, then you will wait for an order from the headquarters for 2 months during the war.
      1. RMT
        20 October 2020 09: 09
        Wait for an order from the headquarters for 2 months ...
        Worry about it in vain. Orders are thrown over the head. Headquarters don't go anywhere
        1. +1
          20 October 2020 09: 11
          So if you expel the senior officers, then they will be empty. Some supporters and relatives will remain. And all the fighting will be kicked out
  21. +17
    20 October 2020 07: 26
    I propose to reduce the Ministry of Finance by 80 ℅, the Federation Council by 90 ℅, the State Duma by 90, the government apparatus by 50, the Ministry of Emergency Situations by 50, the central bank by 90 ℅, to organize the state plan and criminal liability to it, a ban on the export of capital, mandatory sale foreign exchange earnings by large companies, the organization of the country's management following the example of the system of Professor Glushakov, with the reduction of officials by 50℅ or more.
    1. +1
      20 October 2020 21: 46
      And the Ministry of Emergencies is guilty of something. Those that do not have time to put out fires across the country?
  22. +2
    20 October 2020 07: 29
    I think that the length of service for retirement is really necessary
    increase to 25 years, but the period of study in a military school should not be excluded from
    overall service life.
    And to save budgetary funds, it is necessary to exclude from the development of new
    weapons of the Army and Navy all sorts of "nonsense" that are intended,
    mainly to feed the stakeholder group (Poseidon), and
    stop the practice of lobbying dubious weapons and military equipment by various former
    commanders and commanders acting in personal interests.
  23. +7
    20 October 2020 07: 39
    Well, people in uniform are very much drowning for power and Putin, so let them pay.
    1. NI1
      20 October 2020 08: 05
      And Putin has something to do with it?!?! He is good, he is for the military! For the police! For the FSO, FSIN, FSB, TFR, Prosecutor's Office, courts, OMON, SOBR, etc. These bad boyars simply substitute him. Well nothing! Now the tsar will find out everything and will order to raise the salaries of the military! At the expense of some new tax for the civilian.
      1. +7
        20 October 2020 08: 11
        I think this is sarcasm) After all, it is stupid to think that the GDP in our country has nothing to do with it.
      2. +1
        20 October 2020 08: 16
        and will order to raise the salaries of the military! At the expense of some new tax for the civilian.

        Which he does all the time. But in fairness to say, he does it according to the residual principle - the main emphasis in this regard (providing a trough of the state feeder) is on the media and the bureaucratic and legislative apparatus, and of the National Guard with "effective managers" ...
  24. +3
    20 October 2020 08: 08
    Transfer the Ministry of Finance to the Ministry of Defense and, accordingly, reduce the number of the Ministry of Defense by the number of the militarized Ministry of Finance.
  25. +14
    20 October 2020 08: 14
    When the civilian pensions were raised, then they said 'if they keep silent, then they will get to the military' ...
  26. +3
    20 October 2020 08: 31
    Since when does the Ministry of Finance determine how many servicemen should be and their term of service? belay
    This is actually research by military experts, their competence and decisions of the president, and not some bankers !!!
    Give them free rein, they will completely cut the Army in order to save money and cut into their pockets !! fellow lol
  27. +8
    20 October 2020 08: 33
    In ancient times of the USSR, we had the head of the City Executive Committee, a front-line soldier and a partisan.
    So in the light of such news, I recall his phrase.
    When I hear about the next reduction, I know that I need to finish building another wing of the Regional Executive Committee!
    If translated into human language, it means that in high headquarters, new positions will appear, and at the level of departments, work will be added to those who remain!
  28. +4
    20 October 2020 08: 36
    "Optimizers" will not calm down in any way! What do their convulsive actions lead to - remember, at least, Timurogaydar's feats of destroying the economy: they say, we will buy everything over the hill, why do we need "soviet" aircraft-auto-machine tools and other industries!
  29. +11
    20 October 2020 08: 44
    When they voted for resetting, they probably thought it would blow. But they themselves gave carte blanche to the Kremlin diaspora. In a year or two, the military pensions will be replaced with one-time payments, then either work until 65.
    1. +3
      20 October 2020 08: 53
      It is necessary for them to introduce life-long service as under Peter, but what all the formation went to vote .... eat, do not crap.
  30. +8
    20 October 2020 08: 46
    Great news, at last the optimizers got to the hataskrains in uniform. Soon they will stop handing out the houses to them, which they always have on the edge ... well, as they wanted, it’s not time to swing, there are enemies around, please be understanding.
  31. +7
    20 October 2020 09: 01
    The logical process.
    After the "pension reform" for civilians, there should be for the military. According to the logic of the Ministry of Finance, it is necessary to get rid of the "parasites". The "guardsmen" will be the last to get to if they don't add benefits.
    In my deep conviction, the army should be self-sufficient, without cleaners and civilian cooks ... The composition and structure of the army and navy is the business of the military, not civilian accountants. Although "superfluous" and there is.
    PS Someone thought it was Medvedev? Will they replace it and everything will be "in openwork"? wink
  32. +7
    20 October 2020 09: 06
    A complete list of "reforms." Well, who of the contract soldiers will remain to serve? Hello 90s!
  33. +2
    20 October 2020 09: 11
    The press informs about the plans of the Ministry of Finance to reduce the number of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and increase the length of service for military retirement

    An accountant must deal with accounting and carry out the decisions made by specialized specialists and, all the more, do not go into M.O.
    1. -1
      20 October 2020 16: 12
      Quote: cniza
      The accountant should be engaged in accounting and carry out the decisions made by specialized specialists, and all the more so not to go into M.O.
      The Ministry of Defense is led only by those with a military rank: after Marshal Sergeev - Colonel-General, father of the President of the Diamond Company, then Corporal of Lenmebeltorg, now General of the Army Chief Tuvan / construction worker-rescuer, the next, you see, will be St.Lt, hereditary financier. The main thing is to preserve the EdRo of the Ministry of Defense!
  34. +3
    20 October 2020 09: 35
    An interesting reason for this stuffing. Where is the Ministry of Finance so fucked up that it is trying to cover up what happened with plans to reduce the posts of military personnel and their pensions? If I am not mistaken, the basic law will not allow to worsen the situation of military pensioners, and the listed positions that do not determine combat readiness have long been reduced. What do they want to sneak in?
  35. +4
    20 October 2020 09: 58
    In any case, the proposed measures (for all their absurdity) will give an economic effect in 20 years.
    That is, they want to start putting out the fire raging in the treasury in two decades.
    In practice, there is a sabotage in relation to the country's defense and the desire to show off (to show that it is not in vain that they chew bread).
    And the second prevails in this story.
    Here is the optimization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, pouring in there bailiffs, paramedics (and, I will add from myself, also the National Guard) can be considered a real optimization. But touching an army is unacceptable and criminal.
    1. +2
      20 October 2020 21: 56
      I agree about the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But this will simply be a correction of previous mistakes, when they invented various separate services and created a bunch of general and colonel positions for this. And remember the games with the tax police, which was then reformatted into drug control, and then allegedly poured into the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In our city, not a single employee of this service went to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, they preferred a civilian woman. And throwing the passport and visa service back and forth, and the current games in the Russian Guard?
  36. +6
    20 October 2020 10: 32
    The people who do not want to feed their army will feed someone else's. And the structure of the army was born as a result of 2 MV, and there are no extra people in uniform there. A civilian logistician, a medic and other nonsense for use by narrow-minded people, offended and incompetent in matters of defense. Questions mob. readiness and others are not even worth raising. The state of the mob. the reserve of state structures can be seen from the Ministry of Health in the situation with COVID. Surge in one word. Not taking the length of service while studying at a military school is for those who do not understand the essence of the process, well, the oath is taken in the first year, if anything. All this fuss is connected with the impossibility of our continuously developing state and constantly growing economy to contain even that stump of the great and legendary which is now called the RF Armed Forces. The dwindling resources are not enough to meet the needs of all at the same level without changing the economic model and distribution schemes. So do not worry, they will cut and rob, and in the second circle, and in the third.
    1. +6
      20 October 2020 20: 32
      Mob readiness is another question. If you compare before the humpback and after all the others, then the picture is far from joyful. In the military registration and enlistment office there was only a military commissar in uniform, the other two (?), "14tyr before night on the recruits stick out, the day is not enough. soul mobility? !!!
      1. 0
        21 October 2020 09: 45
        Do you still have a military commissar in uniform? Yes, you live well!
        1. 0
          22 October 2020 06: 49
          Was, now in a jacket like the others. If I am not mistaken, then for the second year already such a song.
  37. +6
    20 October 2020 10: 52
    How about reducing the State Duma and the Federation Council by 10%?
    1. +4
      20 October 2020 12: 19
      Quote: george
      How about reducing the State Duma and the Federation Council by 10%?

      Do not think according to the state. You need to prioritize correctly wink

      "In 2020-22, the federal budget provides for an increase in expenses for the maintenance of public servants. The State Duma and the Federation Council will receive extra 20% to your budget."
      "The expenditure item" national security and law enforcement "will be increased (for the second time in a year!) By 21,7 billion rubles. And this amount is much more than the one that was originally set by the government at the stage of developing budget amendments. 9,5 of them, XNUMX billion rubles will be spent on "payments to personnel" among operational workers. And 3,95 billion - for payments to the managing officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. "
      "Financing of the Russian Guard will grow by 5,137 billion rubles (+ 40% to the initially planned expenses). "
      "Also sharply - by more than 13 billion rubles - will increase financing of state media "
  38. +10
    20 October 2020 10: 55
    Roughly speaking, on all the borders of Russia a serious storm is outlined, and the excited "fifth column" is already trying to cheer on our sworn "friends". And how is it not to count the term of study at a military school, if the cadet has already taken the oath and received a weapon ??? This is what ... tram-taram ... a sexual minority ... you have to be to offer such heresy ???
    And here's another thing ... screw up this "initiative" and again the ears of a young "talent" (a la the well-known pension reform), who have never served in the Army and never left Moscow, will flutter.
    1. NI1
      20 October 2020 11: 15
      What to worry about? We have Caliber, we have a mighty Army, Navy and Air Force. There are weapons that have no analogues in the world. There are gas, forest, millions of people. Everything is! What or whom are we afraid of? Everyone is afraid of us! So sleep well, live happily. )))

      P.S. The union was much steeper than today's Russia. But it collapsed even without a large-scale war. The economy fell and the end of the mighty state came. What about the Russian economy?
      The restful sleep seems to be canceled.
  39. +9
    20 October 2020 11: 13
    - It seems that someone decided that even in its current form, the Army is a danger ... and is taking appropriate measures!
    - Shareholders are withdrawing funds from the Rossiya project due to the steadily decreasing profitability ... The traders are worthless, the traders need a bazaar.
    1. 0
      21 October 2020 00: 20
      The Russian Federation has never been a state since 1992.
      RF has no sovereignty.
      Sovereignty is not a flag, coat of arms, or anthem. And not even the army or the police.
      Sovereignty is:
      1) who owns property in the state
      2) where do the financial flows of money go
      In the Russian Federation, property belongs to the West (USA, EU and Israel, foreign offshore companies), and trillions of cash flows again go exactly to the West - to the USA, EU and Israel, offshore companies.
      Conclusion: The Russian Federation is a financial and raw material colony of the West, ruled by the indigenous elite, which has all the children, money and plans in the metropolis, in the West.
      Ch. T. D.
      Any questions?
      1. 0
        22 October 2020 12: 21
        - And then! Then what? Colonies can also be both prosperous and stagnant ... And, even if we agree with you - then what ?! According to the laws of economics - bankruptcy and decline of society.
        - As taught in the Soviet school in history lessons, the apparatus of control and suppression is an indispensable attribute of the formed state! And the concept of sovereignty is only applicable to the state ...
        - Free Indians have never heard of this ... laughing
  40. +7
    20 October 2020 11: 15
    They are traitors. Who already have an "X" hour and no longer have time or need to disguise themselves.
    The question is now point-blank: with whom are you, Mr. Putin ???
    Tell us who is your friend?
    And we will appreciate you.
    1. +7
      20 October 2020 11: 48
      and that before it was not clear who he was?)
    2. +2
      20 October 2020 21: 25
      Quote: faterdom
      who are you with, mister Putin ???
      Tell us who is your friend?

      do not understand yet?
    3. -4
      21 October 2020 00: 13
      It reminds more and more what is happening in April 1945 in one country, where the leader also sat down in a bunker, and on the surface, everyone saved himself as best he could.
  41. +1
    20 October 2020 12: 32
    I just have one question. Who put such a funny picture for the news? What, it turns out that for the military to lose part of the pension is the same as falling under a chemical or nuclear attack? what wassat
  42. -4
    20 October 2020 12: 42
    Better to cut down the police and the Russian Guard, and cancel the term, let the contractors keep the equipment in working order, and the civilian personnel of the barracks and other infrastructure. Instead of a deadline to introduce a system of reservists, they do not need to be watered, fed, clothed, they do not consume water and electricity in the barracks. I think they will save a lot of money, and the population will be happy.
  43. +7
    20 October 2020 12: 45
    For the sake of saving budget funds, I propose to reduce the composition of ministries by 50% and the "deputy corps" by 95%. Then there will be enough money for the complete rearmament of the army in record time, while the number of the RF Armed Forces will double.
  44. +6
    20 October 2020 12: 49
    The Ministry of Finance "lives" separately from the emerging problems in the international situation around Russia. This is regrettable in the conditions of peaceful coexistence, but, at this stage, this is blatant sabotage in the defense of the country!
  45. +3
    20 October 2020 12: 59
    It is noted that all these proposals are presented for the sake of "saving budget funds."

    Those countries that do not feed their army. feed someone else
  46. +5
    20 October 2020 13: 09
    This is not the Ministry of Finance, this is the department of the State Department where the provocateurs from the CIA have settled. In which state where borders are blazing along the entire perimeter, against which the most powerful states in the world are waging a hybrid war, where by 2024 the "partners" have begun to prepare a "color revolution" will reduce defense spending. Passed in 1990, the result is already thirty, we can not come to our senses.
    1. 0
      21 October 2020 14: 49
      So this is the result
  47. +1
    20 October 2020 13: 39
    Well, what ... have already turned on the return line ... nothing like that, it was not and was not supposed to! feel Apparently, the probe showed a lightning-fast result, which the "initiators" did not count on at all.
  48. -2
    20 October 2020 13: 48
    Quote: Clone
    Well, what ... have already turned on the return line ... nothing like that, it was not and was not supposed to! feel Apparently, the probe showed a lightning-fast result, which the "initiators" did not count on at all.

    Well, there are no khataskrayniki, you should not indulge yourself with vain hopes, you will not be able to sit out at the expense of the rest of the pensions)
    1. 0
      20 October 2020 15: 56
      Or you think narrowly. Or are you a provocateur!
  49. +4
    20 October 2020 15: 07
    The main task in hostilities is to deprive the enemy's army of the rear and he will not be able to resist. An army without a rear in peacetime can only show off and parade, in wartime it can do nothing. And without military doctors, the morale of the army will fall below the house of cockroaches at the very first losses. Who sits in our power !! Enemies or downs perverts?
  50. +3
    20 October 2020 15: 10
    There is nothing special to comment on. The Ministry of Finance does not offer, but simply impudently climbs with its dirty and smelly feet where it should not be !!!! Want to cut? So cut your Ministry of Finance by 95 percent !!! Judging by the proposals coming from this department, it is just right (it certainly won't be worse !!!). Then there will be no time for all sorts of nonsense. I will not write about the Armed Forces, I don’t know, but according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, reductions have already gone in several stages for at least 15 years. Reduced to the point that there is no one to work below. And the idea of ​​transferring posts from under the shoulder straps to civilian ones is stupid. Another category - low wages - who left, we must look for another. And it's not a fact that you will find a similar one.
    zs already at this Ministry of Finance ha ..., I can't look at my face - I'm pulling ...
  51. -2
    20 October 2020 15: 51
    When the retirement age was increased, the military wisely remained silent, so we pensioners will remain silent.
    1. 0
      20 October 2020 17: 10
      When they grabbed the union members, I was silent: I was not a union member. When they came for me, there was no one to stand up for me." (German pastor Martin Niemöller, prisoner of Sachsenhausen and Dachau).
      Unfortunately, everything is true....
  52. -1
    20 October 2020 17: 33
    Quote: ancient
    a disguised blow to pensioners"

    In general, this was to be expected, first they increased the salary for civil servants, then for ordinary employees, and now they are reaching the military. And the National Guard thought it wouldn’t affect them
  53. +5
    20 October 2020 17: 53
    Quote: Summer Resident452
    When the retirement age was increased, the military wisely remained silent, so we pensioners will remain silent.

    Why did you decide this?
    I am a military pensioner, I have not and will not remain silent (you can raise all posts if interested), and I believe that the creators of the “pension reform” should respond with excommunication from power at all levels, I go to all elections and diligently in defiance of United Russia, including Among the former, I vote for the communists - this is what they are really afraid of.
    Or do you not understand that a “military pensioner” can have a wife, sister, brother, children, finally? And through them this essentially fascist, cynical expropriation also concerns him?
    And you, apparently, are a provocateur, trying to drive a wedge between me and, say, my sister?
    1. +1
      21 October 2020 11: 28
      This is gratitude to those who vote in parts according to the order for the united
  54. +3
    20 October 2020 18: 50
    It would be worth sending the authors of the project to the army, for military service, for 10 years, without taking into account the length of service.
    1. +3
      20 October 2020 19: 58
      It’s high time to send them to the ZabVO, whoever served knows how to decipher them.
      1. +1
        20 October 2020 20: 52
        Kushka, that's it!
        1. 0
          20 October 2020 21: 53
          Skovorodino or Mogocha are also okay. At the same time, recreate the regiments they dispersed and equip them with them! Instead of weapons for the first time, pickaxes, shovels and saws, let them restore them with their own little hands! :))) But on the good side, and this is no longer a joke, it’s high time to carry out reforms in the camp of reformers and optimize their numbers. By 90 percent!
  55. 0
    20 October 2020 23: 17
    This proposal of the Ministry of Finance will not pass, the GDP will not give it a go, Kudrin made such attempts before, all proposals were shelved, we have about 5 million people in uniform, each with at least two mouths behind their backs, another 10 million voters, a total of about 15 million There are 15 million potential voters, plus military pensioners and the like, for a total of about 30 million people, well, who will risk such a number of supporters? When the GDP goes away and perhaps liberal supporters come to power then hold on, but the power bloc in our government will not allow this
    1. 0
      21 October 2020 11: 30
      He didn't give in anymore...
      And as they said, yes he, yes now, but never...
      "Please be understanding..."
  56. +1
    20 October 2020 23: 33
    Quote: CommanderDIVA
    This proposal of the Ministry of Finance will not pass, the GDP will not give it a go

    And we'll see about that.
    He has a choice - either to spud the Deripasoks with Potanin, or the servicemen. And, not yet in such a radical one-time form, but gradually, but the latter is being realized. One Ministry of Internal Affairs threshed so many pots and with such fanfare - and silence! And from the Ministry of Defense - Serdyukov and Vasilyeva fell from the moon? Or did someone appoint them there?
    So, if all of these mean things don’t work out, I’ll be very surprised.
    It’s especially amazing about studying at a military university - how can one think of service, which actually begins with the order of enrollment, the KMB and the Oath, and in full, not just for fun - not to be considered service?
    That is, according to our clever Ministry of Finance, the Podolsk cadets who stopped a fascist near Moscow with their bodies are amateurs? militias? partisans? Who are they, not military personnel? Yes, Hitler would not have spared our Siluanov the iron cross for such discoveries!
  57. The comment was deleted.
  58. -3
    21 October 2020 00: 07
    The pipeline economy of the financial and raw material colony of the West called the “Resource Federation” is sinking. Here are the accountants who have been appointed by the West to look ahead over the Russian Federation and throw any ballast overboard.
    The army and security forces do not produce anything, do not make a profit (unless they are waging colonial wars), but only consume and cause losses.
    If it is cheaper to hire US troops to protect the remaining territory of the Russian Federation, they will pass a law, dissolve the Russian Armed Forces, and introduce NATO colonial troops. It’s time to understand a long time ago that the nullified bunker sitter is just a lackey of the college of oligarchs and a puppet in the hands of his “partners” (read: masters) of the West, and not the president of a sovereign country. Russia's sovereignty ended in 1991 along with socialism and Soviet power.
  59. +2
    21 October 2020 00: 19
    Shouldn’t we cut down “Antoshka’s department” itself, and send him and all his smart guys to training camps... into the fields... to collect everything that has not been collected.!? The Ministry of Finance is thinking in the wrong direction. It's time to change, I guess. fool
  60. The comment was deleted.
  61. +1
    21 October 2020 06: 04
    Nobody knows if there is a resignation petition somewhere with a ban on holding government positions. positions of Siluanov, Nabibulina, Manturov?
    1. 0
      21 October 2020 14: 52
      Maybe there is that place, but it’s not allowed to be named on the site, just like the result of this petition
  62. 0
    21 October 2020 09: 20
    It’s not clear why our valiant defenders of the Motherland were so alarmed? The Ministry of Finance sends similar “recommendations” to other departments, in particular to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In our country, according to the Constitution, everyone has equal rights, so they are “equalized.” Well, the fact that free vacancies will be cut first is already understandable, it’s a tradition. )))
  63. 0
    21 October 2020 10: 48
    Well, did the “patient majority” wait?!!! These Siluanovs and others like them in power will soon completely ban pensions and salaries for the military! And there is a good reason - optimization in order to save government expenses! They will not reduce their multi-million and billion-dollar incomes! And you need to cover up your stupid inactivity with something! And here are the resigned Armed Forces - limitless optimization possibilities! And naive military believers in their “supreme” and resigned min. Defense and other chiefs, including government. Duma, they still believe that they are cared for! These unfortunate state administrators have already taken away 25% of the legal annual additional payments to military pensions and do not want to return them, but they also continue to brazenly reduce them, without even following the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation!!! And silent silence! Not Min. Defense, not State. The Duma, not other law enforcement agencies, which are obliged to take care of their colleagues and veterans, do not want to “put the question squarely!” - when will this mess stop! Who are Siluanov and the under-managers like him? Nobody!!! But being in the government, they can cancel the instructions of the president and do whatever they want! That says a lot! And first of all - about the influence on the President! No, why would these brainless under-managers look for money in the oil, gas, gold mining, fishing, forestry, diamond mining, wine and other multi-billion dollar industries in the state, although they are entirely owned by the Russian and other oligarchy, taking decisive and fair measures to nationalize these industries!!! And they, with the tacit consent of the “management”, take away well-deserved and undervalued crumbs from the people and the military, including pensioners! The people need to decisively stop this mess! It is necessary to demand optimization of the leadership of the state and cleanse it of “hidden” liberalistic enemies of the pro-American persuasion! It is necessary to cleanse the government and power, including local ones, of mediocrities, thieves and thieves! A state ideology and a pro-people, new program for the economic and political development of the country are urgently needed! The United Russia party has outlived its usefulness, it no longer corresponds to its purpose! We need a new political force with a pro-people orientation! A lot of things still need to be changed so that Russia, like Ukraine, our eternal enemies, cannot be “rocked” from the inside! And the sooner the authorities understand this, the better!!!
  64. 0
    21 October 2020 11: 25
    Expected ...
    We must vote for him in more orderly ranks, he will be rewarded.
    They will work harder to break up the rallies and will give thanks.
  65. +1
    21 October 2020 11: 31
    Quote: serviceman.
    Do you really think that the Ministry of Finance, on its own initiative, put forward such a proposal? Surely, all the agreements with all interested have already passed, and therefore they will make some noise for the sake of appearance and accept ...

    I dare to suggest that before voicing such scandalous proposals, Siluanov showed them to the guarantor, and he could tell him - let’s see the reaction of the military and society as a whole. Since there really isn’t enough money for everything - they haven’t started stealing less, they haven’t withdrawn capital abroad either, the Forbes list is constantly growing at the expense of Russian citizens... . sad
  66. +3
    21 October 2020 11: 45
    Quote: tank64rus
    It’s high time to send them to the ZabVO, whoever served knows how to decipher them.

    For military training, headed by the minister - for a period of 3 months.
    1st training place - running in tanks
    2nd training place - practicing actions of l/s when the enemy uses weapons of mass destruction
    3rd place -...
    Based on the results of the fees:
    1. Consider the issue of suitability for the position of the leadership of the ministry.
    2. As part of organizational and staffing measures, optimize the personnel composition of the ministry, including salaries of management.
    3 ....
    wassat hi
    1. +1
      21 October 2020 19: 12
      Why only for three months? The longer these pests are away from, so to speak, the workplace, the better for the Country! Let the trucks be painted and run in before retirement.
  67. +1
    21 October 2020 15: 53
    Gather all these .... dons from the Ministry of Finance together with Antokha Poluduroshny and send them to Khabarovsk ... in January ... to breathe fresh air, run knee-deep in the snow, shoot with automatic weapons and drive infantry fighting vehicles, for a month and a half ... in to live in tents, UST-56, with one potbelly stove for the whole gang and orderlies from the same “optimizers” ... we’ll see later what proposals there will be ... Because what the “citizen” in the form of “fecal preparations” sends to troops, “comrade officers” are trying to transform them into “citizens, patriots, socially active Russians” despite the weather conditions, the lack of basic conditions and other benefits of civilization.
  68. -2
    21 October 2020 15: 56
    Why does a financial and raw material colony (RF) need its own army for “defense” from the mother countries (USA and EU), if already the entire government of the Russian Federation, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, key enterprises and sectors of the Russian economy are controlled by the USA and England, and the President of the Russian Federation never tires of calling the hosts of the Russian Federation from the USA and England are “our partners”?!
  69. 0
    21 October 2020 16: 58
    Quote: Evil 55
    Gather all these .... dons from the Ministry of Finance together with Antokha Poluduroshny and send them to Khabarovsk ... in January ... to breathe fresh air, run knee-deep in the snow, shoot with automatic weapons and drive infantry fighting vehicles, for a month and a half ... in to live in tents, UST-56, with one potbelly stove for the whole gang and orderlies from the same “optimizers” ... we’ll see later what proposals there will be ... Because what the “citizen” in the form of “fecal preparations” sends to troops, “comrade officers” are trying to transform them into “citizens, patriots, socially active Russians” despite the weather conditions, the lack of basic conditions and other benefits of civilization.

    Think in terms of the past...Doesn’t what goes from “civilian” to military service go through the commissions of military registration and enlistment offices? So here you should only nod at your colleagues, they have a plan - you can understand them. It’s also said strongly about reforging, if there is no intelligence, the army will not add it. I can’t imagine what can be taught to yesterday’s schoolchild in 1 year. How long is one KMB there now, 3 months? Well, maybe dig and build something for the “uncle in uniform” in his dacha (garage).
    1. 0
      21 October 2020 19: 19
      But why? KMB will just make you smarter while running. Another thing (I took the KMB 25 years ago) is that now the citizenry produces... eternally unafraid idiots with an exaggerated opinion of their rights, whom I don’t even know how to educate.
  70. 0
    21 October 2020 16: 58
    feed less and milk more
    After perestroika, the government has been unable to offer anything else for many years.
  71. 0
    21 October 2020 16: 59
    Quote: Varyag71
    Well, people in uniform are very much pushing for power and Putin

    Not everyone is happy.
  72. +2
    21 October 2020 19: 46
    Quote: victor50
    It's not easy to manage professionals

    I mean the same thing, now most leaders lack basic education, examples are Rogozin, Bortnikov Jr., the same Serdyukov was a minister, I almost forgot Shoigu. Of course, they gave me a lot of disadvantages, all of them were urgent. Now the time is different; it is no longer possible to fight behind tanks by attacking on foot. And there are few professionals in the army, remember the tragedy in February 2000, near Kharsenoy, with GRU special forces, a little earlier than the tragedy with the Pskov paratroopers. These special forces soldiers were not professionals; they went on reconnaissance missions for a week in the mountains with grenade launchers, machine guns and full ammunition, but did not take sleeping bags and, most importantly, they were left without communication, since they forgot spare batteries for the walkie-talkies. And training at the Ryazan Airborne Forces School, at one time the cadets did internships in the Novorossiysk division at the Abrau-Dyurso training ground, none of them could cope with terrain orientation and marching on a map, but they hit bottles on their heads. There are very few professionals in the army. As for the conscripts, I will say that now is a different time, less is better, but better. I usually ask those who have passed urgent training two questions: the first is the procedure for forming a squad when moving through a minefield passage and the second is in which direction to adjust the sight of an RPG-type grenade launcher depending on the wind. I haven't heard a single correct answer yet. Why is urgent service needed?
  73. 0
    21 October 2020 23: 22
    It’s high time to let the warriors retire like ordinary people.
  74. The comment was deleted.
  75. 0
    22 October 2020 19: 59
    Why does the state need an army when there are Cossacks? laughing