Trump says US troops will leave Afghanistan by Christmas


The President of the United States, who said he was cured of the coronavirus, spoke about the future of the American presence in Afghanistan. Trump announced the decision to "expedite the withdrawal" of the US military contingent from this country.

According to Donald Trump, almost all American troops remaining in Afghan territory will leave this territory by Christmas. We are talking about Catholic Christmas, which is celebrated at the end of December.

Earlier, Trump said that the American military contingent would leave Afghanistan by the summer of 2021. Now, exactly one month before the presidential election, the US President spoke about the need to withdraw troops earlier.

Trump tweeted that "only a very small number of American troops will remain in Afghanistan after Christmas."

Earlier in the Pentagon, it was said that those who remain on Afghan territory will not participate in military operations, but will focus on providing instructor assistance to the Afghan army.

It is known that since mid-September, with the participation of American representatives, the field commanders of the Taliban terrorist group (banned in Russia) have been negotiating with the Afghan government in Doha (Qatar). At the same time, both the Taliban and the Afghan forces continue to fight against each other in Afghanistan in various provinces. According to the American command, the US contingent is no longer involved in combat operations.
31 comment
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  1. nnm
    8 October 2020 06: 59
    He didn’t say what year it was by Christmas? Or even Obama promised both terms before the election, and Trump ...
    And the Taliban, without baksheesh, no longer let these warriors of light go home ...
    1. +2
      8 October 2020 07: 05
      Trump says US troops will leave Afghanistan by Christmas

      Fresh tradition, but hard to believe!
    2. -1
      8 October 2020 07: 27
      Let them go to Pakistan with banners, this occupier has broken, we are waiting for China.
    3. +1
      8 October 2020 09: 17
      Quote: nnm
      He didn’t say which year it was by Christmas? Or even Obama promised both terms before the elections

      Well, yes, yes ... June 23, 2011 (!!!!!)
      On June 23, the whole world learned the amazing news: the United States achieved victory in Afghanistan and therefore is beginning to withdraw troops from there. In his speech, President Obama said that his country "has basically achieved its goals in Afghanistan," and therefore, within a year, up to a third of American soldiers stationed there will be abandoned.
      But neither Obama nor Trump - not a fig not Humpbacked Dog. They [... self-censorship ...], of course, they are still, but at least they don't sell their country. Even for the Nobel Peace Prize. So they get it. In the case of Obama - and even in advance.
  2. +3
    8 October 2020 07: 06
    And how to believe this? Wasn't the poppy born? wassat Afghanistan after the Americans - I can't even imagine what it will be!
    1. 0
      8 October 2020 08: 46
      Quote: Mountain Shooter
      fganistan after the Americans - I can't even imagine what it will be!

      Do not forget that there is a whole army of PMCs in Afghanistan, funded by the Americans.
      “Today, in Afghanistan, as well as in Iraq, there are significantly more PMC employees than military personnel. By the end of 2019, there were about 25 people in Afghanistan -“ privateers. ”The number of American military personnel was two times less - about 000 ...
      From 2001 to 2019, casualties among private contractors in Afghanistan were more than a quarter higher than casualties among the US Army. From October 2001 to October 2019, 2298 American troops and 3814 employees of private military and security companies providing services to the US Department of Defense in this operation were killed in Afghanistan. The fact that the losses among private contractors, who, from the point of view of international law, should not participate in direct hostilities at all, exceed the losses among the military, albeit in an indirect way, but confirms that PMC employees are involved not only in solving civilian tasks.
      In this regard, it is private military companies, whose presence in the region has increased significantly during the Trump presidency, that can help the United States continue to support government forces. "Details:
      1. +1
        8 October 2020 13: 09
        Quote: Anatol Klim
        Do not forget that there is a whole army of PMCs in Afghanistan, funded by the Americans.

        The trouble for PMCs is that the state will not "fit in" for them))) But they will also protect their poppy fields
  3. 0
    8 October 2020 07: 15
    The President of the United States, who said he was cured of the coronavirus, spoke about the future of the American presence in Afghanistan. Trump announced the decision to "expedite the withdrawal" of the US military contingent from this country.

    They say that the coronavirus spreads in the lungs of a person, and Trump, it turns out, was in his head.
  4. +1
    8 October 2020 07: 25
    At least some positive moment from the presidential company in the United States.
    Trump is trying to catch up.
    Vote and dove Donnie
    Will withdraw troops today.
    1. 0
      8 October 2020 10: 55
      Quote: Livonetc
      Vote and dove Donnie

      According to Donald Trump, almost all American troops remaining in Afghan territory will leave this territory by Christmas. We are talking about Catholic Christmas, which is celebrated at the end of December.

      Hear another statement from Donald Trump:
      "The American servicemen remaining at the moment on the SYRIAN territory will leave this territory almost in full by EASTER.
      We are talking about the Catholic Easter, which will be celebrated on April 2021 in 4. "
    2. -1
      8 October 2020 15: 20
      Quote: Livonetc
      dove donnie

      Here in the picture for the article, exactly, two "doves".
  5. +1
    8 October 2020 07: 29
    The President of the United States, who said he was cured of the coronavirus, spoke about the future of the American presence in Afghanistan. Trump announced the decision to "expedite the withdrawal" of the US military contingent from this country.
    As they would say in Odessa: "Yes, Schaub was cured as he would lead the contingent out."
  6. 0
    8 October 2020 07: 31
    Trump will pack his bags by Christmas Yes
    Biden has been ahead of Trump nationwide by about 10 points (give or take a few points) in recent months. Most Americans disapprove of Trump's job as president and how he acted during the covid-19 pandemic. (According to the latest CNN poll, 59% of respondents said they trust Biden more in the fight against coronavirus. 38% trust Trump in this matter.)
    1. nnm
      8 October 2020 07: 38
      Excuse me, but given that CNN is a pro-democratic channel and that Trump called them fake news, and they have mutual "love", you should not believe the data of such a survey. It is as if our "Echo" on its website conducted a survey
      1. +1
        8 October 2020 07: 46
        I agree that all this scribbling is an election campaign. I tried to humor.
        1. nnm
          8 October 2020 07: 50
          Got it)))) But in fact, you may well be a Vanga - it is definitely impossible to predict the outcome of these elections. Unlike further squabbling of elephants with donkeys in any of the options.
  7. 0
    8 October 2020 07: 37
    How many times will they leave?
    1. 0
      8 October 2020 07: 50
      Quote: faiver
      How many times will they leave?

      Will hope. I wonder who will now control drug trafficking from Afghanistan? smile
      1. +2
        8 October 2020 13: 11
        Quote: Zhan
        Will hope. I wonder who will now control drug trafficking from Afghanistan?

        American PMCs)))
  8. +2
    8 October 2020 07: 54
    News from the US stock exchanges: The price of Afghan char jumped on the US stock exchanges after Trump announced the withdrawal of the army from Afghanistan, but dropped after clarifying that those looking at poppy fields under the guise of instructors will still remain ...
    1. 0
      8 October 2020 09: 34
      Quote: Vitaliy Tsymbal
      News from the US exchanges: The price of the Afghan char jumped on the US exchanges after Trump announced the withdrawal of the army from Afghanistan, but fell after clarifying that watching poppy fields disguised as instructors will still remain ...
      Disguised as agronomists.
      In America, they like to create different commissions and departments - a new department will be created in the CIA. Agronomic.
  9. -1
    8 October 2020 08: 20
    Trump, for a start, let the elections win.
  10. -1
    8 October 2020 08: 33
    Quote: Zhan
    Quote: faiver
    How many times will they leave?

    Will hope. I wonder who will now control drug trafficking from Afghanistan? smile

    Traffic in any case has been and will be under the control of American intelligence services. Interestingly, who controlled the traffic from the northern provinces of Afghanistan, the so-called "Northern Alliance", before the assassination of Ahmad Shah Massoud? Litvinenko spoke very interestingly about this, even before he drank tea with polonium.
  11. +1
    8 October 2020 08: 38
    Well, if Trump is not balabol, then let him show the signed order on the complete withdrawal of the contingent from Afghanistan. If in two months he is going to withdraw almost ten thousand fighters with all the weapons, equipment and infrastructure from there, then such an order should already be in place, and preparatory work should be carried out.
    1. +2
      8 October 2020 08: 58
      Yes, it will show without problems, but then they will come back again, or, let's say, they will not completely leave. lol
  12. +2
    8 October 2020 08: 57
    Trump says US troops will leave Afghanistan by Christmas

    Abandoned, abandoned, but the number of returns is always one more ...
    1. +1
      8 October 2020 09: 55
      Quote: cniza
      Trump says US troops will leave Afghanistan by Christmas

      Abandoned, abandoned, but the number of returns is always one more ...

      American troops as Boa Granny. Only that one still could not come, and these - cannot leave. Everything stretches and stretches ...
      “Just a minute,” said Grandma Boa, looking back. - I haven't quite arrived yet, I expect my tail to arrive any minute.
      Boa's grandmother turned out to be really very big and terribly boastful. Her head had been here for a long time, and the grandmother herself kept coming and coming.
      The head of the American troops is already in America, but the tails are still leaving and are leaving - they just cannot leave. For decades. From all over the world.
      1. +2
        8 October 2020 12: 19
        Uh-huh, they stuck, all over the planet, to resources tightly ...
  13. 0
    8 October 2020 09: 25
    What Christmas, sorry I did not specify. With these striped will become, lie inexpensively take.
  14. -1
    8 October 2020 09: 32
    It is a pity that they are withdrawing, though for ten years already. Taliban will be left without income. We pay them for the murdered Merikos.
  15. +1
    8 October 2020 09: 42
    Concussion as always. Well, they will withdraw a small part from Afghanistan, so somewhere in Syria, and in Europe it will definitely increase. If the Taliban were seriously at war with the Americans, then they would have removed long ago, even spitting on poppy plantations. And so they whisper in the corners, agree on something and try not to touch each other.