How blacks helped Putin


About Black Lives Matter, the American movement for the rights of blacks, only one who has not heard News he deliberately avoids from the world: thousands of protests, multinational companies rebranding for millions of dollars, just not to offend the feelings of the African American population, demolished statues of key personalities stories USA ... Everybody heard about it. Information on those who founded this movement does not stand out against this background. But in vain.

So, Patrissa Callors. Born in Los Angeles, lived in a poor neighborhood, at age 16, she realized her gender identity as a “queer” (that is, an undecided), because of which she was temporarily expelled from her home by her parents. All this did not stop her from graduating from the University of California with a degree in Religion and Philosophy. He teaches at the Otis College of Art and Design (named after the founder). Perhaps (I do not affirm), it was at the university that Comrade Kallors was imbued with Marxist views. Yes Yes exactly. According to Kallors herself, she and Alicia Garzu (co-founder of the movement) are trained and convinced Marxists.

At this point, readers who are familiar with Marxism firsthand may be able to raise an eyebrow in surprise, however, Miss Callors' logic is quite visible. There are white - oppressors, there are black - oppressed. There is a goal - a revolution that will lead to “communism” for individual categories of citizens (now oppressed), namely LGBT people and blacks (since Miss Callors herself is concerned about them and, accordingly, is concerned about them).

It is worth noting one peculiarity in the performance of "Marxism" according to Miss Callors' patterns, which, obviously, would not have dreamed of old Marx in a nightmare: the driving force of the revolution is not a working majority in the form of workers and peasants, who are behind the real production of goods and services and minorities, which by no means produce more than 20% of the US GDP, while the “oppressors” are left with 80% (the figure is taken from the approximate ratio of the number of blacks and LGBT people in the USA to the total population of the country). In other words, the goal of the founders of BLM is simple: a freebie. I would not be surprised if it was precisely this method of achieving success that the founder of BLM teaches American children in a private college, raising a new generation with "progressive" views: loudly demand freebies.

I would like to note right away that a similar BLM movement to me, a resident of faraway Russia, seems to be a spit in the face of American democracy, whatever it may be, because democracy is when everything depends on the majority opinion: how they voted, it will be so. Here ... Here, the opinion of minorities is imposed on the majority by administrative methods, and the US Democratic Party, personified by presidential candidate Biden, kneeling in memory of a serial criminal (albeit unjustly killed) for the sake of political conditions, takes an active part in the process.

So what does Putin have to do with all this?

I am very negative about some constitutional amendments signed after the vote by President Putin. For example, as an atheist, I am categorically against mentioning God in the constitution in any form, against “nullification” and against some other amendments that expand and prolong the power of Vladimir Putin. At the same time, homophobic amendments (and they are indeed homophobic, since the refusal of LGBT people to marry is an infringement of their rights regarding the rights of those citizens who wish to marry traditionally) give confidence that minority dictatorships are not yet foreseen in Russia . At least their individual categories. What interests me here is not exactly which minorities are meant - gay, radical feminists, blacks, migrants, fans of flat Earth or reptilians. As long as they quietly go about their business, I absolutely do not mind. I care about the principle itself. The principle is when administrative methods involve the majority of the minority ideology. When the interests of a minority are put above the interests of the majority. When I have to think, as if by chance not to call a Negro a Negro, and as if by chance not to look at a girl with too delighted eyes. And then they’ll get fired from work.

I have some experience communicating (online) with Americans. They sincerely believe (not all, of course, but many, very many) that when Coca-Cola refuses to advertise on Facebook due to the lack of moderation of racist posts, this is their own free choice, and not a necessary measure, adopted under the pressure of public opinion in order to avoid reputational, and, consequently, financial losses. And all this is completely irrelevant to censorship. Censorship is for authoritarian regimes, and for them it is not censorship, but the protection of the feelings of oppressed groups of the population. To my sarcastic comment that then the Jews, therefore, left Germany in 38 of their own free will, they answer the sacramental: "This is different."

So, not being one of those who support Vladimir Putin (as can be seen from my other articles on the site), I, nevertheless, am terrified of what is happening in the USA, and I feel only dissatisfaction with the further strengthening of the president’s personal power . The strengthening of this, in turn, taking place in the United States obviously excludes in connection with the obviously adopted conservative policy.

Considering that almost all people I know, regardless of their political convictions, have similar feelings about protests against common sense in the United States, I dare to suggest that the BLM protests added a few percent to the final result of the amendment vote. And you, readers, what do you think?
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  1. The comment was deleted.
    1. +14
      6 July 2020 06: 18
      In the USSR, Harriet Beecher Stowe's book "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was very popular, and in general there was internationalism, but in Russia the children do not know anything about it, so there are enough of their own skinheads ... True, in the southern republics, one gets the impression that books in general there are none, so the level of culture in general is extremely low ... But this is the reality of today! There has always been domestic racism in the United States and it has not gone anywhere and will not go away, but when a black policeman just shot an Australian woman in 2017, I don’t remember niggas kissing white boots! However, the problems of the United States personally can not only please me, but also make me think - after all, our kids can also go out to smash shops under the pretext of fighting against something ...
      1. -8
        6 July 2020 06: 53
        How blacks helped Putin

        Why does Putin need American blacks? He has enough of his own "blacks" to remain in power until they take their feet forward.

        They do not spare money to glorify Putin, it is not something that can be saved on. These are not people who can live in the "no money, but you hold on" regime. To maintain conditions of extreme social inequality, the government is forced to have a Russian VTsIOM, an army of political strategists, leading media outlets, a troll factory on the web, and a powerful Russian Guard.

        With jerks and breakthroughs, it did not work, as well as with a successful economy, but they built a completely police state ... Why do the elite more? They already have everything else.
        1. +8
          6 July 2020 07: 01
          Right! It is necessary everywhere and always to fight the "totalitarian bloody regime" - as there "He lies down with this name and stands up with this name" Do you propose, as in the USA, to go out onto the streets and start trashing shops? Destroy everything into rubbish, burn the Kremlin ... what do you propose then?
          1. -16
            6 July 2020 07: 22
            Quote: Finches
            Destroy everything in rubbish, Burn the Kremlin ..., what do you offer?

            No, this is dangerous! Offered put the portrait of Putin in the place where the icon used to be. And pray earnestly. Then the worst thing that can happen is to accidentally break your forehead. But this is not scary, for the beloved and adored king!))

            Zyablitsov, dear, share your secret, how can you read Marx, Lenin and Putin at the same time?
            1. +1
              6 July 2020 08: 05
              To pray earnestly is always and everywhere helpful.
              1. +5
                6 July 2020 08: 20
                Quote: Vyacheslav Gomanov
                To pray earnestly is always and everywhere helpful.

                That's right, I recently had a conversation with a third-grader who, in all seriousness, claimed that Darwin was a heretic, and his theory is complete stupidity. This is how the priest spoke in church, a wonderful lesson in "the basics of Orthodox culture", they take children to church, where the priest tells them different clever things. Is not it?
                1. +1
                  6 July 2020 08: 51
                  The third grader could not convince you.
                  1. 0
                    8 July 2020 22: 18
                    A third grader is not in the reference group. Need someone more authoritative.
                2. 0
                  6 July 2020 09: 27
                  Quote: aleksejkabanets
                  recently had a conversation with a third grader who seriously claimed that Darwin was a heretic, and his theory is completely stupid. This is what the priest said in church, a wonderful lesson in the "foundations of Orthodox culture"

                  Well, in Russia, freedom of choice, for now. Someone is free to believe that God created his ancestors, and someone believes that his ancestors are monkeys. You have already made your choice, to each your own. wink
                  1. +7
                    6 July 2020 09: 46
                    Quote: Tank Hard
                    Well, in Russia, freedom of choice, for now. Someone is free to believe that God created his ancestors, and someone believes that his ancestors are monkeys. You have already made your choice, to each your own.

                    What I'm talking about, there is nothing to brainwash the students. The school must first of all teach critical thinking and scientific approach. Who can imagine Kurchatov, who declared that "the atom split by the will of God." Do we need scientists, engineers anymore?
                    1. The comment was deleted.
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                    2. -2
                      6 July 2020 12: 59
                      You can laugh, but the idea of ​​the singularity - as the source of the Universe, is no better than the idea of ​​the Creator. With the second though there is a chance, theoretical, a certain connection. ))) And the singularity is so .. something is not defined.
                      1. 0
                        8 July 2020 22: 40
                        The main parameter in the description of the expanding Universe in the Big Bang theory is the so-called. "Hubble constant". Since the discovery of Hubble in the revolutionary 1918, this constant has changed, God forbid, memory, every 10 times. Or maybe more. Therefore, the formula describing the expansion of the Universe on the basis of the so-called. "redshift" on the physical law does not pull. And the more distant objects are, the greater the value of the Hubble "constant". Unlike the Hubble "constant", the value of the gravitational constant in Newton's law of gravitation from the moment Newton first calculated it, was corrected by a maximum of hundredths of a percent, which is associated with purely instrumental moments. So Newton's law of gravity is really a law.
                    3. +1
                      8 July 2020 22: 26
                      Personally, I cannot imagine such a statement by Kurchatov. But this does not mean that the schoolchild, who knows only Darwin's theory, but about the role that religion at least played in the history of mankind, is not brainwashed. They are also washed, only on an uncritical perception of Darwin's theory, in which there are quite a few weaknesses.
                3. +1
                  7 July 2020 09: 44
                  Quote: aleksejkabanets
                  that Darwin is a heretic, and his theory is complete stupidity.

                  I don’t presume to claim that a heretic but if you critically approach Darwin’s theory, there’s no stone left from it, which by the way does not confirm the divine origin of man
                  1. 0
                    8 July 2020 22: 47
                    That's right. Materialistic science does not address this issue and cannot, by definition. This is the subject of theology.
                4. 0
                  8 July 2020 22: 17
                  Sure. Why produce any superfluous entities when there is an excellent theory of the primary stomach. "Do you have any means to preserve the remnants of my hair? - Of course, here is an excellent plastic box."
            2. +8
              6 July 2020 08: 19
              Because today there is no other alternative and VVP has fulfilled all its promises regarding me, but I will not go into detail. All the same, you won't hear me, but criticizing and posing as a couch Decembrist, you don't need a lot of intelligence, though you will cut the plus sign on this, because the once-sensible site for some reason decided to bypass the Echo of Moscow, TV channel at the turn Rain "and the Society" Memorial ", in one bottle laughing
              1. +4
                6 July 2020 08: 44
                the site for some reason decided to bypass at the turn "Echo of Moscow", the TV channel "Rain" and the society "Memorial", in one bottle

                Do you think that it is worthwhile to take a closer look at these organizations, and not turn away squeamishly?
                1. +4
                  6 July 2020 08: 57
                  All sites need to be carefully watched, in fact - any opinion is interesting, even if this opinion is out of your mind, contrary to life principles and generally common sense! This allows a deeper understanding of the nature of human wisdom and virtue, as well as the nature of human abomination or stupidity ... hi
                2. 0
                  8 July 2020 22: 49
                  It’s worth taking a closer look - what are they doing there and whose money is it?
              2. +2
                6 July 2020 09: 32
                Quote: Finches
                and with respect to me, GDP has fulfilled all its promises, but I will not detail it.

                Why so? Give me the detail, thousand major!
                1. +5
                  6 July 2020 18: 02
                  I am not a major. And I’m not going to give you anything. hi
              3. +2
                6 July 2020 22: 46
                So such a policy here is really a long time ago ...
            3. +8
              6 July 2020 12: 56
              Is it possible without extremes? Why put someone's portraits somewhere? It is enough to have common sense and look at those who want to push aside Putin and change course - snickering oligarchs and their lions from kreakl (all from the 90s) and close-minded "navalnata" led by him?
              No ... let Putin be better. God willing, he will be able to create a System that a priori liberde will never allow to come into power.
              1. +3
                6 July 2020 14: 49
                Quote: Mairos
                God willing, he will be able to create a System that a priori liberde will never allow to come into power.

                Do you know what it reminded me of? 96th year. If only for the Communists, it was under this slogan that Yolkin danced.
              2. +1
                6 July 2020 16: 48
                Quote: Mairos
                Is it possible without extremes? Why put someone's portraits somewhere? It is enough to have common sense and look at those who want to push aside Putin and change course - snickering oligarchs and their lions from kreakl (all from the 90s) and close-minded "navalnata" led by him?

                And many can not live without it. This happens when there is a big resentment against someone or something. Hatred does not allow one to think sensibly. And someone is always trying to take advantage of this to his advantage. request
            4. +4
              6 July 2020 17: 11
              Quote: Stas157
              how can you read at the same time Marx, Lenin and Putin?

              Scare! These are figures of the same scale!
              Putin’s icons are already there. If you saw footage of an earthquake in Haiti, there often fell into the frame of a photograph of Putin on the altars at home. People prayed to him for the salvation of their relatives.
              And Putin’s icons are better than the icons of Nicholas II, the destroyer of Russia.
              1. +1
                8 July 2020 23: 00
                You are mistaken. Nikolai did not destroy Russia. On the contrary, a lot of useful things were done in his reign, which specifically and very significantly influenced even the course of the Great Patriotic War - I will not list them. But, as V.I. quite rightly noted Lenin, the tops could not, but the lower classes did not want, so such a parsley turned out. And how such a situation arose is another question. If large capitalists finance outright terrorists, and the director of the police department covers them, it is unlikely that the tsar personally can do something to change the situation. The February revolution for Lenin, by the way, was a surprise. He, being in Switzerland, as they say, did not cut a chip. At the Zimmerwald Conference in 1916, the Bolsheviks spoke of the revolution as something very desirable, but at the moment unlikely.
                1. 0
                  10 July 2020 17: 37
                  Quote: Nikolai Korovin
                  Nikolai did not destroy Russia.

                  However, he did not take SUFFICIENT measures to preserve the Russian Empire. The death of the royal family is tragic, it is an act of wild vandalism. But he himself suffered a well-deserved punishment. IMHO.
            5. The comment was deleted.
          2. 0
            6 July 2020 07: 41
            Quote: Finches
            Do you propose, as in the USA, to go out onto the streets and start trashing shops?

            Who in their right mind can offer this? But this is the question, there are fewer and fewer ways to legally express one’s opinion, what do you think this can lead to?
            1. 0
              6 July 2020 08: 08
              A small figure to have an opinion.
              1. +4
                6 July 2020 08: 11
                Quote: Vyacheslav Gomanov
                A small figure to have an opinion.

                Precisely: "In my years you shouldn't dare to have your own judgment," Griboyedov wrote about this.
                1. 0
                  8 July 2020 23: 04
                  This is a purely negative character. But Sergey Sergeyevich Skalozub not only has opinions, but also expresses subtle, aphoristic judgments, which are difficult to understand in the forehead without sufficient preparation - which he really means. What to take from him? Dumb soldaf-s, no more than that-s.
            2. +3
              6 July 2020 08: 23
              hi To order! For the time being, no one bothers to express anyone yet.
              1. 0
                6 July 2020 08: 31
                Quote: Finches
                To order! For the time being, no one bothers to express anyone yet.

                It is true, only this opinion should be correct, otherwise ... Platoshkin, the case of the "network", and you can enumerate a lot, there is no time simply.
                1. -7
                  6 July 2020 08: 33
                  Platoshkin was lucky, under the Union he would have been shut down in a fool, by the way, personally, I had the impression that it would be completely justified!
                  1. -1
                    6 July 2020 09: 09
                    Quote: Finches
                    Platoshkin was lucky, with the Union he would have been closed in Durkee

                    Gabyshev was closed there, you can treat him differently, but in order to force a person into a medical institution of this type, a court decision is needed. As far as I know, he was not.
                    1. +3
                      6 July 2020 09: 19
                      I am now abstracting from the legal background, but if, for example, this shaman, in accordance with his fad, would take and shoot someone - the society would start asking officials - how was this possible?
                      1. 0
                        6 July 2020 09: 31
                        Quote: Finches
                        I am now abstracting from the legal background

                        And if we abstract from the legal background, then we can forget about the presumption of innocence, and give the functions of power structures into private hands. There is no need to abstract from it, only according to the law. After all, no one today calls for the violent overthrow of the government, because it is illegal, and the government allows itself various "liberties". This is wrong, I think.
                      2. +2
                        6 July 2020 09: 33
                        I’m not quite sure that the shaman was banned illegally.
            3. -1
              6 July 2020 09: 36
              Quote: aleksejkabanets
              Who in their right mind can offer this?

              Any animals like monkeys, for example, or their descendants.
              Quote: aleksejkabanets
              But here’s the question, there are fewer and fewer ways to legitimately express your opinion, how do you think what this may lead to?

              No need to go far, beyond the puddle is a great example - this is the United States wink
          3. -1
            6 July 2020 09: 27
            Quote: Finches
            Destroy everything into rubbish, burn the Kremlin ... what do you propose then?

            I propose to repaint the Kremlin, and sprinkle streamers with hay. What would nobody see.
        2. -4
          6 July 2020 08: 03
          Quote: Stas157
          He has his "Negro" is enough

          78% do you think it is "blacks"? wassat In my opinion you are in the wrong country. laughing

          Quote: Stas157
          They don’t spare money on praising Putin,

          If you knew how much money the State Department spent on the opposite, you would not be indignant at the post-Medvedev ("there is no money, but you hold on") policy of our state (finally) in the interests of all of us.

          Quote: Stas157
          Why is there more to the top?

          But really - why? Why change the Constitution, it’s so nice when there is a boss who will say what to do ... Do you really think so?

          "... Why do the flocks need the gifts of freedom?
          They should be cut or cut.
          Their inheritance from generation to generation
          A yoke with rattles and a whip ... "
          1. -3
            6 July 2020 08: 20
            Quote: Boris55
            78% do you think it is "blacks"?

            Not. Blacks are fighting for their rights. And as we see quite successfully. Just about those who voted For amendments and concern:

            Quote: Boris55
            ... What are the gifts of freedom to herds?
            They should be cut or cut.
            Their inheritance from generation to generation
            Yoke with rattles and a scourge ...
            1. +5
              6 July 2020 08: 32
              Quote: Stas157
              Blacks are fighting for their rights.

              For your rights? Tell me, who doesn’t let them into their historical homeland? laughing

              Quote: Stas157
              who voted for the amendments and relates

              And it happened that you were born in the wrong country. Now we would run around Manhattan, blacks would lick zeros ... laughing

              As one of the leaders of the popular revolt in Russia said: "We will kill all the landowners and boyars, and we ourselves will become landowners and boyars" ... Well, what's the point of changing an awl for soap?

              According to the article.

              Thanks to Trump, internal problems arose in the United States, which gave us the opportunity to detach from their management and gain more independence. Have time ...
              1. -6
                6 July 2020 09: 41
                Quote: Boris55
                Now we’d run around Manhattan, blacks would zeros licked ...

                Zeros? This is what you are doing right now in relation to our zero.
                1. +2
                  6 July 2020 10: 31
                  Quote: Stas157

                  Butгand. I pressed the wrong key. I did not have time to fix it, and you are happy to try. Well, and this is the same pleasing, since you have no other arguments left. laughing
              2. +8
                6 July 2020 14: 07
                Quote: Boris55
                Quote: Stas157
                Blacks are fighting for their rights.

                For your rights? Tell me, who doesn’t let them into their historical homeland? laughing
                As one of the leaders of the popular revolt in Russia said: "We will kill all the landowners and boyars, and we ourselves will become landowners and boyars" ... Well, what's the point of changing an awl for soap?


                Peerless social picture in the USA! "Humanization for both" is called.
                One old man is humiliated. Another - young - allows the old man to humiliate himself.
                There is nothing Christian about them! They are both shameful for the Lord!
                1. +1
                  8 July 2020 23: 08
                  Horror and darkness.
            2. +1
              7 July 2020 09: 46
              Quote: Stas157
              Blacks are fighting for their rights. And as we see quite successfully.

              and what rights were taken away from the blacks or which were not given?
        3. -6
          6 July 2020 09: 30
          Quote: Stas157
          Why does Putin need American blacks? He has enough of his own "blacks" to remain in power until they take their feet forward.

          If you live in Russia, then you, it turns out, is one of Putin's blacks helping him to stay in power.
          Even if you work illegally, and part of your earnings in the form of taxes "this country" does not shine, you buy goods and pay for all kinds of services, of which taxes are paid for sure. Who support the Putin regime.

          And how do you fight for your freedom, besides the angry panegyrics on the net and tax evasion?
          No way? So I thought.
          1. +1
            7 July 2020 09: 47
            Quote: Sidor Amenpodestovich
            in the form of taxes "this country"

            so FALL from "this country"
          2. 0
            8 July 2020 23: 13
            The duty of a citizen of the socialist Fatherland was, if necessary, to protect him with weapons in his hands.
            The capitalist Fatherland has significantly softened its requests for citizens. Do not have weapons in hand! At least pay taxes! No, they don’t want to, sir.
            Probably, they want some sort of fabulous Fatherland, a characteristic feature of which are the milk rivers and the kissel banks. However, it’s old. Now this common sarcasm does not roll. You won’t be surprised at this.
      2. +9
        6 July 2020 07: 01
        US problems personally can not only please me, but also make me think
        I think that current events in the United States have a double and a triple, and maybe a larger bottom! If the stars are lit, then someone needs it! What do we have in the USA !? The history of slavery where blacks were slaves! Was it like that? It was! Why didn’t the Indians become slaves? Why did they clean and bring the blacks? No analogies arise? For example, the EU with migrants and Russia with migrants? Okay! We drove through! What happened before the protests? Slavery. Then separation by skin color. Then equality. And then? And suddenly the protests! Why? By chance? So killed the black man !? And if you dig deeper? What money is the banquet for? Did the blacks take off? Does it seem that the pendulum has gone the other way? From equality with color to discrediting them? Purpose?! Put the colored population in place! How? Show that they are mentally retarded, unlike whites! What do colored ones do? They are engaged in crime and do not want to work! An analogue in Russia. All migrants and rogues are mentally retarded and want freebies! All the poor freeloaders in Russia! Today in Russia the population is falling. The situation is saved by immigrants from the former Soviet republics. Rescued the situation Crimeans and Ukrainians who received Russian citizenship. Plus passports of LDNR residents. Then Putin invited new migrants to Russia. What for? Our population is declining and invite migrants !? Like, we are successfully utilizing the population! Who wants to be disposed of, come to us !? And what is the similarity between Russia and the USA ?! There are no Indians in Russia !? But there are indigenous people of Russia suitable for the role of the Indians! What is it all going to? Pure propaganda of the worthlessness of the colored population which in its abilities is no higher than a talking dog! What does it give? This gives every right to a class society! In my opinion, just such a scenario is being played out in the USA! Show the worthlessness of the colored ones and tighten the nuts! US propaganda did a very good job of brainwashing! They brought up net consumers! Judging by the comments there, they only care about the personal I! Well, at least I have not yet seen discussions about the global structure of the world or about the political course of the country. More like a riot of children! But with the wise management of adults!
        1. +9
          6 July 2020 07: 04
          For some reason, the joke was remembered -

          A black man with a stolen ATM was not allowed on the bus! This is the best evidence of racism in the USA! laughing
          1. +1
            8 July 2020 23: 16
            Purely by analogy, without any political motive.
            Standing drunk, hugs a lamppost. Passes by another, stopped. - Listen, you will not be allowed into the subway with such a floor lamp!
        2. -2
          6 July 2020 08: 11
          You would help quote VI Lenin, about the worthless little people that he got.
          1. +2
            6 July 2020 08: 24
            I know a lot of Lenin’s quotes because I read it and even studied it — did you want to say something?
            1. +1
              8 July 2020 23: 18
              There have been many writers — they compose for Lenin. Not to read a little bit! The man tried, wrote 55 volumes, not everything there can be agreed, I guess. But it’s a shame when he is credited with any obvious crap for no reason.
              1. 0
                9 July 2020 06: 46
                "I have not read it, but I condemn ..." It is fashionable today - to confront from scratch! laughing
          2. +1
            7 July 2020 09: 50
            full quote and source in the studio
      3. +3
        6 July 2020 09: 07
        "Uncle Tom's Cabin" in the school curriculum. Was, anyway. About books in the "southern republics" is not worth mentioning - in the rest of Russia read about the same. I generally keep quiet about young people - the number of readers among them tends to 0. Their worldview is formed under the influence of pretentious and stupid popular bloggers.
        1. +2
          6 July 2020 09: 12
          I can not agree 100%, but unfortunately there is such a trend!
        2. 0
          6 July 2020 09: 51
          Quote: Yrec
          "Uncle Tom's Cabin" in the school curriculum. Was, anyway.

          Excerpts were, as I recall.
        3. 0
          8 July 2020 22: 30
          Their worldview is formed under the influence of pretentious and dumb-headed popular bloggers.

          Whatever and whoever they read and watch is more about the content of the information than about the delivery channel.
          The main channels are now business, that is, they must be regulated by appropriate methods.
          For example, to tie the tax return to the degree to which the information corresponds to the objective scientific picture of the world and lay the evidence and justification for the need to return the money to the business entity itself. This will create a conflict of interest that prevents the generation of garbage information noise.
          To give an opportunity to make money on business mistakes to clever and attentive citizens and specially organized businesses for them, suing money from him (in a specially simplified procedure and using electronic remote litigation), in the case of publication that is dangerous to health, very outdated, not true unscientific and not supplied with primary sources of information.
        4. 0
          8 July 2020 23: 32
          "Uncle Tom's Cabin" is extremely tendentious and depicts blacks in such a way that they only put them in the iconostasis. The roots of the current kissing of feet are buried in her and similar creations. African Americans should not forget that they were being sold to whites by their own kings for old guns, beads and all kinds of junk. If they didn’t sell it, they would simply eat most of the sold. The hunt for people in Africa in the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries is nothing personal, pure business. If there is no one to sell - so at least eat. And the majority of those who died uselessly died not on ships when they were delivered to America, but when they were delivered to the place of trade on the sea coast from the depths of Africa. Of course, the whites did not treat the blacks very well - they forced them to work, the surplus value was obtained quite significant, and usually they gave very little, although there were exceptions. But still, they did not eat like their compatriots. Here the most vile abolitionist gives in - they didn't eat, and that's it! What do you want to do! This was not the case!
          1. 0
            9 July 2020 05: 56
            And the Negroes themselves did not like this book for the most part - they say, uncle Tom is a slobber ... laughing
      4. +3
        6 July 2020 10: 08
        Quote: Finches
        However, the problems of the USA personally can not only please me, but also make me think - after all, children can also trash shops under the pretext of fighting against something ...

        I want to believe that this will not work for us. Here, either the organs will work, or the majority. Our mentality is not the same, and there is no instilled sense of guilt before the blacks, therefore both the organs and the majority will react correctly.
        P.S. history. there was one small district man, in one city, inhabited by everyone who took root there (Russians, Germans, Tatars, Kazakhs, etc.), respectively, with their graters living among themselves, as well as those living in neighboring rayons - everything was as usual , and in ancient times, in this district, gypsies got up to camp, (the district was near the river, respectively, there were lands unoccupied by streets and buildings). So, the gypsies did not bother to live, until they started to spoil (consider stealing, robbing, etc.) on the territory of residence. As soon as the amount of nastiness emanating from the camp exceeded some unknown feature, the male population living in that district (Russians, Germans, Tatars, Kazakhs, etc.) inspired the camp to look for another place to stay, as a result of which the camp usually days quickly removed from their homes. And the population of this district was returning to his usual life with internal conflicts and conflicts with neighboring district residents. As a rule, after a year another story with the camp was repeated.
        In principle, modern histories of conflicts in a number of settlements, when a minority tries to dictate the conditions to the majority, confirm that our traditions in this vein have not changed much, the question is. that to determine where an invisible line passes, after which the majority begins to intelligibly explain to the lurking minority that it is not right, it is practically impossible.
        1. 0
          8 July 2020 23: 36
          With the Gypsies, the tsarist government gave a big blow in the last third of the XNUMXth century, when the bears were shot and killed by the Gypsies - they deprived the national trade, which made up a very significant part of the income of the camp. Before that, the reputation of gypsies was less odious. Yes, and sorry for the bears.
      5. +1
        6 July 2020 22: 45
        Eugene, in general, it is worth asking the author a question what he means by the term "democracy" because his admiration for the USA shows that he has no idea about this term, because modern America is certainly not an example of "democracy", from the word at all - IN THEM EVEN THE PRESIDENT DOES NOT CHOOSE THE PEOPLE DIRECTLY! What is there to talk about ???
        1. +1
          8 July 2020 23: 44
          I remember that in the 70s one liberal-minded comrade asked me: “Well, do you want to personally vote for Leonid Ilyich?” - I want, I say. - But figs to you!
          Uel is called. It is not so important whether you vote or not vote for someone personally. It is important how people perform their duties. For example, I am personally a member of the council of the house. It is absolutely impossible to collect a quorum even on issues that concern everyone. We have to go to apartments and beg for signatures. Many do not open. They changed the water pipes here - the house is old, the pipes are full of all sorts of rubbish, the water is bad because of the pipes, you have to buy drinking water. Workers were allowed to change pipes in 17% of apartments. What kind of "All power to the Soviets!", I apologize. I know that this is not the case everywhere, but in general, this attitude is quite common. I don't give a damn about anything that does not concern my personal pocket.
      6. 0
        7 July 2020 09: 42
        Quote: Finches
        but in Russia, children do not know anything about her, so they have enough skinheads ...

        I think that it’s not connected in any way, but if you take into account, about black racism then ...
    2. +4
      6 July 2020 06: 36
      Well, judging by the propaganda, in the country, besides these LGBT perverts, there are no more problems. what
      1. +2
        6 July 2020 07: 58
        The task of propaganda is to drag as many people as possible into an obedient herd, without taking them into the right and perverts. And propaganda successfully copes with its task. Yesterday’s example, from which so far Rzhaka, yesterday went to mow a neighbor’s plot, which I do every year at her, persistent, half-liter request. Itself not to mow down due to the lack of a man and useless hands, sharpened only to crawl under skirts to other women. lol So I ask in between cases, with a catch, about the recent vote on amendments and it states to me that it came down and voted, for belay I ask what was found useful in the amendments, for which it specifically voted, so it is responsible for the pussy !!! wassat
  2. +4
    6 July 2020 05: 47
    What can I say, no arguing against the facts. An example of our neighbors is also from this series. Colleagues who served on team work will agree with me. As well as having a relative of the American (a true Aryan), I can confirm that at the household level, the question for blacks is not so simple either. By the way, everything is not going smoothly with us either, dark-skinned Russians are also our problem, it is worth recalling how the GDP came to the funeral of the fan, which was made by the southern lads. And there are enough such cases. And now the main thing is how Putin can take advantage of such negro help!
    1. +2
      6 July 2020 06: 11
      BLM protests added a few percent
      It’s deep purple to me! I am on my own !
  3. +3
    6 July 2020 05: 49
    homophobic amendments (and they are really homophobic, because the refusal of LGBT people to marry is an infringement of their rights regarding the rights of those citizens who wish to marry traditionally)

    No one in Russia prevents LGBT people from getting married, a homosexual can easily marry a lesbian.
    And there are no problems with transgender people. Let a man who thinks he is a woman marry a woman who thinks she is a man and be happy with them.
    Along the way, a "sex change" man will never be able to give birth to a child, and this is the same fact as the fact that marriage is a union of a man and a woman, as a result of which children can appear. For the meaning of life is in the continuation of the human race, and in nothing else.
    1. 0
      8 July 2020 23: 48
      - May the aim of soldier's ambition be the exact fit of ammunition!
      Colonel Note:
      - The soldier also has another ambition - to serve the Throne-Fatherland. It is strange to limit the goal of aspirations.
  4. +2
    6 July 2020 05: 57
    If such a party goes on then urgently need to stock up on pop corn. And I think that on November 3 this holiday of disobedience will grow into something big. hi
    1. -2
      6 July 2020 06: 32
      Quote: morpogr
      If such a party goes on then urgently need to stock up on pop corn. And I think that on November 3 this holiday of disobedience will grow into something big.

      undoubtedly. but.
      no matter how events unravel, the American society will go through transformation, if not reformation.
      and whoever won this second civil war is brewing, its result will be a renewed, passionate and more aggressive society. and therefore more dangerous to others.
      because popcorn is good, it’s fun to watch from the side, but it doesn’t take long.
      Today, wars, even civil affairs, are much shorter than ever.
      1. -1
        6 July 2020 06: 54
        Quote: Maki Avellievich
        its result will be an updated, passionate society.

        OILY ... passionaries? belay request

        Where has this been seen ?.

        (70% in the USA are fat trusts. And this is not only physical form, but everything else)
        1. +2
          6 July 2020 09: 46
          Quote: Olgovich
          (70% in the USA are fat trusts. And this is not only physical form, but everything else)

          Moreover, I never heard of humble passionaries kissing someone's legs. hi
          1. +5
            6 July 2020 11: 09
            Quote: Tank Hard
            Moreover, I never heard of humble passionaries kissing someone's legs.

            Curiously, those "intellectuals" who give me a minus, do they even know who a passionate is ?! The question is rhetorical. laughing
          2. 0
            6 July 2020 20: 20
            Quote: Tank Hard
            Moreover, I never heard of humble passionaries kissing someone's legs.

            those who kiss their feet now will stomp. stomp until they become brutalized and move from one extreme to another.

            it was said by the sages before us:
            one who shows mercy to cruel is hardened to the merciful
            1. 0
              6 July 2020 20: 55
              Quote: Maki Avellievich
              those who kiss their feet now will stomp. stomp until they become brutalized and move from one extreme to another

              Dmitriy hi , here I completely agree with you, but I talked about something else. I said that passionaries do not kiss their legs, this is contrary to their nature.
              1. -1
                6 July 2020 20: 56
                Quote: Tank Hard
                Dmitry, here I completely agree with you, but I talked about something else. I said that passionaries do not kiss their legs, this is contrary to their nature.

                I understand. meant to say that they will passionate.
                Now they are not like that.
                1. 0
                  6 July 2020 21: 02
                  Quote: Maki Avellievich
                  I understand. meant to say that they will become passionate.
                  Now they are not like that.

                  Dmitry, I do not believe that those who kiss their feet will become a passionate. And those who are kissed are too undeveloped and lazy. The USA has outlived its own; every empire has its heyday and sunset. The United States has already faded and is flying around, but it will not produce fruit. Of course IMHO. But I have already said that the amendments will be adopted, I say now that the US era is ending. However, time will tell whether I was right or not. hi
                  1. 0
                    6 July 2020 21: 07
                    Quote: Tank Hard
                    Dmitry, I do not believe that those who kiss their feet. will become a passionate. And those who are kissed are too undeveloped and lazy. The USA has outlived its own; every empire has its heyday and sunset. The United States has already faded and is flying around, but it will not produce fruit.

                    the fetus will not be given directly, mated but fertilized.
                    and later, later a new civilization will grow. there were examples, Rome for example.
                    yesterday's semi-wild tribes became European civilization.
                    in an interesting, albeit dangerous, time we live. no find?
                    1. +1
                      6 July 2020 21: 24
                      Quote: Maki Avellievich
                      the fetus will not be given directly, mated but fertilized.

                      About fertilizing the soil is you clearly, plus.
                      Quote: Maki Avellievich
                      in an interesting, albeit dangerous, time we live. no find?

                      And here you are right. Although it was always dangerous. hi
          3. 0
            8 July 2020 23: 49
            That neither. All the same, the passionary legs reign.
        2. -1
          6 July 2020 20: 15
          Quote: Olgovich
          FAT ... passionaries?

          they emaciate first and then everything else.
          when you have nothing to eat for a long time, you will not stay fat.
          1. +1
            7 July 2020 09: 31
            Quote: Maki Avellievich
            they emaciate first and then everything else.

            Passionaries are ALWAYS thin and initially hungry with burning eyes.

            Fatty will never become them, for they initially another a spiritual constitution - it is much easier and more soulful to submit, give way and, as a result, disappear than rebel.

            This is what history shows.
      2. +1
        6 July 2020 19: 12
        Not quite so, everything will depend on the sponsorship and financial component. Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Ukraine are examples of this. If the beneficiary will be in the black, then it can last even though sluggishly for a long time.
    2. -1
      6 July 2020 07: 27
      Quote: morpogr
      If such a party goes on then urgently need to stock up on pop corn.

      bomb shelters need to be built! and food supplies, for war will break out all against all.
  5. +4
    6 July 2020 06: 16
    I don’t know how they study Marx, and even the Bible. But as they say, the horse wasn’t lying around. Who benefits? But certainly not to Trump, although it would be because this all happens during his reign.
  6. +6
    6 July 2020 06: 40
    First, since the days of the Komsomol, I remember the basic principle of democratic centralism, "the minority obeys the majority."
    Secondly, Mr. President expressed the desire to flood Russia with migrants.
    Thirdly, another Overton window geydoras affairs can not be considered a marriage.
    1. +2
      6 July 2020 07: 31
      Quote: Gardamir
      the basic principle of democratic centralism is, "the minority obeys the majority."

      The principles of democratic centralism are the guiding principles of the party’s organizational structure, which apply to the era of the so-called proletarian revolutions. Which were developed by Marx and further developed by Lenin.
      Of course, these principles are in no way suitable for the raging African-American crowd.
  7. +8
    6 July 2020 06: 45
    democracy is when everything depends on the majority opinion: as they voted, so will be. Here ... Here, the opinion of minorities by administrative methods is imposed on the majority

    And here I have an association with recent political events elsewhere, far from the USA
  8. +3
    6 July 2020 07: 12
    And you, readers, what do you think?

    I think that the author (all such is not one of those who support Putin) bought on a chaff
    amendments, the essence of which is a dummy. A wrapper to nullify the incumbent president, the guarantor of dominance, just a minority, albeit without blacks. The presence of rear-wheel drive at all levels of government does not surprise anyone. The minority will continue to dictate its terms. And if it is profitable for a minority to bring in more migrants, it will. And do not care about a different cultural code and the Russian language. It will be beneficial to otmazyvat silver-smeared. And do not care what they advocate in performances. It will be beneficial to give out Donbass militias - they will, and spit on the braces.
    in connection with the obviously accepted conservative course.

    If conservatism is considered the preservation of Putin.
    1. +1
      6 July 2020 14: 47
      You are not right. None of the amendments concerns me in a good way. Fortunately, my income is not lower than the minimum wage. Moreover, during the whole epidemic, none of the subsidies and payments touched me or the employer. After all, the electronic industry was not affected by the virus.
      The fact is that in people I value primarily rationality and common sense. And now I see more of it with us than in America.
  9. +5
    6 July 2020 07: 14
    This bacchanalia now in the USA is an analogue of Perestroika in the USSR, when the POWER gave freedom of speech and action to criminals and mental and moral degenerates, and they rushed to instill anger and hatred, destroy, destroy, rob, squeal that they were always "oppressed" in history their countries, therefore
    the "oppressors" must "repent" to them.
    1. 0
      8 July 2020 23: 53
      At first they told us that why should we, they say, a street that does not lead to the temple.
      Please, here is a temple for you.
      No, the temple is not needed.
      Is there something you need to do? I lost my mind completely, I don’t enter.
  10. -1
    6 July 2020 07: 24
    And you, readers, what do you think?
    I think that America is by no means a victim of the LGBT community, someone is preparing a world executioner from it. The fact is that, despite the most powerful army, in this same army there is no military spirit, craving for military adventurism, etc. etc ..... and all this because of the belief in American democracy, in the value of one’s own life, the lack of motivation for risk among soldiers and the general lack of motivation for a war for something. First, a civil conflict is inflated, which will lower the cost of human life, then they will find an external enemy, and begin to reboot the global economy
  11. +3
    6 July 2020 07: 38
    And you, readers, what do you think?

    We don’t need a troublesome mess ... WE Enough for us! And yes, freedom Angela Davis !!! angry
    1. +1
      6 July 2020 17: 15
      ... and all the same, the first move E2: E4 for White !!!
      1. +1
        6 July 2020 18: 49
        In a serious game, the ending of the game is usually important!
        So let's see for whom it will become final, and who will remain on the field and in the ladies!
        1. 0
          6 July 2020 21: 08
          Quote: rocket757
          In a serious game, the ending of the game is usually important!
          So let's see for whom it will become final, and who will remain on the field and in the ladies!

          ... and always go with a buoy if there is no move ...
          1. +1
            7 July 2020 06: 54
            Quote: Skalendarka
            ... and always go with a buoy if there is no move ...

            Start playing Chapaya !!! Take down all the pieces / trump cards of your opponent from the playing field!
      2. 0
        8 July 2020 23: 57
        It is especially pleasant when the grandmaster knows for sure that he does not threaten any complications.
        1. 0
          9 July 2020 07: 21
          When no complications are foreseen, one can feel like a grandmaster, even a "Chapaevite"!
    2. 0
      8 July 2020 23: 56
      Released, tudy her in the swing. They brought to the USSR, they all told and showed. I returned to the states and reported that only beggars live in the USSR. And all, there is no Angela Davis, as it was not. We have not heard of this. But with the naive white girl Samantha Smith, who was writing to Leonid Ilyich, something like some kind of trouble happened.
  12. +3
    6 July 2020 07: 53
    ..The internal problems of the United States are somehow of little concern, in Russia there are enough of their problems ...
  13. +2
    6 July 2020 08: 01
    We should be violet about the overseas processes of the internal political struggle of the two parties.
    Zero should get up every day and think about what to do with 12.7% of the population living below the poverty line (only according to official statistics). How will the amendments change their lives? God, traditional marriages, citizenship, etc. - which of this set of slogans will increase household incomes, how to increase labor productivity, increase life expectancy, fertility (not only in the North Caucasus) affordable quality medicine.
    It feels like the heads of those who voted "for" are completely washed out by the TV. And the author of this article is a vivid example of how the problems of another country are interpolated on us: "Look, how is it, democracy is living there."
    1. +3
      6 July 2020 08: 19
      Quote: FRoman1984
      We should be violet about the overseas processes of the internal political struggle of the two parties.

      This is not at all an internal political struggle, and all this American chaos directly affects the whole world, which we are witnessing.
      All these riots are easy to suppress, which means that they are supported by those world owners of factories, newspapers and ships, who are interested in this.
      The point is small, to designate those who need all this, who exactly stands behind this category of gentlemen.
      Capitalism and liberalism have outlived themselves, the world economy is on the verge of collapse, the world order must be changed, and therefore they are in chaos and in a hurry.
      1. +2
        7 July 2020 09: 14
        Quote: bober1982
        Quote: FRoman1984
        We should be violet about the overseas processes of the internal political struggle of the two parties.

        This is not at all an internal political struggle, and all this American chaos directly affects the whole world, which we are witnessing.
        All these riots are easy to suppress, which means that they are supported by those world owners of factories, newspapers and ships, who are interested in this.
        The point is small, to designate those who need all this, who exactly stands behind this category of gentlemen.
        Capitalism and liberalism have outlived themselves, the world economy is on the verge of collapse, the world order must be changed, and therefore they are in chaos and in a hurry.

        They are supported by Democrats (among whom are full of billionaires) to prevent Trump from being re-elected. They never accepted his victory.
        All this quickly dies out and is already dying out. Seattle’s autonomy was broken up a week ago. But to Trump, this story is now worth 12% behind Biden.
        But nothing has been lost for Trump, since Biden is old and dumb, Democrats have problems with leaders. So they are trying to leave in a protest vote (anyone, but not Trump)
  14. +1
    6 July 2020 08: 17
    I dare to suggest that the BLM protests added a few percent to the final result of the amendment vote. And you, readers, what do you think?

    I think the same as the author.
    I had the same thoughts right after the start of the riots in the USA. These riots have definitely added Putin a few percent. Some Russian citizens were not going to vote. But they were scared of these events and went to vote for Putin's "stability."
    1. +3
      6 July 2020 08: 34
      Quote: populist
      But were scared of these events

      So were the Russians (as you put it) ordinary people scared? It was scary to horror how negroes felled and felled monuments.
      1. -1
        6 July 2020 08: 51
        Quote: bober1982
        Quote: populist
        But were scared of these events

        So were the Russians (as you put it) ordinary people scared? It was scary to horror how negroes felled and felled monuments.

        Of course, not all Russian citizens were scared. I wrote the “part” of the inhabitants. These are the few percent about which the author writes. hi
        1. +2
          6 July 2020 08: 56
          Quote: populist
          I wrote the “part” of the inhabitants

          Something, I did not observe this very part of the frightened inhabitants. I went too far.
          And, my respect for you.
          1. +1
            6 July 2020 09: 16
            Quote: bober1982
            Quote: populist
            I wrote the “part” of the inhabitants

            Something, I did not observe this very part of the frightened inhabitants. I went too far.
            And, my respect for you.

            This was done not for the doubters, but for the already worked up “zaputintsy” .. as well as with the brother’s showing on channel 1, when the film was shown for no reason (the anniversary of the film was earlier than showing by 1) and ended with shots of pogroms .. they say "There was no good life in the USA and no!" And we have stability! Like we don’t have such a trough, but a ship to ourselves, and our captain is direct messenger of God (there’s no one to choose from, and I don’t give a damn that the system is built by the captain so that there isn’t any choice) leads us to the sweet banks, and they are on a cruise ship, every 4 years they choose and here is Che, "soon your whole country is kirdyk" ...
            1. +1
              6 July 2020 09: 27
              Quote: parma
              and they have it on a cruise ship, every 4 years they choose and here’s, "soon all your America’s kirdyk" ...

              They were never elected, but they were appointed, and Trump was also appointed.
              Scary world backstage.
              1. 0
                6 July 2020 09: 41
                Quote: bober1982
                Quote: parma
                and they have it on a cruise ship, every 4 years they choose and here’s, "soon all your America’s kirdyk" ...

                They were never elected, but they were appointed, and Trump was also appointed.
                Scary world backstage.

                Well, here are the supporters of “soon kirdyk your whole America” arrived ... a conversation not about them, but about us ... no matter what the choice is with them, even the number is visually more selectable than ours (we have worked out the scheme for decades - the initial favorite, who himself does not promise anything before the elections, does not participate in debates in debates or other propaganda norms, a standard set of old men from the parties of the “systemic opposition” and a lone enthusiast who is not interested in politics before and after the election, only “elected "Six months) for the candidates even change from time to time and promise something and propagate there .. in 2024 mark my word will happen" never was and here again "- some Altushkin will appear, he’ll say everything is bad, I’m I’ll do it well, gain 2-3% and with the words “it didn’t work out for me to win and, well, all of you in the forest, I live in Courchevel” will leave for sunset ...
                1. +3
                  6 July 2020 09: 55
                  Quote: parma
                  Well, here are the supporters of “soon your whole kirdyk America” has arrived ... the conversation is not about them, but about us

                  The conversation is just about them, not about us.
                  When American policemen kiss black shoes, this is the beginning of a big sheer, that same kirdyk to America.
                  1. +1
                    6 July 2020 09: 59
                    Quote: bober1982
                    Quote: parma
                    Well, here are the supporters of “soon your whole kirdyk America” has arrived ... the conversation is not about them, but about us

                    The conversation is just about them, not about us.
                    When American policemen kiss black shoes, this is the beginning of a big sheer, that same kirdyk to America.

                    Well then, the appointment of the man who killed the first Russian soldier in 17 as the head of the subject of the Federation should be the beginning of that very “kirdyk of Russia” ...
  15. -1
    6 July 2020 08: 56
    Quote: Finches
    Destroy everything into rubbish, burn the Kremlin ... what do you propose then?

    Eugene, the proposals are many and different, but what is the use of them ... proposing now has become completely pointless .. Maybe they noticed how the same deputies changed, they are now invisible and inaudible, even though they were imitating violent activities before .. now only silent they accept laws convenient for the cooperative .. now it remains to observe how zeroing will work. But I am sure that it is not in favor of the people.
  16. +1
    6 July 2020 09: 15
    In general, blacks are not blacks, but another scarecrow for Putin ....
    1. +3
      6 July 2020 14: 38
      He regretted that he had already written. I read the comments, was horrified and thought that everything rests not on the rationalism that remains with us, but on the absence of blacks. But instead of blacks, Cossacks and priests on Gelendvagen.
      1. +3
        6 July 2020 16: 28
        Quote: Not_invented
        He regretted that he had already written.

        So do not write more, so as not to repent later. feel
      2. The comment was deleted.
  17. -1
    6 July 2020 09: 26
    As practice shows, the problem for the state is not LGBT families, but mother-grandmother families. Single-parent families require care from the state, and LGBT people do not cost him anything, but for that, they are an excellent lightning rod for the anger of a society imprisoned for homophobia. This applies to many countries. The Russian Federation is not at all "ahead of the whole planet."
  18. +4
    6 July 2020 09: 27
    Everyone goes crazy in his own way, that a separate individual, that the people as a whole. If they want to pray to a black man with a more than dubious reputation - hey. They want the dominance of pedots - let them be. At them. But we do not need this for nothing, and, fortunately, an adequate (and not so) majority in our country will not favorably treat either 3.14 dramas or other perverts.
  19. +3
    6 July 2020 10: 26
    And what will this crossing of pederasty with Marxism lead to?
    1. -2
      6 July 2020 12: 29
      And what will this crossing of pederasty with Marxism lead to?

      Perhaps this is what the crossing of pedophilia with Marxism in the person of Marx himself led to.
  20. -7
    6 July 2020 10: 48
    Situation. A saleswoman is sitting in Auchan, an aunt of about 50 years old, says: - Negroes went to the toilet. What are they doing there, why are they spreading the infection to us? I try not to betray this value, I say, ordinary people, but she, why are they here? They don’t play football or basketball. And I was so ashamed of the country.
    1. +2
      6 July 2020 11: 15
      The aunt is great. It is good that there are still people who are not crazy about internationalism, and who do not stick around the stupid cliche - "Russia is a multinational country".
  21. +1
    6 July 2020 11: 11
    For example, I, being an atheist, categorically against mentioning God in the constitution in any form,

    Objectively speaking, atheists are a minority. And since the author claims that the opinion of the majority is a priority, then his "categorically" is generally inappropriate.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. -1
      6 July 2020 12: 32
      Quote: Junger
      For example, I, being an atheist, categorically against mentioning God in the constitution in any form,

      Objectively speaking, atheists are a minority. And since the author claims that the opinion of the majority is a priority, then his "categorically" is generally inappropriate.

      Moreover, Russia can return the state religion, and the author will have to obey. No, not to start going to the temple, but some posts, for example, will become closed to him.
    3. +4
      6 July 2020 13: 01
      Objectively speaking, atheists are a minority.

      And even more objectively, "believers" are also a minority. Most are in the middle - they believe when they press. With a different threshold for the inclusion of this psychological defense. At one threshold - "Lord, help me pass the exam", at the other - "save a terminally ill child." And even the nuns in the church shop are counting the change, and not remembering God. wink All people squint at a bright flash. Only those who are already blind, or with a welding mask on their faces, do not blink. Although you walk with your eyes shut all the time, you will fall into the pit. wink
      1. -4
        6 July 2020 13: 40
        Quote: dauria
        And even more objectively, "believers" are also a minority.

        By believers, I mean people who allow the existence of God. And not members of any denomination.
        Naturally, most people do not actually belong to any of the faiths. But they are definitely not atheists, no matter how much you would like to. And somewhere in the republics of the Caucasus, the percentage of atheists is generally disappearingly small.
        As you probably know, back in the late thirties, according to the results of the census, 80 percent of people in the USSR believed in God. This is in the conditions of the dominance of scientific atheism and repression against believers. So your statement is from the realm of spells that "black lives are important too" smile
        For 70 years, a minority has imposed its will on the majority. Now it's time to move on.
        1. +1
          6 July 2020 13: 53
          Now it's time to move on.

          Now will another minority impose a will? laughing Tired of it. Leave God alone, he is not up to you. Created the Universe - enough for you to deal with your problems. Themselves.
          1. -3
            6 July 2020 13: 56
            Quote: dauria
            Now will another minority impose a will?

            Do you consider atheists to be the majority? Based on what?
            Tell us, but without balancing act about "they believe when they press". The main thing is to believe, and sooner or later they will press everyone.
            1. +2
              6 July 2020 14: 03
              [quote] [Do you consider atheists a majority? Based on what? / Quote]

              Where did I write this? Most are normal people. With a normal psyche, which has a defense mechanism developed by evolution. Protection against irreversible brain damage. Vodka, antidepressants, crowding out, substitution, going to a psychotherapist or to a priest, all for the sake of one - protecting the brain from damage. They change the perception of reality when reality itself cannot be changed immediately (or in general). What I wrote will probably raise the threshold for this protection, but no more.
              So calm down - faith is eternal. And its derivative religion, built on the demand for faith and money, is also eternal.
              1. -5
                6 July 2020 14: 12
                I’m completely calm. It is you who engage in verbiage and try to stumble out of the blue.
                People who believe in the absence of God are minuscule, because you need to have special "abilities" to allow the origin of the Universe and intelligent life in a random way.
                1. +3
                  6 July 2020 14: 35
                  People who believe in the absence of God are minuscule, because you need to have special "abilities" to allow the origin of the Universe and intelligent life in a random way.

                  It’s your business ... I’m far from admonishing an old man with a sick granddaughter in his arms at the temple. Faith gives him the opportunity to live - it’s already good. But the will to give priests - sorry, this is how to legalize drug trafficking. The optimal regime was under Brezhnev. And not rot, and will not give.
                  As for accidents, it would be a violation of the law of large numbers if life on Earth would not have arisen. It’s about how to play backgammon all evening and never throw six or six. wink
                  And don't read "scientific" books that prove the faith. This is precisely the fault of the newfangled religions. Their "science" is completely untenable and always falls apart when checked. And this only destroys the faith that people still need sometimes. Old Orthodoxy is smarter - it proved nothing. It was a simple thesis - "Just believe, and it will help"
                  1. -3
                    6 July 2020 14: 40
                    Quote: dauria
                    As for accidents, it would be a violation of the law of large numbers if life on Earth would not have arisen. It’s about how to play backgammon all evening and never throw six or six.

                    You can plant parts from a diesel locomotive for a billion years, but the diesel locomotive will not assemble by itself. Rather, the details will collapse. Yes, and the details were not originally. And here the mechanism is infinitely more complicated than a diesel locomotive.
                    Backgammon is a tremendous simplification of the situation.
                    Quote: dauria
                    Old Orthodoxy is smarter - proved nothing

                    There are no old and new - all one.
                    1. +3
                      6 July 2020 14: 49
                      You can plant parts from a diesel locomotive for a billion years, but the diesel locomotive will not assemble by itself. Rather, the details will collapse.

                      Why, you are citing word for word a brochure that either Adventists or "witnesses" were dragging around hospitals, recruiting "clients" for themselves laughing
                      In fact, the mechanism of complicating and enlarging structures is simple to stupidity.
                      1. The law of large numbers (from mathematical statistics)
                      2 The jump in the probability of a recurrence of an event at the time of its first appearance
                      3 trigger effect when selecting combinations.

                      And don't be stupid. If you want to agitate for the faith - do not touch science, otherwise you will run into the question - "why the hell are they selling contraceptives in pharmacies if it's so difficult to assemble a TV from parts"
                      1. -4
                        6 July 2020 15: 03
                        Quote: dauria
                        Why, you are quoting word for word a brochure that either Adventists or "witnesses" carried around the hospitals

                        I do not know any Adventists or brochures. I know the logic and common sense.
                        And they say that no evolution will explain the appearance of the eye, because the eye has value only in the final version - when it sees. Only then can he give an advantage to the individual who owns it. But in real life, it turns out that an individual (and not just one) has been dragging billions of years on the head for some blots without any functionality. Can you explain this?
                        Quote: dauria
                        If you want to agitate for faith - do not touch science, otherwise you will run into a question

                        Science is Descartes and Newton. This is the same Darwin who claimed that the first link of evolution is confined to the Throne of the Most High.
                      2. +2
                        6 July 2020 16: 51
                        Quote: Junger
                        the eye has value only in the final version

                        And why is this such a perfect device [eye] VHF waves and gamma radiation does not see? Could create more functional ...
                      3. -1
                        6 July 2020 17: 03
                        Quote: Motorist
                        And why is this such a perfect device [eye] VHF waves and gamma radiation does not see?

                        Can not answer. In the next world you can ask
                      4. +4
                        6 July 2020 17: 14
                        Quote: Junger
                        Can not answer. In the next world you can ask

                        I think a student, a kursovik wrote on the ball, and a trainee at the factory took this work for RD. The chief engineer was on vacation (or binge) - that’s how it went in a series. Probably, such a story will be told in the next world. lol
                      5. -2
                        6 July 2020 21: 19
                        Quote: Motorist
                        Probably, such a story will be told in the next world.

                        It may very well be. Or maybe they just put you Dormidont in a pan and add more kerosene.
                      6. 0
                        6 July 2020 21: 47
                        It never occurred to you that messaging is not your path, and no atheists here on the site have made believers idiots, how did you manage to?

                        And what is this?
                        "By believers, I mean people who admit the existence of God. And not members of any denomination."

                        An ecumenist?
                      7. -2
                        6 July 2020 21: 53
                        Quote: RitaNik
                        You didn’t get the idea that messaging is not your path,

                        Did it ever occur to you to learn grammar and only then ask meaningless questions?
                      8. 0
                        6 July 2020 22: 14
                        Yes, I did not want to ask you questions, but your humble sermon could not leave me indifferent. So much so that even the grammar has been forgotten.
                      9. 0
                        6 July 2020 22: 04
                        It never occurred to you that missionary work is not your path
                        Thank you for the tip
                      10. 0
                        7 July 2020 03: 39
                        Yes, he has no faith, please excuse me for interfering. The ideology of a monarchist with fascist views is. And under his ideology, he will drive any faith. Read the comments of this citizen and everything will become clear.
                2. +1
                  7 July 2020 11: 25
                  Quote: Junger
                  People who believe in the absence of God - minuscule,

                  Not even this forum, according to the most conservative estimates, there are most of them. So do not measure everyone with your arshin.
            2. +2
              6 July 2020 14: 59
              Quote: Junger
              Do you consider atheists to be the majority? Based on what?
              Tell us, but without balancing act about "they believe when they press".

              What do you believe in yourself?
              1. -1
                6 July 2020 15: 04
                Comrade Mordvin, I report - I am Russian and Christian))
                1. +3
                  6 July 2020 15: 11
                  Quote: Junger
                  I report - I am Russian and Christian))

                  Comrade Paphnutius, the report has been accepted. I report. I am 75 percent Russian, and an atheist, even though my grandmother secretly baptized me.
        2. +2
          6 July 2020 15: 06
          Quote: Junger
          which allow the existence of God.

          What god? Jesus? Odin odnoglazova? Great Ra?
          1. 0
            12 July 2020 15: 59
            Quetzalcoatl forgot!
        3. 0
          9 July 2020 00: 04
          Atheism is also a religion. A person who believes that there is no God is more religious than one who does not believe in anything. Although the lack of faith in God is often combined with a belief in the presence of evil spirits. And that’s against her coat. She is pleased that they do not believe in her either.
        4. 0
          12 July 2020 15: 53
          Quote: Junger
          By believers, I mean people who allow the existence of God. And not members of any denomination.

          These are not believers, but deists. They "think a little differently".
    4. 0
      12 July 2020 15: 51
      Quote: Junger
      Objectively speaking, atheists are a minority. And since the author claims that the opinion of the majority is a priority, then his "categorically" is generally inappropriate.

      If we consider believing Christians (especially Orthodox) in Russia, then a minority will really be believers, the rest just go to church and get baptized, but they don’t know the Bible, they don’t read, and even they don’t know the commandments, not even they do it. Are they believers or not?
      1. 0
        13 July 2020 09: 16
        Quote: CT-55_11-9009
        Are they believers or not?

        I already answered this and more than once
  22. +1
    6 July 2020 11: 15
    What interests me here is not exactly which minorities are meant - gay, radical feminists, blacks, migrants, fans of flat Earth or reptilians. As long as they quietly go about their business, I absolutely do not mind.
    Well, the author forgot to add to this list of atheists who he is. Apparently this category is the same minority as gay and feminists.
    1. 0
      6 July 2020 11: 20
      Quote: Yuri Nemov
      Apparently this category is the same minority as gay and feminists.

      Like any minority, the author believes that his minority is the most faithful and correct. smile Well, the rest are probably dark and undeveloped obscurantists.
    2. +5
      6 July 2020 14: 21
      I'm writing about the imposition of opinions here. Yes, I believe that if all the churches are converted to schools and hospitals, and the priests are sent to build roads, it will be better for everyone except these priests. But at the same time, I do not impose my point of view on administrative methods to anyone.
      At the same time, on the part of believers, the imposition of their opinion is present to me. For the simple reason that churches are being built, including at the expense of the state budget, in which I pay taxes in good faith. And I would like my taxes to go on the development of industry, and not the construction of temples, which I do not need for nothing. But alas, no one asks me here. However, and does not force to go there yet. What I’m glad about.
      1. -1
        6 July 2020 14: 44
        Quote: Not_invented
        and send priests to build roads, it will be better for everyone except these priests.

        Why only priests? Why not artists, singers, poets, artists, satirists?
        Quote: Not_invented
        For the simple reason that churches are being built, among other things, at the expense of the state budget, in which I pay taxes in good faith.

        Well, firstly, the state is only restoring what it destroyed during the Soviet period, when it was led by an aggressive minority.
        And secondly, this is all greatly exaggerated and the state directly restores only status temples, and the rest are believers themselves.
        Quote: Not_invented
        And I would like my taxes to go on the development of industry, and not the construction of temples, which I do not need for nothing

        And I would like the Bolshoi to be blown up because I don’t see the point in it. Some expenses. At the same time and Small. But I don’t declare it, because I admit that I’m wrong. But for some reason you do not restrain yourself in your statements.
        Negroes also think a lot and are not afraid to voice it to the majority. What is the difference from you?
        1. +4
          6 July 2020 15: 07
          Expressing your opinion and imposing it are two different things. I do not impose my opinion on you, I do not force my article to be read, I do not force comments to be viewed.
          Our dispute with you is pointless, because we will never understand each other. From the point of view of formal logic, reading a physics textbook for the sixth grade of high school puts an end to the question of the existence of God. After that, there is nothing to argue about. If you need faith, then no arguments or facts will convince you. I don’t need faith. He did not turn to God in any, even the most difficult situation, because he was sure that he was not there.
          The difference between blacks (not all, but only those that rob shops and demolish monuments) from me is that my atheistic views do not prevent me from being an economically valuable representative of society. A small part of the existing mechanical engineering in the country is my merit. And my views do not force me to demand freebies and thereby take resources from those who produce them, without giving anything in return. Therefore, for society, my existence is a plus. Because my work makes life for everyone, including for you, a little better.
          1. -3
            6 July 2020 15: 24
            You certainly have the right to express your opinion, but at the same time you must balance it with the opinion of the majority of members of society. Is always. And here it does not matter at all - you are a dancer Rudolf Nureyev or a famous mechanical engineer.
            Quote: Not_invented
            From the point of view of formal logic, reading a physics textbook for the sixth grade of high school puts an end to the question of the existence of God

            Pascals, Faraday, Kelvins or Raushenbahs reached the sixth grade physics textbook? I think yes. But formal logic didn’t act on them for some reason. So it's not a matter of logic.
            1. +1
              6 July 2020 16: 43
              Sure. I already told you that the point is in psychology. If your mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, village, and the whole country say that there is God, then it is very difficult to say that he is not, even if you see signs of it. Even harder if they burn it at the stake. Fortunately, the power of the church has given way to the power of capital, which is much more rational and does not spend generations on discussing the number of angels that can fit on the tip of a needle. Due to this fact, we are now communicating with you, and are not on the list of serfs of the small nobleman N.
              1. -3
                6 July 2020 18: 48
                Quote: Not_invented
                Sure. I already told you that the point is in psychology. If your mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, village, and the whole country say that God is,

                Neither Rauschenbach nor Shafarevich are suitable for your theories - neither psychology, nor formal logic.
                But you yourself fall under this description, since you grew up in a Soviet country and could not break out of the framework of pioneer tales, like - "Gagarin flew into space, he did not see God."
                When a person is inspired, does not think with his own head, then he goes after the herd and tells leftist fables about capitalism, fat priests on the Mercedes that cut him off. But in fact, he did not see any such priest.
                The matter is only in pride, blindness and narrow-mindedness.
                1. +2
                  6 July 2020 19: 17
                  Thank you, Jünger, for the fun. You accuse me of being blinkered, suggestibility, you think that you have figured out my personality just like a nut. Meanwhile, you have confusion in your head. "Leftist Fables About Capitalism" Jünger, capitalism is not about the left. The left is socialism and beyond. And you have not assessed my personality correctly: I did not grow up in a Soviet country.
                  When you think only with your own head, not relying on the experience of others, you get nihilism, which you never brought to good.
                  Fat priests on a Mercedes cut me twice. Once on a bridge in the city center, another on a dirt road.
                  Well, I am ending the conversation with you, because you accused me of lying, having exhausted the supply of arguments, showing quite clearly that there is absolutely nothing to talk with you about and, as I initially stated, it is completely meaningless, because the word "fact" is not familiar to you ...
                  1. -3
                    6 July 2020 21: 16
                    Quote: Not_invented
                    Junger, capitalism is not about the left. Left is socialism and further

                    You are scaring me. The phrase - "Leftist fables about capitalism" is not at all about the fact that leftists have anything to do with capitalism. It's about the fact that leftists scare people with capitalism. It seems like a simple phrase, like two rubles.
                    Quote: Not_invented
                    The left is socialism and beyond.

                    And twice two four
                    Quote: Not_invented
                    Fat priests on a Mercedes cut me twice. Once on a bridge in the city center, another on a dirt road

                    Everything according to "Komsomolskaya Pravda". One was a bishop, the other an archbishop. Both have Rolexes, and in the past they sold cigarettes and you bought from them laughing
          2. 0
            9 July 2020 00: 09
            “The soul of an Indian who believes in metampsihosis is like a worm in a cocoon.”
            But how can you have a judgment about this without knowing the Iroquois language?
      2. -1
        6 July 2020 16: 40
        Quote: Not_invented
        Yes, I believe that if all the churches are converted to schools and hospitals, and the priests are sent to build roads, then it will be better for everyone except these priests. But at the same time, I do not impose my point of view on administrative methods to anyone.

        Yes, they have already imposed similar ones on you and destroyed churches, and re-educated priests in the camps, it was in the "country of victorious socialism." True, now this country does not exist, and it has not stood for a hundred years. Now "common people" have come up with a new idea for you with a rainbow flag. For as the people say, "a holy place is never empty."
        1. +2
          6 July 2020 16: 53
          Well yes. And before that country was another, where the temples stood, and the priests were prosperous. Only here people didn’t like something so much that they demolished the temples, and they hung the priests and shot the king. They are all from what they lived in the priests too well, not otherwise.
          1. -1
            6 July 2020 16: 56
            Quote: Not_invented
            Well yes. And before that country was another, where the temples stood, and the priests were prosperous. Only here people didn’t like something so much that they demolished the temples, and they hung the priests and shot the king. They are all from what they lived in the priests too well, not otherwise.

            Well, yes, and now you live in particular badly and wish that this country did not exist? If so, then who will kiss your feet? wink
            1. +2
              6 July 2020 17: 19
              Now I live averagely. People live better than in some places and worse than in others. This "average" is made up of several factors:
              1) My financial opportunities
              2) My aesthetic, let’s call them so, opportunities.
              With financial capabilities, everything is clear. About the second ... For example, I feel pleasure when my country launches a new rocket into space or when a scientist, a citizen of Russia, receives an award for outstanding achievements. When a new research center opens, a modern hospital is built or a new highway connects one part of the country with another. I am ready to give a third of my income if I know for sure that in 10 years a Russian citizen will step on Mars. At the same time, I am disgusted when a fat pop on a Mercedes cuts me off the counter, although this person in his whole life hasn’t produced a ruble of a useful product, he hasn’t brought a penny into the real economy, on the contrary, he took money out of the economy to buy his Mercedes .
              Fortunately, there are places in the world where no one needs to kiss their feet. My values ​​include kissing my legs. No gays, no blacks, no priests, no president. So far, Russia is one of such places. If it ceases to be such a place, well, if I am not too old, I will look for another place.
              1. -1
                6 July 2020 21: 16
                Quote: Not_invented
                Now I live in the middle. Better than in some places, people live and worse than in others.

                Those. do not starve. wink But always a little. laughing
                Quote: Not_invented
                About the second ... For example, I feel pleasure when my country launches a new rocket into space or when a scientist, a citizen of Russia, receives an award for outstanding achievements. When a new research center opens, a modern hospital is built or a new highway connects one part of the country with another. I’m ready to give a third of my income if I know for sure that in 10 years a Russian citizen will step on Mars

                This is called blah, blah, blah, i.e. common words and wishes that anyone can subscribe to. laughing And if you don’t set foot, then don’t you give a penny? (Rhetorical question). feel
                Quote: Not_invented
                At the same time, I’m disgusted when a fat pop on a Mercedes cuts me off the counter,

                Do not believe me, it is disgusting to me the same way. But why is your voice not heard when Mara Baghdasaryan does this? But is kicking easier to kick? wink
                Quote: Not_invented
                although this person in his entire life did not produce a useful product per ruble, he didn’t bring a penny into the real economy, on the contrary, he took money out of the economy to purchase his Mercedes

                Do you know for all the priests ?! I've seen different people. feel
                Quote: Not_invented
                Fortunately, there are places in the world where no one needs to kiss their feet. My values ​​include kissing my legs. No gays, no blacks, no priests, no president. So far, Russia is one of such places. If it ceases to be such a place, well, if I am not too old - I will look for another place.

                It reminded me of the opinion of one of the heroes of Kipling the jackal Tabaka, who answered the call to protect the Jungle like this: "And we will go to the North !!!" Not the best characteristic for an individual. request
                1. +1
                  7 July 2020 05: 36
                  Well yes. I always want the best. And personally, and among people around. Do you think that humanity should stop at the level when it ceases to starve? Well then, your addiction to religion is clear: D
                  I express my voice as it is allowed in our country to express it: in the elections. And on this site only the lazy did not speak about the kids of snickering officials.
                  But in priests, it is not their individual qualities that are important. If a priest helps the poor and does some useful work for society, he can do it very well without being a priest, but the system that allows the rich, very rich existence of parasites is disgusting. Therefore, the presence in nature of honest and good priests is not the merit of the church. It is a merit of these priests themselves.
                  So you see what’s the matter. We have different ideas about what the country needs to be protected from. For me, it’s from obscurantism and lack of education that lead to economic inefficiency and lower competitiveness on the world stage. And in your opinion - from godless atheists. Because they do not believe in Santa Claus, and, of course, you can’t live.
                  1. 0
                    7 July 2020 16: 34
                    Quote: Not_invented
                    Well yes. I always want the best. And personally, and among people around. Do you think that humanity should stop at the level when it ceases to starve? Well then, your addiction to religion is clear: D
                    I express my voice as it is allowed in our country to express it: in the elections. And on this site only the lazy did not speak about the kids of snickering officials.
                    But in priests, it is not their individual qualities that are important. If a priest helps the poor and does some useful work for society, he can do it very well without being a priest, but the system that allows the rich, very rich existence of parasites is disgusting. Therefore, the presence in nature of honest and good priests is not the merit of the church. It is a merit of these priests themselves.
                    So you see what’s the matter. We have different ideas about what the country needs to be protected from. For me, it’s from obscurantism and lack of education that lead to economic inefficiency and lower competitiveness on the world stage. And in your opinion - from godless atheists. Because they do not believe in Santa Claus, and, of course, you can’t live

                    You are right, we live in different worlds. Each will be according to his deeds. But the motto of people like you has not changed - "And we will go to the north!" But the north is already over for such people. wink
                    1. 0
                      7 July 2020 18: 54
                      How do you like to repeat about "let's go north." You seem to imagine how I sit and look at other countries drooling.
                      Yes, we live in different worlds, but each of us wishes the country the best in its own way. I am part of my world, and you are part of your own. I absolutely do not want to leave here, just like you.
                      Only one thing is not clear to me, what would you do if you find yourself in a country where you are not needed, where your efforts for its benefit are considered harmful, and you are forced to do something that is deeply disgusting to you? In the land of my dreams and your terrible dreams? Would you bite your teeth and bend your line until it arrives? Contrary to the wishes of the majority? Or would you go where your opinion is considered correct? Interesting to know.
                      1. 0
                        7 July 2020 20: 28
                        Quote: Not_invented
                        Only one thing is not clear to me, what would you do if you find yourself in a country where you are not needed, where your efforts for its benefit are considered harmful, and you are forced to do something that is deeply disgusting to you? In the land of my dreams and your terrible dreams? Would you bite your teeth and bend your line until it arrives? Contrary to the wishes of the majority? Or would you go where your opinion is considered correct? Interesting to know

                        I was born in the Kirghiz SSR, in 1973, until 1990, and did not think about interethnic conflicts and problems, I was recorded in the Russian birth certificate, my mother was Russian, my father was not. In 1990, my classmate and friend (at least then I thought so) whose mother was Russian, and my dad, the Kyrgyz, unexpectedly for me, said to me, "how tired of you Russians are we here." I must say I was shocked, this topic never came up in our family. The first time I realized that I was not the one and not there. Then there were the "Osh events". Then they beat my grandfather, a war invalid of the first group of eyesight, a medal-bearer. They beat several young guys of the titular nation (according to eyewitnesses), knocked down and kicked a blind and helpless old man. I was looking for them with my friends, but they could not find them, no one wanted to help us ... Then in 1995 they tried to shoot me from 5 meters with a revolver, they managed to make one shot, God saved the sledgehammer in my hand. About 3 years later they ordered me. after. how they did not return the debt and did not cope in a personal meeting. For a week my friends hid me in various places of the city, until the familiar authoritative people met with the roof of these individuals. The debt was paid ... All this time I periodically heard that I had no place in this country and constant wishes to go to my historical homeland. But that didn't stop me from calling me. when the "Batken events" began, it turns out when you need to die, people like me come up, and then go to their historical homeland. He buried his grandfather. He survived the "tulip revolution" and, heeding the persistent convictions of the "indigenous" patriots, left for his historical homeland. And I no longer wish my country any revolutions and upheavals.
                      2. 0
                        8 July 2020 06: 38
                        A very difficult and sad story. I'm so sorry.
                        Only you yourself are, it turns out, an example of the fact that, as you put it, "going north" is the last way out. Themselves went to where people are closer to you in terms of views. Then I absolutely do not understand why for people with different views, different from yours, you evaluate the same actions that you yourself have done negatively. You also wink as if you were caught on something shameful.
                        I am not calling for any revolution. I have already said that there are those things that you want, there are those that I want. And I want the state to deal only with those things that most want. Because for that it exists. If suddenly the majority does not want what I want, believes in something else ... Your story is an example of this.
                      3. 0
                        8 July 2020 09: 41
                        Quote: Not_invented
                        A very difficult and sad story. I'm so sorry.

                        Stop it, nobody cares. And you.
                        Quote: Not_invented
                        Only you yourself are, it turns out, an example of the fact that, as you put it, "going north" is the last way out. Themselves went to where people are closer to you in terms of views. Then I absolutely do not understand why for people with different views, different from yours, you evaluate the same actions that you yourself have done negatively.

                        I described an example with a person who was born in a national republic with a nationality other than the titular one. Therefore, I refuse to understand Russians who despise Russia and who want to "screw" out of the country. Are they Russians? And do they have a homeland? Those dissatisfied with life in their country strongly remind me of the famous heroes of Kipling. Only, I repeat, they have nowhere to go, take a look at the world around, the USA, Europe. Moreover, living in Russia since 2006 and comparing it with Kyrgyzstan, I see a much more tolerant country towards "non-indigenous" inhabitants than even towards the same Russians, which is not good, in my opinion. Against all this background, I personally respect the Chechens who can live with dignity in almost any environment. because they help each other, they all stand for one and do not particularly rely on the state, any. The Russians should take an example from them.
                        Quote: Not_invented
                        I am not calling for any revolution.

                        A moot point ...
                      4. +1
                        8 July 2020 13: 25
                        Oh, of course I am not sitting and not killing because of your misfortune. But the fact that such stories take place causes me negative emotions. Therefore, it cannot be said that I do not care.
                        I already wrote above that to keep an option in mind in case of emergency and want to screw up are two different things. Being dissatisfied with certain things and hating the homeland are also different. I have a completely negative attitude to Putin’s economic policy. Even in the narrow sense, specifically for me. Because, for example, this year I was not paid a ruble of benefits from the state, not a penny of bonuses at work, the salary was cut, but a new tax was introduced, which I will pay. And this despite the fact that I work in industry. Despite the fact that customers stood idle for two months and there were no new orders at all, because the plants were closed. At the same time, fitness clubs, for example, receive money. Don't you think that I should be happy about this?
                        Does this mean that I hate Russia? Well, no, of course!
          2. -2
            6 July 2020 17: 06
            Quote: Not_invented
            And before that country was another, where the temples stood, and priests prosper

            In place of almost any country was different. And in place of any existing country there will be another. This is not a reason to declare everything bullshit and go hang yourself.
            This is an occasion to accept everything as it is. But do not like it - a suitcase, a station, North Korea. To the fraternal, atheistic proletariat.
            1. +2
              6 July 2020 17: 20
              Quote: Junger
              But do not like it - a suitcase, a station, North Korea.

              Or maybe send you there? Chumodan, station, kul in the forehead? With green. AND?
            2. +1
              6 July 2020 17: 28
              Fortunately, with your thesis flashed here that there are more believers than atheists in the country, I can not agree. Oh, perhaps a man will call himself Orthodox, if you ask, but in fact he will not distinguish a crib from a censer and that he heard such a holy trinity only from the grandmother at the entrance. And the last time was in the temple 10 years ago, because it was necessary to take shelter from the rain.
              If it comes to the fact that you will need to go to the temple on an obligatory basis, well, then you are right. Only the station and the suitcase will remain. True, there are more pleasant places than North Korea for people who do not need faith in life. I will then watch from these places how Russia rolls in the Middle Ages.
              1. 0
                6 July 2020 17: 38
                Quote: Not_invented
                Oh, maybe a person will call himself Orthodox,

                You seem fixated on the Orthodox. As I wrote above repeatedly - by believers I mean people who believe in the existence of God. Excluding denominations. And the one who does not distinguish a liar from a censer, but comes in to light a candle - he is also a believer. And the parishioners of the datsan and mosques are believers.
                Their opinion is reflected in the constitution, since they are the majority. And you do not like it, but since you are a person who is useful to society, you think you have the right to express your opinion on this matter. But a useless black man is impossible, since he must respect the opinion of a useful majority.
                For example, Alan Turing was a pederast, and his contribution to science can hardly be overestimated. Do you think that he had the right to publicly express an opinion on his inclinations?
                1. 0
                  6 July 2020 17: 52
                  I believe that there is such a thing as progress. This thing is based on the fact that mankind by scientific methods acquires new knowledge and rejects superstitions by science refuted. And in this approach, absolute virtue.
                  If you believe that there is a certain god, then you are free to gather with your fellow believers in a place built at your own expense and perform any rituals there that do not contradict the law until this threatens the approach I described.
                  As long as Alan Turing poses no threat to such an approach, he is free to say whatever his heart desires and to do as he pleases. And what happened to him is bad.
                  If people build a temple out of their means, they build it. If gays have parties at their own expense, let them arrange. If the state gives money for the construction of churches and encourages the organization of parties in the legislation, then this is a departure from rational development into irrational, or self-interest, which is also bad.
                  1. 0
                    9 July 2020 00: 20
                    Somehow the spirit of the ancient Egyptian aroused here. He reported that in ancient Egypt there was so much progress that there was nowhere to go directly from it. Wherever you spit - everywhere progress.
          3. 0
            9 July 2020 00: 16
            Still, you don't have to lump everything together. The vinaigrette turns out. A very significant initial demand of the protesters against the dominance of the autocracy was the separation of church from state. "Down with the autocracy!" arose later. Believers, who were in a clear majority at the end of the XNUMXth century, believed that it was not right for God's servants to serve directly to Caesar and wanted the restoration of the patriarchate, abolished by Peter. - All to dig ditches, up to the angelic rank! And I will pray for everyone, the Patriarch of Constantinople anointed me on this score. - Not everyone liked it. - And who is more important - the king or the patriarch? - That’s all right, patriarch. The patriarch rides on a donkey, and the king leads the donkey by the bridle.
      3. 0
        6 July 2020 17: 25
        Quote: Not_invented
        Temples are being built, among other things, at the expense of the state budget, in which I pay taxes in good faith. And I would like my taxes to go on the development of industry, and not the construction of temples, which I do not need for nothing.

        recourse Believers also pay taxes And on their money lecturers from the "Knowledge" society have been saying for 70 years that there is no God request how do you like that?
        1. +1
          6 July 2020 17: 41
          Well, how - how. There is the advice of a believing citizen a couple of posts above: do not like it - the station-suitcase. And to Saudi Arabia. Everything is perfect with faith. A wonderful place. For women especially.

          But seriously, then my article is about this. There is a social contract that rests on the majority opinion. If the majority is for building temples with state budget money, then I am either reconciling with this or looking for another place to live.
          1. 0
            7 July 2020 04: 51
            Now many have become profitable to call themselves believers. Even propagating hateful views speak of faith ...
            What can be said about this?
            And demons also believe ...
            I agree with you, if these are in power, it will be difficult to live in the country.
            1. 0
              9 July 2020 00: 22
              Quotes should not be half-hearted. "And demons also believe. But they tremble."
              The meaning is somewhat different. Well, just a little.
              1. +2
                9 July 2020 10: 10
                Yes, demons tremble, but some missionaries and preachers are not afraid of anything. Even when they carry heresy and try to intimidate a frying pan in hell.
  23. +3
    6 July 2020 11: 19
    Democracy is when there is a choice to kneel or not. And if the choice was made for you, then this is definitely not democracy.
  24. 0
    6 July 2020 11: 20
    “Given that almost all people I know, regardless of their political beliefs, have similar feelings about protests against common sense in the United States, I dare to assume that the BLM protests added a few percent to the final vote on the amendments. What do you think?"- FACT.
  25. 0
    6 July 2020 12: 38
    Quote: Finches
    hi To order! The opinion of no one and no one for now express does not interfere.

    Very good clarification. Just to clarify WHERE does not interfere.
    And then "more than two do not get together" works.
  26. BAI
    6 July 2020 12: 55
    How blacks helped Putin

    It’s immediately obvious that the site left the USA. For such a phrase, the States would have condemned now in full.
  27. 0
    6 July 2020 13: 32
    And you, readers, what do you think?

    As a reader, I think that blacks will not help Putin in any way, and we need to think so that our "blacks" do not behave the way American blacks do. That is why the author may disrespect Putin as he likes, but he must admit that the current president crushed the separatism of our minorities, and this is a big plus for him in domestic politics. Judging by the fact that the "orange scenario" was being prepared for Russia as well, the formation of the National Guard and its removal from the control of the small-town structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is quite justified, although I always believed that it was the explosives that should be retained in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After the current events in the United States, I begin to understand that the created Rosgvardia is not such an ill-considered decision by Putin.
    1. +1
      6 July 2020 14: 12
      Skipped all the active discussion, eh. What Putin is not happy with is primarily economic policy. Which, in fact, no. Of course, I will not argue that separatism withered under him.
      1. 0
        6 July 2020 14: 54
        Quote: Not_invented
        that separatism withered under him

        No, not faded. No.
        1. 0
          6 July 2020 16: 44
          Well, we have not heard about the Ural Republic for a long time: D
          1. -1
            6 July 2020 16: 48
            Quote: Not_invented
            Well, we have not heard about the Ural Republic for a long time:

            What's wrong with her?
        2. 0
          9 July 2020 00: 25
          You, therefore, do not remember what happened in the 90s on this subject. Faded, faded. Of course, not completely, but quite noticeable.
      2. +1
        7 July 2020 11: 18
        Quote: Not_invented
        What Putin is not happy with is primarily economic policy.

        And Yeltsin's economic policy is probably to your liking. So we have different concepts with you about the successful economic development of post-Soviet Russia.
      3. 0
        9 July 2020 00: 24
        There is an economic policy. Seek, and ye shall find.
  28. +1
    6 July 2020 13: 43
    Negroes may not know who Putin is. Blacks and whites have black and black. "Perestroika" did not teach anyone anything and did not show what was inside. The process has "started", and voting on "amendments" is an imitation. I am sincerely sorry for those who, after all, still believe that only the vote of the "broad masses" is democracy. Mass is controlled. Most are always wrong about the true goals of the process. Well, that's the way it should be.
    1. 0
      9 July 2020 00: 30
      "Ideas then become the locomotives of history when they take possession of the masses." At least put it in the frame. Still, without the masses - nowhere. For example, the masses have taken possession of the idea that it is worth knocking down the gerontocrats-partocrats - and we will all live as American millionaires. And please shave. We got it. Approximately 1% of those willing. And now, a mass of African-Americans are seized by the idea that whites should kiss their boots. There will certainly be some sort of organizational conclusion from this. What - I cannot say. But it will be necessary.
  29. 0
    6 July 2020 14: 47
    Quote: Stas157
    Quote: Finches
    Destroy everything in rubbish, Burn the Kremlin ..., what do you offer?

    No, this is dangerous! Offered put the portrait of Putin in the place where the icon used to be. And pray earnestly. Then the worst thing that can happen is to accidentally break your forehead. But this is not scary, for the beloved and adored king!))

    Zyablitsov, dear, share your secret, how can you read Marx, Lenin and Putin at the same time?

    Here one aunt gave a fine of 500000 tr, got off easily, the prosecutor asked for 6 years for public approval of terrorism. Do you see me brave, broadcasting from the near abroad?
    1. 0
      6 July 2020 16: 09
      Quote: pogis
      Here one aunt gave 500000 tr fine

      500 sp. Do not accelerate inflation, otherwise you will catch up.
      Sveta Prokofiev's "aunt", due to her simplicity, thoughtlessness and on the instructions of the editorial board ("Echo"), started to reason about subtle and sensitive matters. Well, where it is thin, there it breaks. Since Echo seems to be funded by Gazprom, the money will be collected, but I do not wish anyone to be used like that. The program was called "A minute of illumination". Enlightenment dragged on.
    2. BAI
      6 July 2020 16: 21
      aunt 500000 tr fine gave

      Is it about Pskov or something? So today MK has explained everything very sensibly.
      1. The comment was deleted.
  30. 0
    6 July 2020 18: 06
    Why don't you like Putin? Are you a Ukrainian, liberal, "dumped" or just a cowardly "fair-faced"?
  31. sav
    6 July 2020 22: 26
    Vladimir Vladimirovich implements political points
  32. The comment was deleted.
    1. +1
      7 July 2020 05: 51
      Aleksey, help - she can be free and involuntary. The title of the article does not say whether I mean the intentional help. The whole article describes the human perception of what is happening there. And it is concluded that for a person from here, the local events there are more unacceptable than any local ones, which means that these events contribute to the conservation of the current situation here.
      Everything is simple, clear and without insults, like yours.
      1. 0
        9 July 2020 00: 32
        No, all one - they have better!
        The city on the hill shone with unspeakable light.
  33. 0
    7 July 2020 09: 38
    give confidence that minority dictatorships are not yet foreseen in Russia
    well, at least one good news
  34. 0
    8 July 2020 06: 46
    I understood why the author did not introduce himself. Man is ashamed of his ignorance. The word God, even the Bolsheviks wrote with a capital letter.
    1. 0
      9 July 2020 00: 40
      You are mistaken. With a little one. In all Soviet books - only with a small one.
      "And the third syllable - will help God to know that this is a pretext." - It won't. Koreiko said indifferently. You mention God. - Where is God? Where is God? - Sinitsky fussed. - There is no god!
      I'm sorry. He wrote God four times with a small letter. Quote, however. You can check it in The Golden Calf.
    2. 0
      10 July 2020 22: 31
      yeah, and at the same time they shouted that religion is opium for the people and destroyed the temples.
  35. 0
    10 July 2020 22: 30
    what everyone is watching is called cultural Marxism. The bottom line is that all national and racial minorities are oppressed, and Marxism in turn is based on equality. Simply put: parasites in Marxism are oppressed and working oppressors. Marxism itself is mistaken and stupid. And the blacks as they did not work and do not work and are not capable of anything even as hard workers.
  36. 0
    11 July 2020 07: 08
    just leave it here
  37. 0
    11 July 2020 19: 12
    Everything is strange ... White, you can say they took them off a palm tree ... fed, taught how to work properly and effectively and earn their living and living ... in the end they gave freedom, and here is the result. They would have deported them all already from where they came from (although the current Nigers clearly do not know where their ancestors were taken from) ... I am not a racist, but when one social formation climbs out of its historical habitat and begins to multiply undermining the foundations and traditions of the local population - it ends in conflict.
    (c) Yes, they taught me that way in school. The Chinese live in China, the Germans in Germany, the Jews in this ... Israel, and the blacks in Africa. And it seems to me, the strength in them. There is something primitive, something animal, something that we have long lost, so they are stronger. White feel this and are afraid of them.