Putin announced the date of the Victory Parade on Red Square


The date of the military parade in honor of the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War is named. Recall that on May 9 only the air part of the parade took place in connection with the pandemic. Earlier, Vladimir Putin noted that the Victory Parade would certainly be held in the usual format if the situation with coronavirus in the country began to change for the better. Apparently, the authorities believe that the threats of a sanitary-epidemic nature have now become less in comparison with May 9, and therefore the date of the parade is determined.

It is reported that this date will be June 24.

On this day, exactly 75 years ago, the truly legendary Victory Parade was held on Red Square. One of the most striking (despite the black and white chronicle) episodes of that parade are the banners thrown to the Lenin Mausoleum of the banner of defeated Nazi Germany, its units and formations. No less vivid episode - the appearance on the Red Square of the great commanders-winners - in saddles.

Vladimir Putin recalled the parade and noted that it was in this connection that a new date had been chosen for the parade on Red Square.

The president announced his decision as part of the video meeting. The Minister of Defense of Russia Sergey Shoigu also attended.

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  1. -4
    26 May 2020 16: 25
    well. even so ... but the parade should be. I hope the weather will allow the air too.
    1. +32
      26 May 2020 16: 35
      Quote: parkello
      well. even so ...

      This is not "even so". It is right.
      1. +5
        26 May 2020 16: 36
        from where to where right? correctly hold the parade on May 9th .. but not at all in June. but I’m glad to see him at least in June.
        1. +36
          26 May 2020 16: 42
          Quote: parkello
          from where to where right?

          For example:
          On this day, exactly 75 years ago, the truly legendary Victory Parade was held on Red Square.
          Date is no worse than May 9th.
          Quote: parkello
          hold the parade on May 9th

          That’s relative. Some celebrate May 8th. They have the right, I think.
          And the parade on May 9 began to be held only in 1965. So everything is fine.
          1. +3
            26 May 2020 16: 45
            I don’t know ... they never convinced me that they were right. but yes to hell with him .. you wouldn’t be happy just before the New Year.
            1. +21
              26 May 2020 16: 53
              Quote: parkello
              I know ... they never convinced me that they were right

              The date was not taken from the ceiling, the continuity is preserved. What else is needed? request
              1. +1
                26 May 2020 16: 55
                Well, I wrote in the first comment, yes even so ... why is it not clear then? minuses thrown .. generous what. I also sculpt you minus minus .. will you be pleased?
                1. +1
                  26 May 2020 16: 58
                  Quote: parkello
                  I also sculpt you minus minus .. will you be pleased?

                  "And what for me?" © wassat
                  Never mind, happiness is not in the "pluses", believe me. Keep it from me so that you are pleased.
                  1. +3
                    26 May 2020 18: 19
                    Victory Parade on May 9 Victory Parade on June 24, 2020 - the main thing is that Victory Parade 2020 will take place!
                    But I still VERY much want for June 24 to repeat the fireworks again in Victory Park in St. Petersburg, as it was on May 9, 2020. Namely.

                    In St. Pererburg on May 9, 2020 in Victory Park there was a gorgeous HOLIDAY fireworks in honor of the 75th anniversary of the Victory Day of the USSR over Nazi Germany in World War II.
                    I have never heard and seen such a salute in Victory Park!
                    The fireworks themselves were simple: red, green, white-needle-arrow-shaped, but the VOLUNTEES continued CONTINUOUSLY for 4 minutes in all 4 directions. The sky did not die out at all !!!
                    People poured onto the balconies, and everyone shouted. Hooray! Hooray!
                    There was a lot of delight !!!
                    It is a pity that I did not immediately guess the count of volleys. I think that there were at least 75 !!!
                    1. -4
                      26 May 2020 20: 53
                      hi Tatyana, I greatly respect Mr. Leningrad, which has endured the most severe blockade and want to wish that over time your city (needless to say the return of its heroic name Leningrad) will become the Capital of Socialist Russia. But Moscow has sinned a lot in the last 35 years and it definitely needs a long repentance alone, just like in ancient times sinners went to the monastery to atone for their sins ..
                      1. +5
                        26 May 2020 21: 48
                        Quote: Pilot
                        I very much respect Mr. Leningrad, which has endured the most severe blockade and want to wish that over time your city (needless to say the return of its heroic name Leningrad) becomes the Capital of Socialist Russia.

                        Thank you, Alexei, on a kind word! hi
                        But, in my opinion, Leningrad is geographically unsuitable for the capital of the whole country. The state borders of the Russian Federation are too close to St. Petersburg / Leningrad.
                        Not without reason, after all, the leadership of the USSR before the Second World War asked Finland to push away the Finnish-Soviet border FAR from Leningrad and give the USSR bordering with Leningrad and Len. Finnish territory in exchange for significantly larger Soviet territories on the Kola Peninsula.
                        However, the Finns, together with Hitler, had their own aggressive plans against the USSR during WWII ..
                        As a result of this, after all, before the Second World War, there was a Soviet-Finnish war.

                        The title "Northern Capital" of Russia for residents of St. Petersburg / Leningrad is also worth a lot!
              2. +3
                26 May 2020 22: 24
                Quote: Vasyan1971
                Quote: parkello
                I know ... they never convinced me that they were right

                The date was not taken from the ceiling, the continuity is preserved. What else is needed? request

                Succession, it is interesting Lenin's Mausoleum as usual draped or will be opened, as 75 years ago ............................
                1. -3
                  26 May 2020 22: 44
                  Quote: Lars971A
                  Lenin's mausoleum as usual draped or will be opened, as 75 years ago

                  It's about celebrating Victory Day. Do not try to throw dirt on the fan on this topic. What for? Hands itch for oil add to honey?
          2. +10
            26 May 2020 17: 51
            Quote: Vasyan1971
            A parade on May 9 began to be held only in 1965.

            A little bit wrong. The Victory Parade began to be held annually since 1995, and before that, only in the anniversary years - 1965, 1985, 1990
            1. +1
              26 May 2020 18: 36
              Quote: dedusik
              A little bit wrong.

              Clarification accepted. Thank you hi
          3. -9
            26 May 2020 22: 43
            Parade in honor of the parade? After November 7, it’s unoriginal
            1. +1
              26 May 2020 22: 47
              Well, you will not please you, by definition ... request
              1. +2
                26 May 2020 22: 50
                Why - Old Man completely pleased, spent with dignity and when due
                1. -1
                  26 May 2020 22: 59
                  Quote: KERMET
                  Old Man completely pleased

                  Well, thank God! Or is it an occasion now to slander? Does bile break out? Heartburn tortured? Ashes in the heart beating? Baba Yaga - against?
                  Since when is your Old Man a decree for us?
                  1. +2
                    27 May 2020 10: 28
                    Just how much "stench" there was about the Victory Day parade in Minsk, and Batka is just as mine as yours, and if ours was scared to walk across the "world community" on May 9, he would have sat further in the bunker.
                    Where does bile come from? - Yes, because the current government has nothing to do with that Victory and that Parade, rather, on the contrary, with the values ​​that it protects and promotes, it is necessary to march in the column of Vlasovites
                    1. -2
                      27 May 2020 15: 47
                      Quote: KERMET
                      Just how much "stench" there was about the Victory Parade in Minsk

                      No less than you are spreading about the parade in Moscow at the moment. request
                      Quote: KERMET
                      My dad is the same as mine

                      Maybe. So be it. But Old Man pleased you quite well, so he is "correct" and good, and Putin was scared ( lol ) and did not please you, so he is a traitor to the homeland. Kindergarten, pants on the straps, chesslovo! wassat
                      Quote: KERMET
                      Where does bile come from?

                      So all the same, rushing outward in an unstoppable stream ... belay
                      Quote: KERMET
                      the current government has nothing to do with that Victory and that Parade

                      Strictly speaking, you then, have nothing to do with that Victory and that Parade.
                      Calm down, eat-drink something appropriate to the current circumstances and live on.
                      1. -1
                        28 May 2020 17: 20
                        My "stink" at least not about the Victory Day parade, but about the parade in honor of the parade - that's where the real kindergarten is.
                        Daddy nifiga is not "correct", he just acted as it should in a specific situation.
                        I have no more relation to that Victory than yours, but my campaign is clearer than you understand that if the current leaders of the parades were at "that parade", the road from the sprinklers would have been washed behind their column
                      2. -1
                        28 May 2020 19: 42
                        Quote: KERMET
                        My "stink" at least not about the Victory parade

                        Yes? Well, thank God!
                        Quote: KERMET
                        Old Man ...
                        in a specific situation I did as I should.

                        Pleased, in short. Quite. But still not "correct". belay
                        Quote: KERMET
                        but I understand your campaign more clearly ...

                        Nude nude ... winked
          4. +1
            27 May 2020 09: 31
            Quote: Vasyan1971
            Date is no worse than May 9th.

            Worse, a 30-year-old deliberately breaks down Soviet tradition.

            PS When you erase a pencil record with an eraser, at first it fades, then it is surrounded by a muddy gray spot, gradually merging with it, then the spot disappears.
            I hope the association is clear hi
            1. 0
              27 May 2020 09: 39
              Quote: DymOk_v_dYmke
              Worse, the 30-year-old Soviet tradition deliberately breaks down.

              It does not break. Do not escalate or dramatize, please. Treat the current situation as a branch that has bent to clear snow. Next year, everything will return as it should, as it should be.
              Quote: DymOk_v_dYmke
              I hope the association is clear

              There is no reason for such an association. Take it easy.
        2. +8
          26 May 2020 18: 37
          Quote: parkello
          from where to where right? correctly hold the parade on May 9th .. but not generally in June

          from here - June 24, 1945

          know and love your story
          1. +5
            27 May 2020 09: 46
            know and love your story ......... the legend says that Victory Day is the day that Nazi Germany signed the surrender, that is, in Berlin time it was an event on May 8 and in Moscow on May 9, but the parade is symbolic, by the way badly invented for the 75th anniversary. June 22 is our funeral date when they piled on us. 24th is our date when we showed how we piled on them, but, on the whole, who celebrated May 9th, this close to heart date, as usual, and the parade in Moscow on May 9th. For example, I and many like me watched only in repetition
        3. -17
          26 May 2020 18: 52
          Money must be fully mastered, because the parade ..
          1. +4
            27 May 2020 08: 49
            envy the pan
        4. +3
          27 May 2020 09: 58
          The winners parade was held on June 24 in 1945. So this is VERY symbolic.
      2. +11
        26 May 2020 17: 18
        So, this is
        1. +1
          27 May 2020 07: 53
          Thank! It’s only a pity that 1 + can be delivered.
    2. +5
      26 May 2020 16: 36
      Quote: parkello
      well. even so ... but the parade should be. I hope the weather will allow the air too.

      And what is bad weather? Have you forgotten how to disperse the clouds? If they want, they will provide the weather.
      1. +13
        26 May 2020 16: 37
        .Paradu be!
        And the date chosen is more than symbolic!
      2. -5
        26 May 2020 16: 39
        Yes, they can fly over Moscow in any way, but they will not be able to show their passage in bad weather. and the meaning of it is then also lost. parade, this is a demonstration of technology and its capabilities (partially) winked so hope for good weather conditions.
        1. +5
          26 May 2020 16: 42
          "hopefully good weather conditions."

          We hope again ... You can provide good weather, you only need desire.
          1. -2
            26 May 2020 16: 44
            and you tell this to the Air Force bosses. they will have more reaction than mine smile
            1. +3
              26 May 2020 16: 44
              And they themselves know it.
              1. 0
                26 May 2020 16: 46
                they know ... and somehow cancel the air parade sometimes. have been canceled several times ... as far as I remember.
      3. -3
        26 May 2020 16: 45
        Quote: 1976AG
        And what is bad weather? Have you forgotten how to disperse the clouds? If they want, they will provide the weather.

        This year it was already dispersed and a lot of money was written off for this.
        1. +5
          26 May 2020 16: 46
          If they want to write off, they will find any reason.
          1. -20
            26 May 2020 16: 55
            What, perhaps, the "Victory Parade on Fascist Germany on May 9" on June 24? More like Zeroing Victory Parade .....
            1. +6
              26 May 2020 17: 08
              What, perhaps, the "Victory Parade on Fascist Germany on May 9" on June 24?

              Well, for example, the very first Victory Day parade in WWII. wink
              this date will be June 24th.

              On this day, exactly 75 years ago, the truly legendary Victory Parade was held on Red Square. One of the most striking (despite the black and white chronicle) episodes of that parade are the banners thrown to the Lenin Mausoleum of the banner of defeated Nazi Germany, its units and formations. No less vivid episode - the appearance on the Red Square of the great commanders-winners - in saddles.

              Vladimir Putin recalled the parade and noted that it was in this connection that a new date had been chosen for the parade on Red Square.
              1. -10
                26 May 2020 17: 14
                In the current conditions, this looks, frankly, .... not entirely adequate. "Nice spoon for dinner" ... and the people now, after all the tricks of the Kremlin, are far from being in a festive mood .... even for such a great occasion. We have nothing to be proud of now, from the word "absolutely", and to use the glory of our ancestors for cheap PR, I personally think, cynical and unprincipled ... IMHO, of course.
                1. -2
                  26 May 2020 17: 25
                  Quote: Snail N9
                  We have nothing to be proud of now, from the word "absolutely", but to use the glory of our ancestors for cheap PR, I personally think it is cynical and unprincipled ...

                  Truly "a feast in time of plague."
              2. -6
                26 May 2020 20: 23
                Quote: Sky Strike fighter
                Well, for example, the very first Victory Day parade in WWII.

                Parade in honor of the parade? Interesting idea. laughing
                1. +4
                  26 May 2020 20: 42
                  I don’t see anything bad in continuing this kind of tradition. It’s just that if, for objective reason, it was not possible to hold the Victory Parade on May 9, then if you select an alternative date, it’s better not to find June 24. This date is historically based.
            2. -1
              26 May 2020 17: 27
              Quote: Snail N9
              What, perhaps, the "Victory Parade on Fascist Germany on May 9" on June 24? More like Zeroing Victory Parade .....

              So even on this day they plan to hold a vote on the constitution. Cheers patriots delighted!
              1. -8
                26 May 2020 17: 31
                So I'm talking about the same: "The victory parade of" zeroing "... Already once under the guise of" Ale! Ale! "- received pensions from 65 years old, but in fact from 70 ... now they will vote under the" parade "for" zeroing "...
                1. +1
                  26 May 2020 19: 51
                  On the Internet, today I saw- Russian dollar billionaires acquired $ 62 billion during the pandemic.
                  1. -2
                    26 May 2020 20: 24
                    Quote: Rust
                    On the Internet, today I saw- Russian dollar billionaires acquired $ 62 billion during the pandemic.

                    I saw the same thing. I confirm. Another 101 doctors died. This is truly "to whom the war is and to whom the mother is dear"
              2. The comment was deleted.
                1. -3
                  26 May 2020 20: 01
                  Quote: Break through
                  Nazi evil from the parade burns.

                  No, this is only a local philistine mold - they burn out for any reason. Yes
                2. Aag
                  26 May 2020 21: 10
                  I think so (c), this is not about what you are "hinting" about. Yes, the topic is acute, all the interested parties exploit it. Personally, I do not like the interpretation of the official authorities in the person of the Vesti FM radio. They do not hesitate to tie to amendments to the Constitution (like, if you are against, you didn’t give a damn about the memory of the grandfathers). Maybe someone does not agree, but I count on the contrary, my (personally) grandfathers fought for the Motherland, implying the unity of this very Motherland with its people. a select part of the population, with an income of "more than 17 sput" per month (at current prices), and regardless of the proximity to the "body", or the budget feeder ... Sorry, it's boiling ...
                  So, about the parade ... Here, at the VO, according to observations, there are a considerable number of Patriots who are sincerely worried about the state of the country's defense capability in particular, and the power in general. (Naturally, everyone in their "niche" - who is where served, who armed whom). And, the opinions of people immersed in the topic do not allow to be in euphoria (well, to put it mildly). Therefore, it is probably worth a little more restrained to treat the opinions that "drank the dough" - there is what to spend ...
                  I am for the parade! But! Do not let it out
                  show. And, mother of the dog, don’t let people’s money downwind ...
            3. +2
              27 May 2020 08: 51
              suffer more
        2. -5
          26 May 2020 20: 21
          Quote: Stroporez
          This year it was already dispersed and a lot of money was written off for this.

          May 9th? And, well, yes, we have watered the dozhik.
    3. -8
      26 May 2020 18: 07
      Well, a senior citizen will accept the parade, do you feel sorry for that?
    4. +2
      26 May 2020 18: 35
      Quote: parkello
      well. even so ...

      actually this is the date of the Victory Parade of 1945
      1. -7
        26 May 2020 19: 00
        Quote: Barmaleyka
        Quote: parkello
        well. even so ...

        actually this is the date of the Victory Parade of 1945

        There the winners themselves conducted it directly: the Red Army, Generalissimo Stalin, VKP (b) ... who fought for the power of the Soviets and socialist conquests, and whose flags are these under the Vlasov flag? And why are they marching like this?
        1. -1
          26 May 2020 19: 07
          Quote: Civil
          There it was conducted directly by the winners themselves

          and like on May 9, they would conduct "The Red Army, Generalissimo Stalin, the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) ..." You had to throw a brown substance on the fan ?!
        2. -7
          26 May 2020 19: 43
          Quote: Civil
          Whose flag are these? And why are they marching like this?

          The tricolor flag is more than 300 years old, and the Vlasovites did not fight under the tricolor, you are an ignoramus and an ignoramus!
          1. 0
            26 May 2020 21: 45
            Quote: RUSS
            Quote: Civil
            Whose flag are these? And why are they marching like this?

            The tricolor flag is more than 300 years old, and the Vlasovites did not fight under the tricolor, you are an ignoramus and an ignoramus!

            Yeah, and also him, the tricolor, Egorov put one on the Reichstag.
  2. 0
    26 May 2020 16: 25
    So quarantine will be completely canceled by then?
    1. +18
      26 May 2020 16: 27
      Quote: Kronos
      So quarantine will be completely canceled by then?

      Some kind of quarantine ... only "non-working days with full payroll" ...
  3. +8
    26 May 2020 16: 26
    In the current environment - an optimal and logical solution. Greetings.
  4. +17
    26 May 2020 16: 27
    The parade is a tribute to those who make sure that T-90 and Almaty are walking along this square, and not Leopards.
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. +8
        26 May 2020 17: 12
        Today we live in an occupied country, there can be no doubt about that. What the enemies of our Fatherland did not manage to achieve on the battlefields, treacherously happened under the guise of democratic reforms, which have been continuously bombing Russia for 30 years now. Destruction and sacrifice - like in a war, neglected fields and territories left in a hurry - like in a retreat, poverty and terrible social stratification. What is occupation? This device is a foreign order in the territory occupied by the enemy. Does Russia's current situation comply with this condition? Quite! Alien ways of managing and managing, exporting national wealth, indigenous people in the position of third-class people, foreign culture and foreign education, foreign laws. The greatest Triumph of the 45th year and the Victory Parade is a guide and anchor, without which we will finally get bogged down in the spread of lies about our own inferiority, about the inferiority of our History, about the innate servility, about our futility.
        1. +12
          26 May 2020 17: 43
          What is the most cynical of this anti-Soviet power is attached to the Victory of the SOVIET people in the Great Patriotic War and teaches us to love the bourgeois homeland. One might think that a Soviet soldier would give his life for having a class of masters - oligarchs in our country, or for having a handful of parasites take over public property.
        2. Aag
          26 May 2020 21: 18
          Plus to you. Words on the case, beautiful ... But these are emotional words on the current situation ... Suggestions? Sorry, I would not answer such a question myself ...
      2. 0
        26 May 2020 17: 14
        Quote: kjhg
        And so that the country belongs to the people, and not to a bunch of bourgeois.

        So then they do not reach the bourgeoisie, the yardsticks.
        1. +1
          26 May 2020 19: 36
          Judging by your comments, you certainly would have acted like a cadavre from the Strugatsky novel.
    2. -7
      26 May 2020 17: 16
      Quote: Bashkirkhan
      The parade is a tribute to those who make sure that T-90 and Almaty are walking along this square, and not Leopards.

      By the way, "Tigers" quite ride for themselves, isn't it a mockery?
      1. +2
        26 May 2020 17: 24
        "Tigers" have not traveled across Russia for a long time. Only if in World of tanks.
        1. -1
          26 May 2020 17: 30
          Quote: Bashkirkhan
          Tigers "have not been traveling in Russia for a long time. Only if in World of tanks.

          Yeah, what's that?
          1. +16
            26 May 2020 17: 41
            Quote: Stroporez
            Yeah, what's that?

            This is an Amur tiger. Not Germanic. We have our own cats.
            1. -4
              26 May 2020 18: 57
              Quote: Bashkirkhan
              This is an Amur tiger. Not Germanic. We have our own cats.

              Quote: sabakina
              how are they Ussuri!

              Then it should have been called "Tiger-U", but our grandfathers would hardly have liked it.
      2. +2
        26 May 2020 17: 28
        Quote: Stroporez
        Quote: Bashkirkhan
        The parade is a tribute to those who make sure that T-90 and Almaty are walking along this square, and not Leopards.

        By the way, "Tigers" quite ride for themselves, isn't it a mockery?

        So they are Ussuri! wink
    3. -3
      26 May 2020 17: 28
      Quote: Bashkirkhan
      The parade is a tribute to those who make sure that T-90 and Almaty are walking along this square, and not Leopards.

      Exhibition Armats is an achievement
      1. +3
        26 May 2020 17: 38
        There are now 250 tanks left in Germany.
        Alexey Krivoruchko: "A contract for 132 T-14 and T-15 vehicles has been signed today"
        Alexander Potapov: Uralvagonzavod has produced about 30 Armata combat platforms today.
        The total is 132 + 30 = 162. The first contract for "Armata" and immediately the amount is half of what the "leading" tank power in Europe has.
        1. -6
          26 May 2020 20: 46
          Quote: Bashkirkhan
          There are now 250 tanks left in Germany.

          Germany generally has very serious restrictions on the armed forces after the war, it is not correct to compare our army with them
    4. +4
      26 May 2020 17: 38
      A parade is a tribute to those
      And in honor of reverence, they hang up the Mausoleum, they say that in the Union only galoshes were made. Now, what can one come with a portrait of Stalin under the red flag?
  5. +1
    26 May 2020 16: 27
    Just then, they will vote on the constitution. The population is being warmed up.
    1. -1
      26 May 2020 16: 40
      Just then, they will vote on the constitution. The population is being warmed up.

      Will we adopt a new constitution?
      1. +7
        26 May 2020 17: 13
        And it has already been adopted, the regional parliaments voted FOR, the rest is
        1. -20
          26 May 2020 17: 21
          Not accepted. We will vote for the amendments ourselves. It is high time!
          1. +3
            26 May 2020 17: 30
            Quote: Break through
            Not accepted. We will vote for the amendments ourselves. It is high time!

            I’m afraid to upset you - but the amendments were officially held ... According to the Law, moreover ... and the party of voters will not decide anything ...
          2. -2
            26 May 2020 17: 39
            Not accepted.
            Do you know the laws of your country? Or just to moo?
            1. -17
              26 May 2020 18: 03
              Who is against the amendments is the enemy of the Russian people. So go to the oval on the canal.
              1. +4
                26 May 2020 20: 08
                Quote: Break through
                Who is against the amendments is the enemy of the Russian people. So go to the oval on the canal.

                You can clarify with you three points:
                1, you really DO NOT know that, from the LEGAL point of view, all amendments have passed all official instances and have already been adopted under the laws of the Russian Federation?
                2. Please list the list of ALL amendments to the Constitution?
                3. Do you really subscribe to EVERY amendment?
          3. Aag
            26 May 2020 21: 22
            You are late. You, as we were not asked ...
  6. The comment was deleted.
  7. +16
    26 May 2020 16: 33
    Of course, I would like by tradition on May 9, but since it so happened, as it turned out, it seems to me that June 24 is also a symbolic date.
    1. +21
      26 May 2020 16: 42
      The date is symbolic. Victory Parade.
      1. +5
        26 May 2020 17: 55
        Strange, but I definitely remember the color film about the Victory Parade.
        1. -4
          26 May 2020 18: 11
          The fascist swastika and other attributes of fascist Germany are prohibited from being shown at the request of active deputies. This is how this famous photograph, morally sustained in a modern spirit and complying with the law "prohibiting the propaganda of Nazism and its symbols", should look like:

          1. Aag
            26 May 2020 21: 25
            Do not distort! Read the law.
            Although, there is a tendency in your designation.
        2. 0
          26 May 2020 22: 04
          digitized ... used to be exactly black and white ..
  8. GMM
    26 May 2020 16: 40
    As I understand it, in Moscow, by June 24, they plan to sell all gloves, masks and antiseptics, as a result of which it will be possible to remove the self-isolation regime and all kinds of restrictions based on the results of high economic indicators of individuals ...
    Yes, on this occasion, you can arrange a parade!
  9. -7
    26 May 2020 16: 41
    Already I see Shoigu at the head of the parade on a white horse :)
  10. +13
    26 May 2020 16: 42
    Given the events of the epidemic, the abolition of the May 9 parade is a must. The transfer of the parade to June 24 is quite wise and symbolic.
    1. Alf
      26 May 2020 17: 41
      Quote: Andrey Nikolaevich
      The transfer of the parade to June 24 is quite wise and symbolic.

      The main thing is not to become a habit.
      1. +3
        26 May 2020 18: 04
        That's for sure.) Although, if you think about it, both of these dates have a right to exist.
  11. 0
    26 May 2020 16: 43
    I just didn’t quite understand how to combine a full-fledged Victory Day on June 24, and the Immortal Regiment action on July 26 means that the Victory Parade will take place on its own, without spectators and participants ??? recourse
    1. +1
      26 May 2020 17: 02
      Victory Parade will take place on its own, without spectators and participants ???

      Most importantly, he must go through. And I would like to see the fireworks again. Chic salute was on May 9th.
      1. -1
        26 May 2020 17: 10
        Quote: Interlocutor
        Victory Parade will take place on its own, without spectators and participants ???

        Most importantly, he must go through. And I would like to see the fireworks again. Chic salute was on May 9th.

        Well, you know - it's one thing to participate in the spectator stands or to participate in the "Immortal Regiment" - and it's another thing to watch it on TV ... maybe your house is conveniently located - but from my balcony on May 9 I didn't see anything ... because they were forbidden to go outside ...
      2. Aag
        26 May 2020 21: 29

        Most importantly, he must go through. And I would like to see the fireworks again. Chic salute was on May 9. [/ quote]

        Sorry ... Let's remember that this is a "holiday with tears in our eyes .." This is not a fire show! And try to convey this to your children. Please ....
  12. +12
    26 May 2020 16: 47
    Well, as I expected, this anniversary Victory Parade was timed to coincide with the seventy-fifth anniversary of the very first Victory Parade on June 24, 1945. It is even symbolic.
    1. +3
      26 May 2020 17: 06
      Quote: Ros 56
      The Victory Parade was timed to coincide with the seventy-fifth anniversary of the very first Victory Parade on June 24, 1945.

      This is the Victory Parade, and not Victory Day, and in honor of the 75th anniversary of this Parade, it should be on June 24th.
      1. +2
        26 May 2020 22: 32
        Quote: tihonmarine
        Quote: Ros 56
        The Victory Parade was timed to coincide with the seventy-fifth anniversary of the very first Victory Parade on June 24, 1945.

        This is the Victory Parade, and not Victory Day, and in honor of the 75th anniversary of this Parade, it should be on June 24th.

        hi Correctly. And we will not lose a lot of veterans (God grant them health) in a month and a half, for whom it is really happy memories.
  13. +7
    26 May 2020 16: 48
    If so, then I am FOR it with both hands !!!! and fascist standards and all Hitler's European accomplices, like 75 years ago, to throw out on the stones of Red Square, though for sure the mausoleum will be "disguised" again ... and this will be "shame for the whole world" ... you cannot distort history by shading the details .. ..
    1. Alf
      26 May 2020 17: 43
      Quote: Vitaly Tsymbal
      all European accomplices of Hitler,

      Now they are not "accomplices", now they are "partners", and it is impossible to offend partners, they will be offended.
    2. +4
      26 May 2020 18: 08
      Following your logic, the mausoleum will have to throw (and burn) the flags of all EU countries .. Although, personally, I am FOR, And at the same time, the flag of one of the countries that sold the memory of their fathers and grandfathers, in exchange for the right to scour the EU painters.
  14. +3
    26 May 2020 16: 51
    man believes the Lord has ...
  15. +4
    26 May 2020 16: 56
    There are also color footage of the 1945 parade.
  16. +2
    26 May 2020 17: 05
    One of the most striking (despite the black and white chronicle) episodes of that parade are the banners thrown to the Lenin Mausoleum of the banner of defeated Nazi Germany, its units and formations. No less vivid episode - the appearance on the Red Square of the great commanders-winners - in saddles.
    I also thought that June 24 was the most correct date. How many times I watched the chronicle, but still breathtaking. But I'm afraid that the Mausoleum will not be draped.
    The generals in the saddles are simply amazing. Although Shaigu is probably the last one who can sit in the saddle.
    But the shame of the Russian Army could only sit on a stool.
  17. +1
    26 May 2020 17: 06
    That's great!
    It would be good to counter those who are trying to belittle our Victory, and comparing us with Hitler Germany, to throw at the Foot of the Mausoleum not only the banner of the destroyed German units, but also the Hungarian, Romanian, French, and others who fought against us on their side in a coalition with nonhumans.
    This would be an answer to the lies and provocations of the bastards.
    1. GMM
      26 May 2020 17: 18
      Quote: vkd.dvk
      throw to the foot of the Mausoleum

      Is there a mausoleum on the Red Square during the parade?
      There are installations changing from year to year, performances from the heirs of the winners, so to speak ...
    2. 0
      26 May 2020 17: 20
      Quote: vkd.dvk
      but also Hungarian, Romanian, French, and others participating on their side

      Did you mean the famous Normandy-Niemen squadron?
      1. +2
        26 May 2020 18: 44
        so apart from the heroic pilots of Normandy, there was also the Waffen-Grenadier Division Charlemagne, which fought to the last in the Reichstag ...
        1. +2
          26 May 2020 19: 27
          I agree with you. Many French fought against the Soviet Union and Bolshevism. BUT, how many of our compatriots have sided with Germany? The numbers are scary. And what kind of banners to throw? Perhaps the whole point is in the civil war, which then was and now, it seems, too.
          1. -3
            26 May 2020 19: 45
            Quote: Old Fuck
            BUT, how many of our compatriots have sided with Germany?

            About 200 thousand.
            1. -3
              26 May 2020 20: 02
              Dear RUSS, probably, all the same, more. Many worked in the military production of Germany, many served as police officers (after 1943 they began to massively become partisans), many white emigrants supported Germany. Well, that's what I write: a civil war in essence. And I generally am silent about the destruction of the command staff of the Red Army (122 division commanders were shot before the war).
              Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky believed that the repressions of 1937 played a significant role in the history of the USSR:
              "Without the thirty-seventh year, perhaps, there would have been no war at all in the forty-first year. In the fact that Hitler decided to start a war in the forty-first year, an assessment of the degree of defeat of military personnel that took place in our country played a big role."
              So it turns out that the civil war.
  18. 0
    26 May 2020 17: 17
    The parade should be on May 9, and not "at least as". The parade as such, of course, they only need to show off, the rest is not interesting to them. By the way, on November 7, 1941, the Germans were not frightened, they stood near Moscow and held a parade, but here? By the way, don't forget to stigmatize Lukashenka again.
    1. +2
      26 May 2020 17: 43
      I am against the bourgeois myself, but in the USSR, parades were held 3 times in total and there was nothing wrong with this since 1995, the annual show
      1. -2
        26 May 2020 20: 36
        Quote: Kronos
        I am against the bourgeois myself, but in the USSR, parades were held 3 times in total and there was nothing wrong with this since 1995, the annual show

        Instead November 7th.
  19. -6
    26 May 2020 17: 17
    That's great! Well done good
  20. +3
    26 May 2020 17: 19
    The victory parade was in the USSR !!! People had joy, grandfather put on medals and not jubilee real !! And what now ?? Who has joy? When many people barely make ends meet. And at the parade, all with some kind of bling. Personally, my joy was over, there were only tears in our eyes, from our reality !!
    1. 0
      26 May 2020 17: 35
      Quote: Gennady Korsunov
      What now?? Who has joy?

      I have a joy. And I always congratulate everyone on this day, unlike you, a whiner who sees everything as shit, like some kind of dung fly.
      1. -5
        26 May 2020 17: 47
        I did not pass pigs with you. You can poke your wife if you have one and will allow it !!
        1. -1
          26 May 2020 17: 58
          Quote: Gennady Korsunov
          I did not pass pigs with you. ... you can poke your wife ...

          Well, you can graze the pigs alone. I can only "hammer out" in relation to those people whom I respect. YOU, with your shitty shit, don't deserve respect
          1. -5
            26 May 2020 18: 12
            Judging by the nickname and comment, you are sick on the head !! Drink a double dose of PYRAMIDONE, lie down and calm down. And respect from people like you have nothing to do with me !!
            1. -2
              26 May 2020 18: 18
              Quote: Gennady Korsunov
              Judging by the nickname and comment, you are sick on the head !! Drink a double dose of PYRAMIDONE, lie down and calm down. And respect from people like you have nothing to do with me !!

              Do you think of yourself as a doctor? Sucking nicknames on this site is a sign of a near mind.
              1. -1
                26 May 2020 18: 53
                A sign of a near mind, to insult people who have their own point of view that does not coincide with yours !!
  21. +2
    26 May 2020 17: 27
    On this day, exactly 75 years ago, the truly legendary Victory Parade was held on Red Square.

    Correct solution. I think this is the best date. And start that day on all channels of film and video recording with the broadcast of the very parade. Let the tolerant Europe once again shake.
    1. +2
      26 May 2020 22: 38
      Stepan, for me personally, if
      Quote: Piramidon
      tolerant Europe once again shakes.
      from our Victory Parade, it doesn’t matter what date it will be ...
  22. 0
    26 May 2020 17: 31
    A logical and successful compromise solution. Victory Day of the Belarusian people in the Great Patriotic War - May 9. Victory Day of the Russian people - June 24. They smashed it - and it’s no offense to anyone. And then how much dirt was poured on the Belarusians in connection with the parade.
    1. +6
      26 May 2020 18: 07
      Quote: DocX2032
      A logical and successful compromise solution. Victory Day of the Belarusian people in the Great Patriotic War - May 9. Victory Day of the Russian people - June 24. They smashed it - and it’s no offense to anyone. And then how much dirt was poured on the Belarusians in connection with the parade.

      Again trying to divide the nations? The victory was our common country called the USSR. Never separated the people of Belarus from the people of Russia. And not in the parades its significance but in the souls and hearts. There were no parades for 20 years (from 1945 to 1955), and what, people in our common country did not celebrate this day?
      1. +3
        26 May 2020 22: 55
        Never separated the people of Belarus from the people of Russia

        You be careful, five years ago we already "blurted out", we are still washing our faces with blood.
        Belarusians are also far from all delighted to identify with Russia as a whole.
        Brotherly - YES.
        Independent - also YES
        Allied - YES
        But original and special.
        1. +4
          27 May 2020 08: 24
          Quote: Bshkaus
          But original and special.

          There are enough distinctive and special peoples and ethnic groups in Russia itself. It happens that in neighboring villages people are different from each other, but you see, they get along normally in one country. hi
  23. +1
    26 May 2020 17: 42
    And with will be with the mausoleum, will it be curtained or not! ??
    I believe that in no case should you hide your story and you must not hide Stalin !!!
    As an option, hang portraits of the Marshals of Victory on the building opposite the mausoleum, and the first should be the Supreme Commander-in-Chief and Generalissimo Comrade. Stalin !!!
  24. +1
    26 May 2020 17: 45
    It is necessary that even Sobyanin allowed this parade. All recent statements by Putin and Sobyanin, now diverge, then contradict each other. Maybe the Moscow boyar will want November 7th. In this official schizophrenia, propagandists will soon break the remnants of the brain. It is good that the majority of commoners do not remember beyond a week, and do not know the logic; they may not notice the lingual changes of the manuals.
    1. +2
      27 May 2020 08: 37
      Quote: Hypatius
      It is necessary that even Sobyanin allowed this parade. All recent statements by Putin and Sobyanin, now diverge, then contradict each other.

      Putin himself gave permission to the regional leaders to independently make decisions on the situation with the coronavirus.
  25. -9
    26 May 2020 17: 49
    2 worries of the leader of the nation ..
    Zeroing and parade
  26. -4
    26 May 2020 17: 53
    Every day, 9000-10000 new cases of coronovirus. Is this peak passed ?? they would have been just as successful on May 9th. But Father was not afraid and carried out that there was a sharp surge of the virus in Minsk? no. But this is really a victory and an inflating cheek.
  27. +2
    26 May 2020 18: 00
    The Victory Parade on June 24th is good. Just like 75 years ago, you can leave the NATO banners and so that the Mausoleum was not hung with rags ....
    1. +1
      26 May 2020 18: 09
      To leave the NATO banners they must be defeated at the beginning
      1. -4
        26 May 2020 18: 20
        This is particular)
  28. -2
    26 May 2020 18: 00
    Quote: alex aircraft
    Every day, 9000-10000 new cases of coronovirus. Is this peak passed ?? they would have been just as successful on May 9th. But Father was not afraid and carried out that there was a sharp surge of the virus in Minsk? no. But this is really a victory and an inflating cheek.

    The parade in Minsk could not affect the number of patients with acute respiratory viral infections. The question is different ... how much can you trust the Russian armed forces, the combat readiness and training of which depends on the common cold.
    1. 0
      26 May 2020 18: 08
      What a runny nose this disease destroys severe lungs
  29. +1
    26 May 2020 18: 03
    For entertainment and edification to neo-Nazi fascists, it would be nice to drop mock swastika Germano-Nazi banners to the mausoleum and then burn like 75 years ago.
    1. -4
      26 May 2020 18: 14
      Why NATO .. ​​Let’s come up with galactic ones and sew them .. Putin in a Darth Vader costume, Shoigu with a lightsaber, and a Mercedes parade with the words "Trophy" and "To Berlin" .. Walk like that
    2. +2
      26 May 2020 18: 16
      Nobody burned Hitler’s standards - they were all handed over to museums.
      1. +1
        26 May 2020 18: 50
        And burn copies this time!
  30. -6
    26 May 2020 18: 10
    Quote: Piramidon
    Quote: DocX2032
    A logical and successful compromise solution. Victory Day of the Belarusian people in the Great Patriotic War - May 9. Victory Day of the Russian people - June 24. They smashed it - and it’s no offense to anyone. And then how much dirt was poured on the Belarusians in connection with the parade.

    Again trying to divide the nations? The victory was our common country called the USSR.

    And why, then, parades are held at different times and in different places?
    1. +6
      26 May 2020 19: 37
      And because, Western and Their Enemies divided us into independent republics with township princes and sow enmity between them.
  31. -4
    26 May 2020 18: 10
    Quote: Bashkirkhan
    Oleksiy Krivoruchko: "As of today, a contract for 132 cars has been signed

    A contract is good, but it's half the battle.
  32. 0
    26 May 2020 18: 13
    Quote: Kronos
    What a runny nose this disease destroys severe lungs

    Any ARVI with a certain percentage of cases does the same. Annually. Read the news less. And from tuberculosis every day 5 thousand people die. So what?
    1. -2
      26 May 2020 18: 24
      The fact that epidemics are treated with quarantine and a vaccine if there is no vaccine, quarantine remains. By the way, from this cove dies from 4 to 6 thousand a day, too
  33. -5
    26 May 2020 18: 34
    Quote: Kronos
    The fact that epidemics are treated with quarantine and a vaccine if there is no vaccine remains quarantine.

    Quarantine for patients, not for healthy ones, or local in places of outbreaks. Standard practice is isolating the sick. Mass quarantine inevitably leads to a decrease in immunity, heart attacks, strokes and so on. And wearing masks is idiocy squared, because in the end the wearer inhales back part of the exhaust air. It's like drinking, sorry, your own urine. But we were distracted from the parade ... The road is a spoon for dinner, that is, by May 9. And on June 24 it will be Parade Day, and not Victory Day. July 4 is a good date too ...
    1. +1
      27 May 2020 08: 59
      no matter when to hold a victory parade
  34. -5
    26 May 2020 18: 50
    Feast in Time of Plague?
    Just May 9 - this is May 9 ..
    Some in the villages and some out of habit ...
    Or do you need to master the money? Moreover, tenders have been held, part of the funds spent ....
  35. +2
    26 May 2020 18: 59
    I remember how we discussed the postponement of the Victory Parade, many comrades pointed to June 24, with a relatively favorable forecast for the "crown". And so it happened.) I'm glad.
    I would like to see the mausoleum without "plywood" on this date as a tribute of admiration and respect to the generation of Victors, many of whom sincerely believed in the country of workers and peasants, their country. Therefore, they defeated fascism and in the shortest possible time restored the national economy destroyed by the war.

    should be the Supreme Commander and Generalissimo Comrade. Stalin !!!

    In Irkutsk.....

  36. -1
    26 May 2020 19: 00
    Quote: Old Horseradish
    Quote: vkd.dvk
    but also Hungarian, Romanian, French, and others participating on their side

    Did you mean the famous Normandy-Niemen squadron?

    Fifteen hundred heroes who fought against the Nazis are a drop in the ocean of those who fought against us with DIVISIONS. Do not know who participated in the defense of the Reichstag?
    1. -5
      26 May 2020 19: 50
      Quote: vkd.dvk
      Fifteen hundred heroes who fought against the Nazis are a drop in the ocean of those who fought against us with DIVISIONS.

      Well, yes, and lendlize is also a drop in the bucket?

      Stalin makes a toast at Churchill's birthday:
      “I want to tell you what, from the Soviet point of view, the President and the United States have done to win the war. The most important things in this war are the machines. The United States has proven that it can produce 8,000 to 10,000 aircraft a month. Russia can produce at most 3000 planes a month England produces 3000-3500 a month, mostly heavy bombers. Thus, the United States is a land of machines. Without these cars, supplied under Lend-Lease, we would have lost this war. "
  37. -3
    26 May 2020 19: 08
    But Sobyanin agreed to a parade. And if he doesn’t? While he seems to be the main virus
    1. +1
      26 May 2020 20: 20
      Quote: notingem
      But Sobyanin agreed to a parade. And if he doesn’t? While he seems to be the main virus

      I will answer my one of my favorite jokes wink

      Winnie the Pooh: - Hey, Piglet, let's have sex with a pig?
      Piglet: - I do not mind, but will she give us? ...
      Vinnie: - but whoever asks you will be ... bully
  38. 0
    26 May 2020 19: 09
    The question of "father" A. G. Lukashenko will come to the Victory Parade on June 24 in Moscow? - or now everyone has their own parade ...
    1. -3
      26 May 2020 19: 51
      Quote: cat Rusich
      The question of "father" A. G. Lukashenko will come to the Victory Parade on June 24 in Moscow? - or now everyone has their own parade ...

      They will agree on gas and oil, maybe it will come
  39. -1
    26 May 2020 19: 17
    Quote: cat Rusich
    The question of "father" A. G. Lukashenko will come to the Victory Parade on June 24 in Moscow? - or now everyone has their own parade ...

    Putin was invited to Minsk on May 9. He preferred to sit in a bunker, and even several units of the Russian Armed Forces were forbidden to take part in the parade, which was originally planned. It seems better to me separately, no offense to anyone. We will be celebrating in Minsk on May 9, and you will be in the Russian Federation whenever you want.
    1. +1
      27 May 2020 09: 01
      celebrate when you want, we have a parade on May 9 but this year had to be postponed
  40. +3
    26 May 2020 19: 24
    As we expected them: the situation with the virus by June will begin to be exposed and it will be possible to hold a parade.
    In general, this is something symbolic: on June 24, 1945, the Victory Parade was held and 75 years later, the Victory Parade will be held again.
  41. +1
    26 May 2020 19: 31
    The person appointed the date, and appointed. That's why he is the president. To appoint.
    And do not go out of the way. Supreme Commander
    He gave instructions.
    What is not clear to anyone ?!
    1. -3
      26 May 2020 19: 42
      So far, EVERYTHING IS NOT CLEAR. Moscow’s measure for sure
    2. The comment was deleted.
  42. +10
    26 May 2020 20: 31
    Quote: Stroporez
    Quote: Bashkirkhan
    Tigers "have not been traveling in Russia for a long time. Only if in World of tanks.

    Yeah, what's that?

    Yeah, insanity grows stronger. Already beginning to put an equal sign between the name of the tank of Nazi Germany and the domestic armored car. But nothing that is the designation of the cat family. Let’s rename this family so that we don’t have tigers, panthers, leopards, lions and other representatives of the animal kingdom in our vocabulary, just because there was a technique with the same name in Germany ....

    Quote: Colonel2001
    Strange, but I definitely remember the color film about the Victory Parade.

    There is a color and black and white version. This year, a black and white version was shown on some channel after the air parade. In the past or the year before last they showed color. Although on a different channel, maybe the color option was shown

    Quote: Snail N9
    The fascist swastika and other attributes of fascist Germany are prohibited from being shown at the request of active deputies. This is how this famous photograph, morally sustained in a modern spirit and complying with the law "prohibiting the propaganda of Nazism and its symbols", should look like:

    No need to invent. Some time ago this really happened, but this deputy initiative itself was so delusional that it was canceled. Otherwise, it is necessary to re-shoot all Soviet films about the war, to destroy film documentary. Now the ban is only on propaganda SYMBOLS, and not the ban on its display. For this initiative, that the nonsense about shading a cigarette (as well as the female breast) is nonsense, showing exclusively the IDB of such initiators

    Quote: Andrey Nikolaevich
    Given the events of the epidemic, the abolition of the May 9 parade is a must. The transfer of the parade to June 24 is quite wise and symbolic.

    Moreover, the veterans themselves reacted to this with understanding and without objection. But there were a lot of those for whom the transfer was like a sickle in one place ...

    Quote: anjey
    For entertainment and edification to neo-Nazi fascists, it would be nice to drop mock swastika Germano-Nazi banners to the mausoleum and then burn like 75 years ago.

    Are you sure that these banners were burnt? Go to the Museum of the Armed Forces and look at this pile of banners behind the glass in one of the halls ...
  43. -2
    26 May 2020 20: 33
    Quote: RUSS
    Quote: vkd.dvk
    Fifteen hundred heroes who fought against the Nazis are a drop in the ocean of those who fought against us with DIVISIONS.

    Well, yes, and lendlize is also a drop in the bucket?

    Stalin makes a toast at Churchill's birthday:
    “I want to tell you what, from the Soviet point of view, the President and the United States have done to win the war. The most important things in this war are the machines. The United States has proven that it can produce 8,000 to 10,000 aircraft a month. Russia can produce at most 3000 planes a month England produces 3000-3500 a month, mostly heavy bombers. Thus, the United States is a land of machines. Without these cars, supplied under Lend-Lease, we would have lost this war. "

    If we compare the size of the Lend-Lease UK and us, then we have a drop in the bucket. The Angles received three times as much. If we returned the whole and not destroyed in battles, then the Angles left. If we pledged gold that we did not return, then the English did not have a pledge. What they say on a cabal with a glass of tea is not always said from the heart. Churchill praised Uncle Joe, writing to him this ... but after the war immediately in Fulton ....
  44. -6
    26 May 2020 20: 35
    September 2, hint to the Japanese or November 7! June 24 what is this? then June 22nd!
    1. +3
      27 May 2020 09: 02
      June 24, 75 years from the legendary parade
  45. -3
    26 May 2020 20: 51
    June 24, 2020, Wednesday. Working day. Let it at least declare this day a holiday (not "non-working, with preservation ..."!), Otherwise the Parade is not for the people, which still keeps the memory of the Victory, but another PR and show for the elite. "At the same time, they will vote for amendments remotely".
    1. -3
      27 May 2020 09: 35
      This will remain PR and window dressing ... at least something, let him announce there ..
      And the memory of the dead people was already honored on May 9 .. without any Putin ..
  46. +2
    26 May 2020 21: 13
    I would like to believe that at the Victory Day parade in June 2020, everything will be like at the June parade in 1945. That is, the Commander-in-Chief and the Minister of Defense will take the parade standing on the rostrum of the mausoleum, at the foot of which in June 1945 the winners threw the standards and banners of the Hitlerite Germany. And at the parade of the 75th anniversary of Victory on Red Square there will be images past the Marshals of Victory, images of the commander of the Great Victory, JV Stalin.
    We position ourselves as descendants of the victors of fascism, we are struggling with a distortion of the history of the Great Patriotic War, and at the same time we are distorting it ourselves by deleting from this Victory the one who led the Great People to the Great Victory, namely I.V. Stalin.
    1. 0
      26 May 2020 22: 51
      And at the parade of the 75th anniversary of Victory on Red Square there will be images past the Marshals of Victory, images of the commander of the Great Victory, JV Stalin.

      Don't worry, Stalin will be at the parade! with every bone in the coffin, he will feel how the earth shakes under the tracks of the latest tanks and "Topols"
      I apologize for the black humor, escaped.
  47. +2
    26 May 2020 22: 45
    article on VO from 16.04.20 "Vladimir Putin decided to postpone the Victory Parade"
    16.04.20/3448/34 in the Russian Federation, 232 new cases of infection were detected per day. On the same day, 27938 people died, and the total number of deaths in the previous period was XNUMX people. In total, there were XNUMX cases
    May 26.05. 20. This article goes to VO "Putin announced the date of the Victory Parade on Red Square"
    26.05.20/8915/XNUMX in the Russian Federation revealed XNUMX new cases of infection over the past day - it's two and a half times morethan on the day of the decision to cancel the parade!
    Died today 174 person - this is the largest number for the entire period!, and it is 5 times biggerthan it was at the time of the decision to postpone the parade.
    Today, the total number of cases is 362342, it's 12 times biggerthan there was on the day of the decision to postpone the parade!
    I have been smoking nervously for a long time aside looking at what is happening, but I don’t understand this and frankly do not want to understand. Is it really so difficult to sit exactly three months and calmly celebrate September 2nd?
    Just game ...
    1. 0
      26 May 2020 23: 04
      Don’t worry. Statistics are tightened and everything will be in openwork.
    2. +3
      27 May 2020 09: 03
      yes no one believes in statistics
    3. -3
      27 May 2020 09: 31
      You started for health .. and finished for peace ..))

      Reread yourself carefully read .. except for the last two phrases ..
      And you yourself will understand why these two phrases are unnecessary in all this performance ..

      12 times more than the day of the transfer decision

      You yourself perfectly understand that all this is game and farce .. and still offer to sit until September ..))

      PS .. Putin and in September can spend the third time .. because all this commotion is connected only with his PR .. the more parades - the more attention ..
      The fact that this attention is already akin to attention to a fool - does not reach him ..
    4. 0
      28 May 2020 14: 50
      then there was no peak disease. accordingly, forecasts for this peak were made. It’s silly to compare just numbers and not dynamics. What would it be, for example, do not declare quarantine then? 20000 a day sick? 40000? ,more? do not be a child.
  48. -1
    26 May 2020 23: 38
    ... and Shoigu on a white horse? Or, as always, in an open articulation?
  49. +3
    27 May 2020 04: 12
    If only they would not drape the mausoleum. And then the descendants will watch the chronicles and be surprised.
    1. +2
      27 May 2020 08: 47
      Quote: Shuttle
      If only they would not drape the mausoleum. And then the descendants will watch the chronicles and be surprised.

      I also hope so! And I would like to hear the voice of Stalin on Red Square about the people of the Victor!
  50. -1
    27 May 2020 09: 25
    Excuse me..
    It’s about the parade that was canceled the day before the announcement that the All-Russian weekend was over, and you can go to work ??
    That's so farce ..))
  51. 0
    27 May 2020 21: 57
    In our country, the majority of Russian speakers believed in GDP - “Russian world, etc.” Now, they support the Old Man, the flint man, apparently, could not be pinched in any way by those who took the majority, the so-called presidents, in their tender places. And now he is burning, he took the oath - he betrayed him. Well, there is no question of conscience - a chimera... hi
  52. -1
    28 May 2020 02: 26
    Maybe it's already June 22nd. What a waste of time. The Zaputins don't care when.
  53. 0
    28 May 2020 09: 14
    The Russian Presidential Administration discussed the possibility of holding the Victory Parade and voting on amendments to the Constitution on the same day. This was reported by the RBC publication owned by Grigory Berezkin, citing four sources close to the Kremlin.

    According to the publication’s interlocutors, holding the vote and parade on the same day will help inspire citizens after a long period of quarantine measures. In addition, in this case, Wednesday, June 24, will be declared a day off. And if the parade takes place on this day without voting, then people will not have the feeling of a holiday, one of the sources believes. In addition, not everyone will be able to watch the event as they will be working.
  54. 0
    28 May 2020 10: 12
    Everything is correct! Great! God grant that the weather doesn’t let us down now, but for us Russians, has that ever stopped us in the past?!?
  55. 0
    29 May 2020 04: 56
    The political meaning of Victory Day has been emasculated by the current traitors and haters of everything Soviet; even Lenin’s mausoleum was hidden with rags at the foot of which Soviet soldiers threw fascist banners. They turned it into a theatrical farce. Victory Day is May 9 and there is no other date for any reason. Well done Lukashenko.