In Poland, responded to the words of Vladimir Putin about the development of the Russian army


Poland responded to a statement by the President of Russia on the continued development and improvement of the Armed Forces of the country. Recall that Vladimir Putin, during his appeal to graduates of the military school, said that the Russian army would improve under any conditions. According to Vladimir Putin, one of the main lessons of the Great Patriotic War is that the army should be strong, strong, united and able to respond to any challenges and threats, ensuring sovereignty and national security.

In a statement by Vladimir Putin about the need for further improvement, the Russian army reacted in Poland. In particular, it was noted that the strengthening of the military component in Russia "is a challenge to the unity of the North Atlantic Alliance (NATO)."

The comments on the material about the words of the Russian president on the Polish military-themed portal Defense24 contain extremely harsh statements, among which there is also:

Let's keep our fingers crossed for such actions of our enemy. Just as economics, demography, and a failed ideology destroyed the Soviet Union, these same elements will tear Russia apart. Too large territory in relation to the number of non-breeding Russians.

That is, in Poland there are people who do not hide the fact that they consider Russia their enemy.

Other comments:

Barefoot, but in spurs.

We are starting to count down the time until the collapse of Russia. For about a month, they subsidized Urals oil production at an average of $ 10 per barrel.

Commentators in the Polish media clearly do not select words and openly express their extremely negative attitude towards Russia. Almost every second commentary has the same idea: “the expectation of the collapse of Russia.” And this is written by people in a country that itself handed over its independence to Washington, gained hundreds of billions of euros in credit from Berlin and Brussels. Frankly, the case when Polish commentators would be better off worrying about the situation in their own country, for which the full repayment of previously received loans could lead to a collapse in the economy.
151 comment
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  1. +48
    11 May 2020 08: 35
    Too large area? Is this the way the Poles think? So the Poles are no better than the Nazis. This is exactly how Hitler reasoned when he decided where he would conquer "living space".
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +29
      11 May 2020 09: 02
      Quote: Pavel73
      So the Poles are no better than the Nazis.

      Remember that these Poles worked in 1938-39, it will immediately become clear that they were not very different in their behavior from the Germans.
      1. +9
        11 May 2020 09: 10
        And we, I mean the Russian Federation, and we can’t answer them, scum nothing, neither financially nor economically. The toilet, in the Czech Republic put on the site of the monument And. Konev, we, again, can only get lost
        1. +8
          11 May 2020 10: 40
          Quote: st2st
          And we, I mean the Russian Federation, and we can’t answer them, scum nothing, neither financially nor economically. The toilet, in the Czech Republic put on the site of the monument And. Konev, we, again, can only get lost

          Well, this is "In the comments to the material about the words of the Russian president on the Polish military-themed portal Defense24" - this is the same as if the official Warsaw responded to non-forest comments on the Military Review. Regarding the Czechs, I agree, they need to turn off the faucet, nothing like that is produced in the Czech Republic without which Russia could not live.
        2. +9
          11 May 2020 10: 55
          Quote: st2st
          And we, I mean the Russian Federation, and answer them, scum can not do anything, neither financially nor economically

          Well, why? If I’m not mistaken, on May 16 the agreement on gas transit through Poland ends and they are planning to build a gas pipeline, but they need permission from Russia. They have something to think about ....
          1. +6
            11 May 2020 13: 15
            Major 147, I'm sorry, I don’t know your name (change your nickname), but what's the point, is that the contract is ending? Our nouveau riche, neither a feeling of pride, nor a sense of dignity, for the sake of profit, will sell their parents. And, I dare to assure you that the Russian officials will give the go-ahead to continue pumping gas without wincing. Salvage is more important
            1. +2
              11 May 2020 17: 19
              Quote: st2st
              I don’t know your name (

              We are namesake. But essentially, there is nothing impossible.
              1. 0
                11 May 2020 17: 40
                Seryozha, in your nickname, enter your name, it’s easier to communicate
                1. +1
                  11 May 2020 18: 06
                  Quote: st2st
                  enter your name

                  try Yes
                  1. +1
                    13 May 2020 16: 50
                    After all, they tried to enter a name in the nickname, and it turned out. Completely different thing
            2. +3
              11 May 2020 17: 55
              Actions must be verified. The strike must be accurate.
              They will have to give the land of Germany.
        3. 0
          12 May 2020 10: 22
          Konev, we, again, can only get lost
          Russia needs to focus (s)
        4. -2
          13 May 2020 01: 38
          The toilet, in the Czech Republic put on the site of the monument And. Konev

          Actually, the power was growing, it should be praised, and they should be given a bonus, because they follow the policy of de-Stalinization of the growing power. From the latter, there was a film about Zuleyha, in which sheer anti-Soviet, by the way, was shot for budget money.
      2. +13
        11 May 2020 09: 31
        Quote: tihonmarine
        Remember that these Poles worked in 1938-39, it will immediately become clear that they were not very different in their behavior from the Germans.

        these bastards have too much territory: we give them gave in 1945. a third of their current territory, taking from the Germans. and even giving our Bialystok
        1. +8
          11 May 2020 10: 28
          Gifts should be returned, since the lords consider us occupiers ...
          1. +15
            11 May 2020 11: 02
            If you are talking about Danzig (Gdansk), then they cannot even pull out this result of the "accursed Soviet occupation" from their teeth! And it is not our Ukrainian brothers who swear by the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, and they categorically do not want to give up the lands that went to them under this document. So, both there and there hypocrisy is off scale!
        2. +2
          12 May 2020 10: 22
          a third of their current territory, taken from the Germans. and even giving our Bialystok

          Stalin Zhezh was an effective manager and smart nowhere else
    4. +11
      11 May 2020 09: 05
      Proud arrogant Poles will get what they deserve!

      I propose to sit and look at the tantrums of the lords. This is a fun sight.

      And the tantrum will begin when pennies from subsidies and loans run out.
      1. +13
        11 May 2020 09: 34
        The funny thing is that the birth rate in Poland is even lower than in Russia, and the able-bodied population has spread across Europe, but as before, this hyena barks loudly before the defeat.
        1. +6
          11 May 2020 10: 29
          It whines and howls, but does not bark. Too much honor
          1. +2
            11 May 2020 11: 26
            Quote: Cyril G ...

            The dog barks and the caravan moves on.
          2. 0
            11 May 2020 13: 38
            A bear is not afraid of a dog, just does not like it when it barks.
        2. +4
          11 May 2020 11: 05
          Quote: figvam
          The funny thing is that the birth rate in Poland is even lower than in Russia, and the able-bodied population has spread across Europe, but as before, this hyena barks loudly before the defeat.

          Let's see how they will be "prancing" without trousers, barefoot and without spurs when the financial support from the EU stops. And they were promised this even before the crisis.
        3. 0
          13 May 2020 01: 45
          . that the birth rate in Poland is even lower than in Russia, and the able-bodied population dispersed to Europe

          This is so, but they are carrying out a set of measures to import the population, in contrast to the Russian Federation. Nearly a million were brought in by students and young people from independent.
      2. +5
        11 May 2020 13: 28
        Quote: Ilya-spb
        I propose to sit and look at the tantrums of the lords. This is a fun sight. And the tantrum will begin when pennies from subsidies and loans run out.

        Reasonable offer really. The time was right when Poland from recipient finance should become a country the donorand the proud Poles do not want so much, so do not want it.
        Quote: figvam
        that the birth rate in Poland is even lower than in Russia, and the able-bodied population dispersed to Europe

        Well, who wants to work out loans, that’s why
    5. +15
      11 May 2020 09: 17
      Quote: Pavel73
      Too big territory? Is this the way the Poles argue?

      Such goals are set for them by American sponsors who are striving to create a powerful foothold in Europe for the destruction of economic and political competitors of Russia and China. The participants in the "Munich Agreement" in '38, who gave impetus to fascist ideology and ambitions, argued in the same way.
      While Russian politicians rant about non-interference in the internal affairs of their neighbors, Western politicians not only feed the neo-Nazis with buns on the Maidan, but in the "best" traditions of Goebbels are engaged in propaganda and bribery of the media around the world. Officially, the annual budget for this propaganda is $ 2 billion. With modern information and psychological operations, a loss on the information front is almost 50% of a loss in a real war. And from the Poles and the Balts, the Americans are quite successful in making kamikazes, which are already ready to deploy nuclear weapons. Another 10 years of such propaganda with the supply of weapons and a whole people with brainwashed in Poland, the Baltic States, Ukraine will unleash a real war over territories and resources, which, in their opinion, Russia has undeservedly many.
      1. +1
        11 May 2020 09: 22
        Quote: Vita VKO
        Another 10 years of such propaganda with the supply of weapons and whole nations with brainwashed in Poland, the Baltic states, Ukraine will unleash a real war for territories and resources, which in their opinion, Russia has undeservedly many.

        The Baltic states and Ukraine are countries with a very decreasing population. There is simply no one to do it. Most likely, the territory will be given to the US Army bridgehead. Poland is more likely to say this on reflexes, they have completely different economic tasks, in addition, there is no less resource-rich Ukraine nearby, after which Russia is already geographically pure.
        1. +4
          11 May 2020 09: 28
          Quote: Altona
          Baltic States and Ukraine-countries

          You reason from the point of view of the interests of the people of these countries. And this is already 30 years old as not relevant. Now in the World there exist and work exclusively the interests of big capital, these are definitely not Polish and Ukrainian oligarchs. Politicians, the media, the people are just a means to an end.
          Russia urgently revises its military doctrine and makes "moneybags", clans of oligarchs who really stand behind the outbreak of wars and conflicts, as the primary targets of nuclear missiles, so that they clearly understand, it will not be possible to sit out in bunkers and on islands.
          1. +3
            11 May 2020 09: 33
            Quote: Vita VKO
            You reason from the point of view of the interests of the people of these countries. And this is already 30 years old as not relevant.

            From the point of view of today, I reason and common sense. And so, if you look at the same Ukraine, then in the ATO it doesn’t hurt, people rushed, even the other way around. And those who had been frostbitten from the National Bats did not rush to the front line, but to plunder into the warm rear, and it doesn’t matter which Donetsk people, Odessa citizens, or even one of their own compatriots.
            1. +3
              11 May 2020 09: 40
              Quote: Altona
              in the ATO it didn’t hurt, people rushed

              if they were paid that way in the American army, then all the poor and unemployed from all over the world would rush there. I think no one will doubt that the US printing press will not pull it.
          2. +5
            11 May 2020 10: 31
            Putin hinted at this ghostly not so long ago.

            Yes, military goals are Number 1 for the Strategic Missile Forces and the Strategic Nuclear Forces, and there must be a grouping of elites.
      2. +4
        11 May 2020 11: 09
        Quote: Vita VKO
        The official annual budget for this propaganda is $ 2 billion.

        Some of these $ and on VO pops up periodically in the "comments". Others, for free, out of thought, do their job to destroy Russia
    6. +6
      11 May 2020 10: 06
      Poles and before WWII dreamed of restoring the Commonwealth and wringing our lands. As a result, they lost what they depressed earlier and generally ceased to exist as a state. Years passed. but the dreams are the same. But the Germans did not forget that a third of Poland is their former land. Pt, as it were, to the proud Poles not to lose what is.
      1. +6
        11 May 2020 13: 13
        Quote: g1v2
        But the Germans did not forget that a third of Poland is their former land.

        But I wonder why we, as an alternative answer in the so-called "hybrid war", do not play this card of territorial redistribution of post-war Europe? First, our ambassador in Germany, and then a couple of gorlopanov deputies, in companions with Solovyov, take and say from a high rostrum that the Russian side considers it unjust to tear away German territories in favor of Poland, because the decision in those years was made under pressure from the Western coalition, etc. etc. There are historical documents, but they are in the archive and are still classified. Take my word for it. We share the German claims, etc., etc.
        Cost is a minimum. So, purely on popcorn. You don’t have to pay anyone even in German.
        1. +1
          11 May 2020 13: 30
          Only compromise the idea. Russian propaganda and all that. Europeans do not forget about their Wishlist. Germans. Poles, Hungarians, Romanians smile at each other, but they themselves dream of tearing a thread for themselves. Just a window of opportunity waiting. There’s a whole crowd of forks on dill. They are only waiting when we beat the great ukrov, so that we can join them from the west. There is little land in Europe and the whole is divided, including any piece in sight.
          1. +4
            11 May 2020 14: 46
            Quote: g1v2
            Only compromise the idea. Russian propaganda and all that.

            If you have in mind the idea of ​​inadmissibility of redrawing the post-war borders, then, in my opinion, it has long since acquired a selective character. We shouldn't be afraid of the consequences of a possible start of redrawing, I think. For, in order to reject foreign territories, in addition to wanting, you also need to be able. As Leonid said to Xerxes: "Come and take it!"
            We should not deal with redrawing the borders of individual states, but redrawing the whole of Europe. Can we? - This is the second question. Now almost the only ones who may be of interest to us as a serious partner (for a start - a trading partner), in the development of relations with which it is worth investing money, are the Germans. Well, maybe then the French. Maybe then-then-Italians. We have something to offer the Germans, they have something to offer us. There are no particular misunderstandings between us. Why not go for a rapprochement? At least on the basis of anti-Polish sentiment. Why not? If it burns out to create the economic, and later on the political union Russia-Germany, then the remaining members (or rather, members) of the EU will quickly fall into the wind.
            This is so, thoughts from the couch, inspired by prolonged self-isolation.
            1. -3
              11 May 2020 15: 10
              Quote: Polite Elk
              If it burns out to create the economic, and later on the political union Russia-Germany, then the remaining members (or rather, members) of the EU will quickly fall into the wind.

              Here with Belarus, a fig does not work. And with Germany, the very one that each time supports friendship sanctions will certainly succeed. Russian nationalists are so smart.
              1. +3
                11 May 2020 15: 40
                Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                Here with Belarus, a fig does not work. And with Germany, the very one that each time supports friendship sanctions will certainly succeed.

                I believe that just with Germany everything can work out. The nuance is that in the case of a real prospect of creating an economic union, the chancellor will not have to worry about the safety of his chair, which the lower back is so used to for many years. And Germany is unlikely to, taking advantage of the prevailing economic and political situation in the world, twirl the aforementioned part, bargain for itself better conditions than the best and make a goat's face in case of failure. But, I agree with you, you will have to fight for Germany. And not weak.
                1. -1
                  11 May 2020 15: 48
                  Quote: Polite Elk
                  I believe that just with Germany everything can work out.

                  Approximately the same as in 1914.
                  1. +2
                    11 May 2020 15: 55
                    Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                    Approximately the same as in 1914.

                    War? Hmm ... We do not have to fight with them. And they are hardly hunting with us again. Once again, the Anglo-Saxons pit us to fail. It’s even interesting, but under what pretext could we enter into armed conflict with Germany today?
                    1. -2
                      11 May 2020 16: 05
                      Quote: Polite Elk
                      War? Hmm ... We do not have to fight with them. And they are hardly hunting with us again.

                      It’s like introducing sanctions against us now. But suddenly there are sanctions.
                      Quote: Polite Elk
                      Once again, the Anglo-Saxons pit us to fail. It’s even interesting, but under what pretext could we enter into armed conflict with Germany today?

                      And, so you still believe in this crap about the evil Anglo-Saxons worth the tricks? You should have said so from the start. If you don’t understand that in this world they rule not mythical scary conspiracies, but economic interests, I have nothing to talk about with you.
                      1. +3
                        11 May 2020 16: 39
                        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                        But suddenly there are sanctions.

                        While there. But believe me, the Germans are not at all happy with them. What will happen tomorrow - we'll see. And tomorrow's relationship is an occasion for us to fight for them, and not sit on the opera, expressing concerns through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
                        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                        And, so you still believe in this crap about the evil Anglo-Saxons worth the tricks?

                        Have we already switched to YOU?
                        Regarding the evil Anglo-Saxons: And who muddied all this sanctions crap? Hindus or what? Who is holding back the "Russian aggression" in the Donbas? Who is urging the Balts and the Psheks to build up their defense potential and deploy the Peninsula's military bases on their territories to defend against a Russian invasion? Mongols, or what?
                        And do mythical terrible conspiracies mutually exclude economic interests?
                        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                        I have nothing to talk about with you.

                        It will be very, very difficult for me, but somehow I will survive.
                      2. -3
                        11 May 2020 17: 11
                        Quote: Polite Elk
                        While there.

                        Yeah, just 6 years old. Cho over there DPRK already knows how much hell he lives under sanctions.
                        Quote: Polite Elk
                        this is a reason for us to fight for them, and not sit on the opera, expressing concerns through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

                        Why are you telling me this? I’m not Putin, not Lavrov and not the Foreign Ministry.
                        Quote: Polite Elk
                        Regarding the evil Anglo-Saxons: And who muddied all this sanctions crap? Hindus or what? Who is holding back the "Russian aggression" in the Donbas? Who is urging the Balts and the Psheks to build up their defense potential and deploy the Peninsula's military bases on their territories to defend against a Russian invasion? Mongols, or what?

                        Americans who, oddly enough, are not made up of Anglo-Saxons alone. Powell and Obama they know the dubious Anglo-Saxons.
                        Quote: Polite Elk
                        And do mythical terrible conspiracies mutually exclude economic interests?

                        No, do not exclude. But conspiracies do not work if there is no economic reason for them.
                        If it is not supported by the broad masses of the population. Well, at least the ruling class.
                        Quote: Polite Elk
                        It will be very, very difficult for me, but somehow I will survive.

                        I have no doubt. There are people like you on the site like cockroaches. Finding an interlocutor with an equally low iku is not a problem. laughing
                      3. +4
                        11 May 2020 17: 54
                        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                        Cho over there DPRK already knows how much hell he lives under sanctions.

                        This is a personal matter of the UK. It could well have established a warmer relationship with neighbors. This is me talking about bordering the RF IC and the UK. And with China, everything is fine with them. And, frankly, I’m on the drum life and vector of development of the UK.
                        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                        Why are you telling me this?

                        This is a comment from my point of view. Addressed to all who wish to read.
                        And stop poking. Do not be a pig, follow the basic rules of communication.
                        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                        Americans who, oddly enough, are not made up of Anglo-Saxons alone. Powell and Obama they know the dubious Anglo-Saxons.

                        Afro-Anglo-Saxons. So arrange?
                        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                        But conspiracies do not work if there is no economic reason for them.
                        If it is not supported by the broad masses of the population. Well, at least the ruling class.

                        Did I say the opposite? Whose phrase is this with or
                        If you do not understand that in this world they rule not mythical scary conspiracies, but economic interests

                        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                        There are people like you on the site like cockroaches. Finding an interlocutor with an equally low iku is not a problem.

                        Well, what can I say: know how to respect someone else’s opinion, even if it is different from your own. I undoubtedly will find interlocutors for myself, since the majority of adequate people on the site are good, although they are not intellectuals and giants of thought like you.
                        That's it, Makar. Come on. Go ahead - the calves are waiting!
                      4. -2
                        11 May 2020 20: 00
                        Quote: Polite Elk
                        Afro-Anglo-Saxons. So arrange?

                        No, it will not work. Because it’s a lie. If you continue to invent even more wonderful constructs that are in no way connected with reality. China Indus Anglo-Saxons, Ukrainian Polio Anglo-Saxons and so on.
                        Quote: Polite Elk
                        Did I say the opposite? Whose phrase is this with or

                        Should I explain to you once again that economics is a basis?
                        Quote: Polite Elk
                        Well, what can I say: know how to respect someone else’s opinion, even if it is different from your own.

                        I didn’t respect the stupidity given out for some opinion, I do not respect and I will not respect.
                        Quote: Polite Elk
                        even though they are not such intellectuals and giants of thought as you.

                        I am not intellectual and not a giant of thought. You are simply not even a giant anymore.
        2. +5
          11 May 2020 13: 38
          Quote: Polite Moose
          not play this card of territorial redistribution of post-war Europe?

          The impression that in the Russian Federation began to shy away from the word propagandabut in vain. We need to deliberately deal with this, maybe, as you suggested, maybe differently. But purposefully and with a long-term aim.
          The Germans do not need to be reminded of anything: German banks master the territories with a quiet glanders, not forgetting eastern Europe. Not much time will pass and it turns out that they have all been outbid. It will be like that financial reich
          So we will hear many more statements of this kind
          1. +3
            11 May 2020 14: 48
            Quote: Pete Mitchell
            So we will hear many more statements of this kind

            I absolutely agree with you. And we do not need to stand aside, afraid of spoiling our karma.
            1. +5
              12 May 2020 10: 11
              Quote: Polite Moose
              no need to stand aside, afraid of spoiling your karma.

              As one famous comrade, Colonel, said if the fight cannot be prevented, then it is necessary ... . But in my opinion on the front of hybrid and asymmetric technologies, no one is engaged, which is sad.
              1. +3
                12 May 2020 10: 29
                Quote: Pete Mitchell
                But in my opinion on the front of hybrid and asymmetric technologies, no one is engaged, which is sad.

                Alas. You cannot but agree with you. From all sides, only unrequited (concerns not counted) spitting and dirt in our direction. And impunity, as you know, breeds permissiveness. So there are as a result lovers of sanctions, fighters with doping, destroyers of monuments. Be sure to answer all this. And most importantly - we can when we want. The Turkish Sultan is an example of this. Why, for example, are Czechs better?
                1. +5
                  12 May 2020 10: 33
                  Quote: Polite Moose
                  impunity, as you know, breeds permissiveness

                  As if to convey this reasonable idea to those who make decisions. And as you said: there are many examples - the pipe was blocked in Latvia and they say that up to a quarter of the budget has evaporated; Estonians at least tell how their “partners” threw with the construction of flows and connections to them ... It is a pity that no one is engaged
      2. The comment was deleted.
    7. +2
      11 May 2020 10: 27
      So Napoleon, Hitler and others are leaders, so to speak. Full-fledged European hordes of bandits, rapists and murderers actually invaded us every time. And therefore, June 22 is not only the date of the beginning of the war with Nazi Germany, but also the invasion of the next European Union. So the afflicted territories are on a well-trodden path ....
    8. 0
      11 May 2020 13: 17
      Yes, you can relocate them to us in Siberia. A little south of Norilsk, so that they do not freeze at all. Let them master.
    9. +2
      11 May 2020 14: 14
      Quote: Pavel73
      Is this the way the Poles argue?

      And when did they reason differently? Throughout history, the Poles went to Russia, to Russia in order to gain territory. Why did something have to change today? Another thing is surprising. Namely, that such a statement of the question by the Poles is surprising someone in Russia ... Poland is our enemy. The enemy is consistent and implacable. We must always remember this, even with any of her political tricks. Fortunately, she does not particularly hide her hostility towards Russia.
    10. The comment was deleted.
    11. 0
      11 May 2020 14: 37
      Quote: Pavel73
      Too large area? Is this the way the Poles think? So the Poles are no better than the Nazis. This is exactly how Hitler reasoned when he decided where he would conquer "living space".

      They already had an attempt to go on a campaign to the Kremlin with a sign "it is forbidden to speak Russian." However, thanks to their arrogance and alternative talent, they spoiled everything themselves and received the governorship general, and the lands stolen under the Riga Treaty of 1921 had to be returned to the owners. So, "forward and with a song", maybe one more general-governorship will be called, and the land received from Stalin will be returned.
    12. +1
      12 May 2020 11: 09
      Have you doubted that? Poland is the hyena of Europe and the most Russophobic state in the world.
  2. +12
    11 May 2020 08: 37
    That is, in Poland there are people who do not hide the fact that they consider Russia their enemy.

    Naturally. Since the XNUMXth century, their insults have been cherished. How many times in spite of Russia frostbite themselves different parts of the body. And waddle through life frostbitten.
    1. +3
      11 May 2020 09: 03
      Quote: Vasyan1971
      And waddle through life frostbitten.

      Now I understand why they are so frostbitten.
  3. -6
    11 May 2020 08: 39
    Do you have enough space for the Poles? Not enough land? So come to Russia and live who does not give you!
  4. +8
    11 May 2020 08: 39
    They won’t wait. Poland wouldn’t be bent as soon as European subsidies are removed. These arrogant people are already fussing at Germany, they are starting to run out of money.
    1. +2
      11 May 2020 09: 15
      Quote: zadorin1974
      These arrogant people are already puffing at Germany, money is beginning to be scarce.

      But the Germans did not forget that in 1919 the Treaty of Versailles was signed. Since Germany was recognized as an aggressor, a significant chunk of territories was torn away from it. Poland inherited the province of Posen and part of Pomerania. Affiliated Gdansk was recognized as a free city. So, from Germany, Poland has nothing to think about help.
  5. +9
    11 May 2020 08: 39
    As the Poles carried the bullshit, so they carry ...
    But in one they are right - not enough
    we become for such
    territory. It is necessary to multiply!
    A lot of things in the last ten years
    introduced to support
    birth rate, and things are still there.
    Almost all young families have
    one child, few - two, rarity - three.
    1. -5
      11 May 2020 15: 21
      Do not be scared. I think, in about 10 years, President Putin will tell us about the need to import Uzbeks, Tajiks, and other Hindu brothers. And with demography there will be all the rules. Well, until the foreign brothers do not end.
  6. +4
    11 May 2020 08: 39
    Let's keep our fingers crossed
    Keep your legs crossed!
    You can still bounce slightly.
    And even to shame is not far ... laughing
    1. +3
      11 May 2020 09: 13
      Let's keep our fingers crossed for such actions of our enemy. Just as economics, demography, and a failed ideology destroyed the Soviet Union, these same elements will tear Russia apart. Too large territory in relation to the number of non-breeding Russians.

      And the best thing is to let the authors of such coalitions keep their arms crossed ... and preferably lying
      1. 0
        11 May 2020 10: 12
        Quote: Rich
        let the authors of such coalitions keep their arms crossed

        While their hands are outstretched (for alms)
      2. +1
        11 May 2020 10: 12
        And they didn’t have much time left. laughing They concluded contracts for American gas. Do not pay and execute. In light of the fact that the European Union is withdrawing Poland from the subsidy (very soon), before reaching out for a shaking hand at first, and then for legs to wait very shortly. The default of an EU country is a masterpiece. They will not be helped, as well as with this virus.
  7. +4
    11 May 2020 08: 40
    Throughout history, Poles for Russia have been enemies, but we will wait for Poland to be thrown into the trash
    1. 0
      12 May 2020 14: 01
      Why wait, help is needed.
  8. +3
    11 May 2020 08: 40
    That is, in Poland there are people who do not hide the fact that they consider Russia their enemy.

    And how did the author notice this? request

    I can not imagine No. , after all, there’s no sign that modern Poland is led by Russophobe puppets, hostile to Russia, no ?

    Is not it ? wink Or are there any such signs?
  9. The comment was deleted.
  10. +5
    11 May 2020 08: 43
    "Is a challenge to the unity of the North Atlantic Alliance (NATO)."
    What straps! Duelists, sprinkled with chalk!
  11. +1
    11 May 2020 08: 48
    Poor Poland with loans - where is it, in Australia? bully

    Poles will eat their corpses (as in 1612).
    1. +2
      11 May 2020 09: 20
      Here you are very mistaken, the average salary in Poland is higher than in Russia and amounts to about 1000 €. Loans all went into business, the level of industrialization is very high as well as the standard of living, I don’t know how Russia is, but Ukraine has already lagged behind Poland by the level of development by 30-40 years. I travel to the north-west of Poland and go nuts of the number of factories, factories that have opened in Poland in recent decades. In almost every district center, car dealerships of the largest companies. Do not underestimate the potential enemy, Poland has firmly embarked on the path of industrialization and can afford a lot.
      1. +1
        11 May 2020 10: 36
        Till. It seems that this year Eurodotations are being stopped, this is the explanation for such salaries. Because they are furious by the way. What about factories and plants, can you tell us about aircraft, ships, and other things under construction in Poland?
        1. -2
          11 May 2020 20: 00
          It is quite possible to afford to buy, like Leopards and Wolverines. My message is that the Poles have correctly invested subsidies and loans and assistance, recreated the industry and developed it. And many people think that probably as in Ukraine - if credit, help, subsidy means they will certainly be stolen.
      2. +4
        11 May 2020 11: 02
        'the average salary is 1000 euros'
        It’s one thing to live with such a salary in Ukraine or, even, in the provinces of Russia, but completely different in Europe. PPS, you see, whether. And Poland, with all its achievements through subsidies, rather than loans from the West, honestly fulfills its role as a western showcase for ukrov and Belarusians. Poland itself cannot play the role of the enemy, since it is not at all sovereign, like independent, but completely dependent on the EU and, most importantly, the USA, state.
        1. -2
          11 May 2020 20: 07

          It’s one thing to live with such a salary in Ukraine, or even in the provinces of Russia, but completely different in Europe

          I’ll tell you a secret when I came to Poland from Kiev from Ukraine, I went nuts, there the prices are lower !!! Products are better and better! Only cigarettes are more expensive, all products are cheaper. Promotions and sales are real, and not like in Kiev - a month before the sale, they raise the price, and at the sale they return the old one with a show-off - a discount. She didn’t communicate about politics with the Poles, she won’t be interested in the campaign, here are used cars of a penny compared to Ukraine. And I think that ordinary Poles do not care deeply whether they have a showcase or have control from America, they have a high standard of living.
          1. 0
            11 May 2020 22: 00
            Products are better and better!

            LKW, good evening! They reminded me of the 1992 movie American Boy. I can't cut, so I just quote (1 hour 42 minutes):

            “But the crap is decent ... Do you have the same in America?”
            - Much tastier!
      3. +1
        11 May 2020 12: 23
        The question is different - all these plants and factories are built on loans that have not yet been repaid.
        1. -2
          11 May 2020 20: 09
          What do you think, if there are plants and factories and they work all over Europe, will it be difficult for them to repay loans?
          1. +1
            11 May 2020 20: 35
            Factories and factories are built, and loans have not yet been repaid - what do you think, why? bully
          2. 0
            13 May 2020 03: 53
            Quote: Driver D
            What do you think, if there are plants and factories and they work all over Europe, will it be difficult for them to repay loans?

            That's when they pay off loans, then we'll see.
            In the meantime, many Poles "collect
            strawberries "in the EU fields. And this is also from
            "first hand". And it is true.
            Yes, and on a bunch of built factories and
            factories, would you not be representative of specific information. Pliiz.
            1. 0
              13 May 2020 13: 08
              In the meantime, many Poles are "picking strawberries" in the fields of the EU.
              Ukrainians are collecting this, maybe there are Poles in the fields too, I doubt very much how I often see Poles as well as Russians in different industries and warehouses in Europe.
              Yes, and on a bunch of built factories and
              factories, would you not be representative of specific information. Pliiz.

              I'm not even going to, I'm afraid you are discouraged with a break in the template
              Poles "collect
              strawberries "in the EU fields
              , laughed however)).
              If you want to search for yourself, it’s enough for me to drive half a Poland a couple of times a month and see everything with my own eyes.
              1. 0
                13 May 2020 13: 27
                By the way, farmers in England, Germany, the Czech Republic and Finland read in Ukrainian media and are ready to organize charter flights to Romania and Ukraine for agricultural workers, since the first crop is dying in the fields. Not that this is a reason for pride, but more evidence of the deep decline of life in Ukraine, people are ready to go anywhere, because they cannot feed their families at home.
                Ps when I begin to babble like Shot in German, then I answered - Say what you want?
                I answered - Oh, Russian partisan!
                Then we laugh together!)
  12. +7
    11 May 2020 08: 58
    "Barefoot, but with spurs."
    "We are starting to count down the time until the collapse of Russia."
    This is them, Russophobes ended, I would like so much.
    They don’t realize that the Russian Federation is not going to compete with NATO, China, etc. in the number of l / s, AUGs, tanks and planes.
    But for the latest strategic weapons, which will make the aforementioned pinch their tail, we have enough resources.
    And for modern, not large numerically general-purpose forces to pacify, for example, barmalei and banderlog too.
    The low oil price is the beginning of the end of the dependence of the Russian budget on the price of hydrocarbons.
    The stupid Obama also chatted something about the torn economy of Russia, he really wanted this, an African American. fool
    But, now, unlike the times of the USSR, Russia does not bear the burden of maintaining Poland, which, by the way, consumed more from the EU budget than bankrupt Greece and other "allies". It is now a burden on others. wink
    A decrease in foreign exchange earnings will lead to a limitation of imports, the need to purchase not jamon and luxury goods, but only the necessary means of production and the need to develop high-tech manufacturing industry. A considerable market for the same EU will be lost.
    Moreover, in the 21st century, unlike the beginning and the middle of the 20th century, consumer goods are mainly produced not in Europe and America and are in abundance. If there are not 30, but 5 models in stores, say washing machines or televisions, this is not critical.
    So it all depends on us. To develop infrastructure projects as locomotives for the economy, support agriculture, import-substituting industries, it is reasonable to regulate foreign trade and the circulation of currency and God deal with it with oil.
    Moreover, it cannot be obtained without serious capital investments in the previous volumes, especially hard to recover. And the coronavirus will pass. And the price will become normal. So, even though the Polish did not disappear, the ungrateful Red Army came to the rescue, but the hopes of its Russophobes are in vain.
  13. bar
    11 May 2020 09: 06
    That is, in Poland there are people who do not hide the fact that they consider Russia their enemy.

    Suddenly laughing
    Here is the news so the news!
  14. +2
    11 May 2020 09: 08
    Poles more and more remind me of pre-war Germany, only who will save them, I do not see the candidates.
  15. +3
    11 May 2020 09: 11
    The Poles judge on their own, and among the Poles the slave nature is already at the genetic level - eternal occupation, the invaders are only changing.
  16. +3
    11 May 2020 09: 12
    these same elements will tear Russia apart. Too large territory in relation to the number of non-breeding Russians

    There is such a threat and Russia is not in vain rearming the Army and Navy!
    This time, "gentlemen" will no longer deceive us with your democracy and others ..
    The vaccine in the 90s. Healed us and opened our eyes to many things .. We are no longer "Ivans" good-natured and believers in "brotherly friendship", etc.
    Do not make us angry .. We have special scores for Poland .. hi
  17. 0
    11 May 2020 09: 17
    But how is Mexico reacting to an increase in the number of American troops on the Mexican-Texan border? all poisons poles on Russian gentlemen Jews?
  18. 0
    11 May 2020 09: 18
    Che, you start pissing psyche. It becomes scary. The USA is no longer your support and defense, it’s up to you and your mess to do it. It’s better to sit on your fifth point and keep quiet in a rag.
  19. +3
    11 May 2020 09: 18
    The mutt barks, the wind wears ...
    Go about your business, make POWER stronger!
    And the wind, he will continue to wear sub-yapping yapping, and the stronger we are, the more he will have to wear yapping from under the fence.
    And I want to teach the most shrill and can, of course! Remove them from allowance, finally and forever, until you shut up .....
  20. +2
    11 May 2020 09: 18
    1. From the "second Greece" I hear, the debts will have to be given back.
    2 .A fright from the five T-72s, albeit upgraded.
    There is a polka, and on the bench lies a drunk Russian.
    -Fu, drunk, disgustingly drunk!
    - And you, Mrs., legs are crooked, disgustingly crooked! And I'll be sober tomorrow !!!
  21. +2
    11 May 2020 09: 19
    The Poles have a historical complex of their own inferiority. The size of their country is proof of this.
  22. +3
    11 May 2020 09: 25
    Psheks believe that in the event of a military conflict, the possibility of which they so zealously develop by their actions, missiles will fly through their heads to somewhere .............
    1. +1
      11 May 2020 10: 39
      Missiles will fall on them from all sides.
  23. +7
    11 May 2020 09: 26
    It is necessary to do, but not to pick their nose. On May 8-9, more than 500 shots flew into LDNR again. There are killed and wounded civilians. Recognize the republics, conclude an agreement on military assistance with them. How many more exhortations are needed? To put forward an ultimatum to the Nazis on the fulfillment of the Minsk land at 24 o’clock and withdraw all Ukrainian military and punitive formations beyond the administrative borders of the republics. Conduct elections, and then according to the Crimean scenario. And not a single dog will bark. The people of Donbass proved victims, long-term suffering and blood to be part of Great Russia.
  24. +2
    11 May 2020 09: 26
    So I want to say publicly - tremble enemies and know your place!
    No, there has not been and will not be a more prepared warrior than the Russian, history tells us about this.

    Russian is not a nationality, it is an affiliation.
    I. Stalin. soldier soldier soldier
  25. +1
    11 May 2020 09: 27
    Saudi Arabian Finance Minister said Monday that in the kingdom, as part of the new austerity measures, amid record low oil prices and the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus, value added tax (VAT) has tripled and monthly payments to citizens have ceased. laughing Каждый саудит должен вспомнить, как доить верблюда (верблюдиху тоже).. laughing
  26. +4
    11 May 2020 09: 28
    Evil tongues say that the Poles were not badly grasped in recent history in the Donbass. After something did not work out for the mattresses, partners in the person of Poles were sent, so as not to risk the lives of the owners. Obychayut, probably.
  27. +1
    11 May 2020 09: 36
    In part, our "partners" are right: demographics are falling, there are many territories that are empty or sell / rent to just anyone (newcomers) .. When they go, they will start crushing them with ships, and the US will help them there. I wonder if the Kremlin will stop calling them "partners"?
  28. +1
    11 May 2020 09: 37
    A recommendation to the logs, how exactly it is necessary to "react decisively": you enter the push, lift the toilet lid and object to it. Resolutely, loudly, confidently. Don't forget to wash it off later. laughing
  29. +1
    11 May 2020 09: 40
    dogs bark, the caravan goes ......
  30. +2
    11 May 2020 09: 49
    In Poland they reacted "They consider it an enemy And the most important thing for us is that this does not require any sin on our souls. It is not required to move aircraft tanks," calibrate "," glass "and generally make godly movements. It is enough not to interfere with them. Everything else." the civilized community "will do it on its own. With the depletion of the food base, it generally works wonders in multiplying its own appendixes by zero, among which Poland is by no means the most valuable. laughing

    The main thing is NOT TO INTERFERE and not to succumb to the old trick-calling for the rescue of drowning people, who, immediately after they recover, strive to spit in the face of the rescuer. "Brothers-Slavs" are ahead of the rest here. So much ahead that any mention of them must begin with the immortal prophetic words of the great Dostoevsky, put in the epigraph. In Germany they forgot the correct names of Wroclaw and Gdansk, but in the GDR they still remember. laughing
  31. 0
    11 May 2020 10: 30
    On a large scale, the pshek do not care what they say to themselves. But the "partners" are tirelessly and purposefully working to encircle Russia with a belt of hostile states, filled with angry, brainwashed residents. It’s not a pity to let such people go. But some damage will be done to Russia. And the resources of Russia are diverted to counteract these small purulent sealers. But there are already a lot of them. They will never become our friends. And the defeated Russia will not remain there - only scorched earth. But this is what their overseas owners need. And the population of the Earth, you see, by the forces of Russia will diminish. And no one will remember that it was they who moved their missiles to our borders. Conclusion: while there is still time, Russia needs to equip our army, train the officer corps, develop effective weapons, and be ready to strike not only at the raiders, but also at their puppeteers ...
  32. +4
    11 May 2020 10: 49
    I read the article ... read the comments ... It became sad, gentlemen. Very sad. Admittedly, we learn little even from our own mistakes! Alas!
    We famously threw poles poop and scored slippers for their so unpleasant comments for us. It always turns out great with us. Hurray to the Great and Mighty Us !!!
    And if you think about the comments of our enemies-Poles?
    1. our economy is weak. Our economy, despite decades of triumphant reports of Putin’s power, remains raw.
    In the event of fluctuations (falls) in oil prices, we catastrophically lose budget revenues !!!
    At the same time, for the entire time in power, Putin and his team were unable to restore the country's industrial potential even to the level of the USSR. We have been and remain an "energy superpower", speaking in less pretentious language, our economy is built on the export of raw materials and purchases of finished products, i.e. WE ARE A COLONY !!!
    Question: how long will we still be able to finance scientific research, higher education, training specialists for the latest military developments ???
    How soon will we, due to the wretchedness, backwardness, colonial nature of the economy, lose the opportunity to finance the military industry, the army, and purchase the latest weapons?
    2. The demographic issue - we will not look back at the Poles and other Europeans, the reality is very sad ...
    I want to draw attention to the fact that Stalin for a period comparable to the term of Putin’s rule was able to boost the economy of the USSR and make the country an industrial power (a victory in the Great Patriotic War is confirmation of this). But then the goal was to bring the USSR to the advanced, industrialized countries!

    The Poles see us as enemies. They do not hide it. But in their anger they say serious and largely obvious things, they (and not only them) very accurately indicate the diagnosis from which we will die. And we, instead of starting treatment, shout about the wretchedness of the Poles and our greatness ...
    1. +1
      11 May 2020 12: 01
      in power, Putin and his team were unable to restore the country's industrial potential, even to the level of the USSR.

      Even to the level of the USSR ... In fairness, it would be worth comparing with the RSFSR.
      A colony is those who do not have their own foreign policy. No matter how you dream, we have it. Poland is a litter country with phantom popopoles. Comparing different eras is wrong. I’m not sure that you would rejoice among the Stalinist methods of achieving the goal. Few people are ready for such sacrifices at present.
      As for the economy, it would not be bad to compare it with the 90s. Want to say what's worse now?
      At the expense of "we will die." Speak for yourself. I personally intend to live still, like many others)))
      And what, you cannot believe that the Poles are not our friends, and for a long time? By definition, "obvious" things, the limitrophes represented by the Poles, cannot broadcast from their belfry. Economies are not comparable as well in order to be able to project correctly.
      Take an interest in what energy consumption in Russia. Interesting enough to show. Russia, as it were, is not in fourth place. Do not say why?
      1. +4
        11 May 2020 13: 51
        There is an economic definition of a colony - a colony is a state that exports raw materials and imports finished products.
        As reality shows, the main item of replenishment of the budget of the Russian Federation is trade in raw materials, i.e. gas and oil.
        In this regard, three questions:
        1. What kind of finished industrial products is the Russian Federation currently exporting?
        2. What kind of industrial high-tech finished products is currently exported by the Russian Federation?
        3. How much of the total export revenue of the Russian Federation is the export of raw materials, which - finished industrial products, and which - the export of high-tech finished industrial products?
        This position allows me to argue that the Russian Federation is a colony, a raw materials appendage of the West ...
        The existence of an independent foreign policy in our country is a matter of time. I’m afraid that it’s right to talk about how long we can afford such a luxury as an independent foreign policy, because without a proper industrial base, including, first of all, high-tech, we will very soon have no material resources, including financial resources ensuring and maintaining this very foreign policy.
        The proof of this is that the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses concern, bewilderment and nothing else for any Western attack. The effectiveness of these perplexities is no ...
        With regards to the Stalinist methods of restoring industry, let not by such methods, but industry must be restored. I think you will not argue with this. Moreover, over the past 20 years that Putin and his team have been in power, the results could have been more noticeable.
        In the meantime, we have succeeded precisely in creating an "energy superpower". However, this is exactly what Mr. Putin promised us.
        As far as I understand, so far we have achieved significant success only in the export of raw materials and the construction of kleptocracy.
        1. +2
          11 May 2020 17: 09
          There is an economic definition of a colony - a colony is a state that exports raw materials and imports finished products.
          As reality shows, the main item of replenishment of the budget of the Russian Federation is trade in raw materials, i.e. gas and oil ...

          Did you yourself come up with such a concept?
          Why do not you want the United States to be called a colony?))) Oil shakes without restraint, and how much it imports finished products ... Mom, don’t worry!)))
          Well, suppose we export not only raw materials. And you are lying (it is not clear why). The share of energy in our exports is 40 percent (with a tail), it seems. A share in GDP is about a quarter.
      2. 0
        11 May 2020 15: 40
        Quote: Tagan
        Comparing different eras is wrong.

        It depends on what criteria. With your "Stalinist methods" you obviously cannot do it.
        Quote: Tagan
        As for the economy, it would not be bad to compare it with the 90s. Want to say what's worse now?

        Yeah. That is, it is impossible to compare here, but here it is possible, and then further in the elderberry garden. And if you compare with 1917, you get hurt. AND? Is that all you have done in 30 years? Can you be proud of? And if you compare, say with the 70s? Wait hysterically screaming about shaggy komunyak go? But as life shows, effective capitalists have been effective mainly only in stuffing their pockets.
        Quote: Tagan
        Take an interest in what energy consumption in Russia.

        Climate, population difference, energy-inefficient economy is not?
    2. 0
      11 May 2020 17: 57
      article is uninformative. me more komenty deliver. It turns out we live, then we’re even nothing - it’s good that all happened in the 90s in comparison. but it is interesting in terms of the pace of deindustrialization is there any such statistics who is the champion? in my city, ship repair giants died ports cost but they brought an oil pipe ... and in each of your city there are thousands of examples
  33. 0
    11 May 2020 11: 02
    Yes, break already with them diplomatic relations, what to mess around ???
  34. 0
    11 May 2020 11: 17
    Why drag logs of wood here.
  35. +2
    11 May 2020 11: 56
    Anyone who considers Russia an enemy, the enemy himself with all the ensuing consequences.
  36. -1
    11 May 2020 12: 24
    Let's keep our fingers crossed for such actions of our enemy. Just as economics, demography, and a failed ideology destroyed the Soviet Union, these same elements will tear Russia apart. Too large territory in relation to the number of non-breeding Russians.

    There were many willing and predictive, and where are they now?
  37. +1
    11 May 2020 12: 52
    one of the main lessons of the Great Patriotic War is that only a powerful economy and competent rear organization with timely evacuation of enterprises, as well as advanced technical solutions in military affairs put on a mass production track multiplied by the personal heroism of the military on the fronts can defeat the worst war in the history of mankind.
  38. -1
    11 May 2020 13: 30
    In particular, it was noted that the strengthening of the military component in Russia "is a challenge to the unity of the North Atlantic Alliance (NATO)."

    What kind of nonsense? We are not against their unity, and are capable of destroying the WHOLE NATO bloc as a whole. So let them not worry - they will die alone, in an embrace, and in this form will go to hell.
  39. +3
    11 May 2020 13: 45
    Let's keep our fingers crossed for such actions of our enemy. Just as economics, demography, and a failed ideology destroyed the Soviet Union, these same elements will tear Russia apart. Too large territory in relation to the number of non-breeding Russians

    The bulk of the Pole considers us enemies, and with any system. Most stupid people. And with demography and ideology, something really needs to be done.
  40. -1
    11 May 2020 14: 12
    Commentators in the Polish media clearly do not select words and openly express their extremely negative attitude towards Russia.

    Everything is exactly the same as in VO wink
  41. 0
    11 May 2020 14: 14
    These Polish comments can be shared. Russia is the enemy. Well, in the historical reverse perspective, this is most likely the case. This is the first. Second, which of us on May 9, 1985, could have imagined that the Union had 6 years and 7 months left to live?
  42. +1
    11 May 2020 14: 51
    News from the finger. As if on this site there are no radical, harsh negative statements about Poland or any other country. Is there nothing else interesting in the world?
  43. The comment was deleted.
  44. +2
    11 May 2020 15: 45
    Barefoot ... Great economic power Poland. Soon after all, the debts will be given to the "little European tiger".
  45. +1
    11 May 2020 15: 49
    Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
    Do not be scared. I think, in about 10 years, President Putin will tell us about the need to import Uzbeks, Tajiks, and other Hindu brothers. And with demography there will be all the rules. Well, until the foreign brothers do not end.

    For myself, I'm not afraid, for a long time.
    But for children and grandchildren scary.
    What country will they live in.
    Like a Russian minority
    did not become in your home.
  46. +3
    11 May 2020 16: 47
    Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
    Quote: Tagan
    Comparing different eras is wrong.

    It depends on what criteria. With your "Stalinist methods" you obviously cannot do it.
    Quote: Tagan
    As for the economy, it would not be bad to compare it with the 90s. Want to say what's worse now?

    Yeah. That is, it is impossible to compare here, but here it is possible, and then further in the elderberry garden. And if you compare with 1917, you get hurt. AND? Is that all you have done in 30 years? Can you be proud of? And if you compare, say with the 70s? Wait hysterically screaming about shaggy komunyak go? But as life shows, effective capitalists have been effective mainly only in stuffing their pockets.
    Quote: Tagan
    Take an interest in what energy consumption in Russia.

    Climate, population difference, energy-inefficient economy is not?

    Well, firstly, you do not poke me.
    Secondly, did you understand yourself? Yes, the first screeches from the "Stalinist methods" of bringing the economy to life. Because it would be a bit too much to grind anything horrible, well, hunchback would have to be healthy, go, no less than the Chinese comrades, figuratively speaking.
    Well, why not compare with the 90s? The population is comparable, and the remnants of industry lay completely.
    So deal with your elderberry. Well, what does 1917 have to do with it if the previous speaker compared the USSR with the Russian Federation in its current framework? Well, what kind of "depending on what criteria" are we talking about?
    About "rukozhopyh commies" not to me.
    "Climate, population differences, energy ineffective economy not?"
    Well, first you should look at the numbers. Even if one leads to a comparable number and accepts climate amendments (moreover, in a single country), it still doesn’t really fight.
    What do you know about energy efficiency of production and how to achieve it? I can compare several tens of thousands of people with my production with the number of employees, with technologies no worse than European and American, well, if only because we have units in Europe and until recently in the USA.
  47. +2
    11 May 2020 19: 35
    Polish gentry was never prudent. That’s why it prosralized its empire from sea to sea. They do not recognize themselves guilty, but blame Russia for all their failures, because they have received from us in full.
  48. The comment was deleted.
  49. +2
    11 May 2020 20: 52
    There are good people among any people, also among the Poles, but I am writing to the villains - "Russia will never become Poland, and the Russophobes need to come to terms with these Poles, and the Poles will not fight with Russia, their goal is to incite NATO against the Russians, that is "Let someone fight and we will divide the booty!" It sounded many times - "push a little more and Russia will break down" - history teaches you nothing! "
  50. +1
    11 May 2020 20: 56
    It has incurred! Grunted! Say it! Pug barks - and Russia goes its own way.
  51. The comment was deleted.
  52. 0
    11 May 2020 22: 24
    The Poles don’t want to be friends with Russia, it’s in vain. It will end with the Europeans “throwing them over” and then “dividing” them. The question is by whose hands? (although for the Poles this is unimportant)
  53. -1
    11 May 2020 23: 22
    Eh, it was not necessary to leave Europe and unite Germany, and there would be nothing of this!
    It was not enough for the defeated countries to show the victorious country how to behave and what to do, and the USA to appropriate our Victory and use its fruits as winners!
    They need to speak with Russia in a quiet voice, kneeling and bowing their heads, and only when we ask them, because they are alive only because we allow them to.
    But could Russian troops be returned to Europe? How to withdraw quickly, so quickly and enter! Business for one night, remember how they entered Czechoslovakia? It is necessary to count and close this topic in a businesslike way once and for all. And remember - this is not a war, but a compulsion to restore order in the minds of Europeans and Americans!
  54. +2
    12 May 2020 05: 46
    The eternal provocateur in Eastern Europe serves his new owner well. The Russian army is the army of Russia, not Poland. And we have the right to strengthen our army at our discretion.
  55. 0
    12 May 2020 06: 12
    It is of course clear that the army must be strong and strong. But the Second World War showed something else. For example, what stands, or rather what this strongest army rests on. If this army is not able to provide a powerful industry with tanks, aircraft and other weapons. And how can we ensure this very fortress when we have foreign-made military-industrial complex machines, they will give a command via the Internet to turn off the machine and all controllers. Our industry will quickly end, and then the army will collapse, despite the fact that there are small quantities of powerful weapons.
    1. 0
      12 May 2020 11: 24
      Why are you whining. Why are you better than these psheks.
  56. 0
    12 May 2020 07: 22
    SATISFIED with the comments (in the article). Let them do everything themselves, otherwise under the USSR (Russia), they had to support a whole department))).
    Seriously, no one doubted that the leadership was pro-American...)))
  57. +1
    12 May 2020 07: 55
    Psheki, how many times are you starting to count down?
    During the Great Patriotic War we didn’t trade oil at all and gave everyone a hard time!
  58. +1
    12 May 2020 10: 08
    Poland is too insignificant on the world stage to notice this extra.
  59. +1
    12 May 2020 11: 22
    Why listen to these freaks? It's high time to ignore their chatter.
  60. 0
    12 May 2020 12: 55
    In Russia the power of the Golden Calf. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. Nabiullina helps commercial banks move profits offshore. The general level of education is decreasing, it is easier to control the crowd; Ask Gref, he will confirm. Put on the muzzles and sit in your holes, don’t blather.
    1. +2
      12 May 2020 13: 28
      Nabiullina helps commercial banks move profits offshore

      Why did you come to this conclusion?
      1. 0
        4 June 2020 10: 22
        I read and listen to messages from decent, knowledgeable specialists: Glazyev, Katasonov, Delyagin and others. In addition, I myself have sufficient education to understand.
  61. +3
    12 May 2020 13: 14
    Obscene, but to the point... To the Poles and all other “partners”.
  62. 0
    12 May 2020 16: 42
    The USSR fed these bastards during the post-war years, taking food from its population. You shouldn’t have done this, Comrade Stalin, you should have kept them on a starvation diet.
  63. 0
    12 May 2020 17: 27
    Since the 15th century, underwater snakes have been hissing... and spitting venom!!! negative
  64. -1
    12 May 2020 18: 37
    Rotten woodpile....
  65. 0
    12 May 2020 21: 25
    Trotsky chatted... These will come soon too. I’m not talking about Russia “using an ice pick.” It could be the European Union or Germany that will demand their money back. And in general the situation in the world is complicated.....
  66. 0
    12 May 2020 22: 03
    We are beginning to count down the time until the collapse of Russia.

    Well, this is a classic: just as our patriots mutter something under their breath about the imminent collapse of the USA, so the “pro-Westerners” squeal about the imminent collapse of Russia... How many years have they been waiting for all this... In short, nothing new...
  67. 0
    13 May 2020 01: 06
    What's the point of paying attention to the mentally disabled? Reacting to such comments is about the same as seriously analyzing the nonsense of an idiot client.
  68. Ria
    13 May 2020 01: 27
    Who would talk about arrogance with a bare bottom, but not Poland. They have lived their entire history this way. And everyone is waiting for Russia to disappear somewhere and Poland will again have a chance to become a powerful power at our expense. It’s not even interesting to me - it’s a country of cheap selfish people; they have absolutely no sense of pride in the valor of their people and the honor of the country. At one time, I came to Poland several times to visit Polish friends and was amazed that the most important thing in their life is money. They really shake if they need to spend money on something. No high matters - only greed, greed, corruption. When someone drove into his wife’s car at a traffic light, the Pole almost ate her, cursed her for this dent as if he were the last enemy, and didn’t even think to ask if she herself was hurt. Despite the fact that she was not to blame for the accident, and the repairs were trivial, and the need to spend money drove him into a frenzy. One word - greed and money-grubbing in the mentality. Let them wait for the collapse of Russia, they have been waiting for this for hundreds of years, but that’s not fate. So they will always be someone’s slaves.
  69. -1
    13 May 2020 07: 23
    Quote: Ilya-spb
    Proud arrogant Poles will get what they deserve!

    I propose to sit and look at the tantrums of the lords. This is a fun sight.

    And the tantrum will begin when pennies from subsidies and loans run out.

    The European Union is writing off debts at the same rate as it is distributing them. So don’t worry about the Polish economy. They will print as many euros as they need.
    1. 0
      4 June 2020 10: 30
      What is Poland? Catholic faith, Latin script, Germanized speech, envy of the German way of life, trading in the Jewish manner, and more ambition than the British and French combined.
  70. 0
    13 May 2020 09: 19
    The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth should be reminded that ambition is not the best means on the path to greatness. It's time to turn on your brains. Otherwise they will again divide it into three parts.
  71. 0
    4 June 2020 10: 30
    What is Poland? Catholic faith, Latin script, Germanized speech, envy of the German way of life, trading in the Jewish manner, and more ambition than the British and French combined.
  72. +2
    8 June 2020 18: 40
    Quote: Nik Kulinich
    I read and listen to messages from decent, knowledgeable specialists: Glazyev, Katasonov, Delyagin and others. In addition, I myself have sufficient education to understand.

    Many have a “sufficient” education, but just not in the area they are talking about.