How battleships explode


The battleship Jaime I shells the coast of Morocco, 1921.

History and fiction. The first time about how a warship explodes, I read in the story "Dagger". There it was concluded that the explosion of the battleship “Empress Maria” was a sabotage, moreover, one of the officers of the ship knew about it. Whether it was true or not, it was not possible to find out, but this assumption went on a walk around the world, yes, in fact, why not?

Many years later, when I was already writing books myself, an interesting thought came to my mind that after all, in this way you can describe a lot of things, including explosions and sabotage on other ships. Moreover, combining the entertaining plot with its information content, which is not inferior to Wikipedia. And so it turned out that in a recent article I promised to talk about the explosion of the battleship Jaime I, and having promised, I remembered that I could do this in a somewhat unusual way. The fact is that this event is described in my novel “Pareto Law”, which was published in Germany, but so far ... has not yet been released in Russia. And in the second book, called “Volunteers of Freedom,” this event is discussed. All facts are accurate. Taken from the memoirs of Admiral Kuznetsov and related literature. But the adventures of the heroes, of course, are fictional, but as close as possible to reality.

Battleships "Alfonso XIII" and "Jaime I" on the roads of Barcelona, ​​1929

The event itself takes place during the Spanish Civil War of 1936-1939. The participants in the event, Vladimir Zaslavsky and Boris Ostroumov, are fictional characters, but it is known that many former White Guards came to Spain then and fought on the side of Franco. Both are officially US journalists, but in fact are secret opponents of the Republicans. They are assisted by Leoncia, who serves as secretary and typist. But she is a member of the Franco underground, the “fifth column”, about which Hemingway wrote so well in due time. So in front of you, dear readers of VO, is nothing but history and fiction at the same time, connected in such a way that it is more interesting to read.

And again on the raid of Barcelona ...

“You see, there’s the battleship Jaime I, who came here in May from Almeria, at the pier,” said Vladimir Zaslavsky, pointing with his hand to the large four-tower ship standing near the pier.

Its construction was completed in 1921, although it began back in 1912. And after all such as many as three ships were built, although, in my opinion, such ships of Spain are not needed at all. Waste of money! But ... ambition! Where without them! And we, they say, a great sea power, we all can’t live without dreadnoughts. What is the result? Money, time, so much effort and labor have been spent, and now he stands now and is repairing at the pier. The latter, by the way, is from the whole three. That is, this ship is nothing more than stupidity embodied in metal, and smart people have always used stupidity of someone at all times to their advantage.

That's how it was built for nine years!

“I heard,” said Boris, “that on this ship the anarchists rule everything, and that they have completely no discipline there.” They had one soldier from Russia, and even that one was sent back, but a new one has not yet been sent. Because of this, they say, repair work is being carried out somehow, that there is a great risk of sabotage, because there are constantly on board workers from the coast, and no one even checks who they are from and where.

“Well, of course, we are unlikely to marry the workers here,” Volodya said with a grin. “But to visit him as foreign correspondents ... with all the ensuing consequences, why not!”

- What do you mean? - Boris asked suspiciously. “What can we there him ... that, huh?”

- What do you think? - Volodya grinned again. “After all, if they don’t have any discipline there, it means that they will lead us all over the ship, if only we would write well about them.” And there everything will depend only on us!

- That's right! - suddenly noticed Leoncia. “This is manly, especially since this ship has already been tried several times to sink, but to no avail.” And this time, the pilots hit him with two bombs, but he still remained afloat and, in general, fit for battle. What if our next offensive will be in the Almeria region? After all, they will then drive him back there, and this will again lead to casualties on our part. So if there is an opportunity to destroy it, then I would very much ask you to do it!

“At the request of such a beautiful senorita,” said Volodya, “it is simply impossible to refuse.” So let's think it over carefully and ... for the sake of our charming secretary and irreplaceable assistant "Miss Smith", who is so passionately worried about the political independence of proud Spain, let's go and blow it ... to the devil! I hope that they will never build such an unnecessary and ridiculous ship again!

They spent more than an hour discussing the upcoming operation, and on the way to the Cartagena Hotel Volodya told them why he had such a low opinion of this battleship.

“No, it’s nothing worse when poor people try to be like the rich in everything,” he said, starting the car. “For this reason, the Spaniards themselves in this series came out small and their speed is low, and so does the armor, so if these are battleships, they are very, very moderate in all respects, and much worse than even our battleships of the type“ Petropavlovsk ". Not to mention the English, French and Italian ships. There are four gun turrets of the main caliber on them, but they are staggered, because of which only six can normally shoot on one side, and only theoretically all eight. True, as many as 20 102-mm guns were installed on these ships, and even with a barrel bore after each shot. But although this is impressive, but, one wonders, why? Moreover, anti-aircraft guns on them are now extremely scarce. In addition, the new English guns of the main caliber with longer barrels than before were unsuccessful, since they vibrate strongly after each shot, which, of course, affects their accuracy. And the ship itself came out so tight that even lifeboats and longboats were first installed on the roofs of two middle towers, because otherwise there was simply nowhere to store them!

Small but beautiful!

“Well, and the worst,” added Volodya. - This is the presence of a cartose loading of his tower guns. This is partly convenient, but the experience of the Battle of Jutland and the Dogger Bank battle clearly showed that the saber charges in a combat situation are already too flammable. But is it necessary to say what this can lead to? So the Germans, with their shell loading, proved to be much more far-sighted than the conservative British, although I respect them very much.
“You just need acid to make an acid fuse, but Boris always has it with him, and it’s not a problem to get Bertolet’s salt and sugar.” In extreme cases, we use the heads of matches, because they also have Bertolet's salt.

Leoncia only shook her head in response. She had long been thinking that the two people with whom she so casually connected her life were very outstanding people, and now here is one more confirmation of this. They are sitting quite calmly in a car and discussing the upcoming operation to blow up an entire battleship, as if it were an ordinary longboat. After all, the most important thing is that she knew that there was nothing wrong with that, that this is how it will actually be, and all this self-confidence comes from life experience, but even more, perhaps not from him , but from the knowledge that they possess. Life set a task for him, the brain quickly analyzed it and immediately gave out information that somewhere once something like this already existed, and if so, then it was only necessary to repeat this in relation to new circumstances. Although this “only” just cost their work the most!

When they reached the hotel, they immediately retired to Volodya’s room and there they began to craft three warheads at once in order to destroy the battleship for sure. Based on the strength of the acid they had, Volodya and Boris calculated that the fuse would last about twelve hours, so Boris suggested that they leave the ship at about noon, so that the explosion would occur late at night, which would make it difficult to save the ship.

They decided to ask for a visit to Commissioner Gabriel Pradal, who was appointed here only in May. As a newcomer, according to Volodya, he had to take great care of his authority among the team, and therefore, be glad for foreign journalists. To enhance the impact on the sailors, Leonsia was dressed in a bright red silk suit, a wide-brimmed white hat made of straws, and Volodya and Boris dressed in light trousers, white shirts and colorful bow ties.

“Wait, beauty,” the piropo met her intricately * the first sailor who came to the Curro Mall, “even to the bottom, even to the devil to hell, but only to be with you!”

And then it went and went in the same vein, while those who were ill with words and imagination simply deafeningly whistled after her. The commissar met the guests near the gangway, apologized for the scruffy appearance of the ship deck, littered with all sorts of rubbish due to the fact that the ship was undergoing repairs, and he personally led them to the commander’s cabin. The commander of the ship, Captain 2nd rank Francisco García de la Vega, received them in the most cordial manner, treated them with coffee and oranges and promised to answer any questions not directly related to “military secrets”. Volodya answered that they would not encroach on any secrets, that they simply would like to tell truthfully about the everyday life of the republican sailors fleet. And not even so much the fleet, but just their ship, which so successfully operated against the rebel bases in Ceuta and Algeciras. Garcia de la Vega did not participate in those actions of the battleship, but, of course, immediately accepted them at his own expense and began to answer in detail the questions asked to him. And when he found out that this Volodya was the same “Mr. Snow” that publishes his articles about the fleet in the Naval magazine, he was imbued with such respect that he simply did not take his eyes off him. However, he could say little to him that Volodya would not know! For example, he knew from somewhere that the booking of each of the barbetas of the main gunner’s towers on Jaime was purely individual - a thing from the point of view of common sense is difficult to explain!

“Well, since you know even such details,” said Garcia de la Vega, grinning, “I have nothing to add here.” You can safely invite me to the battleship as an assistant.

“So, in fact, I'm just a“ cabinet specialist, ”Volodya remarked, dropping his eyes, supposedly from modesty. “Well, yes, I know all this, but ... I would hardly have managed to command such a ship in battle.” Do you know the task above my strength and capabilities. But that's why I came to you today and it would be very interesting for me, and my comrades, to see with your own eyes the real battle battleship, which had just been in battle with the enemy and still bearing traces of damage from bombs and shells .

Again, no shells in Jaime I have landed at all lately, and he was repairing it in Cartagena after two bombs from francist planes hit him. However, the ship's commander and commissar really liked the way he said this, well, completely in Spanish, and they joyfully nodded their heads.

“Probably all of you have a lot to do here,” - as it were, incidentally, remarked Leoncia, who played the role of an ignorant, but interested in everyone, “so maybe we would be better off talking to your sailors?” And most importantly, let us at least walk a little along your ship, feel its power, strength, and most importantly, the heroism of the people who are fighting for the republic on it.

There was no shortage of people who wanted to lead them along the ship! Boris and Volodya specifically began to climb it here and there, however, as they did not try, they were unable to lay their charges in any of the powder cellars of all three towers. Of course, no one suspected them of anything, they simply did not take their eyes off them for a second, so no matter how hard they tried, they removed the matchboxes with a flammable composition prepared by them from their pockets and put them somewhere between charges and failed. In vain did one of them divert the attention of the sailors walking with them, so that the other could fulfill his plan. Where the charges lay, it was the very work that was going on, and here they were offered to pass without stopping! And where they were not there, they could stand and talk as much as they like, but there was no sense from this !!!

What to do in this situation, Volodya could not even imagine, and Boris was clearly angry, but also could not do anything. Then Leoncia finally came up to them and, smiling sweetly, said that she personally had already looked here and that they could leave! Not believing their ears, Volodya and Boris grabbed her by the arms and immediately left the battleship, promising the commander and commissar to bring their material to the reading room before sending it to print. After that, they quickly got into the car and drove to the hotel, and Leoncia kept silent all the way and only smiled mysteriously.

How battleships explode

Scheme of reservation and installation of weapons. 1923 chart

- Well, how is Leoncia? - Boris could not stand it. - How about you? After all, we were not able to put the charges, and we did not know what to do, as you suddenly called us. Well, at least did you manage?

- But I succeeded! She exclaimed in a contented voice. - I pretended that I need to tint my lips, well, the sailors who drove me on the ship, everyone began to look together everywhere, but not at me. These seconds were quite enough for me!

“Where did you put the charge, Leoncia?” - asked her Volodya, who still could not force himself to go with her to “you”. “I hope that he lies where they will not find him?”

- I stuck it, as you said, between the capes from the 102-mm guns. She specifically asked what kind of rollers these were, and they began to explain to me in the most detailed way, well, and then ... I already told you what I did there and how!

- Well, you and well done! - Having listened to her to the end, Boris said with enthusiasm. - We didn’t succeed, but you did - that's great! Now all that remains is to wait for the results, and even better, get the hell out of here as soon as possible so that the security service doesn't delay us.

“On the contrary, we won’t leave anywhere before the explosion,” Volodya said. “And then, after the explosion, we will also stay here for some time, so that after that no one would even think of suspecting us!” They are undergoing repair work, sailors are completely free to walk along the corridors with cigarettes in their teeth, so is it far to sin? It will be enough for you, Boris, to throw away all your pyrotechnics and that's it - no one will ever suspect us of anything. But if we take and leave now, then the head waiter will immediately tell where he should be about our hasty, and, therefore, suspicious departure, from which it may be suspected of us. Besides, there they are, look, sailors from the battleship are wandering around the streets and, in principle, they can be bribed or intimidated by any of them, so we have no reason to leave here, we have not yet examined all of the local attractions!

Barcelona, ​​October 1928 Alfonso VIII and Jaime I

The rest of the day they rested! Once again we visited the Roman amphitheater and the ancient ruins located literally a stone's throw from the hotel. Then they examined the Moroccan castle, the Santa Lucia military prison and the medieval basilica De la Caridad, after which they again went to the cape to bathe before going to bed, and only after that they got into Volodya’s room to wait for the results of the diversion.

An hour passed, another, it was midnight, and there was still no explosion. The result was that they fell asleep, unable to control sleep, and the mined ship at the pier still stood.

This battleship looked like in 1937 ...

In the morning Boris began to rush about the room, like a tiger put into a cage.

“You definitely put a charge between the caps?”

“Well, yes, exactly,” Leoncia answered again.

“Or maybe it was not the charges, but the shells, and you put it between them?”

Well, no, is she really such a fool that she cannot distinguish between a charge and a shell? No, what he gave her, she put it there.

- And what kind of bomb was that, do not you remember? He continued to question. - I did make several of them at once ...

- The one that was from a brass sleeve, because you yourself said that it was more convenient for me.

- Well, yes, that's right. But just why then doesn’t it explode?

- How do I know? - Leonsia shrugged. “We cannot go now and check what happened there.” We'll have to wait ...

- You can only envy your peace!

“But I don’t understand why you, Ossi, are so nervous, in fact, because of a trifle.” Well, we didn’t blow it today, we will blow it tomorrow! After all, the ship is not leaving the port anywhere ...

They had breakfast without any appetite, then, taking a camera with them, again went up to the Moroccan castle. The view of the harbor from here was simply magnificent, and the battleship near the pier was very visible. It was exactly noon when Volodya finally ordered:

- Let's go from here, failed, apparently, our idea!

And then on the battleship quite unexpectedly there was a deafening explosion!

From the hill on which they stood, a bright flash was clearly visible in the area of ​​the third tower of the main caliber, and the flame shot high up, and debris flew from the chimney in all directions.

- Hooray! - Boris cried out loudly, and Volodya followed him, and Leoncia picked up after them: - Hooray, hooray!

Model battleship "Jaime I" at the Naval Museum of Cartagena

Fortunately, no one here saw them, and after the explosion, nobody would have looked at where they were standing now. Meanwhile, a huge column of completely black smoke rose above the battleship high in the sky, illuminated from below by the yellow-red flame escaping from the hull. It was clearly visible how the port tugs and fire boats pulled to the scene of the incident and that they were trying to flood the burning ship with them, only they obviously could not cope with the fire. Jaime I still continued to burn, and soon there were new explosions that followed one after another. Then he slowly tipped to the starboard side, his deck was completely submerged, and thus his fighting career ended!

- Something you did not calculate! Volodya remarked to Boris as they went down to the car. - Apparently, either the acid turned out to be too weak or, on the contrary, the liner walls are too thick, but you see for yourself: it should have exploded at night, and now it is exactly noon. The delay is almost a day, that's how.

“But now no one will think about us,” Leoncia said in a conciliatory tone. “Well, and from what did this happen?” Well, who can say this now? The result is important here, but we have it!

Republican sailors play music. Almeria, Spain, February, 1937

And the three of them rushed to the telegraph in order to transmit to the newspapers and radio as soon as possible information about the explosion of the republican battleship Jaime I in the harbor of Cartagena.

Interestingly, the commission of inquiry, which dealt with the circumstances of his death, considered the main reason for the negligence of the ship's personnel. The explosion of cellars of 102-mm shells on the starboard side of the vessel, in her opinion, came from gas cutters used in the repair of one of the bulkheads damaged by a bomb from an Italian bomber, which was used in the immediate vicinity of these cellars. From it came the detonation of the cellars of the main caliber tower No. 3, and after that, shells for anti-aircraft guns detonated on the upper deck exploded from the fire that had begun.

However, Franco propaganda literally immediately started talking about the “fifth column” in the republican rear, which, of course, was good for her, but for the Soviet military advisers the notorious “column” was just an excuse: well, they say, here we can Do something if there are spies everywhere.

* Piropo is a purely Spanish bright and flowery appeal to a woman on the street. An insult is not considered!
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  1. ABM
    13 May 2020 05: 39
    The main thing is in the book - which of them was the first to reach Leoncia? I guessed? Why are these battleship schemes? A photo of that same Leoncia would have been enough - such a lovely soap opera would have appeared on VO!
    1. +3
      13 May 2020 07: 15
      It just happened like this: I somehow put here a description of the actions of the Tiger tank unit as a script for a movie. And many people liked it very much. I thought that this kind of coverage of a real event would be interesting. And the photo ... where can I get it? Unfortunately, I have not even drawn covers for all the books of the trilogy, but photos. It is very expensive to make a beautiful hand-drawn cover ... And what about guessing right ... Well, without love and marriage, it was not without, of course.
      1. +2
        13 May 2020 08: 07
        Quote: kalibr
        such is the lighting option /
        history and fiction at the same time, combined in such a way that it is more interesting to read.

        the topic of explosions of battleships is indeed very interesting, fascinating, and often shrouded in mystery.
        Thank you!

        but I would gladly read it without adding fiction with "Volodya said," Boris replied. "" Leoncia asked.
        1. 0
          13 May 2020 08: 29
          Quote: Olgovich
          but I would gladly read it without adding fiction with "Volodya said," Boris replied. "" Leoncia asked.

          Andrew! And without it ... there is nothing to read about. I don’t have any Spanish sources, and you never know who have them here at all. Especially republican. Kuznetsov has a paragraph in his memoirs. So what to read about? Was and exploded due to sloppiness or sabotage? And that’s all ...
          1. +3
            13 May 2020 08: 48
            Quote: kalibr

            Andrew! And without it ... there is nothing to read about. I don’t have any Spanish sources, and you never know who have them here at all. Especially republican. Kuznetsov has a paragraph in his memoirs. So what to read about ?.

            And you have to earn money for bread and butter. So I am writing, and "people hawala".
            1. +1
              13 May 2020 13: 56
              Quote: Krasnoyarsk
              Quote: kalibr

              Andrew! And without it ... there is nothing to read about. I don’t have any Spanish sources, and you never know who have them here at all. Especially republican. Kuznetsov has a paragraph in his memoirs. So what to read about ?.

              And you have to earn money for bread and butter. So I am writing, and "people hawala".

              Are you not comfortable with the author’s version or the author himself?
              1. +10
                13 May 2020 14: 00
                Quote: vladcub
                Are you not comfortable with the author’s version or the author himself?

                Do you think this is a version? This is a fingerboard. The yellow press is full of such high spots. And I am very sorry that VO is starting to turn into it.
                1. +2
                  13 May 2020 19: 35
                  Colleague Krasnoyarsk, in my opinion, this can be regarded as a version put forward in fiction.
                  Vyacheslav Olegovich gives an example of a literary version, an explosion: "Empress Mary", I thought for a very long time that this could well be.
                  1. +2
                    13 May 2020 22: 43
                    Quote: Astra wild
                    Colleague Krasnoyarsk, in my opinion, this can be regarded as a version put forward in fiction.
                    Vyacheslav Olegovich gives an example of a literary version, an explosion: "Empress Mary", I thought for a very long time that this could well be.

                    If Mr. Shpakovsky had worked on VO as a writer (thin. Literature), then I would not have any complaints against him, he writes much better than me, but, truth, not Sholokhov and not Kuprin.
                    But he also claims to be a historian. And this is another level. Therefore, the requirements for his "works" are completely different.
                    1. 0
                      14 May 2020 12: 57
                      Colleague Krasnoyarsk, Vyacheslav Olegovich as a storyteller is very good, one of the best. For me, the most striking authors on the site: V. Ryzhov and V.O.
                      Vyacheslav Olegovich has a gift: even if you do not want to, you will not remain indifferent. He specialized in the Middle Ages - his hobby. Along the way, he retells other stories, but not always reliable sources uses
                      1. +3
                        14 May 2020 13: 23
                        Quote: Astra wild

                        Vyacheslav Olegovich has a gift: even if you do not want to, you will not remain indifferent. He specialized in the Middle Ages - his hobby. Along the way, he retells other stories, but not always reliable sources uses

                        In this case, you better turn to the works of D. Balashov, V. Ivanov, V. Pikul. They write all kinds of fun. And also on historical topics and, like Shpakovsky’s, also have nothing to do with history, like science.
          2. 0
            13 May 2020 09: 55
            Quote: kalibr
            Andrew! And without it ... there is nothing to read about.

            what are you, Vyacheslav Olegovich!

            Any catastrophe is considered from the point of view of three possible reasons:

            1. negligence. sloppiness, equipment failure (which is also a consequence of errors in design and construction)

            2. diversion

            3. force majeure: hurricanes, etc.

            each one is endless for discussion.

            You yourself have put forward one of them:
            the commission of inquiry, which dealt with the circumstances of his death, considered the main reason for the negligence of the ship's personnel. The explosion of cellars of 102-mm shells on the starboard side of the vessel, in her opinion, occurred from gas cutters used in the repair of one of the bulkheads

            So there is something to write about and what to read ...
            1. 0
              13 May 2020 12: 03
              Quote: Olgovich
              So there is something to write about and what to read ...

              Mine tell yours, mine lacks the mind for all this ...
      2. ABM
        13 May 2020 08: 38
        I can give a photo - I’m just shooting models
    2. +6
      13 May 2020 11: 51
      Quote: ABM
      such a charming soap opera would be released at VO!

      Indeed, the soap opera was not bad for tearful pensioners. Well, for those who want to understand what was really happening in Spain then, the memoirs of our famous scout Gurevich-Kent will be useful:
      At the beginning of 1937, the S-1 boat under his command was sent to Palma (Mallorca island) in search of the rebel cruiser Canaris. Early in the morning, when the S-1, located at periscope depth, was already approaching Palma, it was discovered by enemy aircraft and bombed.
      Ivan Alekseevich heard strong explosions: the hull of the boat trembled. A command was given, and the boat went to a depth of 45 meters, began to maneuver. The commander was amazed that, despite the change of course and depth, the bombing continued. When the stern of the boat began to land and broke the trim, I.A. Burmistrov understood what was happening. A bursting double-breasted tank was releasing oil, and in its wake two Savoy aircraft chased and bombed the boat. Such an oil trace necessarily floats to the surface, so pickled oil is the scourge of divers.
      Then “S-1” managed to return to the base only thanks to I.A. Burmistrov, who was not at a loss and after the second bombing made a loop; the boat passed the old course. Aircraft, not seeing new oil stains, lost sight of the boat.
      “That’s why it should be learned once and for all that with a strong anti-submarine defense no submarine will follow the set course if oil or fuel will be etched,” Ivan Alekseevich finished his story.
      After the connection with the shore at night was terminated, I.A. Burmistrov called all the officers to him and ordered to warn the team that at dawn the boat would go for testing. All team members reacted to this message absolutely calmly.

      Anatoly Markovich Gurevich
      Intelligence is not a game. Memoirs of a Soviet resident of Kent.
      1. 0
        13 May 2020 12: 02
        And there is also a very interesting book, if we have already touched on this topic: "In memory of Catalonia" by J. Orwell. He fought as a volunteer in the POUM brigades and described it all very interestingly.
  2. +10
    13 May 2020 06: 53
    And as a historian, no author, and as a writer.
    The fact is that this event is described in my novel Pareto Law, which was published in Germany, but still ... has not been released in Russia
    And thank God, and do not.
    1. -5
      13 May 2020 07: 09
      Well, it’s you who write with anger, and to at least annoy me like that. Moreover, you know that time will pass and you will be poked together in the face in the dung for famine in the USSR. Waiting is not pleasant, I understand. Therefore, at least so ... Humanly I understand you very much. But I can’t help with anything, people who make decisions think differently, as do many readers. And now there will be even more!
      1. +5
        13 May 2020 07: 10
        From the gloom of your writings, alas to you.
      2. +3
        13 May 2020 07: 16
        Quote: kalibr
        Moreover, you know that time will pass and you will be poked together in the face in the dung for hunger in the USSR
        So far, I only poked you when the "Russian" scientists who you extolled turned out to be in fact the thick Bandera and Konquist.
        1. +3
          13 May 2020 08: 09
          As our esteemed Alexander Green, a holy believer in the coming socialist revolution, says, it's not yet evening. It is not so easy to browse the funds of the archive you are interested in, find out how the application is executed and fill it out. All this takes time. In addition, the archives are three FSB, RGASPI and GARF. So far I have written only in one. Today I’ll look through the rest and write applications. Since I am not the only one, such an answer may not come soon. But Khan Tengri, even without Bandera’s, wrote an answer to you there too ... millions of dead. So once again I say: tolerate everything will be. I was not interested in this topic, but you interested me, so ... I will do everything.
      3. +7
        13 May 2020 18: 03
        Vyacheslav do not be offended, but in my opinion the literary value of this passage is very doubtful - the readers have defined exactly "boring and gray". And the pictures seem to be just a foreign blotch.
        1. -3
          13 May 2020 18: 46
          Leonid! Why should I be offended? It is your opinion! But you write - readers. But this is also a reader, and his opinion is different: infantryman 2020 Today, 06:54 A very exciting episode from the book!
          Let's agree this way: you take all "your" readers for yourself, and I take all "mine". Let those who do not like to write ... others, and I will work for my audience, which is present even here. And I know that there are a lot of them, they write to me in a personal message, but ... people are shy, they are afraid that they will be "scolded". So ... I appreciate your opinion, but ... I stick with it. One of my colleagues read this novel ... Ph.D., associate professor, author, socialist orientation ... And he says to me: "Everything in me is rebelling against what has been written ..." I read it again ... "It's there was a civil war ", finished:" Maybe it should have been so !? " So judging by one passage, it is ... superficially a little. But ... as you wish. Everything is here for you!
    2. -1
      13 May 2020 07: 19
      You must Fedya, you must! Because now it can be read in electronic form. And they are already reading.
      1. +7
        13 May 2020 07: 21
        You decide whether your opus came out or not, in the long-suffering Russia. laughing
        1. +1
          13 May 2020 08: 11
          Quote: Vladimir_2U
          You decide whether your opus came out or not, in the long-suffering Russia

          Check out the author website. today there you will find. And here is his cover!
          1. +3
            13 May 2020 09: 53
            As if the passage is not enough to evaluate. It’s not necessary to dive entirely.
            1. -1
              13 May 2020 11: 10
              Different people, Vladimir, different tastes. He wrote about it many times. And someone, even the lack of advanced intelligence does not make a bad person and a citizen, but someone and vice versa. And what you do not like personally you may like many other people. Which is no worse than you. Subjectivity of ratings is normal.
            2. -1
              13 May 2020 15: 56
              I hope you will notice this answer. An answer came from the FSB archive: The request has been accepted for consideration.
              archivfsbToday, 13:50
              To: you
              Your request has arrived at the Central Archive of the FSB of Russia.
              In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the period for consideration of a request is 30 days from the date of registration.
              In exceptional cases, the review period can be extended up to 30 days, which you will be notified additionally.
              So, as you can see, I'm doing my job. But "there" it is done slowly.
              1. 0
                13 May 2020 18: 57
                It’s clear, if it’s minus, then the answer is noticed. I understand that it is unpleasant. But what to do ... Maybe they really will not send anything. But there are also other archives ...
    3. +5
      13 May 2020 14: 58
      V.O. is not a young lady to speak compliments, but as an author of the site he is interesting.
      How is a writer? It’s hard for me to judge: it’s hard to understand from a short passage.
      P. S. V. O. is a vain man: remember, he recommended his book to everyone: "People with Weapons" and here: "on my novel:" Paretto Law "which was published in Germany, but so far ... Not published in Russia ". Diligently advertises her book
      1. 0
        13 May 2020 15: 44
        Quote: vladcub
        V.O. is a vain man: remember, he recommended his book to everyone: "People with Weapons" and here: "on my novel:" Paretto Law "which was published in Germany, but so far ... has not been published in Russia"

        Not vain, Svyatoslav, but practical. It will be more accurate ... There is an opportunity, so why not use it? In addition, the result is in your favor: there will be more money - again I will go to some interesting place and write about it. You and other readers of the site will benefit from this. Logically, isn't it?
  3. -2
    13 May 2020 06: 54
    A very exciting episode from the book!
    1. -2
      13 May 2020 07: 11
      By the way, you will soon be able to read the whole novel. The first book is already available at The name "Three from Ensk".
      1. +6
        13 May 2020 11: 24
        and not for the money, feel free to ask?
        1. -1
          13 May 2020 11: 57
          The cost is low -150 p. With modern book prices, this is a minuscule!
          1. +5
            13 May 2020 12: 03
            in the era of the Internet so used to freebies ...
      2. 0
        13 May 2020 19: 18
        Vyacheslav Olegovich, there are several types of stories: historical, documentary, adventure, detective, love. How do you position your book?
        1. 0
          13 May 2020 19: 46
          This is a historical adventure novel. And there are 801 pages in it. Do not be alarmed ... But with the annotation you, Astra, are better acquainted with the author site .... There are many too.
  4. +19
    13 May 2020 07: 01
    Good morning everyone and have a nice day! hi
    ... booking each of the barbetas of the main gunner’s towers on Jaime was ...

    The barbet and tower gun mounts are completely different .. Either the barbet or the tower.


    - I stuck it, as you said, between the capes from the 102-mm guns.

    All this is very nice, but back in the Russo-Japanese war, hundred millimeters were equipped with unitary cartridges and no capes, so, alas ... fantastic.
    And indeed, all this fictional story gives away a cheap operetta and absolutely does not cause any positive emotions.
    PS Vyacheslav Olegovich, no offense, I hope? I was just sincere.
    1. 0
      13 May 2020 07: 07
      No offense, of course, but even the tower has a barbet. In any case, it was written so from where ... it was taken. How much do I write, that I do not come up with anything from the invoice. It is taken from sources ... where it is written about this.
      1. 0
        13 May 2020 07: 21
        but back in the Russo-Japanese war, hundred millimeters were equipped with unitary cartridges and no capes, so alas ... fantastic. Oh, Konstantin. For every sage, yes ... Yes, there were! But it wasn’t me who invented it. Here!
        4 "/ 50 (102 mm) BL Mark VII, VII ** and VIII *** Cap-type propellant charge, weight 2,7-4,4 kg. Explosive - cordite, nitroglycerin smokeless powder. Projectiles: high-explosive CPC, reinforced high-explosive TNT HE and shrapnel in a projectile with a segmented shell.The ammunition initially consisted of an equal number of CPC and HE shells, later the proportion changed, HE shells began to make up 70% of the ammunition. , 60% HE tracer and 15% CPC tracer.
        1. +9
          13 May 2020 07: 34
          Vyacheslav, I can hardly imagine SEPARATE loading, but the cap in the "mine-action" caliber is not even nonsense, I cannot find the word.
          1. +1
            13 May 2020 07: 40
            Constantine, dear! 4 "/ 50 (102 mm) BL Mark VII, VII ** and VIII *** Cap-type propellant charge, weight 2,7-4,4 kg. Well, I didn't come up with this, right? Give you a detailed description of these guns and link?
            1. +10
              13 May 2020 07: 47
              And you give me a link in a personal, if it does not complicate, I will be grateful. What is this, I wonder, for "weaving" with an electric igniter? Die - don't get up!
          2. +8
            13 May 2020 07: 54
            Uncle Kostya! hi
            You're wrong. The indicated model of the gun was indeed a separate cap-shaped loading. Moreover, it was produced until the middle of 40gg.
            1. +4
              13 May 2020 10: 08
              Wolves pounced on the unfortunate cat, there is no grandfather Mazay at you. laughing
              Among other information about this gun, I found this one, check it out. laughing
              Mark VII is a high-speed cannon having an M.V. 2,852 fs it is installed as an anti-tank torpedo craft gun in large ships, and in the main armament of smaller ships. Mark VIII and VIII * are medium speed guns having MV 2,287 fs they are installed in light vessels where heavy deck strains cannot be resolved.

              Just for fun.
              1. +2
                13 May 2020 11: 06
                Konstantin! Well, it's just a bad translation through Google translator crazy and imaginative. There the barrel is called a barrel ... and many other incidents. The main thing is that I don’t translate like that, is it?
                1. +3
                  13 May 2020 11: 12
                  Yes, I didn’t mean you, your translation is always in order. Just stumbled upon this insanity, neighing, and decided to make everyone laugh. smile
                  1. +2
                    13 May 2020 11: 25
                    I understand that not me. I just explained where such miracles come from.
                  2. +1
                    13 May 2020 15: 17
                    Kostya, thank you for giving us a laugh
                    I was pierced by this moment: "installed as an anti-tank torpedo" are torpedo tubes now being used on land?
              2. 0
                13 May 2020 17: 59
                You’ll probably attack you, the war mammoth of the Warsaw Pact! wassat
          3. 0
            13 May 2020 18: 08
            Konstantin! Here is the key word that "shoved" ...
        2. 0
          14 May 2020 00: 05
          You’ll laugh ... but even today the British are using separate CARTOON loading of the gun in their Challenger 2 tanks ...
      2. +10
        13 May 2020 07: 31
        Here is a high-quality photo of the model. No barbets in sight. request

        You yourself inserted it into the article.
    2. +2
      13 May 2020 07: 13
      Quote: Sea Cat
      but back in the Russo-Japanese War, hundred millimeters were equipped with unitary cartridges and no capes, so alas ... fiction
      Well, what do you want from the author. Cardboard heroes, unitary cartos ... Here in armor the author understands.
      1. -4
        13 May 2020 07: 42
        Quote: Vladimir_2U
        Cardboard heroes, unitary cartos ... Here in armor the author understands.
        Phi, how shallow it went ... I would have waited until it became clear, but did not trust the judgments of a stranger. Memory is not perfect; knowledge is not absolute.
        1. -1
          13 May 2020 09: 50
          Quote: kalibr
          Phi, how shallow it went
          This is more for your part, but you were right about the weapon. But it didn't add any liveliness or credibility to your "text".
          From it there was a detonation of the cellars of the main caliber tower # 3, and after that, shells for anti-aircraft guns detonated on the upper deck exploded from the fire
          There is little detonation of the GK cellar, so the anti-aircraft guns have made a mess! But also portholes have been destroyed, through them the main flooding was! What an omission on the part of the author to forget about the portholes.
    3. +12
      13 May 2020 07: 31
      Konstantin, about the barbet you are mistaken. This word has several meanings. In relation to ships, a barbster is also called an armored parapet for the protection of deck guns, and an armored cylinder that protects the turret of the turret from shells. Take a look at any dreadnought directory, and there you will find barbet reservations.
      1. +5
        13 May 2020 07: 42
        Good morning Vic! But what about the definitions - "barbet battleship" and "tower battleship"? For example, I, for example, in one manual of weapons once read such a definition as "falling bolt" in relation to an assault rifle. How do you like this? I mean, people write directories too, and all people are different. For example, Syoma Fedoseev also writes reference books, but God forbid me to read them. laughing
        1. +3
          13 May 2020 07: 57
          Konstantin, remember what Ostap Bender used to say: "Bargaining is inappropriate here." Besides, I don't use reference books from "different people".

          This is a barbet - a fixed open platform for accommodating a rotating gun mount. Ships with such artillery protection are barbete.
          1. +1
            13 May 2020 07: 59
            So what am I talking about?
            1. +6
              13 May 2020 08: 01
              Take your time, see the following photo.
              1. +7
                13 May 2020 09: 37
                Take your time, see the following photo.

                behave very subtly as a teacher and enlightener! hi However, shine! good
                1. +6
                  13 May 2020 10: 01
                  Deflection counted! smile
                  1. +6
                    13 May 2020 10: 08
                    Deflection counted!

                    Is it enough to disagree with the Sea Cat once, so that he stabs you? wink drinks no, I really liked the consistent and patient behavior of Viktor Nikolaevich. No deflection! Yes
                    1. +7
                      13 May 2020 10: 11
                      But I generally like his approach to business. Truth above all. I now know that I can scratch here any get along, and Victor will always correct. But it’s better not to mess, really.
                      1. +5
                        13 May 2020 10: 21
                        I now know that I can scratch here any get along, and Victor will always correct.

                        Here the questions are: who does the job, what tone does the job, how much does the job, and also, in what terms will Viktor Nikolayevich correct the coordinator. He has a short conversation with fools. wink True, this does not teach fools anything ... No.
                        But I generally like his approach to business. Truth above all.

                        and the material will always find instantly! hi By the way, I also liked it when Sergey-Bubalik started uploading archives. This skill - you have to be "in the subject" and navigate. soldier
                      2. +3
                        13 May 2020 10: 25
                        By the way, Seryoga disappeared somewhere, I’ll write to him now in PM.
                      3. +3
                        13 May 2020 10: 37
                        By the way, Seryoga disappeared somewhere, I’ll write to him now in PM.

                        by the way, it is quite "his topic" for discussion - ships. Yes, I haven't seen him for a long time either ... what Let's hope that he is at the cottage with odalisks, barbecue and fishing! (and hang forty degrees!) wink
                      4. +3
                        13 May 2020 10: 39
                        I already wrote to him, as soon as he answers, I’ll write you a PM.
                      5. +2
                        13 May 2020 15: 30
                        Kostya, I agree: .V. N. if he comes out with comments, then he has everything for sure.
                    2. +4
                      13 May 2020 18: 10

                      Is it enough to disagree with the Sea Cat once, so that he stabs you?

                      Not that word, Nikolai !!! If you say a word across, turnip into a turnip! Well, if not a log! Purely, Lev Nikolaich! This is what I say as a "beloved" nephew. laughing
                      1. +3
                        14 May 2020 09: 38
                        Purely, Lev Nikolaich! This is what I say as a "beloved" nephew.

                        the greatest philanthropist and humanist, a little in kindness does not reach the level of the giant Mark Krysoboy, for voluptuous, and with a gun ... good drinks
          2. +6
            13 May 2020 08: 00

            And these are the turret barbets of the American battleship Maryland.
            1. +5
              13 May 2020 09: 44
              So these are the foundations of the towers, the tower rotates on them, and I had in mind precisely the immovable defense, which covers the tools rotating in a circle.
              1. +6
                13 May 2020 10: 20
                So these are the foundations of the towers
                These motionless armored drums below the rotating gun platform and above the armored deck are also called barbets.
                1. +2
                  13 May 2020 10: 23
                  Yeah, but the guns live on their own and no tower.
                  1. +4
                    13 May 2020 10: 25
                    I didn’t understand the question - what do they do on their own?
                    1. +2
                      13 May 2020 10: 27
                      I mean, the guns rotate in a horizontal plane, and the barbet stands still. Unlike the tower, which is with the guns at the same time. smile
                      1. +6
                        13 May 2020 10: 32
                        That's right, the barbette should be motionless.
                      2. +5
                        13 May 2020 10: 36
                        Well, what are we arguing about? I had in mind that in the photo in Vyacheslav's article there are "normal" gun turrets, and the fact that their base does not rotate together with the turret is a no brainer, and not just a cat. smile
            2. +2
              13 May 2020 21: 11
              Sometimes it’s very interesting to understand the logic of the individual who put a minus under the commentary of a neutral technical content. Or is it purely to spoil?
              1. +2
                14 May 2020 09: 39
                Or is it purely to spoil?

                But are there any other considerations, Viktor Nikolaevich? hi for the first time or what? drinks
                1. +2
                  14 May 2020 09: 42
                  Yes, but they will be banned.
                  1. +3
                    14 May 2020 09: 59
                    Yes, but they will be banned.

                    so I say - well him. Let's get better about cats. Or about barbet installations.
                    The most unsuccessful Russian squadron battleship was, perhaps, the Gangut ship. The ship received a malicious nickname from sailors: "One mast, one pipe, one cannon - one misunderstanding!"

                    In 1897, the ship ran into an unmarked rock in the Vyborg Bay and sank. Fortunately, nobody died. After they tried to raise it, they even cut down part of the superstructures, but then they refused to continue the work. The nasal coat of arms of the "Gangut" is displayed in the Central Naval Museum.

                    Viktor Nikolaevich, as I understand it, his main caliber (the only 305-mm gun) was covered with barbets and a light roof? To somehow call this round structure a full-fledged tower, the language does not turn. Enlighten me, sir! drinks have a nice day, everyone!
                    1. +2
                      14 May 2020 10: 28
                      Yes, this is a barbet battleship.
                      1. +2
                        14 May 2020 10: 31
                        Yes, this is a barbet battleship.

                        offhand I could not find information on covering the guns from above ... request about barbet - they write. About the top - no. hi
                      2. +2
                        14 May 2020 11: 18
                        You can find it. But everything is scattered according to different sources.
                      3. +4
                        14 May 2020 11: 28
                        You can find it. But everything is scattered according to different sources.

                        I think yes.
                        Here, not so long ago, "AdmiralA" was often shown on TV channels. To pervert this way over "Glory" - it was necessary to contrive. negative

                        I'm talking about why poke 152-mm behind the shield on the deck when all such weapons were in the towers. The explanation was simple - they needed "battle plans", and filmed on the deck of the "Aurora". But honestly, stupid and unprofessional. And the appeal "commander cruisers "Glory" admiral Kolchak "killed in the first viewing. Oh, cranberry-cranberry throughout the film. About the Kornilovites in the retinue of the" ruler of Russia "generally keep quiet - this is the smallest of blunders. hi
                      4. +3
                        14 May 2020 11: 34
                        Oh cranberry cranberry
                        Why are you surprised? Is there not enough cranberries on the site? And films are shot by the same "specialists" as those who write articles for the site.
                      5. +2
                        14 May 2020 11: 36
                        Why are you surprised?

                        the more you live, the more you stop wondering so much ... hi
                  2. 0
                    15 June 2020 17: 05
                    But you shouldn’t be afraid to go to the forest. Why not get acquainted with yet another heresy.
        2. +2
          13 May 2020 07: 59
          Dear Konstantin! Here everything is about this weapon. Exhaustive: //
          1. +3
            13 May 2020 08: 00
            Yeah. Thank. smile
            1. +4
              13 May 2020 08: 23
              To summarize, I completely agree with the literary assessment, Konstantin. But you were mistaken about the barbets and capes, here the author is absolutely right.
              1. +1
                13 May 2020 10: 02
                For the cap, I already apologized, but as for the barb, it is not so simple. smile
            2. +6
              13 May 2020 09: 31
              Yeah. Thank.

              Dear Konstantin, Victor Nikolaevich is right. The concept of "barbet" has many meanings! In this case, this refers to the "cup holder" under the tower, protecting the ammunition supply. hi
              Regarding the "barbet battleships" (that is, with the protection of the main caliber with a barbet installation). The Black Sea battleship "Twelve Apostles" "lived" the longest in Russia. hi He was written off even before the First World War, he stood quietly somewhere in Sevastopol, rusted, in such a non-combat status he survived two wars and God knows how many power changes. Much newer specimens have either been sunk or sawn off. And then Eisenstein wants to shoot the film "Battleship Potemkin" ... fellow Everything is fine - only there is no ship! belay The Potemkin itself was already being cut into metal. We found the old whopper of the "Twelve Apostles", brought it into a divine form, the barbets were covered from above with props to resemble towers - and as a result we have one of the recognized masterpieces of cinema! drinks
              "Twelve Apostles":
          2. +4
            13 May 2020 09: 58
            Vyacheslav, you’re right, I’ve looked all over this instrument. I apologize and sprinkle ash on my head. request

            This is so, for clarity, although the lower one is more suitable for what I called "separate" loading, meaning a ready-made cartridge case with a charge placed there at the factory.
            1. +5
              13 May 2020 10: 22
              What, you, Konstantin, why apologize for something? Especially in front of me ... Memory is imperfect, knowledge is imperfect. Perception is imperfect. For example, at school I both read ikarezes and ... for many years I said so. Looking at the book where it was written - Iroquois! How could this happen? Why did my brain laugh at me like that? So this kind of "error" is just normal.
              1. +4
                14 May 2020 10: 54
                For example, at school I read Ikarese and so ... for years I have said so. Looking at the book where it was written - Iroquois!

                and I, a sinful thing, instead of "Algonquins", always "on the machine" I want to blurt out - "alcoholics" .... Yes
            2. The comment was deleted.
              1. +4
                13 May 2020 10: 28
                In your ashes it is not a sin to fall out, the main thing is that it is ashes. not anything else ... laughing drinks
                1. +4
                  13 May 2020 10: 30
                  not anything else

                  I deleted the comment myself. wink But the Sea Cat managed to do it - "scratch-pin"! drinks
                  1. +4
                    13 May 2020 10: 33
                    And the fig deleted, I liked it. drinks
                    1. +4
                      13 May 2020 10: 35
                      And the fig deleted, I liked it.

                      Yes to me too, but found it superfluous on the forum. hi well him. And so the forum is good.
                      1. +6
                        13 May 2020 10: 48
                        And so the forum is good.

                        And Vyacheslav knows how to create a comfortable environment. Yes, something is also not visible to our main russophobe-trilobite, but it's a pity. Well, maybe the people will catch up in the evening. For a long time there was no such "mess" as today, we live well and cheerfully. laughing drinks
                      2. +5
                        13 May 2020 11: 05
                        And Vyacheslav knows how to create a comfortable environment.

                        that is why we got to know each other three or four years ago!Yes "Native quiet sandbox", where you can chat about almost everything in a friendly way ... drinks
                        russophobe trilobic

                        I think work has come loose - right off the bat. All crawled out! request
                        By the way, something is also not visible to Corsair ... sad
                      3. +4
                        13 May 2020 11: 18
                        Yes, the man has to work. It’s easier for me: a monitor is in front of my nose, it’s rustling on the right, a coffee mug on the left, the cat on the table is breathing behind him, he has a personal beer mug of water, his wife periodically comes to visit her cats, such a quiet rural life and no fuss.
                      4. +5
                        13 May 2020 15: 52
                        Quote: Sea Cat
                        Yes, the man has to work. It’s easier for me: a monitor is in front of my nose, it’s rustling on the right, a coffee mug on the left, the cat on the table is breathing behind him, he has a personal beer mug of water, his wife periodically comes to visit her cats, such a quiet rural life and no fuss.

                        Kostya, what the hell are you talking about? You won’t shoot at V.O. Or in your village without a weapon you don’t even go to the wind?
                        I also live in the village, but thank God, I’m still doing without weapons
                      5. +1
                        13 May 2020 18: 27
                        And it’s so, for the prevention of historical reality.
                      6. +1
                        14 May 2020 02: 01
                        Hi, Slava, I'm taking over the night "watch". hi
                        Our folklore is quite full of life sayings. For example:
                        "It's hard in the village without a Nagant."
                        Of course, this is not a specific product of Leon Nagan, but quite any barrel. Following this folk wisdom I keep it in order and keep it at hand.
                        "The dagger is good for the one who has it, and woe to the one who does not have it in difficult times."
                        I am an internationalist and I also liked this saying. smile
                      7. +3
                        13 May 2020 18: 20
                        And this person periodically complains to me about "skukotishshsha !!!" laughing
                      8. +11
                        13 May 2020 14: 46
                        Quote: Sea Cat
                        Yes, something is also not visible to our main Russophobe trilobic, but it's a pity.

                        Yes, here I am ... There is simply nothing to say plainly.
                        As for ship artillery systems, my knowledge remained at a level slightly higher than the level of secondary school, where, as you know, information about artillery is generally limited to the poem "Borodino" - "I hammered the charge into the gun tightly." smile
                        The reservation system for battleships, especially the nuances of terminology in this area, are also familiar to me more than superficially.
                        To discuss the literary features of the author’s text ... and a literary critic from me is also unimportant ... smile
                        I don’t like the White Guards, in principle, those who actively opposed the Soviet regime in the thirties and later, I consider either fools or traitors to the Motherland, but those who fought in arms against the interests of the USSR, wherever and whenever It happened - for me it’s just not humans, whom I don’t feel sorry for, whom you do not sympathize with, but only wish a quick and painful death.
                        My great-grandfather retreated in 1918 with Mironov from the Don with battles, then served with the same Mironov in the 2nd Cavalry Army, fought near Kakhovka (according to the stories of my grandmother, who was 4 years old when her father died of consumption or "Spanish flu" ), and the Spaniards Franco as part of the "Blue Division" subsequently fought near Novgorod and Leningrad, perhaps they shot at my grandfathers near Krasny Bor, and certainly the Spanish volunteers from the "Blue Legion" participated in punitive operations in my native Luga - which I have can it be in common with the heroes of the author, who are at war on their side, and who were ready to support even Franco, even Hitler, just to shed more Russian blood? smile
                        So I kept quiet and kept quiet further. smile
                      9. +5
                        13 May 2020 15: 30
                        On ship artillery systems

                        About ship systems. In early September 1941, von Leeb (commander of Army Group North) wrote approximately the following: "Both cruisers have caused trouble again today ..." sad The cruisers of the Baltic Fleet "Kirov" and "Maxim Gorky" (and the guns were 180-mm there) fired at the Germans advancing on Leningrad, who lost up to a hundred people from this fire per day! hi
                        A relatively unique ship is also associated with the Baltic Fleet - the only heavy cruiser of the USSR, Petropavlovsk. We bought the unfinished TKR "Lyuttsov" from the Germans before the war, renamed it "Petropavlovsk", and throughout the war, in this unfinished form, it stood on the Neva, and supported our troops with two front turrets of the main ship building (which were mounted)! And after the war, it was never completed ... request
                      10. 0
                        15 June 2020 17: 13
                        tell. why are you writing all this. "You were not yet born when all this was all chewed and chewed.
    4. +6
      13 May 2020 07: 42
      Quote: Sea Cat
      Either a barbet or a tower.

      Barbet - a fixed support on which the ship’s gun turret rotates together with the armored protection of its turret compartment
    5. +8
      13 May 2020 09: 45
      The Spaniards were English towers. There was a barbet, and in diameter larger than the tower itself. (we had the opposite)
    6. +5
      13 May 2020 10: 30
      Quote: Sea Cat
      The barbet and tower gun mounts are completely different .. Either the barbet or the tower.

      There is one caveat ... the tower installation also has a barbette - as they usually call a fixed reservation, covering the turret rooms. Parks or Raven / Roberts on the tower EDB and LK constantly mention barbets and their reservations.
    7. ABM
      13 May 2020 12: 27
      In Russian-Japanese, none of the sides used 100 mm (like 102 mm) (this is me), barbets at the towers were mandatory
  5. +6
    13 May 2020 07: 10
    Battleship "Jaime I."

    Class and type of vessel Linear ship of the Espanya type
    Manufacturer Sociedad Española de Construcción Naval
    Construction started February 5, 1912
    Launched 21 September 1914
    Commissioned December 20, 1921
    Decommissioned from the Navy Sunk in a cellar explosion in 1937
    Main characteristics
    Displacement 13 tons dry
    15 951 t normal
    16 713 t full
    Length 139,88 m
    Width 24,00 m
    Draft 8,08 m at full displacement
    Reservation belt: 102-203mm
    top belt: 152 mm
    deck: 38 mm
    turret GK: 203 mm
    GK tower barbets: 254 mm
    conning tower: 254 mmm
    PTP: 38 mm [1]
    Engines for 12 Yarrow water tube boilers
    4 Parsons turbines
    Propulsion 4 propellers
    Speed ​​19,5 knots (36,1 km / h)
    Cruising range 5000 miles at 10 knots
    Crew 854 rights
    Artillery 4 × 2 - 305 mm / 50 Vickers systems
    20 × 102 mm / 50,3 Vickers systems Mk.E
    2 × 47 mm / 50
    4 × 7,62-mm machine gun
    1. +3
      13 May 2020 07: 58
      Dmitry, my respect!
      A mistake crept into the name of the model of mine artillery. Vickers Mk. E is a tank! hi
      1. +4
        13 May 2020 08: 18
        Good morning, Anton. hi Thanks for tweaking it.
        Purely mechanically described. Of course the gun - Vickers MkVII

        Country of Origin - United Kingdom
        Manufacturer-Vickers, Beardmore
        Years of production - 1908-1945
        Made -600 units.
        Modifications - 4 "/ 50 (10.2 cm) BL Mark VII, VII ** and VIII ***
        Caliber -102 mm
        Barrel mass-2130 kg.
        The length of the gun is 5,112 mm.
        Barrel length-50,3 calibres
        The volume of the charging chamber is 9,83 dm3
        Maximum firing range-10,6 km
        The principle of loading is cartridge-mounted, from the breech
        Rate of fire-6-9 rds / min.
        Propelling charge 4,3 kg MD16 (for HA 2,7 kg MD8) after 1939 - 4,4 kg SC103
        Muzzle velocity 873 m/s (for HA 732 m/s)
        The estimated strength of the barrel is about 1200 shots
        Ammunition: 150 charges
        Elevation angles PII, PII* and PVI: −7° / +15°
        PIV *, PIV ** and PVIII: −10 ° / + 15 °
        HA Mark II: −10 ° / + 60 °
        Installation of vertical aiming manual
        Leveling angles 360° in the open turret, from 30 to 150° in the casemate
        Installation of horizontal aiming manual
        Shell characteristics:
        Types of shells-HE, CPC, shrapnel
        The mass of the shell is 14,06 kg.
        The initial velocity of the projectile is 869 m / s
        1. +5
          13 May 2020 08: 32
          Purely mechanically described.
          Nothing happens.
          The most interesting thing is that the next model, the MkV, with a seemingly more progressive unitary loading (for which Konstantin so advocates for this type of guns), was produced only until 1930.
          1. 0
            13 May 2020 16: 07
            Anton, what difference does it make if the first model in 37 years produced 600 guns! It's goof how much
            1. 0
              13 May 2020 17: 55
              Second, only 40% more. As I understand it, the point is the difference in the cost of a unitary shot and a shotgun.
  6. +4
    13 May 2020 07: 12
    There are four gun turrets of the main caliber on them, but they are staggered, because of which only six can normally shoot on one side, and only theoretically all eight.

    Vyacheslav, in the beginning you write about the towers, and then go to the trunks. It would be better right then about the trunks that there are only eight of them (in four towers), but only six can shoot normally ...
    In general, it is interesting, as a child, I went to the House of Pioneers and was engaged in modeling ships, although it was very tight with information, the main source was the filing of the magazine "Modelist-Constructor", which included the heading "Marine Collection" and very rarely books of the publishing house "Shipbuilding", series "Wonderful ships".
    1. +4
      13 May 2020 07: 28
      A number of equipment, anti-aircraft and anti-mine artillery of the battleship found their second use on ships and shore under the Republicans, while six guns of the main caliber, intact by the explosion, went to the Francoists.
      In the end, all six guns of the main caliber, Jaime I, were mounted in single-barrel towers and installed to strengthen coastal defense in the Bay of Mallorca: three on the Costa de Refex and three on Cape Cabo Blanca. The batteries were modernized in 1950 and 1974 and were finally dismantled and dismantled in 1994. Until now, one gun has been preserved in its former place, attracting numerous tourists, another is presented in the exposition of the Maritime Museum of San Carlos in Palma de Mallorca.
      1. +4
        13 May 2020 10: 49
        Quote: Rich
        In the end, all six guns of the main caliber, Jaime I, were mounted in single-barrel towers and installed to strengthen coastal defense in the Bay of Mallorca: three on the Costa de Refex and three on Cape Cabo Blanca.

        The bourgeois write that the Jaime I's bow and stern turrets were installed as they are - two-gun (batteries D9 and D10).

        The remaining four guns were installed in single-gun towers.
        In 1940, the all the guns were recovered, the front and rear twin turrets were used in the Gibraltar strait coastal defense batteries D9 and D10, El vigia and Casquebel respectively, near Tarifa. Abandoned in 1985, the twin turrets and canons are still in place. but under degradation. All the other guns were placed en single mounts in several locations.

        The other 12 "single-gun turrets were equipped with guns removed from the previously crashed" España ": three of them were installed near Cadiz, forming the La Marquina battery.
        Only the LK "Alfonso XII" remained in the sea - it sank too deep.
    2. +2
      13 May 2020 08: 16
      Alexei! He also went to a circle, but ... it did not work out for me with this matter. I liked everything about ships and the sea, but ... it just so happened that I took up tanks. But both tanks and ships - too much. But here to take the invoice from a reliable source and invest in an artistic text ... sometimes it turns out.
  7. +6
    13 May 2020 07: 22
    Espanya type battleships went down in history as the smallest dreadnought in the world.
  8. +4
    13 May 2020 07: 25
    It is characteristic that the data on personnel losses cited in various sources vary significantly and vary from 80 to 300 people killed and from 150 to 200 wounded. The official figures of the republican government are 20 killed and 100 wounded. But, most likely, only those sailors whose bodies were found at the scene of the tragedy, as well as crew members who died from wounds, were included in the list of those killed. Subsequently, after lifting the Jaime I building in 1947, all the discovered remains were transferred to the Cartagena City Cemetery, and judging by the documents, about 300 bodies were buried there.
    1. +2
      13 May 2020 20: 08
      No one counted the workers involved in the repair, how many there were, what they did not know by name. A mess, as always with southerners, but also republicans (socialists, anarchists, etc.).
      The Italians joke that they had scheduled trains only with Mussolini.
  9. +2
    13 May 2020 09: 33
    For lovers of technical characteristics Vyacheslav Olegovich precedes the publication of a clear explanation of his copyright position.
    I am not at all embarrassed by any human relations against the background of completely real historical events. On the contrary, in my opinion, the introduction of such "zest" greatly enlivens dry lines of description of facts and serves such a necessary cause - the popularization of history. There are examples of such phenomena in the literature, I will not list them. Moreover, over time, high-quality thematic works begin to take on a life of their own and are perceived by readers as real events.
    1. Works of the historically popular genre have the full right to independent existence.
    2. Whoever doesn’t like literary works of this kind, read the TTX in its purest form and without any claims to the author-fiction writer.
    3. It is high time for VO to have a literary section. My optimism does not extend so far and I do not expect that in the near future in this section there will be something similar in talent and volume to the creation of Lev Nikolaevich. But the modest "small forms" may well be available and will certainly arouse the interest of regular and new readers.
    4. Author, pesho ischo! Vyacheslav Olegovich, do not listen to spiteful critics. They are envious of it. hi
    1. +3
      13 May 2020 09: 43
      Thank you, Alexander! I think something like that ...
      1. +5
        13 May 2020 11: 22
        Good article. I liked it.
        And a decent discussion. Competent and friendly
        Thank you, Vyacheslav, for an interesting topic, copyright art inserts and numerous illustrations.
        1. +4
          13 May 2020 15: 38
          Quote: Rich
          And a decent discussion. Competent and friendly

          Except for a pair of non-inadequates. But without this in any way ...
          1. 0
            15 June 2020 17: 18
            Well, to whom and Shpakovsky-writer
  10. +7
    13 May 2020 10: 03
    - What do you mean? - Boris asked suspiciously. “What can we there him ... that, huh?”

    Vyacheslav Olegovich, excuse me generously, but did these young people serve as clerks before the White Guard? Somehow the white bone is not felt. Just judging by the descriptions, the White emigres until the very end retained the ability to competently express their thoughts, as they say, "in high calm." Or simply literate Russian, which we have practically lost. The current Russian language is different. Not worse, not better, just different. Your characters speak in modern language.
    I do not believe...
    booking each of the tower barbets chief gunner at Jaime was purely individual

    What else gunner? As for the individual reservation of barbets ... and where was it different?
    And the comparison with "Petropavlosk" and even so derogatory ... I do not believe it! Firstly, this is nonsense, "Petropavlovsk" would gobble up all three of the Spanish battleships without choking. And secondly, for the emigrants, everything Russian pre-revolutionary was good just in fact. Say, how wonderful it would be if it were not for the Bolsheviks.
    In general, the idea is interesting.
    1. +2
      13 May 2020 10: 31
      Quote: Senior Sailor
      Vyacheslav Olegovich, excuse me generously, but did these young people serve as clerks before the White Guard? Somehow the white bone is not felt. Just judging by the descriptions, the White emigres until the very end retained the ability to competently express their thoughts, as they say, "in high calm." Or simply literate Russian, which we have practically lost. The current Russian language is different. Not worse, not better, just different. Your characters speak in modern language.

      You have noticed this well. But both of them are not noble. One is the son of an engineer, the other is a school teacher. In my family, my grandfather said so - a school teacher of THAT TIME, my grandmother - of the same time (born in 1917), but my grandfather's older brother, Vladimir, as he put it more ... exquisitely - but he was of a higher rank, he taught at the gymnasium ... “Pierre” always addressed my grandfather, which I really didn’t like. There was also a sister of the case ... "White Guard ..." in his words, she taught French. And even in my childhood they spoke just that. And an old dog cannot be taught new tricks!
      You would just take and read the first book that is already available. There is a protagonist who doesn’t express himself in such a modern way ... And the most important thing: a book for the “today” generation cannot be written in the language of “yesterday”.
      1. +6
        13 May 2020 10: 51
        Quote: kalibr
        You would have taken it and read the first book, which is already available.

        Somehow, necessary. Now there is no time, but interested :))
        Quote: kalibr
        And the most important thing: a book for the "today" generation cannot be written in the language of "yesterday".

        And why do you think there are so many "priest"? :))) To tell the modern reader in his language.
        But, you are not quite right, the style is no less important than the plot. In addition, it helps to more clearly portray heroes. And the reader to determine the attitude towards them. Someone will fall in monarchical enthusiasm for the crunch of bakery products, someone will inflame class hatred for them. The main thing is not to remain indifferent.
        1. +3
          13 May 2020 10: 58
          Quote: Senior Sailor
          Someone will fall in monarchical enthusiasm for the crunch of bakery products, someone will inflame class hatred for them. The main thing is not to remain indifferent.

          But this in the novel ... in abundance. And one of the main characters, a retired general, expresses himself just like that, as does his servant.
        2. +2
          13 May 2020 12: 11
          Quote: Senior Sailor
          Why do you think there are so many "hitmen"?

          By the way, Ivan, I also have about Papadans. And you yourself seduced me, so now do not be surprised that I am doing the same for you. And there is ...
    2. +3
      13 May 2020 10: 55
      Quote: Senior Sailor
      What gunner?

      I will correct the error ...
      1. +4
        13 May 2020 11: 11
        And what did they mean? "Caponier"? Heresy!!!
        Better "citadel".
        1. +2
          13 May 2020 11: 26
          Quote: Senior Sailor
          And what did they mean? "Caponier"? Heresy!!!
          Better "citadel".

          Exactly! Citadels
        2. +1
          13 May 2020 11: 49
          Quote: Senior Sailor
          And what did they mean? "Caponier"? Heresy!!!
          Better "citadel".

          It makes sense instead of "gunner"should be"caliber".
          For example, from somewhere he knew that booking each of the barbets of the main towers gunner caliber at Jaime it was purely individual - a thing from the point of view of common sense is difficult to explain!
          1. +2
            13 May 2020 11: 53
            Thank! I'll see. There is still time ...
          2. +5
            13 May 2020 12: 15
            Yes, probably..
        3. 0
          15 June 2020 17: 23
          Another heresy. I advise you to inquire about the concept of "citadel" in relation to the concept of "armoring of ships."
    3. 0
      13 May 2020 18: 39
      Bravo, Ivan! Just bravo !!!
  11. +2
    13 May 2020 10: 13
    Many years later, when I was already writing books myself, an interesting thought came to my mind that after all, in this way you can describe a lot of things, including explosions and sabotage on other ships.
    Of course, it is possible to describe. But given the number of explosions that took place on ships, where to get so many books? Here, the fertility of Dumas the father will not help. In addition, the proposed option only considers the sabotage version. But the reader is interested in the remaining available versions.
    In addition, the author forgive me for my frankness, but the work does not shine with any literary merits. So the experiment can hardly be considered successful. Fiction is clearly not the best genre to cover historical events.
    A bit about technical details. They sort of figured out the barbets and loading methods. As for the design of the fuse, you can’t build a chemical fuse with a slowdown on your knee.
    Based on the described components, the author had in mind the Vlasov tube, a fuse designed by Professor Vlasov in 1828. It was a sealed glass tube filled with sulfuric acid, which was inserted into another glass tube, the space between the walls of the tubes was filled with a mixture of berthollet salt with sugar. When a glass tube is destroyed, sulfuric acid combines with a brownish salt, reacting with it with the release of chlorine dioxide, and in the presence of chlorine dioxide, sugar ignites, causing a primary powder charge to ignite and explode, followed by detonation of the main powder charge. If the acid will corrode something there, then it will no longer remain in the reaction with the bertholite salt. Yes, and to calculate the reaction rate depending on the concentration, you must have special knowledge.
    Therefore, to make such a fuse with a slowdown, and even to calculate it, the task in the hotel is unsolvable. Slow chemical fuses have a different operating principle. Then the author chose an unsuccessful idea.
    1. +4
      13 May 2020 10: 53
      That's right, Victor Nikolaevich! If I had not been fond of chemistry as a child. Amazing, huh? I studied from 2 to 3 in mathematics, my friend wrote all the tests for me, theory 5 in physics, problems 3, but in chemistry everything was fine. I went to a circle, where we did everything, starting with rockets for April 12 and ending with ... nitroglycerin. So, they took a small cartridge case, brass, put it in a plate with berthollet's salt with sugar, acid dripped there and ... after some time (depending on the strength of the acid), it ate the cartridge case, leaked and everything flared up. I even have a photo where I show experiments to elementary school students in a chemistry classroom. So everything is possible. It depends on experience and training. And the heroes acquired it in the first book, and this is the second! And by the way, even if something is not quite "so", then it's good, in the Internet there are already a lot of ... descriptions.
      1. +3
        13 May 2020 11: 56
        And by the way, even if something is not quite "so", then it is good, in the Internet there are already a lot of ... descriptions
        All schoolchildren know this description. Such a device is also called "Kibalchich's fuse", since it was with such a fuse that the mine was used, which was blown up by Alexander II.
        But the acid must be concentrated, and the resistance of brass to the effects of such an acid is very low. Therefore, to slow down at 12 o’clock you need a sleeve with walls of such a thickness that you have to carry it on a stretcher, and not in your pocket.
        1. +1
          13 May 2020 12: 10
          Mauser’s sleeve is enough!
          1. +2
            13 May 2020 12: 14
            Checked experimentally?
            1. +1
              13 May 2020 12: 55
              Back in the 9th grade. But I don’t know what sleeve was. Most likely from Makarov. But they all have about the same wall thickness, the length is different ...
              1. 0
                13 May 2020 13: 31
                And what, exactly twelve hours before rust-through?
                1. +2
                  13 May 2020 15: 36
                  Well, do you like to cling to every little thing? Who needs this? It is important that this can be done, and even in 12 hours or how much there ... what's the difference. You can always try and calculate. It is only clear that then it never occurred to me.
                  1. +2
                    13 May 2020 15: 53
                    There are no trifles in history. And saboteurs - even more so. And then you put in your pocket such a fuse from distant childhood, and instead of destroying the enemy battleship, you will lose some parts of the reproductive system.
                    Besides, you yourself wrote: "All facts are accurate. Taken from the memoirs of Admiral Kuznetsov and related literature."
                    1. +1
                      13 May 2020 15: 54
                      I will repeat the first sentence of the previous comment.
                      1. 0
                        15 June 2020 17: 28
                        of such trifles here is the concept of the author — really a person passed it or an ordinary balabol.
  12. +3
    13 May 2020 12: 00
    "Espanya" is perhaps the most unfortunate series of LCs - together with the domestic "Empresses".
    "Espana" itself sat on the stones on August 26, 1923, broke and turned over a year later.
    "Alfonso XIII" (aka "Espanya" - the second) on April 30, 1937 was blown up by a mine (set by its own mine-loader) and sank.
    "Jaime I" on June 17, 1937 exploded in its own base, restoration was deemed impossible.
    1. +4
      13 May 2020 12: 51
      "Espanya" is perhaps the most unfortunate series of LCs - together with the domestic "Empresses".

      For some reason, it was thought, by analogy, that of the squadron battleships that were before the dreadnought era, the most unhappy were the type "Borodino". Four were sunk (and no one was saved from Alexander III, only one person from Borodino, from Suvorov - perhaps someone other than the admiral and someone from the staff), and one became a Japanese trophy ... what
  13. -2
    13 May 2020 13: 20
    Shpakovsky you are a graphomaniac!
    Your heroes easily killed another hundred and rejoice!
    Hooray!!! Uncle Fedor came to us, now we will blow up two more battleships with matches!
    Something is wrong with your head.
    1. +2
      13 May 2020 13: 27
      Yuri! This is war. The more enemies you kill, the more joy! You didn’t try to cry over the killed Germans, shot by the Krasnoyarsk Cossacks? Also people ... But blood, you know, for blood ...
      1. -3
        13 May 2020 13: 29
        Slavochka You are a secret BUTCHER!
        1. +6
          13 May 2020 13: 33
          Yuri! Are you apparently recently on the site? Although how recently? Two years. A decent period to learn everything. But remember that cronyism is not welcome here. Nobody represented you to me, we didn’t baptize children together ...
          1. -6
            13 May 2020 13: 36
            Abydin, yes ?! Come visit, we will baptize children ... than anything!
            1. +3
              13 May 2020 15: 23
              Quote: Jurachip
              Abydin, yes ?! Come visit

              They write to you in Russian that it is not customary to "poke" strangers on VO. VO is a site of people at least formally polite, remember this.
              1. -5
                13 May 2020 20: 34
                Come in, I'm not far here, just grab the mask ...
            2. 0
              15 June 2020 17: 30
              well done. notably rode Shpakovsky on the wort.
        2. -6
          13 May 2020 13: 35
          Quote: Jurachip
          Slavochka You are a secret BUTCHER!

          And there’s nothing to add .. good
          1. -5
            13 May 2020 13: 44
            That's right! We also need to send this article to the Spanish Embassy so that they don’t give him more Schengen for riding, otherwise he will slobber out the country, what a good and beautiful country it is, and then a knife in the back, get your own for hospitality!
            1. +3
              13 May 2020 15: 33
              Quote: Jurachip
              That's right! We also need to send this article to the Spanish Embassy so that they don’t give him more Schengen for riding, otherwise he will slobber out the country, what a good and beautiful country it is, and then a knife in the back, get your own for hospitality!

              So try. Here in VO there is a Spanish-language translation. Copy and send. Just try to write without errors in Russian, otherwise Google will not understand the translation of your words into Spanish.
            2. +4
              13 May 2020 19: 04
              Do you know anything about Spain, sickly?
      2. -6
        13 May 2020 14: 44
        Blood for blood, what is it that you justify murders, gas chambers, camps, fascist death camps, there were enemies for the fascists! And what, Soviet ones, too, had to build gas chambers and crematoria and burn them with German Romanian Hungarian children ?! In your BLOOD FOR BLOOD!
        75 years of the Great Victory and such authors!
        1. +4
          13 May 2020 15: 30
          You have some strange logic, Yuri! From their fascist point of view, they were absolutely right in doing everything that they did. But the difference is that we are not fascists. We did not profess their ideology. And for us there are certain boundaries that we have not crossed. And the Great Victory would not have come if they had not been killed effectively and in large numbers. So your parallels are simply inappropriate. You look just like a stupid person, unfortunately.
          1. +3
            13 May 2020 19: 07
            You look just like a stupid person, unfortunately.
            Simple: imbecile !!!
        2. +3
          13 May 2020 19: 57

          Under this slogan we brought Victory closer! And also: "Dad, kill the German!" Not a fascist, not a Hitlerite, but a German! So it was necessary !!!
          1. 0
            16 May 2020 15: 49
            Quote: kalibr
            And also: "Dad, kill the German!" Not a fascist, not a Hitlerite, but a German! So it was necessary !!!

            Because during the agitation, the only German who could be met and killed was precisely the fascist — the aggressor and occupier who came to our land.
            But as soon as the army came to the lands of the Reich, it was so clearly and unequivocally explained from above that the fascists were separate, and ordinary Germans separately. And not all Germans are fascists, and accordingly, it is not necessary to kill everyone.
            And for the sake of this explanation, they did not spare even the author of that very slogan "Kill the German" - Ehrenburg. For the programmatic article in Pravda, in which a line was drawn between the German people and fascism, was called Comrade Erenburg Simplifies.
            It is clear from here why the point of view of Comrade Ehrenburg is erroneous, which in his articles depicts the population of Germany as a kind of whole.
            Comrade Ehrenburg writes in his articles that there is no Germany, there is only a "colossal gang". If Comrade Ehrenburg's point of view is recognized as correct, then it should be considered that the entire population of Germany must share the fate of the Hitlerite clique.
            Needless to say, Comrade Ehrenburg does not reflect Soviet public opinion in this case. The Red Army, fulfilling its great mission of liberation, is fighting for the liquidation of the Hitlerite army, the Hitlerite state, the Hitlerite government, but it never set and does not set itself the goal of exterminating the German people. It would be silly and pointless. When the Nazis falsify the position of our troops, our state and scream that the Red Army is exterminating all Germans without exception, this is understandable. The ruling fascist clique is trying to use this false argument to rouse the entire German population to fight against the Allied forces, against the Red Army, and thereby prolong the existence of the criminal and rotten fascist system. When real anti-fascists, active participants in the struggle against Hitlerite Germany, come out with such views, it is strange and incomprehensible. The Soviet people never equated the population of Germany with the criminal fascist clique ruling in Germany. Comrade Stalin said: "It would be ridiculous to identify Hitler's clique with the German people, with the German state. The experience of history says that Hitlers come and go, but the German people, but the German state remains."
          2. 0
            15 June 2020 17: 38
            it is your liberal friends who prompted you such a slogan. You are a scoundrel. if you are replacing the slogan "Kill the fascist" existing during the war. slogan "Kill a German."
            1. +1
              16 June 2020 18: 54
              Quote: Seeker
              "Kill the German". Invented by the likes of you. Russophobes.

              What kind of Russophobia can be in the slogan "Kill a German"?
        3. +5
          13 May 2020 23: 38
          Quote: Jurachip

          Blood for blood it's what do you justify murders, gas chambers, camps, fascist death camps,we are there were enemies for the fascists! And what, Soviet ones, too, had to build gas chambers and crematoria and burn them with German Romanian Hungarian children ?!

          Yuri, tell me, (I can’t figure it out myself) have you already left the Russian language, or haven’t visited yet?
  14. +4
    13 May 2020 15: 06
    Quote: novel xnumx
    in the era of the Internet so used to freebies ...

    Tongue removed. We are really used to freebies and so are not willing to pay.
    Yes, even for "Cat in a Poke". Agree that the episode is interesting, but the fact is that the whole book is
    1. +4
      13 May 2020 15: 22
      And even for "Cat in a Poke"

      if the cats are Vladislav or the Sea Cat, then they must also pay extra ... wink Can you imagine how much it costs to feed them? request Yes, you will go broke on one filler! fellow (friendly joke in relation to the above! drinks )
      1. +3
        13 May 2020 17: 36
        for "Cat in a Poke"
        ,,, I wonder why not in a bucket, basket, chest, and why a cat, not a cat. request
        1. +4
          13 May 2020 19: 22
          And the cat, she is, she will always find a way to quietly get out of any prison, and satisfy the libido. And a cat, a beast, unknowable to the human mind, will yell, protesting the imprisonment, after receiving it, will go to the bowl, get drunk to a swine state and shit in the middle of the room. And he doesn’t care about the cat, which, meanwhile, will have an affair with the “nobleman” and “bring it to the hem”, satisfying the “basic instinct”.
          1. +2
            14 May 2020 09: 34
            will have an affair with a "nobleman" and "bring him to the hem"

            the future nobleman, who, coy, turns into a gentleman. And yes - crap laughing Mikado sometimes swears with mine. She reprimands him, he mumbles in response with a challenge. drinks
      2. +3
        13 May 2020 21: 03
        Do not say it such gluttons. However, you prompted me: let V.O. take part of the expenses on himself. In this case, I agree to buy.
        Supported your joke
        1. +2
          13 May 2020 21: 35
          Quote: vladcub
          However, you prompted me: let V.O. take part of the expenses on himself.

          Well, no, Vladislav, don’t even hope. I’m still alive, I need to visit the Royal Arsenal in Leeds, the Stibbert Museum in Italy, Stockholm, and Oslo ... And write five more books, including three about armor and weapons, which also requires expenses. Therefore, no sponsorship on my part!
          1. +2
            13 May 2020 22: 22
            Cats, I won’t be able to feed you: V.O. during his life rejoices, which means: catch mice! In short, you will keep yourself
  15. +4
    13 May 2020 18: 41
    ".... many former White Guards came to Spain and fought on the side of Franco", but in fairness, there were quite a few former emigrants who helped the Republicans. My grandmother told me that one of the Soviet volunteers in Spain recalled this.
    You as a responsible person should know this.
    1. +3
      13 May 2020 19: 00
      Quote: Astra wild
      You as a responsible person should know this.

      And I know that. But you can’t shove everything ... It’s like about an elephant-painter ...
  16. The comment was deleted.
    1. +3
      13 May 2020 19: 50
      Quote: Charlie
      Perhaps it is better to publish works of art with fictional characters and imaginations of the author on other resources?

      Nikolay, you should have read the beginning of the article, everything was explained there ... And other sites ... my books are posted there. Well, here - throw away the fiction and there will be a bare description of the ship and the explosion.
  17. +3
    13 May 2020 20: 38
    Vyacheslav Olegovich, as I understand it, the explosion: "Jaime 1" - an ordinary episode of the book with the participation of the characters of the book? If the whole book is built around this, then there is no point in reading.
    Probably, you have Zaslavsky and Ostroumov and an unnamed transfer, after the war ended up in exile. Everyone was looking for his own path in life. Perhaps one of these two will eventually fight the fascists. Some of the heroes must stay alive.
    Otherwise I WILL NOT READ.
    1. +3
      13 May 2020 21: 26
      Quote: Astra wild
      If the whole book is built around this, then it makes no sense to read.

      In the second book of the novel (and it has not yet been laid out) 720 pages. What do you think can such a number of pages revolve around this tiny episode?
    2. +2
      13 May 2020 21: 30
      Quote: Astra wild
      Probably, you have Zaslavsky and Ostroumov and an unnamed transfer, after the war ended up in exile. Everyone was looking for his own path in life. Perhaps one of these two will eventually fight the fascists. Some of the heroes must stay alive.
      Otherwise I WILL NOT READ.

      As I understand you well. In the first book, all the heroes were saved. In the second novel, they got an education, got rich, fought in Spain against the communists, and then began to fight against the Germans. The second novel ends with them sinking the battleship Admiral Graf Spee in La Plata Bay. Everyone is alive and happy. I will keep silent about the content of the third part.
  18. +1
    14 May 2020 00: 39
    the commission of inquiry, which dealt with the circumstances of his death, considered the main reason for the negligence of the ship's personnel. The explosion of cellars of 102-mm shells on the starboard side of the vessel, in her opinion, came from gas cutters used in the repair of one of the bulkheads damaged by a bomb from an Italian bomber, which was used in the immediate vicinity of these cellars. From it came the detonation of the cellars of the main-caliber tower # 3, and after that, shells for anti-aircraft guns detonated on the upper deck exploded from the fire that had begun.

    Other hypotheses cannot be ruled out.
    1) An act of sabotage by representatives of the "fifth column".
    2) According to "Don Nicholas", a Soviet adviser at the Cartagena base, "the sailors had a bad habit of smoking inside the battleship, and cigarette smoke could have caused the explosion."

    The place where the explosion occurred (tower of the main caliber number 3).

    Jaime I after the explosion.
  19. +4
    14 May 2020 09: 34
    I am very glad that we have not yet published this rubbish. Not even in terms of plot, but in terms of presentation. It is simply impossible to read. I can recommend the author Vasily Zvyagintsev in terms of ownership of the style
    1. 0
      14 May 2020 14: 01
      Quote: Irina Grafova
      I am very glad that we have not yet published this rubbish

      Irina! It is foolish to write this without reading it. One passage says nothing. But 40 books published in the USSR, Russia, England and Germany speak volumes ... "Let's die near Moscow ..." had to be republished twice ... and this is an indicator.
  20. +3
    14 May 2020 13: 41
    I never read the fantasies of the authors.
    I have a more modest task - a list of more than 1000 memoirs - written by direct participants in the events.
    I swallowed Reshetnikov’s amazing memoirs in 3 days, now I’m reading Begeldinov’s, I’ll start Zhadov and so on in the week of 2-3 memoirs.
    And the list is constantly growing, which would be distracted by fiction.
    1. -1
      14 May 2020 14: 58
      Quote: Dmitry Vladimirovich
      And the list is constantly growing, which would be distracted by fiction.

      Familiar situation!
  21. -1
    14 May 2020 13: 47
    Quote: Undecim
    Sometimes it’s very interesting to understand the logic of the individual who put a minus under the commentary of a neutral technical content. Or is it purely to spoil?

    I would venture to suggest that the minus comes from personal antipathy. You have a reputation for being a well-reformed person, but a bitter in character. And they don't like them. Your definition alone: ​​"hamsters" can make some colleagues angry
  22. +2
    14 May 2020 13: 55
    Quote: Grafova Irina
    I am very glad that we have not yet published this rubbish. Not even in terms of plot, but in terms of presentation. It is simply impossible to read. I can recommend the author Vasily Zvyagintsev in terms of ownership of the style

    Irina, it seems to me that Vyacheslav Olegovich should have learned from Sholokhov and Stepanov: "Port Arthur", there are bright characters, a dynamic plot, and this decorates any work
    1. +1
      14 May 2020 14: 03
      You read, Astra, the first book yourself, then talk about the dynamism of the plot. Or is he not dynamic in PEOPLE AND WEAPONS?
    2. -1
      14 May 2020 14: 55
      Quote: Astra wild
      It seems to me that Vyacheslav Olegovich should learn

      "To teach a scientist is only to spoil!" - there is such a saying ...
  23. kig
    3 August 2020 15: 41
    How battleships explode: