Optimization? Destruction of medicine!


Below is the text of an open letter to representatives of regional authorities with a request to prevent the collapse of the Angarsk branch of the OGBUZ "Irkutsk Regional Neuropsychiatric Dispensary." The letter was written by a former employee of the institution, who has devoted a decade to his difficult profession. I have to admit that I have no hope that high-ranking officials will stop the process of "optimization" of medicine, which affects hundreds of workers and tens of thousands of citizens. But…

* * *

I, Fedotenko Vera Evgenievna, is the former head doctor of the city psychiatric hospital, who gave the psychiatric service of the city of Angarsk 60 years, worked as the head doctor for 27 years, the head of the dispensary for 13 years, and later the head of the organizational and methodological department and outpatient reception of socially dangerous patients. Since June 2018, I stopped working, but I continue to live the life of the hospital staff and cannot reconcile with how the psychiatric and narcological services of our city are being destroyed.

I am not addressing you to tell the glorious history the establishment of the psychiatric service of the city of Angarsk. I want to defend this service. In defense of doctors, nurses, paramedical and other personnel. And of course, in defense of people in need of psychiatric and drug treatment. I don’t think you know anything about healthcare optimization. I want to believe that you are not one of those people who know and will sit back. After all, trouble lies in wait for us all ...

The psychiatric service of the city of Angarsk appeared in September back in 1959, when 15 beds were opened at the Angarsk city medical association. And two years later a neuropsychiatric dispensary was organized. Male and female departments of 60 beds are open. Medical and production workshops started, and outpatients were organized. The preparation and renovation of buildings for the hospital was a common cause. Heads of the construction department, a petrochemical plant, and OKBA helped doctors. In 1983, the clinic was transformed into an Angara psychiatric hospital. In 1984, a children's psychiatric service was organized. In 1995 - the department of nursing care. In 2000 - a medical and psychological center for the provision of psychotherapeutic and psychoprophylactic care. And in 2001, we, the first in the region and one of the first in the country, began to help people with addictions in a drug rehabilitation center.

So, gradually, the Angara Psychiatric Hospital developed and strengthened, withstood during the difficult years of perestroika, the collapse of the country and the dashing 90s and turned into the largest medical institution with a hospital for 320 beds and 2 clinics with a capacity of 200 visits. Our hospital was an advanced institution where the most modern methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention were introduced. And has always been distinguished by the high quality of the assistance provided.

It so happened that for a year and a half the head doctor was not in the hospital, and, despite this, a highly professional and well-coordinated team performed the tasks assigned to it, providing the necessary psychiatric, narcological, psychotherapeutic and psychological help to the residents of the city of Angarsk and the surrounding areas of the region.

There were no significant comments on the work of the Angarsk Psychiatric Hospital, but the “optimization” of the psychiatric service came like a bolt from the blue - and our hospital, along with five other psychiatric hospitals in the region, was added to the Irkutsk Psychoneurological Dispensary.

Thanks to this reorganization, the state of affairs in the Angara branch worsened, and many negative aspects arose. First of all, 75 round-the-clock beds were reduced, including a drug rehabilitation center, beds in the former department of nursing care (now the general psychiatric unit No. 4), in almost all inpatient departments. It is not clear to me on the basis of what orders and decisions such a huge reduction in the number of beds has been carried out. Or in our city has fewer alcoholics and drug addicts? Or maybe all patients with severe mental illnesses are covered by the necessary medical, social and rehabilitation measures, the problem of their treatment, living not to the detriment of relatives and neighbors has been resolved? Only 15 round-the-clock beds were left in the border state unit (now the general psychiatric unit No. 3). But now the country has developed an unfavorable socio-economic situation, we are on the verge of a crisis. The number of patients with depression, anxiety and psychosomatic disorders, and suicides is increasing and will continue to grow. In their condition, they need to be withdrawn from a traumatic situation, a quiet, pacifying, comfortable stay. This cannot be ensured in an inpatient setting. And what about patients who have lost housing, social connections? With such a reduction in beds, lack of space or contraindications for placement in psychoneurological boarding schools, these people will be on the street and could potentially become victims or participants in crimes. Look at the development of the situation in the USA, where the state psychiatric and drug treatment service has been practically destroyed. Now people with severe mental disorders are either in overcrowded prisons, or they lead a miserable existence on the streets, including carriers of infections. The current pandemic has shown this particularly clearly. Is this the way our healthcare needs to develop?

Along with this there is a reduction in staff, leaving employees, including professionals. Doctors invited from other regions did not want to get a job at the hospital. They were not satisfied with the lack of a decent wage guarantee. Young doctors also do not come to work in the hospital. Financing decreased in all respects. Almost stopped repairs. There were interruptions in the supply of medicines, not even expensive, but the most vital. The equipment is not being repaired. There were problems with transport. There is no stability in wages, they do not fully pay for processing, so a number of doctors express their intention to quit.

Made a mistake !!! To merge institutions, including one as large as the Angara Psychiatric Hospital, into a clumsy, impenetrable, hard-to-manage hulk ...

I consider the current situation with the state of the psychiatric and narcological services in the city of Angarsk intolerant, not in need of optimization, but proper reform. Therefore, I ask you to return the independence of the Angara Psychiatric Hospital as soon as possible with the return of the hospital bed and its rational distribution in accordance with the current needs of the population for affordable and high-quality medical care, to ensure adequate funding for psychiatric and narcological assistance, which will improve the material and technical base, lead the departments in proper condition for a comfortable stay of patients and eliminate the shortage of doctors.

Psychiatry and narcology are not areas where you can save. Their destruction subsequently comes with heavy economic losses, a demographic catastrophe and even the destruction of the country.

Save our hospital !!!

Health Excellence
Honored Doctor of Russia,
honorary citizen of the city of Angarsk
V. E. Fedotenko
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  1. +47
    April 21 2020 05: 24
    Such a situation in any district hospital, our order-bearing optimizers tried to Mrs. Golikova and Golodets and others under the command of Putin. And now a pandemic will fall on the regions and the side will find out the price of optimization and its optimizers. There is one plug in the country - Shoigu, where they will put things in order, but after leaving the collapse, where the Ministry of Emergencies is now - and you can’t hear it, optimization has also passed, this is Putin’s favorite word, but he doesn’t spare money for friends in the garden partnership.
    1. +20
      April 21 2020 07: 20
      Quote: ugrums1961
      where is the Ministry of Emergencies now - and not heard

      Here it is not necessary. MOE is working. Personally, I have already received a dozen SMS from them saying that you don’t need to leave the house unnecessarily.
      1. +21
        April 21 2020 08: 43
        Well, if in the Russian Federation local authorities are dominated by officials who disdain the people and even openly declare that "the state owes nothing to the people", and after a cabinet hearing, they either remain in their posts or are transferred to other posts that are more powerful and financially even more abrupt, then there is simply no reason to expect any other - improved - results in healthcare.
        Not only ordinary people will die out, but also the doctors themselves, and along with the doctors, all Russian medicine.

        "Glory" to the murderers - the malicious "optimizers" of Russian healthcare! (Sarcasm.)
        Under Stalin, they would simply be shot!
        1. -11
          April 21 2020 11: 14
          Tatyana, - Under Stalin they would simply be shot.

          Tatyana, are you for the executions?
          1. +9
            April 21 2020 11: 31
            It is high time to return the death penalty under the laws in force in the USSR.
        2. +6
          April 21 2020 13: 48
          "SALUS POPULI SUPREMA LEX" - the happiness of the people is the highest law was written above the entrance to the ancient Roman Senate. I wonder if anyone in our power knows about it?
          Quote: Tatiana
          Not only ordinary people will die out, but also the doctors themselves, and along with the doctors, all Russian medicine.
          - digitalization is coming .. and officials will die out with it, they will no longer be needed, entrepreneurship, because it will not be able to compete with network structures that own information about the existing market.
          Khazars disappeared thanks to fellow soldiers laughing in power, so we will disappear if we do not remember Stalin and Lenin and do not develop their teachings.
      2. +6
        April 21 2020 15: 18
        This is a robot from the Ministry of Emergencies sends you SMS - optimization sir.
    2. -4
      April 21 2020 07: 30
      and should solve the issue of medicine (according to the law, administered by the regional authorities) - Governor, from the Ministry of Emergencies
    3. +11
      April 21 2020 07: 42
      Quote: ugrums1961
      Such a situation in any district hospital, our order-bearing optimizers tried to Mrs. Golikova and Golodets

      And despite all these actions to destroy health care, called "optimization" by the capitalists, who else can argue that this is not an indication of the West?
      1. +21
        April 21 2020 09: 26
        Quote: tihonmarine
        And despite all these actions to destroy health care, called "optimization" by the capitalists, who else can argue that this is not an indication of the West?

        What other proof do you need that the genocide of the indigenous peoples of Russia is being carried out? And the point here is not at all in the West, it is a creation of ebony Putinism.
        1. 0
          April 21 2020 10: 04
          Quote: Malyuta
          What other proof do you need?

          Well, I didn’t talk about the evidence, but only asked about the instructions of the West about medicine. And I realized that some do not believe in it.
          1. +19
            April 21 2020 10: 10
            Quote: tihonmarine
            Well, I didn’t talk about the evidence, but only asked about the instructions of the West about medicine. And I realized that some do not believe in it.

            And what difference can there be in the way you are destroyed at the behest of the West or on your own initiative?
            1. +4
              April 21 2020 11: 05
              Quote: Malyuta
              And what difference can there be in the way you are destroyed at the behest of the West or on your own initiative?
              “An ineffective outdated Soviet system, too high costs for maintaining hospitals, the existence of MHI policies — all these problems lead to a budget deficit. If Russia wants to have access to our money, let it bring matters in line with our requirements, ”said Isaac Riskin, deputy head of the IMF. And the IMF’s instructions have been complied with, and what’s its own initiative in accordance with our requirements.
          2. +8
            April 21 2020 10: 45
            Quote: tihonmarine
            And I realized that some do not believe in it.

            why "some"? Many! "The man by the fireplace" believes that he did everything right! But doctors from all over the country are called to Moscow for treatment. request
            1. +4
              April 21 2020 15: 55
              Quote: Silvestr
              Here are just in Moscow to treat the name of doctors from all over the country

              And there is no one to treat the country already.
      2. +9
        April 21 2020 09: 47
        If erysipelas are crooked, the mirror is not to blame. The West has nothing to do with it. Do it yourself
        1. -8
          April 21 2020 10: 08
          The West through the government has pursued and is pursuing its policy wherever it can. He cannot reach the defense right now. And before finance, health and education he could and can. And Putin is not omnipotent here, alas.
          1. +12
            April 21 2020 10: 47
            Quote: Pavel57
            And Putin is not omnipotent here, alas.

            poor fellow! Well, do not give him guidance! Here's how to attach Crimea, everything was enough, but how to improve something in the country, they always interfere.
            1. -16
              April 21 2020 10: 54
              You any Putin would not like both good and evil. Will apply repression-dictator, will be liberal-a dilemma. So you are a supporter of the West, the dollar economy, vassal policy, etc.
              1. +11
                April 21 2020 11: 25
                Quote: Pavel57
                You any Putin would not like both good and evil.

                You will not believe! But the first 2 terms of it I went for 100 km to vote and campaign for him. But then, thank you. By the fall, you too will understand ...
                1. -10
                  April 21 2020 15: 13
                  And why by the fall? What will happen. I have already said that Putin will shake off the pro-Western government, which is very difficult in many respects, or the country will fall into an accelerated phase of collapse.
              2. 0
                April 21 2020 16: 01
                Quote: Pavel57
                So you are a supporter of the West, the dollar economy, vassal policy, etc.

                Supporters of the West sit with their llamas and lards in Western banks, but they do not sit on social networks and blogs.
              3. +1
                April 23 2020 13: 20
                Quote: Pavel57
                You any Putin would not like both good and evil. Will apply repression-dictator, will be liberal-a dilemma.

                But where are they repressions then? Waited for already. Definitely. Could it start in 2037?
          2. -1
            April 21 2020 15: 57
            Quote: Pavel57
            He cannot reach the defense right now.

            Gorbaty and Eltsin were also killed the defense industry, although even now there are enough undertakers. Everyone knows them by name.
        2. +5
          April 21 2020 10: 26
          Quote: Oleg Zorin
          If erysipelas are crooked, the mirror is not to blame. The West has nothing to do with it. Do it yourself

          The West never acts with its own hands BUT ??? Everything was done according to the instructions of the IMF. If in 2017 they recommended us to cut expenses and a budget rule, which was fulfilled to the point, then in 2018 the time has come to raise taxes and the retirement age. “We welcome the authorities' plans to increase spending on health, education and infrastructure development. However, this should be done in a way that does not undermine the credibility of the new fiscal rule. The long-delayed parametric pension reform could help counter negative demographic trends (at least temporarily). In addition, a carefully thought-out and non-deficit shift from social security contributions to taxation of consumption could stimulate labor supply, reduce informal labor relations and attract new investment, ”was noted in last year's“ recommendations ”.

          A year has passed, and you have an increase in the retirement age, a tax on the self-employed, an increase in VAT, as well as rather dubious results of health care and education reforms that have reached insanity in the form of "progressive" involvement of postmen in the provision of medical services in order to save on doctors.

          And what can you say to that?
          1. +13
            April 21 2020 10: 51
            Quote: tihonmarine
            And what can you say to that?

            that persons with movable property and real estate beyond the hill cannot be the elite of our country. Life shows that Mr. Brzezinski was a thousand times right when he spoke ..
            1. +4
              April 21 2020 11: 10
              Quote: Silvestr
              Life shows that Mr. Brzezinski was right a thousand times when he spoke.

              The gentleman is right as always. And now the holders of this money, not only the elite of Russia, but they are also subjects (dependent) of the country in which their money lies.
            2. -11
              April 21 2020 11: 12
              Silvestr (Sylvester), in what year supposedly Brzezinski said this? in 1995? who was in power then?
              1. +9
                April 21 2020 11: 24
                Quote: Pavel57
                Silvestr (Sylvester), in what year supposedly Brzezinski said this? in 1995? who was in power then?

                and what has changed? Tell ...
                1. -11
                  April 21 2020 15: 18
                  and what has changed? Tell ...
                  You yourself can not compare the 91st Russia and the current? If not for Putin, the country would have collapsed in the zero. Then anyone could wipe their feet about Russia, now it’s already difficult, although there are enough who want to. And he restored the defense, and the army. At least they won’t be able to defeat us by force.
                2. +5
                  April 21 2020 16: 04
                  Quote: Silvestr
                  and what has changed? Tell ...

                  He will not answer, but I think I will. "Lards have become not 500 but much more in theirs banks" (and in Russian less).
              2. -2
                April 26 2020 11: 33
                “Russia can have any number of nuclear suitcases and nuclear buttons, but since the 500 billion dollars of the Russian elite are in our banks, you still figure it out: is it your elite, or is it ours already?”
                Zbigniew Brzezinski December 22, 2009.
                Sylvester, arranged an answer?
        3. +10
          April 21 2020 10: 45
          Well, actually, you have to understand that during the crisis of 2008, the Reserve Fund was almost completely wasted. Then they said: "We will develop, we will build!" And they combined the remnants of the deceased fund with the NWF - the emerging National Welfare Fund. But then it turned out that oil prices fell sharply, "the fat years were over", and very little is dripping on the unheard-of rebuilding of the country, on all these plans, a huge amount, on the personal wishes of the supreme power in the NWF. And then the optimization began, expressed in the reduction of everything and everything for which the state is obliged to spend money, and accumulate unspent money in the NWF. The country was subjected to massive destruction. Not only medicine was destroyed, but thousands of completely competitive state industrial enterprises were destroyed, requiring only modernization corresponding to the new time.
          That's how it was all these years: "... to the ground, and then we are ours, we will build a new world, whoever was nothing, he will become everything!" Destroyed, became someone, so as not to put it firmly - what will we optimize next? Please note that the medicine optimization program is designed until 2025 and signed by Putin, and the new crisis is gaining momentum.
      3. +2
        April 21 2020 13: 54
        Quote: tihonmarine
        And despite all these actions to destroy health care, called "optimization" by the capitalists, who else can argue that this is not an indication of the West?

        Coronaisteria - instructions from the West, control over RUSal, too, the Central Bank, Rosneft, digitalization - a cherry on the cake, the capture of our entire economy is also from there.
      4. 0
        April 21 2020 16: 11
        I don't think these are guidelines. My opinion is that "smart sovereign optimizers" decided to rip off the health insurance system from the West. Well, there, you know, it's cheaper to die than to be treated. Simply put, everything should be profitable, so they began to reduce medical institutions. The minimum cost is the maximum profit. Remember yourself, it probably happened to you, you need to see a doctor, but there are no numbers for 2 months in advance, but it is paid at any time convenient for you. I think that the most normal healthcare system was in the USSR, not everything was smooth there, but still better than at the moment. "Optimizers" are geared towards reducing costs, so they were cut down when there was a smell of fried in the air, the mind was enough to understand that the virus does not understand the "classes", so they are trying to play back.
    4. +13
      April 21 2020 10: 19
      But firefighters claimed that Shoigu was somehow not a leader
    5. for
      April 21 2020 12: 17
      Quote: ugrums1961
      There is one plug in the country - Shoigu, where they will put order there

      They each carry out the assigned task. MUCH does not depend on the personality. If it moves far away from the target, it will be removed and, unfortunately, give a more meaningful direction.
    6. +8
      April 21 2020 13: 30
      In the country, there’s one plug - Shoigu, where they will put things in order, but after leaving the collapse, where the Ministry of Emergency Situations is now - and you can’t hear it, optimization has also passed, this is Putin’s favorite word, but he’s not sparing money with friends from the garden partnership.
      Do not idealize the Ministry of Emergencies and Shoigu S.K., last year there was a message about an increase in the managerial structure in Moscow, almost 2 times, can be found on the Internet https://regnum.ru/news/polit/2750278.html In particular in Bryansk There are no medical protective masks in pharmacies. There are not enough protective equipment for working ambulance doctors. Question: Where is the mob in case of emergency? Cash allocated and allocated. Everything is beautiful on TV ... and sending sms - sms on your face cannot be dressed. I have nothing against those who really work “in the field” - a sincere bow to the ground, and not those who sit in their offices (there are also decent people among them, but I don’t think that the majority). We provide humanitarian aid to the whole world, and children have no money for operations inside the country (continuous negative on television), as well as medical supplies. Now on the Internet manufacturers of drugs "shouted" about the unprofitability of cheap drugs. Another chain of events .... Willingly or unwillingly, you will think about what is happening.
      1. 0
        April 21 2020 17: 18
        Description of the picture.
        Village shop. On the head of the buyer - a transparent plastic bag, on the head of the saleswoman - a large cardboard box with a cut out window.
        Oil on canvas, "Optimization of Medicine", 2020,
        Skvortsova art workshop.
        Think fiction? Photography in Zen!
        1. +1
          April 26 2020 11: 25
          ... Zurabov, Golikova, Skvortsova ... - I remembered the last one - V.Skvortsova, for three years now how should I sew mittens somewhere in the Mordovian colony ... You look, I would have rewound half of the term ... An no. Now she is the main infectious disease specialist (infectious disease specialist, Karl!) ... there is nothing to say about Golikova. From the word at all. So, fitnyashka ... a colored poster on the rotten fence-hole to glue up ... Zurabov ... Oooh, he's a scoundrel. Before "health care", I remember, he successfully turned the pension into "funeral" ... The abbreviation remained the same (PFR) - but the essence ... ... I'm not gloating, no. I creak my teeth when I hear my nephew's voice on the phone after the shift. She is a medic ...
  2. +32
    April 21 2020 05: 29
    With the extra profits from hydrocarbons, bringing medicine to the level of "none" is not just some kind of shame, it is a complete degradation of the government and the electorate that brought these people to power and themselves to the slaughter.
    1. +24
      April 21 2020 07: 48
      Quote: Grading
      With the extra profits from hydrocarbons, bringing medicine to the level of "none" is not just some kind of shame, it is a complete degradation of the government and the electorate that brought these people to power and themselves to the slaughter.

      And here we scoffed at Ukraine that all psychiatric hospitals were closed there. It's the same everywhere. In the country in which I live everything is one to one and is called "optimization". Psychos walk the streets, tuberculosis patients ride in public transport.
      1. +22
        April 21 2020 08: 35
        Quote: tihonmarine
        And here we mocked Ukraine, that there all the mental hospitals were closed. Everywhere the same.

        And I always said that we are little different from the Ukrainians .. richer unless ... all the same gas oil .. And the policy is the same as a whole .. capitalism ..
        1. +13
          April 21 2020 08: 51
          Quote: Svarog
          And the policy is the same as a whole .. capitalism ..

          The training manual is the same for all the former republics of the USSR and the CMEA countries.
          1. +15
            April 21 2020 09: 49
            Quote: tihonmarine
            The training manual is the same for all the former republics of the USSR and the CMEA countries.

            Perhaps the training manual is one, but the Gauleiter-procurators are different.
            1. +5
              April 21 2020 10: 40
              Quote: Malyuta
              Perhaps the training manual is one, but the Gauleiter-procurators are different.

              The secretaries of the district party committees are different, but they all comply with the instructions of the regional party committee.
              1. +11
                April 21 2020 10: 48
                Quote: tihonmarine
                The secretaries of the district party committees are different, but they all comply with the instructions of the regional party committee.

                Understand the main thing, the longer you nod to the west, the later you will understand what is happening. hi
                1. -4
                  April 21 2020 11: 06
                  Quote: Malyuta
                  Understand the main thing

                2. -1
                  April 21 2020 11: 13
                  Quote: Malyuta
                  Understand the main thing, the longer you nod to the west

                  Sorry, I’m not living in Russia anymore.
          2. +4
            April 21 2020 10: 57
            Quote: tihonmarine
            The training manual is the same for all the former republics of the USSR and the CMEA countries.

            when people studied poorly and are not able to draw conclusions from strangers and their mistakes, there is no other way
        2. +11
          April 21 2020 10: 54
          Quote: Svarog
          And I always said that we are little different from the Ukrainians .. richer unless ... all the same gas oil ..

          1. -9
            April 21 2020 11: 16
            In addition, the Bedouin was allowed to sell oil for USD
            1. +9
              April 21 2020 11: 23
              Quote: Pavel57
              In addition, the Bedouin was allowed to sell oil for USD

              and Russia sells for rubles?
              1. -8
                April 21 2020 11: 27
                The Russian Federation can sell oil to the West only for dollars (as a rule), this is the main rule for the Russian Federation entering the Western markets. Since until recently, foreign exchange earnings from hydrocarbons amounted to 50% of foreign exchange earnings, this moment was critical.

                Oil dollars are not a random term.
                1. +6
                  April 21 2020 11: 29
                  I do not understand you request
                  Quote: Pavel57
                  In addition, the Bedouin was allowed to sell oil for USD

                  Quote: Pavel57
                  Russia can sell oil to the West only for dollars

                  are the dollars different?
                  1. -4
                    April 21 2020 11: 35
                    Dollars are the same - green-pink. But as soon as you start trading for dollars, you enter a system of vassal relations with the West, specifically with the States. With the appropriate pro-Western administration, ideology, etc.
                    1. +5
                      April 21 2020 11: 39
                      Quote: Pavel57
                      With the appropriate pro-Western administration, ideology, etc.

                      and..? These dollars did not allow to develop the country? They gave the Bedouins, but we don’t?
                      1. -7
                        April 21 2020 11: 44
                        Did the Bedouins build a superpower?
                        The development of the Russian Federation was never included in the plans of the West. The destruction of Russia by the hands of Russia and the money of Russia.
                      2. -6
                        April 21 2020 14: 08
                        Bedouins are not interesting or dangerous for states. And Russia is potentially dangerous and resources are more interesting than deserts.

                        Yes, we are not provided for the development of money - loans are very high interest, you can not lend to all industries, loans are subject to a lot of conditions, if you don’t comply, you get sanctions.

                        And ruble investment (issue) is prohibited.
                2. +2
                  April 21 2020 15: 42
                  And you think the state spends dollars on your life, I think not. Bread, meat, housing, electricity - all for rubles, and even that household appliances imported from abroad were bought for foreign currency from the invested rubles. Dollars go to finance the work of friends, well, we understand Who.
                  1. -3
                    April 21 2020 22: 43
                    Bread - additives, without which bread is not baked now, meat and fodder, young animals - all for the currency. In agricultural, if you dig, about half the cost of currency components.
                    Unfortunately, while import substitution does not cover the whole range of necessary goods.
                    Funding the work of "friends" is not a bad option, friends often do what remains for the country - both jobs and the result of work.
                    "Friends" for you is a certain bogeyman - apparently closer are those who just robbed in the 90s and dumped in London.
                    The oligarchic system was not created by Putin, they often forget to say this.
          2. -1
            April 21 2020 16: 11
            You can’t find a Bedouin in Russia, there are only one loot.
      2. +13
        April 21 2020 08: 39
        In our region, psychiatric and narcological hospitals miraculously survived, and even 2 years ago the buildings were repaired.
        But with somatic medicine
        sadness ... Optimization by a heavy skating rink went through hospitals, especially regional and rural. Paramedic points are few. Doctors go to paid centers from the polyclinic. They presented a plan for the construction of 12 medical centers with a modern technological base and .. even!
        sanitation. How much is it? And there are more than 50 districts. It turns out 5 districts per 1 center. But we do not live in Belgium. We have a district of hoo. And you can’t get from district to district in an hour ...
        1. +10
          April 21 2020 09: 10
          Quote: Doccor18
          In our region, psychiatric and narcological hospitals miraculously survived, and even 2 years ago the buildings were repaired.

          You're in luck, oh, the residents of the city are not. My relatives live in the village of Gedeonovka (almost a line of Smolensk), where the famous psychiatric hospital "Gedeonovka", which was used to frighten small children in the good Soviet times. Now the sick there can be counted on one hand, but you can guess where the rest have gone. From the huge complex there was only "zilch" and the administration. Even the sick are prepared meals in the village and driven by homemade wheelbarrows. Interesting and where you can still see this.

          But then what a sign and an office building, you come up, look, and even your chest bursts with joy, what a wonderful medicine. And still joy for these two aunts who rule medicine so well.
          1. +4
            April 21 2020 09: 14
            This, unfortunately, can be seen almost everywhere. Our infectious diseases hospital looks something like this.
            1. +6
              April 21 2020 09: 33
              Quote: Doccor18
              This, unfortunately, can be seen almost everywhere. Our infectious diseases hospital looks something like this.

              And what’s going on inside is darkness, I haven’t even seen this in Africa (where there are medical facilities).
              1. 0
                April 21 2020 09: 36
                And I hope that this virus will move the improvement of the repairs of the remaining hospitals.
                Naive ...? But I don't care
                hoping for the best.
                1. +2
                  April 21 2020 09: 53
                  Quote: Doccor18
                  And I hope that this virus will move the improvement of the repairs of the remaining hospitals.
                  Naive ...?

                  Hope dies last, so you need to believe. But capitalist laws do not obey viral laws.
                  1. -4
                    April 21 2020 11: 09
                    Capitalism is also different. One comprador - to rob and export the loot. The second, say, patriotic is to develop the country and invest in the population, even as a resource. The struggle between these branches of capitalism is taking place in our country, and indeed in China and the USA. Since our forces are not large, then the situation with us very much depends on the results of Trump and Co.
                    1. +4
                      April 21 2020 11: 23
                      Quote: Pavel57
                      The struggle between these branches of capitalism is ongoing in our country.

                      And who among the capitalists in Russia is a patriot and is fighting for the development of the country and its people? Maybe Abramovich, who gave the British his hotel for "Karon-19", or the Rotenberg brothers or others awarded by the President of the Russian Federation with Russian orders. And maybe one of them helped now in a difficult time for Russia? I haven’t heard such a virtue yet, but what ordinary people, "volunteers" help people hear. Even during WWI, the Grand Duchesses were Sisters of Mercy.
                2. +4
                  April 21 2020 10: 59
                  Quote: Doccor18
                  hoping for the best.

                  will not do this. Breaking - not building
            2. +8
              April 21 2020 11: 01
              Quote: Doccor18
              Our infectious diseases hospital looks something like this.

              Photos of the infection department in the city of Slavgorod, Altai Territory.

      3. +11
        April 21 2020 10: 53
        Quote: tihonmarine
        Everywhere the same.

        I have said many times and say that Russia is slowly moving along the path of Ukraine, since the authorities in both countries are anti-people and by their stupidity make the same mistakes.
    2. -10
      April 21 2020 11: 04
      Grading, this is not a degradation of power, it is a clear work of the power that came after 1991.
      And this power will have to be changed, otherwise the state will fall apart. Will Putin be able to do this? We will see this year, otherwise there will be other realities.
      1. +6
        April 21 2020 20: 00
        Putin himself is part of this power
    3. for
      April 21 2020 12: 21
      Quote: Grading
      When revenues from hydrocarbons, bring medicine to the level of "no"

      Why can you use stadiums for the World Cup as hospitals ..
    4. 0
      April 21 2020 13: 25
      Quote: Grading
      With the extra profits from hydrocarbons, bringing medicine to the level of "none" is not just some kind of shame, it is a complete degradation of the government and the electorate that brought these people to power and themselves to the slaughter.

      The problem is deeper:
      The Soviet base of theoretical medicine was not bad, but it ceased to expand due to self-isolation from the West, it was ossified
      Russian medical education - corruption. And it suits parents.
      Management - everything is said in the article.
      The idea is not bad - the Western model. In small towns there are small hospitals, in a large nearby town there is a centralized medical center. But - it can work in Germany, where to the "metropolis" or n / a, which has a University clinic, 30-40 kilometers from most towns. They did not take into account local specifics.
  3. -32
    April 21 2020 05: 30
    What is the connection between "VO" and this article?
    1. -19
      April 21 2020 05: 42
      I did not understand the reaction of the "minus".
      1. -9
        April 21 2020 07: 13
        Quote: bandabas
        I did not understand the reaction of the "minus".

        And I'm already used to this attitude.
        What is the connection between "VO" and this article?
        It’s better not to understand. Yesterday I gave a comment on the author, so they drove him in the minus.
        ps There is now such a policy "Criticize the authorities for any reason. Minus those who disagree." How does it work recourse
        1. +19
          April 21 2020 08: 05
          Quote: bandabas
          What is the connection between "VO" and this article?
          I didn’t put you cons, but I will answer your question. Namely.

          Communication is very simple. Each representative of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation should know who and for what he should protect and who not. By the way, everything is said in the oath. But it is said in general, and then a person should think with his head.

          Enemies within the country cannot be protected — enemies and pests must be fought.
          The country's armed forces should stand on the side of the people, and not on the side of spoiled pests from the bureaucratic class. Officials who, instead of serving the people, fenced off from the people and think of themselves as the ruling class over the people and who do not just give a damn about the simple and our country, but they also grind our Motherland from the inside out.

          There is no Stalin for such officials! Under Stalin, for such deeds - for excesses in the "optimization" of health care, such officials would simply be shot.
          1. +7
            April 23 2020 23: 41
            Each representative of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation must know who and why he should protect, and who is not.
            But tell me, should I personally protect you or not? On what grounds should I separate the citizens of my country and protect some of them, well, let others die?
            Enemies within the country cannot be protected — enemies and pests must be fought.
            The country's armed forces should stand on the side of the people, and not on the side of spoiled pests from the bureaucratic class.
            And tell me, Navalny, Grudinin, Sobchak, they are internal enemies or vice versa the enemies of Shoigu (he is also an official), Sobyanin, Solovyov and others ??? I’ll tell you a secret, the Armed Forces are on guard of the State and protect the country from external enemies, and if the army intervenes in the internal showdown, a civil war is obtained. Someone would not be in power but the officials will be the same and dissatisfied with the authorities and officials will always be, so is and will be.
            There is no Stalin for such officials! Under Stalin, for such deeds - for excesses in the "optimization" of health care, such officials would simply be shot.
            Perhaps so, but Stalin is also a man and has made enough mistakes in his life (which does not detract from his victories), and officials from the people were also far away and had grocery special distributors and cottages and personal transport, and had a lot of things. And the following officials under any authority will also be far from the people and nothing can be done with these.
            1. 0
              April 24 2020 03: 08
              Let's deal.
              Quote: Tagil
              The Armed Forces are on guard of the State and protect the country from external enemies, and if the army intervenes in the internal showdown, a civil war is obtained.
              I refer to the Armed Forces not only the army, navy and aviation, but also all law enforcement agencies, including the police, prosecutors, courts, supervisory authorities, etc.
              The Armed Forces are on guard of the State and protect the country from external enemies, and if the army intervenes in the internal showdown, a civil war is obtained.
              When there was a coup d'etat in the country in 1991, on which side were our armed forces? But the military took the oath to serve the motherland, their Soviet state and their people! However, our military shamefully betrayed both the homeland and the people.! Yes Yes! Disgustingly sat in the barracks!
              And back in 1993, in Moscow, the army shot the Supreme Council and its defenders from the people!
              Someone in power, but the officials will be the same. And dissatisfied with the authorities and officials will always be, so it is and will be so.
              This is just the most real compromising position with compradors in power in our country according to the principle - “My hut is on the edge! I know nothing!"
              With such "defenders" of the Fatherland, our country will definitely in the end simply fly into the pipe, like Ukraine, and we will lose our Motherland forever.
              It is impossible to save the country while serving comprador power.
              1. +7
                April 24 2020 09: 24
                There is a clear concept of what the Armed Forces are and "all power structures, including the police, prosecutor's office, courts, supervisory authorities, etc." they are not included. Everything that you named is or is related to the authorities. About the 90s. What do you consider a coup d'etat, Yeltsin on a tank, the State Emergency Committee, or Yeltsin's order to shoot the government house? And this is an indicator for you that the army did not understand who the enemy was and why the enemy, when the ruling elite betrayed the people or the people who staged a coup d'etat in favor of those very officials and future oligarchs.
                Well, you still didn’t tell me why I should protect you, but your neighbor who does not have the same views on the authorities as yours no longer has.
                1. -1
                  April 24 2020 10: 42
                  I well remember the events of 1991.
                  I talked with the military in March 1991, who publicly beat themselves in the chest and said that until the last from officer to soldier they would defend their Soviet Motherland, while I was publicly at an international conference held for party and administrative workers of the North-West, in her speech said that Gorbachev was a traitor, that he was leading a bourgeois coup in the country, which would take place no later than the end of August - early September of this year, that Gorbachev would personally dissolve the CPSU, and the USSR would collapse after that - and that they — the personally present military — will simply sit in the barracks, awaiting orders from above, which they will never receive, because treason is at the very top, including the military. And so it happened.
                  Quote: Tagil
                  Well, you still didn’t tell me why I should protect you, but your neighbor who does not have the same views on the authorities as yours no longer has.
                  You personally will not protect anyone - neither me, nor my neighbor. You are the White Guard now.
                  1. +5
                    April 24 2020 13: 34
                    Because of the betrayal of the authorities, we have what we have. Well, I took an oath and I will defend the country from external enemies (the army was created for this) and I will not make any distinctions. Well, if someone in the rear decides to rock the "boat" at this time, everything will be in accordance with the law of wartime. And it will be right.
                    1. -1
                      April 24 2020 13: 55
                      Quote: Tagil
                      Well, if someone in the rear decides to rock the "boat" at this time, everything will be in accordance with the law of wartime. And it will be right.

                      Well, everything is clear with you. The typical punisher-VSUshnik, who was ready, by order of the hunty Kiev, to personally die in the ATO near Donbass in the Ilovaysky cauldron arranged by the punitive militia of the DPR, also reasoned!
                      1. +6
                        April 24 2020 14: 49
                        Everything is clear to you too. I have the honor.
        2. +12
          April 21 2020 08: 06
          Quote: Horst78
          There is now such a policy "Criticize the authorities on any occasion. Minus those who disagree." How does it work

          Closing a psycho hospital is no longer a criticism of the authorities, it is already a human pain and a cry for help. With the closure of hospitals, more crime appeared, from where in schools firing explosions, an attack on teachers. Or do you think that this does not apply to VO ???
        3. +12
          April 21 2020 08: 46
          If you think about it, then any topic can be tied to the military ...
          And especially medicine. In the event of any military conflict, after a week of fighting, a large number of victims appear, of which about 75% are those who can be effectively helped, and they will return to duty. Civil medicine is inextricably linked with the military. If state medicine is in decline in peacetime, then what will happen in the event of a military conflict?
          1. +12
            April 21 2020 09: 52
            If the country at 41 was run by the current "effective managers", the Germans in August would suddenly find themselves in Irkutsk.
            1. -12
              April 21 2020 10: 00
              Even the Urals will never see the Germans, not like Baikal.
              Leaders were leaders, and the heroic people fought so hard that the invaders had no chance in any case.
              1. 0
                April 21 2020 20: 06
                It’s not so if a manual like the French surrendered, for example, that's all
            2. +2
              April 21 2020 11: 20
              Oleg Zorin (Oleg Zorin), in 1941, Stalin was at the head of the GKO, and he led the evacuation of Beria's industry.
        4. +8
          April 21 2020 11: 02
          Quote: Horst78
          "Criticize the authorities on any occasion. Minus those who disagree."

          Is there really nothing to criticize?
          1. -7
            April 21 2020 11: 25
            Quote: Silvestr
            Is there really nothing to criticize?

            There is always something to criticize for. I mean that criticism goes without "facts" and some incomprehensible "POWER" is to blame. And this power has both a name and a face. They should be held accountable. And in net "blah-blah-blah" it is not necessary to engage in a lot of brains. I completely understand the author of the letter. BUT his letter was just an excuse to shout at "anonymous" and just "shit." If you are worried, go and help. What's in the way?
    2. +46
      April 21 2020 05: 45
      and you, bananas, does this not remind you of a hybrid war between "managers" and their own population ??? Here in my city there are only 2 ventilators per 85 tyrs of the population ... what will happen to us in case of a corona outbreak with lung damage? The level of the majority of "doctors" in our country is the level of a paramedic, because in diagnoses such idiocy is written that when the area is re-analyzed there, they twist at the temple. I do not like the dominance of Eastern doctors from Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, etc ... and this is a clear sign of degradation. People or fat managers will be taken to the regional centers by airplanes - guess three times ... The site about the war and this post is EXACTLY about the hostilities. Aftur of this post, respect for the topic raised. I really want to be wrong, but the 90s are already just stinking.
      1. -38
        April 21 2020 06: 04
        Respected. The question was about the connection of this article with the topic of the site. And, blah-blah-blah, "we are all going to die" is already fed up.
        1. +30
          April 21 2020 06: 07
          I chewed you in terms of topics ... you did not understand - hello to your blah blah blah and immortality drinks
          Do not like it when people raise the question with an edge ... you are not edros for an hour?
          1. -27
            April 21 2020 06: 33
            Non-partisan. More questions? I like it when people don’t chew snot.
            1. -21
              April 21 2020 06: 43
              Therefore, I say. Chew on in the internet. Without respect.
              1. +16
                April 21 2020 07: 00
                Hamish, when there is nothing to cover - respect from you is irrelevant. Know how to argue and lose.
            2. +17
              April 21 2020 06: 47
              ... your position is simply close to the party one. I have a certain relation to physicians and I know firsthand what is happening and how. And the condition worsens and doctors are more and more slipping into the pose of a salesman with variegated pills at the level of an hour. We will buy it and try ... it didn’t help, well then we’ll try it - they can heal with a bang. At the same time, they will begin to drive you along the coupon heap of other Aesculapians without any visible connection - an imitation of violent activity in all its glory. Anyway, a health business and a blood business = very profitable at any time of the year for crooks. All the best to you and I, like you, wish that everything settles down in our country.
              1. +8
                April 21 2020 08: 45
                Quote: viktor_ui
                Anyway, a health business and a blood business = very profitable at any time of the year for crooks.

                The drug business is more profitable than the arms trade.
        2. +19
          April 21 2020 06: 46
          Quote: bandabas
          Ah blah blah blah "we are all going to die" already tired.

          And your feasts during the plague and dancing on the coffins, on the contrary, cause "confidence in the future and unbridled optimism" ...
          Here you are not informed by the Federal State Statistics Service, but by living people whose life made them forget about indifference.
          1. -14
            April 21 2020 07: 04
            I’m not exactly feasting. Panic such as you. With your guarantor.
            1. +21
              April 21 2020 07: 13
              Quote: bandabas
              Panic such as you. With your guarantor.

              Panic? Is everything okay with your head? I don’t know about what “your guarantor” you are broadcasting here, but I wouldn’t give a hand to a nullified one.
              1. The comment was deleted.
              2. +12
                April 21 2020 08: 06
                Quote: ROSS 42
                and to zero, I would not give a hand.

                Why isn’t he showing himself to people? Yesterday I watched a meeting with him, drew attention to the turbidity and vagueness of the picture, especially on the face. Although the other participants in the online meeting, the picture was clear. There are no normal digital cameras in Novo-Ogaryovo, or are they already showing us the schedule?
                1. +7
                  April 21 2020 08: 49
                  Quote: Ingvar 72
                  Although the other participants in the online meeting, the picture was clear.

                  Yeltsin was shown that way too. They wrote about it. Like "from the evil eye" or black psychics.
                2. +3
                  April 21 2020 10: 16
                  In Novo-Ogaryovo
                  Do you think of the new-ogarev broadcast?
            2. +7
              April 21 2020 11: 09
              Quote: bandabas

              and where is the panic? If psychiatric hospitals are closed, and the percentage of psychiatric patients is stable, then try to guess where these psychiatric patients are and what they do? Are they a danger to you, your children? Or do you think that in this situation you can sit behind a barrier? - Do not stay too long.
        3. +24
          April 21 2020 06: 55
          The question was about the connection of this article with the topic of the site. And, blah-blah-blah, "we are all going to die" is already fed up.

          Health care is one of the foundations of national security, the systematic destruction of which has been ongoing for more than three decades.
          1. +21
            April 21 2020 08: 11
            Quote: Dimy4
            Health care is one of the foundations of national security, the systematic destruction of which has been ongoing for more than three decades.

            From the memoirs of Lyubov Antonovna Panchenko about the destruction by the fascists of the patients of the Kirillov hospital on October 14, 1941: “Not realizing that they were going to be shot, some mentally ill danced and laughed. Before taking life from the unfortunate, the Nazis with their usual prudence undressed their naked. After two to three weeks, the Gestapo again appeared in the hospital to destroy the remaining patients in the gas chamber and free up the premises for the hospital. Destroyed 751 patients ... "
            The organizers of the killings were the heads of health at the General Commissariat of Grosskopf and the doctor of the military hospital Bolm.
            What a beautiful word "optimization", isn't it? But in 1941, in fact, the "optimization" of the conquered peoples was also carried out, in its own way, in a European way.
            .... According to the Federal State Statistics Service, the number of hospital organizations in Russia decreased from 2000 to 2015 by half - from 10,7 to 5,4 thousand ....
        4. +33
          April 21 2020 07: 07
          Quote: bandabas
          blah blah blah "we are all going to die" is already fed up.

          Are you immortal? Gundyaev told you this? Believe in vain, he's lying ...

          Health care is one of the components of national security. Is it enough for you as an argument? And stop being rude.
        5. +11
          April 21 2020 08: 09
          Quote: bandabas
          And, blah-blah-blah, "we are all going to die" is already fed up.

          Here you are, blah-blah-blah, and Victor said everything correctly. Respect to him. It seems that you are covering up these "optimizers".
    3. +16
      April 21 2020 06: 09
      The mental health of the population is an important factor in the preparation and conduct of wars.
    4. AUL
      April 21 2020 06: 43
      Quote: bandabas
      What is the connection between "VO" and this article?

      The VO site is a military patriotic one, for those who care about the fate of their country. In your opinion, patriotism is only "getting up" and "who is the sineon"?
    5. -20
      April 21 2020 07: 53
      Dude, this has been around for a long time. Defomin addicts, you need to take the sutra pill "everything is lost" in order to exhale in the evening and get a portion of the hormone.

      One gets the feeling that if they step on 500 rubles, the first question will be "why is it so little, there is not enough for kizlyarka".
    6. for
      April 21 2020 12: 25
      Quote: bandabas
      What is the connection between "VO" and this article?

      All civic activities in one way or another connected defense.
  4. +20
    April 21 2020 05: 30
    A cry of despair ...
    But everything goes according to plan. From a social institution, medetsin becomes a business. But there is no need for sentiment. The economic insecurity of budget financing of public health care is the same grin of capitalism. And there is no point in resisting it with humane means ...
    1. +16
      April 21 2020 08: 19
      Quote: apro
      from a social institution, medecine becomes a business.

      Health care, education and culture, now only business. You don't need to go far, press the TV button and you will understand everything. In the country of "Karon-19" and on TV "Feast during the plague", Here you read the tape, and only the lazy one does not write about any actor or actress. She cut off one of her boobs, and ran into someone while drunk. Newsmakers, VIPs and all that stuff. Modern people cannot live without discussing their sneezes, bunches and trips to the toilet.
      How many magazines are devoted to them, how much good quality paper has been spent on the publication of the next stellar boobs and stardom kooky. How many could be used to publish good, useful literature on this paper, how many forests to save ...
      And I wondered: what, has this hypocritical shobla always been "the elite" and "the cream of society"? What, in ancient times, people also "flattened" from any action of the jester from the stage?
      And nobody writes anything about medicine, as if it weren’t, and then it’s MEDICINE, THIS IS SECURITY OF THE POWER.
  5. +42
    April 21 2020 05: 56
    For thirty years they have been making a commercial project from Soviet medicine.
    They are equal to the United States, where an ambulance is called only in case of imminent death. Just taking a patient to the clinic costs about $ 1000. If something is injected or a pill is shoved into your mouth, it is even more expensive.
    Recent events in America have shown that such a system is worthless. Mass graves on the island of Hart will not let lie.
    We do not need medical Serviceswe need folk Здравоохранение.
    As well as Services educational, we need folk education.
    Bullied with their services ...
    Servants of the "golden billion" ...
    The people will soon realize what they really need.
    And who... wink
    1. +26
      April 21 2020 06: 30
      We do not need medical services, we need public health.
      As well as educational services, we need public education.

      We are all looking for national ideas uniting all sectors of the country's population
      But here they are, in full view, and there’s no need to look for anything else
      1. +10
        April 21 2020 10: 19
        We are all looking for national ideas uniting all sectors of the country's population
        But here they are, in full view, and there’s no need to look for anything else

        subscribe to the words of both of you.
        I sincerely wish that a decision be made in favor of the doctors. People do not beat preferences for themselves - they take care of business. The person who wrote knows what he is talking about in terms of medicine. hi
        1. +3
          April 21 2020 10: 46
          The decision was made in favor of doctors ??? Which ones, I may ask? For it is assumed (IMHO)))) that these lovely young ladies are doctors ..... And they are doing well. The management of the same USC, as well as the heads of design bureaus and factories are shipbuilders, and they are doing well ... Well, and so on. For some time Kuzhugetich, speaking in this very parliament, said about the shortage of 1300 pilots and that "measures are being taken." Six months ago, there were already 2000 shortages of them (pilots). A wonderful decision was made to hire young ladies. Having asked a friend in the "wings", I received approximately the following answer ..... "Before, men ran, now women will also run."
          Therefore, about the "decision in favor of doctors" .... Wanting - one can hope - strange. If this happens almost everywhere, why should it be any different with doctors?
          1. +5
            April 21 2020 10: 54
            Which ones, let me ask?

            in favor of those who wrote and published this letter. It is precisely that they will return everything to normal, and will support it. hi but, of course, this letter is just one "bell". More precisely, the "bell". If people have come to writing such letters, everything is very bad.
            And the problem is systemic, apparently.
            1. +3
              April 21 2020 11: 08
              Are you seriously counting on this? Judging by what I see over the past ... twenty years, this is a trend. Unconditional and unconditional ..... People not only reached this point, actually, but .... I don’t want to discuss it here))))
    2. +23
      April 21 2020 06: 34
      I will say more, we do not need services for the external management of our country, which is done through the Kremlin
    3. +15
      April 21 2020 08: 35
      Quote: Paul Siebert
      For thirty years they have been making a commercial project from Soviet medicine.
      They are equal to the United States, where an ambulance is called only in case of imminent death.

      The greatest achievements of Soviet power it was free medicine and free education. Free education still exists, but free medicine was only in the socialist countries. Even the richest country in the world which constantly shouts to the whole world that they have the most modern democracy and freedom, but there are no articles guaranteeing civil rights in the text of the Constitution, and there is only a Bill of Rights. Allegedly, the foundation of freedom. There is not a word about medicine even in the Amendments of December 10, 1791, which are still not included in the Constitution.
  6. +25
    April 21 2020 06: 31
    This is just liberal fascism, imposed by St. Petersburg brothers in the country. No different from the fascism with which the people fought in 1941-45. Then they simply burned and strangled people with gas, now they are killing by not providing medical care. And so the gallows around the Kremlin are seen with optimizers with a loop on the neck
  7. Eug
    April 21 2020 06: 54
    Current medicine, in principle, does not cure, but preys on the sick.
  8. +18
    April 21 2020 06: 56
    In our area, by the way, the chief physician also hiccuped for a long time, and when they found the prosecutor’s office, they punished him with a fine, because the hospital is old and not repaired. Who will go next to the head physician in this situation?
  9. +19
    April 21 2020 07: 01
    Quote: bandabas
    Respected. The question was about the relationship of this article with the theme of the site.

    It has become interesting to me. What kind of individual is this, who switched the toggle switch to the fifth and stirs up about the topic. A familiar conclusion from our businessmen, who are shouting ahead and screaming all right and the doctors are getting very good, but they are like that .... I have such a thing in the city. So who is in the tank, the site is called a military review, i.e. actually about the system of protection and survival of the state. In the armed forces of any power (I draw attention to the word power), the medical support system stands in a special place and is one of the most important components of the combat potential of the army and the state.
    So dear, judging by the reaction, you either wore the cap too much or didn’t wear it at all, or are interested in the situation, that again the people are dissatisfied with something ......
  10. +17
    April 21 2020 07: 17
    Hello, this has been going on all over Russia for a long time - a victory over common sense, method, its, common sense, murder! In Rostov-on-Don, one psychoneurological boarding school was closed several years ago, serious patients were transported to the village of Kovalevka, the rest were given to relatives, because it is expensive to maintain them, and not for what grandmothers! And those who were given away sometimes frighten mothers with children with their inadequate antics as soon as they find themselves on the street! So, the doctor didn’t do anything, this is a criminal decision with total optimization of everything that can be done to us now! It would be better to "optimize" the country's power in such a way !!!!!
  11. +15
    April 21 2020 07: 21
    In our town, too, there was a neuropsychiatric dispensary in the town, there are no 6 beds. A single room has remained ...
    1. +8
      April 21 2020 08: 23
      In our town, too, there was a neuropsychiatric dispensary in the town, there are no 6 beds. A single room has remained ...

      In our village, there has also been no infectious disease for a long time. I remember going to the doctor if you complain about the stomach, immediately bang and into the infectious, until all the tests are passed and nothing is confirmed, they won’t be released anywhere. By the way, school lobo-walkers were weaned so out of the way to swing away from lessons.
    2. +13
      April 21 2020 08: 44
      Quote: parusnik
      In our town, too, there was a neuropsychiatric dispensary in the town, there are no 6 beds. A single room has remained ...

      Maybe Aleksey, they say that in your wonderful resort town, everyone is now self-healed under capitalism, because the number of factories has decreased? Sarcasm --- ssss
      In my opinion, a psychiatrist, one of those who "" grows "" slowly, gains personal experience. Psychiatry, tuberculosis, venous diseases - like there is a surcharge? For junior staff, probably too. Heard 30%? Everything is clear in optimization.
      The USSR created the treatment and prevention of these diseases. Now everything is collapsing.
      1. +4
        April 21 2020 10: 39
        Our town is not considered a resort ... there are no hospitals and resorts ... Although there are two seas ..
        1. +1
          April 21 2020 10: 56
          Quote: parusnik
          Our town is not considered a resort ... there are no hospitals and resorts ... Although there are two seas ..

          You don’t think so, but I don’t even doubt the therapeutic effect. I wasn’t ---- but I respect. !!!! Everything is online. good Immediately obvious ---- everything is so good there, everything is growing, and hospitals are not needed.
          I'm not kidding. Lovely Southern Town.
  12. +17
    April 21 2020 07: 24
    The "a'la west" system has shown its unviability once again. Everything that was created during the years of the USSR has deliberately collapsed under the slogan of decommunization in recent decades and do not care about the consequences, the main thing is that the deflection is appreciated beyond the "hillock".
    This applies to all sectors of the country's economy, they are a single whole. There is no economy, so those in power do not understand how it worked and is interconnected. For them, there are no segments of the economy and planning, there are budgets. The numbers in them, for "our" leaders, are "Chinese" letters, they look at the book, see a fig, how people talk about such people.
    Our national security is equalized to the level of commerce, therefore it can be traded.
    The pharmaceutical industry is destroyed, dependence on foreign raw materials.
    Medicine, optimized so that it actually ceased to exist.
    The GO structure is destroyed as a class. You saw somewhere there are sanitary posts for disinfection, and this was previously done by the structures of civil defense and sanitary and epidemiological supervision. The RBKhZ troops, judging by the latest events, the letter "B" was simply worn out there, what is this, another profanation?
    The structure of the State Reserve, this was to receive equipment and supplies for a specific situation in an emergency, judging by the fact that they are silent about it, it means it has disappeared in the summer.
    The question in this situation is one, if there is nothing, where is the money Zin?
    1. -18
      April 21 2020 08: 44
      Take a sedative.
  13. +15
    April 21 2020 07: 55
    It's time in the Kremlin to carry out optimization, and not with rearrangement of seats, but with landings, that's just who will optimize the main optimizer
  14. +11
    April 21 2020 07: 56
    Many foreign doctors, politicians, and decision makers consider the Soviet system of medicine the best! This is not that it was the most modern, the most perfect, there were objective limitations. It was, there is not much left, which is still less than the optimizers, the most CORRECT.
    1. -11
      April 21 2020 08: 43
      I don’t know what doctors are there and what they think. But, for example, I have no reason to think so. There were only more beds. For me, that's just the effectiveness of medicine - this is not the number of beds, but the number of people who have recovered.
      1. +8
        April 21 2020 09: 17
        Facts on the table as well. declare something else.
        In Soviet medicine, it is easy to prove everything and show what and how we had the best. This is just in any and foreign sources. And so, let's figure out where we had "bad" so Schaub is worse than everywhere else.
    2. +7
      April 21 2020 08: 53
      Yes, there was a system, as a warning, so treatment, observation, management of patients.
      Psychiatry, tuberculosis, venous diseases. Good morning, Victor!
      Quote: rocket757
      Many foreign doctors, politicians, and decision makers consider the Soviet system of medicine the best! This is not that it was the most modern, the most perfect, there were objective limitations. It was, there is not much left, which is still less than the optimizers, the most CORRECT.
      1. +7
        April 21 2020 09: 21
        Good morning, Dmitriy soldier
        Add prevention and PEDIATRIC !!! To the envy of everyone and everything, in the whole world!
        1. +5
          April 21 2020 09: 33
          Yes, indeed, I didn’t think about children, but with friends --- yes, I remembered how children are shown to and fro doctors when the children are in good health. Prevention!
          Quote: rocket757
          Good morning, Dmitriy soldier
          Add prevention and PEDIATRIC !!! To the envy of everyone and everything, in the whole world!
    3. +7
      April 21 2020 11: 21
      Quote: rocket757
      consider the Soviet system of medicine the best!

      because it was created for the TREATMENT of people, and the current one- EARN on the sick. And then, Soviet medicine was created taking into account possible mobilization. Remember the stages of medical care during the Second World War! Now what? There are no stages. At first, patients from the Crimea took planes to Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow, and Peter. But what about Krasnodar, Rostov? Yes, because they have already optimized it.
      In Rostov, an ambulance hospital for 29 years was going to be given in concession, i.e. in private hands. 17 clinical departments in private hands! What further to talk about?
      1. +2
        April 21 2020 12: 32
        Sylvester, you revealed the truth to me !!! Ha ha ha wink
        Welcome soldier soldier
        That's right, they talked about this before, they will still talk about it! And already I can’t imagine the one to whom it did not reach.
        We have already begun to do long ago that almost everything that our ancestors created for us fell.
        Now the question is, the main one, but what will we leave to the descendants? And with what words will they remember us for this?
        Now there is almost no time, to think about something, we must act.
        It's time to start singing "Get up, get up working people .....!" it's not just a song, it's already like a plan for action!
        Nobody will do this except us!
  15. +6
    April 21 2020 08: 23
    Quote: Dimy4
    Who will go next to the head physician in this situation?

    I can assume that a relative of the prosecutor or from close ... optimizers.
  16. +9
    April 21 2020 08: 29
    Well, why do you need psychiatry? This question needs to be approached on a grand Himmler-Golik style. Why treat them? Only euthanasia. This is a double plus and there is no cost for the patient and doctors do not need to pay. And most importantly, budget money can be spent with pleasure. And all the rest are sick. They do not bring profit. Optimize them for such and such a mother.
    1. +3
      April 21 2020 10: 36
      If psi are not healthy, let loose, the process will go very bad. There have already been such cases.
      Yes, they are people too, they are our compatriots, they have to be taken care of !!! So that’s why we and the people, in order to show CARE, about all. This is the cross that every normal society bears!
    2. -1
      April 21 2020 12: 41
      Alas, schizophrenia and many other mental illnesses have so far no one has learned to treat 100%.
  17. +6
    April 21 2020 08: 29
    Quote: Horst78
    There is now such a policy "Criticize the authorities on any occasion. Minus those who disagree." How does it work

    No, we just do not agree with the criminal reform! But here’s how I’ll look the other way around, as it was in the service, the main thing is to report that everything is fine with us, and you, Comrade Colonel, don’t worry, and now there’s a table for you to continue!
  18. -19
    April 21 2020 08: 41
    Yes, without punitive psychiatry it’s hard, clickers instead of sitting in the wards write hysterical articles, like Putin ruined everything. Just explain to me why my factory clinic is an order of magnitude better than the city? Maybe it’s because it’s financed by a large enterprise, and the idea of ​​free medicine is completely nonsense, and you won’t provide any acceptable level of functioning for any money without serious injections due to weaning from other industries. Just physically impossible.

    About Soviet medicine would still be remembered.
    1. +6
      April 21 2020 09: 28
      Departmental medicine has always been better. It is because of the financing. And the salaries of health workers in departmental medical institutions were higher than in state medicine.
      1. +4
        April 21 2020 10: 42
        Departmental medicine has always been included in the general, one way or another. It was not possible to separate them!
        We still have our own medical unit, it is VERY COMFORTABLE for the employees of the enterprise, but, in difficult cases, you have to go outside and have it everywhere, it was like before!
        This is all left over from SOVIET MEDICINE!
        Optimizers are necessary ... in short, it is necessary, while ALL who are engaged in the destruction of the legacy that is left to us from the USSR!
        1. 0
          April 21 2020 10: 44
          Do not tell. Our Aeroflot medicine was not included in the general system, just as the railway was not included. Only for their own. And the level of this medicine was better.
          1. 0
            April 21 2020 10: 54
            Suppose, somewhere in the city, there is a city-forming enterprise of a particular industry, there is a departmental clinic, even a hospital ...
            . This is clear. So, simply, residents could not walk in it, according to territorial affiliation? So it has never been anywhere! If this clinic is not very large, then there they treated for everything, for everything ???
            Do you seriously believe that this could be?
            Interaction has always been, one way or another.
            In what way, this must be looked at, but departmental affiliation did not exclude the subordination of the MINISTRY OF HEALTH, that's for sure.
            1. 0
              April 21 2020 11: 00
              They definitely didn’t obey the Ministry of Health, on the railway clinic there was an inscription of the Ministry of Railways of the USSR, on our - the Ministry of Health of the USSR and they did not treat those who did not work in these structures, they could provide first aid. Local residents were served by medicine of the Ministry of Health.
              1. +1
                April 21 2020 12: 20
                And we had / have it differently. Four departmental clinics, of which only ONE did not accept the surrounding residents, and only because it was located in the industrial zone, far from the city and local there simply wasn’t any location.
                It all depends on the size of the medical institution, workload and other objective reasons! A special case.
                But, they carried out all the instructions of the Ministry of Health, for objective reasons, by the way.
                Another question, where could they get doctors? We simply did not have private, departmental medical schools. The only exception is the Moscow Region, but there are volumes of students and their own specifics ....
                Everything worked according to the same rules, and they were formed in one, specialized center.
                By the way, we still have departmental medical units named after the departments from which they were. But this basically does not change anything.
                1. +1
                  April 21 2020 12: 27
                  The Ministry of Railways of the USSR had their own medical schools. The piece of iron was generally a state in a state: its schools, hospitals, its own distribution network. And now there is such an educational institution: Petersburg Medical College - a structural unit of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Petersburg State University of Railways of the Emperor Alexander I"
                  1. +2
                    April 21 2020 12: 54
                    I wanted someone to stand out, a new bar, they are.
                    But again, this is a special case.
                    I can ask how things are going on in STALINGRAD. I’ll look for a classmate, he worked there, once. There is a hospital for the Ministry of Railways there, there is a hospital for water managers ... although no, water specialists now have a specialized clinic, they advertise a lot, no matter how it has become commercial now.
                    That the Ministry of Railways is a state, in a state, it has long been formed, read, in the know. I mean that without the interaction, at least partial control of the MINZDRAVA, not a single hospital could exist. Separation does not mean complete ignore. This by definition could not be.
                    1. +2
                      April 21 2020 13: 18
                      I don’t know how now, but in the Soviet Ministry of Railways there was a medical commander. In road departments - medical services. According to the army model.
                      1. +1
                        April 21 2020 14: 09
                        Could !!! Then military ambulance trains it was a whole industry, created in collaboration with the military. In my opinion, there was an article on this topic in VO. It was necessary, it was justified! Both ambulance ships and ambulance trains were practiced in Soviet times to distribute high-quality, affordable medicine to remote corners of our vast country.
                        If you bought, you can find similar facts and Natasha, for a long time.
                        Anyway, Soviet medicine was combined into one great whole!
                        Therefore, we recall with bitterness that we will lose a little more, a little, and finally.
                        Although, after the fact that such a great country was not preserved ... it's like remembering about hair when you lost your head. The image suggests itself, very bad.
  19. +8
    April 21 2020 08: 53
    With the destruction of the USSR, the war against us did not stop. Systematically collapses, is replaced by popular culture - the basis, the backbone of our MULTINATIONAL country. And also, systematically, they uproot the healthcare system. And this: demographic and mental health of the population, population of territories, mob reserves, in the end ... But, what is even more interesting and promising is the constant growth of dissatisfaction with the existing state system. With all the ensuing consequences ...
    1. +6
      April 21 2020 10: 04
      Are Russia's enemies "optimizing" medicine? Maybe. Only these enemies are here inside.
  20. -5
    April 21 2020 09: 00
    Quote: EvilLion
    hysterical articles like Putin ruined everything.

    but actually it was all collapsed before Putin. And the question is why the GDP is not defined and tolerates the data of optimizer reformers. And here you see and there is a core, which is so zealously defended by the democrats of a known suit. And here you can see the likes.
    1. +2
      April 21 2020 17: 22
      No, Eugene, not everything was ruined in the 90s. This is a lie imposed by putinoids. In the 90s, their predecessors and they (many of them) robbed and divided, and began to destroy in the 2000s and everything was increasing.
  21. +14
    April 21 2020 09: 01
    But where does the medicine come from?

    We need to talk about the death of the country, Russia. Otoptimized everything, well, medicine at the same time.
    Just in an epidemic, it has become more obvious.
    It already seems to me that I do not live in my own country, I watch enemy television, where enemy films are shown, I see representatives of the occupation authorities in the leaders and officials, and I myself am forced to work for the damned West for a piece of bread ...
    What about digitalization?
    I remember one activist already assigned numbers to prisoners of concentration camps ....
    Sound familiar?
    1. -1
      April 21 2020 17: 19
      Democracy has lost memory and reason. We just can’t wake up. So let’s go to another world, if we don’t leave the whole people out of a coma.
      But private problems must be solved later, when we get out of power, moreover, legally, in the elections, this thieves' gang. While this is still possible, but these are not sitting idly by.
  22. +5
    April 21 2020 09: 24
    Quote: tihonmarine
    How many magazines are devoted to them, how much good quality paper has been spent on the publication of the next stellar boobs and stardom kooky. How many could be used to publish good, useful literature on this paper, how many forests to save ...
    And I wondered: what, has this hypocritical shobla always been "the elite" and "the cream of society"? What, in ancient times, people also "flattened" from any action of the jester from the stage?
    And nobody writes anything about medicine, as if it weren’t, and then it’s MEDICINE, THIS IS SECURITY OF THE POWER.

    And also "Zulikha ..." or "Hunt ...." as this shit is already sick of it. All these divorces, husbands ... This is probably why psychiatric hospitals are closed so that there is nowhere to send these "smart" ones. This naphthalene on the screens no longer knows how to go crazy. Leafing through the "Internet" I listen to the "Beatles", pinkfloid, Utyosov, Vertinsky .. Lord, give me back the music, and not these degenerates who have become outrageously star-studded.
  23. +8
    April 21 2020 09: 44
    In our area, in areas where the population is not very large, FAPs are opened instead of hospitals. It’s such a small car, where they can measure pressure, anoint the wound with green paint, bandage and measure the temperature. Yes, you can also take birth there, if you can called feldsher-midwife points.
    Glory to the great power! We had something to be proud of!
    1. -1
      April 21 2020 10: 19
      In my small homeland, this is called the "office of a general practitioner". In our country, this is not a trailer and is equipped with good medical equipment, including an ultrasound machine. They sewed me there - a lacerated wound. So, not only brilliant green.
      1. +4
        April 21 2020 10: 23
        You have a "general practice DOCTOR's office", and we have a "FELDSHER'S-obstetric station".
        Feel the difference?
        1. +2
          April 21 2020 10: 28
          FAPs are a legacy of the USSR, they were in almost all large villages. Paramedic, that is, a specialist with a secondary medical education, brilliant green, bandage, aspirin. Now a doctor, nurse and modern equipment. The doctor, by the way, is for all trades: the foreign body will be removed from the eye and the wound will be closed and the hypertensive attack can be stopped.
          1. +4
            April 21 2020 10: 30
            That's right, but where the FAPs were opened, there were hospitals before ...
            1. 0
              April 21 2020 10: 39
              No, hospitals were in regional centers and very large settlements. In our village there was neither a hospital nor a polyclinic. There was a FAP. Mother worked as a doctor in the Central District. In FAP there was a paramedic. Now they have made the Office of the doctor from the FAP.
  24. +1
    April 21 2020 10: 18
    Quote: tihonmarine
    Quote: ugrums1961
    Such a situation in any district hospital, our order-bearing optimizers tried to Mrs. Golikova and Golodets

    And despite all these actions to destroy health care, called "optimization" by the capitalists, who else can argue that this is not an indication of the West?

    How could this happen? How did you allow someone else to manage your life? Have you been degraded?
  25. 0
    April 21 2020 10: 29
    Quote: tihonmarine
    Quote: Oleg Zorin
    If erysipelas are crooked, the mirror is not to blame. The West has nothing to do with it. Do it yourself

    The West never acts with its own hands BUT ??? Everything was done according to the instructions of the IMF. If in 2017 they recommended us to cut expenses and a budget rule, which was fulfilled to the point, then in 2018 the time has come to raise taxes and the retirement age. “We welcome the authorities' plans to increase spending on health, education and infrastructure development. However, this should be done in a way that does not undermine the credibility of the new fiscal rule. The long-delayed parametric pension reform could help counter negative demographic trends (at least temporarily). In addition, a carefully thought-out and non-deficit shift from social security contributions to taxation of consumption could stimulate labor supply, reduce informal labor relations and attract new investment, ”was noted in last year's“ recommendations ”.

    A year has passed, and you have an increase in the retirement age, a tax on the self-employed, an increase in VAT, as well as rather dubious results of health care and education reforms that have reached insanity in the form of "progressive" involvement of postmen in the provision of medical services in order to save on doctors.

    And what can you say to that?

  26. +1
    April 21 2020 11: 03
    and not only medicine ...
  27. -1
    April 21 2020 11: 06
    Optimization is a problem for all medicine. I just read who headed the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (by the way, at the time of Golikova, it was the Ministry of Health and Social Development and she was more involved in the pension reform), but the quiet Veronika Skvortsova has been serving as ministers since 2012 and developed an optimization that was imposed not by Putin, but by the liberal elite, which settled well in power under the "wise leadership of Medvedev
  28. +1
    April 21 2020 11: 32
    That’s the diagnosis for the last three decades. Such a state can even lose the world.
    1. 0
      April 21 2020 12: 44
      But with all this, the rest of the Western countries, including the United States, have been screwed up in the fight against coronovirus.
      1. 0
        April 21 2020 13: 31
        Quote: Vadim237
        other western countries

        Who lives in "the rest of the Western countries", get out of order!
  29. 0
    April 21 2020 11: 46
    Quote: sailor Roman
    It is high time to return the death penalty under the laws in force in the USSR.

    It remains a little - to begin with, to restore the USSR))), the truth is the question - in which edition.
  30. 0
    April 21 2020 12: 11
    Crazy. dispensaries are not needed, because no one will feed the liberal movement with "infantry".
    Skvrotsova, who did this, constantly flashes in the news - unsinkable.
  31. +5
    April 21 2020 14: 02
    The eldest daughter is a surgeon.
    The word "optimization" is not known by hearsay.
    Very often in hospitals, everything rests on the colossal processing of doctors.
    1. +2
      April 21 2020 14: 10
      Very often in hospitals, everything rests on the colossal processing of doctors.

      Yes, they are generally heroes, to be honest ... Your daughter’s health, Sergey!
  32. +6
    April 21 2020 16: 24
    Dear forum users, many thanks to all who responded under this letter!
    Vera Evgenievna, this is the legendary man of our city, only her birth year is worth: 1934th. A person who retired a year ago.
    What is being done in the country with medicine is not just scary, it is beyond horror. We are all left without qualified medical care. Under the pretext economybudget funds !!!! (this is with a surplus budget) deliberately reduce the ability to receive honey. help to a simple person. Without big words, the Optimizers are killing us, they are killing our children and grandchildren. What for? I do not know.
    Alas, most of us, ordinary people, do not realize this commonplace truth. On the one hand, the population is driven from screens with obscurantism in the form of psychics, healers, healthy lifestyle, "holy water" and other heresies. This is so that we are not very indignant about not getting to the doctor. On the other hand, there is a devaluation of the medical profession by various films, stupid serials, and even action-packed reports about the "crimes" of doctors. Have you ever wondered why in the USSR, "people in white coats", these were special people (although, as in any team, everyone met), but now, a medical worker is a service staff? A service that can be rude, rude, threatened or beaten.
    I understand that on the other hand, all kinds of things happen. But, believe me, they mostly go to medicine, those who want to treat, help people and them, even now, the majority.
    And the last thing. On our forum, there are people with different political views or without them at all)), but one thing we all have in common is that we are People. While alive. Help yourself, stop the abomination that destroys the most humane industry. Understand that for most of us, a physician, this is the person who first meets in this world and happens to see off, that is, the one who hears our last breath. The salvation of medicine can truly unite everyone, both "reds" and "whites". Together we can do everything!
    1. -3
      April 21 2020 19: 35
      Quote: avva2012
      The salvation of medicine can truly unite everyone, both "reds" and "whites"

      Unbeatable ... because white is the initiator of such innovations ...
      1. +3
        April 21 2020 19: 50
        Among us on the forum, Oleg. I hope.
  33. -2
    April 21 2020 17: 08
    It is necessary to optimize all "ours" and it is highly desirable to do this in the elections, before it is too late.
    Otherwise, this scenario will be repeated and repeated in all sectors:
    Along with this there is a reduction in staff, leaving employees, including professionals. Doctors invited from other regions did not want to get a job at the hospital. They were not satisfied with the lack of a decent wage guarantee. Young doctors also do not come to work in the hospital. Financing decreased in all respects. Almost stopped repairs. There were interruptions in the supply of medicines, not even expensive, but the most vital. The equipment is not being repaired. There were problems with transport. There is no stability in wages, they do not fully pay for processing, so a number of doctors express their intention to quit.

    It’s time to already understand that these will ruin the country!
  34. -3
    April 21 2020 22: 47
    Quote: Kronos
    Putin himself is part of this power

    Part of the power, but not all power. "The kingdom is me" - not about him.
    There are other branches of government that are controlled by other parts of the elite, often pro-Western without any reservations.
  35. +2
    April 21 2020 23: 16
    Quote: for
    Quote: Grading
    When revenues from hydrocarbons, bring medicine to the level of "no"

    Why can you use stadiums for the World Cup as hospitals ..

    I dare to assume that the above-mentioned objects for the World Cup will be used in a different capacity, as in Chile, after the overthrow of Allende .... sad
  36. 0
    April 22 2020 10: 35
    Quote: Silvestr
    I drove for 100 km to vote

    By the way, for motorists voting sites (or ballot boxes under traffic cameras) can be done near gas stations, at motorway exits and at traffic lights, at checkout stations. It seems that no one has such a practice, and even the most motorized ones - the Americans and Japanese have not thought of this before.