US space forces will receive complexes to neutralize satellites

US space forces will receive complexes to neutralize satellites

The American space forces intend to acquire and commission 2027 complexes by 48, designed to neutralize Russian and Chinese satellites. According to Bloomberg, these systems should interfere with satellites in case of conflict.

As explained by the representative of the center for the development and acquisition of weapons of the US Space Forces, Colonel Stephen Brogan, the systems planned for the acquisition are intended for the short-term decommissioning of spacecraft that support enemy communications. The complexes themselves are ground-based and their use does not imply "the appearance of space debris."

According to the agency, the American company L3Harris is developing, which offered the United States Space Forces (SC) two complexes. The name of the first one, already ready for operation, is not given, but it is known that the COP has already received 16 such systems. It is also known that the company is currently working on a second complex called Meadowland. The first four complexes of the US Constitutional Court should be received in 2022, another 28 - in 2023-2027. What these systems are and the principles of their work are not disclosed.

Note that the United States has repeatedly expressed concern about the development of Russian and Chinese space satellite constellations, allegedly threatening US national security. US intelligence (RUMO) annually publishes a special report that reflects all changes in Earth orbit and proposes measures to counter the “space threat” emanating from Russia and China.

Recall that the Space Forces are the sixth type of US armed forces, they were officially established at the end of 2019. Previously, the Pentagon said it was considering space as a potential theater of operations.
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  1. +2
    April 18 2020 12: 35
    It would not be bad to borrow this device, with the help of a gru, from the "partners" for a while, purely for the concept of another bluff, or still a weapon.
    1. 0
      April 18 2020 12: 52
      The pioneer of anti-satellite weapons was the USSR.

      Back in the 60s, they launched a satellite into orbit, which was intercepted by another satellite.
      1. +1
        April 18 2020 13: 04
        Quote: Ilya-spb
        The pioneer of anti-satellite weapons was the USSR.

        Back in the 60s, they launched a satellite into orbit, which was intercepted by another satellite.

        The USSR was largely a pioneer,
        such that to this day we use this reserve, posing as a modern breakthrough.
        1. +4
          April 18 2020 14: 10
          Doccor18 ....SSSR was largely a pioneer,
          such that to this day we use this reserve, posing as a modern breakthrough.

          Read about the Russian electronic warfare systems:
          1. "Tyrrada-2S",
          2 "Divnomorye",
          3 "Palantin"
          These are all the newly created electronic warfare facilities, and not improvements from the USSR., And already everyone has been on combat duty since 2019.
          Only one complex "Divnomorye" replaces three complexes at once: "Krasukha-2", "Krasukha-4", and "Moscow-1".
          So, the USA needs to strain hard to create something like that. hi
          1. 0
            April 18 2020 14: 37
            Do you think there is EMP interference ?. They showed this plate in the photo for the "especially gifted". It doesn't smell like plates.
            1. +2
              April 18 2020 14: 59
              Quote: Alex Nevs
              There are plates and does not smell.

              So tell everyone what it smells like, if you are so sure and you know everything.
              1. 0
                April 18 2020 18: 30
                For what purpose are you interested in?
                1. 0
                  April 18 2020 19: 23
                  Quote: Alex Nevs
                  For what purpose are you interested in?

                  Interestingly, do you really know the principle of operation of this device, or just blah blah blah?
                  1. -2
                    April 19 2020 09: 34
                    I know. I don’t know. And what do you think?
                    1. 0
                      April 19 2020 10: 32
                      Quote: Alex Nevs
                      I know. I don’t know. And what do you think?

                      If they knew, then they answered without engaging in verbiage. So option two - just blah blah blah
              2. -1
                April 18 2020 21: 28
                The enta piece has a very powerful bracket. I would say too powerful for a dish antenna
                1. 0
                  April 19 2020 09: 34
                  Throws iron wink
                2. -2
                  April 19 2020 11: 03
                  Quote: seregatara1969
                  The enta piece has a very powerful bracket. I would say too powerful for a dish antenna

                  in the photo - a mobile satellite communications station VSAT (secure encrypted telephony, Internet)

                  bracket is normal. Given the possible wind load on the antenna plate.
            2. -2
              April 18 2020 18: 30
              Quote: Alex Nevs
              Do you think there is EMI interference?

              what other way can suppress (temporarily) the satellite’s ability to communicate with the earth?
              Quote: Alex Nevs
              There are plates and does not smell.

              tell us a terrible secret how the American system works?
              1. 0
                April 19 2020 09: 37
                I do not think about the amersystem. There, very often to throw in your ears and beg for loot and kickbacks, too. But there are serious developments. But very little. Highly.
      2. -3
        April 18 2020 14: 06
        Quote: Ilya-spb
        The pioneer of anti-satellite weapons was the USSR.

        The Union was also a pioneer in the development of KAZ (active defense systems for armored vehicles) and in the field of UAVs. Where is it now? We use Israeli drones, now the leaders in KAZ are the same Israel, we are gradually surrendering the space industry.
        It’s probably worth talking about the present time and not remembering the past
    2. -1
      April 18 2020 14: 37
      Not a bluff. It's been a long time. We don’t know .. only. More precisely, everyone does not know.
      1. Fat
        April 19 2020 01: 09
        Quote: Alex Nevs
        Not a bluff. It's been a long time. We don’t know .. only. More precisely, everyone does not know.

        Yeah .. M.
        Many knowledge, many sorrows. There are no such full-fledged funds yet. They will, but not soon ...
        In the meantime: "will receive funds", etc.
        "Day of the ad eaters"
      2. 0
        April 20 2020 07: 58
        That this is not a bluff - not everyone knows. Rather, they know not only everything .. few can do it. ©
  2. +3
    April 18 2020 12: 40
    They will develop and have, ALL serious countries, something like that.
    The sphere of enemy intelligence and communications will not be left unattended!
  3. -1
    April 18 2020 12: 41
    Electromagnetic guns? It's easier to believe in laser systems ... And electromagnetic guns should have such a power ... big. It is very doubtful what will work. Satellites generally check for resistance to EMP ... tongue
    1. +1
      April 18 2020 12: 42
      Rather, just powerful jammers.
      1. +1
        April 18 2020 12: 48
        Quote: Spade
        Rather, just powerful jammers

        Then it is not very effective ...
        1. 0
          April 18 2020 13: 48
          Will they drown themselves?
        2. 0
          April 18 2020 17: 46
          Quote: Mountain Shooter
          Then it is not very effective ...

          Why, especially for those satellites that fly in low orbits?
      2. -2
        April 18 2020 14: 10
        Quote: Spade
        Rather, just powerful jammers

        and how will it work? Radiation to a satellite dish is narrowly targeted.
        You can crush the satellite signal in a certain area where the jammers are located (such systems are also in service with us). But how to suppress a signal going to another continent from satellite to satellite - and then to the addressee?
        1. 0
          April 18 2020 14: 45
          But how to suppress a signal going to another continent from satellite to satellite - and then to the addressee?

          In this chain, there is almost always an SR (satellite repeater). This is either geostationary (there are no problems with these at all) or another, but still with the known parameters of the orbit and frequencies.
    2. 0
      April 18 2020 14: 16
      "Satellites generally check for resistance to EMP ..."
      Not quite so - as a rule they consider resistance to specials. the effects of the elemental base. The impact of EMR is one of the components. The calculation is absolutely simple in the presence of statistical data acc. reference books. But if there is no data (a new series of element base, for example), welcome to full-scale tests.
      The laser (power is not even discussed) is not effective when working from the ground due to the characteristics of the beam passing through the atmosphere. It is easier to put local interference and suppress ground (or airborne, depending on the type of application) consumer receivers — frequency ranges and types of modulation are known to everyone.
      I don’t understand anything else - the Americans distinguish the CS as a separate component, realizing their importance, Russia combines the military-space forces and the Air Force, which are very different in application and operation, calling them VKS. What for?
    3. -2
      April 19 2020 10: 13
      Quote: Mountain Shooter
      It's easier to believe in laser systems

      the laser does not reach the satellite. The Earth has an atmosphere, if you did not know which has the most detrimental effect on the laser beam.
      In addition, it is said that these systems do not cause fatal damage to satellite equipment, but only briefly disable it
  4. 0
    April 18 2020 12: 42
    The whole joke is that it is the United States that is critically dependent on space. Unlike Russia and China.
    1. 0
      April 18 2020 12: 47
      Quote: Spade
      The whole joke is that it is the United States that is critically dependent on space. Unlike Russia and China.

      And Russia has killers of satellites! And it’s not for nothing that the USA panicked so
      And the West’s dependence on the Internet and electricity is already comparable to drug addiction .. Here in the Urals yesterday we had interruptions with electric energy and inter .. Everything went quietly without panic (read a book))), eliminated the accident .. hi
      Take it easy!
    2. -1
      April 18 2020 13: 57
      The joke is that they are far ahead with satellite communications.
      When there was a wire telephone service, we were very proud
      that she is invulnerable from a distance, unlike radio communications,
      which is easy to eavesdrop from afar.
      Now the same "pride" with satellite communications.
      Flags and signal fires are also independent of space. laughing
    3. -2
      April 18 2020 14: 12
      Quote: Spade
      The whole joke is that it is the United States that is critically dependent on space. Unlike Russia and China

      are we not addicted? Or we do not use satellite communications, we do not have navigation systems and precision weapons?
      1. 0
        April 18 2020 15: 05
        Quote: Gregory_45
        are we not addicted?

        We are less dependent It is because of our lag.
        1. +1
          April 18 2020 17: 54
          Quote: Spade
          We are less dependent It is because of our lag.

          It’s not necessary at all, because now the fiber-optic lines have strongly suppressed satellite communication lines, and the main traffic goes through them. At a lower cost and speed, fiber-optic lines are much ahead of satellite lines, but which also cannot be dispensed with in remote areas and on the seas. Therefore, it is precisely for military and security purposes that we will further develop fiber-optic communication lines, and there is a great future for them in our country. I am not talking about specialized satellites - we are only talking about connected satellites.
          1. +1
            April 18 2020 20: 26
            Quote: ccsr
            Now fiber-optic lines have strongly supplanted satellite communication lines, and the main traffic goes through them.

            AND? Will Americans quickly organize such networks in the event of a war?
            1. Fat
              April 19 2020 01: 23
              Quote: Spade
              Quote: ccsr
              Now fiber-optic lines have strongly supplanted satellite communication lines, and the main traffic goes through them.

              AND? Will Americans quickly organize such networks in the event of a war?

              Come on!!??? Yeah ..
              They will soon receive funds ... For now, something about the scientific breakthroughs in the field of new physical principles is deaf.
              As for the classics ... Not all Newton’s laws are still remembered, not to mention a few things. The most reason to fast.))))
            2. 0
              April 19 2020 11: 50
              Quote: Spade
              AND? Will Americans quickly organize such networks in the event of a war?

              I don’t know what the Americans will organize there, but judging by the fact that the whole war will fit in dozens of minutes and maximum hours, the Americans will no longer have time to get any special benefits from any communication systems on any theater.
          2. 0
            April 18 2020 21: 03
            Recently there was a video from a UAV about "Hercules" being fired upon from an RPG. So the operators sitting in Minnesota warned the crew of the plane about the danger and transmitted the coordinates and video to the ground forces. What optical cable did they manage to do this?
            1. 0
              April 19 2020 11: 56
              Quote: sp77ark
              This is what optical cable they managed to do this?

              There are many of them, because fiber-optic lines across the ocean were laid for the first time more than 30 years ago:
              The laying of the world's first transoceanic fiber-optic communication line was completed in 1988 (between Japan and the USA), its length was about 10 thousand kilometers. [1] The first transatlantic telephone optical cable (TAT-8) was also commissioned in 1988. It was based on laser amplification technology optimized by E. Desurvire. The TAT-8 was designed as the first submarine fiber optic cable between the United States and Europe.
  5. 0
    April 18 2020 13: 00
    We have, according to statements in our and foreign media, electronic warfare systems that can introduce errors in the accuracy of determining coordinates using GPS satellites, and they develop and implement such.
    1. -1
      April 18 2020 13: 51
      In Russia there are exactly the same satellite jammers. The satellite is jammed temporarily,
      when he flies over a certain piece of land.
      1. -2
        April 18 2020 14: 14
        Quote: voyaka uh
        The satellite is jammed temporarily,
        when he flies over a certain piece of land.

        jammed signals from the satellite to the ground, but not signals from satellite to satellite. Moreover, they are jammed only in that territory. where are the jammers. So-called GPS jammers for navigation disruption. And what will happen to the connection?
      2. Fat
        April 19 2020 01: 49
        Quote: voyaka uh
        In Russia there are exactly the same satellite jammers. The satellite is jammed temporarily,
        when he flies over a certain piece of land.

        In prehistoric times, a military satellite transmitted data stupidly dropping photos from orbit. Telestandards have improved over 60 years, but have never been the same.
        Wonderful combat mission. Go somewhere and ruin something.
        "The work of the bull" On the "sucker" is not for serious boys. " (FROM)
  6. 0
    April 18 2020 13: 10
    Nikola Tesla's "Solutions" to Life.
  7. -1
    April 18 2020 13: 10
    What these systems are and the principles of their work are not disclosed.
    Shtirlitsy transferred or what? recourse
  8. -2
    April 18 2020 13: 11
    Well done! a flag in their hands.
    1. 0
      April 18 2020 13: 18
      Quote: Anders
      Well done! a flag in their hands.

      They forgot about the drum ...
  9. +1
    April 18 2020 13: 16
    If Russia, China, the USA come together in a war, then there will be no satellites at all, even if you do not fight with nuclear weapons, then it may turn out that calculations will have to be done with a pencil on a piece of paper and use a simple compass.
    1. -4
      April 18 2020 15: 12
      Quote: sanik2020
      If Russia, China, the USA come together in a war, then there will be no satellites at all, even if you do not fight with nuclear weapons

      Is it really necessary for these countries to clash openly?
      If we assume that this system allows you to do what is announced, then Washington can do harm from afar. For example, disrupting the communication and operation of navigation systems of the Russian contingent in Syria, etc.
      1. 0
        April 18 2020 18: 02
        Quote: Gregory_45
        For example, disrupting the communication and operation of navigation systems of the Russian contingent in Syria, etc.

        Well, and how are you going to violate all international agreements in peacetime and start jamming the work of communication systems if this is immediately determined and retaliatory measures are taken against those who did it? Americans will suffer more all over the world than we, if only they try to violate international agreements - they themselves will be pressed all over the world and not only we.
        By the way, in addition to satellite communications, there is also HF radio communication, and there they work with kilowatts, so it is not so easy to suppress a 10-100 kW transmitter.
        1. -3
          April 18 2020 18: 23
          Quote: ccsr
          Well, and how are you going to violate all international agreements in peacetime and start jamming the work of communication systems if this is immediately determined and retaliatory measures are taken against those who did it? Americans will suffer more all over the world than we, if only they try to violate international agreements - they themselves will be pressed all over the world and not only we.

          comment on the statements of some gentlemen about the missing (shot down by Russian EW) American Tomahawks during a missile strike on the Syrian air base Shairat
          1. 0
            April 18 2020 18: 33
            Quote: Gregory_45
            comment on the statements of some gentlemen about the missing (shot down by electronic warfare by Russian means)

            Actually, I’m not going to comment on the opinion of any gentlemen, but the actions of the Syrian troops, including those using electronic warfare systems and air defense, in case of the unauthorized appearance of foreign aircraft on their territory, are not criminal according to international conventions - this is what all countries of the world do .
            Quote: Gregory_45
            American Tomahawks during a missile strike on the Syrian air base Shairat

            And military UAVs are destroyed without any justification - upon the fact of their appearance in someone else's airspace. By the way, did the US declare war on Syria?
            1. -3
              April 18 2020 18: 43
              Quote: ccsr
              but the actions of the Syrian troops, including those using electronic warfare systems

              do you intentionally give an answer to the question you distorted? I clearly asked:
              Quote: Gregory_45
              about the missing (downed Russian electronic warfare) American Tomahawks

              Russia, the United States did not declare war. And, following your logic. he has no right how to shoot down their missiles, UAVs, or other aircraft that do not directly threaten Russian military personnel.
              So, a comment?
              1. -1
                April 18 2020 19: 03
                Quote: Gregory_45
                do you intentionally give an answer to the question you distorted? I clearly asked:

                You do not understand that the Russian armed forces are helping the Syrian armed forces defend their territory on the basis of intergovernmental agreements.
                Quote: Gregory_45
                Russia, the United States did not declare war.

                So the United States did not declare war on Syria, so what could be the claim to the destruction of other people's cruise missiles?
                Quote: Gregory_45
                And, following your logic. he has no right how to shoot down their missiles, UAVs, or other aircraft that do not directly threaten Russian military personnel.

                Do not distort - on the contrary, they are obliged, according to the agreement between Russia and Syria, to destroy everything that appears in the sky of this country without permission to do so.
                Quote: Gregory_45
                So, a comment?

                Have you ever heard anything about the status of Russian troops on the territory of Syria, or do you think that they are simply there at your own request? It's just that Russian troops are not able to control the entire territory of Syria, and therefore destroy everything that could directly threaten them - for example, the flight of other people's cruise missiles.
                1. -2
                  April 18 2020 19: 20
                  oh, the demagogue mode turned on again)) Are you earning here on hype?

                  Quote: ccsr
                  Have you ever heard anything about the status of Russian troops in Syria

                  I am well aware why the Russian contingent was introduced into the SAR. To combat the IG.
                  This has nothing to do with the issue under discussion.

                  But it has the fact that Russia and the United States are not at war. Although both countries have their interests in the SAR and support the opposite sides. And as if they should not touch each other. Should not, but not obliged ... that we are in the direction of the Americans, that they are doing dirty tricks in our own way.

                  Was not in a state of war with the United States of the USSR during the times of Korea and Vietnam. Everyone knows about the events of those times. However, the planes were shot down and "comrades were taught."
                  Therefore, if Russia or the USA decide to play with each other's satellite groups, they will do so.

                  Therefore your
                  Quote: ccsr
                  Well, and how are you going to violate all international agreements in peacetime and start jamming the work of communication systems if this is immediately determined and retaliatory measures are taken against those who did it? Americans will suffer more all over the world than we, if only they try to violate international agreements - they themselves will be pressed all over the world and not only we.

                  no more than babble of a naive child)
                  1. 0
                    April 19 2020 11: 40
                    Quote: Gregory_45
                    Are you earning here on hype?

                    No, I deny different dreamers like you.
                    Quote: Gregory_45
                    I am well aware

                    Why then are you asking stupid questions about our electronic warfare systems?
                    Quote: Gregory_45
                    But it has the fact that Russia and the United States are not at war.

                    So what then is your sadness about the actions of our electronic warfare?
                    Quote: Gregory_45
                    Therefore, if Russia or the USA decide to play with each other's satellite groups, they will do so.

                    Do not fantasize, verbiage - this will be the beginning of the war, because an attack on our satellite system of SPRN or reconnaissance satellites is equivalent to a strike on our strategic missile forces.
                    Quote: Gregory_45
                    no more than babble of a naive child)

                    Instead of a chatter, it’s better to name at least one example of a massive attack on our communications satellites in the last forty years, and then we'll see who the child is here.
                    1. -3
                      April 19 2020 12: 31
                      Quote: ccsr

                      there is only one verbiage - and this is you))
                    2. -3
                      April 19 2020 13: 06
                      Quote: ccsr
                      No, I’m refuting different dreamers like you

                      no, you are here only to assert yourself. Enough to read your comments to come to such an obvious conclusion)
                2. -3
                  April 18 2020 19: 23
                  Quote: ccsr
                  Quote: Gregory_45
                  And, following your logic. he has no right how to shoot down their missiles, UAVs, or other aircraft that do not directly threaten Russian military personnel.

                  Do not distort - on the contrary are obliged, according to the agreement between Russia and Syria, to destroy everything that appears in the sky of this country without permission to do so.

                  probably, the Americans and Israelis from Assad get permission to fly over the ATS and bomb it? Because not a single aircraft belonging to the United States or Israel was shot down by Russian air defense systems. They never even opened fire on them.
                  1. 0
                    April 19 2020 11: 48
                    Quote: Gregory_45
                    probably, the Americans and Israelis from Assad get permission to fly over the ATS and bomb it?

                    Assad does not have the ability to control the entire territory - there was a war long before our appearance, that's why we are obliged to take into account the current situation.
                    Quote: Gregory_45
                    Because not a single aircraft belonging to the United States or Israel was shot down by Russian air defense systems.

                    So they never attacked our bases directly. There was an incident with a plane shot down by Turkey, but the conflict was settled diplomatically. Can you name when Israel or the United States struck at our bases?
                    Quote: Gregory_45
                    They never even opened fire on them.

                    Do you even know that there is coordination between different countries whose troops are in Syria? Why this is done is a mystery to you. But this is not the point - where is the example of an attack on our bases by the United States and Israel?
                    1. -3
                      April 19 2020 12: 30
                      Quote: ccsr
                      Can you name when Israel or the United States struck at our bases?

                      I look at the book again - see the fig? For those who cannot read:
                      Quote: Gregory_45
                      Russia The USA did not declare war. AND, following your logic. has no right how to shoot down their missiles, UAVs, other aircraft that do not directly threaten the Russian military.

                      Quote: ccsr
                      Do not distort - vice versa are required according to the agreement between Russia and Syria, destroy everything that appears in the sky of this country without permission to do so.

                      Quote: Gregory_45
                      probably, Do Americans and Israelis Assad get permission to fly over the ATS and bomb it? Because not a single aircraft belonging to the United States or Israel was shot down by Russian air defense systems. They never even opened fire on them.

                      Quote: ccsr
                      So they never attacked our bases directly.

                      you are out of order with your head, as well as with logic) Deftly, you yourself have been trapped in a trap.
                      You broadcast that Russia is obliged to bring down everything. that flies in the airspace of Syria without the permission of the official government. Then change your shoes, and say - they didn’t bring down because it did not threaten the Russian military. But what about the Syrians, who are simply obliged (in your own words) to defend? Cool you flogged yourself) Keep it up)
                      1. 0
                        April 19 2020 12: 53
                        Quote: Gregory_45
                        You broadcast that Russia is obliged to bring down everything. that flies in the airspace of Syria without the permission of the official government.

                        Do not lie so primitively - firstly, we technically cannot shoot down everything that flies in the sky of Syria, and secondly, we got permission to find our bases in the territory controlled by Assad at the time when it controlled less than 30% of the territory. And the talk that we will conquer these lands in the interests of Assad did not go at all - so to begin with, study at least the basic provisions of our agreements.
                        Quote: Gregory_45
                        Then change your shoes, and say - they didn’t bring down because it did not threaten the Russian military.

                        Even though a cruise missile hit our bases or the Americans did not warn us about a missile attack, lie something believable to begin with.
                        Quote: Gregory_45
                        But what about the Syrians, who are simply obliged (in your own words) to defend? Cool you flogged yourself) Keep it up)

                        It’s cool that amateurs like you climb to discuss the issue of interstate relations and the use of our bases, without even studying the agreements at the state level. By the way, it is the Syrians who are obliged to protect and liberate themselves, and we only help them at a certain level. Moreover, this can be clearly seen from the composition of our group, where the main part was the videoconferencing.
    2. 0
      April 19 2020 12: 05
      Quote: sanik2020
      then it may turn out that calculations will have to be done with a pencil on a piece of paper and use a simple compass.

      In fact, our entire nuclear triad and ground forces were trained in such a way that in the event of the failure of our entire orbital group, they will fulfill their task of retaliating and waging war in the field. Therefore, you should not bother with this especially - whether our satellites are working or not, this does not fundamentally affect the combat readiness of our armed forces, with the exception of intelligence systems and early warning systems.
  10. -1
    April 18 2020 13: 48
    And they said Omerika FSO ...
  11. -3
    April 18 2020 14: 12
    The American response to the Russian "Peresvet" is another fact of the scientific and technical degradation of the United States.
  12. 0
    April 18 2020 14: 42
    In addition to disruption to ground communications, it is possible to disrupt the operation of active radar satellites. Intelligence and passive receivers
    1. 0
      April 18 2020 15: 36
      "... The radar of satellites is active. Reconnaissance ..." There are practically no such satellites ... no one has. The reason is simple - the orbit should be low, and the power of the sounding pulse is high. You can't do it with solar panels.
      1. +1
        April 18 2020 15: 49
        There are remote sensing radar satellitesДистанционное_зондирование_Земли
        1. 0
          April 18 2020 16: 10
          1. Source Wikipedia ... hmm.
          2. These devices are not suitable as intelligence tools, from the word at all, because have insufficient resolution.
          1. 0
            April 18 2020 17: 28
            There are links
            Here are such, for example

            1. 0
              April 18 2020 20: 45
              Yes, it's all empty! Compare with US-A from "Legend" - impulse in 1x kW! Then write, and not with links from Vicky (basically a trash heap), where everyone can write an article "On increasing the egg production of hens in the Arctic", and another (any) user can edit it.
              PS I had something to do with US-A, the names are Brukhansky, Osipov, Salgannik, Borisov and many others. others are familiar to me not only from publications. As well as many representatives of the customer.
              1. 0
                April 18 2020 21: 04
                Yes, there are a lot of people who are sure that one Russian active radar satellite without problems gives a complete picture across the Earth in real time in the resolution of one meter.
                For a long time, you can forget about the power of 1 kW - nuclear installations, giving up to 5 kW in the satellite network, cannot be used in low orbits, and they did not work for long.
                And without it, at best, as the Germans have on a satellite above, no higher than 250 watts.
                And somehow they don’t think how easy it is to put interference from a radar of such power from the Earth
  13. The comment was deleted.
  14. -1
    April 18 2020 16: 12
    Yes, according to the old scheme, a bucket of nails ha orbit and all goodbye laughing
    1. -1
      April 18 2020 18: 25
      Quote: akinfeeffr
      a bucket of nails ha orbit and everyone goodbye

      including and your own companions.
  15. 0
    April 18 2020 16: 28
    Short-term failure of satellites - this means that weapons do not involve the destruction of satellites. After short-term interference, the satellite will continue its work as if nothing had happened. Zrada or overwhelming?
    1. 0
      April 18 2020 18: 54
      Could not observe certain areas
  16. 0
    April 18 2020 16: 39
    For the curious:
    From Wiki -
    “L3Harris Technologies (L3Harris) is an American technology company, defense contractor, and information technology services provider that manufactures C6ISR systems and products, wireless equipment, tactical radios, avionics and electronic systems, night vision equipment, and ground and space antennas for use in the public, defense and commercial sectors. They specialize in surveillance solutions, microwave weapons, and electronic warfare. ”
    Contracts -
    feb. 2020
    “L3Harris wins $ 1,2 billion contract for 10 years for maintenance and upgrades of space surveillance systems (tracking sensors)”
    March 2020
    “The Space and Rocket Systems Center selected L3Harris and Raytheon (each for $ 500 million for 5 years) for the design and manufacture of anti-jamming satellite modems. Protected Tactical Waveform is an anti-jamming software developed by SMC to work with military satellite communications terminals that communicate with Global Satcom broadband. The anti-jamming waveform provides secure communications in a frequency independent format. ”
    Well, etc. The company is very serious, the 6th largest among military companies.
    And further. Regarding the comments “we are their electronic warfare” or “yes our electronic warfare!”.
    The fact that the Russian electronic warfare system is the best in the world is known from 2 sources -
    Russian media and amerskih media. But you cannot trust the “praise” from the American media - they will rather be “concerned” with the development of Russian electronic warfare and will keep silent about the successes of their electronic warfare, so I do not advise you to create illusions. Praising the “enemy” and keeping silent about your successes is part of “modesty”, that is, the secrecy of the amers' media.
    1. 0
      April 18 2020 21: 37
      Following up: "Intelsat announced that Intelsat 25 satellite returned to service on February 901 after successfully docking with the first Mission Extension Vehicle (MEV-1) from Northrop Grumman and its subsidiary SpaceLogistics LLC. This is the first time two commercial spacecraft have docked at geostationary orbit. " MEV-1 flew up from the side of the engine, picked up and pulled the satellite out of the burial orbit to a new station, extending the service life for another 5 years.
      And what military satellites and X-37 do, who knows ...
  17. +1
    April 18 2020 18: 09
    The other day, foam at the mouth of pi-n-d-wasps shouted that the Russian Federation threatened their companions and was accused of aggressive intentions. Insolent.
    1. +1
      April 18 2020 19: 30
      “The other day, foam at the mouth of pi-n-d-wasps shouted that the Russian Federation threatened their companions and was accused of aggressive intentions. Insolent. ”
      Prisoner, you have a surprisingly kind face and a delightfully naive look!
      And this is because your VO do not report to you (it is not supposed to know):
      “In a statement dated April 15, the US space command said that tests of the Nudol rocket showed that Russian rockets are capable of destroying satellites in low Earth orbit.
      In February, Russia launched and deployed an “inspector” satellite called Cosmos-2542, which launched the satellite “Cosmos-2543”, which was reportedly pursued by US satellite # 245, a secret intelligence satellite belonging to the National Intelligence Agency. ”
      And do not make blue eyes that this was not, and if it was, it is not us and not ours.
      1. 0
        April 19 2020 10: 59
        Well, okay - let robots fight somewhere out there, and here we will "make a face" and "make eyes".
        1. 0
          April 19 2020 11: 02
          Quote: Private-K
          Well, okay - let robots fight somewhere out there, and here we will "make a face" and "make eyes".

          And wait for X hour .. And then we'll show you the "surprises" ..
          Quote: eklmn
          And do not make blue eyes that this was not, and if it was, it is not us and not ours.

          Not ours, these are Chinese ..)))))