Monument to Soviet soldiers-liberators again desecrated in Bulgaria


In Dobrich (Bulgaria), unknown vandals desecrated a monument to the Red Army soldiers who liberated this country from the Nazis during the Second World War.

This was reported by the Internet portal "DobrichOnline." In addition, a plot dedicated to the incident appeared on the local television channel.

Monument to the Liberators is located in the city park. Unknown attackers applied the words “Death to the Invaders” and “Death to Alesham” with blue paint.

The embassy of the Russian Federation through a social network expressed its indignation at the act of vandalism, expressing the hope that the city leadership will take measures to capture and punish the perpetrators. Diplomats emphasized the outrageous fact that this crime was committed on the eve of the anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Dobrich’s city officials said law enforcement agencies are looking for criminals in pre-trial proceedings.

On the mass grave of the fallen Soviet soldiers in 1949, the Bulgarians erected this monument in gratitude for their liberation from the Nazi invaders. The original version was three-meter, but then in the late 50s it was transported and installed in another village in Bulgaria. And in Dobrich, on the site of the former monument, a seven-meter sculpture of a soldier was erected against the background of a 14-meter pylon.
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  1. +14
    April 9 2020 18: 34
    I will repeat my recent post: "Ah! Brothers! It looks like them ..."
    1. +21
      April 9 2020 18: 38
      Do not equate everyone under one comb. These are pro-Western right. Right-wing organizations fed by the West at the end ofigeli. There is nothing sacred. Vandals. How low. Only contempt for such.
      1. +6
        April 9 2020 18: 44
        So the fact is that I write this post for the second time in a week, and all about some ... And before that, too, they were different ... There are so many of them that there is no way out
        1. +16
          April 9 2020 18: 50
          Only cowards fight with monuments. am
          1. +31
            April 9 2020 19: 01
            Quote: Dmitry Donskoy
            Only cowards fight with monuments. am

            Monuments are at war only hates. It will be more accurate. hi
            1. The comment was deleted.
              1. +12
                April 9 2020 19: 09
                Quote: rigoletto2001
                seriously? I remember the Bolsheviks brought a bunch of monuments coming to power ..... even a monument to Skobelev .... are they really the same scum and cowards?

                Skobelev Bulgarian liberating the Russian land? You do not confuse God's gift with fried eggs.
                1. The comment was deleted.
                  1. +2
                    April 9 2020 20: 11
                    Quote: rigoletto2001
                    I don’t confuse. I quote you:
                    Quote: Rededi
                    Quote: Dmitry Donskoy
                    Only cowards fight with monuments. am

                    Monuments are at war only hates. It will be more accurate. hi

                    that is, if vandals desecrated a Soviet monument, they are scum, if it is "comrades" who have defiled or demolished the monument, then, apparently, at least not scum and cowards, and perhaps even heroes.

                    You were answered more than completely below the branch, there is nothing to add.
                    Quote: Mole
                    1. Howl with monuments - scum.
                    2. Ideology to scum has little to do.
                    3. Scum ideology serves only as a cover for the expression of Mrazotskoy essence.
                    4. Do not fly ideology.
                    1. +2
                      April 9 2020 21: 01
                      Quote: Dmitry Donskoy
                      Only cowards fight with monuments. am

                      The fools are fighting the monuments, they are waiting for complete oblivion ...
                    2. The comment was deleted.
                  2. +10
                    April 9 2020 21: 08
                    There is no desire to understand that one does not apply to the other? The Bolsheviks, too, were wrong in many things! But you really do not confuse our internal affairs, and world war ..... Or do you need to write like this and pose questions like that? Maybe it's worth the money? Yes
                    1. +2
                      April 10 2020 03: 16
                      Quote: Chingachguk
                      But you really do not confuse our internal affairs, and world war .....

                      I drank all night with the Russians. All night they poisoned jokes about Russia and neighing loudly. All night they convinced me that Russia is a country of bad roads and fools. In the morning, when I agreed with their opinion, they filled my face
              2. +4
                April 9 2020 19: 24
                1. Howl with monuments - scum.
                2. Ideology to scum has little to do.
                3. Scum ideology serves only as a cover for the expression of Mrazotskoy essence.
                4. Do not fly ideology.
                1. The comment was deleted.
                  1. +11
                    April 9 2020 20: 48
                    Quote: rigoletto2001
                    so I don’t argue .... I’ll clarify .... So they’re still scum. And what about the monuments to Hitler? He is certainly a bloodsucker ... but still.

                    You don't argue, you are trying to troll clumsily. The Bolsheviks were not demolishing monuments, but symbols of the vanity of "self-immortal" emperors, and during their lifetime. monuments to Admiral Makarov, Peter the Great, Alexander II (God forbid memory) still stand. That is, they are monuments, not symbols of vanity. It's easier for you to ask - "why is the water without gas", or whatever the joke is.
                    1. The comment was deleted.
              3. +3
                April 9 2020 19: 31
                Sgin unclean ..
              4. +5
                April 9 2020 22: 50
                seriously? I remember the Bolsheviks brought a bunch of monuments coming to power ..... even a monument to Skobelev .... are they really the same scum and cowards?

                Strange, you’ve been guided by so many minuses! belay But you did tell the truth! hi Bolsheviks demolished the monument to Skobelev in Moscow in 1918! It is a fact!

                It so happened that the monuments of the White General for a long period only in Bulgaria have been preserved! Bulgarian students of Lenin did not dare to touch a single monument of the Russian Generals and the Emperor!
                Moreover, in Bulgaria in 2013 in Kazanlak another one was erected!

                In 2015, in the city of Sliven, were built new!
                1. +5
                  April 9 2020 23: 58
                  Fir-trees! You would think that you are "blurting out"! You grabbed a "excuse" like that joke: "And you have blacks lynched ..."! You cover with links to events of many years ago A perfect abomination "just now"!
            2. -2
              April 9 2020 19: 07
              Quote: Rededi
              Only scum fight with monuments.

              Words in the whole alphabet
            3. +2
              April 10 2020 10: 35
              The actions of several people who have problems with their heads, although perhaps they just paid, are not yet the people of Bulgaria.
          2. +8
            April 9 2020 19: 02
            do not fight ... shitting on the sly ....
        2. 0
          April 9 2020 22: 01
          That's right.
          But their grandfathers were farsighted. They dropped their weapons and did not render resistance to the Red Army in 1944-1945.
          1. +3
            April 9 2020 22: 58
            ..and where were they in 1941. ?? and how would they behave, if in 1944 the Red Army had not approached the borders of Bulgaria ??? .. are you sure that the brothers risked themselves, saving peacemen or prisoners of war or partisans somewhere in the USSR ??? ... no, here you need to feel the boots of a Red Army soldier at your hatynok ... and immediately remember ... what .. '' .. we are brothers ... aha ... "
            1. +2
              April 9 2020 23: 01
              They behaved as a regular small state of Europe - fell under the lord. However, unlike Romanians, Czechs, Hungarians, they did not kill the Russians with such hatred as if they would have been made by the Germans after that.
              1. +3
                April 9 2020 23: 07
                ..that often they do not fall under those who signed for them and shed blood .. ??? or Shipka .. and in general .. this is the sweet word Freedom .. for Bulgarians .. overgrown with dust ... (.. if at all - and after all, in about twenty years, they will write in textbooks altogether; Bulgaria was freed by the cowboys of President Lin'coln !!! .. and everyone will say - well, that's how it was ..)
                1. +6
                  April 9 2020 23: 13
                  I am afraid that after 10 years, our homegrown ones will also think. McDonald's break from them around the clock. What can we say about the Bulgarians, Ukrainians and those rinsed all their brains, now they are rinsing us and the Belarusians.
            2. 0
              April 10 2020 09: 10
              let's not juggle. I am not defending "bros". And they are not our brothers. Suffice it to recall that the brothers' two world wars were marked in camps hostile to Russia. Yes, in the third they have already decided. Interestingly, they, together with NATO, will clean up Russian cities? Well, not the point. However, in that WAR, Bulgaria never attacked the USSR.
      2. +6
        April 9 2020 19: 03
        If these people feel very comfortable there, then there is nothing to equal. Aligned already. How many ships took place on these vandals, who was punished how? Silence. These are the cheesecakes!
        1. 0
          April 9 2020 19: 27
          Then who spoils the EBN monument? Brothers too?
          A short-term hype or whatever, motivationally, all things ...?
          1. +27
            April 9 2020 19: 31
            Quote: Mole
            Then who spoils the monument to EBN? Brothers too?
            A short-term hype or whatever, motivationally, all things ...?

            The question is not who spoils it, the question is what the hell EBNu generally erected a monument.
            1. +4
              April 9 2020 19: 45
              How they posed another question. We are talking about those villains who ruin the monuments. The monument will not give change. If you want to fulfill yourselves, go to the rally or to the company of the National Guard (or whatever it is in Bulgaria or where it doesn’t matter in this case) rush at least with paints and brushes, at least with a jackhammer. It’s not scum that was set by you;
              Delivered and delivered. Let it stand. Although I am also not happy.
              We have wonderful and worthy people who deserve a monument and popular love many times more.
              1. +7
                April 10 2020 00: 11
                Quote: Mole
                Delivered and delivered. Let it stand.

                Many rightly perceive the monument to EBN as if they had erected a monument to the traitor Vlasov! That is, for many it is equivalent to: "They erected a monument to General Vlasov ... Let it be worth it !." ...
              2. +1
                April 10 2020 09: 11
                "Monument" EBN is not considered a monument. It's like a satanic temple in an Orthodox cemetery. To demolish it is the duty of every normal person.
          2. +13
            April 9 2020 19: 32
            Monument EBN spoil the sacred cause, and for the monument to the fallen Soviet soldiers it is necessary to cut off the hands. By the way, our local "beetles" that "restore" military graves and "transfer" monuments, freeing up tidbits of land under the shopping center, should be planted for life
            1. -6
              April 9 2020 20: 16
              Quote: Captive
              The EBN Monument spoil the holy cause,

              So some degenerate granddaughter of an incomplete SS man also thinks
              Get away from the monuments. Not delivered to you, not to spoil you.
              1. +10
                April 9 2020 20: 49
                That's it not by us. It would never have occurred to us to erect monuments to EBN.
                1. -4
                  April 9 2020 20: 52
                  Quote: Captive
                  That's it not by us.

                  That's exactly what the "granddaughter" thinks!
              2. +2
                April 9 2020 20: 50
                Quote: Mole
                Quote: Captive
                The EBN Monument spoil the holy cause,

                So some degenerate granddaughter of an incomplete SS man also thinks
                Get away from the monuments. Not delivered to you, not to spoil you.

                You tell the Bulgarians. Here vandals were not noticed, but the words ..., so on emotions.
                1. +5
                  April 9 2020 21: 03
                  The Bulgarians themselves erected the monuments to the Warriors - Liberators.
                  But there are still no monuments to the fascists and sympathizers with them. Unlike many others.
                  1. +3
                    April 9 2020 21: 51
                    Quote: Mole
                    The Bulgarians themselves erected the monuments to the Warriors - Liberators.

                    Did grandfathers set the "Liberators", do grandchildren defile the "occupiers"? Link of times. And, then all the rules, thanks for the clarification. Exhaustive.
                    1. 0
                      April 9 2020 23: 13
                      The Bulgarians themselves erected the monuments to the Warriors - Liberators. But there are still no monuments to the fascists and sympathizers with them. Unlike many others.

                      Dear Leonid, absolutely right! hi
                      All the monuments built in honor of the Soviet Army, USSR or communism in Bulgaria, designed and built by the Bulgarians themselves! These are our, Bulgarian monuments!
                      Did grandfathers set the "Liberators", do grandchildren defile the "occupiers"? Link of times. And, then all the rules, thanks for the clarification. Exhaustive.

                      I will give an example:
                      Suppose I build a monument to Mao Zedong! It does not make a Chinese monument!

                      Or if I build a monument to Churchill at my place, it does not become British! Yes?
              3. +1
                April 10 2020 00: 35
                Quote: Mole
                Quote: Captive
                The EBN Monument spoil the holy cause,

                So some degenerate granddaughter of an incomplete SS man also thinks
                Get away from the monuments. Not delivered to you, not to spoil you.

                No need to spoil. But to put an explanatory plate with details of the life of EBN-a - this is a necessary thing.
        2. +2
          April 10 2020 09: 37
          If these people feel very comfortable there, then there is nothing to equal.

          Performers act under the cover of night! Secretly hiding! Therefore, they don’t feel at ease for themselves!
          How many ships took place on these vandals, who was punished how? Silence.

          There are tens of thousands of monuments in Bulgaria! Cases of desecration of monuments, memorial plates, etc. Bulgarian politicians also have, and there are many more. When the perpetrator is unknown, it is difficult for the police to find him. In recent years, video surveillance has been mounted on the most iconic monuments, and several have permanent security. Toughened the law, the draft increased by 50 thousand. BGN / 2 million rubles /.
          There are open violators, there are punished! You just don’t know, because they don’t write about it in Russian media! hi
          I repeat again - all these monuments are Bulgarian, not Soviet, not Russian! They built by the Bulgarians are the property of the Bulgarian state! The situation is completely different, in comparison with other countries, since the Soviet Army did not fight in the Bulgarian territory and we had no loss in battle!
          By the way, cases of destruction and desecration of monuments in the Russian Federation are hundreds of times more than in Bulgaria!
      3. +5
        April 9 2020 19: 04
        Quote: Sky Strike fighter
        Do not equal everyone under one comb.

        They’re dirty all over Bulgaria, but some small group of marginals? Have you been punished? That's it.
        1. 0
          April 9 2020 20: 09
          In order to punish, it is necessary to catch. Then prove it. How is this done to explain?
          Desire is - there are no opportunities. There are opportunities - there is no desire. It’s great when opportunities coincide with desires.
          1. +5
            April 9 2020 20: 14
            Quote: Mole
            In order to punish, it is necessary to catch. Then prove it. How is this done to explain?
            Desire is - there are no opportunities. There are opportunities - there is no desire. It’s great when opportunities coincide with desires.

            I will repeat myself. Against the background of their "art" the "brothers" did not hesitate to take pictures. Tell you how people are searched for by photos?
            1. 0
              April 9 2020 20: 33
              So there is no desire. But just do not agitate for the "Bulgarian pogroms".
              1. +3
                April 9 2020 20: 52
                Quote: Mole
                So there is no desire

                Good girl! Exactly! And if there is no desire, then this act is considered the right thing necessary for Bulgaria. This is what we are talking about.
                Quote: Mole
                But just do not agitate for the "Bulgarian pogroms"

                God save me! And there was no thought.
        2. 0
          April 10 2020 09: 56
          They’re dirty all over Bulgaria, but some small group of marginals? Have you been punished? That's it.

          If you do not know why write? To show everyone their ignorance?
          There are punished, there are convicted! In one of the cases, the performer was mentally unhealthy person. In another case, two women (one of them is Marta Georgieva, a deputy of the capital council), whose parents were killed by the communists after 45. The last case in Sofia was with two schoolgirls who ran away from school and decided to draw. During interrogation, it was established that they did not particularly understand what they had done. Reprimand was imposed on them, and parents were fined. In another case, a student of anti-communist thought that it was so possible to express his disagreement with communist ideology. The ego was charted + conditional home equity. The incident with the monument to the Bulgarian Communist partisans was kureozny. On the recordings of CCTV cameras, the police identified the elderly mother of a local MP from the Socialist Party / b. Communist Party. She was not punished, as a pensioner suffered from dementia. The police do not always succeed in finding violators unfortunately! This is where there is no video surveillance and there were no witnesses. hi
      4. +3
        April 9 2020 19: 13
        Quote: Sky Strike fighter
        Do not equate all under one comb. These are pro-Western right.

        You know, yesterday one such one isn’t like a pro-Western, at least he says that, he proved to me that they are to blame for it. we. Threw them you see
        When asked exactly how they threw it, the answer was never received.
        Moreover, it turns out that the hunchback overthrew Zhivkov with the help of agents. Oh how. Soon the results of the "investigation" about Khrushchev's involvement in the assassination attempt on Kenedy will probably be announced
        1. +9
          April 9 2020 19: 23
          Quote: Lipchanin
          Quote: Sky Strike fighter
          Do not equate all under one comb. These are pro-Western right.

          You know, yesterday one such one isn’t like a pro-Western, at least he says that, he proved to me that they are to blame for it. we. Threw them you see
          When asked exactly how they threw it, the answer was never received.
          Moreover, it turns out that the hunchback overthrew Zhivkov with the help of agents. Oh how. Soon the results of the "investigation" about Khrushchev's involvement in the assassination attempt on Kenedy will probably be announced

          Well this is a classic of the genre. "Either you feed us, or we will be "friends" against you", and it is desirable to feed with a surcharge from our side, and they will call us" brothers "sometimes. And this is not only the Bulgarians.
          1. +5
            April 9 2020 19: 33
            Quote: Rededi
            "Either you feed us, or we will" be friends "against you, and it is desirable to feed us with a surcharge from our side,

            Aha. Small children, can’t tear themselves away from boobs
            1. +1
              April 9 2020 21: 57
              Quote: Lipchanin
              Small children, can’t tear themselves away from boobs

              If they come off the "boobs", they will die stupidly. They won't feed themselves.
        2. +1
          April 9 2020 19: 30
          For some "ours" during the spring (autumn) exacerbation, something else climbs. At night, the main thing is not to think about it, otherwise you may wake up as a different person.
          1. +3
            April 9 2020 20: 19
            Quote: Mole
            For some "ours" in the period of spring (autumn) exacerbation, something else climbs out.

            I noticed this a long time ago. By cons that put without looking
            Do not think about it at night

            A lot of honor
            otherwise you can wake up with another person.

            Yes, not the first year in VO and not seen
        3. +1
          April 10 2020 10: 09
          You know, yesterday, one such is not a pro-Western, at least he says so ...

          Sergey, well, remember that! I really am not a pro-Western; I have been raised since childhood in love for Russia and Russians! Moreover, half of my relatives are Russians! I participated in the design and construction of several monuments in honor of Russia. But common with people like you, even the most pro-Russian-minded person, can change his attitude, if not to all Russians, then to a significant part of you, for sure! You do not accept even the most obvious arguments, it is useless to conduct a dialogue with you! Only your point of view exists for you! You do not hear, do not see, do not want to know! No.
      5. +6
        April 9 2020 19: 16
        Quote: Sky Strike fighter
        These are pro-Western right. Right-wing organizations fed by the West at the end ofigeli. There is nothing holy. Vandals.

        In Russia, too, there are such. But for some reason they are not given so much will.
        1. +16
          April 9 2020 20: 16
          Quote: Spade
          Quote: Sky Strike fighter
          These are pro-Western right. Right-wing organizations fed by the West at the end ofigeli. There is nothing holy. Vandals.

          In Russia, too, there are such. But for some reason they are not given so much will.

          Yes All right. As the hero of the Weiner novel, Gleb Yegorych Zheglov, said: the rule of law in the country is determined not by the presence of thieves, but by the ability of the authorities to neutralize them.
          1. +3
            April 9 2020 20: 55
            Everyone has such, but the point is the reaction of the authorities and normal people, but this is the problem ...
      6. +17
        April 9 2020 19: 20
        Once the mayor of the city of Savior Girnevsky declared "Alyosha" a personal enemy. Residents stood behind the monument by the mountain. And they managed to defend it.
        The elder from Prague cowardly demolished the monument to Konev during quarantine.
        Someone VERY hindered by the presence of Russians, even if "symbolic", in the form of monuments.
        No wonder they say, the fish rots from the HEAD.
        1. 0
          April 9 2020 19: 25
          Quote: knn54
          Once the mayor of the city of Savior Girnevsky declared "Alyosha" a personal enemy. Residents stood behind the monument by the mountain. And they managed to defend it.
          The elder from Prague cowardly demolished the monument to Konev during quarantine.
          Someone VERY hindered by the presence of Russians, even if "symbolic", in the form of monuments.
          No wonder they say, the fish rots from the HEAD.

          For some, money and personal gain are paramount. Such scoundrels can always be found in any country. Yes, remember the same perestroika in the USSR and its consequences for so many people, but you are surprised that someone does not hesitate to destroy the monuments.
        2. +5
          April 9 2020 19: 34
          Quote: knn54
          The elder from Prague cowardly demolished the monument to Konev during quarantine.

          Yes, and at night
        3. +1
          April 10 2020 10: 28
          Once the mayor of the city of Savior Girnevsky declared "Alyosha" a personal enemy. Residents stood behind the monument by the mountain. And they managed to defend it.

          Dear Nicholas, Girnevsky saved for a long time not the mayor. He had only one mandate. They did not choose the ego anymore, he was greatly compromised in connection with the incident from the monument to Alyosha.
          Park - hill "Bunardzhika", where Alyosha is located, is a favorite place for visiting citizens and guests of Plovdiv! In 2019, the municipality implemented a large-scale project worth half a million euros to equip and modernize the park's infrastructure. By the way, the monument itself was also repaired several years ago!

          Few people know in Russia, but in Bulgaria there are 3 monuments to Alyosha! The one in Burgas is located right on the main square! Ego repaired too!

          Every year state removes funds for repairs and supports many other monuments. hi So, not only the majority of Bulgarian citizens, but also the authorities, make an effort to preserve their historical heritage!
          You don’t write about it, for some reason ... request
      7. +4
        April 9 2020 19: 20
        Tell me please, if the pro-Western people are doing this and they are not the majority, then where are the rest of the "brotherly" people looking?
      8. +7
        April 9 2020 20: 29
        Quote: Sky Strike fighter
        Do not equal everyone under one comb.

        Everything is correct! Simple Bulgarians Remember Everyone! And idiots for the money of the State Department do their best! Anaconda continues to operate. There is a tendency for her to choke on her tail though!
      9. +16
        April 9 2020 21: 04
        In the morning, when I read about this incident in the Bulgarian news portals, I was 100% sure that shortly after this and here in VO, material would appear, always with a long series of abusive posts from regular Bulgarianophobes! It is seen especially for them, someone tried in the dark at night ...
        I was a little late with my post, but for that I will be more circumstantial! So...

        In Bulgaria there are more than 530 monuments in honor of Russia, of which a hundred in honor of the Soviet Army and the USSR. Monuments in honor of Russia, no one has ever touched. The encroachments only take place on the "Soviet" and that is quite rare! In 20 years, only 17-18 cases! Most of them, provocative inscriptions made under the cover of night! Apparently the perpetrators are afraid, there are already several convicted marginal.
        It is safe to say that this is a custom provocation! There are those interested in the Russian and Bulgarian hated! There are those on this site! They can be easily distinguished! They spit, are rude, scold the whole Bulgarian people! How far this is not true, you can judge for yourself - after all, in Bulgaria after the 90s, new monuments are erected every 2-3 years in honor of Russia! Where, in what other country is this ???
        One clarification - all the "Soviet" monuments in Bulgaria, built by the Bulgarians themselves and preserved by them!
        And for info specific cases are:
        The monument to the liberators is located in the city park, next to another monument - the Bulgarians who died in the wars. The monument to the liberators is located among the trees (right in the photo)! It is not visible at night, so the performer was able to "work" unnoticed. He only needed a couple of minutes! Apparently he was afraid to abuse the second monument nearby, because he can be seen even at night from the boulevard!

        I must say that such actions outrage the entire Bulgarian society! Even before lunch, municipal authorities and volunteers cleaned the inscriptions.

        The reaction of the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry did not slow down either:
        The Bulgarian Foreign Ministry categorically condemns the desecration of the monument to the Soviet Army in Dobrich, the ministry said in an official statement. We expect law enforcement to identify and prosecute those responsible. The fundamental position of the Foreign Ministry is to condemn the desecration of monuments, regardless of motive. Such actions are unacceptable and do not correspond to the democratic values ​​of our country, the report emphasizes.

        A few words about this monument! Every year there, residents of Dobrich hold celebrations in memory of Soviet soldiers who died in WWII! The tradition never stopped!

        Pay attention to the pictures - many young people are present at the celebrations!
        At the end of my life I’ll repeat again - Someone really wants to embroil the Bulgarians and Russians! He has no sleep! And everyone who abuses the Bulgarians here is their accomplices! Think about it!
        1. +6
          April 9 2020 21: 13
          Thank you!
          Thank you for not giving in to provocations for which you store memory.
          Who is able to really "Think"!
          1. +9
            April 9 2020 21: 45
            Here is a photo from the monument from noon! Completely cleaned! Bulgarians, volunteers!

            According to the Russian media, they have already circulated novelties! But I wonder if at least one of them says that the monument was immediately cleaned? And what about the reaction of the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry? At least one Russian media publishes these photos from the celebrations in front of the same monument?

            Why do they write only about negatives, but never about positives? Yes, you compare with the situation in the Czech Republic! A monument to Marshal Konev was recently demolished there! And few Czechs resisted!
            In Bulgaria there are forces supervised from outside who want to demolish Soviet monuments! Want but Bulgarian people do not allow! When the so-called. The "democrats" decided to demolish the Plovdiv Alyosha, the inhabitants of the city organized themselves into human chains! Not allowed! Here is Alyosha as he stood, and still stands! The municipality recently renovated it and the entire park around it, on a half-million-euro project!
            The difference between Bulgaria and the Czech Republic, is Polsha felt?
            1. +2
              April 9 2020 22: 04
              Quote: pytar
              Why do they write only about negatives, but never about positives?

              By the fact that when people come to the monument to honor the memory of heroes, this is the norm. And when people come to the monument of heroes to desecrate it, this is wildness!
              1. +9
                April 9 2020 22: 18
                By the fact that when people come to the monument to honor the memory of heroes, this is the norm. And when people come to the monument of heroes to desecrate it, this is wildness!

                This is so, but hundreds of people come to honor the heroes, and a couple of marginals are cursed at night! And there are already a few convicts! In Russia there are no marginals, or what? Should they be judged on the whole Russian people?
                1. 0
                  April 9 2020 22: 20
                  Quote: pytar
                  Should they be judged on the whole Russian people?

                  I didn’t write anything about the Bulgarian people. You asked
                  Why do they write only about negatives, but never about positives?
                  I replied.
            2. +4
              April 10 2020 04: 18
              Quote: pytar
              The difference between Bulgaria and the Czech Republic, is Polsha felt?

              Feels! Well done Boyan!
        2. +3
          April 9 2020 21: 37
          Quote: pytar
          Pay attention to the pictures - many young people are present at the celebrations!
          At the end of my story, I’ll repeat again - someone really wants to embroil the Bulgarians and Russians! He has no sleep! And everyone who abuses the Bulgarians here is their accomplices! Think about it!

          Thank you for the memory of our grandfathers! All who incite hatred are undoubtedly a scoundrel. After all, how can one not appreciate such a manifestation of love of a simple Bulgarian people.

          Those who dare to resent this manifestation of Bulgarian love are real enemies of the Russian and Bulgarian peoples. Shame on firelighters! Throw away "Kremlin Methodicals" and listen to the nightingale song about love for Russia from sincere Bulgarian brothers !!!
          1. +9
            April 9 2020 22: 14
            After all, how can you not appreciate such a manifestation of love of the common Bulgarian people. Those who dare to resent this manifestation of Bulgarian love are real enemies of the Russian and Bulgarian peoples. Ashamed firelighters! Throw away "Kremlin Methodicals" and listen to the nightingale song about love for Russia from sincere Bulgarian brothers !!!

            I don't know whose manual you are reading, but you can see that you work in the same team with those who paint monuments at night! Otherwise, they would not have "forgotten" to mention that the monument to your attached photos was immediately cleaned!

            1. -2
              April 9 2020 22: 49
              Quote: pytar
              After all, how can you not appreciate such a manifestation of love of the common Bulgarian people. Those who dare to resent this manifestation of Bulgarian love are real enemies of the Russian and Bulgarian peoples. Ashamed firelighters! Throw away "Kremlin Methodicals" and listen to the nightingale song about love for Russia from sincere Bulgarian brothers !!!

              I don't know whose manual you are reading, but you can see that you work in the same team with those who paint monuments at night! Otherwise, they would not have "forgotten" to mention that the monument to your attached photos was immediately cleaned!

              I do not argue, they cleaned it up, but not right away, they still managed to make a bunch of selfies against the background of the "masterpiece". I doubt that such a painting can be done imperceptibly, especially at night, so they saw and did not interfere. Why would the "Bulgarophobes" be malignant at the VO? Hardly. By the way, this monument was desecrated at least 2 more times, once it was painted pink, the second one was dressed up in Pusi Riot. Again visiting "Bulgarophobes" ordered by Russia? By the way, both times are also a bunch of photos.
              God is your judge. You live with it. Goodnight.
              1. +5
                April 9 2020 23: 48
                I do not argue, they cleaned it up, but not right away, they still managed to make a bunch of selfies against the background of the "masterpiece". I doubt that such a painting can be done imperceptibly, especially at night, so they saw and did not interfere.

                Well, not right away, because the police unhooked the place and conducted an investigation!

                In addition, experts from the Ministry of Culture were waiting for them to examine the paint and make recommendations on what chemicals can be used in this case so as not to damage the stone! And so there are always people who enthusiastically take selfies, even in the most incredible situations!
                Oddly enough, while the group "modernists" were doing it, no one turned their attention. I spend the night in this part of the park, people rarely pass by, and few people will understand what is happening! After all, sometimes decors are made on monuments, for theater / musical performances in the open!
                Why would the "Bulgarophobes" be spiteful at the VO? Hardly.

                Yes, not only in VO ... You know, there is a recent incident, one of these monuments was sprayed at night. In winter, we put the clock an hour earlier! With Moscow it turns out 3 hours difference! Early morning, still dark, all of Sofia was sleeping, and the Russian media was already trumpeting, that’s "Bulgarians quarreled over monuments again"! It is strange that Russia "learned" about the incident earlier than the citizens of the Bulgarian capital themselves! How would they wait for the ru-media! That's when we started to have doubts, and not someone's order from your country? what
                By the way, this monument was desecrated at least 2 more times, once it was painted pink, the second one was dressed up in Pusi Riot.

                It was your Tolokonnikovaya marked! She came, put masks on the barrels, took a picture, the police came and politely drove her out.

                God is your judge. You live with it. Goodnight.

                God is with us, and we are with God! Therefore, we are not afraid of anyone!
                Good night to you too!
      10. +2
        April 9 2020 23: 29
        This is a country that fought on the side of the Nazis. It’s not surprising that the monuments to its winners cause hatred there. request Plus, the country is a member of a block hostile to us. That is, she is preparing to fight against us for the third time. It is strange that there are still monuments to our soldiers there.
      11. +1
        April 10 2020 00: 16
        Quote: Sky Strike fighter
        Do not equal everyone to one comb

        I do not know what to say. Even of those "brothers" who graze on VO are present, not patriots, but outspoken nationalists. And here on the forum, do not hesitate to write that the Russians have always been invaders.
      12. 0
        April 10 2020 01: 42
        Quote: Sky Strike fighter
        Do not equate everyone under one comb. These are pro-Western right. Right-wing organizations fed by the West at the end ofigeli.

        None of these are pro-Western, none, in figs, not "fed".

        These are ordinary Bulgarians, ordinary Bulgarian youth, which has grown over the past 30-35 years. They were brought up like that.

        And they again spit at us, as they spat in "Alyosh" before the First World War, forgetting about Shipka and 1787.
        They spit at us again, as they spat at "brothers" before World War II, forgetting how, like their eternal "friends" in the market - the Turks, they bargained in 1913-15 - who will give more - Russia or Germany.
        And the worst thing (for them for sure) is that they are again ready to fight with them. A generation has grown up again that does not remember the 45th and spits on us.

        Well, well ... They will supplement until they start cutting again. They will call "brothers" - and in response - not even silence, but "Fuck you ...... !!!!!"

        I’m not tired of repeating the phrase of a lieutenant colonel whom I knew
        "You are on (pooping) - I will step over. I on (pooping) - you will drown ..."
      13. +1
        April 10 2020 03: 20
        Contempt scorn, but the Bulgarians fought against us.
      14. +9
        April 10 2020 05: 23
        Bulgarians are brotherly people to us, no matter how politicians try to drive a wedge between us, it will not work.
    2. +5
      April 9 2020 18: 49
      In World War I, these little brothers were on the side of the Germans. In World War II too. Question: to whom are they bros?
      1. +6
        April 9 2020 19: 08
        Quote: AS Ivanov.
        In World War I, these little brothers were on the side of the Germans. In World War II too.

        Now here. Again against us
        1. -1
          April 9 2020 19: 13
          Quote: Lipchanin
          Quote: AS Ivanov.
          In World War I, these little brothers were on the side of the Germans. In World War II too.

          Now here. Again against us

          This is the Bulgarians from an overabundance of love.
          1. +2
            April 9 2020 19: 17
            Quote: Rededi
            This is the Bulgarians from an overabundance of love.

            Aha. So love that crap near the threshold
          2. +1
            April 9 2020 20: 18
            Review the film "Brother" carefully. Especially the ending.
            1. -3
              April 9 2020 21: 03
              Quote: Mole
              Review the film "Brother" carefully.

              Why the Devil should I review this chauvinistic vyser? Especially the ending where Bodrov self-merged. laughing This, in your opinion, will help me understand the motives of animals that defile the monuments?
              1. +4
                April 9 2020 21: 23
                I’m not talking about little animals, I'm talking about the fact that Bulgarians don’t need to be equated with these little animals.
            2. -3
              April 9 2020 21: 41
              Review the film "Brother" carefully. Especially the ending.

              Not in the subject, but the film is cheap. Empty small frame, unremarkable. There are no living people there, some pictures "paint it yourself." A sort of Hollywood thriller about the "offended heroic patriotic ....", though without the "happy end" laughing .
        2. +2
          April 9 2020 22: 06
          Quote: Lipchanin
          Now here. Again against us

          In 1947, she signed the Paris world as a defeated country.
      2. +2
        April 9 2020 20: 20
        Quote: AS Ivanov.
        In World War I, these little brothers were on the side of the Germans. In World War II too.

        And both times they bet on the wrong "horse" laughing
      3. +1
        April 10 2020 22: 54
        It’s clear to myself. You have already 100500 times loved the chance of being brother to anyone. And don’t have to get a historical harmonica. In WWII, they did not fight against you. Learn the materiel.
    3. +7
      April 9 2020 18: 51
      Anglo-Saxons brazenly buy and brainwash young people! After all, everyone should know that the war was won by Private Rain, who was saved ... That there are Bulgarians, we meet minors ... clowns barbecuing on the Eternal Flame! And how many conversations are being spread by the liberal community now having come up with an ugly word - "victoriousness"? And it is famously clinging to the Kremlin's "bloody regime" and they are already being echoed (which is incomprehensible to the mind) even by the communists and others who disagree! That's how we live!
    4. -4
      April 9 2020 18: 59
      Quote: Cowbra
      I will repeat my recent post: "Ah! Brothers! It looks like them ..."

      Now there will be "brothers" - a regular VO and tell us that all this is propaganda from the Kremlin, seeking to denigrate "brotherly Bulgaria" and that only "stupid quilted jackets" believe in it, and that is how Bulgarians love Russians more than life ... the monuments are regularly desecrated, and not by "pro-Western politicians" and not by the US ambassador, but by "brothers" - the diggers.
      1. +1
        April 9 2020 19: 14
        Quote: Rededi
        Now there will be "brothers" - a regular VO

        Will not appear. Snout in the gun
        1. +7
          April 9 2020 20: 19
          yeah, they give Alesha more flowers ....
          1. +4
            April 9 2020 20: 24
            Well, then, they’ll give, the feeders will be driven away
          2. +3
            April 10 2020 11: 01
            yeah, they give Alesha more flowers ....

            There are always fresh flowers on the pedestal!

            Also, every year there applicants go and plant flowers!
            1. +7
              April 10 2020 11: 10
              believe me, very happy ... for us it is a very significant monument hi
      2. +2
        April 9 2020 20: 40
        Now there will be "brothers" - a regular VO and tell us that all this is propaganda from the Kremlin, seeking to denigrate "brotherly Bulgaria" and that only "stupid quilted jackets" believe in it, and that is how Bulgarians love Russians more than life ...

        1. Unnecessarily explain something to you. Yes and should not. For this reason, I and many other people here have written enough.
        2. The Kremlin is not my problem, and that it propagates violet for me.
        3. Brotherly Bulgaria speak? Yes, UTB died with perestroika - now you have the caritalists, moreover the feudal capitalists, and they have a Tambov wolf brother, not us.
        4. Bulgarians love themselves and a little of you too, well, as much as the soul allows to love foreigners. But this is thanks to the RIA. So on UTB you have to rejoice. People who treat you positively at one, two and miscalculated ....
        1. +5
          April 9 2020 21: 15
          Mirror what you wrote in Russia. And think ...
          1. +1
            April 9 2020 21: 24
            Mirror what you wrote in Russia. And think ...

            Dear Jacques dio Mollet, I do not understand - to mirror on Russia, on the USSR or what else? To a small gang of urapatriots, above? Generally confusion here. Yes, it doesn’t matter - whoever wants to thinks, understands, speaks with different people and speaks to others ... well, as you can see, we have enough of them and show themselves periodically. There is no desire to argue with those who collapsed from the oak tree, to whom all life is to blame - a monument, a person or a nation. Have a nice evening hi
            1. +2
              April 9 2020 21: 33
              And have a nice evening hi
        2. +1
          April 9 2020 21: 16
          Quote: Keyser Soze
          Bulgarians love themselves and a little of you, too, as much as the soul allows to love foreigners. But this is thanks to the RIA. So on UTB you have to rejoice. People who treat you positively at one, two and miscalculated ....

          Do Bulgarians show this love by defecating on the graves of our grandfathers? Love your ancestors in the same way. And we will not hiccup without your "love", believe me. True attitude manifests itself in deeds, not in idle chatter. And your "affairs" are described in the article above. And what should we "rejoice" about, we will decide without any prompts from vandals. After all, as I understand it, you approve of this act, since instead of a simple apology, you consider it your duty to find an excuse for this abomination with "Kremlin manuals" and other "compelling" reasons? The question is rhetorical. And at the expense of who and how much they treat us "positively", not your sadness, we, the people are self-sufficient, for us someone's "praise" is not vital. And, personally, my opinion, let it be better for everyone to be bad than someone like the Bulgarians. We have a proverb: - "It is better to have a hundred upright enemies than one two-faced friend." To my deep regret, but to Bulgaria this proverb fits perfectly.
          1. +3
            April 9 2020 21: 31
            Do Bulgarians show this love defecating on the graves of our grandfathers?

            Dear, I am ending the dialogue with you. We were brought up in different rooms.
            1. -1
              April 9 2020 22: 59
              Quote: Keyser Soze
              We were brought up in different rooms.

              In different countries. My vandals despise.
              1. +2
                April 10 2020 22: 51
                In your vandals they despise, but in ours what, they tolerate? Take off the pink glasses.
      3. The comment was deleted.
        1. The comment was deleted.
    5. +2
      April 9 2020 19: 08
      it seems the same they, villains, tried.
      1. +2
        April 9 2020 19: 18
        Quote: rigoletto2001
        it seems the same they, villains, tried.

        You are talking about Thomas, and you are talking about Yeryomu ... We ourselves can cope with our nonsense and regularly cope, and it’s already become a norm for the Bulgarian soldier to put graves on the grave for a long time, even selfies are not shy about doing their art. Have anyone been called to account? If so, I will only be glad, but I have not heard of such cases.
        1. The comment was deleted.
          1. -1
            April 9 2020 20: 22
            Quote: rigoletto2001
            thanks for the answer .... note, the Bulgarians do not touch this monument:
            strange huh

            Bow to their legs for this, that they do not touch the monument to those who saved them from extermination? But others defile with enviable regularity.
            1. The comment was deleted.
              1. +2
                April 9 2020 21: 47
                Quote: rigoletto2001
                1) from extermination? Seriously? Who destroyed whom?

                Turks Bulgarians. You can ask the Kurds how the Turks are able to do this, and at the same time with the Armenians. Or did Russia "occupy" the unfortunate Bulgaria then?
                Quote: rigoletto2001
                and you did not suggest such selectivity in relation to the monuments?

                Caused. One monument to the Russians who fought with the Turks - enslavers of the Bulgarians, the second Russian, who fought with the Nazis - friends and allies of the Bulgarians. Or not?
                1. The comment was deleted.
                  1. 0
                    April 9 2020 22: 56
                    Quote: rigoletto2001
                    RI did not occupy Bulgaria .... it temporarily occupied the European part of the Ottoman Empire and part of its Transcaucasian possessions. Batumi really did not return the Ottomans in the end, but this is particular, is not it?

                    So. And on the Bulgarians this, of course, was reflected in the worst way? Suffered greatly? You look for the Kurds, their Turks still take into account ... uh, specifically, the dead, of course. And they and Turks are co-religionists.
                    Quote: rigoletto2001
                    in the second case, from whom did the Soviet soldiers "liberate" Bulgaria?

                    From no one. How can an ally of Nazi Germany be freed? But the monument "Soldiers-Liberators" is not what I called it, but the Bulgarians, all claims to them.
      2. +5
        April 9 2020 19: 19
        Someone systematically pays for this vandalism in order to destroy the truth about WWII. It’s not necessary for anyone to find it for a long time, given the large-scale Western company to demonize the USSR and Stalin in particular. The USA does not need evidence of their systemic lies about WWII, so they seek to destroy them .To present their lies as truth. They do not need historical competitors.
        1. +2
          April 9 2020 21: 51
          Quote: Sky Strike fighter
          large-scale Western company to demonize the USSR and in particular Stalin.

          And that in the West, Stalin had not been demonized before? Seriously? Did not know.
        2. 0
          April 9 2020 22: 12
          Quote: Sky Strike fighter
          Someone systematically pays for this vandalism in order to destroy the truth about WWII.

          Their current owner.
    6. +3
      April 9 2020 20: 07
      What can we say about the Bulgarians, when Ukraine is right next door ....... one people, so to speak .....
      1. +1
        April 9 2020 22: 16
        Quote: kubanec
        one people so to speak .....

        No, not one. The Russians have a soul, and when they spit on it, you can’t erase the spit with any dollars. And the above-mentioned in the article, just soulless creatures, for (a cookie, a dollar, etc.) who are ready to sell their mother to their mother, not like their savior.
        1. +1
          April 10 2020 22: 48
          I look at you at Echo of Moscow and all sorts of white-bellies - soulless. Spit themselves. And those who hang out on yachts and teams outside the Russian Federation are generally bought by handsome men - they do not even feel themselves Russian. And they’re selling not just my mother, but all of you in bulk.
          1. 0
            April 11 2020 10: 13
            Quote: Mac Sim
            teams outside the Russian Federation are generally bought by handsome men - they even don’t feel themselves Russian.

            Are you talking about Abramovich !? So he's a Jew. How many times you "hit the sky", at least the material on the topic about which you write, teach recourse
            1. 0
              April 11 2020 10: 26
              Quote: Mac-Sim does not even feel like a Russian.

            2. 0
              April 11 2020 11: 32
              Yes, not only Abramovich - some nouveau riche in England and France (not to mention the vestiges of your elite) of Slavic and Tuyurk origin are a dime a dozen. Not only Jews, EVERYTHING. Half of the intellectual anger hangs out overseas and by the way do not live on Rublevka. And there’s nothing to talk about athletes.
              The situation is like a blueprint - my dad is tying and the family is investing with heirs in Europe / USA. And here Bulgarians, Bulgarians whine here .... First make the RF attractive for yourself, and then poke your guides against others. While your youth does not want to live in their own country, and does not go down after receiving a passport, what is fuss about having soul and conscience, whiteness and fluffiness?
              1. -1
                April 11 2020 11: 41
                Quote: Mac Sim
                The situation is like a blueprint - my dad is tying and the family is investing with heirs in Europe / USA. And here Bulgarians, Bulgarians are whining here ..

                Well, that is, that is, there is no arguing, but work is being done in this direction ..
                Quote: major147
                No, not one. The Russians have a soul, and when they spit on it, you can’t erase the spit with any dollars. And the above-mentioned in the article, just soulless creatures, for (a cookie, a dollar, etc.) who are ready to sell their mother to their mother, not like their savior.

                They spit and how, but in Russia we resist (common people) as we can and it terribly angers the West ..
                Sooner or later, we will deal with everyone .. Such is our being in the world!
              2. 0
                April 11 2020 11: 49
                Quote: Mac Sim
                .. Make first RF

                Well, if I needed the advice of a pathetic limitrophe who never had his own statehood, depending on the situation in the world, who changed his master and always ate scraps from someone else's table, I would definitely turn to you as a bright representative. But how can we live in our country, we will figure it out with our minds without the unsolicited advice of people who call you "brother" and immediately shoot you in the back.
                1. +1
                  April 11 2020 11: 56
                  Don’t whine, a shovel in your hands and forward with a song to make the country more attractive. Since yesterday, apart from claviering, you are not doing anything else.
                  Limitrof, not a limotroph, but I am not making myself a representative of a great and sincere, always devoted and abused people. You whine, but in reality you yourself turned your country into a landfill. And dump out of it by the way. The reality is that it cannot be hidden by its Potemkin villages.
                  1. 0
                    April 11 2020 12: 11
                    Quote: Mac Sim
                    Limitrof, not a limotroph, but I am not making myself a representative of a great and sincere, always devoted and abused people.

                    Your owners have indicated your place, there is no choice.
                    Don’t whine, a shovel in your hands and forward with a song to make the country more attractive.

                    The Russians have a good saying about this: "The sun shines without snotty"
                    in reality, they themselves turned their country into a landfill. And dump out of it by the way.

                    If roughly calculated, then about 2.5 million Bulgarians live outside Bulgaria. Http://
                    On your fingers, count from 7 to subtract 2.5, and then estimate the%. "And these people forbid us to pick our noses!"
                    And this is from Bulgaria, "blooming" under the banner (and under the suction) of the EU!
                    Study the fables of Grandfather Krylov, you will find many useful things for yourself.
                    1. +2
                      April 11 2020 12: 56
                      Quote: major147
                      Your owners have indicated your place,

                      We are small and we can be indicated. But the owner of nuclear weapons of the Russian Federation yesterday explicitly indicated what to do with their own oil. More questions?

                      Quote: major147
                      "Without snotty, the sun shines"

                      Come on, I won’t teach you to dig. Take a nap yourself.

                      Quote: major147
                      If roughly calculated, about 2.5 million Bulgarians live outside Bulgaria.

                      So what? Did I blow my cheeks? So you built yourself a polar hare. Tell us how many Russians are outside the Russian Federation. But I’m more interested in why the oppressed Russians in the Baltic countries are not eager to return to their historical homeland. Maybe they know something inaccessible to me for an hour?

                      Quote: major147
                      And this is from Bulgaria, "blooming" under the banner (and under the suction) of the EU!

                      What's wrong? Bulgaria really blossomed in the EU, after the 90s, which by and large turned out due to the fact that they contacted you.

                      Quote: major147
                      Explore Grandfather Krylov’s Fables

                      So I read Krylova, but you Aleko Konstantinova sure never. You know, you will find interesting parallels. I advise.
                      1. 0
                        April 11 2020 13: 49
                        But the owner of nuclear weapons of the Russian Federation yesterday explicitly indicated what to do with their own oil.

                        What have you put out of the brackets about what to do with US oil? I will not say anything about the Arabs.
                        Tell us how many Russians are outside the Russian Federation.

                        Have you been banned in Google? I was not too lazy, and I was looking for what I was looking for.
                        Come on, I won’t teach you to dig. Take a nap yourself.

                        Well, nice!
                        It turned out because they contacted you.

                        Well, you "contacted" us only because we killed your old master Hitler. And you yourself cannot live, you need a master who tells how you need to live. And if you listen to him, he gives you food. And if you try to disobey ... American senators told you directly what will happen to you if you build a UP. True, as always, they deceived, they did not give what they promised in return for refusal. So I had to go to the hated Russia again and ask to let at least BP through the territory of Bulgaria.
                        but you Aleko Konstantinova sure never. I advise.

                        Yes it is. Thanks for the advice, I’ll definitely meet you.
                      2. +1
                        April 11 2020 14: 27
                        Quote: major147
                        What have you put out of the brackets about what to do with US oil?

                        No, I couldn’t stand it because the United States had pledged by the end of the year, maybe it’s a thread and if the stars converge on the economic situation in the world there. No specifics. But the RF and the KSA were obliged by numbers and specific terms. Feel the difference?

                        Quote: major147
                        Have you been banned in Google?

                        No, not banned. Answer about the Russian-speaking Baltic states. Doesn't it pull in the Russian Federation?

                        Quote: major147
                        And you yourself cannot live, you need a gentleman who tells how you need to live.

                        After this proposal, I would like to ask - are you forbid us to pick your nose? Will you then do this beforehand about our attitude towards you?

                        Quote: major147
                        So I had to go again to the hated Russia and ask to let in at least BP in the territory of Bulgaria.

                        Whistles of Russian pipelines on the territory of Bulgaria has been observed since the distant 1992. And the question is multifaceted, but if briefly, it’s hard for us to decide for ourselves how not only the USA, but also Germany opposed UP. So the mach is not in one gate.
                      3. +1
                        April 11 2020 15: 12
                        Feel the difference?

                        For the first time in history, the United States joined OPEC +. It's not a good life. According to Bloomberg, "The end of support for oil prices from the OPEC + deal, which began with the withdrawal of Russia and the ensuing reaction of Riyadh, was the death knell for many shale companies." Oil production after the collapse in prices became unprofitable for expensive shale production and production collapsed. The decision of the United States to reduce production by 250 thousand barrels, taking into account the earlier stoppage of production by parity between Russia and the SA. Moreover, the OPEC + deal was forced to join together with the United States - Mexico, Norway, Brazil and Canada. And how did Russia bend?
                        Answer about the Russian-speaking Baltic states. Does it pull in the Russian Federation?

                        There is their house. There are the graves of their ancestors. RI bought the Baltic states from the Swedes several hundred years ago, and since then Russians have been living there. In addition, in Russia you can have two citizenships. So nothing prevents them from living there, being citizens of Russia.
                        So the mach is not in one gate.

                        But if Bulgaria were a sovereign state, then a project that would be very beneficial for Bulgaria (and is it beneficial for you?) Would you not agree with anyone. So?
                      4. 0
                        April 11 2020 18: 03
                        But if Bulgaria were a sovereign state, then a project that would be very beneficial for Bulgaria (and is it beneficial for you?) Would you not agree with anyone. So?

                        Not so, major, not so ... from the word at all!
                        A transit project cannot be profitable when the final recipient (EU) does not want the ego.
                        GAZPROM ----------> Bulgaria ---------> X [stop] EU
                        And even if it did, the economic damage to Bulgaria would be 3-4 times greater than the profit.
                      5. 0
                        April 11 2020 18: 46
                        Quote: pytar
                        Not so, major, not so ... from the word at all!
                        A transit project cannot be profitable when the final recipient (EU) does not want the ego.

                        How is that? "Yesterday" through Bulgaria does not want, but "today" through Turkey and Bulgaria wants? Why are you building a PSU?
                      6. 0
                        April 11 2020 18: 50
                        How is that? "Yesterday" through Bulgaria does not want, but "today" through Turkey and Bulgaria wants? Why are you building a PSU?

                        The concept of BP is completely different from the one that YuP planned.
                      7. 0
                        April 11 2020 23: 04
                        Quote: pytar
                        How is that? "Yesterday" through Bulgaria does not want, but "today" through Turkey and Bulgaria wants? Why are you building a PSU?

                        The concept of BP is completely different from the one that YuP planned.

                        But after all, UP was built on Russian money. For Bulgaria, what difference does it make, whether it will be the final consumer or not, is the problem of the Russian Federation. It is up to the transiter to conclude an agreement and receive money, and the seller's business is to find the buyer. Would the Russian Federation really build UP without an end customer. Now he is.
                      8. 0
                        April 12 2020 00: 45
                        But after all, UP was built on Russian money. ... Really the Russian Federation would build UP without an end customer. ..

                        It was Russia that refused! For this reason! You did not listen to the GDP statement in 14? "because of the unconstructive position of the EU" - so he was motivated!
                        Now he is.

                        On the terms of the buyer, that is, the EU. Gazprom ultimately accepted (forcedly) all the terms of the European Commission. And these conditions are somewhat tougher than the previous ones for UP. So, "effective managers" ... you know ... hi
    7. -1
      April 9 2020 20: 35
      Quote: Cowbra
      I will repeat my recent post: "Ah! Brothers! It looks like them ..."

      I repeat the old anecdote "about stupid Americans"
      - Joe, the Russians flew into space!
      - What, all that? !!
      1. 0
        April 9 2020 20: 39
        Quote: iouris
        I repeat the old anecdote "about stupid Americans"

        There is a theory that our Universe is infinite, and therefore there may be copies of our planet in it. Just imagine: Musk Teslamobile launched, a spaceship flew millions of light years in search of another civilization ... and buried in Voronezh.
    8. +1
      April 9 2020 23: 43
      Paid provocation performed by a thread initiated by a fool.
    9. +2
      April 10 2020 01: 45
      Quote: Cowbra
      AND! Brothers! It looks like them ...

      They do not want to be brothers.
      Nehai live orphans.
      How many years will pass - they will sort it out, crawl ...

      Bulgarians! Do not be offended! You yourself have never once shown historical wisdom, and today you have also overlooked your young generation.
      We are very sorry.
      But here you can return the country to a human face, only you can.

      And we are still proud of how we gained authority and love of fraternal peoples in especially difficult conditions.

      We also had years for which we are ashamed.
      But this is embarrassing to the deeds of a small part of the people, although on behalf of my homeland.
      Less than 20 years passed and the people began to return national dignity.
      Now this process has not been completed yet.
      But there are not so many years left to wait, and nobody in Bulgaria will want to dirty the monuments to Soviet and Russian people in Bulgaria - it will hurt!
      1. +1
        April 10 2020 22: 44
        Well, in principle, and thanks you can say that for swearing did not slip. Although, on the other hand, it may be better for us to decide how to live. You have loved everything that you gained through overwork in 1990 - a tape recorder (imported), a Council for Mutual Assistance, an Warsaw Treaty Organization, three Organizations ...
        I think it's too late to drink Borjomi. Either move your brain ... or the train has already left.
        1. -1
          April 10 2020 23: 05
          Quote: Mac Sim
          Although, on the other hand, it may be better for us to decide how to live.

          The post is about that.
          The concepts of how we will live in Russia crystallize with obviousness.
          Someone is furious from this.
          1. +2
            April 10 2020 23: 39
            Any successes and more beggars to you in this case!
            1. +1
              April 11 2020 03: 33
              Quote: Mac Sim
              Any successes and more beggars to you in this case!

              And all the best to you!
  2. +4
    April 9 2020 18: 35
    bold steel .. in the 45th were silent ....
    1. 0
      April 9 2020 18: 49
      In the 45th, Romanians stood in line for medals and orders - the winners, on the other hand.
      1. +4
        April 9 2020 19: 06
        and these too? Keitel is already spinning in a coffin ....
        1. +1
          April 9 2020 19: 17
          The main Romanian even received the Victory Order.
          1. +4
            April 9 2020 19: 26
            drooling with joy did not choke?
            1. +1
              April 9 2020 19: 42
              He took the Komsomol, but could not stand the cramped housing conditions and emigrated to Switzerland.
              1. The comment was deleted.
          2. 0
            April 9 2020 20: 14
            Lentchik handed out to everyone
            Even the main Egyptian got
  3. +5
    April 9 2020 18: 35
    The scum of the human race
  4. The comment was deleted.
  5. +3
    April 9 2020 18: 36
    Someone well pays these scumbags for these acts of vandalism and Russophobia, or they are absolutely brainless and fanatical Nazis and Americanophiles, but rather, all this is in one "bottle" of vile Western politics ...
    1. +3
      April 9 2020 18: 41
      It is not difficult to guess who prints candy wrappers and distributes them, including through grants to maintain their hegemony, and to whom, like a bone in the throat, the truth about World War II.
      1. -1
        April 9 2020 19: 06
        Quote: Sky Strike fighter
        It is not difficult to guess who prints candy wrappers and distributes them, including through grants to maintain their hegemony, and to whom, like a bone in the throat, the truth about World War II.

        But in candy wrappers, they clearly did not call to paint the monument to Soviet Warriors in the heroes of "Marvel". Or called?
        1. +1
          April 9 2020 19: 08
          Most likely they called for candy wrappers, and not in candy wrappers.
          1. +1
            April 9 2020 19: 12
            Quote: Sky Strike fighter
            Most likely they called for candy wrappers, and not in candy wrappers.

            And in protest against the "repressions" "Pusi Riot", put on the same stele in balaclavas, also for "candy wrappers"? I doubt very much, most likely it was, like now, a sincere impulse of "brotherly" love. IS FREE!
            1. +2
              April 9 2020 19: 33
              For free in our capitalist world today, no one will even hit a finger. Don’t tell. Who needs these Pusi, Greta Tunberg if I'm not mistaken, and others if there are no producers behind them, who are interested in their promotion in the media and the support of money in their own then goals. Without system PR and cash injections they will be forgotten about them the very next day. It's like promotion of pop stars. But if the stars are lit, then someone needs them for some purpose, but it’s clear that they are just pawns.
              1. 0
                April 9 2020 20: 36
                Quote: Sky Strike fighter
                For free in our capitalist world today, no one will even hit a finger. Don’t tell. Who needs these Pusi, Greta Tunberg if I'm not mistaken, and others if there are no producers behind them, who are interested in their promotion in the media and the support of money in their own then goals. Without system PR and cash injections they will be forgotten about them the very next day. It's like promotion of pop stars. But if the stars are lit, then someone needs them for some purpose, but it’s clear that they are just pawns.

                Simple and clear analysis of the situation!
  6. +1
    April 9 2020 18: 38
    I would be surprised if I laundered. And as usual, everything is crap where it’s not scary.
    Thanked for the discount on gas.
  7. +3
    April 9 2020 18: 38
    Dirty ungrateful pigs.
  8. +13
    April 9 2020 18: 39
    Unknown attackers applied the words “Death to the Invaders” and “Death to Alesham” with blue paint.

    it's on their conscience ....

    we know we remember !!!! soldier
    1. +6
      April 9 2020 21: 00
      Quote: Mouse
      Unknown attackers applied the words “Death to the Invaders” and “Death to Alesham” with blue paint.

      it's on their conscience ....

      we know we remember !!!! soldier

      Greetings Vasily hi
      Undoubtedly, embassy employees need to ensure that defilers are found and punished, and not just
      The Embassy of the Russian Federation, through a social network, expressed its indignation at the act of vandalism ...
      I would like to hope that in Bulgaria there are people with a historical conscience. We also remember that three times they tried to demolish the monument - in 1989, 1993 and 1996. And three times the city’s public did not allow it. Around Alyosha, live chains were arranged, and the girls, as in the song, still gave him flowers.
      And the government then adequately reacted
      In 1996, after another demolition attempt, the Supreme Court of Bulgaria decided that this sculpture, as a monument to the Second World War, could not be destroyed.

      Not everything is so smooth about NATO either. In 2004, Bulgaria was dragged into NATO, without a referendum, although according to opinion polls, 78-82% of the population was against joining. Now NATO members consider Bulgaria the most vulnerable spot, they call it "Moscow's Trojan horse".
      About three years ago, during exercises, the Bulgarians refused to shoot at targets with the Russian tricolor.
      Well, desecrators of monuments to Soviet soldiers, of course, must be found.
  9. +4
    April 9 2020 18: 42
    Answer to the embassy of the country for which the Russian soldiers shed blood (the Turks would have held out to WWI as a nation?) - "Death to Hitler's henchmen!"
  10. The comment was deleted.
    1. +13
      April 9 2020 19: 04
      Well, while people do not allow this, but in general, they have been trying for a long time there, thirty years ago, the Bulgarian authorities conceived the first time to demolish the monument to the Red Army in Plovdiv. The City Council then considered it a symbol of the Soviet occupation (although the monument was made without the participation of the USSR, both sculptors and architects there were Bulgarians), but ordinary residents of Plovdiv stood in the way of the bulldozers. They were on duty around the clock, tying the sculpture "Alyosha" with a red and white ribbon. And they defended the monument, rescued. In 1993, the mayor of Plovdiv launched a second attack - in response, the war veterans threatened to burn themselves near the monument in protest. The third attempt of the council of Plovdiv to demolish "Alyosha" came in 1996, but the defenders of the monument appealed against the decision in the district court. It all does not fit in my head, people are for, the authorities are against ... Such cases ...
      1. 0
        April 9 2020 21: 42
        And who voted for the mayor of Plovdiv, who wanted to demolish the monument to Alyosha? - until the "elected" politicians "die politically" (get 0% of the vote in the elections) attempts and real demolitions of monuments about the Glorious Soviet Past will continue. Russia needs, following the example of the United States, to "softly and unobtrusively" put into the heads of people living in the zone of Russian interests our "view of history and the future" - sounds "not brotherly" - but the Russian people have no "brothers" left either. (no offense - the Serbs call us Russian brothers - only when they need to be rescued do the Bulgarians elect a head of state who leads Bulgaria to the West - away from Russia)
        1. +4
          April 10 2020 00: 53
          Quote: cat Rusich
          And who voted for the mayor of Plovdiv, who wanted to demolish the monument to Alyosha? - until the "elected" politicians "die politically" (get 0% of the vote in the elections) attempts and real demolitions of monuments about the Glorious Soviet Past will continue. Russia needs, following the example of the United States, to "softly and unobtrusively" put into the heads of people living in the zone of Russian interests our "view of history and the future" - sounds "not brotherly" - but the Russian people have no "brothers" left either. (no offense - the Serbs call us Russian brothers - only when they need to be rescued do the Bulgarians elect a head of state who leads Bulgaria to the West - away from Russia)

          Kmet (Mer) Plovdiv Spas Harniewski is still that renegade. Firstly, NO ONE candidate for measures in his campaign had ever said or said that he wanted to demolish the monuments. We have UTB SO. The same measure of Plovdiv was a measure of only one mandate, and then voters took it !!! Of which you scold, by the way! He is back in parliament (from another party), but there they go on proportional lists. Those. one list for all candidates of the ALL PARTY and voters CANNOT cross out any bastard. The same as Harniewski happened with the former Bulgarian president Plevneliev who earned the nickname pluvnaliev (spitting). When he was elected (and our president is elected not by party lists but by voting for individuals), he won more than 60% of the vote and did not say a word against Russia. In just 2-3 years, and despite the fact that the president’s mandate with us for 5 years, his popularity fell to 5-6%, and this is primarily due to the fact that he spit right and left in Russia. In fact, the president is just a representative figure (and he DOES NOT MANAGE the country). And Pluvnaliev didn’t stand for candidacy at the next elections despite the fact that after the second year he promised that he would be nominated for a second term (however, the candidate from his party also lost the presidential race!) So do not care about voters. At the insistence of the public, we held a referendum to change the electoral system and there were 4 more questions. Most people voted to replace the system and politicians simply wiped out the results of the referendum. So do not blame ordinary people. As in ANY democracy, nothing depends on ordinary people. The same situation is in Russia. Remember the pension reform! And yet, by the way, dear Kotik-rusich, you are absolutely right that it is NECESSARY to develop relations with the people and not with the top you bought. Although you said a little different. Incidentally, what about the election of the head of state in our country, by constitution, it’s a parliament and in practice, voters can’t choose at all who will be in parliament and who will not. For example, in the city of Gabrovo, in fact, there is NO Turkish minority, but since 4,5% for the DPS in the country, there is a representative from Gabrovo from the DPS who did not live in Gabrovo. These are the pies.
    2. 0
      April 9 2020 20: 38
      Quote: Thrifty
      such monuments will explode easily!

      What one "GALSTUKOED" was already doing!
  11. +2
    April 9 2020 18: 54
    It is time for us to return the monuments to our heroes to their homeland, so that different scum does not desecrate them. An example has already been submitted:

    A petition was published on the transfer of the monument to Marshal Chuikov.
    Family for transferring the monument to Marshal of the Soviet Union Ivan Konev from Prague (Czech Republic) to Moscow.президент-рф-семья-за-перенос-памятника-маршала-советского-союза-ивана-конева-из-праги-чехия-в-москву?recruiter=199668476&recruited_by_id=19d6a4a0-8861-11e4-b037-4fad79a70f2d
    1. +1
      April 9 2020 19: 08
      Good evening! Well there was, there was already this topic at VO. About the return of monuments to Russia. You can’t do it, you can’t do it! Otherwise, there will be no memory in Europe of those who shed blood breaking the Nazi scum! How to deal with this? Well, probably conclude interstate agreements on monuments to our wars and mass graves and directly link their implementation with the government of those countries where they are located.
      1. +8
        April 9 2020 23: 45
        Quote: Phil77
        Otherwise, in Europe there will be no memory of those who shed blood breaking the Nazi scum!

        they have less and less memory each year. and the monuments erected to our Heroes does not help them unfortunately remember.
        Quote: Phil77
        Well, probably conclude interstate agreements on monuments to our wars and mass graves and directly link their implementation with the government of those countries where they are located.

        alas, but that will not help.
    2. 0
      April 9 2020 20: 42
      Quote: ccsr
      It is time for us to return the monuments to our heroes to their homeland, so that different scum does not desecrate them. An example has already been submitted:

      A petition was published on the transfer of the monument to Marshal Chuikov.
      Family for transferring the monument to Marshal of the Soviet Union Ivan Konev from Prague (Czech Republic) to Moscow.президент-рф-семья-за-перенос-памятника-маршала-советского-союза-ивана-конева-из-праги-чехия-в-москву?

      Or maybe FRONTS and ARMIES led by these heroic people send there ?! To refresh your memory!
    3. +2
      April 10 2020 00: 08
      It is time for us to return the monuments to our heroes to their homeland, so that different scum does not desecrate them. An example has already been submitted:

      You can return only your monuments. All so-called. "Soviet" monuments in Bulgaria, designed and built by the Bulgarians themselves! These are our Bulgarian monuments!
      If I build at my home a monument of about Mao Zedong, it does not become Chinese! Did you understand?
      1. -3
        April 10 2020 11: 46
        Quote: pytar
        These are our Bulgarian monuments!

        Well, why then do your scoundrels defile your monuments?
        Quote: pytar
        If I build at my home a monument of about Mao Zedong, it does not become Chinese! Did you understand?

        Mao also sent the Chinese to liberate Bulgaria? If you want to erect a monument for him, then put it for anyone for God's sake. Just why, after installing it, defile this monument? Where is the logic, smart guy?
        1. -1
          April 10 2020 12: 19
          Where is the logic, smart guy?

          She is completely absent from you ...
          Well, why then do your scoundrels defile your monuments?

          Yes, because no scoundrels! Ours with us, yours with you!
          Mao also sent the Chinese to liberate Bulgaria?

          And Byron did not set us free, but in Vidin there is an ego monument! We have all sorts of monuments! What is the problem?
          If you want to erect a monument to him, then for God's sake put it to anyone.

          That's about me! Our laws allow you to erect a monument as you want! For permission, you need to submit an application, there are several regulations, for example, on the distance to the border of the site! And that’s all!
          But why, after installing it, defile this monument?

          I personally know 5 cases, the police asked this question to the performers, after they were detained! 1. the man could not explain clearly - he was with mental disabilities. 2. A woman, a former deputy of the capital city council - the communists in 45 g. Killed her parents. 3. two minor schoolgirls - they became bored, fled from school. could not explain anything more intelligible. 4. student, anti-communist - so decided to declare his personal attitude to totalitarian communism. 5. pensioner, mother of MPs from the Socialist Party - an elderly woman was with dementia.
          As you can see, everyone has different motives, often inadequate! There are such people in all countries.
          1. -1
            April 10 2020 12: 31
            Quote: pytar
            As you can see, everyone has different motives, often inadequate!

            Judging by the constant desecration of monuments to Soviet soldiers, in Bulgaria there are more than adequate ones.
            Quote: pytar
            There are such people in all countries.

            We know about this and we have a living example before our eyes - Bandera Ukraine. So Bulgaria will also be the same - in general, we don’t care, we understood the whole price of friendship with you.
            1. -1
              April 10 2020 13: 03
              Judging by the constant desecration of monuments to Soviet soldiers, in Bulgaria there are more than adequate ones.

              "permanent" ??? Did you count them ??? I look at Yandex, the same pictures are presented as different cases! I thought there were no more than 18-20 cases in 30 years! And probably some of them are the same bastards! During that time, at least 14 new monuments in honor of Russia were built in Bulgaria! More than 50 of the existing ones have been renovated! Do you know, or are these facts missing in the manual?
              We know about this ... Bandera Ukraine. So Bulgaria will also be the same - in general, we don’t care, we understood the whole price of friendship with you.

              ccsr, I already had this conversation with you in other posts! you do not represent anyone except yourself, well, or there if your employer tells you.
              1. -3
                April 10 2020 18: 06
                Quote: pytar
                you represent no one but yourself

                Yes, I represent exactly my opinion about Bulgaria and it is based on historical facts that do not paint your country.
                Quote: pytar
                well or there if your employer tells you.

                I don’t have employers, so don’t worry, but rather tell us what we got from you for our fallen, even if they defile the monuments.
  12. +2
    April 9 2020 19: 01
    And where are our Bulgarian "partners" stoqn477 (Stoyan Ivanov) and pytar (Boyan Ivanov), who regularly accuse the Russians of VO. that they freed them from the Turks, then that we condemn Bulgaria for buying new American aircraft?
    Well, kai bai Stoyan and bai Boyan, tell us how bad we are. Or do you have no time? Do you trash cemeteries?
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. +2
        April 9 2020 19: 43
        Of course, you don’t need to repeat their words, you’re all working on one manual, and you’ve learned everything by heart. They reached Astrakhan already, using the youth for their own purposes, and at the same time earning money, but these were not bags to carry.
        In the end - you first "calm down" your young Neanderthals in Astrakhan and then you can take on us. All.

        From here it is more detailed. It is already clear that someone from the side writes.
      2. +2
        April 9 2020 20: 00
        Quote: Gado
        then you can take on us

        There is a lot of honor, you are our "non-defective". But who are you "our brothers" or is it "our traditional enemies"? It is up to your "Cro-Magnons" in Bulgaria to decide for themselves, but your actions speak for themselves. negative
        1. -4
          April 9 2020 20: 17
          I didn’t want to answer you - and so everything is clear, and the training manuals mentioned by the comrade from above are always the same. And I'll tell you what - the fact that we, Bulgarians, have not yet "hammered" into your site and are still trying to convey our opinion to you in Russian, speaks by itself. Those who you call your brothers - Serbs, have long forgotten that you are brothers in Russian, no-no, here and nowhere. Draw your own conclusions, I am not a judge either for you or for those scum that the monument in Dobrich was desecrated - their law will punish them. Stay in good health.
          1. +3
            April 9 2020 20: 37
            Quote: Gado
            I didn’t want to answer you - and so everything is clear, and the training manuals mentioned by the comrade from above are always the same. And I'll tell you what - the fact that we, Bulgarians, have not yet "hammered" into your site and are still trying to convey our opinion to you in Russian, speaks by itself. Those who you call your brothers - Serbs, have long forgotten that you are brothers in Russian, no-no, here and nowhere. Draw your own conclusions, I am not a judge either for you or for those scum that the monument in Dobrich was desecrated - their law will punish them. Stay in good health.
            Brotherhood is not in chatter and empty talk, brotherhood in deeds and respect. No matter how much you "convey your opinion" to us, we judge by your actions. To desecrate a monument, any, and especially a monument to fallen soldiers, our grandfathers, among us Russians, is equivalent to "coping with great need", if you understand what I mean, to the grave of these same soldiers. Therefore, your words about the reasons why Bulgarians regularly "poop" on Russian graves, as well as about the "sincere love of Bulgarians for Russians", mean absolutely nothing. We judge by actions, not by stories. Thank you for the wishes and good health to you.
          2. +3
            April 9 2020 22: 33
            Quote: Gado
            The ones you call your brothers are Serbs,

            Our Serb brothers are fighting for the Russian people in the Donbass, confirming our brotherhood with their lives.
            1. +1
              April 10 2020 10: 17
              1 Serb appeared (in words ONE). And you have already fluffed the tail. Something mass emigration of Serbs in the Russian Federation is not noticed. But in Europe .....
              1. 0
                April 10 2020 10: 26
                Quote: Mac Sim
                1 Serb appeared (in words ONE).

                In March 2014, a group of five Serbian Chetniks, led by Bratislav Zhivkovich, arrived in Crimea. The group called itself the detachment "Prince Lazarus". On June 30, 2014, after completing the training course, the Serbian Chetniks joined the fighting in the Donetsk region on the side of the rebels. Then the detachment consisted of ten fighters. On July 17, the Jovan Shevich squad grew to 35 volunteers. "At the Lugansk airport, the entire convoy came under shelling, three of my comrades were injured." It was then, according to him, that the Serbian Chetniks decided to take the side of the militia of New Russia. A total of 205 Serbian volunteers arrived in eastern Ukraine. According to the press service of the militia, the detachment destroyed two tanks of the Armed Forces, one mountain gun, and one self-propelled artillery gun along with the crews.
      3. 0
        April 9 2020 20: 04
        you first "calm down" your young Neanderthals in Astrakhan

        Is Astrakhan in Bulgaria? And what relation do you have to her. We will figure it out in our own country. On Bulgarian sites, we do not advise Gabrovtsi how to say yes and how not. So why are you crawling on our sites. If fecal incontinence from Russian, write to all sorts of Ukrainian. It’s full there. Maybe even praise.
        1. +2
          April 9 2020 20: 49
          I see you scratching somewhere. Write the name of my homeland with the capital letter and do not tell me where and how to climb or not to climb. I do not need to be rude. Your upbringing is not enough to communicate with me.
          1. +4
            April 9 2020 22: 01
            Quote: Gado
            Write the name of my homeland with a capital letter

            The word "Motherland" is also written with a capital letter, you are our sensitive.
            Quote: Gado
            I do not need to be rude

            You, too, should not be rude, or have you already forgotten about the "defective"? Let me remind you
            Quote: Gado
            and it’s precisely they who explained to you many times here, flawed

            Quote: Gado
            Your upbringing is not enough to communicate with me.

            Well, this is understandable, we are the "Horde", and you are "Europe". With naked ... opoy.
          2. -1
            April 10 2020 05: 45
            Your upbringing is not enough to communicate with me.

            And I'm not going to talk with all sorts of anti-Russian bots. My only wish is that people like you do not clog our site.
            1. +1
              April 11 2020 00: 56
              If I were an anti-Russian bot, then I would not have been here for a long time.

              Brothering the Bulgarians, we have nothing more to do on this site. I urge you to delete your accounts and find a site in which we would be allowed to defend our opinions without hatred and lies.
              Dear moderators and administrators, stay in good health, thanks for the deleted comments and inappropriate warnings. All the best!
              1. 0
                April 11 2020 05: 58
                to defend one’s opinion without hatred and lies.

                Roll, roll to yet another siblings. Share your experience of wearing a pot on your head.
              2. 0
                April 11 2020 11: 08
                Brothering the Bulgarians, we have nothing more to do on this site. I urge you to delete your accounts and find a site in which we would be allowed to defend our opinions without hatred and lies.

                Vasco, this is exactly what our detractors want! Drown out our voice! So that they can lead quietly with their razduzhennoy Bulgarianophobic propaganda! I think we can’t give up! You can’t leave the front! We are here a little, but True! Strength in Truth, and the Lord of Bulgaria !!! Do you remember the legendary replica of Nikolai Kolev - Michman? good
      4. 0
        April 9 2020 22: 31
        Quote: Gado
        you flawed

        Of course, "flawed" in Euro-American terms. They did not lay down millions of their soldiers to conquer countries and cities, but leveled cities in front of their army. These "flawed" Russians did not use heavy weapons to save the historical monuments of European cities at the expense of the lives of their "flawed" soldiers.
      5. 0
        April 10 2020 00: 43
        Quote: Gado
        then you can take on us. All.

        But will there be much honor for you ...? To take for you? How not to get dirty!
    2. -1
      April 9 2020 20: 46
      Quote: Amateur
      Well, kai bai Stoyan and bai Boyan, tell us how bad we are.

      Until they receive money from their sponsors, they will be silent!
    3. +2
      April 10 2020 00: 09
      Well, Kai Bai Stoyan and Bai Boyan

      Scroll above ... alley ... fellow
  13. +16
    April 9 2020 19: 09
    I am from Bulgaria. I'm confused. It is unpleasant. I apologize.
    1. -11
      April 9 2020 19: 14
      Bring the heads of these trays, and we'll see.
      1. +1
        April 9 2020 19: 24
        Quote: Crane
        Bring the heads of these trays, and we'll see.

        Well, why, Nikolai, so brutal?
        We are not Ottomans ...
        Put them in jail for a couple of years. Let them think, creatures ... angry
        1. -2
          April 9 2020 19: 25
          Time to be cruel. Not we are, but time makes. They do not understand differently ...
    2. +5
      April 9 2020 19: 24
      Quote: G. Georgiev
      I am from Bulgaria. I'm confused. It is unpleasant. I apologize.

      there are few left like you. I read the comments (probably for youth) under this video on YouTube:
      // Beat the burial of the bones and decay the remains !? Chee bones? On the marauders, raped and zaginy from the prepivan. Nali nito single cannon did not hit the okupatorite! Protect togava tsyalata the country is not covered with takiva totemi? Bravo, Dobrich <3 Von occupy the monuments from Bulgaria! Take off! Stig self-abasement! Much good has been written.
      Yes go byah was comprehended by lackeyte, sent a tozi a pitiful report. Instead, they play clean and clean, nai-kind and go mahnat. I decided to decorate it with a nasty pack :)))
    3. +3
      April 9 2020 20: 49
      Quote: G. Georgiev
      I am from Bulgaria. I'm confused. It is unpleasant. I apologize.
      I respect
    4. 0
      April 9 2020 22: 36
      Quote: G. Georgiev
      I am from Bulgaria. I'm confused. It is unpleasant. I apologize.

      Respect to you!
    5. -1
      April 9 2020 23: 01
      It would be worth publishing photos of these animals and data to start with the whole world.
  14. 0
    April 9 2020 19: 18
    Quote: Sky Strike fighter
    These are pro-Western right. Right-wing organizations fed by the West at the end ofigeli. There is nothing sacred. Vandals

    Yes, what's the difference, the fact is clear. and something that the pro-Russian left did not protect the monument, or at least laundered. they are all there ... bros
    1. -3
      April 9 2020 19: 35
      I mean on the contents of the uncle.
    2. 0
      April 10 2020 13: 38
      and something that the pro-Russian left did not protect the monument, or at least laundered.

      Tipo, organize security at hundreds of monuments ?! How do you imagine that? And why did you decide that the left is necessarily pro-Russian? Russian capitalist country!
      ... or at least laundered.

      6 hours before you wrote your post, the monument was already washed and cleaned!
      You just don’t know, because the Russian media "forget" to mention such things ...
      1. +2
        April 11 2020 11: 00
        It is not beneficial to report such things. They have Bulgarian brain phobia and media war in the media. The truth died at the same level - they ALWAYS fought against us and they ALWAYS owe us.
  15. -1
    April 9 2020 19: 18
    It is necessary to add to the constitution .... do not release the little brothers ..... and in case of war, deprive of independence. For the future .... Turks did with them.
    1. +1
      April 11 2020 11: 02
      At least write in the newspapers. Is something going to change?
      1. 0
        April 11 2020 11: 04
        The fact that the following rulers will be instructed not to be inspired by friendship with the Brothers .... and to act correctly initially. It is necessary to open the archives and clearly show the people which bros were noted in what.
        1. +2
          April 11 2020 11: 22
          No need to go far. Start browsing the archives with a book published in the USSR in the 20s:

          “Adventures of Russian Tsarism in Bulgaria“

          Or have fun describing the activities of Alexander 3 in Bulgaria at the end of the 19th century.

          And then some of them start round dances with quotes from Dostoevsky. Or maybe everyone loved it because of their squint?
          1. 0
            April 11 2020 14: 43
            And this too .... and in the case of the little brothers they are completely to blame themselves ..... it was necessary to fully defend the aristocracy, and completely set their own. From the mainland. And the whole local to Siberia. This applies to the entire zone of influence of the Russian Empire.
            1. The comment was deleted.
      2. +1
        April 11 2020 18: 30
        At least write in the newspapers. Is something going to change?

        Yes, do not in the newspapers! Zaurbek has a good offer! Zero, repeat ... the idea is not bad! good
        1. +2
          April 11 2020 22: 19
          Zero, not zero, and books will not be read. Therefore, it wakes up here to raise round dances from scratch.
        2. 0
          April 12 2020 11: 05
          ..or the second option: wait until the Turks ousted everyone and then fight the Turks (as with the Turks)
  16. +3
    April 9 2020 19: 20
    The Japanese believe that we dropped a nuclear bomb on them (there are only old people in the know), and why should the Bulgarians not believe that it was an occupation? This is how brainwashing through the media in the West works. Ukrainians already believe that we are starving them. Further more.
    Another thing is that we also need to develop alternative media, that's just to educate such degenerates
    1. +1
      April 9 2020 19: 33
      Quote: APASUS
      The Japanese believe that we dropped a nuclear bomb on them (there are only old people in the know), and why should the Bulgarians not believe that it was an occupation? So brainwashing works through the media in the West. Here Ukrainians already believe that we are starving them. Further more.
      Another thing is that we also need develop alternative media , that's just for the enlightenment of such geeks

      flushing start from school. Yes, how many current students and youth read there
    2. -1
      April 9 2020 21: 03
      Quote: APASUS
      Another thing is that we also need to develop alternative media

      I have already said that two of our fighters, standing on the ruins of the "White House" in Washington (Fashington), say with resentment that they have lost the information war!
      1. +1
        April 11 2020 10: 58
        And while they are standing, the Russians are in a hurry packing their bags and lining up for a “green card” and tickets to England and France. Only the residents of Voronezh are sitting in basements awaiting a Russian nuclear strike.
  17. Ham
    April 9 2020 19: 24
    now, after the grandiose fiasco with the coranovirus and the economic collapse, the "hegemon", which is rapidly losing its global influence and prestige, needs "peremogi" to prove that "akela did not miss" ...
    hence all this surge of Russophobia - and la stampa screamed, and the Swedish deputies "demanded to impose sanctions against Russia," and the European bureaucrats rushed about, and the Prague elder defeated the monument to the Soviet marshal ... and other American suckers like Poland, Ukraine, and Bulgaria and the Baltic states and do they go out of their way ...
    1. +1
      April 11 2020 10: 55
      And how did the ruined monument shake the position in the world of a powerful and unrivaled RF?
  18. -1
    April 9 2020 19: 29
    In times so totalitarian that all our nanogenies suffered from secretaries of district committees, regional committees, or even secretaries of the Central Committee of that same anathema party, I heard jokes about Dear Leonid Ilyich. They say there were huge shields in the Spanish ports with the image of a barefoot and tattered general secretary and the signature “Who else could help?” ... Reminds me of nothing, friends? And for weaning the "brothers" who love the craft of painters, there is a proven recipe for treatment. Plain:Like a turtle god. They will only be busy with whom they should once, they mark in Leonid Ilyich ...
  19. The comment was deleted.
    1. -3
      April 9 2020 19: 50
      By the way, the Poles, whom you can’t suspect of love for Russia, have fought against the Germans. The same Army of Ludov - the Polish Army. Yes, and the pro-British AKovtsy plucked the Fritz.
      1. +1
        April 11 2020 10: 53
        Let me remind you that Bulgaria fought against Germany by exhibiting 100 thousand troops as part of the 3rd Ukrainian Front. Dumb to read books before entering into a discussion?
    2. +2
      April 9 2020 20: 50
      Nobody seems to be surprised at us, but they have to be surprised ...
  20. -1
    April 9 2020 19: 57
    God will punish them and then forgive .... we just need to forget about them ... request
    1. 0
      April 9 2020 20: 55
      God will punish them and then forgive .... we just need to forget about them ...

      Covid 19 did not forgive or forget. And help, when needed, then they will remember the old friendship and who liberated Europe.
      1. +7
        April 9 2020 23: 43
        Quote: Arslan Ali
        And help, when needed, then they will remember the old friendship and who liberated Europe.

        only their memories can be late ...
    2. 0
      April 9 2020 22: 42
      Quote: ser56
      God will punish them and then forgive .... we just need to forget about them ... request

      How can you forget about them? The EU will cut a little rations for them, as they are right there, at the "elder brother" who "will always forgive"!
      1. 0
        April 10 2020 16: 51
        Quote: major147
        from the "older brother"

        this time has passed ... hi
        1. -1
          April 10 2020 16: 52
          Quote: ser56
          Quote: major147
          from the "older brother"

          this time has passed ... hi

          So in winter, if I'm not mistaken, I resorted ... request
          1. -2
            April 10 2020 17: 32
            Quote: major147
            ak in winter if not mistaken resorted ..

            so he politely explained it .... request
            1. -1
              April 10 2020 17: 40
              Quote: ser56
              so he politely explained it ....

              So I got a discount on gas ... recourse
              1. -2
                April 10 2020 18: 04
                Quote: major147
                So I got a discount on gas.

                so for speeding up the gas pipeline
  21. +1
    April 9 2020 19: 59
    I have no doubt !!!! They will search as they search in kaklivshchina !!!! There, people in Odessa burned themselves, and then it will be ---- Alyosha himself got up, wrote, and lay back. In a word, Hiley Likely made a provocation, and unfortunate Bulgaria now has a good time !!!!!
  22. +1
    April 9 2020 20: 13
    goblin-beams very correctly characterizes these young stupid people, that the most interesting thing is that they are not only in Bulgaria, they are everywhere like a coronovirus
    1. +2
      April 9 2020 21: 08
      Quote: Ryaruav
      they like coronovirus are everywhere

      Unfortunately, they are not few in Russia!
  23. The comment was deleted.
    1. +1
      April 9 2020 22: 28
      So he said a lot of things - more specifically, sir, more specifically.
      1. +1
        April 9 2020 23: 43
        He said that over time we will have no more evil enemies than those whom we consider fraternal and Slavic peoples. It is sad to make such comparisons, but in biology there is such a thing as intraspecific struggle, it is the most cruel, and why, because the needs are the same, inside the species everyone needs the same resources.
        1. +2
          April 10 2020 09: 58
          So what did the Slavs not please you? It is such a policy - you have your own interests, we have our own. You separate the flies from cutlets.
          1. 0
            April 10 2020 11: 44
            Mac Sim, are you Bulgarian?
            1. +2
              April 10 2020 13: 39
              Seems to be yes. And why?
              1. -2
                April 10 2020 21: 51
                Well then everything is clear with you, Mac-Sim
                1. +3
                  April 10 2020 22: 29
                  And what - were there doubts?
      2. -1
        April 10 2020 16: 54
        Quote: Mac Sim
        as he said a lot of things - more specifically, sir, more specifically.

        classics must be read in the original ... feel
        .... According to my inner conviction, the most complete and insurmountable, Russia will never have, and never have had, such haters, envious people, slanderers, and even obvious enemies, like all these Slavic tribes, as soon as Russia liberates them, and Europe agrees recognize them released! And do not mind me, do not dispute, do not shout at me that I am exaggerating and that I am a hater of the Slavs! On the contrary, I love the Slavs very much, but I won’t defend myself either, because I know that everything will come true exactly like I say, and not because of the low, ungrateful, as it were, character of the Slavs - they have this character in the sense like everyone else, namely because such things in the world cannot happen otherwise.

        I will not spread, but I know that we do not need to demand gratitude from the Slavs, we need to prepare for this in advance. They will begin, upon liberation, their new life, I repeat, precisely from what they beg for from Europe, England and Germany, for example, the guarantee and protection of their freedom, and even though Russia will be in the concert of the European powers, they are in defense from Russia they will do it. They will certainly begin with the fact that inside themselves, if not directly out loud, they will declare to themselves and convince themselves that they do not owe the slightest gratitude to Russia, on the contrary, that they could hardly escape from the power of Russia during the conclusion of the peace by the intervention of a European concert, and not intervene Europe, so Russia, having taken them from the Turks, would have swallowed them at once, “having in mind the expansion of borders and the foundation of the great All-Slavic empire on the enslavement of the Slavs by the greedy, cunning and barbaric Great Russian tribe”.

        For a long time, oh, for a long time they will not be able to recognize the disinterestedness of Russia and the great, holy, unheard-of world of raising the banner of the greatest idea by it, of those ideas that a person lives and without which humanity, if these ideas cease to live in it, becomes numb cripples and dies in ulcers and in impotence. (...)

        Maybe a whole century, or even more, they will constantly tremble for their freedom and fear the power of Russia; they will curry favor with European states, they will slander Russia, gossip on it and intrigue against it.

        Oh, I'm not talking about individuals: there will be those who will understand what it meant, which means and will always mean Russia for them. They will understand all the greatness and all the holiness of the cause of Russia and the great idea, the banner of which she will place in humanity. But these people, especially at the beginning, will appear in such a miserable minority that they will be subjected to ridicule, hatred and even political persecution. "
        1. +2
          April 10 2020 17: 56
          So everything is described in principle in the spirit of romanticism and Pan-Slavic ideas of the 19th century. But note - Pan-Slavism under the scepter of the Russian emperor. And this is not Pan-Slavism, but the expansion of the Republic of Ingushetia under the banner of Pan-Slavism. And therefore, we must separate the sincere desire of the soldiers and officers of the Republic of Armenia to free us, from the desire of the emperor and his camarila to rinse their boots in the waters of the Bosphorus and flaunt the streets of Constantinople. So, as I wrote above - flies, separately, and a soldier - separately.
          1. -3
            April 10 2020 18: 03
            Quote: Mac Sim
            Romanticism and Pan-Slavic ideas of the 19th century.

            I understand that it’s not just for you to understand Dostoevsky .... request Read the text link ...
            Quote: Mac Sim
            from the desire of the emperor and his camarila to replenish their boots in the waters of the Bosphorus

            Quote: ser56
            for a long time they will not be able to recognize the disinterestedness of Russia

            learn to read laughing
            1. +3
              April 10 2020 18: 52
              So I understand, I understand, but to operate with the texture, you need to look not only through the eyes of calssics.
              Think about it - why since the 18th century the vector of the offensive of the Republic of Armenia in all wars led to Constantinople? Why worrying about the Slavs, the Republic of Ingushetia never waged a war, stepping on to Serbia and not fighting directly for its liberation. But the battles on the territory of Maybe the whole point was not blah Hadarnasti of the Bulgarians, but something else.
              And then - what are the claims? Yes, no one does not vilify the Russian Federation or Russian. All stocks are oddly ordered. And the European monument of the fall in Bulgaria has not been seen.
              What else do you need to understand?
              1. -3
                April 10 2020 19: 01
                Quote: Mac Sim
                So I understand, I understand

                Hmm, Chukchi writer .... request
                Quote: Mac Sim
                why since the 18th century did the vector of the offensive of the Republic of Armenia in all wars lead to Constantinople?

                1) if not a secret - what is RA?
                2) Tsargrad Svyatoslav took to the shield, and in the 18th century the city was called differently ... request
                Quote: Mac Sim
                never waged war stepping on to Serbia and not fighting directly for its liberation

                Have you ever seen a map of the Balkan Peninsula? wink I’ll tell you a secret - the path to Serbia lies through Bulgaria or through AB .... request then chew your stupidity?
                Quote: Mac Sim
                And then - what are the claims?

                God will forgive you .... feel
                1. +3
                  April 10 2020 21: 03
                  Quote: ser56
                  Hmm, Chukchi writer ....

                  Countryman, did not recognize ....

                  Quote: ser56
                  1) if not a secret - what is RA?

                  Russian Army

                  Quote: ser56
                  God will forgive you .... feel

                  Come on ...

                  Quote: ser56
                  18th century the city was called differently ...

                  And what is the essence of changing calling Constantinople Istanbul? And about Svyatoslav, Pushkin should not be quoted with Vysotsky. Convince me with more ancient documents. And there, a second, an ambush - no one punched or heard anything about it.

                  Quote: ser56
                  I’ll tell you a secret - the path to Serbia lies through Bulgaria

                  Have you sometimes, besides the globe of the Russian Federation, ever looked into a history textbook? When did the Russian Empire fight against Turkey, planning to free Serbia? Maybe Serbia was on the wrong path to the strait, no? The invoice, sir, invoice must be operated on, not guidebooks.
                  1. -2
                    April 11 2020 16: 17
                    Quote: Mac Sim
                    Russian Army

                    there wasn’t such - there was a Russian imperial army at that time ... request
                    Quote: Mac Sim
                    Come on ...

                    the critical mass is passed, so I - no ... hi
                    Quote: Mac Sim
                    And what is the essence of changing calling Constantinople Istanbul?

                    you feel sorry ... request The name defines the era ... well, for example - in the era of the name Constantinople there was no independent Bulgaria ...
                    Quote: Mac Sim
                    And there, a second, an ambush - no one punched or heard anything about it.

                    do not present your stupidity and complexes excessively ... bully
                    Quote: Mac Sim
                    When the Russian Empire fought with Turkey, planning to free Serbia

                    for stupid I repeat:
                    Quote: ser56
                    I’ll tell you a secret - the path to Serbia lies through Bulgaria or through AB.

                    add banal - from Russia ...
                    Quote: Mac Sim

                    when you don’t know the meaning of a word - you don’t need to use it - it looks silly ... bully
                    Enlighten you:
                    "FACTURE, -y; f. [From Lat. Factura - processing, structure] 1. The nature of processing, the structure of any material, determining its appearance. Smooth, fleecy fabric. Interesting fabric. Wood. F. glass , granite. Reproduce the texture of marble. To process the material taking into account the texture. To pick up pieces of the same texture. 2. The originality of artistic technique in works of art. F. Pushkin's verse. Polyphonic ph. of a musical work. 3. Bookkeeping. An invoice written out by the seller in the name of the buyer. , certifying the actual cost of the goods or services, their delivery. " request
                    1. +2
                      April 11 2020 22: 11
                      Quote: ser56
                      you feel sorry ...

                      Thanks, I’ll manage without your snot. stop

                      Quote: ser56
                      Well, for example - in the era of the name Constantinople there was no independent Bulgaria ...

                      I told you - your story is not your thing. It would be nice to read first, and then to lick. Bulgaria retained its name from the Middle Ages.

                      Quote: ser56
                      Quote: Mac Sim
                      And there, a second, an ambush - no one punched or heard anything about it.

                      do not present your stupidity and complexes excessively ... bully

                      Well, cite any Byzantine, Arabic, Persian, European document that Svyatoslav nailed the shield. No need to feed us stories about what great things have happened. Although there is so much fantasy in your story that you can be stunned. I will only quote that in the 80s in the Soviet textbook it was written that the Cyrillic alphabet was invented in Russia. It’s good that they came to the point that not all elephants come from Russia. Perhaps you will normally look at Svyatoslav.

                      Quote: ser56
                      when you don’t know the meaning of a word - you don’t need to use it - it looks silly ...

                      Well, enlightened, for which there is no bow. And what about the soul-saving Russian emperors. They also mean the word - they did not know the direct path. Or they slaughtered all the Slavs and rushed to the Straits?
                      1. -3
                        April 12 2020 14: 19
                        Quote: Mac Sim
                        It would be nice to read first, and then fuck

                        you would apply it to yourself bully
                        Quote: Mac Sim
                        Bulgaria withkept its name from the Middle Ages.

                        Quote: ser56
                        did not have independent Bulgaria ...

                        I already noticed that you have a problem with the Russian language or head request
                        To contrast the name of the locality with the name of an independent state is nonsense ... request
                        Quote: Mac Sim
                        any Byzantine, Arabic, Persian, European document that Svyatoslav nailed the shield

                        you're definitely stupid ... bully
                        Quote: Mac Sim
                        I quote only that in the 80s in the Soviet textbook it was written that the Cyrillic alphabet was invented in Russia.

                        did not see this ... bully I'm waiting for a quote ... you know - WHAT is a quote? wink
                        Quote: Mac Sim
                        It’s good that they came to the point that not all elephants come from Russia.

                        inferiority complexes climbed ... hi I won’t measure pussy, but Russia has given a lot to the world and is giving ... and your glorious deeds in the distant past ... request
                        Quote: Mac Sim
                        Or they slaughtered all the Slavs and rushed to the Straits?

                        Finally! bully So Russophobia climbed! request I note that you, in your opinion, the aspirations of the Russian emperors to the straits gained independence! And RI received 150 killed and a public debt in two budgets ...
                        And I remind you that Russia had several reasons for joining the war - including the defeat of Serbia and the suppression of the uprising in Bulgaria! Speaking of Serbia, it gained autonomy as a result of the next Russian-Turkish war 50 years before you ....
                      2. +1
                        April 12 2020 15: 36
                        Quote: ser56
                        To contrast the name of the locality with the name of an independent state is nonsense ...

                        Yes you? Confused Bulgaria with Kievan Rus? Bulgaria is named for the name of the ruling tribe. What is the name of the place. There is no such place-name Bulgaria, and there never has been a name for a state. All the ever occupied areas of the Balkan Peninsula by Bulgaria have other names. So you correctly noticed - delirium in your posts - above the roof.

                        Quote: ser56
                        I'm waiting for a quote ... you know - WHAT is a quote?

                        What is a quote I know. Let's change - you quote about the carpentry skills of Svyatoslav, and I about the invention of the Cyrillic alphabet in Russia.

                        Quote: ser56
                        you're definitely stupid ...

                        I would love to walk through you and your relatives, but education does not allow. Look at what Foreign Minister Lavrov says about you. The Internet is full of quotes.

                        Quote: ser56
                        So Russophobia climbed!

                        Yes, what Russophobia? Like the Azov campaign of Peter I was an attempt to liberate Bulgaria? When your knowledge is limping on both legs, then it will be difficult to explain the obvious things. For example - what did WWF achieve by fighting Turkey? Who was released?
                      3. -2
                        April 12 2020 17: 39
                        Quote: Mac Sim
                        Yes you? Confused Bulgaria with Kievan Rus?

                        keep fooling around? bully Not always was the state of Bulgaria, when the city was called Constantinople! bully But when Istanbul is always ... bully
                        Quote: Mac Sim
                        You quote about the carpentry skills of Svyatoslav, and I about the invention of the Cyrillic alphabet in Russia.

                        1) Svyatoslav was a warrior! "In 968 Svyatoslav invaded Bulgaria, defeated the Bulgarians in the battle at Dorostol, took many cities and settled at the mouth of the Danube, in Pereyaslavets" request By the way, I understand your negativity to Svyatoslav - Bulgaria was divided, deprived of the king as a result of his campaigns ... hi
                        2) i.e. did you lie about the cyrillic alphabet? OK bully
                        Quote: Mac Sim
                        but parenting does not allow

                        You flatter yourself! hi
                        Quote: Mac Sim
                        Look at what Foreign Minister Lavrov says about you

                        you have a problem with the perception of the text! hi Lavrov spoke of foreign partners! So my thesis about your stupidity is confirmed ... request
                        Quote: Mac Sim
                        For example - what did WWF achieve by fighting Turkey?

                        Yes, nothing just defended themselves as they could - they are on us attacked... request And since we’re fighting better, they defeated and partially occupied hi
                        Quote: Mac Sim
                        When your knowledge is limping on both legs, then it will be difficult to explain the obvious things.

                        you are from a bad head - to a healthy one ... see above ... request
                      4. +1
                        April 12 2020 18: 11
                        Quote: ser56
                        Svyatoslav was a warrior! "In 968 Svyatoslav invaded Bulgaria

                        Actually, we were not discussing Svyatoslav’s campaigns in Bulgaria. Byzantine money by the way. But not the point. The fact is known, proven and to some extent studied as much as possible. But the sentimental nailing of the shield to the gates of Constantinople is a fantasy of pure water. I can also share fables, but Fomenkovshchina and Klyusovshchina are enough. So you do not distort, but answer honestly - nailed or not nailed. If nailed to which gate exactly - there they are three dozen.

                        Quote: ser56
                        Those. did you lie about the cyrillic alphabet?

                        Unfortunately, not at all. In the 80s he went on an excursion to Leningrad and traveled in a train with a school group from the USSR. There, one of the teachers was a historian. For a bottle of brandy “Sunny Beach” they discussed why the Day of Slavic Writing (Cyril and Methodius) is not celebrated in the USSR. And then he shared this info. Well, maybe he lied - for what he bought, for that he sold you. But the fact that you began to celebrate the case of Cyril and Methodius after the beginning of the 90s is a fact. I don’t remember what the traveling companion told me then - either your prince Vladimir, or Yuri Dolgoruky. Although the second is completely wild, but both names revolve in my head. The next morning, they conducted a small survey about Cyril and Methodius - out of the whole group of schoolchildren, only two students knew who they were. True, they did not associate with the alphabet, but at least they heard it.
                        That’s why I wasn’t surprised when in the 90s they printed all sorts of nonsense ... let's say nonsense about the super-mega-uber Slavic runic alphabet and the neopagans lamented over the transition to the Cyrillic alphabet.

                        Quote: ser56
                        Lavrov spoke of foreign partners!

                        Reading you, I think it is also applicable.

                        Quote: ser56
                        Yes, they simply defended themselves as they could - they attacked us ...

                        So RI was also the first to declare war on Bulgaria, but you always bark - the Bulgarians fought against us. As I understand it, ALL RI wars against Turkey were aimed at liberating the Slavs. Cool!
                        Do not remember, by the way, when in St. Petersburg they adopted the doctrine of the defense of the ORTHODOX ONES in the Balkans and when it was slightly corrected to protect the Slavs? And what was the beginning of the Straits or the liberation of the Slavs?
                      5. -3
                        April 12 2020 19: 01
                        Quote: Mac Sim
                        But the sentimental nailing of a shield to the gates of Constantinople - fantasy of pure water

                        repeat to you? This is a literary image, and to indicate the time! Next is your dope ... bully
                        Quote: Mac Sim
                        Sorry - not at all

                        Not at all - you not just lied, but as you can see from the context on purpose! You are a liar!
                        Quote: Mac Sim
                        Well, maybe he lied - for what he bought, for that he sold you

                        did you promise a quote, knowing in advance that this is drunk nonsense? what an abomination ... fool
                        Quote: Mac Sim
                        They discussed why the Day of Slavic Writing (Cyril and Methodius) is not celebrated in the USSR. AND

                        Because this is a national holiday in Bulgaria, not the USSR! this is a church holiday here - in the USSR, the Russian Orthodox Church was oppressed in every way! Conclusion, you are not just a liar, but also stupid and uneducated ... hi
                        Quote: Mac Sim
                        Reading you, I think it is also applicable.

                        see above about yourself beloved ... bully
                        you are caught on repeated Russophobic lies and abominations ...
                        Quote: Mac Sim
                        So RI was also the first to declare war on Bulgaria,

                        Does this relate to Turkey’s attack on RI? bully Let's justify your lies?
                        Quote: Mac Sim
                        As I understand it, ALL RI wars against Turkey were aimed at liberating the Slavs. Cool!

                        1) Why only Slavs - also Greeks request
                        2) we first conquered our historical lands from the Turks (Little Russia, Crimea, Taman), and only then we began to liberate others - this is the logic of the struggle ... it's hard for you to understand - you were freed, so it's fun request If the news is for you that the war with Turkey was based on the criteria of Muslim Christians, including from Austria-Hungary and Poland, then you are frankly sorry ...

                        Quote: Mac Sim
                        And what was the beginning of the Straits or the liberation of the Slavs?

                        see above ... I heard your promise - this is a new trend in explaining Bulgaria's black ingratitude for the blood of the liberators ... no less stupid than the one that was before ... request
                      6. +1
                        April 12 2020 19: 44
                        Quote: ser56
                        we first won our historical lands from the Turks (Little Russia, Crimea, Taman

                        Since when did those lands become “native Russian”? Yes, there really did not live the Slavic population. Yes, by that logic, those lands are more ours than your “original historical” lands. Joker!

                        Quote: ser56
                        Because this is a national holiday in Bulgaria, not the USSR

                        My dear man, when you do not plow in the subject, be silent, otherwise you expose your stupidity to everyone. You have a church holiday and by the way we celebrate May 11. May 24 is celebrated Day of Slavic culture and writing. In the Czech Republic, he celebrates on June 5th. I think in Slovakia they kept the same date. They also celebrate it in Macedonia (there it is clear).
                        But in the USSR they began to celebrate more or less regularly from 1992, and became official in 2010. Perhaps it will come to your notice that the story is strained.

                        Quote: ser56
                        you were set free, that's why it's cool

                        Nobody argues, therefore one of the most famous monument is the Tsar the Liberator. But the background of the war was nevertheless not a desire to free us. Read how Alexander 2 was literally forced to declare war. RI was still licking the wounds of the Crimean War.
                        Quote: ser56
                        If the news is for you that the war with Turkey was based on the criteria of Muslim Christians, including from Austria-Hungary and Poland, then you are frankly sorry ...

                        It is interesting and by what criteria Turkey, AB and RI were allies at the beginning of the 19th century. Are you really afraid of Napoleon? For me, this criterion really is a historical revelation, I always thought that wars are waged based on the interests of the country and not the religion of the population. Even during the Crusades, alliances were concluded between Muslims and Christians, against other Christians / Muslims.
                        Do you know it is tiring to tell you the elementary truths that are studied at school. Not yet matured or skipped classes?
          2. -1
            April 10 2020 22: 01
            Mak-Sim You flies from which soldiers you want to separate from the living or those who poured your ungrateful land with their blood. Honestly, it seems to me that it would be much better to leave you under the Turks, maybe then the Bulgarians would become a little smarter.
            1. +3
              April 10 2020 22: 26
              There are more than 200 monuments of Russian soldiers and officers on our not-so-bad Khadar land, there is a monument to Alexander 2 in front of the parliament, and the BOC cathedral is called ... ta da da damme “Alexander Nevsky”. And everything is in excellent condition. What can not be said about the monuments in the Russian Federation. By the way, Zhukov was returned to Red Square like that, or are you still cutting money?
              History shows that the empires that contacted us went on ..., perished shorter. And we're still here. And we remember who died in the Shipka snowdrifts and who slandered vodka discussing their only allies.
        2. +1
          April 11 2020 11: 42
          Dostoevsky typical representative of Ross. intellectuals possessing imperial views. I will leave nastoron his extremely ambiguous personal life, I will not comment on it. So, Dostoevsky perceives the "freedom" of the Slavs, alone as a form of their existence under the Russian domination! What is characteristic of empires, they are obliged to expand (leading the expansion of various types) otherwise taper and fall apart! And the natural desire of peoples to live according to their charter, according to their own right and conflicts arising from this, for Dostoevsky looks like "black ingratitude" to Russia! He is obviously wrong from the point of view of these peoples! Either you are free or you are addicted! Here there are steps of dependence, so that some nations are again forced to choose a lesser evil, i.e. They are under the guardianship of the empire, which at a lower level threatens their existence. Small nations, if they want to survive and survive, forced to maneuver between the interests of empires! It should be noted that even the most powerful empires sooner or later end their existence, but the peoples remain! National - ethnic formations in time are more tenacious than imperial ones! hi
          1. -3
            April 11 2020 16: 19
            Quote: pytar
            Ross intellectuals possessing imperial views.

            so, if you forgot, the Russian troops fought for your liberation empire... request
            as for the rest - re-read the great writer, you are in front of him a flea ... hi
            1. +1
              April 11 2020 17: 45
              so, if you forget, the troops of the Russian Empire fought for your liberation ..

              They didn’t forget, Sergei, they didn’t forget ... We honor them and there is no problem with this. Just THEY and you are here, not the same thing. No.
              as for the rest - re-read the great writer, you are in front of him a flea ...

              He was studied at school. I have no claim to greatness, but with some opinions of Dostoevsky, I and tens of millions of Slavs do not agree. For us, he does not have authority on this topic. hi
              1. -3
                April 11 2020 18: 02
                Quote: pytar
                but with some opinions of Dostoevsky, I and tens of millions of Slavs do not agree

                Unfortunately, his opinion is confirmed by facts ... request The latter is the demolition of a monument to Konev ... hi
                Quote: pytar
                For us, he does not have authority on this topic.

                this is understandable - they do not like prophets ... feel
                Quote: pytar
                Just THEY and you are here, not one and the same

                went classic demagoguery and the substitution of concepts ... bully it excites me since their blood is in me, they are my ancestors! feel I will say this - it is your choice, you and bear responsibility for it ... request
                And the mimicry of your boss about "older brother" amuses laughing
                1. +1
                  April 11 2020 18: 38
                  unfortunately, his opinion is confirmed by facts ... request The latter is the demolition of a monument to Konev ...

                  And we have all the monuments! We are even building new ones! So, different things.
                  this is understandable - they do not like prophets ...

                  We have our own prophets, no less famous in the world.
                  it excites me since their blood is in me, they are my ancestors!

                  Unfortunately, the blood does not guarantee that the grandfather is a hero, a bad son will not be born. This is not for you personally, but it happens in life.
                  And the mimicry of your boss about "older brother" amuses

                  Yes, he made me laugh too! I would put documents in my place (we have them), where you can see exactly how yours "slightly" distorted things ... But I'm not a politician, politicians work differently!
                  1. -3
                    April 11 2020 19: 26
                    Quote: pytar
                    And we have all the monuments! We are even building new ones! So, different things.

                    Quote: pytar
                    me and more tens of millions of slavs do not agree

                    of course in different ways! however, you allowed yourself to speak out for many who do not live in Bulgaria - you have a population of less than 10 million request It turns out got excited? feel
                    Quote: pytar
                    We have our own prophets, no less famous in the world.

                    do not confuse superstition with analysis ... recourse
                    Quote: pytar
                    the grandfather is a hero, a bad son will not be born. This is not for you personally, but it happens in life.

                    you would be more spun about yourself and your people than to look for fleas from liberators ... hi
                    Quote: pytar
                    I would put documents in the ego's place / we have them / where you can see exactly how yours "slightly" distorted things.

                    I don’t see any reason to discuss - the fact of the delay took place, the reason is your problems ... hi
                    I note - can not - do not talk that you can ... feel
                    Let me remind you, the fact is not one, even with the nuclear power plant it was like that - they pressed the USA and alas ....
                    1. +1
                      April 11 2020 21: 54
                      however, you allowed yourself to speak out for many who do not live in Bulgaria - you have a population of less than 10 million. It turns out got excited?

                      I judge the facts! Count how many of the Slavic countries are now members of NATO and the EU (+ candidates), count their population and get tens of millions. They probably have something to look at with distrust of Russia.
                      do not confuse superstition with analysis ...

                      When superstition comes true with amazing accuracy and periodicals, it is no longer superstition. And analyticity is often subjective, as in the given case.
                      you would be more spun about yourself and your people than to look for fleas from liberators ...

                      Do not worry, I think of my people in the first place! As for the fleas of the liberators, I do not trifle, just there are quite bad things there.
                      I don’t see any reason to discuss - the fact of the delay took place, the reason is your problems ...

                      Sergey, I worked with bolg for 4 years. side on the UP, shas working on BP. Make me laugh a lot lol fairy tales replicated by certain media ...
                      Let me remind you, the fact is not one, even with the nuclear power plant it was like that - they pressed the USA and alas ....

                      Serious? laughing Do you know that we had a referendum on this occasion? And that the construction adherents did not manage to gather the majority? Do you know that at the moment there is a tender for construction? Those. the government, contrary to the results of the referendum, having made a prognostic analysis, decided that all the same, we will need a nuclear power plant in the future! By your logic, it turns out that "The USA put pressure on the Bulgarian authorities to start building a nuclear power plant"! fool
                      1. -3
                        April 12 2020 13: 58
                        Quote: pytar
                        They probably have something to look at with distrust of Russia.

                        you have a curious "logic"! so as not to happen - Russia is to blame! It’s even trivial to say that it seemed to us that it was profitable to be in NATO, how to be friends with Hitler before, is a problem ... laughing You always need to find the blame of Russia ... bully And you don’t like Dostoevsky - he wrote everything correctly ... request
                        Quote: pytar
                        when superstition comes true with amazing accuracy and periodicals,

                        I see no reason to argue - if you want to live in superstition - your right .... request
                        Quote: pytar
                        it’s just that bad things are there too.

                        different things happen with us, but monuments are rarely desecrated, vandals are usually found and punished ... hi
                        Quote: pytar
                        fairy tales replicated by certain media ...

                        fairy tales, speak? if not a secret - where did the pipe go in the end? request
                        as for me, it’s not the desire of certain peoples to learn from their own mistakes that amuses me ... request and look for the guilty ... hi
                        Quote: pytar
                        Do you know that we had a referendum on this occasion? And that the construction adherents did not manage to gather the majority?

                        Seriously! did you get the pipe laying for the referendum? just think - why the nuclear power plants are taken out, but the gas pipelines - no ... This is a banal manipulation ... hi
                      2. +1
                        April 12 2020 15: 09
                        you have a curious "logic"!

                        And you are completely absent!
                        whatever happens - Russia is to blame!

                        Do you think so? You are mistaken! I do not blame anyone!
                        Even trivial - to say that it seemed to us that it was beneficial to be in NATO ..

                        That's what I say, just not "it seemed", but that it is in the interest of the country!
                        how to be friends with Hitler before is a problem ...

                        But who just was not friends with him! In politics, everyone, without exception, is guided by interests! There are no other considerations.
                        And you don’t like Dostoevsky - he wrote everything correctly ...

                        And I think he is wrong. More precisely, from the point of view of the empire, it is right, from our point of view it is not right! You are not able to understand that there are other points of view!
                        I see no reason to argue - if you want to live in superstition - your right ....

                        A rare case for you, recognize the right of others to think differently! Bravo! Congratulations!
                        different things happen with us, but monuments are rarely desecrated, vandals are usually found and punished ...

                        I looked at Yandex, reached a hundred and refused to count further ... Someone was found, punished, others were not found, how it will turn out. Fools, marginals are there!
                        if not a secret - where did the pipe go in the end?

                        Not a secret! In Bulgaria! This was one of the points of commitments made by Gazprom during the pre-trial proceedings with the European Commission / 2018 /.
                        as for me, it’s not the desire of certain peoples to learn from their own mistakes that amuses me ...

                        In this case, you have a lot of material to amuse yourself with the "mistakes of their people" ... and look for the guilty ... Although I do not think that the peoples themselves are guilty.
                        did you get the pipe laying for the referendum? just think - why do they take out nuclear power plants, and gas pipelines - no ...

                        Everything is elementary simple! Belene NPP costs approx. 10 billion $! The most expensive property / and unfinished / in the history of Bulgaria! Talk about I-category / radioactive mat. /.
                        Balkan flow, worth $ 1,1 billion. The amount completely raised for Bulgartransgaz.
                      3. -1
                        April 12 2020 17: 16
                        Quote: pytar
                        And you are completely absent!

                        rudeness is usually a reflection of the lack of arguments ... request
                        Quote: pytar
                        look at Russia with distrust.

                        Quote: pytar
                        I do not blame anyone!

                        then express yourself more clearly ... request
                        Quote: pytar
                        just not "it seemed", but that it is in the interest of the country!

                        wait and see... request your campaign with Germany in WW1 markedly affected your territory, now there are population losses ... hi
                        "In the period 2001 - 2011, the country's population decreased by 564 people,"
                        in terms of Russia it is about 20 million ... request
                        Well, if this is your interest - your right ... hi
                        Quote: pytar
                        You are not able to understand that there are other points of view!

                        from what? I'm just against demagogy and self-deception - I'm not about you, I'm about Russia ... bully
                        Quote: pytar
                        Bravo! Congratulations!

                        I have a bad trait - I'm almost always right ... I feel sick myself ... request
                        so that you can be rude, it doesn’t change the essence of the matter - if you will, I won’t communicate ... hi
                        Quote: pytar
                        reached a hundred

                        Russia is 20 times bigger ... and no one has ever freed it - it happened request
                        Quote: pytar
                        Not a secret! In Bulgaria! E

                        you have a strange perception of reality - a pipe in Turkey .... bully
                        Quote: pytar
                        you have a lot of stuff to amuse yourself on the "mistakes of your people".

                        here you are right - but we ourselves slurp our problems request
                        and learn .... we are the people - the winner! hi by the way, today is April 12th ... love
                        Quote: pytar
                        Although I do not think that the nations themselves are to blame.

                        and in vain ... Gumilev is right .. request There are peoples who are not afraid to defend their independence - Finns, Serbs, English ... and there are compromisers - Czechs are the most vivid example in the 20th century request
                        Quote: pytar
                        Balkan stream worth 1,1 billion

                        you replace the question - we talked about South Stream ... hi
                      4. -2
                        April 12 2020 17: 23
                        Quote: ser56
                        "In the period 2001 - 2011, the country's population decreased by 564 people,"
                        more 7 364 570 in 2011
                        As of December 31, 2018, the country's population is estimated at 7 people, so in 000 it seems that 039 million were exchanged ... request
                        I'm not happy or angry - I analyze the consequences of your choice, and do not dispute that ... hi
                      5. 0
                        April 12 2020 19: 25
                        so in 19 g it seems like 7 million were exchanged ... I’m not happy or angry - I analyze the consequences of your choice, and do not dispute that ...

                        After reading my previous post, you will probably understand that the situation is not so simple! A blow to the demographics of bulg. ethnos happened precisely during socialism, we will rake this mess for a long time! By the way, the situation in Russia is no better, but it is in all the "white countries"!
                      6. -2
                        April 12 2020 19: 43
                        Quote: pytar
                        it was during socialism

                        if you want to believe - believe ... during the BNR you had a demographic transition, people moved to cities ... it's a little different ... request
                        Quote: pytar
                        By the way, in Russia the situation is no better

                        a little better ... although also bad, but we have superimposed demographic waves from the GW, the famine of 30x and the Second World War - you didn’t have this ... request
                        Quote: pytar
                        in all "white countries" it is!

                        no - hi Poland is much better ...
                      7. 0
                        April 12 2020 20: 58
                        if you want to believe - believe ... during the BNR you had a demographic transition, people moved to cities ... it's a little different ...

                        Sergey, I’m already growing up, I remember the times well. It’s not for you to tell me how it was with us. Of course, urbanization has affected. People are born in villages, not in cities! The main reason for the accelerated urbanization of Bulgaria was the forced collectivization of agriculture. It was unattractive to work in co-ops for a penny. People went to cities, for decades they waited for housing. Life passed, the Bulgarians gave birth in panels 1-2 children, and the gypsies, Turks multiplied and occupied the villages. Socialism dealt a terrible blow to the demography of the Bulgarians. ethnos comparable to the Turkish invasion.
                        a little better ... although also bad, but we have superimposed demographic waves from the GW, the famine of 30x and the Second World War - you didn’t have this ...

                        I know. Half of my relatives are Russian. Your ethnic picture has also changed during the time of socialism. The growth is mainly provided by non-Russian republics and regions. You are "not in the US, not in the EU," why do you have a process of depopulation? GV, Holodomor, WWII, it was a long time ago, you can't blame everything on such a distant past!
                        Poland is much better ...

                        I am sincerely happy for the Poles! At least one Slavic nation will survive! God grant! Maybe again Slavism will go from there, as it was 15 centuries ago!
                      8. -2
                        April 13 2020 17: 57
                        Quote: pytar
                        It’s not for you to tell me how it was with us. Of course, urbanization has affected.

                        I hope you are not rude, but just write in a foreign language ... request
                        Quote: pytar
                        The main reason for the accelerated urbanization of Bulgaria was the forced collectivization of agriculture.

                        we have the same, but urbanization is inevitable, as well as the demographic transition associated with it ... request
                        the question is when and with what costs ... we were exiled 2 million people ... request
                        Quote: pytar
                        Socialism has dealt a terrible blow to demography

                        Russian too ... request
                        Quote: pytar
                        "why do you have a depopulation process

                        There are many reasons, but not to the same extent as yours ... request
                        Quote: pytar
                        Non-Russian republics and regions give an increase in growth.

                        difficult question - I would not simplify ...
                        Quote: pytar
                        GV, Holodomor, WWII, it was a long time ago,

                        it seems to you because of the weakness of Bulgaria’s losses at this time - the demographic waves have not yet smoothed out from them ...
                        Quote: pytar
                        God grant! Maybe again Slavism will go from there, as it was 15 centuries ago!

                        hope in God ... how many children do you have? I have 4 ... feel
                      9. 0
                        April 12 2020 19: 17
                        rudeness is usually a reflection of the lack of arguments ...

                        Repeat this often to yourself. As you relate to people, so they will relate to you. For all that, accept my apologies! hi
                        then express yourself more clearly ...

                        I express myself very clearly! The problem is the other side.
                        your campaign with Germany in WW1 markedly affected your territory, now there are population losses ...

                        The Russian Empire was even worse. She is alone participating on the side of the winners, managed to find herself among the defeated. We believe she and she made a mistake.
                        "In the period 2001 - 2011, the country's population decreased by 564 people,"

                        In the period 1887-1946, the population increased more than 2 times! C 3 154 375 w. by 7 029 346 f. mainly due to the high birth rate among the Bulgarian ethnic group. This despite the fact that during this period Bulgaria waged 5 wars.
                        In the period 46-90, the population increased from 7 to 029. Almost the entire increase was generated by national minorities - gypsies and Turks. A Bulgarian family with more than 346 children became rare, while national minorities grew .... The ethnic picture changed during socialism. The country was closed, emigration was not allowed.
                        Since 1990, the wall has fallen and hundreds of thousands of people sitting locked half a century have fled around the world. Most of them are unqualified representatives of gypsy ethnic minorities. With the latest events in the world, many began to return to their homeland. There will be more of them. But the problem with negative demography remains with the Bulgarian ethnos. Demographic processes have a lilin reactivity; white is spreading all over the world. It is a fact.
                        I have a bad trait - I'm almost always right ... I feel sick myself ...

                        Take action! Otherwise, it will become chronic and get sick inevitably! Self-deception always leads to bad consequences!
                        you have a strange perception of reality - a pipe in Turkey ...

                        It’s quite normal. The one in Turkey, it is for Turkey. That for Europe, with us. I am responsible for one of her sites.
                        here you are right - but we ourselves slurp our problems request
                        and learn .... we are the people - the winner! by the way, today is April 12th ...

                        Wise people said - smart learns from the mistakes of others, so that you do not have to learn from your own! Otherwise, you have to pay very dearly! We celebrate Tsvetnitsa, they also call this orthodox holiday Vrebnitsa, Tsvetnaya week / week on the Bulgarian. - Sunday/! With a holiday, Sergey! May God grant you health and peace! love
                        There are peoples who are not afraid to defend their independence - Finns, Serbs, English ... and there are compromisers - Czechs are the most vivid example in the 20th century

                        All peoples have periods of Victory, and there are Defeats! The rises followed by the great upheavals, terrible times of survival, the struggle for existence, everyone has everything! Someone could not stand the test and disappeared, was erased, while someone remained with a strong character, and the gene is healthy! And also his own star in the sky! I believe that our / Russia and Bulgaria / stars will never go out!
                        you replace the question - we talked about South Stream ...

                        OK! UP! BEH, was to participate with 620 million euros, taking a loan with an annual 4,25% for 22 years. With a GDP of 45-52 billion euros to spend such a not so big amount, there is no need for a referendum, but 10 billion for a nuclear power plant is already a terrible burden! There is another problem with nuclear power plants - technically! It was designed in 85-88, and in some ways, the project is outdated. By the way, the government has already decided how it will finance Belene, but this is a different topic. request
                      10. -2
                        April 12 2020 19: 51
                        Quote: pytar
                        The Russian Empire was even worse.

                        Of course - we had a revolution and GV ...
                        Quote: pytar
                        We believe she and she made a mistake.

                        a very tight comparison ... request
                        Quote: pytar
                        managed to find herself among the conquered.

                        we were hit hard by communism ... request
                        Quote: pytar
                        family with more than 2 children

                        I already wrote - this is a demographic transition, not socialism ... request
                        Quote: pytar
                        Self-deception always leads to bad consequences!

                        you are funny in attributing to me your traits ... request
                        Quote: pytar
                        That for Europe, with us.

                        Hmm, this is not treated ... request it came to Turkey, and only then ... did you study geography? hi
                        Quote: pytar
                        smart learns from the mistakes of others

                        Seriously? Bulgarians learn from strangers? bully

                        Quote: pytar
                        May God grant you health and peace

                        Thanks to you, too! gone to flood - good luck ...
                      11. 0
                        April 12 2020 21: 47
                        it came to Turkey, and only then ... did you study geography?

                        For the rest of your komenty, I see no reason to answer. Everyone has their own opinion. But on the topic of the gas pipeline, I’ll answer, since you really have no idea what this is about! The pipe did not go в Turkey, and moved via Turkey в Bulgaria! Turkish stream, it is 2 parallel pipes - one for Turkey, the second for the EU. Turkish is not interested in us, I will focus on the second, which we call the Balkan Stream! Why did she go to Bulgaria, through a small section / 140 km / of the Turkish territory? Look at the map down!

                        In March 2018, when Borisov and Putin met, they discussed a turn directly to the Bulgarian coast. Putin insisted that he go to Burgas / green line /, and Borisov / yellow line / - to Varna! Burgas is closer than Varna to the main highway and the cost of surveying the seabed is less, as well as the implementation period is shorter! Borisov did not agree, since the first variant of the path of the failed UP went just to Burgas, and then the environmental examination rejected him. They then redesigned UP to Varna. Putin did not accept Borisov’s proposal for Varna, since the route along the bottom of the sea is longer, the survey would slow down the entire project, and then he was in a hurry to replay Ukraine! The negotiations were conducted March - April - May 2018! In the end, it remained as it was, since the land route is cheaper.
                        Talk that the BP could go through Greece, bypassing Bulgaria, was nonsense. In the course of the pre-trial proceedings with the European Commission at the end of 2017, Gazprom pledged they will reach the pipe at the entry point / hub / on the Bulgarian border / not indicated exactly where /! You can certainly go through Turkey in Greece, but then again you need to go to Bulgaria! No question here in geography! So what's the point of paying two countries for transit? Greece / EU member / pipe also cannot be owned by Gazprom! Many of you amuse yourself that Bulgaria will pay the price of transit through Turkey, or who the recipient is! Nothing like this! The price at which we and other EU countries buy is determined on the basis of market prices, cost is not our problem! With NG, we reduced gas prices from -5%, from April 1 another -40%, and from May they have reduced another -6,67%! Drives for 140 km. through Turkey, Gazprom pays, at the expense of its profits. The amount is small, while it is more profitable for him / for a while /. That's it, Sergey! I hope you understand!
                      12. -2
                        April 13 2020 18: 05
                        Quote: pytar
                        and crossed through Turkey in Bulgaria!

                        funny, but with the implementation of UP, the pipe from Bulgaria would go to Turkey ... request
                        Quote: pytar
                        went just to Burgas, and then the environmental impact assessment rejected him.

                        isn’t it funny for you? bully
                        Quote: pytar
                        determined on the basis of market prices, cost is not our problem

                        then you’ll be without gas ... hi
                        Quote: pytar
                        I hope you understand!

                        of course! my advice to you - do not live in the illusions that your tales are as convincing for others as they are for you ... request and look again at your own map ... feel
                        Quote: pytar
                        Everyone has their own opinion.
                      13. 0
                        April 13 2020 20: 45
                        As your guarantor said - we have gas in our apartment (at a discount), but what about yours? We have it and will probably be.
                      14. 0
                        April 14 2020 13: 43
                        Quote: Mac Sim
                        we have gas in our apartment, (at a discount), and you?

                        I have an electric stove ... hi
                      15. 0
                        April 13 2020 20: 56
                        and with the implementation of UP, the pipe from Bulgaria would go to Turkey ...

                        and the main part is nowhere ... in addition to the colossal economic losses from the collapse of relations with the EU. as the saying goes "thank you", Gazprom did not need this either. for that HE refused!
                        isn’t it funny for you?

                        I don’t see anything funny ?! request environmentalists gave the green light to the Varna region. UP designed for her.
                        then you’ll be without gas ...

                        hahaha! we won’t stay without gas. another is funny here! Gazprom is going to spin gas in a circle from Turkey to the BG and back, why ..? look for info! hint - M.Iv. Krutikhin - the best Russian. whose expert I know personally!
                        my advice to you - do not live in the illusions that your tales are as convincing for others as they are for you ... and look again at your own card ...

                        so it’s not understood! and things are obvious! okay. for me, our conversation was useful even from the point of view of ethnopsychology! till! hi
                      16. +1
                        April 13 2020 21: 34
                        Quote: pytar
                        from the point of view of ethnopsychology

                        Unfortunately, the term psychopathology is more applicable. The same thing was observed in Bulgaria in the 90s - for half of the population, garbage in the porches was the result of 75 years of “socialism” in Bulgaria, for others - as a result of the machinations of NATO. For some comrades, who, apparently, are not comrades at all to us, all the problems of the Russian Federation and all other countries, is the rejection of the proper cult of personality of the Russian and Russian President. Such is not a psychologist. Better in Bekhterevka on heavy medications.
                        You’d better understand the term “wooden philosopher”, this is the category of debaters and apparently prices are spudding here.
                      17. The comment was deleted.
                    2. +1
                      April 11 2020 22: 14
                      Quote: ser56
                      demolition of the monument to Konev ...

                      Interestingly, what about the demolition of the Zhukov monument?
                      1. -3
                        April 12 2020 14: 01
                        Quote: Mac Sim
                        But what about the demolition of the Zhukov monument?

                        if not a secret - what are you talking about? If on Red Square - then there is not demolition, but repair ...
                        I’ll add, in my opinion, the GKZh is not worthy of a monument on Red Square - he has a lot of merits, but the blame for the defeats of 41g is also considerable ... so he is one of the Marshals of Victory request
                      2. +1
                        April 12 2020 15: 22
                        The question is not whether it is drafin or not. There was a monument, they sawed it down and put another one, which was again demolished and right now it is not clear what - there is a monument, there is no monument. My question concerned this bacchanalia, and not Zhukov's merit.
                      3. -4
                        April 12 2020 17: 25
                        Quote: Mac Sim
                        There was a monument, they sawed it down and put another one, which was again demolished and right now it is not clear what - there is a monument, there is no monument.

                        you have problems? bully pulling an owl on a globe when comparing with Prague? hi
                        Quote: Mac Sim
                        My question was about this bacchanalia,

                        you again have problems with the meaning of words - maybe it is your Russophobia that makes you look for fleas where they do not exist? wink
                      4. +1
                        April 12 2020 17: 37
                        Quote: ser56
                        pull the owl

                        Owls, fleas, words do not understand. Sorry, but you didn’t indulge in the hour ..... substances prohibited by law? Apparently I will not get the answer to my question.
                      5. -3
                        April 12 2020 18: 11
                        Quote: Mac Sim
                        Sorry, but you didn’t indulge in the hour ..... substances prohibited by law?

                        went classic demagoguery and translation arrows ... request
                        Quote: Mac Sim
                        Apparently I will not get the answer to my question.

                        and what do you want to get the answer to the stupid question? hi The shield on the gate - this is a literary image, about which you know - you were told to indicate a strictly defined time interval! When Bulgaria lost its king ... and you turned on the fool and look for joiners ... hi
                        I note that I caught you on a direct lie about the Cyrillic alphabet ... hi
                      6. +1
                        April 12 2020 18: 15
                        Quote: ser56
                        I was told to indicate a strictly defined time interval!

                        So there are two different events. One is a sea voyage, and the other is a trip to Bulgaria. If you do not understand - take an interest, and do not rush right into the discussion.

                        Quote: ser56
                        I caught a direct lie about the Cyrillic alphabet ...

                        It’s not my thing to lie. See above.
                      7. -3
                        April 12 2020 18: 13
                        Quote: Mac Sim
                        Owls, fleas, words do not understand

                        that is, that they also lied about the Zhukov monument - OK, you are caught twice on Russophobian lies ... request
                      8. 0
                        April 13 2020 20: 48
                        You have an oddity on the topic of lies, apparently either lying to the right and left, you are constantly lying to the forehead. Yes, and a complex on the theme of Rosophobia. Did not go to a psychiatrist?
                      9. 0
                        April 14 2020 13: 42
                        Quote: Mac Sim
                        You have a bzik on the topic of lies, apparently either lying to the right and left

                        why - you lied - I showed it ... - you translate arrows into personalities request
                        Quote: Mac Sim
                        complex on the theme of philosophobia

                        you lie on the topic of Russian-this is Russophobia ... nothing to blame the mirror ... request
                        Quote: Mac Sim
                        Did you not go to a psychiatrist?

                        Pay attention to yourself - Russophobia is dangerous - in 1949, one US Secretary of Defense out of a window saw request
  24. +3
    April 9 2020 20: 34
    Quote: Dmitry Donskoy
    Only cowards fight with monuments. am

    Bastards too.
    1. -1
      April 9 2020 20: 47
      Bastards too.

      Allies of Nazi Germany. Some sodates waffen ss.
      1. -1
        April 9 2020 20: 59
        Allies of Nazi Germany. Some sodates waffen ss.

        What else from their descendants, skins to expect.
    2. 0
      April 9 2020 20: 49
      This is not human ...
  25. +1
    April 9 2020 20: 48
    It’s not at all surprising ...
  26. +2
    April 9 2020 20: 48
    Unknown attackers applied the words “Death to the Invaders” and “Death to Alesham” with blue paint.

    Oh bro, don’t you understand that if Russia turns its back on you, you simply disappear ...
    1. -1
      April 9 2020 21: 42
      They are already on the verge of extinction. All a matter of time. And again, ,, bros, help out, if that? .. And what's the point? ..
      1. -2
        April 9 2020 22: 07
        Type you breed at home? See the trend of statistics. What we have, what you have - extinction is near and near.
        1. -1
          April 11 2020 00: 32
          Mac-Sim, the extinction of the Russians makes you happy, hope to take our place in this way?
          1. +2
            April 11 2020 04: 12
            Maybe read my post again.
    2. +2
      April 11 2020 22: 15
      So she turned away from us in 1988-1990 and nothing - still not disappeared.
      1. +2
        April 12 2020 11: 44
        No, she didn’t turn away, but suffered a grave illness ... and time has passed very little ...
        1. +1
          April 12 2020 15: 17
          I remember being sick was not greeted by us either. But our ambassadors said - go to the EU and NATO, since this is the will of the people. And right now - show.
          Do you think we boasted in the 90s?
          1. +2
            April 12 2020 15: 54
            And no one does not show you any, live as you see fit and no complaints to you, just try not to touch the memory and monuments ...
            1. +2
              April 12 2020 16: 30
              As you have already been explained 100500 times on your fingers - you have corrupted the monument, stocks are always registered. Or does someone seriously think that adolescents in Bulgaria will raise their fifth point from the sofa in order to organize political actions? So everything was scored on politics in the 90s.
              And also - monuments are quickly restored. The problem is that the reports of your media are made to incite hatred and Bulgarianophobia. Which, in principle, depending on what is written here, is a success.
              1. +3
                April 12 2020 16: 33
                I understand this and believe that you will find these bastards and punish them in your own way, that's why I write ... try ..., we also have all kinds of scum.
                1. +2
                  April 12 2020 16: 34
                  Here I am about good hi When we discuss in a constructive manner, it is always better than slops.
                  1. +3
                    April 12 2020 16: 39
                    And thank God, I started talking about the fact that Bulgaria shouldn’t tear itself away from Russia, this is my private opinion, but you decide ...
  27. +2
    April 9 2020 20: 57
    I hope the Bulgarians will put the monument in order. But the Russians need to restore order in their economy. The weak are beaten.
    1. 0
      April 11 2020 00: 36
      The USA is now most saddened by the fact that Russia has strengthened a bit
  28. 0
    April 9 2020 21: 09
    The Bulgarian vandals are protected by the local state - not one of them has yet been caught and, moreover, not punished.
    1. +1
      April 9 2020 22: 20
      "Vandals" carry out the will of supranational structures.
    2. 0
      April 10 2020 02: 06
      And the USA is roofing Bulgaria, for them the worse they treat Russia, the better. Although when it is beneficial to remember that we were once called allies.
  29. -1
    April 9 2020 21: 18
    Previously, Bulgarians knew how to work. And high quality. Today (as it turned out) the "green" Soros have also reached them (it is necessary, somehow, to support NATO's straps throughout Europe).
    More precisely, JUSTIFY their presence.
    You will remember the economy of each country !!! Bulgaria knew how to make candy out of nothing.
    Hungary - was a country at the forefront in the production of dairy products.
    WHERE EVERYTHING HAPPENED ??? turned into the EU. Where they set the QUOTA - a step to the right, a step to the left, shooting.
    I hope to wake up the formerly developed countries of Europe soon.
    Otherwise ... nothing good expects them.
    1. 0
      April 12 2020 00: 59
      They will wake up only in case of war on their territory for their "elites" a roasted cock in a soft place is simply necessary.
  30. 3vs
    April 9 2020 21: 36
    If the leadership of Bulgaria were with eggs, then they would put these fools in the cinema and
    scrolling documentaries about that war.
    The film by Mikhail Romm "Ordinary Fascism"
    To remember ...

    1. +1
      April 10 2020 00: 09
      Quote: 3vs
      If the leadership of Bulgaria

      Bulgaria is governed from an external center. It is this "decision-making center" that must be hit if you want changes in Bulgaria. And you don't have to shaggy your grandmother. We are being played off.
  31. 0
    April 9 2020 21: 38
    You must live so that the enemies are afraid of your monuments
    1. 0
      April 9 2020 22: 02
      Already afraid - go do your homework.
    2. +2
      April 10 2020 11: 29
      You must live so that the enemies are afraid of your monuments

      Grif, these are not your monuments ... Although they symbolize topics related to the USSR and the SA, these are our Bulgarian monuments! I participated in designing, financing and building several! Where did you decide that they are yours?!?! belay
  32. 0
    April 9 2020 21: 39
    Somewhere my Bulgarian interlocutor disappeared, on the site. It’s interesting to know how he feels now?
    1. +1
      April 9 2020 22: 04
      We are all in deep confusion and anxiety - either you will begin to live so that it was not right for everyone, or turn off the gas and water, you will start bombing the roofing felts. The panic we have seems to be starting.
    2. +1
      April 10 2020 00: 11
      Quote: Andrey Nikolaevich
      It’s interesting to know how he feels now?

      How can you feel if there is no feedback? Here, mostly fans-fans of the conditional "Spartak".
  33. -2
    April 9 2020 21: 41
    Nothing, nothing ... everything will be washed and rebuilt ....
  34. -1
    April 9 2020 22: 01
    Quote: Rededi
    Quote: Mac Sim
    Go fry the kebabs on the Eternal Flame.

    I do not share your family traditions.

    Don’t worry, but in Russia you share. They’re fried there, it’s not accepted here.
  35. +1
    April 9 2020 22: 14
    Occupant, this is Bulgaria who fought on the side of Hitler
    1. +2
      April 10 2020 10: 12
      Mighty Bulgaria occupied the USSR?
      1. 0
        16 February 2021 09: 21
        Bulgaria fought on the side of Hitler in Yugoslavia. If it were not for Bulgaria, Hitler would have had to send his soldiers to Yugoslavia, which means that these Germans would not have got to the front from the USSR,
  36. +1
    April 9 2020 22: 15
    Question to Bulgarian citizens in the VO -
    Which country so threatened the Republic of Bulgaria so much that this same Republic joined the ranks of NATO in 2004 ???
    Who was afraid or who sold the then elite of the Republic?
    1. +7
      April 9 2020 23: 42
      Quote: hohol95
      Who was scared or who sold the then elite of the Republic

      I am not a Bulgarian citizen, but I think that most likely both of these things happened, they got scared and sold out to the West.
    2. 0
      April 10 2020 13: 49
      Question to Bulgarian citizens in the VO - Which country threatened the Republic of Bulgaria so much that this very Republic joined NATO in 2004 ???

      80 millionth Turkey. Our economy was in collapse, social tension, incl. and interethnic has been growing since the 80s. And we did not have a single ally! Membership in NATO has led to an improvement in relations between us and our neighbors - Romania, Turkey and Greece.
      1. -1
        April 11 2020 19: 15
        But has the Turkish army already threatened you with its bayonets?
        Or did the Romanian units unfold on the border?
        Greece talked about the dismemberment of the Republic of Bulgaria?
        Tell me honestly - your elite was afraid of the fate of the SFRY!
        And with peace in my heart I threw myself into the arms of European and overseas fellows with large suitcases of "financial aid"!
        1. +1
          April 11 2020 21: 27
          But has the Turkish army already threatened you with its bayonets? Or did the Romanian units unfold on the border? Greece talked about the dismemberment of the Republic of Bulgaria?
          Tell me honestly - your elite was afraid of the fate of the SFRY!

          We have a large ethnic Turkish nat. minority. In some regions it is the majority. Turkey periodically uses ego to interfere in the internal affairs of Bulgaria. In the mid-80s, it almost came to war, but then the OVD stood behind us. The first Maidan back in 89 on the squares in Sofia was carried out by ethnic Turks. Under certain circumstances, the Turkish aggression and occupation of a significant part of the country could well have been realized under the pretext of "protecting the rights of the Turks". At that time, the events of Yugoslavia were unfolding, showing that it was impossible to count on Yeltsin's Russia. As for Greece and Romania, they did not threaten us, but Greece is a NATO member, and Romania was preparing to join the union. For the neutral status of the need for the Swiss, we did not have economic and military resources. Although among the population, this idea creeped with popularity. Our elite, which I then scolded and went to rallies against NATO, acted correctly and wisely.
          And with peace in my heart I threw myself into the arms of European and overseas fellows with large suitcases of "financial aid"!

          Thanks only to NATO and the EU, Bulgaria received 30 peaceful years in which the economy recovered after the devastating 90s. Recently, the risks of this have been increasing. The world is unstable. I suspect that the lull is ending and we will have to look for new solutions to ensure our safety. Bulgaria is a peaceful country. We strive for good neighborly relations with all neighbors. hi
          1. 0
            April 11 2020 23: 33
            Thanks only to NATO and the EU, Bulgaria received 30 peaceful years in which the economy recovered after the devastating 90s.

            Would not give ...
            Live and rejoice ... Peace be with you longer ...
            And we will live without the Bulgarian coast!
            1. +1
              April 12 2020 00: 32
              That's it - YOU CANNOT do anything YOURSELF ... Won't give ...

              In the world, everything is interconnected. Precedents in the history of a million. At one time, the Bolsheviks concluded the most difficult Brest peace treaty in order to gain time and strengthen.
              Live and rejoice ... Peace be with you longer ...

              God grant! It will be so! Yes
              And we will live without the Bulgarian coast!

              We already have a lot of yours. And they will be. And so, I am 100% sure that the Bulgarian coast will live without some of you. hi
              1. 0
                April 12 2020 12: 01
                At one time, the Bolsheviks concluded the most difficult Brest peace treaty in order to gain time and strengthen.

                Are you hoping to gain a foothold to the "fortress" of the FRG? These are pipes. The Germans will not give you their leadership!
                1. +1
                  April 12 2020 14: 38
                  I have never said that !!! But among the neighbors, especially against the backdrop of the crown crisis, we look pretty good! Tfu, tfu ... knock on wood! winked
                  1. 0
                    April 12 2020 22: 42
                    Knock if you have a tree!
                    There are still many changes ahead. And the sun is not going to fade ...
                    The main thing is that the citizens of Belarus do not have to remember the words of Taras Bulba told to his son Andriy "- What, son, did your Poles help you?"
                    1. 0
                      April 12 2020 23: 41
                      When you walk with God, nothing is scary! God gives the hardest test to the one he loves more! Tests that we can overcome! Much remains to be done, a lot of garbage has accumulated ... with us, with you, and all over the world! The next generation will be different, better than us! Everything will be fine!
  37. +1
    April 9 2020 22: 18
    The Bulgarians fought so many times against Russia ... What bros are they? Worse than Ukrainians!
    1. +3
      April 10 2020 17: 58
      Well, once. From 1915 to 1918.
    2. +1
      April 11 2020 10: 09
      One time. Other questions?
  38. +2
    April 9 2020 22: 41
    Hmm, well, "brothers" remember about the Russian Federation when they need it.
    How they wagged their tail under the leadership of the State Department on South Stream, when they threw it through hell, a hub through Turkey, Alga, Fin losses, that is, they did not know before.
    Interestingly, when the Turkish sultan makes a claim to the territory of Bulgaria again will resort to asking for help to the Russian Federation?
    1. +7
      April 9 2020 23: 41
      Quote: agoran
      will come running again asking for help to the Russian Federation?

      required. they have no where to run. but will we help them then?
      1. +2
        April 10 2020 10: 12
        Interestingly, did you remember us in 1990 when you were expelled from the ATS and the SPZ? Well, we are small and poor, not on a par with you Europeans. After 30 years, it turned out that the Europeans did not need you and again rushed to us. What do you need again?
        1. 0
          April 10 2020 13: 55
          What do you need again?

          Transport / communication / corridor and buzz for its protection! Not bigger in size. You can give out too much, as was distributed earlier. Nothing new! request
          1. +3
            April 10 2020 14: 06
            Yes, they have already passed.
  39. 0
    April 9 2020 23: 00
    We need to remember this when we will release them again, only the lives of our citizens should be valued, not their culture and history.
    1. +6
      April 9 2020 23: 40
      Quote: 75Sergey
      when we will release them again

      will we release them again, after everything that happened and is happening?
      1. +2
        April 10 2020 10: 06
        Did someone invite you in 1944 or right now? Or is the pipe now steering like the straits in the 19th century?
    2. +1
      April 10 2020 13: 59
      one must value, not their culture and history.

      These are two parts of the same culture. The same civilizational code. Though, yes ... in politics there have always been, are and will be above all else!
  40. The comment was deleted.
  41. -1
    April 10 2020 02: 13
    It’s a young man with brainwashed ones, done, of course. But the main thing is why? The Communists have not been in power for so many years, but there are no invaders, except the EU, then what about our monuments here? They simply wanted to insult Russia, to be in trend.
    1. 0
      April 11 2020 10: 11
      The communists did not leave, they just repainted.
      1. -1
        April 12 2020 06: 01
        What color? Don’t bear the blizzard, into which hundreds of thousands (or millions) of Communists from Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, etc. have been repainted?
        1. 0
          April 12 2020 09: 35
          What color they decided. Some stayed red, some blue. They were converted, they went to church and so on. Lustration needed to be carried out, as in some other countries, but here the party did not have such serious opponents as in Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland, and it passed a meter.
          1. 0
            April 12 2020 14: 50
            Those who remained can be respected, others are ordinary guano, such at all times in all countries and peoples is full of people. People without honor and conscience have always had enough and grief where they make up the majority.
    2. +1
      April 12 2020 11: 21
      For many years, the Communists have not been in power ...

      Oleg, so-called "communists" never left power! They arranged the transition to capitalism, sold out, privatized all the national wealth, became oligarchs. Repainted, infiltrated into all parties! Stoyan says correctly, it was necessary to carry out lustration, but the people were deceived, did not have time to cleanse themselves of these parasites!
      and there’s no invaders, except that the EU

      Symbols of totalitarianism, a period tragic for hundreds of thousands of Bulgarians. In the 90s, Parliament passed a law criminalizing the communist regime that ruled Bulgaria from 46 to 89! And the EU is not an occupier; it enjoys with sympathy the vast majority of society.
      then where are our monuments? They just wanted to insult Russia, to be in a trend.

      These monuments are not yours, not you built them! I built, I personally! Your media creates a false picture, that these are your monuments in order to set you up against us!
      1. 0
        April 12 2020 14: 44
        That's right, I built you in gratitude, like the same Poles, Czechs and other "friends", and since gratitude is over, I will demolish them, clean them up, paint them over. The moral ugliness of the former allies is not surprising, the nobility of the main former enemy, the Germans, is surprising. And it's enough to talk about our propaganda, your media and your authorities are successfully setting up, ours doesn't need to do anything. And it turned out comically, the former communists, repainted and became oligarchs, sitting in parliament (themselves or through someone, it doesn't matter ) recognize themselves as criminals, since the regime is criminal. Your personal attitude towards the EU, and all Bulgarians as a whole, is an internal affair of your people. Just don’t touch our fallen, it is despicable.
        1. +1
          April 12 2020 15: 27
          That's right, I built you in gratitude, like the same Poles, Czechs and other "friends", and since the gratitude is over, I will demolish them, remove them, paint over.

          Oleg, yes, we have all the monuments, both stood and stand! request From the 90s another 14-15 new ones were raised!
          And enough already to carry about our propaganda, it is your media and your authorities are successfully setting up, ours is nothing to do.

          The facts disprove your hardening! In Bulgaria, according to opinion polls of western agencies, more than 60-70% of the population belongs to Russia well! Recently, an American agency published - Bulgaria / among respondents / is a recorder for sympathy for Russia! At the same time, only 4% of Russians consider Bulgarians friends. It’s all about the mentality and compliance of people with propaganda suggestions! Bulgarian is very conservative, they do not trust propaganda. This is not the case with the Russians ...
          ... it turned out that the former communists, having repainted and become oligarchs, sitting in parliament, recognize themselves as criminals, since the regime is criminal.

          You created them, they are your pupils! The image and likeness of yours.
          Only do not touch our fallen, this is mean.

          1. Tired of repeating - In Bulgaria, the spacecraft did not conduct military operations, had no loss! And all these monuments are ours! Damn, I built 3 of these monuments! What did you decide that they are yours?!?!
          2. Here think - hundreds, and even thousands of Bulgarians put flowers, wreaths on the monuments! Commemorative events are held regularly! And a couple of villains, shit under the cover of night! You have hundreds of times more! You better look at the logs in your eyes before you pick on a straw from strangers!
          1. -1
            April 12 2020 18: 47
            You yourself do not notice how you substitute, or do you not understand what? Where I indicated that these are "our" monuments, they stand for ours, that's yes. Those who shit on them shits in memory, who demolishes, as in Poland, for example, demolishes this memory I had in mind. And as for your communists we created, yes, a masterpiece! Tell me what else in the train they brought and imposed on you under bayonets and all the time socialism existed, they threw you, and not only you, but the same Poles, Romanians, Hungarians, etc. Very convenient! "They" are to blame - we are victims. By the way, why only we? Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia were part of the USSR, but no, Russia is to blame. For your information, now they are also They say like you. So they brought communists there from somewhere. About the attitude of Bulgarians to Russians and vice versa. Believe polls to disrespect yourself. And it is not far from the demolition of YOUR monuments to OURS. If Alyosha wanted to be demolished as a symbol, I don't remember what, then what talk about others. They haven’t demolished yet, but since they wanted to, it means that there are people in Bulgaria, and I think there will be more and more of them over the years. And what do you think about you when you raised such questions? And South Stream, and Bulgarian ammunition in Ukraine? Yes, this is our propaganda and we are so gullible!
            1. 0
              April 13 2020 12: 14
              bukhach (oleg) Yesterday, 18:47: "Where I indicated that these are" our "monuments"

              bukhach (oleg) - April 10, 2020 02:13 "... then where does our monuments? "

              Those who shit on them shit on the memory, who demolish, as in Poland, for example, demolish this memory, I mean it

              Good! It turned out!
              As for what we created your communists, yes, a masterpiece!

              All leaders of the BKP in one way or another related to the Soviet Union. The period after the 90s is more interesting here! So:
              Andrei Karlovich Lukanov - born on September 29.09.1938, 1990 in Moscow, a citizen of the USSR. Lukanov played an important role in the restructuring and removal of T. Zhivkov, after which he headed the government in 1994. Since XNUMX, Lukanov is the president of the Russian-Bulgarian joint venture Topenergy.
              Jean Vasilev Videnov - Head of BSP from December 1991 to December 1996. Prime Minister of Bulgaria 1995-1997. In 1985 he graduated from the faculty of MGIMO.
              Sergey Dmitrievich Stanishev (May 5, 1966, Kherson) - Prime Minister of Bulgaria in 2005-2009. Chairman of the BSP from 2001 to July 27, 2014. Born in Kherson, mother was a citizen of the USSR. He was a citizen of the USSR, and then Russia until 1995. In 1989 he graduated from Moscow State University.
              This is only part of the ruling cohort grown and trained in the USSR. Almost the entire political and economic elite, one way or another connected with Moscow.
              Tell me what else they brought in the convoy and imposed it on you with bayonets, and all the time while there was socialism they threw it at you, and not only to you but to the same Poles, Romanians, Hungarians, etc.

              In the East European countries described by you, there would be no "socialism" if the red army did not enter there and put its own. For half a century, every attempt by these countries to take a different path was brutally suppressed. What created certain anti-Soviet sentiments, whose relapses are still being observed. They perceived the socialist system according to the Soviet model as someone else's, imposed on them by force. That is why it fell immediately after the departure of the USSR.
              By the way, why only us? The USSR also included Ukraine, and Moldova, and Georgia but no, Russia is to blame.

              I, and most of the Bulgarians, have no claim to count Russia, regarding totalitarianism. The USSR and Russia, in fact, are different. The ideologies are different, the concepts are different. I think some propaganda circles deliberately change concepts. In this case you are right!
              About the attitude of Bulgarians towards Russians and vice versa. Believe the polls do not respect yourself.

              When Western sociagencies give such a high percentage of sympathy among the Bulgarians for Russians, most likely the real ones are even higher! In my life I met only 2-3 Russophobia. More often there are anti-communists, but there are many of them in Russia.
              And before the demolition of your monuments is OUR not far.

              That's when we demolish them, then put up a claim! I observe the Bulgarian legislation - measures to protect monuments are tightened!
              If they wanted to demolish Alyosha as a symbol, I don’t remember what, then what about the others. Until they demolished it, but if they wanted to, it means those who want to eat in Bulgaria and, I think, there will be more and more of them over the years.

              A small group of anti-communists wanted the local Plovdiv parliament in the 90s. The people did not allow it, and 4 years ago the monument was repaired; in 2019, a large-scale project was implemented to renovate and update the entire park. Alyosha memorial, received the status of a national cultural heritage and is protected by the Law! The ego is not in danger, calm down.
              Until they demolished it, but if they wanted to, it means those who want to eat in Bulgaria and, I think, there will be more and more of them over the years.

              Here you are mistaken for orderly times! Since time, the extreme anti-communists who suffered from repressions during totalitarianism are becoming smaller. For natural reasons ... The new generation is not ideologically burdened; for them, these monuments are our cultural and historical sights.
              And what about you when such questions were raised?

              We are a democratic state! We can freely raise any questions! This is normal and helpful!
              And South Stream, and Bulgarian ammunition in Ukraine? Yes, this is our propaganda, and we are so gullible!

              According to UP, I gave the info above. On the topic of ammunition - all weapons enterprises in our country are privatized! Persons with non-Bulgarian names appear in the registers, often there are Russian surnames. The theme is overexposed in rus-media. The Russian Federation itself is selling weapons to anyone who pays. In this business there is no morality, there loot rules the ball.
              Yes, this is our propaganda, and we are so gullible!

              Judging by your posts, definitely YES! Though how much they / media / yours, another question ...
              1. -1
                April 14 2020 00: 17
                Listen, I’m tired of discussing with you, I’ll say one thing: you did not convince me of anything. Personally, you like, but the Bulgarians, like the Russians, are different. The general mood in society is decisive and Bulgaria is in the EU, where anti-Russian sentiments prevail, I’m already I am silent about NATO, where is the main enemy of Russia. In general, time will judge us and show which of us is right.
                1. 0
                  April 14 2020 09: 12
                  Listen, I'm tired of discussing with you ...

                  Mutually! It's time to relax ... drinks
                  you have not convinced me of anything

                  Okay. Everyone stayed with his own point of view! There is still benefit, I’m always wondering how the situation looks on the other side! After all, everyone sees her from his tower!
                  ... but the Bulgarians, like the Russians, are different. The determining factor is the general mood in society, and Bulgaria is a member of the EU, where anti-Russian sentiments prevail; I am already silent about NATO, where Russia is the main enemy.

                  In different countries, the mood of society is different. So it is in the EU and in NATO. Somewhere / Poland, Romania, Czech Republic / anti-Russian sentiments are stronger! And in others / Bulgaria, Slovakia / traditionally Russophile societies.
                  In general, time will judge us and show which of us is right.

                  Yes. Time will put everything in its place. I think the world will be different after the pandemic. Many things will be revised, many things will change!
                  Good luck to you! hi
  42. 0
    April 10 2020 07: 52
    Bulgaria was an accomplice of Germany in the Second World War, as a result it is a loser and that says it all, we are invaders, and we were invaders in the 19th century. Russia created most of the European states, saved Europe from a bunch of invasions, how evil we are.
    1. +1
      April 10 2020 10: 05
      And she dug Lake Ladoga and poured the Ural Mountains. And after having a rest from the works of the righteous, she undertook to create a state in Europe. Fomenko smokes nervously aside.
  43. -2
    April 10 2020 08: 08
    Read what is written on the monument.
    And don’t be talking about bros there.
    The eternal allies of our enemies.
    1. +3
      April 10 2020 22: 34
      Reading here on VO and I think - we do not need such little brothers. Some mumbles and whiners.
  44. +2
    April 10 2020 08: 17
    All this bacchanalia with monuments to Soviet soldiers in Europe is a well-planned ideological provocation. And don’t go to the fortuneteller to understand where and who planned it, and now implements the fascist maniacs with methodicity.
  45. -1
    April 10 2020 09: 31
    Comments on YouTube under the video are creepy from the Bulgarians. There, too, the brains were already formatted. And A. Menshov correctly said, approximately, that hatred of the Soviet Union turned into Russophobia and hatred of Russia.
    1. +1
      April 10 2020 14: 01
      Comments on YouTube under the video are creepy from the Bulgarians.

      Most of them, write "warriors of the information front." Moreover, many with mistakes, in wrong Bulgarian ... laughing
      1. +3
        April 10 2020 21: 06
        The manuals do not indicate what should be sent in the literary language. And scribbling on the clave does not turn the bags.
  46. +2
    April 10 2020 10: 03
    Quote: major147
    Quote: Lipchanin
    Small children, can’t tear themselves away from boobs

    If they come off the "boobs", they will die stupidly. They won't feed themselves.

    Yah? True, we won’t be able to, do we hope and pray for manna porridge? Do not make us laugh.
  47. -2
    April 10 2020 11: 15
    As a child I was taught the truth:
    -No courage in kicking a dead lion.
    And to kick the one who gave his life for you is simple.
    1. +2
      April 10 2020 19: 38
      One muck will do - the stigma falls on all the people. And in any country there is - where without them. A particularly vile category is those that desecrate graves at night. It’s good that there are much more normal people.
  48. +1
    April 10 2020 17: 24
    Of course, you shouldn't put a stigma on all the people. Look at the "immortal regiment" in Sofia on May 9. But there are mostly older generations. But over the past 30 years, young people have been hammered into their heads with other values. For them, the fact that Bulgaria as a state stands on Russian bones means little, and even such holy places as Shipka and Plevna do not say anything either. It is impossible to erase from history the facts that it would seem that "fraternal" Bulgaria in two world wars was an official ally of our enemies, and at a later time during the Yugoslav war, the Bulgarian authorities categorically refused to let Russian planes with paratroopers into Yugoslavia, as a result of which The attack on Pristina did not develop, but the corruption of power is one thing. In Bulgaria, as in other countries of the former socialist camp, there were many of our sincere friends and allies, whom the betrayal of Gorbachev and Yeltsin put in an extremely difficult situation. The Bulgarian authorities and the people are able to respond to the vandals and bring them to strict responsibility, to ensure a civilized protection of monuments of general history and culture. And if they won't let you do what you do with Georgia, restrict economic cooperation, cut off tourist flow and air traffic, etc. But to leave unanswered is by no means impossible.
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. +2
        April 10 2020 18: 07
        Yeah, that's why I say - you need to wet them in the toilet and outside it. It is necessary to choke not only with sanctions, but also to revel in Bulgaria with Caliber, Zircons, Poseidons and other Don.
        Is it weak that the Russians became the third national minority in Bulgaria? The fact that the Russians go to Bulgaria, and not vice versa, can speak about something. And maybe all the scribbles on the VO should learn from them, and not look bullshit on the zombie.
        1. -1
          April 11 2020 06: 49
          Little is required of all of you "Europeans": to conduct business politely (there are enough diplomats for this, if you do not understand) and not to demand money by shaking your "brotherhood".
          1. +3
            April 11 2020 10: 41
            Remind WHEN we demanded money for our so-called. "Brotherhood"? We are not Serbs. Do not spread the wrong info, which is popularly called the letter “p”.
    2. +1
      April 12 2020 16: 21
      Of course you should not put a stigma on the whole people

      Dear Ivan Pavlovich, you are right! good Though in your next words, I’m looking through the share of misunderstanding, mainly coming from the wrong picture about the situation, issued by Russian media! I will give some explanations! hi
      See at least the "immortal regiment" in Sofia on May 9th. But there are mostly older generations.

      Compared to other countries, 2VM affected Bulgaria weakly. Immortal regiment, so far not so popular. With all that spend it in more than 60 bolg. cities with every year more.
      But young people over the past 30 years have driven other values ​​into their heads. For them, the fact that Bulgaria as a state stands on Russian bones does not mean much, and such holy places as Shipka and Plevna also do not say anything.

      Here you are totally mistaken! I'll give you links, watch the video from the place of events! It is full of young people! So throughout Bulgaria!

      I put the following as usual text, so as not to take up much space. Go over them, you will see everything yourself ...
      It is impossible to erase from history the facts that seemingly "fraternal" Bulgaria in two world wars was the official ally of our enemies ..

      The story of everyone looks different! In WW1, Russia was an ally of our sworn enemies, and in WW2, Bulgaria and the USSR supported the norms. diplomatic relations. They didn’t fight among themselves. These are the facts!
      at a later time during the Yugoslav war, the Bulgarian authorities categorically refused to let Russian planes with paratroopers into Yugoslavia

      You make a big mistake by poking us your sympathies for Yugoslavia and Serbia! Your right to have your own relationship, but for us they were evil enemies! With Serbia, we have a war for war since the 7th century ...
      In Bulgaria, as in other countries of the former socialist camp, there were many of our sincere friends and allies, whom the betrayal of Gorbachev and Yeltsin put in an extremely difficult position.

      Then I agree with you, at least social. the system was already clearly suffering from many incurable diseases.
      The Bulgarian authorities and the people are able to give an answer to the vandals and bring them to strict responsibility, to ensure civilized protection of monuments of common history and culture. But they will not let us act like Georgia, restrict economic cooperation, cut off tourist flows and air traffic, etc. But to leave unanswered is by no means impossible.

      Many monuments already have video surveillance installed. The punitive liability for assaults has been tightened. There are drafted and convicted. But you must understand that all the children of your mind are not! They are designed, built by us! They are ours, property of Bulgaria, part of our historical heritage!
      As for threats, I recommend you not to get excited! Any kind of restriction will set ordinary Bulgarians to you too! Even those who are Russophiles! Bulgaria will live without your projects, tourists and away, the difference will not be felt especially! Inciting conflict where it does not exist is counterproductive! hi
  49. -1
    April 11 2020 08: 48
    Russia created modern Bulgaria by stealing Serbian land (everything west of Trnovo) and language & literature ... now once again the Bulgars are saying thank you, just like in WWI & WWII
    1. +3
      April 11 2020 10: 43
      Well yes. The province of Great Serbia is known. In reality, the Greater Serb lands until 1940-50s from Tarnovo to Morava were inhabited by Bulgarians. Then they assimilated. Just like in Macedonia - the grandfather of the Bulgarians, son do not understand who, the grandson is a true antiquity Macedonian.
      1. -1
        April 12 2020 04: 02
        Bullshit .... modern idea about Bulgaria was created in the 19th century by Russia. Including, language, writing and Church. Prominent figure in this process is Count Ignatiev and his descendants. Before the Ottoman occupation, Macedonia and Kosovo were the central areas of the Serbian Kingdom. Skopje was the capital of Car Dusan, Prilep was the seat of Kraljevic Marko, who the Bulgarians to this day try to claim as they're own ....
        1. +3
          April 12 2020 09: 01
          In principle, before Skopia became the capital of King Dushan in the 14th century, there were Bulgarians from Khan Kubera in the 7-8 centuries, as evidenced by the inscription near the Madara Horse. Before the Serbs left the Dinar Alps and migrated east, the capital of King Samuel was in Ohrid. Belgrade, Branichevo and Srem were Bulgarian cities. And decidedly everyone wanted to pick up Macedonia for themselves - there they grew bread immeasurably. Serbia was lucky that it broke away from Turkey earlier. And if you look at the map of the Conference of Constantinople of 1876-1877, areas that recognized the supremacy of the Bulgarian Patriarchy, it will be interesting there. But if you look at the map of Great Serbia Iliya Garashanina - well, there’s still that fantasy.
          1. -1
            April 12 2020 09: 37
            That's funny ..... Khan Khuber and his companions were not Slavs Obviously Khan is not a slavic title Tell me what language did they adopt after a couple of generations, and what language did the population speak in those areas?
            1. +3
              April 12 2020 10: 02
              And what does the language of modern Bulgarians have? The modern Bulgarian nation is a mixture of the Bulgarians themselves (the horde of Asparuh and Kubera apparently), Slavic tribes, and even up to 50 other ethnic groups. The language is Slavic because of the a / overwhelming majority of Slavs in the Middle Ages of Bulgaria and / because of the destruction of the Bulgarian nobility after an attempt to restore paganism. With the advent of the disciples Cyril and Methodius, the language of the Slavs became the state language.
              Tell us, however, about the great Serbian dreams of powers from the Adriatic di Black Sea. And tell us how the brave Chetniks achieved independence on their own.
              1. -1
                April 12 2020 10: 14
                Horde LOL ...... that about describes the Bulgars spot on

                You didn't answer me ..... These mythical "slavs" that you mention, what language did they use? What names did they have? What customs did they have (and still have to this day)?
                And don't waste my time with your bullshit German propaganda version of history ...
                1. +3
                  April 12 2020 10: 53
                  Read on the wiki, no one is obligated to educate you. Flag Ai Klava you in your hands and go for knowledge.
                  1. The comment was deleted.
                  2. -1
                    April 12 2020 11: 56
                    Unlike you, I don't need "wiki" to tell me the blatantly obvious ..

                    But I see I'm wasting my time trying to discuss something with another full of shit ignoramus

                    End of discussion
                    1. +2
                      April 12 2020 15: 20
                      So she was not a discussion as such. There was an educational program on my part.
                      By the way, is it interesting - can I write in English here? If possible, I will try to recall other interesting languages ​​and write them
  50. -1
    April 11 2020 10: 35
    The Bulgarians should be treated as Nazi accomplices. And do not mind, but learn history. The same attitude should be with Czechs, Slovaks, Croats, Hungarians, Norwegians, and others. And then all, bros, bros ... What are the ... monuments to them? The Soviet Army stood there, there were monuments. And as they left, so shit from these nationalities and flooded! The same Czechs (not to be confused with the Chechens) were either pulled by the British by ears of resistance or by Russians. And those themselves, no, no! It’s better to let out a couple of hundred over the plan, or something else and grandmas to get! They woke up in 1945, what if the Russians all remember? And the uprising began in Prague, like! And to this noise of their former German friends with their wives and children to the wall, for their houses and clothes! That is the whole essence of the people of the Czech Republic. And how did they atrocities in 1918-19, moving along the Trans-Siberian Railway to Vladivostok. What did the Bolsheviks have to do with these atrocities? That's all the Czechs ... But the alliance of Bulgaria with Hitler Germany also did not go away. During the flight, they changed their shoes and named their little brothers.
    1. +3
      April 11 2020 10: 46
      Yes, yes - that’s for sure. That's right - take the gun and come put us against the wall.
  51. +1
    April 11 2020 15: 30
    So, so far the authorities have not said their word and there is nothing to escalate. We don't seem to have any freaks.