In Ukraine, promised in the near future to revive the missile program

In Ukraine, promised in the near future to revive the missile program

Ukraine will soon revive the country's missile program in response to the actions of the "aggressor". This was stated by Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) of Ukraine Aleksey Danilov in an interview with Ukrainian Radio NV.

We are clearly aware that our missile program, our missile shield, our missile defense and our missile attack will be revived in the near future and we can respond to any aggressor

- he said.

Danilov emphasized that during the Soviet Union, it was Ukraine that was the flagship of rocket science, producing 98% of the missiles, and the remaining 2% was produced by the rest of the USSR.

When it was said that rockets were made in the Soviet Union, this was not entirely correct information, rockets were made in Ukraine. 98% of all rocket production took place in Ukraine. These are Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Pavlograd, some other cities that are not known to everyone

- he added.

At the same time, the NSDC secretary apparently forgot to clarify exactly when to wait for the "revival of rocket science" in Ukraine, which has already "restored" machine building, shipbuilding, tank building, space and other industries developed in Soviet times, irretrievably lost during the years of independence and completely ruined after the Maidan.
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  1. +30
    26 February 2020 12: 31
    They will need very powerful necromancers!
    1. 0
      26 February 2020 12: 34
      They blew babos, built workshops, trained, brought in equipment. Everyone knows who.
      1. +5
        26 February 2020 16: 06
        Maybe they were produced in Ukraine, but Russia paid for everything, and specialists from all over the Union went to these enterprises! My "love" in 4th grade was taken to Dnepropetrovsk by my parents. feel
        1. +3
          26 February 2020 19: 07
          Quote: krot
          Maybe they did it in Ukraine, but Russia paid for everything, and experts from all over the Union went to these enterprises!

          Not quite right, in the same Dnepropetrovsk there was a huge ASSEMBLY FACTORY, which received components from all over the Union. And at the expense of 98% of Soviet missiles produced in Ukraine, to put it mildly - LIES ... You might think that the factories in Samara, Moscow, Miass, Votkinsk, and this is the whole territory of the RSFSR stood idle ...
    2. -22
      26 February 2020 12: 34
      They will revive ... the USA will help .. it is for this purpose that Ukraine is subsidizing .. Therefore, it is important to put an end to the Nazis as soon as possible and put the pro-Russian president and parliament in Ukraine ...
      1. +14
        26 February 2020 12: 51
        Quote: Svarog
        They will revive ... the USA will help .. it is for this purpose that Ukraine is subsidizing .. Therefore, it is important to put an end to the Nazis as soon as possible and put the pro-Russian president and parliament in Ukraine ...

        They will help. Then they will catch up again and help again.
        1. +21
          26 February 2020 13: 12
          Quote: Svarog
          They will revive ... the US will help .. it is for this purpose that Ukraine subsidizes ..

          It’s ridiculous to even think that one of the bourgeois will create a competitor for himself. Take a close look at the newly emerging 'democracies' in Europe: which of them survived the high-tech industries, design bureaus? Right, in fact, no one. Everything is converted to supermarkets, maximum to small stool production.
          But the 404s continue to feed yesterday's dreams to the public. Amen
          1. -3
            26 February 2020 14: 26
            Quote: Pete Mitchell
            Quote: Svarog
            They will revive ... the US will help .. it is for this purpose that Ukraine subsidizes ..

            It’s ridiculous to even think that one of the bourgeois will create a competitor for himself. [...]

            They will not create a competitor - that’s right. But to give the skaklah a couple of vigorous tactical charges and see what happens will be easy.

            In 2008, they pushed and pushed the Georgians: "You will only bite Russia on the heel, and then we all pile up, how will we protect you ..." How did it end? Chewed tie. Because we answered. If you expressed "concern", the US reaction would be different.

            So it is here. They will give them a couple of rockets, the skippers, I am sure, will zhahnut across Donbass (or, perhaps, in damp American dreams, and across Russia?). And the "donkeys-elephants" from behind the Puddle will be watching - will Russia express "concern" or zhahnet in response so that for a long time Ukraine will forget about the "war with Russia."

            And the "Stars and Stripes", as in 2008, will howl and stop.
            1. +7
              26 February 2020 16: 03
              Quote: Zoldat_A
              They will not create a competitor - that is true. ..And the "stars and stripes", as in 2008, will howl and stop.

              I do not agree with you: even star-striped are not so crazy that even tactical charges are stupid. Although in fairness: during the election, some candidates quite easily talked about the preventive use in the interests of striped
              1. +2
                26 February 2020 17: 10
                Quote: Pete Mitchell
                Quote: Zoldat_A
                They will not create a competitor - that is true. ..And the "stars and stripes", as in 2008, will howl and stop.

                I do not agree with you: even star-striped are not so crazy that even tactical charges are stupid. Although in fairness: during the election, some candidates quite easily talked about the preventive use in the interests of striped

                In today's insane world, I would not really count on the fact that someone is "not crazy enough" to do something stupid.
                If someone told me 35 years ago that Ukraine would scream that it was at war with us, and Poland and Tribaltica - that we had occupied them in the 45th - I would have spat on my face and advised me to go to a mental hospital until they came for him. And now? And in 10-15 years?
                So, as Hollywood said,
                "never say never"

                Here, I see, people do not like that I "distribute" US tactical nuclear weapons to the Ukrainian army.
                And who is arming the Syrian bearded? And who in Afghanistan gave the bearded "Stingers"?

                Understand, I do not want Ukrainian blood. I just understand well how much Ukraine is controlled by the United States and how much the United States hates us. From here everything is possible. For America, there have been no moral restrictions since the Indian genocide. And just give the horses from the Maidan - there is a hot head, zhahnet. Even if Tymoshenko said on the Maidan that "Moscow should be burned down with atomic weapons."
                1. +1
                  26 February 2020 20: 25
                  Quote: Zoldat_A
                  And who is arming the Syrian bearded? And who in Afghanistan gave the bearded "Stingers"?

                  With all due respect, I can’t help but recall:

                  Quote: Zoldat_A
                  give skaklah a couple of vigorous tactical charges and see what comes of it - easily.

                  and giving stingers to barmales is a disparate thing.
                  1. +2
                    26 February 2020 20: 32
                    Quote: Vasyan1971
                    Quote: Zoldat_A
                    give skaklah a couple of vigorous tactical charges and see what comes of it - easily.

                    and giving stingers to barmales is a disparate thing.

                    Wait and see.
                    In April 45, the stingers were unthinkable for the barmale. As, however, and then the planned operation "Unthinkable" - a plan for war with the USSR. Time has passed - it has become normal. Time will pass - and I will not be surprised if Ukrainian "children" will have several American tactical missiles.
                    1. +5
                      26 February 2020 22: 12
                      Quote: Zoldat_A
                      Wait and see

                      I want to believe that the military has not survived from the mind and understand the consequences: using a tongue to grind into a zombie is one thing, but really building a global boil is another
                    2. +2
                      26 February 2020 22: 59
                      Quote: Zoldat_A
                      Wait and see.

                      And yet, tactical nuclear charges with the aim of seeing "what happens" are beyond good and evil. Americans, of course, are still ghouls, but not so much! belay
                      1. +1
                        27 February 2020 02: 11
                        Quote: Vasyan1971
                        Americans, of course, are still ghouls, but not so much!

                        Do you, Vasily, really see the border of American arrogance and cruelty in achieving their goals?
                        I don’t know how to look beyond the horizon, and I don’t see the boundaries of American meanness to the horizon ...
                      2. +4
                        27 February 2020 07: 30
                        Quote: Zoldat_A
                        I don’t know how to look beyond the horizon, but I don’t see the horizon of American meanness ...
                        Igor Alekseevich, the boundary of American meanness begins where they really see the opportunity to shove back. It is sad, but a state with a huge potential of opportunities behaves like an ordinary highwayman. They are not crazy and can figure out options, just like play long
                      3. +1
                        27 February 2020 07: 54
                        Quote: Zoldat_A
                        Do you, Vasily, really see the border of American arrogance and cruelty in achieving their goals?

                        And yet. Even gift stingers and tame bin ladens turn against donors. Therefore, I see the boundaries of common sense. Even frostbitten Americans will not go for a "donated" tactical nuclear one. With the same Javelins and then ...
                      4. +1
                        27 February 2020 11: 06
                        Quote: Vasyan1971
                        Even gift stingers and hand bin laden turn against donors.

                        Only for some reason, America over and over again advances in the same heap and thinks that "this time everything will not be the same as usual" and another tame Ben Laden will not suit September 11.
                        But, traditionally, "at a certain moment something went wrong."
                      5. +1
                        27 February 2020 12: 02
                        Enters. But nuclear carriers are not considered. The price of the question and the error is too high. Rusty materiel and decommissioned trunks - as many as you like and always please, but not warheads.
      2. +4
        26 February 2020 12: 55
        The USA will not allow it; they need Ukraine as a mongrel, and not as a partner.
        1. +3
          27 February 2020 07: 57
          Quote: Guards turn
          The USA will not allow it; they need Ukraine as a mongrel, and not as a partner.

          Well what are you saying dear. Don't you know that the whole world revolves around the interests of 404, and they appointed star-striped as partners fellow
          Unpleasant for the 404s, the truth is that the United States has no partners, there are only interests. And Wishlist girls with low social responsibility from the sidelines of history, they are absolutely not interested
      3. +5
        26 February 2020 12: 55
        yeah. shaz) there are few fools to give out grenades to monkeys. what would then these missiles fly in them when they start to disappear from Ukraine?)
      4. +3
        26 February 2020 14: 35
        Quote: Svarog
        The United States will help .. it is for this purpose that Ukraine subsidizes ..

        It was they who decided to kill their Mask?
        Inside the US, there is a corporate battle for every launch. And suddenly .... Ukraine.
      5. -1
        26 February 2020 15: 08
        it’s not so simple, it’s possible, but .. we ourselves do not deal with how much import substitution, we can’t overcome everything
      6. 0
        26 February 2020 15: 58
        Who needs these idiots. Do not make me laugh.
    3. -3
      26 February 2020 12: 42
      Quote: Vladimir_2U
      They will need very powerful necromancers!

      By the way, Danilov looks very much like Brezhnev. Do not you find?
      1. +1
        26 February 2020 13: 01
        Quote: Sky Strike fighter
        By the way, Danilov looks very much like Brezhnev. Do not you find?

      2. +2
        26 February 2020 13: 09
        Ukraine will soon revive the country's missile program in response to the actions of the "aggressor".

        And what is the point of transferring money? Ukraine will cope with any aggressor without it Yes
      3. UVB
        26 February 2020 13: 37
        A few words about this personality type. He began his career as a veterinary assistant at the Lugansk Zoo. With the beginning of perestroika, he quickly mastered the "specialty" of a thimble-maker, was a member of one of the most powerful organized crime groups in Lugansk. In 94 he became mayor of Lugansk, the main achievement in this post was the construction of a monument to T.G. Shevchenko in the center of Lugansk on the Heroes of the Great Patriotic War Square!
        1. +3
          26 February 2020 15: 32
          Quote: UVB
          A few words about the personality of this type.

          Before being elected mayor, he traded meat in the market! During his tenure as a mayor, he managed to graduate immediately from two Lugansk universities, including the Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs ... Over the years, maybe I bought a dozen more diplomas, Specialist, however!
        2. 0
          26 February 2020 16: 01
          It is time for him to confer the title of Hero of Ukraine.
    4. 0
      26 February 2020 13: 22
      Dnepropetrovsk and Artem in Kiev, of course, can still do something, but for something serious, they don’t have enough money or brains.
    5. 0
      27 February 2020 12: 58
      Yes, they will do without necromancers, because the article says: "In Ukraine, they promised to revive the rocket program in the near future," they just forgot to add that on the basis of Kerbal Space Program laughing
      Yes, by the way, Rogozin would also do well to participate in this program. Now, when he presents to the public the fully colonized Karbala solar system, then I will see Roscosmos’s chances of a revival.
      Well, of course, laughter, laughter.
    6. -1
      27 February 2020 19: 15
      I'm afraid the necromancers won't help either. As my company commander said: "She died, so she died"
  2. +18
    26 February 2020 12: 32
    Well, yes, they produced 98% of the missiles - getting 98% of the components from the rest of the union. That's what they are blooming today.
    1. +9
      26 February 2020 12: 47
      Yes, not only components, but drawings of finished products that were created in the RSFSR, and were produced in the Ukrainian SSR. The same R-27, X-55, engines for them were not designed in Ukraine. Ukraine had production facilities.
      1. +3
        26 February 2020 14: 23
        Quote: Sky Strike fighter
        Yes, not only components, but drawings of finished products that were created in the RSFSR, and were produced in the Ukrainian SSR. The same R-27, X-55, engines for them were not designed in Ukraine. Ukraine had production facilities.

        You are right, Maxim. But even if they were developed in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, did those few designers who really pulled this work on themselves remain? How old are they today? How much they remained competent after 30 years since the collapse of the USSR, when funding for such developments in Ukraine virtually ceased. To what extent is Ukraine’s science and industry capable of developing and producing modern engines, materials, electronics for new missiles today? In general, this question is far from being as simple as this man discussing this, having reached the power, appropriating the general achievements of the USSR only to the Ukrainian SSR.
      2. +2
        26 February 2020 14: 33
        Quote: Sky Strike fighter
        Yes, not only components, but drawings of finished products that were created in the RSFSR, and were produced in the Ukrainian SSR. The same R-27, X-55, engines for them were not designed in Ukraine. Ukraine had production facilities.

        AvtoVAZ, they say, had XNUMX subcontractors in Soviet times. As a matter of fact, it turns out that the whole country produced "Zhiguli", and Tolyatti hung a nameplate.
        I don't think the situation was different with the missiles from Yuzhmash.
        But only Russia without Ukraine can release what it produced with it. On the contrary, it does not work. They will not collect in the Ukrainian leaky shed what the whole country under the Union worked for.
  3. +8
    26 February 2020 12: 33
    In Ukraine, by the way, there are now many companies that produce very decent models. ICM makes an excellent MiG-25 line, for example. Modelswift is an interesting prototype of Soviet aviation. Now, if they also begin to make space, for example, they will file "Energy" for "Buran" in 1/144, it would be just fine!
    1. +6
      26 February 2020 12: 36
      President 0,7 to one has already turned out with them. laughing
    2. 0
      26 February 2020 16: 15
      Miniart forgot. Almost all of the world tank building mastered. At 35 scale))))
  4. +4
    26 February 2020 12: 34
    Promisechkin promises ... wink
  5. +4
    26 February 2020 12: 37
    Ukraine will soon revive the country's missile program in response to the actions of the "aggressor". This was stated by the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) of Ukraine Oleksiy Danilov
    Is it right after Shrovetide, or earlier? laughing feel laughing
    1. 0
      26 February 2020 12: 55
      He forgot to specify the rocket program of which country they are going to revive and for what amount. Turkey, North Korea, maybe Iran, or who else needs rocket secrets there?
      1. +2
        26 February 2020 13: 08
        Yes, "no", for such "revivals" you can get a hat from the European Union and America
    2. +1
      26 February 2020 16: 05
      No, rather, on the eve of April 1.
  6. Ham
    26 February 2020 12: 37
    where is the money, zin?
  7. +3
    26 February 2020 12: 38
    It seems that they discussed the same thing, recently and decided that
    In Ukraine, promised in the near future
    this can not be discussed at all!
    1. +6
      26 February 2020 12: 45
      So they themselves again excite everyone, they forgot that the owner showed them to the stable, there you come ...
      1. +3
        26 February 2020 12: 49
        For internal use, that's it! There are jumpers who want to jump to Moscow or "get there" on a rocket ....
        1. +2
          26 February 2020 13: 03
          Quote: rocket757
          or on a rocket "get there" ....

          If only on horseback ... lol
          1. 0
            26 February 2020 14: 26
            So who will put these into the rocket? They will either press or drive in the wrong direction ... after all, they are drawn to the West, instincts can lead away in the wrong direction.
            1. +2
              26 February 2020 14: 51
              What bareback belay laughing
              1. 0
                26 February 2020 15: 00
                so they are ... sticky, not tear off without radical effort ...
                The geyropa didn’t dodge, she herself, one might say framed ... now they will tear, they will not tear off!
                1. +2
                  26 February 2020 15: 02
                  This is so, but it was a plant, or rather it is and could have been produced, but the trouble is that only the MRI officials are in power.
    2. +1
      26 February 2020 15: 02
      Quote: rocket757
      this can not be discussed at all!

      Why not? A pure neighing? I've read
      our missile program, our missile shield, our missile defense and our missile attack will be revived in the near future and we can respond to any aggressor
      I almost fell off the chair. laughing
      1. 0
        26 February 2020 15: 08
        Quote: orionvitt
        I almost fell off the chair.

        Hold on, brother, the farther into ... the block, the more "fun" it becomes. Those. and strings, in some places, will not hurt.
        I do not want to lose the "taste of halva", i.e. the ability to laugh when it really is fun.
  8. +6
    26 February 2020 12: 38
    Danilov stressed that during the Soviet Union, it was Ukraine that was the flagship of rocket science, producing 98% of the missiles, and the remaining 2% was produced by the rest of the USSR.

    What are you talking about, Mr. Danilov? You did a massive decommunization. Now everything is exactly the opposite - Russia produces all 100%, and you have all the rest - office rubbish and winning news. Who will let you into this market now? Producing for yourself is not economically viable. Russia does not expect anything from you and all that you can offer can itself. The West is completely useless to breed competitors. R&D on new topics requires a lot of money, but where do they come from? Reduce pensions or even stop paying them in controlled territories? Fantasy, and only.
    1. +4
      26 February 2020 12: 44
      Who will let you into this market now?

      And with what they can come there, they have already sold everything ...
      1. +1
        26 February 2020 13: 12
        Quote: cniza
        already sold everything ...

        I'm about the same ...
  9. +3
    26 February 2020 12: 42
    Danilov stressed that during the Soviet Union, it was Ukraine that was the flagship of rocket science, producing 98% of the missiles, and the remaining 2% was produced by the rest of the USSR.

    Well, with interest, he went overboard, and so yes it was the flagship, everything was concentrated there ... only as the saying goes - "not into the horse feed" everything was in your hands, but the hands turned out to be Ragul and only the hut hut remained ...
    1. +1
      26 February 2020 13: 14
      Quote: cniza
      Well, with interest, he went too far

      The phrase is loud, and who will check? There is no responsibility, but scraped myself for the rating ... Well, or hopes to scrape it together ...
      1. +2
        26 February 2020 13: 22
        It looks like he won't help him, because the "oil" in his head is not enough ...
        1. +1
          26 February 2020 14: 28
          Quote: cniza
          "oil" in the head is not enough ...

          I can’t say about oil, but it’s never been rocketry by type of activity, it wasn’t a producer. A historian veterinarian with a legal bias, how he wants to promote the rocket industry, is not clear. He, as a lawyer, knows - for which he did not sign, for which you are not responsible ....
          1. +2
            26 February 2020 14: 54
            And why does it sign here that they will catch up and overtake in rocket science ...
            1. +1
              26 February 2020 15: 41
              Quote: cniza
              And why does it sign here

              It's boring ...
              1. +2
                26 February 2020 15: 43
                Now, he’ll come to rest and calm down ...
                1. +1
                  26 February 2020 15: 45
                  Quote: cniza
                  Now, he’ll come to rest and calm down ...

                  How to raise a raised pension, then ....
                  1. +2
                    26 February 2020 15: 47
                    Under such rulers, there will soon be no subject to payment of pensions ...
                    1. 0
                      26 February 2020 15: 48
                      Quote: cniza
                      soon there will be no subject of payment of pensions ...

                      First, the sources run out.
                      1. +2
                        26 February 2020 15: 52
                        They will be stolen and the country will collapse ...
  10. 0
    26 February 2020 12: 46
    Soon there will be nothing to eat, the atoms will stop if they don’t take it .... and all the stupid promises
  11. +4
    26 February 2020 12: 51
    And here the leaders of the Martian race drew themselves. And the first inhabited interstellar flight, I think it’s clear who will make it.
    1. +2
      26 February 2020 13: 23
      He just flew from Venus, and more recently ...
  12. 0
    26 February 2020 12: 57
    where else will they take such fools as the Soviet government?
  13. +1
    26 February 2020 12: 59
    Danilov stressed that during the Soviet Union, it was Ukraine that was the flagship of rocket science, producing 98% of the missiles, and the remaining 2% was produced by the rest of the USSR.

    Again, a Ukrainian was lying ... Well, what 98 is not even funny. And then - the type of flagship was not Ukraine, but the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic! A completely different education ..
  14. 0
    26 February 2020 13: 06
    I think that such promises are given only in order to get some money from the budget. For a specific industry. Receive. Saw it. They will find a reason to shrug and explain why it did not work.
    1. 0
      26 February 2020 15: 07
      Such promises come from meanness and sheer incompetence. That fully speaks of the quality of the current political elite of Ukraine.
  15. +1
    26 February 2020 13: 08
    Reading such news, you gradually begin to realize - what a hard work psychiatrists have. By the way, the topic for the candidate's thesis is: "Does nationality affect the diagnosis and the prospects of cure."
  16. 0
    26 February 2020 13: 14
    "What a drunk woman will not promise!" (joke)
  17. +3
    26 February 2020 13: 19
    Well, what a fig? For example, the famous UR-100 was produced by the plant. Khrunichev, in Moscow, R-29, later "Sineva", Krasnoyarsk machine-building plant, etc.
    Dnepropetrovsk can only boast the P-36 "Satan", nothing more ..
    1. +3
      26 February 2020 13: 25
      Do you think he distinguishes them? from his own importance and position, a parallel appeared from the real world ...
  18. 0
    26 February 2020 13: 33
    The saddest thing is that the leading posts in Ukraine are those who, for some reason, first start dancing from the totalitarian-decommunized stove of the USSR, instead of doing it from their own super-duper agrarian stove (cross out) krajina. In Russia, by the way, this is also a problem, the only good thing is that such revanchist emo-Bolsheviks / communists as sternine / platoshkin / Semin / Shevchenko and others like them have not yet reached the trough
  19. 0
    26 February 2020 13: 35
    "..... our missile offensive will be revived in the near future and we will be able to respond to any aggressor .." (Danilov).

    That is, they will first carry out a "missile offensive" and only then "answer the aggressor." "Women's logic" - resting. Even the pop-Baptist Turchinov had never thought of that.
    1. 0
      26 February 2020 15: 47
      So at the helm of the 95th quarter there are clowns. But the Baptist is a serious kid, he correctly whispered the shaitan, don’t poke your head in Crimea, otherwise it will be hallelujah))))))
  20. +2
    26 February 2020 13: 35
    These are all "wet dreams" of Russophobic Maidaners, a priori incompetent, straight from the category of "fool dumkoy bagatie"! request

    Indeed, a lot of intelligence is not needed to destroy the country, to starve and genocide fellow citizens, to lose competencies; even stupid rural banderopeteks can do this if they are taught the "correct" attitudes of "Svidomo", stimulated with promises "from slave to pan" and complete impunity for any, the most heinous and murderous, anti-national and anti-state crimes ...! fool

    And restarting complex production, ensuring inter-sectoral cooperation and the appropriate education of personnel (at least for the same missile industry) is a long-term task and it is hardly within the power of the ex-Ukrainian SSR "territory" who "panicked" over the multinational labor population of the "territory": " Svidomo "Selyuk and hardened klepto" w / Bandera, whose highest dream is as much American money as possible in a personal account in a Zakordon bank!

    And even more so, it is useless to try to do this on destructive Banderonazi "bases (the word" base "in translation into" mov "means" ambush ", however, for the whole vile xenophobic essence of the so-called" Ukrainian life ", this is an ambush, she still!) "!
  21. +1
    26 February 2020 14: 19
    Ukraine is already will soon revive the missile program countries in response to the actions of the "aggressor"

    It should be noted that a lot of time must pass between “reading a newspaper” and “launching a rocket” for the gastrointestinal tract to process pea “rocket fuel” ...
  22. +3
    26 February 2020 14: 35
    We are clearly aware that our missile program, our missile shield, our missile defense and our missile attack will be revived in the near future and we can respond to any aggressor

    The first prototype is already ready and is being tested:
  23. +1
    26 February 2020 14: 48
    The program is strong, but will ATOshniki do the horses? There you can say normal people, you will not find a day with fire.
  24. +1
    26 February 2020 15: 38
    How do such people hold such responsible posts? Constantly some kind of nonsense bears. And yet, judging by the biography, in the past a successful businessman. It’s the most offensive that the surname is Russian, and itself from Lugansk. I won’t be surprised if this Vyrus has Kursk-Oryol roots.
  25. 0
    26 February 2020 15: 40
    Where did he get this figure?
  26. 0
    26 February 2020 15: 40
    You need a good rocket, roomy)))) so that the entire Verkhovna Rada and the moon, there is such an expanse of activity)))) If something goes wrong, the Chinese will help))))))
  27. +1
    26 February 2020 16: 05
    In Bulgakov's "Fatal Eggs" one character wanted to restore the population of chickens with the help of the "Red Ray": apparently, in skakuasiya they invented a "yellow-blakite" ray for the revival of everything and everyone! They will start with Bandera and the SS men of Galicia, and only then they will reach the missiles.
  28. +1
    26 February 2020 16: 25
    Danilov stressed that during the Soviet Union, it was Ukraine that was the flagship of rocket science, producing 98% of cancer

    Well, not quite like that, but close to the truth ... AND WHERE IS IT ALL tse Europe ..?
    You were even forbidden to produce fat and salt your own .. !!!!
  29. 0
    26 February 2020 18: 30
    so far these are just words
  30. +1
    26 February 2020 19: 22
    Together we will revive the missile programs of the USSR!
  31. 0
    26 February 2020 22: 09
    . In Ukraine, the missiles "Dnepr", "Cyclone" and "Zenith" were produced for civil astronautics. For the Strategic Missile Forces were produced ICBMs "Satan" and "Voevoda." All leading research institutes and manned astronautics enterprises were in Russia, as well as the production of Vostok, Voskhod, Soyuz, Proton, and Energia rockets.
  32. +2
    27 February 2020 00: 27
    So the USSR, not Ukraine ...
  33. 0
    27 February 2020 04: 00
    - “When it was said that missiles were produced in the Soviet Union, it was not entirely correct information, the missiles were produced in Ukraine. 98% of all missile production took place in Ukraine. These are Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Pavlograd, and some other cities not known to everyone "- for this reason you were ruined !!! dream !!! - your" friends "will not give you.