Turkey now has its own “Afghanistan”

Turkey now has its own “Afghanistan”

East is a dark matter

Have you tried to determine for yourself your attitude to today's Turkey? Or attitude to Turkish President Erdogan? We are friends? Are we allies? Are we just united by the same enemy? What is our relationship with the current government?

These questions today for most Russians do not have a clear answer. If you look at the official chronicle of the meetings of our President Vladimir Putin with President Erdogan, you get the impression that we have "peace, friendship, tomatoes."

If you look at our former "brothers", then you come to the understanding that it is not so simple. Erdogan is not at all shy in expressions in relation to Russia. He stresses in every possible way that he will support the killing of "separatists in the Donbass." He talks about military and humanitarian aid to the “victims of Russian aggression” from Kiev.

About the third point of view, which is widespread today among our military in Syria, I wrote above. They also read and listen to the speeches of Erdogan and members of the Turkish government. Including heard about the "unbearable situation" in Idlib. And they heard about the connivance of Russia to the Syrian regime. But what is this if not a direct accusation?

Why do Turks need sacred sacrifices in Idlib

Remember the situation that caused the mutual blows between Syria and Turkey? The very death of the Turkish military from the fire of the Syrian army? I will not voice my own opinion on this issue. Official posts are more interesting.

"Units of the Turkish troops in the dark from February 2 to 3 without notice to the Russian side made movements inside the Idlib de-escalation zone and came under fire from Syrian government forces on terrorists in the area west of the settlement of Sarakib."
"... the parties to the conflict were notified in advance about the coordinates of the deployment of Turkish troops, but, despite this, an artillery strike was inflicted on the area of ​​their deployment."

The first message, as you know, is from our Moscow Region. The second is from the Turkish MO. Who to believe? I tend to believe our military. Just because all the previous negotiations on Idlib, and they started back in 2017, ended with “important decisions” that the Turks simply did not implement. It is the Turks!

What is done from what was signed by Putin and Erdogan in September 2018? Nothing. And from what was signed a year later, in October 2019? Exactly the same! Is Turkey’s position on political issues so important to us? Why are we sacrificing our own soldiers and officers for some “strategic alliance” with the Turks?

Assad was pushing hard for a military solution to the Idlib issue. How many times have words been heard in Damascus about the desire to establish control throughout Syria? Idlib, by the way, is the last province that remained under the control of the pro-Turkish opponents of President Assad. It is this fact that President Erdogan uses.

Twice pushing President Assad to a military decision to end with the bandits in Idlib last summer, when Putin managed to stop the war by the September meeting, and in December last year, Erdogan nevertheless achieved his goal. The Turkish military suffered casualties from the fire of the Syrian military. A sacred sacrifice was made!

Idlib for Turkey today - as once Afghanistan for the USSR

Why is Turkey taking extremely unpopular steps? War, no matter how victorious it may appear before the start, always brings sorrow to the homes of civilians. And it always causes bitterness of the people against their own leadership. Moreover, it is possible to justify the death of soldiers by protecting their own borders, territories, military bases, but it is difficult to justify the deaths of soldiers during an attack on another state. So why should Erdogan heat up the situation inside the country?

Alas, geopolitics. We, Russia, helping Syria, the Syrian president, have shaken the situation in the region quite strongly. How calm it was before our appearance to the bandits in Syria ... Their sponsors are even calmer ...

The Americans, at the head of the Western coalition, languidly fought with gangs in Syria. Israel, with complete impunity, attacked the territories of other countries "for the purpose of national security." Iran, simply because it cannot be brought to its knees by military means, is the traditional “outcast” of the region, to blame for all the stupidities and meannesses. Well, Turkey. European country, one of the real military monsters of NATO. A sort of "sultan" of the region.

Russia, not even wanting this, significantly reduced US influence. Nobody is talking about the unlimited power of the Americans. Hence the concern of the Israelites.

Hence the appearance in the West of talk about strengthening Iran and the need for sanctions or even a military operation against this country. True, they are more interested in the timing of the completion of the atomic bomb. Especially in Tel Aviv.

Turkey is losing a lot. Previously, when mentioning that Turkey is a member of NATO, it was possible to crush neighbors with its authority. The effect of a young badass in the company of hooligans. Now this mention is causing a smile. We saw, we know ... your NATO.

Idlib today is a hot spot where regional leaders are identified. Three serious forces, Iran, Turkey and Syria, will try to assert their dominance in this part of Asia.

Everything is clear with Iran. More precisely, it is not clear. That’s why it’s scary to contact him. The Americans have tried. It turned out ugly, an unexpected dentate came in response. Yes, and the calm advice "to protect your face and not to go wherever they ask."

It is the same with Syria. It is clear that Russia is there for a long time and the West will not meddle there. At least until the Russians relax their grip. Syria will only increase. This is already evident from what is happening there.

Idlib is still nobody's. He was not freed by the Syrian army. He was taken by the Turks. It is not controlled by the Americans. The gray area of ​​Syria. And here there is an opportunity to show neighbors their strength. Your right to dictate.

In my opinion, this is what dictates the arrogance of the Turkish president. And actions aimed at worsening Russian-Turkish relations fit perfectly into this point of view. For Erdogan, Russia is just the fourth contender for dominance in the region.

The conflict in Idlib will not be resolved long enough. The only solution that peace can bring to this region of Syria looks very grim. A lot of blood, a lot of deaths, a lot of grief. Turkey will participate in all negotiations. The Turkish president will sign regular papers. And "on the ground" will be shot by bandits from one side or the other. There will be isolated deaths. And there will be no peace.

We can say with confidence about the appearance of the Turks own "Afghanistan" ...
31 comment
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  1. +4
    11 February 2020 11: 59
    We and the Turks are certainly not friends and not Allies! Fellow travelers and neighbors. And to keep such "neighbors" It is necessary as close as possible ... as in a well-known saying. (keep friends close, enemies even closer).
    In general, Erdogan - Like a Weather Vane ... he has a very inconsistent policy and manners ... one word - Nedosultan.
    1. -12
      11 February 2020 12: 21
      This is only from the point of view of Russian interests, it is inconsistent. The interests of countries either converge or contrast.
      His goal is clear and clear. Great Turkey. Preferably within the old borders of the Ottoman Empire.
      Today's Turkey is a fragment of past greatness. How did the country of Muscovy appear on the ruins of Russia.
      1. 0
        11 February 2020 12: 32
        Erdogan has enough internal problems to get into strangers. How long has he had to pacify his Kurds! But the problem has not been resolved, and may become aggravated again.
        1. +3
          11 February 2020 14: 25
          Quote: bessmertniy
          Erdogan has enough internal problems
          And what do we care about Erdogan’s problems? Back in 2016, all our ears buzzed that Erdogan’s relatives were selling oil with ISIS, that Turkish authorities were killing Kurds who were fighting against extremists. And so it turns out that now we are friends with ISIS too - and through them, ISIS too? For "tell me who your friend is, and I will say who you are." Or did they lie to us that Turkey and ISIS quietly allied? No, didn’t lie? Ah, still lied. Now it turns out that Erdogan became a fighter against terrorism? Or didn’t he? And did he carry oil from Syria or not? Didn’t carry it? It turns out that the authorities and the press lied? And now, then, do not lie? And why should I believe right now, and not then?

          And, probably, this is politics. Economic interest in itself, and terrorism is another. But then why are our guys fighting in Syria, against which the Turks are fighting, whom we economically support? It turns out that we are fighting against our military in Syria? I don’t understand anything ...
      2. 0
        12 February 2020 00: 40
        Does he really think that someone will allow him a "new Ottoman empire"?
    2. -2
      11 February 2020 13: 02
      Quote: Hunter 2
      In general, Erdogan - Like a Weather Vane ... he has a very inconsistent policy and manners ... one word - Nedosultan.

      examples of inconsistency do not bother to cite?
    3. 0
      11 February 2020 15: 00
      It will play out before it faces a choice either with the USA or with Russia, but without NATO. In the latter case, the United States to throw a noose both on Iran, and even worse.
  2. +1
    11 February 2020 12: 00
    We can say with confidence about the appearance of the Turks own "Afghanistan" ...
    Only shitting on the Turks will be much less than the USSR at the time, and it is unlikely that this will be Russia ...
    1. 0
      11 February 2020 12: 38
      About shit, the big question ...
    2. 0
      11 February 2020 12: 49
      Quote: Vladimir_2U
      Only shitting the Turks will be much less

      Do you think the Kurds will not spoil the Turks? I think they will be quite hard.
      1. 0
        11 February 2020 12: 51
        Well, the Kurds are far from Saudis, the Pakistanis and the same pin-ups, and indeed the Turks in Afghanistan also spoiled us.
  3. +10
    11 February 2020 12: 03
    In Afghanistan, the USSR supported the central government, not the Dushmans. The USSR did not plan the eviction of Pashtuns, and the settlement of Uzbeks, Tajiks. So the comparison is not entirely correct.
  4. +1
    11 February 2020 12: 06
    There is nothing new to say about the East, it’s a delicate / murky \ dark \ strange thing ....
    1. +1
      11 February 2020 12: 37
      And it will always be like that ...
      1. +1
        11 February 2020 13: 01
        What it was, it remained so ... from the camels to Toyota moved and that's it!
        1. +2
          11 February 2020 13: 03
          They like Toyota - a modern desert ship.
  5. -1
    11 February 2020 12: 10
    Why then try on the policy of states on ordinary citizens.
    Selling Erdogan tomatoes, rockets? Or is Putin selling gas, oil and weapons to partisans?
    As ordinary citizens, does this concern you? You are not shareholders of this company. If you have stocks, but gas prices fall and contracts become less - I can understand. But the people do not decide anything anywhere, and drawing a parallel between Putin and the Russian population is just as stupid as between the Turks and Erdogan.
    And ordinary people everywhere + are the same.
    Personally, I don’t care what Erdogan thinks or does. Syria is a business for Russia, for Turkey, a neighbor with a land border from where crowds of migrants came to them and terrorists deployed their bases along the border. In the place of the Turks, we would not tolerate this either. An example in Ukraine.
    Probably everyone has been to Turkey at least once? Local generally do not care about politics (as in the Russian Federation for the majority, people just live).
    They have a very pleasant attitude towards the Russians.
    1. +1
      11 February 2020 14: 56
      I agree that the people do not decide anything, but when they suddenly decided to change something, they become an enemy of the authorities, then the authorities at first try to drive the people into a "rut" with clubs, and if the people were furious, then it is possible and necessary to shoot.
      If there hadn’t been a Khan of Syria at the time when the Russian Federation stood up, it would have been possible to give a damn about everything. Because in the capitalist world politics and business are closely intertwined. And people, people are always under the ass.
  6. Ham
    11 February 2020 12: 12
    I don’t know, I don’t know ... he (the Eodogan), alongside the Asad, also has Kurds on the agenda ... will it be taken out when it starts without fools? after all, many in Turkey itself are just waiting for it - that they would fit in with death in the idlib, that they would do their own thing when the main forces are stuck in the idlib massacre ... and also in Libya promised from three boxes
    I am sure that we will soon hear screams that "NATO should actively intervene in the situation in Syria"! but whether NATO will fit into this meat grinder is a big question
  7. -1
    11 February 2020 12: 20
    Turkey now has its own “Afghanistan” - we can talk about this after 5 years ...
  8. +2
    11 February 2020 12: 35
    Erdogan is a cunning and cunning Turk, with a crooked dagger behind his back, which he can use, at any time, in his back, whenever he sees fit! Examples of this are our plane with a pilot shot down "from the back" and shot in the air by a pilot descending on a parachute and the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia, killed in the back with several shots by a vile killer! And this should be equated to the declaration of war on Russia by Turkey !!! But, these vile actions of Erdogan were forgiven by our kind and intelligent leadership! For the ghostly, supposedly benefits, from a gas pipeline and a nuclear power plant, at the expense of Russia! Therefore, this newly-minted "padishah" is now behaving with Russia and in Ukraine, and in the Donbass, and in the Crimea! "A wolf in sheep's clothing is more dangerous than a tiger!"
    1. -1
      11 February 2020 13: 07
      on Danbass he did nothing. though why should Zelensky not invite him to "fight terrorism at a distant foothold"?
      but as Erdogan said, "not every invitation should be accepted and it is not always necessary to wait for an invitation."
  9. +1
    11 February 2020 12: 36
    Have you tried to determine for yourself your attitude to today's Turkey? Or attitude to Turkish President Erdogan? We are friends? Are we allies?

    We are neighbors and are forced to look for options to get along or war.
    1. +2
      11 February 2020 16: 41
      We are neighbors and are forced to look for options to get along or war.

      We WERE neighbors until 1991.
      And someday we'll be ...
      And now this former neighbor is acting like a paranoid drunk. Climbing tenants in their own house with a sawn-off shotgun.
      Yes, he looks at the house across the road - promises to restore his order there ... belay
      1. +2
        11 February 2020 17: 33
        Through the sea we are neighbors and straits through which we walk, so we have to decide ...
  10. -5
    11 February 2020 12: 41
    impunity breeds permissiveness. so here: they shot down a plane, they framed the second cheek. a, they also expressed concern and mumbled about tomatoes ...
  11. -2
    11 February 2020 12: 59
    What is done from what was signed by Putin and Erdogan in September 2018? Nothing. And from what was signed a year later, in October 2019? Exactly the same!

    those. neither Putin nor Erdogan did anything. well, both are to blame or no one is to blame
  12. The comment was deleted.
    1. +2
      11 February 2020 14: 57
      Quote from rudolf
      Erdogan will not go to extreme actions.

      Alas! Erdogan went all-in.
      Turkey struck 115 targets of the Syrian army on Monday in response to shelling of its troops in the province of Idlib in the north of the SAR ... 101 soldiers of the regime of [President Bashar al-Assad] were neutralized, as well as three tanks, two artillery positions and one helicopter. Within the framework of self-defense, strikes against designated targets continue, "the statement says.
      Turkish President intends on February 12 to announce new measures that Ankara will take
  13. +1
    11 February 2020 16: 01
    I don’t understand one thing, why do the Turks need this, do they really not understand that the Russians will not give them command in the north of Syria and as a result they will be kicked out of there and Erdogan will have a pale appearance.
  14. -2
    11 February 2020 18: 23
    And they kicked me a few days ago for a similar forecast.
  15. +1
    12 February 2020 00: 19
    Too many Erdogan led the militants out of the Idlib zone to be transported to Libya, so the front fell in and had to urgently attract its military.
    I do not believe that Edrogan is ready to seriously fight the forces of the Turkish army in Syria, against the Syrian army with the support of Iran and Russia. And I don’t think that Turkish society is ready to pay the lives of its soldiers for the frankly imperial ambitions of their sultan, despite the fact that if Kurdish formations are happy to join the battles against the Turks, it may turn out to be a scenario that the Turks from Syria will crawl out to the crustaceans. Edrogan’s goal is apparently to throw dust in his eyes to show his willingness to use force if necessary.