Lessons learned: in Israel, they talked about the situation at the Hazor air base after the flood


According to the IDF press service, the Khatsor military base, which suffered during heavy rains, again performs its functions in full
volume. At the base, all training and combat flights were resumed.

Information about the flood that occurred last week appeared only this Monday. Prior to this, he was not mentioned because of the prohibition of military censorship. Moreover, the name of the base was not mentioned in the first message, it was only talking about a certain air base of the Israel Defense Forces in the Negev. It was also indicated that damage had been caused to several aircraft and underground hangars. According to some reports, three F-16C / D fighters "drowned" in water streams, five more were damaged, but, it is alleged, the technicians were already returned to service.

The cause of the flood was the exit from the banks of the river, flowing near the base. According to the Walla News publication, citing a competent source, the base's management assumed the flooding of military aircraft in underground hangars designed to store them. Measures to rescue equipment were not taken so as not to endanger the lives of Israeli soldiers.

Although the exact flood damage has not yet been calculated, it can be up to several million dollars.

This is not the first such case at the Hazor airbase. Previously, it was flooded in 1992 and 2013. The base command did not learn any lessons for itself.
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  1. +2
    14 January 2020 11: 52
    The airbase is functioning, and wet aircraft are likely to be repaired! So, then they will be sold ukroine lol
    1. +2
      14 January 2020 12: 01
      Quote: Thrifty
      So, then they will be sold ukroine

      More like India ...
      1. +5
        14 January 2020 12: 13
        Seryoga, salute! And with the coming! soldier drinks
        Quote: svp67
        More like India ...

        What about Pakistan? wink
        1. +3
          14 January 2020 12: 14
          Hi hi . You are the same with the comer
          Quote: bouncyhunter
          What about Pakistan?

          Yes, even in Gabon, the main thing is that the money would not be lost ...
          1. +4
            14 January 2020 12: 17
            Quote: svp67
            Yes, even in Gabon

            belay Better to Nepal. wassat
            Remember how Heinlein:
            "The Dalai Lama ordered to bomb the infidels." wink
      2. 0
        14 January 2020 12: 16
        Sergei hi - and who prevents the Indians from "drowning" an entire squadron in order to buy it out from themselves? ?? laughing
        1. +2
          14 January 2020 12: 21
          Good afternoon hi
          Quote: Thrifty
          - and who prevents the Indians from "drowning" an entire squadron in order to buy it out from themselves? ??

          Apparently the absence of such an abundance of rainfall ...
          1. +7
            14 January 2020 15: 01
            Apparently the absence of such an abundance of rainfall ...

            It’s the tropics, I’ll give rains all season.
            Sergei hi
            P.S. But for the Israelis, it’s not clear what’s interfering with the dam in the threatening direction.
            1. +1
              14 January 2020 20: 18
              Namesake hi
              Quote: Svarog51
              P.S. But for the Israelis, it’s not clear what’s interfering with the dam in the threatening direction.

              But the guys from the "Promised Land" don't have a common opinion on this matter. If they don't understand, then where do we go
              1. +8
                14 January 2020 20: 23
                In the absence of programmatic thinking, you cannot blame them. What are they stupid? Or is there hidden interest?
    2. Maz
      14 January 2020 14: 48
      Oh, yes this is the very base that the Palestinians soaked in Katyusha. And the iron dome, according to the radio and TV, fought off all the missiles. Yeah, and three planes were damaged by these same shot down missiles! Lucky Hatsor. Someone to himself not a single summer house banged. Whatever professors sing. Ingenious rastrendya. There are six runways, and cho, concrete was not enough or mind? Perhaps the rumors of genius are all the same very exaggerated. Greed does not bring good
      1. 0
        14 January 2020 19: 52
        Perhaps the rumors of genius are all the same very exaggerated.
        Rather, there is a quarter of our people! How Vysotsky sang!
  2. 0
    14 January 2020 11: 53
    I wonder if flying on "drowned men" is not endangering the lives of Israeli pilots !? what
    1. +1
      14 January 2020 11: 56
      And they don’t fly - they perform races on take-off on these airplanes, it is called "ground air drift" !!! wassat
      1. +4
        14 January 2020 12: 02
        They would have arranged a rowing race for them! wassat laughing laughing laughing
        1. 0
          14 January 2020 12: 14
          I advise you to patent the idea of ​​"drowned airplane racing, auto racing, rowing, downhill racing" !!! lol hi
          1. 0
            14 January 2020 12: 25
            I'm afraid that they were late. While we are texting here, the clever Israeli has probably sent out patent applications, and there’s nothing to catch. request
  3. -4
    14 January 2020 12: 13
    The base command did not learn any lessons for itself.

    So now they will learn lessons.
    1. +4
      14 January 2020 12: 51
      Quote: professor
      So now they will learn lessons.

      That feeling when they said to build an ark, but it was necessary an aircraft carrier ....
    2. Maz
      14 January 2020 14: 53
      Yeah, get it? Rather, they will file even more on the elimination of shortcomings. Next winter will flood again. A friend in a five-story building converted electricity three times, in the center of Tel Aviv! And still there are problems! Well there about some hatsor talk. If in the center the whole floor flows zero year without rain at a depth of three meters ?! I won’t stop in the parking lot in the summer. And they shrug their hands, the builders are bad.
      1. +4
        14 January 2020 14: 58
        Is it in Migdaley Yu?
      2. -1
        14 January 2020 20: 51
        MAZ, yes, you say, everyone has no corruption, only Russia is mired in it) and yes you and everyone drinks hi
  4. +1
    14 January 2020 12: 17
    This is not the first such case at the Hazor airbase. Previously, it was flooded in 1992 and 2013. The base command did not learn any lessons for itself.

    But this is cool!
    I did not know, but it turns out to be a widespread phenomenon, to hope for AVOS!
    1. +1
      14 January 2020 12: 20
      Rocket 577-And what about the Israelis from another test? lol Pofigizm is a total universal property!
      1. +5
        14 January 2020 12: 27
        "and there is a quarter of our former people .."
        1. +2
          14 January 2020 12: 33
          Quote: novel xnumx
          "and there is a quarter of our former people .."

          Habits, it’s not so that it would be ineradicable at all, but difficult to eliminate, very.
      2. +2
        14 January 2020 12: 32
        Quote: Thrifty
        Rocket 577-And what about the Israelis from another test? lol Pofigizm is a total universal property!

        In the previous article, on this topic it was not said that everything is again and again! I wrote that everything happens unexpectedly, for the first time! Now it’s clear that not the first ....
    2. +2
      14 January 2020 13: 48
      What does it happen? The base was drowned once every twenty years, and then ten have not passed since the previous time smile Hoping for statistics ...
    3. +1
      14 January 2020 14: 09
      Surely the command of the base has changed more than once, and the predecessor did not bother to tell what happens, it turns out.
    4. +1
      14 January 2020 22: 25
      Quote: rocket757
      This is not the first such case at the Hazor airbase. Previously, it was flooded in 1992 and 2013. The base command did not learn any lessons for itself.

      But this is cool!
      I did not know, but it turns out to be a widespread phenomenon, to hope for AVOS!

      After the departure of Jews from the USSR was opened, a new Jewish proverb appeared: "Thunder will not break out - a Jew will not cross himself"
  5. +1
    14 January 2020 12: 18
    Measures to rescue equipment were not taken so as not to endanger the lives of Israeli soldiers.
    And it was impossible to evacuate before the flood? Or, as always, weather forecasters made a mistake, which happens in all countries, and the command relied on Russian chance?
    1. +1
      14 January 2020 12: 22
      Gennady hi - if they evacuated the planes, then what would they drown? What is life without masochism? ??
  6. -1
    14 January 2020 12: 24
    As I understand it, the atmosphere at high speed becomes a very aggressive environment in which there is enough water. Water at high speed collisions is the same as under pressure. So the planes are built taking into account the waterproofness on all sides in flight.
    From this assumption, I can conclude that a simple short-term flooding may not damage the electronics of a closed aircraft. It will be necessary to flush the engine and the sensor’s technological openings, and test the operation of the systems.
  7. +3
    14 January 2020 12: 25
    What can I say, idiots! I hope the command of the base will get snot for such sloppiness. The most annoying is that this is all for our money!
    1. 0
      14 January 2020 12: 59
      already said that they will receive
    2. +1
      14 January 2020 13: 22
      Yarr-So, now it's a shame, but was it nice last time? ?? belay
    3. +1
      14 January 2020 14: 08
      Okay. The state, and not the base command, decided that it was more economical - to create protective structures against floods for astronomical money (there are dams and pumping out, and maybe a power plant) or to repair the "drowned man" and, perhaps, write off one or two as acceptable losses. Everything for your money, but for how much is another question.
  8. 0
    14 January 2020 14: 02
    And what can be opposed to the elements? All is in the hands of Allah ...
  9. +2
    14 January 2020 16: 51
    Yeah, to drown the fighters, you need to try .. Well, I think Israel is not particularly upset to sagg them, and even with a fat
  10. 0
    14 January 2020 17: 35
    Had this happened at our airport, there would have been food for hype, in particular for some commentators of VO. One could read about how in the USSR this would never have happened, and even under Stalin, so uh ... Water itself would part ...
  11. +1
    14 January 2020 17: 57
    In general, jokes are bad with our rains. Here, a week ago.
  12. 0
    14 January 2020 17: 58
    Quote: Shahno
    In general, jokes are bad with our rains. Here, a week ago.

    That's so laughing
  13. +1
    14 January 2020 20: 21
    Quote: svp67
    Namesake hi
    Quote: Svarog51
    P.S. But for the Israelis, it’s not clear what’s interfering with the dam in the threatening direction.

    But the guys from the "Promised Land" don't have a common opinion on this matter. If they don't understand, then where do we go

    But where is there to build this dam. Well, it's streams. And after an hour, a full-flowing river ..
  14. 0
    15 January 2020 23: 50
    Lessons learned! Do you really think that they do not learn lessons and do not solve the impending problems ??? don’t tell our slippers, comrade!