Reliable Putin and his happy generation


Project "ZZ". Many Russians do not represent Russia without Putin. Many believe that it was he who put an end to the chaos of the 1990s and gave rise to an era of stability. And it’s even hard to imagine today that in Russia there was a time without Putin.

Two major foreign publications decided to find out how Russians really feel about Putin, what they see in him and how they imagine Putin’s era, in which an entire generation has grown and received education, as well as to identify the reasons for Putin’s success in the international arena.

Forever system

Henry Foy, head of the Moscow bureau of the newspaper Financial Times (Great Britain) wrote a lot of material for publication and tried to objectively cover the phenomenon of “Putin's generation”.

How do young Russians see the only leader they have ever known? After all, their whole life was formed under one ruler.

“What do they really think about their president?” Asked Foy.

Alexander Khazbiyev was only 5 years old when Vladimir Putin was first sworn in as the new president of Russia. In May 2018, Alexander was already 24 years old, and he attended the last inauguration of the president, a ceremony in the Grand Kremlin Palace.

It is a story: In two decades, V. Putin has turned from an “anonymous apparatchik,” the author of the article notes, into one of the most influential people in the world, and the Russian economy has grown more than six times compared to 2000.

There was another. “The country,” the author writes, “entered the WTO, was expelled from the G67, invaded its two neighbors and hosted the World Cup and the Winter Olympics. Putin, now XNUMX years old, has sparred with four US presidents and five British prime ministers. ”

What does the youth who grew up and received education under Putin think?

“In my opinion, there is no such period of time when Putin did not exist, when he did not exist,” said twenty-five-year-old Alexander, a university lecturer who lives in St. Petersburg. According to him, today in Russia, anyone who wants to achieve something can do it. Such freedom "was guaranteed for the first time in the history of our country."

“I never stopped thinking about this country without him [Putin] as president. I am convinced that Putin as a politician is one thing ... but the system he created will always be ... Well, that’s what I hope for. ”

Alexander is not alone in his opinion. A generation of Russians, about forty million people, reminds Henry Foy, was born and educated in a political system that "revolves around one person." This is the “Putin generation”, and it is now approaching its coming of age.

Over the past few months, British correspondents interviewed nearly fifty young people aged 18 to 25 years old (from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Siberia and other regions). As the author points out, for tens of millions of people, the only change in leadership in their lives was cosmetic - it was an “exchange of experiences designed by Putin,” who ruled the country as prime minister between 2008 and 2012, and then became president again. His time in running the country was second only to Joseph Stalin’s 31-year reign in the USSR, and his United Russia party never occupied less than 238 out of 450 seats in parliament.

And almost all the young Russians who spoke with British correspondents recognize the "silent contract" imposed on them by the "Putin regime." Foy formulates this contract as follows: "social stability and economic progress in exchange for a faded limited democracy."

Many young Russians not only expressed support for the only leader they had ever known, but even admired him.

True, others protested: after all, this man ruled longer than they lived in the world, and created a system in which they feel more and more helpless.

“We were born in this system, and this system is in our brains. Therefore, it is very, very difficult to even think about the possibility of changing it, ”says 21-year-old Maria from the city of Taganrog.

“I'm from a military family. I grew up in a garrison town. I remember watching the broadcast [of the inauguration of 2000] and feeling the atmosphere of expectation in my family, a family waiting for change, ”Alexander said in a conversation with a correspondent. “My parents were both officers,” he adds, “they were not paid a salary for six months. The whole society felt that the country was betrayed. I remember: when [Putin] came to power, my mom and dad had great hopes for change. And he [Putin] did it. Everything has gone for the better. ”

Until 2014, Foy notes, few would disagree with this. The Russian economy “skyrocketed” in the first decade of Putin’s rule, and living standards have risen. The number of people attending universities increased by 50 percent from 2000 to 2010, unemployment among those under 25 fell by a quarter. Coffee houses and bars began to multiply, European and American brands flooded the country, rushing to satisfy their needs. Easy access to Western culture, to travel abroad ...

“The current generation of young Russians is the happiest since 1991,” said Eduard Ponarin, professor of sociology at the Higher School of Economics. According to the professor, this generation is happy and apolitical. Most have nothing to worry about, but politicizing these people "will require something dramatic or very, very bad."

And yet, a new economic reality has invaded Putin’s calm rule. In 2014, Russia suffered from a double shock: the collapse of oil prices and the depreciation of the ruble. Western sanctions fell on the country. In the following years, real incomes fell. According to data for 2018, youth unemployment in Russia is more than three times higher than its level among the population as a whole compared to 2000. A study conducted in October 2019 by the Levada Center showed that 53% of people aged 18 to 24 years old want to leave the country.

“There are two different worlds: one in which I live, and the other with tuples and flashing lights,” says 23-year-old Vasily, who grew up in St. Petersburg. “Until life brings me to the edge, I don’t want to act,” he says.

“I went to Navalny’s meetings with my brother and several friends,” Basil admits. “I don’t like their methods, they are unpleasant ... He and his people are too aggressive ...”

Tomsk is a medium-sized city in the center of Siberia. Irina, 19, says: “Many people criticize, but no one does anything ... The mentality is such that everyone should do something, but as individuals they don’t want to do anything. Everyone thinks: “What can I do alone? What can I change myself? Therefore, they give up. ”

“I think protest is good, it's democracy,” Irina says. “But when the troops suppress these protests, that's good too.” If there is no suppression, then there will be chaos. Here are the two sides of the same coin ... "

Vasily and Irina, the author believes, "speak for many." According to a national poll published in October, two-thirds of Russian students are not interested in politics.

“Awfully reliable” Putin instead of the American “vacuum”

Gone are the days when people mocked Russia, the "regional power," writes Alice Bota in Time and patience. Putin is now much more successful in international politics than the US and the EU. Why?

The conflict between Iran and the United States. And in this situation, Angela Merkel does not fly to Washington, but to Moscow! Vladimir Putin invited her. This, of course, is the success of Russian diplomacy, writes Botha. “Whether you like it or not, this type of diplomacy, understood as a policy of pure interests, is currently quite effective,” she said.

Europeans seem depressed, the US is leaving the Middle East, and Vladimir Putin is touring: meets Assad in Syria, visits Russian troops, shakes hands with Turkish President Erdogan at the TurkStream gas pipeline and plans other meetings. “In short, Russians know how to fill the vacuum that Americans are leaving internationally,” the author concludes. “And the emptiness that Europeans support instead of diplomacy, too.”

“Gone are the days when Obama mocked Russia as a regional power,” adds Botha. And in Europe, which is still applying the sanctions regime against Russia, the Kremlin manages to "get out a little" of political isolation. Macron accepts Putin, Paris negotiates peace in Ukraine, but not without Putin’s preconditions.

According to the author, there are two main reasons for Russian success.

1. Russian diplomacy is considered very professional. Russian intelligence agents can make catastrophic mistakes, but Russian diplomats are considered to be well trained and experienced. It is unlikely that any of the foreign ministers was at his post longer than Sergei Lavrov. Lavrov is comprehensive: he talks with Iraqis, Turks, Egyptians, Americans, Libyans, Chinese, Israelis, Iranians ...

2. A more important reason is connected not so much with Russia as with the weakness of other states. Europeans are preoccupied with themselves, Americans with their unpredictable president, whose Middle Eastern policy is a mistake. Where chaos and vacuum, Putin becomes strong. And autocrats in the Middle East are grateful to Putin for this “reliable power." No relationship shows this more clearly than relations with Turkey. A few years ago, Erdogan was something like an enemy of Russia, and today, despite the conflicting interests of the two states in Libya and Syria, Turkey is an important partner of Russia, moreover, on Putin’s terms, Bot said.

Putin is now "terribly reliable," the journalist concludes.

* * *

Thus, it is very difficult for Russians, especially young people who have not seen another ruler in their life, apart from “castling” with Medvedev, to imagine Russia without Putin. It is this identification that is the basis of the cult of stability. And it is not for nothing that the younger generation recognizes that protests are good, but suppressing protests is also good, otherwise chaos is coming.

Kremlin without Putin? No, no one represents. Opposition victory? No, it's bad.
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  1. +14
    13 January 2020 05: 51
    If carrots didn’t eat anything sweeter, then Yes!
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. +35
        13 January 2020 06: 02
        Reliable Putin and his happy generation
        Which lives in Paris and London? those yes ...
        1. -24
          13 January 2020 07: 33
          Quote: Aerodrome
          which lives in Paris and London

          Who's stopping you? Go ahead, you will live there under a bridge in a cardboard box, or at best in a hospice, but you will receive $ 400 as an unemployed person.
        2. -2
          13 January 2020 12: 46
          L (A) ndonah
        3. +1
          14 January 2020 14: 39
          There was stability, there were merits, everything can’t be counted, only you need to leave on time
      2. The comment was deleted.
        1. +5
          13 January 2020 12: 31
          It is unlikely. Inveterate "dealers" never use the "product" themselves ...
          1. -6
            13 January 2020 15: 13
            Quote: lexus
            Inveterate "dealers" never use the "product" themselves ...

            Personal experience, camping trip ... minus.
      3. The comment was deleted.
        1. +16
          13 January 2020 10: 38
          Quote: Svarog
          who with whom the population is dying?

          An aged former thimbler sits in front of the TV, watches economic news and is amazed: “But we considered ourselves dexterous guys!”

          The President of Russia constantly has to sculpt something: either dumplings in China, or hunchback on the Direct Line.

          The best teacher is Sechin, who taught us a lesson on the topic: "If people choose sausage between sausage and freedom, they get neither one nor the other."
          1. +15
            13 January 2020 11: 14
            Quote: nils
            An aged former thimbler sits in front of the TV, watches economic news and is amazed: “But we considered ourselves dexterous guys!”

            Right! This is how one must be sophisticated in order to rob, and those who were robbed would still be grateful!

            1. +13
              13 January 2020 12: 38
              Stas, you have dropped out of the system ... Obviously, a long time ago "equilibrium"

              did not accept.
          2. +17
            13 January 2020 11: 50
            Quote: nils
            The best teacher is Sechin

            no! Not Sechin, but the GDP itself. His attitude to what is happening is the best teacher.
            1. +3
              13 January 2020 13: 27
              Are you all stuck laughing
              "Kid and Carlson", m / f
    2. -23
      13 January 2020 06: 06
      With all the claims against Vladimir Vladimirovich, he has not yet seen a replacement. If I always vote for the Communist Party, but not because they are good, but because they have, at least in the name, the word Communist!
      1. +21
        13 January 2020 06: 14
        Quote: Vladimir_2U
        With all the claims against Vladimir Vladimirovich, he has not yet seen a replacement.

        This is the tragedy, when you see who peeps from behind him, it becomes scary for the future of the country and for children.
        There is no worthy receiver or worthy opposition.
        1. +8
          13 January 2020 06: 59
          Quote: mark1
          There is no worthy receiver or worthy opposition

          Or Putin or civil war.

          This is the main result of his reign.
          1. sss
            13 January 2020 09: 42
            There will be no civil war. These oppositionists only want a redistribution of cash flows, and in their own direction, and not in the direction of the people. And since they want to live richly and happily, they will not undertake the "Mauser". It is the redirection of these cash flows that will occur. All this will take place against the backdrop of interethnic clashes and separatist sentiments, as well as speculations about global values. (under the control and management of foreign special services). The formulation of the basic condition for revolution and civil war - "The upper classes cannot, the lower classes do not want" is rather vague in our time. Where is the border between them? Is the middle class lower classes? Where are the poor and homeless? Who are the declassed items nowadays? And finally, who is the force that is capable of rallying the "lower ranks and the dissatisfied leaders? The questions are uncomfortable, but without a clear answer to them, there can be no question of any civil war. These clowns, speculators, provocateurs, and a small number of idealists, that from time to time they organize rallies and run away (who will have time). And everyone else will get another round of chaos, terrorist attacks, further impoverishment. Who is to blame? It's clear. What to do? I don't know. But I am sure of one thing - to allow another round of chaos, this is treason!
        2. +2
          14 January 2020 14: 44
          For starters, maybe you can allow rallies, don’t press freedom of speech, don’t hammer the opposition and you see new parties appear with a strong leader and a strong program ???
      2. +25
        13 January 2020 08: 45
        Quote: Vladimir_2U
        With all the claims against Vladimir Vladimirovich, he hasn’t yet seen a replacement

        He does everything to ensure that no change can be seen ..
        1. +5
          13 January 2020 20: 03
          We need a new "stream". We must either take the risk of voting for a completely new person, or for the communists. After all, how Putin got up, no one knew him before: at first he was a security guard at Sobchak's, carried a briefcase for him, then he was promoted to deputy, etc.
          And if in the year 24 we choose the one whom he points to, then all this swamp will continue.
      3. +15
        13 January 2020 09: 19
        With all the claims against Vladimir Vladimirovich, he has not yet seen a replacement.
        In a carefully trampled political field, it is impossible to grow something worthy.
        1. -4
          13 January 2020 10: 09
          I agree that Grudinin is not at all, and then in the regional newspapers they rinsed him with the same article, obviously for women, the local administrative resource was connected. And this is a year after the election!
          1. +3
            13 January 2020 20: 07
            Grudinin, although management experience has positive experience, look at the video of his state farm, I have not seen this.
   сельская школа
   детская площадка в совхозе
        2. +4
          14 January 2020 08: 08
          Quote: smel
          With all the claims against Vladimir Vladimirovich, he has not yet seen a replacement.

          this is not the truth ... it is just a formed public opinion.
      4. +9
        13 January 2020 10: 16
        Quote: Vladimir_2U
        With all the claims against Vladimir Vladimirovich, he has not yet seen a replacement.

        for me, the replacement will be the one who, instead of a socially democratic course, offers at least elements of socialism!
        1. +4
          14 January 2020 00: 30
          Platoshkin collects a new cabinet with all left movements. Nobody knows what happens, but they at least have a plan
          But the same Zhirik has nothing
          1. +1
            14 January 2020 08: 10
            Quote: Zefr
            Platoshkin collects a new cabinet with all left movements. Nobody knows what happens, but they at least have a plan

            The old men also tried .. there was not enough resource, plus administrative opposition. How to deal with this?
      5. +12
        13 January 2020 12: 11
        Quote: Vladimir_2U
        With all the claims against Vladimir Vladimirovich, he has not yet seen a replacement.

        I believe that you will repeat the experiment with Lenin: put it in the Mausoleum, will you go with flowers, pray for it and check your watch with the EP watch?
        How did such a prayer end to remind you?
        1. -2
          13 January 2020 14: 04
          Quote: Vladimir_2U
          With all the claims against Vladimir Vladimirovich, he has not yet seen a replacement. If I always vote for the Communist Party, but not because they are good, but because they have, at least in the name, the word Communist!

          Quote: Silvestr
          I believe that you will repeat the experiment with Lenin: put it in the Mausoleum, you will walk with flowers, pray on it and check your watch with the EP clock
          There is such an expression: "In the eyes to hammer", I'm afraid it's about you.
          1. +7
            13 January 2020 15: 04
            Quote: Vladimir_2U
            There is such an expression: "In the eyes to hammer", I'm afraid it's about you.

            maybe you peck at your ideal?
            1. +3
              13 January 2020 15: 20
              That's strange, I have claims to GDP, I don’t think the Communist Party is good, but you are weaving something about the ideal.
              Quote: Silvestr
              I believe that you will repeat the experiment with Lenin: put it in the Mausoleum
              Those. Lenin does not suit you in any way; do you have a claim to him?
              1. +7
                13 January 2020 15: 27
                Quote: Vladimir_2U
                Those. Lenin does not suit you in any way; do you have a claim to him?

                there is. I do not deify him. We have now begun to write icons with GDP, doesn’t it bother?

      6. +6
        13 January 2020 15: 07
        Quote: Vladimir_2U
        at least in the name, there is the word Communist!

        in the name - communal, in fact, degenerates and a branch of EP
        1. +3
          13 January 2020 15: 22
          Well, give an example of a party from the eligible for the election, which at least something is trying not to carry out the EP.
          1. +2
            13 January 2020 15: 25
            Quote: Vladimir_2U
            Well, give an example of a party from the eligible for the election, which at least something is trying not to carry out the EP.

            then decide: you are satisfied with everything in the person of GDP and United Russia, but you vote for the communists, or rather for one word "communist"
            1. +4
              13 January 2020 15: 28
              You wrote strictly about EP, do not drag me to them, I have claims to Putin, but for you I still have an expression: "Open your eyes!"
              1. +9
                13 January 2020 15: 29
                Quote: Vladimir_2U
                but for you I still have an expression: "Open your eyes!"

                I took it about 10 years ago and I think so ..
                1. +2
                  13 January 2020 15: 43
                  So far, you have brought 400% more images and icons with GDP than me! And I can’t break this record! laughing
      7. +1
        14 January 2020 14: 42
        And again, there is no replacement) 144 million citizens, but no replacement.
    3. bar
      13 January 2020 06: 26
      If carrots didn’t eat anything sweeter, then Yes!

      And if in addition to carrots I had a chance to try Gorbachevsky horseradish with Yeltsin radish, then even more so!
      1. +8
        13 January 2020 06: 37
        In my lifetime I have experienced Stalin's "totalitarianism", Khrushchev's "voluntarism", Brezhnev's "stagnation", Gorbachev's "perestroika and acceleration", Yeltsin's "blessed nineties" and Putin's "it is not known what" ...
        I can compare these periods of our history. hi
        1. bar
          13 January 2020 07: 10
          And what are the results of this comparison?
          1. +18
            13 January 2020 07: 16
            Disappointing for the current period.
            1. bar
              13 January 2020 07: 20
              And what periods for you personally are more comforting? Khrushchev thaw, Gorbachev perestroika or Yeltsin freedom and democracy? You don’t languish, you have begun so end.
              1. +9
                13 January 2020 07: 30
                My conclusions are subjective and run counter to the "party and government" line. And that's why I don't want to teach political lessons here, everyone sees the way he wants. hi
                1. bar
                  13 January 2020 07: 36
                  Well then, I congratulate you on your longevity and wish you all the best. I could not draw other conclusions from your message. hi
                  1. +18
                    13 January 2020 07: 55
                    Persuaded, eloquent .... Once again, I warn you, the opinion is subjective.
                    The Stalinist period is a gradual improvement in life. Khrushchevsky - pride for the country. Brezhnevsky - confidence and stability, the most "fat" years. Andropovo-Chernenkovskys - silence and the dead stand with braids. Gorbachevskys - a movement began, leading to a disaster. Yeltsin - the collapse of the USSR and fall into the abyss. The last 20 years are not encouraging.
                    1. bar
                      13 January 2020 08: 13
                      The last 20 years are not encouraging.

                      This is already age, fasten.
                      1. +15
                        13 January 2020 08: 23
                        Just do not need about age - I have not seen more than one sage at a young age! And I’m a sparrow shot, you can’t lead me on the chaff!
                      2. +13
                        13 January 2020 08: 40
                        You, a young man, are also of age, it will pass ... with time. laughing
                      3. +12
                        13 January 2020 12: 09
                        Quote: bar
                        This is already age, fasten.

                        and you shouldn't be sick, because as Putin said "there is a disaster in medicine"
                    2. +4
                      13 January 2020 15: 06
                      the last 20 years are not encouraging.

                      Well, I didn’t find Stalin.

                      Well, I don’t remember Khrushchev.

                      Brezhnev's sense of stability With a gradually increasing sense that not everything is in order, and further it will only get worse.
                      - rallies and telly on the one hand jokes in the kitchen and voices in the radio on the other created a dissonance;
                      -electric train from Tula hinting at the situation in the national economy;
                      - and of course the "birch" obviously showing that there are people of different sorts in the USSR;

                      Andropov - Chernenko - leapfrog and confusion.

                      Hunchback - a feeling of accelerating fall into the abyss.

                      EBN - burning shame.

                      GDP - at first distrust, then thanks now curiosity and concern
                      For which I have already thanked many times: I need from the state the absence of a big war, revolution and a more or less functioning infrastructure, all the rest I am. GDP provided this.
                      1. -4
                        13 January 2020 15: 35
                        Quote: bk316
                        I need from the state the absence of a big war, revolution and a more or less functioning infrastructure, all the rest I am. GDP provided

                        As a body that every worker, and sometimes not only a day, travels from the region to Moscow to work, I confirm that the electric trains work like clockwork.

                        Well, there is much more, similar. Svarogostasikosilvestram - not to understand, they probably live on another planet. Fortunately laughing
                      2. +3
                        13 January 2020 16: 03
                        electric trains work like clockwork.

                        Yes, I don’t even need trains laughing
                        I wouldn’t have been slaughtered on the streets of Moscow and it was possible to feed my family (literally) for the salary of an associate professor at Moscow State University - I could now still be working at Moscow State University ...
                      3. -1
                        13 January 2020 16: 07
                        Quote: bk316
                        Yes, I don’t even need trains

                        It’s good for you ... but for me it’s wonderful exercise in the morning: feel your friend’s elbow ... in your side, yeah)))

                        Quote: bk316
                        I would not have been cut in the streets of Moscow

                        Fundamentally I do not ride around the capital by car. The number of inadequate scales. And the guardian angel is the only one. Nubyn.

                        Quote: bk316
                        I could now be still working at Moscow State University ...

                        As I understand it, you now bring no less benefit than if you worked at Moscow State University. VMK, do I remember correctly? wink
                      4. +2
                        13 January 2020 16: 16
                        You bring no less benefit now than if you worked at Moscow State University. VMK, do I remember correctly?

                        Well, probably, but I liked being a teacher laughing

                        And I like it by car, I will soon mark 25 years of experience and a million km ...
              2. -9
                13 January 2020 08: 25
                Quote: bar

                And what periods for you personally are more comforting?

                Personally, I remember very well Khrushchev's "thaw", when in 1964 they sold half a loaf of corn bread to one person, and I wore only pants for a whole year, I remember Brezhnev's "stagnation", when my mother was given a pension of 12 rubles, at the price of the cheapest sausage at 2,20, and on rural roads in bad weather it was possible to drown, we drove caterpillar tractors with tractor sleds, in production in those days it was literally necessary to "plow" to earn 120 rubles, you think that then I received a lot doctor or teacher? The same 100-120 rubles. Under Gorbachev, the life of the common people, oddly enough, improved, the people got extra money, which caused a rush of demand for literally everything, the store shelves were empty in the literal sense. Well, I will not characterize the "Yeltsin" times, you know everything about them, and I cannot understand why you are scolding Putin? He built roads for you, licked cities, provided work (you won't find a turner, a welder in the daytime with fire), there is a lot of housing (did you live in a communal apartment or in a hut covered with thatch?), He builds bridges, stores are filled up with goods, jeans for every taste, there are so many cars that there are traffic jams everywhere and everyone is dissatisfied, they have a two-story mansion with a lawn and a garage with a pair of Mercedes, you see, no, the salary of 40 thousand, again, is small, you can't buy a cool "zip" ... throw it off in disgrace ..., and Navalny, or this, well, whose gazes are turned inward, in, Gozman, let's choose him ..., he will give us everything, we will live, spilled raspberries ...
                Thank God that the majority of the Russian people have their heads in place, that's why they have chosen Putin for 18 years ...
                1. bar
                  13 January 2020 08: 56
                  Personally, I remember very well Khrushchev's "thaw", when in 1964 they sold half a loaf of corn bread to one person

                  I also found it. I went with my grandmother to stand in line to get coupons for corn buns.

                  Under Gorbachev, the life of the common people, oddly enough, improved, the people got extra money

                  But only "their circle was narrow and they were terribly far from the people." And people again stood in lines and bought coupons ...
                  1. +1
                    13 January 2020 20: 21
                    And I’m still a kid compared to you, I remember well only since 1975, I lived in Karaganda, a mining town. Salaries of 140 rubles were enough for everything, sausage, chicken, fish, (meat is not always) - on free sale, there were also enough manufactured goods, though the line went to Zhiguli, although the miners had a faster turn. Therefore, there are no complaints against Brezhnev.
            2. +12
              13 January 2020 07: 22
              Reliable Putin and his happy generation
              "reliable", you cannot call a person who has repeatedly deceived. and the "happy generation" is apparently tied to the "Forbes" list.
        2. +8
          13 January 2020 09: 42
          Quote: Uncle Lee
          In my lifetime I have experienced Stalin's "totalitarianism", Khrushchev's "voluntarism", Brezhnev's "stagnation", Gorbachev's "perestroika and acceleration", Yeltsin's "blessed nineties" and Putin's "it is not known what" ...
          I can compare these periods of our history. hi

          Active biography. Not everyone is so lucky.
          1. +9
            13 January 2020 09: 49
            Quote: Terenin
            Active biography

            gene hi Yeah .... A rare pensioner survives and finalizes up to 70 ....
            1. +8
              13 January 2020 10: 13
              Quote: Uncle Lee
              Quote: Terenin
              Active biography

              gene hi Yeah .... A rare pensioner survives and finalizes up to 70 ....

              Volodya, I wish you to continue to live actively Yes . And despite the listed forms of government and era, we (with you) are all the same happy people.
              1. +4
                13 January 2020 11: 34
                Quote: Terenin
                happy people.

                Yes, Gennady, we are happy with our fate and our working life! drinks
        3. +3
          13 January 2020 10: 17
          Quote from Uncle Lee
          I can compare these periods of our history.

          and what conclusion?
          1. +4
            13 January 2020 10: 22
            We have a Field of Miracles. There is a host. And there is the "Country of Fools" What other conclusions can there be!
  2. 0
    13 January 2020 05: 51
    But does Elizabeth’s long stay in power in England bother the British? request
    1. +4
      13 January 2020 06: 40
      But does Elizabeth’s long stay in power in England bother the British?

      It doesn’t bother. The queen does not rule. And the prime ministers were replaced for her reign of 14!
      1. 0
        13 January 2020 06: 58
        Quote: Deck
        The queen does not rule. And the prime minister was replaced for her reign of 14!

        In fact of the matter. Prime ministers in Britain only represent the highest power.
      2. KCA
        13 January 2020 07: 16
        That's just the queen must approve all laws, or veto, and in Australia, being also the queen of Australia, Elizabeth in 1975 dismissed the prime minister and dispersed the parliament, well, no power, right?
    2. +11
      13 January 2020 06: 58
      Quote: Mavrikiy
      But does Elizabeth’s long stay in power in England bother the British?

      If the British robbed GB and brought all this to Russia, then it would definitely be embarrassing. In the meantime, everything is happening the other way around ...
  3. +3
    13 January 2020 06: 29
    For three years now such articles. Their own media are unconvincing. There is a veiled support for Putin from the "partners" media holdings. Moreover, it is much more important for any "England" who sits in the Kremlin than for the "electorate." So they trumpet about the mythical "outstanding qualities".
    1. +12
      13 January 2020 07: 02
      Quote: samarin1969
      There is a veiled support for Putin from the "partners" media holdings.

      And who supports?
      Eduard Ponarin, Professor of Sociology at the Higher School of Economics.

      Year of foundation 1992
      State type
      Target capital 742,5 million rubles
      (as of December 2018 [1])
      Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov
      President Alexander Shokhin
      Scientific adviser Evgeniy Yasin
      Students 40 (as of 300)[2018]
      Foreign students 2760 (with graduate students)[3]
      PhD 700[4]
      Teachers 5600 (for 2018)[2]
      Economists, their mothers ... But they cannot make a "maize" all kagal ...
      1. +8
        13 January 2020 07: 14
        send this whole school to Siberia, cut down the forest. they would definitely understand what the economy is and what it is eaten with. and this is not black caviar and red fish, with all kinds of roqueforts there. etc.
    2. +9
      13 January 2020 09: 20
      What have I read now? One gets the feeling that this opus was written under the impression of Surkov's article "Putin's Long State", only "reflections" about the "deep people" and historical parallels are lacking. And in general, what a bad habit of taking a person, asking his opinion, and then extrapolating it to the entire social group to which he can be ranked? They would have conducted a poll among the Young Guard. I am sure there would have been many times more enthusiastic exclamations. I turned 27 the other day. All my entourage, including the offspring of influential regional functionaries, say one thing - the regime is stagnating and no longer adequately responding to challenges, which means that its end is just a matter of time. The only question is how soon. Or are we already too old and our opinion is not rolling?
  4. +2
    13 January 2020 06: 37
    Come on, Merkel, too, has long been in her chair and nothing - the Germans for the most part are satisfied.
  5. +16
    13 January 2020 06: 44
    Reliable Putin and his happy generation

    This is the reliable Putin:

    And this is his happy environment:

    Do not scare us with socialism. Do not explain to us the need for ongoing robbery and plunder of Russia ...
    Naftogaz is already preparing a lawsuit for $ 7 billion, and I do not think that someone Miller will pay them out of pocket ...
    1. -4
      13 January 2020 06: 47
      and who can prevent them from putting claims?) such is the world. lawsuits are the usual course of work for most companies. the thing is that at least one of the lawyers you hire engages the courts all crosses.
      1. +8
        13 January 2020 06: 49
        Quote: carstorm 11
        and who can prevent them from bringing claims?

        Really ... Who? I would like Russia to not bother with paying these claims at the expense of domestic resources ...
        1. -5
          13 January 2020 06: 56
          at the expense of what resources? what are you talking about? it’s not against the state, but against Gazprom.
          1. +3
            13 January 2020 07: 20
            "Happy, Putin's youth":

          2. +7
            13 January 2020 07: 26
            Quote: carstorm 11
            it’s not against the state, but against Gazprom.

            Claims for Gazprom? laughing
            This is the payment of dividends on shares - to Gazprom. This is a drop in gas prices to Europe and China to Gazprom. And the increase in tariffs for the population, of dubious quality, concluded contracts, and fines based on the results of incompetence are villains from a Russian multinational energy company ... feel
            1. -7
              13 January 2020 07: 55
              Firstly, let's immediately decide. dubious quality contracts? did you see them studied? Before making such statements, start with this. Annoying statements from the air and not me alone. incompetence? Again, by what criteria are such statements? I look at you and a telepath lawyer and an HR specialist in one bottle at once. secondly, in our country, tariffs for the population are among the lowest in the world.
              1. +10
                13 January 2020 08: 00
                Quote: carstorm 11
                Firstly, let's immediately decide. dubious quality contracts?

                Let's immediately define ourselves, in order to evaluate a particular contract, it is enough to see the amount of fines that "emerge" during its execution (non-execution). And international legal norms are dealt with by "effective people" whose daily salary is several times higher than my annual pension. Therefore, I have no time to rummage in paragraphs of contracts (if not harder) ...
                1. -3
                  13 January 2020 08: 04
                  for sure. and the temperature in the street you determine by the movement of trees in the street from the wind?))) to see the amount of fines) circus damn.
              2. +8
                13 January 2020 12: 02
                Quote: carstorm 11
                secondly, in our country, tariffs for the population are among the lowest in the world.

                you heard ....
                Gazprom urged the Russians to prepare for higher gas prices, as the price of raw materials in the global market fell, and they will have to be compensated at the expense of the country's citizens. This was announced at the Gas of Russia 2019 forum by the Deputy Head of Gazprom Department 817 (Economic Expertise and Pricing) Viktor Yatsenko. European gas prices now average $ 150,2 per thousand cubic meters. The Russians, according to the top manager of Gazprom, pay extremely little - only 62,74 dollars per thousand cubic meters. And the company is very unhappy with the low growth in gas prices. laughing
                1. +5
                  13 January 2020 14: 16
                  I wonder where the figure of 62,74 dollars per thousand cubic meters (about 3800-4000 rubles) came from? This is probably in Moscow and for Moscow, but in the regions the average price per 1000 meters is 8200-8600 rubles! And this is 125-130 dollars! That is, the price for domestic consumers almost came close to the notorious European prices of $ 147!
                  Taken from here:
          3. +8
            13 January 2020 12: 07
            Quote: carstorm 11
            it’s not against the state, but against Gazprom.

            strange somehow it turns out, according to the box they say that ..

            and we want something from the state, although the state is the owner of Gazprom, it owns only 50% of the shares (+1 vote).
            1. -3
              13 January 2020 12: 13
              50 + 1 is not the owner. And one of. just with a controlling stake
              1. +9
                13 January 2020 12: 15
                Quote: carstorm 11
                50 + 1 is not the owner. And one of.

                you still say that Putin does not regulate Gazprom! What to throw pipes to China, Turkey and Germany is the desire of the rest of the shareholders. laughing
                1. -4
                  13 January 2020 12: 18
                  Yes, he generally controls everything. even the sun rises by his permission. and Merkel apparently regulates German buyers since it’s baked so much and Erdogan is their own. Well seriously enough to write something stupid.)
                  1. +6
                    13 January 2020 13: 24
                    Quote: carstorm 11
                    Yes, he generally controls everything. even the sun rises by his permission. and Merkel apparently regulates German buyers since it’s baked so much and Erdogan is their own. Well seriously enough to write something stupid.)

                    That's it, enough noodles to broadcast about powerless Putin. By the way, Merkel and Erdogan-proteges of Putin? What are you dragging them to? laughing
                    1. -5
                      13 January 2020 13: 32
                      to the fact that the heads of state have such an obligation to promote business in the international arena. which is quite common. but this in no way means that they regulate and control this business. that's all.
                      1. +8
                        13 January 2020 15: 06
                        Quote: carstorm 11
                        to the fact that the heads of state have such a duty to promote business on the international stage

                        there is another duty of his ...

                        how about the last item?
                        Remember his support for pension reform
                      2. -8
                        13 January 2020 17: 14
                        I am not interested in this topic. Absolutely. I worried about myself and do not worry about this.
                      3. +7
                        13 January 2020 18: 35
                        Quote: carstorm 11
                        I am not interested in this topic. Absolutely. I worried about myself and do not worry about this.

                        Clearly, a hatskraynik. Well then, about yourself and worry, why are you bothering yourself with Merkel and Erdogan? laughing
                      4. -5
                        13 January 2020 19: 38
                        hatskraynik?) you see, you can stick out your altruism as much as you like, but I'm not 5 years old and I haven't believed in that for a long time. I work a lot with my big family. I pay taxes and do not break the laws. I served for a long time in the army and all that I could achieve, I believe anyone can, if not a whiner and a lazy person. So you don’t make me ashamed of anything. as for what I'm interested in, let me decide what I need and what not.
  6. +15
    13 January 2020 06: 52
    "Absolutely reliable Putin"
    A person who does not keep his word and does not fulfill his promises cannot be reliable.
    1. +4
      13 January 2020 07: 16
      from the word "absolutely".
  7. +3
    13 January 2020 07: 02
    "YOU GIVE YOUTH !!!"
    “Awfully reliable” Putin instead of the American “vacuum”

    Nothing "surprises", except for one that WE HAVE SOMETHING
    instead of the American "vacuum"
    1. +14
      13 January 2020 07: 38
      Uh-huh. The main thing is "braces":
      1. +3
        13 January 2020 07: 54
        Quote: Snail N9
        Uh-huh. The main thing is "braces":

        The problem is not in concepts, terms, the problem in content, in essence!
        Our content is very "sour" ....
        1. -6
          13 January 2020 15: 44
          Quote: rocket757
          Our content is very "sour"

          What exactly do you have - "sour"? fool

          With the "snitch", everything is clear just, the guy is strictly on the training manual ... and you, hike, on a glass. It's a pity if so.

          What kind of braces are there for mom negative
          1. +6
            13 January 2020 18: 10
            Quote: Golovan Jack
            What exactly do you have - "sour"?

            I left the hut
            I went to fight
            To land in Grenada
            Peasants give.
            Farewell, dear!
            Goodbye family!
            "Grenada, Grenada,
            My Granada! ”

            This is NOT ACID! People listened, BELIEVED and walked! At the call of the soul, the party, the MOTHERLAND!
            Many more of the same things from that time can be remembered and ... you just have to remember, because the present ones, who seem to have to call and lead, like ..... they are different. They’re calling, but somehow it’s not all there, and they hardly believe it at all. by inertia we roll, because without some kind of movement the edge is completely ....
            You will find that present similar from what has generated / come up with the present, now?
            Go for it. soldier
            1. -4
              13 January 2020 20: 31
              Quote: rocket757
              I left the hut
              I went to fight
              To land in Grenada
              Give to the peasants

              Do you personally?

              Let me not believe it ... buddy negative
              1. +5
                13 January 2020 20: 44
                Quote: Golovan Jack
                Let me not believe it ... buddy

                Does it matter.
                1. -6
                  13 January 2020 20: 48
                  Quote: rocket757
                  Quote: Golovan Jack
                  Let me not believe it ... buddy

                  Does it matter.

                  You know ... has.

                  What are you, who are you - I see exactly their comments.

                  My impression is that most of them are written heavily under the fly. I would like to make mistakes in this case, of course, but ... purely from experience - the way it is. My apologies request

                  And speaking "for everyone" is not accepted even in the zone. Only for myself, only for myself... buddy.
                  1. +5
                    13 January 2020 21: 07
                    Okay under the fly, ha ha ha!
                    Can I answer the question in any way? Insolence is not enough or something else .... is it about facts that are not taken from anywhere?
                    But they try to insult me, they run into rudeness, it’s useless .... I’m NOT INTERESTED from the definition of EVERYTHING.
                    Okay, come on .... find something worthy of attention, roll to our table, boom hello drinks
                    1. -4
                      13 January 2020 21: 10
                      Quote: rocket757
                      Can I answer the question in any way?

                      I do not see the question. Nothing to answer.

                      Under the fly ... ahem ... not very soon, today - from work, tomorrow - there too ... dog, cat ... damn ...

                      Okay. I didn’t quarrel with you.
                      1. +1
                        14 January 2020 07: 09
                        Quote: Golovan Jack
                        I do not see the question. Nothing to answer.

                        Really? You asked
                        Quote: Golovan Jack
                        What exactly do you have - "sour"?
                        I replied.
                        I asked a question \ topic
                        Quote: rocket757
                        You will find that present similar from what has generated / come up with the present, now?
                        Go for it.

                        And you
                        Quote: Golovan Jack
                        Nothing to answer
                        I can assume that the gesture fool demonstrated by you was not casual.
                        However, we / I do not care, everyone understands CAM with their cockroaches.
                      2. +4
                        14 January 2020 07: 58
                        Quote: rocket757
                        everyone understands their cockroaches

                        In the forest...
                  2. +3
                    13 January 2020 21: 08
                    purely from experience

                    not accepted even in the zone

                    Most unpleasant, apparently, you have experience, Kat.
                    most of them are written heavily under the fly

                    Looking for "colleagues"?
                    only for myself

                    There are no other people willing to "take a glass".
                    My apologies

                    This behavior is typical, usually, of people over 80: when something accidentally crashes, they cannot do anything about it, but feeling ashamed, they apologize.
                    In your 62, such situations signal problems ...
                    Take care of yourself. And then, all of a sudden, it is Sylvester who will have to go to call you laughing
                    1. 0
                      13 January 2020 21: 29
                      Quote: lexus
                      purely from experience

                      not accepted even in the zone

                      Apparently, you probably have experience, Kat

                      Kate is a radio operator. On the ave there is a dog, mine. Breed - Major Bulldog))). Turn on autopilot, Lexus wink

                      Today I am my dog ​​... Golovan Jack is him, not me.

                      As for the experience - you know la ... even here I, who have never sat, never really like when some kind of miracle of God begins to speak ... for me ....

                      Man, I can do it myself. This right was given to me by God, who is one for all ... and even for you, a miracle of God.

                      So - "Don't stand under the tap" Yes

                      Quote: lexus
                      In your 62

                      Flight ... I'm much less laughing

                      Quote: lexus
                      And then, all of a sudden, it’s Sylvester who will come to you to call

                      I have good insurance, if something suddenly happens, sort it out ...

                      Sylvester - greetings from the 51st Moscow Clinical, for example ... That's where the surgeons are really gods good
      2. -1
        13 January 2020 12: 04
        For me, a similar situation is an occasion to ask first of all questions to their children.
      3. +3
        13 January 2020 18: 19
        Quote: Snail N9
        The main thing is "clamps":

        Yeah, they are the most.
  8. +7
    13 January 2020 07: 04
    "A study carried out in October 2019 by the Levada Center showed that 53% of people aged 18 to 24 want to leave the country."

    The quintessence of reality ... youth does not believe and does not see the future in the country. No stability, life from crisis to crisis. Vova, on the other hand, turns into the priest of the tsar, Nicholas II also thought that his people love ... he will probably also sit until they take him to Yekaterinburg.
    I understand that the difference between 1999 and 2020 is enormous, but you need to leave on time and not surround yourself with fellow thieves.
    1. +9
      13 January 2020 07: 37
      Quote: FRoman1984
      I understand that the difference between 1999 and 2020 is enormous ...

      And the strangest thing is that people see this, understand and do not deny ...
      Quote: FRoman1984
      but you have to leave on time and not surround yourself with fellow thieves.

      good Exactly. Promoting the idea of ​​"prosperity and well-being" to the population, when the growth of pensions and wages of the bulk of the population does not even cover inflation, and bureaucratic capitalism flourishes in the country:
      To begin with, it should be said that in Russia bureaucratic capitalismAccording to various estimates, the state controls from 50 to 70% of the country's GDP. But the figures that appear in the Western press are surprising, to say the least: "One generation of oligarchs who are now well over 60 or a little over 70 controls a huge share of the $ 1,7 trillion Russian economy.". I remind you that the whole Gazprom is now worth less than $ 100 billion (although the tab is $ 159 billion)., - says the head of the information and analytical center "Alpari" Alexander Razuvaev.

      Returning to the "national heritage" - here are its direct "relatives and heirs":
      Subsidiaries: Lietuvos dujos, Gazprom EP International BV, Nigaz[d], YugoRosGaz[d], Slovenský plynárenský priemysel, Baltic LNG, Nord Stream AG, RosUkrEnergo, Bosphorus Gaz Corporation[d], Gazprom Export[d], Gazprom avia, Zenit Football Club, Gazprombank, Gazprom Neft, SeverEnergia, Sibur, Mosenergo, Novatek, Stroytransgaz, Armrosgazprom[d], Beltransgaz, Overgas[d], Vemex[d], Eesti Gaas, Gasum[d], VNG – Verbundnetz Gas[d ], Gazprom Germania[d], Wingas[d], Prometheus Gas[d], Panrusgáz[d], BorsodChem and Latvijas Gāze

      I hope you also found your last name on the list ... lol
  9. +7
    13 January 2020 07: 08
    I don’t know where the authors saw the pro-Putin youth, but in large cities young people and high school students are entirely supporters of Navalny. That’s the whole result of all this pseudo-patriotic official rhetoric.
    1. +3
      13 January 2020 07: 23
      plus to you. but rather they are against GDP and nothing more. and yet our hearts require change .... our eyes. ... waiting for change.
      1. +1
        13 January 2020 12: 07
        This is from children's belief that nothing bad can happen to them. And what they have now has always been and always will be under any circumstances. With age, this goes away.
    2. bar
      13 January 2020 07: 27
      Young people always want action, at least remember yourself. What will be the result of this movement, they are not particularly interested, "to the ground, and then ...". Then come what may.
      "Change! We are waiting for change!" - Choi sang in 1986. Had he lived to this day, he would have asked him - did you expect such changes?
      1. +9
        13 January 2020 11: 58
        Quote: bar
        Have you been waiting for such a change?

        and what changes are you waiting for? - It will not be better, this is an axiom
        1. bar
          13 January 2020 12: 04
          I left the youth category a long time ago, so I'm not expecting anything
          1. +12
            13 January 2020 12: 13
            Quote: bar
            I left the youth category a long time ago, so I'm not expecting anything

            And here I am, a pensioner, and still waiting for the best. "A man without a dream is like a bird without wings" A. Ostrovsky
      2. +1
        13 January 2020 12: 17
        And I no longer want any movement in the style: "to the ground, and then ..." Although I'm no longer young. Just as I remember what happened in the early 90s. Or grandfather's stories about the times of the civil war.

        By the way to the question of dvizhuha. A couple of years ago, in Krasnodar, at the intersection of Kotovsky and the Red Partisans, during the construction of the next commercial and office building, a mass grave of those shot during the civil war was excavated.
        And it is not a fact that in the event of another such "movement" it will not be described by a phrase6 and who is now at the expense, everyone wonders for himself.
        1. bar
          13 January 2020 12: 21
          And I no longer want any movement in the style: "to the ground, and then ..." Although I'm no longer young. Just as I remember what happened in the early 90s. Or grandfather's stories about the times of the civil war.

          Shchaz all-scufflers with lost polymers, of which the majority on the site, are brutally zinnusut for such sedition.
  10. +4
    13 January 2020 07: 19
    The trouble is that Putin demonstrates Russia's successes solely in international politics.
    At home, except for a variety of "Streams" there is nothing to boast of. Well, except for a ride on the Crimean bridge by train ...
    Putin's message to the federal assembly is coming soon.
    Unusually early - in January.
    Perhaps Garant understood - it’s time to change the government. The current economy can not or does not want to ..
    But the government does not care about the interests of the people. For them, we are not even an electorate - after all, ministers are appointed, not elected.
    So, amorphous substance. Source of taxes ...
    1. +9
      13 January 2020 07: 44
      Quote: Paul Siebert
      Putin's message to the federal assembly is coming soon.
      Unusually early - in January.
      Perhaps Garant understood - it’s time to change the government.

      All these manipulations with public consciousness will bring absolutely no benefit. If people take Zheglov's phrase with a bang:
      That’s all the messages to him. They do not warm it. And what is happening in life - they know without messages ...
    2. +12
      13 January 2020 11: 56
      Quote: Paul Siebert
      Perhaps Garant understood - it’s time to change the government.

      I didn’t understand, I’ll just show up in front of the electorate with new tasks. And who will ask about their implementation? - The one who is asking now, i.e. NONE.
      The main thing is to crow, and there at least dawn do not begin there
    3. bar
      13 January 2020 12: 09
      the food is that Putin demonstrates Russia's successes solely in international politics.

      Hike upstairs simply divided spheres of influence and try not to interfere with each other. VVP with Shoigu and Lavrov are playing in foreign policy, while Dimon and his friends are eating up on the inside. And the question "who will change whom" is not yet up to them.
  11. +3
    13 January 2020 07: 38
    Usually, a person thinks about the head of state when it becomes difficult for him. For example, under Khrushchev they scolded him in whispers at all angles. They simply didn’t notice Brezhnev. Perhaps some people from the intelligentsia murmured. But ordinary people didn’t bother with his rule. I don’t know how, but I am more annoyed by the affairs of petty bureaucracy. Rather, his inaction.
  12. +10
    13 January 2020 08: 12
    Putin was seated in the president’s chair by the oligarchic elite, when it dawned on her that in the West nobody really needs them from the word at all. And that soon the West itself will come and bring democracy to the bombers and take away everything he needs, and they will have nothing to rob. And then we got a super hockey player, a super pilot, judoka, etc. etc.
  13. -4
    13 January 2020 08: 23
    If someone does not like the West and the West is trying to omit a person with the help of his dirty provocations, dirty articles, and various kinds of inferences, you can be sure that this is a person who can be fully trusted! West offers instead of not a good Putin, a good Sobchak? If people like her fall into this position, this will be the beginning of the end of Russia.
  14. +3
    13 January 2020 08: 29
    It is important to learn how to transfer power without large-scale crises in the country .... three revolutions in 100 years, it's kind of cool. Plus the civil war of 1918 and the war after 1991 ...
  15. -2
    13 January 2020 09: 03
    Medvedev and his retinue spoil the whole picture
  16. +4
    13 January 2020 09: 43
    economic progress ... already funny
  17. 0
    13 January 2020 10: 45
    Thanks to the author for a review of youth sentiments. This is a very real picture. Constant commentators of VO will generally not be accepted, in mind .....
  18. +13
    13 January 2020 11: 54
    And not without reason the younger generation admits: protests are good, but suppressing protests is also good, otherwise chaos is coming.

    and there will be happiness and prosperity laughing
  19. +2
    13 January 2020 12: 23
    There are no irreplaceable ones, and when Putin and the era of Putin leave, people will look at this time differently, someone with horror that they lived with the current president at that time and someone with regret and everything will depend on who comes to replace him and who they choose and how the politics will change for the people of the new president
    1. 0
      13 January 2020 20: 43
      If Putin is replaced by his henchman, then almost all thieves will remain with the loot. And if a completely new person comes, not from the Putin team, then the loot can return to the state (50% probability) or the loot will go into the hands of other people (50% probability). Do you think it's worth the risk for 50%? I think it’s worth it, since the current situation leaves 100% everything as before.
  20. +4
    13 January 2020 13: 20
    Nonsense, today's young people have practically no prospects, and they perfectly understand that there are no social elevators, with a stagnant economy and a curtailment of production, there is no prospect. It will be even worse.
    1. -1
      13 January 2020 14: 14
      In general, I doubt that social elevators exist where either for any significant number of people. And in most cases there is an opportunity to rise, but not by elevator by pressing a button. And on the stairs with a substantial number of steps and without railings.
      But everyone wants an elevator.
    2. -1
      13 January 2020 15: 11
      Complete nonsense, today's youth has practically no prospects

      Tell this to my son and his friends ...
      1. -1
        13 January 2020 15: 25
        Quote: bk316
        Complete nonsense, today's youth has practically no prospects

        Tell this to my son and his friends ...

        And the children of my friends. And to my staff. And to me, by the way.

        Zadolbali local trolls with calculations and b-levada, sorry 4 my French ...
        1. -3
          13 January 2020 15: 58
          Zadolbali local trolls with calculations.

          Yes, people generally write tough blizzards.
          About social elevators, on the contrary, their speed scares me.
          Take the current Minister of Communications or the head of the DIT (and this is also the Minister of Moscow only) from the hinterland younger than my wife laughing , no connections in Moscow ...
          Well, I'm not talking about institutional elevators, the same VM&C has finished - already consider your career.
  21. +3
    13 January 2020 17: 11
    More precisely, without EP and pocket parties, not life, but four-letter happiness .. laughing
  22. 0
    14 January 2020 05: 47
    "Thus, it is very difficult for Russians, especially young people who have not seen another ruler in their life, apart from “castling” with Medvedev, to imagine Russia without Putin. It is this identification that is the basis of the cult of stability. And it is not for nothing that the younger generation recognizes that protests are good, but suppressing protests is also good, otherwise chaos is coming."- I am very glad that a smart new generation of young people has grown up in Russia! If you look closely at what has grown up in the West, you are taken aback.
  23. +1
    14 January 2020 23: 33
    and the Russian economy has grown more than six times compared to 2000.

    And for good, it should have grown 15 times, if Russia was not currently one of the leaders in the number of dollar billionaires
  24. +2
    15 January 2020 07: 58
    Our leader finally broke away from the people, I don’t support him at all, it’s time to leave him.
  25. +1
    18 January 2020 12: 24
    There is nothing eternal in this world, even the Sun must one day go out. Even if you glance through History, you can see how many great empires have sunk into oblivion. How much God has given Russia years, only he knows and no one else.