An Gorta Mor. Great Famine in Ireland


These sculptures can be seen if you walk along the promenade of Dublin, the capital of Ireland. They appeared here in the 1997 year and are designed to remind of the terrible misfortune that came to this country in the middle of the XIX century. This trouble has a name - Great Famine: An Gorta Mor (Irish) or Great Famine (English).
An Gorta Mor. Great Famine in Ireland

Great Famine Stamp, Ireland, 1997 Goodaboomthe. Great hunger in ireland

I must say that for millennia, hunger has been a real curse of mankind. He reigned throughout the Earth, was a regular guest in Europe, America, Asia and Africa. In The Revelation of St. John the Evangelist, Hunger is one of the horsemen of the Apocalypse (on the black horse, the other horsemen - Plague on the white horse, War on the red and Death on the pale).

V. Vasnetsov. Riders of apocalypse. Museum stories religion, St. Petersburg

Only relatively recently, hunger left economically developed countries, and the human body gratefully reacted to this phenomenon of “acceleration” that surprised everyone in the post-war years. For the first time, “acceleration” was recorded at the beginning of the 20th century - when compared with the data of the 30 of the 19th century, it acquired an “explosive” and noticeable “naked eye” character (when teenagers were suddenly higher than their parents) in the 60 of the XX century centuries (including in the USSR).

Currently, famine has receded into the countries of Asia and Africa, where, as before, it collects abundant “tribute” in the form of deaths and related diseases. And in the rich countries of Europe at that time, about 100 million tons of food products are thrown out or sent for processing annually, in the USA, according to the UN Commission, the share of thrown out products reaches 40% of the produced ones.

But it was not always so. And, relatively recently, in Ireland, which is now quite prosperous, a real tragedy broke out before the eyes of the entire “civilized world”, resulting in the deaths of about a million people (from 500 thousand and a half million, according to various estimates).

This country is literally depopulated, having lost in 10 years (from 1841 to 1851 years) 30% of its population. The sad tendency continued in the future: if in 1841 the population of Ireland was 8 million 178 thousand people (it was the most densely populated country in Europe), then in 1901 there were only 4 million 459 thousand - about the same as in 1800 year. This was the result of hunger, disease and mass emigration of the indigenous population from a country in a humanitarian disaster. Ireland has not fully recovered so far, and at present it is the only European state whose population has not increased but decreased since the mid-19th century.

County of Clare was one of the most affected regions: at the beginning of the XIX century, the number of its inhabitants reached 208 thousand people, and in 1966, only 73,5 thousand lived in it.

But how could this happen on the European territory of one of the most powerful empires in world history? Not somewhere overseas, in India, Burma, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, the Fiji Islands or New Guinea, but very close to the shortest distance between the islands of Great Britain and Ireland is 154 km (St George's Strait).

The first colony of the British

First of all, it should be said that Ireland was still a colony of the British (the first in a row), and the relations between the Irish and the British were never friendly.

It all began in the 1171 year, when the English king Henry II Plantagenet, with the blessing of Pope Adrian IV at the head of the army, arrived on 400's ships, invaded the territory of Ireland.

Coin of Henry II Plantagenet

Artaud de Montor, Pope Adrian IV

The Irish Catholic Church, which until then remained the only one independent of Rome, was subordinate to the popes. The population of the island overlaid with a huge tribute. Irish was banned (in the 17th century, a reward equal to the premium for a dead wolf was paid for the head of an underground teacher). As a result of this policy, the mother tongue (learned in early childhood) of the Irish language is only for 200 thousand people living in the west of the island. But in recent years, the number of Irish has been consciously studying their native language in adulthood: it is believed that about 20% of the country's population now speaks it to one degree or another. Also in Ireland, the British prohibited the wearing of a national costume.

Queen Elizabeth I of the land of the northeastern counties of Ireland and completely declared the property of the British crown and sold it to the Anglo-Scottish colonists. As a result, over time, in six of the nine counties of Ulster (northern part of the country), the number of descendants of Anglo-Scottish settlers was higher than the number of Irish. And when Ireland gained independence (in 1921), most of Ulster remained part of the United Kingdom.

Ulster on a map of Ireland, 3 of Irish counties are highlighted in green, the remaining 6 are in the UK

In general, if you need to characterize the centuries-old relations between the British and the Irish, this can be done using only one word: “hatred”. Over time, even the Irish prayer, “Lord, save us from the fury of the Normans,” changed its content: “Lord, save us from the greed of the Anglo-Saxons.”

Historian William Edward Burkhardt Dubois of the United States wrote in 1983 that "the economic situation of a peasant in Ireland was worse than that of an American slave in an era of emancipation." This view is all the more curious because Dubois himself is an African American.

In the "enlightened" XIX century, Alfred Tennyson, Queen Victoria's favorite poet (she gave him the title of baron and peer), wrote:
“The Celts are all finished boobies. They live on a terrible island and they don’t have a story worth mentioning. Why can no one blow this rotten island with dynamite and sweep its pieces in different directions? ”

John Everett Millet. Portrait of Alfred Tennyson. 1881 year

Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoigne-Cecil Salisbury, three times the British Prime Minister in the second half and at the end of the 19th century, said that the Irish were not capable of self-government or self-survival.

And in the 20th century, English screenwriter and actor Ted Whitehead said:
“In an English court, a defendant is presumed innocent until proved to be Irish.”

Therefore, one should not be surprised at the indifference shown to the tragedy of the Irish people by the government of the Empire and ordinary Britons.

The race of lords and the race of servants in the view of the British of the XIX century

English Lords on Irish Land

But what happened in Ireland in those terrible years?

It all started back in XII, when the first English lords appeared on the territory of Ireland. The situation worsened under Henry VIII, who announced the separation of the English Church from the Roman Catholic, while the Irish remained Catholics. The country's lords were now not only descendants of strangers, but also Anglican Protestants, and the hostility between the ruling elite and the common people not only did not fade, but even increased. In accordance with the so-called “punitive laws”, Catholic Catholics were forbidden to own land or lease it, vote and hold elected posts (these “repressive” laws were partially repealed only in the 1829 year). The Anglo-Scottish colonization of Ireland was strongly encouraged - to the detriment of the interests of the indigenous population. As a result, by the beginning of the XIX century. local Catholic peasants (cotters) almost lost their land allotments, and were forced to enter into bonded lease agreements with British landlords.

"Irish Lumper"

Under these conditions, the appearance of potatoes on the island in 1590 literally saved many lives: the conditions for its cultivation were almost perfect, good and, most importantly, stable crops were guaranteed even in areas with the poorest soil. In the mid-19th century, almost a third of the country's arable land was sown with this crop. Gradually, potatoes became the basis of the diet of the vast majority of Irish people, especially in the western counties of Mayo and Galway, where, according to 90,% of the population could not afford other products except potatoes (the rest of the products went for sale: the money was needed to pay for renting the land). Fatal for Ireland was the fact that only one variety of potatoes was grown in it then - the “Irish lumper”. And therefore, when in 1845 the phytophthora fungus hit the island (it is believed that one of the American ships brought it there), a disaster occurred.

Potato affected by late blight

An gorta mor

Cork County in southwestern Ireland was the first to suffer, and from there the disease spread to other fields, and famine came to Ireland. But the next year became even more scary, because already infected seed material was often used for planting.

As if this were not enough for the unfortunate Ireland, landlords, who also suffered losses, increased land rents. Many peasants were unable to make it on time, as a result, only Count Luke in Mayo County for the non-payment of rent in 1847, evicted 2 thousands of people, all of their homes and land plots by 1849 were lost 250 thousand peasants. In Clare County, according to Captain Kennedy, from November 1847 to April 1848, about 1000 houses of devastated peasants were demolished. In total, from 1846 to 1854. About 500 thousand people were evicted.

Eviction of Irish tenants, engraving

All these people, having lost their last source of income and food, rushed into the cities.

In the fall of 1845, 100 000 pounds of corn and Indian corn flour were purchased in the USA, but they arrived in Ireland only in February 1846, and literally became a drop in the ocean: it was impossible to feed them the entire population of the island.

It is curious that the British official in charge of managing the state aid to the starving, quite seriously argued that “the court of God sent disaster in order to teach the Irish a lesson.” To go against the will of the Lord, of course, was unreasonable, pointless and even criminal, so much zeal for his He didn’t show a position.The name of this official was preserved in an Irish folk song telling about the events of those years:
"At the lonely prison wall
I heard the girl calling:
"Michael, they took you
Due to the fact that you stole Travelin’s bread,
So baby could see the morning.
Now the prison ship is waiting in the bay. "
Against hunger and the Crown
I rebelled, they will destroy me.
From now on, you must raise our child with dignity. ”

23 March 1846 years, John Russell, speaking in the House of Lords, said:
"We have turned Ireland into the most backward and most destitute country in the world ... The whole world brand us a disgrace, but we are equally indifferent to our dishonor and to the results of our inept management."

His performance did not make much impression on the “masters” of Great Britain.

Some of the Irish then got to work houses, where they had to work for food and a place under the roof, some were hired by the government to build roads.

Hungry Irish at the gates of a workhouse, engraving

But the number of hungry people who lost everything was too large, and therefore, in 1847, the British Parliament passed a law according to which the peasants whose land plots exceeded the indicated area were denied the right to receive benefits. As a result, some Irish, in order to demonstrate their poverty to government officials, began to dismantle the roof of their homes. Following the famine came his constant companions - scurvy, other vitamin deficiencies, infectious diseases. And people began to die en masse. The mortality rate among children was especially high.

Bridget O'Donnell, who killed two of four children, engraving from the London newspaper 1848 of the year

In the 1849 year, cholera came to Ireland, which claimed about 36 thousand lives. Then the epidemic of typhus began.

Alfred Rethhel. “Death playing the violin in Masquerade during the outbreak of cholera in Paris in 1831”, 1845 year

At the same time, food continued to be exported from starving Ireland.

Christina Kinely, professor at the University of Liverpool, wrote:
“This great catastrophe and monstrous famine was also provoked by the Irish export of cattle (with the exception of pigs), which actually increased precisely during the famine. Products were shipped under the escort of the military through those regions that were most affected by hunger. ”

The British historian Cecil Blanche Wooham-Smith agrees with her, who claimed that
“The history of relations between the two states did not see a greater manifestation of cruelty and hypocrisy towards Ireland on the part of England than in the 1845-1849 years ... A huge number of food products exported to England from Ireland during the Great Famine caused the death of many hundreds of thousands of Irish. "

At the same time, the British government did its best to play down the scale of the disaster that befell Ireland and refused foreign aid. But, as they say, “you can’t hide the sewn in a bag,” and information about the distress on the island went beyond Ireland and Britain. Irish soldiers serving in the East India Company raised £ 1,000 for the starving 14. 2 thousand pounds donated by Pope Pius IX. Religious organization British Relief Association for 1847 year raised about 200 thousand pounds. And even the Choctaw Indians in 1847 sent to 710 dollars they collected in Ireland.

The Ottoman Sultan Abdul-Mejid I tried to donate 10 thousand pounds in 1845 to the starving Irish, but Queen Victoria asked him to reduce this amount to 1000 pounds - because she herself gave only 2 thousand to the starving British. The sultan officially transferred this money, and sent three ships with food for the starving in secret. Despite attempts by British naval sailors to block these vessels, they nevertheless arrived at the port of Droed (county Louth).

Sultan Abdul-Majid I

In the 1847 year, after two years of famine, a good potato crop was finally obtained, the next year, the remaining farmers on the island tripled the area of ​​the potato fields - and almost all the potatoes died again in the fields, for the third time in the 4 of the year.

Reducing duties on food import duties could at least slightly alleviate the situation, but Ireland was part of the UK, and therefore this law, common to the whole empire, inevitably hit the interests of British farmers, and therefore the British agrarian lobby did not allow it to be adopted.

19 May William Hamilton, driven to despair by the 23-year-old unemployed Irishman, attempted to assassinate Queen Victoria, but incorrectly loaded his gun. He was sentenced to the 7 summer hard labor in Australia.

Only in 1850 did the British government, seeing the consequences of their policies, reduce taxes and annul the debts of Irish peasants accumulated during the famine. In the meantime, hundreds of thousands of disadvantaged people went overseas.

Ships of Death

Irish emigration to the United States began as early as the beginning of the 18th century, but Ulsterian Protestants, the descendants of Anglo-Scottish immigrants, then prevailed among people traveling overseas. They settled mainly in the "mountainous" states (Mountain West - Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming). They adapted quite easily and quickly in the USA.

U.S. Highlands

US highlands on a map

Now, Irish emigration has acquired an avalanche-like character, and new settlers settled, usually on the coast of the northeastern states. One of the first ships with immigrants sailed from Dublin on the 17 of March (St. Patrick's Day) in the 1846 of the year from the place where the Emigrants. Hunger ”- you saw his photo at the very beginning of the article. This ship arrived in New York two months later - on May 18 1846 of the year.

Memorial to the Great Famine in Ireland in New York, Manhattan. On the upper part of the “slope”, plants of 62 species characteristic of Mayo County are planted. On the slope of the upper part there is 32 stone - one from each county of Ireland.

In total for 6 years (from 1846 to 1851), five thousand ships with Irish arrived in the USA, Canada and Australia. It is believed that over 6 years from Ireland went from one and a half to two million people. These people could not even afford an 3 class cabin on a regular cruise ship, so they carried them in the holds of old ships that had already served their terms, some of which had previously been used to transport slaves from Africa. These ships came to be called “ships of hunger,” “floating coffins,” or “ships of death.” It is estimated that of the 100 thousand people who went on these ships to Canada in the 1847 year, 16 thousand died on the way, or shortly after arrival.

Landing of Irish immigrants on the “ship of hunger” in Liverpool

Departure of ships with emigrants from Liverpool

The National Monument to the Victims of Famine - “Ship of Hunger” (“floating coffin”). Morrisk City, County Mayo, Ireland

As a result, the national composition of cities on the east coast of the United States has changed dramatically: up to a quarter of the population in them now were Irish. In Boston, for example, the number of Irish has grown from 30 thousand to 100 thousand people.

Monument to Irish Migrants, Boston

Irish Memorial, Sculptural composition dedicated to the Great Famine in Ireland, Philadelphia

Irish Memorial, Sculpture dedicated to the Great Famine in Ireland, Philadelphia - right side

The situation in Canadian Toronto was even more serious: 20 38 Irish arrived in the city, whose population was then about 600 thousand people, 1100 of whom died in the first weeks.

Toronto, Irish Park, sculptures dedicated to immigrants from Ireland during the Great Famine

Currently, memorials dedicated to the Great Irish Famine can be seen in 29 cities around the world. But now, at that time, it was absolutely impossible to name the hospitable citizens of the USA and Canada. This was especially noticeable in the cities of the northeast coast of the United States, a significant proportion of the population of which were then anti-Catholic Puritans. The sharp increase in the Irish population caused shock and a pronounced hatred of the "come in large numbers." In the same Boston, everywhere you could see signs with the inscription: "Irish people do not apply for work." And emaciated Irish women were not taken “to work” even in brothels, since they did not meet the generally accepted standards of that time: women with a “magnificent” figure were valued. Cartoonists and feuilleton authors portrayed Irish immigrants as demented drunks, incorrigible thieves and pathological idlers.

Irish family, American caricature

"St. Patrick's Day: rum and blood", 1867 caricature of the year

Consequences of the Great Famine

Currently, the number of the Irish diaspora is many times greater than the number of Irish living in their homeland. In addition to the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Irish also reached South Africa, Mexico, Argentina, Chile - all 49 countries. Gradually, the Irish were able to adapt to new conditions.

Currently, in the United States alone, there are about 33 million citizens of Irish descent (10,5% of the total population). The largest number of descendants of Irish immigrants now live in the states of Massachusetts (22,5% of the total population) and New Hampshire (20,5%). The direct descendants of the emigrants who arrived on the "ships of hunger" are John F. Kennedy and Henry Ford. And even Barack Obama's grandmother (maternal) was also Irish.

But Ireland itself has not recovered from the consequences of this famine and is now one of the most sparsely populated countries in Western Europe. If in the Netherlands the population density is 404 people per sq. km, in Great Britain - 255, in Germany after two world wars - 230, in Italy - 193, then in Ireland - 66. Only a little more than in the desert United Arab Emirates (where the population density is 60 people per sq. Km).
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  1. -14
    26 November 2019 05: 40
    What do we have to do with it? Regrettably, of course! Informative! But! Some green goblin holiday in Leningrad? And while blocking Nevsky Prospect? I’m better with my wife on Ivan Kupala naked jump in - and on the barn! Though prickly!
    1. -16
      26 November 2019 09: 18
      as the author of the article does not bother to explain the reasons for such unprecedented cruelty towards the white population of Europe and even to Christians. Moreover, when the Irish arrived in slave-owning America, they did not become free, but became slaves, such a term appeared - white slaves, the Irish were crossed with blacks, to bring out more workable and less conflicting draft power on plantations, whom? Who were these destroyers of the Irish people? Why did the Angles exterminate the Irish, and Ryzhov?
      The reason is, of course, hidden from the people. The British are actually the creators of this version of history and who still, in some incomprehensible way, keep each interpretation of history afloat in every country of the world, in every academy of sciences. This situation needs to be dealt with.
      From the old Russian world, all over the world, there is little that has come to us, but still there is something. These are primarily medieval maps. Here is a map of the cartographer Ortelius 1570.
      We see that the names on the map of Ireland are strange
      Ardastan is not particularly bad. The Horde camp fully explains who these Irish were. These were Cossacks-Hordes.
      And the name itself is in Irish
      -Gorda the Great is of course the Horde.

      and this is only a small part of the names that came to us on old maps.
      Did many Irish move to Toronto? What is the name of the main river in the city? She is called Don.

      According to the OI, the hydronym Don is not Russian, but the Indo-European definition, this is how linguistics stole another name from the arm of the people. But we will not believe OI.
      In the British Isles and in France, Galia rivers with the name DON and DUN-many. One only
      -Temeza -DON_za
      In the past from the 16-19th century there was a great war between Tartaria / Dardaria and the SRIG (the Holy Roman Empire of the Germans) and the Irish genocide is one of the manifestations of this war.
      1. VLR
        26 November 2019 09: 35
        Other Irishmen were also "interbred" with blacks at other times: it was the era of filibusters, buccaneers and "Captain Blood". And not only the Irish, by the way. Whites fell into slavery because of debts, some sold themselves to pay off creditors, and the whole family did not end up on the street. Negroes in the colonies were valued higher because of their endurance and unpretentiousness, there was even the expression "black gold and white mud".
        1. 0
          26 November 2019 22: 17
          Quote: VlR
          Other Irishmen were also "crossed" with blacks at other times: it was the era of filibusters, buccaneers and "Captain Blood"

          Well, the Angles themselves wrote it, the story written by the British is a lie, you should not believe it.
          Quote: VlR
          White fell into slavery because of debts, some sold themselves to pay off creditors, and the whole family did not appear on the street.

          it wasn’t. There was no money before, the Russian people didn’t live according to modern laws, but many people lived and this was noted by COOLECTIVE / around / veche / mutual responsibility and could not borrow on the side of someone else, it’s just that not allowed.
          The Russians simply lost in some unknown war of the past.
          By the way, Professor Pyzhikov - the kingdom of heaven said to him that before in Rus' before Peter, Russian society lived differently, without money, with a different religion, the Old Belief (this is not Christianity) and generally according to other laws, and the Romanovs came to power by criminal means.

          1. +2
            28 November 2019 23: 34
            Quote: Bar2
            earlier in Russia before Peter, Russian society lived differently, without money,

            Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich already stamped his gold coins and silver coins at the end of the 10th century.
            1. +2
              29 November 2019 07: 29
              Quote: Sasha_rulevoy
              Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich already stamped his gold coins and silver coins at the end of the 10th century.

              fake a coin, the simplest thing, falsification of dating is what OI is worth.
              1. 0
                29 November 2019 19: 52
                Quote: Bar2
                falsification of dating

                Yaroslavovo courtyard and bargaining in Novgorod are also falsified?
                1. +3
                  29 November 2019 20: 53
                  Quote: Sasha_rulevoy
                  Yaroslavovo courtyard and bargaining in Novgorod are also falsified?

                  what to talk to you? All of these misunderstandings on your part have long been answered.
                  But what is presented to us today as "the Yaroslavl court of Veliky Novgorod" does not stand up to the slightest criticism. In fact, according to the chronicle news, a crowded Novgorod veche gathered at the Yaroslav's courtyard. There was a magnificent "princely court", mentioned not only in Russian, but also in foreign sources. Where are the traces of all this in modern Novgorod on the Volkhov? There are none. This has been convincingly proved by many years of archaeological excavations of the 20th century. After all the efforts, the archaeologists have found only a small "trampled in antiquity" area of ​​no more than XNUMX acres. For lack of something better, it was called "Yaroslav's Court". But on what basis? After all, "archaeologists have not been able to find the remains of the princely palace ... During the excavations, several layers of wooden pavements were found here, and on the site between the Nikolsky Cathedral and the Church of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa they found a flooring of cow bones" (Wikipedia, article "Yaroslav's Court"). Is it possible that the flooring of cow bones and several layers of wooden pavements can prove the former existence of the famous Yaroslav's court here with a magnificent princely court and a vast veche square? Rather the opposite. In such a place, the yard of some butcher could be located, but in no way the chronicle Yaroslav's yard.
      2. +9
        26 November 2019 10: 15
        The name of the river was given by Lieutenant Governor Simcoe, in memory of the Don River in Yorkshire / England /, previously the river bore the Indian name * river flowing from the burned lands *. And, most importantly, the governor was an Englishman!
        1. -1
          26 November 2019 21: 51
          Quote: Phil77
          The name of the river was given by Lieutenant Governor Simcoe, in memory of the Don River in Yorkshire / England /, previously the river bore the Indian name * river flowing from the burned lands *. And, most importantly, the governor was an Englishman!

          credit to you on Wikipedia. And here's how to explain it, which governor of England called the Galician-French river Rhone, which was formerly called Rosna and had tributaries
          somehow it’s all in Russian more than in humanity.

          and why then removed the letter _с_ from the name of Rosny, so that it would not seem like Russia? Probably so.
          By the way there is a tributary of the Dordogne, also Don.
          And the source of the great European river Rhine, as it was called?

        2. +2
          27 November 2019 08: 34
          Quote: Phil77
          The name of the river was given by Lieutenant Governor Simcoe, in memory of the Don River in Yorkshire / England /

          Duc simkou ento our Don Cossack sims, not English - Busurman laughing Yes I recall M. zadornov (kingdom of heaven): "Etruscans are Russians (the origin of the term) laughing
      3. +16
        26 November 2019 12: 23
        Quote: Bar2
        Ardastan is not particularly bad. The Horde camp fully explains who these Irish were. These were Cossacks-Hordes.

        Ohhh, how you pleased me! I hope you are not banned from this site, because then I will lose half the pleasure of visiting this place. :-)
        In turn, I can still throw evidence. The Don River in Toronto is the same little thing. But Odessa in Texas is just a check and a mat to the Masonic conspiracy against Russian civilization.
        And for example, in the Chelyabinsk region there is a village Paris, Fershampenoise, Varna. It is clear that the Westerners simply stole these names and brazenly used them to falsify the history of ancient Russians. It is clear, after all, that Paris in France was a Russian city in antiquity, otherwise where would such a name come from, like a village near Chelyabinsk, eh?
        And Agryz in Tatarstan? After all, he really calls Egerge. This eloquently proves how the ancient Russian and Tatar toponymy was brazenly borrowed by Western freemasons for their black purposes.
        1. +4
          26 November 2019 18: 52
          Supplement you: Moscow-Idaho, St. Petersburg / via E / state Florida.
          1. +4
            26 November 2019 19: 31
            Damn! Wrong! St. Petersburg! But the state is Florida anyway. Sorry. recourse
        2. +1
          26 November 2019 21: 53
          Quote: Alex_59
          Odessa in Texas is directly a shah and obscenities to a Masonic conspiracy against Russian civilization.

          and show Odessa in Texas.
          Quote: Alex_59
          And for example, in the Chelyabinsk region there is a village Paris, Fershampenoise, Varna.

          if Paris until the 18th century was called Lutetia of Paris, then your option with Paris in Chelyabinsk is already an obvious late inclusion.
        3. +1
          26 November 2019 22: 01
          Quote: Alex_59
          And Agryz in Tatarstan? After all, he really calls Egerge. This eloquently proves how the ancient Russian and Tatar toponymy was brazenly borrowed by Western freemasons for their black purposes.
          A complaint

          and what is it, and how does it prove something?
        4. 0
          27 November 2019 09: 02
          we have an employee at work patronymic "arkadievich", and behind the back name "arkansasovich." he is probably a descendant of cowboys (or Indians) from arkansas. laughing
      4. +7
        26 November 2019 21: 52
        Quote: Bar2
        Why did the Angles exterminate the Irish, and Ryzhov?

        Without reading further, I knew the answer: because the Irish are Russians. The author of the comment did not disappoint me, I am sure if I thought about the answer in more detail, I would have guessed it in details, such as "a fragment of the great Tartary." Arguments also do not represent any news - all the same old maps and amateur linguistics, but for some reason such a source of evidence as a book miniature is missing.
        To the sound combinations sacred to each Novochronolozhtsian "ar" (op), in combination with any consonants (tar, dar, bar, etc.), "ros" (rus, races and other variants) and "don" with all possible derivatives , nothing fundamentally new was added, from which I conclude that Fomenko has finally turned sour.
        Valery, thanks for the article, it was interesting.
        The Irish landlords, who exported grain outside the country during the famine, very much reminded our Russian wiseacres, who sold bread, pig skin, etc. to the Germans during World War I. Business is business, nothing personal.
        1. +2
          27 November 2019 07: 51
          Quote: Trilobite Master
          what I conclude that Fomenko finally sour

          Fomenko is not sour, but opens a new museum of the National Museum in Yaroslavl-Veliky Novgorod

          1. +4
            27 November 2019 10: 15
            Quote: Bar2
            Fomenko is not sour

            Yes I see. laughing
            Now we will study history according to epics, next are folk tales, proverbs and sayings. And the crown of evidence will eventually be Tolkien's fantasy novels, Conan the Barbarian and the Black Squad novels. Look forward to! wassat laughing
            1. +1
              27 November 2019 19: 19
              I feel that soon Vysotsky will also be dragged ... How else did the lines appear
              In a public Paris toilet
              There are inscriptions in Russian!
            2. +1
              27 November 2019 21: 50
              Quote: Trilobite Master
              Now we’ll study history according to epics, next are folk tales,

              arctic fox, where did the epics come from? Fomenko speaks of a SCIENTIFIC mathematical method of building history based on the chronology of events. I heard a ringing, but don’t know where it is.
  2. +3
    26 November 2019 06: 14
    Thanks to the author! Poland, Latvia, Ukraine, Estonia, Lithuania, a memo!
    1. +5
      26 November 2019 09: 33
      Quote: Dmitry Potapov
      Thanks to the author!

      I join 100% !!! Wonderful article.
    2. -16
      26 November 2019 09: 53
      Poland, Latvia, Ukraine, Estonia, Lithuania, a memo!
      Do not doubt it, all of them, even without the history of distant Ireland, perfectly remember the grief, famine, repression and genocide that the red plague brought to their land.
      1. +4
        26 November 2019 11: 18
        LAZ, KRAZ, Donbass, WEF, RAF - not long left, much has been poached. and soon the rest will die. and Triune Spratia, planting fields with willow, is certainly a struggle for food security. By the way, in the course that the famine coincided with the famine in the states, did the Reds also arrange it?
        1. -11
          26 November 2019 11: 37
          LAZ, KRAZ, Donbass, VEF, RAF
          Gitter also raised the industry and built excellent highways. How interesting and easy you are to justify by some factories the mass destruction of people (and not just any people, but mostly the best representatives of the peoples, i.e. those who could resist the bandits)
          soon the rest will die. and Triune Spratia,
          Yes, yes, everything is rotting poor, soon they will completely bend (or freeze), you just have to wait, yeah!
          by the way in the course that the famine coincided with the famine in the states
          coincided with the economic crisis. It is extremely cynical to equalize hunger, and even on such a scale, with a banal drop in purchasing power.
          1. VLR
            26 November 2019 12: 18
            In 2009, at an exhibition dedicated to the Holodomor in the then Ukrainian Sevastopol, the organizers illustrated their “horror films” with photographs taken in the Russian Volga region in the 20s and in the United States during the Great Depression.
            This one is made in Oklahoma:

            This one is in California:

            This one is in Saratov:

            As for the victims of the Great Depression in the United States, their numbers are carefully concealed, but, according to the most cautious estimates, it reached 1 million people, according to the careless - 7 million. The “good” President Roosevelt then arranged in the USA what they call GULAG with us: millions of hungry people worked for food on the construction of the autobahns, living in barracks and cold wagons. Their salary was 30 dlr per month, but 25 was deducted for food and overnight.
            The public works administration was headed by the Minister of the Interior, G. Ickes, who, since 1932, imprisoned about two million people in camps for unemployed youth.
            The United States saved the Second World War - it was the deployment of military production that ended the Great Depression, and not the Roosevelt program.
            1. 0
              26 November 2019 13: 50
              There is a very truthful and interesting novel on this subject "The Grapes of Wrath" by John Steinbeck. Then director John Ford shot the film of the same name, which was released in screens in 1940. John Steinbeck received the Pulitzer Prize for him (1940), and no one forbade, concealed or concealed anything.
              1. +7
                26 November 2019 15: 22
                You're wrong. It was possible to say that, only digits could not be published, but this is important. They relate to novels as novels, and not as we have to the Archipelago as a documentary narrative. That is the whole difference. Ask Oliver Stone, he will tell)
              2. +6
                26 November 2019 16: 12
                There is another good 30-page story on the topic - "Tenant farmer".
                And no one forbade anything, didn’t conceal or hide

                In the US, a very interesting situation, there you can almost everything that brings money. Therefore, no one could forbid the commercial circulation of the book. But in public libraries, the book was banned for a while.
            2. +1
              28 November 2019 23: 43
              Quote: VlR
              This one is in Saratov:

              In the photo, Commissar F. Nansen and Saratov Region Organizer M.L. Webster from the Children’s Rescue Fund delivered wheat to Saratov.
  3. +19
    26 November 2019 06: 51
    Interesting and informative. Thanks to the author for the article! Damn, the Turkish sultan turned out to be nobler than the English queen.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  4. +14
    26 November 2019 07: 23
    Great Britain is to blame for the fact that the Irish created the IRA.
  5. +11
    26 November 2019 07: 42
    Good article. But most of all I remember the picture with the races of masters and servants. That just does not tell the material, which is selected. And such information will also be repeated many times - so you absolutely believe.
    1. +6
      26 November 2019 08: 46
      And I was struck by the statues on the seafront in Dublin ...
  6. -14
    26 November 2019 08: 06
    Famous famine ...
    Several factors took shape at once: monoselkhozkultura (potato), insular position, colonial position, the brutality of the authorities, the desire to hide the truth ....

    It is respectful how the memory of this tragedy is kept: a lot of monuments around the world, documents are open, studies and assessments are made, the culprits are named who do not deny anything.

    In Russia, where the victims of famine are not just 19m, but ...20m century, ORDER more, there is NOT a single monument to the victims of hunger 22,33,47 years .. request

    In the USSR, famines 33, 47 did NOT officially exist at all, information about him was carefully hidden from the whole world by the authorities, which did not allow other countries to send help and save millions of people

    No, alas, the memory of millions of fallen fellow citizens, which is absolutely wrong and wrong.
    1. VLR
      26 November 2019 08: 15
      Monuments to the Irish Famine around the world were erected either by the Irish themselves or under the pressure of Irish voters - where the Irish community was large and influential, and the voices of the diaspora could be decisive.
      But the British authorities did not apologize for this famine, and ordinary Britons do not experience any special complexes. The Irish are still not liked there. Football fans even have a song that, they say, the Irish now have everything, even Bono, what do they want from us? Let the forest go.
      1. +6
        26 November 2019 09: 44
        Quote: VlR
        But the British authorities did not apologize for this famine, and ordinary Britons do not experience any special complexes. The Irish are still not liked there. Football fans even have a song that, they say, the Irish now have everything, even Bono, what do they want from us? Let the forest go.

        Of course, the official authorities of the UK never apologized to anyone! In this case, oppression, humiliation of the Irish nation, reduction in population to irreparable lossesbecause it was their conscious intention, genocide!
      2. +6
        26 November 2019 10: 20
        Quote: VlR
        The Irish are still not liked there.

        I welcome you, Valery! The Irish also relate to the English, and they have more reasons for this!
        1. +4
          26 November 2019 14: 33
          where the Irish community was large and influential, and the voices of the diaspora could be decisive.

          as far as I remember, the main opponents of Al Capone were the Irish? hi
          1. +4
            26 November 2019 14: 46
            Hi Nikolay, let me answer you in the best traditions (forgive me, many-sinful!) Tolerance - representatives of the Irish ethnic criminal group. laughing
          2. +5
            26 November 2019 14: 49
            In general, they, tramps, drank a lot of Italians blood. By the way, there were very good police officers in Boston. and very good a lot! There is a great novel by Dennis Lihein on this subject * The day will come *. Immediately I write the title of the novel may be slightly different / depends on the translator and publisher /.
            1. +2
              26 November 2019 14: 56
              Immediately I write the name of the novel may be slightly different / depends on the translator and publisher /.

              do not read drinks yes, all, as you said, are representatives of an ethnic criminal group. hi
    2. +10
      26 November 2019 10: 54
      And the famine that regularly occurred in various regions of the Russian Empire at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century was also organized by the "Reds"?
      1. -17
        26 November 2019 11: 09
        Quote: andrey-ivanov
        And the famine that regularly occurred in various regions of the Russian Empire at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century was also organized by the "Reds"?

        nature organized, and the state and society, together, fought with it.

        the famines of 33,22,47 years were not intentional (no one specially arranged them), but artificial (Korolenko about 22 g), i.e. The result was not so much natural disasters as economic policies.
        1. +11
          26 November 2019 11: 18
          The priority export of grain for export, even during the years of poor harvests, was a constant phenomenon in the Russian Empire. So, here is also an economic policy ..... And the measures taken by the tsarist government to support the population of regions affected by hunger, even contemporaries assessed as "catastrophically insufficient."
          1. -16
            26 November 2019 11: 54
            Quote: andrey-ivanov
            Priority export of grain, even in the years of crop failure, was a constant phenomenon in the Russian Empire.

            Quote: andrey-ivanov
            .. And the measures taken by the tsarist government to support the population of the regions affected by the famine, even contemporaries assessed as "catastrophically insufficient."

            Thanks to the policies of the authorities, there have been NO starvation deaths since 1893.

            And look what happened at 22 33 25 47gg.

            By the way, Korolenko was at the famine of 1891 and at the famine of 1922.
            Read the comparisons, very interesting.
            1. +3
              27 November 2019 23: 05
              Quote: Olgovich
              Thanks to the policies of the authorities, there have been NO starvation deaths since 1893.

              Those. a couple of decades (with one "power")? And what does this tell you?
              1. -5
                28 November 2019 10: 22
                Quote: Geo⁣
                Those. a couple of decades (with one "power")? And what does this tell you?

                Speak Russian please
        2. +8
          26 November 2019 15: 30
          You are very mistaken. Usually people, if they don’t know something, I think that it didn’t. Here is a piece of truth. Mordavia between Prutopm and the Dniester from 1918 to 40 was in Romania. So dear - the famine in the early 30s was in the Moldavian Autonomous Republic (now Transdniestria) and in Bessarabia too. The only difference is that there is a dime a dozen about the hunger in the USSR for materials, and almost nothing can be said about the Romanian famine. And he was very serious, people died like flies. It was similar in the east of Poland, that is, the western regions of Ukraine and Belarus. Only they will not tell you about it.
          And when there was a famine of 1947, echelons of food went from the USSR ... to Poland, because there was also famine.
          1. -5
            27 November 2019 09: 30
            Quote: mister-red
            You are very mistaken. Usually people, if they don’t know something, I think that it didn’t. Here is a piece of truth. Mordavia between Prutopm and the Dniester from 1918 to 40 was in Romania. So dear - the famine in the early 30s was in the Moldavian Autonomous Republic (now Transdniestria) and in Bessarabia too. The only difference is that there is a dime a dozen about the hunger in the USSR for materials, and almost nothing can be said about the Romanian famine. And he was very serious, the people of Akak fly. It was similar in the east of Poland, that is, the western regions of Ukraine and Belarus. Only they will not tell you about it.

            1. "Poke yourself

            2. It’s not for you to tell me about my native Bessarabia, where there were famine times, yes, in the 30s, but there were NO deaths and cannibalism. But in the MASSR were. And so there was a mass exodus from the autonomy to Romania from starvation, conservative border guards stopped the fugitives, returned or shot at the crossing. It was the same in Kazakhstan.

            3. Show a lot of materials about the famine in the USSR in the Soviet newspapers of the 30s, at party congresses, councils, etc.

            Quote: mister-red
            And when there was a famine of 1947, echelons of food went from the USSR ... to Poland, because there was also famine.

            Yeah, and at that time in Bessarabia at least 5% of the population died of starvation.
            "Look", by the way, about this material in the Soviet newspapers.
            1. +1
              27 November 2019 18: 50
              1. I can poke, this age)
              2. Just the same, dear Bessarabia. And where are you from, man? I for example from Chisinau. And the famine in Bessarabia would be such that they would die as whole families. You protso do not want to accept it, but the information is full. Now there is no time, I will find a link, I’ll throw it. There, by the way, quotes from Romanian newspapers of that time.
              3. 5% where does this information come from?
              And yes, show me a lot of information about hunger, for example, from your beloved Romania (I’m sure that you are a terry book-knocker) or from the United States who are in the midst of a great depression - there the figures are bashfully silent.
              1. -4
                28 November 2019 10: 02
                Quote: mister-red
                . I can poke, this age)

                older than you, I think
                Quote: mister-red
                2. Just the same, dear Bessarabia. And where are you from, man? I for example from Chisinau. And the famine in Bessarabia would be such that they would die as whole families. You protso do not want to accept it, but the information is full. Now there is no time, I will find a link, I’ll throw it. There, by the way, quotes from Romanian newspapers of that time.

                1. Are you completely dull? From BESARABIA.

                2. There was a famine, yes. Wild and ferocious, with massive cannibalism, in 1947
                Come on, come on, look. lol Moldavian is not a problem
                Quote: mister-red
                3. 5% where does this information come from?

                "herself, herself!" (from)
                Information is the sea, especially in Moldavian. Nationalists consider up to 12% of losses, pro-communist-5%.
                Quote: mister-red
                And yes, show me a lot of information about hunger, for example from your beloved Romania (surethat you are a terry book-knocker) or from the United States is overwhelmed by the great depression - there the numbers are bashfully silent.

                Is the "bookist" a communist? Nope.

                In the USA, no numbers exist: there were NO casualties.
                Even the Bolshevik propagandists were embarrassed to carry this BAD, only AFTER 91 g these fool
                1. +1
                  28 November 2019 17: 59
                  1. I think we’ll not be measured by age, but alas, I’m already a lot
                  2. Bessarabia is divided between two countries, Ukraine and Moldova. This is what I meant - where are you from? Just wondering
                  3. I know at least in two villages what happened with the famine in 1947, with one village on the left (my relatives), the other on the right shore of the Dniester (relatives of the wife). None of the relatives died of starvation, and there are many relatives as usual. Yes, there were dead. And the children too. But there were no 5% there at all.
                  4. "Knionist" I pressed the wrong button - a unionist. The fact that you cannot be a communist is clear to everyone
                  5. In the United States itself, optimists number 1 million dead from starvation, pessimists are much more.
                  However, there is another category of losses. The first is the so-called ejected from the window, i.e. those who commit suicide after the ruin. There were not even tens of thousands of them. The standard question in the hotels of that time - are you for a day or jump out of the window?
                  The second contingent is those whom the protso shot. Googling and you will find out that in many states tramps (and these were ruined farmers, well, something like 4-5 million) were allowed by the authorities of some states to be shot right on the street. This was done by both the sheriffs and law-abiding citizens. I understand that this is a template gap for you, but it was and you can find information in American sources.
                  1. -3
                    29 November 2019 09: 30
                    Quote: mister-red
                    1. I think we’ll not be measured by age, but alas, I’m already a lot

                    Quote: mister-red
                    2. Bessarabia is divided between two countries, Ukraine and Moldova. This is what I meant - where are you from? Just wondering

                    1. The main part is Moldova.
                    2. Countries did not divide anything, divided the Communist Party to destroy new Russian Bessarabian province and make mono-ethnic Moldova
                    Quote: mister-red
                    I know at least in two villages what happened with the famine in 1947, with one village on the left (my relatives), the other on the right bank of the Dniester (relatives of the wife). None of the relatives died of starvation, and there are many relatives as usual. Yes, there were dead. And the children too. But there were no 5% there at all.

                    You are illiterate, from the word at all: in Gagauzia, the villages were dying 50%the population of villages (e.g., Tomay village, a monument unveiled), mass cannibalism.
                    In the center-less In the attacks-almost quite normal
                    Quote: mister-red
                    4. "Bookman" I pressed the wrong button - unionist. The fact that you cannot be a communist is clear to everyone.

                    with Russia.
                    Quote: mister-red
                    . In the United States itself, optimists number 1 million dead from starvation, pessimists are much more.

                    stop to chat and submit documents: zakl. doctors, police, FBI, lists, mass graves, etc.
                    No? In the furnace!

                    WHERE are the promised rooms of the newspaper with mass deaths from starvation, idle talk?
                    1. +1
                      30 November 2019 00: 46
                      The main part is Moldova.

                      Taki countryman. So I'm right - Unionist)

                      The countries did not divide anything, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union shared in order to destroy the new Russian Bessarabian province and make mono-ethnic Moldova

                      One must still know a little history. Territories in the USSR were divided according to nationality and did not pay attention to historical boundaries. By the way, this is exactly how Ukraine has grown lands, including due to Moldova. in fact, the Moldovan population in Budjak was not a majority. It is explained by the fact that when Bessarabia was annexed, there were Tatars in the south and almost to the center, the so-called Budzhak Khanate. They were kicked out, in their place came immigrants, mostly malorosy, but also Bulgarians and Gagauz. When they joined Bessarabia, they tailored it according to such criteria. And do not forget that immigrants from Ukraine were always in power in the USSR, so pushing through was easy.

                      with Russia.

                      Kill, did not bother what I had in mind.

                      in Gagauzia, in villages 50% of the population of villages died (for example, the village of Tomay, the monument is unveiled), mass cannibalism.

                      30% of it is written in
                      And the article seems to be very far from objectivity, judging by the text.
                      "About 4 thousand Tomai died during the hunger strike, and all were buried in mass graves."
                      In another article, I found that after deportation to Siberia and starvation, the population of the village decreased by 2 times. That is, 8 thousand people lived there ?! 5 thousand people live in the village today, in 1946 hardly more.
                      I do not dispute that there was no hunger, my grandfather and grandmother told me all this in childhood, and my mother, at least, was a teenager, but she remembered. But I do not like lies.

                      Read here better here, more objectively described. And by the way, the culprits are named and alas, they were not in Moscow. as in the case of Ukraine in 1932-33.

                      stop chatting and submit documents: doctors, police, FBI, lists, mass graves, etc.

                      It’s funny. I say, there are no lists and no one gives any information. This topic is taboo in the USA - you can write, you can’t write down numbers. And then there are no mass graves - people took off and went around the country. Who knows where and whom death has overtaken.

                      Quote: Olgovich
                      WHERE are the promised rooms of the newspaper with mass deaths from starvation, idle talk?

                      Sorry dear, there is a lot of work, especially there is no time to sit at the computer. I’m finished, now 23.30., I am writing)

                      The Cuvintul newspaper, referring to a statement by Romanian Minister of Social Security Monicecu, reported that in 1930 18% of children under the age of one died. In the regions of Dobrudja, Bukovina and Daramuresti, child mortality exceeded 20%, in Semigrad and Besarabia - 25%. The number of patients with tuberculosis in Romania has reached 500 thousand. Of these, only 80 thousand are treated. Patients for malaria - 160 thousand.

                      The newspaper “Dimineata” on 07.11.32/100/XNUMX reports: “The hunger riots in Chisinau do not stop. In November, bread prices were XNUMX% higher, however, it disappeared from the market. A crowd of several hundred people stormed the bakeries; she was dispersed by the police, there are wounded. In Tekinshite, leper patients fled from the hospital because they were not given food for a week. They went on a hunger march to Bucharest, and gendarmerie troops were sent against them. ”
                      In Romania, during 1932, wages in industry decreased by 20%, and among railway workers by 60-65%. At the same time, prices only in September-October for consumer goods increased by 15-20%. Even the right-wing Romanian newspaper Dimineata was forced to admit that “Romanian workers in their homeland were in the position of colonial slaves in their hungry years. The length of the working day at private enterprises is 18 hours with earnings of 15-20 lei (1 leu = 3,1 kopecks). Children and women work from 5 o’clock in the morning until late at night in order to maintain their jobs and earn at least something. ” Other Romanian newspapers then reported deaths in the workplace. Workers, exhausted by hunger, were often buried behind a factory fence, without registration. Romanian workers went to work like a war: "He left and did not return, and is buried there." The unemployed had a worse life.
                      1. 0
                        30 November 2019 00: 48
                        Quote: mister-red
                        Read here better here, more objectively described.

                        The link is lost, I give it again Moldova-in 1946-47-yy/
                      2. -6
                        30 November 2019 11: 16
                        Quote: mister-red
                        Taki countryman. So I'm right - Unionist)

                        WITH RUSSIA. Got it?
                        Quote: mister-red
                        One must still know a little history. Territories in the USSR were divided according to nationality and did not pay attention to historical boundaries. By the way, this is exactly how Ukraine has grown lands, including due to Moldova. in fact, the Moldovan population in Budjak was not a majority.

                        Old you, and does not reach. request

                        Bessarabian province is part of the NEW RUSSIAN Territory of RUSSIA, where there were no divisions of nationality.

                        Moldavians did NOT constitute the absolute majority of the population there.

                        And to create a mono-national republic in its place is a crime against Russia.

                        The Bulgarians, the Gagauzians were generally cut in half: what is it all about?
                        Quote: mister-red
                        30% of it is written in

                        It is not necessary to read articles, monographs, primary sources, DOCUMENTS, for example:

                        From a report in February 1947 to the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Moldova and the chairman of the Council of Ministers on the situation in the Gagauz villages:

                        “On the way from Chadyr-Lunga to Kongaz there were corpses that were unselected for a long time.

                        In the first village where I stayed, Baurchi, a large settlement, is complete silence. People in the streets and in the yards are not visible. In the center of the village, the village council, its porch and room are crammed with swollen old women and children. Some of them are in a fainting state. In the village council I was informed of the situation. The night before my arrival revealed four terrible facts of murder and cannibalism. The eating of corpses became widespread, with the dying old women asking their children and grandchildren to eat their corpses, promising them the remission of sins and salvation. The facts of theft of corpses brought back but not buried in the cemetery are noted.

                        The village council did not have accurate data on the state of the population. It was reported that twenty-six people had died over the past day. He offered to immediately conduct a courtyard tour. Seventy-three corpses have been identified. Most of the corpses were hidden in barns, cellars, in attics, in snowdrifts. A significant part of the corpses cut off the flesh and limbs. The same round made it possible to collect more than a hundred orphans who were in cold rooms, without supervision, in a state of fainting ... ”

                        Few? We read: Konstantin Kurdoglo in his book “Hunger in Gagauzia, (1946-1947)” writes: “For each village, depending on the population, the number of starvation victims ranges from 100 to more than 1000 people ... Some villages ( "Tomai, Beshalma, Chishmikoy, Dzholtay, Gaidary, etc.) still cannot reach the population level before the famine of 1946."
                        Few? THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF DOCUMENTS
                        Quote: mister-red
                        Read here better here, more objectively described. And by the way, the culprits are named and alas, they were not in Moscow. as in the case of Ukraine in 1932-33.

                        The system was like that. EVERYWHERE.
                        Quote: mister-red
                        Newspaper Cuvintul, citing a speech by the Minister of Social

                        Stop the BOLTOVNA by retyping the comm campaign of Diminyats, and imagine the promised Romanian newspapers about mass mortality from hunger in romanian.
                        sample is given above in the report
                      3. -5
                        30 November 2019 13: 47
                        Quote: mister-red
                        It’s ridiculous. I say the same no lists and no one no informationе gives. This topic is taboo in the USA - you can write, you can’t write down numbers. And then there are no mass graves - people took off and went around the country. Who knows where and whom death has overtaken

                        1. That's exactly funny: you have NOTHING, but the categorical empty chatter- IS.

                        2. WHO gave you nothing? Whom did you ask? When? Give the facts.

                        3. Where is this "taboo"? Number, number. Lots of articles on this topic in the USA. What are you talking about?
  7. +8
    26 November 2019 10: 24
    Everyone thought who wrote such material. Then I read it ... well, of course, Valery! Bravo! Very well!
  8. +4
    26 November 2019 12: 43
    Great article. Thank you, Valery! Why shouldn't the Irish government, given their mutual love with the Anglo-Saxons, charge the Britos for the genocide? Cannibalism of the queen, peers and sirs in all its glory. The Turkish sultan turned out to be more humane than all this highly educated "master race". By the way, Erdogan would gladly admit the fact of genocide.
  9. The comment was deleted.
  10. +5
    26 November 2019 14: 01
    All their fault that they adopted Christianity earlier than Western Europe, outside the papacy. Yes, they took it sincerely.
    When the Angles, Saxons, Jutes, then the Normans were dribbling England, when the Scots beat the British at every opportunity and inconvenience for centuries, the Irish waited for something, and prayed. They hoped for God, but they themselves blundered. Although Cromwell had fierce resistance, but not successful.
    1. -3
      26 November 2019 16: 52
      The Irish were under Normans from the 12th century, long before the British invasion in the 15th century.
      The Irish are Celts from Spain. The English are also Celts, but conquered by the Germanic tribes of the Saxons and Angles. And then also conquered by the Normans, like the Irish.
      1. +3
        27 November 2019 23: 13
        Quote: voyaka uh
        The Irish were under Normans from the 12th century, long before the British invasion in the 15th century.

        It would be nice to read the article you are responding to first
        It all began in the 1171 year, when the English king Henry II Plantagenet, with the blessing of Pope Adrian IV at the head of the army, arrived on 400's ships, invaded the territory of Ireland.
        1. 0
          28 November 2019 00: 15
          Do not find fault with trifles. laughing
          Under the Normans - from the 10th century.
          I traveled to Ireland the summer before last,
          but Old from guides already began to forget.
          Plantagenet conquered only a few eastern counties.
          And completely conquered Ireland Cromwell.
  11. -1
    26 November 2019 14: 06
    It’s hard to bear the burden of a white man. What you can’t do for the sake of civilization and progress.
  12. +6
    26 November 2019 14: 41
    "Lord, save us from the greed of the Anglo-Saxons."

    no comment
  13. -1
    26 November 2019 15: 39
    Quote: mister-red
    only digits cannot be published, and this is important.

    Where did you get this information? You worked in the library of the US Congress and you had problems with statistical materials over the years, or you are familiar with university publishing houses - they publish many interesting books on sociology. And you found hints of "mysterious stories" there?
  14. +4
    26 November 2019 17: 47
    Bravo, Valery! Studying the history of catastrophes that haunted mankind along the entire path of development, when typing in the search engine "The Great Famine", you constantly come across an Irish tragedy.
  15. 0
    26 November 2019 20: 18
    I must say that for millennia, hunger has been a real curse of mankind. He reigned throughout the Earth, was a regular guest in Europe, America, Asia and Africa. In The Revelation of St. John the Evangelist, Hunger is one of the horsemen of the Apocalypse (on the black horse, the other horsemen - Plague on the white horse, War on the red and Death on the pale).

    V. Vasnetsov. Riders of apocalypse. Museum of the History of Religion, St. Petersburg

    The first horseman of the apocalypse is victorious, the second is contentious, the third measure. And only the fourth rider of death symbolizes the triad of medieval calamities (war, famine, disease) and the rampant wild animals that accompany it:

    1 And I saw that the Lamb removed the first of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four animals, speaking as if in a thunderous voice: go and see.

    2 I looked, and, behold, a white horse, and on him was a rider with a bow, and a crown was given to him; and he went out victorious, and to conquer.

    3 And when he removed the second seal, I heard the second animal, saying: go and see.

    4 And another horse came out, red; and it is given to him who is seated to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another; and he was given a great sword.

    5 And when He opened the third seal, I heard the third animal, saying: Go and see. I looked, and, behold, a black horse, and a rider on it, having measure in his hand.

    6 And I heard a voice in the midst of four animals, saying: wheat chinix for a dinar, and three barley chinics for a dinar; Do not damage the oil and wine.

    7 And when He removed the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth animal, saying: Go and see.

    8 And I looked, and, behold, a pale horse, and on him a rider, whose name was "death"; and hell followed him; and power was given to him over a fourth of the earth - to put to death with the sword and hunger, and with pestilence and the beasts of the earth.
    1. VLR
      26 November 2019 21: 25
      Anton Nebolsin, professor at the Orthodox St. Tikhon's Theological Institute, says this about the "horsemen of the Apocalypse":
      The first, victorious, by Irenaeus of Lyons was understood as the image of Christ, but most modern biblical scholars believe that it symbolizes the Antichrist.
      Of the rest, Nebolsin says that they
      "clearly have negative symbolism, indicating such disasters as war, famine and pestilence (death)."
      By the way, in the original the horse of Death is not Pale, but Green - an indication of cadaveric changes.
  16. +2
    26 November 2019 23: 40
    Quote: Corn
    It is extremely cynical to equalize hunger, and even on such a scale, with a banal drop in purchasing power.

    it’s extremely cynical to get into a stuffing theme, and the Americans, according to the red-haired privatizer, simply did not fit into the market.
  17. +1
    28 November 2019 01: 40
    These sculptures can be seen if you walk along the promenade of Dublin, the capital of Ireland.

    Not far from the statues is a replica of one such "hungry ship".
  18. +1
    28 November 2019 17: 46
    Quote: Corn
    How interesting and easy you are to justify by some factories the mass destruction of people (and not just any people, but mostly the best representatives of the peoples, i.e. those who could resist the bandits)

    According to the official statistics of the NKVD, 1940 thousand people were deported from Latvia in 10, including 2,5 thousand criminal elements and 1,5 thousand prostitutes. The last 2 categories are undoubtedly the best representatives of the Latvian people who "could resist the bandits"!

    Thanks to the author for the article, very informative. In general, I am surprised that after such events, the Irish do not suit every Englishman caught with an anal "mamumba to death".