US sends additional military contingent to Saudi Arabia


The growing US military presence in Saudi Arabia continues, Stars and Stripes writes, citing President Donald Trump's message to Congress. Further deployment of forces designed to protect against "hostile actions of Iran" will eventually bring the number of US troops in the kingdom to 3000.

The troops will remain in Saudi Arabia "as long as their presence is required." Other means, including radar and missile systems to ensure air defense, as well as two fighter squadrons, will also be sent soon, the report says.

The United States began to build up its presence in the Middle East in May, after intelligence reports pointed out new threats from Iran. Tensions escalated in September, when Washington accused the Islamic Republic and its forces of assault on oil and gas facilities in Saudi Arabia.

In addition, The New Arab reports that the Saudi state corporation Saudi Aramco plans to protect its refineries with a fleet of military drones domestic production. The company intends to acquire an undisclosed number of Bakir aircraft to secure its oil facilities. How exactly the drones will protect oil production and oil refining facilities from drones (in the event of an attack) is not reported.
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  1. +2
    21 November 2019 11: 05
    Build up your shit democracy all over the world. Where oil and gas there always sticks thieves striped nose.
    1. +2
      21 November 2019 11: 19
      Quote: Spartanez300
      Where oil and gas there always sticks thieves striped nose

      So they don’t hide it:
      Troops will remain in Saudi Arabia “as long as their presence is required”

      And the Saudis will definitely not determine how "required" is. Yes
    2. -1
      21 November 2019 20: 10
      Build up your shit democracy all over the world. Where oil and gas there always sticks thieves striped nose.
      yoopt! And the Russian Federation in Syria, sells sweets?
  2. 0
    21 November 2019 11: 17
    I hope the Hussites will crush them there together with the Saudis.
  3. -1
    21 November 2019 11: 44
    Further deployment of forces designed to protect against "hostile actions of Iran" will eventually bring the number of US troops in the kingdom to 3000.

    Following this logic, it is time to deploy a US base in Israel. Otherwise, they already have insomnia - they see Iran everywhere. As well as Russia in "'re coming out-Poles-Balts ".
    1. 0
      21 November 2019 13: 08
      How right you are, Alexander. good I would answer something, but I think it makes no sense ..
  4. 0
    21 November 2019 12: 44
    Saudi Aramco plans to defend its refineries with a fleet of domestic-made combat drones.

    Who advised so very smartly ??? Or has the prince, the great strategist, decided to show off?
  5. +1
    21 November 2019 15: 20
    In general, before, he considered the Saudi army one of the strongest in the Middle East, but something the Hussites pretty quickly debunked this conviction ...)) well, and this is another confirmation.