Putin on the situation for Ukraine: We need to seek happiness not overseas, but negotiate with neighbors


The Russian president, who is visiting Brazil at the BRICS summit, commented on the situation with the expiration of the gas sale and transit agreement with Ukraine. According to Vladimir Putin, the Russian Federation is ready to conclude a new agreement with Kiev.

Recall that Russia offers Ukraine to conclude a short-term contract (for example, for a period of 1 year), but Ukraine, continuing to assert that it has not purchased gas from Russia for a long time, insists on a long-term contract (at least 5 years).

According to Vladimir Putin, in this regard, there remains a risk of the cessation of Russian gas supplies to European consumers along the “Ukrainian route”.

President of Russia:

Ukraine itself has undertaken to translate its legislation into line with European. Let them do it, we are ready for this. Only not everything depends on us. Therefore, the risk of termination of transit (gas) exists.

Also, Vladimir Putin noted that the situation in this regard is aggravated by new claims of Naftogaz in relation to Gazprom.

Some time ago, Gazprom invited the Ukrainian company to “nullify” financial claims, but Naftogaz refused, continuing to declare Gazprom’s unimaginable “debts” in 14, or even 22 billion dollars.

The contract expires on December 31 2019 of the year.

Putin about the situation for Ukraine:
It is necessary not to seek happiness across the ocean, but to negotiate with your neighbors.
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  1. -19
    15 November 2019 06: 16
    And myself !! Broadcast from Brazil !! From overseas !! (this is probably the reaction of the pots will be)
    1. +5
      15 November 2019 06: 43
      Where is the logic, from where to broadcast ??
      The main point, but the essence of hearing hi
      1. +9
        15 November 2019 07: 51
        What a pain in the neck for us, let them buy from anyone they want on the side of exorbitant prices. They don’t want to compromise, and the flag is in their hands.
      2. -2
        15 November 2019 09: 15
        And the point is that both in Ukraine and in Russia, the oligarchy is most afraid of sanctions from overseas. Ukraine is simply sure that the "overseas" will really want to help it in the fight against Gazprom. And this confidence is given to it by the decisions of the Stockholm Arbitration and the threat of American sanctions against the SP-2. Why should Ukraine come to an agreement with a "servant" like them, if their common "master" already sympathizes with them more in this conflict?
        1. +2
          15 November 2019 09: 19
          Quote: Greg Miller
          Why should Ukraine negotiate with a "servant" like them?

          Man, who is your "servant" there? And at the same time - who do you have there

          Quote: Greg Miller
          ... their common "master"

          That's purely for understanding Yes
          1. -2
            15 November 2019 10: 46
            The elite of Russia and Ukraine! That is who is the servant! Well, and since this elite rules our countries, therefore, us, we, indirectly, are also servants! Perhaps rude, but true.
            With respect... hi
            1. -3
              15 November 2019 11: 42
              Quote: TampaRU
              we, indirectly, are also servants!

              What is in your head? request
              1. +4
                15 November 2019 11: 57
                Everything is fine in my head. Just an ordinary logical chain! Tear her, prove the opposite ..
                With respect.. hi
        2. +5
          15 November 2019 09: 38
          Quote: Greg Miller
          Ukraine is simply sure that the "overseas" will really want to help it in the fight against Gazprom.

          Lilac little hopeless. Gazprom has an ally in the form of Michelson and Novatek. Even the Yankees buy it LNG
          1. +3
            15 November 2019 10: 10
            Quote: Tusv
            Lilac little hopeless.

            Well, this is normal for Ruins. So many years of "struggle" for freebies with weekly "notions" of dirty tricks, complaints and threats, and all in vain. Happy joy.
            1. +2
              15 November 2019 11: 24
              Quote: Lelek
              Well, for Ruins, it's okay

              Right Lilac then on surzhik will not be able to pronounce, and even hopeless and even more so drinks
              There was one hope for Angela, so she gathered for retirement. And now, decent pensions in Europe are given out. Tokmo in Gazprom fellow
        3. +7
          15 November 2019 10: 00
          They will water us all over the world with shit, kill Russian people in eastern Ukraine in Odessa, and we will continue to be friends, seek compromises and negotiate!
          BECAUSE I WOULD BE SELLING ONLY (and not for the country, but for myself) !!!! While I am in power, while I am sitting on a pipe, BUY FOR HOW MUCH YOU WILL GET ON THE EXTERNAL MARKET, AND MAXIMUM ON THE DOMESTIC MARKET, as there is no alternative for the impoverished population (8tr pension and 5tr payment for central heating and hot water ...... .I have no words)
          And right now I turn on the tv tell me about sanctions and enemies in the west, well, well
          1. 0
            15 November 2019 11: 15
            Quote: Runoway

            How is it not? Russia is the Continent. The rest of the peninsula and islands feel
    2. +4
      15 November 2019 10: 27
      And myself !! Broadcast from Brazil !!

      In Brazil, a club of the elite gathered, for whom is the future of the world. Why didn’t they invite Zelensky there?
      1. 0
        15 November 2019 11: 33
        Quote: Berkut24
        Why didn’t they invite Zelensky there?

        This one is not Mishiko, who wants to hang out behind a fence and eat a tie. Mark vigil (most likely stupid vzd) :)
    3. -2
      15 November 2019 12: 06
      We must not seek happiness overseas, but agree with our Russian Army, we will explain to you how much a pound is worth ... smile
  2. +12
    15 November 2019 06: 16
    Well, about Ukraine and about gas, we have already snapped up. It’s time to understand once and for all that Ukraine has left Russia for the next 100 years.
    1. +4
      15 November 2019 06: 19
      but at least 200))) it doesn’t cancel elementary things, for example, that the markets of neighbors and markets do not understand where these are two big differences)
      1. +3
        15 November 2019 08: 51
        Quote: carstorm 11
        it doesn’t cancel elementary things such as that the markets of neighbors and markets do not understand where these are two big differences

        When the mare bit her bit, she rushes non-stop with foam at her mouth and sees nothing.
    2. 0
      15 November 2019 07: 48
      Something you Vlad grabbed! A hundred years? God give them a year to survive!
      Asks will be part of Russia!
      1. +4
        15 November 2019 08: 00
        Quote: Paul Siebert
        Asks will be part of Russia!
        Just not the whole bunch - let the Russophobes cook in their cauldron. And close the border ...
      2. +1
        15 November 2019 08: 03
        The contract for gas transit through the territory of Ukraine expires on December 31, 2019. At the same time, on November 2, Naftogaz filed a new lawsuit against Gazprom in the Stockholm Arbitration, and in September announced plans to demand from Russia $ 11 billion if the transit was stopped. They began to hunt dill with shatazh.
        1. -1
          15 November 2019 08: 14
          I think this is a common trick in negotiations, a resource that can be abandoned and the agreement can then be called a compromise.
        2. 0
          15 November 2019 11: 35
          Quote: Spartanez300
          Dagger began to be hunted with a blackmail.

          Why did you start? This blackmail has not stopped since the collapse of the USSR
      3. 0
        15 November 2019 08: 54
        Quote: Paul Siebert
        Something you Vlad grabbed! A hundred years? God give them a year to survive!

        I'm talking about if they suddenly survive. The question is whether Russia needs it with an admixture of Nazi fascists? You can ask, but will I take it?
    3. -13
      15 November 2019 07: 53
      And the most offensive thing is that .. the "broadcaster" put a lot of effort into this, instead of negotiating with its neighbors.
      1. +2
        15 November 2019 08: 34
        Quote: Leader of the Redskins
        instead of negotiating with neighbors.

        It is only necessary to negotiate with those who are going to fulfill their obligations. Unfortunately, in our time, Twitter diplomacy is less and less.
        1. +2
          15 November 2019 09: 00
          Quote: Waddimm
          It is only necessary to negotiate with those who are going to fulfill their obligations.

          You can negotiate only with adequate people with whom you can conduct business, but not with those who want to live at your expense and are constantly deceiving. And of course, with a topic that will have a normal society, without fascist loafers and gorlopans.
      2. +3
        15 November 2019 09: 44
        If someone has chosen for himself the role of the six and defends not his own but overseas interests - you need to talk with the godfather .. It is useless with the six.
      3. +1
        15 November 2019 10: 50
        If the neighbor is sick, always drunk, the fascist, to fence off him higher is much more correct.
    4. The comment was deleted.
    5. -1
      15 November 2019 12: 15
      Well, it may come back unexpectedly if it starts to hobble in the Donbass and we will enter Kiev in a day ...
      1. 0
        15 November 2019 14: 01
        Quote: Alexander Petrov1
        we will enter Kiev in a day ...

        One already took Grozny a day by the Airborne Regiment.
        1. 0
          16 November 2019 03: 57
          Already not the Russian Airborne Forces, under Yeltsin, by the way, even then, Grozny was taken up with heavy losses, but then the country's leadership betrayed their dead soldiers and made a shameful peace with the terrorists and withdrew the troops, and then after 4 years they nearly lost Dagestan and again I had to take the city of Grozny and all of Chechnya.
          1. -2
            27 November 2019 16: 31
            So the APU is no longer what it was at that time. And not even that in 2104 hi . Yes, and Ukraine is not Chechnya even once.
  3. +11
    15 November 2019 06: 19
    What for us a strong Russophobian country at hand?
    I am for everything to turn off.
    1. +2
      15 November 2019 06: 21
      Quote: RideMaster
      What for us a strong Russophobian country at hand?
      I am for everything to turn off.

      Oh well! Pull out the plug smile
      1. 0
        15 November 2019 13: 12
        Everything goes to this, with the Ukrainians themselves chopping and pulling everything out, Russia does not even need to do anything.
    2. +10
      15 November 2019 06: 37
      Yeah. And Putin immediately promised a 25% discount in the event of a direct contract ....
      1. 0
        15 November 2019 07: 25
        Well, what to do ... he loves "buns" to whom he does not distribute ... a generous soul ... straight "mother teresa" embody ...
        the very environment with the elite, raised by him for so many years of "slavery on the gallery", has long found its happiness over the hill ... and the loot there ... and yachts with pitchforks ... and wives with children ...
        and you, as the president of the country, can stop looking for recognition beyond the oceans ??? ...
        over there in your native open spaces for you "the field is not plowed" ... the vertical somehow does not cope very well ... they steal and steal everything ... the other day they themselves frowned in surprise ...
        maybe, well, what for this abroad ??? ... let Lavrov and Zakharova work out their salary ...
        and you don’t want to finally make friends with your own people in 20 years, Mr. President ???? ....
        1. +8
          15 November 2019 08: 28
          Quote: kepmor
          maybe, well, what for this abroad ??? ... let Lavrov and Zakharova work out their salary ...

          Or maybe you need to stop advising a person how to fulfill his duties, especially if you are not very versed in them. There, beyond this border, a summit took place, i.e. meeting of the first persons of the states, but not cleaners of office premises. After this meeting, the next one will be in Moscow, as The chairmanship passes to Russia. You apparently misunderstand which issues you can entrust to Zakharova, and which require the participation of the president. Here he must be friends with you indirectly through appropriate authorities. A janitor cannot represent a great country. Ministers are not always sent there. The rank is not the same. To understand this, you do not need to have seven spans .... you just need to turn on the head.
          1. +4
            15 November 2019 08: 42
            Quote: Den717
            you just need to turn on your head
            So they will turn on their heads in the morning, and there the chota knocks: "you must go, you must go ...) request
            1. +2
              15 November 2019 09: 35
              Quote: sniperino
              So they will turn on their heads in the morning, and there the chota knocks: "you must go, you must go ...)

              It knocks on everyone's head, only smart "doors" do not open, but think for themselves.
          2. -3
            15 November 2019 09: 03
            This is another matter.
            Didn’t notice that we began to sell peacekeeping as a commodity?
            We’re all right.
            1. +2
              15 November 2019 09: 36
              Quote: RideMaster
              Didn’t notice that we began to sell peacekeeping as a commodity?

              Do you think that selling war is more profitable and worthy. Today there is nobody else besides us ...
        2. +2
          15 November 2019 08: 43
          Quote: kepmor
          and you don’t want to finally make friends with your own people in 20 years, Mr. President ???? ....

          What part of it?
          The level of support is still high, although it has slightly decreased.
          Internet fighters are still a small group.
          Agree with all the same will not work.
          So everything is as it should.
        3. +4
          15 November 2019 09: 01
          Quote: kepmor
          ... yachts with forks ...

          The pitchfork was especially delivered. Thanks. Write more Yes

          Quote: kepmor
          and you don’t want to finally make friends with your own people in 20 years

          So we is in a hurry to pour out the thought, we already skip the words ... is it you, perhaps - this "people"? If I were the President, I would be on the same field with you ... in the sense of "no" laughing
          1. +2
            15 November 2019 09: 41
            Quote: Golovan Jack
            The pitchfork was especially delivered.
            There was still a rake somewhere, if they did not dance.
        4. +3
          15 November 2019 09: 23
          And to make friends with your people is how?
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +9
        15 November 2019 08: 12
        Quote: 210ox
        Yeah. And Putin immediately promised a 25% discount in the event of a direct contract ....

        This is politics. A policy where the enemy is publicly offered a path along which he will not go. And this is just the case.
        Modern krajina will not accept this discount. The hosts will not allow it. It is more profitable for owners to buy their gas. And for this, LNG terminals in Poland are already ready.
        Putin knows this very well and therefore offers a discount and some "goodies". Why 25% ?? Probably, somewhere here lies the border of discounts for which xoxly can and will agree. But is it necessary?
        But in the end there will be no transit through them. Ukraine and Poland, to the delight of America will begin to buy gas from them.
        1. +1
          15 November 2019 09: 02
          Quote: Svetlana
          This is politics

          A plus.
        2. -2
          15 November 2019 09: 48
          Quote: Svetlana
          Why 25% ?? Probably, somewhere here lies the border of discounts for which xoxls can and will agree. But is it necessary?
          But in the end there will be no transit through them. Ukraine and Poland, to the delight of America will begin to buy gas from them.

          You yourself wrote the answer to yourself. This is a policy .... When the UkrGTS closes, everyone on the other side will have questions - who is to blame? It is advisable that the answers be in our favor. To do this, we must calmly and calmly propose everything we can do to preserve our interests in this matter. And our main interest is the implementation of supply volumes under existing contracts that do not allow us to present tangible claims for their non-compliance.
          1. +1
            15 November 2019 10: 30
            Yes, I answered. But he answered not with the phrase that you brought, but with the one that comes immediately after this rhetorical question.
            1. 0
              15 November 2019 10: 40
              Quote: Svetlana
              Yes i answered

              I quote a phrase from the post, mainly so that it is clear to whom and what I am answering, unlike you. You say "not that one", isn't that what? Sometimes controversy arises not on the essence of the issue, but in connection with the unwillingness or inability to competently and intelligibly express their thoughts.
          2. 0
            15 November 2019 11: 17
            Quote: Den717
            And our main interest is the implementation of supply volumes.
            I don’t know ... Probably, in my soul the manager is dozing, which sometimes wakes up and requires the banks to be disconnected from the Fed, to tighten the gas valve, to stop the export of titanium, etc. I tell him that everything will happen in due time, but by this time you need to be prepared, because it will not begin as an era of prosperity, but will come as an hour of trial. Are we as a society ready for it?
            1. 0
              15 November 2019 11: 50
              Quote: sniperino
              manager who sometimes wakes up and requires the banks to turn off the Fed, tighten the gas valve, stop the export of titanium, etc.

              This is exactly what our "overseas" partners want. So that we disconnect from all international ties and give the conquered markets to the United States. Disconnect, screw it on, stop sending titanium, etc. What is the answer? The EU will receive a shortage of energy resources and an increase in the cost of industrial products, it will immediately begin to lose in the US market (Trump's dreamy dream), then all sorts of Siemens Mercedes, etc. will leave Russia, the servants of the existing equipment will terminate maintenance contracts and everything that has a remote service will stop (remember the auxiliary compressors of Gazprom), then the Boeing and the watermelon will revoke / will not extend the airworthiness certificates for all of its products flying in the Russian Federation and abroad. This is so, from the visible in haste. Will it give you great pleasure? Benefit? We cannot live separately from our neighbors under current conditions, no matter how hard we strive for it. China, in theory, can. There are one and a half billion. For full authoring we need three current population sizes in order to be able to pull the current level in terms of labor resources in all areas of the civilization process.
              1. 0
                15 November 2019 12: 04
                Quote: Den717
                In the current conditions, we cannot live separately from our neighbors, no matter how we strive for this.
                We are unlikely to reach the full auto-race, but today we are doing what we can and should: we create network structures in the world that we can rely on while disconnecting from resources controlled by the enemy. Like with the internet.
                1. 0
                  15 November 2019 12: 13
                  Quote: sniperino
                  We are unlikely to reach full autocracy,

                  That is precisely why the state, through its various bodies and institutions, is trying to maintain the necessary level of interaction with neighbors on the planet. We must understand the main thing, we, as citizens, individuals, still have the opportunity to break off all relations with the environment and move to another geographical point in order to build a new environment. The state cannot afford it, it is forced to try to interact even with those who do not want to think productively. For it is fate to live side by side with a neighbor.
                  1. -1
                    15 November 2019 12: 31
                    Quote: Den717
                    it's destiny to live side by side with a neighbor
                    I do not agree with you. Modern infrastructure allows you to live on the same staircase and not even know the name of your neighbor. Therefore, I am writing about the network. These used to be camps, but now competing networks are being built.
                    1. 0
                      15 November 2019 12: 45
                      Quote: sniperino
                      Modern infrastructure allows you to live on the same staircase and not even know the name of your neighbor.

                      Do you consider it possible to live next to Ukraine and completely ignore its presence? Decipher your message in more detail. If not difficult.
                      1. -2
                        15 November 2019 12: 58
                        Quote: Den717
                        Do you consider it possible to live next to Ukraine and completely ignore its presence?
                        In no case, as we do not ignore the neighbor who floods us. But if, for example, Latvia or the same Ukraine flatly refuses to somehow communicate with us, how will our fate change? It is impossible to force them to good neighborliness as they force the world.
                2. 0
                  15 November 2019 12: 15
                  The administration would check the auto-replace auto-car for autocracy: not in all cases this saves authors from writing or about authors, and sometimes vice versa
                3. +2
                  15 November 2019 12: 23
                  Quote: sniperino
                  disconnecting from resources controlled by the adversary. Like with the internet.

                  Cheburnet, felling, oak bark, bayar and plantain are our main bonds. good
    3. -4
      15 November 2019 07: 59
      Everyone has already disabled
    4. +1
      15 November 2019 09: 01
      Quote: RideMaster
      What for us a strong Russophobian country at hand?

      This is a good idea.
  4. +9
    15 November 2019 06: 22
    And about 3 billion debt of Ukraine for some reason they are silent for a long time. Will we write off?
    1. 0
      15 November 2019 06: 23
      the courts. this is a long movie.
    2. +2
      15 November 2019 06: 48
      It has long been written off, immediately, as issued. Yes
      1. 0
        15 November 2019 09: 05
        Quote: Nycomed
        It has long been written off, immediately, as issued

        Card debt, it’s sacred, well, Ukraine is not Africa (they don’t play cards there), it’s still Europe.
    3. 0
      15 November 2019 09: 02
      Quote: Mikhail M
      And about 3 billion of debt of Ukraine for some reason they are silent for a long time.

      The question is just relevant.
  5. +6
    15 November 2019 06: 27
    for a long time does not surprise Krajina, but ....
    Ukraine, continuing to assert that it has not been purchasing gas from Russia for a long time, insists on a long-term contract (at least 5 years).

    it's just sur some ... recourse
    1. +1
      15 November 2019 07: 24
      It's just that there is mourning - "the puppy is dead, Ukraine." They drink it is evident, with grief
    2. -3
      15 November 2019 08: 00
      The contract for transit, not for the purchase.
      1. +5
        15 November 2019 08: 05
        Quote: Avior
        The contract for transit, not for the purchase.

        oh, you might think, they themselves stand on the sidelines, look at the transit from the side ... and whatever the handles are heated ... do not tell my slippers ....
        1. -3
          15 November 2019 08: 08
          The female thought is so tortuous that you won’t immediately comprehend smile
          1. -1
            15 November 2019 12: 46
            Are you talking to yourself? About reverse and devices, for example laughing And gas supply, NOT connected with transit?
      2. +2
        15 November 2019 09: 04
        Quote: Avior
        Transit contract, not purchase

        Where is the transit, there is a reverse ... not? All the more so that the physical reverse - just "not", purely "on the way" is sucked off ... not? wink
        1. -6
          15 November 2019 09: 05
          One way or another, gas must cross the western border of Ukraine - metering devices are already there.
          1. +4
            15 November 2019 09: 15
            Quote: Avior
            metering devices are already there

            Come on, come on ... in more detail - about the "border and devices".

            Buddy it is not possible to blow one pipe in two directions... This is physics. And the second pipe, for the "reverse" in "Zaparizhzhu", for example, is somehow not observed. Despite the "metering devices".

            Not? wink
            1. -1
              15 November 2019 14: 38
              Quote: Golovan Jack
              the second pipe, for the "reverse" to "Zaparizhzhu", for example - is somehow not observed.
              So he turned - obverse, so - reverse ... They are not watching the pipes, but watching the numbers on the reverse. The digital economy has long been! Piping at this time
            2. 0
              15 November 2019 15: 26
              In fact, the "pipe" in many places consists of several parallel strands.
              For some of them in the summer they swing the other way
  6. +6
    15 November 2019 06: 44
    Ukraine, continuing to assert that it has not been purchasing gas from Russia for a long time, insists on a long-term contract (at least 5 years).

    Persistently reiterated - at least 10 years. Now we agree for 5 years, another month and a half ahead. But time is not in their favor. The Bundestag passed a law in Germany yesterday
    independence of Germany from the decisions of the EU, in energy issues. Now Germany will look at all the requests and "demands" of Ukraine regardless of the EU.
    1. +5
      15 November 2019 08: 05
      Quote: askort154
      Now Germany will look at all the requests and "demands" of Ukraine independently of the EU.
      And by spring SP2 will be ready ...
      ... and Germany and Finns sent EU energy decisions ...
      As I understand it, if transit is not prolonged and SP2 is not completed, Germany can send the entire EU (both flows are included in Germany), and they won’t give gas to ukreraich even if there is enough gas to reverse ...
    2. 0
      15 November 2019 08: 12
      About "at least 5 years" can be read only in this article by an anonymous author. Where he got it from, it is not clear.
      Ukraine requires 10 years.
  7. +5
    15 November 2019 06: 44
    It is necessary not to seek happiness across the ocean, but to negotiate with neighbors

    To have a "nest" close by, where you bring up your "non-friends" .... there is very little pleasant, but in this particular case, the same Slavic roots and spirituality, this is unacceptable.
    Moreover, mistakes must be corrected ... the previous ... attitude towards the "former" allies, disregard for elementary logic and common sense, in the matter of building good-neighborly relations with neighbors, it was a big stupidity, although it looks more like a betrayal!
    1. +2
      15 November 2019 07: 21
      Quote: rocket757
      It is necessary not to seek happiness across the ocean, but to negotiate with neighbors

      To have a "nest" close by, where you bring up your "non-friends" .... there is very little pleasant, but in this particular case, the same Slavic roots and spirituality, this is unacceptable.
      Moreover, mistakes must be corrected ... the previous ... attitude towards the "former" allies, disregard for elementary logic and common sense, in the matter of building good-neighborly relations with neighbors, it was a big stupidity, although it looks more like a betrayal!

      Probably there was a plan that they will begin to backtrack - this did not happen and most likely will not happen in the near future, given the growing Ukrainian generation, brought up you know how. We take into account that Ukraine, as the enemy of Russia, is supported by the United States. Therefore, it can last a long, very long time and have many painful consequences. And as always - what to do? I do not know.
      1. +1
        15 November 2019 08: 25
        Quote: IGOR GORDEEV
        We take into account that Ukraine, as the enemy of Russia, is supported by the United States. Therefore, it can last a long, very long time and have many painful consequences. And as always - what to do? I do not know.

        There are many different methods! Only everything begins to act in one case, when they begin to work hard with one goal, achieving the desired result!
        Otherwise, no way.
      2. 0
        15 November 2019 09: 09
        Quote: IGOR GORDEEV
        We take into account that Ukraine, as the enemy of Russia, is supported by the United States.
        What can the US offer them? They will give the javelins and send gas to Russia to produce? Or will they carry gas in exchange for land?
  8. 0
    15 November 2019 06: 47
    Quote: den3080
    And myself !! Broadcast from Brazil !! From overseas !! (this is probably the reaction of the pots will be)

    look in the mirror ... Broadcaster!
  9. 0
    15 November 2019 06: 53
    I am glad that Gazprom has retained its image of a reliable partner, and Russophobia of pan-heads has been punished. hi
    1. -2
      15 November 2019 07: 13
      Quote: fif21
      I am glad that Gazprom has retained its image of a reliable partner, and Russophobia of pan-heads has been punished. hi

      GazPröm? Image? Are you definitely from Russia?
      1. 0
        15 November 2019 08: 33
        And what should a Russian citizen know about the image of Gazprom?
        1. +1
          15 November 2019 09: 14
          Quote: bot.su
          And what should a Russian citizen know about the image of Gazprom?

          That dreams come true.
          1. 0
            15 November 2019 22: 12
            Well, if you really want to, you can fly into space ... And without any Gazprom. With a pan on his head, this will not work, of course.
            1. 0
              16 November 2019 08: 49
              Quote: bot.su
              Well, if you really want to, you can fly into space ... And without any Gazprom. With a pan on his head, this will not work, of course.

              So remove the pan. What is in the way?
              1. 0
                18 November 2019 22: 22
                What makes you think that something is bothering me?
  10. +2
    15 November 2019 08: 01
    Who knows? We have long-term gas supply contracts with Europe. And if the transit stops, then Gazprom will be liable in court for non-fulfillment of the contract / with possible billions of fines /?
    1. +2
      15 November 2019 08: 29
      Quote: Thunderbolt
      We have long-term gas supply contracts with Europe.

      They are trying to change the rules there .... the European Commission also strives to get in, but in fact, long-term contracts exist and are in effect.
      By the way, it seems that ours are also adapting to the new rules, the local ones ... not to say that it doesn’t work at all, they find paths / tracks to leak.
    2. +2
      15 November 2019 08: 50
      Quote: Thunderbolt
      And if the transit stops, then Gazprom will be liable in court for non-fulfillment of the contract / with possible billions of fines /?

      Gazprom has signed long-term contracts with European consumers for gas supplies, the failure to fulfill which entails huge fines. To maintain the image of a reliable supplier, Gazprom will have to buy liquefied natural gas (LNG) on the market from other suppliers, from the same Russian Novatek, and supply it to LNG terminals, which are enough in Europe to avoid fines and ships. At the same time, Gazprom will incur losses, since LNG is more expensive, and contracts have been signed for Gazprom's pipe gas, which is cheaper. Miller will again ask for subsidies to cover losses, "national property" after all!
  11. 0
    15 November 2019 08: 57
    Quote: den3080
    And myself !! Broadcast from Brazil !! From overseas !! (this is probably the reaction of the pots will be)

    I didn’t understand why a person caught so many minuses? He did not express his opinion! Yes, and put the smile. Probably morning, jokes are not yet perceived.
  12. The comment was deleted.
  13. 0
    15 November 2019 09: 18
    Quote: kepmor

    And is it like making friends?
  14. The comment was deleted.
  15. +1
    15 November 2019 10: 24
    What can’t be taken from Putin’s explosives is the ability to grasp and convexly outline the very essence of the phenomenon!
    In this case, the Russian President is 100% right — you need to be friends and negotiate with your neighbors, and not rattle recklessly, like the maydauns-Bandera cave houses!

    But do the parasites-Washington-dependent shtetl klepto “zh / Bandera” and their marginal Bandera Nazi servants who have seized and ransacked Ukraine, parasites-Washington-dependent shtetl klepto, think about the future of “their” country and the improvement of the life of its rapidly dying out MULTINATIONAL labor population ?!
    They would have to grab a moment, and there even a flood and grass did not grow!
    Indeed, the klepto "w / Banderaites" themselves (with their boastful "multi-citizenship"!) Are definitely not going to live in Ukraine, since even under the capital Kiev, "for a little bit" in their pockets, they pull "for burial" of the entire "civilized Common Europe", do those who are going to stay here for a long time do this ?!
    And the fate that still survives, 25 million (only half of the 52 million population of the ex-Ukrainian SSR survived, at the very beginning of the "rozbudovy nezalezhnisti" is not the Bandera-fascist Holodomor ??!) Fellow citizens (according to their "Ukrainian passport", and many, sent by "common people", diaspora and other "Cossacks" do not have it!) "rhetoric"!
  16. +2
    15 November 2019 10: 30
    Also, Vladimir Putin noted that the situation in this regard is aggravated by new claims of Naftogaz in relation to Gazprom.

    Ukraine runs the risk of spending the heating season with a "minimum" amount of Gas - buying the same Russian gas from Europe with a wrap-up - actions comparable to samazakhism!)
  17. 0
    15 November 2019 10: 47
    It is not necessary for the Russians to feed this crowd, it is not necessary for the Banderva to negotiate with the "vorogami", only the GDP is needed, maybe a referendum "on friendship with Bandera people" in Russia would have been held from the beginning?
  18. 0
    15 November 2019 10: 47
    Quote: tihonmarine
    Well, about Ukraine and about gas, we have already snapped up. It’s time to understand once and for all that Ukraine has left Russia for the next 100 years.

    So the Jewish Bolsheviks thought in 1918, signing a Brest conspiracy with the Germans and their satellites, giving the southern provinces of Russia (Ukraine) an insult to the Fritz. The Second World War passed this territory there. Here, and many Russian people were killed here, probably half of all those who died, and what will we forget about them? but God's providence will not leave the fighters who laid their belly for the fatherland, and will return this land back home. Now, the main Hasid, Kolomoisky, begins to cry out to Russia with reason and words. And maybe the reverse movement will begin slowly, when the main destroyer of the Russian world Soros will fall down and go to hell
  19. +1
    15 November 2019 11: 05
    I agree with the GDP, BUT ...... This can be said with people who made a mistake, incorrectly conducted an analysis of the situation, and hence the fallacy of political decisions.
    In the case of banderlogs, this is absolutely not the case; there is a place to be a conscious, not erroneous political confrontation. And from here all the other actions, such as the demolition of monuments to Lenin, although they must lick them for the fact that they have grown with a fellow-country and formalized their political status. Demolition of monuments to Soviet military commanders, which essentially means a temporary victory in the ongoing Great Patriotic War.
    And I can return everything to normal in my only one way: by taking as a fulcrum the republic of LDNR as part of Ukraine participating in political life and supporting adequate citizens throughout the territory to demolish the Bandera regime either by election or it will end in a big civil war. Maybe I'm wrong, but I do not see another way.
  20. 0
    15 November 2019 11: 57
    Previously, the approach of the new year on advertising with a red gnome on trucks was felt, and the last 10 years on gas disputes.
  21. 0
    15 November 2019 12: 54
    In the Czech Republic, there is an expression that openly urges not to trust the powers that be: kázat vodu a pít víno "- the preachers say that you need to drink water, but they themselves drink wine, in short - there is no money, but we will take a walk.