Kedmi called the "Stalinist mistake" 1945 of the year


One of the issues discussed by professional historians and amateurs historical science, is associated with allied agreements - agreements in the format of the anti-Hitler coalition. The most pressing issue is related to the time the Allies opened the second front. They waited a long time, not only choosing a particular moment, but clearly being deep in thought as to whether or not it was worth opening a front against the Nazis in Europe.

Another question, and talk about it is a regular on airs of Vladimir Solovyov, Yakov Kedmi, is connected with the fact that Joseph Stalin in 1945 showed goodwill and allowed the allies into Berlin taken by the Red Army.

But the allies did not let the Red Army into either Rome or Tokyo. They violated their promises and obligations. And he (Stalin) let them in (to Berlin).

According to an Israeli expert, the Caribbean crisis is a consequence of the events of 1945 of the year when the allies were in Berlin. According to Kedmi, allowing the Allies into the German capital was a "Stalinist mistake."

Reflecting on the fall of the Berlin Wall, Kedmi notes that all the talk about how East Germans wanted freedom is a big lie.

Yakov Kedmi:
They wanted freedom ... It's a lie. They wanted sausages!

The expert further says that, by and large, no freedom and democracy existed in West Germany.

View full movie: The studio froze! Kedmi's wise speech about STALIN and East Germany! "Even the Lord God is mistaken!"
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  1. -5
    13 November 2019 16: 57
    There is no mistake here, Stalin was already thinking about the post-war settlement ..
    1. +12
      13 November 2019 17: 24
      Mistake or not, we are now talking from the point of view of afterthought ... Then no one knew how the post-war life would turn out. Moreover, the plan "Unthinkable" already existed, Stalin knew about it and did not want to give a reason for British-American aggression against the USSR ...
      1. -22
        13 November 2019 19: 22
        In my opinion, it has already been proven that there was no "unthinkable" it was a duck (fake), otherwise YOU are right
        1. +10
          14 November 2019 04: 14
          Quote: karabass
          it has already been proven that there was no "unthinkable" it was a duck (fake)
          By whom, where and when is it proven?
          1. -9
            14 November 2019 11: 58
            Historians in my opinion, I do not remember exactly, read somewhere that Churchill expressed concern to Roosevelt. But it would never have come to the "Unthinkable" (at that moment), otherwise the USSR would have declared itself an ally of Japan with all the ensuing consequences for the USA
        2. +5
          14 November 2019 19: 31
          As far as I remember, back in Soviet times, it emerged that after the surrender of Germany, the Allies put on the order of 1 million surrendered Wehrmacht troops. The organization of many parts has been retained. They left their personal weapons. They were kept in good conditions, personnel training took place. Heavy weapons were seized. This story dragged on for more than a year, so Japan has nothing to do with it. Subsequently, the officer corps of these forces served as the basis of the Bundeswehr, which reached 450 thousand people already by 1954, contrary to the Yalta agreements. There is no time to search for links now. If this is all fake, then please provide fake proof links.
          1. -2
            14 November 2019 21: 19
            I can’t find links from memory, I’ll write what I read: Churchill thought about something like that, even consulted with the United States, but it didn’t come to development. something else, yes, the USSR was strong, so they did not even develop anything, and since they did not develop it, it is considered that the name "Unthinkable" is a fake
            1. 0
              13 December 2019 10: 28
              The British General Staff was developing an operation using German divisions, capitulating to Schleswig Holstein and Denmark (150-200000 people) with the subsequent possible involvement of German prisoners of war, operation
              Unthinkable, Naturally, they planned to use the American allies, but the latter did not have to, because they did not plan to fight for the preservation of the British Empire, but rather, they sought to destroy it, which they successfully produced with the direct participation of the USSR
              In this, the interests of the USSR and the USA coincided.
              Although US Politics Changed Under President Truman
              In general, the United States under Roosevelt in the diplomatic game within the coalition was often blocked from the USSR against Britain, this was reflected in the decisions of the conferences in Tehran and Yalta
              In general, Hitler rightly hoped that the death of Roosevelt would destroy the coalition, this happened, but somewhat later than the end of the war
              Probably, the death of Roosevelt, along with the German Advanced military-technical developments, was one of the factors that prompted Stalin to accelerate the preparation and conduct of the Berlin operation
              All participants in World War II decided their own political goals, and this is normal.
              At the same time, the question of preserving one's own statehood and physical survival was very acute before historical Russia (then the USSR)
              Germany, during the war, also faced the problem of preserving statehood, tried mediocre and stupidly in German to solve it, could not and ceased to exist, transforming into several occupation zones and neutral Austria, which was also under occupation until the mid-fifties of the last century.
              In general, all the components of the Hitler project of the first European Union (3rd Empire) lost their sovereignty and, together with the fragments of the British and French colonial empires, entered the zones of influence of the USA and the USSR, while the Soviet sphere of influence "World Socialism System" existed until the early 90s, when it came to her to be ground by the process of globalization.
              The most amazing thing is that Russia was able to survive and survive during the “end of history” of the 90s - zero years, although, naturally, not without losses and it began a gradual, slow and steady restoration of its sphere of influence, gradually increasing resistance to modern trends now is British American global empire
  2. -12
    13 November 2019 17: 05
    Yasha Kedmi does not know that everything was in order with the sausage in the GDR (unlike the USSR).
    1. +10
      13 November 2019 17: 45
      Quote: Zeev Zeev
      Yasha Kedmi does not know that everything was in order with the sausage in the GDR (unlike the USSR).

      You want to say that you traveled to both Germany more than Kedmi and therefore you know how it was there?
      1. +2
        13 November 2019 18: 36
        Quote: Krasnoyarsk
        Quote: Zeev Zeev
        Yasha Kedmi does not know that everything was in order with the sausage in the GDR (unlike the USSR).

        You want to say that you traveled to both Germany more than Kedmi and therefore you know how it was there?

        And whether Kedmi had a chance to visit the GDR is just a big question. It was in the USSR that he lived under a diploma. passport from the Dutch embassy. Of all the social countries, only Romania had a dip. relations with Israel before the collapse of the USSR and social. block. So getting into the GDR in those days was not easy for him.
        1. +7
          14 November 2019 13: 01
          East Germans were led as Ukrainians to propaganda.
          They thought that now the wall would be demolished and cash flow would pour out from behind the wall, interspersed with sausage, cars and other freedom.
          As a result, the German men even deprived their women of their own and dressed the men in lace shorts. On this freedom ended. laughing

          Man does not value what he has.
          Constantly and everywhere we step on the same rake.

          Kedmi is still an expert.
          Like a burnt Jew (gypsy? wassat ) tells people what people want to hear.

          Benny Ukrainian spoke in exactly the same way: Moscow-friendship-freindschaft !!!
        2. +1
          14 November 2019 19: 32
          We must ask Kedmi a direct question - is he lying or is telling the truth.
      2. +2
        13 November 2019 18: 43
        Kedmi was not in the GDR.
        1. +12
          14 November 2019 02: 52
          Jacob Kedmi is one of those Jews who does not lie ...
          1. +1
            14 November 2019 07: 18
            Yakov Kedmi is one of those Jews who is very offended by life because he was kicked out of good work for troubled actions.
      3. The comment was deleted.
    2. +7
      13 November 2019 18: 14
      Quote: Zeev Zeev
      Yasha Kedmi does not know that everything was in order with the sausage in the GDR (unlike the USSR).

      Kedmi did not live in the GDR, therefore he is mistaken. And in the USSR it only seems that she did not exist (in the villages there was not), but come visit, what was not there. We had such sausages, I don't see them for 30 years now, and linguistic, chopped ham, homemade pork and beef, raw smoked, about simple smoked and boiled (especially garlic and Semipalatinsk) before "perestroika-accordion-hurray" were always Of course, not the entire range can be bought at once. Yes, I made sausages myself. The mince was ground in front of you in the store. What do you want. Whether pork, even beef, or even a mixture. At home, I added various pepper, kukurma, ginger, garlic - I added salt, twisted it into the intestine and into the oven. Well, of course, under the "peppercorn" or "coriander". Now there is no such thing. Sorry Zeev Zeev.
      1. +3
        13 November 2019 18: 45
        In which city was this? In Moscow? In St. Petersburg? In some regime Arzamas-16 with special support?
        1. +4
          13 November 2019 19: 21
          Quote: Zeev Zeev
          In which city was this? In Moscow? In St. Petersburg? In some regime Arzamas-16 with special support?

          Yes no NLSV (Noukugodu Liidu Sovetiku Vabarik) city of Tallinn. The city is not regime, without special support.
          1. -1
            13 November 2019 19: 56
            The Baltic states are not an indicator. There, the sales were wild and didn’t steal like they did in the same BSSR.
            1. +3
              13 November 2019 21: 45
              Quote: Zeev Zeev
              The Baltic states are not an indicator. There were wild sales

              And where is the Baltic states! I have half of my relatives from Belarus, and in Minsk it was no worse than Tallinn. It may be worse where you lived, but the village was always worse, and Estonian farmers lived worse. And why ? Farmers in Estonia, they were collective farmers, and those who wanted to work in the village (and on their own land) lived well, and loafers lived as always. In Belarus, the village lived better than in Estonia, and now they live. No need to put a shadow on the wattle fence. Thank you, thank you for the connection.
              1. +2
                13 November 2019 22: 42
                I lived in Bobruisk, 120 km from Minsk. And the wife is from Minsk. So do not tell me how and what got in the BSSR.
            2. +2
              13 November 2019 22: 23
              Quote: Zeev Zeev
              The Baltic states are not an indicator. There, the sales were wild and didn’t steal like they did in the same BSSR.

              Ouch! Well, you are not a stupid person. Well, if everyone stole, but didn’t steal in Estonia? Or do I look like an idiot? But were you all Marxist-Leninist crystal clear honest? And again, so many questions, or How?
              1. -2
                13 November 2019 22: 45
                I am not from the Baltic states. And they didn’t steal (at least not so much and not so) due to another upbringing. Therefore, there were things in Vilnius in the 1984 store that were not in Minsk.
                1. 0
                  13 November 2019 23: 11
                  Quote: Zeev Zeev
                  Therefore, in Vilnius there were things in the 1984 store of the year that were not in Minsk.

                  So what ? Is this an indicator of life?
                2. +1
                  14 November 2019 06: 17
                  This does not mean anything. In Kazakhstan, in small cities there were also things that you can’t buy anywhere. And the locals did not buy them at all.
          2. +3
            14 November 2019 11: 29
            Quote: tihonmarine
            Tallinn city

            My friend Vlad, only after visiting Riga in 86, I learned about Roquefort and that besides the Dutch and Kostroma there are at least 50 more types of cheeses! So the "Socialist Showcase" is not considered at all for the sake of completeness in defining the quality of life in the USSR! For example, in Altai regional centers (not villages), salted herring was also in short supply! My childhood was spent in the town of Suvorov, Tula region, and so if within 30 minutes from the opening of the bakery store you did not have time, then a white loaf flew past, and a rye loaf is waiting for you with hugs! Parents brought sausage from Moscow.
            1. +3
              15 November 2019 13: 27
              In the Gorky and Vladimir Regions in the 1970s and 80s it was similar: groceries opened at 7.00 or 7.30, I don’t remember exactly, and if you didn’t buy a loaf, then tomorrow morning you should stomp. And there was rye, but also before lunch. Then - a rolling ball ... And in the grocery stores there were cans with hake and pollock in a tomato, built by some intricate vertical figures. Yes, we lived poorly then. A sausage and more or less tasty was brought from Moscow. I’m telling children and grandchildren now, they don’t believe so: they say, you’re making it up, it cannot be like that! How did you survive then ???
              1. +2
                15 November 2019 13: 51
                Quote: Andrey Zhdanov-Nedilko
                How did you survive then ???

                bully Joyfully and happily hi
                I remember in 81-m vodka has risen in price so soon rhymes among the people appeared ..
                If vodka is five
                We will all take it
                If vodka become eight
                We won’t stop drinking anyway
                Pass Ilyich, us and ten on the shoulder
                If prices get bigger
                Then we will do as in Poland
                If it's twenty five
                We will take Winter again!
                There were cheerful people wink
                1. +2
                  15 November 2019 16: 03
                  Yes, they lived normally, worked, rested! I agree !!! There is at least something to remember in old age !!!!
      2. +5
        13 November 2019 22: 03
        Was in the villages. They tried to bring only a little. Rarely did anyone buy a boiled one, and it was stressful in the late 60s with refrigerators in selmagas. Two rubles with kopecks for the village is also not small money, and his meat ran around the yard, clucked, mumbled, bleated, grunted and gagged unmeasured. Smoked bought up ET Yes. Smoked was DIFCIT, as Arkady Raikin said. hi
        1. +2
          13 November 2019 22: 38
          Quote: Captive
          Was in the villages. They tried to bring only a little. Rarely did anyone buy a boiled one, and it was stressful at the end of the 60's with refrigerators in selmagas.

          Yes, and now there are not many, but the village from time immemorial provided itself, even during the Nazi occupation. Well, there were no pickles and these cheesy "monopolek" sausages, but there was healthy food - crumbly potatoes, green onions, lard with a layer, smoked bacon, sausages, pickled cucumbers (6-7 cm), pickled mushrooms, pickled, rolled in fat (white), and what kind of tomatoes, carrots, tears are flowing, and Homemade soup chickens (crested), turkeys and geese, as well as a full cellar of jam and compotes. Forgot ? Or was it not already? and I remember and also do. This is what a village is.
        2. 0
          13 November 2019 23: 16
          Quote: Captive
          Two rubles and kopeks for the village is also not small money, and his meat ran around the yard, clucked, mumbled, bleated, grunted and gagged unmeasured. Smoked bought up ET Yes. Smoked was DIFCIT, as Arkady Raikin said.

          Everything was like everywhere else in the village! But I wanted a "monopoly" city smoked sausage. Yes, I made it in my village when I was 25 years old, and what a sausage! And the people wanted a beautiful, urban one. What would you like now?
          1. 2ez
            14 November 2019 01: 10
            In 1985 he graduated from the institute, left for distribution in the village, a teacher, settled with a physical education teacher, also the same graduate. I am purely urban, bread and sausage grow in a store, my friend is purely rural, and mowed, and weeded, and chopped wood. So, on weekends we went home. He brought home sausage, I - shop, and Doctor's, and Tea, and sausages. So, he ate mine, and I - his! And he said to me, "How can you eat this sausage, yesterday I was grunting" ... There was sausage and other delicacies, but most importantly, it WAS AT THE SAME PRICE! All year I took my doctor's thesis for 2 rubles 20 kopecks ... Now it tastes different, and the price flies away every day. By the way, my salary, a young teacher in the countryside, is 185 rubles net ... Of course, it would be less in the city, but you have to pay for everything! But it was there that I realized that it was mine! Brest region. How far was it? In a completely different life ... It must have been a dream, beautiful and happy ...
            1. +1
              14 November 2019 10: 19
              Quote: 2ez
              How far was that? In a completely different life ... It was probably a dream, beautiful and happy ...

              Yes, sometimes you sit and think if it really happened. And you were still a young teacher, and it was in 1985 that you were thrown under the tracks of an advancing "Gorbachev tank", but you did not know that then.
      3. +3
        14 November 2019 06: 57
        And in Chelyabinsk in '84 coupons for sausage and soap. I remember very well the round eyes of a saleswoman in a Moscow store to the question "Do you have sausage on coupons?"
        1. 0
          14 November 2019 10: 25
          Quote: Monar
          And in Chelyabinsk in the 84 year, coupons for sausage and soap.

          In Klaipeda in '84 there were coupons for sugar and vodka, and in '85 there was no soap all over the Union, the "Marked Bear" either washed off or ate.
          1. +1
            14 November 2019 10: 31
            We got coupons after 80. I don’t remember exactly a year. But then Gorbachev still didn’t even smell.
            1. 0
              14 November 2019 11: 53
              Quote: Monar
              We got coupons after 80. I don’t remember exactly a year. But then Gorbachev still didn’t even smell.

              That's right, it had to be that way. This was done by "institutes and centers". I lived in Estonia, and before the beginning of the reign of "Judushka Golovlev" everything was fine there, and when I came to my parents in the Smolensk province in the year of the Olympics, I saw coupons and coupons. Everything was calculated. First of all, it was necessary to provoke and propagate the RSFSR, that is, the Russians, and in spite of showing, "But how well the Balts live," while occasionally throwing a "bone" to Ukraine, then Belarus, and the Kyrgyz, Uzbeks themselves will fall apart. Succeeded. Nine years later, demoros were walking around Moscow with posters "No Union, Russia Yes". "The process has started!"
              1. 0
                18 November 2019 16: 49
                A list
                "institutes and centers"
            2. +3
              18 November 2019 14: 49
              Quote: Monar
              We got coupons after 80. I don’t remember exactly a year. But then Gorbachev still didn’t even smell.

              I agree in Kuibyshev, too, and it was also sad Yes
        2. +2
          15 November 2019 11: 38
          In Gorky, the first coupons appeared in the winter of 86-87. At the end of 89, it was practically impossible to boil them.
          1. +1
            15 November 2019 13: 36
            In the city of Vyksa, Gorky Region, coupons appeared in 1987, sort of like in the summer, but it was problematic to buy. Helped out his garden and the capital! By the way, in 1990 I was on a business trip in the city of Kremenchug (Ukraine), then I saw coupons there for food and cigarettes - cigarettes for smokers were supposed to 2 packs per month. This is what I remember.
          2. +3
            18 November 2019 14: 59
            Although I come from Kuybyshev and have a bunch of relatives there, I went to study from the neighboring region and received a dormitory based on the results of entrance exams. So we were constantly given coupons for butter and boiled sausage, and then for vodka. So we exchanged these oil-sausage vouchers for vodka for girls in the hostel, respectively, and subsequently ate the same voucher sausage. Yes
      4. +1
        14 November 2019 19: 46
        You probably found yourself in the communist future. Something I, having lived under socialism in Moscow for 37 years, do not remember such a set. Odessa, Krakow, doctoral, amateur, liverworm, language, sometimes veal. There are usually 2-3 items from this set in an arbitrary store. The quality is not always good. There were also such interruptions that no - and that's it. Long before perestroika. True, as a rule, not very long. For hard smoked sausage, if suddenly somewhere appeared - instantly a hefty line. I do not mean that I suffered from a shortage of sausage varieties, but that I should more accurately adhere to the facts. In practice, in Zaporozhye in 1976, I did not see sausages and meat in stores. At the factory in the canteen, please. Probably, there was meat on the market, but somehow I did not get there - it was especially unnecessary. So it was not very great with all this, there is no need to agitate now that everything was heaps of. Who lived then remembers how it was. I will repeat once again - I am not for the sausage, but for the truth. "I did it not in the interests of the truth, but in the interests of the truth," Berlaga's accountant explained confusedly.
        Well, and in the village of Khamsara (Tyva), where you can only fly by plane - in the store there are cookies, dryers and, as the locals put it, "rivets". It seems like such a large thick vermicelli, I have already forgotten. Nothing more. "Where is such and such? - He went for meat." This means that this comrade took a gun and went into the taiga. I don't think this village was any exception. True, all the aunts are in French boots. They brought in a somehow healthy batch, and inexpensively. Everyone liked it.
    3. +5
      13 November 2019 19: 02
      Quote: Zeev Zeev
      Yasha Kedmi does not know that everything was in order with the sausage in the GDR (unlike the USSR).

      No need to juggle. He spoke figuratively. The propaganda of the bourgeois world at that time did an excellent job. East Germans, like the rest of the post-Soviet republics, wanted to live just like overseas and behind the wall. they live richly and only the elite, of course, they didn’t even know. They didn’t even realize that they would be second-class people.
      1. +3
        13 November 2019 22: 42
        Quote: Mar. Tira
        East Germans, as well as all post-Soviet republics, wanted to live just like overseas and behind the wall.

        They thought it was better "A tit in the clouds than a chicken on the table." And it turned out "As always" - a piece of plastic sausage.
    4. +3
      14 November 2019 04: 46
      Quote: Zeev Zeev
      Yasha Kedmi does not know that everything was in order with the sausage in the GDR (unlike the USSR).

      Try to look at his phrase a little wider. Cadmee just speaks allegorically. Ma'am "sausage emigration" arose not only from the fact that people rushed from the USSR for Euro-American sausage. This ma'am simply reflects the mood of the time, like "we don't have this (fill in ourselves), but they just have heaps of this (fill in ourselves)."
    5. -2
      14 November 2019 19: 14
      When he was Yasha Kazakov, he probably knew. hi
  3. +2
    13 November 2019 17: 11
    Stalin, IMHO, made two geopolitical mistakes: he annexed western Ukraine (it would be better to give this "happiness" to the Poles - they would have something to do, then they would not have time for Russophobia). And he abolished the state of Manchukuo, annexing it to the PRC.
    1. 0
      13 November 2019 17: 49
      Quote: AU Ivanov.
      Stalin, IMHO, made two geopolitical mistakes: he annexed western Ukraine (it would be better to give this "happiness" to the Poles - they would have something to do, then they would not have time for Russophobia). And he abolished the state of Manchukuo, annexing it to the PRC.

      Those. You do not need a "kemsk volost" and in FIG? What a generous Russian land you are to scatter. Well, yes, it is clear - you didn’t shed blood for her.
      1. +3
        13 November 2019 18: 11
        Too rotten population in this "Kemsky volost" And how much blood was shed there after the war?
        1. +3
          13 November 2019 20: 38
          [quote = AS Ivanov.] Too rotten population in this "Kemsky volost" And how much blood was shed there after the war? [/ quote
          This is not a reason to squander Russian lands.
          From 33 to 45 the population of Germany was also very "rotten", and nothing was cured. And here, with the right treatment, the result will be even better.
          1. 0
            13 November 2019 21: 36
            Lviv, Ternopil, Stanislav (Ivano-Frankivsk), Chernivtsi, Uzhgorod have never been part of Russia. So that there can be no talk of any squandering.
            1. 0
              13 November 2019 22: 46
              Quote: AS Ivanov.
              Lviv, Ternopil, Stanislav (Ivano-Frankivsk), Chernivtsi, Uzhgorod have never been part of Russia.

              This is Ukraine, and the rest is Little Russia, and part of Russia.
              1. 0
                13 November 2019 22: 54
                The very name "Ukraine" is the outskirts of Rus, the border region. By the way, there were also "Oka Ukraine", "Pskov Ukraine", "Siberian Ukraine"
                1. 0
                  13 November 2019 23: 19
                  Quote: AS Ivanov.
                  The very name "Ukraine" is the outskirts of Rus, the border region. By the way, there were also "Oka Ukraine", "Pskov Ukraine", "Siberian Ukraine"

                  This Smolensk province was also the border (border) province of Russia, as well as St. Petersburg (the capital of the Russian Empire).
                2. +2
                  13 November 2019 23: 46
                  Quote: AU Ivanov.
                  The very name "Ukraine" is the outskirts of Rus, the border region. By the way, there were also "Oka Ukraine", "Pskov Ukraine", "Siberian Ukraine"

                  That's right. And who founded Lviv? In whose honor was the city named? Who was the founder of the city Alexander Nevsky?
                  It all depends on from what period all this is considered. But do not forget that at least 1000 years of the history of Russia was stolen from us. And you generally decided to consider this story from the end of the 19th century. What a you however.
            2. +1
              13 November 2019 23: 51
              Quote: AU Ivanov.
              Lviv, Ternopil, Stanislav (Ivano-Frankivsk), Chernivtsi, Uzhgorod have never been part of Russia. So that there can be no talk of any squandering.

              Correctly. Then Russia did not exist yet, but Russia was on these lands. And they have not yet had these cities. I hope you will not dispute that Russia is the early name of Russia?
          2. +1
            14 November 2019 11: 34
            Quote: Krasnoyarsk
            with the right treatment, the result will be even better.

            And what is the right treatment?
      2. 0
        13 November 2019 22: 06
        Why squander there? Razbazarli already at EBNe. And when was Western Ukraine a Russian land? Bandera nursery!
        1. 0
          13 November 2019 23: 55
          Quote: Captive
          Why squander there? Razbazarli already at EBNe. And when was Western Ukraine a Russian land? Bandera nursery!

          Once it was Chervonaia Rus. Read about the Telerhof and Terezin and you will understand a lot.
    2. +1
      13 November 2019 17: 55
      Quote: AS Ivanov.
      he annexed western Ukraine (it would be better to give this "happiness" to the Poles - they would have something to do, then they would not have time for Russophobia). And he abolished the state of Manchukuo, annexing it to the PRC.

      I talk about it all the time. Leave the Krestsy to the Poles and annex Prussia to the USSR. Poles would even be glad (at that time, not now). In principle, Manchukuo was not a Chinese territory. We took it and had the right not to give it up. If there would be no problems on the first question, then on the second question it is controversial.
      1. +2
        13 November 2019 18: 14
        Independent Manchuria, as a buffer and counterbalance to China.
        1. 0
          13 November 2019 20: 31
          In Manchuria, 80% of the population were Han.
  4. +4
    13 November 2019 17: 47
    They wanted freedom ... It's a lie. They wanted sausages!
    Sausages in the GDR were in bulk, and not as "plastic" as in the FRG. Especially good were the "mops" in gashtets fried with alcohol, and even with cold beer. I remember and drool began to flow.
  5. 0
    13 November 2019 18: 02
    Soon, without Kedmi, the sun will not set.
  6. +7
    13 November 2019 18: 05
    In my opinion, after 1943, Stalin no longer made mistakes, at least strategic, as for not allowing the allies to Berlin, then Stalin, like no one else, understood that the country needed to be pulled out of the next war and made a diplomatic move, but no one was strong enough with the Red Army could be compared at that time, more than 10000000 under arms and not just under arms, but an army hardened in battles with huge combat experience, a well-functioning military industry, but the country was exhausted by the war, and intelligence provided information about where the developments of the "weapon of retaliation" ...
  7. -3
    13 November 2019 18: 06
    What right does Jacob Kedmi have to point out the mistakes of Stalin? Soloviev’s case is on TV to assent.
    1. +2
      13 November 2019 20: 46
      Quote: Victoria-In
      What right does Jacob Kedmi have to point out the mistakes of Stalin? Soloviev’s case is on TV to assent.

      Yes, really, who is he? VO users have this right. So?
      1. 0
        14 November 2019 06: 51
        Kedmi publicly renounced Soviet citizenship, in every possible way cherished the country that had taught him for 20 years. And 150 children whom he stole and secretly transferred to Israel. And about our Il-20 aircraft, shot down by Syrian air defense fire. According to him, Israeli pilots are absolutely not to blame. Let the Jews learn to live ...
        1. 0
          14 November 2019 20: 28
          Quote: Victoria-In
          And 150 children whom he stole and secretly transferred to Israel.

          What is it like? Have you stolen children from your parents? Even if you do not like Jews in general and Kedmi in particular, you still do not need to carry nonsense.
          Quote: Victoria-In
          Il-20 aircraft, shot down by Syrian air defense fire. According to him, Israeli pilots are absolutely not to blame. Let the Jews learn to live ...

          In fact, he does not teach anyone. He expressed his opinion and does not impose it on anyone.
          He always spoke about the USSR in positive tones. He never touched negative moments, and they were undoubtedly in the USSR, as in all other states.
          1. 0
            15 November 2019 05: 09
            This story made a lot of noise in its time. In 1997, Russia expelled three diplomats involved in the secret removal of children. Here is a link for you: I look forward to an apology for the words "do not carry nonsense."
            1. 0
              15 November 2019 09: 29
              Quote: Victoria-In
              This story made a lot of noise in due time. In 1997, Russia sent three diplomats involved in the smuggling of children.

              Is Kedmi's guilt proven? Was there a trial? Where is the punishment? Is he persona non grata?
              Have you forgotten that a suspect is declared a criminal by court order?
              In addition, do not forget you are not a judge.
              Do you keep waiting for an apology?
              P.C. If you read my comments, you could not help but notice that I do not feel any reverence for the Jews, though I also have no hatred for them.
              1. +2
                15 November 2019 14: 20
                I see you have no opportunity to google the issue of exporting children. I will answer in your words: "What a stubborn slow-thinking you are. The flight of your thoughts is beyond the reach of mere mortals. With this I propose to end our pointless dispute." Pi.C. go on.
                1. 0
                  15 November 2019 20: 50
                  Quote: Victoria-In
                  I see you have no opportunity to google the issue of exporting children.

                  Well, why? I read your link. So what? Do you know how much conflicting information I read in my life? And what, command everything to believe? Dismiss Until 7 times I check, I do not believe. Not because I believe Kedmi, but because I do not trust everything written. Experience, you know. And I also know what to pour mud on a person, that two fingers on the asphalt. This is not about Kedmi, this is me at all. And people quickly and willingly believe bad info about a person than good. This is the nature of people. Fortunately, not everyone.
                  I wish you well. hi
    2. +1
      13 November 2019 22: 09
      And what right do you have to indicate what to do Kedmi? It’s your business to bite Solovyov’s heels. laughing
      1. 0
        14 November 2019 06: 51
        Kedmi publicly renounced Soviet citizenship, in every possible way cherished the country that had taught him for 20 years. And 150 children whom he stole and secretly transferred to Israel. And about our Il-20 aircraft, shot down by Syrian air defense fire. According to him, Israeli pilots are absolutely not to blame. Let the Jews learn to live ...
  8. +1
    13 November 2019 19: 39
    Times have come, however.
    That taught in the national interest in each article, now the range has expanded, added the Chinese, Serbs and the civilized sahib Sacred Jacob Kedmi who undertook to teach the foolish Russians what and how they understand in life.
    And it is unknown to this recipient that the decision on the regime of occupation of Germany and Berlin was made as early as September 12, 1944, long before the end of the war in the form of a protocol that details what and who is occupying in Germany.
  9. +1
    14 November 2019 06: 37
    Well, someone, Kedmi, should be aware of Yalta and the agreements. After all, agreements were signed not only in Berlin, but also in those regions that should be part of the USSR. So let claims not only be brought against us, but also against former allies.
  10. +1
    14 November 2019 11: 12
    Here they "denounce" the USSR, they say "they stole there." Who stole? People! Therefore, the people lived well.
    We can say that this was not theft, but compensation for the shortcomings of the distribution system. There were no billionaire oligarchs and no export of capital to offshore companies. People ate better than now. For example, even the current chemical meat people eat half as much according to official statistics.
    Dressed, of course, not so varied, but more healthy. In general, everything was healthier in all respects.
  11. 0
    14 November 2019 11: 54
    The stubborn promotion of Kedmi and Satanovsky in the VO continues.

    A naive attempt to create the appearance of the importance of the opinions of "Jewish sages"?

    That fat, then this couple.

    Is anyone really doing this?
  12. +1
    14 November 2019 12: 34
    Yes, Soloviev and Kedmi are two "titans of historical science" laughing ... They are too insignificant and corrupt (mostly polit. Prostitute Soloviev) to even discuss "Stalin's mistakes" ..
  13. 0
    14 November 2019 19: 20
    Cedmi is generally right in many ways. It is a pity that such people left our country when it most needed them.
    On the other hand, in Russia there is no prophet in his own country. So what happened is what happened. The main thing is not to repeat past mistakes.
  14. Kaw
    15 November 2019 10: 46
    They wanted freedom ... It's a lie. They wanted sausages!
    The expert further says that, by and large, no freedom and democracy existed in West Germany.

    This is largely true. But the fact of the matter is that the Soviet government could not give "sausages" (material security) to the East Germans, and indeed to everyone else.
  15. 0
    15 November 2019 16: 33
    Quote: Victoria-In
    Kedmi publicly renounced Soviet citizenship, in every possible way cherished the country that had taught him for 20 years. And 150 children whom he stole and secretly transferred to Israel. And about our Il-20 aircraft, shot down by Syrian air defense fire. According to him, Israeli pilots are absolutely not to blame. Let the Jews learn to live ...

    Just worth stopping after 20 years ... would be a plus.
  16. -3
    16 November 2019 16: 56
    Kemdi as a broad-profile machine operator. Everything has its own expert opinion.