How to take bribes under Stalin. From the history of the fight against corruption in Russia

How to take bribes under Stalin. From the history of the fight against corruption in RussiaNew turn in the "Leningrad case"

After the war, Stalin was facing a new war - against corruption. So it was not just because of fear of losing power, as some historians suggest, that Stalin began to “tighten the screws” after the Great Patriotic War. Yes it is not news for the world stories - that after destructive wars, everywhere and at all times, the restoration of the country begins with the strengthening of power (right up to the introduction of a state of emergency and even dictatorship) in order to stop the discord and disintegration of the system of economic management and society that occurred during the war. By the way, because of the use of official position for personal purposes, even the main commander, Marshal Zhukov, was brought to justice. And only the trophies handed over to him by the state from marauding activities in Germany saved him from severe criminal punishment, although they did not save him from a serious drop in the party and state lines. However, the “Leningrad case” became the most serious - the case of nepotism in the governing bodies of the party and the state, which was a direct way to the origin and flourishing of corruption. Its top is the abuse of official position in personal interests, which began with privileges and privileges, and ended with bribes and the transformation of the state pocket into its own ...

No, I was not mistaken. The “Leningrad case” in reality is a case of corruption, first of all in the leading environment from top to bottom ... At first, like everyone, I did not know this and did not understand it. But now, having familiarized myself with a number of party documents, I come to the conclusion that purely political accusations, perhaps, were fabricated, but the corruption aspect of the case has definitely taken place! In any case, the actions committed by the accused clearly created the conditions for corruption. (I say this on the basis of party documents, and not on the basis of materials from the investigation, which have never been properly trusted anywhere in the world. Party documents appeared in an atmosphere of free clarification of relations, and long before the institution of the investigation file.)

But ... at first, such a seemingly completely harmless example. Agree, one thing when it comes to the allocation of money, say, to improve conditions in a kindergarten, and quite another when money is required to restore a burned-out orphanage, whose pupils, unlike children who have a roof over their heads, have no place to go. It seems it goes without saying that first of all it is necessary to help homeless children. However, due to cronyism, the chief often allocates funds not to an orphanage, but to a kindergarten, because his beloved grandson goes there ... It seems that nothing special, but corruption, which is eating away like rust, the whole state begins with such harmless facts.

Catch dealers on such crimes is difficult, but possible. In order to exclude the possibility of nepotism or bribery among inspectors, in Stalin times several independent commissions were appointed to inspect the same case. They did not submit the materials of inspections to any one main person, but, let's say, to each member of the Politburo. This almost excluded the possibility of hiding the results of inspections and in many areas (due to publicity) guaranteed the use of well-deserved measures. If someone managed to neutralize all these commissions, then in that case (after establishing the fact of collusion) no one could wait for mercy, because organized crime was punished much more severely and ... unconditionally! It was a kind of party court, which did not know the statute of limitations, as is the case today. For example, with Mavrodi, an international swindler on a particularly large scale, who, if not brought to justice before such a date, then, according to the law, he will no longer be able to attract him ...

The Leningrad Affair began with the Decision of the 15 Politburo of February 1949 in connection with the irresponsible amateur activities undertaken to hold the All-Union Wholesale Fair in Leningrad (from 10 to 20 in January of 1949). Nothing was really calculated, and instead of the sale of goods, they were damaged and ... a loss of 4 billion rubles. And this is in the midst of a terrible post-war industrial and food famine. Plus, the significant loss of significant travel funds for a trip to the northern capital of leaders from across the country was revealed. Simply put, many have just gone "to break away from business" and gulnut in a big way ... That is, even in this corruption was viewed. Further more!

The Resolution noted: “On the basis of the audit carried out, it was established that the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR was Comrade. Rodionov M.I. together with the Leningrad leading comrades with the assistance of a member of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) Comrade. Kuznetsova A.A. arbitrarily and illegally organized the All-Union Wholesale Fair with an invitation to participate in it trade organizations of the edges and regions of the RSFSR, including the most remote, up to the Sakhalin region, as well as representatives of trade organizations of all union republics. At the fair, goods worth about 9 billion rubles, including goods distributed by the Allied Government according to a national plan, were lent to sale, which led to squandering of state commodity funds and infringing the interests of a number of territories, regions and republics (And this is corruption ... and more which one! - NAD.) In addition, the fair caused damage to the state due to the large and unjustified expenditures of public funds for organizing the fair and for moving participants from remote areas to Leningrad and back. (And this is also corruption!)

The Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) considers the main culprits of this anti-state action of the candidates for the members of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) to be Rodionov and Popkov and a member of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) t. A. Kuznetsov, who violated the elementary foundations of state and party discipline ...

The Politburo believes that the above mentioned anti-state actions were the result of the fact that Kuznetsova AA, Rodionova, Popkova has an unhealthy bias, expressed in flirting with the Leningrad organization, in attempts to present themselves as special defenders of the interests of Leningrad, in attempts to create a mediastinum (that is, an obstacle preventing direct relations. - NAD) between the Central Committee and Leningrad organization ...

In this regard, it should be noted that Comrade Popkov, being the first secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee and the city committee, is not trying to ensure communication of the Leningrad party organization with the Central Committee, does not inform the Party Central Committee about the situation in Leningrad and, instead of putting questions and proposals directly into The Central Committee, embarks on the path of bypassing the Central Committee of the Party, on the path of dubious backstage, and sometimes rumble combinations, conducted through various self-styled "chefs" of Leningrad, such as Kuznetsova, Rodionova and others.

In this light, it is necessary to consider the proposal to “patronize” Leningrad, which only now became known to the Central Committee from Vol. Voznesensky, which Comrade Popkov addressed in Vol. 1948 to Vol. N. Voznesensky, as well as Comrade Popkov’s inappropriate behavior. of the Leningrad party organization with the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) is trying to replace personal ties with the so-called boss t. Kuznetsov A.A.

The Politburo believes that such methods are an expression of group society ... "(The decree is given in abbreviated form.)

The more carefully I re-read this Resolution, the more thoroughly the following conclusion arises: in such a situation, conditions for the emergence and development of relations according to the principle of “you - me, I - you!”, “Well, how can you not please the dear little man?” Are inevitably created? corruption!!!

By the way, Kuznetsov, using the post of head of the Central Committee for cadres, set "his people" - "Leningraders" to senior positions throughout the country. This explains the fact that the repressions in connection with the "Leningrad affair" were not limited to Leningrad, but swept across the Union. Corruption was then cut down at the root, in order to avoid metastases, grabbing still often uninfected places that are close by. True, it was already an overlap of local leaders on the principle of "as if something did not work out," or even the usual settling of accounts. However, then all this, too, had to answer!

Attention should be paid to such an extremely important fact, namely: February 21 1949 at the Plenum of the Leningrad Regional Committee in connection with this Decree a thorough conversation took place. And, it should be noted, when clarifying relations at the PS Plenum. Popkov did not make excuses, but bluntly said, “that the absolute number of questions that came from the regional and city party committees went to the Central Committee through Kuznetsov. I considered this formulation correct. I saw Kuznetsov’s desire to lead the Leningrad organization ... Here are some facts. Comrade Kuznetsov once called me and shouted at me with indignation (I had to inform the Party Central Committee in one shout): “What are you building the road to Terioki? In order to make it easier for you to go to the country? ”I said:“ The resort area is for rent, we need a road. There is a solution to the session of the Lensovet and the city committee of the party. ” “This is all you have come up with. Such questions need to be coordinated with the Central Committee ... ”Now I understand that by demanding coordination of such issues with the Central Committee, under the Central Committee he understood himself.

Verbitsky arrives and says: “I visited Alexei Alexandrovich Kuznetsov, who asked me on what grounds do you want to remove the tram traffic from Engels Prospect?” Verbitsky then said: Kuznetsov needs to coordinate such questions ... ”(I quote in abbreviated form.)

Notice! All this would be tolerable if the Central Committee Kuznetsov were entrusted with the responsibility for the situation in Leningrad, but he did it without permission, being the head of the Central Committee personnel department. Moreover, he exerted pressure, using his influence in the selection, replacement and promotion of people. Moreover, he was not only engaged in his own business, but also sought to resolve all issues individually, hiding it from the Central Committee and acting in the way it was beneficial primarily to him: first from the point of view of a common cause, and then from the point of view of his personal career and personal well-being ... And this also led to all-encompassing corruption, because if something is possible for the boss, then it is also possible for the subordinates! Of course, in relation to their subordinates.

This conclusion is well traced by the example of the second secretary of the Leningrad city committee, Ya.F. Kapustin, who, as if nothing had happened, was telling: “In our system it was like this: just like a trip, you must go (in Moscow to Kuznetsov. - NAD). The last time when I came with a delegation to greet the Moscow Party Conference, I again did not fail to come to him. Why did you come? Why? ”To which Malenkov quite rightly replied:“ The point is not that you went or did not go to Comrade Kuznetsov — he was the secretary of the Central Committee: why not go in? But the fact is that the Central Committee did not know what you were talking about with Kuznetsov, what instructions Kuznetsov gave. All this has closed in the group ... The Central Committee has a Secretariat, a bureau, a Politburo, and depending on the importance of the issue is decided by the Secretariat, the bureau or the Politburo. You support another order - the sole decision of the issue, the sole instructions. That's what this is about. ” (I quote in the abbreviation.)

Malenkov is right, because it is with such unofficial conversations that corruption begins. And who does not understand this, he will never defeat corruption.

Historical fact

Natives of Leningrad (for example, in the person of N.A. Voznesensky) and in the USSR State Planning Committee did not really follow the rule: friendship is friendship, but service is service! As a result, “it turned out that the chairman of the State Planning Committee of Voznesensky systematically underestimated the plan to some ministries and overestimated others. Accordingly, those he loved had good performance, bonuses and other amenities. ” But the rest - it is better not to remember ...

How difficult for the country such “Leningrad traditions” are, the people are experiencing themselves to this day!

It was

All the proceedings on the “Leningrad Case” took place in a purely public order and did not concern that part of the “case” that the authorities brought in six months, starting a criminal investigation for political inclinations aimed at creating a new party (RCP) and formalizing the RSFSR on this basis ... so to speak, a full-fledged republic. That is, the “Leningraders” were tried for the political plans that ultimately presumed what Yeltsin did in 1980 – 1990, namely: declaring Russia independent in the USSR, Yeltsin thereby destroyed the Soviet Union and, therefore, committed an act that was to be prosecuted under the article “Treason to the Motherland” by destroying the constitutional foundations of the USSR, expressed in changing or overthrowing the social system.

In other words, they tried and sentenced the “Lendela” for trying to create what 40 years later still created Yeltsin and his allies in the form of the Communist Party of the Polozkov-Zyuganov and the notorious Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), from which the peoples of the former Soviet republics could not come in yourself so far. However, it was a completely different and more terrifying story, which even relegated to the second plan the issues of corruption discussed above.

In addition to the corruption component of the “Leningrad case”, revealed at the highest party and state level, in the same years a whole series of “affairs” of the economic order was revealed in the sphere of ministries, main departments and enterprises directly producing products of increased and daily demand. First of all, it is “Bread Case”, “Weaving Case”, “Wine Business”, “Musical Affairs” and “Money Business”, which were purely corruption in nature throughout the country. By the way, the famous Soviet detective Fedor Semenovich Nevzorov became the main hero of these “cases” who revealed the machinations of parasitic elements ...

"Grain business"

No matter how secretly the “tops” did something, the “bottoms” immediately (!) Begin to repeat this. Because while the “tops” are still getting ready, the rich imagination of the observant “bottoms” already draws what they have been doing for a long time ... Indeed: if it is possible for the “tops” in relation to their subordinates, then why cannot these subordinates in relation to their "nizam"? Corruption - like electricity - instantly spreads through all the channels of power! And if someone gets in her way, she immediately turns him into “her own” or throws him out (!) From her system — she simply destroys those who are particularly disobedient. Therefore, I call corruption a cancer of society ...

However, this tumor can arise on any level of power, when the power has somehow weakened or when society has been completely without power, as is the case after natural disasters, and especially after social upheavals occurring in the process of wars and revolutions.

It was such a hard trouble after the Great Patriotic War that fell on the victorious but hungry Soviet Union. And the first of the cases for which corruption took up, naturally, was the “bread business”. Because hungry people for bread were ready to give their last savings!

The identification of “parasites”, which really sucked the remaining juices from the people, began with the study by Nevzorov of documents according to which, during 1945, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR isolated the baking industry flour, sugar, condensed milk, butter, saccharin, raisins, jam, canned meat and other products of special importance to quickly restore the necessary set of vitamins in people weakened during the war years.

The Rosglavkhleb distribution system headed by Mikhail Isayev, the head of the supply department, became the incubator and distributor of corruption in the food industry in Russia. The extensive network of his criminal group (except for deputy head of department Shulkin B.N., chief accountant of department Rozenbaum D.A. and director of the Moscow interregional base Glavka Bukhman E.M.) included officials from poorly controlled Altai and Tatarstan trusts, and Arkhangelskaya , Bryansk, Ivanovo, Moscow, Orenburg and Rostov regions. There were at least 20 people ...

The attention of Nevzorov and his comrades in the special services was attracted by pretty young women, who were disarmed by Isaev's handsome men who changed hands like gloves. No wonder: when some people shook from hunger, these people in restaurants and country houses were full of dishes and drinks, which made it possible to organize almost a competitive selection among the weaker sex. It got to the point that Isaeva's wife found out about her husband's “chorus orgies” and ... hanged herself. Isaev and his companions for an easy life, in order to hide the true causes of death, buried her as having died from a sudden heart attack ...

The question was: what money and where did all this come from?

The answer was very simple: with the world on a thread - a shirt to the body. Indeed, due to the fact that all deficits were allocated to these trusts without delay, or even more than expected, their bosses “rolled back” to the Moscow authorities in the following way.

For example, a bakery or a confectionery factory ordered out a thousand kg of flour or sugar, however, let us say, only 950 kg of sugar, leaving Isaev as a “pullback” 50 kilo. To cover this shortage (and even cash in on the resulting deficit), during the manufacture of, say, cookies, sugar was underdeveloped: instead of 1000, 900 kg went into production ... calculated on the fact that it doesn't taste how much sugar is in a kilogram of cookies - 90 r or xnumx! This could be done only in the laboratory.

Or take the pastries 100 ths. Buns, each of which instead of 10 pieces. raisins went 8 and instead of 30 grams of sugar - 25, etc., etc.

Direct embezzlement was also practiced due to incomplete posting of incoming food, which in the post-war conditions was easily explained both by unidentified missing from wrecked cars and obvious robberies when unloading "freelancers" by members of numerous gangs who were hired as decent people, but suddenly disappeared in an unknown direction and, of course, not empty-handed. As a result, materially responsible persons were forced to draw up acts on the damage caused. Of course, in the current situation, many of them stole themselves, and blamed everything on the bandits.

"Saved" in this way products quickly came true in the markets and through a commercial chain of stores.

Whatever it was, but the detective Fedor Nevzorov and his comrades in the special services managed to bring to the clear water not only the already named Moscow Food and Criminal Center M.I. Isaev, but also high-ranking provincial lovers associated with Isaev, to arrange a "sweet life" at the expense of bitter tears of ordinary citizens.

According to agent data

I list corrupt criminals and their “deeds” according to documents of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. So:

“LEIDERMAN L.G., a representative of the Rostov Trust, on a criminal conspiracy with Isaev and other employees of the Central Base and the Supply Department of“ Rosglavkhleb ”received for enterprises of the baking industry of different products worth 123,7 thousand rubles, but in the mountains. Rostov did not deliver them. He (by agreement with the chief accountant of the supply department of Glavka Rosenbaum) transferred cash from the Moscow State Labor Bank Savings Bank for some of the stolen products. Part of the goods were written off for individual bakeries for production as allegedly spent on the manufacture of bakery products.

AE Frolov, working as a manager of the Arkhangelsk Bakery Industry Trust, in 1945 – 46. I received food products worth 86 928 rubles from the Rosglavkhleb base, of which I failed to deliver them to 66 569 rubles and stole them.

In a similar way, foodstuffs obtained and stole:

representatives of the Tatarsky bread-baking trust forwarder Kurochkin-Savoderov FN and Tsanin Y.T. - in the amount of 183 thousand rubles (of which Kurochkin-Savoderov - on 136 thousand rubles);

the chief engineer of Altai, and then the manager of the Bryansk trust "Rosglavkhleb" Dashkovsky M.I. - in the amount of 10 600 rubles;

freight forwarder of the Buzuluk bakery of the Orenburg region Spe-
vak S.M. - in the amount of 94 thousand rubles, etc.

Furthermore the investigation in the case established that Isaev M.I. by order of the USSR Ministry of Food Industry No. 104 from 18.03.46, he received vehicles from the Moscow Pecheniye 30 trust to be sent to a number of trusts of the Russian Federation. According to the criminal agreement with the manager of the transport office of the Moscow trust Melamed G.Ya. for sending cars to trusts they received bribes from their representatives at the rate of 7 thousand rubles per car. In total, they received about 200 thousand rubles. For example, the same Leiderman for 10 vehicles gave Melamed a bribe of 70 thousand rubles. Documented, Leiderman reported that he allegedly spent this amount on car repairs, which he carried out at Moscow enterprises in private. Bogus documents for a fee were forwarded to him by the forwarder of the Rosgalkhleb Central Base Rabinovich I.Z. For vacation cars Buzuluksky bakery with his representative Spevaka Isaev received 60 kg of saccharin, which he had to deliver to his bakery. As a result, in order to hide the shortage, the saccharin stolen in this way was written off into production ...

A part of the illegally obtained money was spent on a loose lifestyle, in particular, on drinking in restaurants and on reveling with women of easy virtue. Another part was spent on the purchase of jewelry and household items. A bearer savings book worth 100 thousand rubles was seized from Isaev and an expensive summer cottage was described in the Moscow Region, where a whole warehouse of foodstuffs was found and seized, including sacks of sugar and flour, a large amount of canned meat and milk. bottles of expensive wines, vodka and sausages for tens of thousands of rubles, and so on.

Isaev’s criminal group for the period from April 14 1945 to 1946 inclusively stole: sugar - 1670 kg, flour - 8500 kg, saccharin - 670 kg, raisin - 310 kg, butter - 414 kg, condensed milk - 1553 kg , jam and jam - 2605 kg, etc. - total retail prices (according to the Order of the Ministry of Trade of the USSR No. 550 from 14.12.1947) for the amount of 1 139 230 rub. 18 cop

Moscow City Court 31 May 1949. Sentenced:

Isaev and Rosenbaum by 25 years of imprisonment each with a subsequent defeat in suffrage for five years;

their accomplices: Kurochkin-Savoderova - by 15 years of imprisonment;

Melamed, Spevak and Zanin - to 10 years in prison;

Buchman, Leiderman, Frolov and others - also for long periods of imprisonment;

all - with the full confiscation of the property of their relatives. "

Thus, the damage caused by criminals to the state was fully repaid. Today one should not even dream of such results ...
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  1. +26
    14 July 2012 09: 36
    No matter how they took bribes, the main thing they did for it. All the same, the Soviet system struggled quite effectively with this and a negative attitude was instigated in society.
    1. mind1954
      15 July 2012 03: 40
      The same as now in China. They like to argue that here
      they shoot, but they are not being translated. Right, private equity
      and the market creates fertile soil on which weeds grow
      corruption, but they weed and we see a rich harvest!
      During the NEP in the USSR it was the same!
      And the result of what happens when they do not fight with them, we see at home!
  2. Yarbay
    14 July 2012 09: 48
    *** By the way, due to the use of official position for personal purposes, even the main commander, Marshal Zhukov, was brought to justice. And only the “trophies from looting in Germany” handed over to him by the state saved him from harsh criminal punishment, although they did not save him from a serious demotion on the party and state lines. *** - this is the thing !!
    I'm sure just forgave him for his former merits!
    Yes, he would have surrendered voluntarily if he hadn’t been caught by a devil’s hand!

    Moscow City Court 31 May 1949. Sentenced:

    ** Isaev and Rosenbaum to 25 years of imprisonment for everyone with subsequent defeat in electoral rights for five years;
    their accomplices: Kurochkin-Savoderova - by 15 years of imprisonment;
    Melamed, Spevak and Zanin - to 10 years in prison;
    Buchman, Leiderman, Frolov and others - also for long periods of imprisonment;
    all - with the full confiscation of the property of their relatives. "
    Thus, the damage caused by criminals to the state was fully compensated. One cannot even dream of such results today ... ** - alas !!!
    1. wk
      14 July 2012 11: 01
      Alibek, I agree with you for the first time! (Political and military issues do not count)
      1. Yarbay
        14 July 2012 11: 08
        Vitaly You read me a little!
        And about the different views, I think it does not matter if people are decent!
    2. 0
      14 July 2012 22: 16
      I agree, everything is accurate, although the sources are different ....
  3. pavlo
    14 July 2012 10: 03
    Unfortunately, the author didn’t say anything very important, because the DEATH PENALTY was restored, which was canceled after the war! And the rally of these dealers was primarily aimed at the collapse of the Soviet Union, i.e. everyone wanted to make the state personal in all aspects! For those who are interested, you should watch the program SECRET MATERIALS-The story of a conspiracy. Kuznetsov, Ascension, Rodionov, Bobkov, Kapu

    Stin, Lazutin — all of them were found guilty and an hour after the verdict they were SHOOTED — the ashes were scattered in the wind!
  4. 8 company
    14 July 2012 11: 30
    The author writes sheer nonsense. In fact, the Leningrad affair was fabricated to topple Voznesensky, a talented manager who had strong support from the Leningrad party organization. Stalin sensed the threat of competition from V., and, as usual, conducted a massive campaign to "clean up" the competitors. There was a sea of ​​corruption under Stalin. There was a total shortage of almost any goods in the country, everything was obtained with the help of "left" schemes; all the cooperatives involved in the production of consumer goods obtained raw materials and materials also with the help of "leftist" schemes, because they were not allocated funds or were allocated a tiny fraction.
    1. +9
      14 July 2012 13: 05
      8 company in its repertoire. Yes, it is clear that the main thing was that IVS Stalin did something nebylo.
    2. +1
      14 July 2012 13: 30
      Far from it! Stalin himself introduced Kuznetsov and Voznesensky to the Central Committee! And he even stated that one of them would possibly be his successor. And then there was a struggle for power within the Central Committee .... But now, isn't that so ??? As the King said in the fullness of Leonov (the film "An Ordinary Miracle"): "Brothers and sisters slaughter each other, strangle ... In a word, normal palace life is going on!"
    3. wk
      14 July 2012 13: 50
      Quote: Company 8
      Leningrad affair was

      The "Leningrad affair" is the first unsuccessful attempt of the 5th column of the collapse of the USSR, fortunately, it was suppressed in a timely manner (not completely, unfortunately - Khrushchev managed to cover up his tracks) and its participants received a just RETURN!
  5. sapulid
    14 July 2012 12: 53
    Organization of unscheduled sales of goods in conditions of total deficit, corruption? Damn, maybe those who organized the notorious "planning" in everything are guilty? As long as the Union was, there was always a deficit. How much did you need to spend in order to BUY THE NECESSARY THING FOR YOUR MONEY, WITH A ROLLOUT (!)

    Speaking of corruption, it is possible to show its appearance at the time of the appearance of the first signs of society. In a pack, the cunning and powerful get the best piece, to the detriment of the rest. I'm afraid this muck is indestructible in our country, in view of the rotten top. They even drank money to fight corruption! :)))
    Until then, the PRESUMPTION OF GUILTY WITH RESPECT TO CAPITAL ACCUMULATION, i.e. I couldn’t prove the source of the appearance, it means I stole it (in the West this is the same scheme), with the introduction of the most severe material and criminal liability with the complete confiscation of ALL property of the persons involved in this and the most severe financial monitoring of costs, there will be no sense.

    When the Union, many wanted to be the head of the store, After the Union, a bandit, now, an official. Communication, do not catch?

    SEE ROOT! (Kozma Rods)
    1. Starcom1183
      14 July 2012 13: 41
      Write about the history of Italy better, maybe it will turn out better?
  6. +8
    14 July 2012 13: 51
    In the materials of the Leningrad case, a spy track is also clearly traced. At one time, the second secretary of the Leningrad City Committee of the CPSU (b) Yakov Kapustin, while in 1935-1936 on an internship in England, where he studied steam turbines, entered into an intimate relationship with an English translator. Once an English husband, who suddenly returned home, found his wife and Kapustin in the costumes of Adam and Eve. A scandal erupted, which became the subject of proceedings by the party organization of the Soviet trade mission in London. At that time, the case was let down on the brakes. But in the summer of 1949, the state security of the USSR received reliable information that Kaputin at that time was recruited by British intelligence. On July 23, 1949, Kapustin was arrested on charges of espionage for England. Kapustin very quickly admitted the fact of his recruitment by British intelligence in London. Of course, one can fantasize about the torture that Kapustin was subjected to, but if we recall the methods of work of the British intelligence, it is likely that the case with the unexpected return of her husband was specially organized by it. Until the materials of the case are published (and whether they will ever be published) it is very difficult to judge whether Kapustin was recruited or not. At least Abakumov did not doubt it. In a report dated August 1, 1949, Abakumov wrote to Stalin: "... there are HUGE (emphasis mine - AVT.) Reasons to consider Kapustin an agent of British intelligence ..."

    On August 4, Kapustin names the names of two more participants in the conspiracy. Then Kapustin admitted that an anti-Soviet, anti-party group was formed in Leningrad headed by a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Voznesensky, Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, Kuznetsov, who was entrusted by the Central Committee to monitor state security agencies, and the chairman Council of Ministers of the RSFSR Rodionov and First Secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee and Party Committee Popkov. That this group besides him, Kapustin, included the second secretary of the Leningrad regional committee and the city party committee of the Turko party, the chairman of the Leningrad City Executive Committee Lazutin, the head of the organizational department of the Leningrad regional committee of the Zakrzhevskaya party. As it turned out, more than 75 people from the Leningrad party asset (Mitrofanov, 2005) are more or less connected with this group to one degree or another, firmly supporting it.
    Do not forget that the international situation at that time was very serious. Spies were identified who worked completely undisguisedly in the leadership of Yugoslavia (Mironin, 2006), and processes began on treason and espionage cases in Bulgaria and Hungary

    Kuznetsov, Popkov. Rodionov, Voznesensky, Kapustin reincarnated in the 80s as A. N. Yakovlev, E. K. Ligachev, N. I. Ryzhkov, B. N. Yeltsin and others. A weak-willed, narcissistic animal named "Marked" acted as a catalyst for the process reincarnation

  7. loc.bejenari
    14 July 2012 14: 20
    corruption corruption - but the Leningrad affair was primarily aimed at eliminating political competitors
    just instead of the indiscriminate accusation of espionage in favor of the Martians, as in the 30s, more thorough and conscientious work was carried out
    and the fact that the whole Leningrad elite profited from problems with the supply - so there is no doubt
    the main money there was made precisely in the blockade when people gave everything for a piece of bread
    in short, as they say now, they didn’t send the share to the common fund and paid for it
    1. Alexander 1958
      14 July 2012 22: 44
      Good evening!
      Our opinions are often the opposite, but now I almost agree with you. and set it with pleasure. + which has reduced the number of your cons. I wrote "almost" because it is impossible to understand Stalin's actions by measuring him with modern standards of morality and expediency. Your phrase .. "The share was not sent to the common fund and paid for it .." - yes, indeed, now it is the norm of life for our elite in Ukraine. But this is hardly applicable to Stalin. Everyone decides for himself which leader is better, the one who walks in the same tunic, but can send a thousand or two party elites to the camps with a stroke of the pen for trying to start a common fund, or another who has not yet sent anyone to the camps, but who wants to be "reported" to him more often and more ..
      With uv. Alexander 1958
      1. loc.bejenari
        15 July 2012 19: 45
        1 minus less than one more laughing
        against the background of comments with zero sense for which they give 30-40 + type, the glory of Russia somehow somehow I still on the rating
        and the essence of the phrase is not even how it sounds in modern realities - but in that - he deviated a little from fidelity to the Master - you and under the knife
        1. Alexander 1958
          15 July 2012 23: 48
          Good evening! Yes, I agree. Not for + and cons hunchback winked but for the idea!
          And as for the essence of the phrase ..., the essence of the phrase lies precisely in the fact that you measure Stalin by the standards of your generation or your own and you get complete nonsense ... Well, really, how is it to have such power and abandon the common fund? Not by concept ...
  8. 8 company
    14 July 2012 15: 40
    Quote: loc.bejenari
    in short, as they say now, they didn’t send the share to the common fund and paid for it

    No, Dzhugashvili’s share was not needed, he walked in his trousers, the Stalinists love to remember this. And why should he share, if the whole vast country at his feet. But as for power - here Vissarionych was very principled. As soon as someone started to rise next to him, he immediately blew his head off and at the same time to everyone who was in a dangerous radius.

    "I have never been the organizer of the Leningrad affair, it is easy to establish, and there are enough comrades here who can say that this was done on the personal instructions of Stalin. That I led Stalin? That is to say, they will laugh."
    G.M. Malenkov, speech at the plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU in June 1957.

    1. 0
      14 July 2012 16: 13
      The power of the 8th company is a tool to achieve the goal and not a thing that you can admire or bask in it. And it is a very dangerous and harmful tool and if it falls into the net, the consequences are catastrophic. Those who are hungry see power satisfying their unfulfilled needs, power lovers see only themselves in the center of the universe -that they are destroying all competitors around him. And IVS Stalin is a slave of ideas and labor is not confirmed by his cruelty
  9. Brother Sarych
    14 July 2012 16: 45
    The author has some confusion - after all, the Leningrad affair is not involved in corruption, it’s completely different ...
    Did they steal under Stalin - why not? They tried, only it didn’t bring much happiness, there was a system that struggled with this with the most severe methods - the sense of stolen, if you can’t easily use it and leave it to your relatives?
    1. +4
      15 July 2012 11: 29
      That is precisely why the party top ruined the USSR - in order to use the stolen goods without interference .... Even then they tried - it did not work out, therefore they first arranged the Khrushchev "thaw", and then dragging their people to the right places finally destroyed the Union ...
      Bastards ... am
      1. 0
        15 July 2012 13: 49
        photo RIA News /
        Boris Yeltsin and Vladimir Putin before the inauguration, 2000 year
        Russian President Vladimir Putin and former President Boris Yeltsin before the inauguration ceremony of Putin, Moscow, May 2000.

        1 February 2011 year in Yekaterinburg, a monument was unveiled to Boris Yeltsin (the first president of Russia). The monument is an 10-meter stela-obelisk made of white Ural marble.

        Boris Yeltsin Street (Ekaterinburg)

        that 40 years later all the same created Yeltsin and his allies
  10. Shumer
    14 July 2012 17: 37
    Such posters in Ukraine will be very popular.
    1. +1
      16 July 2012 23: 49
      And it’s worth hanging along Rublevka ...
  11. +3
    14 July 2012 18: 42
    Now it is called "commerce" and "entrepreneurship". Only without party and state control. And the word "speculation" is now completely abusive.
  12. +4
    14 July 2012 18: 55
    Well done author. Our Petersburgers would also do well to think ...
  13. Dimasszzzz
    14 July 2012 22: 11
    Please note, the confiscation of property from all family members and the deadline is serious, sit and think about how you lowered your family below the baseboard. And now? Every day they show, write, caught one, caught it red-handed, in especially large ones, etc., etc. But what's the point? Two years probation, nor any confiscation or abroad to the resort.
    It seems that they are saying everything correctly and normal laws are being adopted and state programs are reasonable and serious money is allocated .... Only as long as a bunch of freaks will freak out from impunity, the result of all this will tend to zero.
    PS A kilometer of the track as a kilometer of the Andron collider, the most expensive bridge in the world, the most expensive Olympics ... It's a shame and a shame when I hear about it.
    1. ozs
      15 July 2012 02: 12
      Well, all our power consists of corruption and traitors to the motherland. In a new manner, this is no longer true betrayal, but sale.
      In general, we live in an amazing time, which used to be considered low and vile, but now it has become fashionable and encouraged.
      After all, corruption in general is rendered all kinds of assistance and the appearance of violent activity to combat it (well, there are all kinds of income declarations, etc.).
      1. Dimasszzzz
        15 July 2012 02: 31
        But damn it ... But in countries where the fight against corruption is real, not paper, even dubious reforms give good results. An example is Singapore, China, in these countries, economic growth began with a real fight against corruption - public death penalty. And Comrade Stalin, just a model, created a reserve of strength for decades to come .... Why not now! crying
        1. ozs
          15 July 2012 03: 38
          Because Stalin and his elite knew that they and their descendants should live in the USSR.
          And the current government knows that as soon as they lose a warm and profitable place, they will immediately dump to their wives and children in Europe.

          They are not interested in development, but interested in making a profit and disposing of fragments of the USSR. And such a situation is not only in Russia, but in most republics of the USSR.
          1. Arc76
            15 July 2012 10: 25
            Well, a descendant of Stalin did not begin to live in the USSR. She chose decaying capitalism.
            1. ozs
              15 July 2012 14: 26
              Well, as they say in the family, not without a freak.
  14. Alexander 1958
    14 July 2012 22: 19
    Good evening!
    Without canceling the correctness of previous versions of the Leningrad case, I want to add one more ..
    Unfortunately, I don't remember the source, but the Leningradskoe Delo was linked to Kuznetsov's intentions to form the Russian Communist Party, i.e. so that the RSFSR would have its own republican party organization .. and not just regional committees. The idea seems to be correct. Why can't the Russian communists have their own republican organization within the framework of the CPSU? It is difficult to argue something ... Nevertheless, Stalin strongly opposed it. Apparently he was afraid of the following scenario. Considering the number of communists in the RSFSR united within the framework of the republican committee, it would not have been difficult for them to push the necessary decisions through the Central Committee quite democratically, ignoring the positions of the parties of the smaller union republics. Considering that key decisions were made along the line of the party, the absence of a republican committee in the RSFSR did not make it possible for the party and economic nomenclature of the regional level to consolidate.
    With uv. Alexander 1958
  15. +5
    14 July 2012 23: 53
    The article is wonderful!
    So our country has rich experience in the fight against corruption? And the latest technical tools were added to this experience - such as a lie detector, scolpolamine and the ability to wiretap / observe everywhere.
    So why aren’t you fighting, bureaucratic gentlemen? That's right - they themselves are all anointed. And so that the people don’t ... deeds - he got the law on rallies and the law on slander!
    And pay attention - the orange scum, that will simply shout "down with Putin", "the power is illegitimate", etc. Specifically and in essence, the orange gentlemen will NEVER come out against a specific bureaucratic scum. Why? Because. that this bureaucratic scum is needed by the US State Department, tk. Russian bureaucrats are their tool for destroying Russia.
    So guys, we're between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand - Navalny, who calls for a general revolt "- and on the other, our lovely dirty tricks and thieves, our bureaucrats who frighten everyone with Navalny, and to this tune they write laws and rallies and slander ... Well, there are also ordinary performers under Stalin they "just in case" imprisoned the entire circle of corrupt officials, and now they "just in case", under the law on rallies, banned a harmless bike ride in Murmansk.
    The people have already gotten this official insanity and official theft, everyone is crazy and are ready to break out from the presented match.
  16. Horde
    15 July 2012 11: 56
    the article is good, the principle of social justice is the basis for building a perfect socialist state. The concepts of justice, honesty, a perfect society are poached and forgotten today. Corruption blooms violently, the more you steal, the more adventurous you find yourself.
    The author did not specify only one thing: how public was this Leningrad affair? Was it highlighted by the press and were the results of the trials publicly displayed, or everything went quietly, secretly, behind closed doors? For example, the "moronism" of the chief commander, Comrade Zhukov, was definitely classified information, comrade Stalin regretted him as an outstanding Soviet military leader , a national hero, the winner of fascism, and who would Zhukov be if all his theft in Germany would be open to the people?
    1. +2
      15 July 2012 21: 39
      Quote: Horde
      For example, the "moronism" of the main commander, Comrade Zhukov, was definitely classified information, comrade Stalin regretted him as an outstanding Soviet military leader, national hero, winner of fascism, and who would Zhukov be if all his theft in Germany were open to the people?

      I agree with your comment, except that Stalin felt sorry for Zhukov, he felt sorry for all those for whom the commander was the Marshal of Victory, imagine how shocked people would be if they had found out about these matters, and many would simply not have believed, not believed.
  17. Alexey Pototsky
    15 July 2012 14: 31
    This commission was a good thing.
  18. +4
    15 July 2012 15: 16
    It is strange to look from the present to the past era. The man relaxed, corrupted began to indulge in base instincts. And all relaxon began with the 1956 year. With Khrushchev. I am becoming more and more convinced that it was he and his henchmen who distorted the story.
  19. Stalinets
    15 July 2012 20: 52
    And where does the anti-Semitism ... :-)))))))))
  20. +1
    15 July 2012 22: 29
    "The past, present and future of the Russian State can be described in one word - they STEAL" (Alexander the First)
  21. Horde
    15 July 2012 23: 07
    I read, looked through some materials on the "Leningrad case" from the Internet,

    here it is not at all the way Nikolai Nad states. The case was political, the Leningraders Kuznetsov, Rodionov, Voznesensky, Popkov from the Zhdanov team and others were accused of separatism in the form of the creation of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, but the formal reason was the accusation of holding an All-Union fair unauthorized by the Council of Ministers , the offense is not the most significant, not commensurate with the severity of the punishment (execution). So, linking the "Leningradskoe Delo" with the rest of the economic crimes included in the title of the article is a sin against the truth.
    The Leningrad affair is a struggle for power of two groups, the Leningrad people of Zhdanov and the old cadres Malenkov, Khrushchev, Kaganovich.

    Leningrad affair ”(the affair of the Russian National Bolsheviks), the trial of the Russian National Bolsheviks in the ranks of the Communist Party, organized by the Jewish Bolsheviks in the struggle for power over the Russian People. His main goal was the destruction of the "Russian party" in the highest echelons of power of the USSR, as well as the defeat of Russian patriots in the field.

    In fact, the “Leningrad affair” was an anti-Russian, anti-patriotic plot of the Jewish Bolsheviks under the leadership of Beria, Khrushchev, Malenkov and Kaganovich in order to expel the Russian cadres who had been attracted by Stalin to the state apparatus after the Great Patriotic War.

    After the war and up to the “Leningrad affair”, the formation of the state apparatus proceeded on a Russian basis. Beside the old cohesive, predominantly cosmopolitan governing elite, a new one arose, made up of young people who showed themselves well during the war years. The Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation and the Leningrad Regional and City Committee are becoming the center for the creation of personnel for the new leadership. The soul of the new leading layer was N. A. Voznesensky, chairman of the USSR State Planning Commission, deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b). A close-knit group of people is formed, which, in addition to Voznesensky, included a member of the Organizing Bureau, Secretary of the Central Committee A. A. Kuznetsov, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR M. I. Rodionov, candidate for membership in the Central Committee, First Secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee and City Committee of the CPSU (B.) P. S. Popkov , Second Secretary of the Leningrad City Committee Y. F. Kapustin, Chairman of the Leningrad City Executive Committee P. G. Lazutin.

    From 1946 to Aug. 1948 The Leningrad Party Organization trained about 800 people for Russia. new Russian leading cadres. P.S. Popkov became a member of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the former secretary of LGK (b) and the deputy chairman of the Lensoviet M.V. Basov - first deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR. Leningraders T. V. Zakrzhevskaya, N. D. Shumilov, P. N. Kubatkin were nominated to the Central Committee and to “central work”. The first secretaries of the regional committees and the Central Committee of the republican communist parties were M. I. Turko, N. V. Soloviev, G. T. Kedrov, A. D. Verbitsky.

    During the war, Malenkov was the closest figure to Stalin, who shared his closeness to Stalin with A. S. Shcherbakov. The second row of politicians of the highest echelon were Molotov, Beria, Voznesensky, Kaganovich. In the third row were Andreev, Voroshilov, Zhdanov, Kalinin, Mikoyan, Khrushchev. All of them were members of the Politburo, and only Malenkov, Voznesensky and Beria were candidates for membership in the Politburo. According to Molotov, Khrushchev, Malenkov and Beria were friends during the war.

    The anti-Russian group Malenkov-Khrushchev-Beria turned the investigation into the "Leningrad case" into a continuous series of tortures and bullying of Russian personnel.

    Immediately after the meeting of the military college 30 Sept. 1950, according to the testimony of witnesses, “N. A. Voznesensky, A. A. Kuznetsov, P. S. Popkov, M. I. Rodionov, Ya. F. Kapustin and P. G. Lazutin were brutally murdered.

    Many other persons who were involved in the “Leningrad case” were killed a little later: G. F. Badayev, I. S. Kharitonov, P. N. Kubatkin, M. V. Basov, A. D. Verbitsky, N. V. Soloviev , A.I. Burlin, V.I. Ivanov, M.N. Nikitin, M.I.Safonov, P.A. Chursin, A.T. Bondarenko. In total, about 200 people were shot, and several thousand were sentenced to long terms of imprisonment, and thousands more were suspended from active work and appointed to low positions (among the latter, in particular, the talented Russian leader A.N. Kosygin, who was exiled to work, suffered in the textile industry).
    1. Alexander 1958
      16 July 2012 11: 17
      Good afternoon!
      I would like to ask you, as a person interested in the topic of the genocide of the Russian people, to provide data on the dynamics of the number of Russians in the USSR, starting, say, from 1917 to 2010. I think that by posting these figures you can clearly demonstrate to the forum the validity of your theory about the genocide of the Russian people communobolsheviks.
      With uv. Alexander 1958
      1. Horde
        16 July 2012 17: 30
        Good day, here are the statistics for recent years.

        personal observations, yesterday was in "Ashan" non-Russians mainly from Central Asia in this shop probably already half, not pushing, soon all the Asian millions will be in Moscow.
        1. Alexander 1958
          16 July 2012 21: 40
          I think you misunderstood me .. This is not statistics, this is a propaganda poster! The statistics are published in official specialized publications and I am interested in the evidence of your theory of Russian genocide confirmed by the data of the Federal State Statistics Service and the State Committee for Statistics in Soviet times. If you want to convince someone of something, it is best to do it with the help of numbers, rather than personal observations in Auchan and the demonstration of posters with black and white people .. If you can confirm your point with numbers, not posters, it is likely that proponents of your point of view will increase. And if not, it will be a good reason for you to think about whether you are not betraying your fears for the actual state of things ..
          With uv. Alexander 1958
          1. Horde
            17 July 2012 20: 21
            The statistics are published in official specialized publications and I'm interested in the evidence of your theory of Russian genocide confirmed by the data of the Federal State Statistics Service and the State Committee for Statistics during the USSR.

            I understand where you drive
            you want that with the help of the numbers of modern Rosstat you could draw any conclusions about the number of the Russian people. You are either naive or you specially turn a blind eye to the real state of affairs. will never reflect the truth in the national alignment of the country. For example, the 2010 census says that the percentage of the Russian people as a percentage compared to other nations has not decreased since 2002. I believe this no more than the fact that Putin received 64% in the elections according to the CEC. But I believe my eyes and the opinion of the people around me in basis is sane people. While mostly 90% of Russians shop in stores with low prices, then this is precisely the real picture of the national composition of Russia and the dynamics of changes in this - it is easy to trace, FOR A FEW LAST YEARS, THE SHARE OF RUSSIANS DECREASED, AND ASIANS AND CAUCASIANS BECAME MORE !!!. And such a picture, not only in Auchan, but in Moscow as a whole, I think that the country is the same. The official figures outlined in the 2010 census can not be trusted for the following reason, Jews are missing in the lists of major nationalities, the number of of the people and considering themselves Jews is TEN MILLION. Where did they go? As for the government or the media, other higher and power echelons, there is nowhere to put a test - all Jews. And, just this fact also says that the rights of Russians are not only infringed, but in reality this is the HIDDEN AND MAIN STATE POLICY ON THROUGHOUT THE LAST CENTURY.

            12.07.12/2010/XNUMX, Demographic map of Russia: based on the XNUMX census
            The Federal State Statistics Service summed up the results of the 2010 All-Russian Population Census on the number, location, socio-economic and demographic characteristics of people of different nationalities. REGNUM news agency publishes Rosstat data ( for the most numerous nationalities in Russia.
            1. Change in the population of numerous nationalities of the Russian Federation
            The change in the population of numerous nationalities according to censuses is characterized by the following data.
            Million people
            1989 2002 2010
            All population including: 147,02 145,17 142,86
            of which indicated their nationality: 147,00 143,71 137,23
            Russians 119,87 115,89 111,02
            Tatars 5,52 5,55 5,31
            Ukrainians 4,36 2,94 1,93
            Bashkirs 1,35 1,67
            Chuvash 1,77 1,64 1,44
            Chechens 0,90 1,36 1,43
            Armenians 0,53 1,13 1,18
            Avars 0,54 0,81 0,91
            Mordva 1,07 0,84 0,74
            Kazakhs 0,64 0,65 0,65
            Azerbaijanis 0,34 0,62 0,60
            Dargins 0,35 0,51 0,59
            Udmurts 0,71 0,64 0,55
            Mari 0,64 0,60 0,55
            Ossetians 0,40 0,51 0,53
            Belarusians 1,21 0,81 0,52
            Kabardians 0,39 0,52 0,52
            Kumyks 0,28 0,42 0,50
            Yakuts (Sakha) 0,38 0,44 0,48
            Lezgins 0,26 0,41 0,47
            Buryats 0,42 0,45 0,46
            Ingush 0,22 0,41 0,44

  22. TY-TY
    16 July 2012 15: 40
    sad parallels are drawn :(
  23. Alexander 1958
    17 July 2012 23: 39
    Good afternoon! I am pleasantly surprised by the very fact of your answer ... I can agree with you that the numbers can be manipulated and this is done by all countries (not only totalitarian ones). But you especially emphasize that: "You cannot trust the statistics of a totalitarian regime." Well, you may not need to believe, but you need to double-check! And by the way, if you consider Putin's regime to be totalitarian (in which I will not argue with you), then you name the period in the history of Russia where there was a different form of government. Autocracy? THE USSR? Choose one of the two suggested options, because there are NO other forms in the entire history of Russia! And, if you follow your logic, the statistics of these totalitarian regimes (I hope you will not argue that this is exactly the case) should also be rejected by you. With this approach, you drive yourself into a logical dead end. If I asked you to familiarize yourself and familiarize me with the statistics from 1917, still try to do it, at least for yourself .. I think the results of this study will give you food for thought. I would not want you to be inclined to think that I deny all the facts you have cited. This is not true! I can add my own. Here is the link Generally it says that with the number of Jews in Russia at 1,5 percent - the number of Jews among the oligarchs is 15 percent. If you add in those Russians who are under Jewish control, you get an even larger percentage of Jewish oligarchs. And what? Shall we arrange pogroms?
    As I see it, you consider yourself offended and humiliated Russian, and the aliens are to blame for this! A convenient position both for you and for people who prompted you to it. Of course, can Russia and Ukraine and the USA, who rob Russia, the Russian oligarchs, who also rob Russia, the GDP and its repressive apparatus, which protects all this, also rob the Russian people from your point of view, be to blame for this? and a poor Tajik who is willing to work for a penny on a job that a Russian won't do is to blame for everything! And it’s good and safe for you to appoint asians and dagas guilty of your troubles, and not cops, power and your beloved. If you want to fight in order to change your life for the better, then you need to fight with real opponents, defeating whom you really will change something. If you don’t have enough strength for such a fight, then at least do not blame the innocent ...
    With uv. Alexander 1958
    1. Alexander 1958
      18 July 2012 14: 33
      ps I want to add ... Your reluctance to believe the statistics of either Russian, Soviet or tsarist I can understand and partially agree. But unconditionally believe the poster with black and white men stuck on care and consider it statistics, is this normal in your opinion? ....
      1. Horde
        18 July 2012 20: 02
        But unconditionally believe the poster with black and white men stuck on care

        I have already said that I believe my eyes, as well as my ability to compare and analyze facts.
    2. Horde
      18 July 2012 19: 51
      Here is the link Summarized in it says

      which link?

      the number of Jews among the oligarchs is 15 percent.

      of the 10 most oligarchists, 8 are without question, 2 are crypto, so no 15%

      We will arrange pogroms?

      you are divorced from reality, it used to be so, now they are power, it is necessary in a different way.

      consider offended and humiliated Russian

      the words are certainly insulting, I live on my land, raised on Russian culture, I know that Russians are the greatest people, we have a great history (real not traditional), our Russian language is the most expressive and powerful, women are the most beautiful, men are talented, inventive, but the Russian people of happiness on their land have not been strangled and crushed by parasites.

      the aliens are to blame for this! A convenient position both for you and for people who prompted you to it

      I don’t need to be prompted, I already see that the order is destroyed, that with the mass resettlement of non-Russians, it’s not my homeland that it becomes harder and happier to live.

      , Russian oligarchs who also rob Russia, GDP and its repressive apparatus

      who rob Russia, I know you do not need to ascribe to me what I did not say.

      and a poor Tajik who is willing to work for a penny on a job that a Russian won't do is to blame for everything!

      the criminal collapse of the Soviet Union left the Union republics face to face with their problems, and they cannot solve these problems, therefore, Tajiks, Uzbeks, Kyrgyz, Caucasians are trying to solve their problems at the expense of Russia, but it’s not easy for the Russian people either. I think it's crazy - the thoughtless national policy pursued by the Russian government brings Russia and its Russian people only harm leads to a clash between Russians and non-Russians. I for friendship between people and even different nationalities, but for a long time I do not believe in friendship between peoples, these are false ideas. It is good to be friends with one Tajik whether he is Maksut or Abdul, but with all his relatives near and far, no.
      1. uncle Vasya
        23 July 2012 11: 57
        It’s just a pity that you, brought up on Russian culture, knowing that the Russian language is the most expressive and powerful, write illiterate. Start, my friend, with the rules of the Russian language, read to start school textbooks. Or, maybe, the Jewish parasites did not allow you to study and write normally in the future without errors ???
  24. chex2418
    18 July 2012 02: 06
    *** By the way, due to the use of official position for personal purposes, he was even held accountable. the main commander is Marshal Zhukov. And only the “trophies from looting in Germany” handed over to him by the state saved him from harsh criminal punishment, although they did not save him from a serious decrease in party and state lines. *** - this is the thing !!
    Dear Yarbay. but it did not occur to YOU ​​at the expense of the demotion along the party and state lines that Stalin simply removed a person further, whose popularity was a serious threat to Stalin ... And also ... the meaning of the phrase "... marauding activity .. . "Most likely YOU do not quite understand if YOU linked her with the name of Marshal Zhukov.

    If all laws were strictly enforced in Russia and no one took bribes, life in it would have been completely impossible

    Alexander Herzen

    And who will argue with this?! ... bully drinks
  25. +15
    4 November 2017 22: 56
    Hot topic