New details of the secret feat of policeman Popryadukhin

On November 14 of November 1973 in the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper there was a message stating that by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR for courage and bravery shown in the performance of official duty, senior police lieutenant A.I. Popryadukhin was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

New details of the secret feat of policeman Popryadukhin

The creators of the documentary decided to find out why the highest state award was awarded to an ordinary Moscow police officer, and even in peacetime.

Moreover, there were no similar precedents before this. The answer was found in the museum of the Ministry of the Interior. The feat of Popryadukhin, which was discussed privately by a colleague of the hero, police colonel Stanislav Stepanov, was associated with the prevention of an attempted hijacking of an aircraft from the Soviet Union by a gang of criminals. The hijacking of an airplane at that time was considered a grave crime and was equated with treason. That is why the feat of the senior lieutenant of the police was unknown to many, and the name of the hero was kept secret for many years.

Documentary prepared by ChannelHistory", Tells in detail about the tragedy unfolding on November 2 1973, about the dossier of a secret hero and his unknown feat, about which more and more details appear.

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  1. +16
    16 October 2019 07: 58
    Looks like Schwarzenegger bully
    1. +3
      16 October 2019 08: 02
      wt100 (wt100) Today, 07:58 AM NEW
      Looks like Schwarzenegger
      So this is it, I immediately found out. Yes
      1. 0
        12 December 2019 11: 55
        This Schwarzenegger looks like him ..))
    2. +11
      16 October 2019 08: 27

      still without a Hero star smile
      1. +26
        16 October 2019 09: 08
        This yes Schwarzenegger is very similar to our Interior Ministry officer.
        1. +9
          16 October 2019 09: 10
          I think so. They knew something when the actor for the role was selected in 1988 smile
        2. +10
          16 October 2019 10: 23
          Quote: BARKAS
          This yes Schwarzenegger is very similar to our Interior Ministry officer.

          Many employees are trying to pose as Schwartz. And everyone could, like our Hero, take fire on themselves? It is not enough to write about such unknown Heroes. We need meetings with special services veterans and youth at schools, technical schools, institutes, children's sports camps and recreation centers.
        3. +9
          16 October 2019 14: 00
          Before giving such an example, first look at how the form sits on our boyfriend and how on Schwarzenegger. It seems that a bag of potatoes was pulled on Schwartz. Hollywood, or such a stupid or specially our form roots.
          1. +9
            16 October 2019 20: 34
            It seems that a bag of potatoes was pulled on Schwartz. Hollywood, or such a stupid or specially our form roots.

            To wear the uniform correctly, you need to serve a certain period of time. Therefore, it is immediately clear whether the "spirits" (young soldiers) are going or demobilized. And on those who did not serve, the uniform sits like a saddle on a cow.
            1. 0
              23 October 2019 10: 58
              Arnie, just served an urgent term as expected.
              1. +1
                24 October 2019 16: 01
                He served so and so. One year in total. Therefore, he wears a uniform like an "elephant" laughing
                (These are those who served the year when the service life was 2 years)
                1. 0
                  24 October 2019 21: 05
                  Just look at the army photos of Arnie - all the rules.
                  A jamb with a bag of seated police uniform is entirely on the conscience of the costume designer of the film. And most likely - they did so on purpose, because they were guided by a specific Russian custom of wearing wide shirts from below.
  2. +16
    16 October 2019 08: 06
    How not to remember Lermontov lines
    "Yes, there were people in our time, not like the current tribe, heroes, not you .."
    Although my opinion is that every Time gives birth to "Its Heroes" and its scum ...
    1. +8
      16 October 2019 09: 40
      For this you +. They rightly said: "every time gives birth to its heroes and its scum" if you rummage in ours, there were many heroes and antiheroes.
      Unfortunately, ours rarely talks about such heroes, but often either "dill" or, as Telik said from: "Diamond Hand": "chief, the mustache is gone."
    2. +1
      16 October 2019 20: 53
      Quote: anjey
      every Time gives birth to "Its Heroes" and its scum ...

      campaign - gives birth to heroes, and scum pours like a ram from a tank! :(
  3. +20
    16 October 2019 08: 22
    Why do not such people know about such people !? And a comparison with Schwarzenegger is inappropriate, because the inner world of a person who has accomplished a feat is important! In Soviet times, it is almost impossible for a policeman to become a Hero of the Union! This is not for you Kireenko with Chemezov to give out heroes!
    1. +6
      16 October 2019 12: 39
      Quote: Dmitry Potapov
      Why do not such people know about such people !?

      Because this happened not just many years ago, but in a completely different era.
      And Schwarzenegger, to Popryadukhin, far! Pay attention to broken ears ... Muscovite and a real athlete, repeated champion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in applied (combat) sambo.
      1. +4
        16 October 2019 15: 56
        What does the era have to do with it? The heroes of the Great Patriotic War are also in a different era, but everyone knows about some! Everyone knows about half-naked Sobchak, but you should try to find out about this person.
        1. +2
          16 October 2019 17: 48
          Quote: Dmitry Potapov
          What does the era have to do with it? The heroes of the Great Patriotic War are also in a different era, but everyone knows about some!

          There are events that leave a trace in history for centuries ... but there are enough single exploits, always in the USSR and present-day Russia. Only a long memory, about them, lives in the circle of family, friends and the place of achievement!
          And putting on a par with the Heroes of all sorts of idiots was not worth it.
          1. +1
            17 October 2019 07: 23
            I do not put in one row, but I am conducting an analogy! As for single feats, any feat is unique in its kind, otherwise it would not be a feat, the hero who repeated the feat is also a hero, and why should the hero be known and remembered only in the circle of the hero’s family? And everyone should know about this feat!
            1. 0
              17 October 2019 11: 21
              Quote: Dmitry Potapov
              As for single feats, any feat is unique in its kind, otherwise it would not be a feat, the hero who repeated the feat is also a hero, and why should the hero be known and remembered only in the circle of the hero’s family? And everyone should know about this feat!

              Dmitry! Well, you need to be objective. I am not naive. Quite often, the media show an express survey of citizens on various epochal issues and personalities in the history of Russia. The answer of many, as a rule among young people, can not only amaze, but shock.
              1. 0
                17 October 2019 13: 55
                So I am from the same! But Harry Potter, Jack Sparrow and Mac Donalds know by heart!
            2. 0
              17 October 2019 17: 50
              Quote: Dmitry Potapov
              why should a hero be known and remembered only in the circle of the hero’s family? Can't you find? And everyone should know about this feat!

              We have Heroes that only our descendants can learn about! Here is their honor and praise!
  4. +14
    16 October 2019 08: 37
    There is an article about Popryadukhin on Wikipedia
    There is a description of the feat, and a biography of the hero, and much more ......
    Senior Lieutenant A. I. Popryadukhin - USSR Master of Sports in Sambo, 11-time champion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

    According to the official version published in Komsomolskaya Pravda, A. I. Popryadukhin distinguished himself in the detention of a particularly dangerous criminal in the Central Park of Culture and Rest named after M. Gorky.

    Since 1992, police colonel A.I. Popryadukhin retired. In the 1990s, he worked in the personal guard of a Moscow businessman. He recalled this period of his life not too willingly, saying in one of his interviews:
    When I got fired, I forgot that hero. He hid the star in the safe. He went into personal guard with a rich boy of twenty-six years. He brought coffee to his bed. I had to start from scratch

    The hero passed away in 2013.
  5. +1
    16 October 2019 10: 48
    It seems that shoulder straps on the Schwartz uniform were sold by the meter, and piece ...
  6. The comment was deleted.
  7. +4
    16 October 2019 12: 46
    And now we must recognize the hijacking of a plane as a grave crime.
    1. +2
      17 October 2019 08: 37
      And you do not know, that theft automatically pulls a bunch of articles along with you? That hostage-taking is already life-long?
      Just to blurt out fool fool
      1. -1
        17 October 2019 08: 40
        Dear, learn to correctly express your thoughts. Good luck. hi
        1. +2
          17 October 2019 08: 44
          Then describe more precisely - what exactly do you want to blurt out.
          For example, what do you propose to single out the hijacking of a plane into a separate article of the Criminal Code and attribute it to serious crimes, and your thought spreading over a tree is extremely difficult to understand
          1. 0
            17 October 2019 08: 46
            Since there is no understanding, why comment?
            1. +1
              17 October 2019 12: 36
              Then they zadolbali slogans - "punish, shoot, put on a stake, damned bureaucrats (this is sacred, without this there is no way!)" real offers.
              I’m tired of boltology ... and the people also like these ....
              1. +1
                17 October 2019 13: 11
                Well, I just made fun of what real offers on this site can be, here people are discussing certain topics, and who has enough knowledge and understanding of the subject. Or will someone run to fulfill your recommendations, even if they are worth something? Do not be so naive. The maximum that you can fuck here, or the pros or cons, and this is ffso.
                1. +1
                  17 October 2019 16: 02
                  Quote: Ros 56
                  here people discuss certain topics, and who has enough knowledge and understanding of the subject

                  Pluses are chopped up here very easily- and your post confirms this .... It’s enough to scream any slogan crap ("down with / zazhralis / bureaucrats / shoot / under Stalin would have shot / put on a stake / and so on") - so that you were instructed on the plus sign. Five people confirmed this in good faith ...

                  Or did you not know that the taking of hostages under the current Criminal Code is already a grave article? Why did you thump - what must be recognized as a "grave crime"?
  8. 0
    16 October 2019 12: 52
    Here they are real heroes of internal affairs, such as Hero Senior Police Lieutenant A.I. Popryadukhin, who carried out his work with dignity, fortunately in modern Russia, too. Such Heroes are also very often found in internal affairs bodies.
  9. +6
    16 October 2019 13: 59
    In 1980-1982 studied at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR in Moscow, now the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Popryadukhin was the head of the department of combat and physical training with the rank of police lieutenant colonel. We, the students knew all the details of his feat from secret materials. A normal man was. The listener also studied, as I am a captain, but the Hero of the USSR for the feat in Afghanistan, he was seated all the time during the festivities on the presidium. His name was Mikhail Isakov
    1. +3
      17 October 2019 00: 18
      Mikhail Isakov was from the Cobalt group, a temporary unit of employees of the operational staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who were sent to the DRA to help with the carandan. Vicki betrays that 7.10.2019/XNUMX/XNUMX Isakov died. My older comrades were from Cobalt.
  10. +1
    16 October 2019 19: 12
    Here he is a real "cop" !!!! Respect and honor to him !!!!!
    And imagine those sitting on the site if this cop was still a racket and helped distribute drugs, many of you would be drug addicts and many would not be born at all, so think about what the current policemen are doing !?
    1. +3
      16 October 2019 23: 04
      well, so you forgot to poke, but then there were people, but there was time))))))) what a miserable whiner you are, you will whine at any time, then that's what, but that one, and now it’s not those times)))))) go wipe the tears)))
      1. -1
        17 October 2019 00: 30
        Everything is very simple, you have not seen that time.
        And the campaign is you pinned up to tell us something !?
        Don't you like it here !?
        Well, shuffle to the buoy from here and get smart where there are no experts, only people like you and bude tebe schyaste!
    2. +4
      17 October 2019 08: 40
      Quote: Samum
      Here he is a real "cop" !!!! Respect and honor to him !!!!!
      And imagine those sitting on the site if this cop was still a racket and helped distribute drugs, many of you would be drug addicts and many would not be born at all, so think about what the current policemen are doing !?

      and then it was full corrupt cops. Central Asian so generally 90 percent
    3. +1
      17 October 2019 12: 14
      And imagine sitting on the site

      I don’t know how in the 60s and at the end of the 70s in the 80s there was a lot of crime in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as now there are enough heroes that I want to be proud of. so Ilya is right and you are not.
  11. +2
    16 October 2019 23: 08
    And I’m sure that in our country there are such guys
    And on both hands of these - do not count
    This is how they go to the ladies - simple pawns
    But only those with tough nuts
    1. 0
      17 October 2019 00: 31
      Well, you see, I thought and wrote a little better !! Think conclusion before writing.
  12. NBV
    17 October 2019 09: 28
    Poor kids! The USSR and communism made them criminals. And what will happen if young people hijacked a plane and fly away to the West? Now you buy a ticket and leave, do not even think about this. If they were free to choose where they want to live, we would not watch this film, and the Heroes of the USSR would be one less.
    And your boyfriend really looks like Schwarzenegger. Courageous face. Character! And he obviously risked his life for the cause in which he believed.
    1. +1
      17 October 2019 11: 17
      Quote: NBV
      Poor kids! The USSR and communism made them criminals. And what will happen if young people hijacked a plane and fly away to the West? Now you buy a ticket and leave, do not even think about this.

      If you have a passport, visa and enough money to secure a stay. Do you need four automotive college students in the US? wink
      Quote: NBV
      If they were free to choose where they want to live, we would not watch this film, and the Heroes of the USSR would be one less.

      Carefully read the requirements of the hijackers. They didn’t just want to fly away, they also start-up capital was needed - as many as five megabytes.
      If they just wanted to go to the West, then even in the USSR there were opportunities for this.
  13. The comment was deleted.
  14. NBV
    17 October 2019 11: 39
    Quote: Alexey RA
    Do you need four automotive college students in the US?

    You're right. SASCH interested only in the families of oligarchs close to Putin. There are no ordinary Russians in the United States and throughout Europe. Isn’t it already?
    For political reasons, the United States and the West usually accepted everyone who came to them at that time. Germans, Romanians and people from the USSR fled from Bulgaria to Turkey, Greece and Serbia. Hungarians, Czechs and Poles fled to Germany. I do not know that they returned someone.
  15. 3vs
    18 October 2019 07: 27
    The film is about nothing!
    For what Popryadukhin received the hero was never said, two words about preventing theft?
    According to Wikipedia:
    "But something attracted the attention of the terrorists ahead of time: either they heard some noise outside, or noticed a messenger with money. The service hatch of the plane opened slightly, and a bandit with a sawed-off shotgun appeared from it. The decision came to AI Popryadukhin's mind. Jumping out from under the plane, he caused terrorists to fire on himself. Several bullets hit right in the chest, but the BZ-72 bulletproof vest saved the policeman's life. "
