The horror of the province of Zhevodan. When life is worse than a fairy tale

For a long time in many countries you can hear stories about monsters that literally terrorized entire areas and terrified not only children but also adults. The most famous of these monsters are the Chimera and the Lernean hydra. Ghouls and vampires have long been "regional" monsters, but gained worldwide fame after the release of the famous book by Bram Stoker in 1897 and especially numerous adaptations of this novel. However, modern filmmakers have significantly ennobled the image of these bloodsuckers, making them almost sex symbols. Less popular are novels and films about werewolves. And many writers and directors have not yet reached many other monsters. Therefore, for example, the Yakut Abaas are not well known - cannibal children born of black stones, Indian brahmaparushas are great connoisseurs of human brains, Black Annis, who consumed children in Leicestershire and lived on the border of Scotland and England, “red hats” - goblins who die if human blood, with which they moisten their caps, will dry.

The horror of the province of Zhevodan. When life is worse than a fairy tale

Black Annis


Not a single wolf will be glad to meet such a "Little Red Riding Hood"

Tales of scary and unusual creatures appear in our time. Stories about the Bigfoot and Bigfoot are popular all over the world. And in the 50 of the XX century, Puerto Rico “appeared” Chupacabra - a blood-sucking creature, supposedly resembling both a rat and a dog. In the 90's, this monster also appeared in Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, the USA and many countries of Central America. Indeed, why are they worse than Puerto Rico? The yellow press of Ukraine “brought” the chupacabra to the post-Soviet space, Russian local journalists happily picked up this topic. In 2005, the American farmer Reggie Lagov even caught one of the chupacabras: it turned out to be an old bald coyote.

Most adequate people relate to all of these stories with humor. But there are exceptions to the rules, and in real life, sometimes events happen before which the plots of even the most terrible tales fade. Such is story, which occurred in the French region of Chevodant in the province of Auvergne in the second half of the 18th century. The monster that appeared there is neither a legend nor a myth. For three years (1764-1767 gg.), Which in France received the official name "Years of the Beast", an unknown monster kept the population of this area at bay. Numerous sources recorded 230 cases of attacks on people of a huge, remotely resembling a wolf, animal. From 60 to 123 people (according to various authors) were then killed by the "Beast", their names were entered in the parish books of the county. This discrepancy in the number of deaths is explained by the fact that some authors considered people who had disappeared without a trace in the surrounding forests as victims at that time.

Zhevodan County in the upper right corner on a map of Southern France

The main tragic events took place in the area of ​​the Margerida mountains - on the border of Auvergne and Languedoc.

Beast from Zhevodan

What did the Zhevodan beast look like? According to surviving eyewitnesses, he was the size of a large calf, had an elongated, like a greyhound, muzzle, very wide chest, long, more like a cat's, tail with a tassel and large fangs protruding from the mouth. The fur of the Beast was yellowish-red with a dark strip along the ridge.

Zhevodansky beast, drawing from eyewitnesses

Some eyewitnesses recalled dark spots on the back and sides. One of them left such a description:
“The vile creature was a little smaller than a donkey, with a wide chest, a huge head and a thick scruff; the ears were like wolves, only a little longer, and the muzzle was like a boar's snout. ”

Another description:
“The body of the Beast is elongated; he presses it to the ground; the coat is reddish with black stripes on the back. A very long tail. The claws are incredible. ”

And here is the testimony of one of the hunters:
“He is much larger than even the tallest watchdog; his coat is brown and very thick, and on his belly it is more yellow. The head is huge, as are two front fangs sticking out of the mouth on both sides; ears are short and straight; the tail is pretty hard, because the Beast, when he runs, hardly waves it. ”

Zhevodansky beast kills a peasant woman

Attack of the beast

Witnesses in surprise and horror said that the Beast showed no interest in cattle and pets, attacked only people. The manner of attack was also unusual: he rose up on his hind legs and knocked a man down with the blows of his forepaws.

Unlike other predators, he did not try to cut his neck, but bit his head and face of his victims.

The case is described when the Beast jumped onto the horse’s croup and knocked him over along with the rider.

The "supernatural" resourcefulness and invulnerability of the Beast was striking: traps set up in the surrounding forests were useless, poisoned baits remained untouched, and with incredible ease he avoided numerous raids. Most of the survivors of his attack assured that the Beast understands human speech. And many considered him a demon or a werewolf, which further increased his fear of him. Priests did not deny the possibility that this Beast was sent down to Zhevodan Hell as a punishment for human transgressions, silver bullets were consecrated in churches for hunters, prayers were served for deliverance from the "devilish creature."

Zhevodan beast depicted as a werewolf

As a werewolf, the Beast was also depicted on a wooden relief in one of the Zhevodan churches:

An 18th-century wooden relief in one of the Zhevodan churches

But some spoke of a man who was not far from the Beast, whom they considered him to be the master, a sorcerer who called a terrible monster from the Underworld.

Illustration: a man in a suit of the Beast

Some researchers suggest that, at the same time as the Beast (and even disguised as him), some maniac was rampant in Zhevodan - it was he who was allegedly guilty of the death of young and beautiful girls. But no one has yet been able to officially confirm and prove this.

Years of the Beast

For the first time, the Beast made itself felt on 1 on June 1764, when he attacked a shepherd from the city of Langony. The woman said that the dogs that accompanied her only whined and trembled, not daring to attack the monster, but she managed to hide behind the bulls, who, putting up their horns, did not let the monster come to her.

But 14-year-old Zhanna Bule was not lucky - it was she who, on June 30 of that year, became the first officially confirmed victim of the Beast. However, by that time 10 people were already missing - perhaps the mysterious Beast was involved in their disappearance.

In August, the Beast killed two more children, local hunters, examining their bodies, suggested that the animal that attacked them should be larger than a wolf, but smaller than a bear. In September, when the Beast attacked, 5 people were killed, including the son of Count d'Apcher.

6 of September 1764 of the year The Beast first appeared to people: at about 7 in the evening he entered the village of Estre, attacking the 36-year-old peasant woman who worked in the garden near the house. The neighbors tried to drive the predator from the unfortunate one, and he left, leaving a dead body.

Thus began the "years of the Beast" in Zhevodan, and the horror that gripped the county population seemed to have no end.

People became afraid to go into the forest and let the children out of the house. Peasants, who had no guns, went outside the village, only taking a makeshift peak with them. And they tried to go to neighboring villages or cities in groups of at least three people.

The governor of the Languedoc, Count de Moncan, sent soldiers in search of the 56 monster under the command of the dragoon captain Duhamel, who organized several round-ups in the surrounding forests. Then about a hundred wolves were destroyed, but the Zhevodan beast remained elusive.

In October 1764, the local hunters unexpectedly ran into the Beast: they shot him twice and claimed to be wounded, but could not catch him or find him dead. But they found a gnawed corpse of an 21-year-old boy. The Beast's attacks stopped for a month, but on 25 of November they resumed. On that day, the Beast was killed by an 70-year-old woman who went to the forest for brushwood. In December, the Beast attacked people almost every day, on 27 of December, 4 attacks were recorded immediately, ending in the death of 2 people.

On 12 of January 1765, seven children aged 9 to 13 years met the Beast at the edge of the forest and managed to scare them away, screaming loudly and throwing stones and sticks at him.

Teenagers try to fight off a friend during the attack of the Zhevodansky beast

Apparently embarrassed by the atypical behavior of potential victims, the Beast went into the forest, but a little later he returned and, in the same place, killed a child who, alone, went to the forest in search of his friends.

Another well-known case of a successful outcome of a meeting between an ordinary person (not an armed hunter) and the Beast is a confrontation between a predator and a girl from the village of Polak Marie-Jeanne Valais. With the help of home-made peaks, she managed to fight back and return home. Currently, at the entrance to her native village you can see a famous monument.

But such a successful encounter with the Beast was an exception to the rule. In January 1765 alone, 18 people died.

5 April of that year, the Beast attacked 4's children and killed everyone. By fall, the number of recorded attacks reached 134, and the death toll - 55 people.

Denneval's Great Hunt

In January of the same year, 1765, information about the mysterious monster destroying people in Auvergne reached Louis XV. The king sent in search of the Beast the famous Norman hunter Denneval, who at that time had on his account more than a thousand personally shot wolves. Together with his son, also a famous hunter, Denneval went to Zhevodan. They brought with them 8 tested in numerous raids of hounds. For several months, starting from February 17 to 1765, they combed the forests of Auvergne without taking breaks even during bad weather.

Zhevodansky Beast quietly devours people while hunting wolves

Unsuccessful hunt for Zhevodansky beast

1 May 1765 Zhevodansky beast was still found, and even wounded, but he again managed to escape from the chase.

Hunt for the Zhevodan beast

Wolf from Chase

In June 1765, Louis XV sent Francois Antoine de Boter, Lieutenant of the Hunt, who had the court rank of "bearer of the royal arquebus", to Zhenodan to replace Denneval. An approximate king, trying to justify high trust and, using "administrative resources", attracted a huge number of people to the hunt for the Beast. So, in the raid on 9 on August 1765, 117 soldiers and 600 local residents took part. In three months, they managed to kill about 1200 wolves, but the Beast remained elusive. Finally, on 20 of September 1765, the dogs drove out to the hunters a huge wolf, almost twice as large as the usual one that was shot, and several bands of red matter were found in his stomach, which was direct evidence that this wolf was a cannibal.

Hunt for the Zhevodan beast, engraving

Antoine de Beauterne slaying 1st Beast

Boter's bullet went tangentially, barely hitting the Beast. The second bullet fired by an unknown hunter hit the monster's eye. But even after this, the Beast was still alive, the third shot was decisive.

Hunters and the Beast

Bother stuffed this wolf to Versailles and received the royal reward in 9400 livres, but since the attacks of the Zhevodan beast were still ongoing (by this time he began to attack people even near their homes), the predator he killed was called the “wolf from Chase ".

Stuffed Wolf from Chase: the length of the wolf reached 170 cm, the height at the withers - 80 cm, weight - 60 kg. This scarecrow burned in a fire in 1819.

From November 1 to 1766, the Beast’s attacks suddenly stopped, nothing was heard about him for 122 days, and people finally sighed calmly, believing that this nightmare was left behind. But on 2 of March the Beast reappeared in the Zhevodansky forests and the attacks became regular again.

Zhevodansky Beast attacks a woman

Killing the beast

Now the hunt for the Beast was headed by the Count d'Apcher, whose son, as we recall, became one of the first victims of this monster. Success was achieved on 19 on June 1767, when one of the participants in the raid, in which about 300 people participated - Jean Chastelle - managed to shoot the Beast. Inspection and autopsy of the monster somewhat disappointed the hunters: as it often happens, it turned out that “fear has big eyes” and not “the devil is so terrible as he is painted”. It turned out that the length of the Beast from head to tail is “only” 1 meter (the size of a wolf from Chase, as we recall, is 1 m. 70 cm). But the animal, in general, fit the description. The predator had a disproportionately large head with huge fangs and heavy jaws, disproportionately long front legs, its hair was gray with red tan, and several black stripes were located on the sides and at the base of the tail. The body of the Beast was covered with scars, three grains were found in the right femoral joint of the royal notary, and the recently discovered missing girl’s forearm was found in the stomach.

History of the Zhevodan beast

There were no rewards from the king and the official authorities, the grateful provincial people organized a fundraiser and were able to pay Shastel 72 livres.

To reassure people, the carcass of the Beast was transported for a long time throughout Zhevodan, and then, making it a stuffed animal, it was delivered to the king.

If this scarecrow were preserved, today it would be possible to give a completely unequivocal answer to the question of concern to all researchers and historians: who really was this famous Beast from Zhevodan? But, alas, there were no skilled taxidermists in Auvergne, and by the time of arrival in Versailles the scarecrow began to decompose, and was deemed “unfit for consideration” and dumped in a landfill. Therefore, versions about the origin of the Beast and its species are now more than enough expressed.

Monster Candidates

In 2001, the French film “Le Pacte des Loups” was released (“Wolf Pack”, in Russia this name was translated as “Brotherhood of the Wolf”), in which the royal taxidermist Gregoire de Fonsac and “far-fetched” hunt the Zhevodansky Beast Mohawk (from the Iroquois tribe) Mani using some kind of “Indian magic”. The “beast” in this film turned out to be a lion in special armor.

This is how the spectators of the film “Brotherhood of the Wolf” saw Zhevodansky beast

This fantasy of the scriptwriters, of course, cannot be regarded as a serious version. Along with it, we can put the assumption of cryptozoologists that the Zhevodan Beast was a saber-toothed tiger.

In the British newspaper St. Games's Chronicle at the beginning of 1765 reported that one of the French provinces was terrorized by a “new species of animal that is something between a wolf, a tiger and a hyena.”

Some historians now believe that the Beast of Zhevodan was a hyena, which someone allegedly brought from Africa. And, maybe, they say, this was the last instance of a relict cave hyena that had previously inhabited Europe.

Hyena in Valencia's Biopark, photo taken by the author

The length of the body of this predator can reach 190 cm, weight - 80 kg, the front legs are longer than the hind legs, it has a wide chest and narrow sacrum, the color is gray-yellow or gray-brown, there are spots or stripes on the back and sides. In addition, it is precisely for hyenas that bites in the face are characteristic. Skeptics say that hyenas are not able to run at a steady trot, which was indicated by people who saw the Beast, and jump badly, which, again, is not consistent with eyewitness accounts.

Most historians agree that this monster is just an unusually large cannibal, or a cross between a wolf and a dog. But zoologists and experienced hunters claim that the wolf does not attack a person if there is easier prey nearby. But the Zhevodan Beast, according to the numerous testimonies of those years, did not pay attention to pets, invariably attacking the owners who were next to it. And, again, the repeatedly described manner of attack of this predator on people is not typical for wolves.

Therefore, another version was put forward, which is currently impossible to prove, but, unlike other hypotheses, it looks quite plausible.

Master of the Beast

Some researchers drew attention to the evidence of a mysterious person who sometimes was nearby during the Beast's attack, but did not intervene, did not feel fear, but did not try to help. Assuming that this is the owner of this creature, they began to look for a suitable candidate. And they found out that the youngest son of Jean Chastelle (yes, this particular person, the killer of the Beast) is Antoine, who during the service on navy spent some time in captivity with Algerian pirates, after returning to his homeland he worked in a traveling circus as a tamer of wild animals, and at home he was engaged in breeding dogs. All neighbors characterized him as a gloomy and unsociable person, subject to bouts of causeless cruelty. Of particular interest is the fact that the winter of 1766-1767. he spent in a local prison, where he was imprisoned for a fight - it was during this period that the cessation of the Beast's attacks was recorded. It has been suggested that Antoine, crossing his dogs with wolves, trained and trained these mestizos to kill people. This can explain the incredible invulnerability of the monster: during the round-up, the Beast sat quietly in the basement of the Shasteli house, and in case of his death, another predator, very similar to the first, was released. Maybe at the same time several Beasts were hunting people at once. However, the attention of the authorities and the great resonance that caused more and more attacks, probably began to worry the head of the family. And, perhaps, the last of the surviving "Beasts" began to get out of control. Perhaps that is why the decision was made to get rid of him, moreover, having earned this “reputation” and some money.

Indeed, the murder of the Beast by Jean Chastelle looks suspicious. The hunters recalled that the monster, slowly, came out of the forest and sat about 20 meters from Shastel. His composure is simply astounding: instead of shooting the Beast right away, he pulled out a prayer book and read one of the prayers, then put the book in his bag, took aim, and with two shots he hit the monster that was considered invulnerable. Perhaps the Beast recognized one of his masters and remained in place, fulfilling his command.

If this is so, another maniac of the level of the fabulous “Duke Bluebeard” appears in French history, but no longer invented by the enemies of the real Marshal of France Gilles de Rais (see article Ryzhov V.A. Black legend Gilles de Rais), but the real one.

At present, the Zhevodansky beast is a real brand of the province of the same name, on the territory of which there are monuments to both the Beast and de Boter, who hunted him, and to the people who survived his attacks. A museum dedicated to him in the village of Soghe is visited by thousands of tourists from all over the world.

Auvergne, a sculpture of the Zhevodansky beast at the village of Saugues

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  1. +25
    22 September 2019 08: 21
    Thank you Valery! An article on this topic has already been, but you have turned out to be much fuller and more interesting!
    1. +13
      22 September 2019 09: 56
      Great article! Well, that morning I read laughing
      1. +7
        22 September 2019 10: 21
        Tales of scary and unusual creatures appear in our time. Stories about the Bigfoot and Bigfoot are popular all over the world.

        They forgot about the kraken. Not so long ago, was popular.
        1. +8
          22 September 2019 10: 28
          The author told about the kraken in the "pirate" cycle.
      2. +18
        22 September 2019 10: 58
        "-Stay away from peat bogs" (c) laughing
        1. +1
          22 September 2019 22: 11
          And this I read and saw in the movies: Conan Doyle: "The Hound of the Baskervilles." There Stepalton smeared the dog with phosphorus.
          By the way, the author was mistaken here: from such an amount of phosphorus, the dog would die
      3. -1
        22 September 2019 22: 05
        And I just now, and now I don’t know how I will sleep, God forbid, still dream?
    2. +4
      22 September 2019 10: 18
      Quote: 3x3zsave
      Thank you Valery! An article on this topic has already been, but you have turned out to be much fuller and more interesting!

      Yes, the article is good!
      The film Sleepy Lošin is probably also about this beast.
      And about the Chupacabra, this is some kind of trash ... Yesterday I talked with my parents, to the question "how are you doing", they answered "yes they say some kind of Chupacabra appeared, eats everything." Lipetsk region :)
      1. +5
        22 September 2019 10: 26
        Perhaps the only Burton movie I haven't watched.
        1. +3
          22 September 2019 15: 20
          Hello Anton. Look, it's worth it. smile
          1. 0
            22 September 2019 18: 01
            My respect, Constantine!
            I’ll postpone it. I'm not as big a fan of Depp as big as Helena Bonham-Carter, and she did not play in this film.
      2. +9
        22 September 2019 10: 51
        Quote: Vol4ara
        The film Sleepy Lošin is probably also about this beast.

        No, there is something else. The hero of the film, New York constable Ikabod Crane, goes to the village of Sleepy Hollow to investigate the mysterious series of murders allegedly committed by the Headless Horseman. As for the Zhivodan wolf, I agree with the author, it was rather a hyena, the strength of their jaws is such that they can crush the femurs and not people, but large ungulates.

        1. +2
          22 September 2019 16: 22
          This version is also supported by the fact that the hyena attacked people, ignoring how livestock is alleged - the animal, most likely, like most cannibals tigers / lions / wolves, was injured (possibly when caught), as a result of which it tried to choose the most vulnerable prey, that is, a solitary person ...
          1. +3
            23 September 2019 20: 23
            1) there is an external resemblance in all the drawings, not even looking at their imperfection - a long narrow muzzle, large thin ears, fangs ...
            2) a girl who fought off a lance from the beast .... I was impressed .. Then there were brave girls in France ...
          2. 0
            25 September 2019 18: 42
            uote = Albert1988] This version is also supported by the fact that the hyena attacked people, ignoring how livestock is alleged - the animal, most likely, like most tigers / lions / cannibals of the cannibals, was injured (possibly when caught), as a result which I tried to choose the most vulnerable prey, that is, a single person ... [/ quote]
            Yes, they lacked their Jim Corbett then.
        2. +2
          22 September 2019 20: 40
          Quote: Aristarkh Ludwigovich
          As for the Zhivodansky wolf, I agree with the author, it was rather a hyena,

          As for jumping and hitting the front legs of a hyena, they are not similar. But what gorgeous photos !!
        3. +1
          23 September 2019 13: 11
          Quote: Aristarkh Ludwigovich
          The hero of the film, New York constable Ikabod Crane, goes to the village of Sleepy Hollow to investigate the mysterious series of murders allegedly committed by the Headless Horseman

          read Washington Irving’s “Sleepy Hollow Legend” and compare it with Burton’s movie - fun.
        4. +1
          23 September 2019 18: 02
          It looks like this monster was a mixture of a jackal and a wolf.
          1. +1
            23 September 2019 18: 04
            There is no sense in guessing, the carcass of the beast was not preserved for posterity. But without the man who created the beast, here clearly could not have done.
      3. 0
        24 September 2019 12: 53
        Quote: Vol4ara
        The film Sleepy Lošin is probably also about this beast.

        No, it's about something else. Pure mysticism.
  2. +7
    22 September 2019 08: 35
    Like horror stories, human history is permeated.

    First victims, and after centuries - a brand.
    1. +6
      22 September 2019 08: 48
      The second basic instinct.
      As for brands, recently deceased Charles Manson has already become a brand.
      1. +6
        22 September 2019 08: 51
        "And I want to live so much, guys,
        And there is no urine to get out "(c).
      2. +1
        22 September 2019 20: 34
        Quote: 3x3zsave
        As for brands, recently deceased Charles Manson has already become a brand.

        On Friday on First, there was a documentary about Manson and his sect. It turns out that after Manson's arrest, interviews with members of the sect and the murder of Sh. Tate were taken and filmed.
  3. +7
    22 September 2019 08: 36
    Werewolves, wolkolaks, ghouls, untouched, kikimors .. Fairytale unclean characters .. A great many animal evil spirits in the legends of Slavic Russia ... Obviously, they also have a real origin ... Relic animals, some kind of tribes living in wild woods, perhaps the last Neanderthals ... Terrible traditions. Epics, legends, fairy tales, as it turns out, have real roots ... A wide field for speculation, books, films, fabrications ...
    - "There are miracles: there the devil wanders,
    The mermaid sits on the branches;
    There on unknown paths
    Traces of unseen beasts;
    The hut is there on chicken legs
    It is without windows, without doors;
    There the forest and the valley are full of visions; "...
    1. +8
      22 September 2019 08: 40
      "Hefty goons came out of the hut
      They chopped up all the oaks for coffins "(c).
      1. +3
        22 September 2019 14: 08
        Quote from Korsar4
        "Hefty goons came out of the hut
        They chopped up all the oaks for coffins "(c).

        "Oaks" we can chop everything! Save is not about them!
    2. +8
      22 September 2019 12: 30
      Quote: 30 vis
      There on unknown paths
      Traces of unseen beasts;
      The hut is there on chicken legs
      It is without windows, without doors;

      It's a shame that people in the 21 century are not aware that this supposedly fabulous building is a banal hunting storehouse of the peoples of Eurasia, known from Finnish summits and Finno-Ugric tribes of the Russian Plain to Siberia and Altai.

      It's just that the ancient Slavs did not practice this, and even for the Russians (a caste of professional warriors, robbers and merchants of Scandinavian-Slavic origin), this was generally a novelty - hence the appearance of a "hut on chicken legs in the woods" in Russian fairy tales.
      1. +4
        22 September 2019 14: 13
        See how legends and fairy tales are created. A hut on chicken legs .. Normal shed. It was also a custom to bury the deceased in such chicken huts .. Everything on real events and characters ... Magi, witches of women yagi ... Perhaps the Finno-Ugric origin of these characters ....
  4. +5
    22 September 2019 08: 39
    Good article. But then the thought about the “carrier of the royal arquebus” settled down. And who is this man with us? Or does the Kremlin himself wear his arquebus?
    PS Moderators, "arquebus" - a decent word.
    1. +9
      22 September 2019 09: 44
      Quote: sergo1914
      Good article. But then the thought about the “carrier of the royal arquebus” settled down. And who is this man with us? Or does the Kremlin himself wear his arquebus?
      PS Moderators, "arquebus" - a decent word.

      "Do not go girls to marry Ivan Kuzin -
      Ivan Kuzin has a large arquebusine " lol
  5. +1
    22 September 2019 09: 07
    In some chronicles there is information that the Romans crossed dogs with bears and made war animals from offspring that terrified the enemies, distinguished by ferocity and invulnerability (well, armor probably played the main role here). By the way, an attack on the hind legs with the use of the forelegs is very typical for bears.
    1. +6
      22 September 2019 09: 11
      Quote: whowhy
      ... the Romans crossed dogs with bears ...

      Mix of bulldog with rhino

      Inspired, sorry request
    2. +9
      22 September 2019 09: 36
      A bear and a dog are not even close species. In this situation, a different number of chromosomes is already a trifle.
      1. +8
        22 September 2019 12: 09
        "Bear and dog,
        They are, to be honest,
        Not a couple, not a couple, not a couple! " crying
        1. +4
          22 September 2019 12: 25
          "Since then, the bear decided
          That you need to sleep in winter "(c).

          What an unexpected plot looms.
          1. +2
            22 September 2019 12: 32
            An extremely indecent anecdote based on A. Milne suggests itself, but I will refrain, because "Big Brother is watching you."
            1. +2
              22 September 2019 12: 48
              “Genetics are crazy
              From the gene and chromosomes ”(c).
              1. +1
                22 September 2019 12: 59
                "What if there, like on Tau Ceti,
                Awful rose know
                What if budding is there too? "(C)
                1. +3
                  22 September 2019 13: 15
                  "Or will I be diagnosed,
                  Or there will be a sentence "(s).
                  1. +2
                    22 September 2019 13: 28
                    "There is a smile on my face,
                    There is "magnesia" in the syringe
                    "Doctor, I'm better off,
                    Don't you think? "" (C)
                    1. +1
                      22 September 2019 13: 29
                      "First time
                      I should be lucky "(c).
                      1. +1
                        22 September 2019 13: 33
                        "Midnight is approaching,
                        And still there is no German "(c)
                      2. +1
                        22 September 2019 13: 37
                        "I have not seen the sunrise,
                        But I realized - just about: and it will ascend "(c).
                      3. +2
                        22 September 2019 14: 16
                        "So go ahead, for the nomadic gypsy star,
                        At sunrise, where the sails rustle "(c)
                        This is not the first time that it seems to me that gypsies are not from this planet.
                      4. +2
                        22 September 2019 15: 19
                        Just do not need literary heroes to try on modern realities.

                        "Sail. Torn sail" (c).
                      5. +1
                        22 September 2019 17: 47
                        How else? We are "book children".
                        "In the bay where the brave Gray found his Asol.
                        In the bay where Asol waited for Gray "(c)
                      6. +1
                        22 September 2019 18: 07
                        “Three Greeks smuggled into Odessa” (c).
                      7. +2
                        22 September 2019 17: 54
                        Herman is already full, and the proximity ...
                      8. +1
                        22 September 2019 18: 11
                        This is a test !!! Well, between us punks.
                      9. +2
                        22 September 2019 18: 32
                        Tanks, tanks, tanks, tanks feel Punk soldiers are sitting in them.(C)
                      10. +2
                        22 September 2019 18: 46
                        "Rocket flies, flies
                        Around the earth
                        And in it sits Gagarin
                        Simple Soviet guy "(c)
                    2. +3
                      22 September 2019 17: 27
                      Korsar4 (Sergey)
                      3x3zsave (Anton)

                      And you will be treated ... and you will be treated too ... and I will be treated ...
                      (C) lol
                      1. +3
                        22 September 2019 18: 08
                        “The head is a dark subject.
                        Not subject to study ”(c).
                      2. +3
                        22 September 2019 18: 28
                        They grabbed the animal, rinsed their heads with a knife, and now they shun.(from)
                      3. +1
                        22 September 2019 19: 15
                        "We have enough knives for everyone" (c).
                      4. +1
                        22 September 2019 19: 21
                        I removed the spas from the wall under the shirt,
                        The hut burned, but got a sawn-off shotgun
                      5. +1
                        22 September 2019 19: 26
                        "He replied:" It should be so.
                        But you don't understand "(c).
                      6. +3
                        22 September 2019 20: 06
                        What a tough dialogue you guys have! Can I make peace?
                      7. +1
                        22 September 2019 20: 12
                        And it all started harmlessly.

                        If our story does not concern.
                      8. +1
                        22 September 2019 20: 17
                        And what is wrong between you and our history? Did I miss something?
                      9. +1
                        22 September 2019 20: 18
                        Everything is fine, but the civil theme has never been fun.
                      10. +1
                        22 September 2019 20: 38
                        Pancake! Sergei, I also used to butt with your namesake bubalik. To be honest, I butted with VikNik and Shpakovsky. It all ended with mutual respect. There is a suggestion. Can you make peace under my flag?
                      11. 0
                        22 September 2019 20: 52
                        But we didn’t swear.

                        Straight vaudeville plot.
                      12. +1
                        22 September 2019 21: 17
                        About vaudeville plot - you judge, I do not know. Meanwhile, I swore with everyone except you and Mikado. The communication style is this. I'm miserable, do you remember?
                      13. +1
                        22 September 2019 21: 22
                        Once I thought on a similar topic.

                        If society allows:

                      14. +3
                        22 September 2019 21: 13
                        ,,, nothing like that lol words of quotes clung to each other, which led to new subjects in the direction of songs or films. drinks
                      15. +2
                        22 September 2019 21: 16
                        Yeah. I thought about the costs in the arbitrary interpretation of quotations and verbosity. A trifle, but instructive.
                      16. +1
                        22 September 2019 21: 31
                        Your foot, comrades !!! Already talk in PM! Both behave like a girl before defloration !!!
                      17. +3
                        22 September 2019 21: 38
                        ,,, writing of writing Yes
                        The forester came and dispersed everyone(C) wink
                      18. +2
                        22 September 2019 21: 44
                        Pax vobiscum !!!
                      19. +1
                        22 September 2019 21: 51
                        In my opinion, someone sets the rules.

                        "We will not create who, although it was an Elephant" (c).
                      20. +1
                        22 September 2019 22: 01
                        Not me!!! All my rules are described in the "Fight Club"
                      21. +1
                        22 September 2019 22: 03
                        By the way, I did not look and did not read.
                      22. 0
                        22 September 2019 22: 18
                        Do not look and do not read. This is for gopniks like me.
                        I'm serious. This is a protest march of a man baffled by a "midlife crisis"
                      23. +1
                        22 September 2019 22: 23
                        Already downloaded. Now I’m thinking. In man, much is mixed. And the gopniks also have something to learn.
                      24. +3
                        22 September 2019 20: 13
                        My friends, though not in Bologna,
                        But do not drag out of the family.
                        And they drink muck out of savings,
                        Though in the morning, but on their own
                      25. +2
                        22 September 2019 20: 15
                        So the neighbor has "seven in the shops"
                      26. +1
                        22 September 2019 20: 19
                        "He who does not eat, he does not drink.
                        And drank by the way "(c).
                  2. +4
                    22 September 2019 14: 25
                    Who put on the first robe, that and the doctor wassat
                    1. +3
                      22 September 2019 14: 46
                      This is in the surgical department, in the psychiatric fight for slippers.
                      Everything is like in sports. Someone makes a "triple toe loop", someone rubs the ice in front of the "stone".
                      1. +3
                        22 September 2019 15: 03
                        Where on the washed ?! am
            2. +2
              22 September 2019 14: 37
              Quote: 3x3zsave
              An extremely indecent joke based on A. Milne suggests itself,

              Yes, Piglet was a decent pig laughing .
              1. +1
                22 September 2019 14: 47
                Why, comrade!
            3. 0
              22 September 2019 17: 53
              An extremely indecent anecdote based on A. Milne suggests itself, but I will refrain, because "Big Brother is watching you"

              and comes in and out? feel lol
      2. 0
        22 September 2019 14: 31
        A bear and a dog are not even close species. In this situation, a different number of chromosomes is already a trifle.

        Why aren’t they close? Same relatives as a horse and a donkey. wink
        1. +1
          22 September 2019 14: 49
          Not even namesakes.
        2. +3
          22 September 2019 16: 44
          Even families are different. But the horse and the donkey are in one.
    3. +9
      22 September 2019 10: 24
      Quote: whowhy
      In some chronicles there is information that the Romans crossed dogs with bears

      Now, with genetic engineering, tomatoes and fish are crossed to produce cold-resistant plants. But to cross dogs with bears by mating or simply transferring seminal flow (the so-called artificial insemination) is impossible in principle, because they have different numbers of chromosomes - the bears have 37 pairs, and the dogs 39.
      1. +1
        22 September 2019 14: 29
        Yeah, the horse has 64, and the donkey has 62, for example. And what? wink
        1. +3
          22 September 2019 16: 56
          That's why the mule is barren.
        2. +4
          22 September 2019 17: 05
          A horse and a donkey are taxonomically from the same biological family - Equine (Equidae), and Canids (Canidae) and Bear (Ursidae) are two separate families with large differences. Take, for example, that the bears hibernate (hibernate), but the dogs do not. These are the fundamental differences in the functioning of the body.

          Neither sheep with goats, nor dogs with cats do not interbreed, and even less so with bears. No matter what the ancient or not very shamans / priests / druids, etc., say.
    4. +6
      22 September 2019 10: 45
      Quote: whowhy
      In some chronicles there is information that the Romans crossed dogs with bears

      Fighting dogs, as far as I remember, were among the Celts, opponents of the Romans. Do not tell me the source of your knowledge in this area, otherwise I have some confidence that you are using the fruits of someone’s irresponsible fantasies. I’m just wondering - are these fantasies of contemporaries of the Romans, or still ours with you? The second seems more likely.
      1. +4
        22 September 2019 12: 18
        Quote: Trilobite Master
        Fighting dogs, as far as I remember, were among the Celts, opponents of the Romans.

        War dogs were among many peoples - starting from the ancient Egyptians. But crossing a dog and a bear is not possible for genetic reasons. But breeding breeds of special dog-like hybrids from hyenas or wolves is easy. By the way, this easily explains the fact why the Gevodan "wolf" was not afraid of man.
        1. +1
          23 September 2019 01: 26
          Quote: Mikhail Matyugin
          By the way, this easily explains the fact why the Gevodan "wolf" was not afraid of man.

          Well, you're not afraid of a can of stew or a sausage. So the Zhivodansky beast was not afraid.
    5. +1
      22 September 2019 13: 02
      Quote: whowhy
      In some chronicles there is information that the Romans crossed dogs with bears

      Although about "some chronicles" and it is clear that - fiction, but you admit the likelihood direct crossbreeding distant species? Then we would have long been witnesses to the offspring of at least monkeys with humans. But this is not. However, there are results genetic crossing, but they have the character of the first undertakings and for the "crossbreakers" of the last century (and even more so for the past tens of centuries) - they do not seem accessible due to the level of development.
      1. +2
        22 September 2019 14: 18
        Quote: Lycan
        Then we would have long been witnesses to the offspring of at least monkeys with humans. But this is not.

        In fact, there have been successful experiments with Bonobo pygmy chimpanzees. wink
        1. +3
          22 September 2019 17: 21
          Quote: whowhy
          In fact, there have been successful experiments with Bonobo pygmy chimpanzees.

          Well, that was the case ... 8 MILLION years ago, chimpanzees tra ... mated with Australopithecus (and vice versa). Here's how (the scale on the left is millions of years ago):

          1. +2
            22 September 2019 17: 29
            Nice picture. But they tend to change when new data accumulates.

            And it’s hard to say what 8 was millions of years ago.

            There would be to deal with postglacial affairs.
          2. 0
            23 September 2019 21: 43
            Quote: Ivan T
            Well, that was the case ... 8 MILLION years ago, chimpanzees tra ... mated with Australopithecus

            If you believe this scheme ... - there is still not a chimpanzee, but a kind of "transitional form" (orrorin). So she could mate with Australopithecines, but not chimpanzees + sapiens. If we count correctly, then we have chimpanzees (from homo to “fork” + from chimpanzee to “fork”) ~ 5.5 + ~ 5.5 = ~ 11 million years of multidirectional evolution and we are no longer closely related species (like Australopithecus and Orrorin).
        2. +1
          22 September 2019 17: 34
          Direct baptism by insemination? With whom?
    6. +2
      22 September 2019 16: 24
      Quote: whowhy
      In some chronicles there is information that the Romans crossed dogs with bears and made war animals from offspring,

      None of this crosses will work, so it's just a beautiful legend, but the Romans were extremely successful in breeding dogs and brought up excellent fighting dogs ...
    7. +1
      23 September 2019 09: 17
      And to get the barbed wire, a hedgehog and a snake were crossed
    8. 0
      23 September 2019 11: 31
      It is impossible to cross a dog with a bear, not the island of Dr. Moreau ...
  6. +8
    22 September 2019 09: 16

    most likely there really was a dog or several - the rest is fishing tales
    1. +6
      22 September 2019 10: 10
      "- What is it, Barrymore ?!
      -Sorry sir, it's boiling. "
      1. +7
        22 September 2019 11: 21
        Quote: 3x3zsave
        What is it, Barrymore ?!

        I especially liked the average one. With such a cute guy you will walk along the street, all the people will hide in the corners.
        1. +4
          22 September 2019 12: 06
          I even partially identified the breed. "Naked Peruvian" there definitely trampled.
          1. +4
            22 September 2019 12: 17
            Quote: 3x3zsave
            I even partially identified the breed. "Naked Peruvian" there definitely trampled.

            And her eyes are kind, kind. wassat Like that addict alien from the movie with Lundgren when he said "I come in peace!"
        2. +1
          22 September 2019 19: 55
          Quote: Mordvin 3
          Especially average

          Judging by the photo, she should fly and still spit poison. Yes
          1. +4
            22 September 2019 20: 11
            Quote: region58
            she must fly and still spit poison.

            Hanging announcement: "Dog for sale. Can do everything."
            A man comes to the owner.
            - And what can she do?
            - All.
            - Is that it?
            - Yeah.
            - And can fly?
            - He knows how.
            - Come on!
            The owner takes the dog, throws it in the window, it flew.
            Two nariks are walking along the street.
            - Look, the dog is flying ...
            - In, and you said weedless ...
    2. +3
      22 September 2019 11: 57
      In the first photo of the poor fellow laughing This is necessary so ... Blind on the left eye. The second photo is generally blind.
  7. +11
    22 September 2019 09: 42
    Another well-known case of a successful outcome of a meeting between an ordinary person (not an armed hunter) and the Beast is a confrontation between a predator and a girl from the village of Polak Marie-Jeanne Valais.

    There is a version that it was this incident that prompted the famous Brothers Grimm to write his treatment of the famous story about Little Red Riding Hood.

    In the usual form for us, the fairy tale was recorded by the brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm in the 1812 year. Jacob Grimm, the eldest of the brothers, was a great lover of antiquities, ancient traditions and myths and for some time served as the personal librarian of Jerome Bonaparte, the younger brother of Emperor Napoleon I.

    Most likely, it was then that Jacob Grimm heard the story of an evil and cunning wolf attacking the children and women of the French county of Zhevodan almost 50 years ago. From 1764 to 1767, the Zhevodan wolf, or, as it was more often called, the “Zhevodan monster”, attacked people more than 200 times, and almost 100 people died.

    Threat. A brief retelling of one version of a fairy tale written by the Grimm brothers.

    Once upon a time there was a girl. Her name was Little Red Riding Hood.
    In fact, her cap was gray, from a wolf.
    She only carried her meat out.

    1. +6
      22 September 2019 09: 56
      The tales of the Brothers Grimm are such .. fairy tales, similar stories rest. I read, I remember, in childhood, so then at night I could not sleep lol
      1. +4
        22 September 2019 10: 25
        Quote: Van 16
        The tales of the Brothers Grimm are such .. fairy tales, similar stories rest. I read, I remember, in childhood, so then at night I could not sleep lol

        And they also did "soft adaptations" for children.
        The original plots, taken as a basis, are generally "tin".
        That Little Red Riding Hood, that Thumb Boy, that Hansel and Greta.
        1. +5
          22 September 2019 10: 33
          I vaguely remember, I could be mistaken, but Cinderella there seems to be either to herself or to her sisters with an ax chopped off so that the crystal shoe fits over .. horror.
        2. +6
          22 September 2019 10: 40
          'Hansel and Gretel' is a reflection of the popular memory of the Great Famine of the mid-14th century.
        3. 0
          22 September 2019 17: 00
          So Perrault wrote "The Hat". Moreover, it was a political satire on Cardinal Richelieu.
          1. +1
            22 September 2019 17: 33
            Quote: Sasha_rulevoy
            So Perrault wrote "The Hat".

            «Little Red Riding Hood"(Fr. Le Petit Chaperon rouge; German: Rotkäppchen) - European folk tale with a story about a little girl who met a wolf. Literary processed by Charles Perrault, later was recorded by the Grimm brothers.
    2. +7
      22 September 2019 12: 24
      Quote: Freeman
      There is a version that it was this incident that prompted the famous Brothers Grimm to write his treatment of the famous story about Little Red Riding Hood

      Not really. The original fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood is the French writer Charles Perrault (1628-1703), who created his creation on the basis of processing French folklore back in the 17 century, FOR THE CENTURY before the appearance of bestia de Gevodane and for 150 years before the Grimm brothers, Germans.

      And, accordingly, the legends of vocals, werewolves-wolves are characteristic not only of the territories of modern Ukraine-Romania-Poland, but also of Germany and France.
      It is likely that these shamanistic-magical practices can be tied to the Celts, since the area of ​​their distribution largely coincides with the Celtic area.

      And so the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm - MORE SCARY than those that were published in the Soviet period - they were created on the basis of German medieval and even ancient legends.
      1. +2
        22 September 2019 14: 25
        Quote: Mikhail Matyugin
        And so the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm - MORE SCARY than those that were published in the Soviet period - they were created on the basis of German medieval and even ancient legends.

        Now it’s clear on which tales the Germans are brought up. However, somehow they gave me to read the collection of Russian folk tales (as the publishers assured there), published at the beginning of the 90's. So there is swearing in every sentence. It’s hard to retell even the plots.
      2. +3
        22 September 2019 22: 54
        The kindest tales, oddly enough, are African.
        European are creepy. Indian too.
        1. 0
          23 September 2019 23: 42
          Long ago as a child, I watched a program on TV. In India, in which state I don't remember, there was a similar story in our time (a few years ago from the creation of the TV show). "Beast" attacked children, how many were killed, and how many survived I do not know (I do not remember). In the course of the case, they began to accuse some woman, they say, a "witch" and with the help of "witchcraft" she did all this. I also forgot how it ended, but in the transfer they concluded that the jackal was most likely to blame ...
    3. +5
      22 September 2019 15: 35

      Yes !!! And how!

  8. +3
    22 September 2019 10: 38
    Incredibly cool story
  9. +1
    22 September 2019 10: 56
  10. +3
    22 September 2019 11: 15
    Thank! Respect! Next time write for goblin red caps. And it turns out according to a fairy tale it’s not clear who ate whom. And the hat was not so harmless
  11. +5
    22 September 2019 11: 47
    Sumptuously. Best article of the week
    1. -2
      22 September 2019 11: 51
      Quote: Ken71
      Sumptuously. Best article of the week

      sunk in ... belay
      1. +7
        22 September 2019 12: 21
        Choi something "has come" ?!
        All the same thing was published on the site a couple of years ago, by Zhukov. Only Ryzhov is more interesting, both in style and in depth of immersion in the topic.
      2. +8
        22 September 2019 12: 33
        In addition to a generally interesting article, it is worth noting the study of the material. Not all VO authors suffer from this dignity of their work.
        1. +2
          22 September 2019 12: 49
          Yes exactly! However, let's not forget Oleinikov.
    2. +1
      22 September 2019 12: 46
      Unfortunately, I agree, alas ...
  12. +8
    22 September 2019 11: 53
    Valery, thanks. As always, exciting and interesting.
    As for the beast, the version about the presence of a master, as well as about the presence of a brood of such animals by the owner, explains a lot. A handicraft "breeder-breeder" with mental disabilities could well have done something similar.
    1. +4
      22 September 2019 12: 14
      The story of the first biohacker in history.
      1. +7
        22 September 2019 12: 54
        The ancient Romans were engaged in the breeding and selection of predators. We all remember the axiom of power - “bread and circuses”! The scope of this "business" of the Roman Empire is amazing! One only has to remember the ruins of the Colosseum ... which, by the way, was disassembled into buildings for the millennium, but was not completely dismantled !!!
        Beasts for games were captured throughout the empire, there were farms for breeding and preparing for fighting wild animals! Given that the same Egyptians had lions and cheetahs as pets, and their priests managed to breed crocodiles and ostriches in captivity, the French breeder is a maniac, just a little kid compared to the Roman bonzes (game organizers) of the times of Caligula and Neuron!
        Regards, Vlad!
        1. +5
          22 September 2019 13: 18
          It is worth recalling J. Rodari, who said that a couple of dump trucks of marble gravel are brought to the Coliseum every night. For tourists
          As for the selection. A lioness carries offspring a little less than a human woman. Thus, neither Caligula nor Nero had the slightest chance of waiting for the selection results.
        2. +5
          22 September 2019 20: 52
          Quote: Kote pane Kohanka
          The ancient Romans were engaged in the breeding and selection of predators.

          Yesterday, only in the news did I read about the arrest of a Russian farmer in Finland having fun crossing dogs with wolves and selling the results. In Finns, such perversions are categorically prohibited (and rightly so). They promised to destroy the farm. Lady shines a considerable period.
      2. +6
        22 September 2019 16: 00
        Anton, I know what it was, any Chukobara rests on the sidelines. I myself, at the first meeting, pulled out two AK stores while I finished off the damned t in a r. laughing

        1. +2
          22 September 2019 19: 08
          Konstantin! I will tell you straight! My brothers and I consulted (well, you know, sanctum oficium, and all that) and decided to appoint you as the chief investigator in the European part of Russia. Congratulations! fellow
          1. +5
            22 September 2019 20: 27
            Thank you so much for trust!

            As a sponsor, I ask you to send five motorcycles with wheelchairs with five machine guns.

            I undertake to continue, so to speak, to comply. soldier

            1. +2
              22 September 2019 20: 52
              I don’t understand, damn it ?! Warrior, are you in Russia or in Jamaica? You have been trusted!
              1. +3
                22 September 2019 23: 38
                In Jamaica, tanks and "diesel fuel smells like twilight", but here everything is simpler and home-like. smile
  13. +5
    22 September 2019 12: 48
    Eh, I love such stories, thanks to the author. But that's just why this opus is posted on the "Voennoye Obozreniye"?

    I will speak on the topic:
    Quote: Ryzhov V.A.
    a long, more cat-like tail with a tassel + Beast Coat was yellowish-red with a dark stripe along the ridge.

    It is these signs that indicate that in the genealogy of the Zhevodan beast there was a hyena or someone like a lion even.

    Quote: Ryzhov V.A.
    the size of the wolf from Chase, as we recall - 1 m. 70 cm

    This fact, including the fact that fragments of victims were found in his stomach, confirms that there were several of the Gevodan animals - at least two, and maybe three. This fully coincides with the behavior of man-eating animals in especially dangerous and difficult cases - for example, the famous "Ghost and Darkness" formed a lion-eater pride in Kenya.

    Quote: Ryzhov V.A.
    But zoologists and experienced hunters claim that the wolf does not attack a person if there is easier prey nearby. But the Zhevodan Beast, according to the numerous testimonies of those years, did not pay attention to pets, invariably attacking the owners who were next to it. And, again, the repeatedly described manner of attack of this predator on people is not typical for wolves.
    But again, such a demeanor is characteristic precisely of predators who have become cannibals, "who have tasted human flesh." In general, a person is a very easily "hunted" animal, and the population of people is always very large, which allows mad cannibalistic predators to commit their atrocities - which is very clearly seen in the example from other continents.

    Quote: Ryzhov V.A.
    Indeed, the murder of the Beast by Jean Chastelle looks suspicious. The hunters recalled that the monster, slowly, came out of the forest and sat about 20 meters from Shastel. His composure is simply astounding: instead of shooting the Beast right away, he pulled out a prayer book and read one of the prayers, then put the book in his bag, took aim, and with two shots he hit the monster that was considered invulnerable. Perhaps the Beast recognized one of his masters and remained in place, fulfilling his command.
    In fact, this episode is just "the icing on the cake" to confirm the legend of the werewolf. Further - rather rare information from the French.

    The fact is that, firstly, the "Gevodan beast" was shot ... precisely with consecrated silver bullets. Moreover, they were made not of ordinary silver, but of fragments of medieval church utensils.

    Secondly, Jean Chastel was far from being an ordinary peasant. He was an educated "rural intellectual", let's say, a man who practiced magic, in modern terms. Officially, it is believed that he read a prayer book or Bible before shooting, but this is not the case; this was said for eyewitnesses so as not to damage his reputation; in fact, the locals were convinced - and the legend has survived - that he was reading a special spell to summon a werewolf, taken from a medieval "grimoire" (a book on black magic). Indeed, the werewolf went out and was killed.

    Thirdly, a LOT of wounds were found on the corpse of a killed wolf, seemingly fatal or after which he could not actively hunt and should have died. However, ALL of them were not fatal, and only two silver bullets at close range put an end to the "Gevodan horror".

    And yes, it is one of the hunts for the "Gevodan Beast" that is the largest in the history of France - it lasted several weeks, up to 20.000 people took part in it, several hundred, if not thousands of wolves were destroyed, their population dropped to minimum values, but .. it didn’t work. Perhaps because it was just a hunt, organized just according to the rules of the hunt. A small hunt in a limited area, organized for the "Gevodan beast" exactly as a werewolf, oddly enough, but gave a result.
    1. +2
      22 September 2019 15: 23
      Ehh, I love such stories
      ,,, support you good I also like it, I immediately remembered:
      ,,, the first note read:
      “We found two corpses. They had holes in their throats as a cat bit off a cat and there is no blood to see the cat drank all of it. There are no such cats! ”

      Putting it aside, separately, Kurt took the second. This one was written in a slightly less clumsy handwriting, and at least without errors.

      “I won’t call my name. I'm afraid I’ll only inform you that a murder has occurred in our area, and the killer is not a person. Is it an animal, I don’t know. Only in this way animals do not eat people - the bodies are not torn, the flesh is bitten off the throat and drank all the blood. I haven’t seen any swifts, I don’t know, however, what else can kill like that?

      Series of books "Congregation" smile
    2. +1
      22 September 2019 19: 49
      Mikhail, silver has not worked against entities "from there" for 300 years.
    3. +1
      23 September 2019 01: 34
      Quote: Mikhail Matyugin
      It is these signs that indicate that in the genealogy of the Zhevodan beast there was a hyena or someone like a lion even.

      I read the version that it was a jaguar or a leopard.
  14. +11
    22 September 2019 13: 05
    It has been suggested that Antoine, crossing his dogs with wolves, trained and trained these mestizos to kill people.
    As for me - the hypothesis closest to reality. In those years, the wolf was well known to the inhabitants of Europe. In addition, wolf attacks on people were also not uncommon, and accounted for the victims of the attacks went to thousands even taking into account the fact that in those years many such facts were considered ordinary and not all were recorded.
    In addition, history shows that well-known animals, no matter how they rage in the role of cannibals, are not demonized by the population. According to various estimates, the "Beast from Zhivodan" killed from 60 to 124 people. A leopard from Rudrapryag killed at least 125 people, and the famous Champavat tigress killed at least 436 people in Nepal and India. However, no one demonized neither the leopard nor the tiger, since these animals are well known to the local population, and cases of attacks on people are not uncommon.
    Therefore, the beast who attacked the inhabitants of Zhivodan had an unusual appearance for the local population, and in this regard, the version of the hybrid dog and wolf is quite believable and most realistic against such candidates as a hyena, wolverine, a hybrid of a lion and a tiger, a baboon, a bear, a marsupial wolf or prehistoric mezzanine and Canis dirus.
    1. +2
      22 September 2019 14: 01
      For example, now on the edge of the huge swamps of the Leningrad region, strange cases of death for an unknown reason occur. And the dead, for some reason, before they die, take off their clothes. Among the local residents there is a legend about a certain "flying reptile of swamps".
      1. +6
        22 September 2019 14: 31
        Obviously, you mean the Vepsian swamps, around which the media is fanning a "halo of mystery," especially after the local police chief blurted out that there was some kind of devilry in this. It can be understood - the "wood grouses" do not decorate the track record.
        1. +3
          22 September 2019 15: 52
          "Visit the wood grouse's nest." (FROM) laughing This is to the head of the department.
        2. +1
          22 September 2019 16: 06
          Obviously, you mean the Vepsian bogs, around which the media is fanning the "aura of mystery"

          Well, something, like ...

          1. +3
            22 September 2019 16: 18
            Only in Russia about 300 people disappear daily without a trace. True, most then find, sometimes after a few years. But, as a rule, they don’t publish about finding messages. But on the disappearance - regularly. This is me, how much you can rely on the media in this matter.
      2. +2
        22 September 2019 17: 47
        What is strange and unknown here - the usual overdose of mushrooms with psilocybin (there are plenty of them in the Leningrad region, popularly called "tits"). Just these mushroom lovers have such a tradition - as many have found, so much must be eaten, while for a good "trip" it is better to undress, like, so that nothing interferes. Probably this year the harvest of mushrooms is increased ...
        1. +4
          22 September 2019 18: 46
          Quote: whowhy
          What is strange and unknown here - the usual overdose of fungi

          Do not talk nonsense if you are not in the know. You do not know about the number of victims, nor about the circumstances of their detection, nor about their social composition, that is, you know nothing, but you already have a ready answer. For starters, look at least on the media for information on the topic, then try to draw conclusions. Better yet, do not try, because from the fact that the media broadcasts eighty percent, you also need to filter out.
          1. +3
            23 September 2019 09: 25
            Quote: Trilobite Master
            Do not talk nonsense if you are not in the know.
            But how do you know - am I in the know, or not in the know? smile For example, for 8 years I worked with drug addicts of all stripes.
            You don’t know about the number of victims,
            And what for? We have enough fools .... Thanks to this bastard - Castaneda, mushrooms are now not drugs, but "power plants" .... wink
            nor about their social composition,
            Generally does not matter.
            nor about the circumstances of their discovery,
            Well, there is something in the message. As the saying goes "sapienti sat est". I would not be surprised if it turns out that everything was trampled and dug up at the place where the bodies were found, and there were numerous "traces of struggle" on the body. Anyone who saw a completely destroyed apartment (up to a toilet bowl in tiny crumbs) and a drug addict from this apartment after the so-called "bad trip" would not be surprised either with me. lol
            i.e. you don’t know anything
            In terms of the imperatives of Socrates, I completely agree with you. laughing
            1. +4
              23 September 2019 10: 22
              About five years ago, as part of a volunteer group, albeit somewhat detached, I was engaged in the search for a person who disappeared in the vicinity of Shugozero. Ours quickly, fortunately, it was not far from the place where he was last seen. Actually, then I heard for the first time about these strange deaths on the edge of the swamp, when people undressed before death, as was the case in our case. In all, over 10 about a dozen and a half years, if I am not mistaken, plus the same number who were not found. In fact, all these cases are united by one circumstance - clothes were completely or partially absent on the bodies of the victims, and death occurred (in any case, according to experts) from hypothermia. Voluntary or careless intake of any toxins is excluded in almost all cases, in which I was engaged - for all solid 100%. Random is not excluded. The locals tell a lot about these cases, the press writes even more nonsense, but these are all fairy tales. Fact - periodically discovered corpses of people without clothes in a relatively limited area. There are many versions, including those from scientists (not pseudo), but none have been sufficiently confirmed.
              And here you immediately revealed everything in one fell swoop, writing down one and a half dozen normal, and often just good people into drug addicts with one stroke of your brisk pen.
              Once again I urge you and all the colleagues on the site, before expressing your opinion on any issue, take the trouble to get acquainted with the topic at least a little.
              1. +4
                23 September 2019 12: 10
                Come on. We are not at the trial, and I am not a prosecutor - of course, this is only my version. I worked as a forensic expert for 12 years (including in a special group on especially grave crimes) and I saw everyone. And this work taught me to trust the old Occam: "It is useless to procreate essences without due reason." But the mushrooms, and even in combination with the removal of clothes, is quite, in my opinion, a working version.
                By the way, these mushrooms are very similar to other toadstools, and mushroom toxins extremely hard determine in the body. In addition, the "trip" can last for three days (depending on the amount eaten and the characteristics of the body) - here is hypothermia (in a state of narcotic, as well as alcoholic intoxication, peripheral vessels greatly expand, which greatly contributes to hypothermia).
                By the way, even ordinary good mushrooms, depending on weather conditions, can produce toxins. In our region, it was somehow a very hot and dry summer and a bunch of people were poisoned with ordinary mushrooms, up to many deaths (and also no one could understand anything at first).
                By the way, the swamp could also be one of the factors changing the chemical composition of mushrooms.
                By the way, narcologists are well aware of a fairly widespread phenomenon when a person in a state of strong intoxication takes off his clothes and can even “travel” around the city completely naked.
                And here's one more thing, "by the way," - the overwhelming number of drug addicts with whom I worked were good and even nice people and knew how to "rub" the confidence of the interlocutor better than any staff psychologist. And since psilocybin, by and large, does not cause physiological dependence (only psychological), it is extremely difficult for a non-specialist to recognize such people - only when the psyche begins to completely collapse.
                1. +3
                  23 September 2019 17: 31
                  Of course, when investigating the causes and circumstances of the death of people, the "mushroom" version was considered a priority, experts were also focused on it, and it did not go so clearly that there was no doubt. Neither in the stomach, nor in the blood, nowhere in the body were traces of fungi, not even edible ones. I can safely speak about the circumstances of the death of one person, to the investigation of which I was directly involved and more or less confidently about the circumstances of two more cases before him, since I communicated with people and saw documents. In two of the three cases that I can talk about, alcohol was also absent, in one the dose was equivalent to 150 grams, i.e. very little.
                  According to the results of the investigation, they did not really find out anything. It was clear that before death, a person began to think that he was very hot, he undressed, after which he lost consciousness and died of hypothermia. Doctors described the mechanism of such death in sufficient detail, with all spasms of blood vessels, etc. But the reason he was getting hot is a mystery. Perhaps this is some animal or plant toxin unknown to science, which quickly decomposes in the body, but causes similar hallucinations. It can be carried, for example, by mosquitoes or midges, it can be contained in flowers or swamp gas - here the scope for imagination is huge. But experts failed to catch his tracks.
                  The number of these deaths is not that many, the area is not very different from the neighboring ones in terms of the number of "losses". Frozen people are also found, but in clothes, including in local places. And without clothes - only in that area.
                  Locals talk about some kind of "flying snake", I really only heard from third parties, about some odorous mosses or wild rosemary ... There was also a version of maniacs walking there. Well, I am silent about the devil and the ghosts.
                  In general, it is clear to me, as a person with reasonably rational thinking, that there are certain questions on these matters, but there are no intelligible answers to them, at least for now. One thing is clearly obvious - these cases have nothing to do with drug addiction and other self-stupefying.
                  Therefore, your dismissive-peremptory tone seemed to me in this case inappropriate.
                  1. +3
                    23 September 2019 17: 42
                    It was clear that before death, a person began to think that he was very hot, he undressed, after which he lost consciousness and died from
                    hi ,, such a phenomenon, it seems, is common among climbers what when a person froze, it seemed to him that it was hot and took off his clothes what request
                    1. +2
                      23 September 2019 19: 45
                      Quote: bubalik
                      common among climbers

                      Also read about it. But there are completely different conditions - loneliness, oxygen starvation amid hypothermia and physical fatigue. Here it happened in the summer, and in the forest people were not tired at all, that is, everything was exactly the opposite - it was warm, a lot of oxygen, people were nearby and comfortable (well, relatively, of course - a bivouac, a village, etc.) conditions for relaxation before going to the forest.
    2. +4
      22 September 2019 16: 17
      "crossing their dogs with wolves" ////
      I agree. See my post below.
      1. +1
        23 September 2019 18: 06
        Yes - these guys are not afraid of people, but the wolf character remains.
  15. +2
    22 September 2019 13: 20
    Thanks for the extended article. After "Brotherhood of the Wolf" I knew that there were such mobs, but I did not think that it lasted so long. By the way, in the film, the Beast was the reason for stirring up popular unrest. And in the rkality how? The people did not revolt demanding that the government provide guidance?
  16. +9
    22 September 2019 14: 31
    In vain, some are unhappy that an article about animals has been published on the pages of VO. It’s much more interesting to read than about some Ksyusha Sobchak, who is mentioned here as if she is, at least, a NATO general ... and then everything is ordinary ...
    1. +3
      22 September 2019 15: 37
      Greetings, Alexander. You are absolutely right in everything. I am joining. smile
  17. +3
    22 September 2019 16: 04
    Thank you Valery! As always, everything is beautiful, informative and interesting. smile
  18. +4
    22 September 2019 16: 15
    I immediately thought of a cross between a dog and a wolf. Wolves did not accept the "stranger" from their pack, the dogs were afraid of the "wolf". Killing a child is easier than killing a deer or a wild boar. After all, groups of people successfully fought off him. Hence, the beast was not particularly strong.
    1. +4
      22 September 2019 16: 30
      Quote: voyaka uh
      Wolves did not accept the "stranger" from their pack, the dogs were afraid of the "wolf". Killing a child is easier than killing a deer or a wild boar.

      You are not entirely right, there was no talk of hunting wild animals at all. The bulk of the victims of the "Gevodan beast" were shepherd children, mainly girls who guarded flocks of sheep and goats. A goat or sheep herd is very defenseless against the attack of a wolf, however, this little animal has ALWAYS not attacked animals, but attacked "human cubs". At the height of events, it came to attacks on adult peasants and peasant women in the middle of the villages, literally under the windows of their own houses ...
      1. +4
        22 September 2019 17: 01
        Yes, I didn’t think about sheep and goats.
        Then really someone pulled this wolf-dog on people.
      2. +3
        22 September 2019 22: 12
        There is a hypothesis. Refers to felines. Let's say a lion. A lion, having tasted human, prefers to hunt a person. A lion who has tasted humanity repeatedly ignores other victims and seeks out a person. Actually a hypothesis. In the human body, a lot of resources are spent on higher nervous activity. A lot of hormones and other things are given to regulate the work of the brain. In many more than animals. A lion, having tasted human, gets doping, possibly experiencing a state close to narcotic euphoria. Having received such doping several times, he associates it with the consumption of human beings. In fact, a conditioned reflex is developed “bipedal is not just satiety, but also high.” As a result, he prefers human. Some even suggest that cannibals become smarter after consumption, human due to the influence of human hormones on their brain.
        1. +2
          23 September 2019 01: 14
          This hypothesis is no good. Any predator, having successfully hunted a man, prefers him in the future because it is much easier to hunt a man.
          1. +5
            23 September 2019 20: 40
            Quote: Undecim
            This hypothesis is no good. Any predator, having successfully hunted a man, prefers him in the future because it is much easier to hunt a man.
            -easier than sheep?
            I would have looked at sheep with axes, knives, scythes, flails, pitchforks and other household implements ... and yes - with peaks even ... "easier on people", yeah ...
            1. +2
              23 September 2019 21: 29
              Judging by the commentary, you do not know other predators except the wolf. And people, according to your theory, move exclusively as part of groups armed with axes, pitchforks and other rakes, and, moreover, are built in a square. Oh well.
              1. +4
                23 September 2019 21: 46
                Quote: Undecim
                And people, according to your theory, move exclusively as part of groups armed with axes, pitchforks and other rakes, and, moreover, are built in a square. Oh well.
                1) you will not believe it, but even now peasants who are engaged in agriculture - carry / carry axes / shovels / scythes / forks. It’s convenient for them to work with an economic tool, they are used to it so ... I agree - it’s strange .... there isn’t to mow hay with iPhones ..... or to lay manure with a stick

                2) everyone knows that in their area in nature there is something extremely dangerous and terrible - and you want to say that the local population did not arm themselves against this horror? You are refuted by the very girl - who fought off a makeshift the peak - which in general is obviously not agricultural implements - but weapons.

                And yes! About the square ... when we had a pack of wolves in the 70 and started to terrorize the village - the local chairman sent all the men + all the less or less traveling equipment to destroy them. They found us, drove them out into the steppe and the wolves ended ...
                4 was just stupidly crushed, he shot one before the hunting community, one district officer.

                So in those centuries, among the peasants, too, commanders (in their hearts !!) were found .... And the aristocrats have always been "For!" - to make war

                Z.Y. here it is amazing, but lions / jackals / hyenas / crocodiles and other predators are not found here, but there are sheep herds ....
              2. +1
                23 September 2019 22: 03
                Most modern biologists who have studied the topic suggest that it was a wolf suffering from acromegaly
  19. +3
    22 September 2019 16: 45
    In the book by Charles de Coster "The Legend of Thiel Ulenspiegel" there is an episode when Thiel catches a werewolf who killed everyone who walks through the dunes, and who actually turned out to be a man.
    Fragment of the book:
    "For some time now, unheard-of atrocities have been perpetrated in Damme and its environs. If it was known in advance that some boy, girl, or old man would gather in Bruges, Ghent, any other Flanders city, any village and take money with them, then they were rigorously found later killed, with traces of someone's long and sharp teeth, gnawing through their cervical vertebrae.
    Healers and barbers have determined that these are the teeth of a large wolf. Eminent citizens, presumptuously embarking on a journey without protection, disappeared without a trace, and yet there were cases when a plowman, who went out to work in the field early in the morning, found wolf tracks, and then his dog, tearing the ground with its paws, dug up a dead body with a wolf's teeth imprint on the back of the head, behind the ear, sometimes on the leg, and certainly behind, with crushed cervical vertebrae, with crushed bone on the leg. The residents of Damme were so scared that none of them dared to go out at night without protection. And finally, a raid was made on the wolf: several brave soldiers were ordered to look for him day and night among the dunes along the sea coast. Once they surveyed the dunes near Heist. Night fell. One of them, relying on his strength, separated from his comrades and went with the arquebus to the wolf alone. His comrades did not dissuade him - they were sure that he, a fearless and well-armed man, would surely kill the wolf if he showed up anywhere. As soon as the comrade left, the soldiers lit a fire and, kissing the flasks of vodka, began to play dice. Suddenly a terrible, as if dying scream flew to them, and they headlong started to run in the direction from which it came. But for a long time they could not find their friend - some said that the cry was coming from the field, while others - that from the highest dune. Finally, looking around the dune and the field with a lantern, they found the body of a comrade: he was bitten from behind in the arm and leg, and his cervical vertebrae were broken, like those of other victims. He lay on his back and held a sword in a convulsively clenched hand. An arquebus lay on the sand. "

    Later, till Ulenspiegel caught a "werewolf", it turned out to be a man, a fishmonger Jost Grapestuwer.

    Scene of interrogation of the captured "werewolf":
    "But hour by hour I was more tempted to become a wolf, I wanted to bite with passion. In Brabant, I saw a waffle iron and thought that such a waffle iron could be used to make an excellent iron mouth. As for the wolf skin, which you angrily point your finger at when asking, then I will answer this question out of contempt for you: I killed two wolves in Raveshool and Maldegem forests. I sewed both skins, one big came out, and I got into it. "

    It can be assumed that the monster Zhevodan was also a man, a maniac, possibly having an accomplice or accomplices.
    This assumption is reinforced by the facts listed in the article - large sizes, fixed tail, did not attack animals, easily avoided the most ingenious traps ...
    1. 0
      22 September 2019 17: 03
      "the monster of Gevodan was also a man," ///

      These are different cases. Both are confirmed. In this case, a cannibal dog. In that - a maniac.
      1. +4
        22 September 2019 18: 03
        Quote: voyaka uh
        In this case, a cannibal dog.

        Perhaps, but there is no evidence for this.
        The assumption that a local maniac was operating in Zhevodan came to my mind not only to me. After writing my comment, I looked at what is on the Internet on this topic. Among other things, I stumbled on the official page of the City Hall of Malzie (Site Officiel de la Mairie du Malzieu-Ville) on the following photo.
        I don’t lay out more images of this monument made from other angles for fear that not a single one will be visible.
        As you can see, the creators of the monument to the monster Zhevodan portrayed a man in animal skin.
    2. +4
      22 September 2019 19: 27
      De Coster contributed to the demonization of Spain. Let him feel bad in the next world!
      1. +3
        22 September 2019 20: 55
        Quote: 3x3zsave
        De Coster contributed to the demonization of Spain. Let him feel bad in the next world!

        I completely agree with you. He contributed to the destruction of what was impossible to destroy.
    3. +1
      23 September 2019 06: 50
      Quote: Comrade
      It can be assumed that the monster Zhevodan was also a man, a maniac, possibly having an accomplice or accomplices.

      A man would never be able to escape from the dragoons chasing him on horseback, and even more so, he could not jump on all fours of a large stone ridge, which the trained cavalry horses had not mastered. But it may well be that the maniac trained etu.
      1. 0
        23 September 2019 23: 39
        Quote: Ivan T
        A man would never be able to escape from the dragoons chasing him on horseback, and even more so, he could not jump on all fours of a large stone ridge, which the trained cavalry horses had not mastered.

        It is logical, but after all, the pursuit could follow the usual wolf, which was mistaken for the monster Zhevodan.
  20. +1
    22 September 2019 16: 49
    I read about this case in the magazine Question Mark.
    1. +1
      22 September 2019 18: 35
      Yes, and I happened to - in "Secrets of the XX century". There it is suggested that the beast was brought from North Africa, say, a lion. For the courtyard of some local count, to amuse guests with the sight of the beast. But they did not take them, the lion ran away along the road and immediately began to eat people - offenders! The count, or whoever he was there, so as not to incur the anger of the population, did not in any way prove himself as the organizer of the misfortune.
      1. +1
        22 September 2019 21: 12
        Quote: depressant
        in "Secrets of the XX century". There it is suggested that the beast was brought from North Africa, say, a lion. For the courtyard of some local count, to amuse guests with the sight of the beast. But they didn't get there, the lion ran away along the road

        It is noteworthy that the monster Zhevodan never attacked adult men, only women, adolescents and children. But the lion to tear a man to spit.
        It is also striking that between attacks on people there were very long breaks. But any predator needs more or less regular meals.
        Again, while one of the raids was going on, the Zhevodan monster sat quietly, only the raid was over, it was right there.

        All this against the background of the intellect demonstrated by the monster. And he did not care about traps with traps, and he wanted to spit on the poisoned bait.
        There is an interesting book, The Leopard of Rudraprayag. Written by an English hunter chasing a man-eating leopard with over a hundred victims. So this leopard fell into traps and ate the poison. Because - an animal, respectively, he could not cut through human intrigues, although he was careful.
        1. 0
          22 September 2019 21: 30
          Yes, the fact is that North African lions are small, and, unfortunately, they have thousands of years of experience with men who for some reason have always been armed and they, lions, were caught and crucified on crosses. Tens and even hundreds.
          1. 0
            22 September 2019 22: 13
            Quote: depressant
            the fact is that North African lions are small

            According to reports of hunters of the XIX century, an adult Berber male lion weighed from 270 to 300 kg, and in zoological collections the length from head to tip of the tail of stuffed males varies from 2,35 to 2,8 m, and in females the length varies within two and a half meters.
            Notice, the monster of Zhevodan operated from 1 of June 1764 to 19 of July of 1767 of the year, i.e. for three years.
            Where, if it was a lion, did the animal disappear later? Lions in the wild live 10-14 years. Suppose the monster Zhevodan was indeed a lion, and died of old age. But in that case he should have been brought to France at the age of 7-11 years, but where, in that case, is there in the descriptions of the monster of his mane? Indeed, in the Barbary lions, the manes extended over the shoulder and under the stomach to the elbows. Mane hair was from 8 to 22 cm long.

            Let's move on.
            Over the course of three years, the monster of Zhevodan committed up to 250 attacks on people, 119 of which ended in deaths. It turns out that forty corpses a year.
            And now remember that a lion should eat at least once, and in two to three days, like most other representatives of the feline family. And at one time the lion is able to gobble up to 35 a kilogram of meat. A simple calculation shows that in a year a lion needs at least 4 258 kg of meat. (365 days divided by three and multiplied by 35 kg).
            Look, on the one hand, we have forty, mostly children’s, corpses a year. And on the other hand, the need for at least four tons of meat in the same year.
            I do not insist on anything, of course, but the ends do not meet here, the flesh of these 119 killed people would not have been enough for a lion for three years.
            1. +2
              23 September 2019 18: 12
              Yes, it’s not surprising - how many wolves were killed there while searching for this 1500 beast - such a feeling of cobbuds, then they lived in the forests there a highly organized superstage led by a hybrid of a wolf and a hyena.
        2. +2
          22 September 2019 21: 39
          Quote: Comrade
          It is noteworthy that the monster Zhevodan never attacked adult men, only women, adolescents and children.
          Adult men were attacked, albeit rarely and often unsuccessfully, but attacked (moreover, they tried precisely those who did not have forks or other agricultural implements with them that could be used as weapons).

          Quote: Comrade
          It is also striking that between attacks on people there were very long breaks. But any predator needs more or less regular meals.
          In fact, this is not surprising; just a man-eating wolf could leave the places of its "hunt" temporarily, and that's it, just switched to the usual predator's diet, which was not paid attention to.

          A predator is often not picky about a regular meal, everything is very variable, and depends on the season, on age, on the quality and calorie content of the previous prey, finally on the marital status of the individual, etc. MUCH more extraordinary are the facts that the "Gevodan beast" attacked people, sometimes killing, but NOT devouring them, and often attacks occurred almost daily or even 2-3 a day! From a biological point of view, this is inexplicable.

          About the leopard from Rudraprayag - I am well acquainted with this book, and generally have been interested in the topic for quite some time. So, sometimes apparently strange things happen in cannibalistic animals - they start to kill massively FOR ENTERTAINMENT, not for food ... Therefore, for example, Indians and Africans unequivocally declared to white hunters that sorcerers or demons were infested in such animals ...

          Again, do not forget about the very interesting and still existing in Africa south of the Sahara phenomenon of "people-leopards", "people-hyenas", etc., very closely related to shamanic practices. For decades, both the colonial administrations and the Christian clergy of many African countries fought with them, but unfortunately it was not possible to completely eliminate such practices.

          The last murder I know of, unambiguously committed by "leopard people", as confirmed by the local police, was recorded in South Africa in 2016 ...

          Quote: Comrade
          Again, while one of the raids was going on, the Zhevodan monster sat quietly, only the raid was over, it was right there.
          This, by the way, is just one of the signs of Wolfhound, on which some French comrades insist.
          1. +2
            22 September 2019 22: 33
            Quote: Mikhail Matyugin
            "Gevodan beast" attacked people, sometimes killing, but NOT devouring them, and often attacks happened almost daily or even 2-3 a day! From a biological point of view, this is inexplicable.

            That and that. It seems that this maniac is one who decided that he is a wolf.
            And he stopped attacking people, because he could get scared when he saw that they had taken on him in an adult way.
            There is an example, the same Jack the Ripper, because he was not caught, but the murders of women at the same time stopped. This means that the maniac "got stuck" for one reason or another.
          2. +3
            22 September 2019 23: 04
            "the phenomenon of" people-leopards "," people-hyenas ", etc., very closely related to shamanic practices" ////
            But is it all tied to sets of appropriate drugs?
            Plus - suggestion, trance?
            1. +2
              23 September 2019 13: 46
              Quote: voyaka uh
              But is it all tied to sets of appropriate drugs?
              Plus - suggestion, trance?

              In principle, this is, let’s say, a living tradition, only in Black Africa, of magical practices of werewolf. Yes, trance through ritual music, dance (which is traditional for the peoples of the black race) and, possibly, narcotic drugs.

              From what is recorded, the aborigines enter into a trance, driving into their consciousness the essence of the beast, the totem of the secret society, while changing clothes in animal skins and arming themselves with weapons with teeth and claws of the same leopard.

              Attacks on whites are extremely rare.
              The natives who survived the attacks generally speak of the attackers as huge leopards or hyenas ("fear has big eyes" + skins, claws and teeth of leopards or hyenas, and even animal tracks left specially at the site of the attack with dried paws).
        3. +2
          23 September 2019 01: 41
          Quote: Comrade
          It is noteworthy that the monster Zhevodan never attacked adult men, only women, adolescents and children. But the lion to tear a man to spit.

          But it didn’t attack if the case is given when it overturned a horse with a rider.
      2. +3
        22 September 2019 21: 26
        If you adhere to the natural-scientific explanation, then 2 fact works against your assumption. Firstly, -
        Quote: depressant
        It suggested that the beast was brought from North Africa, say, a lion. For the court of some local count, so as to amuse the guests with the view of the beast.
        - bestia was just a beast, NOT a WOLF, but not a lion either! Both animals were well known in 18th century France. Most likely a two-stage hybrid - the first mix is ​​a cross between a dog and a hyena, probably brought from North Africa, the second mix is ​​a mixture obtained with a wolf or a hybrid of a dog and a wolf. "Early French Michurinists" got such a funny little animal.

        Secondly, -
        Quote: depressant
        But they didn’t bring it, the lion fled along the road and immediately began to eat people - offenders! The count, or who he was there, so as not to incur the wrath of the population, did not prove himself as the organizer of the misfortune.
        - eyewitnesses unequivocally claimed that the attacking creature was not a lion, nor a wolf, but similar to a wolf nevertheless. A separate topic is large fangs protruding from the jaws (which is not found among wolves or lions).

        And I already said in the post above that the hunts for the "Gevodan beast" were the largest in the history of France at that time, with the participation of many people of different classes. But they turned out to be ineffective, although the population of "just wolves" in southeastern France was wiped out to almost modern values.
        1. +1
          23 September 2019 04: 39
          Quote: Mikhail Matyugin
          bestia was just a beast, NOT A WOLF, but not a lion! Both animals were well known in France of the 18 century. Most likely a two-stage hybrid - the first mix - a cross between a dog and a hyena, probably brought from North Africa

          A colleague, it is doubtful that this was possible. They have different families and suborders. Hyenas are representatives of the family of carnivorous mammals of the suborder feline, and wolves are from the canine family.
          It is possible to cross between cats, for example, a leopardo lion.

          Hybrids of a wolf and a dog are known.

          But the cat and dog will never give a hybrid.
          Descriptions of eyewitnesses give us a picture of a being unknown to science.
          Therefore, I repeat, there is reason to believe that we are discussing not a real animal, but a terrifying carnival costume made by a maniac.
          1. +2
            23 September 2019 14: 06
            Quote: Comrade
            A colleague, it is doubtful that this was possible. They have different families and suborders. Hyenas are representatives of the family of carnivorous mammals of the suborder feline, and wolves are from the canine family.
            I agree, I looked at the question - a hybrid of a hyena and a wolf is impossible without genetic engineering. But - besides the classical hyena, there is also a HYEN-SHAPED DOG.

            Despite similar (in Russian) names, the spotted hyena (lat. Crocuta crocuta) and the hyena-like dog (lat. Lycaon pictus) are not relatives: the former belong to the hyena family, the latter to the canine family. AND JUST A crossbreeding hyenoid dog with a wolf (or better with a hybrid of a wolf and a dog) is POSSIBLE !!!

            Therefore, they could have brought such an animal from Africa ...

            Another version - if without mixes - perhaps the last representative of the extinct in the Ice Age (we leave the question of its dating open, it could be only 4000 years ago, and not 12000) of the "terrible wolf" (Canis dirus), or in it like that ancient genes were reborn.

            Besides the fact that it was the largest of the types of wolves, it also had very large fangs, which most likely stuck out of its mouth - as eyewitnesses who saw ordinary wolves say.

            This is speaking from a scientific point of view.

            Speaking from a mystical point of view, the “Zhevodanskaya beast” has the greatest similarity with two creatures known from legends: firstly, it is “the beast of Set” - yes, yes, that very ancient Egyptian deity whose name echoes in the names of Satan among Christians and Shaitan among Muslims.

            It is known from ancient Egyptian mythology, and in one papyrus it is reported that it sometimes comes to the earth and it is necessary to use magical powers to destroy it. It is described just with a large mouth, with a thin long tail with a tassel, black-brown hair, etc. (despite the fact that the ancient Egyptians knew well both wolves and hyenas)

            Secondly, this is the "Great Wolf" Fenrir or his offspring, known from Scandinavian mythology, the offspring of the Underworld, who in the same way sometimes appeared on Earth, while he was not chained by the gods and awaits Ragnarok - the Battle of Judgment Day.
            1. +1
              24 September 2019 00: 09
              Quote: Mikhail Matyugin
              cross-breeding of a hyena-shaped dog with a wolf (or better with a hybrid of a wolf and a dog) is POSSIBLE !!! Therefore, they could bring such an animal from Africa

              Theoretically, yes, they could, but, colleague, we will not forget that wolves in Africa are not found and have not been found.
              Quote: Mikhail Matyugin
              Another version is possibly the last representative of the terrible wolf that died out in the Ice Age. In addition to being the largest of the wolf species, it also had very large fangs, which most likely protruded from its mouth - as eyewitnesses who saw ordinary wolves say. "

              There are two skulls in the picture. Above the gray wolf, below - the terrible. It doesn't seem like the fangs of a terrible wolf are any different from the fangs of a gray wolf.

              In addition, the terrible wolf inhabited the Americas.
              My daughter found me a document in French, a protocol for the opening of monsters (I learned about the existence of this from your comment), with the comments of a specialist. If there is anything worthwhile, I will share information.
              1. +1
                24 September 2019 02: 10

                The cause of death of the animal killed by Jean Chastel is described on the last and penultimate line of this fragment of the report of the royal notary public maître Marin. An autopsy (20 June 1767) was performed by the surgeon Antoine Boulanger.
                Finally, this animal was mortally wounded as a result of a gun shot. The bullet pierced the neck, interrupted the trachea and broke the left shoulder.

                What kind of animal was, people did not understand. At first glance, it was a wolf, but unusual and very different in its shape and proportions from the wolves that are used to seeing in this region of the country. The beast weighed 109 pounds (53,3 kg), the length of the spine was 77 centimeters, and the length of the fangs was 37 millimeters. His eyes were red-orange, his neck was covered with thick hair, reddish-gray, intersected by several black stripes. The chest had a large white mark in the shape of a heart. It is written that his four-fingered legs had large claws, much longer than ordinary wolves. His legs are very large, especially the front, and had the color of a deer (i.e., red). The upper jaw had 6 incisors, 2 large fangs and 6 molars on each side, that is, a total of 20 teeth. The lower jaw had 22 teeth: 6 incisors, 2 fangs similar to the upper, and 7 molars on each side.
                Impressed by the grin of the jaw, which was 7 inches (19 cm), the jaw itself was 6 inches long (16 cm)

                On the one hand, the animal is not identified. On the other hand, the categorical statement that this is not a wolf.
                They are inclined to think that it is simple, a mutant.
                Do not consider it as demagogy or trolling, a colleague, but the question is whether the animal killed and described here is precisely the monster of Zhevodan? When they caught famous maniacs like Chikatilo or Onoprienko, other crimes were revealed along the way, and each time the police thought that they had caught exactly who they were looking for.
                The version that the Zhevodan monster was an animal raises many questions, which are not exhaustive and adequate.
                1. 0
                  24 September 2019 15: 22
                  Quote: Comrade
                  Do not consider it as demagogy or trolling, a colleague, but the question is whether the animal killed and described here is precisely the monster of Zhevodan?

                  I think definitely yes, because after the murder of this creature, the attacks stopped immediately. With the "wolf from Shaze", the situation was different - they overwhelmed, they thought everything was ok, but it turned out that it was not his, or rather also a man-eating wolf, but not the main one, and "just a wolf", albeit a giant one.
              2. +1
                24 September 2019 13: 59
                Quote: Comrade
                Theoretically, yes, they could, but, colleague, we will not forget that wolves in Africa are not found and have not been found.
                I beg your pardon, colleague, but you are mistaken - "Egyptian wolf" (lat. Canis lupus lupaster) - a subspecies of the wolf, which is under the threat of extinction, is still found in Northeast Africa and the Middle East on the Arabian Peninsula. In addition, even to Ancient Egypt, not to mention the Roman Empire, there was a huge import of various animals from very remote corners of Eurasia, just few people know about it.

                And the ancient Egyptians generally kept hyenas and hyenoid dogs as pets, just few people know about it again.
                Here, both from the recent (2017 year) and unique for the Russian-speaking Internet - the latest excavations in the Beni Hassan necropolis, New Kingdom, photo provided by the Australian Center for Egyptology - an amazing image of an Egyptian holding a hyena-shaped dog (?) And a mongoose (?) On a leash.

                This is by the way to the question that some authors post materials of 100 years ago and are proud of it, and when you politely say why you are not using the latest achievements of Egyptology, you are offended and rude.
                1. +1
                  25 September 2019 02: 09
                  Quote: Mikhail Matyugin
                  You are wrong - "Egyptian wolf" (lat. Canis lupus lupaster) - a subspecies of the wolf, which is under threat of extinction, is still found in northeast Africa

                  I did not know, in that case, yes, colleague, theoretically there could exist a hybrid of such a wolf and a hyena-like dog.
                  However, we take into account the physical parameters of the parents of such an alleged creature.
                  Egyptian wolf.
                  Male body length - from 71 to 85 cm, weight - from six to fourteen kilograms, height at withers 45-50 cm.
                  Hyena-shaped dog.
                  Body length about 1 m, weight - from 18 to 36 kg height at withers up to 78 cm.
                  A possible hybrid would weigh more than an Egyptian wolf, but less than a hyena-like dog.

                  Now compare these physical parameters with the description of the Zhevodan beast.
                  According to surviving eyewitnesses, he was the size of a large calf, had an elongated, like a greyhound, muzzle, very wide chest, long, more like a cat's, tail with a tassel and large fangs protruding from the mouth.

                  As you know, the mass of calves at birth, depending on the breed 18 - 45 kg, sometimes up to 60 kg, the mass of calves on 1 - 3 kg more. By the end of the second month, the weight of the calf may already reach 80 kg.
                  As you can see, the two-month-old calf is quite large.
                  And what size can a dog weighing like a two-month-old calf be?
                  For example, the largest dog in the world, the Great Dane named Zeus. The height at the withers was 111 centimeters, the growth on the hind legs was 2 meters 23 centimeters, weight - 75 kg.
                  The weight of the Zhevodan monster was more than twice the weight of a possible hybrid of an Egyptian wolf and a hyena-like dog. Along the way, neither the wolf nor the dog has long tail with tasselthat eyewitnesses saw.

                  Now, colleague, let me give you one of the descriptions of the attack of the Zhevodansky beast, which,
                  unlike other predators, he did not try to cut his neck, but bit his head and face of his victims.
                  21 July 1765 Claude Biscarrath, 9 years, about 19 hours was killed and carried away by the beast in the pasture Over. At dawn, his clothes (not even torn) were found in the field.
                  The body of the child was discovered on July 24 1765. The boy was naked, neck dislocated, but not cut. There were traces of four fangs on his stomach.

                  Thus, the death of the child did not occur as a result of a bitten throat, as it should have been if an animal had attacked, but as a result of a fracture of the cervical vertebrae. Simply put, the child's neck was twisted.
                  And one more question, which, if we insist that the monster Zhevodan was an animal. Как and why a hybrid of a wolf and a hyena-like dog first section child, and even not spoiling clothes, and then dragged the corpse on?
                  In my opinion, which I in no way impose, all this looks too much like the actions of a pedophile maniac.

                  Question why
                  from November 1 to 1766, the Beast’s attacks suddenly stopped, nothing was heard about him for 122 days
                  also interesting, and deserves a separate review.
                  The above circumstances make us skeptical of the idea that the monster of Zhevodan and the dead unidentified creature are one and the same creature.
                  1. +1
                    25 September 2019 04: 07
                    For clarity, a couple of illustrations of how peasants dressed their male children in the middle of the XVIII century.

                    There are pants, a shirt, a jacket, stockings. Than All this dog could take off the corpse without tearing?
                    At the same time,
                    a wolf from Chase in his stomach found several bands of red matter

                    Apparently, this wolf came across a corpse left by the monster of Zhevodan and satisfied his hunger. Note, colleague, the wolf’s clothes didn’t bother at all, he ate the fabric along with the flesh, did not undress.
                  2. 0
                    26 September 2019 13: 01
                    Quote: Comrade
                    However, we take into account the physical parameters of the parents of such an alleged creature.

                    The sizes are different, and the assessment by eyewitnesses "about a calf" is an extremely subjective factor. And hybrids - just often much larger than their parents - for example, one of the largest living wolves, if not the largest, is just a cross with the share of two (!) Dog breeds by about 25%.

                    Quote: Comrade
                    Along the way, neither the wolf nor the dog has a long tail with a brush, which eyewitnesses saw.
                    This is one of the main mysteries in determining its species - the tail of a hyena or a lion, oddly enough ... If only some genes from a hyena-like dog got mixed up, but they have tails of a canine type, not feline ...

                    Therefore, strangely enough, but most of all there are coincidences with those mystical variants that I spoke about above, mosaic forms based on a wolf ... There are simply no creatures on the Earth like Zhevodansky bestia ... (even when they took the cannibal from Shaze , no one had any doubts about its species affiliation).

                    Quote: Comrade
                    Thus, the death of the child did not occur as a result of a bitten throat, as it should have been if an animal had attacked, but as a result of a fracture of the cervical vertebrae. Simply put, the child's neck was twisted.
                    And one more question, which, if we insist that the monster Zhevodan was an animal. How and why did the hybrid of the wolf and the hyena-like dog first divide the child, without even ruining the clothes, and then drag the corpse further?

                    Yes, a couple of such cases took place among the monster attacks, but only a couple! I fully share your opinion that, yes, among the victims of the monster there could be several people who fell at the hands of a killer maniac, but only a few! (if not two at all)

                    And to the question of cannibalistic predators; their "champions", who kill clearly for fun, are often characterized by such strange behavior. I read about one case when, during a hunt for a pride of man-eating lions in Africa, they attacked a village during the day, killed three natives, and only a little devoured one, and did not touch the rest, but tore off their heads and lick the skin from their heads leaving sparkling skulls in the sun (sorry for the details). Similar cases were described by Corbett and a number of other hunters - the same leopard from Rudraprayag did the inexplicable with a woman who was killed the day before (at night he killed her near the house, carried the corpse far away, tore off all the clothes and licked the corpse, peeling off the skin, but not devouring it) ... Corbett himself investigated the case, and he also thought about the maniac, simultaneously disgracing with the leopard, but he did not find any traces other than the leopard's paws next to the woman's body, and he was a pro tracker.
                    1. +1
                      27 September 2019 02: 26
                      Quote: Mikhail Matyugin
                      eyewitness ratings "about a calf" are highly subjective.

                      Let’s not forget, peasants who saw calves of motherfucking did size estimation.
                      Quote: Mikhail Matyugin
                      And hybrids - often just a lot more parents

                      Not always.
                      For example, leopons are a type of hybrids resulting from the cross of lions and leopards. They preserve the appearance of the lion, being its reduced copy - the head is smaller, brownish rosettes of spots are on the body. They are still larger than leopards.
                      Perhaps the wolfhounds could actually be larger than their parents.
                      Quote: Mikhail Matyugin
                      This is one of the main mysteries in determining its species.

                      Here is more a guess.
                      The animal killed by Jean Chastelle was absent long, more cat-like tail with a tassel.
                      Suppose the peasants exaggerated the size of the monster with fear, but did they really invent the tail?
                      On the "composite", compiled according to the testimony of eyewitnesses, it is clear that it is really long.

                      If we compare it with the length of the spine (77 cm), then centimeters 75-80, not less.
                      And since the slaughtered animal did not have such a tail, then the basis for concluding that wrong failed, begs for itself.
                      Quote: Mikhail Matyugin
                      a couple of such cases took place amid monster attacks, but only a couple!

                      There is a list of victims of the Zhevodan monster on the Internet, but I did not have time to read it all. I came across an undressed child right after I started reading the first paragraph that came across.

                      Quote: Mikhail Matyugin
                      the same leopard from Rudraprayag committed the inexplicable with the woman killed the night before (killed her near the house at night, took the corpse away, ripped off all her clothes

                      I also remembered this incident. However, colleague, we will not lose sight of the fact that D. Corbet did not say anything about the condition of the clothes removed by the leopard. As he did not say anything about the fact that the clothes were found.
                      The beast shot her with a woman's teeth, which means he could not help breaking it.
                      And the children's clothes were found whole, which would be impossible if the animal took off the clothes.

                      Quote: Mikhail Matyugin
                      tore off all his clothes and licked the corpse, stripping the skin, but not devouring it

                      Not quite so, the leopard was eating this woman.
                      the leopard did not have much time left to kill its prey, drag it four hundred yards and eat some of its prey. Due to lack of time, the leopard ate only a small portion of meat.
  21. +3
    22 September 2019 17: 06
    This cattle had problems with the chewing apparatus, jaws, teeth, so it did not bite its neck, breaking the vertebrae. Animals have a "tanned" skin, in order to get drunk as a victim, the apparatus must be in good working order. And with a person it is easier, so the animal made its choice.
  22. +5
    22 September 2019 17: 28
    “The vile was a little smaller than a donkey, with a wide chest, a huge head and a thick scruff; the ears were like wolves, only a little longer, and the muzzle was like a boar's snout. ” laughing
  23. +3
    23 September 2019 08: 00
    "instead of immediately shooting at the Beast, he took out a prayer book and read one of the prayers, then put the book in his bag, took aim and with two shots hit the monster, which was considered invulnerable."
    Well, yes, self-PR and work for the public are going wild. This is not without reason ...
    Incidentally, the film "The Brotherhood of the Wolf" is very good, both in entertainment and in the plot. And a lot of historical moments are shown. Well, all sorts of Indians, incest and the society of high-ranking maniacs - this is a feature film, not a documentary, the laws of the genre, you panim ... And who will now say for sure what was really there ...
  24. +1
    23 September 2019 08: 09
    Great article! Very interesting.
    Thanks to the author.
  25. -1
    23 September 2019 08: 12
    This military article ... so military.
  26. 0
    23 September 2019 08: 20
    As for the "Gevodan monster", they seem to have been revealed, I don't remember exactly. It seems the marquis was "having fun". Hyena was brought and terrorized by the population in order to distract from the problems so that the Marseillaise would not suddenly smell.
    1. +1
      23 September 2019 13: 37
      Quote: Karabas
      As for the "Gevodan monster", they seem to have been revealed, I don't remember exactly. It seems the marquis was "having fun". Hyena was brought and terrorized by the population in order to distract from the problems so that the Marseillaise would not suddenly smell.
      But what "Marseillaise" was 40 years away from its creation? There, the whole district united, from peasants and soldiers to nobles, burghers and priests, to destroy. Professional hunters and soldiers were sent from Paris THREE TIMES. The largest hunt in the history of France in the 18th century - for the Gevodanese beast, and ... zero result, not counting the thousands of ordinary wolves shot.

      The problem is precisely that the "Gevodan beast" was eventually killed, but the doctors could not determine the species, even the autopsy protocol was preserved, if anything; it's just not a hyena, not a lion or a leopard (which the doctors knew quite well), but some strange cross between a creature based on a wolf.

      When they shot the "wolf from Shaze" (just a giant wolf, apparently a cannibal, possibly included in the pride of the "Gevodan beast" - witnesses sometimes said that when one wolf attacked, the second was nearby, and it is possible that there was a third - a she-wolf, but which almost never attacked) - then no one had any questions about the species.
  27. The comment was deleted.
  28. +2
    23 September 2019 09: 13
    Quote: sergo1914
    Good article. But then the thought about the “carrier of the royal arquebus” settled down. And who is this man with us? Or does the Kremlin himself wear his arquebus?
    PS Moderators, "arquebus" - a decent word.

  29. +1
    23 September 2019 11: 25
    It is possible that it was a man. Rather, a wild man, the so-called hominid, an extinct representative of the two-legged. There are similar descriptions of other peoples, and he could move both on 4 limbs and on two, and he attacked people precisely because of a craving for his own kind. Outwardly, animal signs, wool, large teeth, nails, pupils reflecting light, eyewitnesses who caught a glimpse, and the development of the image in paraphrases were developed. Attacks of dogs and wolves apparently also were - isolated cases, as elsewhere, and this was confusing. And he could stop the attack as a result of death from a wound, or simply migration to another place. And indeed he could die of old age or illness.
  30. +1
    23 September 2019 18: 23
    Well, about large wolves additionally
  31. The comment was deleted.
  32. +1
    24 September 2019 19: 05
    I read the article carefully. Good stuff, backed up by statistics and details. Thanks to the author! Later I will say for what exactly ... In order to understand what kind of creature terrorized Zhivodan for three years, one must try to cover that era with a comprehensive view and completely knock out the facts, as well as introduce a certain amount of logic into the material. We started. Descriptions (and in other materials) of the Beast are numerous, but here's what is interesting: in many of them there is the fact of unusual huge roofing felts of claws, roofing hooves ... All, as one witnesses, say that the strange howl of the monster was more like a devil laughter, but the fact that people confidently said that the Beast understood human speech is rather a consequence of the unusual yapping and muttering sounds it makes when attacking. A creeping, grounded gait with a lowered head indicates that the animal is accustomed to acting from an ambush. A huge head with a fanged mouth, terrifying shepherd dogs (and they were not like today's urban goner mongrels: they themselves were still those monsters!) Reveals the enormous size and power of the animal. Dogs always feel who they should be away from. And the fact that the Beast did not touch the cattle speaks of him as an obvious scavenger, only occasionally the forced hunt openly. Like any scavenger, he chooses a weaker victim - a man. And the "hook" on people did not jump off. You also need to understand that the province of Zhivodan is largely a swampy wasteland with hills and ravines. And now let's remember about the relatively recently extinct superpredator ENDRUSARCH! This one, like no other, is very similar to the Zhivodansky monster. But they could not find her because she settled in the swamps and swam beautifully. And instead of full-fledged paws with claws, it had kapyta-like extremities: a kind of carnivorous supercab. Even if we assume that she had an owner, why not go further: this very evil Frenchman could have brought a brood of such "puppies" from Africa ... Otherwise, where would Sir Arthur Conandoyle get such a bright logical line about the Baskervilles. Although, the legends of the monstrous Black Dogs still excite England ...
    1. 0
      26 September 2019 13: 18
      Dear Ax! It is clear that you really know the topic well, but I will give you a number of counterarguments.
      Quote: Ax Matt
      The descriptions (and in other materials) of the Beast are numerous, but here's what is interesting: in many of them there is a fact of unusual huge claws of roof claws, roofing rods of hooves ...
      When the monster was nevertheless taken, he had no hooves, only an irregularly shaped wolf-like paw with huge, completely uncharacteristic for wolves claws (possibly extended) - which once again speaks of some kind of relationship with feline, and not dog.

      Quote: Ax Matt
      All, like one witness, say that the strange howl of the monster was more like a devilish laughter,
      This is clear evidence of a hyena or a hyena-like dog - it is their howl that is always "laughing", and really sounds creepy in the depths of the African night (although both animals, when not in a pack and when you are armed, are generally safe and rather cowardly).

      Quote: Ax Matt
      A creeping, mundane gait with a lowered head indicates that the animal is accustomed to acting from an ambush.
      But the main and most terrible feature of the attacks of the beast was that, according to the testimonies of surviving eyewitnesses, he attacked only at the beginning and the first victim - knocked down and torn his face or neck. He attacked the following persons in the group. standing on its hind legs and hammering its paws with large claws, beating off their weapons !, and trying to bite in the face too (this is generally not a fixed fact of behavior in other species, except in bears, neither hyenas nor wolves attack like that)

      The Andrewsarchs, who are related to the pigs, were all the more unable to stand on their hind legs (the indicative answer is that wild boars are hunted from the towers precisely because they cannot look up).

      Quote: Ax Matt
      And now let's recall the relatively recently extinct superpredator ANDREUSARCH! This, like no other, is very similar to the Zhivodansky monster
      Thanks for this version; it is rare, but I knew it 10 years ago. Yes, the animal is "cute" and in this reconstruction most of all fits the description of the Zhevodansky beast.

      However, there is 2 of a counterargument: the first is age, the bones of the endrusarchs are found only in the Center. Asia, and extremely small, and the approximate age of extinction - according to evolutionary Darwinists - 10 million years, according to scientific creationists (scientists who adhere to the theory of Reasonable Design and recognize Creation of our world by Superstrong Absolute Reason) - 4 thousand years, which is also closer, but still far from the 18 century.

      The second - if we assume the existence of a relict population, then why has there been no data on the Endrusarchs (as well as extinct cave hyenas) in France for thousands of years? Here or another creature, or just some kind of random loop of time may be ...
      1. 0
        29 October 2019 18: 22
        Yes, there is something to think about ... Andrewsarch is not even classified with certainty right now. And what his hunting techniques were, we, I think, can only hypothetically assume. There is a rich field for imagination. In one of my novels, I have already assigned this monster to the role of a super-predator. The book will touch upon modern experiments to create the "Eocene Park", which scientists from different countries have conceived to organize in the Siberian taiga. The very idea of ​​reviving the fauna of those times is extremely dangerous for the modern world!
  33. +1
    26 September 2019 06: 30
    interesting article. thanks to the author. but after reading this article I wanted to know the opinion of specialists, but can I cross a hyena with a dog? because the species seems to be the only one. I read somewhere that the Nazis that they were wise with dogs and hyenas, so that the first were bloodthirsty, and can be used to protect concentration camps. can this be?
  34. 0
    12 November 2019 01: 48
    Most likely it’s a manual hyena. The way it runs, indirect evidence of the villagers. Historically, that period was famous for its active study of Africa against the background of the wars for the Spanish colonial inheritance. They dragged everything they could get to the old world, an exotic beast is one of the most profitable crafts of all time.
  35. 0
    23 January 2020 16: 13
    Intriguing resemblance to hyenodon. See reconstruction. View of H. brachyrhynchus - Late Eocene, France (South - Pyrenees).
    Species H. requieni - Late Eocene (Subabony), France (Provence, South - Pyrenees, Languedoc - Roussillon).
    Species H. minor - Late Eocene (Subabony), France (South - Pyrenees, Languedoc - Roussillon) and England.
    Species H. filholi Schlosser, 1877 (synonym: H. vulpinus) - Late Eocene (Priabony), France (South - Pyrenees).
    H. leptorhynchus Laizer & Parieu, 1838 - Early Oligocene, France (Auvergne).
    H. pervagus Matthew & Granger, 1924 (syn.: H. aymardi Filhol; H. dubius Lange-Badré; H. neimongoliensis Huang & Zhu, 2002) - Early Oligocene, France (Auvergne), Caucasus, Kazakhstan (Chelkar-Teniz ), Mongolia (Gsanda-Gol), China (Gansu).
    Species H. brevirostrus Macdonald, 1970 - Middle-Late Oligocene (Witney-Aricarius), USA (South Dakota).
    Species H. rossignoli - Europe.
    Species H. milloquensis - Late Ogocene (Shattia), Europe. I don’t want to say anything about this. But one and one
  36. 0
    23 January 2020 16: 13
    Intriguing resemblance to hyenodon. See reconstruction. View of H. brachyrhynchus - Late Eocene, France (South - Pyrenees).
    Species H. requieni - Late Eocene (Subabony), France (Provence, South - Pyrenees, Languedoc - Roussillon).
    Species H. minor - Late Eocene (Subabony), France (South - Pyrenees, Languedoc - Roussillon) and England.
    Species H. filholi Schlosser, 1877 (synonym: H. vulpinus) - Late Eocene (Priabony), France (South - Pyrenees).
    H. leptorhynchus Laizer & Parieu, 1838 - Early Oligocene, France (Auvergne).
    H. pervagus Matthew & Granger, 1924 (syn.: H. aymardi Filhol; H. dubius Lange-Badré; H. neimongoliensis Huang & Zhu, 2002) - Early Oligocene, France (Auvergne), Caucasus, Kazakhstan (Chelkar-Teniz ), Mongolia (Gsanda-Gol), China (Gansu).
    Species H. brevirostrus Macdonald, 1970 - Middle-Late Oligocene (Witney-Aricarius), USA (South Dakota).
    Species H. rossignoli - Europe.
    Species H. milloquensis - Late Ogocene (Shattia), Europe. I don’t want to say anything about this. But one and one